Herman Leeuwen photo

Above: Her Majesty, Queen Beatrix with Jackie Bernabela, Governor Domacassé and Minister President Emily de Jonge-el Hage

Wilna Groenenboom photo

Table of Contents at $136 million. The Jamaica govern- of cigarettes was raised 20-30 cents as Royal Visit 3 ment is insisting it can only provide an offset. Customs currently levies a tax Guest Editorial (What the Government Must Do) 4 US$30 million this year. The Govern- of 10.5% on the price of eau de co- Letters (DCNA Report on Queen’s ment has, however, given a commit- logne, eau de toilette and after shave. Visit; Cruise Passenger Kudos) 5 ment to keep the airline flying. Air Ja- According to State Secretary Alex Ro- Surinam Day 6 Diabetes Day 7 n Air Jamaica plane was maica flies to Bonaire every Satur- saria (Finances) this decision makes the Portraits of Bonaire will Debut 8 A seized at Miami International day. Antilles more competitive in the field of Portraits, Capt. Don 9 Airport in Florida last Wednesday sale of perfume which is a big seller Astronaut on Bonaire 11 Book Week Opens 13 afternoon by creditors anxious to col- ► Continental Airlines' load factor among international travelers. “Bonaire Experts” Graduate 18 lect on a US$7 million debt owed by rose 2 percentage points from a year WEEKLY FEATURES: the carrier. It was returned to the airline ago to 79.3%, setting a record for Octo- ► Medical schools in the Nether- Flotsam & Jetsam 2 Pet of the Week (Moeke) 6 on Friday after reaching an agreement ber, the airline said. Continental said lands Antilles have to seek accredita- Biologist’s Bubbles (Phytoplankton) 6 for the repayment of the debt owed by revenue per available seat mile in- tion it they want to guarantee their Snack Detectives (Kos Bon So) 6 Jamaica's national carrier. creased between 4.5% and 5.5% for the continued operation. The Antillean Picture Yourself (Woudrichem, Airline industry sources told the Ja- month, as demand remained strong in Central Government has approached the The Netherlands) 14 Straight Talk 12 maica Observer that the plane was the traditionally weak period for air Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organiza- SuDoku Puzzle 12 seized by International Lease Financing travel. Continental flies every Satur- tion (NVAO) to help with the process Classifieds 12 Corporation (ILFC) agents at about day to Bonaire from Houston and of accrediting the medical schools in Tide Table 14 Reporter Masthead 14 4:30 pm in front of passengers who next month will begin Sunday flights the Dutch islands. What’s Happening 15 were to fly to Jamaica on what would from Newark. The World Health Organization Movieland Film Schedule 15 have been JM024. ILFC is the interna- (WHO) recently introduced more strin- Shopping & Dining Guides 16 tional market leader in the leasing and ► The Central Government has gent requirements for off-shore medical On the Island Since (Elizé Craane & Dyrichemar “Rico” Martis) 17 remarketing of advanced technology decided that it will spend only half of schools. In addition, certain states in the Sky Park (Leonid Meteor Shower) 19 commercial jet aircraft to airlines the 2007 budget, in light of the target US have imposed the requirement that a The Stars Have It 19 around the world. The company, a date of July 1, 2007, on which the is- medical student who graduates in the SuDoku Answer 19 wholly-owned subsidiary of American lands of the Netherlands Antilles will Netherlands Antilles should be able to International Group, Inc., owns a port- break up into separate entities. also practice in the Netherlands Antil- folio valued at more than $40 billion, Finance Minister Ersilia de Lannooy les. shade cloth floating on pontoons and consisting of more than 800 jet aircraft. said during Wednesday’s press briefing Last week the State Secretary of Fi- cool water sprays are two proposals Air Jamaica CEO Mike Conway con- that the instructions on using only half nance Shamara Nicholson-Linzey said being considered by researchers to pre- firmed the seizure but said that all pas- of the budget had been sent to all de- that the Netherlands Antilles doesn’t vent future bleaching of the coral reef. sengers were accommodated at hotels partments. The budget will be drawn up yet comply with these requirements. Global warming is predicted to take a and were flown to Jamaica the next day. in December. massive toll on the Great Barrier Reef, Just last week, the Government re- ► Such is the concern about the fu- with some experts predicting almost jected a new business plan presented by ► The excise import tax on per- ture viability of the Great Barrier Reef complete coral bleaching within 50 Air Jamaica. fume has been removed by the Antil- that some audacious ideas are being years. Air Jamaica losses last year were put lean legislature, but the tax on packs floated in order to protect it. Swathes of (Continued on page 3)

Page 2 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Wilna Groenenboom photo Herman van Leeuwen photo

Photo by Wilna Groenenboom

Royal arrival Young dancers entertain the Queen at Kas di Arte

cil, asking Queen Beatrix to play a part in through an “arch” of windsurf sails held ueen Beatrix of the Netherlands the new relationship with the Netherlands. by youngsters and was greeted by a smil- Q ended a two-day visit to Bonaire “I hope the Queen can directly or indi- ing Elvis Martinus. early Friday morning. She had a busy rectly play a part in the new collaboration program visiting numerous locations, with the Netherlands and that together we Queen Beatrix opened the “Cruyff with the highlight being a visit to Klein can build a future for Bonaire.” Court” in Tera Kòrá, together with Hol- Bonaire (see DCNA Director Kalli De- land’s football icon, Johan Cruyff, whose Meyer’s special report on page 5). Following meetings with local govern- foundation is behind the installation of Everywhere Queen Beatrix went she ment officials, the Queen paid a visit to first rate sports facilities in the Dutch - was received with ceremony and protocol, the Stichting Project, Kolegio Reina ibbean. but the Queen herself was unpretentious Beatrix, Klein Bonaire and to a recep- The Queen charmed the people and charming. Usually there were chil- tion at the home of the Lt. Governor. On her visit to Mick Smits Stitchting Photos on this page by Wilna Groenenboom dren to greet her and bouquets of flowers On Thursday she was greeted in Rincon Project in North Saliña (see write-up on and gifts presented. at the famous Marshé, visited FORMA, page 4 of last week’s Reporter) she Her Majesty arrived at Flamingo Air- the Kas di Arte, the Cruyff Court and learned how disadvantaged youngsters At Klein Bonaire Imre Esser repre- port Wednesday morning on her own the Windsurf Place in Sorobon. were being helped. sented Sea Turtle Conservation Bonaire plane, PH-KBX. (PH=Dutch International (STCB) and the Foundation for the ID code. KBX=Queen Beatrix Xpress) The trip to Sorobon and Bonaire’s Perhaps the high point of Queen Preservation of Klein Bonaire (FPKB). Windsurfing Place was high on the Beatrix’s visit had to be the trip to Klein After being introduced by STINAPA’s Bonaire’s Lt. Governor Herbert Doma- Queen’s agenda. There she was treated to Bonaire aboard the water taxi Kantika Elsmarie Beukenboom he had three con- cassé addressed the royal delegation dur- a spectacular freestyle show by champion di Amor. There the queen had a chance to versations with Queen Beatrix. He dis- ing the Queen’s visit to the Island Coun- Kiri Thode and other riders. She entered walk barefoot in the sand. (Continued on page 10)

Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 3 WHAT THE GOVERNMENT ON BONAIRE The majority of the foreign workers struction MUST DO –Part I (Part 2 next week) came to our island because of a lack of job and opera- opportunity in their home countries. Dur- tion of new very person loving our island cer- ing my talks with these workers, I was resorts E tainly agrees with the Guest Edito- very surprised to hear that some of them would need rial “Of What Value is Growth?” (The did not originally work in the field of con- hundreds Reporter November 3-10) . Fortunately, in struction but they have acquired all their and later the case of Bonaire there is no necessity to knowledge and skill after coming to Bon- perhaps build new resorts in order to create ur- aire, mostly from their fellow countrymen. thousands gently needed jobs for the starving local An obvious question comes to my mind: of workers population. Why is it that our local young people, which can- On the contrary, already now hundreds having the advantage of living in their not be re- of workers, particularly from various own country and being certainly not less cruited from Latin American countries, are needed to talented than the foreigners, not being the local population! (Aruba has had to keep the local economy running. Without trained in all these professions? Estab- import about 20,000 employees in direct these workers some sectors, like the con- lishing Jong Bonaire, led by the dedicated and indirect connection with its absurd struction and hotel industry, would just Rene Hakkenberg and others, has been the hotel development!) collapse. Construction of any new build- first step in this effort. However, further I hope that it is not necessary to repeat ing or house on the island would be im- steps must be taken by the government, again and again that the influx of foreign possible without foreign labor. When you for example the obligation of the employ- workers with their families would bring decide to build a house, the contractor will ers on the island to train new local work- with it many unfavorable consequences, probably be a Portuguese, a Venezuelan ers. In addition, it can also be ruled that a among them increase of crime, traffic or a Peruvian, and the overwhelming ma- company on Bonaire may not employ jams, insufficient capacity of schools and jority of the employees will come from more than a certain percentage of foreign medical facilities. abroad. Only for a minority, including labor. Anyway, the government must do Aruba is a prime example. Everybody also workers from Curaçao, will Papia- something soon in the urgent matter of on the island must know it already. How- mentu be their mother tongue. training young people! It is to hope that ever, it seems that the government just Years after completion of the construc- the upcoming direct relation with the does not care. tion of my house I am still dependent on Netherlands, favored by the majority of Jiri Lausman foreigners for various repairs inside and our people, will also bring an essential outside the house – an electrician from improvement in this important field. Next week: The example of Aruba Peru, a plumber from Chile, carpenters Not only in order to preserve our from Peru and Dominican Republic and a unique nature, but also in order to di- mechanic for garden pumps from Colom- minish our dependence on foreign bia. When my refrigerator breaks down, I workers, the government must abandon call a Venezuelan, and another Venezue- its idea that the construction of new lan repairs my TV set. Practically without hotels would be beneficial for the peo- exception, all of them work fast and well. ple of Bonaire. One thing is sure, the con-

Page 4 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 DUTCH CARIBBEAN On the boat journey back Elsmarie and I Wilna Groenenboom photo NATURE ALLIANCE again had the opportunity to sit with the (DCNA) UNOFFI- Queen and were able to give her informa- CIAL REPORT ON tion about the significance of the work QUEEN BEATRIX’S which DCNA is doing, and the particular TRIP TO KLEIN importance of our fund raising activities BONAIRE. and the establishment of the Trust Fund. The Queen was told about the role of the Dear Editor: Dutch Postcode Lottery in getting DCNA As friends and started by giving us our initial project partners in DCNA I funds. And also of the fact that we are wanted to share with about to embark on a 10-year contract you our wonderful with BZK. When she heard that the news about the royal ‘regeling’ (“arrangement”) for this had Cruise ship Legacy visit to Bonaire. We not yet been signed she asked Gea van KUDOS FROM A were lucky enough Craaikamp to join us. The outcome is that CRUISE SHIP PASSENGER to be able to accom- we now have a promise, witnessed by pany Queen Beatrix Queen Beatrix herself, that the ‘regeling’ Dear Editor: on a visit on will be signed. The Queen even requested We were in Bonaire for the Regatta Wednesday after- Queen Beatrix returns a tagged turtle Hendrik Wuyts photo that she be informed once the signing had aboard the Windjammer Legacy and it noon to Klein Bon- taken place! She expressed deep concern seemed like one great party all the time! aire. Everything went well and surpris- particularly entranced with the photo- about proposed developments adjacent to The people on your island are so friendly ingly smoothly thanks to lots of advanced graphs and commented that the annual protected areas on Bonaire and regretted and I truly enjoyed every minute. I was planning and Elsmarie Beukenboom’s report really brings to life the natural the fact that we have been unable to be only sad that I didn't have enough time for outstanding work as host for the event. beauty of the islands. more proactive. visiting more in Washington Park. I loved And we have some good news to share. On Klein Bonaire Elsmarie introduced the beautiful clear waters on Klein Bon- STINAPA board members, staff and jun- That same evening at a reception for the aire, where we went snorkeling, the best. In addition to her personal household ior rangers. Members of the Sea Turtle Queen, Elsmarie and I had the chance to However, I was deeply moved by the and military attaches we had Antilles Af- Conservation Bonaire gave information on spend some time with Mr Dolf Hogewon- slave huts at the salt evaporation pools. fairs Minister Atzo Nicolaï and Gea van sea turtle conservation and Her Majesty ing, the Queen’s Secretary. Amongst other The pools themselves were so interesting, Craaikamp, Director of Kingdom Rela- saw a recently laid turtle nest and partici- things we spoke about the fragility and as well. Please tell the people of Bonaire tions, on board. Elsmarie and I had a pri- pated in tagging a turtle, wading into the vulnerability of nature on the islands and that I thank them for a lovely time. I will vate audience with Queen Beatrix during sea to release it afterwards. She also made the need for leadership in tacking develop- remember it all with great fondness! the boat journey to Klein Bonaire. She a donation to STCB which will pay for the ment issues. Mr Hogewoning is clearly a Patsy Peoples, Dadeville, Alabama, was very relaxed and obviously enjoying purchase of a satellite tracking device and nature lover and wants to return to Bon- USA the outing. She was given a copy of the asked that the turtle be named “Eloise” aire to stay at Slagbaai with his family. DCNA 2005 annual report in which she after her eldest granddaughter. Kalli DeMeyer showed a great deal of interest. She was

Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 5 (Flotsam and Jetsam. Continued from page 2) ► Captain Don tells us that his Reef ► A group of wildlife experts and in- Windows book will be published in ou saw one of her puppies, “Jack,” last week dustry officials joined the increasingly Bonaire by Flamingo Communica- Y in this column and now you can see the acrimonious battle over shark fishing last tions. The stories in the book are the mom. This lovely, slender lady is “Moeke,” and she Thursday, saying very few shark spe- original, longer, unabridged stories with just finished raising four beautiful black pups. cies were threatened with extinction as photos, not the edited down versions for Moeke is about one and a half years old, and al- some activists charge. Hitting back at The Bonaire Reporter. There are 45 reef though she was found living on the street, she’s what they said were misleading claims, windows stories told in the book, out of very sweet and gentle. She was found with her pup- they told Reuters that there was no tar- 54 reef sites named by Don. “We expect pies when they were about a week old and they geted killing of sharks just for their another couple of months for the crea- were brought into the Bonaire Animal Shelter. This fins—a Chinese delicacy—as most tive, editing, formatting, process...” said family’s story has a happy ending. sharks are caught mainly for their meat. the Captain. For another dog family the ending was not so “We want to tell the real picture to the happy. Along the dirt road between Hato and North world,” said Charlie Lim, secretary of ► Thanksgiving is next Thursday and Saliña on Sunday we found a starving puppy curled the Hong Kong-based Shark Fin and Annette of Last Bite Bakery asks that up next to a bag reeking of a dead animal. When we Marine Products Association. you get your Thanksgiving orders in tried to catch it ran into the mondi. We followed it Some wildlife groups say that many now to avoid disappointment. Among and found another puppy, dead. Later, still trying to sharks are specifically targeted for their their other delectable delights they offer catch the pup, we found the mother, also dead. With fins, which are hacked off and the sharks Pecan, Pumpkin or Apple Pies, Pumpkin the two of us we were able to catch one pup, per- then thrown back into the sea to die a cheesecake or other favorites. Call them haps not necessarily the one we were chasing as painful death. Lim disputed this as mak- at 717-3293.(See Last Bite Bakery’s ad this one was lethargic and the other still seemed to ing no economic sense. on page 4) G./L. D. have some life in it. We don’t know how many other pups there were. After giving it a little water “Moeke” we took it to the vet on Lagun Road who just hap- pened to be there on Sunday morning. He examined it and said it was just too far gone and should be put down. Earlier that same morning a reporter from èxtra newspaper encountered three pups at the same location. He also was unsuccessful in catching all the pups. His outrage at the abandonment appeared on the front page of èxtra’s Monday edition, “Abusu di Bestia,” with an article and photo inside. onaire’s B Surinamese So what should we do when we see abandoned dogs and puppies group, *Mietie Makandra, will be putting who are afraid of people and run away? Shelter Director Jurrie Mellema on another fun-filled day to celebrate Suri- suggests putting out food and water to try and lure them. Then call the LVV name’s 31st year of independence. It’s called (governmental agricultural department that’s in charge of the dog catcher) at 717- a “Brasa Dey” (give a hug). 8836. Through putting a tranquilizer in the food the dog catcher can sedate the ani- Every year the members of the group put mals and take them to the Shelter where they can be examined and brought back to on dances, entertainment, food and music – health if it’s possible. in their own traditional ways – with colorful If you have or know of someone who has an unsterilized female or unwanted costumes too. Sunday, November 25, this puppies encourage them to bring them to the Shelter where the adult can be steril- truly fun event will take place at the Sentro ized and the puppies taken care of. Abandoning them somewhere where they have di Bario in Nord di Salina. At noon you’ll be able to find the place by your nose as no food or water and where they will surely die a slow and lingering death is un- the chefs prepare and sell authentic Surinamese food. Then the celebration begins speakable, especially since it’s so easy to just drop them off at the Shelter, no ques- around 4 pm and goes until ?? tions asked. This group, representing about 320 Surinamese on Bonaire, always puts on great As for any other puppies left on that road, if they’re not already dead, they soon events, so if you’re on the island, don’t miss it. L.D. will be. L.D.

some are animal-like (zooplankton) and They also consume greenhouse gases – others are just plain weird those nasty gases that are responsible (bacterioplankton). The phytoplankton for the recent ‘Global Warming’ trend. id You Know… live in the upper reaches of the oceans So, if you didn’t know what phyto- Phytoplankton produce (and ponds and lakes) and photosynthe- plankton were before, hopefully you D size sunlight. They are the main pri- know now, because these amazing or- about half of the oxygen on Earth? mary producers of the oceans and form ganisms are responsible for maintaining The oceans cover about 71% of the the base of the ocean food web. During life on Earth. Go phytoplankton! Earth’s surface. In the top layer of the photosynthesis, they produce oxygen. Carin Eckrich oceans are billions and billions of mi- Even though most phyto- croscopic organisms called phytoplank- plankton are small, there Biologist Caren Eckrich founded and runs ton. By definition, plankton are organ- are so many of them that Sea & Discover, Bonaire's marine education isms that drift with the currents. Some they produce about half center specializing in guided dives and snor- are plant-like (phytoplankton) and kels for adults and adventure programs for of the Earth’s oxygen. kids. You may call her at 717-5322. Phytoplankton photo by Jim Brandon

Page 6 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 s a fine and priceless service to Their Mission: To seek out the mysteries that lie behind the A the community the Bonaire Li- doors of Bonaire’s snacks ons Club teamed up with the Sosiedat Diabetico Boneriano to put on a free- This week: Kos Bon So, Rincon. for-everyone “Day of Health” last Sun- day. According to the Lion’s Cub there egular followers may were 217 adult attendees who took R recall that The Snack advantage of this opportunity to get Bar Detectives took a saunter totally free exams for blood pressure, out to Rincon some weeks ago. blood glucose level and more. Students Since then we vowed to return. from the St. James Medical School This week we did just that. As were there testing patients for blood always, our evening started pressure and blood sugar. Medical stu- early. Big D was waiting ea- dent Prathesh Jeyakanthan said he and gerly as I pulled outside of his his fellow students found at least five house. This week, we were persons who had dangerously high joined by a third sleuth, a Brit blood pressure levels. “They would be with an arm for drinking and considered ‘pre-hypertension’ pa- big appetite; he was a natural tients,” he said. Surprisingly, some pa- choice to join us. Beefy Bob tients told him it was the first time (as he likes to be called) squeezed his not our beer tally going until our food ar- they’d ever even seen a doctor. insignificant frame into the back of the rived. As most people have their food to Attendees could have their feet and truck and off we went. go, we were served our meals in take- eyes examined by professionals. As we dropped down into Rincon, we away trays. In our case, two each! The Physiotherapist and (Elektro) acupunc- Medical students on the job: (r to l) Rosy Khara, Sharmilla Mahadeo and Malay found by chance our venue of choice, food was to die for - succulent chicken, turist Mary Timmermans, who has a Kos Bon So. Taking the road into Rin- tender ribs and the Lomito (a kind of pan Holistic Health and Therapy Center at Saysana. con towards the Rose Inn you’ll find Kos fried steak) was the tops. Beefy has been Kaya Aurora, was there Bon So on the left. It can easily be known to put his food away. English fry testing patient’s energy missed so keep your eyes peeled. As we ups and fish and chips aren’t for the faint levels. Depending on the walked in we were confronted with bar hearted, however, he had to admit defeat. problem,” Mary said, “the stools the size of tables. For once Big D Only Big D cleared his plate. patient can improve his or her health by diet, exercise was going to be comfortable. Looking We sat and chatted, exchanging con- or other means – in a ho- around, we saw montages of photo- versation with the locals and staff. One listic way.” graphs from everyone who had visited. of the local guys even asked us if we Dietitians from the Within minutes we were posing to join minded if he smoked! Health Department dem- them. Three Polars were taken from the onstrated how to make freezer. As always, the freezer door had In one of his occasional pearls of wis- healthy “alternative” hardly closed before we ordered three dom, Big D summed it up in one phrase. snacks and healthy food more. “It’s a hidden treasure.” Once again, Big products and passed out One thing that is instantly noticeable is D had it spot on. Photo & Story by nutrition information. how clean this place is - gleaming white SBD Thanks to the Lions Club, tiles, fresh paint and immaculate staff. the Diabetic Foundation, Several beers later we enquired about the Brokx Shoes, Manrique menu. Chicken, Lomito and Ribs were Capriles and Balfran on offer from the Barbecue served with Agencies for bringing this coleslaw, fries, Arroz y Habichuelas free day of testing to the (rice and beans) and sâté sauce. Finding people of the island, many it difficult to choose, we decided on a of whom cannot afford mix of everything. proper medical care. Physiotherapist and elektro-acupuncturist A smell filled the air which can only be L.D. Mary Timmermans with patient described as mouth watering. We kept Carmita Flanders and her husband Ernesto.

Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 7 n Sun- O day, December 3, from 5 to 7 pm at Kas di Arte you can get a peek at the new Portraits of Bonaire Vol . 2 book by author Guus Gerritsen and painter Henk Roozendaal. This coincides with the open- ing of a one- man exhibi- tion, where Roozendaal will show 30 paintings. The Model and Artist —Sharon Bol and Henk Roozendaal exhibition will photo Guus Gerritsen be opened by Donna Dovale and Elvis Martinus, both portrayed in Portraits of Bonaire Vol. 1, four years ago. During this “art party,” only, the new book will be offered for $25 (NAƒ45), a $10 dis- count. For Antilleans, the publishers offer a free separate Papiamentu translation sponsored by èxtra newspaper and Notary Maarten Maartense. The translations are by Bòi An- toin and Celia Fernandes. The exhibition will stay open until Decem- ber 31st, daily from 2 to 7pm. Closed on Mondays . Guus Gerritsen

Page 8 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Story by Guus Gerritsen; portrait by Henk Roozendaal. From the new book, It was during those years I discovered diving Portraits of Bonaire, Vol. II. off Catalina Island. I had written an adventure novel called Quest for Adventure, which at- n 19 December 1997, after having tracted the attention of a major Hollywood businessman and a promoter of tourism, add- O sailed aboard our yacht Aeolus for 24 studio. They said, ‘We will do the movie, but ing an economic lifeline to the island. days from the Canary Islands, we reached the you have to furnish the prop.’ The prop was a “I could picture it: this island needed a new Bonairean coast. Although it was almost dark, sizeable sailing schooner. source of income, but everything to realize we couldn’t see the Willemstoren lighthouse So I purchased the 70-foot Valerie Queen for that was already there, in the form of nature yet. Maybe the light wasn’t switched on, not the movie. A typical Hollywood turn-about and the ocean – provided they were being an uncommon occurrence in the area. We had occurred, and they cancelled me. taken good care of. So no oil or garbage spills, to be careful. The lighthouse was placed quite I begged, ‘What will I do with the ship?’ no more anchoring right in the coral reefs, do illogically in the middle of the southern part of ‘Just live your script, Don,’ they replied, ‘Live away with the spear guns… I fought for that, the island, instead of at the south-westernmost the script.’ I had just turned 29. even though I owned one myself! And with point. There were some unexpected currents “Well! I attempted to live the script, but it good reason, because there would be no divers here, and legend had it a lot of ships had run involved the Caribbean, guns and rum, with coming to visit if the sea would not be clean on the rocks close to the lighthouse. We de- pirates and dozens of pretty ladies. My main or it would be empty of wildlife. cided to change our course due southwest, to character, Captain Flynn, was like a sea-going I’ve become an environmentalist, or even an round the southern tip of the island. At 11 o’ Indiana Jones. However, I found it all hope- activist, and not just because of economic clock at night, we finally made mooring in lessly beyond my skills. Yes, I had adventures reasons.” Harbour Village Marina. aplenty: fires at sea, hurricanes, storms and He received countless awards for both his On 15 December 1979, at seven in the eve- Capt. Don pirates that changed my course. A course that economic endeavors and his way of promoting ning, the experimental sailing raft Sterke Yerke eventually sailed me to my personal Shangri- environmental care. III ran aground on the rocks of Bonaire. A few respect for all he had done for the island of la, a magic little rock called Bonaire. The Bonairean people loved him; he even hours later, the raft had sunk and would be- Bonaire, the treatment was free. But the per- “On 21 May 1962, I stepped ashore with my became somewhat of an icon, fighting for come deep-sea property of the ocean. The sonal cost of the accident would be high, as mate Percy at my side, with only 63 cents and important issues, working towards a better crew, a Dutch biologist, a few researchers and Captain Don later found out. my ship’s papers in my pocket. At that time, it future. He knowingly accepted this role. several environmentalists, escaped with minor was an island with barely four thousand souls. Wherever he could, he spread his message scratches. Their journey started in IJmuiden “I was born in California in 1925, just east Goats, salt and charcoal were her commerce. fervently, using his powerful presence and harbour, 123 days earlier. of San Francisco. My mother was an aspiring Tourism was nonexistent. An untouched mag- acting abilities. Even to this day, he writes and On 1 January 1980, Captain Don, a ‘friend actress; my father was an inventor and patent nificent bay, which proved to be a field of gives talks – his friends in tourism see him as of the sea’ and an experienced diver, oversaw holder of numerous window devices. They gold. I thought of this place as an island adrift, a welcome and effective means of promotion. and took part in efforts to raise the raft from suffered at the 1929 Crash, they lost every- without purpose or destination.” They thankfully use the image of the Great the ocean floor. One of his legs became thing. My mother died, my dad lost his fac- Captain Don settled in Bonaire. He took Helmsman of Bonaire, cultivating it and lodged, and he broke an ankle. It didn’t look tory, and everything went from bad to worse. over management of the Hotel Zeebad spreading it for their own purpose. good, and it turned out he had to have a full Then came December 7th, 1941. The chill I (currently Divi Flamingo Hotel), co-founded What happens to someone who is praised so leg cast and would not be able to dive for felt at the news of Pearl Harbor was no differ- the Sailing Regatta and the Bonaire Hotel consequently that he almost comes across as a months. ent than that of my nation. I thought my karma Association, established diving facilities, ral- Saviour? Does he turn vain or shy? Years later, after the last screws had been had arrived, and I reached out to embrace our lied for ongoing environmentalism, and “I see it as my job, nothing more, nothing removed by his doctor, Rob Van de Veen, navy’s retaliation: four years in the Pacific. opened his very own Captain Don’s Habitat in less. It’s also the job of a team of people Captain Don received the bill for medical “In 1945, now a civilian, I sought the excite- 1976. The captain turned out to be both a good around me, but to be fair, I like the attention. expenses at the San Francisco Hospital: out of ment of Hollywood. (Continued on page 18)

Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 9 (Royal Visit. Continued from page 3) Perhaps the highlight of than ever! cussed Klein Bonaire’s return to the the afternoon came when the Queen The Queen asked the STCB to take people of Bonaire in 1999. He ex- named two sea turtles after her care of “Zaria” and “Eloise.” STCB plained to her Majesty that in 2002 grandchildren. The first, a juvenile has taken care of sea turtles for more he thanked her son Prince Willem green turtle that she released after than 15 years now and will continue Alexander for the royal support helping Gielmon Egbrechts (aka to do that in the future. FPKB got to save Klein Bonaire out “Funchi”) tagging it, she named af- of the hands of developers. Prince ter her youngest grandchild, Zaria. Klein Bonaire is part of the Royal Willem Alexander answered The second turtle, a mature female family now for the next two royal that Imre really had to thank his sea turtle that will be fitted with a generations. G.D./Imre Esser mom for the support FPKB got. Af- transmitter in 2007, she named after ter telling her this, her face became her eldest grandchild, one big smile and she confessed that Eloise. she did “some pushing” in order to save Klein Bonaire. Now that there is an emo- tional link between the Spontaneous applause from the Royal family and Klein bystanders followed her Bonaire protection of Klein “confession.” Bonaire is ensured more

Elvis leads the queen to the windsurfing show. Wilna Groenenboom photo

A Stichting Project staff member talks with the Queen Beatrix speaks with Imre Esser (r.). STINAPA Director Queen, Mick Smit, and Antilles Prime Minister Elsmarie Beukenboom and Antilles Governor Frits Gooderdrag Emily de Jong-el Hage Wilna Groenenboom photo look on. STCB photos The queen and Funchi release turtle Zaria.

Page 10 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006

n astronaut is coming to Bonaire! A Former astronaut Charles Bolden will be here November 25 to Decem- ber 1 to talk about his many experiences in space with students in the public and private schools and with the community. Astronaut Bolden will make a presenta- tion to the community from 7 to 8:30 pm on Thursday, November 30 in the auditorium at Jong Bonaire. This meeting is open to all, and it’s free. His visit was arranged by Bonaire resi- dents Ben and Laura Buchbinder. Charlie and Ben met at NASA Headquarters 20 years ago. Ben volunteers at the Pelikaan School and when he found that so many students were interested in space he de- cided to invite his old friend Charlie to come to visit and share his stories. General Bolden, a veteran of four Space Shuttle missions, was the pilot of the Shuttle mission in 1990 which Discovery crewmembers, wearing mission t-shirts, pose for their onboard por- launched the Hubble Space Telescope trait on the mid-deck of Discovery. Charles Bolden (top left), was the pilot for into orbit. A recent decision by the US this mission. The mission insignia is in the center and a model of the Hubble space agency, NASA, to use a Shuttle Space Telescope (HST) is on the right. mission to repair and upgrade the Hub- ble, will allow the telescope to continue As well as the to provide critical information on outer Buchbinders spon- space until 2013 or beyond. Astronaut sors for the astro- Bolden’s visit provides Bonaire residents naut’s visit are with a unique opportunity to meet some- Divi Flamingo one who has actually seen the planet Hotel, ReMax Earth from space and who has contrib- Real Estate, Sup- uted to the deployment and use of the port Bonaire most productive telescope in our history. Foundation, Hertz In preparation for Bolden’s visit to Car Rental, Jong Bonaire, a number of schools have en- Bonaire, The Pe- couraged students to participate in space likaan School . poster and essay contests. The winners Many other indi- of these contests will be announced at a viduals have also Press Conference on Monday, Novem- contributed their ber 27, at 5pm. at the Divi Flamingo Ho- time to ensure his tel, where General Bolden will be offi- visit and the Pilot Charles Bolden floats while orbiting in the Discovery cially welcomed to Bonaire. poster and essay Space Shuttle while Mission Specialist Kathryn D. Sullivan Charlie, like all NASA astronauts, is a contests are a conducts a skin test on him as part of a space mission. In Sul- scuba diver. The astronauts simulate success. The as- livan's left hand is a bar filled with doses of a bacterial antigen weightlessness in their astronaut training tronaut’s visit has to be administered to Bolden's skin. They are in front of the by diving in the Neutral Buoyancy Facil- been endorsed by forward lockers on the mid-deck of the Earth-orbiting Discov- ity at Johnson Space Center in Houston. the Board of Edu- ery. NASA photos Charlie is looking forward to some scuba cation, the RK diving during his first visit to Bonaire, Schoolbestuur and SGB. and he may try wind surfing as well. Laura & Ben Buchbinder

Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 11 t’s all about dating, love, sex, friendship, and marriage - so let's I talk. Email your relationship questions to my attention: [email protected].

uDoku were left as a single parent “Single Mother Of Five” Betty Wills means “the with full responsibility of S digits must re- raising your children alone. It’s time for Dear Betty – main single” in I am a single mother, early 30s, with five you to start thinking smarter. Japanese. To kids, ages 14 years to 18 months. My oldest Honey, if you have any more kids by differ- solve the puzzle, is the result of teenage love. After the baby ent fathers, you’ll need a software database enter the numbers was born my boyfriend disappeared. just to keep up! You probably can’t afford a 1 through 9 to the A few years later, I fell in love with a man computer right now, so if you’re going to partially filled in 15 years older than me. We were together have sex, at least use protection. You should five years, and had two children before I be practicing safe sex anyway. If he refuses puzzle without found out he was already married. He to use a condom, give him the boot. repeating a num- moved away to find work, and sent me a It’s difficult enough for two parents to raise ber in any row, little money every now and then. After a five kids, which tells me you’re a pretty column or 3 x 3 year or so, the money stopped, but he con- special Mom who deserves a special man in region. For a tinued to send Christmas presents. her life. Don’t settle for anything less. tutorial visit the I started dating again, fell in love, and had web site www. my fourth child. Before the baby was a year Joke Of The Day Sudoku shack. A young man took his girlfriend home to com. old, the father moved to Holland, and I never heard from him again. meet his parents. His mother was thrilled Supplied by A few years later, the father of my second with his choice, and couldn't wait for the Molly Kearney and third child moved back to the island. I wedding, but his father was upset. The son (who has to asked, “Dad, you don’t seem to like her, but had my fifth child with him. I think he solve all the really loves me because he keeps coming Mom likes her a lot.” The father explained, puzzles first) back and said he wouldn’t leave at all if he “Son, there's nothing wrong with the girl. could find work here. He’s leaving again in It's just that I cheated on your mother a long a few months. time ago, and your girlfriend is my daughter I don’t know what to do. I love him, but I by that woman.” So the boy dumped her, need someone here full time who can help found another girlfriend, and took her home me raise and support the children. to meet his parents. His mother was de- Complete solution on page 19. lighted with her, but his father again told Betty Answers: Two MIAs (missing in him the girl was actually his half-sister. The action) and a multiple hit and run are not boy lost his temper and told his mother favorable odds. In the States, they’re called what his father said. Furious, the mother For Sale – Woman’s shorty Scu- “dead-beat dads,” and when they get caught shouted, “Don't listen to him, sweetheart! baPro wet suit with long sleeves. Worn they are held financially responsible - not He isn't even your father!” Betty Wills twice. Black with magenta trim. Size 13- what’s happening in your situation. You 14. NAƒ70 ($40). Call 717-8988, 786- Porch sale: Saturday & Sunday, Nov. 18 6518. & 19 – 8.30am to 4pm, Kaya Mandolin ————————————— 2– Everything must go Bonaire Reporter Classifieds— Are still free For Sale Sharp TV with integrated Multi-System VHS & PAL, with lots of Got something to buy or sell? video tapes. Only NAƒ 150, Call 790- 35 ft. DUFOUR Racer/Cruiser Non-Commercial Classified Ads (up to 4 lines/ 20± words): 1604 Your opportunity to own the most Free ads run for 2 weeks. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ successful model of the famous & DUFOUR French shipyard: Commercial Ads only NAƒ0.80 per word, per week. Bikes Call or fax 717-8988 or email [email protected] For Sale • 2 private cabins w/head, 3 berths, Sleeps seven, full kitchen and saloon JANART GALLERY LUNCH TO GO • Large cockpit with foldaway dining table Kaya Gloria 7, Bonaire Local Art, Art Starting from NAƒ5 per meal. Call 10ft. CARIBE inflatable dinghy and 8 HP YA- Supplies, Framing, and Art Classes. CHINA NOBO 717-8981 MAHA outboard Open Tu-We-Th & Sat 10 am- 5 pm Fri- ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Fully equipped: day 1- 7 pm; or phone 717-5246 for appt. ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ JELLASTONE PETPARK • Almost new, oversized, rigging, boom and self tailing mast, NORSEMAN connectors, tele- MOVING INTO A HOUSE NEW TO Pet boarding / Dierenpension scopic boom vang, LEWMAR winches, lifelines, YOU? Day and night care. phone: 786-4651 BMW 520i – 4-door , 1991, white, PROFURL roller furling, and DOYLE sails, wind Make it more livable from the start. www.bonairenet.com/jellastone/ and speed instruments excellent condition. Fast, beautiful. A FENG SHUI CONSULTATIONS ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ CLASSIC! Call 785-9041 • New, in the box AUTOHELM Sea Talk Also interior or exterior design advice, —————— ST4000 autopilot, ADLER/BARBOUR Cold Ma- clearings, blessings, energy, healing, SUPPORT BONAIRE chine electric freezer. YAMAHA VI- China-trained. Experienced. Inexpensive. The Island you love could use your help! RAGO 1100 • FRIGOBOAT Mechanical compressor refrig- Call Donna at 785-9332. Support Bonaire, Inc. provides support 1987 30K Miles erator, 25 HP VOLVO PENTA diesel inboard ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ to Bonaire's non-profits. motor NAƒ2500,00 BONAIRENET To learn more about making a US tax Call 717-5939 • SIGNET Echosounder (depthfinder), Ar- The leading consumer and business in- deductible donation visit —————— ies mechanical autopilot, SIMPSON LAWRENCE formation source on Bonaire. Telephone www.supportbonaire.org and help make electric anchor winch, BROOKS & GATEHOUSE (599) 717-7160. For on-line yellow pages a difference! speed log Car for Sale Toyota Pick up with 4 directory information go to http:// ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ doors, in good condition! Only • 12v/110v electrical system, 110v-12v con- www.yellowpagesbonaire.com NAƒ6.000, Call 790-1604 verter ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Vacation —————— Call 717-7223 / 786-9000 CAPT. DON’S ISLAND GROWER Rental For sale: FIAT BARCHETTA Cab- Trees and plants, Bonaire grown. Cozy guest cottage available rio, 1997, yellow, with hard-top and 8000m2 nursery. Specializing in garden/ Studio with kitchen, airco, cable TV, windstop. Tel. 786-5591. septic pumps and irrigation. Kaminda La- two single beds (or king) pull-out sofa, goen 103, Island Growers NV (Capt. Don porch, yard and private entrance. Five ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ and Janet). Phone: 786-0956 minute walk to seaside promenade; 10

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ minute walk to town. $50/night. Con- Wanted Bonaire Images tact: [email protected]

Elegant greeting cards and beautiful boxed ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Captain and Crew needed for sailboat note cards are now available at Chat-N- For Sale delivery from Miami - Bonaire. All ex- Browse next to Electric Guitar for sale. Stratocaster penses paid. Call Thomas 786-5352 Lover’s Ice Cream and model. Brand new. NAf 300. Call Tho- ———————————— Sand Dollar Grocery. Photography by mas 786-5352 A screen door for a bedroom. Shelly Craig www.bonaireimages.com ————————————— Call 786-3117 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Page 12 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006

ity made this Reading Chair possible. The Chair was unveiled and introduced by Gov- ernor Domacassé, who told a story of Kompa Nanzi, with musical accompaniment. It looks like that our Gov- ernor has some hidden musical “rap” qualities. The children loved it. Willemina Park was decorated for the day with book stands for children. The SEBIKI crew changed children into little animals by making up their faces, Governor Domacassé tells a story from the Reading Chair while “real” animals ook Week opened last Saturday at There were design requirements. The walked through the B the SGB. Then on Sunday at Wil- chair was to be used by both adult and crowd. Tio Gaby enter- helmina Park there was a festival and child readers; it should be well con- tained everyone with presentation of the “Reading Chair.” structed but not too heavy so it can be his music. Both days where organized by the SE- transported to different locations; and it The Reading Chair de- BIKI foundation led by Riet Sealy. should be of a multi-functional design, signed for the Chil- The Reading Chair was built as a result not for “a one-night stand.” dren’s Book Week was of teamwork among SGB students, teach- Two and a half months ago the designs a perfect start. This ers, SEBIKI and local business. Sealy were submitted. Two designs, from Ger- whole week children approached the SGB art teachers with a uliane Booi of SGB High School class will see the Reading challenge to let the students design a H3B and Ro-Angelo Martines of class Chair in different loca- Reading Chair for Book Week. Funds to B4HO (Hospitality), were selected, then tions with different make the chair were provided by combined into a single chair design. readers. Marisella Croes of Benetton and construc- Weiman made the chair and last week the Story & photos by tion teacher Weiman was asked to make students and SEBIKI members put on the Wilna Gronenboom the chair. finishing touches. Teamwork and creativ- Marisela Croes of Benetton donated the funds for the Chair

Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 13 his little town is the residence of T Bonaire visitor Ella van der Ploeg. Some years ago she volunteered together with her husband Frits at the Krusada Foundation. They regularly visit Bonaire and Krusada. It helps ad- dicted people on the way to freedom. Krusada is located at Guatemala resi- dence on the road to Lagun. Woudrichem was founded in the year 1356. In August there was a celebration of the 650th anniversary of the town. The people walked around in historical costumes and the houses were deco- rated with flags and paintings. When climbing the tower (213 steps!) you have a splendid view of Woudrichem and the river Merwede.

WIN GREAT PRIZES! Take a copy of The Bonaire Reporter with you on your next trip or when you return to your home. Then take a photo of yourself with the newspaper in hand. THE BEST PHOTOS OF THE YEAR WILL WIN THE PRIZES. Mail photos to Bonaire Reporter, Kaya Gob. Debrot 200-6, Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles (AN). E-mail to: [email protected]. (All 2006 photos are eligible.)

KRALENDIJK TIDES (Heights in feet, FT) Remember: Winds and weather can further influence the local tides DATE Time Ht. Time Ht. Time Ht. Time Ht. COEF 11-17 1:53 1.0FT. 10:50 1.8FT. 19:48 1.1FT. 22:26 1.1FT. 49 11-18 0:57 1.0FT. 11:14 1.9FT. 20:48 1.0FT. 23:54 1.0FT. 58 11-19 11:39 1.9FT. 21:55 0.9FT. 67 11-20 12:04 2.0FT. 22:40 0.8FT. 74 11-21 12:37 2.0FT. 23:17 0.7FT. 81 11-22 13:17 2.0FT. 23:54 0.7FT. 85 11-23 0:32 0.6FT. 13:56 2.0FT. 87 11-24 1:09 0.6FT. 14:44 2.0FT. 86

Who’s Who on The Bonaire Reporter Take The Reporter Home—Subscribe Yearly Mail to US $110; On-line $35 Published weekly. For information about subscriptions, stories or advertising in The Bonaire Reporter, phone (599) 717-8988, 786-6518, 786-6125 fax 717-8988, E-mail to: [email protected] The Bonaire Reporter, George DeSalvo, Publisher. Laura DeSalvo, Editor in Chief. Address: Kaya Gob. Debrot 200-6; Bonaire, Neth. Antilles. Available on-line at: www.bonairereporter.com Reporters: Laura & Ben Buchbinder, Kalli DeMeyer, Caren Eckrich, Imre Esser, Guus Gerritsen, Wilna Gronenboom, Jack Horkheimer, Jiri Lausman, Molly Kearney, Greta Kooistra, Henk Roozendaal, Snack Bar Detectives, Michael Thiessen, Betty Wills Features Editor: Greta Kooistra Translations: Peggy Bakker Production: Barbara Lockwood Distribution: Yuchi Molina (Rincon), Elizabeth Silberie (Playa); Housekeep- ing: Jaidy Rojas Acevedo. Printed by: DeStad Drukkerij, Curaçao ©2006 The Bonaire Reporter

Page 14 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 5—7 pm. See page 8 Thursdays Darts Club plays every other Sunday • Live music by the Flamingo at City Café. Registration at 4, games at MOVIELAND REGULAR EVENTS Rockers, Divi Flamingo, Balashi 5. Tel. 717-2950, 560-7539. Daily (more or less) Beach Bar, 5-7 JCI - First Wednesday of the Month- • HH 2 for 1 (all beverages) 5-7 pm, • “Admiral’s Hour” for yachtsmen Junior Chamber International Bonaire Divi Flamingo Balashi Beach Bar and others, Vespucci Restaurant, Har- (JCI Bonaire, formerly known as Bon- aire Jaycees) meets at the ABVO build- • HH—Buddy Dive, 5:30-6:30 bour Village Marina. HH drinks, gratis • HH Cactus Blue (except Sun.) 5-7 tapas, 5-7 ing, Kaminda Jato Baco 36 from 7:30 to Late Show 9:30 pm. Everyone is welcome. Contact: Call to make sure (Usually 9 pm ) • 2 for 1 appetizer with entrée, Cac- tus Blue Fridays Renata Domacassé 516-4252. All The King's Men Kiwanis Club meets at APNA Plaza, • Divi Flamingo Casino open daily • Harbour Village Tennis, Social Kaya International, every other Tues- (Sean Penn) for hot slot machines, roulette and black Round Robin 7 to 10 pm. $10 per per- day, 7 pm. Tel. 717-5595, Jeannette Early Show (Usually 7 pm) jack, Mon. to Sat. 8 pm– 4 am; Sun. 7 son. Cash bar. All invited. Call Elisabeth Vos at 565-5225 Rodriguez. pm– 3 am. nd th The Guardian • Live music by the “Flamingo Lions Club meets every 2 and 4 • By appointment -Rooi Lamoenchi Thursday of the month at 8 pm at Kaya Kunuku Park Tours $12 (NAƒ12 for Rockers” Divi Flamingo, Balashi Kaya Prinses Marie Sabana #1. All Lions welcome. residents). Tel 717-8489, 540-9800. Beach Bar, 5-7 Behind Exito Bakery • Swim lessons for children by Enith Rotary lunch meetings Wednesday, 12 Tel. 717-2400 • Parke Publico children’s play- noon-2 pm - Now meeting at 'Pirate ground open everyday into the evening Brighitha, a Dutch Olympian, at Soro- Tickets - NAƒ14 (incl. Tax) bon from 13.00, for children 0 – 18. House', above Zeezicht Restaurant. All Children under 12 - NAƒ12 hours. Rotarians welcome. Tel. 717-8434 Saturdays • Manager’s Bash—free Flamingo NEW FILMS BEGIN FRIDAY Smash & snacks, Divi Flamingo, 5-7 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • Grill Night on the Beach, Buddy pm VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES THURS THRU SUN Dive Bonaire Arts & Crafts (Fundashon • Manager’s Rum Punch Party, 2 MOVIES 7 & 9PM • Rincon Marshé—6 am-2 pm. En- Arte Industrial Bonaireano) 717-5246 or MON THRU WED. 1 MOVIE 8PM Buddy Dive Resort, 5:30-6:30 pm, followed joy a Bonairean breakfast while you 7117 by All You Can Eat BBQ shop, fresh fruits and vegetables, gifts, The Bonaire Swim Club- Contact Valarie SATURDAY 4 PM November: • 5-7 pm Social Event at JanArt local sweets, snacks, arts, handicrafts, Stimpson at 785-3451; Vala- Open Season Gallery, Kaya Gloria 7. Meet artist candles, incense, drinks, music. [email protected] Janice Huckaby and Larry of Larry’s www.infobonaire.com/rincon. Extra Bonaire National Marine Park - 717-8444. Wildside Diving. New original paint- THIS WEEK big Marshé 1st Saturday of the month, Bonaire Animal Shelter -717-4989. ings of Bonaire and diver stories of the Sunday, November 19—Leonid Meteor 6 am-2 pm. Donkey Sanctuary - 560-7607. East Coast every week. Showers, start at 3 am. See page 19. • All You Can Eat BBQ at Divi Jong Bonaire (Youth Center) - 717-4303.

Sunday, November 19 – Bonaire Day Flamingo with live music, 6 to 9 pm, Sister Maria Hoppner Home (Child FREE SLIDE/VIDEO SHOWS of Thanks— To give away to those in NAƒ26,50. Call for reservations 717- Care) Tel. 717-4181 fax 717-2844. Saturday- “Discover Our Diversity” need—bring clean, non-perishable items 8285 ext. 444. Special Olympics– Call Roosje 786- slide show-pool bar Buddy Dive, 7 pm, (clothes, baby items, appliances, tools, • Wine Tasting at AWC’s ware- 7984 717-5080 canned good, office items, toys, bikes, house, 2nd Saturday of the month, 7 to Volunteers to train children in sports. Sunday - “Bonaire Holiday” -Multi- shoes, paint, housewares, hardware, etc) 9 pm, Kaya Industria #23, across from Contact Quick-Pro Track and Field - Rik media dual-projector production by Al- to the building behind the big Catholic Warehouse Bonaire. Great wines. 717-8051 bert Bianculli, 8.30 pm, Capt. Don’s Church in Kralendijk, 9 am-3 pm. Be- NAƒ20 per person for 6 to 8 wines. Habitat. 717-8290 . fore Sunday drop off items at Termo • Flea Market every first Satur- CHURCH SERVICES Wednesday (2nd and 4th) Turtle Con- Tek, Kaya Korona (717-4658). More day of the month from 3 to 7 pm, Parke Protestant Congregation of Bonaire. servation (STCB) Slide Show by info call 786-1919 or 790-7272. Publico. Everyone welcome to buy and Kralendijk, Wilhelminaplein. Services in Bruce Brabec. Carib Inn seaside ve- Arts and Crafts Markets at Wilhel- to sell. NAƒ5 per selling table. For more Papiamentu, Dutch and English on Sun- randa, 7 pm, 717-8819. mina Park on Cruise Ship Visiting information and reservations for a spot, days at 10 am.

Days starting around 10 am to early call 787-0466. Rincon, Kaya C.D. Crestian, Services in BONAIRE’S TRADITIONS afternoon: Sunday, Nov. 19 – Rijndam; Sundays Papiamentu on Sundays at 8.30 am. Kas Kriyo Rincon—Step into Bonaire’s past Tuesday, Nov. 21 – Sea Princess; Children’s club every Saturday at 5 pm • Live music 6-9 pm while enjoying in this venerable old home that has been re- Wednesday, Nov. 22 - Amster- in Kralendijk. a great dinner in colorful tropical ambi- stored and furnished so it appears the family dam;Tuesday, Nov. 28 – Crystal Sym- Sunday School every Sunday at 4 pm in ance at the Chibi Chibi Restaurant & has just stepped out. Local ladies will tell you phony; Wednesday, Nov. 29 – Crown Rincon. Bible Study and Prayer meet- Bar, Divi Flamingo. Open daily 5-10 the story. Open Monday thru Friday, 9 –12, 2- Princess ings, every Thursday at 8 pm. in Kral- pm 4. Weekends by appointment. Call 717-2445. COMING endijk. Mondays Mangasina di Rei, Rincon. Enjoy the view Thursday, November 23—American New Apostolic Church, Meets at • Caribbean Night - live local mu- from “The King’s Storehouse.” Learn about Thanksgiving. Special Thanksgiving Kaminda Santa Barbara #1, Sundays, sic– Buddy Dive. Bonaire’s culture . Visit homes from the 17th Dinners at Rum Runners (Capt. Don’s 9:30 am. Services in Dutch. 717-7116. • Soldachi Tour of Rincon, the heart century. Daily. Call 717-4060 / 790-2018 Habitat) and Buddy Dive. International Bible Church of Bonaire – of Bonaire, 9 am-noon. $20-Call Maria Bonaire Museum on Kaya J. v.d. Ree, behind Saturday, November 25—Sint Kaya Amsterdam 3 (near the traffic circle) 717-6435 the Catholic Church in town. Open weekdays Nicholaas arrives in Bonaire, Wilhel- Sunday Services at 9 am; Sunday Prayer from 8 am-noon, 1:30-5 pm. Tel. 717-8868 mina Park. Sponsored by the Fundashon Meeting at 7 pm in English. Tel. 717-8332 Tuesdays Washington-Slagbaai National Park, Sanikolas. Call 717-8482 for more infor- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter • Live music by the Flamingo Museum and Visitors’ Center. Open mation. Day Saints, Kaya Sabana #26 Sundays Rockers, 5-7 Divi Flamingo, Balashi daily 8 am-5 pm. Closed on some holi- Sunday, November 25 – Surinam Day 8:30 - 11:30 am. Services in Papia- Beach Bar days. 717-8444/785-0017 celebration at the Sentro di Bario in mentu, Spanish and English. • Wine & Cheese/ $1 glass of wine, Nord di Salina. Food service begins at Catholic San Bernardus in Kralendijk – 5-7, Divi Flamingo Balashi Beach Bar CLUBS and MEETINGS noon and goes on the rest of the day. Services on Sunday at 8 am and 7 pm AA meetings - every Wednesday; Phone Celebration starts at 4 pm until ?? See • Buy a Bucket of Beer & get free in Papiamentu 717-8304 . Saturday at 6 717-6105; 560-7267 or 717- 3902. page 6. chicken wings, 5-7, Cactus Blue pm at Our Lady of Coromoto in Antriol, Al-Anon meetings - every Monday Thursday, November 30—Meet Astro- • Caribbean Gas Training free in English. Mass in Papiamentu on evening at 7 pm. Call 790-7272 naut Charlie Bolden, Jong Bonaire, 7- “Beyond Gravity – An Evening with Sunday at 9 am and 6 pm. 717-4211. Cancer Survivor Support Group Ma- 8:30 pm. Free. See page 11 DIR,” 6 pm, Bonaire Dive & Adventure Assembly of God (Asemblea di Dios), jestic Journeys Bonaire N.V. Lourdes Friday, December 1 – Live from Cura- 786-5073. Kaya Triton (Den Cheffi). In English, Shopping Center 2nd Level Kaya LD çao – “Caribbean Latina” - music from • Dutch & Papiamentu on Sunday at 10 Gerharts # 10. Call 717-2482/566-6093. Colombia, Rep. Dominicana, Peru, Ec- Wednesdays am. Wednesday Prayer Meeting at Weekly BonaireTalker Gathering and uador, Venezuela, Antilles – Salsa, Mer- • Open Mike Night with Moogie, 7- 7:30 pm. 717-2194 Dinner at Gibi's - Tuesday - 6:30 pm - engue, Vallenato, Bachata. At Don 9, Cactus Blue. call 567-0655 for directions. Paranda – 7 pm until ?? NAƒ15 P/P • Live music by Flamingo Rockers, Send event info to: Bridge Club - Wednesdays, 7:30 pm at Sunday, December 3— Portraits of Divi Flamingo, Balashi Beach Bar 5- The Bonaire Reporter the FORMA Building on Kaya Korona, Bonaire Vol. 2 Debut, Kas di Arte, 5 6:30. Email [email protected] across from the RBTT Bank. All levels pm. With portrait exhibition by Henk Tel/Fax. 717-8988, Cell. 786-6518 • Movie Night at Buddy Dive invited. NAƒ5 entry fee. Call Cathy 566-4056. Roozendaal of portraits from the book.

Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 15 RESTAURANT PRICE RANGE / WHEN OPEN FEATURES Bella Vista Restaurant Moderate. Breakfast and Lunch Magnificent Theme Nights: Saturday: Beach Grill; Monday: Caribbean Sea Side Restaurant at Buddy Dive Resort Dinner during Theme nights only. Night; Friday: Manager’s Rum Punch Party 717-5080, ext. 538 Open every day and All-You-Can-Eat B.B.Q Moderate Bistro de Paris Lunch Monday - Friday 11 am–3 pm Real French Cooking in an informal setting Kaya Gob. N. Debrot 46 Superb dishes prepared with care and love by a French chef (half-way between hotel row and town) 717-7070 Dinner Monday -Saturday 6–10pm Owner-operated Eat in or Take away

Cactus Blue Moderate Trend Setting Menu Blvd. J. A. Abraham 16 Dinner Bonaire’s newest hot-spot to eat and drink. Margaritas a specialty (half-way between town and Divi Flamingo) 717-4564 Closed Sunday Owner-operated for top service

Calabas Restaurant & Chibi Chibi Restaurant and Bar Moderate-Expensive Get a view of the beach and turquoise sea while enjoying a breakfast buffet or At the Divi Flamingo Beach Resort. Waterfront Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner à la carte lunch and dinner at the 'Chibi Chibi' restaurant & bar. 717-8285 Open 7 days Inspiring vistas and the highest standard of cuisine.

The Great Escape Bar-Restaurant poolside —under the thatched roof. EEG Blvd #97—across from Belmar Moderate Breakfast Buffet 7:30-10 am every day 717-7488 Breakfasts Only Happy hours 5 to 7 daily.

Pasa Bon Pizza On Kaya Gob. Debrot Low-Moderate Bonaire’s best. The Real Thing! Freshly prepared pizzas made with the finest ingre- ½ mile north of town center. 780-1111 Open from 5-11 pm Wednesday-Sunday dients. Salads, desserts. Eat in or take away. Nice bar too. Call ahead to eat-in or take out 790-1111

The Bonaire Windsurfing Place Low-Moderate A genuine sandy beach restaurant cooled by the trade winds At Sorobon Beach Open from 10am-6 pm daily, Top quality food and friendly service Get away from it all.


AIRLINES Divi Divi Air. Bonaire’s “on time airline” with 16 GIFTS, SOUVENIRS AND LIQUOR RESORTS & ACTIVITIES flights a day between Bonaire and Curaçao. Your first The Bonaire Gift Shop has a wide selection of gifts, Buddy Dive Resort offers diving, Adventure Fun choice for inter-island travel. souvenirs, liquor, dive watches, digital cameras, things tours including kayaking, mountain biking, cave snor- for the home, T-shirts - all at low prices. keling and exploration. APPLIANCES /TV/ ELECTRONICS/ COMPUTERS City Shop, the mega store, has the island’s widest HOTELS selection of large and small home appliances. Fast The Great Escape Under new management. Quiet and RETAIL service and in-store financing too. tranquil setting with pool and luxuriant garden in Bel- Benetton, world famous designer clothes available nem. Cyber Café, DVD rentals, restaurant and bar. now in Bonaire at prices less than those in US. For BANKS New! Spa! men, women and children.

Maduro and Curiel’s Bank provides the greatest Best Buddies and Pearls—Stunning fresh water pearl number of services, branches and ATMs of any Bon- METALWORK AND MACHINE SHOP jewelry, fashion, gifts, t shirts. Under new manage- aire bank. They also offer investments and insurance. b c b- Botterop Construction Bonaire N.V., offers ment. outstanding fabrication of all metal products, including BEAUTY PARLOR stainless. Complete machine shop too. The Touch Skin & Body—Birkenstock shoes for men Hair Affair. Expert hair cutting, styling, facials, wax- and women. New styles ing and professional nail care. NATURE EXPLORATION Outdoor Bonaire for individually guided kayaking, SECURITY BICYCLE / SCOOTER/ QUADS hiking, biking, caving, rapelling/abseilen and more Special Security Services will provide that extra De Freewieler rents scooters and quads; profession- reservations : 791-6272 or 785-6272 E-mail : measure of protection when you need it. Always reli- ally repairs almost anything on two wheels. Sells top [email protected] able. brand bikes. Have your keys made here. PHOTO FINISHING SHIPPING CALENDAR Paradise Photo in the Galeries Shopping Center offers Rocargo Freight Air and sea shipments in/out of Bonaire Creations new 2007 Calendar available now fast, fine processing for prints, slides, items and ser- Bonaire. Customs agents. Professional and efficient. at shops around town. vices . Full digital services. FedEx agent.

DIVING Carib Inn is the popular 10-room inn with top-notch REAL ESTATE / RENTAL AGENTS WATER TAXI dive shop and well stocked retail store. Best book trade Caribbean Homes, “the Refreshing Realtor, ” special- Get to Klein Bonaire by Ferry. Ride the Kantika di on Bonaire. Good prices on regulator repair, dive com- izing in luxury homes, condos, lots, rentals and prop- Amor or Skiffy. Hotel pickup. puter H.Q. erty management.

Dive Friends Bonaire (Photo Tours Divers-Yellow Submarine) -low prices - on the seaside at Kralendijk, Harbourtown Real Estate is Bonaire’s most experi- WINDSURFING at Caribbean Court and the Hamlet Oasis. Join their enced real estate agent. They specialize in profes- The Bonaire Windsurfing Place can fulfill all your monthly cleanup dives and BBQ. sional customer service, top notch properties and home windsurfing dreams and more. They offer expert in-

WannaDive - They make diving fun while maintain- owners insurance. struction, superb equipment on a fine beach. Lunch and drinks too. BBQ and windsurf videos Wednesday ing the highest professional standards. In town at City Café and at Eden Beach. Re/Max Paradise Homes: Lots of Choices— nights. International/US connections. 5% of profits donated to FITNESS local community. List your house with them to sell WINES Fit For Life at the Plaza Resort Mall. Classes in fast. Antillean Wine Company. You’ve tried the rest; now Pilates, Aerobics, TaeBo and more. Professional train- try the best: best prices, highest quality wines from around the world, kept in a cooled warehouse. Free ers, fitness machines and classes for all levels. Sunbelt Realty offers full real estate, rental, and insur- delivery. Shop at Kaya Industria 23, Monday-Saturday ance services. If you want a home or to invest in Bon- 9 am-12 noon. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES aire, stop in and see them. The Plantation Has lots of classy furniture and an- tiques at very competitive prices. Stop in to see great teak furniture and Indonesian crafts. REPAIRS ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN/WOMEN: Bon Handyman is here if you need something fixed GARDEN SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Put your ad in The Bonaire Reporter. or built. Ultra reliable, honest and experienced. Electri- Phone/Fax 717-8988, Cel 786-6518 Green Label has everything you need to start or main- cal, plumbing, woodworking, etc. 717-2345 tain your garden. They can design, install and maintain Did you know that listing in the Guides is FREE it and offer plants, irrigation supplies and garden chemi- cals. Incredible selection of pots. for weekly advertisers?

Page 16 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 was born on Curaçao where my dad ‘Maybe you’ll have a better future there…’ “I was working as a foreman for the I am really grateful to them that they let me Curaçao Dock Company until they closed in go. It didn’t take me long to get used to all 1993. My mother was working as an admin- the new things and at school I began to do istrator for Pharmacy Muizenberg. I went to better immediately. I thought about many high school HAVO/VWO, the Maria Im- professions but in the end I completed Mid- maculata Lyceum, and when I finished I dle Professional Education to become an went to Holland. office assistant.” I arrived in the city of Tilburg with a “Well”, Rico says, “I was living in the group of 25 students and they put us to- south and she was living in the north and so gether on one floor… that was fun! I I took the train every Friday night to spend wanted to become a chemistry teacher, be- the weekend with her. We lived like that for cause at school I’d been very good in the four years and we became very attached to subject and so it seemed to be a logical each other. I owe her a great deal – I am choice. But I was 17 and Holland was quite who I am thanks to her. Elizé is very spon- a different world from what I was used to. It taneous, very correct and she has a goal in was too much of a good thing. We were view and she taught me to set myself a goal only partying! That’s why I didn’t do well and to make it come true.” with my studies. Chemistry turned out to be “You were always like that,” Elizé smiles, much more complex than I’d figured when I “but maybe you didn’t realize it. He’s al- was still in high school, but they gave me ways sticking to his plans,” she says, “and another chance, and so I tried it for two Rico is also very traditional and so am I, years. Then I worked for two years - clean- and that’s great! We think the same about ing offices and in a cake factory. After that I so many things, like education, getting mar- picked up another study, mathematics. I ried and starting a family, all in that order. Elizé Craane and Dyrichemar “Rico” Martis studied for four years, but I didn’t complete And we have a lot of respect for each other. it because geometry was my weak point. From when we met we’ve always supported ask for a donation for the event and before I Up the World Day” again for next year, so In 1997 my sister came to Holland and my each other; we went through a lot, but we went back to Holland to graduate, Ronella be ready! Compared to the other Caribbean parents followed in 1998 because my father stuck together because we always had a approached me and asked me if I wanted to islands Bonaire is a clean place, and that’s had problems with his kidney. In 1999 my bigger plan in view: to come back to the work at TCB. I was very happy! My dream good for tourism, because blue waters and a dad got a kidney transplant and it’s been islands and to get married…” had come true! The negotiations took al- beautiful nature are something the other going well now for seven years already and most a year, until April 2006, and then I islands have too. We have to distinguish we are all very grateful. came to Bonaire! Elizé came back in July ourselves in other ways and by keeping the When I quit my studies I began working after finishing her studies. Johnny and Betty island clean we’re making a difference. at Jumbo Supermarkets, filling up the “It would be ideal when Craane, Elizé’s parents, found an apartment Eleven years in Holland have changed me shelves at night, from 11pm until 5 am. for us and they helped us in every way, and in many ways. I’ve grown up; I’ve learned Then after a year I began another study, all Antilleans can come I’m grateful for all the knowledge they gave how to handle money and to set priorities. marketing management, specializing in the back with the knowledge me – they are my parents on Bonaire. Life is tough, but if it were easy, you’d organization of fairs and events. It was a they’ve built up abroad to I miss my own parents very much. probably not appreciate it. Only when private education and twice as expensive as They’ve been a great support all my life and you’ve conquered all the obstacles do you the regular one, so I kept on working to pay develop our islands and now that I make my own decisions they’re know your own strength. But also I appreci- for my studies. I worked till 5 am and had make the world a better still my advisors and we call every week- ate my islands much more than I did be- to get up to go to school at 8 am! It was end. I’ve adjusted very well and I like it fore.” tough. But I realized that in the beginning place. That’s what I’m here, especially the people who are so much “I’ve been away for 12 years,” Elizé says I’d partied too much and this time I had to working on and that’s friendlier than in Holland or Curaçao. TCB “and a lot has changed: my mind-set, my be really serious to complete my studies created a position for me. I became the as- behavior, my view of life – I see things in a because it was my last chance. That’s how I why I came back.” sistant to the director. The job is very di- completely different way. I am very glad to saw it. verse and sometimes you get a real adrena- be back and I certainly see a future for us In 1998 I met my wife-to-be, Elizé line rush - I like it! Elizé and I also became here. I’ve always appreciated Bonaire - its Craane. I went for a weekend to Groningen, “In 2002 Elizé came to live with me in members of the Flamingo Toastmasters environment - and of course, my family. in the north of Holland, to stay with an old Tilburg,” Rico continues, “and in 2005 I Club, a club that prepares you and helps When I returned I immediately got a job at classmate of mine from Curaçao. When we went to work as a trainee on Curaçao and you to develop your leadership- and com- the RBTT bank, but beginning in mid- went out I met Elizé and both of us pointed Bonaire, with the purpose of finding a job munication abilities. November I’ll be working with the Dutch a finger in the other one’s direction and we there because we wanted to come back. In July I was approached by Rudsel Leito, Caribbean Nature Alliance and Kalli de said at the same time, ‘I know you!’ It ap- During the first years in Holland each one the director of SELIBON, to ask if I wanted Meyer. It’s exactly the job I’ve studied for.” peared that we’d been in the same car with of us had planned on building a future in to become the chairman of the Fundashon “It would be ideal,” Rico says “when all a bunch of people a month before in Til- Holland, but over the years and especially Tene Boneiru Limpi (Keep Bonaire Clean). Antilleans can come back with the knowl- burg, the south of Holland, but then we after 9-11 the world and also Holland be- The Foundation had been stagnant for two edge they’ve built up abroad to develop our didn’t have eyes for each other! However, came more and more radical. I felt like I years and they needed someone with fresh islands and make when we met again the second time we had to prove all the time that I wasn’t like ideas to start it up again. I accepted the po- the world a better started talking and until today we haven’t the other Antillean youngsters who’d given sition, and Elizé became the secretary and place. That’s stopped!” us such a bad reputation. So, after 2001, together with the whole team we’re working what I’m working “I was born on Bonaire in 1980,” Elizé Elizé and I began to think about moving hard to let it roll again. on and that’s why says, “and January 1995, at the age of 14, I back to the islands. During my intern period During Regatta we organized a game to I came back…” went to Holland to live with my sister in 2005, I was setting up an exhibition in keep the streets clean and people could win Marie, who was studying in Groningen. In Curaçao, ‘Single Event 2005,’ and that’s a bicycle. It was a very successful event. Bonaire I wasn’t doing well at school and when I met Ronella Croes, director of TCB Now Karnaval is in the planning and of Story & photo by so my parents took the risk and told me, (the Tourist Office) on Bonaire. I came to course we’re going to organize a “Clean- Greta Kooistra Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 17 (Portraits, Capt. Don. Continued from page 9) ishments: Do this wrong, you get keelhauled, It’s nice to see do that wrong and you’re tied to the mast for you can man- a day without any food or water, steal from age some- your mates and you’re thrown to the sharks! thing well This morning turned out to be a special one enough to get for both Janet and the Captain. results, and to “He had the air of a captain alright, he was see other really imposing, and when he asked you to do people taking something, you just did it. But he was charm- on your ideas. ing as well. He would tell jokes and liked to “There are socialize. After our diving lessons, he would thousands of tell beautiful, exciting stories. That holiday Bonaire was the start of my life with Captain Don.” Alumni around the world. It is our task to After many years Don and Janet still live in mobilize them to fight for the ongoing health their self-created ranch home in Lagoen, a of our oceans, which are in peril. Bonaire beautiful place with a heavenly garden, con- serves as a drawing board, an example, a taining a greenery of plants and trees that all leader in ocean conservation that sets the pace of Bonaire should bask in. for the world to follow. I founded the Acco- Captain Don spends his days writing as-yet- lade Foundation to document and promote unpublished novels, cleaning his collection of images of a clean ocean and seaside, to raise antique air guns, checking on the shrubs and awareness and hand out awards like I re- trees, and drawing the plans for the Accolade ceived to people who have achieved some- Centre with a soft pencil. Every Monday thing in that respect. We plan to build an in- evening, the 81-year-old visits with hotel formation centre in the coming years to focus guests at Habitat and occasionally still does a our efforts in, and I’m certain we will find the popular slide show/story hour. Proud Graduates with Sue Felix necessary funds. The difficult part will be 1 December 2004 found the Captain in finding people motivated enough to work at surgery at Curaçao’s St Elizabeth Hospital, ant to know anything about Bonaire and its history? Ask any one of these the centre. We’re still searching, so you can where his friend, Dr. Van Leeuwen, ampu- help!” tated his right leg below the knee. The bro- W 22 recent graduates of Sue Felix’s Tour Guide Class. The students at- In December 1976, a young woman from ken-ankle incident from 1980, on board the tended 70 hours of classes, interspersed with class tours over a period of 19 weeks, New York followed the advice of one of her sunken Dutch raft, had turned bad. The pain and many emerged as official tour guides. Others in the group, working at the ho- friends to book a diving holiday with Captain of the last 24 years was finally removed. tels, graduated with tour guide knowledge. The graduates’ certificates were based Don in Bonaire. She reserved a room at The As bid by Don, Janni (Janet), his mate, at on attendance, general knowledge and guiding. This year the top ranking student Hotel Bonaire (the first of two locations of great emotional cost, saw that the foot that was Jurrie Mellema, Director of the Bonaire Animal Shelter. Also graduating was Captain Don’s Aquaventure, later joined by first stepped onto Bonairean soil 42 years Henk, one of the first taxi drivers to take the course, who gave a short thank you Captain Don’s Habitat). The morning after earlier was put to rest in the land to which speech. her arrival, with the remains of a hearty Don belonged. On 4 December, the foot was Throughout the course organized and sponsored by Achie Tours, guest speakers breakfast still on the table, a strapping, hand- buried in Bonaire, at the Protestant Ceme- some man entered the room to start the diving tery’s west gate, with many friends attending. from different sections of the community shared their knowledge with the students. courses. Don was still hospitalized at the time, but the As well each of the students received a “bible,” covering all the facts and figures His name was Don Stewart. Bonaireans laughingly said, “Old Captain and wonderful stories of Bonaire. He asked every participant to read an ex- Don finally has one foot in the grave!” The The graduation celebration, attended by Lt. Governor Domacassé, was held at the cerpt from the Rules of Diving. Janet obliged, living legend had created a new legend, of the Black Durgeon and was prepared and organized by the Durgeon’s Rona, also a as did everyone. The ritual was similar to the grave without a body. Story by Guus Ger- graduate, who offered drinks and an extensive buffet. L.D one a fresh crew on a sailing ship has to un- ritsen; portrait by Henk Roozendaal. dergo: reading aloud their own possible pun-

Page 18 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006

*to find it... just look up Sunday, November 12 to Get Ready For This Weekend's Leonid Meteor Shower! Saturday, November 18, 2006 very November we are By Astrologer Michael Thiessen E treated to a meteor shower which appears to ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Regardless of your first reaction, the outcome will be originate from Leo the Lion, favorable. Take time to listen to the problems of family members. You will be emo- so we call this event the tional about family matters. Avoid confrontations with coworkers who aren't pulling Leonid Meteor Shower. Last their weight. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. year it was a real dud because TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Your charm will attract members of the opposite sex. bright moonlight wiped out You can win if you're open and up front with your boss. You should channel your all but the very brightest of efforts into getting rid of bad habits. Look into the cost factor, but don't try to get the meteors. But this year backing yet. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. there'll be no moonlight to GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those interfere. So if you get far you love. You may find a rare antique this week. Opportunities to meet new lovers enough away from city lights will evolve through your interaction with groups or fundraising functions. You must and it's clear out you should avoid gossip and focus on what you have to do. Your lucky day this week will be be able to catch quite a few. Tuesday. Very early this Sunday CANCER (June 22-July 22) You will learn a great deal from the foreigners you morning, November 19th, meet. Travel will be favorable. Don't let siblings put pressure on you. Try to curb The peak of the 1998 Leonid meteor shower around 3 am, face east, where your bad habits. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. (rich in bright fireballs), shown in a four-hour halfway up from the horizon LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Acceptance will be necessary. Relationships may be hard to time exposure through a fisheye lens, taken by you'll see the bright stars handle. You could experience unusual circumstances and meet eccentric individuals. Juraj Toth of Modra Observatory. This photo- which make up the constella- You could meet an interesting individual you'll want to get to know better. Your graph demonstrates how the meteors in a particu- tion Leo the Lion. The front lucky day this week will be Monday. lar shower appear to emanate from a certain point part of Leo is marked by stars VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Concentrate on spending quality time with children in the sky called the radiant. which trace out a sickle shape and friends. You mustn't make promises that you won't be able to keep. Try not to or a backwards question mark. Leo's rear is marked by three stars which form a overspend on luxury items. Your courage and willpower will enable you to get rid triangle. And this year you'll see a bright light next to Leo which usually isn't there, of destructive habits as well. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. planet #6, ringed Saturn. LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Deception regarding joint finances or investments will Now every November on the nights of the Leonid meteor shower bright streaks of cause upsets between family members. Avoid joint ventures and steer clear of light which we call meteors flash across the sky and appear to come from a spot groups that want you to contribute financial assistance. Your family may not be within Leo's sickle. But it's all an optical illusion because the meteors are millions pleased with your decisions. Be prepared to overcome frustrations and obstacles at of times closer than the stars of Leo. You see, meteors are nothing more than tiny work. Your lucky day this week will be Monday. bits of comet debris that slam into our Earth's atmosphere so fast that they inciner- SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Try to include the one you love in your plans this ate and cause gasses in our Earth's atmosphere to briefly light up, kind of like the week. Keep an open mind when dealing with youngsters. Your partner could also gasses in a neon tube. The comet that causes the Leonids is Comet Temple - Tuttle use some time alone with you. You can make money if you concentrate on produc- which pays our Sun a visit every 33 years. But every time it visits our Sun it sheds ing services or goods that will make domestic chores easier. Your lucky day this some of its tail and leaves a trail of debris all along its orbit. So after hundreds of week will be Wednesday. years and dozens of passages Temple- Tuttle's orbit has become filled with tiny SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Ignore colleagues who appear to be going in specks of comet debris. And every November when our Earth plows through this circles. Get the whole family involved in a worthwhile cause or cultural event. Be river of comet debris many specks slam into our Earth's atmosphere leaving the aware of any emotional deception. Do not sign legal contracts or documents this trails of light which we call the Leonid meteors. week. Love relationships will flourish. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. Now most of these specks are very tiny and leave very faint trails, but there are CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors always a few bigger specks and they can leave brilliant trails which will make you about you. Try not to let your emotions interfere with the completion of your work. gasp with delight. So because we have no bright moonlight to interfere this year You would be wise to consider attending lectures that will broaden your awareness you can expect to see 15 to 20 meteors per hour if you follow the rules for optimum concerning your professional direction. Get back to the comforts of cottage or home. viewing. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. So start watching about 3 am this Sunday morning and make sure you are far AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) You will be able to get good advice if you listen to away from bright lights. Lie back in a sleeping bag or on a lawn chair (stay awake!) close friends or relatives you respect. Talk to someone with experience about budg- with your feet pointing east, then slowly scan the sky back and forth for at least an ets or consolidating debts. You may be up for some changes in your home. You may hour and you should see a few bright ones. You'll have a better chance to see more find acquaintances being deceptive. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. bright ones about an hour before sunrise because that's when Leo will be almost PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You can learn valuable information if you listen and overhead. Patience is required. And remember not to use a telescope or binoculars. observe what others are doing and saying. Unpredictable events will disrupt your This is strictly a naked eye event, which is my favorite kind. Jack Horkheimer routine. Take the time to do your job correctly or you may find yourself looking for a new one. Involvement in groups will be favorable. Business partnerships will prove lucrative. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

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6 5 4 7 9 3 8 1 2 DO YOU SUDOKU? 2 8 9 1 5 4 7 3 6 ANSWER 8 9 5 3 2 6 1 7 4 4 7 2 5 1 8 3 6 9 And the solution is: 1 3 6 9 4 7 5 2 8 (puzzle and directions 3 4 1 2 6 5 9 8 7 on page 12) 9 6 8 4 7 1 2 5 3

5 2 7 8 3 9 6 4 1 Bonaire Reporter - November 17 to November 24, 2006 Page 19