Classrooms ! PTA Folk Dancing Salk Polio Vaccine May Additional i Proves Popular Be Administered To Nome Will Be Required Before Tomorrow afternoon the in- I Addition Is Completed Folk Dance Children This Spring creasingly popular As the new addition to the will meet at the Nome groups Dr. Fred Langsam reports that Nome Public School will not be School under the sponsorship of if the Salk vaccine, now being ready for occupancy before Jan. the PTA. LENTEN studied by the U.S. Public Health 1, 1956, according to information The of the r response young peo- Dept., is found -to be successful received from the architect, the to this new activity has been ple in the prevention of polio, that local School Board at its regular overwhelming with group parti- the Territorial Public Health meeting March 8, discussed ways cipation in each of the divisions Dept, will issue it in Alaska. of taking care of the anticipated by school grades. When released the vaccine will enrollment for the first half of * SPECIALS Tomorrow one group of about be administered to all first and the coming school year. 20 are at i lead ■ meeting o’clock, second grade children in the At least two additional class- by Mrs. Bob Oliver and a sec- schools in the territory. Dr. Lang- rooms will be required for the ond group of about 25 meet at sam has been advised. It is grades and as all available space 3:30 with Mrs. Jane Galvin. pos- sible that the inoculation may be in the present school is in use. have to be I made some time this spring. suitable rooms will 1 C l\ IN U.S. DISTRICT COURT rented or several grades must be The case of the U.S. vs. James placed on a shift schedule. Sev- Kainginzinia, charged with as- Pre-School Children Meet QUICK FROZEN eral Alaska cities with overloaded sault with a dangerous weapon, At The USO Thursdays facilities have used the shift plan is now in progress. A jury has Pre-school children ages 3-6 en- for several years. been chosen and testimony is now Fillet Cod Local White Fish joyed another interesting morning being heard. PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS yesterday at the USO with sev- eral mothers in the yesterday Fillet Sole Lutefisk WILDLIFE WRITER helping proj- Passengers arriving ect. were: Mrs. J. von der Heydt, i ENROUTE GAMBELL Mrs. Russell Hermann, chair- Otto Weinard, Sgt. Foltz, Lola Halibut Oysters Gary M. Daetz of Corvalis, Ore., states that more children Ost, Mrs. Charles Goedde and writer in several well-known man, Finnan Haddie are welcome to join the group children, Sadie Bell, Mr. Poin- Alaska King Salmon magazines on wildlife and fish- and their mothers are invited to dexter, Mr. Tickameyer. ing, has been interviewing local Crab participate. The hours are from Departing were: Jack Adams, Kotzebue Shea Fish King Legs people for the past two days. 9:30 until 11 o’clock every Thurs- Glenn Shaeffer and Mr. and Mrs. He is enroute to Garnbell for Milhous. All varieties of canned Sea Food additional material. day morning. While here he enjoyed watch- i ing the tomcodding on Bering Sea and he observed the method of catching spider crab, which is now plentiful. LOOK YOUR LOVELIEST IN A NEW

■ ; TEEN-AGE DANCE TONIGHT 9:30 to 12:00 Easter Frock RECEIVED JUST ♦

— FOR RENT — FRESH PRINTS IN NEW SPRING COLORS The largest shipment and greatest variety Houses, Apartments, Cabins of fresh fruits and vegetables received this Furnished and Unfurnished Washable and crease-resistant fabrics Hite—Main 123 season—From Florida, Tpxas, California and George New waistlines and Jacket Dresses Washington—FOR YOUR TABLE. as nationally advertised in WA NT ADS “SEVENTEEN” and “GLAMOUR”

V WANTED — Housekeeper for Sizes 10 to 20 Also Misses' sizes 9 to 15 single man. Call Black 175.

FOR SALE — Baby sled. Call Black 65. FRESH EGGS EVERY WEEK FOUND—Thermos bottle full of coffee. Call at Nugget.

NEW SUPPLY OF POULTRY FOUND—Billfold of Emily Peder- son. Call at Nugget. ( Ours is frozen, I’m glad to say! ) j _ SHOWING AT ft A Large Assortment of DOMESTIC and IMPORTED CHEESES ItheaterI BASKETS FRIDAY & SATURDAY FRESH MILK and COTTAGE CHEESE -Starting 7:15 & 9:15 p.m.- E S T E L I T A Your Friendly Community Store in Big Baskets Little Baskets THE FABULOUS NC SUPERMARKET SENORITA WITH COVERS AND OPEN

of Northern Commercial — Plus Serial — Department Company « THE PURPLE MONSTER From All Parts of the Phone MAin 133 FREE DELIVERY STRIKES AGAIN TerritoryJ

MIDNIGHT SHOW . . In a \ of SATURDAY NIGHT arietv Shapes and

SUNDAY ★ ★ ★ Starting 5:15, 7:15 and 9*15 p.m. MONDAY — 7:15 & 9:15 M-G-M U-r- Freighter Sailings From Seattle pc..—. ■ I SIR WAITER SCOTT'S Speeial This Week Vs Off TVANHOE ft Every Tuesday Calling Valdez and Seward and starring ★ ★ Robert TAYLOR ★ Seward Every Friday Calling Joan FONTAINE George SANDERS Emlyn WILLIAMS For information address ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO. offices and cast of thousands! J anHMW either Fairbanks or Anchorage, or Pier 42, Seattle, Wash. THE PICTURE YOU'VE ALL 1 BEEN WAITING FOR !
