3539 PROOF





No. 102




1 Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Territorial Limits) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion of Mr , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 24 October 2019—Mr Paul Scully).

2 Firearms and Weapons Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion of Mr David Elliott, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 26 February 2020— Ms ).

3 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill; consideration of the Legislative Council amendment. (Mr ).

4 Motor Accidents and Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion of Mr , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 9 June 2021—Ms ).

5 Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion of Mr , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 10 June 2021—Mr David Harris).

6 Building Legislation Amendment Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendments. (Mr Kevin Anderson).

7 Appropriation Bill, Appropriation (Parliament) Bill, Electric Vehicles (Revenue Arrangements) Bill, Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Infrastructure Contributions) Bill, NSW Generations Funds Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate on the motion of Mr , "That these bills be now read a second time". (Introduced 22 June 2021—Mr ).

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8 Budget Estimates and related papers 2020-2021; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Mr Dominic Perrottet, "That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers 2020-21". (Moved 19 November 2020—Mr Mark Taylor, 8 minutes remaining after obtaining an extension).

9 Reference to the Independent Commission Against Corruption; consideration of the message from the Legislative Council dated 18 September 2019. (Mr ).



1 Petition—from certain citizens requesting the Legislative Assembly include holistic consent sex education in the curriculum and legislate urgent reform to require sexual consent to be enthusiastic consent. (Ms ). (Set down for debate on 24 June 2021).

2 Petition—from certain citizens requesting the Legislative Assembly stop exploration or mining within the Clarence Valley and surrounding government area. (Ms ). (Set down for debate on 5 August 2021).



1 MS JENNY LEONG to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make further provision in relation to sexual offences to adopt a communicative model of consent.

(Crimes Amendment (Enthusiastic Consent) Bill).

(Notice given 16 March 2021—lapses 17 September 2021)

2 MR to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to amend the Water NSW Act 2014 to make further provision regarding flood mitigation; and for related purposes.

(Water NSW Amendment (Flood Mitigation) Bill).

(Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 September 2021)

3 MS to move—

That a bill be introduced for an Act to create the office of NSW Agriculture Commissioner; to provide for the objectives and functions of the office, including advocating for farmers with State government agencies and other bodies and developing policies and plans relating to agricultural land use planning, agricultural workforce planning and training and primary industries export and trade planning; and for related purposes.

(Agriculture Commissioner Bill).

(Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 November 2021)

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That a bill be introduced for an Act to create the office of Dairy and Fresh Food Commissioner; to provide for the objectives and functions of the office, including developing policies and plans relating to dairy and fresh food production, developing mediation and arbitration processes for dairy farmers, preparing a truth- in-labelling policy for fresh food and dairy products and engaging with stakeholders to pursue the adoption of national standards for fresh milk production and sale; and for related purposes.

(Dairy and Fresh Food Commissioner Bill).

(Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 November 2021)

ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)—

1 Government Information (Public Access) Amendment (Recklessly Destroying Government Records) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Jodi McKay, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 11 February 2021—Ms ; lapses 10 August 2021).

†2 Property Services Council Bill—awaiting second reading speech. (Reported 23 March 2021—Mr ; lapses 24 September 2021).

†3 Government Sector Finance Amendment (Government Grants) Bill—awaiting second reading speech. (Reported 23 March 2021—Mr Roy Butler; lapses 24 September 2021).

4 NSW Jobs First Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Yasmin Cately, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 25 March 2021—Mr ; lapses 12 August 2021).

5 Canterbury Park Racecourse (Sale and Redevelopment Moratorium) Bill; resumption of the interrupted debate, on the motion of Ms Sophie Cotsis, "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 25 March 2021—Mr speaking, 5 minutes remaining; lapses 18 August 2021).

6 Residential Tenancies Amendment (Reasons for Termination) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 6 May 2021—Mr Victor Dominello; lapses 24 September 2021).

7 Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Vilification) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr , "That this bill be now read a second time". (Introduced 10 June 2021—Mr Rob Stokes; lapses 9 December 2021).

† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council

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NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices)—

2164 NEW SOUTH WALES FLOODS MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes the significant floods that are happening across New South Wales, both in regional New South Wales and Western Sydney. (2) Recognises the amazing work being done by the State Emergency Service and other emergency service personnel and volunteers. (3) Recognises the amazing resilience of the New South Wales community as it faces drought, followed by bushfire, followed by a global pandemic and now once in a generation floods. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2165 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICES - FLOODING RESPONSE MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes New South Wales is experiencing the worst floods since 1961, forcing 18,000 residents to evacuate and leaving thousands stranded and cut off from support services. (2) Notes the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) has conducted over 870 rescues overnight and responded to thousands of calls for assistance in the past week; including in Marrickville, Canterbury, Tempe and across the Inner West. (3) Thanks over 1,000 deployed SES volunteers who are providing vital support across New South Wales, conducting flood rescue operations, supporting emergency services and providing critical updates to flood impacted communities. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2166 CROPPA CREEK RECREATION RESERVE MR ADAM MARSHALL to move— That this House: (1) Recognises Croppa Creek Recreation Reserve Chairman, John Forsyth, and Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee President, Wendy Forsyth. (2) Notes the improvements made at Croppa Creek Recreation Reserve and Memorial Hall which cater not only for the many events in the Croppa Creek community, but hosts growing numbers of tourists in the camping area. (3) Commends John and Wendy for their commitment and service to the Croppa Creek community. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2167 POLICE FUNDING MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes in the 2019-20 financial year, New South Wales had Australia's second lowest police per capita spend at $468. (2) Notes this is a decrease from the 2018-19 financial year at $480. (3) Calls on the Minister for Police and Emergency Services to massively increase the budget for more police. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2168 SYDNEY START-UP HUB - 3RD BIRTHDAY MS to move— 3543 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

That this House: (1) Notes on 9 March 2021, the Sydney Startup Hub celebrated its 3rd birthday since its establishment in 2018 through a $35 million Government investment. (2) Notes Sydney Startup Hub is Australia's first innovation centre and is home to 2,500 startup residents including anchor tenants Fishburners, Stone and Chalk, the Studio and Tank Stream Labs. (3) Commends Sydney Startup Hub on the launch of its Female Founder Startup Program during NSW Women's Week 2021, offering 100 scholarships to New South Wales women to drive female entrepreneurship. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2169 GENDERED VIOLENCE PREVENTION MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes approximately 500 Central Coast women joined women across Australia in the March4Justice. (2) Calls on the Government to increase funding for gendered violence prevention to world's best practice standards, and to immediately implement the Law Reform Commission's consent recommendations so that victims of sexual assault are given equal consideration before the New South Wales judicial system. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2170 FIXING COUNTRY BRIDGES PROGRAM MR NATHANIEL SMITH to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on accelerating the Fixing Country Bridges Program, which provides funding for local government councils to replace ageing timber bridges. (2) Notes regional local government councils currently maintain more than 1,800 timber bridges throughout New South Wales, some of which are now more than 80 years old and reaching the end of their life. (3) Congratulates the Government on the $290 million allocated to 424 projects across 54 Local Government Areas under Round One. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2171 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FLOODING RESPONSE MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the flooding and storm event engulfing New South Wales. (2) Acknowledges thousands of families, homes, businesses, roads and infrastructure have been affected. (3) Thanks the State Emergency Service, Rural Fire Service, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Volunteer Rescue Association, Marine Rescue and other emergency services who are working extraordinary hours to keep communities safe, alongside local government councils and other organisations. (4) Calls on all levels of Government to ensure emergency services have the resources they need now and in the vast recovery and rebuild stages. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2172 T-TOWN YOUTHMADE MARKETS MS STEPH COOKE to move— That this House:

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(1) Joins the Member for Cootamundra in supporting the Temora Shire Youth Team's new project, T- Town YouthMade Markets, one of 35 initiatives to receive a share of the Government's $1.5 million Youth Opportunities Grants Program. (2) Recognises the Youth Opportunities program helps young people build life skills, employment pathways and nurture good wellbeing and mental health. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2173 STAMP DUTY EXEMPTIONS DR JOE MCGIRR to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges there is no stamp duty exemption for the transfers of vehicles between family members. (2) Acknowledges there is no discretion for Revenue NSW to waive stamp duty in these scenarios. (3) Calls on the Government to consider the necessary changes to remove stamp duty from the transfer of vehicles between spouses. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2174 BOYS TO THE BUSH PROGRAM MR to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the outstanding work of the Albury-based organisation Boys to the Bush. (2) Commends the life changing work they are doing to support disadvantaged young people in regional areas across New South Wales. (3) Welcomes the Government's investment of almost $50,000 to the Boys to the Bush through the Youth Opportunities Grants Program. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2175 PORT OF NEWCASTLE - CONTAINER TERMINAL MR to move— That this House: (1) Welcomes the Prime Minister's strong support for a container terminal at the Port of Newcastle. (2) Condemns the Premier for her opposition to a container terminal at Newcastle. (3) Calls on the Premier to remove the anti-competitive restrictions on the Port of Newcastle. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2176 SMALL BUSINESSES SUPPORT MR to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on its continued support for small businesses in regional New South Wales. (2) Notes the Government is set to open a Rebate Scheme to help small businesses pay for New South Wales and local government fees and charges; such as licences, council rates and registration fees. (3) Commends the Government on its commitment to help small businesses recover from the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2177 O-BRIEN CENTRE MR PHILIP DONATO to move— That this House: 3545 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

(1) Notes the O'Brien Centre at the Bloomfield precinct in Orange is a dedicated place where people living with a mental illness, their carers, family and friends can meet and socialise. (2) Recognises the volunteers of the O'Brien Centre, who have provided transport, respite care, healthy cooking and meals, gardening and art activities each week. (3) Recognises the important service the O'Brien Centre has provided for the past 22 years to those living with mental illness across the Central West Region. (4) Acknowledges the importance of the O'Brien Centre remaining in a premises wholly dedicated for the use of volunteers and its patrons. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2178 WARWICK FARM - HOUSING RENEWAL PROJECT MR to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on commencing construction on a $25.3 million housing renewal project in Warwick Farm. (2) Notes this project will deliver 52 new social housing homes, comprising 28 one bedroom and 24 two bedroom high quality homes. (3) Acknowledges this project alone will create an estimated 127 jobs. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2179 WESTERN SYDNEY AIRPORT - INTEGRATED TRANSPORT SYSTEM MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes for Western Sydney Airport to succeed, it needs an integrity transport system. (2) Notes there is no dedicated rail land corridor linking the future Marsden Park Metro Station to St Marys Station. (3) Urges the Government to immediately complete the planning and implementation strategy to support the transport needs of Western Sydney. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2180 DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has, since its creation in 1890, proudly served the people of New South Wales, establishing itself as a global leader in agriculture, fisheries, forestry management and biosecurity. (2) Notes on Tuesday 3 November 2020, DPI celebrated its 130 year history, and marked the occasion by officially moving into its new $75 million headquarters in Orange. (3) Welcomes the economic contribution DPI makes to the Orange and broader Central West Region, which totals approximately $200 million annually. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2181 RACISM NOT WELCOME CAMPAIGN MS JULIA FINN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the alarming rise of incidents of racism in Australia. (2) Congratulates the Inner West Multicultural Network for developing the #RacismNotWelcome campaign.

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(3) Condemns Cumberland City Council for voting against endorsing the #RacismNotWelcome campaign. (4) Endorses the #RacismNotWelcome campaign. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2182 RSPCA ANIMAL SHELTER FUNDING MS to move— That this House: (1) Notes on Tuesday 2 March 2021, the Member for East Hills joined the Minister for Local Government and the Member for Holsworthy to announce a multi-million dollar funding boost for RSPCA shelters across New South Wales. (2) Acknowledges this funding will not only improve facilities and conditions for animals, staff and volunteers, but also help the RSPCA carry out its important work, particularly pet adoption services and animal rescue services. (3) Recognises the Government's commitment to supporting animal shelters across New South Wales to ensure beloved furry friends are cared for before finding their fur-ever home. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2183 ELSIE'S REFUGE MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House: (1) Notes that Elsie's Refuge, Australia's oldest women's refuge, commemorates 47 years serving the Glebe community. (2) Recognises the bravery and foresight of those women who founded the refuge in 1974 as a safe haven for women and children fleeing domestic violence. (3) Notes almost one in five women in Australia have experienced domestic violence from a current or former partner, and domestic violence is the main reason why women seek specialist homelessness services and crisis accommodation. (4) Commends the work of everyone including staff and community members who continue to keep Elsie's Refuge open to the people who need it most. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2184 TRANSPORT FOR NSW - FLOODING RESPONSE MR PAUL TOOLE to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the hard working staff at Transport for NSW in responding to the floods impacting New South Wales. (2) Thanks them for their work in ensuring the safety of flood affected communities, and providing safe access for emergency services and essential goods to reach these communities. (3) Acknowledges the Government, through the work of Transport for NSW and other agencies, will join together to get these communities back on their feet as soon as possible. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2185 CENTRAL COAST - HOUSING SUPPORT MR to move— That this House: (1) Notes rental and housing costs on the Central Coast are at an all time high. (2) Notes rental and public housing vacancies are at an all time low. (3) Notes an increasing number of Central Coast residents are experiencing housing stress. 3547 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

(4) Calls on the Government to provide additional housing support to the Central Coast. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2186 RURAL AMBULANCE INFRASTRUCTURE RECONFIGURATION PROGRAM MRS to move— That this House: (1) Notes paramedics in Yass are now better equipped to respond to emergency situations following the official opening of the new Yass Ambulance Station. (2) Acknowledges the facility was delivered as part of the Government's $132 million Stage 1 - Rural Ambulance Infrastructure Reconfiguration (RAIR) Program. (3) Thanks the Government for its investment in RAIR program which has seen 24 locations across New South Wales benefit from an upgraded, rebuilt or entirely new ambulance station. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2187 WENTWORTH AVENUE OVERPASS DR HUGH MCDERMOTT to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government has once again failed to fulfil another election promise with no action on the much needed upgrade of the overpass at Toongabbie. (2) Notes this broken promise is directly impacting commuters and is just another example of the Government not prioritising Western Sydney residents. (3) Calls on the Government to invest in the Wentworth Avenue Toongabbie overpass and fulfil its 2019 election promise. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2188 EDMONDSON PARK - ON-DEMAND BUS SERVICE MS MELANIE GIBBONS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the success of the Edmondson Park On-Demand Bus Service. (2) Requests the Minister for Transport and Roads to expand this service to include Prestons and Casula. (3) Urges the Minister for Transport and Roads to investigate a service for Sandy Point, Pleasure Point, Voyager Point, Holsworthy, Wattle Grove and Hammondville. (4) Recognises the Government's commitment to providing multiple transportation options. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2189 RUTHERFORD PUBLIC SCHOOL - BUS SERVICES MS JENNY AITCHISON to move— That this House: (1) Notes Rutherford Public School Parents and Citizens Association's concerns about overcrowding on the 2713 school bus to Aberglasslyn where up to 92 infants and primary school-aged children have travelled on the bus at once. (2) Condemns the Government for failing to provide enough school bus services to New South Wales' fastest growing regional city. (3) Demands the Government urgently increase funding to ensure the safety of all students. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)


3548 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

That this House: (1) Notes the significant flooding occurring across New South Wales. (2) Thanks State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers across New South Wales and the Manly Warringah SES Unit. (3) Thanks the Manly and North Steyne Surf Lifesaving Clubs for deploying their equipment and members to assist affected communities. (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2191 POLICE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES ASSAULTS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2192 EMERGENCY SERVICES - FLOODING RESPONSE—MR (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2193 PEMULWUY AND WESTMEAD HOSPITAL - BUS ROUTE—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2194 CROWS NEST CENTRE - DEMENTIA CAFE—MS (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2195 TEMORA CRICKET NET UPGRADES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 23 March 2021—lapses 24 June 2021)

2196 GLENDALE HIGH SCHOOL - ASBESTOS HAZARD—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2197 THE PEPPERS - SOLAR ENERGY INSTALLATION—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2198 PLASTIC POLLUTION PREVENTION—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2199 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE - STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS—MR (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2200 MOTOR NEURON DISEASE—MRS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2202 ELECTIVE SURGERY WAIT TIMES—MS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2203 INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2204 RAILWAY STAFF RECOGNITION—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2205 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE FUNDING—MR KEVIN ANDERSON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2206 FLOODS RECOVERY—MS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021) 3549 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2207 ELECTRIC BUS TRIAL—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2208 NEWCASTLE TAFE JOBS—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2209 REGIONAL ART SPACE—MR (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2210 PERCIVAL STANLEY BROOKFIELD - CENTENARY OF DEATH—MR PAUL LYNCH (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)


2212 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2213 ROOF REPLACEMENT PROGRAM—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2214 SNOWY VALLEYS - BUSHFIRE REHABILITATION—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)


2216 PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES - PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYMENT—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2217 WEST WYALONG TAFE - CONNECTED LEARNING CENTRE—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2218 COVID-19 PANDEMIC - HOMELESSNESS RATES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2219 STUDENT TUITION PROGRAM—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2220 HAZELBROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL - CONCRETE SAFETY BARRIERS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2221 REGIONAL NEW SOUTH WALES - JOBS RELOCATION—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2222 GRIFFITH MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2223 GRAFFITI REMOVAL DAY—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)


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(Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2225 DINE AND DISCOVER PROGRAM—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)

2226 VALE MICHAEL GUDINSKI—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 24 March 2021—lapses 25 June 2021)


2228 UNITING AND THE FAIR TREATMENT CAMPAIGN—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2229 MOUNT GRAY - NEW RADIO SITE—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2230 REINVEST CLINICAL TRIAL—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2231 JUDY WARD RECOGNITION—MRS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2232 CABBAGE TREE HARBOUR LANDSLIP—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2233 NEW SOUTH WALES SENIORS FESTIVAL—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2234 BALLINA ELECTORATE - HOUSING CRISIS—MS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2235 STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE - FLOODS RESPONSE—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2236 PRO PATRIA CENTRE—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2237 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL - FINANCIAL SITUATION—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2238 ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE - FLOODS MITIGATION—MS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2239 TOWNSEND PARK UPGRADES—MR CHRISTOPHER GULAPTIS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2240 SMALL BARS AND VENUES SUPPORT—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2241 LIFE EDUCATION—MR (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)


(Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2243 LINDSAY CANE - ROYAL FAR WEST—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2244 INNER WEST - LIVE MUSIC AND ARTS SPACES—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2245 MOREE FREIGHT SERVICES—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2246 SEASIDE SCAVENGE - BALMORAL BEACH—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2247 SYLLABUS CONSULTATION—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2248 RETURN AND EARN SCHEME—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2249 CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)


2251 COVID-19 PANDEMIC RECOVERY - MAJOR EVENTS—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2252 GRO EVENTS—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2253 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REFORM—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2254 ANIMAL SHELTERS FUNDING—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2255 MARRICKVILLE STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2256 REGIONAL NEW SOUTH WALES - CONCIERGE SERVICE—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2257 CORRECTIVE SERVICES NSW - AVL FACILITIES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2258 EMERGENCY SERVCES - MOREE FLOODS RESPONSE—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 25 March 2021—lapses 26 June 2021)

2259 KILLALEA RESERVE TRUST—MS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

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2260 ALBURY WODONGA HEALTH - CLINICAL SERVICES PLAN—MR JUSTIN CLANCY (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2261 HOMELESSNESS AND ROUGH SLEEPING—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2262 COVID-19 PANDEMIC - ECONOMIC RECOVERY—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2263 AMBULANCE RESPONSE TIMES—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2264 SMALL BUSINESSES RESPONSE - FLOODS RECOVERY—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2265 REGIONAL SENIORS TRAVEL CARD—MR (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2266 NSW WOMEN'S ALLIANCE - NINE POINT PLAN—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2267 COASTAL AND ESTUARY GRANTS PROGRAM—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2268 ROUSE HILL HOSPITAL—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2269 CENTRAL COAST ELECTORATE - ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATIONS—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2270 TUGGERAH RAILWAY STATION—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2271 EAST ORANGE HOUSING—MR PHILIP DONATO (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2272 ROTARY CLUB OF SYDNEY CENTENARY—MR (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2273 LUNA PARK GHOST TRAIN INCIDENT—DR MARJORIE O'NEILL (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2274 SHEPHERD CENTRE—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2275 MICE PLAGUE SUPPORT—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2276 ANZ BANK BRANCH REGIONAL CLOSURES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2277 WAGGA WAGGA ELECTORATE - INLAND RAIL PROJECT—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021) 3553 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2278 GAS-HYDROGEN DISPATCHABLE POWER PLANT—MR (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2279 NORTHERN CENTRAL COAST GROWTH CORRIDOR—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2280 KINGSWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL - IN POPPIES FIELD—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2281 BAY WEST PRECINCT—MR JAMIE PARKER (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2282 REGIONAL HIGHWAYS INVESTMENT—MR PAUL TOOLE (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2283 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL REDEVELOPMENT—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2284 MANLY ELECTORATE - ANZAC DAY COMMEMORATIONS—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2285 WESTMEAD HOSPITAL - PALLIATIVE CARE WARD—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2286 SYDNEY METRO TUNNEL—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2287 NURSE-TO-PATIENT RATIOS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 4 May 2021—lapses 5 August 2021)

2288 NORTH WEST ON-DEMAND BUS SERVICES—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


2290 TAMWORTH ELECTORATE - REGIONAL EVENTS—MR KEVIN ANDERSON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2291 MOUNT GILEAD ESTATE AND ESTIA HEALTH KILLBRDIE HOME - BUS STOP—MR (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2292 DINE AND DISCOVER NSW PROGRAM—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2293 LEETON DISTRICT HOSPITAL STAFFING—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2294 RURAL ACCESS GAP PROGRAM—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


3554 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

(Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2296 NSW ARROW 2021 STATE SAILING CHAMPIONSHIPS—MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2297 REGIONAL ROADS MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADES—MS JANELLE SAFFIN (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2298 BLAZEAID FLOOD VOLUNTEER NETWORK—MRS MELINDA PAVEY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2299 RICHMOND RIVER HEALTH—MS TAMARA SMITH (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2300 DILLWYNIA CORRECTIONAL CENTRE—MS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2301 NEWCASTLE RENTAL VACANCIES—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


2303 TEACHERS PAY—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2304 COMMUNITY WAR MEMORIALS FUND—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2305 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AGENCY PREPARATIONS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2306 STREET SIDE MEDICS—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2307 BERRYS BAY - STAKEHOLDER WORKING GROUP—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2308 JOHN STREET SPEED LIMIT—MS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2309 COBAR LEARNING CENTRE—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2310 SUMMER HILL GROUP HOME - COVID-19 VACCINATIONS—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)


2312 TOM JENKINS - ATHLETIC ACHIEVEMENTS—MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021) 3555 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2313 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PREVENTION—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2314 COMPANION ANIMALS FUND—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2315 KOSCIUSZKO NATIONAL PARK - FERAL HORSE MANAGEMENT—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2316 WARRINGAH FREEWAY UPGRADE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2317 CENTRAL COAST REGION - PALLIATIVE CARE BEDS—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 5 May 2021—lapses 6 August 2021)

2318 SPEAK OUT CAMPAIGN—MR LEE EVANS (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)




2322 DINE AND DISCOVER NSW PROGRAM—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2323 DOGS NSW—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2324 QUEENSCLIFF SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2325 EMPLOYMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2326 BONNY HILLS TENNIS CLUB - HOT SHOTS TENNIS PROGRAM—MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2327 GREAT WESTERN HIGHWAY UPGRADES—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2328 WILL CLARIDGE - LIVESTOCK AUCTIONEER—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2329 RANDWICK HOSPITAL CAR PARKING—DR MARJORIE O'NEILL (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2330 NEUTRAL BAY COMMUNITY CENTRE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

3556 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2331 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL - COMMUNITY ASSETS SALE—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2332 FEMALE TRADESPEOPLE - FEE FREE TRAINING—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2333 STRANDED AUSTRALIANS IN INDIA—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2334 COFFS HARBOUR EDUCATION CAMPUS TRADES HUB—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2335 GALLOP INQUIRY INTO SCHOOL TEACHING—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2336 ACCELERATED INFRASTRACTURE FUND—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2337 VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT ACTIVITY FUNDING—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2338 GRAFFITI REMOVAL DAY—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2339 BATLOW CIDERFEST—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2340 MOREE BOARS RUGBY LEAGUE CLUB—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2341 VAPING REGULATIONS IN SCHOOLS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2342 LOCAL LAND SERVICES RATES—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2343 LEGAL PATHWAYS PROGRAM—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2344 BALMORAL SAILING CLUB UPGRADE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2345 PALLIATIVE CARE FUNDING—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2346 NEWELL HIGHWAY UPGRADE—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2347 TUMBARUMBA TO ROSEWOOD RAIL TRAIL—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 6 May 2021—lapses 7 August 2021)

2348 CRICKET NSW—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021) 3557 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2349 RIVERWOOD COMMUTER CARPARK—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2350 LED LIGHTING UPGRADE PROGRAM—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2351 SNOWY VALLEYS COUNCIL DEMERGER—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2352 NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS WEEK—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2353 HEALTHWORKER PAY AND CONDITIONS—MS ANNA WATSON (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2354 MAJOR ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS—MR PAUL TOOLE (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2355 CAMPBELLTOWN HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE—MR GREG WARREN (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2356 ALBURY ELECTORATE - SPORTS CLUB GRANTS—MR JUSTIN CLANCY (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2357 WALLSEND ELECTORATE - SCHOOL BUS SERVICES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2358 TAMWORTH ELECTORATE - REGIONAL ROADS NETWORK—MR KEVIN ANDERSON (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2359 TIMBER INDUSTRY DELAYS—MR PHILIP DONATO (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2360 TOURISM SUPPORT PACKAGES—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2361 BLACKTOWN YOUTH SERVICES ASSOCIATION—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2362 TELESTROKE SERVICE—MR GEOFF PROVEST (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2363 BINGO INDUSTRIES - CLEAN UP ORDER—MR (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2364 NATIONAL COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SCHOOL DAY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2365 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY CONCERNS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2366 CLUB RUGBY RECOGNITION—MR JAMES GRIFFIN (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

3558 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021



2369 HILLSBOROUGH ROAD UPGRADE—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2370 HIGH STREETS REVITALISATION—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2371 WOMEN'S SAFETY NSW—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2372 SHOALHAVEN DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL—MR GARETH WARD (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2373 WENTWORTHVILLE FIRE AND RESCUE STATION—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2374 THE ENTRANCE CHANNEL DREDGING—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2375 CANTERBURY HOSPITAL UPGRADE—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)


2377 SUICIDE RATES OF OLDER MEN—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 11 May 2021—lapses 12 August 2021)

2378 EMERGENCY SERVICES RECOGNITION—MS ROBYN PRESTON (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2379 HUNTER REGION - HOUSING EVICTIONS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2380 EMERGENCY SERVICES VOLUNTEERS—MRS MELINDA PAVEY (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2381 SWANSEA ELECTORATE - SCHOOL BUS SERVICES—MS YASMIN CATLEY (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2382 DUBBO ELECTORATE - AGRICULTURAL SHOWS—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2383 GRIFFITH SCHOOL TEACHERS—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021) 3559 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2384 PENRITH LAKESIDE LONG LUNCH—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2385 NO GROUNDS EVICTIONS—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2386 BUSINESS CONFIDENCE IN NEW SOUTH WALES—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2387 FRONTLINE HEALTHCARE WORKERS' PAY—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2388 HARRINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL - STUDENT LEADERS—MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2389 HUNTER REGION - PUBLIC HOSPITALS—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2390 KAMILAROI KRICKETERS—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2391 WAGGA WAGGA BUSINESS ENTERPISE CENTRE—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2392 FAST STREAM PROGRAM—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2393 AUSGRID VEGETATION MANAGEMENT POLICIES—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2394 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL - PUBLIC INQUIRY—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2395 CHARLESTOWN ELECTORATE - PUBLIC TRANSPORT ACCESS—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2396 CRANBROOK SCHOOL - NSW PARLIAMENT VISIT—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2397 CAMP BREAKAWAY—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2398 BUILDING REFORM—MR NATHANIEL SMITH (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2399 AUBURN ELECTORATE - DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS—MS LYNDA VOLTZ (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2400 WOMEN IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2401 WOMEN'S BUDGET STATEMENT—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

3560 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021


2403 BLUESFEST SUPPORT PACKAGE—MS JANELLE SAFFIN (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2404 BREEANNA STUART - REAL ESTATE AGENT RECOGNITION—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2405 FOSTER CARE REFORM—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2406 LADIES LUNCH FOR LIFELINE EVENT—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2407 SOCIAL HOUSING STOCK—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2408 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 12 May 2021—lapses 13 August 2021)

2409 NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE WEEK—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2410 TOMAREE CONNECTED LEARNING CENTRE—MS ROBYN PRESTON (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2411 SCHOOLS INFRASTRUCTURE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2412 FLOODS RELIEF GRANTS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2413 CENTRAL COAST HOUSING—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2414 UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG - PAUL WELLINGS BULDING—MR LEE EVANS (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2415 CENTRAL COAST HOUSING—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2416 COFFS COAST INNOVATION HUB—MR CHRISTOPHER GULAPTIS (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2417 SEABINS IN NEWCASTLE HARBOUR—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2418 WEAR ORANGE WEDNESDAY—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2419 RANDWICK HIGH SCHOOLS UPGRADES—DR MARJORIE O'NEILL (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021) 3561 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2420 METRO RENEWAL PROGRAM—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2421 NATIONAL RECONCILIATION WEEK—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2422 COUNCIL OF INDIAN AUSTRALIANS—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2423 ENERGY FROM WASTE INCINERATION PLANTS—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2424 JUGIONG - TOP TOURISM TOWN AWARDS—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2425 EARLWOOD COMMONWEALTH BANK BRANCH—MS SOPHIE COTSIS (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2426 DATA BREACH SCHEME—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2427 GREAT WESTERN HIGHWAY – DUPLICATION AND TUNNEL PROJECT—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2428 PETS AND ANIMAL WELFARE SUPPORT GRANTS—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2429 TEACHER-TO-STUDENT RATIOS—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2430 REGIONAL JOB CREATION FUND—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2431 HOSPITAL STAFFING LEVELS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2432 LED LIGHTING UPGRADE PROGRAM—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2433 ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2434 WEAR ORANGE WEDNESDAY—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2435 PACIFIC HIGHWAY UPGRADES—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2436 REGIONAL ROADS PROJECTS—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2437 NETBALL CLUB INVESTMENTS—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

3562 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2438 INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2439 HOUSING STRATEGY—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2440 CHILD WELFARE CASEWORKERS—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 13 May 2021—lapses 14 August 2021)

2441 MINNAMURRA RIVER CATCHMENT - SAND MINING—MS ANNA WATSON (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2442 ROTARY CLUB CENTENARY—MR STUART AYRES (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2443 COMMUNITY PHARMARCIES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2444 RURAL FIRE SERVICE TAMWORTH COMMAND CENTRE—MR KEVIN ANDERSON (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2445 COVID-19 PANDEMIC - STATE BORDERS—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2446 NSW YOUTH WEEK—MR JUSTIN CLANCY (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2447 BLUE MOUNTAINS - FIRE AND RESCUE WATER TANKERS—MS TRISH DOYLE (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2448 CHRIS CLARK - NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC—MR ADAM MARSHALL (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2449 SUICIDE DEATHS OF POLICE OFFICERS—MR PHILIP DONATO (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2450 DINE AND DISCOVER NSW—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2451 HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION - TINY HOUSES SCHEME—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2452 MEMBER FOR UPPER HUNTER—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2453 ROUSE HILL HOSPITAL SITE—MR STEPHEN BALI (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)


2455 NURSE-TO-PATIENT RATIOS—MS JENNY LEONG (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021) 3563 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2456 NSW PUBLIC SPACES LEGACY PROGRAM—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2457 ACCOMODATION VOUCHERS—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2458 SURF LIFE SAVING CLUBS AND VOLUNTEERS—MR LEE EVANS (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2459 FREE PUBLIC TRANSPORT—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2460 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2461 CEMETERY TRUST BOARDS MERGER—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2462 GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2463 CEMETERY TRUST BOARDS MERGER—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2464 ROYAL NORTH SHORE HOSPITAL - PFIZER CLINIC—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2465 LONG JETTY CLOZAPINE CLINIC—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2466 BOWEL CANCER AWARENESS—MR MARK COURE (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2467 TAFE STAFF CUTS—MR JIHAD DIB (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)


2469 MINMI FIRE STATION UPGRADE—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)

2470 NSW PUBLIC SPACES LEGACY PROGRAM—MS MELANIE GIBBONS (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)


2472 SMOOTHEY PARK UPGRADES—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 8 June 2021—lapses 9 September 2021)


3564 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

(Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2474 CHARLIE NOSWORTHY - SAILING ACHEIVEMENTS—MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2475 BUNGABBEE STATE FOREST LOGGING—MS JANELLE SAFFIN (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2476 ‘CHALKIE’ BOB SMITH OAM - SURF LIFE SAVING CONTRIBUTIONS—MRS MELINDA PAVEY (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2477 LUNA PARK GHOST TRAIN FIRE—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2478 PHILIPPINE-AUSTRALIAN COMMUNITY—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2479 HUNTER SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT PRECINCT—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2480 MICE PLAGUE SUPPORT—MR DUGALD SAUNDERS (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2481 MAITLAND ROAD NETWORK—MS JENNY AITCHISON (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2482 LONG JETTY CLOZAPINE CLINIC—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2483 GLOBE WILKINS PRESCHOOL—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2484 FERAL DONKEYS MANAGEMENT—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2485 COMPLIANCE LEVIES—MS TAMARA SMITH (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2486 RICHMOND BRIDGE AND BYPASS—MS ROBYN PRESTON (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2487 PARAMEDICS WAGE—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2488 NARRANDERA VOLUNTEER RESCUE ASSOCIATION UNIT—MS STEPH COOKE (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2489 GOVERNMENT HOUSING SOLUTIONS—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2490 SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION RESEARCH PROGRAM—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)


(Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2492 LAND FORCES - DEFENCE INDUSTRY CONVENTION—MR NATHANIEL SMITH (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2493 WAGGA WAGGA FIRE AND RESCUE EQUIPMENT—DR JOE MCGIRR (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2494 ALBURY ELECTORATE - COMMUNITY BANKS—MR JUSTIN CLANCY (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2495 TOMAREE LODGE DISABILITY CENTRE—MS KATE WASHINGTON (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2496 SERVICE NSW - DIGITAL SOLUTIONS—MR PETER SIDGREAVES (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)


2498 HIGH STREETS AND TOWN CENTRES REVITALISATION—MS WENDY LINDSAY (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2499 EASTERN SUBURBS BUS ROUTES—DR MARJORIE O'NEILL (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2500 NSW TOP TOURISM TOWN AWARDS—MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2501 RURAL HEALTHCARE CRISIS—MRS HELEN DALTON (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2502 PEACE AND SOLIDARITY WITH ISRAEL EVENT—MS GABRIELLE UPTON (Notice given 9 June 2021—lapses 10 September 2021)

2503 MYALL LAKES - HEALTHCARE INVESTMENTS—MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2504 COVID-19 VACCINE DISTRIBUTIONS—MR TIM CRAKANTHORP (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2505 REGIONAL SENIORS TRAVEL CARD—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2506 PAEDIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT SERVICES—MS SONIA HORNERY (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2507 PUBLIC OPEN SPACES LEGACY FUND—MR CHRISTOPHER GULAPTIS (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2508 PETERSHAM - WEST STREET AND RAILWAY PARADE INTERSECTION—MS JO HAYLEN (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

3566 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

2509 ST LEONARDS - INNOVATIVE OVER-RAIL PLAZA—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2510 DROUGHT AND MICE PLAGUE RECOVERY—MR ROY BUTLER (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2511 UPPER HUNTER - ROADS AND BRIDGES UPGRADES—MR DAVE LAYZELL (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2512 HILLSBOROUGH ROAD—MS JODIE HARRISON (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2513 PALLIATIVE CARE SERVICES—MR KEVIN CONOLLY (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2514 PARRAMATTA PARK - CAR PARK DEVELOPMENT—MS JULIA FINN (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2515 COASTAL AND ESTUARY GRANTS PROGRAM—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2516 CENTRAL COAST COUNCIL - TRANCHE 3 ASSET SALES PROGRAM—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2517 PORT MACQUARIE DACHSHUND GROUP - BIGGEST MORNING TEA—MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2518 KU LAUREL TREE HOUSE CHILDREN'S CENTRE—MR JAMIE PARKER (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2519 ROYALTIES FOR REJUVENATION PROGRAM—MR DAVE LAYZELL (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)


2521 MOSMAN HIGH SCHOOL UPGRADE—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2522 CENTRAL COAST RURAL FIRE SERVICE - BLESSING OF THE FLEET—MR DAVID HARRIS (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2523 BREAST CANCER AWARENESS—MR ADAM CROUCH (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2524 PARKINSON'S NSW—DR HUGH MCDERMOTT (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2525 RED SHIELD APPEAL—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)


(Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2527 SAFE WORKPLACES—MR GURMESH SINGH (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)


2529 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK—MS FELICITY WILSON (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2530 THE ENTRANCE LIBRARY—MR DAVID MEHAN (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2531 REGIONAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCILS—MR DAVE LAYZELL (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2532 TEACHERS' PAY—MS LIESL TESCH (Notice given 10 June 2021—lapses 11 September 2021)

2533 PENRITH ELECTORATE PROJECTS MR STUART AYRES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government's continuing investment in the 2021-22 Budget into critical projects for the Penrith community such as the upgrades to Nepean Hospital, Mulgoa Road and The Northern Road. (2) Notes the 2021-22 Budget contains significant cost of living measures such as the new $100 voucher for swimming lessons for every pre-school child aged between three and six. (3) Notes the Government has been able to continue delivering for local communities due to its strong economic management through the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2534 NITROUS OXIDE CANISTERS MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes the sale of nitrous oxide canisters known as nangs to under 18 year olds is on the rise. (2) Notes there has been an increase in hospital presentations as a result of this use. (3) Calls on the Minister for Health and Medical Research to make the sale of these products illegal to those under the age of 18 year. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2535 PUBLIC SECTOR WAGE INCREASE MR ADAM CROUCH to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the Premier and Treasurer for reinstating the 2.5 per cent wage increase for all public sector employees. (2) Notes the 2020 freeze on all public sector wages was due to the effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the New South Wales economy. (3) Notes the 2.5 per cent wage increase in the 2021-22 Budget will equate to a 10 per cent increase over four years, and is made possible by the strong New South Wales economy.

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(4) Thanks the Premier and Treasurer for making the difficult decisions that ensure the New South Wales economy remains strong. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2536 WESTERN SYDNEY PARKLANDS DEVELOPMENT MR STEPHEN BALI to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government has destroyed over 150 hectares of the Western Sydney Parklands for industrial, retail or commercial purposes. (2) Notes the Western Sydney Parklands was originally set to be the lungs of Sydney but is being suffocated by this money hungry Government. (3) Calls on the Government to stop any further industrial, retail or commercial development on the Western Sydney Parklands. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2537 REGIONAL SENIORS TRAVEL CARD MR STEPHEN BROMHEAD to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the NSW Nationals in Government on delivering the Regional Seniors Travel Card. (2) Congratulates the NSW Nationals in Government on expanding the Regional Seniors Travel Card to those receiving a Disability Support Pension and a Carer Payment from Services Australia. (3) Notes over 17,000 people from the Myall Lakes Electorate have taken up the Regional Seniors Travel Card so far in 2021. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2538 NORTH SHORE SCHOOLS INVESTMENTS MS FELICITY WILSON to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the 2021-22 Budget includes funding for a major upgrade to Neutral Bay Public School, a brand new primary school in St Leonards and an Environmental Education Centre at Middle Head. (2) Notes this investment will deliver additional classrooms and play space children need, as well as a new home of environmental learning for students across New South Wales. (3) Thanks the Government and the Treasurer for the record investment in local schools across New South Wales, delivering for families now and into the future. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2539 PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAMS MS JODIE HARRISON to move— (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2540 NSW HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY DR HUGH MCDERMOTT to move— That this House: (1) Notes New South Wales has both the largest and fastest growing homeless population in Australia. (2) Notes the Government’s Homelessness Strategy has failed and has limited short term impact on homelessness across New South Wales. (3) Calls on the Government to address the demand and unmet need for homelessness support. 3569 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

(4) Calls on the Government to ensure there is a sustainable strategy which prevents people returning to homelessness. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2541 REGIONAL NEW SOUTH WALES MR PAUL TOOLE to move— (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2542 ASSET RECYCLING PROGRAM MR JAMES GRIFFIN to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government's strong fiscal management which is allowing it to deliver a record $107 billion infrastructure investment. (2) Notes the Government's asset recycling is a key source of job security and economic stimulus for New South Wales as it recovers from the economic challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic . (3) Condemns the Opposition for opposing asset recycling, a program which is allowing the Government to help the state recover from the financial hit of the pandemic without increasing taxes. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2543 WYONG HOSPITAL - NURSES' WELLBEING MR DAVID HARRIS to move— That this House: (1) Notes the nurses and midwives at Wyong Hospital voted to take industrial action on Wednesday 16 June 2021. (2) Acknowledges nursing staff are being asked to work harder and longer, and this is affecting their health and morale. (3) Calls on the Government to commit to improved staffing outcomes for Wyong Hospital. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2544 SNOWY VALLEYS FORESTRY INDUSTRY DR JOE MCGIRR to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges the deep and lasting devastation experienced by the people of the Snowy Valleys Council as a result of the Black Summer bushfires. (2) Notes the significant long-term damage to important state and national industries, including forestry, in that region. (3) Acknowledges the efforts of forestry workers and contractors in salvaging thousands of tonnes of bushfire-affected timber. (4) Calls on the Government to provide critical financial support and retraining for forestry workers affected by the devastation to the industry. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2545 PORT MACQUARIE MRS LESLIE WILLIAMS to move— (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)


3570 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

That this House: (1) Recognises the significance of the Korean Society of Sydney to the 100,000 Koreans living in New South Wales. (2) Notes the important role the Korean Society of Sydney plays in promoting the language and culture of Korea in New South Wales. (3) Recognises the inauguration of President Gabriel Kang and Vice President Jin Hyuck Choi on the 17 July 2021. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2547 COVID-19 PANDEMIC STIMULUS MEASURES MR NATHANIEL SMITH to move— That this House: (1) Commends the Government for its targeted COVID-19 Pandemic stimulus measures which helped the New South Wales regional and rural unemployment rate to drop from 5.8 per cent at the height of the pandemic to 4.9 per cent in April 2021. (2) Notes the Government remains focussed on creating jobs in the regions through the investment of $100 million into the Regional Jobs Creation Fund and $1 billion for five economic precincts in regional New South Wales. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2548 CAMPBELLTOWN HOSPITAL - PAID PARKING MR GREG WARREN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the dire impact the introduction of paid parking at Campbelltown Hospital has had on staff, patients and their loved ones. (2) Recognises parking in nearby Park Central has become extremely problematic due to the introduction of paid parking. (3) Urges the Minister for Health and Medical Research to address the parking concerns of Park Central residents that have occurred as a result of the decision to introduce paid parking at Campbelltown Hospital. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2549 COMMUNITY BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM MS ROBYN PRESTON to move— (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2550 UNIONS NSW - YOUTH SURVEY AND WAGE THEFT MS JULIA FINN to move— That this House: (1) Notes the recent report entitled 'Young, free and living precariously: findings of Unions NSW youth survey'. (2) Notes 30 per cent of young respondents not living with their parents were forced to skip meals on a regular basis in 2020. (3) Notes the employment of 70 per cent of young respondents was adversely affected during the COVID-19 Pandemic. (4) Calls on the Government to make wage theft a criminal offence. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)


That this House: (1) Congratulates Braith Macey, Corey Hourigan, Ronald Swan, Jahleei Duncan, Preston Tighe, Jamie Knox-Greenaway, Norman Roberts, Edward Montgomery, James Haines, Ty Moore and Jade Girard who represented the Central North Kookaburras at the NSW Country Rugby Championships at Armidale in May 2021. (2) Notes this is the first time Moree has had this many players across multiple representative age groups. (3) Commends Moree Junior Rugby Coach, Sylvester Joseph, who is the driving force behind the success of the players. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2552 T3 BANKSTOWN RAILWAY LINE MS JO HAYLEN to move— That this House: (1) Acknowledges thousands of commuters will be forced onto replacement buses when the T3 Bankstown railway line shuts down over the school holidays. (2) Notes the huge inconvenience this will cause local commuters. (3) Calls on the Minister for Transport and Roads to guarantee that he has done is homework, let local people know about the closure, and can be relied upon to provide enough buses and not leave commuters stranded. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2553 LOCAL COUNCILS DISABILITY INCLUSION ACTION PLAN MR PETER SIDGREAVES to move— That this House: (1) Notes the 2019-20 Local Councils Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) Progress Report highlights how Government legislation is driving positive change across New South Wales. (2) Commends all 128 local government councils around New South Wales for implementing inclusion and accessibility activities under DIAP's. (3) Acknowledges people with disability should have access to all aspects of society. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2554 FRIENDLYJORDIES PRODUCER ARREST MR JAMIE PARKER to move— That this House: (1) Notes the arrest of Kristo Langker on 4 June 2021 by the NSW Police Fixated Persons Investigations Unit which was established to deal with people who are so obsessed about issues, ideals or individuals, they are plotting acts of violence. (2) Notes the manner of the arrest and the use of a police counter-terrorism unit raises significant concerns about the increasing politicisation of the NSW Police Force. (3) Recognises criticising the Government is not a crime. (4) Reaffirms the commitment to free speech and freedom of expression in New South Wales. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2555 NEW POLICE RECRUITS MS MELANIE GIBBONS to move— That this House: (1) Recognises the NSW Police Force recently welcomed 192 new police recruits. (2) Acknowledges 13 of these new recruits have been allocated to assist the Holsworthy Electorate.

3572 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021

(3) Thanks the Government for committing $583 million to introduce 1,500 extra police officers across New South Wales over the next four years. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2556 NURSE-TO-PATIENT RATIOS MR JIHAD DIB to move— That this House: (1) Notes nurses across South Western Sydney have been calling on the Government to implement appropriate nurse-to-patient ratios in public hospitals. (2) Notes a new ratio system would mean emergency departments, children's wards and other specialty areas will have a guaranteed minimum ratio on every shift. (3) Calls on the Government to provide appropriate staffing in hospitals across South Western Sydney including Canterbury Hospital, St George Hospital and Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2557 STRONGER COMMUNITIES FUND MR JUSTIN CLANCY to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates the Government on the $400 Million Stronger Country Communities Fund which since 2017 has empowered many regional councils, sports clubs and other organisations to fast track improvements to their facilities across more than 1,500 local projects. (2) Notes that the $100 Million Round Four is now open, with a closing date for applications of 25 June. (3) Encourages local organisations to apply to this funding program, particularly this year if they have a project that enhances female participation in sport, including construction of change rooms. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2558 SPRINGWOOD TO KATOOMBA TRAFFIC MS TRISH DOYLE to move— That this House: (1) Notes in 2015, the Government promised a solution to traffic problems impacting Springwood and Katoomba from the Great Western Highway in the Blue Mountains. (2) Demands to know why no action has been taken by the Government to fulfil its end of the bargain on this six year old promise. (3) Calls on the Government to urgently rectify this situation and properly fund traffic solutions for Yeaman Bridge and the Hawkesbury Road/Macquarie Road intersections. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2559 GOULBURN REGIONAL FAMILY CARE CENTRE MRS WENDY TUCKERMAN to move— That this House: (1) Notes new parents in the Goulburn Electorate will have access to increased specialised support thanks to funding to enable Tresillian and Gidget Foundation Australia to open a new Regional Family Care Centre in Goulburn. (2) Acknowledges this will be a vital addition to local support services and programs. (3) Thanks the Government for the support package which was included in the 2021-22 Budget in recognition of the challenges that can arise during the early years. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)


MS SONIA HORNERY to move— That this House: (1) Notes Hunter Water will permanently shut two of its regional support centres including the centre at Speers Point. (2) Notes customers will now be forced to travel to the Newcastle Central Business District to pay bills and get assistance with lodging applications. (3) Calls on the Minister for Water, Property and Housing to establish a site in the Newcastle Central Business District to assist customers who cannot travel long distances. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2561 BLUES POINT RESERVE MS FELICITY WILSON to move— That this House: (1) Notes the Government has bought the remaining parcel of private land at 1 Henry Lawson Avenue, McMahons Point. (2) Recognises this acquisition enables the of whole Blues Point Reserve to be accessible to the public, opening up one of the most picturesque parks on the Sydney Harbour Foreshore. (3) Thanks the Government and the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces for securing this site and delivering the final piece of the puzzle that the community and the Member for North Shore have been working on to expand this public park. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2562 FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION MS JANELLE SAFFIN to move— That this House: (1) Notes all public schools in New South Wales should be fully funded so that parents and caregivers, many of whom struggle to meet the cost of living, do not feel obligated to make voluntary contributions or fundraise to cover budgetary shortfalls. (2) Calls on the Government to make public education fully free. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

2563 HAYDEN CHAPPEL - STUD CATTLE OVERSEER MR ADAM MARSHALL to move— That this House: (1) Congratulates Hayden Chappel of Warialda for his outstanding success with one of New South Wales' premier Angus Studs. (2) Notes in a short time, Hayden has gained the responsibility for crucial decisions in everything from joining decisions to marketing material. (3) Commends Hayden as a young but mature stud cattle overseer contributing to the success of the Australian Angus breed. (Notice given 22 June 2021—lapses 23 September 2021)

3574 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021


1 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled "Legislation Review Digest No. 32/57", dated 22 June 2021. (Tabled 22 June 2021).


Date Tabled Committee Report Title Date Due 24 March Legislative Assembly Final report into support for drought affected 24 September 2021 Committee on Investment, communities in NSW 2021 Industry and Regional Development 31 March Joint Select Committee on the Inquiry into the Anti-Discrimination Amendment 31 September 2021 Anti-Discrimination (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020 2021 Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Responsible Written Response Due 8 June 2021 Mr Chris Minns Jannali Commuter Carpark Mr Andrew Constance 13 July 2021

8 June 2021 Ms Jenny Leong Education Legislation Mrs Sarah Mitchell 13 July 2021 Amendment Bill 8 June 2021 Mr Nathaniel Smith Picton Road Bypass Mr Andrew Constance 13 July 2021

8 June 2021 Ms Sophie Cotsis Cooks River Vegetation Mr 13 July 2021

8 June 2021 Mr Chris Minns Region 7 Bus Routes Mr Andrew Constance 13 July 2021

8 June 2021 Ms Tamara Smith Tweed Greyhound Track Mr Kevin Anderson 13 July 2021 Development 8 June 2021 Mr Anoulack Ingleburn Community Policing Mr David Elliott 13 July 2021 Chanthivong Centre 9 June 2021 Mr Justin Clancy Culcairn Multi-Purpose Service Mr 14 July 2021

10 June 2021 Mr Peter Sidgreaves Wallacia Cemetery Mr Rob Stokes 15 July 2021 Development 22 June 2021 Ms Lynda Voltz Lidcombe Schools Mrs Sarah Mitchell 27 July 2021

22 June 2021 Mr Geoff Provest Mt Warning Summit Track Mr Matt Kean 27 July 2021

22 June 2021 Mr Philip Donato South Ballina Beach Mr Matt Kean 27 July 2021

22 June 2021 Mrs Wendy Goulburn Base Hospital – MRI Mr Brad Hazzard 27 July 2021 Tuckerman Machine

3575 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 23 June 2021


Date Lodged Member Petition Title Minister Written Discussion Responsible Response Due Date 8 June 2021 Ms Jenny Leong Holistic Consent Sex Mrs Sarah Mitchell 13 July 2021 24 June 2021 Education 9 June 2021 Ms Janelle Clarence Valley Mining Mr 14 July 2021 5 August 2021 Saffin

HELEN MINNICAN Clerk of the Legislative Assembly


Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales