id-south educational

Publication of Mid-South Educational Research Association John Thornell, Editor

MSERA Scheduled For November 14-16 New Orleans

The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association will convene on Wednesday, November 14 at 8:00 a.m. with registration in the lobby of the International Hotel in New Orleans. The 1984 conference will adjourn at noon on Friday, November 16. This year's program includes paper presentations, display sessions, training sessions, and symposia.

The keynote speaker for the 1984 conference will be Leon Botstein, president of Bard College. Dr. Botstein is actively involved in educational reform, including co-authorship of the widely disseminated Paideia Proposal. The key note address will be at 10:30 on Thursday, November 15. Dr. Carlton Bowyer, Professor and Chair of the Department of Foundations of Education, Memphis State Universi ty, will serve as a discussant for Dr. Botstein I s address. The membership is invited to participate in a question and answer session following Dr. Bowyer's remarks.

The annual business meeting will be held on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in the Israel Room. Robert Rasmussen, President of MSERA, will preside. The election of Officers and Board members for 1985 and the announcement of the Outstanding Paper Award will highlight the meeting.

The President's Reception (formerly the wine and cheese party) will be from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday.

All attendees are expected to register for the conference. The registration fee is $25.00 and can be paid at registration tables in the lobby of the International Hotel. Badges should be worn at program sessions. "A comparison of the results of a standardized reading achievement and a cloze test." E.P. Ort and Gary Manning, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"Successful or unsuccessful readers? It all depends on the instrument." Gary Manning and Maryann Manning, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"A comparison of three reading tests for determining reading grade level of navy recruits.R Paul L. Jones and Bonnie J. Armitage, Chief of Naval Technical Training

"The effectiveness of the cloze procedure assessment as a predictor of semester grades, reading, and language achievement." Carolyn Williams, State University and Glenda Barney, Jackson Public Schools

"Follow-up study on stress among university faculty." Martha W. Blackwell, Auburn University at Montgomery, Robert C. Bender, Texas Woman's University and Patrick D. Slattery, Auburn University at Montgomery

"Variables affecting productivity in special education researchers." David B. Center and S.J. Obringer, Mississippi State University

"Minority persistence, minority survival: Academic model retention programming at a traditionally white institution." Robert Tournier, Ernest Rigney and Roy Jones, The College of Charleston

"Attitudes toward curriculum issues among rural educators in Tennessee." Thomas L. Reddick and Larry E. Peach, Tennessee Technological University

"Perceived leadership behaviors of male and female exceptional student education directors in Florida.- Susanne M. Mulkerne, University of South Alabama

"Elements which could be includec! in a school cOlTI!iunicationsprogram: Perceptual compari sons between superintel'ldet1itsilJIG principa1s" Dorothy L. Alexander, Brookhaven High School. and Willian F. Ferguson, University of Southern Mississippi

WRITING FOR PROFESSIONAL PUBLlCATIOI (Training) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Marsailles "Qualitative analysis: Behavior of middle-class male clientele at a neighborhood bar." Anna H. Avant, Tommy R. Harrison, Sandra W. Long and Reggy H. Connell, The University of Alabama

"A process-product, research-based teacher performance evaluation instrument utilized in a mixed-criteria RIF procedure Lamar Nesbit, Jr., and James Tadlock, Jackson Municipal Separate School District

"Instrumentation for promoting effective leadership and productive inservice education." Livingston Alexander and Carl Martray, Western Kentucky University

"A non-ANOVA method for analyzing data from experiments." Bruce Thompson, University of New Orleans

"A case study of participation in a regional research association: The 1984 MSERA Annual Meeting." Jane D. Furr, The University of Alabama and Todd M. Davis, Memphis State Unviersity

"How adult basic education improves the quality of life of its students." John R. Petry and Paul L. Jones, Memphis State University

"The structure of self-perceived quality of life of men and women graduate students." Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, and Raymond C. Norris, George Peabody College/Vanderbilt University and Frances J. Carter, Walter Reed Army Medical Center

"A factor analytic investigation of the needs of older students enrolled in in college." Michael Kelly, Memphis State University

"Why preplanned comparisons are so powerful." William L. Deaton, Auburn University

"Within groups and total group correlation." Richard Kazelskis, University of Southern Mississippi

"Reliability of rank-order data in the measurement of teaching performance. II Robert L. Byrne and J. Linward Doak, Eastern Kentucky University "Using program designs to meet individual needs." Sam Leles, The University of Alabama

"Effects of concrete and social rewards upon motivation." Gaile S. Cannella, Louisiana State University

"Systems-based instructional design as applied to accounting education." Robert J. Keller, Loyola University and Glenn M. Hymel, Loyola University of New Orleans

"A study of a developmental mathematics program in an urban community college." Michael J. Cervetti, Shelby State Community College, and Ernest A. Rakow, Memphis State University

"Relationship of the preservice teachers' learning styles to performance and attitude in a practicum situation with the variables of teachers' academic achievement and aptitude and the student's IQ." Lavone S. Rodrigue, Nicholls State University, John P. Wollenberg and Nancy K Wallner, Mississippi State University

"Special educaiton administrators and their learning styles." Beth Evans, Southeastern Louisiana University

"A study of learning styles and faculty evaluation." Anne Davis Toppins and William R. Dunlap, The University of Alabama

"Effect of entrance age on achievement." James Barr, Louisiana Department of Education

"Methods of remediation for minimum competency testing in the state of Alabama." Rebecca George and Gypsy Anne Abbott, University of Alabama in Birmingham "A comparison of teacher/student perceptions of minimum competency instruction with first administration results of the Alabama High School Graduation Examination." Barbara M. Bowden, Alabama State Department of Education and Catherine S. Moore, Advanced Opportunities, Inc.

"The night the norms ran out in Georgia." George E. McCormick, Stephen W. Hebbler and Sanford F. Reid, Muscogee County School District "Merit Pay: Rhetori c versus reality." Gene White (Organi zer), Jimmy Jacobs, J. Boyd Scebra, Auburn University and Terry Roberson,

"The effects of incentives on the performance of elderly adults on concrete Piagetian tasks." Kenneth D. Robinson and Steven M. Ross, Memphis State University

"Elevated self-concept in the elderly: Denial of coping strategy?" William C. Compton, Linda Lefwich, Raymond C. Norris and Julius Seeman, George Peabody College/Vanderbilty University

"Subjective social support indices and their relationship to quality of life of older adults." Linda M. Leftwich, William C. Compton, Raymond C. Norris and Julius Seeman, George Peabody College/Vanderbilt University

"Educational opportunity in USA vs USSR vs Japan." John Follman University of South Florida

""A nation at risk" and school reform: The Louisiana experience." Rick Ginsberg and Peggy Kirby, University of New Orleans

"Standardized tests of space relations, object assembly and component parts as related to experiences in an engineering graphics and communication class." Landa L. Trentham and Barbara Schaer, Auburn University

"Validation of writing attitude scale." Marcia R. O'Neal, The University of Alabama, Helen I. Guttinger and Chris M. Morris, The University of Florida

"Construction and val idation of an instrument to measure flexibil ity traits in pre-service teachers." James R. Thomson, Jr. and Herbert M. Handley, Mississippi State University "Ethnographic/qualitative research: Conceptions and examples." E. Dean Butler (Organizer), Carol Etheridge, Memphis State University, J. Jeffrey Gorrell, Linda Keel, Southeastern Louisiana University and Carlton H. Bowyer, Memphis State University

"The development and implementation of a model for evaluating clinical specialty education programs." James E. McLean, The University of Alabama, Lynda Newby Lee and Mickey M. Lee, Eastern Kentucky University

"Evaluation of gerontological institute: Implications for program development." Hollie Walker, Jr. and John R. Petry, Memphis State University

"A study of the relationship between self-concept and reading achievement in disabled readers." David M. Brown, Joan W. Fuqua and David A. Otts, The University of Alabama

"Reading comprehension and educationally related characeristics of US Navy recruits: A twelve-month profile from June, 1983, to May 1984." Norman J. Kerr, Chief of Naval Education and Training, Harry L. Bowman, Memphis State University and Dorothy M. Darcy, Chief of Naval Education and Training

"Relationship of learning style, reading achievement and aptitude for learning to achievement in self paced and computer assisted instructional modes." J. Romily Enochs, Meridian Naval Technical, Herbert M. Handley and John P. Wollenberg, Mississippi State University

"The effects of explicit instruction in self-regulation of a trained memory strategy on poor readers I abil ity to maintain and transfer use of the strategy." Kay Camperell, University of Southern Mississippi

"An ethnographic study of how four, five, and six year olds engage and learn about the computer." Barbara K. Veeser, Carol Etheridge and George W. Etheridge, Memphis State Unversity "A comparison of third-grade students' performance in division of whole numbers after using traditional printed drills and a commercial microcomputer drill program." Donald L. Campbell. Charles Horn and Robert K. Leigh, The University of Alabama

"Use of microcomputers in summer remedial math program." Gypsy Anne Abbott, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"Measurement travails on a statewide basis: What your mother never told you about building a comprehensive test item bank." David T. Morse (Organizer), Linda W. Morse, Barbara G. Love, Manfred Steffen, Elizabeth Brady and Alpha Humble, Mississippi State University

"The Apple Macintosh is useful in professional communication." Todd M. Davis, Memphis State University and Jane D. Furr, The University of Alabama

"Generic BASIC program!: for educational appl ication." Coll in T. Ballance and Bill Ward, Tennessee Department of Education

"Developing and implementing a microcomputer application course." Marilyn Condon, Murray State University

"Curriculum development strategies for planning a kindergarten program." Gloria C. Correro and James S. Turner, Mississippi State Unversity

"Curriculum in the context of a family care home." LaVisa Cam Wilson, Auburn University

"Short term effects of a pre-first grade transition class." Judith A. Boser, University of Tennessee, William Burris and Karleen Richter, Oak Ridge, Tennessee Schools

"The selection of teaching activities and methods to the learning styles, learning theories, and perceived course objectives of preservice teachers." Mozelle Phillips Leach, Mississippi State University "Hemisphere special ization and its relation to cognitive preference in mode of processing - an EEG study.'! Denise Cardin Hannan, Auburn University

"Forcasting students' engineering graphics success from a predictive formula derived from the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFTj and the Hidden Figures Test (HFT)." Russell C. Wilson, Auburn University

"Career indeci sion among adolescent/college students: A 1iterature review and suggested interventions." Janice M. Ducote, The University of Alabama

"Assessment of health decision making skills of adolescents." Gary D. Nelson, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"Applications of popular adolescent literature to adolescent development and to adolescent psychology." Tommy R. Harrison, The University of Alabama

"Technical aspects of implementing a high school graduation examination." Rodney W. Roth (Organizer), The University of Alabama, Glennel Halpin, Auburn University, D. Joyce Steele, James E. McLean, The University of Alabama, Robert E. Lockwood and Ann C. Hess, Alabama State Department of Education, Beatrice Morse, Alabama State University

"The behaviors of supervising teachers as self perceived and as perceived by student teachers." Walter E. Sistrunk and James R. Thomson, Jr., Mississippi State University

"Measures of affective behaviors for preservice physical education teachers and their performance in student teaching." C. Marvin Lay, Mississippi State University

"The effect of participation in a practicum experience on the attitudes of secondary education majors to education." Gordon C. Johnston, Mississippi State University "Research in merit pay." Dan B. Carr (organizer), Northwestern State University, J.T. Standefur, Western Kentucky University, Linda Tarver Wright, Louisiana State Department of Education, Thomas H. Saterfiel, Mississippi State University and Hugh I. Peck, University of South Florida

"A macro model for integrating research on mastery learning, effective schools and outcome-based schooling." Glenn M. Hymel, Loyola University of New Orleans

"A comparison between elementary school teachers' ratings of their principals on the group interaction scale in schools with low CAT scores and schools with high CAT scores." Lamar Moody and Neil G. Amos, Mississippi State University

"An analysis of communication effectiveness in two metropol itan school districts." G.R. Boardman, University of New Orleans and Alphonso Williams, Orleans Parish School District

"Practical aspects of developing a high school graduation examination." Robert E. Lockwood (Organizer), Anne C. Hess, Alabama State Department of Education, D. Joyce Steele, The University of Alabama and Sue Akers-Adams, Alabama State Department of Education

PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION ••••••.••.....••••••..••.•••••••••.••••••••...•••. Florentine (formerly Wine and Cheese Reception)


"The social studies curricula of selected Mississippi High Schools." Ernestine Madison, Vicksburg Public Schools and Walter E. Sistrunk, Mississippi State University

"A study of the academic preparation of public high school graduates for entrance into business and industry." William F. White, John E. Gray • Institute

"Relationship between attainment of specific energy concepts and choices among energy alternatives." Ove Jensen, Rondald G. Noland and John F. vonEschenbach, Auburn University "Career dissatisfaction among teachers." Anne Tishler and Bill Ernest, University of Montevallo

"The relationship between job satisfaction and teacher performance of vocational agriculture teachers in Louisiana." Thomas L. Grady and Michael F. Burnett, Louisiana State University

"Kindergarten, mathematics, and science teachers: Comparisons of selected variables for current and resigned personnel from an urban school district." Harry L. Bowman, Memphis State University

"Mississippi State Cooperative Demonstration Kindergarten: Readiness gains in 1983-84." Nancy M. Draper and Gloria C. Correro, Mississippi State University

"A study of middle schools in east Tennessee: 1983." C.M. Achilles and Reggie High, University of Tennessee

"Microcomputers: Some possible applications." Linda L. Trentham (Organizer), William L. Deaton, Lloyd Robison and C. Dan Wright, Auburn University

8:30 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. SPECIAL EDUCATION DISPLAy ••••••••••..•••.•..••••••..•••.••••••••..••••• Tokyo Chair: Beth Evans, Southeastern Louisiana University

"A strategy for increasing reading achievement and self-concept of middle school potential dropouts." Rita G. Zerr,

"A profile of the adult inmate eligible for special education services in a state correctional system." Robert J. Devlin, Louisiana State University

"Staff training needs in specialized camping for the mentally retarded." Michael D, Elium, Delta State University

"Basic Skills for tne atypical child." George W. Etheridge, Ann C. Troutman, and Barbara K. Veeser, Memphis State University have no children." Pat Jimerson. Counseling Associates dnd John L. Burns, Arkansas State University

"Profne of oral reading in the home." Maryann Manning and Gary Manning, Un;vers 11,)' of Alabama in Birmingham and Caroline Cody. Educati ana1 Consultant

"Do ct",ndren in stepfam'1ies view their' parent's cnildrearing Pl'dctices differently." l Virginia Horns and Gyosy Anne Abbott, Ilr,iven;1t.yof Alabama in Birmingham

.....Ii' Chair; David T. Morse. Mississippi Stote Univer~;ty ~".- Presenters: "A study of the predictive validity of the GRE for dlfferenl academic disciplines." r-' John G. Thornell and Anthony McCoy. Delta State University ! "Relationship between Alabama Teacher Certification Test scores in evaluation and college grades in an evaluation course." William B. Lauderdale, Landa L. Trentham and Hope McFadden, Auburn University

"The reliability of teacher judgements In a validation of the National Teachers Examination." Rodney W. Roth and James E. McLean, The UDiversity of Alabama

"The need for intergrating health education with baccalaureate nursing programs." Patsy L. Lane. LSU School of Nursing, Mickey M. Lee, Eastern Kentucky University and James F. Gardiner, LSU School of Dentistry

"Comparison of the attitudes of dental laboratory technology graduates from professional schools and community colleges, 1980 to 1983." Jerry Komorech, LSU School of Dentistry and Richard J. Elliott, University of New Orleans

"Validation of the NTE Core Battery and Speciality Area Tests and recommendation of standards for initial certification in Tennessee." Harry L. Bowman (Organizer), Carlton H. Bowyer, Elbert F. Nothern, John R. Petry, Ernest A. Rakow, Memphis State University and Joyce R. McLarty, Tennessee State Department of Education

"Research. Testing. and Teacher Training: The Prospects for Educational Reform in Historical Perspective." Leon Botstein, Bard College "A conceptual model for promoting study skills and test-taking techniques among secondary school students: Curricular, instructional, guidance, and assessment perspecti ves. " linda Guedry-Hymel, Educat iona1 Improvement Services, Inc., and Glenn M. Hymel, Loyola University of New Orleans

"The effectiveness of progressive relaxation on test anxiety and visual perception." Steven Isom and Barbara Schaer, Auburn University

"The effects of a test-taking skills program on California Achievement Test performance, and test-taking knowledge and anxiety scores of selected fifth grade students." Vivian A. Lomax, Memphis City Schools

"Test anxiety, previous test taking experience, and test wiseness in entering medical students." Leo M. Harvill, East Tennessee State University

"The measurement of self-concept: A comparative study of the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Test, and a Semantic Differential Measure of Self-Concept." Edith Miller, Auburn University and Terry Roberson, University of Montevallo

"The development and validation of a perceived self-concept as learner instrument for elementary school children." Bob N. Cage, University of Mississippi

"The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory: A factor analytic study." Terry Roberson, University of Montevallo and Edith Miller, Auburn University

"A survey of visually handicapped children in Mississippi." Brenda Scafidi, Pascagoula Separate School District, Maurice James, Ophthamologist, and James W. Mann, University of Mississippi

"Placement, traning and follow-up of developmentally disabled individuals in competitive employment: Implications for the public schools." Patricia L. Young and Rebecca J. Singleton, Focus, Inc.

"Teacher perceptions of social behavior in behavior disordered, learning disabled, and socially normal elementary students." Alan M. Wascom, Huntsville, Alabama Public Schools, and David B. Center, Mississippi State Unversity "The use of microcomputers in the University setting." Mabel C. Robinson (Organizer), Gypsy Anne Abbott, James Davidson, Virginia Horns, Mary Sue MaGarity, Gary Nelson, David Poehler, Stephen Underwood and Connie Williams, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"Derived basic ability factors: A factor analysis replication study." Mickey M. Lee and Lynda Newby Lee, Eastern Kentucky University

"The appropriateness of a factor analytic solution when using ipsative scale measures." Jim Flaitz, The University of Alabama

"Teacher variables associated with effective teaching." Abdallah F. El-Mneizel and James E. McLean, The University of Alabama

"What do substitute teachers need to be effective?" Joy E. Blount, University of Georgia and Ann M. Neely, University of Montevallo

"Teacher planning: Where has it been? Where is it going?" Ann M. Neely, Univertsity of Montevallo

"A study of the effects of implementation of a stress reduction curriculum with young children." Melissa Werner, Jeffersson County Child Development Council, and Connie Williams, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"The effects of differentiated instruction on manuscript skills of first-grade pupil s." Carolyn K. Reeves, University of Southern Mississippi

"A system of performance based accreditation for elementary and secondary schools." Thomas H. Saterfiel (Organizer), Mississippi State University •. Julian D. Prince. Tupelo Public Schools. and Jane Bruner Woodruff. Mississippi Department of Education "Toward a rearrangement: The fourth domain." Barbara R. Crump, Mississippi State Unviersity

"The effect of advance organizers on undergraduate college students' learning and retention of basis measurement and statistical concepts." Charlotte L. Norrell, Delta State University, and Tommy R. Harrison, The University of Alabama

"Experiential learning through study tour abroad." Catherine Boyd, June Carpenter and Caroline Hill, Mississippi State University

"The visual aid in foreign language teaching." Aurora Benasso-Arbena, School District of Greenville County

"When teachers speak, teacher educators 1isten: For relevance in teacher education." Esther K. Leung and Gloria T. Carr, Eastern Kentucky Universtiy

"Relationships between area per capita personal income for basic skills scores of teacher education students." Kenneth Clawson and Robert L. Byrne, Eastern Kentucky University

"A comparison of the teaching ability of vocational agriculture teachers who received their training at land-grant and non1and grant universities." C. Cyril Asiabaka and Gary E. Moore, Louisiana State University

"Frequency of inclusion of Newberry and Caldecott Honor winners and Honor books in the public elementary schools of Mississippi, 1963-1983." Lee Napier and Georgia Napier,

"How children's books reflect a nation's values and lifestyles: USSR and USA." Roberta Long, University of A1abamain Birmingham "The treatment of religious values in Caldecott and Honor books." Georgia Napier and Barbara Norris, Jackson State University

"Effects o~~aching a 1ibrary usage unit to seventh graders." Vernon Gifford, Mississippi State University and Jean Gifford, Maben High School

"The effects of classroom climate and student characteristics on achievement in science." Gerry D. Haukoos, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

"Selected correlates of computer game play." Janet G. Melancon and Bruce Thompson, University of New Orleans

"The relationship among classroom achievement, classroom conduct, and achievement test scores for a population of intellectually gifted students." Sharon Coty, Doris Redfield, Carl Martray, Western Kentucky University and Bonnie Beck, Warren County Schools

John R. Petry, Memphis State University and Charles M. Achilles, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

"Sex role attitudes in the triadic relationship: Nurse, doctor, patient." Ann Cardoso, St. Francis Hospital

"The effect of intervention upon sex differentiated teacher-pupil interaction patterns in primary reading classes." G. Yvetta George, Broward County Florida Public School System, Elizabeth Allen and Barbara Brown Schaer, Auburn University

"A comparative study of women in male-dominated and female-dominated professional and noprofessional occupations." Sophia C. Aadland, Auburn University

"A study of fund raising and fee collection practices in Tennessee publ ic schools." Larry E. Peach, Thomas L. Reddick and O.C. Stewart, Tennessee Technological University

"The constitutional rights and limitations of probationary teachers." Donald H. Henderson, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"The importance of selected criteria to Mississippi superintendents in their selection of new teachers." Willie O. Stokes, Petal High School, and William F. Ferguson, University of Southern Mississippi "The WAIS-R and intellectual characteristics of university students in university programs." Arleen C. Lewis, Max W. Lewis, and Tom E. C. Smith, University of Arkansas

Test-retest scores for 332 EMR and SLD students." James E. Whorton, University of Southern Mississippi

"Intellectual patterns of young gifted children on the WWPSI." Sandra Kelley Speer, University of South Alabama, and Linda White Hawthorne, Georgia State University

"An update of prioritized educational goals and Dbjectives, based on a survey of selected school administrators." Fred K. Bellott and Yvonne Smith, Memphis State University

"Institutional goal survey: Implications for community college planning." Gloria Kitabchi, Shelby State Community College

"The Arkansas school superintendent - 1983." Joseph C. Taylor, and M. Vance Sales, Arkansas State University

"Content for a student discipline course." Johnny Purvis and Rex Leonard, University of Southern Mississippi

"A comparison of classroom control strategies between regular and special education teachers." S.J. Obringer and R.L. Beattie, Mississippi State University

"Classroom management and discipline, without corporal punishment, in Norwegian schools." Tom Jambor, University of Alabama in Birmingham "The effectiveness of assistant teachers as an agent of change in the reading achievement of first grade students." Mary Blain Lamb, Webster County School System, Jane H. McHaney and Herbert M. Handley, Mississippi State University

"The effects uf teaching assistants on students' reading achievement as measured by the California Achievement Test over a two year period". Jo Ann Belk, Blue Mountain College

"A study of Marie Clay's Reading Recovery Program." Bernice J. Wolfson, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"Children's fears and wishes." Milly Cowles and Mabel C. Robinson, University of Alabama in Birmingham

"Sex, age, and racial differences in elementary children's perception of elderly adults." Patricia Boyne Coats, Jackson State University

"A pilot study: Creative problem solving for Kindergarteners." Beverly D. Shaklee and Neil G. Amos, Mississippi State University

"Conducting needs assessments via the survey method." James E. McLean (Organizer), J. William Hortman, Irvin M. Kaufman, and Prine Collins Chukobasih, The University of Alabama

"Analyzing the structure of an infonnal faculty development network in a school of nursing." Linda D. Nonnan and Russell F. West, East Tennessee State University

"Predicting prominence within a medical school class: A social network analysis." Russell F. West, College of Medicine, ETSU, Ronald H. Baisden and Michael L. Woodruff, East Tennessee State University "First year student outcomes of TARGET: COMPUTER FLUENCY." John M. Enger and Richard L. fangeman, Arkansas State University

"The effects of four levels of compressed speech on listening comprehension." Charles L. Fdires, University of Tennessee

"Black dialect in student writing: An approach to data collection." Gene White, Auburn University

"Peer tutoring: Student achievement and self-concept as reviewed in selected literature." Warren A. Land, Mississippi State University

"A comparison of structured and iricidental cooking programs on Kindergarten children's achievement and self-concept." M. Elizabeth Partridge, Southeastern Louisiana University

"Antecedents internal-external locus of control among developmental education students." Carolyn Minder, Northeast Louisiana University, Joan Robertson, Midland College, and Susan Vess, Northeast Louisiana University

"Systematic concerns relating to the adequacy of existing elementary/secondary organizational structures to adequately provide educational excellence." Robert H. Beach (Organizer), The University of Alabama, Kenneth Ducote, New Orleans Parish Schools, Robert A. Lindahl, The University of Texas El Paso, William D. McInerney, Purdue University, and Abram W. Vandemeer, Emeritus Dean, Penn State University

"Factor analytic structure of the Adaptive Behavior Scale (Part I) using community-based subjects: Implications for program development." Irene M. Staik, University of Montevallo

"Incidence of moderate and severe retardation." Frances W. Beck, Louisiana State University

"Cognitive style differences in typical and mildly retarded children." Thomas R. Bice, Glennelle Halpin, and Gerald Halpin, Auburn University -First through sixth graders' subject area preferences and their perceptions of nale-fE!!laleperfonoance patterns and of the desirability of teaching a career. - Joan C. Carson, University of Mississippi

EThe ne1ationship between a elementary students' sex stereotyped attitudes, achievement, and IQ.E Barbara Schaer, Auburn University, and Yvetta George, Broward School Systelil.Florida

EPerceptions and satisfactions of women in a male-dominated profession of higher education.E Virginia H. Slimmer, Murray State University

"Identification of the dimensions and predictors of math anxiety among college students. " Livingston Alexander and Robert Cobb, Western Kentucky University

"Differential predition of college grade point average for males and females." Samuel B. Green and Barbara Schaer, Auburn University

"The 1imitations of SAT math scores in predicting college math performance." Deborah Jean Gougeon, The University of Scranton

"The influence of principals' background variables on their perceptions of first year teachers." Fred M. Page, Jr. and Jane A. Page, Georgia Southern College

"The relationship of teacher morale and teachers' perceptions of the post- evaluative conference." Joe M. Blackbourn and Sam T. Wilkes, Mississippi State University

"The relationship of teacher evaluation scores generated by a process-product evaluation instrument to selected variables." James Tadlock and Lamar Nesbit, Jr., Jackson Municipal Separate School District The biographical information on Glenn Hymel was lost in the mail and, therefore, not included in the most recent Researcher. Be assured that Glenn is an active MSERA'r and an active candidate for the Louisiana representative on the Board of Directors.

Glenn Hymel - Glenn is Associate Professor of Education and Director of the Clearinghouse on Mastery Learning at Loyola University in New Orleans. His doctoral work was at the University of New Orleans. Glenn has been a regular participant at MSERA meetings since its inception.

JOD.SOtTrH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER Non-Profit Organization Published at Delta State Un1vers1t1 U.S. POSTAGE Mid-South Educational Research Association PAID Office of Institutional Research Cleveland, MS Cleveland, MS. 38733 Penn1t No. 103