Khloe Kardashian is Pregnant and Having her Baby in .

By: Seleena Davis

Khloe Kardashian is one of the famous Kardashian sisters, who are known for appearing on the family show called Keeping up With the Kardashians and currently dating a Cleveland ​ ​ Cavaliers basketball player, Tristan Thompson. Khloe and Tristan have been dating since August

2016 and are now expecting. Khloe and Tristan broke the news to the family on a episode of

Keeping up With the Kardashians that appeared on January 16, 2018. ​ Khloe has been in previous relationships, and has always longed to have children, but felt like it wasn’t the right time to have them. In a recent episode, Khloe went with her sister Kim, who is wanting to have a third child but has had trouble ever since her second one, to a OBGYN doctor’s appointment to see if she is a possible candidate to be Kim’s surrogate or have children herself. The doctor told her she in not a candidate to be Kim’s surrogate since she doesn’t have many eggs herself, which could be because of her taking birth control or her age. The doctor recommended she come off of birth control and seeing if she can even get pregnant and if she couldn’t they would then talk about freezing her eggs.

Khloe told Tristan she was pregnant over Facetime. At the time Tristan was in Toronto,

Canada and Khloe was back in . Khloe had her assistant Alexa run out and buy her a pregnancy test, which later came back positive so for the longest time only she, her assistant

Alexa and Tristan knew. “I actually had to facetime him to tell him. I was so nervous and he was so excited, ”Khloe says talking about the experience during an interview. On the latest episode of Keeping up With the Kardashians, -Kardashian, ​ ​ Khloe’s mom, was having a barbecue and the whole family was going to be there including

Tristan’s family so it was perfect timing for them to announce their pregnancy. They were all very excited to find out the news, Kris even starting crying tears of joy since she knew Khloe has been wanting a baby for a while now.

In a recent interview on Jimmy Kimmel, which appeared on January 4, 2018, Khloe said that she is pregnant and she’s having her baby in Cleveland, Ohio. Jimmy asked about what if

Tristan is the middle of a game when the baby is coming, which Khloe responded saying “I don’t know when I will have the baby I just figured it kind of just happens.” She also talked about some of her family being in Cleveland to be there when the baby is born. “Watch out Ohio,”

Khloe says.