Dog Fire – May 27, 2021 Update

Firefighters Work to Protect Pratt and Hunter Line Cabins

Acres: 1,754 acres Percent Containment: 0% Start Date: May 11, 2021 Cause: Lightning/Natural Origin Location: 34 mi Southwest of Whites City, NM Jurisdiction: National Park Fuels: Timber with litter and grass understory Fire Information: [email protected] Personnel: 82 personnel 915-236-1177 (8am – 5pm, MDT)

The Dog Fire is now 1,754 acres in size. Today and tomorrow the fire will be under a drying trend with gusty winds which will lead to increased fire behavior.

This is a full suppression fire. Firefighters continue working to limit the fire’s spread and to protect values at risk where they can do so safely and effectively. The objectives are to use natural and man-made barriers to keep the fire within the upper elevations of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park, keeping the fire west of the Frijole Ridge, North of the Bowl/Hunter Trail, East of the Tejas Trail, and South of McKittrick Canyon.

Fire behavior may be more active today due to dry conditions and gusty winds. Access to the fire is challenging due to steep and rugged terrain. Firefighters are utilizing existing trail systems to limit the fire’s spread. Crews continue to monitor fire spread and take action as needed where it is safe to do so. Firefighters are working to create defensible space around the Pratt and Hunter line cabins, and they will wrap the cabins with a fire resistive material. They are making good progress in creating defensible space around National Park and neighboring values at risk in the lower elevation of the park.

Wildfires are a No Drone Zone. If you fly, we can’t. Unauthorized drone use in the fire area is a safety hazard to other aircraft and is prohibited. Every time an unauthorized drone is spotted near the fire all aircraft are grounded until we can be sure the drone is clear of this area. For more information visit Know Before You Fly.

Resources assigned to the fire include: 4 crews ( and Texas State Forest Service), 3 engines (U.S. Forest Service and Texas State Forest Service), and one Type 3 helicopter (Bureau of Indian Affairs).

Smoke and Air Quality may be impacted by the Dog Fire depending on fire activity and weather conditions. Smoke- sensitive individuals and people with respiratory problems are encouraged to take precautionary measures by staying inside during heavy smoke periods and avoiding outdoor activities. Information on the 5-3-1 Visibility Method for protecting yourself against smoke impacts can be found at NM Environmental Public Health Tracking. The air quality forecast for Carlsbad, New Mexico can be found at

An Area Closure is in effect. Trails starting at the Frijole Ranch and McKittrick Canyon trailheads are closed. The Frijole Ranch and McKittrick Canyon picnic areas are closed. Closed trails in the Pine Springs area include Tejas, Frijole/Foothills, and Bear Canyon Trails. Closed trails in the Dog Canyon area include the Tejas, Bush Mountain, and Marcus Trails. A map of closed areas is available on Inciweb. The Pine Springs Visitor Center remains open.

Fire Restrictions are in effect. Open fires are always prohibited in the park. Pressurized camp gas stoves are only permitted at Pine Springs and Dog Canyon Campgrounds and the Frijole Ranch Picnic Area (currently closed). Smoking is only permitted inside enclosed vehicles. Fireworks are always prohibited in the park. More information on fire restrictions is available on Inciweb.

