Discussion Questions

Message Text: Acts 9:19-31 & 11:19-26 Message Title: The Risk of Rejection BIG IDEA: In this message Bryan talked about how God choses people we readily reject. Message Outline: 1. The Rejection Paul Receives 2. The Encouragement Extends 3. Paul’s Response Questions: 1. In the introduction to his message, Bryan talked about different scenarios people might experience rejection? What scenarios come to mind for you? He also mentioned that many fear rejection when it comes to sharing their faith. How do you see that being true or not true for you?

2. Read Acts 9:19-31. What strikes you as important or significant in this story?

3. Have you ever known someone to have a dramatic conversion and questioned whether or not it’s legitimate? Why or why not? Is it reasonable to question it?

4. In his message, Bryan listed three effects of rejection. It brings on… • Shame, which attacks our sense of identity & makes us think, “I’m not good enough.” • Insecurity, what attacks our competency & makes us think, “I don’t know enough.” • Isolation, what affects our connection to community & makes us think, “I don’t belong.” • This question requires some vulnerability. Where and when have you seen one of these three things surface in your life when you experienced rejection.

5. In his message, Bryan said one of the ways that we can articulate the gospel is, “ was rejected so that we could be accepted.” When believing you are accepted by God in the face of rejection, he said it gives you courage and confidence. How have you found that to be true in your walk with Christ?

6. In Act 9 & 11, when is rejected, Barnabas comes alongside to encourage him. He does it is in three ways. He believes in Saul. He advocates for Saul. He goes and finds Saul. When have you experienced encouragement on the heals of rejection? How did it impact you?

7. What prevents us from being an encourager to others?

8. In 9v28, it says that Saul “stayed with the church…” Bryan said that was a courageous act on Saul’s part. He said it would have been easier for Saul to go solo once rejected. Why do we resist connection to community when we’ve recently experienced rejection?

9. Reflection: In light of the sermon and your conversation, reflect on any of the following questions to identify how God is at work in your life. • Are there any effects of rejection lingering in your heart from which you need to be healed? • Are there things you are believing about yourself because of rejection that need to be re- narrated in regards to how you view yourself? • Are you in need of encouragement, or are you in a place to be an encourager? • Who has God placed in your life to whom you can be a Barnabas?