When it comes to information security, most of us will remember this year as the year when an industry giant suffered a huge incident with extensive ramifications. Naturally, I'm talking about the RSA breach back in March, when the company experienced privileged data loss. We've seen privacy snafus, data breaches, a rise of mobile malware and financial fraud. What can we expect next year? Unfortunately, probably more of the same. In any case, I wish you a successful 2012. Stay safe! Mirko Zorz Editor in Chief Visit the magazine website at www.insecuremag.com (IN)SECURE Magazine contacts Feedback and contributions: Mirko Zorz, Editor in Chief -
[email protected] News: Zeljka Zorz, Managing Editor -
[email protected] Marketing: Berislav Kucan, Director of Marketing -
[email protected] Distribution (IN)SECURE Magazine can be freely distributed in the form of the original, non-modified PDF document. Distribution of modified versions of (IN)SECURE Magazine content is prohibited without the explicit permission from the editor. Copyright (IN)SECURE Magazine 2011. www.insecuremag.com IT pros can't resist peeking at information and other sensitive data including, privileged information for example, other people’s Christmas bonus details. • 42 percent of those surveyed said that in their organizations' IT staff are sharing passwords or access to systems or applications • 26 percent said that they were aware of an IT staff member abusing a privileged login to illicitly access sensitive information • 48 percent of respondents work at companies that are still not changing their IT security staff will be some of the most privileged passwords within 90 days – a informed people at the office Christmas party violation of most major regulatory compliance this year.