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[email protected] POSTAL REGD NO- JK/485/2016-18 Internet Edition www.truthprevail.com Truth Prevail Epaper: epaper.truthprevail.com Batsman Karun Nair recovers from coronavirus, set to play in IPL 13 3 5 12 Bulletin on Novel CoronaVirus JWAM holds anti-Pak protest on Lt Governor asks VCs to adopt J&K centric (COVID-19) killing of JKP jawans by terrorists changes as per the New Education Policy VOL: 9 Issue: 198 JAMMU AND KASHMIR, SATURDAy , AUGUST 15, 2020 DAILy PAGES 12 Rs. 2/- IInnssiiddee Frontline workers went beyond their call of duty JKBOSE moves proposal for syllabus during COVID : President Ram Nath Kovind relaxation New Delhi : In a veiled the forefront of the fight Without taking China's 'Bharat Mata' lived and died JAMMU : The J&K message to China amid the against the disease which has name, the President said for national pride. The entire Board of School Education border standoff, President disrupted all activities world "while the world community nation salutes the martyrs of (BOSE) has submitted a Ram Nath Kovind on Friday Galwan Valley. Every Indian proposal to the government asserted that while India feels grateful to their family on syllabus relaxation for believes in peace it is also members," he said. Twenty 10th to 12th class annual capable of giving a befitting personnel of the Indian army examinations. response to any attempt of were killed during clashes Happy Independence Day To All Our Readers "We have submitted the aggression as he said "some with the Chinese PLA in proposal two days ago and in our neighbourhood" tried Galwan Valley in eastern we do expect approval in a to carry out "misadventure of Ladakh on June 15.