Official Journal C 240 Volume 37 of the European Communities 29 August 1994

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Official Journal C 240 Volume 37 of the European Communities 29 August 1994 ISSN 0378-6986 Official Journal C 240 Volume 37 of the European Communities 29 August 1994 English edition Information and Notices Notice No Contents Page I Information European Parliament Written Questions with answer 94/ C 240/01 E,- 133/93 by Gijs de Vries to the Commission Subject : The legal basis of Commission proposals 1 94/C 240/02 E-329/93 by Laura Gonzalez Alvarez to the Commission Subject : Implementation in Spain of the Directive on the conservation of wild birds 1 94/C 240/03 E-2259/92 by Anita Pollack to the Commission Subject : Freedom of movement 2 94/C 240/04 E-664/93 by Anita Pollack to the Commission Subject : Third-country nationals and freedom of movement 2 Joint answer to Written Questions E-2259/92 and E-664/93 2 94/C 240/05 E- 11 00/93 by Maxime Verhagen to the Commission Subject : Policy document on the violation of human rights 3 94/C 240/06 E- 1155/93 by Paul Staes to the Commission Subject : Hydrométal and pollution of the Geul ( Belgium ) 4 94/C 240/07 E-1217/93 by Leen van der Waal to the Commission Subject : Consistency between EC funds which finance infrastructure projects 4 94/C 240/08 E-l 278/93 by Klaus Hansch to the Commission Subject : Information on the amount of EC assistance given to North-Rhine/Westphalia from the beginning of 1989 to the end of 1992 6 94/C 240/09 E-1279/93 by Klaus Hansch to the Commission Subject : Information on the amount of EC assistance given to the Oberhausen and Duisburg employment area from the beginning of 1989 to the end of 1992 6 Price: ECU 18 ( Continued overleaf) Notice No Contents ( continued ) Page 94/C 240/10 E-1430/93 by Roger Barton , Jean-Paul Benoit, Jan Bertens , Rosaria Bindi , Franco Borgo, Pedro Canavarro, Pierre Camiti , Maria Cassanmagnago Cerretti , Peter Crampton, Carmen Díez de Rivera Icaza , Antonio Fantini , Gerardo Gaibisso , Lissy Gròner, Renzo Imbeni , Maria Izquierdo Rojo , Alexander Langer , Nereo Laroni , Giuseppe Mottola , Edward Newman , Dimitrios Nianias , Tove Nielsen, Gérard Onesta , Derek Prag, Tullio Regge , Claudia Roth , Maartje van Putten and Ian White to the Commission Subject : The EC's role in the Middle-East peace process 6 94/C 240/11 E-1460/93 by Henry Chabert to the Commission Subject : The Rhone-Alpes region in the European Community 7 94/C 240/12 E- 1500/93 by Maxime Verhagen to the Commission Subject : Noise pollution from aerodromes 7 94/C 240/13 E-1526/93 by Cristiana Muscardini to the Commission Subject : Products used in ice-cream 8 94/C 240/14 E- 1534/93 by Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission Subject : Failure by Spain to implement Directives on dentistry 8 94/C 240/15 E-1723/93 by Honor Funk to the Commission Subject : EC aid for Baden-Württemberg 9 94/C 240/16 E-1762/93 by Ernest Glinne and Jaak Vandemeulebroucke to the Commission Subject : Precautions in respect of the hormone 'sometribove' 9 94/C 240/17 E-1781/93 by Jose Lafuente Lopez to the Commission Subject : Continuation of the loan arrangements provided for in Article 54 , second paragraph , of the ECSC Treaty 9 94/C 240/18 E-l 807/93 by Annemarie Goedmakers and Rolf Linkohr to the Commission Subject : Practices of the London Gender Clinic 10 94/C 240/19 E-l 875/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Re-opening of the Merchant Seamen 's Hospital in Athens 11 94/C 240/20 E-1981/93 by Florus Wijsenbeek to the Commission Subject : Plans by the Netherlands Minister of Transport and Public Works to introduce a regional Euro-toll system for road haulage firms 11 94/C 240/21 E-l 986/93 by James Ford , Johannes Peters , Luigi Colajanni , John Tomlinson , Imelda Read , Christos Papoutsis , Marijke Van Hemeldonck , Georgios Romeos, Willem van Velzen , Joan Colom i Naval , Michael Elliott, Christine Crawley, Raymonde Dury , Terence Wynn , Juan Ramirez Heredia , Lissy Gröner , Detlev Samland and Antonio La Pergola to the Commission Subject : Commission follow-up to EP resolution on education of migrant children 12 94/C 240/22 E-2121/93 by Anita Pollack to the Commission Subject : Drinking water 13 94/C 240/23 E-2144/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Marketing of currants 13 94/C 240/24 E-2154/93 by Robert Delorozoy to the Commission Subject : Operation of the Phare and Tacis Programmes 13 94/C 240/25 E-2224/93 by Ernest Glinne to the Commission Subject : Use by Greece of Community funds 14 Notice No Contents ( continued ) page 94/C 240/26 E-2230/93 by Alexandros Alavanos to the Commission Subject : Establishment of 'infrastructure project development companies' in Greece 15 94/C 240/27 E-2255/93 by Giuseppe Mottola , Mauro Chiabrando , Franco Borgo and Ferruccio Pisoni to the Commission Subject : Problems affecting hazel-nut growing in Europe, in particular in Italy 15 94/C 240/28 E-2263/93 by Filippos Pierros to the Commission Subject : Limited participation of Greek undertakings in the Phare and Tacis Programmes .... 16 94/C 240/29 E-2283/93 by Annemarie Goedmakers to the Commission Subject : Lease of premises at 57-59 rue Froissart by the Commission 17 94/C 240/30 E-2286/93 by Ana Miranda de Lage and Jesus Cabezón Alonso to the Commission Subject : Unfair competition from non-Community producers of soda ash 17 94/C 240/31 E-2291 /93 by Catherine Trautmann to the Commission Subject : Obstacle to the free movement of persons 18 94/C 240/32 E-2301 /93 by Gianfranco Amendola to the Commission Subject : Projected opening of a quarry in Cavaglia — Piedmont 18 94/C 240/33 E-2304/93 by Carmen Díez de Rivera Icaza to the Commission Subject : Infringement by Greece of the Directive on the conservation of wild birds 19 94/C 240/34 E-2309/93 by Sergio Ribeiro to the Commission Subject : Transnational dismissal strategy 19 94/C 240/35 E-2355/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Use of liquid gas to power motor vehicles in Greece 20 94/C 240/36 E-2358/93 by David Bowe to the Commission Subject : Dumping of subsidized beef in west-African States 20 94/C 240/37 E-2360/93 by Mark Killilea to the Commission Subject : The European Social Fund and the disabled 20 94/C 240/38 E-23 85/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Unemployment among men 21 94/C 240/39 E-2402/93 by Filippos Pierros to the Commission Subject : Planning and management of the Eapta ( Greek Special Local Government Development Programme ) 21 94/C 240/40 E-2403/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Development of the Fluropean Mediterranean coast 22 94/C 240/41 E-2450/93 by Barbara Duhrkop Dührkop to the Commission Subject : Alcohol monopoly in the Nordic countries 22 94/C 240/42 E-2455/93 by Claude Desama to the Commission Subject : Continuing obstructions at the Community's internal land frontiers 22 ( Continued overleaf) Notice No Contents ( continued ) page 94/C 240/43 E-2459/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Harmonization with the 1968 Brussels Convention of legislation on family law matters 23 94/C 240/44 E-2469/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Designation of Kalymnos as European centre for sponge fishing and trading 23 94/C 240/45 E-2489/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Civil liability of operators of nuclear installations 23 94/C 240/46 E-2508/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Transfer of refugee children in the EC 24 94/C 240/47 E-2545/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Protection of the Gulf of Yera , Lesbos 25 94/C 240/48 E-2553/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Treatment of goatmeat and sheepmeat 25 94/C 240/49 E-2559/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Dialogue between the Mediterranean regions and the Commission on the management of Mediterranean fishery resources 25 94/C 240/50 E-2600/93 by Sotiris Kostopoulos to the Commission Subject : Effective coordination of measures for the promotion of economic and social cohesion 26 94/C 240/51 E-2610/93 by Sergio Ribeiro to the Commission Subject : Participation of employees'organizations in the banking sector in the implementation of a Directive which concerns them 26 94/C 240/52 E-2633/93 by Ben Fayot to the Commission Subject : Discrimination against Luxembourgish frontier workers 27 94/C 240/53 E-2657/93 by Ernest Glinne to the Commission Subject : 'Relocation' of public contractors and trade to the detriment of the Community and the Member States 27 94/C 240/54 E-2533/93 by Jean-Pierre Raffin to the Commission Subject : Application of Directive 79/409/EEC to the Loire Estuary ( France ) 28 94/C 240/55 E-2714/93 by Bruno Boissiere to the Commission Subject : Destruction of an area of biological interest 29 Joint answer to Written Questions E-2533/93 and E-2714/93 29 94/C 240/56 E-2764/93 by Sir James Scott-Hopkins to the Commission Subject : Re-cycling domestic water 29 94/C 240/57 E-2781/93 by Vassilis Ephremidis to the Commission Subject : The Commission's objections concerning employers' contributions to the Lawyers' ( social security ) Fund 30 94/C 240/58 E-2793/93 by Winifred Ewing to the Commission Subject : EC assistance to Angola 30 94/C 240/59 E-2808/93 by Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission Subject : European participation in the AIES 31 Notice No Contents ( continued ) Page 94/C 240/60 E-2809/93 by Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission Subject : MINT and its possible contractors in Spain 31 94/C 240/61 E-28 12/93 by Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission Subject : 'The breach of the port of Rotterdam ' 32 94/C 240/62 E-28 16/93 by Carlos Robles Piquer to the Commission Subject : Telephone rates charged
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