Texas Lutheran University Degree Plan Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Student Name: ______ID#: ______Prospective Graduation Date: ______Catalog Year: 2019-20

General Criminal Justice (30 hrs) Take the following Foundation requirements (18 hrs): SOCI 130 Introduction to Sociology Basic Quantitative Literacy SOCI 433 Survey Research MATH130 College Math or higher SOCI 435 Senior Capstone Critical Reading CRCJ 231 The American Justice System FREX134 Exploring the Arts & Sciences CRCJ 331 or 332 Crim & Proc or Principles Engaging Faith Traditions CRCJ 375 or SOCI 374 Juv Justice/ in Amer THEO133 Intro to Theology CRCJ 430 or 439 Independent Study or Internship* Modern Language 9 additional hrs of CRCJ or SOCI electives: Foreign language at 131 level or higher* Written Communication COMP131 Composition I COMP132 Composition II *SOCI 430 or439 requirement is waived if student participates in Washington Semester Program or a TLU sponsored study abroad * The language requirement can also be met by a study abroad program. program lasting 4 weeks.

Take the following Distribution requirements (24 hrs): Supporting Coursework (24 hrs) Arts 6 hrs PSYC 235 Drugs & Behavior PYSC 271 Quantitative Methods I PSYC 332 or 374 Abnormal or Personality 12 hrs (no more than 2 courses/discipline) GEOG Elective GEOG Elective POLS 232 or 336 Amer Pol II/Pub. Administration 6 hrs electives to be determined by advisor:

Natural Sciences & Math 6 hrs (1 crs w/lab)

Electives or to total 124 hrs Social Sciences 6 hrs √ SOCI 130 Introduction to Sociology √ CRCJ 231 The American Justice System

Complete the following Competencies: 3 Critical Thinking Courses (T) 3 Engaged Citizenship Courses (Z) 2 Communication Courses (C) Reflective Modules (3) 1 Ethics Course (E)


IMPORTANT: An overall GPA of 2.0 and a major/minor GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation. All degrees require a minimum of 124 hours. It is the responsibility of the student to fulfill all degree requirements.

Student: ______Advisor: ______Dept Chair: ______

Registrar: ______Date: ______