US 2005.0062232A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0062232 A1 Pavlik et al. (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 24, 2005

(54) SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR SIMULATING Publication Classification A GAME OF FOOTBALL (51) Int. Cl." ...... F41J 3/02 (76) Inventors: Eric Pavlik, Corning, CA (US); Ron (52) U.S. Cl...... 273/408 Alexander, Corning, CA (US) Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT Ronald Rohde Suite 100 2100 Embarcadero A game simulating professional, American Style football is disclosed. The game combines physical skill, Strategy, and Oakland, CA 94.606 (US) chance. A Standard dartboard is used to generate, by physical Appl. No.: skill and chance, points that determine kickoff performance, (21) 10/943,474 yardage gained, turnover Success, performance, Safety (22) Filed: Sep. 17, 2004 outcome, extra points, and onside kick Success. Strategy is used to apply the points. Any Standard dartboard and darts Related U.S. Application Data may be used. ProgreSS of the game is displayed by place ment of indicia on a game board. The running Score is (60) Provisional application No. 60/504,542, filed on Sep. written in, or displayed by indicia placed in, the appropriate 19, 2003. field of the game board.

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Patent Application Publication Mar. 24, 2005 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2005/0062232 A1


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S_Lae?º,EL'ANILL 6TQ©ISMOLISIAL ¿||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||? Patent Application Publication Mar. 24, 2005 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2005/0062232 A1

£61-I 996909/99989GG9989,†79 Z9A190/,891917969ZG/9TG

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SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR SIMULATING A 0011 U.S. Pat. No. 1,467,912 discloses a gridiron rep GAME OF FOOTBALL resentation as well as a very complicated Spinner. Team players are left with no discretion as to which playS are CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED chosen or the results. Strategy and physical skill are not APPLICATIONS elements of this game. Moreover, no dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. 0001) This invention is based on U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/504,542 filed Sep. 19, 2003 entitled 0012 U.S. Pat. No. 1,838,398 discloses a football game “Dartboard, a football simulation game' filed in the name of apparatus having a gridiron representation as well as 7 Eric Pavlik and Ron Alexander. The priority of this appli Spinners attached thereto. In this game a player is allowed to cation is hereby claimed and it is hereby incorporated herein choose his offense play, announce it and then Spin for the by reference thereto. result. Physical skill is not an element of this game. More over, no dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0013 U.S. Pat. No. 1,992,475 discloses a football game 0002) 1. Field of the Invention in combination with cards. The cards in this game pertain to a particular play and then have the face of the card divided 0.003 Embodiments of the present invention generally into Zones corresponding to the Zones on the field. Physical relate to Systems, apparatuses, and methods for Simulating skill is not an element of this game. Moreover, no dartboard professional football. More in particular, the invention is used or disclosed in this game. relates to board games wherein professional football is Simulated. 0014 U.S. Pat. No. 2,049,284 discloses a football game containing a gridiron representation having an elaborate dice 0004 2. Description of the Related Art and tumbler. There is a chart of plays, which is used with this 0005 Attempts at simulating football can be traced back game. The chart gives 88 variations of play through each of to the 19th Century. U.S. Pat. No. 563,767 depicts a board Seven line positions or 616 variations of line plays on a game having a gridiron representation and a spinner. Simple chart of 11 chances. In this game an offensive member names his play, rolls the dice and consults the chart 0006. One of the remarkable aspects of football history is for yardage. The defense player then rolls dice to obtain the number of changes that have ensued over the years. This yardage, which is then Subtracted from the offensive yardage is true not only in the actual live performance of American and a new is established. Physical skill is football, but also in the various versions of football simu not an element of this game. Moreover, no dartboard is used lations. Football is a game that involves, to varying degrees, or disclosed in this game. the elements of Strategy, physical skill, and chance. Like wise, typical Simulations, have tended to emphasize one or 0.015 U.S. Pat. No. 3,103,361 discloses a football board Sometimes two of these elements. The element of chance is game using play-Selecting cards. There are offensive cards generally simulated with a spinner, dice, or a deck of cards. as well as defensive cards each of which is separate and Often a combination of Spinner and dice, or dice and cards, apart from the other. In this game the defensive player first or Spinner and cards is used to generate the random element. chooses his defensive card. The offense then chooses her Strategy is usually incorporated into the rules of play, though card and discloses her choice. The defense player aligns his Some games rely entirely on chance. card containing graphic representations with the gridiron 0007 As far back as the 19" century, as noted above, and locates the play result on the card. Physical skill is not U.S. Pat. No. 593,512 disclosed a gridiron representation as an element of this game. Moreover, no dartboard is used or well as a spinner indicating the amount of yardage gained. disclosed in this game. This game also employs toy playerS propelling toy balls on 0016 U.S. Pat. No. 3,526,403 discloses a football board a toy field. However, no dartboard is used or disclosed in this game having result charts. Cards are used with this game, game. but they are regular poker-type cards. Physical skill is not an 0008 U.S. Pat. No. 795,822 discloses a gridiron in com element of this game. Moreover, no dartboard is used or bination with Several Spinners. Players are moveable upon a disclosed in this game. board wherein the players are connected by links or bonds. 0017 U.S. Pat. No. 3,995,863 discloses a football board This game is similar in Some respects to football, but is not game having a gridiron representation having associated, intended to simulate football closely. Moreover, no dart complicated moveable parts located thereon. This patent board is used or disclosed in this game. exemplifies the more complicated extreme of football board 0009 U.S. Pat. No. 817,191 discloses a rugby card game. games. Physical skill is not an element of this game. There are 66 playing cards, which are divided into 11 Suits Moreover, no dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. of 6. Each card contains 5 plays, kick-off, punt, goal after 0018 U.S. Pat. No. 4,003,580 discloses a football board , goal from field and rushing. This is not an game having a gridiron representation. In this game, the game, but is interesting as an attempt to defense tries to guess what the offense is doing. Playing play a Sport with Specialized cards. Moreover, no dartboard cards are used in this game and play results are determined is used or disclosed in this game. by a set of cards called “” cards. The offensive player 0010 U.S. Pat. No. 1,273,675 discolses a gridiron rep chooses one of two plays and the defense responds by resentation as well as a Spinner. The play results are deter guessing which of the two plays the offense chose. Physical mined in a completely random fashion. Skill is not a factor, skill is not an element of this game. Moreover, no dartboard moreover, no dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. is used or disclosed in this game. US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

0019 U.S. Pat. No. 4,094.509 discloses a football board field is divided into Zones the width of the field, representing game having a gridiron representation and a play result five yard intervals. darts are thrown to move progressively chart. Dice are used extensively as well as offensive play from Zone one to the next until reaching the end-Zone. cards. In this game, with the exception of kickoff, the Moves are regulated by a Set of rules to Simulate various offensive player must announce his play in advance to aspects and Strategies of the game of football. No Standard rolling dice. Physical skill is not an element of this game. dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. Moreover, no dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. 0028 U.S. Pat. No. 3,979,117 discloses a dartboard target 0020 U.S. Pat. No. 4,173,346 discloses a football board layout divided into three circular targets. Each target is game having playing cards and dice. There is little room in further divided into distinctively colored dart target areas this game for offensive Strategies and defensive guessing. representing the result of from Selective offense playS Such Dice are used in unique ways to announce plays and results. as running, pass, and kick playS. Only the offense gets to Physical skill is not an element of this game. Moreover, no throw. Players take turns depending on the progress of the dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. throws. No standard dartboard is used or disclosed in this 0021 U.S. Pat. No. 4,168,834 discloses a football board game. game, which is pocket size and uses offense and defense 0029 U.S. Pat. No. 4,681,325 discloses a dartboard lay cards. The offense and defense cards are different from each out where the target areas are divided into a group of other. Physical skill is not an element of this game. More offensive target pieces to be used by offensive team, and a over, no dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. group of defensive target pieces to be used by defensive 0022 U.S. Pat. No. 4,660,836 discloses a football board team. The offensive team tries to land a dart on the offensive game played from the perspective players. It has a gridiron target pieces, representing offensive moves. The defensive representation, playing cards representing offensive playS, team tries to land a dart on the defensive target pieces and a Spinning pointer for generating a random number. representing defensive countermeasures against the offen Sive moves. Game rules determine the outcome of the play There are complex rules incorporating probability charts. based on the Sequence of targets hit. The target pieces vary Physical skill is not an element of this game. Moreover, no in size reflecting relative difficulty of each play option. No dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. Standard dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. 0023 U.S. Pat. No. 5,158,301 discloses a game board on which is depicted a standard football playing field, two sets 0030 U.S. Pat. No. 5,005,842 discloses an electronic circuit, dartboard. The target area is circular and is divided of cards, and dice to generate random numbers. A very into a number of rectangular, circular, annular, and Oval complex Set of rules determines the progreSS of the game. regions that overlap each other. The object is to pierce the Physical skill is not an element of this game. Moreover, no center area of the board, and a donut shaped area, directly dartboard is used or disclosed in this game. Surrounding the centermost area, additionally there are four 0024 U.S. Pat. No. 5,496,036 discloses a football card other circular, instant point areas. Each, individual player board game with two football fields that on a dry erase board throws at least eight or more darts at a time. Scoring is done Surface. The game includes a pair of dice, a Standard die, and automatically by the electronic circuitry activated by the a yard quantity die, a pack of fifty-four shuffle-able cards darts. No standard dartboard is used or disclosed in this with a Sport card front and Star sheets. game. 0025 U.S. Pat. No. 5,755,441 discloses a board game 0031 U.S. Pat. No. 5,664,782 discloses a dartboard with including a board having one hundred individual positions many target regions. Each region is Subdivided into yet, corresponding to the yard lines and Several varieties of more Smaller areas. Each area has Some action, either cards. The offensive player Selects a play from the menu of defensive or offensive associated with it. The targets are available offensive playS. The defensive player draws a card sized and placed to correlate and Simulate the Skill required that determines the result. Available plays include Simulated to achieve a desired result reflecting the probability of Such yardage gains and losses, Scores, possession transitions a result in actual football. The game can be played by plays of the actual game. Physical skill is not an element of individuals or teams. No standard dartboard is used or this game. Moreover, no dartboard is used or disclosed in disclosed in this game. this game. 0032 U.S. Pat. No. 5,967,518 discloses an arcade style 0026. While none of these games involve any physical game played by throwing darts (or other projectiles) at the skill or any kind of dart board, a number of football board playing Surface or target area. The target area includes field games incorporate darts as an element of both chance and markings that depict a Sports field in perspective view. The physical skill. Unfortunately, all of these games use a special target area also includes target markings that define offen dartboard particular to the game rather than the Standard Sive targets and defensive targets. The defensive targets dartboard. All of these games require a dartboard that has a resemble Silhouettes of players involved in various action target area, which is specially laid out for the particular modes of a game. The electronicS Senses the darts and an game. The dartboards are typically divided into fields rep active counter awards Score values according to factorS Such resenting plays, yardage, or position. Skill is required to get as time elapsed between when an offensive target is hit and a dart into a desired field. Some level of chance also comes a defensive target is hit. No Standard dartboard is used or into play. These games that combine darts with football go disclosed in this game. back to at least 1940. 0033 U.S. Pat. No. 5,979,898 discloses an electronic 0027 U.S. Pat. No. 2,227,382 discloses a dartboard with Scoring dart target, which provides a “Soccer competition, the target laid out in the shape of a football field. The football an “American football” competition, as well as other “sport” US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005 competitions. The dart target layout includes a target con 0039 The origin of darts can be traced back to the Sisting of a complex Set of tessellations. The target areas are fifteenth century battlefields of France. It is believed that divided into a frustration region, an offense/defense inter archers practiced with broken arrow heads throwing them at action region, and an offensive gain region. The electronic targets of wood either in the form of barrel bottoms or logs Scoring dart target further includes a display panel below the from trees. The game as it exists today began to emerge in target area. The display panel has two Sets of Score displayS the 19th century. Brian Gamlin is credited with “inventing” and function keys, as well as a clocking display and a pilot the numbering Sequence of the modern Standard dartboard in lamp indicating attack. The target areas can be configured as 1896. Two years later, the first U.S. Patent concerning the “Soccer”, “American football”, “basketball' or Some other game of darts was an improvement to a dart. This patent was "sports' competition ground. No Standard dartboard is used issued as U.S. Pat. No. 613,386 on 1 Nov. 1898, to Nathan or disclosed in this game. P. McKenney, for a paper flight. In 1935 the Nodor dartboard 0034 U.S. Pat. No. 6,402,154 describes a dartboard for company was the first to manufacture the now Standard playing American football with a target area laid out in the London dartboard seen throughout the world. shape of a quadrilateral Simulated football field Section; a 0040. The game of darts has become a very popular sport quadrilateral downs Section; a quadrilateral punts Section; that Supports an industry of manufacturers and retailers in and a quadrilateral kickS Section. Opposing playerS or teams England, and the U.S. as well as other countries. CountleSS accumulate Scores by hitting the appropriate areas with their children both large and small have received dartboards for darts, in Sequence, in order to reach a winning Score within Christmas or birthdays, Today, darts and standard dartboards an agreed upon time period. No Standard dartboard is used are a fixture in pubs throughout England, the U.S., and or disclosed in this game. around the world. The standard dartboard can be found in 0035. There are several design patents that also describe countleSS homes, bars, pubs, game rooms, clubs, USO’s and dartboard target layouts for playing Simulated games foot other recreational places. Standard dartboards and darts are . These include U.S. design Pat. Nos. D285,942; D291, available in most toy, game, and Sporting goods Stores. O98; D293,455; D444,505; and D252,412. 0041 American football and the standard dartboard lay 0036) As noted above, all of the boards cited above, out both originated about the same time and have been including those described by design patents, use targets laid around Since the end of the nineteenth century. Unfortu out in Specially designed patterns. None of the above boards nately, none of the football Simulations or dart games that use a standard dartboard layout, as shown in FIG. 1. There have developed, combine the standard dartboard with a is only one patent that does describe a Standard dartboard realistic Simulation of American football, that requires using layout used in a simulated game of football. roughly equal amounts of skill, chance, and Strategy. 0037 U.S. Pat. No. 4,893,822 describes an electronic 0042. Therefore, what is needed is a board game that throwing dart football game consisting of a combination of takes advantage of the ubiquitous distribution of Standard darts, a board laid out in the pattern of a Standard dartboard, dartboards and darts to Simulate American football and that and electronics to Sense the darts and Score the game. can be played with Standard dartboards, using Standard darts, However, the board is not a standard dartboard in the sense wherever they may be found. What is needed is a game that of a target for Standard darts. The darts are weights. The combines the skill of throwing darts, with the chance of board is made up of pie Sections laid out in the format of a hitting the desired points, along with offensive and defensive Standard dartboard. The pie Sections are actually Solid plates, Strategies and complexities that go into applying those which act as Switches. When the darts or weights hit the pie points to playing a Simulated game of American football, as Section plates, the plates are deflected and a contact is made. well as a game board to aid in keeping track of play and The Signal produced by the contact enables the dartboard to Scoring. automatically transmit the appropriate Score by electric circuit routers to a scoreboard. The position of the football SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION is then updated on the football field by yard indicating lamps. A Standard dartboard and darts could not be used to 0043. An embodiment of the present invention is an play this game. Unfortunately, this game requires use of a apparatus for playing a System for playing a simulated game of football. The system includes a standard dartboard, one or Special electronic device, not the Standard dartboard found more darts, a set of game rules, and a game board. The game ubiquitously in homes, bars, pubs, game rooms, clubs, board includes a playing field adapted to receive a position USO’s and other recreational places. indicia; a timeout field adapted to receive one or more 0038. There is also a game of darts called “football” timeouts indicia indicating timeouts, a Score field adapted to described in Some rulebooks. In this game, the Standard receive one or more game Score indicia representing a game dartboard serves as a simulation for a football field. The Score for two teams, and a quarter field adapted to receive standard dartboard is divided up by the rules to simulate one or more quarter indicia indicating a quarter and a regions of a football field. Points associated with the stan number of possessions. At least one numeric value is gen dard dartboard layout are not used to determine yardage or erated from an operation of the one or more darts and progreSS across the field, only physical position. The players Standard dartboard by a user thereof according to the Set of try to move the “football” across the field by progressively rules. The position indicia is advanced by a user thereof in hitting various regions defined on the board. Unfortunately, response to the at least one numeric value according to the while this game does involve a Standard dartboard and darts, Set of game rules. The one or more timeouts indicia are the Simulation of actual football is more Suggested by the Selectively advanced by a user thereof according to the Set name than found in actual play. There is little Strategy or of game rules. The number of possessions is determined and actual football action in the game. the quarter indicia is advanced by a user thereof according US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

to the Set of game rules, and game Scores obtained for one of skill in the art that the present invention may be playerS or groups of playerS Simulate a gameplay of the practiced without one or more of these specific details. In game of football according to the Set of game rules. other instances, well-known features have not been described in order to avoid obscuring the present invention. 0044 An embodiment of the present invention an appa Moreover, football terminology has been used where such ratus for playing a System for playing a simulated game of terminology may provide a more thorough understanding of football. The system includes a standard dartboard, one or the present invention. For one skilled in the art of football, more darts, and a game board. The game board includes a Such terminology will contribute to clarity and ease of playing field adapted to receive a position indicia according understanding. to disposition of the one or more darts operated relative the Standard dartboard. The game board further includes a 0052 FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic depiction of a layout of timeout field adapted to receive one or more timeouts indicia a standard dartboard 30 in accordance with aspects of the indicating timeouts according to a Set of game rules. The invention. Standard dartboard 30 may be constructed of a game board further includes a Score field adapted to receive wide variety materials, for example cork, Wood, plastic, one or more game Score indicia representing a game Score paper, metal, Velcro. Darts (not illustrated) are well known for two teams according to the Set of game rules, and a in the industry. Such darts are generally constructed of quarter field adapted to receive one or more quarter indicia materials adapted to adhere or Stick to Standard dartboards indicating a quarter and a number of possessions according upon impact with standard dartboard 30. Such materials may to the Set of game rules. include wood, metal, plastic, feathers, Velcro, ceramic, 0.045 An embodiment of the present invention is a magnetic materials, rubber, for example. Darts may adhere method of playing a simulated football game with a Standard to dartboard 30 by penetrating dartboard 30 with a point, by dartboard, one or more darts, and a game board. The method tangling with dartboard 30 material with a hook and latch includes representing a football field on the game board, and means Such as felt or Velcro, by magnetic interaction, by alternating turns between two players. The method further Vacuum, for example. The shape of darts may vary from includes throwing the one or more darts at the Standard Spherical to elongated projectiles. While the type, shape, and dartboard in a predetermined Sequence, and assigning a configuration of darts is too varied to illustrate a typical dart, point value determined from a disposition of the one or more standard dartboard 30 is well defined. darts thrown at the standard dartboard. The method further 0053 Standard dartboard 30 is divided into twenty dif includes determining a number of yards to move a football ferent pie sections 31, an outer bull 37, an inner bull 38, and indicia according the assigned point value, moving the a number field 41. Standard dartboard 30 further includes an football indicia on the football field represented on the game outer ring or double ring 34, and an inner ring or triple ring board the number of yards determined according to the point 36. Inner bull 38, outer bull 37, triple ring 36, double ring 34, value, and allocating points Scored to the two playerS based and number field 41 are arranged concentrically proceeding on progress of the football indicia on the game board. from the center of dartboard 30, as illustrated in FIG. 1. Number field 41 concentrically external to double ring 34 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS and is inscribed with twenty, point value numerals 32. A numeral 32 is adjacent to each of pie Sections 31. A point 0046) So that the manner in which the above recited value associated with a pie Section 31 is represented by features, advantages and objects of the present invention are numeral 32 closest to Such pie Section 31. For example, a pie attained and can be understood in detail, a more particular section 31 will have a point value of fourteen. Throwing a description of the invention, briefly Summarized above, may dart that Sticks in Such pie Section 31 adjacent numeral 32, be had by reference to the embodiments thereof which are labeled “14, may also be referred to as throwing a fourteen. illustrated in the appended drawings. A dart Sticking in an area of inner bull 38 has a point value 0047. It is to be noted, however, that the appended of fifty points. A dart sticking in an area of outer bull 37 has drawings illustrate only typical embodiments of this inven a point value of twenty-five points. Double ring 34 and triple tion and are therefore not to be considered limiting of its ring 36 delineate regions of a two and three times multiplier Scope, for the present invention may admit to other equally factor respectively. Triple ring 36 defines a region that is effective embodiments. multiplied by three times. For example, a pie Section 31 adjacent to a numeral 32, labeled "14", has a nominal point 0.048 FIG. 1 is a diagrammatic depiction of a layout of value of fourteen points when a dart Sticks anywhere within a Standard dartboard in accordance with aspects of the Such pie Section 31. However, if Such dart Sticks in an invention. intersection of triple ring 36 with Such pie section 31 0049 FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic depiction of a layout of adjacent to such numeral 32 labeled “14, such dart scores a game board for a board game in accordance with aspects a point value of three times fourteen, equal to forty-two. of the invention. Throwing a dart that Sticks in Such manner may also be referred to as throwing a triple fourteen, or Simply throwing 0050 FIG. 3 is a depiction of the layout of the game a forty-two. board of FIG. 2, illustrating indicia disposed thereupon, in accordance with aspects of the invention. 0054 Double ring 34 defines a region that is multiplied by two times. For example, a pie Section 31 adjacent to a DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS numeral 32, labeled “6”, has a nominal point value of six points when a dart Sticks anywhere within Such pie Section 0051. In the following description, numerous specific 31. However, if Such dart sticks in an intersection of double details are Set forth to provide a more thorough understand ring 34 with Such pie section 31 adjacent to such numeral 32 ing of the present invention. However, it will be apparent to labeled “6”, such dart scores a point value of two times six, US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

equal to twelve. Throwing a dart that Sticks in Such manner visitors team. Timeouts apertures 53 may be adapted for may also be referred to as throwing a double Six, or simply receiving timeouts indicia 66. Placement of timeouts indicia throwing a twelve. A dart Sticking exterior to double ring 34, 66 may indicate a number of timeouts used by each team as for example in number field 41, Scores Zero points. The point the game progresses. Alternately, placement of timeouts values associated with regions of dartboard 30, as described indicia 66 may indicate a number of timeouts remaining to above are conventional associations. Other point values may each team as Simulated football game progresses. For be assigned or associated with regions of dartboard 30 based example, FIG.3 may illustrate timeouts indicia 66 disposed on mutually accepted conventions and definitions. to indicate that home team has used three timeouts and 0.055 As described in a set of rules below, point values visitors team has used two timeouts. Alternately, FIG.3 may may represent yards gained in a game, a Success in making illustrate timeouts indicia 66 disposed to indicate that home a conversion, a Success in making a Safety, or a Success in team has three timeouts remaining and Visitors team has two making a turnover, depending on a phase of play as the game timeouts remaining. progreSSeS. 0060 Quarter field 58, may include one or more posses sion apertures 59. FIG. 2 illustrates a total of sixteen 0056 FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic depiction of a layout of possession apertures 59, disposed in four Sets of four, for a game board 51 for a board game in accordance with example. Each Set of four possession apertures 59 may aspects of the invention. FIG. 3 is a depiction of the layout represent one quarter. Each aperture 59 may represent one of game board 51 of FIG. 2, illustrating indicia disposed possession. Quarter indicia 65 may be placed in a possession thereupon, in accordance with aspects of the invention. aperture 59 representing a current quarter and possession as Game board 51 is divided into a plurality of fields. Game simulated football game progresses. For example, FIG. 3 board 51 includes a football field 52, a timeouts field 54, a illustrates quarter indicia 65 disposed to indicate that play score field 56, and a quarter field 58. Dartball further has progressed to a fourth possession in a first quarter. includes a Set of indicia, including a football indicia 64, one 0061 Football indicia 64, quarter indicia 65, and tim or more timeouts indicia 66, and one or more quarter indicia eouts indicia 66 may include pegs, pins, tacks, nails, or other 65. indicia adapted to insert into apertures 31,59.53 respectively. 0057 Referring to FIG. 2, a board game embodiment is Apertures 31,59.53 are not necessary for football indicia 64, readily apparent. Football field 52 is configured in a gridiron quarter indicia 65, and timeouts indicia 66. It is only representation Simulating a professional football field. Foot important that the indicia 64,65,66 are adapted to be affixed ball field 52 may be divided into two touchdown Zones (or to the playing Game board 51 in some manner. Other end zones) 67, a playing field 68. Playing field 68 may be methods of affixing indicia 64,65,66 to Game board 51 may labeled by one or more yardage markers 69, yard one or include magnets, Velcro, or Simply marking the board with more yard indicators 60, and one or more hash marks 70. an erasable or electronic marker, for example. Yardage markers 69 may be arranged at five-yard intervals, 0062 Score field 56 includes a home field 55 and a and hash marks 70 at one-yard intervals, for example. Yard visitors field 57. Score field 56 may be written in by some indicatorS 60 may arrayed along a top edge of football field form a marker adapted to be erasable, Such as dry ink, pencil, 52, as illustrated in FIG. 2. Alternatively, yard indicators 60 or chalk, for example. AS Simulated football game may be arrayed along a bottom edge, or both top and bottom progresses, a current Score for the Visitor team and the home edges of football field 52. Yard indicators 60 may indicate team may be updated in visitors field 57 and home field 55 yards at, for example, five-yard intervals. Playing field 68 respectively. Alternatively, removable, numeric indicia may include one or more yard apertures 61. FIG. 2 illus adapted to adhere removably to score field 56, such as trates playing field 68 having a yard aperture 61 for each magnetic numerals, Velcro attachable numerals, Scoring yard, including forty-nine apertures 61 for visitors yard lines cards, or electronic numerals may be disposed to advantage one through forty-nine, forty-nine yard apertures 61 for in score field 56, in home field 55 and visitors field 57, to home yard lines one through forty-nine, and one aperture for indicate a current score. FIG. 3 illustrates score field 56 the fifty-yard line. Playing field 68 further illustrated as indicating a Score of Seven to nine, or Seven in home field 55 including two touchdown apertures 62. Goal lines are not and nine in visitors field 57. illustrated as have apertures 61. Touchdown apertures 62 are disposed in touchdown Zones 67. Yard apertures 61 and 0063 Reference will be made to FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 in touchdown apertures 62 are adapted to receive a football explaining the invention. For clarity, and to aid understand indicia 64. ing of exemplary rules, football indicia 64 may also be referred to as position indicia 64 or simply ball 64. Likewise, 0.058 Referring to FIG.3, football indicia 64, or ball 64, touchdown Zone 67 may also be referred to as 67. may be configured to represent a football. Placement of Notwithstanding, the following description having refer football indicia in an aperture 61 represents a current yard ences to board game illustrations, the invention contains line position for ball 64 as a simulated football game principles generic to any Such embodiment and the best progresses. For example, FIG. 3 illustrates football indicia modes for carrying out the invention are manifold. 64 disposed in a yard aperture 61 at a fifteen yard line, to 0064. The invention provides the player with an oppor indicate that play has progressed to place ball 64 at the tunity to be a , a Defensive Signal Caller, and a fifteen yard line. Placement of football indicia 64 in touch Head Coach of her own team, facing Similar situations and down apertures 62 would represent a touchdown position, as decisions to those that are faced in a typical professional the game progresses. football game. Strategy in making correct decisions, and 0059 Timeouts field 54 may include a set of timeouts calling correct plays will contribute to winning games. apertures 53, FIG. 2 illustrates three timeouts apertures 53 0065. A set of exemplary set of game rules is set forth as for a home team and three timeouts apertures 53 for a follows to illustrate one operational embodiment. However, US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005 it may be appreciated that the following Set of game rules for thirty-six yards, for example. Such descriptions of the may be varied in details without departing from the Scope of result of a dart throw may be used interchangeably through the invention. out description of the game. 0.066. A game may be played by two teams. An object of 0081) 11. Darts that stick in outer bull 37 count as the game is for each team to accumulate points by, for twenty-five yards. example, moving football indicia 64 into an opponent's end 0082) 12. Darts that stick in inner bull 38 count as fifty Zone 67. Darts and a standard dartboard 30 are used to yards. determine how far to move ball 64 and the outcome of Strategic maneuvers. 0083) For example, FIG. 3 illustrates football indicia 64 disposed to indicate that play has progressed to move 0067 Duration of the Game football indicia 64 to a fifteen yard line. 0068) 1. The game is played for four quarters. 0084) Kickoff 0069 2. Two quarters make up a half. 0085 13. A team kicking off, is a kicking team, or 0070) 3. Two half's make up a game. offense. Kicking team starts with ball 64 in aperture 61 at the kicking team's thirty-five yard line, or otherwise described 0071. 4. Four possessions make up a quarter. One pos as at the thirty-five yard line. Session is complete when each team has had possession of ball 64 once. Each team is entitled to possession of ball 64, 0086) 14. Kicking team may throw up to three darts to or a possession, four times per quarter or eight times per move ball 64 as close to the receiving team's end zone 67 as half, for a total of Sixteen possessions. Each possession may possible. For example, if kicking team throws a three, a be four downs. twenty, and a double five for a total of thirty-three yards, then ball 64 would be moved thirty-three yards from kicking 0072 5. At an end of four quarters (the second half) the team's thirty-five yard line (where the ball started), to game is over and a team with the most points wins. kicking team's Sixty-eight yard line, or receiving team's 0073 FIG. 3 illustrates quarter indicia 65 disposed to thirty-two yard line. indicate that play has progressed to a fourth possession of 0087 15. Kicking team may elect to throw fewer than the first quarter, for example. Three quarters remain in the three darts. game. 0088 16. A kickoff does not count as a possession. 0074 Starting the Game 0089. 17. A team receiving the kickoff is a receiving team 0075 6. Before starting play, a coin may be tossed to or defense. Receiving team then takes possession of ball 64 determine which team will control ball 64 first. A winner of at a point where kicking team moved ball 64 to with the the coin toss elects to either kickoff or receive ball 64. kickoff. In the above example receiving team takes posses sion of ball 64 at its own thirty-two yard line. A team with 0.076 7. A team that receives to start the first half must possession of ball 64 is offense. Upon taking possession of kickoff to start the second half. ball 64, receiving team becomes offense. 0077. Determination of Yards to Move 0090 18. If kicking team throws for a total number of 0078 8. A point value scored by a thrown dart on yards equal to or greater than Sixty-five yards then a touch standard dartboard 30 determines a number of yards ball 64 back is Scored against receiving team. For example, if may be moved. One point equals one yard. For example, a kicking team throws an eighteen, eleven, and triple fifteen dart that Sticks in pie Section 31 adjacent a numeral 32 for a total of Seventy-four yards then kicking team has having a value of “twenty”, (or a twenty field) equals twenty Scored a . yards. Another way of Saying this is that a player has thrown 0091. 19. If there is a touchback, and if kicking team twenty yards. A dart in a Seven field equals Seven yards, or elects not to attempt a safety as described below, then a player has thrown a dart for Seven yards. Another way of receiving team takes possession of ball 64 at its own describing this is, a player has thrown a Seven. twenty-yard line. 0079) 9. Darts that stick in outer ring, or double ring 34 0092) Moving the Ball count double. For example: a dart in double ring 34 where it interSects pie Section 31 adjacent a numeral 32 having a 0093. 20. Each thrown dart is one down. Each possession value of “eight”, (or an eight field) equals sixteen yards. This is four downs or four thrown darts. would also be referred to as a “double eight'. Such case may be described as, a player has thrown a dart for Sixteen yards. 0094) 21. After receiving team receives a kickoff and Such case may also be described as, a player has thrown a becomes offense, offense has one possession, or four downs Sixteen. Such descriptions of the result of a dart throw may to throw at least enough yards to move ball 64 into the be used interchangeably throughout description of the game. opponent's end zone 67. 0080 10. Darts that stick in inner ring, or triple ring 36 0095 22. If offense throws at least enough yards to move count triple. For example: a dart in triple ring 36 where it ball 64 into end Zone 67 then offense scores a touchdown. intersects pie Section 31 adjacent a numeral 32 having a Offense receives Six points and may attempt a conversion. value of “twelve", (or a twelve field) equals thirty-six yards. 0096. 23. A team without possession of ball 64 is defense. This would also be referred to as a “triple twelve”. In such If defense has possessions left in a half, then offense kickS case, a player is Said to have thrown a thirty-six, or thrown off to defense. US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

0097 24. If offense does not throw at least enough yards 0112 Extra Points to move ball 64 into end Zone 67 in three downs, offense must choose between three options for a last down or fourth 0113 36. If the offense scores a touchdown, then offense dart: a) DRIVE FOR A TOUCHDOWN; b) ATTEMPT TO must elect to attempt either a one point conversion or a two KICK A ; c) PUNT. point conversion. 0114 37. A one-point conversion is attempted by throw 0098) a) Drive for a Touchdown ing two darts to add up to a total of at least twenty yards. 0099 25. If offense elects to drive for a touchdown then 0115) 38. A two-point conversion is attempted by throw the fourth dart must result in at least enough yards to move ing one dart for at least twenty yards. ball 64 into end Zone 67. 0116. 39. A one-point conversion may not be attempted 0100 26. If the fourth dart results in at least enough yards after electing and attempting a two-point conversion. to move ball 64 into end Zone 67, then offense scores a touchdown for Six points and may attempt a conversion. For 0117 40. After the conversion attempt, offense kicks off example, if offense reaches the Seven yard line with the first to defense, if the defense has possessions left in the half. three darts and offense then throws a twelve on the fourth 0118 Attempting a Safety down, offense has Scored a touch down. Offense may 0119) 41. A safety may be attempted after a punt or attempt a conversion. kickoff goes into end Zone 67 or upon touchback. 0101. 27. If defense has possessions left in the half, then 0120 42. Offense must have at least one timeout left or offense kicks off to defense. Safety may not be attempted. 0102 28. If the fourth dart does not result in at least 0121 43. Offense must hit inner bull 38 or outer bull 37 enough yards to move ball 64 into end Zone 67, then ball 64 with one dart for Safety attempt to Succeed. is spotted where it was on third down. If defense has possessions left in the half then defense takes possession ball 0122) 44. If either inner bull 38 or outer bull 37 is hit with 64 and becomes offense. In the above example, if offense one dart, offense gets two points and defense must kick off only threw for three yards on the fourth down, then ball 64 from their own twenty-yard line; no timeout is used. would be spotted at the Seven yard line. 0123 45. If both inner bull 38 and outer bull 37 are missed with Such one dart, offense looses one timeout, and 0103) b) Kick a Field Goal defense takes possession of ball 64 on their own twenty-yard 0104. 29. If the offense elects to kick a field goal then line, if defense has possessions left in the half. offense may throw two darts to attempt to accumulate at 0.124. Using Timeouts least enough yards to move ball 64 a remaining number of yards into end Zone 67. 0.125 46. Each team may elect to use up to three timeouts per half. 0105 30. If two darts result in enough yards to add up to at least the remaining yards to end Zone 67 then offense 0.126 47. A time out is one extra dart. Such one extra dart Scores a field goal. Offense receives three points. For may be used to extend a kickoff, extend a drive, attempt a example, if offense reaches the eleven yard line with the first field goal, extend a punt, Score extra points, or attempt to three darts and offense then throws a Six and a nine, offense force a turnover. has Scored a field goal. 0127 48. Timeouts may be used together, all at one time, 0106 31. If defense has possessions left in the half, then or one at a time, except to attempt to force a turn over or to offense kicks off to defense. attempt an onside kick. 0128 49. Only one timeout may be used per posession to 0107 32. If the two darts do not add up to at least the attempt to force a turn over and to attempt an onside kick. remaining yards to move ball 64 to end zone 67 then ball 64 is spotted where it was on third down. Defense takes 0129. As timeouts are used, timeouts indicia 66 may be possession of ball 64, if defense has possessions left in the placed in an appropriate timeouts aperture 53. For example, half, and becomes offense. In the above example if offense FIG. 3 may illustrate timeouts indicia 66 disposed to indi threw a four and a three, then ball 64 would be spotted on cate that home team has used three timeouts and Visitors the eleven yard line. team has used two timeouts. Alternately, FIG.3 may illus trate timeouts indicia 66 disposed to indicate that home team 0108) c) Punt has three timeouts remaining and Visitors team has two timeouts remaining. 0109) 33. If the offense elects to punt then up to three darts may be used to move ball 64 as close to defense end 0.130 Attempting Turnovers Zone 67 as possible. Defense takes possession of ball 64 at 0131 50. Defense may choose to attempt a turnover at Such position and becomes offense. anytime, including during a drive, during a kickoff, or during 0110 34. Not all three darts must be used. a field goal attempt. 0111 35. If ball 64 is moved into end Zone 67 with a punt, 0132) 51. Defense must have at least one timeout left to a touchback is Scored. If there is a touchback, defense takes attempt turnover. possession of ball 64 at its twenty-yard line, unless offense 0.133 52. Defense may only attempt one turnover during elects to attempt a safety (as described below). a possession. US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

0134. 53. Turnover may be initiated at any time. To wherein at least one numeric value is generated from an initiate turnover, defense declares an intent to attempt a operation of the one or more darts and Standard dart turnOVer. board by a user thereof according to the Set of rules, 0135), 54. Defense then throws one dart. wherein the position indicia is advanced by a user thereof 0.136 55. Turnover attempt is successful when defense in response to the at least one numeric value according hits inner bull 38 or Outer bull 37 with one dart. to the Set of game rules, 0137) 56. If turnover attempt is successful, defense takes wherein the one or more timeouts indicia are Selectively possession of ball 64 where it was spotted on the field when advanced by a user thereof according to the Set of game defense declared intent to attempt Such turnover. Defense rules, does not lose any timeouts. wherein the number of possessions is determined and the 0138 57. If turnover attempt fails, defense looses one quarter indicia is advanced by a user thereof according time out and may not attempt any more turnovers during the to the Set of game rules, and possession in which turnover was attempted. wherein game Scores obtained for playerS or groups of 0.139. Attempting an Onside Kick playerS Simulate a gameplay of the game of football according to the Set of game rules. 0140) 58. An onside kick may be attempted when kicking 2. The System of claim 1, wherein the playing field is off after a touchdown. configured to be recognizable as a simulated football field 0141 59. A timeout is used to attempt an onside kick. with the lines and yardage markers that typify the football field. 0142) 60. An onside kick attempt is successful when 3. The System claim 2, wherein the playing field includes inner bull 38 or Outer bull 37 is hit with one dart. two end Zones, a plurality of yardage markers, two goal 0143 61. Only one dart may be used to attempt an onside lines, and a plurality of hash markS. kick, per kickoff. 4. The System of claim 1, wherein the position indicia resembles a football. 0144) 62. If the onside kick attempt is successful, the 5. The system of claim 1, wherein the playing field kicking team gets ball 64 on its own forty-five yard line. includes apertures adapted to receive the position indicia. 0145 63. If the onside kick attempt is not successful, 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the timeout field receiving team gets ball 64 at its own thirty-five yard line. includes apertures adapted to receive the one or more timeouts indicia. 0146 Scoring 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the quarter field 0147 64. A touchdown counts as six points. includes apertures adapted to receive the quarter indicia. 8. The System of claim 1, wherein the game Score indicia 0148 65. A field goal counts as three points. include Writing in the Score field. 0149 66. A safety counts as two points. 9. A System for playing a simulated game of football, the 0150 67. A two point conversion counts as two points. System comprising: 0151 68. A one point conversion counts as one point. a Standard dartboard; 0152 While the foregoing is directed to embodiments of one or more darts, the present invention, other and further embodiments of the a game board including: invention may be devised without departing from the basic Scope thereof, and the Scope thereof is determined by the a playing field adapted to receive a position indicia claims that follow. according to disposition of the one or more darts operated relative the Standard dartboard; 1. A System for playing a simulated game of football, the a timeout field adapted to receive one or more timeouts System comprising: indicia indicating timeouts according to a set of a Standard dartboard; game rules, a Score field adapted to receive one or more game Score one or more darts, indicia representing a game Score for two teams a set of game rules, according to the Set of game rules, and a game board including: a quarter field adapted to receive one or more quarter indicia indicating a quarter and a number of posses a playing field adapted to receive a position indicia, Sions according to the Set of game rules. a timeout field adapted to receive one or more timeouts 10. The system of claim 9, wherein players or groups of indicia indicating timeouts; playerS Simulate a gameplay of the game of football accord ing the Set of game rules whereby the position indicia is a Score field adapted to receive one or more game Score advanced and game Scores obtained through an interactive indicia representing a game Score for two teams, and Sequence of alternate team participation. a quarter field adapted to receive one or more quarter 11. A method of playing a simulated football game with indicia indicating a quarter and a number of posses a Standard dartboard, one or more darts, and a game board, Sions, the method comprising: US 2005/0062232 A1 Mar. 24, 2005

representing a football field on the game board; 16. The method of claim 11, further comprising deter alternating turns between two players, mining a number of timeouts remaining according to the Set of game rules and representing the number of timeouts throwing the one or more darts at the Standard dartboard remaining, on the game board. in a predetermined Sequence; 17. The method of claim 11, further comprising repre assigning a point value determined from a disposition of Senting the points Scored, as allocated to the two players, on the one or more darts thrown at the Standard dartboard; the game board. determining a number of yards to move a football indicia 18. The method of claim 11, further comprising declaring according the assigned point value; an attempted turnover according to the Set of game rules and determining the outcome of the attempted turnover from the moving the football indicia on the football field repre assigned point value and the predetermined Sequence of the Sented on the game board the number of yards deter mined according to the point value; and one or more darts thrown. 19. The method of claim 11, further comprising declaring allocating points Scored to the two playerS based on an attempted Safety according to the Set of game rules and progreSS of the football indicia on the game board. determining the outcome of the attempted Safety from the 12. The method of claim 11, further comprising deter assigned point value and the predetermined Sequence of the mining quarters and downs from the assigned point value and the predetermined Sequence of the one or more darts one or more darts thrown. thrown. 20. The method of claim 11, further comprising declaring 13. The method of claim 12, further comprising repre an attempted on Side kick according to the Set of game rules Senting the quarters and downs on the game board. and determining the outcome of the attempted on Side kick 14. The method of claim 11, further comprising using one from the assigned point value and the predetermined or more timeouts according to the Set of game rules. Sequence of the one or more darts thrown. 15. The method of claim 14, further comprising repre Senting the number of timeouts used, on the game board.