42 E AakUtttfteartlmne Tuts., Aug. 26,1969 Pleasant Hill Has Airlines D»n Sorkin Will Lose Leg USTTIMISTONMNT! LASTTIMISTONMHT! s stem "PARANOIA" 2WALTM$NCYCOIMNIT$! Radio personality Dan Sor- TOMTITON "•AftCAL" Narcotics Problem y kin, injured in a motorcycle "COLOR Ml-DUO:'. accident, May 23 will have his PLEASANT HILL-Uecent Rebellious young people will Hits Snag left leg amputated, according arrests have slowed drug ac- continue to push use of mari- to colleagues at station KSFO. tivity at Oregon' Line Park juana as "a moral issue," WASHINGTON (AP> - The "It was Dan's own choice," here but no easy solution to Pleasant Hill's youth commis- Justice Department said yes- a spokesman said. "He was the problem is in sight, city told it would take another The Bartley-MiJls Trio begins its final week of a sion director Tom Cain terday an agreement among councilmen were told last 11 major airlines for joint use year or year and a half of 14-month run as the headline group at King Richard night. warned. treatment — and even then he tonight. They've been featured Wednesday through "The kids claim marijuana of a new automatic reserva- would still have a bum leg. is not dangerous and they say tions system was, in effect, a Sunday, with the Jimmy Cicero Trio filling in the collective boycott and violates "The doctors told him he that as long as adults drink can be back to work in about Monday and Tuesday night slot. The trio has enjoyed S RAVAZZA'S s alcohol, there's nothing wrong the Sherman Antitrust Act. a grfrat run there and built up a fine Eastbay follow- J nNISTITAilANFOOD S four weeks with the amputa- with their use of marijuana." Richard W. McLaren, as- tion and an artificial limb." ing (faring this period. There has been many a night City Mgr. Leland Walton re- sistant attorney general for cimoumi * the antitrust d i v i s i o n, and The surgery will be per- \vhert the club was jammed to capacity — which Pint ported the sheriff's depart- formed this week at Swedish speaks well for their appeal with the dance going ment and youth commission Bernard M. Hollander. Justice Department attorney, asked Hospital in Seattle. ciwd; Jimmy Cicero is going to move into the head- a 4htST.lSW(P*ltOWO»TVIlLE-Jl have "confirmed that Gregory ALEXANDER l|IL4-2334 .... DUIVEITSERVICEP the Civil Aeronautics Board to line kpot starting next Tuesday, He's already proved Lane Park "continues to be a C "4*1 V *< f«4 in IN/ is tlV*VC V in center for narcotics traffic." disapprove the agreement or -2«4HII«rio«sFt«turt! himself at King Richard and his trio will be featured to conduct a full hearing on it. Tuesday 'through Saturday nights. The Bartley-Mills The 11 major domestic air- Trio'isn't departing King Richard altogether, howev- lines, members of the Air Death Suit Transport Association's air erf-they'll fill the Sunday and Monday night bill and SANDWICH PARLOR use the other five nights to explore other areas in the /^HAROLDS traffic conference, have asked Settled for lost Times Tonight! f i. jt HIM the CAB to approve their ' Eastbay. All things considered, it's a neat switch. : com BREAKFAST; agreement for common use of "INGA"cmd 7 to 11a.m. a n automated reservations "A VERY HANDY MAN" system developed by ATAK Half-Million A new nightery ac*t is *se t t*o debut this Thursday GIANT Computer Systems Inc. A $2.5 million lawsuit result- night, when Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart open at The Justice Department ing from the plane crash MILK SHAKE THAT TEARS THE SCREAMS Bimbo's 365 Club in San Francisco. Until deciding to AUG. 19UMWSEPT. 15 said the agreement has been death of a Modesto tract de- form a song-and-comedy team, Boyce and Hart 25* opposed by other sellers of au- RIGHT OUT OF YOUR THROAT! tomated reservations equip- veloper was settled for $500,- Nrdyring «»p«nie Jno hovno* craping, irawttdf • worked as a song-writing team with "I Want To Be Hurry HKS.7l.il. til II. 000 yesterday in Alameda ment, reservations services, "A Free" their best known composition. Five consecutive James MON.thmFUl. travel agents, and hotel County Superior Court. hits for are also credited to them. In PLUS ORDERS groups. Announcement of the settle- addition they've written or produced songs and The airlines have failed to ment came on the 15th day of recordings for Dean Martin, Herman's Hermits, Trini HARRY JAMES Bobby Arvon show that the ATAR system is a jury trial before Judge Fol- and his Sonny ger Emerson. Lopez, Andy Williams, Ed Ames and the Animals. A ORCHESTRA ?•*"• 934-9303 the only feasible method of diversified array of pop artists, to say the least. Sept 16-21 meeting an important trans- Attorney J. Adrian Palm- '69 Reno Air Races 17th t SAN PULOAVE. portation need, the depart- quist, representing the widow They're not coming into Bimbo's completely cold, ment said. and children of John H. Kirk- though, because they have already worked on a num- It said arguments of oppo- patrick, confirmed the settle- ber of concert tours. I understand that they've also nents to the agreement indi- ment after a conference with befrfbboked to play the Flamingo and International cate that: opposing counsel. Hqtels in Las Vegas. It adds up to an impressive night 1. Use of multiple systems Palmquist had just complet- er£ circuit beginning. If the talent is there, it will LaRetta Lee of reservation machines is ed presentation of his case shdw en-Mr. Bimbo's stage. technically and economically centering around the failure » • "" and Mike Slaughter feasible. of a fuel pump on the Bonanza -: ' * * * entertain nightly 2. The agreement would dis- plane owned and flown by :f_Tbe.-Edgewater Hyatt House was like a Grand courage development of a pos- Kirkpatrick. Tues.-Fri. 7-12 PM The plane crashed on take- Central Stations for professional athletes yesterday. sibly superior system. RAZIN & Sat. 8-1 AM at the 3. The continued operation off from Modesto Municipal Ftfitpf'all, the New York Jets were billeted there and Airport March 25, 1966. GATlEHUNNICUTT thSftlie'Oakland A's gathered around noon to begin a Leamington Lounge by non-participating airlines of their present reservations Settlement was with Beech ElEANORhRKER bag Foad trip starting tonight in Detroit. The coffee systems would be prevented. Aircraft Corp. of Wichita, shfip-itfas jammed and you couldn't buy a newspaper, Happy Hour 5-7 PM 4. The ability of travel Kan., and Thompson, Ramo, especially a Tribune. The athletes bought them all up. Woolridge I n c., Cleveland, Dinner until 10 PM agents to choose among reser- . *Bi«TlMHENRY.IM«Mt.O»tflW-»'»«»fXr.<>«S'triM! N«W»,I»UtWtlll3 Thjf jfets-.were checking the pre-game features on last vations service equipment and manufacturers of the plane's ' riKmii.nanimiii i.irrniiiirimnTfirniiif rrmnn iniinnirfW Tpirnn* nigfitfe encounter with the Raiders and the A's were reservations service sellers fuel pump. reading--the running reports on Sunday's 27-inning Hotel Leamington would be ended. The suit was filed by Mrs. HAYWARD I LUX I AUTOMOVIEriwonCity I OAKLAND Dolores Irene Kirkpatrick for Theatre I Theatre I Concord I Driven 2 I DrivHn double header. There's quite a difference in size be- 19th & Franklin Sts. herself and sons, Johnny, 12, Hiywinl I I OiMamJ II Concord llUntenCrtyl tween football and baseball players. The only one of and Kevin, 5. |Mtg540| I M3-3786 M 6tt*ttit fl 471-5144 1351-7030 th$ A's who must have felt at home amidst all that Jet SEE THEATRE GUIDE FOR CO-HITS AND POLICY beef was "Jumbo" Jim Nash, who weighs in around Exclusive In Contra Costa Greatest .Plenty Of FREE PirKinj 23$. Just about the right size for a tight end. Inciden- .IKhOMF HF.I.l MAN JOHN ^Hl.FSINCER. tally, ;Dan Marona, who is featured at the Jack Lon- PRODUCTION dol Inn, sang the National Anthem before Sunday's ANTONIO'S CUSTOM FORMERLY TOPPS 7^-hour "triple bill" and he sang it very well. NOW SERVING iPERRYGRAPHS: Bill Muir begins a Way stint Evening of Fu Its more terrifying tonight in the Terrace Lounge of the Claremont Hotel. LUNCHEON • COCKTAILS • DINNER HfitJL be relieving pianist Wilbert Baranco, who is va- |than what happened to Baby Jane! caljoning ... The Eastbay's Albert T. Berry has re- GRAND OPENING MIDNIGHT turned from the East Coast and is currently headlin- PARTY TO COI.01U DclAUf UmlctfMists ing at the Playboy Club in San Francisco ... Billy Matinees Daiiy-Optn 1:30 Daniels opens tomorrow night in the Celebrity Room DO 2 991 3 •Cowboy' 1:45, 3:50, BE ANNOUNCED 6:05. ts.15 and 10:30 pm of .jCal Neva Lodge in North Tahoe ... Harry Bela- 1653 WILLOW PASS ROAD 6SM130 foifte and Lena Horne open Thursday night at Caesars 10423 E. 14th St., OAKLAND 569-0878 Pajace in Las Vegas. That's about as powerful a dou- THEATRE ble^Jill as I've seen in a long time. They should really belihing-up for this one ... Ted Ince has stayed on as EXPRESS iPMK SHOPt"'n COKCOOT general' manager of Solomon Gnmdy's on the Berke- Farmhouse Fine Foods ley Marina. The dinery was purchased a short while 30 SALADS and APPETIZERS BUS ago. ijy;the newly formed Kreis-Grundy Corporation, A CHOICE OF SEVEN FINE SALAD DRESSINGS! . TOTHE face-has also been named a vice president for Kreis- NUGGET CASINO Grundy, which plans more Solomon Grundy branches 'What Ever Happened in Alameda and Sacramento ... In case you're won- 6 TASTY HOT ENTREES FALLON; NEVADA 7 INCLUDING FARMHOUSE FAMOUS FRIED CHICKEN To Aunt Alice? ' dering why the parking lot next door to the Taverna FARE $12.65 TUP Athena is all bulldozed up, it's because it will be the PIPING HOT SOUP BONUS $12.65 CAST) Geraldine Page Ruth Gordon site of a new restaurant and construction has official- Emmy Aword Wnner Acodorny A word Winner ly started. And with that brilliant piece of news I'll NET COST TO YOU JEROME HF.LIJIAN-JOHN SCHUESIMIER Rosemary Forsyth JUSt say — see you again on Friday. LUNCH 135 DINNER 185 FREE PkODLCriON 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. I 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. I | toM".5Robert Fuller Mildred Dunnockicr^.p^b,Theodore Apsici convenient >ch*>« fo>«i by Ursula Curlisj Wuitb/Gerold Ffifld£-pcoi.eP cut «tp«ckilly for you to romp Hiroogli tte city's Exotic-pads.... • ^ChOTCOQI ! AlBWMIClK and twyM to yw in o wwHaNe •ATTENDANCE 89^-6700 PETULA "MISSTOTIE ! RECORDS WON. THRU FRk FROM 11:30 CLARK FIELDS" SMASHED Specializing in your favorite BLACKSTOIME. Jr. seafood dishes, we're famous BROTHERS JAMES for Hush Puppies and our water- ROASTPRIME 193-5900 front view. BIBS of BEEF from the CART LDNCMEON PAEYF10M IliM * ' ^irH • Ww •B»BHWPHB^R^RI^W ^*^ RiflM H«»t To Tli* Mfculli f nimwj PRIME RIB Down Flfffc Avt. to Tie ImhirtoV* K... LOUIS PRIMA fcAKLURAWT ROOM Take 16tfc Ave. OveqMSS it E. 12th St. ./user HOTR fll * —/• 3 HOT ENTRIIS uutiemonl, O F ASHIT AT CLAWMOUT SHOW IH E MONTHS 20 SALADS LAKEMERRITT AtYOULIM'tM! FASHON SHOW EVERY TUB. Hotol Rr'stauront IXOTKS*MO»IU ,aun FREE PARKING