Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 11 January 2018 In the Committee Room of the Memorial Hall at Cheddon Fitzpaine TA2 8JY.

Present: Cllrs Webber, Isaacs, Thompson & Woollacott. SCC Fothergill, D Cllr Cavill & Clerk. Clerk: Mrs J Pearson. One member of the public present. 1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Batsch, SCC Cllr Fraschini, D Cllrs Townsend, Tucker, & Parrish, 2. Declarations of personal/prejudicial/disclosable pecuniary interests. Cllr Woollacott added Bath & Wells Diocese to the Register of Interest. 3. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 December 2017: It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. All in agreement. Public Question Time: -Local resident reported the flytipping had been removed from the ditches in Upper Cheddon (towards ), and the ditches cleared of vegetation. Appreciative thanks were noted. -Regarding a query about the Local Green Spaces (LGS) in the Neighbourhood Plan, assurance was given that extra protection is given within the NP document to protect LGS in future from development. Nothing else changes in law at this time. -Notice Board: no change, it remains in the same position. Reports: SCC: Cllr Fothergill: Note: DF is available on the second Thursday of each month at Brittons Ash Community Hall BACH in West Monkton from 8.30 – 9.30 am for a community surgery. If anyone has any questions, please attend. -A new School Autism Centre has opened in . -Business Rates Relief Pilot: Regrettably the Government chose not to award this relief to . -County Highways Christmas period: Bad weather meant teams were busy. Ultrafast Broadband: More houses to be included: rollout-schedule for more information: -A361 to – road closure from 19.2.2018 for road resurfacing. -Home First initiative: relieving pressure on hospitals, by providing support for those leaving hospital. TDBC: Cllr Cavill: -Deane House renovations ongoing until mid-2019. will share the reception area. ‘Smart’ working introduced, and a saving of £1.8m per year is being achieved with conjoined services. -When West Somerset is joined to Deane, a combined service of £3.1m per year is anticipated. -Consultation regarding the joining of the Councils is open until 19 January 2018 -WRR – the application expires on 18 March 2018 (being three years on), so it is anticipated the road at the Aginhills side will commence. -WRR – Hartnells Farm – Inspector met on 9.1.2018 regarding setting the dates for the hearing about the number of houses and financial contribution towards the WRR road. Date set for 21 February 2018. -Heritage Trust Board manages 63 flats for rent for the over 60s living independently. There are currently some vacancies. Contact Cllr Cavill. Cllr Webber: Chief Inspector of Police for this area had spoken to District Councillors regarding local policing. Four Inspectors manage 145 Police Officers and 360 PCSOs. PCSOs will now operate with electric bikes in order to reduce costs.

4. Neighbourhood Plan: A confidential draft report from the NP External Examiner had been received at TDBC. Four parish representatives had been invited to review the contents, and approve amendments. These were reported in closed sessions of both West Monkton and Cheddon Fitzpaine Parish Councils on 9 & 11 January 2018 respectively. The following Resolution was passed: ‘The Parish Council of Cheddon Fitzpaine approves the WM & CF Neighbourhood Plan, subject to the amendments required by the Independent Examiner, and resolves that the approval of the final report will be by the Chairmen of each parish in order to allow to proceed to Referendum without further delay’. Proposed: Cllr Isaacs, seconded: Cllr Thompson – all in agreement. Subsequently, TDBC Local Development Framework LDF committee will meet to approve, before passing it on to Full Council. The Referendum can follow 56 days later. No further NP Steering Group meeting required at this time. Neighbourhood Plan: A response to the CSM NP Regulation 14 was drafted and it was resolved to approve the following submission: ‘The West Monkton and Cheddon Fitzpaine NP area lies adjacent to and west of the CSM NP area, with a shared boundary between the parishes of West Monkton and Creech St Michael. The parish of Cheddon Fitzpaine lies further to the west of the Parish of West Monkton, sharing its parish boundary with the eastern boundary of West Monkton Parish. Overall, Cheddon Fitzpaine Parish Council (CF PC) supports this Neighbourhood Plan and sees no conflict with the West Monkton & Cheddon Fitzpaine Neighbourhood Plan (WM&CF NP) currently with the Independent Examiner. On a point of clarification In 3.1.23 The Eastern Relief Road (ERR) is now the A38, and the Western Relief Road (WRR) will link the ERR with the A3259. General support: In 4.2.2 CF PC supports the quotes from TDBC Garden Town Principles/Expression of Interest referring to Rapid Bus transit and the provision and governance of a green necklace around Taunton and green infrastructure links. In 4.2.4 CF PC supports the quote ‘Creech St Michael Parish calls on all interested parties to work collaboratively to deliver a high-quality development for Monkton Heathfield that reflects the Garden Town Principles.’ In 8.1.4 CF PC supports Creech St Michael Parish Council’s position in wishing to agree and establish a Traffic Management Plan for the villages in the Parish, and shares the issues identified in 8.1.6. Specific comments on the CSM NP policies: • CSM 1 policy to create a network of joined up cycle routes and footpaths echoes transport policy in WM & CF NP. There is a real opportunity to develop a walking and cycle network that will allow easy access to Taunton and Nexus from the settlements to the east of Taunton. • CSM 3 policy regarding building of bungalows and the evidence supporting the policy (CSM Housing Needs Survey) is the same as the evidence found and policy developed by WM & CF NP in Housing Policy H1. • CSM 5 policy on starter units in the employment areas within the NP area echoes the policy in WM & CF NP (Employment Policy E1). CF PC believes these policies in both NP areas is a very practical complementary policy to support the TDBC NEXUS Employment Park (located adjacent to CSM NP area) which aims to attract larger employment units. It is hoped that TD will assist in the marketing of starter units in the NP areas as a means of encouraging growth of employment opportunities in TD generally. 5. Cheddon Ward: A new roadsign has been installed at Tudor Park-A3259 directing up Maidenbrook Lane to ‘Cheddon Fitzpaine Church’. Hestercombe driveway from South Lodge to Middle Lodge is undergoing the landscaping and planting of specimen trees. 6. Maidenbrook Ward: Bovis: Communication between the Parish and Bovis is improving. Reports are being prepared prior to the repair of the gabions, and a map has been produced showing the areas owned by Bovis. Northwalls Grange: it has been established that David Wilson Homes DWH will install a notice board on site; possibly to be moved to a central location once building has been completed. Proposed Primary School at Northwalls Grange: Helen Warring, SCC Schools Commissioner to brief Parish Councillors prior to February 2018 PC meeting. Bench: has been delivered, and will be installed at Waterleaze to replace damaged bench.

7. Highways: SCC Highways briefing WM Parish Council regarding the improvements to the Creech Castle road junction at BACH postponed to February meeting. Noise complaint at CMC/Nerrols Drive: No further information SIDs – Clerk responded to consultation; three possible scenarios and costs provided. More information known in April 2018. 8. Planning Applications: No comments were made regarding the following: 08/17/0046T Application to carry out management works to one Oak Tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Cheddon Fitzpaine No.2). Tree Preservation Order 1997 on land to the south east of 26 Barbers Mead Taunton (TD708). 08/17/0047 LB Various internal and external alterations at The Old Rectory, Cheddon Fitzpaine Road, Cheddon Fitzpaine 08/17/0048LB – Various internal and external alterations at 2 Barton Cottages, Upper Cheddon 08/18/0001 – Erection of single storey extension to rear of 4 Warres Road APP/D3315/W/16/3157862Application for removal of Condition No. 12 of application 48/13/0008 to enable more than 150 dwellings to be constructed and occupied before the opening of the Western Relief Road on land at Hartnells Farm, Monkton Heathfield. The Hearing into the above appeal will start on 9/1/2018 at 10.00 at the Albemarle Centre, Taunton TA1 1BA. An inspector has been appointed by the Secretary of State to determine this appeal. You can give your views at the Inspector’s discretion. Closed Meetings: Two separate closed meetings have been held to brief Parish Councillors prior to planning applications coming forward, for information gathering only with Collier Planning: for Conquest Riding for the Disabled Association, and Gladman re: 160 houses off Cheddon Road. 08/17/0037 Brook View: Response submitted to Planning Department. 9. Planning Decisions: 08/17/0033/LB -Replacement of sheds with a shed for storage purposes at Meads Barn, Tudor Park, Taunton - CONDITIONAL APPROVAL 10: Reports: Church: the Interregnum continues. Pastoral Care Group: A successful Coffee morning held on 6 January 2018 at Maureen Doble’s home. Anyone wishing to host would be ably supported. Memorial Hall: None School: None 11. Administration: TDBC/West Somerset merger: Response submitted to Secretary of State, The Rt Hon. Sajid Javid MP, and acknowleged. Website provider: Clerk seeking further information regarding upgrade. Grant Policy: After discussion, deferred to next meeting. 12. Finance: The Bank Reconciliation was provided, Chairman checked and signed. It was resolved to approve the figures: All in agreement. 13. Payments for Authorisation: Payments January 2018 Pay Date Inland Waterway Association Grant (approved Dec 2017) £250.00 12 January 2018 TDBC Printing – Welcome leaflet/October Newsletter £ 98.00 12 January 2018 TDBC Printing – December Newsletter £ 55.75 12 January 2018 Glasdon UK Ltd – bench for Waterleaze (VAT £95.30) £571.82 12 January 2018 Mrs P J Pearson – Clerks Dec expenses £47.61 12 January 2018 Mrs P J Pearson – Clerks December Pay £574.60 31 January 2018 Mrs P J Pearson – NP/other hours £ 44.20 31 January 2018 £618.80 Sub-total: £1,641.98

Cheddon Fitzpaine Memorial Hall Hire 2017 (arrears) £180.00 Cheque Pioneer Window Cleaning (Bus Shelter x 2 months) £ 20.00 Cheque

Total: £1,911.98 It was resolved to pay the above by internet banking: Proposed: R Isaacs, Seconded: E Thompson.

Current Balances/Reserves Opening Balance 1.4.2017 14,588.56 Main Account £24,302.88 CIL Account £3,783.74 Election Account £3,039.89

14. Matters raised by Councillors: None 15. Correspondence: circulated:

Meeting closed: 9.40 pm

Signed Denise Webber – signature on original

…………………………………………… Chairman