U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS MAP 2824 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Pamphlet accompanies map 163º00' 161º00' 159º00' 157º00' 155º00' 153º00' 151º00' 163º00' 161º00' 159º00' 157º00' 155º00' 153º00' 151º00' LIST OF MAP UNITS [See LETTER CODE FOR STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS and DESCRIPTION OF MORPHOLOGIC DIVISIONS in 27º00' accompanying pamphlet for detailed descriptions of unit 27º00' labels] N.Am.

-40 00 27º00' Sedimentary deposits Chopin Seamount H

A Smooth archipelagic apron Schumann W EMPEROR Seamount A SEAMOUNTS QTa (Quaternary and (or) Tertiary) -5 -50000 I 000 000 I 00 -3 A -4 Kuua N Kuc Smooth apron (latest Cretaceous) HA – W Mendelssohn E AIIAN RIDGE Kua Smooth apron (late Cretaceous) 0 Kuv 0 M 0 4 Seamount P - E Kq -dark sediment pond (Cretaceous) RO 25º00' R Kuc Kua CH AIN Hawaiian Kuc Qpk Fine debris avalanche (Pleistocene) Kb+ Fine debris avalanche Islands Kuv QTk Kuh (Quaternary and (or) Tertiary) Pacific Kuc Tpk Fine debris avalanche (Pliocene) Kuh Ocean Kuv Tmuk Fine debris avalanche (late Miocene) North Arch Volcanic Field Kuuc Kuuh -4000 Kua Kuuh Kuuw Qpj Coarse debris avalanche (Pleistocene) Hawaiian Ty -30 Kb+ Coarse debris avalanche 00 Ar Kuuh QTj -2000 ch Kb+ Tz (Quaternary and (or) Tertiary) 0 Kuc 0 Kuuw -10 Kuuh Kuuc Tpj 23º00' Coarse debris avalanche (Pliocene) North Kaua‘i Kuuh Kb+ Coarse debris avalanche (late Miocene) Slide Kawaihau Kuua Kuuh 25º00' Tmuj Kuuc Kuua Ridge Kb+ Kuuh Kuuh Tx Kb+ Kuua Kb+ Mäk e Kuv Kuuc West Ni‘ihau East Kaua‘i Kaua‘i Kuuw Kuua Qpd Debris flank (Pleistocene) ah Kuv Ty Kuuh Chautauqua Volcanic Field Ridg a Hanalei Ridg Slide Deep 25º00' Kuuw e W Seamount aialu Tuscaloosa -5000 Tpd Debris flank (Pliocene) R Kuuh Ty Kuuc Kuuw Pu‘uwai id Seamount Mänä g a ZONE Kuuw e e Kuuh 0 TURE Kuuv Debris flank (late Miocene) 0 Ridge Ridg C Tmud 0 Kuuw Ty Köloa Nu‘uanu -4 Ka‘ena Kuuh Kuua QTx -1000 Slide Kuuc -3000 Ridge Wailau Kuuc Kuuc -200 Ridg MOLOKA‘I FRA 0 e Slide Southeast Köloa -400 Kuuc -3000 0 Deep Kuuh Qps Slump (Pleistocene) Pähau Volcanic Field -2000 ‘Öpana QTx South Kaua‘i Wai‘anae -1000 Pa‘uwela Kuuc Kb+ -200 e Fan Kuuc Tz Kb - Ridge Slide Slump Ridg Hawaiian Deep Kuuw Tps Slump (Pliocene) O‘ahu 0 Kuuw -300 Häna Slump Deep 0 nguin Kuuh Kuua Kuuh Kuuh 21º00' -1 Pe 0 ank Tmus Slump (late Miocene) 0 B Kuuc 0 Kuua -4000 -4000 Häna Ridg e Kuun Southwest O‘ahu Kuuc Kuuh Kuuv Kuuw Kb+ Volcanic Field Läna‘i Kealaikahiki Kuuh Kuuh Kuuw Hawaiian volcanism Ridge Pololü Kuuc Kuuh QTx Deep Laupä Kuuw Kuua Kuua Clark Slump Kuuh Kuuh Kuuh QTx Kb - Mähukona hoeh Kuuw Kuuc Present island (Pleistocene) Slide Slump Kuuh Qpi S Rainier oe Kuuh In Ridge Dutton ea Cl Kuuw ZONE Se Kïholo Hilo Kuua Seamount dia Kuuw Kuuc TURE Seamount m ark Present island (Pliocene) C a Ridg Kuuh Kuuh Tpi ount Ridg e Tz Kuuc Palaoa Perret m napo e Ty o ‘Älika 2 Kuuh Seamount un Puna Kuun Kuua Kb+ Present island (late Miocene) MOLOKA‘I FRA Knoll North Kona e Kuuh Tmui li Slide dg Kuuc Tz Kb+ Kealaikahiki t Päpa‘u Ri -5000 Tmuj Tmuk s Slump 4000 Kuua Powers 0 000- Kuuw Seamount 0 Green Kuuc Knoll Jaggar -3 Seamount ‘Älika 000 -20 Kuuh Kuuh Kuuh Seamount ‘Älika 1 South Kona -1 Seamount Ty Kb - Knoll Ellis Slide Slump na Hohonu QTa Kuuw Qpf Former island (Pleistocene) Wini Kuuh Seamount Cook South Kona Hili Seamount Alexander Brigham SeamoLunö‘ti Slump Seamount Kuuh Ty Kuua Seamount Dana Seamount QTa Tpf Former island (Pliocene) 19º00' Slide Seamount e Kuuh Kb+ McCall Seamount h Tmus Lae Tmud Tmuj Washington Laird i QTa Kuua Kuuc Kuuc Kuv Bishop Seamount Knoll a Cross K Ridg Kuuh Kuuh Kuua 23º00' Tmuf Former island (late Miocene) Seamount Seamount Seamount Palmer Tpk Kuuh Resolution ‘Äpu‘upu‘uPunalu‘u Hinds Tmuf Tmuk Kuuh Ty Kuuh Seamount Seamount Seamount Tmuk QTx Kuua Charnell Slide Seamount Kuv Kuuh QTa Kuuh Kuuw Tmud Tmuj Kuuw Swordfish Pensacola Day Knoll Tmue Qpe Intact flank (Pleistocene) Ka Lae Tmud Ty Kuuc Seamount Seamount SeamountKa Lae 23º00' Tmuf Daly East Slide Bryan Kuuh Tpe Intact flank (Pliocene) West Slide Tz QTz Kb - Seamount Seamount Tph Kuuh Tmue Tph F Tmus QTa Tmue Intact flank (late Miocene) Esca arnella Kuuc Kb - rp Tmui Tph Finch me Shepherd Tpj QTa Wood Tph Kuuh Seamount nt Seamount Tmuf Seamount Tmue Qpc Small central volcano (Pleistocene) South Arch Tmuj Kuua Wilkes Tmus Tpk QTa Volcanic Field Tpc Tpc Small central volcano (Pliocene) Seamount QTa Thurston Tmud Tmuj Tmuk Tpc 17º00' Seamount Newell Kuv QTa Tpe Tpj QTj QTk Seamount Tmue Tpj Tpj Kuh Tpk Qph Undivided volcanic terrain (Pleistocene) Tpd Qz Tpe Kuv Tpf Tph Undivided volcanic terrain (Pliocene) Kb - Kuuh Tpi Kuuh Tpd Tpj Kb - KAUA‘I Snowden Tph Kr Kb+ Lava field of strong backscatter (Quaternary) Seamounts Tpd Tpe Tps Tpe QTj Qx Kuv Tpi MAP Ty Lava field of strong backscatter Tpj QTa QTx Tpd Tpd Kr Kuv QTa NI‘IHAU Tps Kb - (Quaternary and (or) Tertiary) AREA Tpe SCALE 1:4 000 000 Kuh Tph Tpc Tph Tx Lava field of strong backscatter (Tertiary) Tpf Tpe Tpd Kr Tpi Tpj QTz QTa Kuh 50 0 50 100 150 200 MILES Qx Tps Qpd 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 KILOMETERS Kuuh Kuv Tpk Tpd Tpd Tmuj O‘AHU Lava field of intermediate backscatter Tz Qy (Quaternary) Tz MOLOKA‘I Qps Qpd Qps Kuc 15º00' Qpe Lava field of intermediate backscatter Tpk Tpc Tpi QTy Kuh Kuv Tph Kuh Tpc Tpj Tpj QTy 21º00' (Quaternary and (or) Tertiary) Kuua Tz Ty KA‘ULA QTz Lava field of intermediate backscatter (Tertiary) Kuv Kuc Tps Tpf Tpi Qpi QTa Qpf Qps Lava field of weak backscatter (Quaternary) 21º00' Qz Kuh LÄNA‘I Qpc Kb+ Base from Smith and Sandwell, 1997; Tpk Qpi Lava field of weak backscatter Figure 1. Map showing selected geologic features and bathymetric contours (contour interval 250 m) around the Hawaiian Qpd QTz (Quaternary and (or) Tertiary) http://topex.ucsd.edu/marine_topo/mar_topo.html Qpe Qpi Islands. Names in bold are officially recognized geographic names; thoses in italics are names used commonly in scientific Tph Tx MAUI Kuh Tpc Qpd Tz Lava field of weak backscatter (Tertiary) literature. QTa Tpk Tpd Qpc Kuh Tpe Tps Qps Kb+ Qx Qpe Kuh Kuw Tx Tpc KAHO‘OLAWE Qpi Latest Cretaceous volcanism Kuh Qpk QTz Tpc 163º00' 161º00' 159º00' 157º00' 155º00' 153º00' 151º00' Tph QTa QTa MOLOKINI QTa Kuuc Small central volcano Tph Qpe Qpd Qpk Kuc QTa Kuh Qps Kuuv Large central volcano Kuh Kuc QTj Qpd QTa Qz QTj Qps Kuh QTk Kuh Kuun Narrow volcanic ridge 27º00' Qpe Qy Qpd Kuv Kuv Kuw Qx Kuuw Wide volcanic ridge Kb+ Qpe Qy Tph Qpf Kuc Kuuh Undivided volcanic terrain Kuh Kuc Qpc Qpc Qps QTa QTa Kuh Kuh Kuw HAWAI‘I Qpd Kuc QTk Kuc Kuc Qpc Late Cretaceous volcanism Kuh Kuh Kuv Qps Qpe Kuv Kuh Kuh Kut Landslide deposit Kuh Kuc Kb+ Qz Kuh Kuw Kuf Former island Kuv Kuh Kuv Kuw Kuc Qpi Kuv Kuh Kuh Kuv Kuv Kua 19º00' Kuc Small central volcano Kuc Qpd Qpd Kuh Kb+ Kuh QTa Qps Kuv Large central volcano Qpj Kuc 25º00' Kuw Kuh Kuc Kq Qy Kuv Kuv Kuv Kuv Kuw Wide volcanic ridge Approximate boundary, 19º00' Kuw Kuv Qpe Qpd Kuc Kua Qpk Kuh Undivided volcanic terrain Exclusive Economic Kuh Kuh Qx Kuv Kuh Qps Qps Kuh Kuc Zone Kuv Qpk Qpe Kuv Qph Qps Kuv Kuv Kua Kuv Cretaceous lineated seafloor Kuv Kuh Qz Kuf Kb+ QTz QTa Kuv Qpc Kuv Kua Kuc Qph Qpk Normal magnetic polarity Kuc Kut Kuv Kuv Kuv Kb+ Kua Kuh Qpk Qpj Kuh Kuh Kuh Kb- Reverse magnetic polarity Kuw HA Qpk Kuv Kuc Kua Kuh Kr Diapiric ridge (Cretaceous) Kuv Kua Kuc Kuv Kuh Kuh Kua W Qz QTa 23º00' Kuv Qz Kuv MAP SYMBOLS AIIAN ISLANDS Kua Kuh [See DESCRIPTION OF MAP SYMBOLS in accompanying Kuh pamphlet for detailed descriptions of symbols] Kb+ Qz Kuc Kua Kuv Kuv Kuh Contact, internal contact denotes individual Qpc volcanic centers Qz Kuw Kuw Kuv Qpc Fault, certain Kuv Qx 17º00' Kuc Tx Kua Kuv Kuc Kuc 21º00' Kuh Kb+ Fault, approximately located Kuv 17º00' Kuh Kuv Kuh Kuc Kuc Kq Fault, inferrred Kuv Kuv Kuh Kuh Kuv Kua Kuh Levee

Kuv Kua Leveed channel of distal debris avalanche Kuv (arrow indicates flow directon) Kuv Kuv Kuv Kb+ Kuh Kuh Kuh Kuh Sediment chute Kuv Kuc Kua Kuv Kuh Kb+ 19º00' Archipelagic streak Kuh Kuh Kuc Kuc Kuc Kuh Axis of volcanic rift zone Kb+ Kb+

Carbonate , strong backscatter Kuv Kuh Kua Carbonate reef, weak backscatter

15º00' Carbonate reef, uncertain 17º00' Hawaiian Arch axis 15º00'

SCALE 1:4 000 000 163º00' 161º00' 159º00' 157º00' 155º00' 153º00' 151º00' 50 0 50 100 150 200 MILES 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 KILOMETERS

Lambert Conformal Conic Projection 10º Geology Mapped by Robin Holcomb 1986 - 1996 Standard Parallels 18º N, 29º N 15º00' Central Meridian 160º W H SCALE 1:2 000 000 Digital compilation by Joel E. Robinson, Michael R. Hamer, Molly Gowen Groome, Andrew J.

NORT Projection Origin 15º N 50 0 50 100 150 200 MILES Spheroid Clarke 1866 Stevenson, Christina E. Gutmacher, Harry Lucky, ETIC N Carolyn H. Degnan, Florence L. Wong T R U E N O H 50 0 50 100 150 200 250 KILOMETERS MAG Edited by Jan Zigler APPROXIMATE MEAN DECLINATION AT CENTER OF MAP, 2004 North Digital cartography by Joel E Robinson Manuscript approved for publication March 17, 2004 Base from Groome and others, 1997; NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION America http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/of97-540/ Figure 2. GLORIA data collected in 1986-1989 from the southeastern Hawaiian Ridge EEZ. The mosaic covers over MAPPED 2 AREA 1,000,000 km of sea floor.

Maps of Exclusive Economic Zone Interpreted from GLORIA Sidescan-Sonar Imagery Pacific

By Any use of trade names in this publication is for descriptive purposes only and does Ocean not imply endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey

Robin T. Holcomb and Joel E. Robinson For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Information Services, Box 25286 Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225, or call 1-888-ASK-USGS

MAP LOCATION 2004 Available on the World Wide Web at http://pubs.usgs.gov/SIM/2004/2824