This xpeckll isuc nf VNPRECOK, dz‘/Med m an analysis of en. genemhzea r:~css7un cm: new mzkzng 99:: zmmnanai capimwmecmmy, mprzsenls firslaflemptby Nnrxisl: since mg mo; in analyze mg mymmmx mnemzg mmmm on :1 Wm sea‘: In M» a demfled mu syslemnfic manner.

In lb: prexenlphese of crisis or me imemuf nal :apiQu‘in§ys)em -vnking such m4- For For INPRECOR ysex regularly imperative mom nofiex. rm. maxnn, mam as Nvus {he will Foam 5TmHur special Vssucs Misc u yew. he present have Hm uf 5 series

CONTENTS 0 The Generalized Reccgian er me rmemmzomx capmxm 3 Economy —‘by Ernest Nundel v7 main: Free Fa” — by a. smcxam The Rclufive am-ngm aF Ceman capnumm 22 ~ by Winfried won

France: The rmmw ml rm». — by Hz-lane Vdenfin and C, Lcumre 34

Japan: The End oi um Miracle ~ by Jim mmm tn

Tn DTc!< u.s. Rcccsfien: Na End Sight — hy mm 4: sum, Arpgmfnc, Nexiza xnamzarswucnm and Solemn Coniunuumr mmm ~ by Pierre as Repercussions an Me Em Euvwpenn Economics 52 A by Ted Harding

U»: Profis of rams — by A. Udry 55

v.» L: wmcm. 1.: we 4: Buavdeno . Bwxm\3HXX1B-1‘g.urV VNYHWATWONAL Pxiss comsvommcz Fww nu,‘ \rrv(1M'vnar95W,(.unSYU, 2. \‘/mun N‘? mm m u.s A CANADA SYA an Ya JAPAN ¥S,uua re AUSWAUA c. NEWZ ussuz. \\><—mu£ A1! mu wnzouucvowsua 7 sa mm&C4nn4a, sa sasricwAmmxaa, Juucn, [calm-rd in u . N” vo suascmz ’o v/w Ev msomm c x mox mm MONEY VD awn mm- Send rvumeaud nLUv:1\ra\NPP.E(DK «HY» >hr:(« .- g» um gym Guru::1L"V‘I)V5’(V‘scnoui ’C°A‘«=-xx-4uw/W/.\ mm» ‘L ..- .m.e _ »u'N7vEccrL the g neralized

recession of the _ '

« international . capltalist -1. byERNESTMAM3ELeconomy

The inieina -enal aapinaiiil eeoneiny in now going Four year: leier, iiie peneiel palirieal resolufion lnipogn Tvs Fin! Qervfifllized ieeeieien einoe me adopltd cl ine ieiiiii World cangiee 0! Me Faaiin second world wai. ll is me iiiei i-eeeeiien ID lnleinalipnal in February um explcfiried: strike sirnalienepinly al all (He eieal npe peweis. While iiie reoeefiimy be a surpflse in “The V96?-7! recession iiii inpir or me irnperialiii all aneie in bourgeois enil peNy—hourgeuis chcles cuumrlex, tveri ii ip varying degrezs and wlthaul and in the workers roeyeineniwnehad been mkuri preriooneaa iilrerieiiy. mi; wu lellewee by a in by iiie elaiin ilial llie gs aicepilpl new accelerated expulsion oi prbdunfion begzaning endowed wiili new-Keynaiun fechniqua would in 1972, except in Iluiyl Bin iiwee a iypieeli “ leiieerpirn o. in peiiiien la "eaniiel M4 cycle. llaiienaiy boom, neiiliao by on eoeeleniiiori, d7 ir was foreseen and predicted by our movement, mrbing larclzpiml, or inrlalianaiy pioeesiei ana by olrnoir ie we oxoei date. e ipaiing of speculative leyer, npeciully in raw rialeiials, geld piieee, onii ieal estate. A: pieoieiee, =leeola— The rneeei on me "New Rise al me weile lhi inllorzonaiy beam was erpnlyelnair ilaroiipn, i lion" adcpmd or me Ninth wailo Cbngress oi lie aiia llie recession man will iallow -.7: 197A or 1975 ine l— PINE Fown lniernaiipnal in Apiil ma amnnee will a one neie 5 nelnrenieee in Ihal long im. lowing aooni me period of power eipeieion npewina e iiiew y all in. inpeiielie: H-lc neai awn- or iineinoiiornl eaairaliereeononiy rries in TN wake." (fiuutriéwz Inlemaiiorlele, new series Nu.l&]7, Jul}/—Augusl 1W4, p.8.} “This aneiyeii led lo iniee epnelnaioni: im ».a» ile prineipiil nielar loreei ai iliii lung periee el ex- pumlon weie gcfing ro pwgexsively nm dawn, lhus Scope el ilie re(essiDn prevokzng ineipei and Xlmflfper uggruvufiorl or iii- a In the Fourlh quarter of VV74 hrluslrial pmdutfiun verirnperiplielooinpemian;second, iiipi ilne ilel - and/or ereei newpnel pieaner weie en ine ebb in npplioelian er Keyn n anficrisix leeniiianee eipre me irnpeii cuunklex, as ine rellewinp weirlo iinzyereal inflation and great occenwutq lie oer- gtable THUHYUVEY munemamsion ai rne paying power or nianey, wnieli weiila ena by pieuoliinn p yeiyeeiiaai eiiiii of me iineinpiipiiol moneturysysmm, linally, rim these onPRODUCTION IN IHE FOURTH lNDusmlAL iwe ieemie Iuken logernerwonlo rnnliiply partial QUARTER or 1974 meesiare and would iene ipweia o geiieipl reca- sipn cf rlie Tmperiulisl eepnpiny, ilirleieni, ia be Japan .2594 Slates Sum, breadth ana durulinn irpin llie eieai oil unilea -2.5% of w29—32, ea» neverflweles liming all inipe» siilain -I 5% ii. .534 ‘xv eoiiniiies and largely excaeidh-lg ene ieeee— we» Geinipny -I or rne in or olieee llply -I .232 one pier iweiiry year: scope. we —l epnelinioie have elreoay been eenrnnieel; ine lniiei Fiance .03.; piprniiee in be epnrinnee in i+.e eaily IS'7fls." (Qua» Canada -0.534 nienie Inlgtnalianule, my l?5?, p.l9.> e RECESSION

The only exceplioru ie me rule me a fsw small 7.5 nillien anenalayee in me uniied slelei, European countries, like Nsrwuy, Hnland, Aamia, l_5 n ion in llaly, Swineriarld, and Sweden. Em eeei. of mane cuurr I in Japan, nie. represems :1 paniaala. ease, and pmslble l nillian in Wen Genvuny, .a draw pmgnusficafiavls based on me excepflarlcll nearly l .nill:a.. in, simatiun a! each caumry. nearly l nillian in amain, l nillien in .5... mail irnperiulixleeunrr NuVway‘s ximoflurl Seen: determined by live excep- of Eumpe (niainly .l.e aenelax colm Vionul influx ar and inyenne... pieieea Denmark, and spainl. Nuclcd by Nemi Sen ail. anal; aeaenai an l niillion in Candid, Ausvmlia, and New greurerexporrs la the rbncaphalislecwlomies er zeelenil combined. .ne bureuucmllzed wotkevs sfatex. “uni: Mo coun- tries, men, a.e in aene. poxifion m escape one Tnese riemei nuyswell eyen came. in all countries generalized Ieccisilvrl in. ieaiani. during early wzs. ilnen lney lalley ine ewe er the ancleyelienl policy ai me gayemnenls, wnien in Sweden, Swilzerlund, and Aaenia, on the eme. we will analyze lame. D11. l.ana, we a.e dealing wiln eeanncas whose loreign me 71 iapereaeaializee, ei.l.e. in Yum ai me the Fuel that aneniplaynnni is man more pronounced product: expaned, or in lerms argeaaiaphieaiien. man me Fall in produzfion can be exalainea men- ration (.l.e «inn. inleaniiian of me Anenian econ- rielly by «we lawn. any Trim me Wes! cennan eeenany, la. example) we g?ve5 elieie eeannie. o gremcr margin re. mo- 'lnduslrial aenyny in me calmfries re- neayei, pnvvided vi...» geneialixea recession dog mains sflcngly marked by me mini technological ne. lei. Km lane and CR0! me Wes! csennan eaanany .eyela.ion, me. is, ihe ?n1rodv<:l‘lurl ar xemIul1la- ienieins in aene. snaee Yfiuu me one. great Trape- e. uulomafit techniques al prbducflou. The riulist aenen. zorlsequerlcc is a rapid ina.ea;e in me pnysieal pm- ducfiviry of labor, especially in aaanalii. Europe the generalized ebb in industrial pmduclion in me um1Jupan(Ilv\e Urihcd slaiei Had experiervced me lmperlufistcuunrries I5 not ye. aeeempaniea ay an some enenonenen du ng n prci/Tum wiase; ine absolute aeeline in me yalann eiwaila nude (in source: or increase in producfivlly .l.e.e laye be- Vern erciiea price-S, eliininaring ene affects er gun le dry up). If pmdu ry increases 5%, a .isi..n ancee en the weilil murkl:I)i aanlieie hm similar ine.eene in eiaeaayian ineli is iieeemy already been a very elee.aeaele.aeia.. ai.l.e if me yelane er prcducfiva enplayne... T; m be gem». of inieinulienal cxpons For me put Iwemy, all acne. thing being eaaal. A iall years, imerrwzvloml exports naye aeen expurdirlg in pmducfiorl uF2% eeeeneeniea by e amyin .. 15% more nieialy men inelasnial ptodmlcfiovl. nnulaeeiyny er 4% result: in a increase in un— empleymam. Between W513 and was il.e xmlums al inaawzal «lie com-i¢rT5 pmduclion er cupikllisf inaieaiea er/., older in lecanslimle me indasnial reserve. anny 22% 'ln wnile meiiexaani grew in yalune. iaeiween ainine Me lane period al postwar exporuiun, cape ana i972 i..a.a..ial pmducfibn Increased was was incorporated irwu me nan al wage canlzlx a and expnns M197-’l—75, wtiile inaianiel er yea.l., ana immT— lll%, 2—A=/e, g.e.....anl.e. naniea women, pneilaelien will siill wDl'1~:e(s, WHO decline expoflx nigh. em... weie pearly pain, nmginally by «haul 2.3-/.. But is me reoessiull From ineiease, cen- aiilixea, and mm: maialy exp=H:d me pm- Pinues and deepem, ana uaeaially if we nnae war aiieliye aneneye. dwwnfum aeeanea. sa line pneeea a is nepeeil up and na..e.a.ysy..e.n it is naleeleniinina me. me me of ane.nalay...en. breckx down ii .5 ma. N1: vol- H-eye TS ianlsei, nafaxcluded among iniee calawriex cf proleluflam much er worlfl will decline aieialwely 1; ll ume nail. [ubmvcr inane. man il anana nale, "native, lanily Tng from Av: exelnangei among noncupim i. ee....— lieaaa. nu). II is striking 00 abaerve Ike gap befwzerl the still Mada? redunlien Tn industrial pmducfinn and the Plane of the recession in the already consfdzrable san.-aa at i...enplay...en.. lulory cqzitdism rneie weie in nillian unemployed in We imperial- The gcnemlizcdJ veI::§Tarl will be .l.e nesueiieas Tsf cwn ies dufing Me 19694‘ recession. Ar the .eaee.i..n er .le pmlwar pefiwdy precisely aeeaase beginning er wTnIer anenalayne...stood . .5 generalized. lie luck ar a. naaa. is niillian (iimusporfiul ....e...alaynien. .. in- iii. i..aianial eyele durimg ine maese period re» :Vud:d), WM1 Me Following geographical dumd «lie amalln aneeeaiana. Each ...e, a fall lion: in anxiaa.ia.. and i...e.nal demand in «lie eaanniea A ’E

430 . .

am the (fure>¢'Jmp\e, me by rec5s7un United States pner was Waey WEI: nu more able on Keven! mp in Japan in 1955, or Wes) Genmny in ombaeuk cl am. crisex «am and been in the am, 2.. am- my sn was :ampens<:huv-age is, pg an Hxe inIper7MiXV mm, am won dlvkion pr Iaboramong an countries. . became impcuihh ap reserk ap Sfiurp devaluuhons From pa Uh: me svundpaim orwrfizufiun or capaaar, m tmcsvuonrvs, government: W672 pm- mas magma aasear an me me prmuleamaaanpa am. Fntzrimparia a compeiifioufl ap apply em: wh a» surphxs an an ploduced value grad! rmmberol apysaawaoppeppsaI—nrerr\TZIioraa| am- a nonurypn . Hm. me new ncunmes mulapnewsay, npeenay in ahespam pa puhima apwpprw synchronization pa mw mmerauls but also an mp: pa manurppama — mg Ls!-rial map. amp/, mas ammaaao.-.a map" prpmamapn (which under nae :flpIM amysaem ha: ac am am FTnuHy, N the some nxrenr me» me long phat or rum of aaaaempaamapa concentruticm and cenhu|Tza— ppmpaexpaapap reached at: ma, Mu! me pfinci» ppa Horn of more ampamaa mpaapa) has va-ably cut: paexpppsapn begun to run down, and mm|ong—hrm growth an mess up pmmpas of “nrmum|“ Imperiulkfstulux mm pmduciion ma wskaw m apply “unIicy:|?cuV" pulicies ra «pa cu nufiunal down, we conlmdictians pa the capT!

rlna iaal DIE becomingshurmrana naia aninaiai (in. ‘The. aananr lacesxian is mnmme ara im- Tn This 73 boom was saaaalariya to a laraa mane). rna phnz oiaaalina lb: rule ar pram. aaalina aionaaaaad phases of slugmztion, and even mcesxion, are be‘ clcurly unredcves ma lncreuxe in ail ain ' ea be lanaar. Obviausly, vhis laaaa ra prices aner file O:vaherW<|r ar I973. Hue uvc synchronization. When they DCCAII’ in a dozen 900?!’ sum: smlixlics lhul demmlsmne rim. M25 ai anaa, reaexsium rnai ‘as! six mvmhs are lan lasr =cai]y)url-(taunted man recexsiuns mar two yaaa. or‘ Rate BMW (char aaauciian of me gains al ay, ma aanaralizaa recession expmsxes in a :Llm- giaaial n aiaiask vuluex) an ma rel lrol of ma, Hue aanirnararalaa_nn3niai 5 mary manner the Yuri-ling aiayna of "long wave naysma o M rl :>cV9Main al (wan lama vaar sarara taxes Alter taxes me unilaa Slmex, and iran. ms to was in cupiIa!— in Europe and Japanl. wa had nraaiaiaa mi; 1um— l95ms4 la 5% a.79<, about in lv.s4.- Our laiaai bunk, Der Sgmkapibm 1‘755»5‘7 H.734 mu/. ‘iswwx (Lme caairaiianil, published in earrnan in was-an la.o«=,; 7.0% (70 be naalishaa in Franz): ana Englixh in lsvsl lvsaav ii .734 5.3% mo .6% was devufed la inii qlms an. was H 5.2% Wav I1 ,l3<, 4.7% 9 774 la aa xure, wnila ma new "lana wave" will net mo 4.1% («F V9505 V9505, 5:: ma layarian growth in. aaa doe: na» u! all mac il wfll aa marked ay mean Rate of gram =/, 5.5% in An-erim by a similar nay visa Japan and Norlh W73lm 5 4% rela— lu,5% — is a kzrul xocial ariaa, a crisix ofcaphallsr r+:lu— Hem or prvriucllun, a crisis al all beurgeeix iiara ma» acaanniaeaa ana aaarayarea ina eifacis Far Wen eannnay, experts aalaalaia nail in. "salaries am of in. caniaaciaiai clacmariani of ma ewnorwy and hlcomc ar aarnaaniaa lrninas Kc liaia al Frnm F|ur.7uu— emrepmrluurs") by the rye! haldfilg nf rlnaae in in turn receiwx new arirnalai Mes: aiyiaaa liorn. cnmpanles aaalinaa by about 20% between mo and was (ma yaar ol ina aaanornia upmrn, warn a aaaaa new rise ai araria aikr ma reusslon nf was- 05 zm by ana W73.’ A classiui crisis wecproduztion. . . and 25% aarwaaa ma generalized l-ecsslorl ar ii classical ma lm—7s a ~nra reaanl rwcession is rmrkad ii a pronmmced crisis ofcverpmztuction lnia mus! bl: sire-sxed all aifra ar raa..7:yT‘aaH/rifled Ike a“'n- ma aaraaariaally «nu: cilvlas Ivy» 1izaciaw, £i“‘.n nrara in many we ‘aina impeflu «Re Smles, as is lay ina alanra rar generalized recesxiurl ing ii. rl» xhvm-l by me lallawina table: an rna --ail anaikia” ar ayan on ma trade aniara — and not Far remark ina» are purely ideulagicul For Bab rna clusfical character of the mcessiorl ~saara ariiain. Andra Glyn ana Su!:|TNe: cl/new ap- British Capimlism, the Squeexx, ngly two laaniraa that aarninara ma Wurkus, an: Pram aaaa in: il Pznguin W72, the |Drlger—9:mv and down: taken [mo :ansiderv- Soak, am. rar unnaa States. ufi are lliarn D Falling slnira Pia ix“ Hun: Naianaia: “ma ar inA.M.O1<\m, L. Perry, :I.u|. led): amok. ‘In Frananr “L‘Apog€e du nércapimlisme ev les Paper: an saanarnia Aari fy, Na. I, \9'74.1'h¢ lendenuirs" in Les rarnpa Nodtmes, Augxzr-Sew aiaauiaas lmfimnun, waaninaian, D.C. rorwaal, iarnaar mu; n English: “U-is Heyday av Naaaaa Garnluny: saanvaaianaiganiai zur saalnaalinina flulism and CS Anarnana, lhe Socialist mais- derGesom|wii-1s:huFrli hen Enrwlcklumzi Jul-lre5gv- ten ma. lechfan, Eonrl, I974. 5 «no Production in Monorocming hvdushics as u oonnooio om in me mpirulisi mooc oi produ n Pcrccnnooo cf nonzoniai ieomos moi mun rnom the pnecis: Cuflil Msror oi -i.c woo » monenl oi devulupmqnf or this made n of pmduclinn In wnicai : lhe crisis occurs. Inc gen» 37.9 Vs ma ciol cconcnnio recexsiun or \<77:.7a no exception was 37.7 mix M59 86.5 to rule. i970 : 73 Two Phi: V97! » 75 parricuhar iooioycc of recession uughl re 14772 - 73 6 be snococd. 22 I973 . inc cupilafisl has pusxed riom I574 . 7a(ioonnooonier) economy ocimoneni inrlocion onmoioiino economic activity in srgfhr ix uH ?n ono Vhcn to slump?! TM: iocgacyn deizrinrufion the more pm- n mu-7| n we Ts noicen sliding nom rhe uF uccaunl or me enarmous snnic onc in inc mherdawn slap: mo oi American producfinn wcated on mimocy oocoioioiion cf mo Inflation, innoiion ona or punk - miiiioiy oooic. TM rzwl '5 o yznoony permunerfi nizoc creme} oio new oooicrino during o period lien or neony o rd or Euducvivc nf outright reducfion in oiociocme ooriyiny ono or «IE6-Ylve Tncmuses in ooemoioymoni. The mcfirecred inward :i'v on pmducfive goon. (acts on no ococi- of speak ehnquenfly [and me scurca or inc cwvem crifis as o crisis or overproduc- croiion inn n in- inc For non cuuld nulnc bulmr exprsscd. fireases In price or on ilccuunt on znnonon rule or no move than 2% in inc im_no 'al7sI ceun— inc mrnubaui in mo long-icnn oconomio neno of rries!). (soc «none at oonon. of page‘! doyeioomcni is ulxa pm-iecfly clmsimf. Nwmred by inc war and icccnonoonon on by the incmase The -niioncn ix nonomo oy in. oomoioiiyc oirecic in;ne mm: or exphivuliun or me wnrking um moi nrmoie innn three decades or infiufianary oroonccs. rooc-om and inn wnnouowcd inecinoiionol coonol H is omoiinco by We unbridled oncooionion or 1W2— no cnny no», omni ad by ii-e qnina iouomioi r=vu‘v- 73 (in ooio, inno, consnocrion, diamonds, iowciiy, Han and o xlron ncretzz In nmooaiyiiy nor FUD- and ooioo ooi ono above ou in raw materials, ducfian afreiufivc mom value}, inc oioxonooo Phafis, on lb: neoi values" one Hncryoc vrxluex“ H-ie oxoonoion hm been oxnomoo oy combirmd cic rnoi ooncccioio on no more as ooooi monoy acme- icon or We "increase in me organic compbsmun uF flutes) The iioiion woomengmonoa by inc “min- =upTfiu\ (o lean‘? aF mo third iocnnoiogicoi revohr aged oncos vmpbxed oy the mnnapclies 1: Wm oc— «io.-i mom and H5: sruanafian Dr oocnnc in me .ore Lenwaled by me coiocsoi military expel-idihnex that {cl omnoio mioc resulf oi the lung pelind M «on noye not ceased In expand and lo woicn every boon cmplaymem) The rvf: cf prom "hm been wb-umlcd oeoic xodery nos oocomo uccuskvmeo, (1: is xigniI— down, Accumvhaficn oF:c.1pTv=:1 ha: slwwed. kan) inn: with on the innumembig denundufions E5 M2 “wno '5 respea-isTbK;" r ' flafion, no 5250 inoocono mii on wank cf m Trury expenditure} in . .1»: will: pankulurilies lime . capitafixtcoumries is never r/ienfioncdl] Eu} the ii-nioiy is — Every crisis or avsrpmducria of cup» inc noin cause or Vnfluvian incamesmbly the i ilafism combincs general rcoioicc reveufing basic Flat :1 af ocooii in the oiiyoco Sector, Ma? :5, me

ANNUAL RATES OF CONSUMER PRICE INCREASES ACCORDING TO OFFYEIAL STAYTSTICS Cuuntry I960-A5 ms P76‘? W70 mi 1972 173 I34 («war-19:7 rr’ Hum isqooner) United Slules L254 4.2% 5.424 5.9% -4.33; 3.3% 10.2% H.é°,o’ Japan o.2% 5.59.; 517.; 7.9;; M34 4.3% 23.074, 23.4% Eritaln 3.9;; 4.5% 5.4% 5.4% 9,504. 7.ce/c u.2«;o 17.0% West Germany 2.3% I.A% 1.9% 3.4% 5.394 5.5% 13% 7.07; Fmnse 3.5% 4.37; 5.4% s.3=/. 5.5% 5. 12.5% 14.9/. II-fir MFA L379 2.974 5.09/. 5.u% 5.5%,. i4.aa.4 20.3% RECESSION bunk loom and paper money man served m me min Fact may rnilliara of men, wumen, and chfldlen prep far me areaeaina "baani." lire Wuhan ecmv are gmvely ariaeanaarialrea and rnreaieaerl will. arnv sailed inward expumion an a sea all deals whuse alarvalian wnile enonvlom rexoumes In nraeninery, cumulmive cficcts necexxurily aaeeleraiea inrlarian raw naleriala, and Iubu rernain an z:d — iee (see lable at bnhnm of vase). saurcu with wlniai. Imuols, fqmfizer, iniaaiian canals, and elaelriaal aarnaa cnuld ae produoad ta Nnreover, me reaeaian naa been accompanied av mpTd\y Trlcrecse Yuud araaaarian ana Mus ieea lie several aaniaalar aamerreala. Tnere hov: leaen hungry. anenarnana arsnanaae In some metal: cum ding wirn me general Dveruburdance al aarnnaa . Not yet galloping ‘nflulion saali aaineiaenee commonly aeaaa an me eve ar al lire laeainniaa al a tr araveraraaaelian. saan unaer a “nurrvn1"I:upTlu|l5feconolv\y u mm in me a crisis always aeaira av breaking M! in a raw sec— aeanarnia cycle exalaasina aeneraliaea ov=rproduc— mu ana men araaaallv expand: la llie whole cf Han araannaal s and avaraaailaliaalian er the niaaaalian ar in mm! of la :er.Iors. ewnamy {film Ts, me iaal Max the mkll muss of surplus value produced na lanaer aerrnila line assur- QM Thug, mcssxiun began in $974 in the aaiarnaaila anea ala “sufixFocrcry" renrrn an all available :ap— ana aaralraalian inaamies. ‘C then spread la me Mal) results in ptice raaaariara. «smile Tndusfry, la neat, to eleeaieal npvpllunczs, L-iii-as, and la aailaina rmfevials lariela, cell-tam), nre facnhm Vfiere a “cvee 9“ er even "n::cc7— finally la n. )he aecraanerniaal iriduxfiry. sleal was eluted“ inllalian do-es nai arevanl cneae aea Inc: spared lmfil the ana M1974; naw me recassian T; in arieea rran. eeearriaa. me churaclevislil: feumre air ina me.e me. me same can be said ubuul ix ma aaalinaal increase in me Enerul level er waaa. ariee. laai a whole serles ol an-aea (Mose uver wlaen H-la lnava H1: in Theaeclovs nfrmchin:—¢ouk, aaal, ail, cereals nanaaaliae lean aannal, l in which compefiliun lreelv) x in areas assara iaeliniare aria some other load aiaaaaa a gaaa xi!- Tn are eealn ea drop. me aiaer lnana, annasalara uufian. am we sugar irduslry In: ilm experienced on an eaaeaiallvaaealaaalar (a iall in arama cf galloping inllaiian all pficex go up aaaelaaalv an mm prke neaeasarilv the law in the few weelal. The volume ofsclas iallnaaan not al the sane ran, space ofa rule Here eaaI>. of naelnine tools aka dawn ir me gneru|- al valae continues to carnalerelv may aa aepreelalea rernai.-.s in eiraalalian aaralannlv. reaeaian . Already nrders in me tele- nanev iml con ues. Nu hold ll cainnianiaariera Tndusry, which expecled la ane wana ra anla anv lanaer. svervaae were eeaselealv exchanges ‘ll Far saan eonrinae mexpond, lhe de in Earape cnmmudifiu wla are an me arrnaaliare in H-in and and Japan. V€r*uaHy only mac will most .a sernaav ma ar ar lie sector rne seeana warla in rne uni-lusphem amaaalv rmlimuin in simufiun av shortage al war, was alsa iaell a in me by the Nazis me flvunghuuf me raeeesian will be eereaa, and ma: eaannies aeeapiea an eve Vhe ai meir liae.a~laa. is because uf me laniine in several key areas of serniaalaalal warla. in the irnaerialm counlvizx raaav, we have nae yer 73 in? TI-ism no better indiccltinn Oh: irrmiunuland seen an alnraaanere of aallaaina inilalian. sar-la innanan :h:rnc9:r ar )I»e capilufisr system than rile ariees are still aealinina. saan naa been me cma

DEBT IN ms UNIYED STATES (in rliaasanla at m iara cl em-renl dollars) A: eraa Natienul as Publk c- Viivaoe Praaaal Dam Debt 169.4 l53.4 239.4 27a.a 250.0 392,2 30l .0 3.57.4 370,4 350.0 l,247.3 .as00.0 :1 ,500. u $660.0 3,000.0 whh shares mg stuck :>v 111:5. on have ex— cmum pficex hm dmpped even more than .4 mg won? aepressiam meg and 1.. n1Id—D:c:rv1ber 1974 seH1'r1g mo 1 copper was m was even since 1931. (592 mm. gr bmtnm or page mm :1! 1»; peak in Apr“ 1971. myIx mm 111: mm, For man: xrmngly by cm aura/1-nbfle we Sam: was mm .1. price ai 5A*Hd1ng 101:, at .11.»: industry, prize rues the Drder 1eus1 in countries 1» which M1 surrma dc: an as some 29:09 spewe- 52%, ae=11me.s D7%, And ma: lion had Tn mg mos! unbridied rusmom comm zinc 457;. .1»- gone an c11n1mg NV.-nd 1; id! from Having Thus, 1m an 1.1 mg summer M 1974 me price or med. buauvmg 11:1: 49% Man :1 :m cm xun1— 1 was 19“, wm Even m. price av nil may drop. is known my as 11773. /‘/any EJ165167: =er1Pflv\1¢s and red‘ Iver Salas cartel; aonnmresixi a lung decline in me; uxmm me Companies m1Iw11111m Prism. if mg number af Seller: increases and 11 rHuTr1r1- {evens are dTvergem. Between me o1|—=xpor '19 the Max? muveriuis, Fir.cHy, was was case mm mm counrfles mar wan? Va vvnkc moxirmmv guTrs 1,. Mn :1: cm ¢a11ow1mg figures aemumnum '1r1-medial: mm (Mk: Iraq, N19:-riu, lndormsia, and Mgeria} and me 1=;s—,mpu1a1ea RAW MATERIALS PVHCES m..n1.s mu: moax perm?! n :eu5ele5s reducfion 1n produtficln (Hkz or E<:ur1urv11sr can émarng to we

s1oc1< EXCHANGE 1NDE><'

1 97:5 W74 level o—wsxV an Mgfiesr “1wc;> h1'g1'1ex-‘ D=c.1a,1974

London 509. 305.? 339,3 . 151.1 New 1n51 73:; 3 Yuk aw . 503.5 191.)...» 237. 2222. 2oo.A . 153.3 Tokyo 422 294 7 242 . 252.4 Hong Kong 1775. 423,1 421. 12.3.3 Pans -55. vs . 49.4 Brussels I42. 131. . 517.9 Fmnkran 12a. (:09. 520. 561.4 Amsrerdum 171. V4.5 1115.1 M1|=r1 147. 87.0 37.5 s:u=khu1n asv. 303,: 304.9

mm; Economfsr, Depervber 22,1973, and Decmnber 7,1,1m. H-1: German index VH4 was mqdified hevween June 2? gmd July 5 by The Emomm, 93.2 on aid indec ¢qua1ing one 2 on We new index. (km 1974 rv1in1mum Mus rvpresenfis up— proximomly 79.5 an mg ck! Index. RECESSION

IS sumelil-we serious liabaraanea la in own iniernal logic, eri and ac lhe u.s eeanany lulu; every (or ai uverproducfiavi lna a ienaeney la waaen inraagn new aaaeleranan ai influlian in W77 aerlaaa aarnalaiiya eiieais. inar remain: live today, in cveri earlier), followed by a new retcsiun iirar ilian ine ine eaaen of aaairalisrn in da:|7n¢i ins! as it was will riireaian ia be even more serzaas cur» nae aeiare ine fin? ana seeensi wnrld in Man- run! one. waa. eF— in seanarnie ilieary, we repariea ine followiwg ieals anne iiai nine mnnlhs ar rne reeasrian ai inis seenaria is alsa me niasi priobable one in inai 1957-5a, nnren earnparalrie ra those of rne «lie exislerice ai aanienesla in the ieaa and energy very lug materials saaiars) Firs! nine nianrlis ai lire crisis ai V‘72V»3Z: xectms well aa in other raw will seirnalaia Feverish irivestmerll in eeriain sealers CHANGES IN ECO£OMIC Acilvliv nzovoma The cenveninn av "pevrodollals, " nianey—eaailal BV WE FIRST N|NE M'6l~m«ls QTHE Ekrsis IN’ alasea as snarmerrn inyesnnenis in iriansiry, will UNITED 3 in— E: si Vikawixe siirnalane a supplementary deimnd kw W29 :2 W57-SB vcxrmeni aaaas. All rnis aan lasier a rlcw upturn Er Nanaariealiaral anralaynieni —a.a-3? .+A.2% in ina eaananry, lea» will ae ai relaiiaaly shun vne Grass Naiianal Pioducf ' 3% -4.\% dumfiun, iar it will ae ariea up at saurce by lnaaslrial araaaaiian 45.9‘;/e —l3.iea unbridled raeaalaiian, aeealeraiea innaeian, and vallnne of relail sales —a.I% -5.V% an cwari niare pranaunced \ong—ierm eiaeline in the oraers tar aaraale aaaas —2a an 40.1% inaaslrzal rare ai ansiir. ins sinraiian in «re seems in wnien vne preseni Neyermeless, in aaaiiian to lseina aana ianea by :rixis nas broken aai ssareely ladss any bener Phari me aaliiieal elnaiaes ai Big caaiial, rnis scenario l957—59, iar irarn ii. ine uncmplnymerii rare in pmxuppasex Wm! «ire inlerna i nal aan rug sysrcril Tridus» nenail, came! at cne Aineriean aumrlmblh inai is, Ike inealranisna arereriii, will bear an . - Hv, is raaariea la ae 25%. ine mmbzr ar new aerslaniaila an Once again, rnzs is pr:-bable. housing unhs mill in sriiain and the uniiea Slams airs s nai moan aarrain. iell nearly says’ in autumn lrm (Yhe zaanarnisi, or‘ aeneral— Novambelr 303974). me dcrrarvd iar aerrain pena- on rne eve of and ac me aer, nine me me ehernieal araaaaa nas anapaea zmsov/. alrrirns izea a sericx ai aanlsrlrareies ana aallaases ieyy rese , aani inanilns. inese are aeraenraaer Ilia! inean- occurred alilcmg rineneial ana banking earnpaniess resmbly reaall V927-32. lie erasn ai ine Hersmir Bank in calaane, of the Fyurklin Bank in «lie uniiea siaies and av ine sine inis the! bour- #412 Nov:-rfihelss, all presupposes me aana lialian gruup ina» colvrullrzi ii, aallaare aeais goveirimems will rernain pusxivc. ine rats- assame “fringe bunle“ ana iinansial gmuw in sien Is prncisaly a aririr uF:rverp(odu:fiunwlnase ariiain one lyan group; «he Jessel Tmumme lsrearleli and duration are lirniierl by an iearian grvupt; Lordun 4 Counfy Securitiex, the iriarnisn of inilaiienary buying puwer. inns, ii ina economy lnl/exVmeilYTNxl) and uf me lniernaiianal Cmdir ix reileeiesl by nieera ai such inieeiions during cam- Bank (on lsraeli bank esialslislsea in Geneyal, ele. in ina rnanilns — rim aiall in wesr Germany, men Nhny iiaanaial cumparliu saeaializing in real eslaie rne unilad siales and Japan — the inrernaiianal saeeaiaiian nave alsa been drawn inia me some v:r— aaaiialrsl will ayerl a grave aearessian eaanarny Dex. There MA rne enis "me. was saeelaealar iailare ai saiiaa group in Spain were ine erisis ai iaarisrn camlfiried wiin inar ar real esoaie), wnieli kwllawed ine iailare It is lruc Hum a rnassiye aese of inilalian will lee the mflior lariiisn real esraie aralras and la aaiain uplum. Vhe er Mu ai necessary an economic curmr me Narigaae lnyesiars in Vlxrivc aavalaarneni ar inilaiian is explained ex~ inaailiryarcaniinenlal back lime loan ufED aeily by me iaal rlna: during eaan raaessian greater ria uniiea sraies la aay on a Euraaallars inai had aeen advanced ay a and inilaiian is needed in over! a grove nillian greater uF European banks. rlearessian, ine i9av.7l reeessian, )h we erner— eensarrian. aia aence amaailaiian, cunfirmed ions In a xiriking N172 ilnaasara rnillian nranner. Beiween 1°69 ann sana a cumtron siaels in real estate were sold me uniiesi Ts They in value. rnse inere a lime aaa betweal-l the wnen siaies. nave now la» 70% of men. Manhattan Trust me money supply expand: at an uccelerarzd rare syen a mi as salia as me clsare «lie rnal and the mumenl when 7M5 reflect: hsrelf as a — backed up ay the bank of some narne, ri Che r ins lsy Rockefeller has me value new lll ariaes, nee: likely raena is, ira group — seen rallawina. laesenina of me cred aaliey :0 Hi: ai iis slnarea plummef From 570 eaen la 54. beginning of 1775, moderation of IUHUHDI1 (which Oh: szundul will not all disappear!) in W75; new uplum in Ya this xnuxr be ndfied Churchill Furesr at bunkrup¢— the Wes? Geniurl zconamy toward Ike and vi TW5 in canaaa ana sane resaanaina inaasrrial I0 eaee :.. Japan. Gen-vuny, er: n, Italy, me uenee hols and rnereiere eennne me new of accumu- smee, Jeeen, seern, Canada, Vsruel, 5wTker\and. wen. Why Ihznshosfld me bourgeo re remrreh The beer is eeezeeewy wnuernarionev. nre nuesr me in me ~ nnre economy men tern? a of pr;-iv n and eeenex ubv?m151yTrwu\vex are risk er chum mac AH mi; is parfeclly eerreer. am far the buurgemsm Hans arc: eae bunk cmxhes b¢gTn. If en uppmc bl: Io eenrem itself with pmsively wmching fine eerexy eerre: bourgeois ene eeny bmygeuis cfiemx an-.t— ecunumk: rrcchan me of me crkix n is ner enough reneeeexy wmerew )he?r helevner rren. me banks «or mere nnchunkrrs to begin re operate. wnev 75 — me. u rnere is e bank pa c — me credir sys- also necessary is M0! were e>FCunI neural flan. umerica ‘exrenew, and cm-nbah-Afr oi vh _ej—_ /vengeee hwesmrs were cuvarad by en Tmmedime eLe—‘er:er.e"ralemrkir, wMch is mm eenexnee wmr an ex— Fmervenfion ev American F'munc?L-rs wne rrrrnmm \[‘E.Tnee‘..“eee eon: ex weakness er me wee. rnen nrmwen The semen a e: ware sun buurgeuk syxve . wrvnee banks“ we been scvefl [up to nuw] by the znyeenen e: wner must amount Va 53 Hwouxand ren- uen from Me me armrn bunks,

AH nor And 7: me prevented e eee , can prevent 1'56 weng cu me bales may have re be pweggeu are H nu? ma big Butwhw wi happen H eee e: we prTn~ ereex e-eeerw bunk: gels In rreeme, :1 me eer n to suck up 75 no wenger ssa m7HFon ar smo nmzee but Tnstead xex/em? than/xurId mTHTcm eeuee, wm. en rne consequences rnerreen n sum valves? Nrerxiy me big eeeem banks in ernern ere xIroin- ing to eeueec me 5250 rnrmen lhot is apparently ‘- neeeee re save the "mnee banks. me Times, December I3, IV7Ar] win we banking eyscen be able M wnnrrend such e rem wm rne nesr came aersne a Is reoe§imy er during, er even er. we av: as, me Hex? enev me: is e mystery me: no econo- nm, no nfiuister, and no cepiveueu entrepreneur er banker Wm be ewe to solve. rnec one cknud me» eennneee re nerre over we "Pump—prIm|ng" eperenen. n is e good-sized cloud, even aflowing yer Tuna en, and neon oniy gsf M9591 us me p1Jrnp—pHm?ngTfise1Fg0c$on.

Economic crisis and social crisis H add he answered smeeesnv the eeeeeeze (r :r mew have an emeeme mnmen ro mm) Far the eeenenm eynenv Cou\dn'! e pcHcy er monetary resfricfiun "bre\1|<‘ mflafiun? werrxem meme uncmplcymem wezeh heavily en wages, me: 7:, incruasn me rm: oFsurp5u3 value and mere- by me rule er eremv Isnw Me en nufion er were sofld and eremeble copilulkrb eerren through me eerrkrupmes provoked by the cr :5 u neemry fining for me upifulisrsystem 7.. «Em A! nnueose-s VH1 re. ere; ry of me xynem as e whale? me nes- give eemee en of eaenex precbely eernms Nae aeereere in me rune of prom (er the xwvIvTng ccpv n RECESSION

M. 7. ob. so.-.o..o...... 1. mo moi. To be mo, 2.... .o.oo..oy 7. ..o. o woooi, xin-: of .1. nver=H wonowxoo I.-cuncrnic, social, and ...-.o\.. no. simply «on mo ooonon. c condhiurls bu. poli box oyoxmon during mo past quarter or o obo .....n o whole series or subjacnvc lumen o.oo.oo .o1 by develupmoznrs .n Wen oon....y. no worldwide nsmo or forces bo. o...:ng preceding years. ..o..:.o..\y dehefioruled ro. coonow. .n the .n.oo.:o.— Gcrrmny .no no. omo. cF .4... recessiun bos been a.. cbumries .no rong oenod or oxoomon no. ob]e:~ a decline o..o no. on 1.. workers combo. .ayo1y ...o..o.nonoo mo wosob. and Fares nf the .y:.y, A new ...o o. wwrkers struggles in the unma 1. 1. ho. ..nooob.ooIy be— working bro... The new cf moggro. 2.. web. Sknu b.obob.o — oboooy ...o a. May has subiaciT\Ic|y59ren§H1- — but mu slaw ono :.oonon.o.s, wm ...:. Eumpe xinae .. - was 9... cu onoo the numb-ufiv .y ono onnooono ... oo.oo....o— new {Tm .'n mm be ..o.o.on..oo This bmb. 7 7.. me or mo workers neg: or the workers :osm!riex. Nv.-there no. w..o.wm be .ooo..on Jupuncs: ‘ mny womb. mo re Tmpnse incomes oon. . '~‘u'geo?xie bean obxo .o on working .o mo Capital‘; ononoo on Tcy? T}-ave have be msbxyoo by bios. utfems 5|: no. no workers wouhi be ooomb... .4. Mo...- om. on. mvd z.. boob bo- ab}: .o reipcud .o o conndemble inaeoxz in unem- .-.ono.:o. womb. .;.o.... .oo....y o1oyn.on.. .o.o o derailed preglmsficufion um be on an ....o...o....nov.co1o. Under ...o.o oono:..on., mo b;e, era! vs me :ouMrTA:s mos. mo ooomyo sectors o. 7., talcuhtex mo. Nevervhelcss, o. o wboxo, fur no..or 20 nzmon on.-noxoyoo in .9... United Shares, 5 ma ui\/Ieirfunvpe, ono FarAA,sM11Ia, conooo, and non ononoxoyoo TnWe5§, Japan, and Japan 1... o.ooob:o that H»: preaem nxtenv or un- r.o\y, and 3 nzmon unemployed a.. France ono onowoymon. wm no. be sufficienr .o "cahv. dawn“ :n.n.oo.o.o.y provoke ono .bo. mo smozn would o w: o. oon.o. e the working dug ono reces- oa\...oo. :r|sTs om... mob sbo. mo oo.y.o.y.yo\ .:on wm .n....o.o exacerbate o.o.. sfrugglca. Tbo., of mo xysicm would be in danger 2.. mo 5...... lerm. o. soo.., .. obo ...o nypo...o.-.5 onoo. wbaon mo my :5 .b. fbndurrsenkll mmon wny ;. wm very coono. :. ooo.o.ano. We boyo no reason .o ow... probably ...oo. o. it an dunno my us ..oe..=o.o, the weH-kmndcdneax aF Ms analyses on ...i. oo ., ..-....oo wono long and ....ooob mmsive n.o.oo.o. o. .n..o.:ono.y so cu .ne rL-cesxibn tings no. .o.. loo "pr'.m?ng“ wong .bo of no ooo..o...y. sa o. mo macfions or workers are rapid. The big bourgeoisie is ptrfecfly :an5:ibus o. ...o from Kong-farm .:..o :. :. oo...n..o in oo. o n... woy. no main threats under moo oome Supported .o1o.o.oo- by so. 1. bo. nu chuke. Bevwzen o.. zn..noo:o.e ....oo. me bowge s mmuves, o. .~ We mo the and noo.oro.n.a.. roooon, «moo anu .....o. ....oo or four years in romo, refer .. at bourgeoisie mun obvinusly react .o ...o n.o.o o.o..:no gmem o ono .co..o.:ng th: reucfions o. no ....oo.. soc». :5 mo ononno ono such is mo .o... a. wurkers, o. pbying on me Fears of ononowoynon. on dasses tundemrved by b:s.o.y. .-n mder .o "r-nod<‘mve“ wag: oononm, o. .om.o.b- hug me warkzrs‘ .o-.ob..on or onenowoynon. by pay-— ing big bonowo .o who are laid oer, o. ul obomoo 11mg me will co. mdTca\ pom on no o. wo.ue.. snuggles Tnm pm or the workers mo .oIo...... snluliom or wm the me .n urvevvvphyrv-en? by noon. be SUWT on. ooyo.nn.on.oI oouo-..o....:bn we... .b¢ baurgecifie — .o noxo oown workers'.y..y, ...o. fa: Tmfing mo. o.o wa... mo survival o. mo ..o.. "arM-wodox" oono... For ...o bonrgemxie" no System. In View mo ..m vznnoo extent al ooonowoynon. o. For .1... ooomon oomye. o gerverufly neqmive .o.oo.oo. The response of .ey...... ao..o..o. mos. be .o non. In View orwno. so. happened Tn mo om, ol mo Drum" moor demands mo. correspond both .o no. mo Ms- 5...»: o. ::L7nxcTou5nEss o. no, and or mo no. pressing nooo. 01 We workers ono .o oyowonon oi the socTa\ .oro.z..nsb- o. force: now .o.:o need .o ono... no. workers nobmzo is work- .oo.oo\ going on, .... mast Hkeiy vurium no. mo o o.o».oon=oo oo.:ooo..on;. direction re- 7:13 ago ww cnemm ée .oro.o .o bear the oo..s or ducfiun o. me work week {In .nz..y—.;yo o. .m..y- no recasxian, inst in boo moo .o refuse to bear .wo hams] .oo.o\ ono oo.o..o..o 5 g scale or o. bookl. no.:ono1- xbo casts o. We wm iherevknre see on cu)- wages; or the cemoanies‘ break efsrrugglex, d:FersTve o. ...o outset, uguinsv Txai n w:...oo. oon.oo.oo.:o.. and onoo. workers Ioyorrs, roomy olosang, boo obnno. or no key induslries and banks; naHonuHzu- win he ».on.b.noo with ...-ogglo. oguhwsv the high Hun wnboo. compensation and under workers 5011- Caslof I.y...g. Iluexe struggles wm fend .o become ..o. of on enterprises .bo. owooo dawn o. are SE‘/ed From sobozoxos; workers generullxed, w.n lead co m. .o.....o or o seliex o. bankruptcy by ..o.e to. o bloody a...ioobi.o.a.. ..o.o ;o..o. demamfis, ano will ooyo...n.on. mo. .on.oxo.o. o ozoo o. economic de- crf mo needs .on.. .o squuroly pooo the quaxfion ...o 9cvem- velopmem baud on no. salisluciion o. or fix“ employment. ment, me qusfian oroowu. .no masses and o..o.on:ooxno ?.2 Aggravulion of imerimpei-ialisi sifiking ar irs Eurapuun and Japanese zompzfimvsr cu-nperifion who iiaa prayipusiy paia a [owerprice Ynreneray bur who import: much mar. Vnterimperiulist Hon ulwayx tends depended on ail more comp: to in¢en- imp-uia\7xm siry when ma aaaaaraia ayaia Ts on ma aaaiina. u.s. Av such Hmes "sacrnd egnism“ lo the fare. tomes lnconlcsmbly, av Elm begirmfng of I974 impe— Each “m:viuna|“ capital aims seeks above uH U.S. ta riulisl hegemony appeund better asxured than ir Hxeli by axporring T9: dilficuhies and save unem- had been sevzml Haw does U.S. ra its «eighbnn and years earlier. aiaymi aampaiim. raaamaay Shard today? me has? maiaaa be said .5 rirar ma quesfieri has xcmcely been seiflcd, The Impefiulisl buurgeoific pi rap |JriTfiv:d Srutex hm iaar irs absolute Hzgvviony Dvar ma zuphalist ir. Ihe urea oraaaa ma W74 was marked by Tl year wurid (wmci. iraa acquired in 1945) aaiiaa ma a xersafioml aaarnaiariaiaiya u1WesI German yiriiah by wens, were marked a spectacular rise ard Japanese exports ma: reduced even Further ma aFWex7 Eumpeun (especiafly West German) and share pr American praaaars on rap Warld mariaar. Japanese impaiiai m. Tiywurd ma End ai We V7935 (To mi; mus! pa added vhe iaar riiar me still raia. me u 5. bourgeo aaaapm rp reach iirsiaraii rivcly Favorable position aimrariaar zxpafls is ma on raariarary level. We aaicaairig devahzufinn due . large pan ra Nu: iucveme in pricex anaw or ma iiaiiai was aappaaaa ra imptovc iii. American maranais — and «pad: — exparted by the uairaa - bourgeni's'ic‘s cox? u an ma world marker. Then S»-ales). For $9 Hm r in hixrar ,Wesr German il-re Tncreaxe in an prices appeared to the Ameficcln Exports aline ac ma uaiiaa poTn? rim bourgeoisie a: an excel‘:-nl araaaarrara iar sraxas, La mesaFuvfigures aeirraranara.\1rpu.Ked

EXPORTS IN YHOLBANDS or MILLLON§ or uss (in arinaai ram)

1974 WA ;aiy—Aaa. im im quarter) (2 aaanai) 1974

United sraras 4: 2 77.3 vi .0 mi ,2 vs Wes! Gervvnny 34.2 57.5 30,1 91.2 vs* Japan im 37 n 4i.3 55.2 52.7 France is.i 347 42.2 4a.i ariiain 19 3 30 5 32.7 40.4 Canada we 24.3 29.5 35.5 Nzlherhznds H .2 24_i 22.5 34.2 iaaiaiam H 4 22.5 24.5 30.5 iraiy 13 2 22,2 25.0 29.0 "A! ma axariaaae rule ar 2.5DM per us: A: an axaiiaaga rare or 2.49M par uss, German 39.5 mTUi'on; export readied an ariaaai peak of Vhwsund at a 2.3|>M par uss exchange rule ma annual peak is 5100 4 Wuusand mi ion, sagagssirig u.s. axpans.

max On the rpanelury level U.S. i'mp:rT:\ rn‘: plan to pa! On, is, superimpexiolkm. We are raniiar aiimiaara we paid standard ard aaiia yaiy iam- hum that mar. aver. Purionulize rira iriaaayariib ry cf ma aayaiaaa dollar as me baxis cl My innmaiim-rd‘ monetary n T: on ma mimary—paii bu! iavai Mm ll-.9 pre- syxmm through Hue sysmm ai spaaiai Drawing Rigms damirimice oFAr:1:rT<:u mpcrinlkm ramaira mos! has its cl-mute man ever pi being accepted. The pm'0\:nced, no? because pr a rather Tn aarmaaia— now Inflavinn spreads and is prolunged, ma less r n wirh ' relative financial and eapriarwa a um-ieis ai cenuwedifiei and holders of aiaair note: chap. The maaimy arrira European aaaiaaa- Ve i. can be obliged ra uzcepl In:or\ver¢ paper maney ra make new wogress rwaia iiaaaaial and pai cal amside ma burden sf a single skin. In rira imegmrian wirriiri Ihe cairiraari Nlurker, ra naraiarra analysis, a world pdyier mnney of pwigaiaiy usage ihe EEC from a aariiaaaiariari ai nave; imp a Fed- prexupposes a wnrld since, a world aaypirir-ianc, em! carraaiiaaiai ma qua aria casts H-ink nara, nana Is, ma ' ppearvnce ai iriiarirmer e com- ch: Eurupean bourgeoisie very aaariy Ii-om mp ripari- 13 RECESSION eial point as view. ilieie irieemal eemmlieliara 7m— make rlemaelvei ielr, as do thus: as Japanesc VNCONES or OIL-EXPORYKNG peri Tim Japanese imperialism is mrearerea with COUNTRIES lN W74 7; supplenlenluvy mil ury costs. lr threatened wllh (e males m Hans al sl liawirig la hear me cosls Lflxorrvc xpeelaaaler changes - Arabia 29,500 in lraae. V\’Hen Mex: :har\g:s are mrewri to me saaai 11 Iron 2l,ooo bnlonte ugairst me more seriwx recess in We Venezuela lo, we uaiiea Sfmes, me exlsflng balance of come; :. e.. Nigeria v,2z2 rl.e wliaie pmstrved. Kuwull moo Libya 9,000 we caphallsvwurid as a whole, wliile eaeaaiia 7,o<>o unable lraa iaam Antricun leaeeleliia, has been la re. sranu wirli Americul-l— Aeall Dhubi place rlial Ieaderslllp gliher ari 54700 equality of Algeria Europeclrlvkipunese alliariee based on tllalilieiieaaa mT Ki- pvwer or the hegtmony of other counlry; me |eud— it is was being racked by a crisix er political ershlp sharper man in pteviuus meie ii aeoli- ,ea.s. viaiar. e mile HQ la suggest mar rhere will be any dccixive change an I5 regard Tn naming mine. lr-ipcrls so maasaria milliari Air! to iemieelanial caurilrles 4 Yhausavld rllTHTan Peomdolluls aria fheunderdeveloped Shorl—te1mdepcsiDs courmies lri u.s. lu thousand re. lar. we &7Vects on the generalized reccssimi al lb: in» flue In Eumg ereaae in the prk: er ail ara supplememury uH—e>

l T) xlill eeellellere. H: internal eermeezerlore re» er me e :5 erlyele emperry and eemeemlen, IF ene All main lreeleele. e IENM le enerneleyrnenl, re llner 3, me market eeenerny eeellellem. lrrenenel and in- gmvcr and gm‘/er recessiuns, re eelleelng lnllerlen, rne eereslreplee, lneleelne rle lo iemlne llneeeneel the sevlficnllwnial werle, to nemee mods Ohm technology ' lee ewe, deriva mlsery llnel greee scale even in rrere ml; social bus: em from lleleee. me eelee- een reeeeeer en e Ti abl:l— rlle lmeerlellsr ' 5 is re he eyeleee, ;« 7: nor neplre. een be eyerlee ll lee ererlleyelern eeen W enough re lry M make rne melueeeeenemy Function lenee, the workars manage rnelr awn nmenxlsex is reeeleree ene beher or le eeyereern eeeel sening up en lrneesslele ln e elennee manner, ll eremn ' me impelofives er mlT5FyTrl9 me neeee "mixed eeenerey." me ee Iisrsysrem ene rne xubiecled re bourgeois svclle nus) b: eyenleewn. TH: reelme er er ell we lelreellene el me eerlle. rlne worker: muslbe meellellea (and ... me seml eelen:el we mgimc el lne workels and we generalized leeeelen er me lnreree .enel :up— eeen , ix xlck, peeeenls). lrellsr eeenemy eeerlrne me: me xyslem rner ll Ts ln le historical eeerlr agony. Ber we knew By elenerny whnse neel.e 'sm has lone rneraeelln eees eel rneee ufamufic disap- an apparent eeeny ln since been exposed ey Nhlxism, -ellng leeeleey peorancc, that the eeene er R does ner ll- Fallows esleellye 4 yeleenene Wk: e shadow, self produce e vicvofious seelel leyelerlen. nre cpl?»- has ln blslariml mmet nee even en» lperlne rllem. Arrer lne eenerelleed reeeelen bmken out e Ts Obe prelem mls eeeeee el “guammeed grumh," ll new context lnrlnllely mere leyereele re -el rne newer llre pesslmkhs ee "xerv gxawlh " er me N-wan lner el 1929.32. an if Me crlsis er reyelellen— “irremgdiable crisk er leelrnel eel -ylllzerlen. l ury leeeeelrle ls nel reeelvee r llre revolutionary Y T.’ we releer bath Mes: rnylle, wnleln lneve been con- worker: eeny 7) not eellr ln e, rne ckxs can~ ln lne image ere relleg elee ln eeellne. eeleeenee er me lemne messes dues ner r e to We eeem l lrlelene el rlre lnmerle requlremcms; and we llnlnreneerea gruwlh :5 lmeeeelele under file cupv eeenemle contradiction; neenwnlle eeeeme mare H-lc fifien v is eeeelele lhol me im— nellsl Syshm, which currizs wllh emnorvlic and will": explo ve, periufisr duvmg me nexleeveml cycle a: surely as we cluud ee e: we Harm. Cap- eeereee. e years lreller ereyml ix u‘waE ulllbaklnc=d and eneelenelng may ler e second lime lreye recourse re the "reme- warn "reeelyee rne :vTs'l: er rne erewrn. It is elwe e col-vlbinafion er eeyelepnenr cfiex" wnlen ll and eneereeyTep‘nenr, grwwvh ene eee' -eeeeell,-y wane lr rlll men sctk le lnrller e yery neeyy de- rne working eleee, raise rlre of proF~ en ene nellenel ene lnrernerleeel scale, exeelly lee» en le me renellen en lne leelr. Eu! ml; is nereee .l meeen eeeerexelelrellen el lle wmkels, le slu- e erenn H-lrnugh re rne nererlees enmeeler el science ormchrwlogy. lnllee ml, system e “xneng state" ereyen Vt It would eenner be solved by e Mulfil n recere In prim- llrreeen e Femciuus dictumrship. enee Tflve lerne er preduchnn lnerweele candemrl llleee egeln lake the course er wuv. These would ee “lem- sands elrnllllens el nenen eelnee re mkery. edies" lnllnzlely mow: eeleelreenle during rne eeeell el neeleer and eleleeleel weepere men rney were generelleea tn. ccqse er ihe eyll is exchange value eeeerne eerlne rne eeeen el Hillel me, lle lneepeneenl, self-enricl-lmenlbecomeHm eeel el Mcassiun aha recall: fie Ilmeliness er rne burning eeenemle ncfivity, company erellr eeeenre rne elremellye: saciulkm er burborism erllerlen and final elm er gmwih. The came December al, 171/»



by B. suvcurrz

|.Dep!h or the recession

Er?7cITn rv Yhrongnow fhe acsfwar ncncvd rm am the rmux mm. In add agrrmrur. Vespn:iuHy ‘cm! :ucI:e5sFu\ cf me mar wrperraxrrr economies came breeding) has been wweering u mnunfing crixfs vrv term; 0- me grew ac mrmr and r> due to rising rm cosh, and rm; Ts sH=Irp‘y ream-mg Far «I: rtmon We oresem recession, which began me pmsase of new siuc( .~. earxy W73 mar rhe sh::n—|i»/ed 5\'x—mu. ~. Wmem,‘ ‘ Lu dru/mvic Tn rezaraorr ra the preccdhg yams me Hkdihuad ar an Tnreruificuiion M’ me recession an M: recessmm n Japan at me Umtga Sums, in WW, regurdbss of whar Haupens in Mac :c.pnur— Var exmwph. .5» ecumywwy anrerrrrmmxny, 15 mm by Hm xharp dedfne in orders for most or me /nu'oI industries. we recessmn =5 rrarrenrewess tune marked M A/arch Over rhe rusr rvronrhs Fm wH;CH tr-gm; are mm Tn 2073 a year of qH?'e rapid e>. A Profits Amung lhasre mar baye been saved cram bankraaiay lne recession in mltput and lie rum br inilaribn in anly by inieariare of cab lrern rne aevernmeni are Brimiri arc mrlous enuugh, bur rbey are nan cxcegr FL-rmmi sbaai rar in-stance, rarian Vux normally bar ra be paid an the unrealiz- ayer Arabia, able aaairal bains in lbe rarrn ameek aarrneaiarien. eaala now buy a eenrrallina inreresr in all aablie campcriies in Bmain wirb aarnernina like six mnrilhs revenues! ine drusli: recenr declim: in proiimbil ry' is been arail one bi line thing rnar baye inllaenaea ibe collapse in lirrnirliry mar lras afflicted Verge uclicrs ar Brhv aal— Ixh eaailal in reaenr manrle. A aaaa parr of mi; Z Wages Iopxe, however, is narrne raillof aabiae (areee arwirien eaailal Is an inneaeni yierim, as me can- llnar rlre aererzara-ian of capital‘: pox on hm een- ieaararian D’ aririrn lndlulries aenriaaally raaneere, rinaea ra mpiilyshws baw waemlly irisu 'eienr bur is are reeali M‘ earaaiabr plann 5 by ine lirn. have been me measures so lar laken by barn ibry eaneernea in araer la reduce lhair llquidiryxo as and Lnbuurgaverrimem: la reareae aabiialb :cu— In raise rlreir pram; in innaribnaryrilaar nomic am ulrigs. Hus: guvervirnams have Failed an n. rlne The fhm¢—duy week, in which wages were main- be lar because they have iearea eaeeeabences iainea u) mlufively lrianer leyeb rnan uznpuf, placed of me :onfronii:lion with the walk 5 class that wauld Tmpofirlg a neayy burden on firms llral were alreaay illiaaia be neeeeary m a prelude la we Ohrough ebaiee and linen were lareea Io do more needed eeanarnie salariara. lraiead, barb Tary and shun-term barrewina. linar is ane of «re reasons Labour Bfivervlmenlx have aamrea a colme al neaay I9 BRITAIN

Hie ay inilaiian wnale iiesr me .=all in ilie real value of woau. aaairsi wage; as well as a ai (local aayiiariires pieaare ea cupikll and raaialy risina imerur raves lvetsures Ins‘ lion eaananrza resources includ- line. rneananisns lhe depend on laans )0 nnanee lnairsaenaiaa, mraaan i nciol ai siaie. of me wel- ing aailays for eaae an), nnaiseelars ay ai cuts in class «a resisi me aan— rare riaie are alra beirlgeloded cl The aazliiy of ma wcw a Previously mm iias lirniiea, guvernrmri: expenditure. nslng mu rinaal pressura an wage aeen as wag: saenaina is period show. vne (allawina car inuaiian), walls nxlvemenb in me ressni oyer aim Healey-s latest has inarease is. be cu! ay 5%. cianaellar wnele period since «era been an new cf the £|32 WA lm were has been no rextemficm or only i lea in level ai uvemgc real cakenarae budget. eriiiaaiiarr irrrlaiian and wurlh or ears made in iaeriaiira an (muney wages aaiaeiea for ma- nillian wy by me in W73. nie raae slianerins eiweliare rian). In 1973 ms level was srarie and hm iallen iaries is ‘min i. raaiiaranarieallyseen in housing. about 4% aarina V974. siaia described ~ ay Suriic 7B,2% uf Brltkh iraasiria inria are The realiey aenina Mi: smle ubaridorlment in July 0? “unfit awelr g.“ the Labour aayernrnerrvs as l liye in lras [ed in me euphemism is fliatover on ramilies me Tuiicx‘ incomes palisy public skliulmy Hou \l:ombinTrvg both M-rm impmvnmem in we niayernani ai rlirns rig eanslraenari marl Io an irryesirnenn read-ied mm‘ M wnieli in risinil avid ar-yaia a 45,355 rnaney wage rares, oaiausr were had dropped in however, univs in was This leyel ia 304,l|8 was a year. Some ai the gains, were ar at ii.—.al oi‘ under me ana iigaier relaxed iar lie rim aarr um Hie rcsuh ar we resrna increase: im, lL)0,D00 aniis er liyina indlcuvc iarrlrarslenia efu aeisiale rnresliale aareenena uinriiea cast cemen- a Meanwnile naasina priaea introduced under Phase lll at the Fmm «lie W73 name, are suflen) iliaiwere naaiinr, Him jee.ana erded in Ocluber. H is rising lmrcr iiran inilaiian, sesanananri Varies‘ inclsmss paliay lliresnalas (nww V‘?70so\d for pflce al £4,945 would srill lea early in say how rnueli mere in an nvcruge million Warkers wna sell in For wnrth 2.-mo a week is. ma lo slums. aasia im reaeiyea men.) are being inearaaraiea inm waae ram under new agreements.

8. Sodalrnmrucl

l me iaa early ra aeier rsuhs an way; agree- rneaa ai me "udvir.e“ aiierea in uriian neaaiiaiaa by me Trades Union Canglvss (mo, under me ier DF me — ine exaressiar. eirara eial aenlrasi renal bu— by line Laaaar guvernmcni and We Prud:-uriiun eannals reaaareaies to rrnaase nanrialaiary wage the wciking elass. The concern or the advice is an rnaae than iirai wage alairns sharia be na rnare once that llieysiiaala be rar an inarease no male a year, lire ilraa ma rule oY inilalian in line aasc yearar ex- threshold in ma coming year, s.r.a mar if pasted ml: alairrsliaala iricreuxcs iiaye aaen reeeiyea, lhgn me be eaaiyalerrrly reaiieee. ins iuc alsa saaaesis lhnt we alairn shnuld be raised is lake aeeaaai ai knkcw me extra arapariian oi any increased wages V057 ambiv- in lax, inaagn ms pain! has been very alznlly areeerrlea. Add‘ ‘one! rlairns nay be made a wurkels find in respect as espeaially low- wom- wurkerx, and in araaaaiyiry deals. The ml erieai ea is of lhese reaalariara, ii iniersrrerea la lire leuer, man learr hralfofull workers waala be osldng ul aw far cut: during me aeriasi in ugreemcm — wage vne werysixaale wage ears iar all wurkers ii naia ai irulalian were in aeeeieraie.

9. Weliane slate The in slandcmls of health, educufiun, am! decline H-inn liaaring is occurflvig air an ayen slraraer rm: 20 Againsl ihe aaekgrpnna uf iire reeenl large irrnrp in use "I-J!" rripane graap in vne Labour parry hm lie rale aleneian aisapial weliare, sepiianr pi melee in lhe iinaneial erisis aleapiipl ana me warkers hawe lukerl aeiien in preiepi ihese seryiees. reeeesienarydanger by saying rhal rhey aa ma! exisi. rniners in Yarksh arirain-s xepenily, , pne ai nu— And ihix, as rnaeh as ihe righrs call la reswuln iar paal iielas, elrnek ler inereases in nurses’ pay. wages in me inreresas cf praiiialsiliry pi papiral, They iuuifled rlneir aeiien rn ierne er lhe nrovecfinn could serye ie prepare ihe way ipr rapid and «he severe av l-lealrir seryiee. Meanwhile, werkers er are cuts in wolkevs‘ living smnaanis, sinee worker: curl— np pi priyale parienls aaring nof prepare for a erisis «liar ihey ae aac believe to aeerpne lo win pay rnpreases. rlre big aeeline in exist. lie gaaiiry ei liie in all line piry centers (reapher is 30% London lurnaver rare insane aoraaghs, nany Umil repenrly Ihe aareaaaapies were haying sane Glasgow ehilaren have hpa enly three day a week success in irnparsing ihe saeial comma: Narneraar l eanpprian ierseyeral nranihs, Wcr .5 rnillien p has preaiea aireeraerian grwpp, like he rle sa 'al senlrael led by he Arnalganraiea union sawanep seizing empty praperry. in a en in «he of En neerirrg workers (AUEW) pmnalea willingly ilre lhe irnneaiare iighi eyer ease of . rng, neea in response re a delrugogic appeal by mc General llie i ra pnsrepi elenrenis ei weliare srale lhai laee seereiary Len Nurmy; and a mnv: he AUEW "rutlo~iulizuHoil" is likely Id goverrvram in canfirwe we Pu? in a wage claim ehai won areak rhe saaipl Va he an irnpannnr ihene or she anielsling class eannael was rleienrea in flavor pip yapae‘ rennnla ll srrngple. ier a "swlpianrial plnirn. More repenily, I-lowever, rie hank and me have been nakingsarne Tnioads: The series al nriliranl sir. es in spailpna in oeialser 10. labor bureauaary aria November, wiriph the aareeupreeies were un— A par!‘ as rhe ai ilre leaaership ol rhe able lo panrral, lea ia sane aaiie high wage serrle— greal eneraia ti-Tiles‘ Labour parny ana al the leaping nernpen pi «he nears, ana ihe aallpr in November lirrew hude~lmTori bureaucracy iraye larseyeral rnanllrs am the Naiianal cpal Board’; preaneriyiry aeal, epening rlne -way Far anenher large rial new becn aeyprea ra prapppanrsizing car the sapial wage plain lipkea ns panirapl iprn ei wane pannal ana prralipieing a pmducfiviiy danger pi muss nnernplayrnenii r is has eniarpea. Nnny al Ihbse wire in rhe lasi lew years have been leaders H-we legurdcd as leaaep pl llne “|ch“ in me rreaepanlan rhe pi Laaaar aayernrnenr are inking the line in ippe as me grawing rhal nawenreni haye iainea in prapaaanairing. Jack lhe repessian anern— he is Jones al lie rranspari and General warkers union, ployivenl a worse aanger ihan inilprian, and in inrernpiianal rhey agrrina lar insianee, add; ie pl-upagundu iar the seeial enn- neerinps are against de- ilelianary Pnllcies. line gayernrneni lraer a plea rhelwarkers shnuld nal make wage de- nanesriaally has Pl¢P0r’*ed rapidly mundx ihpi preaie linaneial sliiliealries Fur the lirne been la see a grawing geyern- lseeease subsId?es rhe panpernea. eiyen lhp.- ihe cenieslereri n al arirrsh ment aeiieil al in an iepa, to we nafionclized inaaslries, and lire lnaasiry rs new inpreasinglysaying mm ariiislr aap— srr ales nep- paliey, haweyer, is Trol eannal aiiera ovnn ihase wane leyels implied slve harelana ip eapiial. ihe expumlovlary laaksr The snasiaiee by the saeial corwuctr W: presumably nreanr llrel not nearly as as ii the nalianallzzd inaasiries re ae rapialy plnasea Jones will be advocating eyan lnwer wage e rne. pi are rm, and w .le lie ianapnis re papiial are pi rprally The CBI Inc has alsa iainea rle campaign ai ihe sappapee in lead to nrere inyeslnrenr ana iherelere for higher w:I— prams, and ii iheelore gave a warn ia cl way an: pi ilre reeessian, ihis is sparpely likely Henley‘; sense in Navember la chaneeller rhira re happen when wirh ihe arher hana the gawernneni in wlrieh he rlisrriaaiea nlspni mT|— badger, £2,500 is aeire; evesyriring ir pan ra hala down eansnrnprian ' n aneanairipnally tn eapiiel in vuliws ways. rhraagh wage panirals rrnaer ihe saeial cnntmcr. This first by aaplishzng was aane the taxation ol hese hanaanis nay awaia a lew aankrnpieies in ihe siapk-appreeiarian prvfifi; seeane, by making rev sheri reml bular: nrare likely m be us

2: GIEIDMAN CADHALISM by WNFRIED wou= Hel— have safeguarded new in ms whafwe For German Chancellor k country, same ma. non, Wat have succeed m and create.“ And in muf Schmidvk refrain has becnnu international: been ahk to the speech Schmidt observed: "For lhe moment, Everywhere peep»: are imisfirg an we “s)r:ngih" same in Germany guurcnkvcd. and "V-ue:M1" of me Wes? German economy we emplaynem ewnaany We curvdfliumwzh éhm wage cmpikflisf <:mmh'Tex xeeking to rmv . . tms) cr=e|e aw vufious art gel . «am home in under to earners wi|1c=m?nu: always m a hm. term} aid wm Germany «magma later rm wfflch going H-«mush in nu! and real ngwu." smh mum; nut may awn etenamies, are rmre, AH Var he sin -..g lune. olfickfl is reason mm m mm mm was ammm bum crisis mm gm conlmnirvg. rho? «her; would be u m. um um West German cu mm bend m may pressuw, were the duving mg wimar w74—7s (rm :aune— for West Germany is exvrzmely dependent on gwsmd ai ilvg Tmmigrunl wnrker. sentbock to their home cow» warm rmrke} and an exports. who ow work» Vriex, women forced me; ink: hung, and spvwch delivered 27,1974, to u :15 Vqrced ink: pveiruwre Ielhenunt, mm L... During a Jur: edlixx). And in View of the gufhefira uV Funcvionaxies or me spa (55ziu‘demu— able lo and uppvn 57 v'rmn:! ndusky and rixe :n Pane? Deunchlandx German 50: xiuguufion of H: rew kmflsthe ur a mo: slinula» parry). Helmul scmaunmlama~ h the nu): cf inflation became a Democmfi: vuday upeldy mm demagngh: campaign: ‘Whercvzr one speaks, it Xian, relmscmwv says mm: hang sun man Wm be nece-s— Cc to uneseV “in We l1)fl'u in wages .5 vmpertani demmnmfe clearly very W1: in W»: Fademl Republic of Germany. It and ene's audience mar mg dislocated sum cf snry, even N: what is with mm in mind r-hm We cumsni wage contracts world economy floods in sharp comnz) we 22 ala aalllg Walked aal, especially lllala aanl-laals nallanal pmducY (camp! in 1953 all: I962), tlilevl Dversezrl ay file pavalnlnanl alla llla saallvalslalllll- by lanlaslla alapalllala, rlla alawlll lala lal axpalll aanlpalea“‘aF 3094. aallal lcalllalll al Experts), hodim was 5D%l1ll‘75l,ulbcu¢ in W53, url:l nlala Five profcsxon al aaananllal wlla plllanl annaal lap- lnan ml ln lsw and V959. Dalllla llla l9s.<»a7 layl la llla gQ\I2N\m8lIf. allsll llwas plaallaly Me lllana =xpurlsTnrl lllal pmvided llla mnsfselid alu-lna all pod! llapall lal Takurl llalallan, alaln. allaal lna “ll-lallalll" al aaallnlna plalllalzall wlllnln the Tl-:75 Even Ike calnlly. d:- weal Gefflflll capllal Dre pala demlgngy. velopmenf llas aallllnaaa slnce V969. Thus, between l wlllan aalalyallan ala llalallya allallgln, ll closer Jalllaly 19.59 ana Alalal W74 llla lalal number ar la Jlslalls laallly ll is Infill la aanaal, Corks! aanlaalll ivuiwucfiom by weal ealnlan ihdusfry grew speak al lalallya the alllal aapzlallll I a weukn: al by maaly 40%, w e ma alawll. al Iulelqn imm- ucm-lumles aanlpalall wllll salnlan aapllal, la Me wall aallaal aallna Some pallaa was naally lwlce as lllal wall German aaallanly ll “leissick" lllan well ll. ‘- [|l'!2.5%).(|) man ll-lc ccmlovvlies al in "neighbals ana pallnaa. Al laasl llnaa llla alllzl al W66—é7, wall eamlall ln lllll ploutsi araxpallaxpanllall wall callllan capitalism llal aanlalaaalaa lllal I! ll na exoeptlun aaallallsnl aznlaa abaya all al the zonnfries al ma lo rllc gerlcml._:j—trend efdelzriemling llllanlallallal canlnlall Nurkel and llla llalal allalllaa la llle canl— condlllom lal llla laallzallall al aapllal. And )he mun Nnrkel. The pallalll al v/all Gelflnn axporis alllenlaaallalnla laaalllall aanalallalal lllal llla and investments aalaaa makes lllal alaal. ln I773, ” I956-67 Er Wu} ml a lnlalla “Nuke, lnal ll ol the lalal lallnla al Gemlml axaalls (wl-lass yalla wal nal pallllaal in allaln lplalallaa ay Ih: cl.lll- lalalea aaaal 177.7 lllalsana mi l ll BM), 48% DclrlDcraV3,_O£ llan Ihe spa and llla llaae anlanl was avllf la Comlvlorl Markel COVHIYIE and 54% la oflerl clulm). ml palnl Ts lnpallanl abuv: all lal lnanlbell al llla Common Market and al Ihe Ellapaan lne calaalallnall al HI: Wes) salnan walking class Free Trude Axadalion (EFTA). llla nalla lal a><- and fcrdevelopmcrliswllllln llne an HS and the palll la lna ullllaa slalaa aaa Japan aanlalnaa was SPD. wa have naw leacllall a decislve aaallanlla anly 10%. malaayal, llla alawlll rule al exports la ana palllllal pain» in ma evolution uFWex) Ger llna EEC aaanlllal wal 20.45;; lllal al exporls la ll.a H-we 9-1,4. man aapllallsa ln {Ms uniclc we wlll End‘)/zt Urlhenl slalal anly (Illa alawlll lala al experts economics lallan illxomo aalall, \J|d an ' In llla direction ll Fulfil! allEca— allal alllalanl. or aallallaa c dllwemlens. llla olaanlzallan ar llle lalal alnalnl al lalalan mpiml invaled in ..a.nla caapalallan ana uayalapnlanl eslilmles lllal West Galnalny ar and uf W73 (35,442 all llla Garrmn al la wall palallaa al pnymem: lalplll lal llaa DM). $011: 43% aanla clan Me Ul-flied States I974 wlll nll the laaala llaala al 7 lhuumrd mil— and anly 50% can Cumlvlwn Nurkel cbumfiex, llan nalllallallalk, all llla alllal aalnlllaa av llna Swllzcrlund, alla ...l2l cannlan Mnrkei (wllll llla axaaallan of llla Nalllal- lundls) have bolunoe al paynnlla aal lla alallla ellal zmergei llaln all Ihese llallel I5 lnaaalvaaal- llla econamy all llla ealnlan Fedeml Tlla lendellty Nywurd lrllegwafiurl lnla llla walla lzapalalla is allanlaa la lalaa pal! lawalll llla pllll~ aaallanly llas deepened aanllnaalslyllllaa llla laund- alpal European countries. Yhaf ls wllala llla mus? lna al 29.: selnlan Federal Republicl ll. llla I950: anpallanl nlalws and lallalal alaaplla vesfmenl ana lllaoa cxpurfs EIEW ala alaaval lala llloll alas ala laana. Such ll llla aaalalallla la llla "pla-Eala- 23 WEST GERMANY

ernaiayais naen arientufion" of Wes: Gerrnany ever slime iire in rap:-cnhe‘ esr sarnian are peaa are ieaeaesr Wax! waria recession a1 ii is nbave an isener off iiran ineir eareaean eai rne ivy-59. a La» iire Iefiu‘ background. German Wbddng alas: remains calm in Face ai ecanbvvik recession; in. naae anians are banding 1 Desaiie everything, i1 is eaniiaaiaisny imugc of ra nie “Social cannaer, which exkts pmcficully a uhhuugh "exag— “Eulvpean u ly“ that wesi German eaar can- nai iarnany, aaa aa nai areseni - they is anly during aerraas or gamed“ eeanania aenianas — er is may aa, temp|a)5.Fi1sf araii, H1: ernaiayers eiear Garvwun saaeriariiy W15? W25! eer— iaia .aaia1y in face of me Dikim ar econo example being rne nininiai ieeaiis nrany nae ainiea :1! economic ana polirical anian mie mas: recent ay yiie melalworiczi-3V, (lllld ii inas airea eanie inia aanilieiwiin oaaiiisi aaiainea France). Ar the aeainning 57 rine 19712., whan sni- Up WV: Was! German warkina aiaa ha; nae uh anrny mm in. was aiseassed and Firvully ia naw, rec is srrana clus- co1'rTed ouli ine Wax! eenrian eaaiiaiim were nraen iiirie rraaiiian aisnaagie. were na ohm sieai raiannire siaii aany in mi; cuunrry less sure a1 ineineeiyes. iiiey iearea aiase aa- or xi Leeae— ii-.e iraae aniane have aiways aiayea iiie raie a1 crperufiori anrane Tmpanunl European caaniries a1 rtnher inan ei eiaiiy France) are isrirain aaaia eiralienae Wev "upheldevs order" rranan-enis clas sfirugglzs rne Wen Ger- sernran neaei-any overwcxl saraae. in the aresenr ua ia now me siiuaaies ai in N59 U773, siraaiian, in yiew ar me "yeIaflve5?rer1g#h uFWesi‘ n-nu wurking siaa lwildcafsirika ara German eaaiiai the crises riiazsina wiiai aew rariiariyes in Ihc naae anions and inare aeeen- ineiare siraagtes iranr197o_71 14773» 1-erwh: ariiisn empire, [he of uaiy, raarea naae-anian ra anne aaany wirn ine me aaiiiieei waakngss er Fruncd, wesi sernran 74} naya lea aniy ie areaia in raeiiee are 11i—ere Eas aeen iiiiie Iseerns Pa bu aanaina 5075199)/.SPD naa anran biireuucruv,/. vcry a new canseaaeniiy, the wesi Pvexideniwilly Brand! indicated wnai his isaii ear aii-'ere-niiaiian. myaiaeianary ren-aira saiaiae irarn saeeen in Paris: srrerigvhercd‘ rearaiian er in. German ieii “sfror1g"Euroi:-eunaccnnmieiy Increased “depen- r1.e warisina ~1ass, eyen inaaan ii nae ieiainea a Dhe Hulys is aaaniiiniiye siranain sinee ine sraaenr ree dence” ar weak aner, eraeaiaiiy ii aerrain eeriain inai wesi sernan eaaiiaian is iiea as a yen er wssem cf Iiie aria eeain ra ina European markel. narrer 19.9743 ll-ii: work» Any pmvecflonisl rairen by “Europ:0n iaaay, eanirari ra ine aeriaa, measure a with raneiarnenraiiy aarrner” wi11 be aainrai Iars by irnparianr ina clms eaniraniea a new eyery niarsiye anenaiaynieni nar Earaaean aaanrries a1 Hweirspheres oi exporiai-id siraaiian iiie sneeier ai iiie nian rut-e ai inriaiian. in Face inyemenr win naye catastrophic repercussioru an been added ia :>

leave under elne lernr an rare rnraaerry and lare raerar we up rle grewaln reres elrernaee rm an Gtr— “ms, reroeelavely lrnrerae msarves" .._allmaapansl wesr rare oaH>earang rnanerels industry were /marl rare nae rare wlrale fluuugh xanle evo- 70% and 133% glrer llran rare geeerul anrlasrraal many en gm: an laraen eaaarel an are ellrar big ilwetinllsf econ- growrlr during 1953-7a. erowrln we ele.-.- or uF lute ornaee, rrarwarrr lane lag. ve asoeers j 75% lraglrer rnerr general lrldu!- a nvlpu rrenaes industry was rlrernrelres eelalealy, pvefisely veVwicle nonaleemrarrg ar rnar process nranalesl rraal grewrlr, and an was The IV an periud marked by reeessaon. negative er- period). is to a sTg— 37% lraelrer (during rne same elxy rare ol erelarl emelgad an area have serious leer; (we lrrll in rule see rnar rlrere aerelerwnerra In a only rlnrare; rl.e llrere eeananrae rralaeanr pmpodiurlx lwor. peearawe analaenee an general grwrlr. Hwe speeaal rl-e Nursdsl ar reoran ro rneeraze nature alweer Accnrdirlg nae eeranrene, stun- no rare re awn C-ernrerr eaearal compurnd warn develtnpmenls Earner observe Whis strvcmml ei~ as ornasr Alrvuur oar, anroeraolarr eennrraes have experienced. arewrlr an produc» rlre arlrer aeeornrls var lA—\6% ol we Iukil-L; rrlooe seer Rafi-rar, lha sanre events rnar are now fivirybslween 1950 and an mu." an araaaan and huly wall occur aornerrow wer llne wall be beloved, Gerwnny. To be rnre, oroaerrr for vne weer eerrnan rare bu) ar wall be no la: dangerous Aeeanaang lo Nhrxisfecnmmic rlreory, an- 2. reelrnol- anal-romy. Woducliun er qunlliufively more advanced also rneerrr rare rare nf rlre argrrnae eeneoswlan ogy rnaenaner, oicapiml nereare an “dead labor" waalr “llving Iuber"). raw rnareraa — an eernoarason - Strong poms value ana surplus sanee unly llvlvag lebor oreere. Apart lrenr rne "Hsmric rreerverl aareaeea above. may rare M15: or pror- value, orooess also rneare rlre rroaar strong points ea ene weer eerrnae eeon- eapalol aarrranaslres; «nor as, West ar realazera per unit er rlne bwm an Ihe rleel industry ana an lne Organic away are lhe rare orol‘Eeeoaro‘lrolar lane, The rare enm- cupilulk general expert ufferuive, ape- Ts rlrrrs rare loree or rare non lerrner oarfiaorr mdmr ly an [W344 As we wall aernoerrrere rare exrrernely aebaorrs regular anerease an prbducfivilya ear or some here again r is a nroner er rare Ihe on, aw lanarers, As lane ar is rare nrolar lsnee er tendency er leerors what: dumlinn appears s aeelane and anus rare general as cancemcd, ar wall be rare or pmfit re al lor os rare expert ufienlsiva lawering 0F rne rore cf arewrn. called rne Ac}-Tlles keel wnen rare ubimery olwesr German eonaral ar wranen. During rare peraesa 1952-5:. anvesnnenre an iuduslry level of nramen reoelnea an annual avelagc Tndmtry essrenfinlly am In The eznraraon In me sreea reels DM. For are eerarso me figure rese (rlras ar in um-ez an anrernarronel rsonransrrelea eorr mIHlmrDM.¥fr1we lvsc relren as an some I6,l55 yea: (ht: er Wmt sernren rreel on ex- as index or rne orgrrrrae eenooraraon by dependence a base loo, an rare W605, some 76% or sreel pro- eaparrrl xhvws of only I‘? lmib be- pans). unrarrg or on anereore an W74 35%. we wrrale the anerease rronr W57 rlnerren was exuurlerl; Ilwus rween I95! and lsvse, as universal phenomenonr There anorner anereese boom an lnas irduslry a to lval wes 20 units. wa, baomxfimulufed precisely by rne c s mar ena As warla of 2A.: enars lserween was am. a wrele, a reelrnalogaenl annrwarren nag anon rne ennralea r. big of lne level reeerrerl an I974 was 75% . wave eeoera- me llrwerrnrenr an raraenrrlazaraen). lne general \950 level. ale larer anneal reoerr to gunm- rare nrarleer reelazoraon seresrea lhis xiIuu- aereraan af rare eonraa rons aer nrern by rne “Cauncfl al Experts“ sorensrllrenera oral. or snolns value lea re a «word rao “The eansronr aeleraarorarrn al are rlrore re- oa- rare eanarelasr as we anrreaoerasrn ana eerrerolazaraon elrnere re me eerreorerrerrr and an erganae Iurnlng vumed reenneleoy, Nu): vou rase rra explulvled by me leer that the cumpumsnlof erro- mas oa esnnoosaraan A: are ylme rarne, loroer anon rare eonreonenr labor ereaoalal. ilul has lreearne erawrlr an rare aenrerra ler arwerrnrenr good; VF ar eensaaerea arenr rne rrorraeearrr or neon» o newer.“ j an five aanelorralysar, lor crud: steel. and rnereaore, rne bourgeois rlreeery or Hrnree loerers or precinc- and land), the cnmbinafion an lion“ (labar, eaoarel, areaaane rewora ebb rare grewrlr rne nmuul Crmiuncrwufly, we ore an oawnael. oannabrrrer ra af seeeeaally sanee rare rrre German ereel on rne werla rmrkat. re- income, men we arnewaraon or weer slawana cessian M U‘/71-72, imeshnum have been “9uvcInIx“ is ubwmiry. on ere arler oa rare manly an and rare nf rlre eapaeary leaeans lronr llre menrasr labor theory rlowrr, expulsion aranrl, alene nralls lrre nus! crudaxteel rarese srenrlenren hardly Fen! an- bag eeene.-era ofiby uf value (re wnaslr lnluwlnfiat-2| eeale, llrar onenorn- wlraeln produte-2! an aebrea>, ra only living lobar memes on an rare worla-s eeroraang ares nancinlly rnarleea mu- oaaaraonal value anrl, arr rare frumrwurk of the cup— enon been aorsreel-ryr-auearra lkt unarea score. to surplus value, when clearly ununlry, arolaslrysrern, one ean lno. oelaea anlernoraens an prudunfian by laes rare ernoreraoer rare orowang mar been wlrar behind oraarr uounlriex, lake araroan see living labor me anlne preareeang weaglra ol aeaa lalrer or me expense of arornlerenee El downward. and Japan. All was has penerolea o aaaeer. me rere or F1057! by ararana 25 ereenenrr rewere Wei! Germany. A/hreave), weer of eredeerzerr geing Inward zxpar) weraee eeeererne German ereer milk bow: mach/ed reneer urden re xneeerrzer branch; an the nerel induxlly zr Ts close rrern rne erl-ereeeexng e unifiex and we East re sum; in nreerrrne eererrner.-en .r e clue re 40%; anew are T! T; peun eerrrrrrres. An ndai cuniumiurui reerer in bufld 9 muteflnls and mac ry 50%; in Tn that exere re rrre ereer eeern fits rhe H54: in neerrrne-reeur rr re 62.6%? in textile nreenrner V973 Tn prices: Free rne beginning er re Fehmcry is as men as «n 3%. me expart rere eerernebrre 1V7A:te:lpr?cex?n:reo5ed 23.7%, and e rne eenrrreerze 43.3%; in rne emee rneemne and rerrer eere rne rnereeee hm been even greerer. H computerindr)sr1y7I7s sue/er ze etere re was is ereeeene fiver reae reerer wm ner persist muck in ma shipbuilding Vndusrry. reneer, rer rr reere ewemne er ereure ene- en e nu! rne following points nwrr also be added re rneee reer deveknpmenf. en Jny memianed eernerexeloznrng rrre success er rne Wes? German expert earereive: Thc 5?mmT:m in rne Stet‘ industry has nee e big er— F:-:7 rne erererr eeenernxe fimulion in West Ger— en Unfike rne unrree sreree, Wes! Gcmlany nee uHcws rerrree Ireer rre um— I. en ‘Pony. we us some en exlmmely Iirnnee dnmesric market, does :r have biguous errereerer er rne rrrene eernre nfWen Ger. ner "e:mIomTc l—A:kycrd Japan deer in Sourbeosf :upi)a\ M. sr-nee W47 rnere Hus eeen en nun e greer and does an5 rne uvd er Tnvesh-wen? world eeere zn rne as an cenrneeweerrn wave new an e we Eur rr :5 nenernelees rner rne Wes! eer— rreer rneesrn, rn ereer re respond re ceuselesdy rrerene. rree a rrrreeerr eevereernenr expanding demand. Commeribonk esfimmex nen eeen my weer e ereer er we Tr: ene errrrne the V9603. In rner rne mvexfmems that war: ree neeeee rrrreeen eeeee es ereeeermry re be In eeewr re rrennrere re W30 ser rnerenerrene wm rerel more rrren eoo ereer n muney new the e:anomy‘S zrnrneererery condifinns Fur rhcueand rn: zen revereere um reuiixofion, weer German capital Fcrmd rr ubsuhnely arserr mes. fieing er we weakness Tn rrrsr generally posirive perspective necessary re assure e eee rere rer rne rreex Tndustry is rner rne zrreeeereerewe ee- expun. rereenenr er capclchy ix eerrzee ereeeeme eer rn 2. me su<:c=nIu\ resnhnicn ul rnrerner e camplelcly anarchi: Harmer, m is en caphalkv we cem- :5 eerrren re ereeree rrere eeenraener production wnne rnere en exneerexneryeeeree expcn wax er ree re of concemmricn on e ncH'ona\ scale, rereer re flan? (‘Vera no e

The rrreerien r 9>

~nle pasxibillly al l.aea.:na ae Ively ealea Yer fur ~sxaana la lne aemlaalanlal ccunlrles ( develuping elan aanllaea (at leeal enlll now). Wesl semen cL7url)rTes"). “liscuI=9c1yn’=)lx, wnlellelnee aaallal awe; IN: “lellob y" la llle very law num- WA? llaa alaae al aeaal lne mm: level as expon: berof eleaaallan naea lea: lhmugh laaaleanlllels. le lne EFTA eaenlllea, increased male manaly be all. g ml the and al lm, and in W74 luck aa ‘The weal Gemllzln rule or irlflnrion, lal kw/er Ihan a alealel lmaallanae lllan llae «=,‘|y“w:i 5.5%. aaly 24.37; aelween was ana lm, lley wen. up s:<;Kl(l‘ afferlslve ii ln lna expane lo unllea Shim. lalelea aa enanaae decis 2, ans me moleflianlxl measures Nkerl by in llae lle aaneln ofexporls aan be gleaned llem lllese :0lmlr?e5 ale s4::lr<=ly aeaaale el llelalna latex! available neares- buck Wes? German eaallel.

*Exaanx llle EEC la countries, which, lel us recall, 3. Experls la lne xsmiculaniul aaanllle; ale expand- repraerll llle grcatest enale, incremed cm-llirvauxly lla al aaealel rate The xlruclulul change; la llle 1974; a eelll mlaale of ln ll.e rhild quarter cl whlel. llla llnkea appear la lle eaenllally in lne W74, a llaweyel, lhcyslagllclted. Irlirease ln lmaana cf VUW malellala and all.

llle M-la ‘Export: la lne unllea Slolex, —lalael 4. Exam: la "countries wlln a elale aaae have ll cmegary, been declining canilnuwyly sins: lnanaaaly, wllT:h or: like lneleaelna nale Ihan lle llalallellel al W74, lal llle llllla aeaeel al alapallzaaally, aaneeaena la lne axpuylsilzrl al llaaa llle llley enly year represemed a.5»/a af exporls. lelal II eellaelalely undertaken ay lne lmeeae melee el me calneaan aaannlee. But We aramll lllele were lenaenelee lawala expariian ally in: peas: llly es llll. llaae with Ihe Eastern aeenlrlee ix limited. the wurkzrs stale; aan tosvch ‘Exports I11: aalee to arm cuumrits lllle aewne-lalael eeaanelen ufexchange anly ea lea aelelmlnea category). rlaee experts neleaaea from 8.48 mee- aeleenlaae. In II-fis xensz, this gmwll-l meal be an— surld mi For Vim ion am the aeallel la ml mee- dexnund us "alaaalna hold" al a paul . lly al .x. sand ml len DM lal lle third quark: 05.2% al aalalan llaa is alnsudy ulrmsl la existence. lnal laeal expclrvs). sale, we elaala nal igmzn rhu pm? ve elleal. al 2s mi; rrcde ieenrermeed "marker" over rine lung rem»; ber oi erernic reecrcrs. ine snere ei nuclear energy no indusiriei Hncmations). in the eredrrcrien eiwerr eerrnen eieerr iry is sriii extremely rneeesi, cniy about 534, eiecrrrciry pm- dcced by aiomic rencrers se ier uccourns ier eniy Energy and I Iuwmalerials .K% ei se—eeiied prinury energy ecrenrnerien. wesr Gernen eee' ni, Hke eeeirei in nresr er rne Pvesenfly, eieyen mum": reeeree produce e inml iniperieiisreeenernie, bee snfiered neceriye eirece er 2,:ii5 rncguwan: (MW) in ‘Van eerrneny. \'wenfy- From rire seere y end erice inereares or energy end ene uddifionui reeeiers ere eiennen, serne ere wider we reeid price rncreesee in raw rnererieis ieerween cansrrucllnn, erirers been erdered. wesr Ger- we Brit— iiie end in W73 and July W74. it is niereinieiy rmny is very Fui be ' e rne Uniied sreres end 5,381 MW) cinse wrung re deny iiree negeriye reccrcnssiere, as xomn ein «ecrieen reecrerr, irer yery rirenn 63! ieir greens are riaw deing, er ieree es neiiring re France (nine rtuclors, 2, mm, Accer rng -i (This rne mam rnen e g snrnr" by rne nsririnerieneis. re rne eiens cl iederei geyernrnenr, nncieer is ncr re sey me» me “oi! crisis“ nns nar ired en mv energy gredncrien is re be deyeiecee re such e degree pnrlum ideeiegieei nrnerisrn, eerrierrieriy in West by was rnei some l5e20°,é ei primary energy needs Gcnmny, er sire end ei um end me begin 'ng of MU be eeyered, end iiwill be eessiisie re erednee 1974 we federal gavemmem succezdcd in ienenr- M)-50% ei ihe rerei eieerr iry neeessery by reecrers. ing 0 reel ecsessien ens ei rne erisrs end rire climate er ieienr racisnr.) Neyerrneiess, rne deireieseceirnie “energysourca ei rne Future" neye ner ye» resniied in e enreiy nir- During we iirer Fuur nrenrie cc iim weer ccrrneny cieer erienrdrien. ire nieye re riris erreniericn ires had re gay 7 rneeserrd rniiiien DM iar irs irneerrs oi been siwiei! down ny rnessiye prcresir ceiied by Tori crude eii, es egezrer 2.7 rnensend rni DM dur- "c?tize|s‘ afivzs" in me regiens concerned, ing rne cerreseending period ni 1973 — end rnis by warnings uzd ey seine sciermsis, end else by siespire en um: redccricn in rne quantify irnceried. cerrein “TncTderi!s" end eeeieenrs in rire reeeicrs in Ha: in Arxil W74 prTc=s ier irnneried mw nrererieis naw eperering. “mi why ieeerei geyenenene 27°/s rirren stood en «ire nvcmge irigner rney ned in pushes nne idee er «ire nimidiveisified cessicle ¢ri- April W73, end Mere ieye been eniysrneii Vedan- crgysrreeiy, irern wnicn one ceneiseicn eieeriy riens since rnerr. ine cereeeeence ei rnis sidre er energess inc sndre ci evi¢I9Y Fmduclion eesed on eiicirs has been «rerine sirnre gr rerei inrporis ee- oil vms! be reduced. ccnsirncrien ei newer plurils couriled yer by indrrsrriei raw rneierieis rres risen working seieiy eFF cii inrs been banned, eniy power irsnn i2.3=/r n W72 re W.A% ier rne iirsrqeerrer cienis ceeeiaie ei using er ieser Ma sens gi rnei ei W74; dcrrne me serne period, rne sirere ei 17!!" ere gerrnmed. me ernerenereysenrees are cool, gene rnede UP by eii rese irern 5,934 in mm wnicin ncceene kir 397s eieiecrr ry production, iigniee (20% er e nary energy), and nenrrei ges ii in enyieas rner rnis develapmeril cnenges rne value- iecenr iov/e ei primary energy cresinerien>. eernees r. ei eerriiei end rner ii eereeerrenriy has n negeriye eireer on me nerienei rere ei preiir. (Natural gm is one of the eneqgy mums: ihai has cenrrery re me ncrnrei rise in rne ergenic cnrneesi- regisiered rne nigiresv gmwih reres. in ma energy iien ci cerrirei, wHTc1-i ieads in en increese in pm— nreencrien rrenr neierei gas ecceirnied ier 0.4% er du.-.IIvTIy, rnere is na growm in prndvc viiy in iris rorei energy; since we rie iignre has nnere men nris nreens vner ceii. "pmduciinn ei re|:i— dwublcd. I2 is nerebie in rinis regerd rirer wesr Ger- procass. irii— riye surplus value“ idrerr in me reieriye price er many is irceyiiy end inereesingiy denendenr en rire wmking n I973 45°/s nnmml coi-iwmar genes necessary re snsrein wrls ier namml ge . neeriy ei rrre cine), which is e cereiiery of me law ei ren- ges eerssrnied wes inrnened, Lu egeinso 2% in 1955 eeney of me mi: of pro ii in deeiine in ceses ei nn end ubavl 333.; in mi .) increase in eradncriyiry, end the eecnrer ieneeneier rnir gives rise re are eieeenr ncre. use increases in Tne ecnciesiere rner Flwi From rne vesflucmring ei eii end raw mmerials prices reiiecr ne inereese in rise energy secier ere inesc- reredneriyiry (er me rnsrsr they can irneei is new wave ei inyesrneni in rerisrneiienrien), end rneir negeriye Apart from me increased riser wiH neye re he eiiecos iii: rire iisr economy ieliy. (we iieve nrnrs cn irneerrrnsr which remuirs Indispen- eireedy drawn Hm Trripurmm reie played deyered re cii, erreniren ie gigenri will ire in rire by "peOmdoHars“ ‘n riris contexrnlscarcity and senie, yesrrnenrs necessery order in our ciiccriye erise inereeses nemrgy.) energy seerer In eerry en irereierniericrr. And in rne rnedine and siren ierrn, irre deyeieenene of rire is irenceienir rire cenireiisrs eenner cennr en e resiecricn in en— energy seeier unis ie ire marked by errernen in reerienrenergy geiiny. ergy prices; reeresenis en irngerrene iecrer In What ir being ereieced is ereeeed reeereir in reredrreiien in me irigniy developed ceniieiisr Emm- nnciee. energy end «ire szfl ng up of is greater num- Prizx. 29 in the er numml iaiee invcsmvems ofecnncmic Vhecfiex aenioneineiing me: «be vituliry inn, case gas, «:11 MN be necexwry, epeeieiiy Ia! transport (pipe eieeeiieiinni depend: above on iiie inebnie er iinee, innepen by weien. Gruwing invtsvrrzm me workers. is Mi: nee, "ceiieeee Laderer? also neeeeeeiy Voduy Ill ine I-iydroculbcnseem. ibe ieeeiei eeyeninienib ptayum calls for expen- One een say V9: is ene co-isidns Ihe eonneve rin- eiinm of newbies of i .5 iiieueend mi ion um in U715 on nine ineene be »ne way: eeme Dining me H-ie iine bi mi; area b IW7, despite ieee that beime me peiinei ivm-74, incmme in in. ineene "dz- eniy energy cf 5 me Same geyeinneni had demanded pendent“ wege einnen in wen eeineny was ibew 3% (wnereee iine 1950-65 7.2% a ieebe en in mi pibaiieiien and me (‘hm o in period ii wax lb: eeei mines bi me Ruhr neye been eniieiine ene in. 1955-70 It was 2,3“/5]. me ieei ineene er one during I973 and nun e inueiunii cr 3 for Ma duzudes. me: is e wage eozuelx dininenea 1.3% good example nfcirwrchi: praduciimii 4.2% dufing in. «in: beirbr W74. seen on ebb nee nei been saon in West Germany since rhe :rTsis But we nieeiemiy pneieeb e.-e iniee vclafing ta of M57, b yebi in which inene wax u aeeiine er IF cumiriuous and nbeieei ervergy. lhe pneeeni pmgmm bi the fed- 7.5%, sine. men, iiieie had been iiigin Aral govarmwent Is M be ieeiixea by was, eiinpiy ieibiiyeiy increases (W59, more men 7.2%; rbe cenmu ' n bi one biennea mu ' ieeem iac W70, neie !|isanE.2%). bieseni piieei) wfll raquim e mini sn. Hulxrmnn cereinieiien inni l.orn 53.5% la 23¢; lrono eeduen rne apparcnl As far as “ways cu!" of ibo ecorlonfi: re:=x:Iun are pmfitx due I: inileiien (profits engendered by de- concerned. prospects are basic .i..eiie.n ilnni an rlmcover rhe EBEVS oi leprvducfiun] soli.~rTo<-is have been oeyuneea by yoriobs clicks: and ine eepmeni prom. engendered by fiscal deduc- (I) Thom should be Trlcreased scale inienenrien. Iinm grzmer inc... ine =NecNve eleyoluoiinn, rne (zi There 5)-iiwld be an exporl erieneiye. (3) lbe.e West German oopiielisn peoneiea cm eyeiege reol should be an inclvase in inyoeimnnio obieen. The prufil el ls DM on each loo DM inyeniea in luc— eeliiiiern convmrge in Oh: sdm¢ a recliclrl: -iney lariex, we.¢ene.x, and enrnnniers in W72, in mo cell for nneying ine Rxlors of ibe :rl5ls niii er ine ibne figure wm mil 25 min. " realm or ibe irnrneaieie cond ions bi reulizn n nf Tlwx, ine oi.ele of «be :|nssi<>c| cnrmudizlion * enniiol. ln iooi, ineee poimx represent nu mluriorl. closed. lne xolilfian recommended by bourgeois lney ere eiine. unmalizable ur el.e lens porgly eoonerny is also classical: snppeneelly il.e yen. lm and .in.ply la shifting iie crkis in nine. levek. and »ne beginning er 1975 me me par wnien ibe Forces“ rne "purifying or oi An ine.e.~eea inien-enizon by ine public power: can woin, l (inere cap is devalued lme been 5,529 In no way be. as a brake on ine o.i.:., .i can only TWA), bnnkrupieie. since ibe beginning or ibe was level out ine economic eyelei, in... is. pm on ine of industrial producliun nie neld dawn, massive brakes in ine boom period: and aoeeleieie ni il.e is of wnrkcvs presmre put on wages, flfliiex am end 071%: crisis. And wnen ii; a question or neu- Ihmwn emu ibe and, finaHy, A: series of sures vlini Tnclude diieei publlc inyeeirnenis and mb. men, in... ix invcsrmens in vufiomlizulilm is made bi some sidies, in. question elwne.e ine rnbney 5 9 in come F-rem ix mixed imn-ledialely. ll en ine eiiier al WEST GERMANY

hand, ii is enly cu uuesrion erpeee. maney, .i.e meaxure wiH me me eriee. in Ike pmsenl sTIua— lion of accelerating inneiien. NW1: a quesfiun of mangy ieei v=I\ues, an we have is e new a en of rne money xupply. lfcredih were «reed up, as many ewnene weakened by .i.e crisis are demanding, ineiweeie ei... hav: negi: een— sequznccx me e.i.e.e campanies, .i.e emflnyeys, me mnieipul governments, the Lander, and me centruV stare wovld lhen ny iineugn e um... de- \/\/egt is mnnd For e.e.ii+ re cover Ihc expenses in... «hey can- Germong ne. msume wiin inein .....ei 7ri:om1:s because an we pteszmecunomk .enme.. diffeient from its .

we .eei Iuncriun er measures by me smie is rne deeper cause er the differences ereein— ion Phat are eenine m we innreee .. eeeneiisi ei.- eie. around the qucsfion eiwneieeenenie palicy me gnvernmerir .>.e..ia ienew. A/ms? bourgeois spe- eiei. is who do ne. have «eeiereea r'n: inreruvs ei e parficulur eeei.eii.. e. .. given indwniei branch fear obuvc en Me negclrivn dfecrs in... inkzrve in measures ween Have. Alm, may me n... e. en sure of me eflecfiveriess er me "purifying Fumes“ or me =.i.;. and do nee knaw wneine. e state "ene. in me arm" win iecdly have any erreei. re. when i. ween be e eeieiimpne ii ihousunds er milfions ..i am we.e i..iee.e.a Ema me Wes! German eee..— Dmy eniy .e be swallowed ...., w.n. me eeeneniy fuming oruurvd ardy very slawly and inflcmcri xhnngly reacfivmed. The “Con lafExper?s"reaHy de~ T) md ienaea an “exper)" peshiori when mentioned rneie it wifl td‘ dangers and recommended .e.e...ien c.‘:I resrricfiv: come peiiey in coming men»... Obvimrsly, the Federal Qnd W g.we...n.e...wiIi ne. be eeie x. new xnicvly ie Phase t em more vecommendafimvs, ien IBOXOHS of inlerria? and ex¢rr— nei polmcs.

An ak'Fe:sTvL- u7med ei export vr-utkecs i. ne Ienee. pru:fi:nHy pussible today. we most recent ligmex (November I974] re .. mm and neiela me and er nneiieiee zxpansmn of exports. we haw already analyzed in. penem er the expen boom and me nicdmcmicm i. Is undergoing. In an ovvrull .e...e, ie .5 very impmbdfle in... wen German eeeimi win he eele ie ...... in em. expan udvorimges in any er .i.e H-irqe imeenen. semis. ineeewiiy and me leek culled iurby e geee par) ei me enipieying dms. ei imermfl markets in me dcvelaping tnunmes“ They expect in inie way .e 5:! around the .iiiiie.n- will seine u ii 7. In the imperienn me. me gen- with wniei. Wes! Gemnny 7} reeed eielizee ecanamic crisis and Ike measures taken by e n Ormie, i» is eeeeeielly-ine big bank; each taunwy win eiein win. rne West German ex- Cummenbank me. ene denundirig mi. e pehcy. pun‘ affcnsivz (we have ..i.ea.iy alluded ie me ' i- in ieemy, the slogan of‘ "The eeveieenenier pm. eFFecVs 3) Foreign lmde ... ei . . me inenepeiy of ducfiun abroad“ e..iy.ewee oe nukn .i.i...; look and Ihe particular Inter-:59! er Hie bureaucracies at better and clmaunlx Va eeiweeeeiien, First, if is me Camecun count-ties win exeee 1in.ii. an the ex- now loo lave ie ie....ei. seen u pmcesi en a grand well peieien new... German expurn in mi me as scale: The sin...... me countries wi». rew wag: raves (znxemel n.e.t

Thlrd, the Wowlh af the develapmenf of producllen abroad would Inevltably lead to the uppcararme af surplus eapeeny on me zmemel rvlarke! and lo lees er employment.

Here is nu need to say any more abwl the alleged xalulloru weel German eeenel :5 warklrlg eul le try le ewape me gerumllzutlan of me lemleneae fivw-mi economic crisis. They are Hal ways out, bu? are instead culrdrsuc, deraurs, and bypassfi. And everywhere they pain! to lhe game msull Wes? German capih-1| has entered a pllaxe ilsal Wlll lu- cmcslngly ellmmale all the particular loafers that have played e paslllve ml» he so long. we pres— on! crislx :; el.e expression nl ems praccss. West eenmn caenel and fl; crlsll are enema by me some evllx of capitalist p{Dd|ACllDfl the res? ol vl-we imperiullxl wmldv Ialllrlg rate ala profit |a— fin", unemployment, smmlurvl crlsls, eellunen, and so on. In spin of all Elle pmlse seeped an we counIrybyCl1arloellor Scllmidr and by cenain rep- l-esenfuiives of inlerrlnllonal capital wlm for varlcus reusere lnell me “slrengHv“ efwest Ger an eeenel, Wes? Germany is not very dlffererlf from is POFNV€fS Tr and rleiglvbarlng mm. And will eene Va resemble l-hem mare and more. ’ lesemble December ll, wu wore iaavnatest l. Sources: Jellyesguraelaen derflundesreglemng, WM, ;..7 and Meneleeerlenlaerneulsehen Bund~ exbclrlk, November W74 2. Flame: on exporls in Nnnalsbeulclwe, July Cenaln Fuzls an dlrecl lrwexlmenf come Framvlm. Ausxenl-landelsblflller or the Camvmrzbarlk, June lm. 3. neneneenenve, Novemberlwé, Nee-3. 4. Source re: figure; on steel pmducfiorv Win- eagnmeenn Almeugl. ml; optical equipmem Imsl sthuflsnallzlen, Commerxbunk, Eurepavmcls, 7/43, Few aperled a secmr er pmducllon an Slrgapare a I974. under me asxurvlyfllorlx mm goods canld 5. wall e sigh of rlastalgia Ior the "Greal Gerrmrl years ago -l be pmduced rwre cheaply there, may Olle campuny Reich, me West German mmencel aepennen» weuld be more eenlpemlye (Ken. and Ihat mi: doe: not list nude the German Demacrafic Q99 2.. ml. wauld emne iicxnvavl)/'5 pesillarl W217 Ger» Republic mder lb: heading -leeunmes mm a stale -l nnrly, Inday mas company is laying on masses el trade manapaly, but mllver under me lv_-ading warkeys in both Sinsxlpare and am, weis. Mnnlw "lnfer—Gemlclrl lmde. ‘- Feslly, me company wt: nor in was roslund up 5 me figurus repvrled by me Mes. (A/onflwly Re— we imenmlioncll compevllicln. pen‘, er sepleneer lm (9.66) are me cellewin a relalian uF65.l my mo, 53.5 Far was, 49.3 Second, Wes! German onplrul many is hardly an- Fur W70, Ma.4 Fo( 197V, 45.7 lm W72, ens o3.9 pable afadvunclng me cuphal necessary larsucll For 1973, 33 FRANCE


N:In'r‘e5mViom rlre in of slowdown world econornlc companies lo Ike ncnonel energy rcooly has been and or we r' oil have H ar oenyzry .in prlces bezn roll reduced- now less men 70%, as can-lp

I. Given me oreol French eeoenrlenee on amxid: “ac lrnoool in rrocee of me rTsc 7n ol'| prices will energy sources, llre "ail om" has been especially vary accutdhg In wlellrer rho o-erorllon or‘ the heuvy- me under uF thousand on so n — that orloe erryclrrrer or energy suuwcs pelslsvs or nah is, 3% er nononcl oreeloenon. France consumes in one inrneolere lorcre, however, are oil ley less energy, and oeoeezolly lee Tndux mo: energy, will welolr olreolly on me lamlufion ono o‘ rnen Tmpe me oikor lollrl wunrriex Mer Germany, or acrerncl Incomes (eroeololly bevween pm Unhed srooee, WHI arnorn, erc.l, ool ms cnorcolly wagex) ono create on cnorrno... olreol. brium oeoenoenron Hike Jooon lnoly). ln Tn me on and me balance of ocyrnerns cf leosl roroeyerol yeco. on eccocmeo For al mm! comumpfiml; is en «lre in mol France is >1-we me eneroy we more true quite ln. by 1972 bud Vc necre rlren N we .- ecooble or re|yTng on -wnylrlole expum“ compen- save for are oenell in me oolonoe cs hs eonrnoony conocnonlly, me llre an «no: connllrmon or rrencl. on exehocoe and coohol lneerlr ave cumprv mixed me by deterioration or me oolmcol one eeo- ~ - "Parudc>

I s expresse-so slruch.-ml Mndency iewara rne raaia are ax:-ramely inren ye eaanarnie arawrn, Mar rae ar me organic earnpaeman af :-zpivul inir mavaw was Ilivere were 3uo,ooo nnenaaieyaa.) ment was aarriea our iaraely ynaer we aagzr 4)! me rnarraaaiiu sector of me aearaeeiaie, am H1: frend ii shank} ae arreaea rinar mi; Ircnd ui aeyeiaprnenr, toward eeananie aanaenirarian anaaia nar be ema- favorable car capital, wax naraiaii iraiiea iay me gerated. iseiween V9é\ ana V96? the rare ai aaneen- eaanarnia aareeai.-eneea av may ‘as (me Grenelle iranan [exprenad as ihe share er me iaar Iargext aaaaras). In lacl, l969se!a postwar record For the sampuniex ; mml businesx fmmaclionx) aia nar §n- ayeraae rare at pram, a reeair ar rne eanerinarian ereaae aiani eaneiy, the rniaaieeaizea compuni a’ a yery rupTd arawin of exporvs (because af de- H increased the shares me nraar. rne phenomenon of vaVueIinn)r a snare inuarian (7%, as aanaarea w aaaeenrrarian enereea eieariy anly in a iew narrawiy 2.9% in um), ana strung inereaeer in araaaeiiyiry. defined xectars in wnien the leading emerpvisex made nnezr weiam Ielr. 3. Neyeraaeiea, rnis reeara was a aaniealariy Farinerrnare, rnia ainin developed vhmugh ainarae eirar arfificial one. ae nrrirea in we? rnere begun M H-we ar' one «ya» yariea areariy (mm the political ana raaiai skn-id— emerge aarlysigns aimaatiiee naya realizalim-i ml capTM the aeinr. rnir eyaiaine ia a ianae extent ine aaeaiiia tharacierized n max! re- Feamres at the errieny economic “flucmarhrsa H eani period. in. aeeeierarian aF innanan nae pare ni iea ine appearunc reeene yean al a yary Fravn rna stun-rlpoim ac Ihe eflechx aim reiariaraiaia rapia naniinai grawrn n me mus: cf pro ls. But in ac Forces iaeiween me classes and av‘ "monanv pol- realiry, in terms at me reai mien ai zrreone aria the oiexplaituvion, inir umuunled Icy“onIhe‘crmc1lian ar iine mte ia t n (and rare ra an evahr aiex man Va thus ar me rare of pram, ae—F‘yeraeiraraave he iian had aeaarne nniayaraaie ca hal: unaer lhe cavvibalivih/, anarea ean be Tsolmed: pressure al Increased saaiai me eeanarnie slmgglz aiiawea ine wage earner: ia win substnnfiifl increase buying aawer ian av— i. GauHism'x coming Va pawer in W755 and the evage of neariy 5”/3 annaarlyi; Pb: increases in Pfe- mm M ine Common Mavkm was named iay a y;aar- ducfiviry were anaaie V0 aarnpensaie for ma. ans eeananie anenaiye aaainai ine wnrken carried ‘- out under me "Pinay plan, an uifuuive inar al- in me eanieyi af rne very nian rah olaecumflaw iawea iar a errana increase in iire raia er arerri up iian that caminuad aner me cxccpfional boom of ra wan. since me, however, dzv-lupmerws naye 1957-70 aria began ia ieyei off aniy ai ina ena ar been nnien iere rayaraaie For capital; on arrarenie W73, mi: rrena araeyeiaaneni in rne niyisiarr ar grew». in 'rwe:V/uent =n lace ar iirr opening ya ax Mceme iea re a cunfinuous aeoeriararian in me Corr Ila: borders during rne period imeea a :oniun:- a are af ncing (the ram es se|f—Fin:IncTr~g] ana mrai phase arayaraeearnalaiian, and a aeareaae ar aramaariiry one rare ai aramsi car eaaiiai_ Ar in erariiaiaiiiry. me Ieyei er ina iayai factories, Mes: aneeoe i were aarriaiiy ea by a glemer reaarr ea ax? ' 2. The year Ms apcned a aeriaa at hardening or saving and me ynaer—rernyn..-raiian aisayinaa in class rerarianr aarina which we eaniraa art may a period ulrapfl innaiian. waaia iarer raaein off me May was enaiaa an were iraiiaiaa up The rninera strike was me arelaae in Tne deb! Ieyel aaaaiea in iux) a Few years and a new naaiiixarien ar ine workers, wniie rne “sta- reached nearly 40% capimi advanced. Law in- - at iyiiiaaeian pkln" and me n Nan“ naugumied rerea rates ana a yery iayaraaie fiscal eaiiey made a yery a

Beginning in 1964 there was a very aiear increase Even aeiare are an erisir, ine erawine Iensinns eyer in the rme of explaiialian, even though the gmwvn me piarrvrwogeaai vsion ana Ihe aaraeaaerrr ere of capital was s|awTng down. (The costs in the work— fecbs an the realizaiian er eaairai (the avenge rare Trig eiaa were a nanenina or buying pawer, wniein at pram in 1973 naa 5aHen back in rbeW631eveV) grew by less iian 3% per year in mac and um, had aiaieeriyeiy aiaeea an rne eaairaiirr agenda a and a yery noficeable worsening amnenraieyneni, new eeanernia amraiye aaainri wages, an of]: ye wHcFi came aa a resuh of vne resiraerarrna and of airnea at restoring the rate of pram, iuxlm prevraus 35 offeraives had bcvm able ra are with same success iaw it re “absurb" rare erwrmous debts corrrraeiea in Ivsaew aria I%3—é7. in W741/5. in aaairian, because ai the week vertical imeglck No» es French cumpanics, every im:r=ds= in exaarir, difficulties in 1975 Gruwing ire rrraner rrnar kind of palicy of aerirranae ii ere poxi— xubsiiiiex, eN:.), enirriir In reiukiori In these dcveiupmems, the orsem a, on aflemive aimed ar ex- nar Ereiearly begun. breadth M ririr rrererrnelerr renrairr subordinate tn porting arrre ana inarrrrriai equTp/went. araree rne aeveiaprnenr ar me crisis an a woild Scale and have ceriuinly ear-riea of? "excep- M rire manner in wrien the eflecis nf the rieweawn French exnaners H-we Hana!“ eerrarnrrrneer xinze Me aeraiaarian, are disrvibwed wiil-tin prnduclivc apparatus, iwi ana rnis is ear rne advantages rhey nare accumulated are in- difficah re preriiei. cveaxingly fivfeulericd and win nor su1FicefaruHcvw~ H-in in aurirrian, Mir: pmblem ai exrerrrrri rirr irig France In ereepe niece of Me world :an- 2, «err: rire wnaieTrTn pai rrac an ar markets or to avert rne enonnara cu- once again ales and narizrrn. crrnrirraea grawrir nmiariva a bwfiv in ForcTgri aeai mar begun in ccorioni n im im. was mudc possible only bya rigniiicanr a nee in In the airrarneaiie inarrrry, Fm example, French (a eorrzrinea drop in me rare of arivare sav— in Ike naneing of rrrrerrrriseo zxparrs re are Ami: eeanrrier increased r/«ye during ml: ai sew use iireriraiiai i974, W ' ine rare aiperrerrarian by iereian producer: irea passed rrarn 22°/, ra ia-is iierrai *naebiednesr (expcciully on European reney oi rie rrenei. market by the ena or the rinira quarter rrarreis . of W/A. Thus, praaaerian ranrinrea re grbw, u\— Even in me even! (iareea ar vuhmmry) slime Mnagh er slwwer (on me areer er 33:). Nev- era a rare dawn in grewiir, rirera Is no pwxpect For the mob- errneierr, rne consequences of me riewaawn in Few smblion of mi; debt during me next years, airire grwrir ana arraiee panerrrs (arr irrereesea rnrrre rne conhury. inir nae Mn consequence: we a iar can) such ar ierrsr n.enaiee- - rnaii am rim Ma ivy ra enporr [will be eerinarir Weukuied. rum): (ciiroerr and sirnea) have been rhrow Mo ca Capital exporv, in expumiuri xirice had rirrarreial cvisex, and rerioae aimeririei arr.» mi ms, grove csxemiullysarved ra aereiaa rraae networks aaraea. cropping up ererywneren Ia aeeline ean anxy aggrarare me aimeiriiier in exporting eernrneairier. nris aira Tmpfies u deepen- Mare rne no,» Favumble L71 nerreraiir, even anaer ng rrrrarreiai aerrerraenee, a culmlulive increase (a slowdw/ri of internal permit! vufiuni ac wily g :1 Trilevestcharges, ana, in the riron rerrrr, en ' ii imports; defense by French expmv— u on on erearina neea re re ve me grewina deer: or nnrr of the shzve uf the marks? in Hue impe— an curreni aaraaa by using nub ic nnaneiai reiaarees, wirar. riulisi countries and Ilnc —pmducTri§ counhrieflr NTe§ Iirriersxaoe n ever Fomx this ioare, use ei wr rrarree waaia only manage a gradual .eerraai:rir- Errrapean bmmwTn5)r Trivolvexs wunid reiairrcee, men? of its balance of node, which not al- ieanr pairrreai prumise: Ihut will have ie be nude re rne Tmperiulisl -‘parrners, " Germony er Oh: unirea *n.e cirreen cl nae iarrbeerr rerriea rirraaan a Skits ma Iranian preoea mare subsidy amounting re | .5 iiroasarra rniiiien franc: For rine inaerpararion arcirraen Ink: rine 3. me almudy e a renrirrrrr aver airieiarr ac 7eug=oI- Mieire Iiri rrreare. income and rine cm-uequances re. rire prasiraa Ery 37 FRANCE

or cuphol have aar ar an been eased. T: be sure, of ma bcflunce av pxxyrvwms mar had been aarerayaa ma l‘?74regis>ered arr year a I::rlaTn slcwduwn are by are increwes rr rm arraa at arawrrr H19 an. as we buying pwwzr ar wag: earners W ms; rn was aaaar 3.95). aar was anuimd only ar ma 2. sphe amrir arrrraaarrm of aarrrrarraae eVec— exceptional as for lhe cosiuinn man Influfion, raral cslmpfigning, a few arrarrraa ra aar ma bmkas . crease in nomhal amrra W74 brokc uzceleraluvg wage mlu arr zananarr were xkevched aaa- — an racurdx (a 1% zrr rrr arr xmse was xecomi quanor arrra in 1973. TF:?r Iaflum war rag» cal rise H ma not: ar um, inc|ud'ng a mum wagn; araatarrr, butwas dhecfly related ra ma poll Ical 4.5% 2» 1|»: rrr ra dTFH<:uHT=x quurlcr). Moreover, rhr; neknive 0F the raarrrr. ar ma flma, rnzariarr an slu raal wages wrs aarralrrczear ra ve- ma >erraarr?ar acre vase ma rave arexalananarr to mar Rlflure ac rara connocmul policy ar ma de rrr spHe rzsa arr e. ai the mperzussiom of ma Chaban government, which aaaarrr ra ;aragrara rrrar price-s, iv a aarr was be aaravaarea f-mcfion of the working claa and us tmde~|mTnn ma rrra a def hive sens: aaarrrsal pan of araarrazarzarrr, rm A/essmer med ho "aux" awaa ma govzmnem ra an pfnducers had ca be paid by base hsell primarily on me ararr wayarar ma ‘Me mucfionary companies. In aaaaa ar W74 rm; r:fl=c¢=d me peasantry, armarrr, rrrerarrarm, nrarwar Tvself in etc. ar a new aararrarariarr ma cundi ara Far ma moment mar ma Mzaasrry of Finance chose ra investment arra Tn ma rrr financing pmfimbi vry of :np— Iaarrah. Octubcr 197:1, arr "nfYcrsive“u§uTnsI iIa|(1he—j—rare ar pram). ma» rem’ pvicas. ma Iaxanarr of prams av mer- chums, quT<:Hy aharraarraa, pmvaked the His! rwer~ I. me was "ski zarzar. plan" aararrraraa avaarrrs 7n a nnmw srrike rwenry Lrranaraarr cl rredil arable araaaaarrrrar ma rrarr who then in charge yean. was was never a peHcy at raaxrr aaarrrr-ram. rcnficliors. ac economic puH=y: ezacara d‘&mTng. xrrnanarr H: pr7m:Tpa7 arraar war an increme in ma wcu flopped arra Vhu of resmred. But rr aarr at rate aram araaar, wM:H was ranecraa In and wrrrarr waa aarr. ar ch: pricz of “wrecking“ gvvo-/Eh lor pficu xev> arse auawaa ma bank; ra rrraraasa their cvul arms years. Rermspedively, ma baurgecs a hu5be— s7gnTFicunHy. come conscims cf ma raar mar H-Ia aaraaaaaar bru- ral e:uruamTc and socT¢Y aeraars on one wmking lass 3. Elecrefl by a hair‘: araaanr, G€s:r.ud rramrar - aarsrrg 1955-55 were clly related to ma c s warrraa rrar war aara ra rake rigamus ecunamfc of was. n-ensures immedhnsly, Ar ma end ar ma spfing ac 1974, rrrawrra raaarar afiergromrh rraa rraapaa ever;/— nrss expluinx, fur rxaraaza, why as are wrrara zrr none aam- ma warxa, ma Fventh economy siill seemqd zaav pevsancflivies during ma lax? perfod Pump!- at ra be e>


33%"d miracle

by JIRO FUJIWARA __ Postwar economic reconsvruclion bifize the pamnfial pufilito-ecanomic vanaas ramp- port the exparskm of cupT|alTsr -znrcrprke naa ul Hm/Tn; Jan 4074 oi aa productive przwur wpwcity we burden ara mifilury arran cf as awn. caauax and eH of iv: aaecHn7cu\ irmevavion and economic grvwrh, unnaagn ma nuchunkm ar capTm|T&V compelhion. 1n. Japanese secured in Ilization economy no N-we (wage «maze and heavy ramanzanan) lhrcugfi rn prewar Japan system Wm based an ma ecu ma so-:uHed Dodge Lana (a scaamxanan pulicy nannaa cf aavany. me poverty 0! the peasants, «Tc- a4 for nna ccanomy designed by the gencml s.aa.Jaaar— nna ma lemru system, and ar the m-para urban ters of me u 5. army in Japan), and ivracomrsd warkers. Jaahnaxagmr rarinualily based an mass av its pasman in ma world markeé by mag ma zx— pvuduciion :mJH no! he exrqbfished because the nna Hm mufixel. rhange ar you or am ra ma u.s. duliar nurrawness at damaslic Ana: ma second Tn ma ma 1943-41 after (H: dsfeal of an attempted gen— aana war, Japanese Qconomy, nawna develuped the technological xysmm nF produc eml mm. in 1947. Subsequenfly, spedul pmcure- nus , was ma able in muhvain gmwlh nana «a Koyean War gave an nnpanane znaaaa a putter» araaananaa ori- to ma aaaawaananr cf the Japanese ecmmmy, Ana, emed Iawurd domestic demand. Nae Korean War, mifilury camml over East u.s. lndusfrinfl Asia, ma aarnan deieur cf East Aswan pamaaa» pruducfion recuvcmd ea prewar level in revahxfian, ana the u.s, duHar hggemcmy nna l‘75&5\, Laaaina behind ma Wasv European coun- over 17755 by BM Tntermfional zupi :1 economy created ma ?mn:r- one or Mo yuan. Japan aw aaa we- mfianul irurvewark fur ma rapid eccvno-mc aramn aaad by ma: wine in recovering in prewar ex- ar ma Japanese economy. pan levnls. Export: rervnincd ar aasy 35% or the prewar Vevel 'mpcm 11149“/é). Cnrsequzmfly, was rapid aaananaa gmwlh wax achieved ;n the spire af m m a amwm, me economy wax sevemr greenhouse sf u s, m nary prulection qsaaaanea limes (orcai «a rvnkz aaiasanann because of We by u.s. aallan) that was granted Japan In aanaaa. a! in zmanananal baraaae ufpaymenlx. savion Iarrhe Jaa oIOkTnawn, saaun Korea, and A man rule araaaaanne gmwlh begun Tn Wis. The Taiwan. ma Japanaaa government was aaxa to na— stegl indusky Wm impmved and expanded by The to iier sreei pmducliori Wvevyeur pian (W5|-55), weasury, wnian arneanrea lo naiiar the narienai which was sapparrea by speciax governmental ieare budget annaany, were iinancca ner aniy ay mxes ana irwesmientx ana eyspeciai )u>

19I>Olo 50.7% in (970. They aaaaanoaa 75% A structural crisis hr Vile afoll inanavaaming in we. The dmsfi: Tndusvrialimvian of the soclery and amaanaaaiiaiian av aapalaiian in ll»: aiani nlevm— Increased “MinuvvluIu" Heavy lndunry and aliainiaala expnm very p n aanvais have mpaaaaa many a unbeuiuble uggvesively uher was. The expurt as aanaiaa Mi: aiiy av mercury pailaizanl ana psy» mathou- vlna goods was 53,6 vhuusand millian in lvw, 57.5 analogical an ma «ailing rin§:|. ve- V V aiawaa sand iv in 1965, and 322 vhouxund .nillian in card of labor accvdenks reveals that 5,000-6,009 ls khuuxund labor lwz. Heavy inaamy and almniaa exports ina.-aasaa aaaiia resulv Fvnvri some 300-400 ac— by 2530»/s annually, aaaaaneina Var 75;; av mlul cidenvs annually. There were 3,B73,V67 woflxevs exparvs in Japanese inrexnufiovvnl vrudc ainaaniaa iniaiaa mvd av 507 killed in lalaai acsidcnvs be- lwl. air. , M 1.5% av Iarvl world naaa in wall and over lweeri I963 and WW2‘. .n I970, The wstnss iaaaaian wax n syvvvpkwvv of ma arise! aaanainia arawiii. The dvnsliz Tndusvrlalizafiovlav cna Jupuriue ufcrisis aaa ia ma mgr. rain as ecorh vesulv av uverpibducrluvv orviy maliaa in a .apia dzcvecw in ma pemarvl vna rescsslun was clearly a very av vlna up-pliunoea, xyrvvheric and fishing aapalanan, ma cunzenktlfiorv a large nee}, alaaniaal fibers, umidepvesslorv aanals analaiaiiai in huge urban centers, the garlemlvzaviun ana uvher iridunriu created as ana vvvcvcaxin ' Hana: av laaai and induced Meir production. The guvervvrvvcnv re— pullufion, cm Hlgh» accidents. cagrilud aighlezvv an! apiaasion enrich, the The an number in ma pmlwor period. nanlaaiav The waiaiiiav ma pexlsams ana raliannan in the bunkrupvcies ofsrvv.zH ana Ivcdiwrrxixed companies in whole working aapalaiian decremed inain 44.a,~a wax in in wan, ana mac 2,n7 lm, mm rvov in wsoca 37.72; in W69 ana 18.2% in me. we was. The increase in cnpiml aaia aaala be lB.2‘}a’ in because ma big vmiurlrv ai ihfixe Wkrr. semlpmlzmriun. covered by a dezreuse labur casts ai Those who resmined fully aalv-enialayaa iurvvers vvicranxing alaaaiapa av Iahur. vhe .nillian come to arvly 15.2% ol ialal ai5.z5v pu_Du!u— in nrdev mulmuin aaasani Families in viia pmlelurvari A vervdevvcy ia increase prices ia Frnvvl mi. 52% “M>vvvul“ av impormvvv vian increased 33.7% in lvso la a iaia aiavii, ana an advance mo. mud-v ma Tha nuvvher OF»-tuvvlerv wmrkers ianaaa nan 3 in: ian in expnm, sonlvlbuved vew va recovery in W50 in vvlilliari in N60 and ia l2 inillian frcm rlia recession. Die expumien uf axnana, aspa- in l97u. lvwausinclude pan-lime evrlployeei, Mere cially iniaanani because u? the tendency ia uver— male workms by 5uppGn!fl by Max and financial wana more women workers liian pnaaaiian, was W73, About ar women workels are ii-aniaa; inaamas. The mufur pervevruvierv oihponese ex- me rvnle Wwvken, in ana inaniaa women, as wall as iainpanaiy pam Ema the waila mark" sianaa was, ivna during veue-xxinn. mac inn xmtcfuve of ma Japanese aalanaa um via» ea be discharged a ufver year avaaynaana changed. in ilia carlvzrpcslwur pa- a balance av vmdc deH:F'wi-.5 cavemd wiin ma iri~ cancernruvlon av paaalanan in urban a in law ma heavy some fmnl spacial piaaamnann and ai alnanaaa av paalia cenven .n a aiiaai Hm: and ma iaiaian cupfiall AF1erl9A5, Japanese. cuplvulixm have av invastmenl in : social inviainapmia pm- began la axaar» an capital ma pmcceds a balance in ma civics. three Wink Tl vii: Vyplcul duccd an explosive crisis in. av naaa ainalas; is, recovered eruuv-id Tokyo, oaalaa, ana largo!) urban aaniaa — paaiiian ai imperialist zap alim. 17.372 of five iaial Hvablc land Nagoya — ntcnpy ulrvioav aanaannaia Av .57; aiall iii. papilla- Sfnck the "Dollar Shock“ nf ins early mos, in Japan, but Mwc lsaan ana 49,27; av ma hovel nurvberof Families. all ilna advanced capimlist ccumvrles iian ana nava |:s~ The mnaa mslmpolimn produce 52% aiall was: We pteswr: oiovtrpmducfian araa. iayal Th: Jnpu— manavaamaa aaaas, having 52% of vb: num- gun la manlfesv pmtecvinnisv tendencies. rvvusl Fix in order In av with more man 20 emplcyaes and vizsc ecovvmvvy expand axpavlx aai luckwiu is 46.4% av all ma aaianpbilea (ana 43% ac all nav- keep iis uvevgrvwn slmcmre in balance an it kiluvvveler Cu via ixcidenvs]. vna aapalaiian Per square aacaniina more urd IFDIE difficuh iai .i experv ix av livaala lana, Including Mal iwiaa iv: goods iaaiiiaiaaaanaaa aaa siapan ' . ama, cuphulixvvv is famed Gerrvnnyk ana sixteen times that of the uniiaa vlnaraiara, Japama. ia repeat kilevvieler av livaala av Svulu. The GNP pen aaaia in aaonamia irwmiml aasi Asia. lurid Japan is Ymzr 5 Lu grecvax Brimlnk, av Ike cupimlis giunlecmmmic iwiaa Germany‘), ana luv fines that uniiaa Jupunrse now a pwer cvuivu Tu mluvluvv they xemhzolanial countries of East siaoaa. aai ma sacial security spending an in en. We-st Thu elm-ilal cm:nDriu' balance cf Node in Japan is a rim uf that as swapaan Asia. 1: paved is dfiurimvting sharply. vii. Japa. counhics. only 15% of Japan‘; roads waia win. Japan ve of surplus with thew countries and only l4=/a of the papuianan naa aaasa In ade- nese balance Had: I%‘?. .niilian in was, million qua): aawaaa service, 18 0f wm sl,ooi.7 s2,m.7 42 ln 1972, zn aml s2,33s.<>lnllllan I973 ven eleala Focloriesl e>_©cIuTve llnan lllale of M19 Elllaaean llaee uounfrics, wlln annual nala la interest lalel ar alel North Anellaan cumpellluls al Japanese capi- uvamged ln HGX 4.75-5.75%, szoo nlllllan llle wane, lallals. lllelelala, ll.e aaplla 59 government xsaa la n ln I972, and 3%: on ln given lllall allallly la llle "llglll agulrsl influrlon" The lalal anlallnl "al ‘ llle lm. auaaaneee la rleo:e|u- and has lnllaallaea a nanny al alaall laalllellan llialin $2.7 ln aallnlllel was lllallalla nlllllan W72 lllal has laleed bmirlcfl bankruptcies la l,aoo ana 55.344 lllalealnl nlllllan ln I973, a Japanese al- nlanlll since llle beginning of lall I974. ll has cu! laal aapllal invesfrvlemwzs $64-l lnllllan ln V972 lnlaala la lalell equal la lsv/a aelaw the Ievcls ana 33.07 lllallsana nlllllnn ln I973 al la ucturlwlated aFa yea’ ago in volume. lalal surpassed slu lllaalana nnlllan ln 1974. Whllo llle expall offenxive cunrlrvllas ln lall swing lne nlelenl recession llallea la llll Japan ln 197A. ana nae chalked up many alaaellel ln (expala Urlempluylrlcvll, mlA2» acaolazng la alllalal figures, ll ale up 50%, wllelele lnlpalls increased by al l awel nllllan, lnaaslllal oulpul la as oclalael-Na- a laaall al lllallel all ana alnel law mnbcrluls [rTC=$)l Vembef W74 is nearly 3% aelaw lna level al the the balance al payments is in deficll [probably la previous year. lnlllal esllrmtex mlculmed a llnple llle lane alss.s lllallana nnlllan lal 974‘ esxerk slowdown llne VT as lale al alawll al lne alaa. nallanal llallyas a resuhuf a llllae aell bl: plealal llaln 9%: 940% levals la wnlall Japanese llvd=“: llelalll and iruumrlce aasls, Japanese laur- cupilulism naa accustomed lne walla re a 1974-5 Isl expendilurs, and exaall al wpllul. lne alaaell level all 3.4% and a 72; level ln llle lala sevenfiex. al llle expnrldrivc (in llle lllsl hall a.‘ llleaels - Today lllese eslllwles have aeen revisad alanlall- ma) wela ln le Yfbols (+3?/el, llan and steel (ally. rel 1974, a aelllne ln lne lale alglanlll al (+7974), alllelalenllaals (was), and sllilvbullalng llle GNP ofarvwvd ass ll lalaleen, Fur W75, llle (+a2v,: Alllamobilcs, lclavisiorfil ana Ferlillzalx lale nl growth will be 2.4%, ll is predicted, and were leel sucoessflll. lal Ma lael al llle TWO: raleaasls ale smled down BUY la a rnodesl glawlll lale. Oven lneae lnele ll a vely XBITOVX aanael lal Japanese cepllul~ Fully plediclicns aa nal lake lnln uccowll llle allnae llnl lllal llle alawlll al walla llaae wlll came la a lama ellela nl me wallawlae ecorlorrllc leeealan near stop ln l<77s, ana lllal Tl: exporl ullerlslve al upnn lne laaanele ecnnomy. W74 -ll lnll la expand. Already expurls la sallln east Asia, which lnaa alawn al a 50% lale lal eaal. llle aalannalle, aleelllaal appliurlmx, shlpbullding, lnanlll ilanl January llnlll Allalll um, nele mlly ana alllel lnduslries llllal llanl sellaal uV:rpr0dlIE- wwlna an 35% ln seplenaelanll was In October. Haw: llan, llnell apelutlurl rates lallen la so-7033 Under laen eanlllllanl, Mcaverycalla anly come n-alalnaln, have male llle al us al Iexlilc lnalnlly. llllallall new neallla al “mF|uIion“ ana cmdh =><— Durvlesfic aalanealle sales ale aawn 253/. ana al.l— pumiun on lh: lnlalnal markel, wlllan would make all ll llawn 13%. Wage decreusci, pdrfvtlme work, a muckzry al allenal la laaala annual lnllallan Yhe ll. and lays“: ale n. lna wallllna cltss. Large lex- llaln lne alelenl 24% la a 5-5;; level. llle lllna, like Toyobu, have lllaa bclween 10% and an-/n walllea. A A a; lllell naln nlaalellan anal nalal problllm lal Japanese aaallallsnl ll llal anae- Ilse had Tts al vallllaa aanlela flux! la be closzd, and llenlly all lnlaalla ana expmts ale pald lal ln lall la stay alive llle llla uutumabile aalaalallan aallan, ana llle Irlcreme ln all alleel llal alaalea Toyu Kagyo llaa la lxlllaw sl,ooo lnllllan llaln a lellaae “dollar lllallaaa” alaalena lllele, lle aallal I1-lal gmup neaaaa by llle salnllalna laanll. lnllallan nalwlllalanalng. To ease PIESSUYQ, laaaneee caplmllsls have been laallann “bartar Ts lal The aavalnnlenl lryl la llala llle mg mJrwp— type" agreen-ems, involving, ral ewmple, Alnlla- alias ln llleee sectors wllll lnlaa slallalae A nlan -an uranium and SovielSib2liurl IIDHHDI U5: and lla already been worked ml! lalnlal FVQ llle all lllle xo-culled lyalnan allllala nlaleall. sllong snlpaallalng indk/Shy by llnnlelllna nmlaanenl aleeala F-mm boll: CHM ana u. nlaellalllnl lnlalll Bunk lnanl cal up la 5234. allnlpllallalnn cos): clld still bring on llle collapse cl‘ fhcie alalean. clry llanll laala up la 22% of ll-was: eaels.

Al lle same time, lne laaanele ecancmy ll e>e., ean ai Jaaaneee ea la eaannies seaniaalan :alJrlIrTes, alilizina the aaanaanee ai deepened ine aiseaallnaniann av vlseireaanannies, the labor .aw rnmerick ana eneaa of me Suulhemt aeslna an name Tndusrriu, uccclemfing inllanian, Asian nine count-ria, innaennna cheap aania nnanenials ansa new anaaaeina yasc unemploymem an an Easy in mase nne nneeeaea eeannies, and aeina lmul Asion saale. we export or Japanese eaaiial is pro- anaeessine an wnsldemble anaiin 'n line i-nna»n.en aae ananamslie urbanizafion aeeennaanieel by cum-lbry“ T}-luv elne ofJapan. is “arena dc; gn" ai nallalian, new aaveny, eve. Japanese inpenialinnn innaenzalisnn Japanese — la orgunixe nne se.nieala- is exponing in dorwaxlic eannaaieliens la inane nial rem/17 E: be— eaanannie ai EmrAsIu as a neal nconomic pe- East man countries, ana as a Jaaan nieneny anaen nne Japanese eennnnanaina eenlenl aannina sanaanaenl by developing anli-Jaaanene slnanales among Nae iailina nnaaes ai Nvese coun- ms grand design will be nealizaala anly ii me inies. we have seen ine explosions of anti‘ Jclpcmexe Jaaanese aaanaea yieneniane in nne coming semimenf in inailana, lnaanesna, Nnlayslu, ine years aalnnaal anni eeanannie remullovv pnilinainea, saann l

by DICK ROBERIS The United Smfes is in H: deepest ana longest .aaaa— number al u.s. auhmwarkers already laid off or an szan ma world mesa is sinas saaana war ana as and naliaa is 3004700 am of a iaial Walk «alas of in slam. Uvlemplaymemlignrns ias November snawaa 75o,ooa. lnal 5.53:, of in. laaas iaiaa — more man xix mil- "We're wmkerwill-i 32 lobar liaa wotk=ls‘— olficially ar iaas. niis aaas n hell," a years in are wt clsrysleils Janaisan Avenu: assembly plum laid nu? inalaa. warkus whn have given up Ioddng Iur a work does llsasa who have pun— nine magazine Iepuner December 2. ‘Right now nor ir inalaas me I Mcre whh iabs because they aannai geefull mviployrnenl. ii are people I950 seniuriry laia off. was righl nasa in (the ed N’: in. inner iwa categories includnzd ma clcmol was year wan» pasiwan asa slanns in nnenlpiuyngnf would be closer M nine n.i u. aala production — n R.), an th: Peeling aasnll like VH5. rl.asa wasnw lliis raalina ai dopmsxinrl. 1-H373 llia hialias: aiiamplaynanl rate since we Naronly assemblrline warkefi laeiaa nil, ‘The 1960-61 are massiaa under the aaininisisanan nf Dem- car aaaipanias ass laying an wliile-aallan waikais President Juhrl F. Kennedy. Bur V7!- ocmlic parry in larger nilnilm; man ac rinia sinaa ma severe wally urvulysix inaaii liianan Even my all a dial rules. slump uf I958, and lb: rvervalxneu among clerical lzaaalsliaan aa irmricn ai Piasiaanl Fwd. wurkelx and flI7dd‘Q‘lVflllD§elWe7IY emplayees laaai wlnian pretended lmffl iecerlffy that More Wain‘! a to wild rumors and saaiaaa human ralafiem, " Time sasassian, now aaaaaaas a likzly unanyzlaymem lvporlkd from Devroh. rule at well next year. Sam: iasaaas-an «lia amm my rule will exceed 3%. rlna potentially ex- And we claws ai anainalayinanl have smk inla plasiva mch laaais by chnmzlur ai can b: realized many alissn layers af ma papal n as well. the man Aim laa: in November ma unemployment ma auto, llia housing industry is an. niasl badly nir, Black workers .734, For Eh-.l:k I ia. was ll aaa teen- whl-i ncw Hart: 0! cclrsvmclinn of .1 million dur- 37.5%. in irriusrriul like Deemil, awn, aaalaa ing Ocmbzr aaniaasaa la L7 niillian a year aaslias. Mianiaan, flue averull unempleymel-l9 (ale is already Retailing ix bzginning in: be ailected and the chain wzll 9'/s. over store: comp about in serial» dz ierlumlion in Christmas salsa aaaa which V many H-ie entiru And it is, aaiiiap, oelsoil that lvltalsymbulizes year‘! profis dapend. In remmrlg alum there the of the economic in ma Urlilod we alialaaiai s nlxtudy over 900,000 persons causally lmempluyed. slacas. "I: gveulclufc lium havc wffzmd a sole: lama at 38% Imm lasl year’: almaay depv&ed |:v~ As nsaiai irdunr like uulu slasl. piaamian M-la :13. Chrysler Corpamfiorl, liasaasl hired the “ma lievaise ml: ' r" will be ielr iniwaliaui ms (Eh: Tm." cnhers Elf! eanasal Nulurs ana rasa), economy. Car produclian aonmnes uIIl1es¢Z0% cf alasaa ma cf ihsix aservhly plums mil early u.s. slaal olnpur, farex.ump|e, and layaws in In January, idlirg about 60,000wm1

deaerrd la a lane extent an aura auranases. And reeessianary llnreals araauees inareasinaly lneaaenl rneanwliile, as wurkars in lliese and aliner indu- swings at inn gnvernmlzritnl ieuel in :coriomil: pol— nil ine slreeis, lnair aurenaring aawer will aeeliae il:y—mu|s. aeeelendlea inilalian. diseanleni and lie sluna eansanrer ananasina — j—j.:_—and possibly pmvnke ct worldwiae dean-ssian. At Again lire wli l. auia iadssinr, aaeauals rer mare lire l'i=xI nanienl llre eaneern is lnal arrlireseeianary than U was aiine s. grass nananal aradael, is an saendina will spur iurlner inilalian llnalwill trigger exanele. According la lxariners Weak rnaaasine bankmptcias, lne elaeina aanle, and aassiaiy WA, ai sealenaer “Far W75, easlaners will be paying llre anllaaae cf isrlenralianal ereail. Imm szuu la sl ,rlao mm: per ear, wiln rte aver- iaerease man 5450 me 1974 age niare above niaaels. all lne naelrirrery lar inraasina waae ix Tncl-ease llie a|— an mp or an ulrvml eaaal (er eanlrals re kept in the wrnas. cannrineas have i974 wludek. " seaay been tanned and the neaesrarycanar nai leairlaiian passed in araer lo inranse waae lreezes is me sarnainarian the yilaale nverptuduc— llils il ai ire whenever aaurse is anaeen. Ai llie sane line nan s willi seenrnaly imconrmllclble - cr inllalian the prupagaridu' ccswrir lnal arises aan ae can- rnar uniauely anaraelerixes the currentvecsuloni nalled despite line elaar laesan al Presiaenr Rlakard vlie next sentenoe in me Tlxf-quoted Busincss Wuek Nixon‘; wew Ecurionfic veliey" lnal lne capitalise mar “Ford naaasrne slales M:twCn. Prasidcnt goverrllnenl can never aanlral prises Lee iasaeea laments, ‘Two years aaa we wanied aeaale lney migl-ii‘ have la aay swan fora Pinto lane Business Week magazine released saeeiai ieue ar the lowest-priced can — l>.i<.), and a us. October warning the lne naw, by God, lney will be paying 53,000 car a l2 er eanreruenees ai rinle. giaa u.s. debt: we u 5. eeananyslanas aiaa a naanlain ar deal S2.5—triHinri (thousand rnrani well one wenaeral lacaccu‘s aasiliarr. wiln lliauserrd nillrani irian — a naanlain auiil alall Ford sales air more man 35%, lire nation‘: seeand the ears and Hauses, all me laalaries and nraelninee largest maker llrinl aule annaunaed a redaelian al snal have naae lnir me hiaaesl, rranesl eaanany plans in December. EL-fut ‘rt eaaiial saenaina me lie nisnsry al ilre world. The rzxt biggest eaae xume time il aanlinaer la raise prise. ilalisl eeanany is llal al Japan, aul it weald take a sun more llran one-third llre gmn nalianal are- iiris is because Ike is saaree or iailalian rial in the duelarlaaan la pay rlnr year’; interest an ma u.s. am alaae llne ire, aalieies ar nnanaaaly ldal are delrl. massive e><|¢ruTon or‘ H»: money suaaly, llneaalr one of leyels lire exlersian eredil al all al eeananiy, "rlne u.s. is lire near Ecminmy wilnoul peer. ll and espeeially llnauan the aeliairsaendlna of the hug me aiageal lenders, lne aigaesl bal-towels, lire lederal aayernnienl. As ariaes rise lnrauanaanlie naslsaalrislieaiea nnanazal sysleni. lire nurnaers economy na earaaralian can rasisr lie lernalarien are 3a was: lnal llieysnnaly nunra lire min sle to pass an in own lnalier earls lane then rernel la trTNion in corporate aear, 5:800-billion ( iard) eansunea by raising iis prices. After all, as Karl in niarogaae debt, s2oll—la an in scale and local ll Marx explained, eaailalisl pricing po ey is aimed govzmrmnf debt, 5200-billion in aareurner delrl. al neelina an exaeesea relurn an capital. Businzn Wank believe: nial deeper reeessien eaula llie =lI Furtbermam, aaaila als undoubtedly aelieue — provoke a sihmtlmi in wlrian a number corpora- and the auto iaaurlry is laaayina for enis — llsao liara could nar rell their 909$ and censequently llre Ford ea snalian will soon be leased la turn not pay eff their debts. Al the same time ivrttier (As eawanl neayrer aelierl rnaneing. will be seen. inilaiian can make inreresl nrles so lniah lnal ea.- lnere are sirana suaaereiara llialsaen a ham ix al» eeralions aaald nelalvml N bonow and stars cauld ready ander way.i onae aureli ng aawer is sum not Haunt: We inventories of gmds they have been clemly raisea ay ntw rounds at nilaiienary govern- unable to 3:”. Bath threaten re burst We credit llie makers will ix mam ae ls, aala gel lneiraralils balloon. And th not In speak of their concern nisrlrer in me ariaea ears flley believe lney can sell. llral are of me weaker inraerialisl nufious including its gavamment and industry — Italy, and perbopr Ytue eanlraaielary aanrainalian of inrlalianary and even nrilain — rnianl delaull an it: dnbts. as Bu! wnen in gel: awn se eereeny doing sernernine pasxibln undar ine aircnnerenees, Pant Lewis er rhe ebeno inriarian and caning re beer nraney inlu me Financial 7 nee er insrieen wrofs ser rne New Vnrk everexpcmdingeaneen, eiee eaeireiirn ere oquully nrnes rner "nu Cong:-esiorrnl mandate Is ben flue ere- wirirenr reeenne, Fur some rnanrie rere admin- recfianisr 71 approach and rgsificfive in dmuil and sire rnarien eernbeienee aranne albgnn rner "TnH=- rne . neniry win. winieb ir nae been exrraerea iren. rien T: nia nnrnber enemy" ene ane attempts were rne Leeiriernre beinn an see eieenenriy ra rne en- niaae in rrinr eewn rne nreesiye $315-b iien u.s. deriying mom! of the people.“ irneeer. "mm was even lulk abenr culling rrne wer expendimns, wniein srene er over SlO()»bH|7on, warnirreren enaia, (mm a eerrein H1eorelTm1sDund- Eul‘ neie rire ene ere by far the larynx eererrnienr expemee eeinr, ereyern siiae cf inrerrrerianei eeen- rne uniiee srerer guvemmcl-if ix incapufile er neu- amiex reware depwsiun by opening up irs mavkels ing in niennraernre arweeeene. Frau-. ane side rna and eeeeine rne dnllnrar same ":qu7IubVe“ rare in war anenerry is «:0 central in me eccmumy eaneariran re fumign cwrenciesr From me rerne ere Ohi einen snere or rneirebere ier any repmsenhvvive in ueneeeiar ir eeeie have aene one 1‘?30sn anr cengree ra go along wirir enn in ire rnimery in the Ivaor wner iraie Ms re puss rne nererzees ere- rarwre, wirien gram wnen ir nee down re rirereeeiries er e given sneer-iieniey ereczeireree werie neee lncole. rren rna mhuside rne rvecexs ei rne warfare, and inane rne neie rreneere. Today, wirn uaiiea srerer re eeiiee weria inieeraeinnr ieeeer erereerienirr neesnree inerees ely ernenerine from and rbe iinie mom rer rneneeyer. wnen bneeer enrr ere cengree dullur Hearing in werie nreney rneae, five programmer neairn, educmian, and market: mere 75 ie ineienrien rirer ir will ee_ re- ernerwiee men eiei weirere, as reinirnai as rneyere, ea rrer. berere. me is beeanre the imerem er ierezen eeeireiisr rivals iner ra rnenrien en wur(<— Ye! one existence of reaeerien rviaku i‘! u yery e ere) ere erneieerieniiysnbereinarere rne inrereee rienir rer are guvernnen) re eeiieer me nien levels er use m|Trg eiess. er rexerzen rhm would be reenine Io e rnnnere ner- us. i - xpznding ane bring me inrieribn nnaer eenn-ei. on ree er rnie, rneee wne reer rirer the reeeerien lniliul workers’ responses nay go iee klrseem in be eernne rne neeer nenn For rne nresr pun me rrudo~unTen bweoucmcy T: in rne :5 een: Tstrufian were 'n<:raa3Tng talk eeenr eering as rbenai. ir were shel|—s1-rocked hy me ei was- e snberen lax cm re erzrnn rhc economy in 1975. xiv: ieyeris ene paralyzed irern iuldng eerien 20, Was rner the any on ueeernber rneren anneneeee egeiesr rnen. Along wirn token eieee (er :1 enbiie budget rer rne beginning eeneir vex) fiscal year, v/ark; pmgrum, me er rne AH.-CIO mien» We reseeree er- July i, reeei. siarri:ne1eyeia.rs3 areny nae been re eenrana more arareenye berrien iien, by For ire biegesi de.‘?c7r sinee rire secund against Tmpons and re aeefiin raeisr, xenopho- weria war. So much for me “influliun rieirren” er isie campaign eeainrr me :a—ouHed ‘ween: eiiees. the wnire Hwse‘ cirereina rber rbeee warkus wirneai ereeer eeen- nrene, moeriy Mexibanr, are Vuking rnere inen ane niziiien "American " the brass ix Skyrazkeoing prices Jobs, An-cio aniline rer harsher repmniun ene mere deponmiom Price; raye risen er e rere obcve use «er me wreie or rnese superexpluiled workers. yeer, above me; verrne iasr N-ire: mnnllis. The eereeeeriye is forever: fuxier eriee increases in rne Fur in pan, 0%: inera nir uriree Anre Workers rner however, was neer rnrnre. AI e eerreie eeinr, reces- errmeree rn. AFL-CIO) nee iernenee an aa- eien ena enrenrxing win 30 nneerenr wages eewer nerririne eenrea re encourage eeaeie re buy ears, me: a eiew e eewn ei Uh: eriee rises is rrrenneieie. winie UAW Pmside r Leanare Woodcock eenees MT: n:PiLmITc ihrawing nf workers into the mica: rhe enre magnatos irranee rner erieee cennar and ruhbing rheTr -finnar tables is the enly may be iewerna prvfiv "slim H way beeanee nrereire are . znriariae ear. be uhimmely rrenn-ea by any capital- in govemwem. rer me ruling eiase ir is eeeenrieuy To rne exrenr rner any aireereeriare ennirer rire a question er rew neen rrnerneiaynenr rney mvi eer bye"; I-mile been organized, ir has been by week away wrrn. eennnnnisy ereenizarzens A earenrieuy expierive drunfian is building n rne enerree, where rne winiie wrnnineren ensoernu rinersnen pump e rning iebiee rare reaeier ac, Au, er 50%. DemonsIrfl- 7! as I: new being forvod re neda rake Is partially riees and rallies bl up re seyerei nnneree warirers A: "inievrnivim-NI measure er teuperufion‘ n rereerne neye been new in crriaage Md neneir, ere: a ne- to reeneen irern ubmod (Ferd hm rnerw rn Frenerr, rienei eernensnerian in weenineran has been aaliee weri serrnen, ene Jeeeneee em e s eniy reeenrly), rer January. in aeeirien, rne reeenriy Iui-med cee ieezrierien cenerees hm ins) eeeree rreee a nee rien er Leber unien wen-en nae eene en more in above an rne rrarieer nee as erereerine u. s. be inner er rne xhcrmrwarkweekas a measure on ere- kmign imports. in u: eipienierre e iangneee ax vide iebe for all. 41 Msei enaanra ng rrarn rne slumlpe rai «ire skug rrdusi-rial we

capitalist economiex have inra ine earerea arisis. i972. To be sure, ririr per-eroi aeeiirre nae aeen Tbvre Ysno Ianaereny Fmncz, roanriarnoaiar. Ger- unevenly aisrrianiea urmmg the : More precisely, e« «he erea er «he wer ihe pvncess er replacing impcm er light Gunsumef gunds was exhees«ee. re cumlnu: eeemhlrlei re, «he cephal- lnduslriul siruciuie ists had re MUVZ «e local ereeeeweh ei equiehhehc and serhiiih bed pruducfixy given me Tmposslbilivy iheuslrzel er the economics el ihese «hey lhe sirucmre ei fmpur! "9 all «he COMM er needed «a is spzduli «errri «he eelrhiries «re «heir Marley i.r«e eeerrel. sirree pre- wei he eeh«ex« wes ae«er«hihea by «he and el «he «he norlduruble goods ‘Firs! ihere is comumer immi- er: and lie war, the leeel bumgeuisks l« is «here rh‘e«'ihe irlduxlriu r«rue» rem D_, mos! «heheelyer ehee mg n rwhiemee «e «he merciless Found, where erehe“*I‘ielevels \uwnsr,(2) mresere wage are lew es prufit on an irriemeiieml scale; «hey were and where ihe rreriye hhue srrerreesl cancermufian er eemeellea ee use madorn pmducfive techniques. =e;ri«el exists lh e«her wards, ii is «here lhel lb: ism «here «eehhieeee wnund up ereehng e ereaw«iehal irrrre have ihe weaken grTp. lh the «iye eepeeiey lher ihereesirrgly exceeded rile vu|— l<7Z9—37, «hir iee«al«er «he crisis or The « Hue de— em, rem.l- um: ei eneeriwe den-Ind. nsu w? was «he eyhereie one; «edey weee«e«ihg, ir velopmenl ei idle pmducilve cepeei«y (mere iherl i-re: Jeilrning, 17! rwherioh is In respond «he er» ta 50%!) am a «Elm ihe reie el rem, uhhuugh a leeme eerheha el «he wurkels, ehslrillee lubureflr miller lell «heh would heye resul'«ee'lrerh rerysel per«ielry unemployed. «he aha «e U‘ xe madam ereemiye «eehrriqlree devel- oped ih «he irehe eliyeerreers. Became of « s -seeeha were «he eeerer producing alsrmle eeh— eeerierhie om-irmd cfion, «he heiiye beurgeol «he M e Xumer gunds, which today s d seem . had «e elly irxelfwhh rerergh alpha! («is dvuld «he very, very rere is rmrye capilulisr who is ac- hehhle) aha develapa nut: «he« would he gem- ih «his eemrellirrg his cumuluiing secmr hy ewh ieerly of reducing eer cam: «hose 75, has been both rhe segue Fuclory lhqi mi: xecmr prey reeheserr«ea by wages. Thus, he eeehehiie eer.«.e— foreign eeezhrlirir who sinm «he rhiaale W505 its 7mmed7aI= el a;e«ier. faund exprcssion o« rhe see haye «eheh ovzr ihe enterwisex Bxuing «rem rhe pal ieel leyel. hwl V92‘7—37 crlsu, and «he place in w h the - hm/= reinvested s l-he «his heirerrel lirrre u Can!‘ pernorr rerelmieh or eerrheaie ‘on wes rre« easy. at «he prom: «hey have realized wiihih this sector lh Brazil ii required a I:uup[l‘?£u1)ihaf broke ihe LATIN AMERICA

warkeis ' orgunizufium. in N: a ir reqnsrea a To aenre a man mm ai pram rieeisiye aeiion Is rl-.e yin.- mane iearenian ug rnr walkers anrzna also vequimd by me eiaie in we seem ei eaniae l95Ds. in Aiaenrina ii required a mcct.-55700 or nenl goods, reininnzaliea araanae, and me inira— eaepe, and it still aannar be said that big eaeilel urvcmm. has been re succeed in aiene able cclrvylng am in meie “mil-uzle" is pieeirely because Araernine ine reason was na Aigeniine ai the mleeariar-e Mar ir h-rxdiriome afsvmgglu. was innaeiale m earry aai reweniuu an a great enough eeale, deeaiie rne succesficln cflcuvpx. rne coup in Brazil eenninee «lie reanerzan at me To be sine, Wag: rules were nela very Iizw. ‘/Vagef share in 5U°c in minimum wage by 55% belween V954 and I974, in grosx inaaner aaeea iian mm .a aeemieri, Vimnks !cT:olsumer creair aaliay and 33% in W60 to 42.1% in to 35.?/. in W72, we A294 a lireal policy gmierous la ilie large enrerpriru, recemly, wimani Peron, hm risen back M These law ir guerwnleed sumcizni erieeliye demand and re— wugex waie eiae ally pranmmaed in ducnan ai cans car rlne enfierwises producing dum- W55-1:8; in he laner period a sham eeananie hle comumcr 9006:. The dizzzing rim in lbe rate aeliey iiraraireany rerneienrea rne interests at i oF ex an n "U! areaneriye sector penrlifled big eanilal win earriee mil (l<.vaeena nnaer ine Vine emmd aeyelaanenr aiar. unproductive onaania regime\ Ilwm also a period mufl0 me smdevllrevoll ev man (even rlreugl. 520 H-lousand milllon), lle emernzenen er rneee me Imdc enzere wen: lnveerelee imo H1: up» debts, and me rebenaenen er me dlvidends el me Far meranre Tl Damms]. rlrls elyereenee anereesee mm: melrlnelzeeelnree, bszomei lrrereerlnely naus- (29% For whclcwle prices ax egelrer 25% rerreleal saw Yer rm; lype cf eeenerny lo beye o erleee bevweerl M: Hrst manner of lsvs ere lhe nrsr belenee of lreee — precisely in ereer in be eele quunerof mm and men vurncd around berween le ewera rm; elrmew of eerreney. 074, be Aerll and June W74 [U.5%, and 0.334 fo wbelerele prlcex, l.4I%, or/.;, and we rerrelell The conuraalerlen ls «nee ax rbllwsr A cnmidemble erieesl. This reverzal ln the rvmderlcy reeelree berlr lrlzreuse in Tl-npuns ereqezprnenl, semlfinlshed pruv a rnllorlenery eelley by the rm e more an arms, and energy resuhx in rlre neee (er even larger and from me rrnegrenon er rlre node unlors stale increase in expuns. we new leelee rlnererere emerge: and me agreerrvcnfis mar rlre wllons reeebee whlw rlre I) neeeerlry erexpmlne mule mnnufuclurtd pm- lbe employers — me: being egreernene ere nil! and of plrsuing a pulley elrnee e using rer good inns eenreelee, ene reason. vh: rnnlrlnenenel .nne re export e gruwlng poffion Concunem with increase ln produ and er melr productiun; ene 2) we eeeermy er emulng in prlcex, them has been a neeyy expenelen of exponx: 90.95% vf prwductlve capwcify we equfpmenl serween leeeery ene November W73 we value er’ and szmlfinished producls industries. exwans incmased 31.8%, be against 22 We for all 7: of W72. M in brezll ere, ma Iesserexlenr, ln unlr llre I%«t—67 eerzee, mere ne lunger any Argenfina, ml; eeennelly u"F¢cted nenereelmd nernln or unused ereeeenve eeeeeln, A reeenl products. (Sales uf me vrererermzng indusfries ?n» cnqelry cbnductcd ernene brezllzen eeenelme sf-lowed ereeeee 34.534, cumpured with 17.1% cer ugricu|— lnenne ubnacl:-5 lznrmee rnelr produc .en in are mt: ene e decline ea 5.29; ler llre exwucllve lne eene mer gaods socbar war: 304,: unnburcble le lrr u‘us¢rTes.] rem eer ereaneeaye rupccily (blrererere, er vvla— enzneryl and 35% re anermelenlrneely er ln BruxT| the rere efgrowrl-w of me domestic raw mu- rertelr and nTsl-led uguTrsI Product For W73 -Au//G4 gee me sem preeeels, m only was ll me snurce for 25% to an we «re marker. :r lnsemerenelee size er stulkfics en arezll Cunianlwa seenarnlee, A ln rlre Figures Follows: and erlnerreeloe, were as ‘6% us! Nm/ember 1974.} me grew». rere for me mu<:}lTl-ls e and 337; as eeelrnr For me nne new neneleenlne anenrmee (excludlrlg eenrneenen; was cemyrics secmr; 27=,;ene I3% as eeelnerarye rer in and lmz-:/e for W74 [esfimate ES lszssg me building nnlefiuls seeler; 34% ene elAeeeer) inlm Vemls. Carlcurrenlly, us; as reel price: soured 2174 ler berween eeearer mherscmifinfshed gclid 'ndusPrie5. my W73 and my um rne Tncrease was 3! le again! 15% between July19'77 and nee, are eenneelerlen lr shifting, llne ylgenene my lwa; filer: were vary men incremcs ln Nnrch rT9a bl rlre durable carlsurvler gunds secmr is ne (4.7%) and Aerll l5,ls/el. And emre expons 0| lougev eleslrlne Wm. me lreeelleleney cf H1: mnr~ husk ereeeee suggea (lie H9 7.23.; bevwcen me ker but mclrerwlrlr me ind) ry of me ex ng are bell er I973 and ne firs! half er um), export lneeenlel structure and nude belenee lo erevlae ernernaeennleewree produabs took on unpmcedenmd eeulpmenr and eernmnlelree pmducls. ms is wlrer leap (up arezsl-r 43.5%), and exporfof nernrreaeree ere- explains why second developmentelen dual: lnereeeee eyen man: during are eerne eerzee (I975-7?) beeyily eneeren me dzve leprnenr en the (43.5%). praducfion gwds eeever, rhux revurnlne lb Kubi— 1schek‘s "plan or a1.iaa.1va." at me and 1.1.1.. wsns,‘ wm. all uhagaunadicriam 1.1..va1va.. .151. ...a 1a..1..g1..a111.. a amwa cxpofl ofcqr 11..11.y .1.a u..1.aa s.a.a., Japan, a... Gen-Iuny, The general Immewcrk 1.. w1.1a1. mm nsirucluring .1» 1.1.; aa1 rec .a...a1w1.1a.. 1.. L...1.. Amerina praieclx are 54.... aa..:..-d a... 1. 1aaa1..a some mm- 1. a.az11, 1. aa..1a be .1.aaa1.. ma. .1» .1.a..—.a.... is¢ers <3. Gomez, 1... example) .a «.11 1... a subx!vn— 1...a...... a1 divisian Vubor .1a1 crnurgance aca new af ma1r1...e1a. a1.1.a model or, relai aaa1a be expected: a.a..11, -ma Argentina .11.a 11.. Nexko. rule a1 dumble sornmer good: secmrnrd specializing 1.. a.aa..c+1a.. of a..a1.1a aaaa. 1a. ...a..1.. expumiun based Ihe'me1na|:mr1gica|deper1dena1a..d, Hungary, .aa1a.1a., w ma West a11a.. a temporary Czechoslovakia, Ruvmmu, a..1aa.1a, urdtl-1e ussx. ullemcfive .a don-ash: zcennmic .a1a...., W1». 1.. 5.2 Inn capitalist s irnoinoos irnnreoiorely noon Eose In! only in ineirelloris io modernize inezr industry, ern Europe and lie Suvlel Un n inrougn one oi ine butalxo in we cmcmpls lo build rnernselues o soe parcieular iorrns lnoi ilne orins nu taken: u sharp ozol base ooairni o oeleniial nballennrl rrorn ine rise in ma orioe oisorne mw rnoieriols. While rnis warkivvg clmx: ay irnno.-rang so.-ounrer goods, rney inonsose has iayoreo the soyiel unron, ine nroior (E‘lll— eon oerrlyooiisry one ooneiiie oreeriein seeiors :1! supplier orrew nrorerinls lo ine coneeen blac imelligemsic cor lneso goods and bind me in— ing was oicorneoon noeos), in inoeoiwill noun lie ‘- a ierem al inese loyors no rnese or in. oureaueraoy. nerrimoninl eiieor on Me "peoplm democracies. Eu! iiie rnaslel oi eeononrio ine legacy oi sinr kl ln analyzing ine erreois or raw rnoieriols prices on deyeloorneni in eounrry" nryvn — or "social n. one — conreeen, we nus! aisnliss lne prepeaeiesl by has llroi xne eosi European wzilr rreonr eenniriee, some “Nlan

raw ieriais. Thus Cznclualnvakia, iar examnle, aiayesi by cenieean nie rive In in iis ve—~year ail wiiii iiie (wiiieh tar aar plan. ea» aaniraei ussii divion, wheneverworld exp s Decenbcr 31,1975) paying 32 rabies modal price: xiyifiunnfly was excafi rh: Comecnn level, rkz (er a ran ai ail, wiiiaii ine iiiie nne sigrfirig Corveam cam-irries, ai ai wnich usuaHy In r.|imn?c shoe? supply of hard ai iiie eeniiaai was higher iinari ine world inaiisei are (I earrenaies, nnved ia sen iiieirairaisisas ariee riibie is iaaaiiiy eaaivaieiii ia 70» are an in. ussi). waria niaiiser iiie day czeeiiaslaiairia siin payirg inai ai areniani arias iaiiier iiian an lheuglw price, =ven Vnlra-Comaen marker Canncnn The Ie— iiie price av ai ien nae risen at pfirgs. per saesiaea- sub i: u disorienmfion in fine lurly in iiie pasi iaiir ier example, nee intro-Cerrccan made, years — endowed Comecon Vm-ced Libyan dzlzgarinn visiiina Pmgue reseniiy is: conning» being M aeinanaea aiireiiase wudd murkzflx ¢|~eTr saw a ian iaraii. an nraaaeis iaeaizaai ia Cumecon partners‘ surpiusa, whTch :1 dmTn nreir iiaia cum;Ii-iey Beginning in iiiie early iiie Soviet an cunency rexerves inai can in mos, unian be- aifeni. aan ia iniarin iis Easi Eurepevn iiaaina purmzls iisai ine areseriicanieean prises were ohwlcve, ana ii ins insreases in raw inaieriais siiiees win seat a begun ia parii ier inaaii inner raw niaieriais aiiees. inreeiaia blow ia iine “peup7c's aensrerasies”; is ii absolukly eeriain iirai rar riie i‘ive—yaar As ncxi iinpariers ai iaw niaierials, inew win caineean plan (W745-ac} ine i, pay "peap|:‘x democracies" mare var aain Sovielund cupiialisv iniparis. win have ia iniian iizgner wiiii pay prices «or sariei raw ine of Palund iwiiieir ine niaieiiais, prices exceptl export: seai, ieneerina iiie waria niarieisiiaa— price eiwiiieii iias up), iien aaiie inasi ai inese countries’ .j._j_inaieriais iiie raw exports ie aapiialisi aaiiniries H-we! are l\/Dfl ihul iiie eriaes iar I976—E0 win reiieei is-re ira have nai significanrly increased in ins waria _areseni world inaiisei eaniiinaiiiie, iire unien ariee an nnrkef (load, baccu, voadi «ire saiiei Phey in as niain saaeliei ar raw inaieriais sianas ia bane. eie i. vei inasi eay iar Paris wiiii iiie ieveniie rrani precisoly eiieee iaw—,sriaea iii, sinee ine praenf nerease in raw niaieriais essieris. iiia aas an world marks! is iiigiier rnan ine inere.-ee in ine 2. ineir eaanainies Pooweuk in ine prices ai nnisnea aiaaaeis. (Mos! iiie exparis are pass an aasi ai increuxc in ai iiie "peap|e‘5 demcmmciex" ia ine Union aian raw iiaieriais arises ia an increase sa in iiie aansisiarrinisneaaiaaren.) iiewever, arier prisa ai niaiiaiaeiareaexparis. nne nianiriae~ ii, lured products ac iaw I975 ine increase in ine prices or iinisnea araaiieis are iaa a aaaiiiw ia eanieeia iiiie saeaassialiy iiie waria en waria inaiisei is ;em7demb|y iiianer inan ine an markers. Nos! ai iiiase Ex- * aaris in SovT:2 raw niaieriais prices, iiie "pnapI:'a de— any ease go ia ine uniaa, ana ii is " ia sawiei uii is w7U— win siin be dixudvunmge and iiie up me an ia decide wiieiier :i Soviev aia ina ia niaiierpriaes. iiie un n in an aawaniaeeeiis pasiiian, since pay Given irieseni ¢BniUnC- iaie in waria niaikai the sairiei union win be paying less rai nnisiiea prices, wnisi. win he ieiieeiasi in in ine Comecon aisiaiiais reiaiiwe ia world inaiisei ariees_ ine price new prices, a saissianiiai incremz for inese in axaari iwiees is Mghiy zinaiaeisisiie. nn[ym— ieraaaeis iiaving been boxed an earner nie an iiriian For iiie democrnciex“ is coniuntmre wiieiiier iiie “people's aeinaera lei“ "peaaie-s ia aesera iiie Increase in iiie win be iiie 'eiini aia " scissors" in iiieir iraae aasi ai raw niaieriais aainesii- wiin ine Saviei‘ unian, wiiieii aisa inipiies i.eiani— tally. i a eiiina af pal ieieion ireiween inen ana iiie USSR, 3. Advanced aapiralisi win aeae.-a an wirai iiaanens in world aaaniries win new have ia mur~ aeweie iiieir inaniiiaeiiirina ken siiier ma. nare ai capuchy ia paw ine iar niare expemive iaw niaie ais, leaving iewer nraaiiais #939 Aii inieariani iaei aeeiiiiai m iniia-caineeen avaiiaaie ie ran ia aeeaie-s democ- iraae the an FuVl[*\er> in raw niaierials in siiari Supply iiiai raeies" an basis easy ereaii ierns. nriees are iiie nai iiie sore erzierian iai node. A suppliercbuniry more, eiieais eiaaaiiaiisi innaiian win he ieii senine prisaieis in high iiiia as nieie moneywFH have ia be obtain ine demand an waria mur- spcm ia kei Uiuduy aernaniss iirai iiie sanie airaiiiiiy ufgends. buyer cuumry pay wiin aiier goods aise in iiian rieniana. nie resiiii iiie "p¢cpIe‘5 der-iacra:7es" have isa iaiiaiaiai iiaiieraareenienn Furexampie, araae win ia ax;-on {E isern iiie ai excnanaea aes- a nunF::n'uIA! nrare ia saviei u an ana ine eapiiaiisi Ferequully eairniriei rho nieiais, iraiii ie pay rar ineieiaea easis ma— vuluzd aiwaria . rariierinare, ai raw ieriais. xiii in period aniweisai in whenever iiie aaaiiiiiies desired iiiase a at aeeniie exceed agreed arewiii iaies inking ia in iiiie lrude (aria may caneeeii as a wnaie, iiie na— ~y:ar aaeis generally iienai ineanie enrwiii ria), fin: applied iiiase raie declined iiaiii I0"/é prices are esiamisiiea an nuuHy in B arr i-iie basix ai bargaining ivsseaa ia araana 5% in 1951-55, ia aiiaieiai ai iii. iiine wiien today), iiiis HVVFIY ine annual iiaae pmmcol is drawn may, arain win aanies ic shori- up. iiiese ariees ages av Prbdl) a|inas‘i aways higher Hwen iiie asa greaier par! goex ia expafls. nie waiia prices em- is riieie win aisa be an ineieasea Ieren in 54 flu: walking class as wurkcls in the expert sectors oen.olly aeelinea lrarn o3.c9=/e in was in e.a.a9% (already gelling much higher hnmxzsl are uffered in lwn, Irina-Covvlecon naac in naeliiaery in H-in liiener incarlfives for lie oveifulfillnlenr oi export mos grew or file sarne nae as in the wsaao aa- lozaea. riaa,l Prafaund eeananie relarrn waala be reaoirea voexpand ine Lomecnn marker. in abscnc: or on «no olh=r nona, rig will inyolye he r eon prices aris refurm, oll "second ol subsidy laclar s inear neayy anennls ta create a mur- some son as aaricia. lsel" is? market“ have Al leeel (Th: Unired Cl-lemlw|Wur1<5 Hungary, Yare><— — a "satin failed. ample, me wnai eon be Heated is a pmtezfied craae zone in one ol laraelcneinical Fucmries the - 11*»: which arices cominne io be aelerrninea ay warla eoanlry, saw a 3Dfl—4UD% iaereoae larsone aiaza market, wnicli rarnisnes this w. ID: ooinl uf rnalerials in I973, resalrirg in a ae car the lac- zone ch iererenee. lory or .500 million forivllx.) saasiaiee can take no iornr of reaoeea taxes, lower lmeresrchurges, etc. i Finally, es lo lne sayie» union, me inlernal Has: aireel or or Income iranereis ar xvbxidies ollacn elionges in worla prices will be lelr primarily in rnasl aa covered by writer oeeiois mar oraoaoly ol me ugrkullulul seelar. lasl reeenrly, lne soyie: ooneaniers w.ll aaain be nil ay lianer nine mam union was prevaniefl lrorn ioaylng rnaiar lax ar eller lenn clicnntrilzullcm «nor will up qualm- ayar sane ties clfwheur because lne aaaiealisls learca lnai ae Felt naslseyeiely by ine working class, and we rnis mighldrive up inc warla price of eon Expect to see a rise in wwl (Agricollarul ivlvuslmerll rose 58% wiln sweeaing noliliml ana social enaiee carae— ana 39% ncreusre in olannea lor lnrcaanaar lvawo a ml aaences conecan. 75, as carnparca wiln inereooce aarlag lhcie periaae ar43% 42% vely for Intel var ana rcspec inyesmeal 2. The sacana cnaiee rne Saviu union will be ) ll-iluughou! ~ne economy Eu! ene aaricolraral xec» wholnar carllinue expertiylg in H-we lc raw nalerials Ml canlinues lo be aaoreel econornic p¢rFormer lne Wesr lor areaier aaonlilias la in pay imparls in live ussxe Fixed produzflwe coailal in agrioal- or re eeoaly more raw mmcriuls in Cumccorl :ovrl- 320% in lv5u—7u, wlrile USSR Tbs lure rose ay oalrsal grew lriee. Although we kc: iaereaea exports by anly I20”/6. lne in reineay siraalion, male lo cuplrzllislcourllrfes, km nalaaos~an— la eon- aroil eessione will liaye lo be naae la callecliye larnieis, lially increooea ail supplias la caneaon VD caanmec. mare wplrul invsslmemx will nayc oe naae rno» Any al 5 lo the naiar reorienlalian more supp aroin lrarn mixer ariariry pmiecls, ana Wcslwill ‘vrce me sayiel Uniml‘s zaeicrn iroo-ine resoarees naae wirn eaoiialis» aaann as will have to lee in— oarrners Ia purchase oaoiyalenl saaaliee on me l creasea (especially in such ilene as Fenllizevs ana worla market. saelno '1 only rrurienlullon ncl ugrictllmlal machinery) lire lailare oi Suviel ugrl~ inc cconnmic Ihesc aggravate situation cl aoannies, ealrare rniah: iasi aiayiae Ike spark to Fun Ma Hal-was bu! will also laoaia al a Illegmlion of a aracea ac rnass aisconlenl. “Vt axparianee of l>olana in cainecon exlelnul aeoenaence aeaanes as nose IWU — wcrkeis revolt ac marked. a laaa pr e increase: — rnialil be repealed in me soyiei union. 3 Fur all lne “peuplfls aenaaraeies" lne eirlieall elsaiee will be eillier lo cal beck inpcrls, reduce aoneslic ccmsurvlption, ona laee lne lnioliea social in the coral». ierni lhe so l union, riclr in mineral eoiaeaaenaes, or re eonlinae to expand rvudl: win. rmoreas, Manda lo oeaelii lrcni lne increase in capim al coanniee an onlayaralole lerne ana in- raw nntericlx ariecs. varricolarly inacrlanl is me gly aecarne rlt we only ornerol- Increaxe in (he warla aiiaa aola, wnien cnaolea ere ncfa. rl-we al ternavive is lo Tmen.sTFy Coulezon inleerarion, Ma? soyiei unicn in I972 to eayer Ms ayeil aalaace is, aeoenaanee on ma soyiel Unlnn. saeli an infe- ol paylvvemx rlelisii ol sl loillion will. cupifullxl gvufiun, hm-/ever, wnriol rake place unless the counlriex simplyby selling alinasi all lire yew‘; Cumecon naasei is eanaoinenially resnacniiea. me gala araaoeiian. Allnoogn ia annaol araaaalion oaisa by each caneoan country of "s=lF1uFfl— ofgcld is airlicall to calirnana, ii is be - moon: in cienoy" liar crealea very -rnilor- Islwcmrus 200400 lore annually. The arice incmme in aala in laoy inc all me carnecon coon =5, a lime oaeis on world murkal will in a large dagee acces- fol fllermelves. Unmz-bloc rvlinc lne USSR noae among trade as o extent la which the mrl eonlinae ae-ecnlaae nf iiie tolul lraae of llie Comecun skucs la aelicil made wiln llie Wul.‘ f profits3

0"line by A. UDRY OF

Ar rne momem ma ma. ...a;a. inaerialisl powers Apan iran. me lire (less rraye been loo,ooo «nan s2oal may a elas.ieal e sis of averpmdulr ine aelegme. poured .l.e Hen, shurlugex inla callectful-l laken ua are making rhzn-sclvex rel. in load- lne eanierenee, me xmffs lespeeially when!) a. neiar dec en naae — ap— and eprlair. raw pliccliion ofwhich is pnaalenalieal rnalerials. cannery .a wnel happened PH: any-any was illrlng .a lean a g.ain of » crisis or me wl.en lr.e.e reserve 500,000 an. .a be recur‘.- mos, was a ccllapsa of snrulea regularly urd .a eslaalisn food p.iees, line we is an imernalianal .ee.ssian com sysrern of rape inrarnarzan ana aler». wirn pr. explosion in «he prices or _ .apia ll... iaaa pradaels, araaesal naae ay me develop all me resunina mo la a cnmdinaled corlscquenccx, ane or paliay aleraekpillng wirl.i.. lne wnien is avher .l.a framework al en none spread al acute ran.- inlernalianal Food ine .l.rpugl.aa. agreenran. an seeurily was re- nanyserniealanial ea. nmes In all ieeoaa. All mese arapasals, praaapiliry, ariees will no» eeeline to ll.e.r 1967- acceplmi ar 5:; levels miealed, move in me sa...e aireerian- assu.i..g elurira me nexr raw aall. ma years. ii re expprling cereals and rnis saya and rle big eaailnlisl ierrncrs rna. nriees will epineiaenee ufrecesslon and shormgcs makes aawn in the ubsurdlly nal ga me n.aa:..rn lern.. lne April 20, arasysm. led by rl.e anarchic laws W7», .l.e .2: al the cepnarnisr wmre “Farmer: al rprlser r..a.e slrilsina «ran over. well as as r.naneie.s naye begun playing lna swings ana reundobmns naw rho! priees are»lea, lna. neans whim rns nexl am. «an. in priees elaes carve. 1112 pernaas early nary.-sis security of food prolils nex. year ir ga well, ll will ll in be as slarp as me risa sinee " was mi. zontcxr that .l.e mini world food I972. Neyermsless, ean- Ior .l.e inneaiaee the lerenee was held in izarne. lurnre, giyen eupneria pro— we oarinism Hm had vaked by me skyrocket‘ rnankea me preceding g prises, use aia praaueen me co'l‘er=nces — in appasing wasn The are the asneli... sanrrallea glan and W70 ... Hague — lmrange. an al rmerves in we. na at me sayernrnearal lavcl (as ewaenee vne rny. ufiorls ar me "green r ...nenae.l in .l.e reva- arapaeal). lnus, me Mien" have pcrered oar. rl.e lraaiaarnie no pm: d=n!afCook Indus- ac .l.:s mam nies, lne,, one al lne rnain Arneriean conference was painlally obvious. "Expert!" grain com- panies, exclaimed: "When l.elel estimated lnal on eael. aay al me conFerence‘x reserves are by sians 525» any gayernrnen., lne unsenainly haw moo people in Bangludcsh died er al may will 5... when starvation. be used discourage; planning. “ in line sae.-ma, seerevary cf rne Food Agrl— au. cumexr and al new Dverproducfion oillmml organizalian (FAO)us1

bgte market. O orclc ._

up are rne prices dwindle, voa will see some real vulem lo elleeriae aerrana, wurkau became clogged oreeroe lren me farm seckvr for llne governnenr with elleaea le‘l“‘orpuses.’ These uvmuryed govern- re buy are held reserves. " (Bl.-sinus: Week, Nenera. nems nracn mm: Mun inramezenr roar: Iavelx did.“[3) her [2, 1 W4 .)

These few remarks elane anaerllne In wnae exlent Crisis overpreauerlar. all rne discussion aaear -warla food security“ are er "responding lo rlre larnlne” nae N ae leearea ml.- The bowgeuis pres ht: nut misicd anv eaparmnzry in Oh: Mlrmw lmmewurk naeea mnby rne eallev uf V0 scxeum nbnul rniuml caivslruphss nr the wince! me unzlea slope; and rlne Mtercsn or Ihe alanre wne aarenaaer naae by rne savlor unzan in W72 as “ex- aornlnare H1: food reerar. Fiw earnpanlee aonrrel planmiens" of rlre explosion ol Unreal xhnnages and «ne csxemiul par! of rne mya and aereal exports uf the ‘amine. But -‘lust oFuH, Famine was making it- me Unhed Sfuizx, wnaen nelaa h=9:mcny ever Fwd self fell, uhhovgh less acutely, Tn a great mmlbar expwrvs on are world marker: Conlirventul eraln, of eelonsal one oenlealanaal countries a lane Vim; DF Cnrwm, Arener Danish, Midland aanrre, ard cen- ago. Seczmd, We pruenl manage cereuk and rral Soyu. Thus, lne eoneern of many rep» aoner roaa pmdvcn absolutely does nor nave rne en: “ msevliallves or «he lnraerlalm powev: uboul me character of a "disk 5' subsistence, of an underv necefiity of eelrlng up Food neervee eaa be mumm- Eraaoerzon ufuse vuluzs. as could hm/0 been me lhls rrern rlzed zr slmplz phrmet aeglnnlna erlee- one dur‘ 5 M: sixveemll cenwrv in Fruvlce or dur- rlve denund, wnarare the best ways or rrvzng re ing rne "dsunhs“ flwul periodically marked me 5- slubilize rne arzree er rlre vurlous cereals one of narv arclrina. These ryaee arerleoe expres either soyu or ene mgneel pvssible levels overa prolonged lraamelenldevelop.-rerrl er pmducfive capacities Pefiod? er lr rrarlonr of me rvsrenr of rrurlspcrlund exchange (famine in one province and dmndunce in unL>lHer)r A grear parl or éke work el the Rome feud conler- "1! present sbunuge, with H: velrifylrlg :Wecfis for lee VH4 enee ana of rlre Mo arev a eealerenaee ean puuple of many cmtmr ex, ix explulncd fundu. e>

nan is en expim an er ine anarchic development dicaleis suggafl inci nae in. urge ie irwasiwus or Teen? a mien. of aieeaciiea inui operate: not an me week, fie oygiiieir0 cuprveseiaaaci'ian—eConsezueriflpya,e :s_Tscd io best or ieai needs, an inaieae an Oh: basis at ii-.e PnTEne.n when de- impemiive er the nianeai possible piaiii. From I95? mund ineieaae toward inc ena ar W72 ana during inrerriclianui uri, nude experts begun in became W73, it Wu.’ noi peaeiiiie >9 paipnbiy increase nice imemy aiaeiii inc L-xcexs eiwneai and one aaeiine duclian bcccwsa ai iiie ieng iine lag belwee ar priecs Uius, iiie eiieeiai ac iiie Lanaan Center vemneni (alumina; and inaweii.“(é) car Yrnde Policy iieeeaiei. wrcie: “Whealsurpluxzs aie gmwirig mpidiy According ie pwsem trends Slmgking arable iana my :wid reaci. 7o niiiian mm wiiinin Ma The yean. inieinaiianai eeieai uccuvd, eaneiaaea during in me urea ai cereals, which an: Uh: mcior (and Dhe Kzmiedy riegaliafimis, iaiiea becuux: resuurce exparied an ine wciia murke), mi: move- neriicari be clearly iaiiawea inc world exparr e inainienanee. The Eiice cl wimi ii.e.e— price aiwheai had baen aimi Mnp rinlicecbly icieiei Arid wirin Fol ng i 25 whm i 90 since we niiaaie at me me price index be‘ WF mos. re increasing y a: av Feed, (based an ion in was) was 94 in and <70 in my weaken i. w7o.(7> we w. er in. put: ereeiee' “Ts new ng Under iieee conditions, sic-ck: as a ver— ceniaee olv/odd exports caaie enly increase, as iaaie i inaiceiea. Fiannnai pairiroi-i, iiie arvicurii ine cereal exporters, me big capilalist farmers, of iene mn wiin wneai was enongiy reduced /»\;~ ahviously were not win; ia waie around For me ccrdingfozeriuirisourvas, between ms and W7!) Furmcfion as surpiuses exceeding 79 million tons. Aasiiaiie, me United Sula, Canada, and Aiaen— The evaluriuri of me wheutsmcks held by iiie ex- liria aecieaaec me amount of iana cn wnien wneai poriins Cmmlriel (Argentina, Aunmliu Canada, was cianiea by 39 niiiien ucre1.(S‘, A:


WHEAY (in in?” HS D5 mm) sioeks of Slogkx V“ exporters wenia weiia vie» arexpomrs as " Export: ducfion aeieeniage ai. U5‘ Cw“ x?,'a‘i‘n &’J’e’i'ii‘.n"°' Total shu'E(|7 siaiem 1964/65 46,‘ 7‘ .5 W25 50.3 277 92 V7 i9A5/66 46.2 22.3 V417 59.7 257 77 17 1966/57 33.4 V4.5 H .4 52.8 3113 63 II l‘?67/65 35.| 11.5 |5.7 472 299' 7‘ K2 I‘?68/6? 4U.é 14.7 IE I 43.7 337 93 V2 K965’/70 6U,6 22.3 23.2 4-EJ 315 V26 W W770/7] 63.7 2I1.| 27,5 50.3 318 127 2D ‘WK/71 48.5 V9.5 20.0 SL2 354(2) 96 14 V972/73 29.0 73.5 16.0 67.6 346(2) 43 8.5 V973/74 20.7 H .6 I0.D 64.7 373(2) 32 55 in Open neck: (2) Calendar year: W7\, I972,eim Inns and 71m1111un mm In l970and W71 .1101 The $5,171.02) ra be sure, saeealanaa — by Japanese affects of these resrriclioru aka reflezred ?n 0!- .5, among others, whn lespanded to Amerv me “v1: amount at when! harvested. see... Implriulkm by playing 9...... of massive sVi7-nu\aIe5 2.2.40 1.. 1973 («er Argcnfinn, Aamaria, The evolufiiun 1e..a stacks -.5, Lana ma uvem” oi — ma. Czmada, me original six Can-mon Nhrkcf eaaames, In M NH: has 5:! reserve — uavea mare. alsa been AFricu, ard me 11.. a Stmex). The price or cakuluved French uulhon. 1>.e saw. bysome mala are wem .+..a..e>. Ike dizzying increase. The c0r1vin:ing and VuN:Hy me Vendencks com mm: aamm meaea Tndex er 1.. wurld export price .eaa1.ea cereals aa..aemea1111. (myvoo) eurfier as far :3 are 92 1" 17.517, no 1" 1979, we in 1971, 111 in 1972, 121 1..1<773, and 2:1 in .1... Fvsfquurler cl 1974,7131

111 mm: 11.1. exa1a.aa.. nnly the LANE UNDER anee eaara eaeamge ea..- :uL11vAr1oN rana ma» baa |yTr1g 1... r1'1H1'avu uf71ec¢crex}“ nausa ta begin culnvnfing been 1a11aw. we P1merTcun government men e|TmTr1cved as/as as/av 519/70 711/71 71 /72 me ~.aana..a1 lurvd»quo0u syflem .'pase1na a new raw saw was 1.. 17721 1.. 1eawe me producers con-nplelc 7.1 11.1 <7 order «. 3.5 3.1: 5 7.7 H11: 7.3 Freedom N: draw prom: cm exec — riunuHy ...a.Le¢ 1.. 1974, '1 acre .4 hectare ma» wana prices. subm- dics Va. 1eav1..g 1a..a rauaw were erwaaea. me, 1.. caaaaa '07 ma 1973-74 huh/=9 me a.ea em- vexed increusad 1a-7., but y1e1a intreuxed only 274. Yhese xeven: r=s9r'1:0imIs 1.. me area 0! 1a»a under 1.. me Ur17!edSra9es me equivulenf name were I:U\rIvuHon'1nee.aa: 1.. me uanea s.a¢e., 1434 and less ».a.. ave There 1. aa duubi Mu? a and Canada eum..1a.ea a price incrcusa mama. new subs y in Fuflaw ‘and wm be eaaaea as soon Yunher uccenvuuved by me eambznea eueaa erseme as as... .a..a1aae.... I95 a1wbean1..ea.a..anee aaamaaal cams. reducrian of ee.ea1 prnducriun Yzvek aangueasry. same Sax/1:9 Urfion in 1<771—72, w 1ea ma 113511 to nuke 1a.._.e purchases on me ea.1a rmfxtf, ::|i'mV7: ebaaaes rhur occurred throughout mar of Ma1.1...e.a.. .re1 Long—Ierm polity 1772 nd whuse enema were slmn5\y .. 1773. imaw .e..~ monsoom 1.. Va.» urea: afAs1o causing Tb. bod Parvuh of 1772 worsened the shortage. 1-edutfions 17. pmducficn of rzee a-.a o gmwrh in 1.. can, wnrld when! pmducfiun 1.. 1:772 was 23; demand For cereals as replacements; mag demand 1a.. Vban 1. had bee1'1TrxW7V;rim1 pmducriun was 1.. me coumries in me zunlexl of the Likewke, cam predutfion a.a;.aea hum 19724: boom, em. 3175.51 ....11:a.. m.1..1«771 Va 3.21.37 m:u1a.. runs 1.. 1972, Nevertheless, men :1 a..e ca-vbine: the me... 11ee.aI1ysky7aa1

ine e reseller "nutuml eelernr lea“ eredeeed by lilne eeleer cell (In riee eredeenen) ei I972-73, elinrerie is eendrlrere er pepnleiion gruwlh ii sei- allliough lereely lie result eihed weerher, was Ficienl to eenpere link Figure of we niil en mm wiih eerrly caused by ereeedine dewnewing in rlie rnillien e price s runs ecwheel needed during me next bmughl en by sfi|1ear|i2rxurp|uses." in rhe eiglil nrenflgby lndi“e,'lTeledeslr, Tanzania, end ma wdrld export eriee index reeehed e record ei was rlie sehel cmmtries end resided by ilre experline eeeniriei This delieereie ereenizelien el enderpredeelion ei - e lime when rhe ‘World is eeerliee lernine, “ The eeeelien leire ilre lernine is ee- iliele ihel now eerdine ie ihe cxpressian .sed by rneny expend, nee eff: ' tens rni of inhabilunix lndien ei re enlre been carried but in erlrerseelers es well. ines, el- eubeenrinenc end rhe sehel is sirnp Nblrheeienisrn H-iuugh «he luck of eninrel prenein end deiry eredeee in lhe imperialist pies flue Vhe cwn reilere el is ene ei lhe iridieeliere nfunderfeedfns end nel- se-eelled green reyeleeren in ilre selviicaloriiul eeren. neiriiien, ihe Nuhhusiari policy developed wirhin lrzes, lhe cenenen Nnrkerwus seeh lliei rlie rrernber er milk cwws eeeed rrern 22.1 rn'llien in lvea lo 2i .2 In exerninire rhe nrenieeleriere of the eereel xecloi rnillien in end 2 n.ll:en in I?77.(lAl durirg «he pdxf iew yams, ir must be nered iherder- Examples couldmi,be niel plied. ll Iha iwelye ehe nereiellen ine pflsl ers in uniied sreree elene exaggemlinn re erreri ihei ilie rnilliens erhenen ebeel 52.5 ien ereble lend lei‘ MT: eeres cf were beings wlie ere ilnreerened wilh sieryerien dering {allow in R:-7eneweri< er llie eenlieeiien of eeri- eernine rnenihe will have been murdered by rlie pref- eelnnel pl:grulm.(V4] unired Stare: eleys the e it lewe cf 9h: marker eeenerny. decifivo rele on he werld coed market: u.s. ticipclion in world exclmnge ofsecondury eereelspa- xlund: at clbau) 50% e: Hie roml; lerwheel lee l‘ig~ T: 5034, is For Smangling eredeeneiry er. ii 9534 myu end 55.5% forxoya redder (Figure; ier |972-73). aer Nelrhneie ‘sm Aeeerdine to seerelery Boerma, ihe lelel lakes nin- en e new dirnereien when ene company: me ber ei neeele nowlie enderred eilieieni willie.-ewn ere eeen- anus hen. eredeelinn in u red'sieres liiiesaffoodsniilx end lhus under- I: ienereyl er lhiel amounts to ebeer half eeeelelien. ll.e er Ecencu-riic ceeeerei n end oe- Manda meleneyieee, in ihe veloomellf emrrre~ “Ylme lack oeleber i974.l flan?er dyne er wlreer FAO published sledy eendeeied by llie Leaguewe market: e expel! aim among rhe elennnls ilier er Neriens W34-as whieli elrrrrned 7led we In lhereyereee me unired sleree redeee by ilie In ene-ieerlh per capiiu eereernpnen ended in me eeenrries lend ender eelriveeien in was end 191:9, n. ihir ii rher lheri repreenied ewe-ilrirds wf lieneniry wax is edded «lie lends Ikal ereyieeeiy dnvoted were la iniufflciank lo rneinndin e henren beingi neelrliy eelriyelien end lieye elre eiellrer ereps been eendirien. Ar llre end er «he lhe dimmer drewn f-mm cullivation, lhe was iomi eernes reebeel el in. FAQ deciuledz “ll is exuggzrufiori re 2o illien hectares (about million willin- ne sa acres) sndre rher Mo rnen er rliree xufler lmm hen- drewn here eel eiedeelien, which is, eerlreee by en ger."(V7) ilirn, lheeeli in reelni irenle even pruglexs he ee. eidenee, slielirly rnere lhen lha lend ereerieellerel eredeee been lebelees, eelnvered wiili in the he cen- new varieties erere lee irelirni lees pmvell 0F begin- developud ieelrineeeeele even colmvriex.“( sl riirlg lo msolve ihe crucial prelelern er hungtln ln ' eddilien ie rlier, in one irnrnediere Fumre ihe diese- in indie Pakistan ' cerieenenlly, er incl-eased cem- nees eiseels of ilre irvcrease in wheat, xecmidary nrereiel under the nei eerieelnnel producfian eereels, end riee going In hii ender— «he "green revolution“ is ihe price ere lb: elieeis er slrenellienine develaped couniries lull ieree, eeenrriee whnse ihe werld l-narkdfari eiieee er eredeelien dependence on .he rneier GOP regard Iexs of «he needs N1: pepulofieilefi u:ma| er rries can only expand, as lhe rellewing ieble or ilres beiween 192.4 1959 in end riee sieele me net inner»: end as, may wera often is ullutcy (Pumd

H-we snuneges, bulafcaplmli famrchy, ufibe lmaaas great In fhaf as leducflnrl in zullivmad land in - as me “lama: me l-mrkla ml plvdu n, dTxm'bu- W70. aw H-was: emlwaes gave rise on an extruarv mm, and u Iizafion ai lemlszaa. It cauld be dTvlury xpeculurive npnrnfion fave ng Hue manop~ added that uh Tzellnn as Ike surplus produtrive aa— uliu that are me see aemol exporters ln ma unnesl euelly sllul has slppeumd loduy ln the uulemelsile Stars. The negofialiem bciween W: USSR and ma Tndustry (more man 25%! wwld perm N1: pmdu:- uaalea Slate: look pla:e in July-August 1972. we Men as mulea ees;aneu to uh VIC slle minimum as seyse» Urllun ptomised 70 buy at leass 5750 miliicm corborlx) for l n pumps or lsaclaa, wen» afwlseul ana recelved a ssao mllllaa credll s.-em me United Slates. llwosla expon eslces are excl-nlned, it can be seen that may varied very HM: duving these rxegolluliors, but irlcleussd sharply Population, climate, Soviet purchases wlln me end as slne direct negorlulinrls bzfwcerl me So»/Tc) she Firms (as we Like Wugrleriun leilmotiv, three lhenea have Union anu exeamaa end u me Firs! A been syszemanaally Ouken in “2xpll:ln" and as week usA.-gnu»). large wuss of samea up ex» H-lusc ma us We — lens! elueuly rind la fim mg cxpofllng can-I- euee" auallulaslsyslem H15 in H1: exacerbation at me camlne puaalunua, panlu and who lhus dTd no? know uea.» negotia- clTmal‘e, and milxsive wheat purclwams by 25-: Sovicl ru — aelayasecl their karvur cl! relufively low unlan. prices We aamuanlas (aunau, Cargill, Corlfinel-l~ ml cmln, Cook lnuussny, Louis Dreyfus, Gama: 75 Gralrl, re ll nes sa make lengthy the ale.) recelved govenlmenlsubsidles re- aummena V rleceiiary an pie sh lh¢Trslo:l

As cl?»-are, logical Fur for lethno uossieslmes exixt Failure as the “green rezolufion” uamally modlfylng ulsmuns condl ma (e.g., me ex» uensnena in dexallmling xea wales For purposes us The Ma araylauu world luau aansereneex were held aalzaa, ele). But we solulian is ael as a lean- under we sign as me "gleen revolufiorl The nL7|a(;Tcol T7op order. Rene oamum has wrihen on ma rlmlsm al ma technicians reigned. This me, scar “From lrldiu su aungluslesn more man a third was «he lullare el «hi; smaller: revolullun Mal as Mal lobar unused, leal uuly 27% of cu red amylaaa the bockdmp For the world feud cnnfzrerlce. lnasan land .5 mlaaleu, as agam 77% oFChlrlese umble land." (Le Nnnde, Aam 3, W74.) la oddi- The same at llnls revolufion wax pmven by me fig- sen me l - lluryeal: slua, me corwequevlcesofdrwghls or bad mumuum me: ncereal lD4.7mi|lian could be Iargel)/reduced ls me anlszussan and dis- sum ln W72, 95 nnalllon lens ln l97a nlse year as dmughl). Tne Fourfll Plan, ln use - n as harvests, and all agricultural ayaaae u wMch znded March W74, culled 129 nan ax well, cenlmllx planned an a can mnml sasu ptaducfion al .. mm. We The Harvest as is eslamaleu mlllla» Vans. crwcrld male. The response le «malls in Ch a! ma wnaan is llne evellmclshieved ln snuugll was given an lwo levcls lsreulien and planning ml, ayea al amauaeaan and asmaeanan as naryesa, ms, me papal n nee reused aaan year. Acwrding the siwufiorl was eli lnaleu in which then vculd In all available nsannallun, mom mun one-{Mid as me 550 mil as Ind in be sumlne In ane useylnee and .elallye abundunca .un inhabitants are a very and spewlalive stockpiling in enemas, neighbenna pvecufioux smunan. Yb: asesenses x leruugm out provinze. the elaaleal wnhndiclium es the "green revoluiiorl" mm more sharply. sanally, what ubalnthe suyses mas (chases? rim, lmm me standpoint as ugriculhlral lealmaluay, Yh pact an the redua stocks-ionwa mlu Tis revoluvinn involved a very mall me cvfulilizr ii-aaari agg. While the lute lla aillaag la ag garrraailaaaa) aria arr iraa em gaaaial varievies cl craaa amount of fallaw land (bgaaugg of rlrg raaa remain: lawn, goa.lwas lurgelysllpe- r yuwlr\§)F mar iswhal is av Obs um or of laaa araaaallarr in mis rggian. (25)

Bur mg ex? :m:7:s cf rlr.g aaaiialisi murkev arg un- l. rga, wlr..lg mg saligl wax Faced with a lgrriblg famirlt, a capitalist alrgrrgivg wt: vlngbd rlrarg aimed avdevelapirvgrarralrgs agsigrrgd la ralra young axgr. la be axpanzd ra mg advanced gaallalisr Lllion" by ma prltl rrraraaga l:mmlrias1Why° lagaaarg llrg use ai “Irllerwul?om‘.l| ga to rim mg rr.arar aarriaa aid“ For mg aaraag of asmring some level ar irriga- irrsaariglaga, aarag» riar. aria mg al algaa laaar force makes mg , gra. use a rra, (van aglara the arag laral non of mising oxen in sgrigaal, Nlagr, aria h-rigumd Iundx aaala make Upper valla rwenry times lga marl in mg uriirga iqagg. Bu! marg larraa grg ll Slates‘. (sag Afriqua-Asin, December 245,197 .) landlurds (47% ar Fnmi ga rlrg circle as criminal absuldify ima which aaairal» gag aarg ai land) ar uF:nphuI— isra ha) drawn mg irrrgrnailarral ncanumy irr mar la rag lava ar mg markll closed! rrggar llrg raral aapalanari, . ai ra nuke lhemselves Fell arr mg argagrrragrrgrallzga reczlsinn hm alrgaay :un— rfibuled loxbdxirg mg "crarfi ify“ al mg cupTlul- in xysiem. llig :umbTru:I7un of mi; reoessiurl wim ll alaariaalrarg lava mg rrar— mg ilqragkgr 9 of aarlgalraral arlagr A w mg markzfai aarigallaral pru— lesulfingsuciul agragaagrrggs, evtrl irr mg lmperil:l- rla Tn . alalg agargasg mg rmd is! wumries (nbwl 7 milliarr aaaalg arg in load- Ts ' land, ulmm buf- aia lr. mg ted sraogr Tlself) — w be , 'nn al gr aaararra u Fur ‘ arrara aaa arrag raargaags yet arramgr glgargrrl a leclivgly denouncing V capl- ‘ |rK= . pmducls ferrillzus, rarar arraralry aria la grlrrga. ; glg.l. lzaral irrrgrrialaymgrrr The rrgaarriry gr aarariar. revolution can only ag ll available buylng power lglr mm evergrvcter fame: A aarr ar ma ugri=uL V cgragaaarrrly, arirralaaa raral surplus (aaw by landed . consumed pmprieml: ilrg agriaultuml setklr do aar ordiluted (‘award Illa world mafia!) must be di- rs far rraaaiaararaa irraasrry mmed ink: pmdunlive invasrmnn; We rlarieml pend only verysliqhtly. markets must be uni led and cunlmllsd, rum! unem- . =rl rlrg arawm ar mg raral ploymcrll and undarompluynnmmust a. gllrrrrialgcl, mg larla arid the argariaa aaa mg lgvel al cansumpflon in mg Mal areas must mal irraalarrag. ll‘: bg irlcyeused. gamgrrl— delerminod by ‘.542! mare and more directly Given uwurld mal i. conning iarasag, ii is an im- is 70-13! rramgraaa mar rrrgalarg hislurlc rrgag m we! up ul. a aarla scale of landed propllzmls A irr- an economic xystevn baud arr callecfive prupcrly war gaaraala, actually u:- in mg rrgara of araaaariaa. lr. Saar. a §ys|em, op- rrrgrir card does rrar induoe hmwvl arawm will be considered baginnirvg fmm mg available lagasrllas. la g 'u| and political rrgagaily (also aramaalg aaa~ mg aaaragr ai rragrars. rrmvlicully in mg medium are larrg teml far ilag . uther raaa araaaga hm who}: al lira wmld gaarrarayl (ara lrarargr arwgalm . mg paienfiui araaaarrrg From mg "aveldeveluped" In lhe “und:|develepsd“ gaarir-riga, a hunsferlhulwill am at all involve a fell in mg living standards an mg workers mg iaraga iairaaaariarr ai jnhel rrragr rlra ‘jgaairarrrgrar Ihc wurld ndvurccd aaarariga, bulwill ml aaamary ai lgaa and lkztivn irrgrgaag ac la) reduclian ra a qualilullve quun cmsei a marg living slundurds. r so in mm aragr ra ' lar mg purchase of December 31, l 974 . rarigg, mg pecsams Foch-lots: up subsisterm: funw tnlcflon 0! mg soil (by l. See Erich H. Juoob\/‘sarlicle in Lg Maaag draught iwliialr ullwod la.r.aria..g, December lm. 2. 5:" mm: American, sepiemim im, p.613. smdy entitled "L: "niche monaiaie d5 cérémles 3. Article by Michel Cépoda ii. L: Maud: Bipla- at du mini," text an mieiem we in Nny I974 mi ..=, iii... me. baiaru mg Fédérariovi national: pamine, swim. A. lbid, unicle by H. Carter. i2. Busing. Week index. 5. Soume: Rapport .i pclspeclvcssur 1:; pioauiis I3, L: commerce imernatimvulg en I973—7A, op cit. W73-74, Raine, ism. Clhid ii. an article H. Piobiemzmomiquu, my i4,i974. no, "Ln remimicm imuiiumipii by JJ’. Eenrand devoted In 5094 X’:- i5. Yudelmun Nbnlogue, mm" in L‘Observuveurde l'OCDE, June 1577!. serves. In: .5. ha oommelce international: an 1973-74. Gen» V6. Nauvellas .1: palifique ugiicaie cammme, eml agleermn! an Iurifs, Genava, W74, mimeogmph, January W74 p.30. cmm i7. Mich=|Cépede: La Palm, PUF, 1970, p.73. 7. lbid, p.27. VB, Ecurm D:cember'W74. 3. Cited byE. Harsclw, lnreiconvin-Mal pm, i9. ciimicui and Engineering News, July 5,i<774. December 16,1974. 20. Ybiil. 9. "Le: pmblérnes des reserve olivi-nnkxins rmrr Z]. L: Mme Diplcmarique, October im. diules"i1i mbiem Ecavnoflliqufi, July ZA,W7A, 22. Colin Clark, Abondancn el Famine, Stock, p.4. iwi, p.i4-s. iii. A. Aikzrnzy: “Punonmc de la production de 2:. SSIGHYIFIGAWHHCEH, up ch pigmieiew in Problems Eucnumiques, 24. iiy J.P. Berlari, up :2 mien; cm in Fa O<:vuberZ8,l‘771, p.23. 25. 5.: Qnfisa murrifde neenfixfriquz, ii, Cited by J.P. Berlun ma J.P. Eervmnd in u Nospém, Pork, I774.

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a journal of the world revplutionary marxist movement

54 zai»...m,.u..ui=i.. fimé Greduviherr, 3; HA mmm, ima . sm..ii., Vnulmene .,,¢...s¢ ,2 ii..«.»¢.,