Human Ethology Bulletin

VOLUME 11, ISSUE 4 ISSN 0739-2036 DECEMBER 1996

© 1996 The International Society for Human Ethology

SOCIETY NEWS will remain Membership Chair for another year, and Glenn Weisfeld will stay on as Blliletin editor for the next two years. If you Report on ISHE Business Meeting feel that you could assume one of these positions, contact the Secretary.

By Karl Grammer, Secretary The Secretary gave a report on the status of the WWW Server. At the moment At the business meeting of the Society there are 300-900 hits a day, with a rising at the Vienna congress a number of items were tendency. The possibility was discussed of discussed. The Secretary gave a brief report on giving each member a personal page. This the finances of the Society and the number of would mean that we would have to reorganize members. Basically finances look good. The the server, which could be done in the spring of number of members is stable at 300 whose dues 1997. If this is a possibility, we will announce are current and 115 members who have lapsed it in the Bulletin. We will at least try to post memberships. (Reminder: Renew your a membership list, with the possibility of membership, or you might miss the many direct e-mail. The Secretary also pointed out interesting things that are coming up in ISHE.) that the ISHE server has a feature that is not used very often by the members. This is the The President gave a report on ISHE's "Forum," which is arguably the only forum financial status as a "tax-exempt corporation." remaining for unedited speech on evolutionary This problem has arisen with the transfer of theories and issues. For more infonnation check the ISHE treasury from Europe to the US. A decision on this status is pending. For this 1. reason the members voted in favor of a change in wording of Articles 2 and 3 of the The next ISHE biennial congress will Constitution, which now makes an explicit take place in August 1998 at Simon Fraser statement about ISHE being a not-far-profit University in Vancouver, British Columbia, organization. Canada. It is being organized by the next President, Charles Crawford. The millenium We also discussed possible changes in congress will take place at the University of the Bulletin, such as including short versions of Salamanca, Spain and hosted by Francisco empirical articles. No decisions were taken. Abati. The discussion touched on the issue of if and how ISHE might establish a formal Finally, issues regarding students of relationship with a journal. The alternative of human ethology were discussed. The members making a research journal out of the Bulletin agreed to encourage more students to study was rejected. human ethology and that the Society should take the initiative in this endeavC'- 11 'it\.;. [i.e In the near future several positions will Young Investigator Prize was a ,- this become vacant in the Society. Nancy Segal direction. n' I" I"""" 2

Election Results ARTICLE

Linda Mealey was elected Vice- INBREEDING AND MALE Presdient/President-Elect of ISHE. She will continue to serve as Chief Book Review Editor WARFARE: Gene Selection and for the time being. Cultural Transmission

Charles Crawford assumes the By Mark Nelissen, Behavioural Biology, Presidency, replacing Bill Charlesworth. University of Antwerp (RUCA), Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerpen, Barbara Fuller was re-elected Belgium. Treasurer. In his excellent book Matt Ridley (1994) All are three-year terms beginning in gives a very good exposition about the relation January 1997. between the origin of warfare and the abduction of women, but gives no explanation Congratulations to all. with regard to selection pressure, adaptation and so on. Wilson and Sober (1994) claim that human behaviour can no longer be explained Editorial when the forces of are ignored. Here, as a mental exercise, I want to present a On behalf of the Society, I wish to hypothesis about tl1e evolution of warfare and thank Bill Charlesworth for his service to try to explain it without using group selection. ISHE as President for the last three years. He has been a very active President, performing Evolution of Xenophilia many tasks unknown to most of the members but benefiting us greatly nevertl1eless. From paleontological, archeological, primatological, and anthropological data, we Bill has represented ISHE to other know that the ancestors of modern humans groups and figures in the field. Whenever lived in well structured but isolated groups. possible, he has consulted with other officers Most probably these groups were restricted to and members, to ensure that his views were some tens of individuals and were representative of Society sentiment. He has characterized by substantial individual kept things going, and doubtless has extended recognition. our influence. Bill's 1qlowledge of German has helped keep our m!'!llbership feeling 1£ reproduction was confined to the group, united. His formal and at a lot of inbreeding resulted. Groups with too our conventions has been greatly appreCiated. much inbreeding developed an impoverishment In particular, he has alerted us to the decline in pI their genetic constitution. Too many the use of naturalistic observation in recent recessive detrimental alleles were brought years, anelL-has advocated renewed use of this together in homozygous combination, and thus essential methodology. expressed their phenotype. Moreover, too little variation in the gene pool resulted in One excellent example of Bill's reduced resistance to parasites. Groups with dedication to ISHE and human ethology has such a constitution were condemned to been his tireless and patient efforts to gain us disappear. On the other hand, groups that not-for-profit status. This has been extremely evolved med1anisms against inbreeding could tedious and prolonged, but he has stuck with it. grow and split up into smaller groups, each of them getting the same anti-inbreeding A little-known provision in the Society mechanisms and thus also the possibility of allows former officers to ren1ain involved in growing, splitting up, dispersing, and so on. Board matters. Bill may have forgotten that This could only happen if those mechanisms hi" 1'.-,rs will not end with tl1e new year. We were transmitted from one generation to the will LI.. ,'€ to harass him with requests for next. This transmission can be explained by two favors ana . conlplementary systems: 3

-The existence of a gene, or set of genes, coding very unlikely. Instead, abductions were for a phenotype that is expressed as sexual probably performed by several males acting aversion to individuals with whom one grew cooperatively. Such coalitions could perform up, generally brothers and sisters. Indeed, raids on neighbouring groups to abduct one or nowadays such a gene is considered to reduce more women. incest, as suggested by Westennarck (1891); The number of abducted women was _ the existence of a gene, or set of genes, coding probably smaller than the number of male for a phenotype that is expressed as an raiders, so the question arises why men were increased sexual attraction to strange prepared to contribute their services to other individuals, meaning individuals not belonging lllen in such a risky enterprise. There are two to the same group. A gene for such a xenophilic possible explanations, both assuming that all attraction can be called 'XEN'. The existence of men joining the raid were XEN carriers: such a gene is not unlikely: there is a genetic basis for sexual attraction released by the The raiding men may have been relatives, external stimuli of another individual, and which is likely in an isolated group: the outsiders can be distinguished from group inbreeding that was the selective pressure to members. If enough time is available, these seek new genetic material may have also factors could be linked genetically. if this caused the spread of XEN within the phenotype leads to extra-group fertilizations, . population. Close kinsmen may have engaged inbreeding can be CQillltered by sufficient fresh in cooperative raids out of kin altruism. genetic material being added to the group. Alternatively, perhaps all of the men, The first mechanism, the aversion gene, each with the XEN genotype, discovered, can work in any isolated group. This is not true accidentally or through insigh t, the for the second mechanism, the XEN: it only has advantages of cooperative abductions. This power when contact is established with practice would then have spread by cultural individuals of other isolated groups. Such transmission. In fact, this discovery rna y have contact requires one of two conditions: either been an offshoot of the evolution of cooperative the two groups must be close to each other at hunting, which was also performed by early least temporarily, or there must be direct humans. physical contact between individual males of one group and females of the other. The first Various observations support the notion of condition can easily be fulfilled in a nomadic a genetic basis for male cooperation in existence. For the second condition there are at abducting females: least two possible solutions: _ The same behaviour can be fOlU1d in other • Males and females can leave their own group species. Coalitions of male chimpanzees and emigrate to another group, and find sex sometinles conduct violent campaigns against partners there. This kind of migration males of another troop. Males and old females introduces genetic innovation and occurs in are killed, and young females are captured several monkeys and apes, whereby, depending (Goodall, 1986). on the species, young males or females leave the group in whim they were born. • The Yanornamo Indians in Venezuela only make war on neighbouring tribes to capture • Individuals of one group can'kidnap sexual women (Chagnon, 1986). This has been reported partners from another group. As we know from for other peoples too. fossil material, most females were less muscular than most males, so the number of • In many cultures the number of female female abductors stealing male partners must prisoners of war is mum higher than would be have been small. However, it would not have expected on the basis of pure military been easy to kidnap females, because the males considerations. of the target group would have guarded their women intensively. Thanks to these factors, XEN and abduction behaviour could have spread ; t the Abduction ofWomen by Coalitions of Men beginning in the original group. - !ater in groups that were split off ,. .. Spreading Successful abductions by only one man are was made possible 1..,- of XEN, 4 and so of the strong motivation to copulate with Modem Conditions strange women, and by cultural transmission of the formation of alliances among several men to The effects of XEN and wife stealing perform raids on a strange group.. However, have not disappeared. XEN is still inherited, group selection would not have been mvolved. even tllOugh the selection pressure by which it could spread more than a million years ago has gone: in our technological world there are very It should be remarked that XEN can only few isolated groups. Societies overlap more spread when the right circumstances for it and more, and there is n1uch international exist, namely the practice of abduction migration. The danger of inbreeding has been behaviour that was developed by the group greatly reduced. However, a gene does not initially and later passed on. This is the so- disappear that easily. called Baldwin effect. If a group was isolated for a long time from other groups, making The existence of XEN in our genotype can abduction behaviour and its cultural be confirmed by the fact that many men are transmission impossible, the behavior could sexually attracted to unfamiliar women. have been reinvented in later generations and Today, these women are no longer to be found in reinforced by selective benefit, as the neighbouring, isolated groups, but rather in inheritance of XEN would not have been other races. Indeed, television and travel stopped by isolation of the group. prevent us from defining groups in the way our ancestors did, and so unfamiliar 'neighbours' Evolution of Xenophobia and Warfare are no longer recognized. The definition of being unfamiliar now refers to having a The further XEN was spread, the more different racial identity. For instance, Asian abductions of women took place. This behavior women are often more attractive to white men may have led to the evolution of aggression than white women are. White slavery is a toward raiding groups: xenophobia. Groups painful example of this phenomenon. Perhaps that did not resist raids of alien men would romances during foreign vacations are a less have suffered a shortage of reproductive dramatic manifestation of XEN. capacity. Here again, a gene for xenophobia could only spread if it were expressed in Raids and abductions of women are gone, multiple men and women who defended their as far as their original basis is concerned. The group cooperatively. Group defence may have behaviour became unnecessary, and it was been developed by insight and passed on to condemned by human sense, another product of later generations by cultural transmission. And and the actual motor of again, we are not dealing with group selection . However, warfare which but with natural selection of a gene (or set of evolved from the phenotype of XEN is not gone. genes) and cultural transmission. It has been retained by cultural transmission. In fact, it was enhanced by additional benefits: Group defense would have been intensely warfare became a means to acquire things that aggressive. Inhibition of aggression, which is increased reproductive potential, such as common in communities of relatives, would not material goods, land, and knowledge. Warfare have been advantageous. Alien groups would became an economic phenomenon. On top of have constituted sourCes of competing genes. that, warfare enabled the expression of the xenophobic gene. And so warfare also became During later periods of , an ethnic and racist phenomenon. The fact that isolated groups must have grown into larger material gains are merely a secondary function entities, making isolation less severe. By of warfare is indicated by conflicts between exchanging a nomadic life for a sedentary, groups of apes tl1at do not expand their agricultural life, people founded settlements in territory or home range. places rich in natural resources. These favourable places also attracted other groups, Evolution often leaves vestigial structures leading to large, neighbouring settlements. As or behaviors that have lost their function. groups grew, the magnitude of raids and This holds for extra-group or stolen abductions grew and, by , of defence fertilizations such as occur in every war. TI1ese strategies. Large-scale warfare had been born. are useless as a mechanism to prevent 5 inbreeding, but their ubiquity indicates the Westermarck, E. (1891). The History of Hnlllan existence Df XEN in Dur genDtype and the Marriage. New York: Macmillan. pDssibility that they acquired a new functiDn. Rape cDuld have become a weapDn Df war. The WilsDn, D. S. & SDber, E. (1994). Reintroducing enemy's fitness was reduced by raping his group selection to the human behavioral women. Perhaps this behaviour can be sciences. Behavioml & Brain Sciences, 17, 585- eradicated by enlightening men eveywhere 654. abDu t the dreadful emDtiDnal and psychological consequences of this war weapon. LDDking tD the Future KILLERS AND Lastly, if we are IDDking fDr mechanisms VICTIMS that prevent inbreeding in iSDlated grDups, shDuld we nDt cDnsider the pDssibility Df Interview of and coDperatiDn between groups? Is it pDssible fDr groups A and B tD at least tempDrarily tmite on homicide intD Dne grDup C bDth tD increase their reproductive potential and to prevent By Frans Roes inbreeding? 111is is very unlikely because Df Lauriergracht 127-II tWD DbjectiDns: 1016 RK Amsterdam The Netherlands • in group C inbreeding can arise again, albeit after a IDnger time than in A and B, as its Martin Daly and MargD WilsDn wDrked critical mass is larger; but sooner or later a new for much of their careers with monkeys and fusiDn Df C+D tD fDrm E wDuld be necessary; mice, but nDwadays they are mainly knDwn for their research Dn hDmicide. AmDng their many • men Df group A have tD yield their WDmen tD publicatiDns is Homicide (AIdine de Gruyter, B and vice versa, which offers them no fitness 1988). The fDllDwing interview tDDk place at gain. FDr bDth grDupS, increasing the number Df the 1996 cDnference Df the Human BehaviDr and women in the own group is advantageous, not EVDlution SDciety in EvanstDn, IllinDis, USA. sharing them. Why did you investigate 1/llIrder? This reasoning is valid for the men in a group. WDmen dD nDt gain from raids and MW: We had different ideas and hypDtheses abductiDns Df men, because they need be about interpersonal conflicts, for instance fertilized by Dnly Dne man at a time. WDmen marital cDnflict, sexual cDnflict, parent- can f however, gain from cooperation betvveen or Dffspring cDnflict, and cDnflicts in a cDmpetitive fusiDn Df groups. Increasing the number Df men setting too. We were trained in animal increases a woman's possibilities for mate behaviour, and we have maybe an innate chDice, and hence her chance Df finding better distrust of what peDple say. genes. Perhaps this underlies the universal fact that WDmen are less warlike than men. AbDut sexual cDnflict, a long time agD I thDught, well, maybe we can gD tD shelters Df battered References women and talk tD the WDmen, but then we thDught: ND, whD is using these facilities? It ChagnDn, N. (1988). Life histDries, blDDd, is a very biased sample. If YDU knDW befDre revenge and warfare in a tribal population. what way the bias is gDing, then YDU can deal Science, 239, 935-992. with it, but we did nDt knDW.

GDDdall, J. (1986). The Chimpanzees of GOII/be. One day we were moving from CalifDrnia tD Cambridge, Mass.: Press. McMaster in Canada and came thrDugh DetrDit, and we thDught, my GDd, the murder capital Df Ridley, Matt. (1994). Tile Red Qlleen. Sex and America', why don't we use hDmicide? All the evollltion of hllman natllre. New YDrk: cases get reported and investigated, SD there is Penguin BDDks. nD bias in the sample. 6

We contacted the chief of police in Detroit; he across the animal kingdom is that high had a Ph.D. in sociology and was very variance in outcomes and high rewards for interested in research, and he said "Yes, come!" being a winner, and high probability for being a So we went there (the first time in our life we total loser, in combination select for higher risk were in a police station), looked at the competition tactics. Perhaps it is worth saying, information he had, and realized we could do a in trying to explain this argument, that the ton of things. woman who stays out of trouble and keeps her nose clean is likely to have successful In your book you give statistical data 011 victim- pregnancies; a male who merely keeps out of killer relatiollships, for illstallce how oftcll mell trouble is likely to die celibate, and dying kill other mell, how oftell parellts kill offsprillg celibate is no better than dying young trying and the other way around, how oftell males kill harder from a natural selection perspective. females, females males, etc. YOll write in YOHr book that yOH were amazed fa discover that 110 You shaw that co-offenders are six times more olle had ever compared all observed distributioll likely to be blood relatives than victim- of victim-killer relatiollships to what was killas. Willi is this something yOll would expected ill the ligllt of allY sort of theory of expect? illterpersonaI COllflict. Arc yOll saying thai, except for your OWIl there actually is 110 M 0: The prevailing criminological model, theory of homicide? insofar as there was an explicit one for who is likely to kill whom, is an opportunity model. MD: Homicide research has been dominated by Obviously you are not going to get into conflict sociologists who are interested in what they with people you don't interact with. The more call 'Inacra-social determinants of variation in often and intensely you interact with them, the gross homicide rates'. Another group of more opportunity for conflict to arise. We homicide researchers has been psychiatrists wanted to say, yes, obViously there is a lot of interested in 'abnormal perpetrators'. But there truth to that, but over and above that, given a ha, been very little attention to the certain level of opportunity or interaction, demography and epidemiology of homicide, there is differential likelihood of conflictual that is, to questions like: "Within the married versus cooperative motives to arise in relation population, what are predictors of who is to relatedness. Your kin are, to use the jargon of likely to kill whom?" I think it fair to say evolutionary theory, the vehicles of your there has been essentially nothing, except for fitness--your offspring the most obviously, but statements like: "People in bad circumstances collateral kin as well. So we thought it would might be more likely to kill their children". be interesting to investigate the victim-killer versus co-killer relationship. We don't know So why are males more violcllt t}za1/ females? how much people interact with relatives and nonrelatives. But whatever that distribution MW: Females don't have the same potential is, if the opportunity to form cooperative for reproductive success as males do. A woman alliances in dangerous endeavours is distributed can only have a child once every few years according to interaction frequency, the until menopause, so, in contrast to males, there opportunity to come into conflict is similarly is a finite possibility. Compared to a man there distributed. By a pure opporhmity-model these is no payoff for being dangerously competitive. two things ought to be similar. But it doesn't work like that. People tend to collaborate with It's a zero-sum game among males, and their relatives and they tend to do damage to conlpetition among nlales for access to females, nonrelatives. a form of sexual selection, has designed the male mind to be both more confrontational and Step-chi/drell seem to be a special case. YOll dangerously risk-taking. Some men will have a show that step-children are a lllllldred times lot of access to women, others will have very more often fatally abllsed than genetic little, and this may have to do with attributes children. like how many resources they have, how powerful they are, and how good they are in MW: is a valuable resource keeping other men away from their females. that you could allocate to different activities. It takes a lot of time and effort and seIf- MD: The general notion that seems to apply sacrifice, so you would expect that selection 7 would have shaped both mothers and fathers differently than a genetic parent. And we found in a biparental species to allocate that that the biggest risk is for the youngest, under investment to own offspring, because otherwise three years. you would be contributing to rivals. Children that are not yours, or not your kin, you would III HDlland when someolle treats you badly, expect the psychology to be such that you tlley sometimes call this a 'sliefmoederlijke would discriminate against them, and you behalllieling'. That is, you are treated as bodly would be more reluctant to invest in them. The as a stepmother supposedly treats yall. Why II emotional experience would be that perhaps stepmother alld not a stepfather? you love them less. MO: We looked at a sort of cross-cultural A year or so ago we published a paper on compendium of folklore, and a 'stiefmoederlijke qualitative characteristics that are different behandeling' is apparently worldwide. These for when genetic parents kill their children stories are everywhere, and stepmother stories versus stepparents. It looks like the emotional are apparently much more prevalent than context where the genetic parent kills is in sort stepfather ones. When you think about stories, of sorrow, not in anger, while in stepparents it folktales and those sort of things, you have to is in anger. The stepparent is more likely to ask: Why do tl,ese things exist? They have to assault to death, beat it to death, while in the fulfil the social purposes of the people who tell genetic parent it is smothering or maybe it is them, and they have to be interesting to the shooting. Also, the genetic parent is more people who hear them. My take on cruel likely to kill self in the same episode, and the stepmother stories is that tl,e people who tell stepparent doesn't. So there are cues from the them are genetic mothers; they tell children context of the homicide that sort of betray us how awful stepmothers are, and the secondary that there is a very different background that message is: The worst thing that could possibly is causal to this outcome. But killing is a rare happen to you is for me to disappear and your outcome, the tip of the iceberg. father replace me.

M 0: You may have heard of the sexually But why is the father nal lellillg Ihe same selected infanticide phenomenon, the thing about stepfathers? phenomenon of a new male who takes over a troop of langurs or pride of lions and more or less MO: He probably doesn't tell anything to the routinely kills off his predecessor's offspring. kids, but if he does, he is more likely to tell This terminates, from his perspective, the cruel stepfather stories. But whether female's wasted investment in his predecessor's stepmothers are more risky to kids, we don't young and gets her on to breeding with him have actual information about that. Our best sooner. At a very distal level there is an estimate is that the risk is similar. analogy, but we do like to stress in this context that it seems pretty clear that there is not Nowadays very young children almost never anything like a sexually selected infanticide live with stepmothers. The 'Snowwhite,' adaptation in the human animal, certainly not 'Cinderella' and cruel-stepmother stories like in a lion or a tangur. Humans don't probably originate from the times when routinely do that anywhere. And for everyone stepmotherhood was not all that rare, because who kills or dramatically mistreats a of high mortality of young mothers. stepchild, there are many who make some degree of parental-like investment in the Why do husbands kill their wives, and why do stepchild, and actually do it a favour. wives kill theil' husbands?

Could,,'t tile bellaviour of the stepchild be MW: One situation that is associated with men respollsible for the aggression of the using violence against their wives is that of stepparent? sexual jealousy, that is, the man thinks or fears his woman is having an affair with another MW: That is something you would expect with man. Another situation that may turn older children, who are talking, walking and dangerous for the woman is when he thinks she are annoying to the parent. But I know of intends to terminate the relationship. In both nothing that would give you the expectation situations the man is at risk of losing control of that a small infant treats a stepparent his wife's reproductive capacity and is hence 8 ESS MEETING

The European Sociobiological Society held its lirst US meeting 23-26 July 1996 at Alfred University, Alfred, New York. ISHE member Steve Peterson hosted. The conference theme was ' and Politics.' A total of 32 participants attended. The papers:

Nancy E. Aiken*, P. O. Box 27, Guysville, OH 45735 USA: Power throllgh nrt.

Robin Alloll*, 5 Fitzgerald Park, Seaford, E. Sussex BN25 lAx, U.K.: Townrd the nllthenp the dl'ltgged society or? losing ground in the reproductive competition Howard Bloom, National Coalition of between men. Men use violence and threats Independent Scholars, USA: Group selectio/l against their wives in an attempt to regain this and the social sciences: n Hew evolutionary control, and an extreme outcome is the man who synthesis. kills his wife. Peter A. Corning*, Institute for the Study of MD: l10e motivations for women who kill their Complex Systems, 119 Bryant St., Ste. 212, Palo men appear to be completely different. The Alto, CA 94301 USA: Holistic Dnrwinislll: dominant theme here is a struggle to resist synergy and the bioeconomics of evolutiOll. coercion. Most commonly, women kill in self- defence against husbands who are abusive Johan M. G. van der Dennen*, Center for Peace against them, their children, or both. and Conflict Studioes, University of Groningen, Regardless of which spouse ends up dead, the The Netherlands: The politics of wnr ",Id husband is usually the instigator of violence. peace in preliterate societies.

Whell people thillk of biologists, they oftell Valeri Dinev, Solia University, Department of imagine somCOlle PlIttlllg rillgs all the legs of Philosophy, 15 Rusld Bd., 1000 Solia, Bulgaria: birds, or looking through 11 microscope. Your Revolution and violence. proposal thnt the socinl scicilces shollid cOllsider themselves brnllches of biology Vincent S. E. Falger*, Department of probnbly SOllllds surprisiug to these people. International Relations, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands: Dal/gerolls idens ill Dllteh MW: We mean by the word biology what the politics: evoilltiol/nry theory as a political dictionary says, which is the study of life. And isslle ill The Nethel'1ands. since people in the social sciences say they are also studying 'life', then, of course, we are all in James H. Fetzer, Dept. of Philosophy, the same business. We have different University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN 55812 specialisations [which have] to do with what USA: Grollp selectioll nl/d the eZlollltion of aspects of life, or the kinds of perspectives we culture. bring to bear, or the kinds of explanations we are interested in. People, including biologists, Pierre Jaisson, LEEC, URA CNRS 2214, often misuse the word biology. When they Universite Paris-Nord, 93430 Villetaneuse, should be talking about physiology or France: 'Nollvelle droite' and 'Neo- endocrinology or genetics, they should say that. LnlllnrckislIle': The Frellch flavollr of the Biologists sometimes say about a cultural debate. phenomenon: "This is not my subject, because I am a biologist." But cultural phenomena are by Timothy Z. Keith, Division of School definition biological phenomena. Psychology, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, USA: Confirmatory fnctory a/lnlysis alld >I' Detroit can no longer nlake this clairn.-- validation of the DAS: isslles in nssessing Editor. illtellectllal nbility. 9 Ada Lampert, Ruppin Institute, Israel: Evolutioll alld developmellt of felllinine and Report on Ciba mascltli"e values in Israeli kubbutz children. Foundation Kevin MacDonald*, Dept. of Psychology, Conference California State University, Long Beach, CA 90840 USA: Creating evolutionarily significant By Linda Mealey groups: Judaism as a case stlldy. . The Ciba Foundation sponsored its Edward Miller, Evoilltionary explallatiolls for conference 29-31 October 1996 in London: racial differellces ill inteIIige1lce. Characterizing Psychological Adaptations. The foundation supports cutting-edge science by Alexander V. Oleskin, Section for B/opolitics funding bursaries, sabbatical research, and Biosociology, Biology Dept., Moscow State publications, and several small, by-invitation- University, Moscow 119899, Russia: NOIl- only, annual international meetings. In this hierarchical network social structures from a instance, 27 psychologists and animal biopoIitical perspective. behaviorists were invited to discuss current issues surrounding the philosophy and Patrick Pretore, University of Auckland, methodology of . Auckland, New Zealand: Levels of allalysis and biological tIzeory. Fifteen talks were presented: on how to identify an adaptation, J. Philippe Rushton*, Dept. of Psychology, Roger Shepard on perceptual mechanisms, University of Western Ontario, London, Anders Mdler on the meaning of honest Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada: TIze American signalling, Alex Kacelnik on optimal decision- dilemma is all il1ternatio1lal dilemma. making, Geoffrey Miller on models of sexual selection, Marc Hauser on theory of mind in Frank Salter*, Max Planck Research Center for nonhuman primates, on social Human Ethology, 0-82346 Andechs, Germany: cognition, on language, David Sex differences ill cross-racial mate choice in Sherry on cross-species comparisions, Steve tIze U.S.: an evollltiollary model. Gaulin on cross-cultural comparisions, Steve Gangestad on individual differences, Alan --- and Kirsten B. Kruck: Family reseniL1lnJ!ce Rogers on time preference, Margo Wilson on kin alld motIzer's facial beauty. relations, Mike Beecher on song learning in birds, and on models of coalitions Ullica Segerstrale*, Dept. of Social Sciences, and friendship. After each talk there was an Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL extended period of discussion, during which it 60616 USA: Truth a1ld conseqlleHces ill tIze was hoped that some of the philosophical and sociobiology debate and beyond. methodological issues currently being debated would be addressed. Irwin Silverman* and Danielle Case, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, Ontario In my opinion, while the presentations M3J 1P3, Canada: Eth1locentrism vs. and discussions were interesting in their own pragmatism i11 tlIe conduct of h1l1llan affairs. right, they did not really advance debate over significant issues. This is partly because the David Smillie*, Dept. of Zoology, Duke participants had been specifically selected by University, Durham, NC 27708 USA:Grollp the organizer, Ciba Deputy Directory Dr. processes and 111l1lla1z evolution: the various Gregory Bock, so that they would get along. roles of social forms. While this tactic certainly resulted in an openness and lack of hostility that most of us Dorothy Tennov*, RD 9, Box 251, Millsboro, DE have come to appreciate, it also resulted in a 19966 USA: TIze public image of sociobiologJj somewhat homogeneous set of perspectives, and evolution. undercutting the possibilities for serious disagreement. [also believe that the *ISHE member; additional address information participants themselves were somewhat may be found in the Membership Directory. disinclined to debate issues. This was, I think, 10 unfortunate, in that ideas and data can be (Routledge, 1994), edited by ISHE member Jolm presented at professional meetings (such as Archer. The presentations at this day-long ISHE, ESS, and HBES), whereas debates cannot conference were: usually be successfully conducted in large forums. In this regard the Ciba conference was Bryan Vila (Dept. of Criminology, Law & more a mini-meeting than a special forum for Society, University of California, Irvine, CA debate. 92697 USA) argued from evolutionary ecological theory that a balanced approach to I think the reticence of the participants male criminality was desirable. Both to address some of the more serious disputes preventive, nurturant approaches and punitive, amongst evolution-minded thinkers stemmed crin1inological measures are needed. Advocates from a truly unpleasant history of criticism of these two approaches tend to be political from outside. But the mutual support that was adversaries in the U.S., however, with the provided, however needed it may have been, deterrence camp often holding sway over did not solve any problems or answer any advocates of child welfare and educational questions. This became clear at the press measures. See Vila's article "Human nature conference at the end of the meeting when, after and crime control" in a forthcoming issue of selected participants had made their public Politics and the Life Sciences. statements, one indignant reporter asked: "What? You mean you haven't made any C. Ray Jeffrey (School of Criminology, Florida important advancements? You all just came State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA) here to chat?" pointed out the importance of environm.ental design factors in crime prevention, as well as While clearly valuable for the the concentration of criminality in a small participants, it is not yet clear how useful this proportion of repeat offenders. Certain conference will prove to have been for architectural features of urban environnlents, furthering research in, or public understanding such as high-rise public housing, increase of, the field. Edited transcripts of the criminal behavior. See Jeffrey's book presentations and discussions will appear in a Criminology, all Interdisciplillary Approach. book to be published by John Wiley in 1997; perhaps this will be the most important ISHE member Alan Mazur (Maxwell School, product of the conference. Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 113244 USA) reviewed research on testosterone levels and various morphological and behavioral measures. Since anticipating a competitive Report on Violence situation increases testosterone, the "culture of Conference honor" environment may help explain young black males' higher levels. Also, as men approach their wedding dates, testosterone A "Conference on Ethological and declines, consistent with a fall in mate Developmental Approaches to Male Violence" competition. But as men near divorce, took place at Wayne State University, Detroit, testosterone rises. Testosterone is higher in USA on 15 November 1996. It was sponsored by divorced than married men, especially right a grant to the University's Center for Peace and after the divorce, consistent with the notion Conflict Studies from the Hewlett Foundation, that confrontation with the wife/ex-wife is and was open to the public. The Center is responsible. For a related article, see Mazur's headed by Frederick Pearson, who did most of Biosocial models of deviant behavior among the planning of the event. The goal of the army veterans, Biologial Psychology, 1995, 41, conference was to highlight and discuss some of 271-293. the outstanding biological and developmental research on n1ale violence appearing in the George R. Fleming (Dept. of Community literature, with a view toward the ultimate Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI integration of this interdisciplinary research. 48202 USA) reported on an emergency room The proceedings may be published in some form series of repeat victims of violence. In this eventually. A recent book features similar rather common pattern, these victims often act approaches to the same topic, Male Violence as perpetrators themselves, and so might be 11 counseled in order to change their risky Psychology, University of Detroit Mercy, 8200 behavior. See Fleming's Manchild in the W. Outer Dr., Detroit, MI 48219 USA) technological land, EbollY Mall, 1987, 2, 12-20. described retrospective research based on Bowlby's suggestion that maternal rejection Robin J. H. Russell (Dept. of Psychology, leads to criminality. Among felons, childhood University of London Goldsmiths' College, maternal punitiveness and paternal neglect London SE14 6NW, U. K.) stated that there is were associated with anxious attachment. no sex difference in frequency of physical Anxious (particularly ambivalent) attachment spousal abuse, but wives are more likely to be was correlated with number of felony retaliating and to be hospitalized. Risk factors convictions and disdain for the law. Anxious include husband's alcoholism and sexual attachment is known to predict unstable jealousy, wife's unattractiveness, and couple's romantic relationships and, presumably, low low scores on partnership but high scores on consanguinity with Siblings in the next love. Newer relationships between younger generation. In this cross-race sample of felons, couples, such as cohabitors, are at risk. having half siblings was common, and was Incidentally, jealousy was not correlated with associated with maternal punitiveness. Thus, actual infidelity as reported by either spouse. low consanguinity may lead to maternal See Russell and Wells, Predictors of happiness punitiveness, paternal neglect, and hence in married couples, Perso1lality and Individual anxious attachment, which in turn may Differellces, 1994, 17, 313-321. predispose to criminality and unstable romances, and transmission of the pattern across Adrian Raine (Dept. of Psychology, University generations. See Weisfeld and Aytch, of Southem California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 Biological factors in family violence, Micfligan USA) reported that the combination (only) of Family Review, 1996, 2,25-39. perinatal problems and maternal rejection was Editor's Note: A slightly different version of significantly associated with violence of U.S. this report will appear in the fledgling Politics males at age 18. Also, violent offenders and the Life Sciences newsletter. pleading incompetence to stand trial or insanity tend to have low glucose metabolism in lateral and medial prefrontal cortex. This may be related to violent individuals' somewhat low Harry Frank levels of sympathetic arousal, although other explanations are possible. See Raine et al., Guggenheim Biosocial Bases of Violellce, Plenum, in press. Foundation Patrick Tolan (Institute for Juvenile Research, University of Illinois, 907 S. Wolcott, Chicago, This foundation provides support for IL 60680 USA) summarized data indicating "research for understanding and reducing that violent (but not nonviolent delinquent) violence, aggression and dominance." Although urban youths are often poorly monitored and it now funds research in a wider range of fields treated harshly by parents. Positive family than formerly, it still is receptive to factors can mitigate the effect of exposure to ethological approaches. The Foundation violence. Community political economy and expressly recognizes that the "[cjauses of social resources predict neighborhood safety violence are both innate and contextual" (1995 and functioning, which then predict aggression; Report of the Foundation, p. 6). however, family factors do not significantly moderate risk due to stress in inner city U.S. Research priorities include youth, neighborhoods. Relationship violence is tied media, family, crime, biology, war and peace, mainly to family and parental characteristics, terrorism, and religion, ethnicity, nationalism. whereas predatory violence reflects Applications are evaluated by a neuroscientist, neighborhood traits. See Preventing serious a political scientist, an historian, and two antisocial behavior in inner-city children: an anthropologists. Some awards have been made empirically based family prevention program. to non-Americans. Family Relations, in press. Most grants are in the range of $15,000 ISHE member Donald M. Aytch (Dept. of to $30,000 per year, for one to three years. 12

Contributions are not made to institutional in infancy were evoked by violation of an overhead. Applications are due 1 August of expected outcome. Infants who expressed anger each year; decisions are announced 1 December. under these circumstances at four months were One-time fellowships are also granted to subsequently in better control of their anger by students completing their doctoral two years of age than were those who did not dissertations. These pay $10,000. Applications express anger. are due 1 February for the following academic year, and decisions are announced in June. For Michael McGuire, University of California at additional information, see the Announcements Los Angeles: A model of aggressive, violent alld in the December 1995 Bulletin, or telephone the alternative behavior among individuals, and Foundation at 1-212-644-4907, fax 1-212-644- Social context, serotonin responsivity, and 5110. aggression in vervet monkeys. Increasing eNS serotonin activity reduces aggressive behavior, Here are some projects, recently funded increases affiliative behavior, and increases by the Foundation, that may be of interest: tolerance of the behavior of other animals. Increasing CNS norepinephrine activity increases aggressive activity but not dominance. A. Susan Clarke, University of Wisconsin- Dominant animals are less aggressive than Madison: Effects of prenatal stress on social subordinates. The smaller the group, the more competence and aggressive behaIJior in young aggression. Dominance hierarchies reduce the rhesus mOllkeys. Fenlale rhesus nlonkeys were frequency of aggression. All of these findings stressed by exposure to mild noise in mid- generalize to humans. In addition, among pregnancy. Their offspring subsequently vervets, reducing the number of females exhibited less prasacial behavior and more decreases lllale-n1ale aggression. An indication aggression than controls. Effects persisted into of tl,e complexity of aggression is provided by adolescence. these observations: Increasing serotonin reduces aggression in the treated animal and also Robert Emery, Universi·ty of Virginia: reduces its aggressive signalling. However, the i\tIothers' aggression before marriage and latter may result in the animal being attacked children's aggression after divorce. Delinquent by others. Enlarging the group does reduce adolescents were nearly twice as likely to aggression. divorce ten years after reporting their aggression than controls. Their children Xandra Breakefield, Massachusetts General subsequently were almost twice as likely to be Hospital: Possible association be'ween aggressive if their parents had divorced. deficiency of 1l1Onoamine oxidase type A and Parental divorce, but not parents' history of episodic violent behavior. Previous work in aggression, raised children's risk of aggression. The Netherlands had discovered a family in which many males possessed this metabolic Robert Jackall, Williams College: Drug- condition. In the present study 400 aggressive related violence in Washington Heights, New men were screened for it. No evidence of MAO- York City. In this major drug trafficking center, A defiCiency was found. drug-related violence was largely trade- related, and not the product of drug use. A symbiotic economic relationship was fow1d to exist between illegal and legal business networks. Drug traffic and violence became entrenched within the community, creating an ISHE Web Site institutional dependency on its economic benefits. Young drug traffickers often The ISHE electronic bulletin board is on developed a desperation and fatalism that led the World Wide Web at to the escalation of violence. It is operated by our Secretary, Karl Grammer, e- Michael Lewis and Margaret W. Sullivan, mail karl/[email protected]. University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey: Developme1lt and socialization of anger in human infants. The earliest anger responses 13

the most important work published on the topic BOOK REVIEWS over the past 25 years, including his own influential body of work. Arguing with Emotional Development: The developmentalists that a complete developmental viewpoint embraces each of Organization ofEmotional Life in Tinbergen's four levels of analysis, Sroufe the Early Years prOVides a mature account of the emergence of human emotions and the patterns of their By L. Alan Sroufe. Cambridge University regulation in social life, the former Press, 40 West 20th St., New York, NY, 1001l- emphasizing normative development and the 4211, USA, 1996, $49.95 (hdbk.). latter stressing individual differences. Echoing Tinbergen (and Sroufe), I would argue to human Reviewed by Peter LaFreniere, Department of ethologists that a complete ethological Psychology, University of Maine, Orono, ME perspective entails a sophisticated 04469 USA ([email protected]). understanding of ontogeny. Viewing evolution as a series of progressive or punctuated Over the past two decades there has transformations of the adult phenotype across been a surging interest among social and historical time misses vital information about behavioral scientists in the study of emotion, a the process of human adaptation across the life topic long neglected beginning with the rise of span, particularly the "how" question logical positivism in the early part of this concerning development of the adult form. In century. Human ethologists and primatologists, this sense the concepts of development and mindful of Darwin's seminal work on the adaptation are necessary to one another and expression of emotions, were somewhat exempt neither can be understood fully in isolation. from this general influence and more aware of the critical functions of emotions in promoting Sroufe's book is organized in three biological fitness. Indeed this counterpoint parts dealing with (1) the nature of emotional provided one of the sources for the current development, (2) the unfolding of emotions, renaissance of interest in the study of emotions. and (3) emotional development and In developmental psychology, an ethological individual adaptation. The book jacket states perspective on attachment provided a fresh that it is written to "appeal to professors, alternative to behaviorist reductionism, which graduate students, and clinicians who study had considerable difficulty in accounting for developmental, cognitive, and social the universality and dynamic complexity of psychology." Ethologists should be prepared this behavioral system. After the work of to decenter; you will find no speculations on Harlow, Bowlby and Ainsworth, the inclusive fitness or mathematical models of behaviorist account of attachment was in full parent-offspring conflict. Absent as well are retreat. By the 1970's, the tables were turned. well-worn nature-nurture disputes regarding As with the cognitive revolution that preceded the universality or relativity of facial it, it was no longer "more scientific" to write expressions. Instead, you will find precisely about human behavior as if emotions did not detailed descriptions of the emergence of exist. Ignoring the vital functions of the fundamental emotions (particularly joy, fear, emotions in organizing behavior and and anger) in infancy and the self-conscious development, and the importance of emotional emotions (pride, shame, guilt) in early bonds reflective of our primate heritage, was childhood, with an account of their specific no longer paradigmatic, even for behaviorists. and immediate functions during each During the period from 1976 to 1996 there has developmental period. From these details been a 300% increase in the number of based on painstaking observational research, publications using emotion as a key word, with the author explores the nature of development approximately 500 books and articles currently itself, elaborating his central themes published per year on some aspect of emotion. concerning the biological unity of development and the unfolding of the complex from the Not all of this is worth reading. simple: However, one work that I have recently read is not to be missed. L. Alan Sroufe's Emotiollal [W]hat emerges derives in a logical, though Development provides a summation of some of complex way from what was present before as 14

a precursor. The "emergent" is qualitatively and laughter, and the development of fear. different from the precursor and at a new Although Parts 1 and 2, on general level of complexity; yet the precursor serves development. are interesting in their own right, as a protype for the emergent, embodying an they set the stage for the discussion of important core essence of that which is to individual adaptation that is set forth in Part come (p. 235). 3. Consistent with a Darwinian emphasis on discrete, universal emotions, Sroufe's Throughout the book the reader is differentiation theory lays the groundwork for compelled to deal with the twin aspects of the analysis of adaptation in the final section. development: normative patterns of growth, In his view, an understanding of the and the emergence and consolidation of developmental processes underlying the individual differences. Sroufe argues that emerging affect systems is directly relevant to these should be viewed as complementary parts the analysis of individual differences in of the whole of emotional development, and emotional development. Without this that individual differences should be defined background of general theory, there would be no in terms of deviations in normative processes. guide as to which phenomena require careful Thus, an understanding of emotional scrutiny in the assessment of individual development also serves as an important differences. Thus, empirical assessments foundation for the study of individual utilize developmental theory for pinpointing adaptation and psychopathology. the crucial qualitative turning points that will provide markers for the current Those readers \vho have already tuned developmental/adaptational status of the into developmental psychology will be on infant, as well as predictors for tl,e future. fanliliar ground, as Sroufe's newest offering is largely a synthesis of previous pieces of this The chapters in Part 3 are organized general thesis introduced in discrete articles chronologically and provide an exciting during his 25 years of research at Minnesota's description of an organizational perspective of Institute of Child Development. In Part 1 he the development of the self. The introduces a developnlental perspective and transformation of a physiological organism discusses the nlajor conceptual <1nd that maintains an organized state solely in the methodological issues underlying the study of context of the regulation provided by the enlotion. Defining emotion as "a subjective caregiver to a young child with the capacity reaction to a salient event, characterized by for self-regulation is the gist of this fascinating physiological, experiential, and overt story. Citing authors as diverse as Kierkegard, behavioral change" (p. 15), Sroufe lays the Vygotsky, Mahler, Piaget and Darwin, Sroufe groundwork for an intergrative discussion of weaves together a coherent tapestry emotion in relation to neurological, cognitive emphasizing this central point of human and social development. In his dynamic tension development. and integrates it with the best model. a dynamic threshold range for affective work of our present generation of response is hypothesized in which tension is developmental scientists. But no paragraph viewed as a natural by-product of actively will capture this part of the story, so I will engaging the environment. The critical feature leave the task of acquainting yourself with a of the tension model is that thresholds for developmentalist's contribution to human inciting a given emotional response are not ethology to you. stationary but vary as a function of the n1eaning of an event in context, which changes with age. This mode! differs from arousal models by A general feature of this book that I distinguishing between physically produced found most appealing was the author's ability arousal and arousal that has a psychological to draw upon a long and active career at the basis, being dependent on evaluation of the forefront of this subfield. This quality, I meill1ing of an event. believe, sets this work apart from other books that have been recently published on the same In Part 2 Sroufe develops these ideas general topic. Critical of the short memory further in his well-known organizational span of a discipline constantly searching for perspective, illustrating the tension model by novelty, moving from buzzword to buzzword, detailed discussions of the ontogeny of smiling Sroufe notes in the preface that 15

even current research in emotional Amala, the "wolf children" discovered in 1920 development seems at times to move along at ages approximately 8 and 2). To me, this without sufficient regard for the solid work was the most interesting part of the book, as 1 of the past. Currently, a major focus is had always wondered vvhat 1.\las fact ar,d what emotional regulation. But this work too fiction about these stori::s. Candland has taken rarely makes contact with the descriptive great effort to track dOWI1 original sources and work on the development of the specific present them without elatoration. "I tell the emotions, in part because much of this work is stories, as rnuch as practical," he says, "in the now decades old. It is important to bring words of those who knew tl,e children, for only forward the lessons of the past and at tl,e the exact tone of the times can help us same time redraw them with an eye on appreciate the subtle expression that says more current problems and current understanding than the author intends to be known" (p. 15). (p. xii). Despite my intense interest in the This book accomplishes just that. It is "outcomes" of these \vell-told stories, well suited for advanced scholars who wish to Candland's goal is not to report the "results" of keep a sharp edge on their expertise,. But it is the investigations of such children. He says in even more useful for the young scholar in order the introduction: to build a broad, well balanced perspective as an antidote to the cycles of fad and fashion I examine not so nluch the dramatic aspects that plague the social sciences and ultimately of the children, but why we human beings render them theoretically barren and non- selected these forms of life for study in the cunlulative of kno\'vledge. expectation of reaching an understanding of what, precisely, inheritance gives and what society and socialization contribute. These children would be oddities in any age, but different times would want to know Feral Children and Clever different things from them" (pp. 3f). Animals CandJand presents the case histories in By Douglas Candland, Oxford University Press, chronological order, restricting his analysis to 198 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016 USA, a deconstruction of the assumptions and 1993 (hdbk), 1994 (ppr., $23.95). rrtethods of the various investigators/teachers at different tinles in history. One of his reasons Reviewed by Linda Mealey, Psychology for picking these particular cases, 1 suppose, is Department, University of Queensland, that they cover a 200-year period sparming four Brisbane 4072 Australia approximately 50-year intervals; thus, he is able to tell his own tale about the evolution of From the title [ wonder, "Is this a book the scientific approach to study of mind. about psychology or ethology or both?" As I read, [ realize that it is less either of those In Part 2, Candland presents what he than it is a historical account and calls the "four psychologies," or paradigms, philosophical critique of the human frailty used to study the mind: the "Mental Ladder" of surrounding our efforts to understand the minds the 18th and 19th centuries, then of others. psychoanalysis, behaviorism, and phenomenology, wherein he includes ethology. In Part 1 of 5, Candland recounts the In this section Candland goes into the details of stories of one so-called "closet child" (Kaspar two more recent case studies (Freud's "Little Hauser, who was first brought to the attention Hans" and Oskar Pfungst's "Clever Hans") in of authorities in 1828, when he was order to demonstrate "how the observer comes approximately 16 years old), and four feral to be part of the observation, just as [the children (Peter, found in 1724 at the observers] found themselves somehow changed approximate age of 12; Victor, the famed by their experiences with the subject of their "Wild Boy of Aveyron", found in 1799 at investigations" (p.74). This part of the book 1 approximately age 14; and Kamala and found uninteresting: 120 pages is barely 16

sufficient to document the cases, let alone Overall, Candland's critical approach, provide a thorough analysis of either while a bit arrogant in itself, is not thereby psychoanalysis or behaviorism. Whether one inaccurate, and indeed is sometimes quite has prior familiarity with the cases or not, one informative. At the beginning of the book, comes away feeling that the author has while he was discussing feral children, I was prOVided only his own, perhaps enlightened reminded of the US public television NOVA but perhaps arguable, interpretation of the episode "The Wild Child" about "Genie", the beliefs and intentions of the observers (Freud girl who was discovered at age 12. LIke and Pfungst). Indeed, as the book progressed, I Candland's book, the episode was designed not progressively lost interest as the author became so much as a report on the "outcome" of the freer with his criticism and seeming intolerance story and what it tells us about the nature and of what were reasonable - even extraordinarily nurture of the mind. Instead, like the book, the insightful - ideas for their time. program dealt with the scientific, philosophical, political, and ethIcal In Parts 3 and 4, Candland examines the controversies surrounding Genie's "testing". unfolding of human study of the ape mind over While every Introductory Psychology student the past century. Except for a historical replay has read about Genie's role in furthering our of the four-month wilderness experience of understanding of language and critical periods, Richard Garner in 1893, he restricts hinlself to until viewing the documentary, I had no idea of laboratory studies. This is a significant error of the extent of psychological and even physical omission, as Candland's analyses of the mental abuse that Genie experienced in the hands of testing of apes and, especially, attempts to the scientists and social workers into whose teach them spoken or gestural language lead care she was entrusted. Even more appalling, him to conclusions about the investigators, once funding for research ran out, Genie, like their methods, and their assumptions that the feral children before her, was relegated to sin1ply do not generalize to those studying apes an institution, where she now resides, in the wild. Candland seems to think that all essentially ignored and unwanted. investigators of the ape mind have tried to learn about that mind by testing what can be put into it (via learning) rather than by As I write this, I realize, too, that the observing what comes out of it (in the wild, in famous signing (and typing) apes about which the form of naturalistic behavior). Based on we all have heard are, too, mostly languishing this (apparently foregone) conclusion, he ignored and unwanted in "old chimps' homes" criticizes research and researchers as only an as they get too difficult to handle

The two unhappiest chapters are those Despite these criticisms, this is an which cover thought and language. The chapter important contribution and will be required on thinking is not helped by the fact that the reading for my undergraduates. Books on definition of thought appears to vary from animal cognition are rare, good books doubly so. paragraph to paragraph. Moreover, the I found the book fascinating, challenging, argument that computers and human brains stimulating and well-written, although (and also possibly other primate brains) are sometimes very irritating too. Overall, this is a equivalent because they all manipulate symbols very good book but there are too many flaws to oversimplifies one of the most heated debates in make it a classic text. . Even if certain primate brains are equivalent to Turing machines, the ability to process symbols might be necessary but is certainly not sufficient for thought and intelligence (even the most intelligent of current computers lack the common sense of a three- year old child). lt is certainly not obvious why some brains might be equivalent to Turing The Naturalist machines but not others (since they all have the same basic building blocks). And if all brains are By Edward O. Wilson. Island Press, 1718 equivalent to symbol processors, then there is Connecticut Ave., N.W., Ste. 300, Washington little point in Singling out the brains of great DC 20009-1148, USA, 1994, $24.95 (hdbk.), apes for this theoretical analysis. $11.99 (ppr.).

Similarly, regarding language, the Reviewed by Iver Mysterud, Division of author wholeheartedly supports the view that Zoology, Department of Biology, University of humans and the rest of the great apes differ Oslo, Box 1050 Blindem, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. quantitatively rather than qualitatively. However, given the controversy surrounding the Few academicians are neutral towards studies in which hun1ans have supposedly Edward O. Wilson: In general, biologists taught primates to use various languages, and admire him, while social scientists hate him. the great disagreements as to what the anjmals And I, growing up in a country far from tl1e have actually achieved, a neutral stance might American battleground, wondered "why"? have been preferable. While I was still being nursed, Wilson was conducting important research on island From time to time, the author is too biogeography (The Florida Keys Experiment); happy to make bold statements which go and in the 1970s, as I grew up in a biologist's beyond current conceptions. Thus, the entire family, I heard only good about E.O. Wilson. literature on the relationship between language Later, I talked to social scientists and and Broca's and Wernicke's areas is dismissed discovered a completely different impression of with a single reference (p. 163). TI1ere are many the person I so admired. When I became a sweeping statements which eIther oversimplify biologist myself, keenly interested in humans matters or are unsupported by any evidence. and evolution, I eventually began to understand For example, we are told that "When humans why Wilson was both admired and disliked. want to acquire a new and complex skill without Reading his autobiography, The Naturalist, excessive effort, they watch and imitate a skilled (and Robert Wright's 1988 portrayal as well), I performer" (p. 54). Surely it is not being finally got a chance to get a solid glimpse of suggested tl1at in order to learn to play the piano the man and the fascinating life behind the or the violin, all that is required is to watch name. someone else. More care would have resulted in fewer of these irritations, and tl1e implication (p. The Naturalist is divided in two parts. 171) that abandoned children being brought up The first gives us young Wilson as a student of by wolves is an accepted and well-documented Nature's wonders ("Daybreak in Alabama"), phenomenon can only be described as a lapse in and the second, the adult Wilson as a scholarship, particularly since this dubious professional biologist ("Storyteller"). In the phenomenon is used as a source of evidence for former, we are told how and why Wilson a critical period in human language learning. became a biologist, and how he developed his 19 fascination with ants. Wilson's parents were colleagues felt troubled by the "plain fact that divorced when he was eight years old, after the evolutionary biologIsts could point to no which he moved frequently. The only stable recent great advances comparable with those in part of his life was his fondness of nature; it molecular and cellular biology swelling the was a source of inspiration and adventure pages of Natllre, Science, and the Proceedillgs of wherever he lived geographically, and it the National Academy of ScicllC"S " (p. 229). remained independent of what happened in his Eventually, out of this standoff carne a split of social arena. Wilson lost full sight in one eye the department. Indeed, the term and suffered partial loss (the "evolutionary bivlogy" was actually coined at uppermost registers) as a young boy. With Harvard in this process as a way to distance characteristic humor, he puts it: "I was Wilson and his collaborators from the destined to become an a molecular biologists. Yet at the time of writing fortuitous constriction of physiological ability" of this book, Wilson can be happy to declare (p. 15). that "the passage of thirty years has done much to close the divide between molecular and In part two, the reader can follow the evolutionary biology" (p. 230). merits of this outstanding scientist as the science of evolutionary biology emerged and Of special interest to readers of this grew as a discipline. Wilson is no doubt BIIlletill are two chapters on sociobiology. The brilliant. At the age of twenty-nine, he had 55 first describes how sociobiological theory teclmical articles published or in press. Later enlerged, with Hamilton and Trivers as central on he produced a number of additional players in addition to Wilson. The second contributions, including several important books describes the sociobiology controversy: what known to every student of biology: Sociobiology actually happened and how Wilson views it in (1975), Genes, Mind alld Culture (with Charles retrospect. Here we are exposed to the second of Lumsden, 1981), and The Allts (with Burt Wilson's "brilliant enemies": Richard C. Holldobler, 1990). To cite the dust jacket: "As Lewontin. Anybody who is interested in the the narrative of Wilson's life unfolds, the emergence of the main sociobiological reader is treated to an inside look at the origin principles (e.g., ) and the ensuing and development of ideas that guide today's controversy will benefit from reading these two biological research. Theories that are no-w chapters--especially those of us who are too widely accepted in the scientific world were young to have experienced the turmoil of the once untested hypotheses emerging from one 70s and early 80s. (See also SegerstriHe 1986, man's broad-gauged studies." Examples are the 1990). phenomenon of character displacement and the theory of island biogeography. Tile Naturalist describes a man who has witnessed fundamental changes in our view One chapter I found of special interest of Nature: from a planet thought of as infinite is called "The molecular wars". It starts: in its bounty to one which is limited, and which "Without a trace of irony I can say I have been suffers from problems of a steadily increasing blessed with brilliant enemies. They made me human population and a deteriorating suffer... , but lowe them a great debt, because environment. As a naturalist and professional they redoubled my energies and drove me in biologist, Wilson followed these changes new directions" (p. 218). One such "enemy" was closely, and his view of the world shifted in (the codiscoverer of the structure concert with the advances of evolutionary of DNA), who arrived at Harvard "with a biology and the decline that practitioners of conviction that biology must be transformed this science perceived to be occurring in natural into a science directed at molecules and cells environments. and rewritten in the language of physics and chemistry" (p. 219). Watson apparently Having followed Wilson's career as a accused the rest of biology of being "infested by naturalist through the earlier chapters of the stamp collectors" (belonging only in museums) book, it then comes as no surprise that he joins who lacked the wit to transform their subject the movement to halt the extinction of species into a modern science. Despite the ad hominem due to human activity. Preservation of flavor of Watson's criticism, Wilson and other biological diversity has been the central 20 guiding principle in his scientific productivity The Naturafist is a well-written and and activism during recent years. The idea of sincere autobiography. While it presents one "biophilia" - the inborn affinity humans man's personal journey into biology, it also mayhave for other forms of life - emerges from helps to explain, in retrospect, what biology this work. According to Wilson, "the most was like at a particular lime in its important implication of the existence of an development. This makes it particularly innate biophilia is the foundation it lays for an interesting for the younger generation of enduring conservation ethic. If a concern for the biology researchers. rest of life is part of human nature, if part of our culture flows from wild nal ure, then on that References basis alone it is fundamentally wrong to extinguish other life forms" (p. 362). Holldobler, B. & Wilson, E. O. (1990). The ants. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Bulletin Submissions and Duplication Lumsden, C. & Wilson, E. O. (1981). Gelles, mind and culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Anything that might bc of interest to ISHE University Press. members is welcome: Society matters; articles; replies to articles; suggestions; Segerstr!!le, U. (1986). Colleagues in conflict: announcements of n1eetings, journals or An "in vivo" analysis of the sociobiology professional societies; etc. These sorts of controversy. Biology and Philosophy,), 53-87. submission should be sent to the editor. Book review inquiries should go to the --- (1990). The sociobiology of conflict and the appropriate book review editor (Linda conflict about sociobiology: science and morals Mealey, the chief book review editor, covers in the larger debate. In J. van der Dennen & books in English). Submission should be in Falger, V. (Eds.), Sociobiology and conflict (pp. English, on paper find, if pOSSible, also on 273-284). London: Chapman & Hall. diskette (MS Word 5.0 preferred). Shorter reviews arc desirable (less than 1000 words). Wilson, E. O. (1975). Sociobiology: Tile new Please include complete references for all syllthesis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard publications cited. For book reviews, please University Press. include publisher's mailing address and the price of hardback and paperback editions. Wright, R. (1988). Three Bciel/tists and their There usually is not time to consult with gods: Looking far meani"g in all age of reviewers about editorial changes, but most informatioll. New York: Times Books. of these are minor. Submissions are usually reviewed only by the editorial staff. However, some submissions are rejected. Political censorship is avoided, so as to foster free and creative exchange of (even outrageous) ideas among ANNOUNCEMENTS scholars. The fact that material appears in the Bul/eti" never implies the truth of those ideas, ISHE's endorsement of them, or Intemational Association for support for any policy implications that may be inferred from them. Cross-Cultural PsychologrJ Bl/l/eU" content may be reproduced without limit for scholarly (but not commercial) This organization aims to facilitate purposes. That is, no one may be charged for communication among those interested in cr05S- receiving the content, without first obtainng cultural psychology. Contact Dr. J. C. Naidoo, permission from the Editor or ISHE President. Dept. of Psychology, Wilfrid Lauarier Sample copies of the Bulletin are available University, Waterloo N2L 3C5, Canada. from the Editor. Send number of copies Annual membership between US$6 and 25, desired and the date required. depending on income. 21

Changes ofAddress Grtlter Institute Faculty Seminar

The fourth annual seminar on biological Noldus Information Technology, which perspectives in H.e social sciences and manufactures equipment for recording and humanities will take Flace 2-8 August 1997 at analyzing behavioral data, has opened a Dartmouth College. A linlited number of grants branch office in the US. This address should be for room and board will be available for those added to their entry in the Membership who teach courses or conduct research in this Directory: field. Applications for a grant to cover room, board, and registration fee should indicate the Bart van Roekel course(s) taught or planned, and/or the topics of Noldus Information Technology, Inc. research which relate the biological sciences to 6 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Ste. 180 the study of human social behavior. Graduate Sterling, VA 20165 USA students should submit two letters of reference tel. 1-800-355-9541 from faculty members, one from a thesis fax 1-703-404-5507 advisor. For applications and inquiries, e-mail [email protected] contact Ms. Suzanne Saxton, Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research, c/o Dept. of In The Netherlands: Government, Silsby 6108, Dartmouth College, tel. 31-(0)317-497677 Hanover, NH 03755-3514 USA, tel. 1-603-646- fax 31-(0)317-424496 1029, fax 1-603-646-2152, e-mail e-mail [email protected] [email protected]. WWW:

Thomas Shellberg's telephone number at work Down House Restoration is 1-313-845-6302. Down House, 's home and workplace, is being restored. Darwin lived there the last 40 years of his life, and wrote On the Origin of Species there. A half million Please report changes of address to the Treasurer! Barbara Fuller, who maintains the pounds is still needed for the project. Checks should be written to 'The Natural History mailing list, and to Nancy Segal, Membership Museum Down House Appeal'. Credit card Chair. donations can be made by telephone to 44- (0)171-938-8976, or mailed to Nancy Giles, The Missing Addresses Down House Appeal, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, Please inform Barbara Fuller of the U.K. TIle European Sociobiological Society has current address, if you have it, for: also sent out an appeal to its members. The Society toured Down House at its 1995 Larry Aslanian, formerly of Harrison Twnshp., convention. Michigan, USA. HBES Contract with Elsevier Stafan Densmore, formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The journal formerly known as EtllOlogtj alId Sociobiology will, as most members are Requestfor BooTes aware, change to Evolution and Haman Behavior with the first 1997 issue. The A new member from Russia has asked contract dispute has now been resolved, and the for donations of books, articles, and papers to editors, Margo Wilson and Martin Daly, in his university. Please send anything that is conjunction with the editorial board, will available to Dr. Yaroslav I. Koryakov, exercise sole editorial responsibility for journal Gottwald St. 11-33, Ekaterinburg 620034 Russia. content. 22 Intenzational Ethological Evolution ofthe Psyche Congress Conference

This large biennial meeting will be This conference was held at Texas A&M held 20-27 August 1997 in Vienna. It will be University 13-14 September 1996. Scheduled hosted by the hosts of the ISHE congress last speakers were: August, Karl Grammer and his staff. For information, contact Karl (see Officers Box). *, Desire, status, and conflict. Jeffrey Simpson, Within-sex variation in sexual behavior and mating strategies: An Membership Renewals evolutionary perspective. John Price*, Understanding schizophrenia from It is time to renew your membership for 1997 if an evolutionary perspective. you have not already done so. Membership is Russell Gardner', The biology of leadership. by calendar year, so dues are to be paid by the David Rosen, Evolutionary memory. first of the year. If the date on your mailing Constantine Sedkides & John Skowronski, label is earlier than 1997, it is time to renew Evolution of the symbolic self. your membership. For financial reasons, William Graziano, Historicity and evolution renewal notices are not usually sent. Those of the mind. who do not renew their Inen1berships will be Seven Smith & Tom Ward, The evolution of removed from the membership list. Please creativity. report errors, changes of address, etc. to the Jyotsna Vaid, The evolution of humor. Treasurer. Be sure to inform her if you move; Benton Pierce, The evolution of insight. the U.S. Post Office no longer returns Margaret Bruchez, Evolution of a creation undelivered Bulletins with the recipient's myth. new address. Current dues and directions for Carolyn Boyd, Evolutionary history of payment are given on the last page. Please symbolic art. allow four weeks for recording changes of Allen Lloyd, Dreaming, psychoanalytic address or of dues. theory, and evolution. Holly Huston, The evolutionary significance of archetypal dreams. Brett Cooke, Evolution of interest. Delwart Foundation Award Michael Luebbert, The survival value of forgiveness. The Jean-Marie Delwart Foundation '[SHE member listed in 1996 Directory. $10,000 award in Chemical Communication was won by Jeremy N. McNeil of the University of For more information, contact David Rosen at Laval, Quebec and by Ashok K. Raina of the U. tel. 1-409-845-0477, fax 1-409-845-4727, e-mail S. Department of Agriculture at Beltsville, [email protected]. Maryland for their studies of commwlication by means of sex pheromones in Lepidoptera. Intenzational Society for Humor Studies

The eighth annual conference of the ISHS will take place 8-13 July 1997 at the University of HBES Conference Central Oklahoma. For information, contact Amy Carrell, Dept. of English, University of Central Oklahoma, 100 N. University Dr., The Human Behavior and Evolution Edmond, OK 73034 USA, tel. 1-405-341-2980, Society will hold its annual meeting 4-8 June ext. 5609, fax 1-405-341-3823. To join the 1997 in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Local hosts are society, contact D. L. F. Nilsen, Dept. of Aurelio Jose Figueredo and David Rowe. English, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ Abstracts deadline is 1 March. Aurelio, an 85287 USA. Annual dues are $60 ($50 for ISHE member, can be reached at University of students); includes the journal HU11lo)' , a free Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA. sample of which is available on request. 23

Officers of the Society International Society for the Study ofBehavioural President William R. Charlesworth Development Institute of Child Development 51 East River Road ISSBD promotes the dIscovery, disseminntiOll, University of Minnesota and application of knowledge of human Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA developmental proceses at all stages of U,e life tel. 1-715-442-3211 span. The Soci2ty has a particular interest in fax 1-612-624-6373 promoting the application of findings from behavioural development research to the Vice-President! President-Elect improvement of people's lives. Membership is Charles B. Crawford open to individuals who have completed Department of Psychology postgraduate training in one of the biological, Simon Fraser University behavioural, or social sciences, and who are Burnaby, B. C. V5A 1S6 Canada engaged in behavioural research on human tel. 1-604-291-3660 developmental processes; there is also a student fax 1-604-291-3427 membership grade. Contact C. B. Kopp, Dept. E-mail [email protected] of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1563 USA. Annual Vice-President for Information membership $72 ($32 for students). Glenn Weisfeld Book authors: be sure to send us a review copy_ Secretary Karl Grammer Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Urban Ethology/Human Biology International Society for Applied Althanstrasse 14 A-1090 Vienna, Austria Ethology tel. 43-1-31-336-1253 fax 43-1-31-336-788 This group aims to encourage basic and applied EmaiIhttp://evolution.humb.univie. research into the behavior of animals as (World Wide Web) related to the use of animals by humans. This includes domestic, laboratory, zoo, pest, Treasurer captive, and managed wild animals. The Barbara F. Fuller Society encourages links between applied School of Nursing animal behavior science and other disciplines, University of Colorado and actively promotes the teaching of animal 4200 E. NinU, Ave. behavior and welfare in courses of veterinary, Denver, CO 80262 USA agricultural, and companion animal studio's. tel. 1-303-315-8929 Contact Dr. J. Eddison, Department of fax 1-303-315-5666 Agriculture and Food Studies, University of E-mail [email protected] Plymouth, Newton Abbot TQ12 6NQ, U.K. Annual membership £10. Membership Chair Nancy L. Segal HBES-L Department of Psychology California State University In August, HBES-L discontinued its role Fullerton, CA 92834 USA as an electronic discussion medium available to tel. 1-714-773-2142 everyone. Instead, it is now restricted to fax 1-714-449-7134 members of the Human Behavior and Evolution E-mail [email protected]. Society. 24

Email CURRENT (World Wide Web) LITERATURE Editorial Staff Editor December 1996 Glenn Weisfeld Dept. of Psychology Compiled by Robert M. Adams Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 USA' Interested in possibly reviewing one of the tel. 1-313-577-2835, -2801, -8596 books below or some other suitable book? fax 1-3132-577-7636 Please contact the appropriate book review editor (see Editorial Staff box). Submit items Current Literature Editor for Current Literature to Bob Adams (see Robert M. Adams Editorial Staff box). Please be sure that the Dept. of Psychology item has not yet appeared in this space. Eastern Kentucky University Richmond, KY 40475-0937 USA Altman, I., & Ginat, J. (1996). Polygamous fax 1-606-622-1020 Families in Contemporary 50ciety. Cambridge e-nlail: psyadams@acs, University Press, 40 W. 20th St., New York, NY 10011 USA, $54.95 (hdbk.), $27.95 (ppr.). Chief Book Review Editor Linda Mealey Anderies, J.M. (1996). An adaptive model for Dept. of Psychology predicting !Kung reproductive performance: A Queensland Universitv stochastic dynamic programming approach. Brisbane 4072, Austra'lia Ethology & 50ciobiology, 17, 221-246. (Univ. fax 61-7-3365-4466 British Columbia, Inst. App!. Math, e-mail [email protected]. Vancouver, BC V6T 122, Canada).

British Book Review Editor Archer, J. (1996). Attitudes toward A. Stuart Laws homosexuals: An alternative Darwinian view. Department of Psychology Ethology and Sociobiology, 17, 275-280. (Univ. The University, Newcastle upon Tyne Central Lancashire, Dept. of Psych., Preston NEI 7RU, England . PRI 2HE, Lancashire, England). tel. 44-191-222-6000 fax 44-191-261-1182 Archer, J. (1996). Attitudes toward telex 53654 (UNlNEW G) homosexuals: A rejoinder. Ethology & Sociobiology, 17, 285. (see supra) French Book Review Editor Peter LaFreniere Bereczkei, T., & Csanaky, A. (1996). Dept. of Psychology Evolutionary pathway of child development: University of Maine Lifestyles of adolescents and adults from Orono, ME 04469 USA father-absent families. Human Natllre, 7, 257- tel. 1-207-581-2030 280. (Univ. Pees., Sch. Med., Inst. Behav. Sci., Szigeti U12, H-7624 Pees, Hungary). Gennan Book Review Editor Karl Grammer Bjorklund, David F. (1996). Parental Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for investment theory and gender differences in the Urban EthologyjHuman BiOlogy evolution of inhibition mechanisms. Althanstrasse 14 PsycllOlogical Bulletin, 120, 163-188. (Dept. of A-1090 Vienna, Austria Psych., Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA). Spanish & Portuguese Book Review Editor Eduardo Gudynas Blum, K., & Noble, E. P. (Eds.) (1996). cj0 ASMER Regional Office Handbook of Psychiatric Genetics. CRC Press, Casilla Correa 13125 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W., Boca Raton, FL Montevideo, 33431 USA, $110 (hdbk.). 25

Calvin, W. H. (1996). How Bmins Think: Felson, R.B. (1996). Big people hit little Evolving intelligence, then and HOW. Basic people: Sex differences in physical power and Books, 10 E. 53rd St., New York, NY 10022 USA, interpersonal violence. Criminology, 34, 433- $20 (hdbk.). Needs reviewer.* 452. (SUNY Albany, Albany, NY, 12222, USA).

Camras, L.A., Lambrecht, L., & Michel, G.F. Freidenberg, B.M., & Cimbalo, R.S. (1996). (1996). Infant "surprise" expressions as Human ethology: Eating, security, and coordinative motor structures. Journal of curiosity. Perceptutll& Motor Skills, 83, 489- Nom'erbal Behavio,', 20, 183. (Dept. of 490. (REPRINT- Cimbalo, R.S., Daemen Col!. Psychology, DePaul Univ., 2219 N. Kenmore Dept. Psycho!., 4380 Main St., Amherst, NY Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, USA). 14226, USA).

Casey, M.B. (1996). Understanding individual Gallup, G.G. (1996). Attitudes toward differences in spatial ability within females: homosexuals and evolutionary theory: The role A nature/nurture interactionist framework. of evidence. Ethology&Sociobiotogy, 17, 281- Developmental Review, 16, 241-260. (Boston 284. (SUNY Albany, Dept. of Psych., 1400 Coli., Dept. Counseling Dev. & Educat. Washington Ave., Albany, NY, 12222, USA). Psycho!. & Res. Method, 201 Campion Hall. Chestnut Hill, MA 02167, USA).

Cheney, D.L., Seyfarth, R.M., & Palombit, R. Goldberg,S., Muir, R., & Kerr, J. (Eds.) (1995). (1996). The function and mechanisms Attachment Theory: Social, developmental, underlying baboon 'contact' barks. Animal and clinical perspectives. Analytic Press, Behaviour, 52, 507-518. (Dept. of Biology, Hillsdale, N], USA. Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA). Gollwitzer, P. M., & Bargh, J. A. (Eds.) (1996). The Psychology of Action: Linking cognition Chirkov, A. M., Chirkova, S. K., & Tsuliya, M. ami motivation to behavior. Guilford Press, 72 G. (1995). Emotional Stress in Monkeys. Nova Spring St., New York, NY 10012 USA. Science Publishers, Commack, NY, USA. Gottman, J. M. (1995). The Analysis of Change. Daly, M., McConnell, c., & Glugosh, T. (1996). Laurence Erlbaum, 10 Industrial Ave., Parents' knowledge of students' beliefs and Mahwah, NJ 07430 USA. attitudes: An indirect assay of parental solicitude? Ethology&Sociobiology, 17, 200. Gregory, R., et a1. (Eds.) (1995). The Artful (McMaster Univ., Dept. Psycho!., Hamilton, Eye. Oxford University Press, 198 Madison ON L8S 4K1, Canada). Ave., New York, NY 10016 USA.

Depew, D. J. (1996). Darwinism Evolving: Hames, R. (1996). Costs and benefits of Systems dynamics and the genealogy of natural monogamy and polygyny for Yanomamo women. selection. MIT Press, 55 Hayward St., Ethologtj & Sociobiology, 17, 181-200. (Univ. Cambridge, MA 02142 USA, $20 (ppr.). Nebraska, Dept. Anthropo!., Lincoln, NE 68588, USA). DiLalla, L.F., & Clancy Dollinger, S. M. (1995). Assessment of Biological Mechanisms across Hammel. E.A. (1996). Demographic constraints the Lifespan. Lawrence Erlbaum, 10 Industrial on population growth of early humans: Ave., Mahwah, NJ 07430, $18 (hdbk. sale Emphasis on the probable role of females in price). overcoming such constraints. Human Nature, 7, 217-256. (Univ. Calif. Berkeley, Dept. Demography, 2232 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, Dong, Q., Weisfeld, G., Boardway, R., & 5hen, CA, 94720, USA). J. (1996). Correlates of social status among Chinese adolescents. Journal of Cross-Cultural Hrdy, S.B., (1996). The evolution of female Psychology, 27, 476-493. (REPRINT: G. orgasms: Logic please but no atavism. Animal Weisfeld, Dept. Psych., Wayne State Univ., Behaviour, 52, 851-852. (Dept. of Anthroplogy, Detroit, Ml 48202 USA) Univ. of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA). 26

Hudson, L., & Jacot, B. (1995). Intimate Mackey, W.e. (1996). The Americall Father: Relatiolls: The natural history of desire. Yale BioCllltural alld Developmelltal Aspects. New University Press, P. O. Box 209040, New Haven, York: Plenum Press, $42.50 (hdbk). Needs CT 06520 USA. reviewer.

Itakura, S. (1996). An exploratory study 01 Mackey, W.e. (1996). The 'Demographic gaze-monitoring in nonhuman primates (Short Transition' in relation to cultural evolution: A Report). Japallese PsycllOlogical Research,38, candidate for paradigmatic imperialisnl. 174. (OITA Prefectural Coil. Arts & Culture, Mallkilld Quarterly, 37, 61-75. (Townshire Dept. Commun., 1-11, Uenogaoka Higashi, Manor, Apt. #6, 401 Lake Street, Bryan, TX OITA 870, Japan.) 77801, USA).

Jamieson, J.W. (1996). Intellectual ability, Masters, R. D. (1996). Machiavelli, Leollarda, evolution and eugenics. Mallkind Quarterly, 36, and the Science of Power. University of Notre 381-392. Dame Press, P. O. Box L., Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA, $32.95 (hdbk). Needs reviewer.* Jones, S.E., & Brown, B.e. (1996). Touch attitudes and behaviors, recollections of early Matsuzawa, T., Kojima,S., & Jitsumori, M. childhood touch, and social self-confidence. (1996). A brief note on the historical Jaul'llal of Nonverbal Behavior, 20, 1'17-164. background of the study of cognition and (Dept. of Communication, Univ. of Colorado, behavior in nonhuman primates by Japanese Campus Box 270, Boulder, CO 80309, USA). researchers. Japallese Psychological Research, 38,109-112. (Kyoto Univ, Kyoto, Japan). Klaus, M. H. (1995). BOllding: Buildillg the foulldatiolls of secure aUaelllllent and Mesquida, e.G., & Wiener, N.!. (1996). Human illdepelldellce. Addison Wesley Longman, 1 collective aggression: A behavioral ecology Jacob Way, Reading, MA 01867 USA. perspective. Ethology & Sociobiology, 17, 247- 262. (REPRINT: Wiener, N.!., York Univ., Knutson, B. (1996). Facial expressions of Dept. Psychol., 4700 Keele St., N. York, emotion influence interpersonal trait inferences. Ontario M3J IP3, Canada). Jou1'1lal of NOllverbal BehmJiol',20, 165-182. (Dept. of Psych., Bowling Green State Univ., Miller, E.M. (1996). Concealed ovulation as a Bowling Green, OH 43402, USA). strategy for increasing per capita paternal investment. Mankind Quarterly, 36, 297-332. Lalumiere, M.L., Quinsey, V.L., & Craig, W.M. (Univ. New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, 70148, (1996). Why children from the same family USA). are so different from one another: A Darwinian note. Humall Nature, 7, 281-290. Nakajima, T., & Taketoshi, O. (Eds.) (1996). (Penetanguishene Mental Hit. Ctr., Res. Dept., Emotion, Memory and Behavior: Studies all 500 Church St., Penetanguishene, ON L9M IG3, human al1d nonhuman primates. eRe Press, Canada). 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W., Boca Raton, FI. 33431 USA, $95 (hdbk). Lavie, P. (1996). The Ellchanted World of Sleep. Press, P. O. Box 209040, Nakamichi, M. (1996). The left-side holding New Haven, CT 06520 USA, $27.50 (hdbk). preference is not universal: Evidence from field observations in Madagascar. Ethology & Sociobiology, 17, 173-180. (Int. Inst. App!' Syst. Anal., Environmentally Compatible Energy Strategies Proj., A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria.) Mace, R. (1996). When to have another baby: A dynamic model of reproductive decision- Ottoni, E.B. (1996). EthoLog 1.0: Ethological making and evidence from Gabbra pastoralists. transcription tool for Windows. Behavior Ethology & SociobiologJj,17, 263-274. (Univ. Research Methods, Inst1'llmcnts, & Computers, London Univ. Coil., Dept. Anthropology, Gower 28, 472-473. (Univ. Sao. Paulo, BR-05508 Sao St., London WClE 6BT, England). Paulo, Brazil). 27

Paul, L., Foss, M.A., & Baenninger, M. (1996). Spence, M.J., & Freeman, MS. (1996). Newborn Double standards for sexual jealousy: infants prefer the maternal low-pass filtcred Manipulative morality or a reflection of voice, but not the maternal whispered voice. evolved sex differences? Human Nnture, 7, HlIman Fac/01's, 38, 199-212. (Univ. Texas, 291- . (Temple Univ., Dept. Psycho!., School of Human Dev., Box 830688, GR 41, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA). Richardson, IX 75083, USA).

Petrinovich, L., & O'Neill, P. (1996). Influence Sperber, D. (1996). Explaillillg C"lt"re: A of wording and framing effects on moral llatllralistic approach. Blackwell, 238 Main intuitions. Ethology & Sociobiology, 17, 145- St., Cambridge, .MA 02142 USA, $19.95 (ppr.). 172. (415 Boynton Ave., Berkeley, CA 94707, Needs reviewer. USA). Stanley, S. M. (1996). Childrell of the Ice Age. Roitblat, H. L., & Meyer, J.-A. (Eds.) (1995). Science News Books, 1719 N Street, N.W., Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science. Washington, DC 20036 USA, $27 (hdbk). MIT Press, 5S Hayward St., Cambridge, MA 02142 USA. Sulloway, F. J. (1996). Bam 10 Rebel: Birll, order, family dynamics, alld creative lives. Ruusuvirta, T., Korhonen, T., Arikoski, J. Pantheon Books, New York, $30 (hdbk). (1996). A simple Windows program for coding fast-changing events in observational Thompson, E. (1996). Colollr Visioll. Routledge, situations divided into variable intervals. 29 W. 35th St., New York, NYlOOO1 USA, $65 Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & (hdbk), $34.95 (ppr.).* Computers, 28, 470-472. (Univ. Jyvaskyla, SF- 40100 Jyvasklya, Finland). Thornhill, R., & Gangestad, S.W. (1996). Human female copulatory orgasm: A human Salter, F. (1996). Carrier females and sender adaptation or phylogenetic holdover. Allimal males: An evolutionary hypothesis linking Behavio"r, 52, 853-855. (Dept. of Biology, female attractiveness, family resemblance, and Unlv. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131- paternity confidence. Ethology & 1091, USA). Sociobiology, 17, '211,221. (Max Planck Res. etr. Human Ethol., Von Der Tann Str. 3-5, D- Valenza, E., Simion, F., Cassia, V.M., & 8234Ei"K\oster Andechs, Germany). Umilta, C. (1996). Face preference at birth. Jo,mznl of Experimelltal PSycllOlogy, 22, 892- Schorr, A., & Saari, J S. (Eds.) (1995). 903. (REPRINT: Simian, F., Univ. Padua, Psychology in Ell/"Ope: jillcts, fignres, realities. Dipartimento Psichol Sviluppo & Socializzaz., Hogrefe & Hube,..· Ptiblishers, Seattle, WA, VIA Venezia 8,1-35131 Padua, Italy). USA. Wawra, M. The Observer 3.0, a Segal, N. L., Connelly, S. L., & Topoloski, T. D. software package for behavioural observations. (1996). Twin children with unfamiliar parents: Ethology, 102, p. 702. (Univ. Tubingen, Klin Genotypic and gender influences on cooperation. Genet ABT, Tubingen, Germany). JOllmal of Child Psychology & P'ychiatry, 37, 731-735. (Dept. of Psych., California State Wion, F. (1996). Facially impaired man versus Univ., Fullerton, CA 92834 USA). chimpanzee: A within-primate differentiation effect. Perceptllal & Motor Skills, 83, 691-700. (Univ. Quebec, Dept. Sexol., POB 8888, Sin. A, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada).

Zeman, J., & Garber, J. (1996). Display rules for Silk, J.B., Cheney, D.L., & Seyfarth, R.M. anger, sadness, and pain. It depends on who is (1996). The form and function of post-conflict watching. Child Development, 67, 957-973. interactions between female baboons. Animal (Univ. Maine, Dept. of Psych., 5742 Little Behavio"r, 52, 259-268. (Dcpt. of Hall, Orono, ME 04469). Anthropology, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA). * Review copy received