+) Using Binary Comparisons for Optimized Files (Wor S Li E Cd

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+) Using Binary Comparisons for Optimized Files (Wor S Li E Cd UltraISOrevisionhistory 51,UltraISO8.62PE(April18,2007) +)Usingbinarycomparisonsforoptimizedfiles(wor s li ecdimageoc) +)Shellintegrationwor sforstandarduserson WindowsVista32bit/64bit +)Supportsfullerasingrewritablemedia +)Newcommandlineparametertoexcludedriveletters forISODrive(isocmdx) *)FixedabugwithconvertingsomesegmentedMDSimages *)KeepsoriginalcreatorformodifiedUDFvolume *)BettersupportsNero6.6.x.xburningengine *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 50,UltraISO8.61PE(January25,2007) +)SupportsISZimageswithsegmentsabove4GBlarge +)Supportsshellextension(isoshell)on64bitWindows XP/2003/Vista +)ImprovedUltraBurn,canburnallsupported AudioCD/VCD/SVCD/MixedModeCDimages +)CanchangeallfilenamesinanISOimagetouppercase (Ctrl+Alt+U)ortolowercase(Ctrl+Alt+L) +)Newcommandlineparameters(bin2isz)forcompressing ISOimagesviacommandline *)IncludesLame3.97encoder *)FixedabugwithdecodingsomeWMAfiles *)BettersupportslatestNero7.7.5.1and6.6.1.6 *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 49,UltraISO8.6PE(November27,2006) +)Newshellextension(isoshell),supportscreating,mounting, extractingandburningISO/ISZimageswithcontextmenuof Windowsexplorer +)ImprovedISODrive,including: Canmount/unmountISO'swithoutadminprivilegeandfrom mappednetwor drives Automountimagesonsystemstartup Loc smountedimagestoavoidbeingdeleted ImprovedDVDVideodiscemulation +)CandetectandmounttovirtualdrivesofDaemonTools4.08 andAlcohol120% +)KeepsdisclayoutwheneditingbootableCD/DVDISO's +)Canchangepriorityofmultiplefiles/foldersatonce +)OptiontoopennewlycreatedCD/DVDimagesoncomplete +)Newcommandlineparametersforcreatingandmountingpassword protectedISZimages(password) *)FixedabugwithhandlingtimezoneinformationofsomePS2 DVDimages *)FixedabugwithopeningsomeoldWinOnCD(.c2d)VCDimages *)Setuptwea s *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 48,UltraISO8.51PE(September29,2006) +)BuildinISOCD/DVDemulator(ISODrive),wor sonWindows VistaRC1and64bitWindowsXP/2003,andsupports portableenvironment +)Canmountallsupported(30+)dataCD/DVDimagesincluding ISZ(compressedISO)imagestoISODrive +)ImprovedISOeditingcore,cansavemodifiedUDFISOsdirectly +)CancreateandburnPS2CDimages +)CanopenBIFfilesextractedfromAcronisTrueImage9 bootableCDs +)Supportswildcharsforcommandline'file' +)Supportsmores insandWindowsVistaicons +)ImprovedNeroAPIsupport,autodetectsmediatypeonburn +)SupportsSerbianCyrillicandFarsilanguages *)ImprovedAlcohol120%andVirtualCloneDrivesupport *)FixedaGUIproblemwithwindowsvista *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 47,UltraISO8.2PE(PremiumEdition)(July28,2006) +)Supportsprojectfile,whichcanbereusedtocompileISOs orburnCDsandDVDs +)CancompileIML(SonyPS2CD/DVDImage)filetoISO,orimportIML toUltraISOandburnitonthefly +)CancreatePS2DVDimagesfromfilesandfoldersdirectly +)KeepsdisclayoutwheneditingPS2DVDISOs +)SupportsBlindWrite6(.B6T/.B6I)format +)Supports eyboardoperationtobrowsefiles(Cantypepathname, <Enter>and<Bac Space>tochangefolder) +)NewcommandlineparametersforcreatingUDFDVDimages(udfdvd) andreadingcomandlineoptionsfromatextfile(cmd) +)Newoptionforsettinglanguagebyui ey.ini *)FixedaontheflyburningproblemwithUDFvolume(UltraBurn) *)FixedaconflictingproblemwithAlcohol120% *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 46,UltraISO8.12PE(PremiumEdition)(June26,2006) +)BuildinDVDburningengine,canwriteallsupported(30+)data CD/DVDimagestoDVDR/RW,DVD+R/RW,DVDR/+RDLandDVDRAM +)SupportsOntheFlyburningmode(UltraBurn) +)SupportscompressedISOimage(.ISZ)formatwithAES256encryption andheavycompression +)CansplitISOimagesupto100segments(volumes)withcustomsize (ZIP100,CD650,CD700andvariableDVDsizeinbytes) +)ImprovedDVDVideoimagecreation,increasescompatibilitywith homeDVDplayers +)CandetectandmountISOimagestoVirtualCloneDrive(version 5.1.4.xandabove) +)NewcommandlineparameterforreplacingfilesinanISOimage withsamesizefileondis +)Improvedportableenvironmentsupport,canreadregistration informationfrominifileandclearreopenfilelist(byCtrl+Alt+H) *)FixedaproblemwithconflictingwithGearVideo8.01 *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 45,UltraISO8.0PE(PremiumEdition)(April12,2006) +)SupportsUDFDVDimages,canadd/extractfilesabove4GB(up to200GB)large +)CancreatebootableUDFimages(suchasbootableDVDofWindowsVista) +)CanmountISOimagetovirtualCD/DVDdrivesofDaemonTools4.xand Alcohol120% +)CanchangedisclabelofISOimageswithUDFvolume +)CanextractfilesfromaudioCDimagesbycommandline +)Newcommandlineparametersforcreating/verifyingISOchec sums *)ImprovedRoc Ridgevolumesupport *)FixedabugwithextractingfilesfromDVDimageofMSDNSubscriptions Library,May2006Edition *)FixedabugwithopeningsomeBWT/BWI/BWSimages *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 44,UltraISO7.66ME(March6,2006) +)Canopen/editharddis images(FAT/FAT32volumeonly) +)CancreateaudioCDimagesabove99min +)CanautodetectNero7andRoxio8asdefaultburningsofteare +)Newcommandlineparametersforextractingsinglefile/folderfroman ISOimage(get)andgeneratingbootinfotableforISOLINUXbased bootableCDs +)Returnexitcodeforcommandlineoperations +)Supports1.4G/30Minand2.8G/60MinDVDmedia *)FixedabugwithextractingbootimagefilefrombootableISOscreated byGhost8.3 *)FixedabugwithopeningsomeCDExtraimages *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 43,UltraISO7.65SR2(January6,2006) +)ImprovedbootableISOcreatingcore,increasescompatibility withmostBIOSandCD/DVDdrives *)FixedabugwithdetectingISOmountingstatusofAlcohol120% *)FixedabugwithintegrationofBINfiles 42,UltraISO7.65SR1(December21,2005) +)CanopenWindowsVistaISOproperly +)Donotshowsplashscreenforcommandlineoperations *)Fixedabugwithcommandlineoperationforaddingfolderstoan ISOwithout'output'option *)FixedabugwithISOvolumedetectionofsomeDVDVideoimages *)Fixedmisusedfunction eys(Ctrl+VandCtrl+A) 41,UltraISO7.65ME(October12,2005) +)CancreateXBOXDVDimagefromfilesandfolders +)CancreatemixedmodeCDimages +)SupportsWMAencoderofWindowsXPSP2andcreatesaudioCDimage fromWMAfiles +)Newcommandlineparametersforsettingfilepriorityandadvanced hiddenattribute +)CansavebootfilefromAcronisTrueImage9CDimage +)AutomaticallyadjustJolietfilenamesettingsasneeded *)Fixedanaccessviolationproblemwithlame_enc.dll *)Fixedabugwithsettingdate/timeoffilesinaRoc Ridgevolume *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 40,UltraISO7.62ME(August16,2005) +)Newpriorityattribute,canoptimizefilepositiononCD/DVD +)CanripWMAfromCDROMsandCDimagesdirectly,aswellas extractWAV/MP3filestoWMAformat +)CanopenandextractXBOXDVDimages +)SupportsDMGimageswithAppleHFSXvolume +)SupportsoldPXIimagescreatedbyDiscDupeofPlextorManger2000 +)Chec ifISOimageismountedtoavirtualCD/DVDdriveonsave *)ImprovedPS2CD/DVDandPSPUMDimagesupport *)Fixedabugwithverylongcammandlineparameters *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 39,UltraISO7.61ME(July12,2005) +)ImprovedMacDMGimagesupport +)CanmountISOimagestovirtualCD/DVDdrivesofAlcohol120%and DeamonToolsdirectly +)CancreateAudioCDimagefromMP3files +)ToolstochangeVolumeLabelofanISOimage +)NewcommandlineparametersforconvertingDMGtoISO(dmg2iso) +)Optiontosupport'DaylightSavingTime' +)Optiontomovedeletedlocaldis filesto'RecycleBin' +)SupportsLithuanianlangauge *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 38,UltraISO7.6ME(June9,2005) +)SupportsAppledis images(.DMG),canconvertDMGtoISO,NRG,BIN/CUE MDS/MDFandCCDformats(includingcompressedDMGimages) +)CanviewandextractfilesfromAppleHFS+volumeofCD/DVDanddis images +)SupportsAudioCDimageinAshampoo(.ashdisc)andGameJac (.XMD/.XMF) formats +)Supportsdis imageswithFAT32volumeandlongfilenames +)Canchangelabelofdis images(FAT12/FAT16/FAT32) +)Optiontos ipbadsectorswhenma ingafloppyimage +)OptiontoadjustmediatypeofanISOimageonsave *)Fixedabugwithunexpected'bac up'foldercreation(underthesame directoryoftheISOfilejustopened) *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 37,UltraISO7.56ME(May10,2005) +)CanripMP3fromCDROMsandCDimagesdirectly,supportsCBR,ABRand VBRwithpresets(LameMP3Encoder) +)Buildindigitalaudioplayer,canplayaudiotrac sonCDROMsandWAV fileinAudioCDimages +)CanreadCDTEXTinformationfromCDDAandaudioCDimagesin BIN/CUE,NRGandPXIformat +)OptiontogenerateISOimagechec sum,includingMD5,CRC32andCRC16 +)NewcommandlineparameterforsilentISOcreation +)SupportsFinnish,Macedonian,CroatianandRomanianlanguages *)FixedabugwithopeningsomePS2DVDimages *)Fixedabugwithwritingbac IMAfiletoafloppydis ette *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 36,UltraISO7.55ME(March22,2005) +)NewdirectCDaccessfeature,canopendata/audio/video/ multisessionCD/DVDROMsdirectly,view/extract/editthecontent andsavetoanimage +)CanopenandconvertCD/DVDimageswithsingleUDFvolume (withoutISOBridge) +)Newcommandlineparametersforma ingCD/DVDimages +)SupportsCatalanlanguage +)Chec simageformatcompatibilitywhenburningonNero *)Fixedacompatibleproblemof.NRGimagecreation(NeroCDDVDSpeed) *)FixedabugwithopeningsomeMDSimagesandmultisessionCCDimages *)Fixedabugwithrememberingheightofmainwindowonquit *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 35,UltraISO7.52ME(February25,2005) +)Newintegritychec feature,cancreateandverifyMD5 chec sumsoffilesonharddis ,ISOimageandCD/DVDDisc +)SupportsMDSimagescreatedbyDVDDecrypter +)SupportsCD+G/CDIimagesinBIN/CUEformat +)OptiontogenerateMD5chec sumsonsave +)Optiontosetimagetypeassociates *)Fixedabugwithhandlingbac upimages(.uiba )when savinganISOimagedirectly *)Someminorimprovementsandbugfixes 34,UltraISO7.51ME(January15,2005) +)Supportsmoreburningsoftware,includingAlcohol120%, CloneCD,andcdrpac (cdrecord/cdrdao) +)ShowLBAoffilesandfoldersinanISOimage +)Canchangefileproperties(Time,Hiddenattributes,etc) +)Canwrite.IMAimagebac toafloppydis ette +)Optiontohidethelocalexplorer(bottompane) +)Optiontodisablebac upfiles(.uiba )creation +)Slova languagesupported *)FixedabugwithhandlingDOS8.3filenames *)ShowwarningmessageforunsupportedHFSvolume
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