Uno±cial Math 501 Problems The following document consists of problems collected from previous classes and comprehensive exams given at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In the exercises below, all rings contain identity and all modules are unitary unless otherwise stated. Please report typos, sug- gestions, gripes, complaints, and criticisms to:
[email protected] 1) Let R be a commutative ring with identity and let I and J be ideals of R. If the R-modules R=I and R=J are isomorphic, prove I = J. Note, we really do mean equals! 2) Let R and S be rings where we assume that R has an identity element. If M is any (R; S)-bimodule, prove that S HomR(RR; M) ' M: 3) Let 0 ! A ! B ! C ! 0 be an exact sequence of R-modules where R is a ring with identity. If A and C are projective, show that B is projective. 4) Let R be a ring with identity. (a) Prove that every ¯nitely generated right R-module is noetherian if and only if R is a right noetherian ring. (b) Give an example of a ¯nitely generated module which is not noetherian. ® ¯ 5) Let 0 ! A ! B ! C ! 0 be a short exact sequence of R-modules where R is any ring. Assume there exists an R-module homomorphism ± : B ! A such that ±® = idA. Prove that there exists an R-module homomorphism : C ! B such that ¯ = idC . 6) If R is any ring and RM is an R-module, prove that the functor ¡ R M is right exact.