Bellwether Magazine

Volume 1 Number 6 Winter 1983 Article 1

Winter 1983

Bellwether 6, Winter 1983

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University of Winter 1983

Sports Medicine For HORSES

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A horse is slowly gaited in the parking lot, bark and forth. and then a bit faster at the request of an athletically built man. He is f'asually dre!'sed, shirt sleeves rolled up and has an easy-going, relaxed manner. ••That's enough,"' he calls, ••bring l1im in." The horse is led into a huge examining room. the clip-clop of the hoove!S silenced hy heavy rubher matting . The man in shirt sleeves care­ fully examinc!i the front leg and then orders x-rays. This is William Moyer, D.V.M., at work, doing what he does every weekday-examining and treating horses. He is head of the Equine Out­ patient Clinic at New Bolton Center. '"I am basically involved in Hports medicine for equine athletes," he explain!S. "My patients are rnf'e horses, jumpers, hunter�, and cu.-riage horses. You name a �port a hon�e is engaged in and we have seen its participants.

'"The con<'cpt of an outpatient clinic for horses i!l a reasonably ne" one at a large ho!;pital," Dr. Mo)er '4aid. Jiil- patients travel great dil'llance!l. The} are brought from as far away a!l an� Canada a� wel1 as all the state!! in hetween. The fat·ility at �ew Holton Center is q u ite new. The examining room was fino�t occupied eighteen months ago and is part of the George D. Widener M�m· orial Hospital. It is equipped with facilities for minor surgery and among its equipment

(continued on png1• 4)

' , r 2 · 1983·

..•.n· h!l\ 1 Vf'"'TJtt tl lt�,.V r.y Bellwether Emergency Service At No.6 Winter 1983 V H u p

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• Bellwether is published We'd like to hear your A couple comes home in the evening and lungs. and digoxin to strengthen the heart quarterly by the School praise, criticisms, or finds that the family pet. a miniature poo­ muscle. Between treatmentl' the dog is of Veterinary Medicine comments. Please dle. has difficulty breathing and appears to returned to the oxygen cage. Later, when it is at the University of address your corres­ be sick. Their regular veterinarian cannot be stable, an EKG and x-rays are taken. These Pen nsylvania, in coop­ pondence to: reached, so they contact the emergency ser­ facilities are available around-the-clock. eration with the Uni­ Or. John Martin. Editor. vice at VHUP. They describe the symptoms An arlimal with congestive heart failure versity of Pennsylvania University of and are told to bring the dog to the hospital. may also he connected to a heart monitor Publications Office. P.ennsylvania, When they arrive at the emergency service wit.h an Ol'lcilloscope to permit close monitor· School of Veterinary waiting room and check in, it is noted that ing of the condition. The service also has Editors: Medicine, 3800Spruce the animal i.; in critical condition. A techni­ t�pecial equipment which monitors an ani­ Or. John E. Martin Street, cian immediately takes the dog to the treat­ mal's body temperature and blood pressure. Sharon McCullough Philadelphia, PA 19104. ment room and a student escorts the (�ouple Later, hloodtcsts are done to determine liver Writers: or Sharon McCullough, to another room to take the case history. and kidney function. The emergency service Marcia Maziarz Editor. University of While this is being done the dog is examined has full laboratory services unt i I 10:00 p.m. Carol Watson Pennsylvania and readied for emergency care. daily. After 10:00 p.m. simple tests can be Helma Weeks Publications Office. "We prefer that owners call before bring­ executed but the more complicated ones are Or. Josephine Deubler 410 Logan Hall, ing their pet in, so we can have things set up held until the laboratory open11 the next (Animal Crackers) Philadelphia, PA 19104 and start treatment at once if necessary," morning. Designer: explained Rebecca Kirby, D.V.M., head of Often u critically ill animal, such as the Two Twelve Associates None of these articles emergency !-iervice at VHUP. ThiR approach is miniatut·e poodle, is trans·ferred to the Illustrator are to be reproduced in similar to one used in emergent:y rooms ln intensive-care unit of the hospital once 1t i�; Paul Meisel any form without the human hospitals. Indeed. the atmosphere stabilized. Here it is closely watched and any Photographers: permission of the and equipment in the emergent'y room at changes are reported at once to the intern in Diane Feltoon editors of BeJlwether. VHUP are reminiscent of any hospital emer· emergency servi(;e so that decisions regarding Lynne Kressley 1981 geney room. There are examining tables, the animal's treatment can he made quickly. New Bolton liaison: by the Trustees of EKG equipment, IV drip stand11, and trays Should elaborate diagnostics such as an echo­ Catherine Larmore the University of with sterile equipment. There are no bed!!, cardiogram or an angiogram be required, the Pen nsylvania. but a number of cages are available to cardiologist on duty may be consulted at any accommodate the patient�. hour of the night. In the morning, the dog is

:!.'1490/11. 7M/I.a3 Many of the emergencic:; are also sim­ transferred to the cardiology service which ilar: heart failures, car and fight injuries, then assumes responsibility for the case. gunshot wounds, broken bones, and a host of "Very frequently such an animal can be proble,ms which can occur in animals and stabilized on heart medication ancl do well at humans alike, while some of the cases home," Dr. Kirby said. treated occur only in animals. The big dif­ This particular dog is just an illustration ference between veterinary and human of one type of caRe seen in the emergency emergencies is that the \'eterinarian deals service. Another caHe of critical nature is with a variety of species and patients that gastric dllitation which requires prompt cannot explain their own problems. The doc­ attention and often surgery H lhe animal is tors at VHUP must rely on the owners to to he saved. ''We have a sixty percent succesH obtain vital background information. rate quoted by the surgeons,'' Dr. Kirby said. "When an animal is brought in, the most Many cases seen involve injuries received important thing is to stabilize it quickly and when an anim:1l has been hit by a car. These to diagnose the problem," Dr. Kirby said. animals are often in shock and htwe to be "We have a specially trained �taff here which stabilized before surgery or elaborate diag· is available around the clock. In addition we nostics can commence. "It is a very intense can consult with any !!pecialist needed." situation, one must make the right decisions The miniature poodle is a 1.ypical case. It quickly and one must know what to do next is ten years old and has conge�tive heart fail· if something doesn't work.," Dr. Kirby ure. Aher the initial examination and diag­ explained. ''We sec patients around-the-clock, nosis it is placed into the OX"ygen cage, a it is a steady stream. The busiest time is piece of equipment large enough to hold a between 6:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. People come giant dog. Here the amount of oxygen can be home and discover that their pet is ill and carefully regulated making it easier for that their veterinarian is not available. Also, animals with heart problems to breathe. The many animal�:� run free and are injured by cuntrols on the cage also permit the adjust­ cars." During the period of July 1, 1981 to ment of humidity of the air in the cage, a June 30. 1982, the emergency service saw over therapeutic aid for animaltli with respiratory 5.200 cases. Currently, up to thirty cases are problems. seen per day and this can increase to fifty or Once the dog is placed in the cage and is more on weekends and holidays. breathing easie·r, ·1 he intern discusses the Still another categot·y of patients are problem with the owners. "We proceed with those animals referred hy Yetednarians for definitive treatment after we have discussed special treatment or a diagnosis. These ani- Dr. Rebecca Kirhy examhres a the diagnosi!-1 and therapy with the owner radiograph in tlze emergency rovtt and have received authorization to do so," Dr. Kirby said. In this case, treatment includes medication to dilate the air pas­ sages, diuretics to reduce the fluids in the

Bellwether 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

mals are often too ill to wait for an one of Re,·eral veterinary specialists at an determines treatment. It is an intense leam· appointment in the regulax clinics and are emergency hospitaL She ha� restructured the ing experience for students and the School is admitted to the specialties through the service al VHUP. ••we have three rotating the only one which has a twenty-rour-hour emergency serviee. ""Many veterinarians util­ shifts, twelve hours each, for the three cmergenc:y service. Because the Veterinary ize this service.'' Dr. Kirby !:laid. ••Jt is a interns on duty during the week. On week­ School is located in an urban center, a great speedy way of getting a critical animal cutis three different interns t·utate these variety of cases are seen here making the admillt'd." Hhifts. These run from 6:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. program valuable training. Many students The emergency service !:lees many species with an overlapping shift from 2:00p.m. to come from other sehools to work in the of animalR, ranging from and dogs to 2:00a.n1., so that two interns are on dnty emergency senrice to receive this special haml'ters. gerbils, exotic pell'l, and wildlife. during the busiest Lime;' Dr. Kirby said. "In training. The latter are transferred to the student-run addition there are three nurse--technicians Dr. Kirby is on call around-the-clock. Wilrllife Service at the hospitaL Sometimes who similarly rotate shifts. Th� nnrsc­ ''Animal illnes!-i and injury crealet:l a very animall:l with contagious diseases are brought technidans are trained to handle injured emotional �;ituation for owners hec.:ause it can in and placed in the special isolation unit at animal!'! and perform many tusks, freeing the be acute and is often unexpected. Bet.:ause we the hospita I. interns to take care of the critical prohlems." p•·ovidc quick, effident serv·icc and have a In addition to seeing patients, the staff Students also share the work and arc active wonderful back-up from the specialties here, also provides information over the telephone participants in patient care. ownen:s of the animals feel that everything in an attempt to determine whether an A;; part of the curricuhun, students that can he done is being doue." illness is really an emergem·y. "We often can Mpend two weeks on duty at. the emergency help by phone, but we will see an animal if servi(•e on rotating eight-hour shifts. They Emergency service is open 24 hours the owner feels it is a life-threatening situa· interview the owners, examine the animals, a day, every day of the year, and it tion.'' Dr. Kirhy explained. and discuss their finding;; with the intern or can be reached by calling (215) Dr. Kirby arrived at VHUP in August clinician who makes the final diagnosis and from San Diego, California, where she was 898-4685.

Endowed Chairs

One of the major • Corrine R. and Henry Bower Professor of steps in the evo· �ledicinc (Nephrology): Kenneth C. Bovee, lulion of the School D.V.�L. M.Med.Sc. of Veterinary Medi· • Jacques Jenny Associate Professor of Ortho· cine to a position of' pedic Surgery: David P. Nunamaker, V.M.D. world prominence • Charlotte Newton Sheppard Professor uf has been the devel- :Met1idne: Donald F. Patterson D.V.M., Ph.D. opment of endowed • Lawrence Baker Sheppard Professor of chairs. The first was Surgery: Charles W. Raker, V.M.D. the Lawrem�e .Baker • Mark Whittier and Lila Gri�wold Allam Pro· Sheppard Professor !essort�hip: William Donawick, D.V. .M. of Surgery in 1967, • Elizabeth and William Whittacy Clark Pro. and the most recent !essor of Nutrition: David S. Kronfeld,

was the Grace B.V.Sc.• M.V.Sc., Ph.D. Lansing Lambert • Grace Lansing Lambert Professorship in Cell ProfeB�

•· ••••• •••• • • • Bellwether China ••••••••••••••••• Circulation Trip

Some readers have mailed to alumni, Dean Robert R. the impression that legislators, state and Martohak spent Bellwether bas a re­ federal officials, October 23 to stricted cireuJation horst- and I ivestock November 13, 1982, within the School breeders, dog and in the Peoples and to alunmi. Not breederl:l, and a Republic of China. so! Bellwether. which number of associa­ The invitation for is publiRhed quar­ tion;; devoted to the Dean Marshak to terly, has a circula· care and raiAing of visit Chitta wal:lten· tion of 12,700and is animals. dered by the Direc­ tor of the Bureau of Science and Technol­ ogy, Ministry of Agri­ 12,700 culture. More about thiF< in our next . •s�ue.I Winter 1983 3 Sports Medicine For Horses

"The beauty of lwrs<>s is that they can be recycled .• , Dr. l\1oyer said. '"They can do or.lter things besides racing or jumping. They can become a carriage horse or a pleasure horse for .someone. Many of the injuries manifest themselves only if top speed i._-t demanded titne after time. So a retired competi.t ion horse can still have a useful. enjoyable life.,

Dr. Moyer also has to keep in mind the a medical problem, the hot·se is referred to economics of the situal ion. The owner or another specialist. trainer may not be able to afford what may "We have here the largest number of he considered the ideal therapy. Race hort\e!i specialists of any facillt) treating horses in are profesPiional athletes and lime away from the world," he said. '·We are centraHy competition can be ''cry costly. Therefore, it located, only a few hours from major Eastern is important to be rcalistk with the owner. racing centers anrl areas of other horse "The beauty of horse�:� i!' that they can he activities." recycled." Dr. Moyer !laid. ''They can do Dr. "toyer obv iou:;ly loves his work and (<:onlinue.dfrom cot•er) other things besides rudog or jumping. They cares very much for the animals. "I have a is a portable x-ray machine which is fre­ can become a carriage horse or a pleasure great interest in athletics and am involved in quently used to examine horses' legs. horse for somcotH'. Man) o( the injurie� competitive sports. It was natural that I grav­ Dr. Moyer has heen the director of the manifest themr;elves only if top speed is itated to animal athletes hecause I clinic for three years. Be sees about six cases demanded time after time. So a retired com· understand a little more ahout it and have a day. ""Most cases are referred to the outpa­ petition horse can still have a useful, enjoy· empathy." tient dinic as diagnostic problems:t he said. able life." Owners have invested a great deal of their The majority of injuries presented to Or. Appointments for the Equine time and resources to raise and train each Moyer involve the legs. Horses injure their Outpatient clinic, which is open horse and hring it to peak performant:e bones. tendonH, joints, and muscles. They are l\1ondays through Frida s, can be levels. They come to the clinic when perfor­ prone to joint damage due to the wear and y mance slackens. tear from rigorous training and competition. made hy calling (2J5) 444-5800, "In racing. the difference between win· Another problemati<· area is the foot. Foot E xt. -t-05 or 406. ning and losing is very small, it's only frac- problems are probahly the leading cause of 1 ions of a second, or of a head length. Even a lameness," Dr. Moyer said. "That's not sur­ t�light drop in performance keeps a horse out prising when you think about it. A foot has of the money," he said. Horses are very prone an area of five to seven square inches which to injuries. ''It's a matter of bio-mechanil'!,.," touc·hes the ground. This supports the entire he explained. "When you combine the weight weight of the horse throughout its activitie ..." with the speed you can see that damage can He explained that wild horses are less prone easilv occur. These horses can run at forty to hoof injuries as they run continually and mph>' He explained that about eighty per­ keep hooves and feet in shape. "Domestic cent of the race hon;es have some kind of horses do not exercise continually, and so injury; joint damage ancl joint disease are their feet are weaker and their t�hoes are common. It is his joh to diagnose and treat u:'led as support." Horseshoes are a big part the horse to restore it to a t·ondition whirh of therapy, and according to Dr. Moyer, cor­ will allow it to return to competition and rec·tive horseshoes are vital to the industry. hopefu!Jy return the owner's investment. "Each shoe is tailor-made Lo the foot and for A race horse is started twenty·fi\·e to the prohlem." thirty times a year. ''One mu!\t always keep 1 n add it ion to special shoes he may pre­ this aspect in mind when making a diagnosi!i !oicrihe swimming as an exerdse to keep the and prescribing treatment," he said. "You an imaJ in shape. "It's a very good way to treat a race horse different than a draft keep a horse fit, while decreasing weight horse, just as a physician would use a differ­ bearing on Lhc limbs.'' ent approach for the treatment of the same Not all the problems presented to Dr. lc� injury in a track star or an office Moyer deal with the le�. "Horse,.; are often worker.... Another thing to he kept in mind •s pre�ented with back problems. They are dif­ the kind of training to which the horse is ficult to diagnose; these horses are often very �uhjected. There it� a significant difference hard to handle. and some are downright between the training of a dressage horse and nasty." He sees performance prohlems whit·h a Ateeplechase horse. There are differences in are not related to the musculo-skeletal sys· the demands made on the muscles, hones, tem. If they cannot he dealt with on an out· and tendons of these horses. All of this is con· patient basis, the horse is hospitalized; if it i!i !lidered in the diagnosis and the choice of treatment to be recommended to the owner. Vr. rf'illiam Moyer

Bellwether 4 Same Notes On Cats should be considered as well as actual disease diagnosed in 111 cases. Periodontal disease was Cats are excellent companion animals and they are conditions. Once the ideal has been determined. treated in 84 patients. There were 40 cases of becoming part of an increasing number of house­ breeding stock can be evaluated. distemper holds. While personality and suitability should The American Kennel Club's new plan to improve Fleas and intestinal parasites were frequent always be considered. coat color and color varia­ juding calls for the expertise and commitment of problems. Seen during the year were animals with tions are often the deciding factors in selection. parent breed clubs. The plan includes development pneumonia. lead poisoning, gunshot wounds, of illustrated standards. reading lists and other hypertension, gastric ulcers. encephalitis, and educational material. The ability to recognize the glaucoma. "perfect" specimen of a breed is essential. With this knowledge, we can work on elimation of Polsanous Plants undesirable qualities. Plant poisoning. although not common in animals. can occur because of potentially harmful house and garden plants. Dogs and cats frequently will eat grass with no ill effects. Household pets, particularly puppies and , tend to chew almost anything that seems interesting. Some­ • times, this is a sign of boredom or even a means of getting attention. 1 The possibility of plant poisoning is something to be aware of but rarely a cause for alarm. Gas­ trointestinal symptoms can be produced by azalea. ornamental bulbs (tulip. daffodil, etc.). mistletoe. and poinsettia. Some other plants cause clinical signs-such as nettle 1oxicity in hunting dogs and even marijuana poisoning where individuals pur­ posely involve their pets in the drug experience. "Tabby" describes the pattern of cat coats in a number of diff'erent breeds. Though the color and complexity of the pattern may vary, there are stripes on the head. body, legs. and tail. The letter Crackers M can be traced on the top of the head and the F. D. Hutt's Genetics for Dog Breeders (W. H. is a non-poisonous plant which causes outline o1 a butterfly over the shoulders. Freeman and Co., San Francisco. CA. 1979} is peculiar behavior but has no toxic effect. Cat color has been carefully studied and plays recommended reading. Grass awns (foxtail is a common one) can cause an important part in breeding programs. Legend Much that has been written is opinion rather mechanical damage by penetrating ears, nose, has it that all white cats are deaf. Whrle deafness than fact. and may include information that is conjunctiva, or even unbroken skin especially does occur in some white cats, selective breeding incorrect. outdated, or taken out of context. It between the toes. They cause much discomfort keeps the condition under control. always is better to use reference material from a until removed. Apart from pattern and color, cat coats are scientific publication and check to be sure it is Poison ivy and poison oak do not cause skin Irri­ usually classified as Shorthair or Longhair. Of current. An excellent series o1 articles was pub­ tation in animals, although the pet may carry the course, there are variations in each group. The lished in the June 1982 Pure-Bred Dogs-American irritating material on its coat and "transmit" it to Somali is a Shorthair with a medium length coat Kennel Gazette. This should be required reading for the owner Cattle, horses and other herbivores eat while the Red coat is short and distinctly curly. everyone concerned with breeding pure-bred dogs. the plant with no ill effect. but contact with the and the American Wirehair has a dense. harsh. Kennel Clubs of other countries recognize breeds feces may expose humans to the irritant. wiry coat. The Persian is the best known Longhair. considered ··rare·· in the Umted States. The United 11 poison is suspected. be able to identify the Magnificent as it is. its coat can become matted Kennel Club in Kalamazoo. registers dogs probable cause. In the case of plants. chewing the and tangled unless groomed regularly. The . of hunting breeds and others not recognized by the leaves does not necessarily mean actually ingest­ a less familiar Longhair, may eventually become a American Kennel Club. including American Eskimo, ing them. There are poisonous household plants, preferred pet as it is said to have a coat that does American Pit Bull Terrier, Toy Fox Terrier, American but there is an alarming list of additional poison­ not mat. Fox and Coonhound. Bluetick Coonhound, English ous materials in the house and garden. Fortu· Peculiarities in the cat world are the tailless Coonhound, Plott Hound, Redbone Coonhound. and nately, most dogs and cats are not attracted to Manx and the stubby-tailed . The Treeing Walker Coonhound. It has been reported plants. The large majority of cases are reported as Manx possesses a rabbit-like gait and is said to be that these breeds will be recognized by the isolated instances-something "new'' to report an excellent swimmer. Canadian Kennel Club, which regtsters a number of If your veterinarian suspects poisoning, there is Coat pattern. color. and tail-all serve to distin­ breeds which cannot be registered with the Ameri­ an Animal Poison Control Information Center at the guish a companion animal continuously chosen by can Kennel Club such as the Pudelpolnter. Nova University of . Their number rf 217·333-3611. humans since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Finnish Spitz. Eskimo and Mexican Hairless. Dog Breeds Improving the Breed Other "rare breeds" are the Canaan Dog, There are probably more than 400 breeds of dogs Over 150 genetic defects have been identified in Lowchen and Chinese Shar-Pei. There are any recognized in different countries of the world. purebred dogs and the list is growing. Most of number of pure-bred dogs and many registries In 1981, the American Kennel Club registered these disorders cannot be prevented or treated by other than the American Kennel Club. However, in 1,033,849 dogs. The most numerous were Poodles, medical procedures. The only way to eliminate the United States. the American Kennel Club is the Cocker Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers. German them is by using unaffected animals in breeding governing body for registration and dog shows. Shepherds. and Labrador Retrievers. A total of 125 programs. . Admirers of the Jack Russell Terrier might note breeds were registered. Miscellaneous breeds, A dominant trait is easy to control by selection that these extremely popular small workrng terri­ which cannot be registered or compete for cham­ of animals not showing the trait for breeding. A ers are not considered pure-bred. pionship points, are Australian Kelpies, Border Col­ recessive trait may be carried unseen in ttle animal lies. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Miniature Bull and transmitted to half of the offspring. Complica­ Veterinary Hospital (VHU P) Patient Statistics Terriers, Pharoah Hounds, Portugese Water Dogs, tions in this relatively simple process occur in the During the twelve-month period ending June 30, Spinoni ltaliani and Tibetan Spaniels. form of polygenic traits which come from the com­ 1982, the total number of visits and admissions to The Medical Records Department classifies all bined action of a number of genes. the Veterinary Hospital {VHUP) was 18,956. The cases by species. breed. age. sex, origin (Phila­ As breeders seek ways to maintain and improve large majority of the patients were dogs, but several delphia, Pennsylvania, . . their strains. they find help in texts to detect inher­ thousand cats were seen as well as many exotic Maryland. etc.) and by primary and up to three ited eye diseases and bleeding disorders as well as species (birds, rabbits. rodents. reptiles, primates. additional diagnoses. The information is of great metabolic defects. skunks. and ferrets}. value in studying the incidence of disease in dif­ Pedigree studies are of great value in control The largest number of cases were presented for ferent breeds and by checking increased incidence programs. Breed Clubs can be of great help in this different types of tumors. followed closely by frac­ in different areas. For example, they can tell an respect. A record of every animal in a pe�igree tures and other injuries caused by automobiles. investigator how many cases of parvovirus dis­ should be studied to determine the most Important There were 161 cases of hypo- or hyper-thyroid!sm, ease occurred in a certain area and which breeds problems in the breed. Conformation and behavior 132 cases o1 atopic skin disease and 170 blocked were affected. Records from all cases seen for the cats. Parvovirus disease was diagnosed in 93 past five years are readily available. and older patients. There were 137 cases of cystitis and 143 records can be retrieved from storage. animals with cataracts. Idiopathic epilepsy was

Winter 1983 5 • •

At a faculty meeting on July 17, 1945, Dr. A. Newton Richards, vice president for medical affairs at the University, announced that he was in receipt of a letter frorn Dean George A. Dick indicating that he wished to resign as soon as someone could be found to replace him. Or. Dick had served the School faithfully for fifteen trying years and had strived valiantly to improve its situation. However. he had received little support from the University, and without this support, his efforts were severely limited. Those who knew Dr. Dick well, report that he was not reluctant to give up the deanship, and. in fact, was relieved to do so. In a meeting with the subcommittee of the Alumni Society Departmental Committee, in 1945. Dr. Richards acknowledged that neither he nor others in the University had gtven the School the support that it needed, but that his future goal would be to create a Veterinary School of the first order. In preparation for the future, Dr. Richards, accompanied by Dr. John D. Beck. professor of medicine, visited several veterinary schools in order to inspect their physical plants and become more familiar with their programs. Dr. Richards also consulted with a committee of the Alumni Society, chaired by Dr. Samuel F. Scheidy, to elicit recommendations for a new dean. At an Alumni Society meeting on January 8, 1946, Brigadier General Raymond A. Keiser was introduced as Or. Dick's successor. In his remarks to the Society, Dr. Keiser stressed that "in order to maintain a faculty at top proficiency. it is impor­ tant to promote research work." This was one area in which the School had been very deficient. Or. Keiser had an established background as a researcher and administrator. two of the qualities which the University desired in a dean for the Vet­ erinary School. In agreeing to come to Penn. Dr. Keiser had obviously been given assurances by the University that he would recetve a measure of support which had not been given to his predecessor. Evidence of this was shown by immediate increase in the I 9 8 3 semiannual state appropriation, and the erection of a third floor on the north wing of the quandrangle building. During the six years in which Or. Keiser served as dean. there was a marked upswing in the quantity and breadth of research. Or. Keiser personally received a grant from the Grayson Foundation for work on equine infectious anemia, and Ors. David K. Detweiler and John E. Martin conducted a study on the actton of atropine in the horse under a contract to the Army Chemical Cen­ ter. Drs. Evan L. Stubbs and Alfred Wallbank were the recipients of a grant from the U.S. Cancer Research Institute tor research on Strain 13 chicken sarcoma virus. and Or. Mark W. Allam was engaged m comparative studies in the Medical School on peripheral nerve paralysis. Most impor­ tant. Dr. Detweiler and Or. John T. McGrath initiated their work in cardiology and neuropathology, respectively. a prelude to major research efforts that would take place during the next three decades. Dean Keiser was an abrupt, authoritative indi­ vidual, a decided contrast to Deans Louis A. Klein and George A. Dick. His approach was so different that it disturbed some older members of the faculty and some alumni. However. younger faculty believed that his methods offered an oppor-

Rellwether b Development Office Activities

tunity for the School to progress. One of Dean The School of Veterinary Meclicine closed its Dog Owners Educational Lt>ague (NJ) Keiser's first moves was to secure atl departmental books on June 30, 1982, having raised Dog Training Club of Maryland budgets in the Dean's Office, and to announce that $5.979,000 in new gifts and "'ubscriptions Dog Trainin� Club of York (PA) funds would be available only to those who pro­ from the private sector. Durham Kennel Cluh (NC) duced. He followed this by declaring that in the This total 1ncludet> $3.191 million from Elm City Kennel Club (CT) future the faculty would not be permitted to take individual!-!, and major umong these were the Empire Alaskan Malar-nute Cluh the entire summer as a vacation period. These gifts establishing the Eli:�:aheth and William For�;yth Kennel Ch1h (:'' named the first Mrs. Kennesaw Kennel Club (GA) Cheever· Porter Intern. Keystone English Spring Spaniel Club (PA) The Dietrich Foundation awarded a Ladies Kennel Association of America grant of S3,000 to the aquatic veterinary Laurel Highlands Kennel Association (PA) medicine progrcun, nnd the Knapp Founda­ Lehigh Valley Kennel Club (PA) tion !l'lPl>orted thi!! program with a grant of Lcnapc Track ing Club (NJ) $36,595. Liberty Hell Cat Cluh (PA) The Animal Res{·ue League of Phila­ Long Island Owner Handler Assoeiation delphia ha!,; awarded u:< an additional grant Long hland Kennel Cluh of S2,100 for equipment for the Intensive Longview Kennel Club (TX) Care l:nit in the Small Animal Hospital. Th(' Los Encinos Kennel Club (CA) Robert H. Winn Founriation for Cat Luzt!rne Du� Train ing \.tub (PA) Hesearch awarded $5,000 to Dr. David "laryland Boxer Club Knight's project on eehc�t·anliographic study Mason-Dixon Ge1·man Shnrt haired Pointer of cardiomyopathy in cats. Club ()-ID) Ao udditional grant of $5.000 from the Mattaponi Kennel Club (VA) Janet A. Hooker Charitable Trust will sup· :V1id-Atlantk Rascnji Club port continued reseanh on kidney disease in Monmouth County Kennel Club (NJ) the dog, and a gifl of $1,000 from the :Vfontgomcry County Kennel Cluh (PA) Harrisburg (PA) Kennel Club will help equip National Capital Kennel Club a new hematology laboratory in the Veter­ New Rcunswick Kennel Cluh (NJ) inary Hospital. New J crsey Roxer Club Throughout the year, we receive many gifts New-Penn-Del Newfoundland Club from many canine and feline organizations. l\orlhwestern C::nnne<•tit:ut Do� Club Or. Rnymotul Keiser Most of the�;c arc for the Friends of the Olean Kennd Cl ub (l\Y) D<>arl. 1946·1%2 Small Animal Hospital, and the following Pennsylvania Federution of Dog Clubs dubs t:ontribuled lo this fund in the year Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America Or. A. N1•wtrm Ridwrds ending June 30th: Potomac Afghan Hound Club F11rmf•r �' ict• Prt•sillt!rtI for Mt!.diC'al Affain Allentown Dog Training CJub {PA) Potomac Vallev Standard Schnauzer Club American International Rorder Collie Club Progessi'e Dug Club or Wayne County (MI) American Bouvier deB Flander:o; Club Putnam Kennel Club (NY) Anne Arundel Kennel Club (MD) San Fernando Kennel Club (CA) Australian Terrier Club of America Sand and Sea Kennel Club (NJ) Back Mountain Kennel Club (PA) San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club (CA) Badger Kennel Club (WI) Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Club of Berks County Kennel Cluh (PA) America Hoardwalk Kennel Club (NJ) Somerset County Dog Obedience Club (NJ) llucks County Kennel Club {PA) South Jersey Dog Obedience Club Bucks-Mont Owner Handler Association (PA) Staten Island Kennel Club Bull Terrier Club or Philadelphia Suburban Dog Trainin� Clnh (PA) Capital Cat Fanciers Club (DC) Yosemite Kennel Club (CA) Carroll Kennel Club (MD) Cat Fanciers Club of Other kennel, breed, and cat clubs have Catonsville Kennel Club (MD) given re�tricted gifts-in tmpport of medical Columbia Kennel Club (SC) genetics, tlte seholarshi p fund, the virus Dayton Kennel Club (OH) diagnostic laboratory, ophthalmology-and Devon Dog Show Association (PA) these wiU be listed in the next issue of BELLWETHER. Doberman Pinscher Club of the National Capital Area Wiuter 1983 7 P'OULT RY Cooperative Diagnostic Laboratory

One sick chicken poses a serious threat to an servicemen and non-veterinar)' experts for ity and eeonomic loss, Dr. Eckroade has seen entire flock. When you're in the business of disease controL" outbreaks in the big co-ops, too. raising chickens or other fowl for profit, While much medical tl·eatment, includ­ "We had an outbreak of disease in a poultry disease can spell economic disaster. ing flock vaccinations, is routinely handled large chicken house last fall," he recalled. That's why many poultry farmers and coop­ by lay servicemen, the1·e at·e serious problems "They lost about 10,000 birds and the cause eratives bring their ailing birds to Dr. Robert that threaten an entire flock and require the was traced to visitors who came to look at J. Eckroade, New Bolton Center's poultry services of a trained veterinarian. equipment. expert. "'When a serviceman can't solve a prob­ "We reiterate the impo1·tan<�e of Dr. Eckroade, associate professor o£ lem or there is the threat of an ep-idemic, he isolation-rearing management or what we poultry pathology, heads the Poultry Pathol­ will bring us a sample of ill birds which are sometimes refer to as 'don't let the clown in ogy Laboratory on Byrd Road across from sacrificed. Then we conduct a necropsr exam­ Lhe chicken house.' Anot her cause of disease the sprawling rural campus of the "Cniversity ination to try to identify the problem before is the result of inadequate ''accination of Pennsylvania's large animal hospital. It is an entire flock is affected," explained Dr. programs." one of four regional diagnostic laboratories Eckroade. While Dr. Et:kroade prefers and has a in the state, two other Pennsylvania Depart­ Frequently he and his staff are called few of his own '"backyanl" chickens, he ment of Agriculture affiliated laboratories out to the field, where they can get a first­ emphasizes that this method of raising poul­ are located in Oovlestown and at Penn· hand look at management operations. Often try is no longer economi<�ally feasible. The sylvania State University. There is also a state they will select a group of ailing birds at the modern approach to large·st:ale poultry rais­ laboratory in Harrisburg. site for necropsies. ing operations has been attacked by animal "The laboratory serves three major fun<�· According to Dr. Eckroade, many infec· rights groups as <�ruel and inhumane. In such tions," explained Dr. Eckroade, who also tious poultry diseases are nutritional in operations, fowl are raised in close confine· directs the business activities of the Ameri­ origin or management-related. While there ment, sometimes in wire cages. Their beaks can Association of Avian Pathologists as arc classic virus infections like Newcastle dis· secretary-treasurer of the organization, which ease, infectious bronchitis, laryngotracheitis makes its heatlquarters at the laborator·y site. and fowl pox, for which vaccines have been "We provide a poultry diagnostic service used for years, there have also emerged in to area poultry farmers, cooperatives and the past ten years, new diseases eaused hy reo veterinarians. We also provide an educational and adeno viruses, about which too little is service, leaching vet s<�hool students and known. sponsoring poultry education programs for Besides student instruction, the poultry the public. The smallest component of our laboratory also provides educational services work right now is research." to area poultrymen through poultry man· The poultry laboratory is partially agement programs at Penn State tJniversity funded through an annual grant from the and at local agricultural meetings. Respond­ Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture's ing to the needs of poultrymen locally and Bureau of Animal Industry to support diag· from New Jersey and , the labora· nostic services only. Competitive grants fr·om tory will serve anyone who needs help with a the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the poultry problem, inclnding the owners of pet Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture help birds, which veterinarians are seeing more to fund poultry research programs. of, Dr. Eckroade noted. Poultry is a major industry in Penn· "'We charge the cooperative a $10 fee per sylvania, whit:h is the third- to fourth-largest case. Sometimes two or three cases are table-egg producing state in the country. brought in by a serviceman representing dif· With an agricultural economy dependent on ferent problems on different farms," he said. healthy animals, there is an acute need for ..The small farmer iH often unable to keep up veterinarians who Frpedalize in poultry medi· with the state of the art and generally relics cine and can provide·tise in poultry on a middle agent or serviceman. disease control. "'Since we don't want to discourage the According to Dr. Eckroade, most practic· backyard farmers from utilizing our diagnos­ ing veterinarians have had little poultry tic services, we don't charge them. Nor do we training or experience. While poultry medi· charge the pet bird owners, who are often cine is broadly cover·ed in the veterinary cur· distraught at diseovering their expensive riculum at many Hchools, it is rarely studied investment has contracted a disease. at any depth. "Our maxim is 'prevent the disease, At the l..Jniversity of Pennsylvania, poul· rather than treat it,' which represents the try medicine is a required course for sopho­ epitome of disease control," said Dr. mores, and additional ele<:tive eourses arc Eckroade. "One of the most important fac· offered in advan<�ed study and in senior rota· tors in controlling the spread of poultry dis· tion programs at New Bolton Center. Dr. cases is sanitation. In some cases, humans are Eckroade designee! a two-year residency pro· responsible for transmitting many poultry gram specializing in poultry diseases and how diseases from one chicken house to another. to prevent them. ln our education programs, we stress the "Veterinary medicine had essentially need for proper sanitary procedures in poul­ deserted the poultry industry," said Dr. try houses. Disinfectant spraying of houses Eckroade. "The huge cooperatives have a between flocks and wearing boots, a hat, and t�rilical need for this specialty and fewer than coveralls before entering and leaving the a hundred veterinarians literally manage houses can prevent the spread of disease." poultry disease control in the United States. While noting that the backyard chickens So the industry has long relied on their own arc still a major factor in the outbreak of poultry epidemics, resulting in high mortal-

Bellwether 8 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "We provide a poultry diagn ostic service to area poultry farmers, cooperatives and veterinari-ans. lf/£, al.�o prol'ide an educational service. teaching 1'eL school student.�t and sporuoring poultry education progrants for the public."

are trimmed and artificial lights used to need to monitor vaccination programs lo tern in order to work with more serious induce longer egg laying periods, increasing prevent future outbreaks of disease. Vaccines infectious diseases. considerably their normal production. are administered in a number of ways. Although it is not yet on line, Dr. "Grandma's chickens ran free, but they including individually hy eye drop or wing Ecluoade anticipates the implementation of also laid far fewer eggs, and not uncom­ web stab, which is expensive. a new automated technology called "Enzyme monly, we1·e eaten by a fox or dog. If we had Other less expensive methods involve Linked Immuno Sorhenl Assay" (ELISA) sys­ to survive on what Grandma got for her eggs, adding vaccine to drinking water or spraying tem lo monitor poultry for disea�:�e problems. we'd be in economic trouble. Actuallv, the the air of the chicken house, which is The advantage of ELISA over conven· wholel\ale price for a dozen eggs has�'t absorhed through the birds' eyes and lungs. tional lahoratory testR is that it is far more changed significantly in twenty lu thirty Research facilities of the poultry labora­ sensitive and accurate. ELISA uses very small years," he noted. tory include twelve replicate "colony houses.'' \'Olumes of sera and is adaptable to an auto· The new intensive farm methods of rais­ These 14' x 14' wooden houses were donated mated system thus enaLling the laboratory to ing t'owl produce healthier birds hut also to New Bolton Center about three years ago use larger sample size!l that can be analyzed permit the potential for serious outbreaks of by CEVA Laboratories. Poultry industry in a sh()rler time period. The automated sys· disease because so many birds Live together donations were used to move them here from tem can also provide a printout of lest (30,000-80,000 pet· farm is typical in Pcnnsyl· the Chit!ago area, and refurbish them with finding�:�. vania). While dose confinement can produce concrete floors, water, heat, electricity, and ELISA will be used for "rlock profiling." more stres1-1, pro(luction nunagcrs can better new roofs. Another two-room tight-isolation health monitodng and disease identification monitor health. initiate treatment very early, bnilding was constructed four years ago. This and t:ontruL The technology wi!J make it and obviously. predators are oo longer a bni ld ing has a filter air positive pressure sys· possible to conduct the test� in a few hours, problem. which normally may take up to four or five With 80,000 birds typically being innocu­ days, in some conventional tests. lated hy lay servicemen, there is a serious (continued on page 10)

Winter 1983 9 Cooperative ANIMAL PROFILE Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory Endangered Cats (contirtued from page 9)

Dr. Et:kmade exp lained that a \'ariety of At most zoos cats are the star attraction and Because of their gran d size, beautiful conventional tests U11ed to detect the amount the Philadelphia Zoo is no exception. Their color, and $triping, Siherians are very popu­ ot'antibodies in the hJood can be performed family of S·iberian ligers draws a crowd lar in zoo!\. Their popularity has caused zoo!! oo ELISA not unlv in less time, but with regularly. to overbreed the species. Today there are considel·ahly less expense. Throughout the world there are seven more captive tigers than there are spaces While Dr. Eckroade hopes to implement subspecies of tigers. Of the seven the Caspian available. Many 1.oos have stopped breeding ELISA over the next year, he noted that and the Jlali are gone. Five remain: the and use a tiger version of birth control pi lls there are still Rome (:h icken antigen cross Rengal. the Chinese, the Javan, the Siberian, to prevent pr·egnancy. reactions occurring I hat have yet to be and the Sumatran. The Bengal, with four to Yet since captive tigers often lh·e twice worked out. All the other mechanics are in five thousand in the wild, is the most their normal life span, breedi ng may not order. numerous $pecies. Only 200 Siberian tigers occur until later than usual and a whole gen­ The ELISA technology. secured through live in their naltlral habitat. Zoos possess eration may be losl. The result is an unusual cnmpet ilive grant �. is a cooperative project close to one thousand. age di!itribution of cats. AJso, most of the with Penn State'� Dr. Richard Wi lson. Pun tlwra tigri.<> altaica (Siberian tiger) is capti'\·e Siberians are descended from a rela­ Affiliated with the Lniversity of Penn­ found in the Amur River region near the tively small gene pool resulting in a lack of sylvania sim·e 1976, Dr. EC'kroade has Soviet Far East and Northern China. The genetic di versity in the animal�. inC'reased hi8 staff from one Let.�hnician to area consistt< of mixed dedd uous forests and The Species Survival Plan (SSP) is a con­ three, a t:arelaker and a secretary, all of open, rocky. mountainous terrain. Siberians troversial t'iorth American plan that provide!'! whum recently moved into the new. larger arc solitary hunters that depend greatly on strict guidelin es for genetic purity in capt ive headquarters on Jlyrd Road. their hearing. Often they detect their prey at animals. Thie; pasl September the fnterna­ Wnrking closely with Dr. Eckroade in a distance o'f over 500 meters. Wild boar and tional Union of Directors of Zoological the laborutory and on field problems i11Dr. red deer are their preferred meal. Gardens met in Rotterdam. The Union asked Linda Silverman, one of the first female The largest of the felines, Siberians Dr. Llysse!l Seal, <:hairman of the Cap tivt: pouhry diagnosticians in the country. Other usually measure six and a baH feet in length Breeding SpedulisL!l Group, to expand the Rtaffecs include: Nam�y Fitzkee, head teduli­ and have a three-fool tail. Their average North American plan for international use. c:ian, Pam Tully, tec:hnician, Betsy Frey, weight is 350 pounds. The record weight for If the SSP is adopted internationally, the research asl'lot:iate, Ruth Holtodick, seeretary, a Sihet·ian is 645 pound F.�. During winter they fltnwlure of zoos will change dramatically. l\o and Davirl Hoffman, animal. caretaker. develop a .layer of fat as in!>!ulation that en· longer will individual zookeepers make ded­ Ori�inal ly from , Dr. Eck.roade ahles them to tolerate low temperatures. sions concerning the hl'eeding of animals. did hiR nndergr·uduatc work at Virginia Poly· The Siberian family at the Philadelph ia They wi ll have lo consult i nternational technic Institute-. He earned a master's Zoo has un interesting history. Kundar, the guideli nes. degr·ee and a Ph.D. degree from the Univer­ male, arrived as a fub from the Leipzig Zoo, The Philadelphia Zoo would he con· sity of and received his D.V.M. where captive breeding has been extremely cerned mainly with the Operation Siberian {rom the t.lnivcrsity of Georgia. Expressing successful. He weighs m:er 600 pounds and is Tiger phase of the SSP. Controversy over thiR an earl) interest in a small animal pradice, ahmat Lhirtecn year� old. Tigers live about plan seems imminent. To c.rcatc the space he later had a mixed prc.u:tice in North Caro· twelve to thirteen years in the wild. In ('ap­ needed for a large genetic diversity in cap­ )ina. Then he took a posit ion in a poultry tivily their life spans nearly double. tive tiger!! that corresponds to the genetic lahoratorr. and in his own words, ''loved it." Kundar is no sll:angcr to the University. diversity found in wild tiger!-!, many existing Pcnn'R poultry expert. Or. Eck.roadc A coup le nf years ago students from the Siberians would have to be euthanatizcd. In recei "·ed 1 he Lindbaek Award for teaching School of Dental Med icine performed root fact, some tigerA today ace so inbred that poultry diseases and was recently appointed canal surgery on Kundar and capped a few of they too would not be kept. adjund associate profes!'im· of veterinar·y hiR tet:th as well! Public reaction lo the euthanatization of scienee at Pennsylvania State Lnivcrsity. Zeya, Kundar's mate, arrived from the animals is experted lo be highly critical. But the.-c's a lot mnre to the amiable, Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens. On Recently the Detroit Zoo tried to euthanatize long-siflehurncd Rob E<�kroade than "just us J nly 4, 1980, she gave bir·th to three female one of their old Siherians whose med1c:al his· " chickens, tiS 1 he expression goes. A I icensed cuhs. They were named Martha, Abigail, and tory waf.l extremely poor. There was a trernen· pilot with an apparent sense of adventure, he Dolly in honor of the first three presidents' dous public uproar. enthw:;iustically deRtlrihed the white water wives. The girls live in separate cages near If the Philadelphia Zoo subscribes to ratting trip down I he River he and their parents. The Zoo also owns two Operation Siherian Tiger, Bill Donaldson, a colJcagues from the New Holton Center Siberians currently al the Utica Zoo in �ew zoo spokesman, believes a publit� education recent ly took. York. campaign of the SSP will he imperative. Zoos On an iso lat ed fift)-two-acre farm in must aid the preservation uf ani mals and Rising Sun. �aryland. he and his wife, their genetic purity. According to Donaldson, Carlene, a re:.�earc:h chemist for W. F. Gore the publif needs to understand that without aud Associates, raise a few horses, chickens. the SSP the captive Siberians of the future and some cattle. Two sonfi. lloh, Jr., and Rill, will be substantially different from their and a daughter, Shcrri, fomplete the ances1ors in 1he wild. Eckroade famHv. Ra(:k on th� subject of chicJ...ens, he joked, .. I've often been ac•<.·used of havin g an unnatural attraction to chickens.'' On a more !!erious note, he added, '1When producers� profit margin goes down because hens stop laying eggs, you're the person they turn to for help. We can't do it all, but if we c:an learn to solve one per!;on's problem, that will also hel p others."

Bellwether 10 "Do Something Wild''

Pennsylvanians 'f iling state income tax returns this year will have an opportunity to "Do Something Wild." Under Legislation enacted this past summer, Pennsylvania joins several other states that allow taxpayers to designate all, or a portion or their state tion of the extent to which Pennsylvania. income tax refund to help nongame wildlife. \\-;11 take an active role in supporting the In line with the new Wild Resource Con· proper management of our state's wild rt. servation Act si�ned by Governor Thorn· sources. It is the hope of the Hoard that the burgh l�tsl June. the revenue department has "Fund" will be substantiaL for in addition to provided spare on the 1982 Pennsylnsnia tax some of the projects outlined above for the form where persons may rontribute to the Game Commission, the FiHh Commission and Wild Resource Conservation Fund. the Department of Environmental Resources Ta xpayers will be able to designate what also have much work to do to ensure the portion of their in<:ome tax refund they management and protection of aquatic life would like lo donate to help Pennsylvania's and wild plants under their jurisdiction. of vulnerable ;:pecies in danger of being lost wild resource management agencies ensure The Department of Environmental be<·ausc of beauty, economic value, or other the future welfare of nongame birds, mam· Resources, with the creation of the Wild fadors which make them prime targets for mals, fish. repttles, and amphibians. Revenue Resource Con�ervation At'l, is now charged being removed from their native habitats. generated from the tax check-off will also be with the reRponsibility for the managemem The many users of our l'ltate's vaot par ks, used to manage and protect wild plants. and protection of Pennsylvania's native wild game lands, fore�;t lands, and recreation areas Pennsylvania Game Commission person­ plant species. The inclusion of wild plants in will receive benefit from the fund. A wider nel are pleased that the Legislature has the program is unique to the Penn�ylvania variety of animal and plant life will be avail­ approved the tax check-off in Pennsyh·ania. Act. Other states which have adopted similar able due to proper management and They are hopeful that sufficient funds will tax check-off funding i'or nongame wildlife enhanrement of habitat. The Wild Resource be generated to fund new and ongoing non· have no provisiuns for wild plants in their Conse•·vation Fund will increase tht: educa· game program�>. programs. tiona! and recreational opportunit ies for all Since 1979, the Game CommiMiion has �oney allo(•ated to the Department of of the citizens of the Commonwealth. allo,Jated about $30,000 to aid the Ameriean En"·ironmental Re:;ourceF! hy the Wild Because of Pcnnsy lvania's unique tax bald eagle and re-introduce the peregrine Resource Conservation Board will be used to structure, many taxpayers are not en I �tied to falcon and osprey. Next year, the Commission provide proper management programs to col­ a refund. However, if they desire to help plans to allocate additional funds to bring lect information and conduct research on the finant:e the program. those persons may con· more ()sprey from Fiurrouncling tidewater population, distribution, and habitat needR tribute directly. They simply may draft a states and to re·eHtahlish a new colony of of native plant species and plant communi· check or mone)' order payable to the Wild river otters in northcentral Pennsvlvauia. ties. The department iH required to classify Rcilource Conservation Fund and mail it to The Wild Resource Conservation Fund could wild plants to determine management mea­ Com ptroller, Hm. 2063. Hardsburg, PA , 17120. provide the money to fund these projects. sures necessary to protect special plant popu­ Bt'cause of the importance of ensuring The new fund will be adminiRtered by lations and may establi!lh a cooperative stute­ the welfare of nongame wildlife and wild­ the Wild Rcsour('e Con11enation Buard rom· wide system of public and private wild plant plant;:, the Wild Hesour<'e Con!:lervation prised of the e:\:ecutive directors of the Gam� sant•t uari es. Roard is hopeful tbou;:ands of Pennsylvan­ and Fish Commissions, the Secretary of The Environmental Quality Aoard, a ians will decide to "Do Something Wild" ali Environmental Resources, and the majority twenty-one-member panel of state agency they file their 1982 slate income lax returns. and minority chairperson!\ of the House Con· officials. legislators, and dti:r.ens charged You may write for add1tional informa­ servation Committee and the Senate Erwiron­ with adopting regulations administered by tion by addreKMing rour request to: Wild mental Co mmittee. DER, will issue regulations relating to the Reource Conservation Board, P.O. Box 1467, The Board has no way of knowing how taking, possessing, transporting, exporting, HarriRhurg, PA, J7120. murh money will be generated by the state's processing, l;eiJing or offering to sell, or new Wild Resource Conservation Act. This shipping of wild plants. spring, following the filing of 1982 state The EQB will establish regulations over income tax returns, will provide an indica- the digging, harvesting, sale, and exploitation

------Wintc-r 1983 11 The Loyal Red and Bl e �

Rather than presenting our usual column silver platter It does make me realize how lucky I Next we would like to tell you about Dr. on Alumni Society activities in this issue, was to have been educated at the University of James Sadwith (V 77}. Those of you who we thought our readers might enjoy hear­ Pennsylvania Because there are virtually n� prac­ were fortunate enough to be tuned to the laws here, two of the students have the1r own ing about two recent alumni who are tice CBS/GE Theatre on Saturday, October 9, largo an1mal pract1ce. They convinced me to help 1982, already know about Jim's current engaged in some rather unusual work. them do some surgery on a horse's eye while they The following is from a letter received handled tho anesthesia. All went well but it was activities. 0. the f1rst time I'd touched ;:t horse since I lef1 from Or. Susan Morgan (V78) who lives Or Sadwlth wrote and was assoc1ate producer of in Santo Domingo, Oommican Republic. school Smce then I have even treated some the film tilled 'Two of a Kmd.'' stamng George chicKens. They have asked me to do some surgical SUI ns. Robby Benson. and Chff Robertson. Jim Practlcmg 1n the Oom1mcan Repubhc was not demonstrations for the1r class but because this is tells us that this enthusiastically-acclaimed film exactly 10 my plans when I graduated from the "manana·· country th1s has been scheduled and was 1nsp1red by ythe wast1ng away of my grand­ University of Pennsylvania four years ago, but m canceled tw1ce It may take place September. In father tn a nursing home near Gladwyn during my survtval for a 1wo-career famtly too of1e1 involves tf"le meanttme have been helping other students I years at the Vet School " Prtor to the time the film compromises My husband Is In the Cultural Sec­ · pract1ce ovario-hysterectomies · went &nto production. Or Sadw1lh was doing relief lion of USICA (Un1ted States International Com­ IS The hardest part of practice here the work in practices all over Southern California. munications Agency) and really likes hts work. We language problem I was gomg to say 1t was However. w1th thiS f1rst f1lm to h1s credit, Jim ts get to attend all the art openmgs concerts, ballets obta1n1ng the medtcations I am used to usmg. but It and receptions and the life style we en,oy here 1s now at work on a second productiOn for CBS. that's not really true The drugs are here but I don't aopears as though we have lost a vetennarian (at one we could never afford In the United States. know what they are called yet I cant seem to get least ternporanly) but have gainM a playwright' With the Ambassador's approval I have been predntsone or amox1cilltn or betad1ne So I use Oest of luck Dr Sadwlthl able to build up a small practice mostly of DeproMedrol and amph1c1ll1n and Ph1sohex. Import­ English-speaking people, but a lew Oommicans ing be1ng what it is, the one thing have learned I is We would like to hear from other have been brave enough to visit the "gringa" who to buy quickly because what I can find one day works on animals. have an arrangement wlth a alumni. Please drop us a note and let us I may not be there the next. Dominican practitioner who kindly lets me use his We have an x-ray machme, which just know what you are doing. Thank you. office, and 1 am learning the IOYS and frustrations returned from Chicago where It was repaired. It ol a house-call practice I know though that with­ takes reasonable fllrns. Wv also have a gas anes­ out Dr Alba 1 wouldn't be working at all. It shows thetic machine When I first used it I had to make a that there are n1ce vete1lnaraans worldwide_ sealer out of an old rubber t1re. so I've only tried About three months ago I placed an adver­ once •••••••••••••••••••••• tisement 10 the local English paper and was asked Dr Alba uses pentobarbital or ketamme and by them 1f I'd like to Ymtc an adv1ce column The ten assistants to sit on the dog. Labor is cheap American Colle e of column has proven to bt> 1\s own advertisement here All-m-all 1t could be worse I am leammg to g and has been tun beSides When I don't get enough work w1th what I can !1nd and I real1ze how quest1ons. I JUSt make them up spoiled 1 had become work1ng m AAHA hospitals m Vet rinary Internal There are many medical and veterinary stu­ Oregon Prac1lt1oners 1n the United States are very dents here try1ng to get an education I say trying lucky Medicine only because 1t seems to me that they have to In rcbruary 1983we Will be moving to L1ma. hght so hard for what was handed to me on a Peru, Anybody have any Information about llamas? The \ ml•ric·a n Culle�c «'ll \ etcrinary l nlcrnal Mrtlit ittc'� riral t.·du('ali onal lorunt wi ll tale plnrt- from May R to 12. 19fJ3, in cw Orlf'an .... l.oui�>lanu, ut 1 he \l u rriot l Hotel. Aquavet .,82 Thi-. clcbul of an utll�aturc mnn� t imely topi<'K

Aqua�>c'' '62 bc�or\ �ay lo when thi rty-two nf Veterinary Mc.•clic•inc, Cornell l:niversily, in bot Ia l arge· 1111d �-mnll-animal medicine, 1'\tll clcnt " urrhcrl ul tht: Swopt: Ctuler at tht> who i�o a�Rct �· intc dlrt>t'tot· ul" Aqauw<>t. pr'-' tH'ntcd hy nationully-known r·li nkian!!l. in JU't•IIM 1111 �Hrinc Oiulot-�kul J.,ihuratOr) in \\-'nods Holt.\ Aolh mt.•n art: nnw plnnnintc for Aqua,·ct !IUC'h urolu!(�. dermatology, a nest he· Ma-.l'luc·huM.'It:,. {;la:-.!>t'" "turt<'rf that eH�llint{ ·aa. 'fhnsc- ml crcMtt·cl It• 1 ht> pro{(ram :-ohould 11iolu1.n• irnrraunlzati un. rar·tllolol!) and dia�­ "ith an open iu� •w�-.iou und laboratol") cia-..... t•o nllu·t Oonnl tl A. \ ht. \.M.D. . Director of no.. ti• lt·chniquc.'"· 1'ht} fornh\l will include ,lll(l t he ,:ruup ...<·t tlcc.J in for ruur \\eels of \t�llll' t•t, ""itluml uf \ t.'h'r•rtur\ \ledicine. adun•s!ft>!:o, runfcrenrc-10. and ,..t•minars. Regi�>­ � to tnlelha� l' '' udiel'>. l nh erJ-i l\ of Pt'nll"'� h unau. 3800 Spruce trunl�o "il l bt> �thlt' to mc.>ct with �eaker clil'>('lh... prohlcm lib(' ..... The• �luflc.•nt.. rC'JHt!'.. t"IH�tt el<''en � eter i· �lrt.•t....t c·unttn�c.'l\1 ranlC lrum Curoell Lnj\"('r• 22!;. Full puymt!nl 11lll"l ht> nude in . !>it\ "ith ten .. ttult>nt� JIUt t irtput ing. The ach anrt>. E rl) rCf!t.. tr.u•t ... prior to April 1. t' • � ,;;\('' 1'1\th or Pt'lllln\"l\illlill \\U.. represented reec-1\ a $25 eli rount. The uo l rate is $100. b) eitthl : rat<>. ,.50. A S50 dt'pO..,· Cl» ot ac:ron• n\oclat it'hu hr. f...eilh '-ic�•·11 ha um. anti Catherine il rt'"t'f\ h el cons. Regis Ira- Picut. t ton nt tlw ,loor ill pcrmi:.�ibl�:. (.olllac·t Or. � ill!am J. "'a). general Acptn\et 'R.! was t uuf!hl Ll� thirty·!'f'\t'Jl ruc.'Uit\ (rom l\\CIIt\ cliHC" rent IOJollitut\on�. forum ('huirman, al (21:!) 838·8l00: Or. John - Tlw program wa� �clmini�lc.•rcd b) OonaJ cl A. E. Oli"<"'r, pro�• um c·ha irnlan, .ct (40-l) AlJt, V.l'vJ.D., a��m·itll<' dc.oun, Sdlool of \'eler­_ 5t2-3221; or Ruth or Al ice Tr a,el. for (800) inury Mec.lit'itu•, (lnivn�oi t) nf Pcn m;y lvania. rt:l.( i�trat ion und hot1·l i11formation, at !12<>·Ma�. who i11 director of Aqlll\\t'l, und lty Charles C. Rid,.all'd, D.V. �l.. Ph.U .. as>�oc•iatc dean for uratlcmk prugrurn�o�. N<'"' Yor" Stale Collcl!e

I� •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The Lifesavers The Profession on

Television has discovered veterinarians. In a recent episode of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.'' Molly, a young veterinarian, treats a horse with spiral fradures ami ltuue· chips in the forcle{l:. Of course the case is very complicated. The horse getH an infection and almost dies, but ultimately recovers due to the skills of the dedicated ,·et. The epi· sodc doesn't stop there. Molly is interested in horses and has applied for internships. Yes, you guessed it, she is ac<·epted at New Bolton Center. •• J am so happy I have to burst-I ha�·e to tell someone. I got an internship." sh,.gt•she!' to one of the characters on the show... Where?" "At New Holton Center." "Where is that?" "At the Cniversity of Penn­ sylvania." "For how long?" "Two years." That creates a problem. One of 1 he brothers is rather fond of Molly and does , not want to see her leave. But in true TV - ... fashion. all is re:,;oh·ed and he approves of tl ...::: Molly's going to :"JewBolton Center. Are you ready, New Bolton Center? For Molly the vet, and the future episode of her a•h't"ntures there, perhaps a visit from the hoyfriend, a romance with another intern­ the possibilities arc cndles:-1! It wa�n't just �cw Bolton which receh·ed exposure on tcle' ision. Late in September, Sally Struther�, the heroine of "Gloria," a new series, came to the Small Animal Hos­ The space in front of VHUP ha!-1 been enliv­ Thornbut·{l:h presented in reco�nition of pital to tout the facilities and rhat with the ened by the addition of a large Hculpture, their at.·hievemcnt:; as "'Patrons of the Arts." �taff. ''The Lifesavers," which was Junatcd to the '"The Lirel'a,·t.•rs" is tlw work of !-H�td ptor "Gloria" is a series ahout a single woman Veterinary School by art ptltron!-1 Philip ees companion animals hut "We hope it will lift the spir·its of nur clients black. The element� of the :-o<•u lpture present also some small farm animal!:'. Eac;h episode as it adorm the hospital entrance with a dis­ a diHer·ent appearance from c-:very angle, brings numerous complications for Gloria as tinctive piece of c:ontcmporary art." enticing the viewer to walk around the piec•e. she pursues her new vocation. She is �uided l\tr. and Mrs. Berman were r·eripicnts of by Burges!'\ Meredith who plays th£' kind the Hazlitt Award which Governor Richard veterinary practitioner. �s. Struthers spent a few hours at VIIlJP and created quite a hit of excitement ux she greeted c·lients and their pets waiting The Centennial Year for treatment. She was shown around the new faeilitr by Kenneth Bo"ee, O.V.:\-1., M.Med.Sr.. chairman of the Department of Tt is not too early to other events, the Cen­ Clinical Stufiics, whu answered her many begin to make prep­ tennial Year will fea­ que�tions ahout the building, the equipment, arations for our ture a University and the patients at VHlJP. The whole vi�it lOOth anniven;an in Convocation to was taped by the TV (oltation (Qr a broadcast 1984. ThiR will h� a awa1·d honorary Ia tcr in the yeM. year-long celebration degrees, a two-day Perhaps this exposure of the veterinary featuring a number scientific program. profession on TV will riofor· it what of our);t<�nding and a gala ball. In Woodwarrf and Bernstein (the reporters who events. Dr. Donald F. the ne'

_.; all�· Strurher.� and Dr. Kenneth Rot:ee

Winter 1983 13 Rosettes

·--- �(\ Members of the labora­ Dr. Donald F. Patterson Dr. Mark W. Allam. former Dr. Ralph Brinster. Dr. Benjamin Brackett. tory of parasitology chose a most unusual dean, will deliver the Richard King Mellon professor of animal �� ur ' played important roles approach to summarize Annual Mark Allam Lec­ Professor of Physiology, reproduction, had a full � )� in the fifth International the proceedings of the ture at the meeting of is featured on the cover calendar of speaking \/v Jl 'v Congress of Parasitol­ "International Sympo­ the American College of of the September 1982 engagements this past ogy held in Toronto, sium on Animal Models Veterinary Surgeons in issue of the prestigious fall. On September 30, August, 1982. Those of Inherited Metabolic February 1983. journal, Cancer 1982. he spoke at the presenting papers were: Disease." Rather than Research. In his University of Virginia Drs. Jay Farrell, Robert use the traditional style As we go to press we research, Or. Brinster School of Medicine on Grieve, Colin Johnstone. of summary, Or. have been informed that injected single embryo­ "In vitro Fertilization in Gerhard Schad, and David Patterson delivered his Dr. Mark W. Allam has nal carcinoma cells into the Rabbit and Cow." On Weiner. Others from the remarks in original been elected an Hon­ the blastocytes of November 4, Dr. faculty who participated verse! Considering that orary Associate of the homologous mice, and Brackett presented a were Drs. John Fetrow the papers presented Royal College of Veter­ then transferred the seminar titled "Practical and Lawrence Gll.ckman. ranged from "Mucopoly­ inary Surgeons. This injected blastocytes into Advances in Reproduc­ Or. Schad chaired a sec­ saccharidoses'' to information reached us the uteruses of pseudo­ tive Biology" at the tion on zoonosis. "Some Animal Models via Or. Lawson Soulsby, pregnant mice. Chimeric Department of Animal of lysosomal Storage former professor of mice occurred in the Science, University of Dr. Meryl Litman, instruc­ Diseases," this was a parasitology who is resultant litters, as evi­ Delaware, and on tor in medicine, com­ formidable task. Com­ now at Cambridge Uni­ denced by coat-color November 9 he spoke pleted her board certifi­ menting on a paper versity. The induction mosaicism. Cancer cells on "Sperm Fertilizing cation examination involving gene struc­ ceremony for Or. Allam were thus regulated to Ability in vitro" at given by the American ture. organization. and will be in london on behave like normal Johns Hopkins College of Veterinary expression. Dr. Patter­ June 7. 1983. Our heart­ embryonic cells, which University. Internal Medicine in the son offered this: '' .... iest congratulations to took part in the normal summer of 1982. Eu-genes are in Or. Allam! development of the pieces-they're really skin. Dr. Joan Hendricks. post­ quite split .... A Eu­ Dr. E. Neil Moore, profes­ doctoral fellow and res­ genes got introns in the sor of physiology, is the ident in medicine, has middle of it. ... And this co-author (with Joel received a three-year complication leads us to Morganroth, Thomas National Institute of more: .... RNA now Jefferson University) of Health grant to study needs cutting and splic­ a text entitled The Eval­ Education Wo rkshops the respiratory and cen­ ing before .... It can uation of Beta Blocker tral nervous system serve as a template. and Calcium Antagonist at the Philadelphia abnormalities asso­ appropriate to .... The Drugs (Martinus Nijhoff, ciated with sleep dis­ making of proteins. The Hague. The Nether­ Zoo orders in animals. That's one thing we lands and Hingham. knew ....·· Or. Patterson Maine). Or. James Buchanan. pro­ reveals that he writes ZOO VET fessor of cardiology, verse (mainly about The Veterinary School, Adults was named principal medical things) as a in cooperation with )iondays. February 14, 2l investigator of a hobby. "Write on" Chung-Ang University, 7:00-9:00 pm $16 National Institute of Shakespeare! Seoul, Korea, has estab­ )icmher·s; S2'l nonmembers Health grant titled, lished a Postdoctoral "Calcification Mecha­ Or. Kenneth C. Bovee. Fellowship program. In A bird with a broken wing. a lame �iraffe, an nisms in Cardiovascular Corinne R. and Henry this arrangement, alligator with a toothache or an aged gorilla Prostheses." This is a Bower Professor of "Chung-Ang University ... all zoo veterinarians must he prepared for three-year grant in Medicine and chairman, will annually nominate anything. Join our vel for a pair of informal cooperation with Temple department of clinical a maximum of two lectures on the routine, preventive and University and Thomas studies (Philadelphia), Postdoctoral Fellows emergency medi1:al c:are of exotic Zoo Jefferson University. was the chief speaker (D.V.M., Ph.D., M.O., or animals. Spedal option: you can schedule at the postgraduate equivalent) of high qual­ yourself to observe a weekday veterinary refresher course on ity for collaboration procedure. Nephrology and Urol­ with the Professorial ogy, August 9-13, 1982, Faculty members at the E:\DA�GEREI> SPECIES at the University of University of Pennsyl­ Adults Sydney, . The vania." Fellows will Wednesdays, January 19, 26, February 2, 9 course was attended by ordinarily devote not 7:00-9:00 pm veterinarians from all less than one full year $32 memhers; $48 nonmcmben; states of Australia and to the program, and in New Zealand. order to be accepted Animal and plant jo\pede:; are disappearing al must have firm faculty an alarming rate. It i:;estimated that one commitments upon million more spedes will become extinct by return to Korea. the vear· 2000. Examine the causes-and pos· sibl� cures-for this serious situation. Take a look at the life styles of some vani:;hing animals with Jon Jensen, executive director of Wildlife Preset·vation Trust International.

Bellwether 14 Resources

Veterinary Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania [VHUP)

Regular business hours at the Small Animal Hos- pita! are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through 19 21 Friday. Appointments for the clinics can be made February by calling (215) 898-4680. Radiology: Survey and Western States Conference. The Emergency Clinic is open 24 hours a day and Contrast Alumni Reception. can be reached by calling (215) 898-4685. Radiographic Techniques Las Vegas. NV The business office. which handles billing. can be and Interpretation reached by calling (215) 898-8884. Workshop• School of Veterinary Medicine, Philadelphia. The Clinic days are: Behavior: The clinic can be reached for discussion PA. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. of behavior problems and appointments by calling 898-4525. March 13 26 26 Cardiology: Wednesday-Friday AAHA National Meeting, Necropsy Techniques and Feline Symposium for Dental Clinic: Monday. p.m. 10 Alumni Reception. Interpretation of Gross Owners and Breeders. Dermatology and Clinical Immunology: Bovine Viral Diseases•. San Antonio. TX Lesions•. Philadelphia. PA,

Tuesday-Friday New Bolton Center. School of Veterinary 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Medicine: Monday-Friday Kennett Square. PA, Medicine. Philadelphia, Medical Genetics, Pediatrics, Reproduction: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PA, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday Neurology: Wednesday, and other days by special arrangement with the referring veterinarian. Oncology: Monday April 6 g 13 Ophthalmology: Monday Feline Uro-Genital Surgery. Studvnt/Faculty Dinner New Jersey VMA Annual Orthopedics: Wednesday, Friday. This section only School of Veterinary Meeting accepts appointments after the referring veterinar- Dance. . Alumni Reception. Medicine. Philadelphia. New Bolton Center, Atlantic City, NJ ian contacts Smal Animal Hospital to explain the l PA. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Kennett Square. PA the specifics of the case. Soft Tissue Surgery: Monday-Thursday Wildlife Services: The Wildlife Service offers veter- inary care for wildlife and unowned animals such as pigeons, hawks, owls, squirrels. rabbits, and groundhogs found abandoned and in need of veter- inary care. During regular hours call (215) 898-4680 16 23 23 27 or 898-4685. For information contact Or. William New Bolton Center Open Equine Lameness SCAVMA. PVMA. Alumni Canine Uro�Genltal Medway. 898-7891. House. Seminarw, Picnic. Sutgery*. Canine Epilepsy Service: This service assists Kennett Square. PA New Bolton Center. Barbecue Pit, New School of Veterinary veterinarians and owners of epileptic dogs in the Kennett Square. PA. Bolton Center. Kennett Med•cine. Philadelphia. monitoring and control of seizures. For detailed 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Square, PA, 12 noon PA, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. information about the program call Or. George Farnbach, (215} 898-£858.

Medical Genetics/Pediatrics/Reproduction Services Genetics: The genetics service is for the examina- 28 30 tion of animals for which genetic counseling or Chester County Health special studies relating to genetic diagnosis is Upjohn Senior Dinner. New Bolton Center, Department Rabies required. Clinical objectives are related primarily Kennett Square. PA I mmunlzation Clinic. to diagnosing the underlying genetic defect in a New Bolton Center. particular animal or family, and to providing Kennett Square, PA genetic counseling to veterinarians and breeders in dealing with hereditary disease problems on a practical level. Pediatrics: This service includes evaluating the

growth and development of puppies and kittens. .. � nutrition counseling, parasitism treatment. manag- IYt ay 7 18 21 ing routine immunization against common infec- Upjohn Senior Breakfast. Heallh and Economic Alumni Day, tious agents. and diagnosing and treating diseases 2 New Bolton Center. Programs for the Large New Bolton Center. of young animals, in general. Spring Faculty Meeting. Kennett Square. PA Dairy Herd". Kennett Square. PA Reproduction: The reproductive service includes New Bolton Center, Baltimore Hilton Inn. the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and other Kennett Square, PA Baltimore, MD, 23 reproductive problems. Laboratory services include 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Commencement hormonal assays, semen analysis. and vaginal cytology. Cytogenetics and Metabolic Disease Laboratory: This laboratory provides tests important in the diag- nosis of genetic disease. including chromosome June 2 19 analyses and selected biochemical tests for inborn Retirement Dinner. AVMA National Meeting, errors or metabolism. New Bolton Center, Alumni Reception. Kennett Square, PA New York. NY

Winter 1983 15 More Resources

Clinical Immunology Laboratory offers the following Fecal screens for Salmonella and Campylobacter laboratory of Virology: A service has been instituted services: spp. for diagnosing viral diseases of felines and Immune Fu nction tests Bacterin preparation canines. The infections of felines include those • Serum Protein Electrophoresis Serology: with callci virus (upper respiratory disease), • Immunoelectrophoresis B. Canis slide and tube agglutination herpes virus (rhinotracheitis) and parvovirus • Quantitation of Immunoglobulins IHA for loxoplasma and gondii (panleucopenia). Canine infections include those • Lymphocyte Transformation Leptospira agglutination testing with adenovirus 1 (infectious hepatitis), adenovirus • Bactericidal Assay Immunodiffusion for Histoplasma and Blastomyces 2 (laryngotracheitis), corona virus (diarrheal dis­ Autoimmune Disease Te sts For further information, please contact Ms. Harriet ease), parainfluenza virus (kennel cough), herpes • Coomb's Test lzenberg (215) 898-7858. virus. and distemper virus. • Antinuclear Antibody Test For more specific information contact Or. Florence • Rheumatoid Factor Test Nephrology Laboratory: Urinary calculi specimens Lief (215) 898-3365 or 898-3319, or Or. larry • Immunofluorescence of Biopsies may be submitted for quantitative analysis to the Glickman {215) 898-3161. Endocrine Te sts nephrology laboratory, c/o Or. K. Bovee. A three­ • Thyroid Hormones T4 and T3 week period is customary for a report. Charge $20. Radiology: Appointments can be made by calling • Adrenal Hormones (215) 898-8863. Radiation therapy is scheduled Mis cellaneous Laboratory of Pathology: Service is offered in diag­ through the oncology clinic. • Parvovirus Antibody Titers nostic pathology. The biopsy fee is S12; additional • Fungal Immunodiffusion tissues at $3 each. The maximum charge for multi­ Hospital To urs: Arrangements can now be made to • (ELISA) ple tissues is $75. Practitioners will be provided tour the new facility of the Veterinary Hospital of For additional information and a complete list ot with prepaid mailers for submission of specimens. the University of Pennsylvania. Tour groups are services and charges. please contact the Clinical For information please contact Or. Michael scheduled every Wednesday. 1:30 p.m .• and are Immunology Laboratory. {215) 898-6882. Goldschmidt. (215) 898-8857. limited to ten participants. Groups will be guided Parasitology laboratory: Services are offered 1or by members of the Volunteer Tour Guides. Tours laboratory of Microbiology: Services are offered tor unusual parasitological problems, especially those are available by appointment only. Reservations the following diagnostic procedures: involving exotic animals. It also offers ELISA can be made by calling M. Jose�lhine Deubler Bacterial culture and sensitiv;ty serology to detect heartworm in dogs ($10). For V.M.D.. at (215) 898-4680. M/C testing on urinary isolates additional information please contact Or. Robert Fungus culture Grieve, (215) 898-5646.


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