Resume Existing Programs for Preventing and Controlling Youth
DOCUMeNT Resume ED 028 299 VT 008 189 The Re le of Organized,Labor in the Vocational Training and Placement of Hard-Core Youth. Massachusetts State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, Boston. Community Services Activities Committee.; Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. Labor Relations and Research Center. Spons Agency-Of face of Juvenile r N'nquency and Youth Development (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Note-121p. EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$6.15 Descriptors-ActionPrograms(Community),*CommunityInvolvement,Conferences,DelinquencyCauses, *Delinquency Prevention, *Delinquent Rehabilitation, *Job Placement, Labor Unions, Program Descriptions, Skill Centers, *Skill Development, Vocational Education, Work Attitudes, Workshops This is a report of a training project conducted in Massachusetts to explore mechanisms through which organized labor might involve itself more fully in new and existing programs for preventing and controlling youth crime.Specificall. the objectiyes were: (1) to explore the problem of the young offender, (2) to ext./lore what is being done for the young offender and bv whom, and (3) to explore what might be the role of labor in these existing programs or what new programs labor might develop. The training proiect became operative inJuly 1966 and was subsequently continued until March 15, 1968. This report concerns itself with the following areas of the project: (1) planning, (2) conference, (3) workshops and training sessions, (4) impact znd recommendations. Recommendations include: (1) a program of trained, on-the-job counselors,(2) creation of skill centers, and (3) active support by organized labor of legelfAion pertaining to progressivecorrectional matters. (CH) s%1 co r,z THE ROLE OF ORGANIZED LABOR IN THE VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND PLACEMENT OF HARD-CORE YOUTH U.S.
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