Seniors Win Color Wars Tity in the App
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STUDENT LIFE COLOR WARS OP-ED SPORTS Anika isn’t Camera Shy p.2 Class Warfare p.4&5 Deconstructing Triggers p.7 VGB Gets Bite Back p.8 The Paw Print IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL • VOL. 15 • ISSUE 2 • FEB 2020 Irv Adds Anonymous Alert App by Lily McInerney Last Wednesday, Dr. Harrison sent out an email notifying the dis- trict that Anonymous Alerts would be introduced to the Middle School and High School on Monday, Janu- ary 27th. Anonymous Alerts is an app- based reporting portal where one can report concerns without reveal- ing his/her identity. “I never want for a concern for the well-being of a student or the safety of students and staff to go un- reported. The anonymous reporting will allow those who are hesitant to come forward to share a concern that we can investigate,” said Dr. The Class of 2020 celebrate its victory in Irvington High School’s annual Color Wars. Harrison. Dr. Harrison stressed that the sys- tem is completley anonymous un- less one desires to reveal their iden- Seniors Win Color Wars tity in the app. by Dani Heller denim day, punk vs, prep day, zoo Anika Manchanda created an “Reporting something in person By the end of this year’s Color day, and ended with jersey day. opening video that was broadcast can be very anxiety provoking. I Wars competition, the Class of 2020 The seniors won the points for their on the auditorium screen, depicting think an anonymous method will let (vision) saw themselves to victory grade with the most spirit. scenes from various Irvington High people be more honest and can im- over the Junior Jaws, the Sopho- Lulu Forte, Yamilet Ulerio, Aidan School activities with the Office prove the issues in our community more Snow Day and the Freshmen McClure, Julia Martin, and Stefanie theme song in the background. This in a more efficient way,” said Sara of Bel-air. But the surprise of the Brinkerhoff won an award for the was concluded with a video of ce- Takiguchi, senior at IHS. day -- besides the lockdown drill most spirited outfits throughout the lebrity Kevin Malone from the pop- A concern that comes along with that forced a on-the-fly schedule week. Additionally, the sophomores ular show, The Office. adjustment -- was the second-place won points for the best painting of After the spelling competition, The anonymous reporting sophomores who snowed the ju- the rock on the school hill. students paid tribute to this year’s will allow those who are niors in tug-o-war and managed Each grade had the chance on retiring teachers. Coach C, Ms. hesitant to come forward to edge them out overall by four Tuesday night to decorate a part of Cella, Ms. Dupre, and school coun- to share a concern that points. their hallways according to their selor Ms. Rodriguez were all cele- we can investigate,” The day ended with the seniors in theme and color of their team. The brated for their many years of hard -- Dr. Harrison. first with 69 points, and the soph- senior class won this event by us- work and dedication at Irvington omores followed them in seconds ing green decorations, spray paint- High School. Seniors greeted these Anonymous Alerts are false reports. with 50 points. ed posters, eye doctor charts, and teachers with heartfelt messages, If this occurs, the Irvington Police The juniors came in third with 46 glasses hanging from the ceiling. graduation caps, flowers, and life- Department will be notified and in- points, and the freshman came out To start off the Color War events, sized headshot photos of them. vestigate the matter. last with 30 points. the juniors beat the freshman in Throughout the day, the sopho- Dr. Harrison made it clear that Junior Allie Rosenberg who said volleyball. Next, the sophomores mores excelled in academic chal- Anonymous Alerts should not stand she had a great time at Color Wars played the seniors in a close game; lenge, women’s spike ball, and the in place of 911 in the case of timely said, “I think that Color Wars is all however, the seniors pulled through spelling bee. The juniors won the emergencies. about the school coming togeth- winning 15-13. Tik Tok dance competition and re- You can find the portal here: er. This is why it is not actually a During the middle of the vol- lay race. The freshman had a sur- https://report.anonymousalerts. big deal that the sophomores were leyball games, the school was in- prising win against the juniors in com/irvingtonufsd. ahead of us because it’s not about formed of a lockout due to police the game of tug-o-war. The seniors winning. It’s about the time that we activity near Mercy College. Be- won the spirit week participation, share together.” cause of this, the student council volleyball, Name That Tune, the art To start off Color Wars, each worked together to reorganize the competition, knockout, Darth Vad- grade dressed up for spirit week to schedule so that the gym activities er, and men’s spike ball. Color Wars get points for their team. The spirit could take place during the time The class of 2020 was very happy Photos week themes were pajama day, de- that students were supposed to be in about ending their high school ca- pages 4 & 5 cades day, cowboys vs. aliens day, the auditorium. reers with a Color Wars victory. Student Life Finding Focus through a Camera’s Lens there every single day of block. According to Anika, she had just like a community of people I the week. But as I got more to rediscover her original passion had never been a part of. Because serious about it, I didn’t re- about filmmaking without losing I think that’s just one of the weak- ally like the film school it- the formative experiences. It was nesses in the freelance world, that self because the kids there about having the right mindset, she you’re doing everything on your just weren’t interested in it said. own. It can feel really lonely and and it was also more Hol- Anika emerged from a creative just being with your own people lywood, narrative-based rough patch with a video of a wed- who are so like minded was a really style filmmaking,” she ding in North Carolina that she says amazing experience.” said. she is “most proud of.” As for her future, Anika is in- Senior Margot Gordieni- “I hadn’t really come out with terested in taking a gap year after er attended the film school any videos in a long time and I was graduation to explore more free- at Jacob Burns with Anika. at a low point in my creativity, kind lancing opportunities and do more “I thought that Anika of like stuck. And I was like it’s a work-related traveling.” was really inspiring and family event, it’s low pressure, I’m “I love any sort of sponsored cool to work with. We did not getting paid, let me just see based travel because I’ve had a cou- a film together at Jacob what I can do with it. I kind of just ple of those and those are just really Burns a few years ago and gave it my all and it was really cool incredible.” I found that she was really because I had just really been grow- College isn’t off the table per- by Adama Ahmed commanding as a director ing and honing in on my skills for a mently, but surprisingly, she isn’t IHS junior Anika Manchanda is and was able to kind of create an long time and taking a little break really interested in going to tradi- one with her camera. atmosphere where everyone could from the freelance area.” tional film school. “I started probably when I was play a part in the film,” said Margot. Anika also had the opportunity of “If I do go to college, I definite- eight years old just kind of playing “She really had a vision of what going to Iceland last September and ly won’t do it for filmmaking just around with iMovie [and] my par- she wanted her film to look like. I working with some other filmmak- because I don’t want it to limit my ents’ iPhone camera, just little stuff think she is really impressive and ers. options further and I know that my like that.” definitely very skilled.” “That was just such a cool expe- time would be so much better spent Then after a visit from Jacobs As a freshman, Anika created rience because I got to see them in just getting out in the industry for Burns [Film Center] to elementary a company, in her name, to work their element and became friends four years as opposed to staying in school, she found it to be that she freelance film gigs: weddings, pro- with them. I just felt like these are college for four years.” was really interested. motional shoots, etc. my people, and it was such a cool If you want to see Anika’s work, “That’s when I realized I’m good But it has not always been smooth onset filmmaking experience.” check out her website (www.anik- at this. You know? Directing people sailing. She added, “The actual produc- or her Instagram around, making little iMovies. And “When I first started out filmmak- tion was so inspiring and it was (@anika).