BRIDGE PRESERVATION REPORT Identification of Bridge Preservation Candidates, Treatments, and Costs for Locally Owned Capital District Bridges

Capital District Transportation Committee

March 2015

Table of Contents

Introduction...... 1 Background ...... 1 Bridge Information ...... 2 Bridge Condition ...... 2 Bridge Work Strategies ...... 2 Evaluation of “At-Risk” Bridges ...... 4 Programming Schedule ...... 4 Conceptual Construction Cost ...... 5 Site Visits...... 5 Evaluation Results ...... 9 Condition Rating Updates ...... 11 Summary ...... 12


Appendix A – Cost Guidelines Appendix B – Study Guidelines Appendix C – Enhanced Bridge Data Spreadsheet Appendix D – Evaluation Summary Results Tables Appendix E – Sample Bridge Fact Sheets Appendix F – Field Review Summary Sheets and Photos Appendix G – Service Life Guidelines Appendix H – Condition Rating Calculation Model

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Capital District Local Bridge Preservation Study


The Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC) serves as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Capital District of State. As the region’s MPO, the primary responsibility of CDTC is the maintenance of a long-range regional transportation plan. The maintenance of the region’s infrastructure, which includes locally-owned bridges, is the highest priority of CDTC’s New Visions 2035 regional transportation plan. The distribution of Federal funding for projects is based on this plan.

The approach to addressing bridge deficiencies throughout New York State shifted from routine replacement to bridge preservation with the passage of the federal highway funding law MAP-21 and adoption of the New York State Department of Transportation’s (NYSDOT) “Preservation First” strategy. Federal and State policies now emphasize the optimization of the existing infrastructure through cost-effective preventive and corrective maintenance activities. This strategy of performing less-expensive and shorter life cycle repairs will continue for the foreseeable future due to diminished infrastructure funding at all government levels.

CDTC commissioned this study of the region’s locally owned bridges in order to identify candidates that could benefit from timely preservation strategies. This report chronicles the methods and results from the review of 389 locally owned bridges in Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties.


There are 389 bridges within the CDTC’s jurisdiction that are owned and maintained by local municipalities (counties, cities, towns, and villages). According to 2013 NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Reports, approximately 215 of the 389 locally-owned bridges are either structurally deficient (92) or functionally obsolete (123). The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) considers bridges to be structurally deficient if significant load carrying elements are found to be in poor or worse condition due to deterioration, or the bridge has inadequate load carrying capacity. A bridge which does not meet current standards for managing traffic volume is considered functionally obsolete.

In November 2013, CDTC formed a Bridge Working Group to discuss various issues related to bridge preservation for Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) programming. The group’s purpose is to help identify long term bridge replacement and preservation needs and costs for the update of CDTC’s New Visions plan. A key function of the group is to address Planning Committee member concerns which have been raised by the change in federal and state strategies regarding bridge infrastructure. In August 2014, CDTC contracted with CDM Smith to assist in the evaluation of the region’s locally owned bridges and to develop work strategies for selected bridges. CDM Smith’s evaluation is intended to help CDTC develop a strategic approach to managing infrastructure work for locally owned bridges in its planning area.

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CDM Smith utilized current condition and inventory data from NYSDOT’s Bridge Safety Inspection program as the basis for this study. NYSDOT provided the bridge inventory data in the form of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing relevant bridge location, ownership, traffic volume, structure type, and condition rating. Subsequent to the initial data file transfer, information on federal aid eligibility and National Highway System (NHS) status was added. NYSDOT also provided current biennial bridge inspection reports (2012 & 2013) in PDF format for all bridges that are currently inspected under their biennial inspection program. These reports were supplemented with 2014 inspection reports that CDM Smith had completed under a separate NYSDOT contract at the time of the study. In response to an inquiry from the Bridge Working Group, CDM Smith also compiled condition flag information for inclusion in the final bridge data files. The flag data was omitted from the study spreadsheet due to the frequency at which it changes and becomes obsolete.


CDM Smith conducted the assessment process by making a thorough review of the bridge inspection reports, combined with selective site visits, to evaluate the bridges in the study area. Next, the type of preservation treatment, timing, and conceptual cost was identified for each bridge. The evaluation lead to development of a list of bridges requiring repair for each county. This list was not based solely on the General Recommendation Condition Rating in the bridge inspection reports. Bridges were instead prioritized using engineering judgment regarding the existing condition of individual bridge components. Information assessed during the evaluation was progressed in sufficient detail so as to allow the CDTC Planning Committee to make informed programming decisions when selecting projects for inclusion in the CDTC TIP.

The first phase of the evaluation involved a review of existing structural conditions. The NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Reports were reviewed for all locally owned bridges within Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties. CDM Smith also reviewed the bridge inventory information available from NYSDOT’s Winbolts database.


The bridge inspection reports and other information were used to develop a repair work strategy for all bridges with a computed Condition Rating (CR) of 5.5 and below. Work strategies include:

 Full Replacement  Major Rehabilitation  Minor Rehabilitation  Item Specific Repair  Preventative Maintenance

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The Major Rehabilitation strategy can be further subdivided into a Superstructure Replacement and Deck Replacement repair treatment categories. Item Specific Repair and Preventative Maintenance strategies can also be subdivided into several treatment categories such as Paint – Complete, Replace Bearings, and Concrete Patch Repairs, etc. Refer to Appendix A for a detailed list of repair treatments.

Full Replacement A Full Replacement strategy involves the replacement of the superstructure and substructures of the bridge because the substructures are deteriorated beyond repair, cause a constriction of the stream channel and associated significant scour problems, and/or other factor.

Major Rehabilitation A Major Rehabilitation strategy consists of the replacement of the deck and/or primary members because they are beyond repair due to deterioration, damage, age or other factor.

Minor Rehabilitation A Minor Rehabilitation strategy includes the repair of three (3) or more specific elements on a bridge which has a CR of ‘3’ or less. The repair of these specific items should raise the computed CR above a 5.5.

Item Specific Repair An Item Specific Repair strategy consists of the repair of one (1) or two (2) specific elements on a bridge which have a Condition Rating of ‘3’ or less. The repair of these specific items should raise the computed CR above a 5.5.

Preventative Maintenance A Preventative Maintenance Strategy consists primarily of preventive maintenance measures which can be taken to minimize potential future damage and/or deterioration of the bridge.

All of the selected bridges were evaluated using a set of guidelines developed during the review process. The guidelines are intended to provide a uniform standard so that all bridges are evaluated on the same basis. The review guidelines are included in Appendix B.

Several factors were used to determine the work strategy for each bridge in the study. Factors such as the number of deteriorated elements, type of element, significance of deterioration, and the reviewer’s engineering judgement were used to develop a work strategy. A bridge with four (4) or more structural elements, such as structural deck, primary members and abutment stem, rated a ‘3’ or lower warranted a replacement work strategy. A replacement work strategy was also assigned to any bridge with moderate or severe scour at the substructures. A bridge with poor structural deck and primary member ratings but with substructures in good condition and no scour concerns warranted a superstructure replacement work strategy recommendation. A bridge with a poor structural deck rating, but primary members and substructures in good condition received a deck replacement major rehabilitation work strategy recommendation. A minor rehabilitation work strategy was recommended for a bridge where there were three or four specific elements which required repair. The specific elements generally were non- structural deficiencies or limited structural repairs such as performing structural repairs to a girder end. An item specific work strategy was recommended for a bridge requiring only one or two specific elements which needed repair. As with the minor rehabilitation work strategy,

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specific elements were generally non-structural deficiencies or limited structural repairs. A preventative maintenance work strategy was utilized for a bridge which had one or two elements in fair condition. This work strategy was also assigned to a bridge when a preventative maintenance measure, such as sealing the deck, could safeguard a bridge in good condition. Element specific repair recommendations which would outlast the structure as a whole were avoided.


The evaluation also included a review of bridges considered to be “at-risk” for requiring immediate repair or replacement. At-risk bridges are defined as bridges with a computed CR above 5.5 which have a Red Condition Flag, have prestressed concrete primary members with a bridge inspection element rating of ‘4’ or less, and/or any bridge the reviewer deemed to have a significant structural problem which poses an imminent risk of closure or capacity reduction. Red Condition Flags are issued during biennial safety inspections and indicate that there is a primary structural component of the bridge which has failed or has the potential to fail before the next biennial bridge inspection. At-risk bridges were specifically identified in the enhanced bridge data spreadsheet. A total of 38 at-risk bridges were identified during the evaluation. A work strategy, conceptual construction cost, and program timing were also developed for at-risk bridges.


A recommended program timing or schedule was assigned to each bridge during the evaluation. The timing indicates the period within which the work strategy for the bridge should be undertaken in order to achieve the greatest benefit from the preservation strategy. Program timing categories include Immediate, 2 years, 5 years, and 10 years. The indicated timing is based on the severity of deterioration, the significance of the deterioration in regard to the overall structure, acceleration of deterioration, and the reviewer’s engineering judgment. Bridges with major structural elements which rate ‘3’ or less generally require repairs within 2 years. As an example, a bridge with a primary member condition rating of ‘3’ would warrant repair sooner than a bridge with a non-structural element condition rating of ‘3’. There is also the possibility that certain types of deterioration will accelerate if left untreated. For instance, when an inspection report notes significant increased scour since the last inspection at a wingwall which lacks stone fill protection. Left untreated, the wingwall footing can quickly become undermined and potentially fail during a flood event. The placement of stone fill at the wingwall would alleviate the situation. A bridge in good condition may have a recommended preventative maintenance work strategy to be implemented immediately to prolong the service life of the structure. A bridge with structural elements in fair condition and/or severely deteriorated non- structural elements would warrant repair within 5 years. Bridges in good condition may not require repair of an element until 10 years.

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In some instances the structure as a whole may be on the borderline of poor condition and near the end of its service life, and not warrant repair at all. The structure would be left as is and replaced in 10 years after the remaining service life has been spent. Program timing should be weighed carefully when considering prioritization of projects.


A 2014 conceptual construction cost was developed for each bridge and its respective work strategy during the evaluation. Costs for work strategies and repair treatments were determined based on 2013/2014 NYSDOT unit cost data available on NYSDOT’s website and bid information CDM Smith collected on recent projects within the Capital District. This information was used to develop cost guidelines for the study. The cost guidelines are included in Appendix A. These guidelines ensure that costs for work strategies and treatments are applied uniformly and consistently over the evaluation study group. Work strategy and repair treatment costs are generally based on a 32 foot wide bridge with a span of up to 100 feet. These bridge dimensions were selected as they represent a ‘common’ or typical bridge size among the locally owned Capital District bridges. The conceptual cost is modified if the bridge has multiple spans, a significantly larger span or width, and/or higher traffic volume. A cost for work zone traffic control and working over a railroad are also included in the guidelines. Costs for engineering design, construction inspection, inflation to the year of construction, significant environmental mitigation efforts, and right-of-way acquisition are not included in the 2014 conceptual construction cost for each bridge.


For the second phase of the evaluation, CDM Smith completed site visits on a select sampling of bridges within each county to further refine the scope of work for each priority bridge. Final evaluation results were verified or updated based on the field reviews. Field note summaries and photo logs are included in Appendix F of this report.

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ALBANY COUNTY Field visits were made to five (5) bridges in Albany County, including one (1) bridge in the City of Albany. The bridges that were evaluated include BIN 2200270, 3301070, 3301170, 3301270 and 3301370. The field evaluation concurred with the initial assessment for BINs 3301070 and 3301270, and no changes were made to the work strategy or treatments for these bridges. The field visit for BINs 2200270 and 3301170 resulted in the addition of concrete patch repair treatment for the abutments and/or wingwalls (see photo 1).

Photo 1: BIN 3301170 - Begin Abutment Left Side Stem – Spalled Concrete with Exposed Rebar

RENSSELAER COUNTY Field visits were made to five (5) bridges in Rensselaer County. The bridges that were evaluated include BIN 3303650, 3303670, 3303700, 3303750 and 3303870. The field evaluation concurred with the initial assessment for BINs 3303650, 3303700 and 3303870. The field evaluation concurred with the Minor Rehabilitation work strategy for BIN 3303750; however, the evaluation recommended adding approach rail repair and concrete patch repair treatments. The work strategy for BIN 3303670 was changed to Replacement in 5 years due to conditions observed in the field (see photos 2 & 3).

Photo 2: BIN 3303670 - Girders 4 & 5 at Midspan Looking Toward Begin Abutment

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Photo 3: BIN 3303670 - Girder 6 Bearing at End Abutment – Steel Delaminations on Abutment Seat

SARATOGA COUNTY Field visits were made to six (6) bridges in Saratoga County. The bridges that were evaluated include BIN 3304440, 3304470, 3304550, 3304570, 3304630 and 3304670. Peter Abreu from Saratoga County joined CDM Smith for the field visit at each bridge. The field evaluation concurred with the initial assessment for BINs 3304440, 3304470, 3304630 and 3304670. No changes were made to the work strategy or treatments for these bridges. The field evaluation concurred with the work strategies for BINs 3304550 and 3304570; however, a treatment was added to each bridge. Steel girder web repair treatment was added to BIN 3304550 due to moderate corrosion at the fascia girder ends (see Photo 4). Localized painting and deck wearing surface replacement treatments were added to BIN 3304570 (see photos 5 & 6).

Photo 4: BIN 3304550 - Girder 1 Elevation at Begin Abutment – Corrosion at Girder End

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Photo 5: BIN 3304570 - Wearing Surface at End Abutment Looking Right – Cracked & Patched Asphalt

Photo 6: BIN 3304570 - Framing Looking Left – Minor corrosion at Girder Midspan

SCHENECTADY COUNTY Field visits were made to four (4) bridges in Schenectady County, including two (2) bridges in the City of Schenectady. The bridges that were evaluated include BIN 2203080, 2203090, 3304880 and 3304970. Bill Winkler from the City of Schenectady accompanied CDM Smith during the field visit for both city bridges. Paul Sheldon from Schenectady County joined CDM Smith for the field visit to BIN 3304970. The field evaluation concurred with the initial assessment for BINs 3304880 and 3304970. No changes were made to the work strategy or treatments for these bridges. The work strategy for BINs 2203080 and 2203090 was changed to Minor Rehabilitation. Concrete deck repairs and complete painting treatments were added to BIN 2203080 due to conditions observed in the field. For BIN 2203090, the complete painting treatment was changed to painting the girder ends and secondary steel framing repair treatment was added due to conditions observed in the field (see photos 7 & 8).

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Photo 7: BIN 2203090 - End Diaphragm at Begin Abutment – Holes in Web

Photo 8: BIN 2203090 - Fascia Girder 5 Bearing at End Abutment – Section Loss at Bearing


The results of the evaluation have been tabulated and presented in an excel spreadsheet and accompanying fact sheet for each bridge in order to document the bridge management recommendations. Both the spreadsheet and bridge fact sheets are intended to present evaluation information in sufficient detail so that the CDTC Planning Committee can develop a programing rubric to select projects for inclusion in the TIP. The spreadsheet contains basic information such as BIN, location and description of the bridge, AADT and current condition rating along with evaluation information such as recommended work strategy and repair treatments, 2014 conceptual cost, ‘At-Risk’ status bridges, and program timing. The spreadsheet is easily searchable and can be sorted by any category desired. A print of the enhanced bridge data spreadsheet is included in Appendix C. The bridge fact sheets include only the most pertinent information for each bridge in a different format that can be more easily presented to

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the general public. The needs and recommendations of a particular bridge can be easily ascertained by referring to its respective bridge fact sheet. Sample bridge fact sheets are included in Appendix E. These documents will assist the CDTC in developing a strategic approach to manage infrastructure work for locally owned bridges that is consistent with NYSDOT’s Preservation First strategy. It will also serve as a communication tool to clearly present the recommendations to municipalities and the public in the CDTC’s planning area.

A recommended work strategy was determined for all 191 bridges in the study CONDITION RATING group with a computed CR of 5.5 or less. 389 Total Bridges Refer to the Bridge Work Strategy section for the methodology of classifying work strategies. All the bridges were reviewed between October to December 2014 based on 2012, 2013 and some 2014 biennial Condition Rating 49% ≥ 5.5 inspection reports. Federal aid eligible and (191) 51% (198) Condition Rating NHS bridges were given first priority for < 5.5 review during the evaluation. Candidates in this group were selected for a December 2014 solicitation of projects. A Replacement or non-preservation work FigureFigure 1 1 strategy is recommended for 44 bridges. A Major Rehabilitation work strategy is recommended for 22 bridges. This work WORK STRATEGY strategy can be further divided into 15 191 Total Bridges (CR < 5.5) superstructure replacement and 7 deck replacement recommendations. A Minor Replacement 1% Rehabilitation work strategy is 16% Major Rehabilitation 23% recommended for 42 bridges. Fifty-one (51) bridges are recommended for an Item Minor Rehabilitation Specific work strategy. A Preventative Item Specific Maintenance work strategy is 27% 11% recommended for 30 bridges. Rounding Preventative out the total number is one (1) bridge Maintenance Closed or No Work recommended for closure and one (1) 22% bridge with no work required. Two (2) Figure 2 bridges with a CR above 5.5 are included in the study because they were determined to require immediate repair. One (1) bridge has a Replacement work strategy and the other has a Major Rehabilitation work strategy. See Figure 2 for the breakdown of bridges in each category. Thirty-eight (38) bridges are also identified as ‘at- risk’ bridges. See Appendix D for additional tables which breakdown the number of bridges in relation to Federal Aid status.

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The bulk of the bridges are recommended for programing within 2 to 5 years. A PROGRAM SCHEDULE recommendation for immediate repair was given to 15 bridges, with 11 of these 3% Immediate bridges identified as an ‘at-risk’ bridge. A 2- year repair period is recommended for 83 8% 12% 2 Year bridges, a 5-year repair period is recommended for 68 bridges, and 24 5 Year bridges are recommended for a 10-year 42% repair period. 35% 10 Year

The 2014 conceptual construction cost No Schedule - varied greatly for each work strategy. The Closed Replacement work strategy ranges in cost Figure 3 between $0.30 and $4.3 million. The cost ranged from $0.60 to $2.0 million for the Major Rehabilitation work strategy. The Minor Rehabilitation work strategy ranges from $0.10 to $1.2 million. The Item Specific work strategy ranges in cost between $0.30 and $1.1 million. The cost ranged from $0.03 to $0.6 million for the Preventative Maintenance work strategy.

See Appendix D for a more detailed breakdown of the results based on Federal Aid eligibility in table form.


After receiving candidates for their bridge presentation solicitations, the CDTC must evaluate and rank the candidates using a variety of factors. One factor for consideration is the resulting increased computed condition rating after the recommended work strategies are implemented. In order to determine these updated condition ratings, an excel worksheet has been developed based on the NYSDOT formula for computed condition rating. CDM Smith was given a list of bridges with proposed federal aid repairs. The ratings for each candidate were improved accordingly and entered into the CR formula to predict a new CR rating. As an example, a bridge undergoing bearing replacement would be assumed to have its abutment and/or pier bearing ratings increased to ‘7’, reflecting their ‘new’ condition after the project is complete. The worksheet incorporates the updated rating into the CR calculation and provides the predicted condition rating based on the planned repairs. In this manor, CDTC will be able to see the direct impact of future repairs on targeted bridge candidates based on the current rating system. See appendix H for a sample calculation and rating improvements on a select group of bridges with targeted improvements.

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The purpose of this study is to assess the condition of the 389 local bridges in CDTC’s jurisdiction and provide recommendations on potential preservation strategies that will assist the CDTC in making programming decisions when selecting bridge preservation projects for inclusion in the CDTC TIP. The primary focus of the study is to develop a work strategy, programming schedule and estimated construction cost for the 191 bridges with a condition rating of 5.5 or less. The condition assessment is based on the latest NYSDOT Bridge Inspection Reports. The bridges were sorted into five (5) work strategies consisting of Replacement, Major Rehabilitation, Minor Rehabilitation, Item Specific and Preventative Maintenance. Programming consists of an Immediate, 2-Year, 5-Year or 10-Year schedule. Selective site visits were made to a few bridges in each county to verify their condition and confirm the recommended work strategy.

The results of the evaluation have been tabulated and presented in spreadsheet format with an accompanying fact sheet for each bridge in order to document the bridge management recommendations. The spreadsheet contains basic information about the bridges along with the study results. The bridge fact sheets include only the most pertinent information for each bridge in a different format that can be more easily presented to the general public. The study determined that the bulk (26%) of the bridges fall into the Item Specific work strategy. Most (42%) of the bridges are recommended for a 2-Year programing schedule. The total estimated construction cost for the proposed repair work on the study bridges is $80.5 million.


Associated cost for common specific items and work strategies:

Specific Items Paint – Complete: $200,000 (includes containment) $300,000 for truss (includes containment) Paint – Overcoat: $150,000 (includes containment) Paint – Localized: $100,000 (includes containment) Replace Bearings $100,000 (includes jacking operation) Reconstruct Approaches: $100,000 Place or Replace Asphalt WS: $50,000 Place Concrete Deck Overlay $50,000 Concrete Patch Repairs $50,000 Repair/Repoint Masonry $75,000 Place or Replace Stone Fill $25,000 Replace Rail $25,000 Seal Deck $25,000 Replace Joints $15,000 per joint Repair Abutment Scour $25,000 per abutment Steel Girder Web Repair $5,000 per girder Steel Secondary Member Repair $2,500 per secondary member

Work Strategies Replacement $900,000 for steel multigirder (1 Span, 100’ – 200’) $800,000 for concrete box beams (1 Span, 55’ – 100’) $600,000 for concrete slab unit (1 Span, 35’ – 55’) $600,000 for three-sided unit (1 Span 20’ – 35’) Major Rehabilitation $700,000 for Superstructure Replacement (1 Span, 75’ – 100’) $500,000 for Deck Replacement (1 Span, 75’ – 100’)

Traffic Control (add to above) Detour Structure $150,000 Staged $75,000 Detour $25,000 Open $10,000

Miscellaneous (add to above) Work over Railroad $250,000

Guidelines  Costs based on 2013/2014 construction pricing. Mobilization is included in the above costs and Field Change payment is not included. There is no allowance for inflation to future construction year. Engineering and Construction Inspection costs are not included.  Round to nearest $100,000 or $25,000 for scope under $100,000.  Adjust for multiple spans and/or span length (Major Rehab).  Adjust for high traffic volume or complex site constraints.  Detour costs include detour signs and maintenance of detour signs during construction regardless of length of detour. Appendix B CDTC BRIDGE STUDY GUIDELINES

General work strategy guidelines used to determine the repairs for the bridges include:

 Placement of stone fill was recommended for bridges where the stone fill was washed away or were lacking stone fill. The placement timeframe was based on the existing scour/undermining damage and the progression of further damage.

 Paint total removal with a Class A containment system was recommended for bridges built before 1970 and/or an Inspection Paint rating of 3 or less. A paint overcoat with Class B containment system was recommended for bridges built after 1970 and an Inspection Paint rating of 4. Localized painting with a Class B containment system was generally recommended on bridges where the joints were leaking and the paint failed at the beam ends.

 Joint replacement within a 2 year period was recommended for any bridge with leaking deck joints.

 Replacement of the asphalt wearing surface was recommended where the asphalt pavement had not been replaced recently and was cracked and/or raveling. A full depth approach reconstruction was recommended where the asphalt pavement was cracked and settled.

 A recommendation to replace the approach rail was given where the approach rail had an Inspection rating less than 5 and was lacking standard transitions from the approach rail to the bridge rail/parapet.

 A recommendation to seal the deck within a 2 year period was given to concrete decks with integral wearing surfaces which were cracked or were constructed between 5 to 7 years ago.

 A recommendation for washing the bridge was given if the Inspection Report indicated flood debris was present in the girders, debris on the bridge seats/pedestals, or there was heavy debris along the bridge shoulders.

 Work Zone Traffic Control – Minimum of one week of lane closure for staged designation.

Appendix C Feature Carried Feature Crossed 2014 Last National Program Year of Year of Condition Condition Federal- Work Preservation Conceptual TIP At Risk No. of Review BIN County Description AADT Description AADT Inspection Flags Highway Treatment 1 Treatment 2 PIN M & PT Schedule Comments AADT AADT Rating Rating < 5.5 Aid Status Strategy Eligible Construction Funding Bridge Spans Date Date System (years) Cost 1038660 Albany 155 155 11013004 15308 2011 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 12/15/2012 NNN 6.390 No Yes Yes Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 1053380 Albany 5 X 26918 2010 PATROON CREEK 8/14/2012 NNN 5.316 Yes Yes Yes Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs $100,000 Open No 10 2 October 2014 2200130 Albany KAEHLER LANE 15 2009 FOX CREEK 11/15/2012 NNN 5.404 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Place Asphalt WS Repair Lagging Wall $300,000 Detour Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 2200140 Albany WOLF HILL ROAD 249 1997 4/16/2013 NNN 3.500 Yes No No Not Reviewed No $0 Yes 2 October 2014 Bridge is closed. 2200210 Albany PICTUAY ROAD 469 2002 3/19/2014 NNN 4.766 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Replace Asphalt WS $100,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 Concrete T-beam PM = 5 2200270 Albany HENRY JOHNSON BVD 12863 2011 SHERMAN STREET 4/29/2013 NNN 4.542 Yes Yes Yes Minor Rehab Yes Replace Bearings Reconstruct Approaches $900,000 Staged No 2 4 October 2014 Conc deck ovelay, Concrete repairs & Painting - Localized 2200300 Albany OLD DELAWARE TRPK 150 5/26/2000 Yes No No Not Reviewed No $0 Yes 2 October 2014 Concrete arch bridge is closed. 2200390 Albany BRIDGE AVENUE 5689 2009 8/17/2012 NNN 7.000 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2200460 Albany 470 470 11012019 12411 2011 W BR MOHAWK RIVER 6/3/2014 NNN 5.903 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2200470 Albany 470 470 11012021 12411 2011 E.BR MOHAWK RIVER 6/3/2014 NNN 5.556 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2256840 Albany ALBANY CITY ST'S 2500 2009 BEAVER RELIEF SWR 10/4/2013 NNN 4.737 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Place Stone Fill $25,000 Open No 2 2 October 2014 2259570 Albany NORMANSKILL FARM 1 UNKNOWN RAVINE 3/3/1983 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown October 2014 No inspection report available. 2259580 Albany PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE MANNING BLVD 1808 2011 6/15/1981 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown October 2014 No inspection report available. 2259590 Albany RESERVOIR ROAD 10 RESERVOIR SPLLWAY 5/6/2003 NNN 4.159 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs $75,000 Open No 10 2 October 2014 2269230 Albany STONINGTON HLS RD 1942 2010 VLY CREEK 5/14/2013 NNN 5.333 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Reconstruct Approaches Install Waterproofing Membrane $200,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Concrete three-sided unit w/ leaking joints 2269640 Albany RIVERWALK 787I 787I11011022 44056 1999 11/29/2012 NNY 6.338 No Yes Yes Not Reviewed Yes No 5 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2269650 Albany COUNTY ROAD 160 200 2009 SHAKER CREEK 3/29/2013 NNN 6.027 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 4 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2270320 Albany MARSHALL ROAD 50 2009 HANNACROIS CK 11/5/2013 NNN 5.043 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Replace Asphalt WS Replace Rail $100,000 Staged No 10 1 October 2014 Concrete T-beam PM = 6 3200240 Albany PLEASANT VLLEY RD 364 2010 TRB BEAVERDAM CRK 6/16/2014 NNN 6.133 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3200250 Albany DUNBAR HOLLOW RD 25 1997 HANNACROIS CREEK 4/1/2013 NNN 6.852 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3300860 Albany COUNTY ROAD 2 215 2010 FOX CREEK 7/25/2013 NNN 5.316 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Reconstruct Approaches Install Waterproofing Membrane $200,000 Detour No 2 2 October 2014 Conc box culvert w/ leaking joints 3300870 Albany SWITZKILL ROAD 183 2010 FOX CREEK 9/19/2013 NNN 6.449 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Spread Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 Currently on STIP; Replace superstructure; Precast Box 3300880 Albany BRADT HOLLOW ROAD 428 2001 FOX CREEK 10/21/2013 NNN 4.638 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Superstructure Replacement Concrete Patch Repair 1758.92 $2,000,000 $2,040,000 Detour Yes 2 3 October 2014 Beam Cracking; Abutment repairs; Construction in 2015 3300890 Albany CANADAY HILL ROAD 314 2001 BRADT HLLOW CREEK 3/5/2013 NNN 6.564 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3300900 Albany COUNTY ROAD 9 314 2001 SWITZ KILL 7/26/2013 NNN 5.609 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 3300910 Albany SICKLE HILL ROAD 54 2010 SWITZ KILL 5/20/2014 NNN 6.109 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3300920 Albany RAVINE ROAD 100 2010 SWITZ KILL 7/26/2013 NNN 6.746 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3300930 Albany GIFFORD HOLLOW RD 269 1997 SWITZ KILL 3/5/2013 NNN 7.000 No No No Preservation Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3300940 Albany HUNTERSLAND ROAD 167 2010 LIT SCHOHARIE CRK 4/7/2014 NYN 4.543 Yes No No Replacement Yes Three-sided Unit $500,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 3300960 Albany GIFFORD HOLLOW RD 98 1997 TRIB SWITZ KILL 3/5/2013 NNN 5.029 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Reconstruct Approaches $200,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 3300970 Albany PARTRIDGE RUN RD 115 1988 TRIB OF SWITZKILL 52 2010 4/19/1993 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown October 2014 No inspection report available. 3301000 Albany SWITZKILL ROAD 459 1996 SWITZ KILL 3/25/2013 NNN 6.640 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3301010 Albany COUNTY ROAD 53 285 2011 DOWERS KILL 3/27/2013 NNN 6.931 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3301020 Albany SO.ALBANY RD CR53 871 2002 ONESQUETHAW CRK 6/6/2014 NNN 5.274 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Place Stone Fill Seal Deck $100,000 Open No 2 2 October 2014 Spread Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 3301030 Albany OLD RAVENA ROAD 331 1999 COEYMANS CREEK 4/2/2013 NNN 4.891 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Repair Concrete Curb Replace Bridge Rail $100,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Concrete T-beam PM = 5 3301040 Albany COUNTY ROAD 102 1303 2002 ONESQUETHAW CREEK 3/27/2013 NNN 5.067 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Place Stone Fill Wash Bridge $50,000 Open No 2 1 October 2014 Concrete Arch PM = 5 3301050 Albany COUNTY ROAD 55 2747 2009 4/1/2013 NNN 4.000 Yes Yes Yes Item Specific Yes Clear Debris 1758.91 $25,000 $350,000 Open No 2 3 October 2014 Currently on STIP; Construction in 2015 3301070 Albany COUNTY ROAD 111 1333 2010 HANNACROIS CREEK 5/9/2013 NNN 5.211 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Joints Reconstruct Approaches $400,000 Detour No 2 2 October 2014 Concrete Patch Repair & Seal Deck 3301080 Albany COUNTY ROAD 111 1333 2010 HANNACROIS CREEK 4/22/2013 NNN 6.186 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301090 Albany COUNTY ROAD 111 1333 2010 HANNACROIS CREEK 4/16/2013 NNN 5.254 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Replace Asphalt WS $200,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Seal Deck & Place Stone Fill 3301100 Albany THOMPKINS R CR106 293 2005 HANNACROIS CREEK 5/1/2014 NNN 5.390 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Place Stone Fill $100,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Seal Deck, Repair Rail & Wash Bridge 3301140 Albany FRENCHS MILL ROAD 212 1988 NORMANS KILL 7/31/1991 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown October 2014 No inspection report available. 3301150 Albany GRANT HILL ROAD 660 2001 NORMANS KILL 11/4/2014 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes 1755.35 2384000 Yes 1 October 2014 New single span truss completed in 2014 3301160 Albany COUNTY ROAD 201 2273 2010 BLACK CREEK 9/12/2013 NNN 5.171 Yes Yes No Preservation Yes Seal Deck Place Stone Fill $100,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Replace Asphalt WS 3301170 Albany SCHOOL ROAD 9491 2001 BLACK CREEK 6/17/2013 NNN 4.902 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Place Concrete Deck Overlay Replace Joints $200,000 Detour Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 Concrete Slab Unit PM = 5 3301180 Albany WESTFALL ROAD 186 2006 BOZENKILL 5/13/2014 NNN 6.254 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301190 Albany OLD STATE ROAD 226 2009 NORMANS KILL 4/9/2013 NNN 6.475 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301200 Albany CR 201 2178 2004 BLACK CREEK 7/2/2012 NNN 6.051 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301210 Albany WEAVER ROAD 219 2000 BLACK CREEK 10/3/2013 NNN 3.739 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Superstructure Replacement 1759.03 $700,000 $1,020,000 Detour Yes 2 1 October 2014 Concrete box beam bridge is closed 3301250 Albany DUTCH SETTLMNT RD 439 2001 TRIB OF FOX CREEK 11/1/2013 NNN 5.947 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301260 Albany PLEASANT VLLY RD 364 2010 BEAVER DAM CREEK 7/18/2012 NNN 5.759 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301270 Albany KRUMKILL ROAD 2275 2011 NORMANSKILL CREEK 6/6/2014 NYN 4.719 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Misc Steel Repair Concrete Patch Repair $500,000 Staged No 10 1 October 2014 Paint Truss 3301280 Albany COUNTY ROAD 306 2515 2008 VLY CREEK 4/3/2014 NNN 6.119 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams

3301290 Albany JOHNSTON RD CR203 3355 2011 NORMANSKILL CRK 4/3/2014 NNN 5.746 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 Joints leaking;CR > Currently5.5 & No concreteon TIP as beamsElement Specific 3301300 Albany ROWE ROAD 218 2000 ONESQUETHAW CREEK 8/20/2013 NNN 5.377 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Deck Replacement Reconstruct Approaches 1758.88 $600,000 $125,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 RepairCurrently (Deck on Replacement); TIP as Element Bundled Specific with Repair Plank (Deck Rd & 3301310 Albany ONESQUETHAW CK RD 143 2000 ONESQUETHAW CREEK 3/26/2013 NNY 4.518 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Deck Replacement Reconstruct Approaches 1758.88 $600,000 $125,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Replacement); Bundled with Plank Rd & Rowe Rd 3301320 Albany CLARKSVILLE SO RD 1500 2009 ONESQUETHAW CREEK 5/1/2014 NNN 6.085 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams

3301330 Albany COUNTY ROAD 301 613 2000 ONESQUETHAW CREEK 4/1/2013 NNN 4.967 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Asphalt WS Repair Granite Curb $100,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 CurrentlyPlace Stone on TIP Fill, as MasonryElement SpecificRepairs, Repair Historic? (Deck 3301340 Albany OLD PLANK RD 50 1997 ONESQUETHAW CREEK 5/9/2014 NNN 5.328 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Deck Replacement Reconstruct Approaches 1758.88 $600,000 $125,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 Replacement); Bundled with Onesquethaw Cr Rd & 3301350 Albany GROESBECK ROAD 98 2000 ONESQUETHAW CREEK 4/1/2013 NNN 4.807 Yes No No Replacement No $1,000,000 Detour No 5 2 October 2014 3301360 Albany COUNTY ROAD 354 522 1997 POTTER HOLLOW CRK 10/10/2013 NYN 5.414 Yes No No Preservation Yes Seal Fascia Beams Seal Deck $25,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 4 RSF for abutment tilting; Truss superstructure in very 3301370 Albany KINGS LANE 37 1994 POTTER HOLLOW CRK 4/16/2014 YNN 5.000 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Scour Repair $200,000 Open Yes 5 1 October 2014 good condition; Bridge serves one residence; No outlet 3301380 Albany MERCER ROAD 23 1997 11/13/2012 NNN 5.623 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301390 Albany SNYDER ROAD 18 1997 CATSKILL CREEK 11/13/2012 NNN 5.541 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301400 Albany FOX CREEK ROAD 562 1997 FOX CREEK 3/28/2013 NNN 5.016 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Seal Deck $300,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Aluminum culvert pipe bottom is torn; Requires 3301410 Albany UNNAMED TOWN ROAD 5 1988 FOX CREEK 3/19/2014 NYN 3.286 Yes Yes No Replacement No Plate Pipe $300,000 Detour Structure No 10 2 October 2014 replacement of Span 1 pipe only; Bridge Serves one 3301420 Albany FOX CREEK ROAD 590 1997 SQUIRMER CREEK 3/27/2013 NNN 4.054 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs $25,000 Open No 5 2 October 2014 3301430 Albany SAYRE ROAD 44 1997 SQUIRMER CREEK 3/28/2013 NNY 4.737 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Place Stone Fill Replace Rail $50,000 Open No 2 1 October 2014 3301440 Albany COUNTY ROAD 351 528 1997 TEN MILE CREEK 6/18/2013 NNN 5.571 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301450 Albany COUNTY ROUTE 403 415 1997 EIGHT MILE CREEK 7/2/2012 NNN 6.750 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301460 Albany COUNTY ROAD 357 522 1997 TENMILE CREEK 8/21/2013 NNN 5.286 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Place Concrete Deck Overlay Place Stone Fill $125,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Minor deck leakage 3301470 Albany DELAWARE TURNPIKE 339 2011 TEN MILE CREEK 6/18/2013 NNN 5.881 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301480 Albany MACCULLOCK ROAD 55 1997 TEN MILE CREEK 3/27/2013 NNN 5.358 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Place Stone Fill Seal Deck $100,000 Detour No 2 2 October 2014 Wash Bridge 3301490 Albany NILES ROAD 52 1997 SQUIRMER CREEK 3/28/2013 NNY 5.111 Yes No No Replacement No $800,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 3301500 Albany COUNTY ROAD 352 575 1996 FOX CREEK 5/17/2013 NNN 5.857 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams Feature Carried Feature Crossed 2014 Last National Program Year of Year of Condition Condition Federal- Work Preservation Conceptual TIP At Risk No. of Review BIN County Description AADT Description AADT Inspection Flags Highway Treatment 1 Treatment 2 PIN M & PT Schedule Comments AADT AADT Rating Rating < 5.5 Aid Status Strategy Eligible Construction Funding Bridge Spans Date Date System (years) Cost 3301510 Albany COUNTY ROAD 1 4485 2001 BASIC CREEK 3/25/2013 NNN 6.886 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 Concrete bebo in good conditon, leaking joints, Place 3301520 Albany COUNTY ROAD 401 539 2010 BASIC CREEK 3/25/2013 NNN 5.500 No No No Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Install Waterproofing Membrane $200,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 stone fill 3301530 Albany LOBDELL MILL ROAD 58 1999 BASIC CREEK 4/17/2013 NNN 5.887 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301540 Albany CR312 655 1997 HANNACROIS CREEK 10/10/2013 NNN 6.913 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3301550 Albany TAN HOLLOW ROAD 169 1999 HANNACROIS CREEK 4/1/2013 NNY 5.037 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Replace Asphalt WS $300,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Place stone fill, Install approach rail, Wash bridge 3301560 Albany COUNTY ROAD 406 85 2010 BASIC CREEK 9/19/2013 NNN 6.068 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301570 Albany COUNTY ROAD 403 675 2009 WOLF FLY CREEK 5/9/2014 NNN 6.136 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3301580 Albany COUNTY ROAD 404 752 1997 BASIC RESERVOIR 7/29/2013 NNN 5.657 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 3301590 Albany COUNTY ROAD 405 2195 2009 BASIC CREEK 7/26/2013 NNN 5.180 Yes No No Preservation Yes Place Concrete Deck Overlay Replace Joints $200,000 Staged No 2 1 October 2014 Leaking joints & deck 3302920 Albany KRUGER ROAD 300 2010 COEYMANS CREEK 4/16/2014 NNN 5.288 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Replace Deck WS $300,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 Replace rail & Wash bridge 3302980 Albany OLD RAVENA ROAD 331 1999 CSX TRANSPRTATION 10/9/2013 NNN 6.944 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3363610 Albany COUNTY ROAD 55 2747 2009 VLOMAN KILL 9/20/2013 NNN 5.000 Yes Yes Yes Item Specific Yes Clean Out Culvert Reshape Channel $100,000 Open Yes 2 3 October 2014 Remove Debris 3369300 Albany COUNTY ROAD 402 107 2009 EIGHTMILE CREEK 3/25/2013 NNN 4.829 Yes Yes No Preservation Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Replace Asphalt WS $200,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 3370070 Albany COUNTY ROAD 253 97 2010 TRIB BOZENKILL 7/29/2013 NNN 6.610 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 5513570 Albany 87I XX 43557 2012 CITY WATER TUNNEL 7/17/2013 NNN 5.286 Yes Yes Yes Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Paint - Localized $200,000 Open No 10 1 October 2014 7022460 Albany Ex-D&H Railway NA NA 32 X Yes Yes No Not Reviewed Unknown November 2014 Former RR Bridge. No inspection report available. 7025300 Albany Ex-D&H Railway NA NA 443 443 11021224 Yes Yes No Not Reviewed Unknown November 2014 Former RR Bridge. No inspection report available. 7032650 Albany Ex-D&H Railway NA NA 85 85 11011209 Yes Yes No Not Reviewed Unknown November 2014 Former RR Bridge. No inspection report available. 7038610 Albany Ex-D&H Railway NA NA 155 155 11011002 Yes Yes No Not Reviewed Unknown November 2014 Former RR Bridge. No inspection report available. 7046170 Albany Ex-D&H Railway NA NA 335 335 11011016 Yes Yes No Not Reviewed Unknown November 2014 Former RR Bridge. No inspection report available. 1054320 Rensselaer FIRST & SECOND ST 3657 2012 FERRY ST RT 2 EB 30000 1978 6/4/2013 NNY 5.100 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs $25,000 Open No 2 1 October 2014 2000170 Rensselaer 4 4 14012022 8296 2010 8/17/2012 NNN 5.813 No Yes Yes Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2000930 Rensselaer 4 X 14901 2009 10/17/2012 NNN 4.900 Yes Yes Yes Minor Rehab Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Replace Rail $200,000 Staged No 5 1 October 2014 Place Stone Fill 2000940 Rensselaer U.S.4 SOUTHBOUND 8410 2007 POESTEN KILL 8/2/2013 NNN 5.250 Yes Yes Yes Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Rebuild/Repoint Masonry $300,000 Staged No 2 2 October 2014 Water line leaking?, Historic? Concrete Deck patch Repair, Replace Asphalt WS, Place 2024650 Rensselaer WINTER STREET 6170 2009 WYNANTS KILL 4/7/2014 NNY 5.391 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Bearings Replace Joints $350,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Stone Fill 2024660 Rensselaer 66 X 13777 2011 POESTEN KILL 7/14/2014 NNN 4.136 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Rebuild/Repoint Masonry Replace Asphalt WS $300,000 Staged No 2 2 October 2014 Place Stone Fill, Historic? Leaking joints; Currently on TIP as Element-Specific 2025330 Rensselaer 151 151 14031002 8705 2008 EAST STREET 100 11/12/2013 NNN 4.361 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Replace Joints Replace Rail 1755.36 $1,050,000 $3,800,000 Staged No 2 9 October 2014 Place stone fill, RepairRepairs rail; 10 yr County plan has 2201460 Rensselaer BRIMMER FARM RD 58 2013 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 4/17/2014 NYY 4.375 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Place Stone Gabions Repair Abutment Scour $100,000 Open Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 Replace rail;scheduled 10 yr County for replacement plan has scheduled for 2201470 Rensselaer SATTERLEE ROAD 57 2013 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 8/29/2013 NYN 4.423 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Steel Repairs Paint - Complete $500,000 Staged No 5 1 October 2014 superstructure replacement 2201480 Rensselaer LANPHIER LANE 4 2013 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 5/7/2014 NYN 4.784 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Repair Abutment Scour Reset Backwall $100,000 Open Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 Place stone fill 2201490 Rensselaer SAND BANK ROAD 93 2013 LITT 7/30/2013 YNN 4.316 Yes No No Replacement No 1757.21 $934,000 Detour Yes 2 1 October 2014 Currently on STIP; Construction in 2015 2201530 Rensselaer DATER HILL ROAD 63 1999 QUACKEN KILL 11/28/2012 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2201540 Rensselaer DEARSTYNE ROAD 163 1999 QUACKEN KILL 5/13/2013 NNN 5.544 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2201550 Rensselaer JOHN SNYDER ROAD 321 1999 TOMHANNOCK CREEK 5/27/2014 NNN 4.400 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Replace Rail $300,000 Detour Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 Replace curbs 2201560 Rensselaer WHITE CHURCH RD 520 2013 QUACKEN KILL 4/14/2014 NYN 4.491 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Steel Girder Web Repair Paint - Complete 1759.04 $600,000 $859,000 Staged No 5 1 October 2014 Replace rail; Currently on TIP w/ construction in 2014 2201570 Rensselaer OLD TROY ROAD 477 2010 MILL CREEK 11/14/2013 NNN 4.561 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit $700,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 2201620 Rensselaer WHITE CREEK ROAD 465 2013 WHITE CREEK 7/15/2013 NYY 3.714 Yes No No Not Reviewed Yes 1759.05 $1,050,000 No Immediate 1 October 2014 Federal-aid project Under construction 2201630 Rensselaer COTTRELL ROAD 188 2002 7/1/2013 NNN 6.932 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2201640 Rensselaer CARETAKERS ROAD 139 1997 WALLOOMSAC RIVER 63 2013 5/6/2014 NNN 6.234 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2201650 Rensselaer COTTRELL ROAD 179 2002 WALLOOMSAC RIVER 6/11/2014 NNN 4.443 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Deck Replacement Reconstruct Approaches $700,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 Paint Truss 2201660 Rensselaer FACTORY MILL RD 50 WALLOOMSAC RIVER 8/2/1978 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown 1 October 2014 No inspection report available. 2201670 Rensselaer BROOKSIDE AVENUE 4049 2013 WYNANTS KILL 11/29/2013 NNN 6.867 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 2201680 Rensselaer LEWIS HOLLOW RD 78 2013 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 5/19/2014 NNN 4.214 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Replace Rail $400,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Wash Bridge 2201700 Rensselaer ARMSBY ROAD 60 DILL CREEK 10/4/1989 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown 1 October 2014 No inspection report available. Conc Patch Repair, Repair Rail, Fill Erosion Hole, Place 2201710 Rensselaer PROSSER HOLLOW RD 24 2013 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 6/19/2014 NNY 4.544 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Bearings Paint - Complete $500,000 Open No 5 1 October 2014 Remove curbs, Conc PatchStone Repair, Fill Install Rail, Remove 2201720 Rensselaer WEBSTER ROAD 33 2013 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 5/15/2014 NNN 4.508 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Bearings Paint - Complete $600,000 Detour No 5 2 October 2014 Debris, Wash Bridge, Place Stone Fill 2201730 Rensselaer BRIMMER BRIDGE RD 27 2013 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 5/19/2014 NNN 6.195 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 2201740 Rensselaer BROKEN WHEEL ROAD 120 1997 LITT HOOSIC RIVER 4/24/2014 NNN 4.245 Yes No No Replacement No 1758.90 $800,000 $1,290,000 Detour Structure No Immediate 1 October 2014 Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 2201760 Rensselaer BABCOCK ROAD 57 2013 DAYFOOT BROOK 9/19/2013 NNN 5.091 Yes No No Replacement No $1,000,000 Detour No 10 1 October 2014 2201770 Rensselaer HOLBRITTER ROAD 42 2013 SUNKAVISSIA CREEK 6/12/2014 NNN 4.350 Yes No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement $800,000 Detour No 5 2 October 2014 2201780 Rensselaer FACTORY HOLLOW RD 137 2013 SUNKAUISSIA CRK 8/27/2012 NNY 4.193 Yes No No Replacement No $800,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 2201790 Rensselaer FACTORY HOLLOW RD 137 2013 SUNKAUISSIA CK 8/9/2012 NNY 4.193 Yes No No Replacement No $800,000 Detour Yes 2 1 October 2014 2201800 Rensselaer CHURCH STREET 2827 1997 HOOSIC RIVER 7/11/2012 NNN 6.838 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2201810 Rensselaer MECHANIC STREET 2412 2013 SPRG TERM (B&MRR) 11/21/2012 NNN 6.357 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Ajacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 2201820 Rensselaer JOHNNY CAKE LANE 158 2006 WYNANTS KILL 5/8/2014 NNN 4.211 Yes No No Preservation Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Place Stone Fill $75,000 Open No 5 1 October 2014 2201840 Rensselaer KAUTZ HOLLOW RD 94 2013 COUCH HOLLOW 8/13/2013 NNN 5.386 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Deck Replacement Place Stone Fill $600,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 Replace rail 2201850 Rensselaer LOG WOODS ROAD 524 2013 TOMHANNOCK CREEK 9/19/2013 NNN 6.129 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2201860 Rensselaer DAYFOOT RD 49 2005 DAYFOOT BROOK 4/10/2014 NNN 3.833 Yes No No Replacement No $800,000 Detour Yes 2 1 October 2014 No detour available; Currently on TIP as Bridge 2201870 Rensselaer MURDOCK ROAD 16 1997 TSATSAWASSA CREEK 8/28/2013 YNN 4.208 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit 1758.99 $600,000 $250,000 Detour Structure Yes 2 1 October 2014 Preservation w/ 5 other bridges 2201880 Rensselaer POWERS ROAD 123 2013 POESTEN KILL 5/8/2014 NNN 6.852 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 2201890 Rensselaer LEGENBAUER ROAD 78 1998 POESTEN KILL 5/17/2012 NNN 5.317 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Replace Deck WS $200,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Seal Slab Unit Top, Place Stone Fill 2201900 Rensselaer 56TH ROAD 217 2013 POESTEN KILL 8/13/2013 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 2201910 Rensselaer CROPSEY ROAD 69 2013 POESTEN KILL 5/12/2014 NNN 6.724 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 2201920 Rensselaer OLD RED MILL ROAD 103 1999 MILL CREEK 6/25/2012 NNN 5.407 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Reconstruct Approaches $100,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 2201960 Rensselaer STOP 13 ROAD 590 2010 WYNANTS KILL 3/27/2014 NNN 4.509 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Box Beam Unit $900,000 Staged No 5 1 October 2014 2201980 Rensselaer THAIS RD 405 2010 WYNANTS KILL 10/8/2012 NNN 4.271 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit $600,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Scour & stream constriction 2201990 Rensselaer GARNER ROAD 475 2010 WYNANTS KILL 9/27/2013 NNN 6.017 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202000 Rensselaer FIRST DYKE ROAD 1375 2013 BURDEN LAKE 3/27/2014 NNN 3.849 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit $700,000 Staged No 2 1 November 2014 2202010 Rensselaer BROOKVIEW STA.RD. 338 2013 9/12/2012 NNN 4.317 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Repair Abutment Scour Repair Abutment Seat $200,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 Localized painting 2202020 Rensselaer BURDEN LAKE ROAD 580 2013 MOORDENER KILL 5/13/2013 NNN 6.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 2202040 Rensselaer DORNS MILL SPUR 60 MUITZESKILL 7/29/1997 Yes No No Not Reviewed No No 1 November 2014 Closed since 1996. No inspection report available. 2202070 Rensselaer OLD POST ROAD 1095 2013 MOORDENER KILL 6/4/2012 NNN 5.935 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 2202080 Rensselaer NEWTON ROAD 404 2013 BLACK RIVER 6/26/2014 NNN 4.021 Yes No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement Place Stone Fill $600,000 Detour No 2 1 November 2014 Posted for 10 tons 2202090 Rensselaer BLACK RIVER ROAD 60 2013 BLACK RIVER 4/14/2014 NNY 3.283 Yes No No Preservation Yes 1758.99 $250,000 No 1 October 2014 Currently on TIP as Preservation w/ 5 other bridges 2202100 Rensselaer GRANGE HALL ROAD 391 2013 WEST BROOK 6/26/2014 NNN 4.500 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Steel Repairs Place Stone Fill $200,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Paint - Localized Feature Carried Feature Crossed 2014 Last National Program Year of Year of Condition Condition Federal- Work Preservation Conceptual TIP At Risk No. of Review BIN County Description AADT Description AADT Inspection Flags Highway Treatment 1 Treatment 2 PIN M & PT Schedule Comments AADT AADT Rating Rating < 5.5 Aid Status Strategy Eligible Construction Funding Bridge Spans Date Date System (years) Cost 2202110 Rensselaer MADDEN ROAD 73 2013 EAST CREEK 5/14/2014 NNN 4.484 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Steel Girder Web Repair Paint - Complete $300,000 Open No 5 1 November 2014 Place stone fill; Replace rail 2202120 Rensselaer PEASE ROAD 100 KINDERHOOK CK. 4/27/1993 Yes No No Not Reviewed No November 2014 Closed since 1988. No inspection report available. Replacement cost approx. 10%-15% higher than major 2202140 Rensselaer BERT HAGER RD 45 2013 6/25/2014 YNY 3.772 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Box Beam Unit $800,000 Detour Structure Yes 2 1 October 2014 rehab cost; No outlet road w/ low AADT; 10 yr County 2202160 Rensselaer GOULD ROAD 79 2013 KINDERHOOK CREEK 5/15/2014 NNN 4.295 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Asphalt WS Paint - Localized $300,000 Open No 5 1 November 2014 2202190 Rensselaer BROADWAY 8029 2010 MILL CREEK 11/12/2012 NNN 5.617 No Yes Yes Preservation Yes Place Stone Fill $25,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 2202200 Rensselaer SOUTH STREET 1923 2013 MILL CREEK 5/20/2014 NNN 4.488 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Repair Curb $75,000 Open No 5 1 November 2014 Superstructure replaced in 2012, problems with bearings 2202220 Rensselaer BROADWAY 3659 2010 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 2/26/2013 NNN 5.438 Yes Yes No Preservation Yes Replace Joints Seal Deck $300,000 Detour No 5 8 October 2014 & joints 2202230 Rensselaer HERRICK ST 4039 2012 CSX RR / AMTRAK 12/15/2012 NNN 6.322 No Yes Yes Not Reviewed Yes No 4 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 2202240 Rensselaer HIGH STREET 1111 2002 MILL CREEK 6/7/2012 NNN 6.450 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 2202250 Rensselaer SECOND AVENUE 231 2006 MILL CREEK 6/11/2012 NNN 5.936 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 2202260 Rensselaer WASHINGTON ST 6841 2013 MILL CREEK 11/21/2012 NNN 5.439 Yes No No Preservation Yes Seal Deck Rebuild/Repoint Masonry $100,000 Detour No 2 1 November 2014 Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 2202270 Rensselaer LAWRENCE STREET 389 2006 HOLLOW CREEK 5/5/2014 NNN 6.400 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202280 Rensselaer SECOND AVENUE 807 2010 MILL CREEK 4/17/2014 NNN 3.265 Yes No No Close Yes No 2 1 November 2014 At end of dead end 2202290 Rensselaer CAMPBELL AVENUE 12519 2010 WYNANTS KILL 8/12/2013 NYY 4.294 Yes Yes No Replacement No $1,000,000 Detour Yes 5 1 October 2014 Box beam ends spalling, stem spalling 2202330 Rensselaer FIRST STREET 3142 2012 POESTEN KILL 11/1/2012 NNN 3.842 Yes Yes No Replacement No Steel Multigirder $1,000,000 Detour No 5 3 November 2014 Historic? 2202340 Rensselaer SECOND STREET 2256 2009 POESTEN KILL 7/9/2012 NNN 5.891 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams Currently on STIP; Replace superstructure; Re-point 2202370 Rensselaer SPRING AVENUE 4915 2010 POESTEN KILL 11/6/2013 YYY 2.655 Yes Yes No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement Concrete Patch Repair 1756.37 $900,000 $3,230,000 Detour Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 masonry abutments; Install bridge & appr. guide railing. 2202460 Rensselaer OAKWOOD CEMETERY 100 2009 EX-BOS & MAINE RR 5/7/2014 NNN 6.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2259460 Rensselaer BUTTERMILK FLS RD 137 2004 TOMHANNOCK CREEK 5/20/2014 NNN 5.522 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 2259470 Rensselaer HANSEN ROAD 231 1998 SPRINGFIELD TRML 4/3/2013 NNN 6.532 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 2266060 Rensselaer PEDES.BR.AT RPI 15th Street 9100 1978 Yes Yes No Not Reviewed Unknown November 2014 Pesdestrian bridge. No inspection report available. 2266750 Rensselaer AKIN ROAD 159 2001 POWAMPPOKONK CRK 4/29/2014 NYN 4.540 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Repair Abutment Scour Place Stone Fill $50,000 Open Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 Posted for 18 tons 2267170 Rensselaer SIMONS ROAD 561 2013 AMTRAK 12/4/2012 NNN 6.213 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 2267360 Rensselaer KNICKERBOCKER RD 122 2013 CSX TRANS/C P RWY 10/7/2013 NNN 6.611 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2267780 Rensselaer PORT ACCESS ROAD 3492 2010 CSXT PORT SPUR 11/9/2013 NNN 6.186 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2267790 Rensselaer PORT ACCESS ROAD 3492 2010 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 11/9/2013 NNY 6.056 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2268980 Rensselaer GOOSEN-REGAN ROAD 50 2009 NIPMOOSE BROOK 10/29/2012 NNN 5.281 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Deck Replacement Detour No 5 1 November 2014 2270960 Rensselaer Town (dirt) road 2013 Sunkauissia Creek 11/18/2013 NNN 5.000 Yes No No Preservation Yes Concrete Patch Repairs $25,000 Open No 10 2 November 2014 Concrete Box Culvert PM = 5 3303330 Rensselaer RIVER RD CR 120 930 2009 MILL HOLLOW CREEK 7/10/2012 NNN 5.389 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Reshape Channel $50,000 Open No 5 1 November 2014 Unplug scuppers 3303340 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 111 332 2013 HOOSIC RIVER 9/26/2013 YYY 3.344 Yes No No Replacement No 1754.68 $4,900,000 Detour Yes 5 1 October 2014 Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 3303370 Rensselaer COUNTY RD 111 304 2013 SUNKAUISSIA CK 5/22/2014 NNN 5.055 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Place Stone Fill $300,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 Wash bridge & install downspouts 3303400 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 117 1228 2013 TOMHANNOCK SPILL 7/15/2013 YNN 3.984 Yes No No Not Reviewed No Local Funds No 1 October 2014 Superstructure replacement in 2014 3303410 Rensselaer COUNTY RD 115 1246 2013 TOMHANNOCKBACKWTR 8/15/2012 NNY 4.750 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Replace Rail Place Stone Fill $75,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 Clean scuppers 3303420 Rensselaer COUNTY RD 115 1138 2009 TOMHANNOCK BACKWR 8/15/2012 NNN 4.767 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Box Beam Unit $800,000 Detour No 2 1 November 2014 3303430 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 110 1014 2009 OTTER CREEK 5/5/2014 NNN 4.836 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit $600,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 3303440 Rensselaer GROVESIDE CR.109 451 2009 SUNKAUISSIA CK 5/6/2014 NNY 4.767 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Reconstruct Approaches Reshape Channel $200,000 Detour No 2 2 November 2014 Place stone fill & Replace rail 3303450 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 111 304 2013 OTTER CREEK 5/7/2014 NNN 4.833 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Paint - Complete Reconstruct Approaches $400,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Place stone fill & Wash bridge 3303460 Rensselaer RIVER RD CR 121 778 2009 HUDSONR.BACKWATER 6/12/2014 NNN 4.636 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Concrete Patch Repair $300,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 Wash bridge 3303480 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 103 768 2009 HOOSIC RIVER 9/23/2013 NNY 5.109 Yes No No Preservation Yes Reconstruct Approaches $100,000 Detour No 10 1 November 2014 Timber thru truss 3303500 Rensselaer CR126 FOGARTY RD. 331 2013 DEEP KILL 7/3/2012 NNN 5.263 Yes No No Preservation Yes Replace Asphalt WS Replace Rail $100,000 Detour No 10 1 November 2014 Currently on TIP as Element Specific Repair; Construction 3303510 Rensselaer PLANK ROAD 881 2013 DEEP KILL 11/6/2013 NNN 4.041 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit 1758.98 $600,000 $550,000 Detour No 10 1 November 2014 Install membrane; Repair2015 guide rail connection; Scour 3303550 Rensselaer GARFIELD RD CR137 1222 2013 QUACKENKILL 4/4/2014 NYN 4.633 Yes No No Preservation Yes Replace Asphalt WS Paint - Complete $400,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 countermeasures; Level I LR for posting 3303560 Rensselaer GARFIELD RD CR137 1222 2013 POESTEN KILL 5/15/2014 NNN 5.854 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 3303570 Rensselaer BLUE FACTORY RD 459 2013 QUACKEN KILL 10/2/2012 NNN 5.718 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 5 3303580 Rensselaer BL.FACTORY RDCR79 410 2013 BONESTEEL CREEK 4/29/2014 NNN 4.383 Yes No No Replacement No Steel Multigirder $2,500,000 Detour No 5 5 November 2014 3303590 Rensselaer CR79BL FACTORY RD 1449 2013 POESTEN KILL 5/20/2014 NNN 4.797 Yes No No Preservation Yes Seal Deck Place Stone Fill $50,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Repair/Replace bearings; Scour countermeasures; Repair 3303610 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 68 1060 2013 WYNANTSKILL 4/21/2014 YNN 4.567 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Paint - Complete Repair Pedestals 1758.15 $500,000 $1,210,000 Detour Yes 5 1 October 2014 curbs; Repair approach guide railing; 10 yr County plan 3303620 Rensselaer COLUMBIA HILL RD 1016 2013 IVES CORS.CREEK 11/19/2012 NNN 5.357 Yes No No Preservation Yes Place Stone Fill $25,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 3303630 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 40 214 2009 POESTEN KILL 5/7/2014 NNN 6.724 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3303640 Rensselaer PLANK ROAD 756 2009 POESTEN KILL 10/29/2012 NNN 5.488 Yes No No Preservation Yes Seal Deck Place Stone Fill $50,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 Place stone fill; 10 yr County plan has scheduled for 3303650 Rensselaer CR40 PLANK ROAD 756 2009 POESTENKILL 4/24/2014 NYN 4.423 Yes No No Preservation Yes Steel Repairs Paint - Complete $400,000 Open No 5 1 October 2014 replacement 3303660 Rensselaer S.E.HOLLOW ROAD 375 2009 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 5/13/2014 NNN 4.789 Yes No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement $700,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 3303670 Rensselaer CR36 PARK AVENUE 375 2009 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 8/8/2012 NNY 3.902 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Replace Joints Replace Asphalt WS $200,000 Staged No 2 5 November 2014 Seal Deck; leaking joints 3303680 Rensselaer ELM STREET 264 2009 LITT HOOSIC RIVER 6/19/2014 NNN 3.918 Yes No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement Concrete Patch Repair 1757.22 $700,000 $1,324,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 3303690 Rensselaer RIVER ROAD CR.90 191 2005 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 6/12/2014 NNN 5.053 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Replace Asphalt WS $300,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 3303700 Rensselaer HILLS HOLLOW RO 117 2005 LITTLE HOOSIC RIV 6/12/2014 NNN 5.127 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Replace joints Replace Asphalt WS $200,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Seal Deck & Wash Bridge 3303720 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 95 724 2009 HOOSIC RIVER 11/6/2012 NNN 5.778 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 3303740 Rensselaer TABORTON RD 1814 2009 HORSE HEAVEN BRK 4/14/2014 NNN 3.684 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit $600,000 Detour No 5 2 November 2014 3303750 Rensselaer DUTCH CHURCH ROAD 127 2009 POESTEN KILL 6/9/2014 NNN 4.324 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Install New Wingwalls Reconstruct Approaches $400,000 Staged No 5 2 November 2014 Currently on STIP; Posted for 5 tons w/ heavy section 3303760 Rensselaer EAST ROAD C.R.33 189 2013 KINDERHOOK CK 11/13/2013 NYN 3.517 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit 1758.93 $600,000 $550,000 Detour Yes 2 1 October 2014 Currently onloss; TIP as Construction Bridge Preservation in 2016 w/ 5 other 3303780 Rensselaer WEST ROAD 505 2013 KINDERHOOK CREEK 7/2/2014 NNY 4.250 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit 1758.99 $600,000 $250,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 bridges 3303790 Rensselaer PRESBYTERIAN ROAD 416 2009 KINDERHOOK CREEK 5/15/2014 NNN 4.767 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Place Stone Fill $200,000 Detour No 2 1 November 2014 Clean Bearings, Replace Asphalt WS 3303800 Rensselaer SO STEPHENTOWN RD 535 2013 KINDERHOOK CREEK 8/29/2013 NNN 5.761 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 3303820 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 26 (G 405 2013 BLACK BROOK 11/21/2012 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3303840 Rensselaer CR26 GARFIELD-E.N 551 2004 BLACK RIVER 8/8/2013 YNN 4.018 Yes No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement 1758.99 $700,000 $250,000 Detour Yes 2 1 October 2014 Currently on TIP as Preservation w/ 5 other bridges 3303850 Rensselaer DUNHAM HOLLOW RD 402 2013 TSATSAWASSA CREEK 9/23/2013 NNN 6.304 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 3303860 Rensselaer CR21DUNHAM HOLLOW 402 2013 TSATSAWSSA CREEK 5/14/2014 NNN 5.459 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Joints Paint - Localized $200,000 Detour No 2 1 November 2014 Clean Bearings & Place Stone Fill Concrete patch repair; Currently on TIP as Preservation 3303870 Rensselaer DUNHAM HOLLOW RD 402 2013 TACKAWASICK CREEK 7/31/2013 NYN 4.721 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Steel Repairs Paint - Complete 1758.99 $500,000 $250,000 Staged No 2 1 October 2014 w/ 5 other bridges; 10 yr County plan has scheduled for 3303880 Rensselaer DUNHAM HOLLOW RD 402 2013 TAKAWASICK CREEK 11/14/2013 NNN 4.636 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit 1758.99 $600,000 $250,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Currently on TIP as Preservation w/ 5 other bridges 3303890 Rensselaer EASTERN UNION TUR 146 2009 WYNANTS KILL 5/8/2014 NNN 6.655 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 6 3303900 Rensselaer BURDEN LAKE ROAD 1711 2011 WYNANTS KILL 10/22/2012 NNN 6.172 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 6 3303910 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 7 1524 2008 VALATIE KILL 6/4/2014 NNN 6.540 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3303920 Rensselaer CR7 2429 2013 MOORDENER KILL 6/5/2012 NNN 6.050 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 3303930 Rensselaer CR 15 800 1997 VALATIE KILL 4/24/2014 NNN 5.692 No No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit $600,000 Detour Yes Immediate 1 November 2014 3303960 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 16 659 2013 TSATSAWASSA CREEK 6/14/2013 NNN 5.717 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 Feature Carried Feature Crossed 2014 Last National Program Year of Year of Condition Condition Federal- Work Preservation Conceptual TIP At Risk No. of Review BIN County Description AADT Description AADT Inspection Flags Highway Treatment 1 Treatment 2 PIN M & PT Schedule Comments AADT AADT Rating Rating < 5.5 Aid Status Strategy Eligible Construction Funding Bridge Spans Date Date System (years) Cost 3303980 Rensselaer SCHODACK LAND CR2 528 2013 MUITZES KILL 6/4/2012 NNN 4.714 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit $700,000 Staged No 10 1 November 2014 3304000 Rensselaer MUITZESKILL ROAD 419 2013 CSX TRANSPRTATION 4/3/2013 NNN 6.068 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304010 Rensselaer MUITZESKILL ROAD 419 2013 MUITZES KILL 4/22/2013 NNN 5.390 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Concrete Patch Repair $200,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Place stone fill 3304020 Rensselaer VAN HOUSEN ROAD 1065 2013 AMTRAK 12/8/2012 NNN 4.590 Yes No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement $1,000,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 3304030 Rensselaer SOUTH SCHODACK RD 374 2013 CSX TRANSPRTATION 10/7/2013 NNN 6.733 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304040 Rensselaer BURDEN LAKE ROAD 1711 2011 WYNANTS KILL 10/22/2012 NNN 6.310 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 6 Reuse existing footings for scour protection; YSF issued 3304080 Rensselaer COUNTY ROAD 114 983 2001 POWAMPPOKONK CRK 5/27/2014 NYN 4.000 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit 1758.14 $625,000 $726,000 Detour No 5 1 October 2014 Repair underminedfor metal culvert wingwalls support and culvertstrut failure slab; Replace 3304110 Rensselaer BLUE FACTORY RO 410 2013 BONESTEEL CREEK 7/2/2014 NYY 5.091 Yes No No Preservation Yes Scour Repair Replace Rail $100,000 Open No 5 1 October 2014 approach guiderailing; YSF issued for severe wingwall 3367490 Rensselaer SWEETS CRSSING RD 305 2013 VALATIE KILL 4/28/2014 YNN 3.590 Yes No No Not Reviewed No Yes November 2014 Under construction as a superstructure replacement 3369040 Rensselaer 15 X 300 2008 VALATIE KILL 5/6/2014 NNN 4.714 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit $600,000 Detour No 10 1 November 2014 1071940 Saratoga 67 67 15031258 6272 2013 BOSTON & MAINE 11/5/2013 NYN 3.558 Yes Yes No Major Rehab Yes Superstructure Replacement Repair Abutment Seat $1,100,000 Detour Yes 2 1 October 2014 Adjacent Concrete Box Beams w/ deteriorated ends 2202550 Saratoga FINLEY ROAD 366 2002 MOURNING KILL 5/1/2013 NNN 4.947 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Slab Unit $700,000 Staged No 10 1 November 2014 2202570 Saratoga ASHDOWN ROAD 6060 2011 DELAWARE & HUDSON 11/14/2012 NNN 4.484 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Replace Joints Replace Bearings $700,000 Staged No 2 3 November 2014 Replace Asphalt WS, Paint - Localized 2202580 Saratoga Roberts Lane 23 2013 DWAAS KILL 5/16/2013 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202600 Saratoga DAVIGNON ROAD 7 2006 DALY CREEK 7/13/2012 NNN 5.450 Yes No No Preservation Yes Paint - Complete Seal Deck $300,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 2202630 Saratoga SAND LAKE ROAD 36 2006 SAND CREEK 5/9/2013 NNN 6.390 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit 2202640 Saratoga AIRPORT ROAD 313 2006 BEECHER CREEK 6/3/2014 NNN 4.684 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit $700,000 Staged No 10 1 November 2014 2202670 Saratoga FOX HILL ROAD 142 2006 LITTLE HANS CREEK 6/19/2013 NYN 4.815 Yes No No Preservation Yes Steel Repairs Paint - Complete $300,000 Staged No 5 1 October 2014 Repair steel beam ends 2202690 Saratoga PARKIS MILLS RD 207 2013 GLOWEGEE CREEK 6/2/2014 NNN 5.085 Yes No No Preservation Yes Place Stone Fill Wash Bridge $25,000 Open No 2 November 2014 2202700 Saratoga OLD MILL ROAD 209 2006 GLOWEGEE CREEK 6/18/2014 NNN 4.722 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit $600,000 Detour No 10 2 November 2014 2202720 Saratoga ALLEN ROAD 340 2001 S BR KAYADERSS.CK 7/18/2013 NNN 6.067 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 2202740 Saratoga OLD CORINTH RD. 100 2009 7/13/2012 NNN 6.403 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202750 Saratoga COONS CROSSING RD 1716 2005 ANTHONY KILL 5/29/2014 NNN 5.317 Yes No No Preservation Yes Seal Deck Place Stone Fill $50,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 2202760 Saratoga TABOR ROAD 18 2013 DWAAS KILL 6/18/2014 NNN 5.571 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202770 Saratoga USHERS ROAD 1091 2013 DWAAS KILL 4/30/2014 NNN 5.714 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202790 Saratoga FAIRGROUND AVE 4210 2010 GORDON CREEK 7/6/2012 NNN 6.234 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202800 Saratoga HANS CREEK ROAD 21 2006 HANS CREEK 8/21/2013 NNN 6.771 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 2202810 Saratoga HANS CREEK ROAD 21 2006 HANS CREEK 8/21/2013 NNN 6.771 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 2202820 Saratoga HANS CREEK ROAD 21 2006 HANS CREEK 4/11/2014 NNN 5.825 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202830 Saratoga HANS CREEK ROAD 21 2006 HANS CREEK 4/11/2014 NNN 4.951 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Superstructure Replacement $700,000 Detour Yes 10 1 November 2014 Leaking concrete beam joints 2202840 Saratoga SLEEZER ROAD 23 2006 HANS CREEK 8/21/2013 NNN 6.711 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 2202850 Saratoga BRIDGE ST 304 2013 FISH CREEK 0 4/23/2014 NNN 4.680 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Superstructure Replacement Concrete Patch Repair $800,000 Detour Yes 1 November 2014 Deteriorated seats & concrete beams 2202860 Saratoga BRYANTS BRIDGE RD 390 2002 FISH CREEK 6/25/2013 NNN 6.431 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202870 Saratoga BALLARD RD CR33 8486 2011 SNOOK KILL 4/15/2014 NNN 6.000 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202880 Saratoga NORTH RD 383 2013 SNOOK KILL 4/15/2014 NNN 6.867 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2202940 Saratoga NORTH MAIN STREET 6137 2010 ANTHONY KILL 8/27/2013 NYN 3.682 Yes Yes No Preservation Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Rebuild/Repoint Masonry $100,000 Open No 5 1 October 2014 2202950 Saratoga FRANCES STREET 374 2010 ANTHONY KILL 9/20/2013 NYN 4.167 Yes No No Preservation Yes Repair Abutment Scour Concrete Patch Repair $200,000 Open No 5 1 October 2014 2202960 Saratoga 4 4 15022011 15291 2013 ANTHONY KILL 5/14/2014 NYN 5.056 Yes Yes No Replacement No 1757.10 $3,150,000 Staged No 2 2 October 2014 Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 2202970 Saratoga VIALL AVENUE 4819 2010 ANTHONY KILL 4/30/2014 NNN 5.067 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Replace Asphalt WS Place Stone Fill $100,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 2203680 Saratoga GOLDFOOT RD 606 2011 BALLSTON CREEK 4/10/2014 NNN 6.286 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 2259980 Saratoga CARLTON RD 3520 2010 COOLEY KILL 4/10/2014 YYN 4.983 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Steel Girder Web Repair Place Stone Fill $50,000 Open Yes 2 1 October 2014 2259990 Saratoga CLINTON STREET 2913 2013 DELAWARE & HUDSON 11/13/2012 NNN 4.900 Yes No No Preservation Yes Paint - Complete Reconstruct Approaches $600,000 Detour No 5 1 November 2014 Conc patch repairs, Unplug catch basins immediately 2260000 Saratoga ANTIOCH ROAD 424 2006 ALDER CREEK 8/20/2012 NNN 4.479 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Box Beam Unit $800,000 Detour No 10 1 November 2014 2260010 Saratoga WALTR MAXFIELD RD 94 2006 BELL BK 6/2/2014 NNN 4.857 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit $600,000 Detour No 10 1 November 2014 2260020 Saratoga JONES ROAD 8049 2013 DELAWARE & HUDSON 11/13/2012 NNN 5.083 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Replace Bearings $600,000 Detour No 2 1 November 2014 Replace Asphalt WS 2260030 Saratoga CRESCENT AVE CR22 2481 2012 LAKE LONELY OUTLT 5/27/2014 NNN 5.390 Yes Yes No Preservation Yes Place Stone Fill Replace Asphalt WS $200,000 Staged No 5 1 November 2014 2260040 Saratoga POTTER HOLLW ROAD 580 2006 ALDER CREEK 8/16/2013 NNN 6.780 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 2260050 Saratoga GRAND AVENUE 8894 2010 DELAWARE & HUDSON 11/13/2012 NNN 4.817 Yes Yes No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement $1,100,000 Staged No 5 1 November 2014 Unplug catch basins immediately 2267980 Saratoga OCONNOR DRIVE 1 2009 OLD CHAMPLAIN 3/14/2013 NNN 6.105 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete BEBO Arch PM = 7 2269320 Saratoga PIERCE ROAD 4355 2013 DWAAS KILL 4/15/2014 NNN 6.241 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 2269330 Saratoga TANNER ROAD 766 2010 COOLEY KILL TRIB 4/15/2014 NNN 6.512 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 2270560 Saratoga STONEBREAK ROAD 2009 Unknown Creek 8/16/2012 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 2270570 Saratoga Luther Forest Blv 2009 Unknown Creek 8/16/2012 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 2270580 Saratoga Luther Forest Blv 2009 Unknown Creek 8/16/2012 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 2270610 Saratoga EXCELSIOR SPRINGS 2010 SPRING RUN TRAIL 0 6/19/2013 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3304130 Saratoga CLARK ROAD 81 2013 SNOOK KILL 4/21/2014 NNN 5.478 Yes No No Replacement No Concrete Box Beam Unit $825,000 Detour Yes 10 1 December 2014 Adjacent Concrete Box Beam 3304140 Saratoga CR29 RIVER ROAD 423 2013 SNOOK KILL 4/21/2014 NNN 5.800 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304160 Saratoga CR21MIDDLE GRV RD 1223 2013 CK 8/22/2012 NNN 5.283 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Replace Asphalt WS $75,000 Detour No 5 1 December 2014 Adjacent Concrete box beam 3304170 Saratoga SOUTH SHORE ROAD 808 2013 BATCHELLER CREEK 4/24/2014 NNN 6.862 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete box beam PM = 7 3304180 Saratoga SAND LAKE ROAD 75 2001 SAND CREEK 6/2/2014 NNN 4.571 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit $625,000 Detour No 10 2 December 2014 3304190 Saratoga COUNTY ROAD 98 963 2013 SACANDAGA RESER 11/21/2012 NNN 7.000 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 13 November 2014 CR above 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304210 Saratoga S. SHORE RD CR 7 208 2012 DALY CREEK 4/24/2014 NNN 6.737 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 December 2014 CR above 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304230 Saratoga STONY CREEK ROAD 668 2012 WOLF CREEK 7/18/2013 NNN 5.746 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR above 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304240 Saratoga HUNTING CLUB RD 13 2006 PAUL CREEK 7/2/2012 NNN 6.860 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR above 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304250 Saratoga NORTH SHORE ROAD 107 2002 PAUL CREEK 5/9/2013 NNN 6.517 No No No Not Reviewed Yes Yes 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3304270 Saratoga HANS CREEK ROAD 21 2006 HANS CREEK 4/11/2014 NNN 6.805 No No No Not reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304280 Saratoga FISH HOUSE RD C14 1484 2012 KENYETTO CREEK 4/22/2014 NNN 6.714 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 2 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304290 Saratoga COUNTY ROAD 52 561 2013 GLOWEGEE CREEK 7/3/2012 NNN 6.773 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304300 Saratoga DEWAR ROAD 779 2006 GLOWEGEE CREEK 8/16/2013 NNN 6.512 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304310 Saratoga LEWIS RD 1344 2010 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 7/31/2012 NNN 6.415 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304320 Saratoga CR49 1597 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 6/11/2014 NNN 6.080 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 3304330 Saratoga MECHANIC STREET 380 2002 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 7/31/2012 NNN 6.468 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304340 Saratoga BATH STREET 2090 2010 GORDON CREEK 7/6/2012 NNN 6.600 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304350 Saratoga CR45 GALWAY ROAD 2562 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 7/12/2012 NNN 5.525 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304360 Saratoga KELLOG ROAD 654 2010 SCHUYLER CREEK 5/1/2013 NNN 5.644 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams Feature Carried Feature Crossed 2014 Last National Program Year of Year of Condition Condition Federal- Work Preservation Conceptual TIP At Risk No. of Review BIN County Description AADT Description AADT Inspection Flags Highway Treatment 1 Treatment 2 PIN M & PT Schedule Comments AADT AADT Rating Rating < 5.5 Aid Status Strategy Eligible Construction Funding Bridge Spans Date Date System (years) Cost 3304370 Saratoga EASTLINE ROAD 6377 2012 BALLSTON CREEK 5/14/2013 NNN 6.263 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304380 Saratoga MIDDLE LINE ROAD 4059 2012 MOURNING KILL 4/3/2014 NNN 6.805 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304390 Saratoga HOP CITY ROAD 1012 2012 MOURNING KILL 6/27/2012 NNN 6.552 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3304400 Saratoga CR 80 345 2012 BALLSTON CREEK 4/10/2014 NNN 6.220 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304410 Saratoga MENNEN RD 207 2013 FISH CREEK 4/22/2014 NNN 5.000 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Place Stone Fill Replace Bearings $400,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 Paint - Complete, Replace asphalt WS & Replace rail 3304420 Saratoga BRIDGE STREET 304 2013 FISH CREEK 9/27/2013 NNN 6.191 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304430 Saratoga BURGOYNE ROAD 447 2002 FISH CREEK 7/25/2012 NNN 5.533 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams Replace end diaphragms @ pier; Repaint girder ends; 3304440 Saratoga CR 67, STAFFORDS 1945 2002 FISH CREEK 5/9/2013 NYN 4.547 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Steel Girder Web Repair Replace Joints $500,000 Staged No 5 1 October 2014 Replace Asphalt WS; Wash Bridge 3304450 Saratoga NELSON AVE EXT 828 2011 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 7/12/2012 NNN 5.281 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Steel Secondary Member Repair $300,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Concrete I-beam Currently on STIP; Replace rail, Wash bridge; 3304460 Saratoga NORTH LINE ROAD 9957 2011 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 4/2/2014 NNN 4.519 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Joints Paint - Complete 1757.09 $900,000 Detour No 2 1 October 2014 Place stone fill, RepairConstruction concrete, in Replace 2015 bearings, Place 3304470 Saratoga MOTT ROAD 80 2009 SNOOK KILL 7/19/2012 NNN 4.328 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Steel Girder Web Repair Paint - Complete $400,000 Detour No 2 1 December 2014 concrete deck overlay, Replace deck joints 3304480 Saratoga JEWELL ROAD 100 2009 SNOOK KILL 6/19/2014 NNN 5.678 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304490 Saratoga WILTN GANSEVRT RD 1572 2012 SNOOK KILL 4/29/2014 NNN 6.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304500 Saratoga STRONG RD 197 2013 SNOOK KILL 5/30/2013 NNN 6.704 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304510 Saratoga DIMMICK RD 491 1997 SNOOK KILL 4/21/2014 NNN 5.273 Yes No No No Work Yes No 1 December 2014 Steel plate pipe in very good condition 3304520 Saratoga HEATH ROAD 766 2001 STURDEVANT CREEK 4/29/2014 NNN 4.786 Yes No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement Reshape Channel $400,000 Detour No 10 1 December 2014 3304530 Saratoga COUNTY ROAD 19 1395 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 8/23/2012 NNN 6.373 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No December 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304540 Saratoga SAND HILL ROAD 515 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 8/23/2012 NNN 5.444 Yes No No Preservation Yes Place Stone Fill $25,000 Open No 5 1 December 2014 3304550 Saratoga CR12 L DESOLA RD 863 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 4/22/2014 NYN 4.763 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Paint - Localized $100,000 Open No 2 1 October 2014 3304560 Saratoga CR 49 W MILTON RD 2587 2011 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 7/31/2012 NNN 5.424 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Replace Joints $300,000 Staged No 5 1 November 2014 Paint girder ends 3304570 Saratoga CR 49 1597 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 6/11/2014 NNN 4.783 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Misc Steel Repair Repair Abutment Seat $175,000 Open No 2 1 December 2014 Localized painting 3304580 Saratoga WEST MILTON ROAD 2180 2013 GLOWEGEE CREEK 7/31/2012 NNN 6.220 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304590 Saratoga LEWIS ROAD 1344 2010 GLOWEGEE CREEK 7/31/2012 NNN 6.805 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Conctrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304600 Saratoga MIDDLE LINE RD 3173 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CR 4/3/2014 NNN 6.561 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304610 Saratoga FENWICK STREET 196 2002 GORDON CREEK 6/19/2013 NNN 6.435 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304620 Saratoga RALPH STREET 2685 2010 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 5/27/2014 NNN 6.383 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5' & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304630 Saratoga COUNTY ROAD 54 1979 2010 5/7/2013 NNN 5.492 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Paint - Complete Place Stone Fill $300,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 3304640 Saratoga CR52 2460 2012 ALPLAUS KILL 6/26/2014 NNN 5.317 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Reconstruct Approaches Paint - Complete $500,000 Staged No 5 1 November 2014 Replace joints, Concrete patch repair, Seal deck 3304650 Saratoga CRANE STREET 446 2013 ALPLAUS KILL 4/15/2014 NNN 6.220 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3304660 Saratoga CR 51 CHARLTON RD 1108 2012 ALPLAUS KILL 6/11/2014 NNN 6.190 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Steel-lined Concrete Arch PM = 6 Reconstruct approaches, Replace embankments, Wash 3304670 Saratoga TIFFAULT RD 53 2013 MOURNING KILL 6/12/2014 NNN 5.083 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Replace Bearings Paint - Complete $600,000 Staged No 2 1 December 2014 bridge 3304680 Saratoga CR90 VISCHER FERR 1223 2012 STONY CREEK 8/28/2012 NNN 6.171 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304690 Saratoga DEVILS LANE 391 2002 MOURNING KILL 5/1/2013 NNN 6.585 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304700 Saratoga LASHER RD 137 2013 MOURNING KILL 7/6/2012 NNN 5.068 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Concrete Repairs Paint - Complete $250,000 No 2 1 November 2014 Repair abutments, paint complete 3304710 Saratoga OUTLET ROAD 469 2011 BALLSTON CREEK 4/10/2014 NNN 6.509 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304720 Saratoga CR16 BARKRSVLE RD 210 2013 ALDER CREEK 8/26/2012 NNN 6.543 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304730 Saratoga CR 13,FAYVILLE RD 155 2013 ALDER CREEK 8/20/2012 NNN 6.366 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304740 Saratoga BARKERSVILLE CR13 782 2012 CADMAN CREEK 6/12/2014 NNN 4.500 Yes No No Replacement No Three-sided Unit $600,000 No 10 1 November 2014 Steel Culvert with Developing section loss 3304750 Saratoga CR 13 782 2012 HANS CREEK 8/22/2012 NNN 6.195 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304760 Saratoga CORINTH-W-MT CR10 113 2013 DALY CREEK 4/24/2014 NNN 6.435 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3304770 Saratoga HADLEY HILL ROAD 152 2006 PAUL CREEK 7/2/2012 NNN 4.933 Yes No No Preservation Yes Paint Localized Concrete Patch Repair $100,000 No 5 1 November 2014 Steel Multigirder 3304780 Saratoga NORTH SHORE ROAD 325 2013 SAND CREEK 5/9/2013 NNN 6.463 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 3304790 Saratoga CR 4 N SHORE RD 884 2013 BEECHER CREEK 6/3/2014 NNN 4.974 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Steel Repairs Rebuild/Repoint Masonry $150,000 Open No 10 1 December 2014 Historic? 3304800 Saratoga FOX HILL ROAD 142 2006 HANS CREEK 7/2/2012 NNY 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Steel Plate Arch PM = 7 3304820 Saratoga ROUND LAKE AVE 686 2010 ANTHONY KILL 8/28/2012 NNN 4.556 Yes No No Preservation Yes Concretete Repair Install Waterproofing Membrane $100,000 Yes 2 1 November 2014 Box beams w/ some spalling 3305510 Saratoga DRIVE 3941 2010 BIKEWAY 6/5/2013 NNN 5.750 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 5 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3306430 Saratoga COUNTY ROAD 27 4780 1996 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown No November 2014 No inspection report available. 3364160 Saratoga CR 7 STEWART DAM 561 2010 SACANDAGA RESERV 12/26/2012 NNN 6.852 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 7 3364170 Saratoga CONKLINGVILLE DAM 348 2010 SACANDAGA RESERV 6/5/2013 NNN 5.659 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 3364180 Saratoga SPIER FALLS ROAD 835 2013 KAYADEROSSERAS CK 8/23/2012 NNN 5.951 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 7 3364190 Saratoga SIXTH STREET 6238 2010 DELAWARE & HUDSON 9/24/2013 NNY 6.600 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3364200 Saratoga CR43, GEYSER RD. 9506 2012 D&H RR (MP35.43) 11/15/2012 NNN 6.867 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3368290 Saratoga COUNTY ROAD 27 5637 2012 HUDSON RIVER 4/18/2013 NNN 6.028 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 7 November 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 7005610 Saratoga ZIM SMITH TRAIL 0 9 9 15091083 10075 1999 8/17/2012 NNN 4.588 Yes Yes Yes Preservation Yes Concrete Patch Repairs $75,000 Open No 2 2 November 2014 Former RR Bridge 2202980 Schenectady ABANDONED RD NORMANS KILL 12/4/1978 Yes No No Not Reviewed No No November 2014 Abandoned road. No inspection report available. Repair slab soffit & fascias. AADT too high for 1 lane 2202990 Schenectady BOZENKILL ROAD 7973 2002 BOZEN KILL 10/29/2013 NNN 4.694 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Rebuild/Repoint Masonry $100,000 Open No 5 1 November 2014 gravel seasonal road. 2203020 Schenectady OLD MARIAVILLE RD 28 1997 POENTIC KILL 5/8/2001 Yes No No Not Reviewed No No 1 November 2014 Closed since 1997. No inspection report available. 2203060 Schenectady OLD MARIAVILLE RD 45 1993 POENTIC KILL 5/8/2001 Yes No No Not Reviewed No No 1 November 2014 Closed since 1997. No inspection report available. 2203070 Schenectady ROTTERDAMBIKEPATH PLOTTER KILL 6/23/1981 Yes No No Not Reviewed Unknown No 3 November 2014 Pedestrian bridge. No inspection report available 2203080 Schenectady FRANCIS AVENUE 3185 2011 RAMP TO890I&BRDWY 100 6/5/2014 NNY 5.042 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Replace Joints Repair Sidewalk and Curb $50,000 Detour No 2 3 October 2014 Replace Joints & concrete repair 2203090 Schenectady CONGRESS STREET 4732 2006 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 11/2/2013 NNN 4.903 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Paint Complete Replace Joints $600,000 No 2 1 October 2014 Replace Joints and Paint Complete 2203100 Schenectady OAK STREET 4761 2006 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 100 12/11/2013 YNN 3.292 Yes Yes No Minor Rehab Yes Steel Repairs Concrete Patch Repair 1755.33 $1,200,000 $1,750,000 Staged Yes 2 6 October 2014 Paint - Complete 2203110 Schenectady CRANE STREET 6700 2011 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 11/4/2013 NNN 4.525 Yes Yes No Major Rehab Yes Superstructure Replacement Concrete Patch Repair $1,400,000 Detour Yes 2 2 November 2014 Adjacent Concrete Box Beam 2203120 Schenectady ALTAMONT AVENUE 19342 2010 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 11/2/2013 NNN 5.855 No Yes Yes Not Reviewed Yes No 3 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 2203130 Schenectady COUNTY ROAD 65 6069 2013 CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK 11/17/2013 NNY 4.625 Yes Yes No Replacement No 1758.95 $2,550,000 Detour Yes Immediate 3 October 2014 STIP Project; Piers are in distress; Const in 2015 2256670 Schenectady PED.WALKWAY AT GE BIG CIRCLE 34700 1978 6/8/2011 NNY 5.538 No Yes Yes Not Reviewed Yes No 2 October 2014 Pedestrian Bridge. CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams Pedestrain bridge, clean bearings, spot concrete repairs, 2256680 Schenectady PED.WALKWAY AT GE 890I X 34700 1978 6/8/2011 NNN 5.299 Yes Yes Yes Minor Rehab Yes Paint Complete Replace Joints $400,000 Open No 2 7 October 2014 Pedestrian Bridge, cleanMisc. bearings,other items spot concrete repairs, 2256690 Schenectady PED.WALKWAY AT GE EDISON AVE 34700 1978 6/8/2011 NNY 5.418 Yes No No Minor Rehab Yes Paint Complete Replace Joints $450,000 Open No 2 9 October 2014 Misc. other items 2257170 Schenectady SUNNYSIDE ROAD 5535 2011 AMTRAK 11/21/2013 NYN 3.547 Yes Yes No Replacement No $4,300,000 Detour No 5 5 October 2014 2269950 Schenectady SCCC PEDESTRIAN 5 5 16132001 25000 2000 6/16/2009 NNN 5.938 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 October 2014 Pedestrian bridge. CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3050510 Schenectady ROSENDALE ROAD 7687 2012 LISHA KILL 10/29/2013 NNN 5.935 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 6 3259480 Schenectady ALPLAUS AVENUE 5553 2001 ALPLAUS KILL 5/7/2013 NNN 5.172 Yes No No Major Rehab Yes Deck Replacement Replace Bearings 1758.89 $600,000 $1,150,000 Detour No Immediate 2 October 2014 STIP project; Add sidewalk; Const scheduled for 2015 3304850 Schenectady BRAMAN CORNERS RD 531 2006 6/10/2014 NNN 5.620 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 3 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304860 Schenectady OLD ROUTE 30 446 2006 SCHOHARIE CK TRIB 3/27/2014 NNN 5.655 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 5 3304870 Schenectady YOUNGS ROAD 439 2006 TRB SCHOHARIE CRK 6/6/2013 NNN 5.966 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 6 3304880 Schenectady DUANESBG CRCHS RD 461 2013 S CHUCTANUNDA CRK 461 2013 5/23/2013 NNN 5.211 Yes Yes No Item Specific Yes Clean Out Culvert Replace Rail $100,000 Staged No 5 1 October 2014 3304890 Schenectady DEPOT ROAD 377 2000 NORMANS KILL 377 2000 6/17/2013 NNN 5.600 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 Feature Carried Feature Crossed 2014 Last National Program Year of Year of Condition Condition Federal- Work Preservation Conceptual TIP At Risk No. of Review BIN County Description AADT Description AADT Inspection Flags Highway Treatment 1 Treatment 2 PIN M & PT Schedule Comments AADT AADT Rating Rating < 5.5 Aid Status Strategy Eligible Construction Funding Bridge Spans Date Date System (years) Cost 3304900 Schenectady CR 84, COLE ROAD 578 2006 NORMANS KILL 578 2006 6/17/2013 NNN 6.517 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 6 3304920 Schenectady DROMS ROAD 3373 2010 INDIAN KILL 3373 2010 4/12/2013 NNN 6.233 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 6 3304930 Schenectady VAN VORST ROAD 3164 2011 ALPLAUS KILL 3164 2011 5/21/2014 NYY 4.407 Yes Yes No Replacement No 1759.02 $1,576,000 Staged Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 Full replacement. Const scheduled for 2015 3304940 Schenectady LAKE HILL ROAD 3182 2011 LA RUE BROOK 3182 2011 6/17/2013 NNN 6.828 No Yes No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 3304960 Schenectady SCOTCH RIDGE RD 120 1997 NORMANS KILL TRIB 120 1997 4/16/2014 NNN 5.814 No No No Major Rehab No Superstructure Replacement Local Funds Detour Yes Immediate 1 October 2014 Project advanced with County funds; Constr in 2014 3304970 Schenectady MUSELBECK ROAD 9440 2002 SANDSEA KILL 9440 2002 6/6/2013 NNN 4.733 Yes No No Item Specific Yes Steel Secondary Member Repair Paint - Complete $175,000 Open No Immediate 1 October 2014 Weathering steel has corrosion 3304980 Schenectady MUSELBECK RD(OLD) 63 1993 SANDSEA KILL 63 1993 4/21/2014 NNN 6.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3304990 Schenectady PANGBURN ROAD 2310 2006 NORMANS KILL 2310 2006 11/13/2013 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3305030 Schenectady GORDON ROAD 571 1997 CSX TRANSPRTATION 571 1997 10/22/2013 NNN 6.127 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 3305070 Schenectady PRINCETOWN ROAD 4200 1997 DELAWARE & HUDSON 4200 1997 9/25/2013 NNN 5.861 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & No concrete beams 3370850 Schenectady Duanesburg-Church 461 2013 Trib S Chuctanund 461 2013 11/5/2012 NNN 7.000 No No No Not Reviewed Yes No 1 October 2014 CR > 5.5 & Concrete Three-sided Unit PM = 7 7038350 Schenectady Bike Path Route 146 8/5/2013 NNN 4.793 Yes Yes No Preservation Yes Concrete Patch Repairs Paint - Complete $300,000 Open No 2 1 November 2014 Former RR Bridge Appendix D STUDY RESULTS TABLE

ALBANY RENSSELAER SARATOA SCHENECTADY TOTAL BRIDGES IN REGION Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value All Bridge Types - All Recommended Work 44 $13,600,000 87 $39,525,000 44 $17,350,000 14 $10,025,000 189 $80,500,000 Beyond Preservation 3 $2,100,000 35 $26,025,000 11 $6,950,000 3 $4,300,000 52 $39,375,000 Preservation Candidates 41 $11,500,000 52 $14,100,000 33 $10,400,000 11 $6,025,000 137 $42,025,000 Repair Strategies Replacement 1 $500,000 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 1 $500,000 Major Rehab 5 $4,500,000 3 $1,800,000 3 $2,600,000 2 $2,000,000 13 $10,900,000 Minor Rehab 11 $3,500,000 18 $6,350,000 8 $2,800,000 5 $3,350,000 42 $16,000,000 Item Spec Repair 20 $2,475,000 18 $4,225,000 10 $2,825,000 3 $375,000 51 $9,900,000 Prevent. Maintenance 4 $525,000 13 $1,725,000 12 $2,175,000 1 $300,000 30 $4,725,000

ALBANY RENSSELAER SARATOGA SCHENECTADY TOTAL FEDERAL AID BRIDGES IN REGION Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Federal Aid Bridges - All Recommended Work 14 $3,275,000 10 $5,425,000 13 $4,775,000 9 $8,600,000 46 $22,075,000 Federal Aid Beyond Preservation 1 $300,000 3 $2,900,000 2 $1,100,000 3 $4,300,000 9 $8,600,000 Federal Aid Preservation Candidates 13 $2,975,000 7 $2,525,000 11 $3,675,000 6 $4,300,000 37 $13,475,000 Fed Aid Repair Strategies Replacement 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 Major Rehab 0 $0 0 $0 1 $1,100,000 1 $1,400,000 2 $2,500,000 Minor Rehab 3 $1,600,000 4 $1,150,000 4 $1,100,000 3 $2,500,000 14 $6,350,000 Item Spec Repair 8 $1,075,000 2 $1,075,000 3 $1,100,000 1 $100,000 14 $3,350,000 Prevent. Maintenance 2 $300,000 1 $300,000 3 $375,000 1 $300,000 7 $1,275,000

ALBANY RENSSELAER SARATOGA SCHENECTADY TOTAL NON FEDERAL AID BRIDGES IN REGION Quantity Value Quanity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Non Federal Aid Bridges - All Recommended Work 30 $10,325,000 77 $34,700,000 31 $12,575,000 5 $1,725,000 143 $59,325,000 Non Federal Beyond Preservation 2 $1,800,000 32 $23,125,000 9 $5,850,000 0 $0 43 $30,775,000 Non Federal Aid Preservation Candidates 28 $8,525,000 45 $11,575,000 22 $6,725,000 5 $1,725,000 100 $28,550,000 Non Fed Aid Repair Strategies Replacement 1 $500,000 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 1 $500,000 Major Rehab 5 $4,500,000 3 $1,800,000 2 $1,500,000 1 $600,000 11 $8,400,000 Minor Rehab 8 $1,900,000 14 $5,200,000 4 $1,700,000 2 $850,000 28 $9,650,000 Item Spec Repair 12 $1,400,000 16 $3,150,000 7 $1,725,000 2 $275,000 37 $6,550,000 Prevent. Maintenance 2 $225,000 12 $1,425,000 9 $1,800,000 0 $0 23 $3,450,000

Note: The Total Quantity does not include bridges slated to be closed or where a No Work strategy was recommended. The Total Quantity includes 2 bridges with a CR > 5.5. Appendix E CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 1053380 Bridge Name 5 X over PATROON CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit City of ALBANY Owner 42 - City of ALBANY Feature Carried 5 X Feature Crossed PATROON CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Concrete Culvert At Risk? No AADT 26918 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/14/2012 Condition Rating 5.316 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2200130 Bridge Name KAEHLER LANE over FOX CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BERNE Owner 40 - Town of BERNE Feature Carried KAEHLER LANE Feature Crossed FOX CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 15 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/15/2012 Condition Rating 5.404 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Asphalt WS Treatment 2 Repair Lagging Wall 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2200210 Bridge Name PICTUAY ROAD over COEYMANS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BETHLEHEM Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried PICTUAY ROAD Feature Crossed COEYMANS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Tee Beam At Risk? No AADT 469 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons) 8

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/19/2014 Condition Rating 4.766 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Concrete T-beam PM = 5 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2200270 Bridge Name HENRY JOHNSON BVD over SHERMAN STREET Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit City of ALBANY Owner 42 - City of ALBANY Feature Carried HENRY JOHNSON BVD Feature Crossed SHERMAN STREET Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 4 Superstructure Type Steel Continuous Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 12863 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/29/2013 Condition Rating 4.542 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Bearings Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,000,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Conc deck ovelay, Concrete repairs & Painting - Localized CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2256840 Bridge Name ALBANY CITY ST'S over BEAVER RELIEF SWR Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit City of ALBANY Owner 42 - City of ALBANY Feature Carried ALBANY CITY ST'S Feature Crossed BEAVER RELIEF SWR Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Concrete Continuous Culvert At Risk? No AADT 2500 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/4/2013 Condition Rating 4.737 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2259590 Bridge Name RESERVOIR ROAD over RESERVOIR SPLLWAY Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of KNOX Owner 41 - Town of KNOX Feature Carried RESERVOIR ROAD Feature Crossed RESERVOIR SPLLWAY Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 10 AADT Year 0 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/6/2003 Condition Rating 4.159 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $75,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2269230 Bridge Name STONINGTON HLS RD over VLY CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Village of VOORHEESVILLE Owner 41 - Village of VOORHEESVILLE Feature Carried STONINGTON HLS RD Feature Crossed VLY CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Frame At Risk? No AADT 1942 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/14/2013 Condition Rating 5.333 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Install Waterproofing Membrane 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Concrete three-sided unit w/ leaking joints CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2270320 Bridge Name MARSHALL ROAD over HANNACROIS CK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of COEYMANS Owner 40 - Town of COEYMANS Feature Carried MARSHALL ROAD Feature Crossed HANNACROIS CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Tee Beam At Risk? No AADT 50 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/5/2013 Condition Rating 5.043 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 10 Comments Concrete T-beam PM = 6 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3300860 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 2 over FOX CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BERNE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 2 Feature Crossed FOX CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Concrete Culvert At Risk? No AADT 215 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/25/2013 Condition Rating 5.316 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Install Waterproofing Membrane 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Conc box culvert w/ leaking joints CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3300880 Bridge Name BRADT HOLLOW ROAD over FOX CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.92 County Albany Political Unit Town of BERNE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried BRADT HOLLOW ROAD Feature Crossed FOX CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 3 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Continuous Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? Yes AADT 428 AADT Year 2001 Posted Load (Tons) 12

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/21/2013 Condition Rating 4.638 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $2,000,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on STIP; Replace superstructure; Precast Box Beam Cracking; Abutment repairs; Construction in 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3300940 Bridge Name HUNTERSLAND ROAD over LIT SCHOHARIE CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BERNE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried HUNTERSLAND ROAD Feature Crossed LIT SCHOHARIE CRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 167 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/7/2014 Condition Rating 4.543 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3300960 Bridge Name GIFFORD HOLLOW RD over TRIB SWITZ KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BERNE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried GIFFORD HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed TRIB SWITZ KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 98 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/5/2013 Condition Rating 5.029 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301020 Bridge Name SO.ALBANY RD CR53 over ONESQUETHAW CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BETHLEHEM Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried SO.ALBANY RD CR53 Feature Crossed ONESQUETHAW CRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Continuous Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? No AADT 871 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/6/2014 Condition Rating 5.274 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 Seal Deck 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Spread Concrete Box Beam PM = 5 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301030 Bridge Name OLD RAVENA ROAD over COEYMANS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of COEYMANS Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried OLD RAVENA ROAD Feature Crossed COEYMANS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Tee Beam At Risk? No AADT 331 AADT Year 1999 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/2/2013 Condition Rating 4.891 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Repair Concrete Curb Treatment 2 Replace Bridge Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Concrete T-beam PM = 5 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301040 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 102 over ONESQUETHAW CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BETHLEHEM Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 102 Feature Crossed ONESQUETHAW CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 1303 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/27/2013 Condition Rating 5.067 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 Wash Bridge 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Concrete Arch PM = 5 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301050 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 55 over VLOMAN KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.91 County Albany Political Unit Town of BETHLEHEM Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 55 Feature Crossed VLOMAN KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 3 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 2747 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/1/2013 Condition Rating 4 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Clear Debris Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on STIP; Construction in 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301070 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 111 over HANNACROIS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of COEYMANS Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 111 Feature Crossed HANNACROIS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1333 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/9/2013 Condition Rating 5.211 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Joints Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Concrete Patch Repair & Seal Deck CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301090 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 111 over HANNACROIS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of COEYMANS Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 111 Feature Crossed HANNACROIS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1333 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/16/2013 Condition Rating 5.254 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Replace Asphalt WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Seal Deck & Place Stone Fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301100 Bridge Name THOMPKINS R CR106 over HANNACROIS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of COEYMANS Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried THOMPKINS R CR106 Feature Crossed HANNACROIS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 293 AADT Year 2005 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/1/2014 Condition Rating 5.39 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Seal Deck, Repair Rail & Wash Bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301160 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 201 over BLACK CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of GUILDERLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 201 Feature Crossed BLACK CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 2273 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 9/12/2013 Condition Rating 5.171 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Seal Deck Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace Asphalt WS CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301170 Bridge Name SCHOOL ROAD over BLACK CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of GUILDERLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried SCHOOL ROAD Feature Crossed BLACK CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? Yes AADT 9491 AADT Year 2001 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/17/2013 Condition Rating 4.902 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Concrete Deck Overlay Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments Concrete Slab Unit PM = 5 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301210 Bridge Name WEAVER ROAD over BLACK CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1759.03 County Albany Political Unit Town of GUILDERLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried WEAVER ROAD Feature Crossed BLACK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? Yes AADT 219 AADT Year 2000 Posted Load (Tons) 99 - R Permit

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/3/2013 Condition Rating 3.739 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Concrete box beam bridge is closed CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301270 Bridge Name KRUMKILL ROAD over NORMANSKILL CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of NEW SCOTLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried KRUMKILL ROAD Feature Crossed NORMANSKILL CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 2275 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/6/2014 Condition Rating 4.719 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Misc Steel Repair Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 10 Comments Additional Treatments: Paint Truss CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301300 Bridge Name ROWE ROAD over ONESQUETHAW CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.88 County Albany Political Unit Town of NEW SCOTLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried ROWE ROAD Feature Crossed ONESQUETHAW CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 218 AADT Year 2000 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/20/2013 Condition Rating 5.377 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Deck Replacement Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Joints leaking; Currently on TIP as Element Specific Repair (Deck Replacement); Bundled with Plank Rd & Onesquethaw Cr Rd CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301310 Bridge Name ONESQUETHAW CK RD over ONESQUETHAW CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.88 County Albany Political Unit Town of NEW SCOTLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried ONESQUETHAW CK RD Feature Crossed ONESQUETHAW CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 143 AADT Year 2000 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/26/2013 Condition Rating 4.518 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Deck Replacement Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on TIP as Element Specific Repair (Deck Replacement); Bundled with Plank Rd & Rowe Rd CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301330 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 301 over ONESQUETHAW CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of NEW SCOTLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 301 Feature Crossed ONESQUETHAW CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 613 AADT Year 2000 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/1/2013 Condition Rating 4.967 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 Repair Granite Curb 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Place Stone Fill, Masonry Repairs, Historic? CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301340 Bridge Name OLD PLANK RD over ONESQUETHAW CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.88 County Albany Political Unit Town of NEW SCOTLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried OLD PLANK RD Feature Crossed ONESQUETHAW CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 50 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/9/2014 Condition Rating 5.328 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Deck Replacement Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Currently on TIP as Element Specific Repair (Deck Replacement); Bundled with Onesquethaw Cr Rd & Rowe Rd CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301350 Bridge Name GROESBECK ROAD over ONESQUETHAW CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of NEW SCOTLAND Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried GROESBECK ROAD Feature Crossed ONESQUETHAW CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Timber Slab At Risk? No AADT 98 AADT Year 2000 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/1/2013 Condition Rating 4.807 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,000,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301360 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 354 over POTTER HOLLOW CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 354 Feature Crossed POTTER HOLLOW CRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? No AADT 522 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/10/2013 Condition Rating 5.414 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Seal Fascia Beams Treatment 2 Seal Deck 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Adjacent Concrete Box Beam PM = 4 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301370 Bridge Name KINGS LANE over POTTER HOLLOW CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried KINGS LANE Feature Crossed POTTER HOLLOW CRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? Yes AADT 37 AADT Year 1994 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/16/2014 Condition Rating 5 Flags YNN Red Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Scour Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments RSF for abutment tilting; Truss superstructure in very good condition; Bridge serves one residence; No outlet road. CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301400 Bridge Name FOX CREEK ROAD over FOX CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried FOX CREEK ROAD Feature Crossed FOX CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 562 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/28/2013 Condition Rating 5.016 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Seal Deck 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301410 Bridge Name UNNAMED TOWN ROAD over FOX CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried UNNAMED TOWN ROAD Feature Crossed FOX CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Aluminum Culvert At Risk? No AADT 5 AADT Year 1988 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/19/2014 Condition Rating 3.286 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Plate Pipe Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Structure Program (years) 10 Comments Aluminum culvert pipe bottom is torn; Requires replacement of Span 1 pipe only; Bridge Serves one residence; No outlet road. CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301420 Bridge Name FOX CREEK ROAD over SQUIRMER CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried FOX CREEK ROAD Feature Crossed SQUIRMER CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Concrete Culvert At Risk? No AADT 590 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/27/2013 Condition Rating 4.054 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301430 Bridge Name SAYRE ROAD over SQUIRMER CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried SAYRE ROAD Feature Crossed SQUIRMER CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 44 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/28/2013 Condition Rating 4.737 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301460 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 357 over TENMILE CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 357 Feature Crossed TENMILE CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 522 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/21/2013 Condition Rating 5.286 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Concrete Deck Overlay Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $125,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Minor deck leakage CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301480 Bridge Name MACCULLOCK ROAD over TEN MILE CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried MACCULLOCK ROAD Feature Crossed TEN MILE CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Continuous Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 55 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/27/2013 Condition Rating 5.358 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 Seal Deck 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Wash Bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301490 Bridge Name NILES ROAD over SQUIRMER CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of RENSSELAERVILLE Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried NILES ROAD Feature Crossed SQUIRMER CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Timber Other At Risk? No AADT 52 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/28/2013 Condition Rating 5.111 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301520 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 401 over BASIC CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of WESTERLO Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 401 Feature Crossed BASIC CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Frame At Risk? No AADT 539 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/25/2013 Condition Rating 5.5 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Install Waterproofing Membrane 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Concrete bebo in good conditon, leaking joints, Place stone fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301550 Bridge Name TAN HOLLOW ROAD over HANNACROIS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of WESTERLO Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried TAN HOLLOW ROAD Feature Crossed HANNACROIS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 169 AADT Year 1999 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/1/2013 Condition Rating 5.037 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Replace Asphalt WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill, Install approach rail, Wash bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3301590 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 405 over BASIC CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of WESTERLO Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 405 Feature Crossed BASIC CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? No AADT 2195 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/26/2013 Condition Rating 5.18 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Place Concrete Deck Overlay Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Leaking joints & deck CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3302920 Bridge Name KRUGER ROAD over COEYMANS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of COEYMANS Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried KRUGER ROAD Feature Crossed COEYMANS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Tee Beam At Risk? No AADT 300 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons) 20

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/16/2014 Condition Rating 5.288 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Replace Deck WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace rail & Wash bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3363610 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 55 over VLOMAN KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of BETHLEHEM Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 55 Feature Crossed VLOMAN KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 3 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? Yes AADT 2747 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 9/20/2013 Condition Rating 5 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Clean Out Culvert Treatment 2 Reshape Channel 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Remove Debris CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3369300 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 402 over EIGHTMILE CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit Town of WESTERLO Owner 30 - Albany County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 402 Feature Crossed EIGHTMILE CREEK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 107 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/25/2013 Condition Rating 4.829 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Replace Asphalt WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 5513570 Bridge Name 87I XX over CITY WATER TUNNEL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Albany Political Unit City of ALBANY Owner 42 - City of ALBANY Feature Carried 87I XX Feature Crossed CITY WATER TUNNEL Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 43557 AADT Year 2012 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/17/2013 Condition Rating 5.286 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Paint - Localized 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 1054320 Bridge Name FIRST & SECOND ST over FERRY ST RT 2 EB Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried FIRST & SECOND ST Feature Crossed FERRY ST RT 2 EB Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Culvert At Risk? No AADT 3657 AADT Year 2012 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/4/2013 Condition Rating 5.1 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2000930 Bridge Name 4 X over WYNANTS KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried 4 X Feature Crossed WYNANTS KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Culvert At Risk? No AADT 14901 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/17/2012 Condition Rating 4.9 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Place Stone Fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2000940 Bridge Name U.S.4 SOUTHBOUND over POESTEN KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried U.S.4 SOUTHBOUND Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Masonry Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 8410 AADT Year 2007 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/2/2013 Condition Rating 5.25 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Rebuild/Repoint Masonry 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Investigate leaking water line, Historic? CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2024650 Bridge Name WINTER STREET over WYNANTS KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried WINTER STREET Feature Crossed WYNANTS KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 6170 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/7/2014 Condition Rating 5.391 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Bearings Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $350,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Concrete Deck patch Repair, Replace Asphalt WS, Place Stone Fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2024660 Bridge Name 66 X over POESTEN KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried 66 X Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Masonry Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 13777 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/14/2014 Condition Rating 4.136 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Rebuild/Repoint Masonry Treatment 2 Replace Asphalt WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Place Stone Fill, Historic? CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2025330 Bridge Name 151 151 14031002 over EAST STREET Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1755.36 County Rensselaer Political Unit City of RENSSELAER Owner 42 - City of RENSSELAER Feature Carried 151 151 14031002 Feature Crossed EAST STREET Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 9 Superstructure Type Steel Continuous Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? No AADT 8705 AADT Year 2008 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/12/2013 Condition Rating 4.361 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace Joints Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,050,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Leaking joints; Currently on TIP as Element-Specific Repairs CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201460 Bridge Name BRIMMER FARM RD over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 40 - Town of BERLIN Feature Carried BRIMMER FARM RD Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 58 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/17/2014 Condition Rating 4.375 Flags NYY Yellow Flag, Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Place Stone Gabions Treatment 2 Repair Abutment Scour 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) Immediate Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill, Repair rail. 10 yr County plan has scheduled for replacement. CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201470 Bridge Name SATTERLEE ROAD over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 40 - Town of BERLIN Feature Carried SATTERLEE ROAD Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 57 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/29/2013 Condition Rating 4.423 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Steel Repairs Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace rail. 10 yr County plan has scheduled for superstructure replacement CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201480 Bridge Name LANPHIER LANE over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 40 - Town of BERLIN Feature Carried LANPHIER LANE Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 4 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/7/2014 Condition Rating 4.784 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Repair Abutment Scour Treatment 2 Reset Backwall 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) Immediate Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201490 Bridge Name SAND BANK ROAD over LITT HOOSIC RIVER Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1757.21 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried SAND BANK ROAD Feature Crossed LITT HOOSIC RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 93 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/30/2013 Condition Rating 4.316 Flags YNN Red Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $0 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on STIP; Construction in 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201550 Bridge Name JOHN SNYDER ROAD over TOMHANNOCK CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BRUNSWICK Owner 40 - Town of BRUNSWICK Feature Carried JOHN SNYDER ROAD Feature Crossed TOMHANNOCK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 321 AADT Year 1999 Posted Load (Tons) 22

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/27/2014 Condition Rating 4.4 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments Additional Treatments: Replace curbs CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201560 Bridge Name WHITE CHURCH RD over QUACKEN KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1759.04 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BRUNSWICK Owner 40 - Town of BRUNSWICK Feature Carried WHITE CHURCH RD Feature Crossed QUACKEN KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 520 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/14/2014 Condition Rating 4.491 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Steel Girder Web Repair Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace rail. Currently on TIP w/ construction in 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201570 Bridge Name OLD TROY ROAD over MILL CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of EAST GREENBUSH Owner 40 - Town of EAST GREENBUSH Feature Carried OLD TROY ROAD Feature Crossed MILL CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 477 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons) 18

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/14/2013 Condition Rating 4.561 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201650 Bridge Name COTTRELL ROAD over WALLOOMSAC RIVER Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of HOOSICK Owner 40 - Town of HOOSICK Feature Carried COTTRELL ROAD Feature Crossed WALLOOMSAC RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 179 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/11/2014 Condition Rating 4.443 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Deck Replacement Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Paint Truss CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201680 Bridge Name LEWIS HOLLOW RD over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 40 - Town of PETERSBURG Feature Carried LEWIS HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 78 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/19/2014 Condition Rating 4.214 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Wash Bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201710 Bridge Name PROSSER HOLLOW RD over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 40 - Town of PETERSBURG Feature Carried PROSSER HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 24 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/19/2014 Condition Rating 4.544 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Bearings Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Conc Patch Repair, Repair Rail, Fill Erosion Hole, Place Stone Fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201720 Bridge Name WEBSTER ROAD over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 40 - Town of PETERSBURG Feature Carried WEBSTER ROAD Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 33 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/15/2014 Condition Rating 4.508 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Bearings Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Remove curbs, Conc Patch Repair, Install Rail, Remove Debris, Wash Bridge, Place Stone Fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201740 Bridge Name BROKEN WHEEL ROAD over LITT HOOSIC RIVER Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.90 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 40 - Town of PETERSBURG Feature Carried BROKEN WHEEL ROAD Feature Crossed LITT HOOSIC RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 120 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons) 18

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/24/2014 Condition Rating 4.245 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Structure Program (years) Immediate Comments Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201760 Bridge Name BABCOCK ROAD over DAYFOOT BROOK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 40 - Town of PETERSBURG Feature Carried BABCOCK ROAD Feature Crossed DAYFOOT BROOK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 57 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 9/19/2013 Condition Rating 5.091 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,000,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201770 Bridge Name HOLBRITTER ROAD over SUNKAVISSIA CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 40 - Town of PITTSTOWN Feature Carried HOLBRITTER ROAD Feature Crossed SUNKAVISSIA CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 42 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/12/2014 Condition Rating 4.35 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201780 Bridge Name FACTORY HOLLOW RD over SUNKAUISSIA CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 40 - Town of PITTSTOWN Feature Carried FACTORY HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed SUNKAUISSIA CRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 137 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/27/2012 Condition Rating 4.193 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201790 Bridge Name FACTORY HOLLOW RD over SUNKAUISSIA CK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 40 - Town of PITTSTOWN Feature Carried FACTORY HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed SUNKAUISSIA CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 137 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/9/2012 Condition Rating 4.193 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201820 Bridge Name JOHNNY CAKE LANE over WYNANTS KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SAND LAKE Owner 40 - Town of SAND LAKE Feature Carried JOHNNY CAKE LANE Feature Crossed WYNANTS KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 158 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/8/2014 Condition Rating 4.211 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $75,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201840 Bridge Name KAUTZ HOLLOW RD over COUCH HOLLOW Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 40 - Town of PITTSTOWN Feature Carried KAUTZ HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed COUCH HOLLOW Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 94 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/13/2013 Condition Rating 5.386 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Deck Replacement Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace rail CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201860 Bridge Name DAYFOOT RD over DAYFOOT BROOK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried DAYFOOT RD Feature Crossed DAYFOOT BROOK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 49 AADT Year 2005 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/10/2014 Condition Rating 3.833 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201870 Bridge Name MURDOCK ROAD over TSATSAWASSA CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.99 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of NASSAU Owner 40 - Town of NASSAU Feature Carried MURDOCK ROAD Feature Crossed TSATSAWASSA CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? Yes AADT 16 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons) 5

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/28/2013 Condition Rating 4.208 Flags YNN Red Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Structure Program (years) 2 Comments No detour available; Currently on TIP as Bridge Preservation w/ 5 other bridges CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201890 Bridge Name LEGENBAUER ROAD over POESTEN KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 40 - Town of POESTENKILL Feature Carried LEGENBAUER ROAD Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? No AADT 78 AADT Year 1998 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/17/2012 Condition Rating 5.317 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Replace Deck WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Seal Slab Unit Top, Place Stone Fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201920 Bridge Name OLD RED MILL ROAD over MILL CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of EAST GREENBUSH Owner 40 - Town of EAST GREENBUSH Feature Carried OLD RED MILL ROAD Feature Crossed MILL CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 103 AADT Year 1999 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/25/2012 Condition Rating 5.407 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201960 Bridge Name STOP 13 ROAD over WYNANTS KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SAND LAKE Owner 40 - Town of SAND LAKE Feature Carried STOP 13 ROAD Feature Crossed WYNANTS KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 590 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons) 15

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/27/2014 Condition Rating 4.509 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Box Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $900,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2201980 Bridge Name THAIS RD over WYNANTS KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SAND LAKE Owner 40 - Town of SAND LAKE Feature Carried THAIS RD Feature Crossed WYNANTS KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 405 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/8/2012 Condition Rating 4.271 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Scour & stream constriction CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202000 Bridge Name FIRST DYKE ROAD over BURDEN LAKE Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SAND LAKE Owner 40 - Town of SAND LAKE Feature Carried FIRST DYKE ROAD Feature Crossed BURDEN LAKE Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1375 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 10

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 3/27/2014 Condition Rating 3.849 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202010 Bridge Name BROOKVIEW STA.RD. over MOORDENER KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHODACK Owner 40 - Town of SCHODACK Feature Carried BROOKVIEW STA.RD. Feature Crossed MOORDENER KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 338 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 9/12/2012 Condition Rating 4.317 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Repair Abutment Scour Treatment 2 Repair Abutment Seat 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Localized painting CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202080 Bridge Name NEWTON ROAD over BLACK RIVER Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 40 - Town of STEPHENTOWN Feature Carried NEWTON ROAD Feature Crossed BLACK RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 404 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 10

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/26/2014 Condition Rating 4.021 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Posted for 10 tons CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202090 Bridge Name BLACK RIVER ROAD over BLACK RIVER Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.99 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 40 - Town of STEPHENTOWN Feature Carried BLACK RIVER ROAD Feature Crossed BLACK RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 60 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 5

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/14/2014 Condition Rating 3.283 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $0 MP&T 0 Program (years) 0 Comments Currently on TIP as Preservation w/ 5 other bridges CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202100 Bridge Name GRANGE HALL ROAD over WEST BROOK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 40 - Town of STEPHENTOWN Feature Carried GRANGE HALL ROAD Feature Crossed WEST BROOK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 391 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/26/2014 Condition Rating 4.5 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Steel Repairs Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Paint - Localized CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202110 Bridge Name MADDEN ROAD over EAST CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 40 - Town of STEPHENTOWN Feature Carried MADDEN ROAD Feature Crossed EAST CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 73 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/14/2014 Condition Rating 4.484 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Steel Girder Web Repair Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill; Replace rail CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202140 Bridge Name BERT HAGER RD over KINDERHOOK CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 40 - Town of STEPHENTOWN Feature Carried BERT HAGER RD Feature Crossed KINDERHOOK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? Yes AADT 45 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 5

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/25/2014 Condition Rating 3.772 Flags YNY Red Flag, Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Box Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Structure Program (years) 2 Comments Replacement cost approx. 10%-15% higher than major rehab cost; No outlet road w/ low AADT; 10 yr County plan has scheduled for superstructure replacement CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202160 Bridge Name GOULD ROAD over KINDERHOOK CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 40 - Town of STEPHENTOWN Feature Carried GOULD ROAD Feature Crossed KINDERHOOK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 79 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/15/2014 Condition Rating 4.295 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 Paint - Localized 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202200 Bridge Name SOUTH STREET over MILL CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of RENSSELAER Owner 42 - City of RENSSELAER Feature Carried SOUTH STREET Feature Crossed MILL CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 1923 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/20/2014 Condition Rating 4.488 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Repair Curb 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $75,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202220 Bridge Name BROADWAY over CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of RENSSELAER Owner 42 - City of RENSSELAER Feature Carried BROADWAY Feature Crossed CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 8 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Continuous Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? No AADT 3659 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 2/26/2013 Condition Rating 5.438 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Replace Joints Treatment 2 Seal Deck 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Superstructure replaced in 2012, problems with bearings & joints CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202260 Bridge Name WASHINGTON ST over MILL CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of RENSSELAER Owner 42 - City of RENSSELAER Feature Carried WASHINGTON ST Feature Crossed MILL CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 6841 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/21/2012 Condition Rating 5.439 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Seal Deck Treatment 2 Rebuild/Repoint Masonry 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Concrete Slab Unit PM = 6 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202290 Bridge Name CAMPBELL AVENUE over WYNANTS KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried CAMPBELL AVENUE Feature Crossed WYNANTS KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? Yes AADT 12519 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/12/2013 Condition Rating 4.294 Flags NYY Yellow Flag, Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Steel Multigirder Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,000,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Box beam ends spalling, stem spalling CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202330 Bridge Name FIRST STREET over POESTEN KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried FIRST STREET Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 3 Superstructure Type Masonry Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 3142 AADT Year 2012 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/1/2012 Condition Rating 3.842 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Steel Multigirder Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,000,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Historic? CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202370 Bridge Name SPRING AVENUE over POESTEN KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1756.37 County Rensselaer Political Unit City of TROY Owner 42 - City of TROY Feature Carried SPRING AVENUE Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? Yes AADT 4915 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons) 99 - R Permit

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/6/2013 Condition Rating 2.655 Flags YYY Red Flag, Yellow Flag, Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $900,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments Currently on STIP; Replace superstructure; Re-point masonry abutments; Install bridge & appr. guide railing. CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2266750 Bridge Name AKIN ROAD over POWAMPPOKONK CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHAGHTICOKE Owner 40 - Town of SCHAGHTICOKE Feature Carried AKIN ROAD Feature Crossed POWAMPPOKONK CRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? Yes AADT 159 AADT Year 2001 Posted Load (Tons) 18

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/29/2014 Condition Rating 4.54 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Repair Abutment Scour Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Open Program (years) Immediate Comments Posted for 18 tons CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2268980 Bridge Name GOOSEN-REGAN ROAD over NIPMOOSE BROOK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried GOOSEN-REGAN ROAD Feature Crossed NIPMOOSE BROOK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 50 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/29/2012 Condition Rating 5.281 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Deck Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2270960 Bridge Name Town (dirt) road over Sunkauissia Creek Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 40 - Town of PITTSTOWN Feature Carried Town (dirt) road Feature Crossed Sunkauissia Creek Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Concrete Culvert At Risk? No AADT 0 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/18/2013 Condition Rating 5 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 10 Comments Concrete Box Culvert PM = 5 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303330 Bridge Name RIVER RD CR 120 over MILL HOLLOW CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHAGHTICOKE Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried RIVER RD CR 120 Feature Crossed MILL HOLLOW CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 930 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/10/2012 Condition Rating 5.389 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Reshape Channel 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Unplug scuppers CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303340 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 111 over HOOSIC RIVER Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1754.68 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 111 Feature Crossed HOOSIC RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? Yes AADT 332 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 99 - R Permit

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 9/26/2013 Condition Rating 3.344 Flags YYY Red Flag, Yellow Flag, Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 0 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $0 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303370 Bridge Name COUNTY RD 111 over SUNKAUISSIA CK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY RD 111 Feature Crossed SUNKAUISSIA CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 304 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/22/2014 Condition Rating 5.055 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Wash bridge & install downspouts CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303410 Bridge Name COUNTY RD 115 over TOMHANNOCKBACKWTR Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY RD 115 Feature Crossed TOMHANNOCKBACKWTR Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 1246 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/15/2012 Condition Rating 4.75 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace Rail Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $75,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Clean scuppers CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303420 Bridge Name COUNTY RD 115 over TOMHANNOCK BACKWR Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY RD 115 Feature Crossed TOMHANNOCK BACKWR Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1138 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/15/2012 Condition Rating 4.767 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Box Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303430 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 110 over OTTER CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 110 Feature Crossed OTTER CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1014 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/5/2014 Condition Rating 4.836 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303440 Bridge Name GROVESIDE CR.109 over SUNKAUISSIA CK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried GROVESIDE CR.109 Feature Crossed SUNKAUISSIA CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 451 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/6/2014 Condition Rating 4.767 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Reshape Channel 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill & Replace rail CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303450 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 111 over OTTER CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 111 Feature Crossed OTTER CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 304 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/7/2014 Condition Rating 4.833 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill & Wash bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303460 Bridge Name RIVER RD CR 121 over HUDSONR.BACKWATER Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHAGHTICOKE Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried RIVER RD CR 121 Feature Crossed HUDSONR.BACKWATER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 778 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/12/2014 Condition Rating 4.636 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Wash bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303480 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 103 over HOOSIC RIVER Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of HOOSICK Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 103 Feature Crossed HOOSIC RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Timber Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 768 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons) 12

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 9/23/2013 Condition Rating 5.109 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments Timber thru truss CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303500 Bridge Name CR126 FOGARTY RD. over DEEP KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried CR126 FOGARTY RD. Feature Crossed DEEP KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 331 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/3/2012 Condition Rating 5.263 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303510 Bridge Name PLANK ROAD over DEEP KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.98 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PITTSTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried PLANK ROAD Feature Crossed DEEP KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 881 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 15

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/6/2013 Condition Rating 4.041 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments Currently on TIP as Element Specific Repair; Construction 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303550 Bridge Name GARFIELD RD CR137 over QUACKENKILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried GARFIELD RD CR137 Feature Crossed QUACKENKILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1222 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/4/2014 Condition Rating 4.633 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Install membrane; Repair guide rail connection; Scour countermeasures CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303580 Bridge Name BL.FACTORY RDCR79 over BONESTEEL CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried BL.FACTORY RDCR79 Feature Crossed BONESTEEL CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 5 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 410 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 12

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/29/2014 Condition Rating 4.383 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Steel Multigirder Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $2,500,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303590 Bridge Name CR79BL FACTORY RD over POESTEN KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried CR79BL FACTORY RD Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1449 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/20/2014 Condition Rating 4.797 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Seal Deck Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303610 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 68 over WYNANTSKILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.15 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of NORTH GREENBUSH Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 68 Feature Crossed WYNANTSKILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 1060 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/21/2014 Condition Rating 4.567 Flags YNN Red Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Repair Pedestals 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Repair/Replace bearings; Scour countermeasures; Repair curbs; Repair approach guide railing; 10 yr County plan has scheduled for replacement CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303620 Bridge Name COLUMBIA HILL RD over IVES CORS.CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COLUMBIA HILL RD Feature Crossed IVES CORS.CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Aluminum Culvert At Risk? No AADT 1016 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/19/2012 Condition Rating 5.357 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303640 Bridge Name PLANK ROAD over POESTEN KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried PLANK ROAD Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? No AADT 756 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/29/2012 Condition Rating 5.488 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Seal Deck Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303650 Bridge Name CR40 PLANK ROAD over POESTENKILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried CR40 PLANK ROAD Feature Crossed POESTENKILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 756 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/24/2014 Condition Rating 4.423 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Steel Repairs Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill. 10 yr County plan has scheduled for replacement CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303660 Bridge Name S.E.HOLLOW ROAD over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried S.E.HOLLOW ROAD Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 375 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/13/2014 Condition Rating 4.789 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303670 Bridge Name CR36 PARK AVENUE over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried CR36 PARK AVENUE Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 375 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/8/2012 Condition Rating 3.902 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Leaking joints CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303680 Bridge Name ELM STREET over LITT HOOSIC RIVER Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1757.22 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried ELM STREET Feature Crossed LITT HOOSIC RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 264 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons) 20

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/19/2014 Condition Rating 3.918 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303690 Bridge Name RIVER ROAD CR.90 over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried RIVER ROAD CR.90 Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 191 AADT Year 2005 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/12/2014 Condition Rating 5.053 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Replace Asphalt WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303700 Bridge Name HILLS HOLLOW RO over LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of PETERSBURG Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried HILLS HOLLOW RO Feature Crossed LITTLE HOOSIC RIV Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 117 AADT Year 2005 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/12/2014 Condition Rating 5.127 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace joints Treatment 2 Replace Asphalt WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Seal Deck & Wash Bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303740 Bridge Name TABORTON RD over HORSE HEAVEN BRK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SAND LAKE Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried TABORTON RD Feature Crossed HORSE HEAVEN BRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 1814 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/14/2014 Condition Rating 3.684 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303750 Bridge Name DUTCH CHURCH ROAD over POESTEN KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of BERLIN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried DUTCH CHURCH ROAD Feature Crossed POESTEN KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Concrete Continuous Culvert At Risk? No AADT 127 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/9/2014 Condition Rating 4.324 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Install New Wingwalls Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303760 Bridge Name EAST ROAD C.R.33 over KINDERHOOK CK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.93 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried EAST ROAD C.R.33 Feature Crossed KINDERHOOK CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 189 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 12

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/13/2013 Condition Rating 3.517 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on STIP; Construction in 2016 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303780 Bridge Name WEST ROAD over KINDERHOOK CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.99 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried WEST ROAD Feature Crossed KINDERHOOK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 505 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/2/2014 Condition Rating 4.25 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Currently on TIP as Bridge Preservation w/ 5 other bridges CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303790 Bridge Name PRESBYTERIAN ROAD over KINDERHOOK CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried PRESBYTERIAN ROAD Feature Crossed KINDERHOOK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 416 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/15/2014 Condition Rating 4.767 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Clean Bearings, Replace Asphalt WS CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303840 Bridge Name CR26 GARFIELD-E.N over BLACK RIVER Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.99 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of STEPHENTOWN Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried CR26 GARFIELD-E.N Feature Crossed BLACK RIVER Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 551 AADT Year 2004 Posted Load (Tons) 16

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/8/2013 Condition Rating 4.018 Flags YNN Red Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on TIP as Preservation w/ 5 other bridges CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303860 Bridge Name CR21DUNHAM HOLLOW over TSATSAWSSA CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of NASSAU Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried CR21DUNHAM HOLLOW Feature Crossed TSATSAWSSA CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 402 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/14/2014 Condition Rating 5.459 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Joints Treatment 2 Paint - Localized 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Clean Bearings & Place Stone Fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303870 Bridge Name DUNHAM HOLLOW RD over TACKAWASICK CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.99 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of NASSAU Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried DUNHAM HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed TACKAWASICK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 402 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/31/2013 Condition Rating 4.721 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Steel Repairs Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Concrete patch repair. Currently on TIP as Preservation w/ 5 other bridges; 10 yr County plan has scheduled for replacement CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303880 Bridge Name DUNHAM HOLLOW RD over TAKAWASICK CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.99 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of NASSAU Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried DUNHAM HOLLOW RD Feature Crossed TAKAWASICK CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 402 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 23

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/14/2013 Condition Rating 4.636 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Currently on TIP as Preservation w/ 5 other bridges CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303930 Bridge Name CR 15 over VALATIE KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of NASSAU Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried CR 15 Feature Crossed VALATIE KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? Yes AADT 800 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/24/2014 Condition Rating 5.692 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3303980 Bridge Name SCHODACK LAND CR2 over MUITZES KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHODACK Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried SCHODACK LAND CR2 Feature Crossed MUITZES KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 528 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/4/2012 Condition Rating 4.714 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304010 Bridge Name MUITZESKILL ROAD over MUITZES KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHODACK Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried MUITZESKILL ROAD Feature Crossed MUITZES KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? No AADT 419 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/22/2013 Condition Rating 5.39 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304020 Bridge Name VAN HOUSEN ROAD over AMTRAK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHODACK Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried VAN HOUSEN ROAD Feature Crossed AMTRAK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Truss-Thru At Risk? No AADT 1065 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 12/8/2012 Condition Rating 4.59 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,000,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304080 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 114 over POWAMPPOKONK CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.14 County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of SCHAGHTICOKE Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 114 Feature Crossed POWAMPPOKONK CRK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 983 AADT Year 2001 Posted Load (Tons) 15

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/27/2014 Condition Rating 4 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $625,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Reuse existing footings for scour protection; YSF issued for metal culvert support strut failure CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304110 Bridge Name BLUE FACTORY RO over BONESTEEL CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of POESTENKILL Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried BLUE FACTORY RO Feature Crossed BONESTEEL CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Culvert At Risk? No AADT 410 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/2/2014 Condition Rating 5.091 Flags NYY Yellow Flag, Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Scour Repair Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments Repair undermined wingwalls and culvert slab; Replace approach guiderailing; YSF issued for severe wingwall undermining CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3369040 Bridge Name 15 X over VALATIE KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Rensselaer Political Unit Town of NASSAU Owner 30 - Rensselaer County Feature Carried 15 X Feature Crossed VALATIE KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Aluminum Culvert At Risk? No AADT 300 AADT Year 2008 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/6/2014 Condition Rating 4.714 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 1071940 Bridge Name 67 67 15031258 over BOSTON & MAINE Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit City of MECHANICVILLE Owner 42 - City of MECHANICVILLE Feature Carried 67 67 15031258 Feature Crossed BOSTON & MAINE Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? Yes AADT 6272 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/5/2013 Condition Rating 3.558 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Repair Abutment Seat 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Adjacent Concrete Box Beams w/ deteriorated ends CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202550 Bridge Name FINLEY ROAD over MOURNING KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of BALLSTON Owner 40 - Town of BALLSTON Feature Carried FINLEY ROAD Feature Crossed MOURNING KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 366 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/1/2013 Condition Rating 4.947 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Slab Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202570 Bridge Name ASHDOWN ROAD over DELAWARE & HUDSON Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of CLIFTON PARK Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried ASHDOWN ROAD Feature Crossed DELAWARE & HUDSON Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 3 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 6060 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/14/2012 Condition Rating 4.484 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace Joints Treatment 2 Replace Bearings 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace Asphalt WS, Paint - Localized CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202600 Bridge Name DAVIGNON ROAD over DALY CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of CORINTH Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried DAVIGNON ROAD Feature Crossed DALY CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 7 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/13/2012 Condition Rating 5.45 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Seal Deck 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202640 Bridge Name AIRPORT ROAD over BEECHER CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of EDINBURG Owner 40 - Town of EDINBURG Feature Carried AIRPORT ROAD Feature Crossed BEECHER CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 313 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/3/2014 Condition Rating 4.684 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202670 Bridge Name FOX HILL ROAD over LITTLE HANS CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of EDINBURG Owner 40 - Town of EDINBURG Feature Carried FOX HILL ROAD Feature Crossed LITTLE HANS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 142 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons) 22

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/19/2013 Condition Rating 4.815 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Steel Repairs Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Repair steel beam ends CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202690 Bridge Name PARKIS MILLS RD over GLOWEGEE CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of GALWAY Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried PARKIS MILLS RD Feature Crossed GLOWEGEE CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 207 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/2/2014 Condition Rating 5.085 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 Wash Bridge 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202700 Bridge Name OLD MILL ROAD over GLOWEGEE CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of GALWAY Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried OLD MILL ROAD Feature Crossed GLOWEGEE CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 209 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/18/2014 Condition Rating 4.722 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202750 Bridge Name COONS CROSSING RD over ANTHONY KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of HALFMOON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried COONS CROSSING RD Feature Crossed ANTHONY KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 1716 AADT Year 2005 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/29/2014 Condition Rating 5.317 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Seal Deck Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202830 Bridge Name HANS CREEK ROAD over HANS CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of PROVIDENCE Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried HANS CREEK ROAD Feature Crossed HANS CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? Yes AADT 21 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/11/2014 Condition Rating 4.951 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $700,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments Leaking concrete beam joints CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202850 Bridge Name BRIDGE ST over FISH CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Village of VICTORY Owner 41 - Village of VICTORY Feature Carried BRIDGE ST Feature Crossed FISH CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? Yes AADT 304 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/23/2014 Condition Rating 4.68 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Deteriorated seats & concrete beams CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202940 Bridge Name NORTH MAIN STREET over ANTHONY KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit City of MECHANICVILLE Owner 42 - City of MECHANICVILLE Feature Carried NORTH MAIN STREET Feature Crossed ANTHONY KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Masonry Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 6137 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons) 15

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/27/2013 Condition Rating 3.682 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Rebuild/Repoint Masonry 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202950 Bridge Name FRANCES STREET over ANTHONY KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit City of MECHANICVILLE Owner 42 - City of MECHANICVILLE Feature Carried FRANCES STREET Feature Crossed ANTHONY KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 374 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons) 15

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 9/20/2013 Condition Rating 4.167 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Repair Abutment Scour Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202960 Bridge Name 4 4 15022011 over ANTHONY KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1757.10 County Saratoga Political Unit City of MECHANICVILLE Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried 4 4 15022011 Feature Crossed ANTHONY KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 15291 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons) 99 - R Permit

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/14/2014 Condition Rating 5.056 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $0 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Currently on STIP; Construction in 2014 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202970 Bridge Name VIALL AVENUE over ANTHONY KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit City of MECHANICVILLE Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried VIALL AVENUE Feature Crossed ANTHONY KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Arch - Deck At Risk? No AADT 4819 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/30/2014 Condition Rating 5.067 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2259980 Bridge Name CARLTON RD over COOLEY KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of CLIFTON PARK Owner 40 - Town of CLIFTON PARK Feature Carried CARLTON RD Feature Crossed COOLEY KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Masonry Arch - Deck At Risk? Yes AADT 3520 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/10/2014 Condition Rating 4.983 Flags YYN Red Flag, Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Steel Girder Web Repair Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $50,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2259990 Bridge Name CLINTON STREET over DELAWARE & HUDSON Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of GREENFIELD Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CLINTON STREET Feature Crossed DELAWARE & HUDSON Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 2913 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/13/2012 Condition Rating 4.9 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Reconstruct Approaches 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Conc patch repairs, Unplug catch basins immediately CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2260000 Bridge Name ANTIOCH ROAD over ALDER CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of PROVIDENCE Owner 40 - Town of PROVIDENCE Feature Carried ANTIOCH ROAD Feature Crossed ALDER CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 424 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/20/2012 Condition Rating 4.479 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Box Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $800,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2260010 Bridge Name WALTR MAXFIELD RD over BELL BK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of HADLEY Owner 40 - Town of HADLEY Feature Carried WALTR MAXFIELD RD Feature Crossed BELL BK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 94 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/2/2014 Condition Rating 4.857 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2260020 Bridge Name JONES ROAD over DELAWARE & HUDSON Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of WILTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried JONES ROAD Feature Crossed DELAWARE & HUDSON Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 8049 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/13/2012 Condition Rating 5.083 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Replace Bearings 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace Asphalt WS CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2260030 Bridge Name CRESCENT AVE CR22 over LAKE LONELY OUTLT Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit City of SARATOGA SPRINGS Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CRESCENT AVE CR22 Feature Crossed LAKE LONELY OUTLT Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 2481 AADT Year 2012 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/27/2014 Condition Rating 5.39 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 Replace Asphalt WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2260050 Bridge Name GRAND AVENUE over DELAWARE & HUDSON Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit City of SARATOGA SPRINGS Owner 42 - City of SARATOGA SPRINGS Feature Carried GRAND AVENUE Feature Crossed DELAWARE & HUDSON Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 8894 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/13/2012 Condition Rating 4.817 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,100,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Unplug catch basins immediately CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304130 Bridge Name CLARK ROAD over SNOOK KILL Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of MOREAU Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CLARK ROAD Feature Crossed SNOOK KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? Yes AADT 81 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/21/2014 Condition Rating 5.478 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Concrete Box Beam Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $825,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments Adjacent Concrete Box Beam CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304160 Bridge Name CR21MIDDLE GRV RD over KAYADEROSSERAS CK Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of GREENFIELD Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CR21MIDDLE GRV RD Feature Crossed KAYADEROSSERAS CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? No AADT 1223 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/22/2012 Condition Rating 5.283 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Replace Asphalt WS Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $75,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments Adjacent Concrete box beam CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304180 Bridge Name SAND LAKE ROAD over SAND CREEK Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of EDINBURG Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried SAND LAKE ROAD Feature Crossed SAND CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 75 AADT Year 2001 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/2/2014 Condition Rating 4.571 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $625,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304410 Bridge Name MENNEN RD over FISH CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of SARATOGA Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried MENNEN RD Feature Crossed FISH CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 207 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/22/2014 Condition Rating 5 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 Replace Bearings 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Paint - Complete, Replace asphalt WS & Replace rail CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304440 Bridge Name CR 67, STAFFORDS over FISH CREEK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of SARATOGA Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CR 67, STAFFORDS Feature Crossed FISH CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1945 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/9/2013 Condition Rating 4.547 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Steel Girder Web Repair Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace end diaphragms @ pier; Repaint girder ends; Replace Asphalt WS; Wash Bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304450 Bridge Name NELSON AVE EXT over KAYADEROSSERAS CK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of MALTA Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried NELSON AVE EXT Feature Crossed KAYADEROSSERAS CK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 828 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/12/2012 Condition Rating 5.281 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Steel Secondary Member Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Concrete I-beam CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304460 Bridge Name NORTH LINE ROAD over KAYADEROSSERAS CK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1757.09 County Saratoga Political Unit Town of MILTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried NORTH LINE ROAD Feature Crossed KAYADEROSSERAS CK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 9957 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/2/2014 Condition Rating 4.519 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Joints Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $0 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace rail, Wash bridge; Currently on STIP; Construction in 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304470 Bridge Name MOTT ROAD over SNOOK KILL Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of MOREAU Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried MOTT ROAD Feature Crossed SNOOK KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 80 AADT Year 2009 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/19/2012 Condition Rating 4.328 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Steel Girder Web Repair Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Place stone fill, Repair concrete, Replace bearings, Place concrete deck overlay, Replace deck joints CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304520 Bridge Name HEATH ROAD over STURDEVANT CREEK Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of CORINTH Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried HEATH ROAD Feature Crossed STURDEVANT CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 766 AADT Year 2001 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/29/2014 Condition Rating 4.786 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Reshape Channel 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304540 Bridge Name SAND HILL ROAD over KAYADEROSSERAS CK Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of GREENFIELD Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried SAND HILL ROAD Feature Crossed KAYADEROSSERAS CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 515 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/23/2012 Condition Rating 5.444 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Place Stone Fill Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $25,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304550 Bridge Name CR12 L DESOLA RD over KAYADEROSSERAS CK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of GREENFIELD Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CR12 L DESOLA RD Feature Crossed KAYADEROSSERAS CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 863 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/22/2014 Condition Rating 4.763 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Steel Girder Web Repair Treatment 2 Paint - Localized 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304560 Bridge Name CR 49 W MILTON RD over KAYADEROSSERAS CK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of MILTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CR 49 W MILTON RD Feature Crossed KAYADEROSSERAS CK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 2587 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/31/2012 Condition Rating 5.424 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Paint girder ends CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304570 Bridge Name CR 49 over KAYADEROSSERAS CK Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of MILTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CR 49 Feature Crossed KAYADEROSSERAS CK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1597 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/11/2014 Condition Rating 4.783 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint Localized Treatment 2 Replace Deck WS 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Repair concrete seat CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304630 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 54 over ALPLAUS KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of CHARLTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 54 Feature Crossed ALPLAUS KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 1979 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/7/2013 Condition Rating 5.492 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Place Stone Fill 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304640 Bridge Name CR52 over ALPLAUS KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of CHARLTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CR52 Feature Crossed ALPLAUS KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? No AADT 2460 AADT Year 2012 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/26/2014 Condition Rating 5.317 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Reconstruct Approaches Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $500,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments Additional Treatments: Replace joints, Concrete patch repair, Seal deck CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304670 Bridge Name TIFFAULT RD over MOURNING KILL Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of BALLSTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried TIFFAULT RD Feature Crossed MOURNING KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 53 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/12/2014 Condition Rating 5.083 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Bearings Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Reconstruct approaches, Replace embankments, Wash bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304700 Bridge Name LASHER RD over MOURNING KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of BALLSTON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried LASHER RD Feature Crossed MOURNING KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 137 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/6/2012 Condition Rating 5.068 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Repairs Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $250,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Repair abutments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304740 Bridge Name BARKERSVILLE CR13 over CADMAN CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of PROVIDENCE Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried BARKERSVILLE CR13 Feature Crossed CADMAN CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 782 AADT Year 2012 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/12/2014 Condition Rating 4.5 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Three-sided Unit Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 10 Comments Steel Culvert with Developing section loss CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304770 Bridge Name HADLEY HILL ROAD over PAUL CREEK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of DAY Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried HADLEY HILL ROAD Feature Crossed PAUL CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 152 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 7/2/2012 Condition Rating 4.933 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Paint - Localized Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments Steel Multigirder CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304790 Bridge Name CR 4 N SHORE RD over BEECHER CREEK Review Date December 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of EDINBURG Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried CR 4 N SHORE RD Feature Crossed BEECHER CREEK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 884 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/3/2014 Condition Rating 4.974 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Steel Repairs Treatment 2 Rebuild/Repoint Masonry 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $150,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 10 Comments Historic? CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304820 Bridge Name ROUND LAKE AVE over ANTHONY KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of HALFMOON Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried ROUND LAKE AVE Feature Crossed ANTHONY KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Slab At Risk? Yes AADT 686 AADT Year 2010 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/28/2012 Condition Rating 4.556 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Concretete Repair Treatment 2 Install Waterproofing Membrane 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $200,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Box beams w/ some spalling CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 7005610 Bridge Name ZIM SMITH TRAIL over 9 9 15091083 Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Saratoga Political Unit Town of CLIFTON PARK Owner 30 - Saratoga County Feature Carried ZIM SMITH TRAIL Feature Crossed 9 9 15091083 Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? No AADT 0 AADT Year 0 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/17/2012 Condition Rating 4.588 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $75,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Former RR Bridge CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2202990 Bridge Name BOZENKILL ROAD over BOZEN KILL Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit Town of DUANESBURG Owner 40 - Town of DUANESBURG Feature Carried BOZENKILL ROAD Feature Crossed BOZEN KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Concrete Slab At Risk? No AADT 7973 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 10/29/2013 Condition Rating 4.694 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Rebuild/Repoint Masonry 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 5 Comments AADT too high for 1 lane gravel seasonal road. CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2203080 Bridge Name FRANCIS AVENUE over RAMP TO890I&BRDWY Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit City of SCHENECTADY Owner 42 - City of SCHENECTADY Feature Carried FRANCIS AVENUE Feature Crossed RAMP TO890I&BRDWY Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 3 Superstructure Type Steel Continuous Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 3185 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/5/2014 Condition Rating 5.042 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Replace Joints Treatment 2 Repair deck and sidewalk 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $900,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Paint complete, clean bearings, Concrete abutment repairs, CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2203090 Bridge Name CONGRESS STREET over CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit City of SCHENECTADY Owner 42 - City of SCHENECTADY Feature Carried CONGRESS STREET Feature Crossed CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Continuous Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 4732 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/2/2013 Condition Rating 4.903 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Paint - Localized Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional treatments: Clean Bearings, Localized Concrete repair to stms, steel repairs CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2203100 Bridge Name OAK STREET over CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1755.33 County Schenectady Political Unit City of SCHENECTADY Owner 60 - CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Feature Carried OAK STREET Feature Crossed CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 6 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? Yes AADT 4761 AADT Year 2006 Posted Load (Tons) 99 - R Permit

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 12/11/2013 Condition Rating 3.292 Flags YNN Red Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Steel Repairs Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,200,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 2 Comments Additional Treatments: Paint - Complete CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2203110 Bridge Name CRANE STREET over CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit 0 Owner 60 - CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Feature Carried CRANE STREET Feature Crossed CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Prestress Concrete Box Beam / Box Girders - Multiple At Risk? Yes AADT 6700 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/4/2013 Condition Rating 4.525 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 Concrete Patch Repair 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $1,400,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 2 Comments Adjacent Concrete Box Beam CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2203130 Bridge Name COUNTY ROAD 65 over CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.95 County Schenectady Political Unit City of SCHENECTADY Owner 60 - CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Feature Carried COUNTY ROAD 65 Feature Crossed CSX TRANS/ AMTRAK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 3 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 6069 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/17/2013 Condition Rating 4.625 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $0 MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments STIP Project; Piers are in distress; Const in 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2256680 Bridge Name PED.WALKWAY AT GE over 890I X Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit City of SCHENECTADY Owner 42 - City of SCHENECTADY Feature Carried PED.WALKWAY AT GE Feature Crossed 890I X Federal System? Yes NHS? Yes

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 7 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? No AADT 0 AADT Year 0 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/20/2013 Condition Rating 5.239 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $400,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Pedestrain bridge. Additional Treatments: Clean bearings, Spot concrete repairs, Misc. other items CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2256690 Bridge Name PED.WALKWAY AT GE over EDISON AVE Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit City of SCHENECTADY Owner 42 - City of SCHENECTADY Feature Carried PED.WALKWAY AT GE Feature Crossed EDISON AVE Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 9 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? No AADT 0 AADT Year 0 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/20/2013 Condition Rating 5.418 Flags NNY Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Minor Rehab Treatment 1 Paint - Complete Treatment 2 Replace Joints 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $450,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Pedestrian Bridge. Additional Treatments: Clean bearings, Spot concrete repairs, Misc. other items CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 2257170 Bridge Name SUNNYSIDE ROAD over AMTRAK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit Village of SCOTIA Owner 60 - AMTRAK Feature Carried SUNNYSIDE ROAD Feature Crossed AMTRAK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 5 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 5535 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 11/21/2013 Condition Rating 3.547 Flags NYN Yellow Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Steel Multigirder Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $4,300,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3259480 Bridge Name ALPLAUS AVENUE over ALPLAUS KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1758.89 County Schenectady Political Unit Town of GLENVILLE Owner 30 - Schenectady County Feature Carried ALPLAUS AVENUE Feature Crossed ALPLAUS KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 2 Superstructure Type Steel Continuous Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 5553 AADT Year 2001 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/7/2013 Condition Rating 5.172 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Deck Replacement Treatment 2 Replace Bearings 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $600,000 MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments STIP project; Add sidewalk; Const scheduled for 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304880 Bridge Name DUANESBG CRCHS RD over S CHUCTANUNDA CRK Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit Town of DUANESBURG Owner 30 - Schenectady County Feature Carried DUANESBG CRCHS RD Feature Crossed S CHUCTANUNDA CRK Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Culvert At Risk? No AADT 461 AADT Year 2013 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/23/2013 Condition Rating 5.211 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Clean Out Culvert Treatment 2 Replace Rail 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $100,000 MP&T Staged Program (years) 5 Comments CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304930 Bridge Name VAN VORST ROAD over ALPLAUS KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN 1759.02 County Schenectady Political Unit Town of GLENVILLE Owner 30 - Schenectady County Feature Carried VAN VORST ROAD Feature Crossed ALPLAUS KILL Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 3164 AADT Year 2011 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 5/21/2014 Condition Rating 4.407 Flags NYY Yellow Flag, Safety Flag

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Replacement Treatment 1 Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost MP&T Staged Program (years) Immediate Comments Full replacement; STIP Project; Const scheduled for 2015 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304960 Bridge Name SCOTCH RIDGE RD over NORMANS KILL TRIB Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN Local Funds County Schenectady Political Unit Town of PRINCETOWN Owner 30 - Schenectady County Feature Carried SCOTCH RIDGE RD Feature Crossed NORMANS KILL TRIB Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? Yes AADT 120 AADT Year 1997 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 4/16/2014 Condition Rating 5.814 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Major Rehab Treatment 1 Superstructure Replacement Treatment 2 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost MP&T Detour Program (years) Immediate Comments Project advanced with County funds; Constr in 2014 CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 3304970 Bridge Name MUSELBECK ROAD over SANDSEA KILL Review Date October 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit Town of PRINCETOWN Owner 30 - Schenectady County Feature Carried MUSELBECK ROAD Feature Crossed SANDSEA KILL Federal System? No NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Unpainted Steel Stringer / Multibeam At Risk? No AADT 9440 AADT Year 2002 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 6/6/2013 Condition Rating 4.733 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Item Specific Treatment 1 Steel Secondary Member Repair Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $175,000 MP&T Open Program (years) Immediate Comments Additional Treeatment: Repair approach settlement near joints CDTC BRIDGE FACT SHEET BIN 7038350 Bridge Name Bike Path over Route 146 Review Date November 2014

GENERAL INFORMATION PIN County Schenectady Political Unit Town of NISKAYUNA Owner #N/A Feature Carried Bike Path Feature Crossed Route 146 Federal System? Yes NHS? No

BRIDGE INFORMATION Number of Spans 1 Superstructure Type Steel Girder Floorbeam System At Risk? No AADT 0 AADT Year 0 Posted Load (Tons)

INSPECTION INFORMATION Last Inspection 8/5/2013 Condition Rating 4.793 Flags NNN No Flags

STUDY INFORMATION Work Strategy Preventative Maintenance Treatment 1 Concrete Patch Repairs Treatment 2 Paint - Complete 2014 Preliminary Construction Cost $300,000 MP&T Open Program (years) 2 Comments Former RR Bridge Appendix F

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 2200270

Date: 2/27/15

Owner: City of Albany

On site: 10:00 am

Inspector: Eric Alexopoulos

Rating: 4.542 / 2013

Preliminary Recommendations: Minor Rehab – Replace Bearings, Reconstruct Approaches, Concrete Patch Repairs, Concrete Deck Overlay, Localized Painting, $900K

Field Visit Notes:

Agree with previous assessment. There is minor concrete deterioration at the wingwalls and sidewalk which would be covered under concrete patch repairs.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: No change

Treatment 2: No change

Comments: No change in additional treatment types. Increase construction cost to $1M to account for concrete patch repairs on wingwalls and sidewalk.


None. Inspection report photos sufficient.

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3301070

Date: 2/11/15

Owner: Albany County

On site: 12:00

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 5.211/ 2013

Preliminary Recommendations: Minor Rehab, Replace Joints, Reconstruct Approaches, $400k

Field Visit Notes: Agree with initial assessment, Limited access due to bridge is located over reservoir. Ends of girders could be spot painted to further prevent to prevent additional corrosion

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: unchanged

Treatment 2: unchanged

Comments: Unchanged


7866 – Begin Approach

7867 – Top of Deck

7869 – Begin Abutment

7870 – Pier 1 Joint, LTL

7871 – End Jt, LTL

7872 – Pier

7873 – LT Elevation

7874 – Posted sign

7875, 7876 & 7877 – End Right Stem Bridge Photos

Begin Approach Top of Deck

Begin Abutment Pier 1 Joint Looking Left BIN 3301070 - County Road 11 over Hannacrois Creek Bridge Photos

End Joint Looking Left Pier

Left Elevation Posted Sign BIN 3301070 - County Road 11 over Hannacrois Creek Bridge Photos

Right Elevation, End Right Stem Deterioration

BIN 3301070 - County Road 11 over Hannacrois Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3301170

Date: 2/11/15

Owner: Albany County

On site: 2:30

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 4.902 / 2013

Preliminary Recommendations: Item specific – Place concrete overlay, Preplace Joints - $200K

Field Visit Notes: Agree with previous assessment, add +/-4 SF of concrete repairs to begin left abutment

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: unchanged

Treatment 2: unchanged

Additional Comments: add +/-4 SF of concrete repairs to begin left abutment


7879 – Begin Approach

7880 – Begin Joint, LTL

7881 –WS, LTE

7883 – End Joint, LTL

7884 –Begin Abut

7885 –End Joint, LTL

7886 –Begin LT stem, spalling to rebar

7887 –Left Fascia, LTB Bridge Photos

Begin Approach Begin Joint Looking Left

Wearing Surface End Joint Looking Left BIN 3301170 - School Road over Black Creek Bridge Photos

Begin Abutment End Joint Looking Left (Below Deck)

Begin Left Stem, Spall with Exposed Rebar Left Fascia BIN 3301170 - School Road over Black Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3301270

Date: 2/11/15

Owner: Albany County

On site: 3:15 pm

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 4.719 / 2014

Previous Recommendations: Minor Rehab, Misc. Steel repairs, Concrete Patch Repairs, Paint Truss, $500k

Field Visit Notes: Field Conditions appear to agree with previous assessment.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Unchanged

Treatment 2: Unchanged

Comments: Unchanged


7888 – Begin Approach

7889 – Begin Abutment, LTL

7890 – Framing, LTE

7891 –Right Truss, LTE

7892 –Top of Deck, LTE

7893 –End Abut, LTL

7894 –Framing, LTE

7895 –Framing, LTB Bridge Photos

Begin Approach Begin Abutment Looking Left

Framing Looking Toward End Right Truss Looking Toward End BIN 3301270 - Krumkill Road over Normanskill Creek Bridge Photos

Top of Deck Looking Toward End End Abutment Looking Left

Framing Near End Framing Looking Toward Begin BIN 3301270 - Krumkill Road over Normanskill Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3301370

Date: 2/11/15

Owner: Albany County

On site: 10:45 am

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 5.0 / 2014

Preliminary Recommendations: Concrete Patch Repairs, Scour Repairs, $200K

Field Visit Notes:

Agree with previous assessment. Galvanized truss is in good shape, Begin Abutment has red flag for tilting. Documented scour was not evident due to snow/ ice cover

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: No change

Treatment 2: No change

Comments: Worst case is begin abutment replacement for preservation. $200k appears adequate to repair abutment


7861 - Begin approach, LTE

7862 – Begin abutment and right bottom chord

7863 – Framing, LTB

7864 – Begin abutment

7865 – Right Elevation Bridge Photos

Begin Approach Looking Toward End Begin Abutment and Right Bottom Chord

Framing Looking Toward Begin Begin Abutment BIN 3301370 - Kings Lane over Potter Hollow Creek Bridge Photos

Right Elevation

BIN 3301370 - Kings Lane over Potter Hollow Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3303650

Date: 2/13/15

Owner: Rensselaer County

On site: 11:30

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 4.423 / 2014

Preliminary Recommendations: Preservation, steel repairs, Paint Complete, stone Fill - $400k

Field Visit Notes:

Agree with previous assessment, no change.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: no change

Treatment 2: no change



7918- Begin Approach

7919 – Right Fascia. LTE

7922 – Framing, LTE

Bridge Photos

Begin Approach Right Fascia

Framing Looking Toward End BIN 3303650 - CR40 Plank Road over Poestenkill

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3303670

Date: 2/13/14

Owner: Rensselaer County

On site: 11:45 am

Inspector: Eric Alexopoulos

Rating: 3.902 / 2012

Preliminary Recommendations: Item Specific- replace deck overlay & replace joints, $200k

Field Visit Notes: No need to seal deck since it is a timber deck. Steel girders & abutments in rough shape, change to replacement in 5 years.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Replacement

Treatment 2: Concrete Slab Unit



1081 – Girder G7 Bearing at End Abutment & BIN Plate

1082 – Girder G7 Elevation looking toward Begin

1083 – Girder G6 Bearing at End Abutment

1084 - Underside of Deck at Bay 6 looking toward Begin

1085 – Begin Abutment Elevation

1086 – Girders G4 & G5 at Midspan looking toward Begin

1087 – End Abutment looking Left

1088 – Girder G1 Elevation looking toward Begin

1089 – Bay 1 End Diaphragm at End Abutment

1090 – Bridge deck looking toward Begin Bridge Photos

Girder G7 End Bearing & BIN Plate Girder G7 Elevation Looking Toward Begin

Girder G6 End Bearing Underside of Deck in Bay 6 Looking Toward Begin BIN 3303670 - CR36 Park Avenue over Little Hoosic River Bridge Photos

Begin Abutment G4 and G5 at Midspan Looking Toward Begin

End Abutment Looking Left Girder G1 Elevation Looking Toward Begin BIN 3303670 - CR36 Park Avenue over Little Hoosic River Bridge Photos

Bay 1 End Diaphragm at End Abutment Wearing Surface Looking Toward Begin

BIN 3303670 - CR36 Park Avenue over Little Hoosic River

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3303700

Date: 2/13/15

Owner: Rensselaer County

On site: 11:00 am

Inspector: Eric Alexopoulos

Rating: 5.127 / 2014

Previous Recommendations: Item Specific: Replace Joints & Replace Asphalt WS, $200k

Field Visit Notes: Field Conditions appear to agree with previous assessment.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Unchanged

Treatment 2: Unchanged

Comments: Unchanged


1072 – Begin Abutment Elevation

1073 – BIN Plate at Begin Abutment Left Side

1074 – Girders at Midspan looking toward Begin

1075 – End Abutment Elevation, Right Side

1076 – End Abutment Bearings looking toward Left

1077 – Girder G6 Bearing at End Abutment

1078 – Girder G6 Elevation looking toward Begin

1079 – Girder G1 Elevation looking toward Begin

1080 – Longitudinal Deck Joint in Bay 4 at End Bridge Photos

Begin Abutment BIN Plate at Begin Abutment

Framing Plan Looking Toward Begin End Abutment Left Side BIN 3303700 - Hills Hollow Road over Little Hoosic River Bridge Photos

End Abutment Looking Right Girder G6 End Bearing

Girder G6 Elevation Looking Toward Begin Girder G1 Elevation Looking Toward Begin BIN 3303700 - Hills Hollow Road over Little Hoosic River Bridge Photos

Logintudinal Deck Joint in Bay 4 Near End

BIN 3303700 - Hills Hollow Road over Little Hoosic River

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3303750

Date: 2/13/15

Owner: Rensselaer County

On site: 10:45

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 4.324 / 2014

Preliminary Recommendations: Minor Rehab, New WW’s Reconstruct approaches, $400k

Field Visit Notes:

Agree with previous assessment. Snow covered embankments, use inspection photos for review.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: No Change

Treatment 2: No Change

Comments: Repair approach rail, concrete repairs


7916- Begin Approach

7917- Right fascia, LTE Bridge Photos

Begin Approach Right Fascia Looking Toward End

BIN 3303750 - Dutch Church Road over Poesten Kill

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3303870

Date: 2/13/15

Owner: Rensselaer County

On site: 9:45

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 4.721 / 2013

Preliminary Recommendations: Minor Rehab, Steel Repairs Paint Complete, concrete Patch Repairs, $500K

Field Visit Notes:

Steel is rough, should be painted soon or it may turn into superstructure replacement, otherwise no change.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: no change

Treatment 2: no change

Comments: no change


7812-End approach, LTB

7913-Left Fascia, LTE

7914 – BIN plate

7915- Framing Plan

Bridge Photos

End Approach Looking Toward Begin Left Fascia Looking Toward End

BIN Plate Framing Plan BIN 3303870 - Dunham Hollow Road over Tackawasick Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304440

Date: 2/12/15

Owner: Saratoga County

On site: 10:00 am

Inspector: Eric Alexopoulos, Peter Abreu

Rating: 4.547 / 2013

Previous Recommendations: Minor Rehab: Steel Girder Web Repair, Replace Joints, Replace End Diaphragms at Pier, Paint Girder Ends, Replace Asphalt WS, $500k

Field Visit Notes:

Field Conditions appear to agree with previous assessment.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Unchanged

Treatment 2: Unchanged

Comments: Unchanged


1057 – Span 2, Girder G5 Elevation at End Abutment

1058 – Span 2, Girder G5 Elevation at Midspan

1059 – Span 2, Girders G3 & G4 at Midspan

1060 – Span 2, Girders G1 & G2 Bearing at End Abutment

1061 – Span 1, Girders G2 & G3 at Midspan

1062 – Span 1, Girders G3, G4 & G5 Bearing at Begin Abutment Bridge Photos

Span 2, Girder G5 Elevation at End Abutment Span 2, Girder G5 Elevation at Midspan

Span 2, Girders G3 & G4 at Midpsan Span 2, Girders G1 & G2 End Bearings BIN 3304440 - CR 67, Staffords over Fish Creek Bridge Photos

Span 1, Girders G2 & G3 at Midspan Span 1, Girders G3, G4 & G5 Begin Bearings

BIN 3304440 - CR 67, Staffords over Fish Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304470

Date: 2/12/14

Owner: Saratoga County

On site: 1:00 PM

Inspector: Michael Lemme, Peter Abreu, Louis Hutter

Rating: 4.328 / 2012

Preliminary Recommendations: Minor Rehab, Steel repairs, paint complete, stone fill concrete repairs replace bearings, replace deck overlay, replace joints

Field Visit Notes:

Agree with initial assessment, no change.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: No Change

Treatment 2: No Change

Comments: No Change


7896 – End Approach

7897 – End Joint, LTL

7898 –WS, LTB

7899-Begin Joint, LTL

7900-Right Fascia, LTB

7901-G4 Web loss, LTL

7902-LTE Bridge Photos

End Approach End Joint, Looking Toward Left

Wearing Surface Looking Toward Begin Begin Joint Looking Left BIN 3304470 - Mott Road over Snook Kill Bridge Photos

Right Fascia Girder G4 Web Loss

Framing Plan Looking Toward End BIN 3304470 - Mott Road over Snook Kill

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304550

Date: 2/12/15

Owner: Saratoga County

On site: 11:00 am

Inspector: Eric Alexopoulos, Peter Abreu

Rating: 4.763 / 2014

Previous Recommendations: Minor Rehab: Paint-Localized, $100k

Field Visit Notes: Add girder web repair for each end of both fascia girders. Add $100k to cost.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Unchanged

Treatment 2: Steel Girder Web Repair

Comments: Unchanged


1063 – BIN Plate on Begin Abutment Right Wingwall

1064 – Girders at Midspan, Looking at End Abutment

1065 – Bearings at Begin Abutment, Looking Right

1066 – Girder G1 Elevation at Begin Abutment

1067 – Girder G1 Elevation

1068 – Girder G6 Elevation

1069 – Girders at Midspan, Looking at Begin Abutment

1070 – Girder G1 Bearing at End Abutment

1071 – Close-up Girder G1 Bearing at End Abutment Bridge Photos

BIN Plate on Begin Abutment Right Wingwall Framing Plan Looking Toward End Abutment

Begin Abutment Bearings Girder G1 Elevation at Begin Abutment BIN 3304550 - CR12 L Desola Road over Kayaderosseras Creek Bridge Photos

Girder G1 Elevation Girder G6 Elevation

Framing Plan Looking Toward Begin Abutment Girder G1 Bearing at End Abutment BIN 3304550 - CR12 L Desola Road over Kayaderosseras Creek Bridge Photos

G1 End Bearing

BIN 3304550 - CR12 L Desola Road over Kayaderosseras Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304570

Date: 2/12/14

Owner: Saratoga County

On site: 2:30 PM

Inspector: Michael Lemme Peter Abreu, Louis Hutter

Rating: 4.783 / 2012

Preliminary Recommendations: Item specific, Misc. Steel repairs, localized painting, repair seats- $175k

Field Visit Notes:

Revise as follows.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Paint - Localized

Treatment 2: Replace Deck WS

Comments: Repair seats, Concrete patch repair, $200k


7905 – Begin Approach LTR

7904 - Begin Joint LTR

7905-End Joint LTR

7906- Framing, LTL

7907- Right Fascia Conc

7908- Underside of deck Bridge Photos

Begin Approach Looking Right Begin Joint Looking Right

End Joint Looking Right Framing Looking Toward Left BIN 3304570 - CR 49 over Kayaderosseras Creek Bridge Photos

Right Fascia Underside of Deck

BIN 3304570 - CR 49 over Kayaderosseras Creek

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304630

Date: 2/12/15

Owner: Saratoga County

On site: 9:00 am

Inspector: Eric Alexopoulos, Peter Abreu

Rating: 5.492 / 2013

Previous Recommendations: Item Specific: Paint-Complete, Place Stone Fill, $300k

Field Visit Notes:

Field Conditions appear to agree with previous assessment.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Unchanged

Treatment 2: Unchanged

Comments: Unchanged


1051 – BIN Plate on Begin Left Wingwall

1052 – Interior Girders at Midspan

1053 – Begin Abutment

1054 – End Abutment

1055 – Girder G6 Elevation at ¾ Span

1056 – Girder G6 Elevation at End Bridge Photos

BIN Plate on Begin Left Wingwall Interior Girders at Midspan

Begin Abutment End Abutment BIN 3304630 - County Road 54 over Alplaus Kill Bridge Photos

Girder G6 Elevation at 3/4 Span Girder G6 Elevation at End

BIN 3304630 - County Road 54 over Alplaus Kill

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304670

Date: 2/12/15

Owner: Saratoga County

On site: 4pm

Inspector: Michael Lemme, Louis Hutter, Peter Abreu

Rating: 5.083 / 2014

Preliminary Recommendations: Minor Rehab, Replace Bearings, Paint Complete, Reconstruct Approaches, Replace Embankment, Wash Bridge

Field Visit Notes:

Recommendations from field review: No Change, Agree with previous assessment.

Treatment 1: No Change

Treatment 2: No Change

Comments: No Change


7909- Topside, LTE

7910- Framing, LTL

7911- End Stem Bridge Photos

Wearing Surface Looking Toward End Framing Plan Looking Left

End Abutment BIN 3304670 - Tiffault Road over Mourning Kill

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 2203080

Date: 2/10/15

Owner: City of Schenectady

On site: 1PM

Inspector: Michael Lemme, Bill Winkler

Rating: 5.042 / 2014

Preliminary Recommendations: Replace Joints, Repair Sidewalk & Curb, $50k

Field Visit Notes: Deck has extensive deterioration with many asphalt filled potholes. Curbs and sidewalk were snow covered during the field visit, use 2014 inspection photos. Extensive concrete repairs may be required. End Joint requires replacement. Begin joint does not appear to be leaking. Paint is dull. To extend the super structure service life a full painting is suggested. Bearings need to be cleaned.

Recommendations from field review:

Treatment 1: Rehabilitation

Treatment 2:

Comments: extensive repair to deck sidewalks and curbs (Most Significant at End), replace end joint, paint complete, clean bearings, localized concrete repairs to end abutment. Staged repair work may be possible

Cost: $900K


7843-End Right, Paint LTB

7844-Framing / Paint LTB

7845 & 7846-End Joint Leakage

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500

7847-End Joint

7848-Wearing Surface

7849-Begin Joint


7851-Begin stem Bridge Photos

End Right, Paint Looking Toward Begin Framing Plan & Paint Looking Toward Begin

End Joint Leakage End Joint Leakage (Looking Up from Below) BIN 2203080 - Francis Avenue over Ramp to 890I Broadway Bridge Photos

End Joint Wearing Surface

Begin Joint (Looking Up from Below) Framing Plan BIN 2203080 - Francis Avenue over Ramp to 890I Broadway Bridge Photos

Begin Stem

BIN 2203080 - Francis Avenue over Ramp to 890I Broadway

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 2203090

Date: 2/10/15

Owner: City of Schenectady

On site: 1:40 PM

Inspector: Michael Lemme, Bill Winkler

Rating: 4.903 / 2013

Preliminary Recommendations: Paint Complete, Replace Joints, $600k

Field Visit Notes: Girder ends rusted due to bad joints, paint girder ends only. Clean bearings, localized concrete repair to stems, steel repairs to end diaphragms at begin.

Recommendations from field review:

Update bridge as follows:

Treatment 1: Steel repairs

Treatment 2: Paint Localized, girders ends (weathering steel)

Comments: Steel Dia. repairs, Replace Joints, clean bearings, localized concrete repairs on abutments, seal deck

Cost: $400K




7855-Fascia G5 End over Bearing


7857-Begin Stem

7858-Holes in end Dia

7859-Section loss to Dia Bridge Photos

Joint Condition Photo Joint Condition Photo

G5 End Bearing Elevation BIN 2203090 - Congress Street over CSX Trans/Amtrak Bridge Photos

Begin Stem Holes in End Diaphragm

Section Loss in Diaphragm BIN 2203090 - Congress Street over CSX Trans/Amtrak

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304880

Date: 2/10/15

Owner: Schenectady County

On site: 9:45 am

Inspector: Michael Lemme

Rating: 5.211 / 2013

Preliminary Recommendations: Clean out Culvert, Replace Rail, $100k

Field Visit Notes:

Bridge has been granted federal aid – Paul did not attend. No change to the initial assessment.

Recommendations from field review: Clean out Culvert, Replace Rail, and Grout repair to invert

Treatment 1: Grout and fill invert

Treatment 2: Replace rail

Comments: localized steel plate repairs

Cost: $100K


7838 End Approach

7839 Begin approach

7840 Superstructure, End

7841 & 7842 Superstructure, Begin Bridge Photos

End Approach Begin Approach

Superstructure Condition Photo Superstructure Condition Photo BIN 3304880 - Duanesbg Crchs Rd over S Chuctanunda Crk

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500


BIN: 3304970

Date: 2/10/15

Owner: Schenectady County

On site: 8:30am

Inspector: Michael Lemme & Paul Sheldon

Rating: 4.733 / 2013

Preliminary Recommendations: Steel Repairs & Paint, $175k

Field Visit Notes: Wearing Surface repaired with new asphalt.

Settlement exists near the begin and end joints, pavement cracked. Visible Approach pavement rates 4 adjoining the bridge, visible settlement rates 4+.

Shoulders covered with snow, use report photos. Fascia girder ends have localized corrosion.

End Diaphragm at the end, bay 1, has holes. Member supports the deck.

Paul Sheldon provided a report from Creighton Manning. Membrane and asphalt wearing surface placed to prevent future top of deck spalling.

Recommendations from field review: Repair end Diaphragm, Paint girder Ends, Place asphalt at joints near joints. Localized concrete repairs to abutments.

Treatment 1: Steel Repairs

Treatment 2: Clean and paint girder ends

Comments: Additional work asphalt repairs near joints, localized concrete repairs to abutments

Cost: $175k

11 British American Blvd. Suite 200 Latham, NY 12110 (518) 782-4500 Photos:

7831 Approach pavement near joint

7832 Approach pavement near joint

7833 Abut

7834 Fascia

7835 WS

7836 fascia, over bearing

7837 End Dia Bridge Photos

Approach Pavement Near Joint Abutment

Fascia Wearing Surface BIN 3304970 - Muselbeck Road over Sandsea Kill Bridge Photos

Fascia Beam over Bearing End Diaphragm


The estimated service life for common repairs and work strategies is indicated below. The estimated service life indicated below is based on information obtained from the NYSDOT Fundamentals of Bridge Maintenance & Inspection Manual and NYSDOT Deck Evaluation Manual. Service life means the length of time that a particular treatment will last before additional work is required.

Specific Items Service Life (years) Bridge Washing 2 Seal Deck 4 Clean/Lubricate Bearings 4 Replace Joints 5 Place or Replace Asphalt Wearing Surface 12 Paint 12 Place Concrete Deck Overlay Wearing Surface 30

Work Strategies Replacement 75 Major Rehabilitation Superstructure Replacement 50 Deck Replacement 40 Minor Rehabilitation See above for specific items Preventative Maintenance See above for specific items

Appendix H Calculating the General Recommendation

To assist with evaluating bridge improvements in relation to the calculated general recommendation, an excel sheet was developed to predict the overall rating based on improved bridge elements. The cost of the proposed repair could then be evaluated with the potential benefit based on the new GC value.

The excel sheet created was based on the procedure outlined in the New York state Department of Transportation Structures Management Manual, August 2010, Appendix C. Shown here, the condition rating is computed as a numerical value utilizing a structural condition formula. The formula takes into account 13 bridge elements considered most important for the bridge evaluation. Element values are then weighted in proportion to importance with the values summed and divided by the sum of the weighted values. The result are a calculated condition rating for the bridge.

Elements not considered in the condition rating formula include abutment erosion and scour, channel items, approach items, bridge rail, scuppers gratings, medians, paint, pier erosion, lighting, sign structures and utilities and support.

Elements considered in the general recommendation and the associated weighted values are listed below:

Element Rating

Primary Members 10

Abutments 8

Piers 8

Structural Deck 8

Bridge Seats 6

Bearings 6

Wingwalls 5

Backwalls 5

Secondary Members 5

Joints 4

Wearing Surface 4

Sidewalks 2

Curbs 1

Total = 72

General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Condition Last Estimated post Repair BIN County Feature Carried Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Crossed Rating Inspection Condition Treatment Mechanicville, 1071940 Saratoga City City 67 67 15031258 B&M NYN 3.558 11/5/2013 Replace Deck 7 City Replace Primary 7 Members Replace Sidewalk 7 Replace Rail 7 Repair Sub 6 Structures Replace Bearings 7 Repair Stem 6 Repair Pedestals 6 Repair Seat 6 Repair Footings 6 Repair MSE wall 6

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Seat and Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 2 6 8 5 2 3 8 6 5 8 8 4 3 3.558 Recommendation Weight 6 5 0 5 6 10 0 1 2 0 0 4 4 43 Total Value 12 30 0 25 12 30 0 6 10 0 0 16 12 153 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Seat and Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 6 7 7 8 7 7 6.475 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 0 1 2 8 0 4 4 59 Total Value 36 30 48 30 36 70 0 6 14 56 0 28 28 382 Group Weight

Notes: Sponsor submitted treatments for BIN 1071940 include superstructure replacement, replacement type is unknown. The current prestress bridge has secondary member rated 8. If the replacement structure is steel, the new secondary member rating would likely be revised to 7, further changing the weighted General Recommendation value to 6.516. General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Crossed Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment 2202570 Saratoga Town of CP County County Ashdown Rd D & H NNN 4.484 11/14/12 Replace Bearings 7

Replace Joints 7 New Wearing 7 Surface Repair Seats 6 Repair Pedestals 6 Paint 7

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 3 5 8 5 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 4.672 Recommendation Weight 6 5 0 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 8 4 4 64 Total Value 18 25 0 25 36 60 30 5 8 32 32 16 12 299 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 7 5 8 5 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 7 7 5.484 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 0 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 8 4 4 64 Total Value 42 25 0 25 36 60 30 5 8 32 32 28 28 351 Group Weight

Notes: General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Feature Crossed Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment Nelson Ave 3304450 Saratoga Town of Malta County County Kayaderosseras Cr NNN 5.281 7/12/2014 Repair end joint 6 Ext

Repair Curb 6

Repair Fascia 6

Repair Primarys 6

Repair Secondaries 6

Replace Wearing 7 Surface

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Primary Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 6 5 5 6 7 5 4 5 5 5 8 5 5 5.281 Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 0 4 4 64 Total Value 36 25 40 30 42 50 20 5 10 40 0 20 20 338 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Primary Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 6 5 5 6 7 6 6 6 6 5 8 7 6 5.828 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 0 4 4 64 Total Value 36 25 40 30 42 60 30 6 12 40 0 28 24 373 Group Weight

Notes: General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Feature Crossed Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment South Duanesburg, Duanesburg 3304880 Schenectady County County Chuctanunda NNN 5.211 5/23/2013 Replace Rail 7 town Churches Rd Crk Repair Steel Plates 6 / Bolts Replace Invert 6

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 8 8 8 5 8 5 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 5.211 Recommendation Weight 0 0 0 5 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 19 Total Value 0 0 0 25 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 99 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 8 8 8 5 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 5.737 Ratings Recommendation Weight 0 0 0 5 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 19 Total Value 0 0 0 25 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 109 Group Weight

Notes: General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Crossed Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment Henry 2200270 Albany Albany, City City City Sherman St NNN 4.542 4/29/2013 Replace Brgs 7 Johnson BLVD Concrete Deck 7 Overlay

Concrete Sub 6 Structure Repair

Repair seats / 6 Pedestals Localized Repainting Girder 6 Ends Repair Approach 6 Pavement

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 2 4 4 5 3 6 7 5 4 5 6 4 2 4.542 Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 8 4 4 72 Total Value 12 20 32 25 18 60 35 5 8 40 48 16 8 327 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 4 7 6 7 6 6.167 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 8 4 4 72 Total Value 36 30 48 30 36 60 35 5 8 56 48 28 24 444 Group Weight

Notes: General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Crossed Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment Town of Clifton Zim Smith Repair Concrete 7005610 Saratoga County County 9 915091083 NNN 5.588 8/17/2012 6 Park Trail Backwalls Repair Pedestals 6

Repair Seats 6 Repair Stems 6 Repair Wingwalls 6

Repair Pier 6

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 5 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 5 5 4 7 8 4.588 Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 8 4 0 68 Total Value 30 20 32 20 24 40 30 6 10 40 32 28 0 312 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 5 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 5 5 6 7 8 5.529 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 5 1 2 8 8 4 0 68 Total Value 30 30 48 30 36 40 30 6 10 40 48 28 0 376 Group Weight

Notes: General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Crossed Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment City of Reconstruct 2203120 Schenectady City City Altamont Ave CSX NNN 5.855 11/2/2013 6 Schenectady Approaches

Seal Deck

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 5 7 7 7 6 5 8 6 5 8 6 4 8 5.855 Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 0 1 2 0 8 4 0 55 Total Value 30 35 56 35 36 50 0 6 10 0 48 16 0 322 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 5 7 7 7 6 5 8 6 5 8 6 4 8 5.855 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 0 1 2 0 8 4 0 55 Total Value 30 35 56 35 36 50 0 6 10 0 48 16 0 322 Group Weight

Notes: General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Crossed Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment Pedestrian City of 2256670 Schenectady City City Walkway at Big Circle NNY 5.462 8/20/2013 Paint 7 Schenectady GE

Replace Joints 7

Clean Bearings 6 Repair deck 6 Repair Approaches 6

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 4 6 6 6 5 6 8 5 8 5 6 5 5 5.462 Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 0 1 0 8 8 4 4 65 Total Value 24 30 48 30 30 60 0 5 0 40 48 20 20 355 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 6 6 6 6 5 6 8 5 8 6 6 6 7 5.954 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 0 1 0 8 8 4 4 65 Total Value 36 30 48 30 30 60 0 5 0 48 48 24 28 387 Group Weight

Notes: General Recommendation Calculator

2015 Sponsor Political Unit Primary Primary Feature Feature Condition Last Estimated Post BIN County Flags Submitted Name Owner Maint. Carried Crossed Rating Inspection Repair Rating Treatment Pedestrian City of 2256680 Schenectady City City Walkway at 890IX NNN 5.239 8/20/2013 Paint 7 Schenectady GE Replace Joints 7

Clean Bearings 6 Repair deck 6 Repair Approaches 6

General Recommendation is based on the following elements. From the most recent inspection, enter the lowest element rating for each category to calculate the GR value. (example, Joints - enter the lowest rating for all of the joints, including abutment and piers. Primary members - enter the lowest primary member rating for all spans, etc.)

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Current General Recent Ratings 3 7 7 6 6 5 8 6 6 4 5 5 4 5.239 Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 0 1 2 8 8 4 4 67 Total Value 18 35 56 30 36 50 0 6 12 32 40 20 16 351 Group Weight

Estimate the new General Recommendation based on Sponsor Submitted Treatments. Modify each element rating to the estimated post repair condition:

Bearing, Anchor Stem Seat and Primary Secondary Sidewalk / Pier: Stem, Capbeam, Wearing Bolt or Pad Backwall Breastwall Wingwall Pedestal Member Member Curb Fascia Structural Deck Column, Footing Surface Joints Proposed Estimated General 6 7 7 6 6 5 8 6 6 6 5 5 7 5.925 Ratings Recommendation Weight 6 5 8 5 6 10 0 1 2 8 8 4 4 67 Total Value 36 35 56 30 36 50 0 6 12 48 40 20 28 397 Group Weight
