Session: G06 Unleash SQL Power to your XML Data

Matthias Nicola IBM Silicon Valley Lab

May 20, 2008 • 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Platform: DB2 for , , Windows and DB2 for z/OS

SQL is no longer the purely relational language that it used to be. The latest SQL standard defines an XML data type and new functions for querying hierarchical XML data. This is supported by DB2's pureXML functionality on zOS and Linux, Unix, and Windows. Apart from efficient storage and indexing, pureXML allows you to search and extract XML values through new the SQL functions. This also enables you to join XML and relational data in a single query, and to convert one to the other as needed. Additionally, you can apply the full power of all the good old relational SQL features to your XML data. This session introduces you to querying XML data in the DB2 9 family and presents tips & tricks for getting the best of both worlds when querying XML and relational data.

Matthias Nicola is a Senior Software Engineer for DB2 pureXML at IBM's Silicon Valley Lab. His work focuses on all aspects of XML in DB2, including XQuery, SQL/XML, indexing and performance. Matthias works closely with the DB2 development teams as well as with customers and business partners who are using XML, assisting them in the design, implementation, and optimization of XML solutions. Prior to joining IBM, Matthias worked on data warehousing performance for Informix Software. He also worked in research and industry projects on distributed and replicated databases. He received his doctorate in computer science from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany. Key Points

• Learn the basics of XPATH and how to use XPATH embedded in SQL to extract XML document fragments or to express predicates on XML data.

• Learn how to query XML data in DB2, using the new SQL functions XMLEXISTS, XMLQUERY, and XMLTABLE.

• Learn how to retrieve XML data in relational format, and vice versa.

• Learn how to define relational views over XML to make your XML data available to your existing SQL applications.

• Learn fundamental guidelines for writing efficient queries, and for integrating XML and relational data.


•XPath, and how to embed XPath in SQL


•Retrieve XML data in relational format, and vice versa

•Apply SQL functions to XML Data

•Best Practices for writing hybrid XML/relational queries Agenda

ƒ Brief Recap: DB2 9 pureXML ƒ XPath Expressions ƒ Combining SQL and XPath SQL/XML functions XMLQUERY and XMLEXISTS From XML to SQL Types: XMLCAST Applying SQL functions to XML Data Returning XML in relational format: XMLTABLE ƒ Summary

3 Agenda

ƒ Brief Recap: DB2 9 pureXML ƒ XPath Expressions ƒ Combining SQL and XPath SQL/XML functions XMLQUERY and XMLEXISTS From XML to SQL Types: XMLCAST Applying SQL functions to XML Data Returning XML in relational format: XMLTABLE ƒ Summary

4 XML Storage: Old and New (DB2 V8 vs. DB2 9)

Unstructured XML Shredding: DB2 9 pureXML: storage: XML as text XML → Relational XML as XML

XML XML DOC DOC Extract XML Fixed selected DOC Mapping elements/attr.



XML DOC XML CLOB Column i.e. XML as text Index

Side Tables or Indexes (regular relational tables)

Mapping prevents XML schema Any sub-document level access changes, and is often too complex. Maximum flexibility XML Column requires XML parsing – slow. XML reconstruction is slow. and performance


The XML Extender in DB2 V8 allows XML storage in CLOB (or Varchar) columns, but performance is often not adequate due to XML parsing at query time. Another option in DB2 V8 was to shred XML data to relational tables based on a fixed mapping. This can work well if the XML structure is relatively simple and doesn’t change over time. Hence, this is still possible in DB2 9 and beyond. However, in many real-world scenarios the required mapping is very complex and it may take dozens (sometimes hundreds) of tables to represent the XML data in relational format. In such cases the shredding is very expensive, and re-constructing the XML documents requires multi-way joins which often perform poorly. Also, if the XML format changes, the mapping and the underlying relational need to be adjusted accordingly, which is often a very complex and expensive task. DB2 9 solves these problems. DB2 9 stores XML in a parsed format which avoids XML parsing at query time. DB2 9 also does not require a fixed mapping to store XML data. Documents of different form and shape can be stored in a single column of type XML. The XML Data Type & pureXML Storage

ƒ Tables can contain relational and/or XML columns ƒ Relational columns stored in tabular format ƒ XML columns stored in a parsed hierarchical format ƒ No XML parsing for query evaluation Æ High Performance

create table dept (deptID char(8),...,deptdoc ); deptID … deptdoc “PR27” … DB2 Storage: … XML … … …



The new data type “XML” can be used to define 1 or multiple XML columns in a DB2 table. The table can also have traditional relational columns, but that’s optional. XML and relational data are stored differently, but closely linked. Differently, because relational data is flat and best stored in rows and columns, while XML is nested and best stored in a tree format.

For more details, see:

Matthias Nicola and Bert Van der Linden. ”Native XML Support in DB2 Universal Database,” Proceedings of the 31st Annual VLDB, 2005. ( Efficient Document Tree Storage 14 John Doe 408 555 1212 344 4 4 Peter Pan 7=901 1 6 3 7=902 1 6 3 408 555 9918 216 John Doe 408-555-1212 344 Peter Pan 408-555-9918 216

Tags encoded as XML text represented dept Integers. as document tree ƒ Reduces storage

employee employee ƒ Fast comparisons & navigation

id=901 name phone office id=902 name phone office

John Doe 408-555-1212 344 Peter Pan 408-555-9918 216


This shows a textual XML document (top left) and the hierarchical representation for efficient storage. One of multiple optimizations is that DB2 encodes XML tag names as unique integer values. This is invisible to the application but makes XML processing inside DB2 much faster.

For more details, see: Relevant XML Standards


XQUERY 1.0 Expressions XPath 2.0 Functions & Operators /TR/xpath20/

XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model


The basic language to query XML data is XPath. It’s very powerful.

XQuery is an extension of XPath, and XPath is sub-set of XQuery. XQuery adds additional expressions and functions to XPath to allow more complicated queries. Both XPath and XQuery are based on the same data model which is called “XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model”. Basically, this data model defines how each XML document is actually a tree of element and attribute nodes. Queries expressed in XQuery or XPath traverse these trees, evaluate predicates, and retrieve XML values.

XQuery and XPath have been standardized by the W3C.

The SQL standard has been enhanced to allow embedding of XQuery or XPath in SQL statements. You will see later in this presentation how that works. Options to query XML data in DB2 9

SQL Plain SQL, allows full doc retrieval

SQL/XML XPath embedded XPath in SQL

SQL/XML XQuery embedded XQuery in SQL

XQuery XQuery as a stand- alone language

XQuery SQL embedded SQL in XQuery


These are the 5 languages (or: combination of languages) that the DB2 Family offers. Options to query XML data in DB2 9


SQL Plain SQL, allows full doc retrieval

SQL/XML XPath embedded XPath in SQL

SQL/XML XQuery embedded XQuery in SQL

XQuery XQuery as a stand- alone language

XQuery SQL embedded SQL in XQuery


All of these options are supported in DB2 9 for Linux, Unix, Windows. DB2 9 for zOS does not support XQuery. However, you will see that XPath embedded in SQL is already a very powerful combination that‘s fully sufficient for many XML applications. Options to query XML data in DB2 9


SQL Plain SQL, allows full doc retrieval

SQL/XML XPath embedded XPath in SQL

SQL/XML XQuery embedded XQuery in SQL

XQuery XQuery as a stand- alone language

XQuery SQL embedded SQL in XQuery


In this presentation we‘ll focus on SQL/XML with XPath, which applies to both, DB2 9 for Linux, Unix, Windows and DB2 9 for zOS. Agenda

ƒ Brief Recap: DB2 9 pureXML ƒ XPath Expressions ƒ Combining SQL and XPath SQL/XML functions XMLQUERY and XMLEXISTS From XML to SQL Types: XMLCAST Applying SQL functions to XML Data Returning XML in relational format: XMLTABLE ƒ Summary

12 XPath Concepts / /dept /dept/employee John Doe /dept/employee/@id 408 555 1212 Each node /dept/employee/name 344 has a path /dept/employee/phone /dept/employee/phone/text() (...) Peter Pan 408 555 9918 216 dept

bldg=101 employee employee

id=901 name phone office id=902 name phone office

John Doe 408-555-1212 344 Peter Pan 408-555-9918 216


XPath is based on the fact that every XML document is a tree of element and attribute nodes. Each node has a path. A path is the sequence of nodes from the root of the tree to one or multiple specific nodes. A useful analogy is to think of a file system. A file system is a tree structure of nested directories. Each directory has a specific absolute path through which it can be accessed.

Note: XML allows repeating elements, such as “employee” in this sample document. Hence, a single path, such as /dept/employee/name, can find multiple matches in the document. John Doe XPath: Path Expressions 408 555 1212 344 „ Use fully qualified paths to specify elements/attributes „ “@” is used to specify an attribute „ XPath is case-sensitive ! Peter Pan 408 555 9918 „ use “text()” to specify the text node under an element 216 XPath Result /dept/@bldg 101 /dept/employee/@id 901 902 /Dept/Employee/@id /dept/employee/name John Doe Peter Pan /dept/employee/name/text() John Doe Peter Pan


Path expressions point to specific nodes and return them as results.

Note: XML allows repeating elements, such as “employee” in this sample document. Hence, a single path, such as /dept/employee/@id can find multiple matches. Therefore the result of an XPath is in general a sequence of zero, one or multiple items. An “item” is a node (such as an element or attribute) or just an atomic value.

How can XPath return a sequence of zero items, i.e. an empty sequence? For example, the path /Dept/@bldg would return an empty result from our sample document, because /dept and /Dept are different. John Doe 408 555 1212 XPath: Wildcards 344 „ * matches any tag name Peter Pan „ // is the “descendent-or-self” wildcard 408 555 9918 216 XPath Result

John Doe /dept/employee/*/text() 408 555 1212 344 Peter Pan 408 555 9918 216 /dept/*/@id 901 902 //name/text() John Doe Peter Pan /dept//phone 408 555 1212 408 555 9918


The * is a wildcard that can match any tag name. The * in the first of the 4 examples on this slide matches all the elements under “employee”, i.e. “name”, “phone” and “office”.

While the * is a wildcard for elements, the // is a wildcard for paths. For example, //name means: find “name” elements anywhere in the document no matter what the path is that leads to these “name” elements. Likewise, a path such as /a/b//c/d means: navigate from the root element “a” to the element “b”, and from there use any possible path to find “c” elements and then get the “d” elements under those “c” elements. XPath: Predicates John Doe 408 555 1212 344 „ Predicates are enclosed in square brackets […] Peter Pan „ Can have multiple predicates in one XPath 408 555 9918 216

XPath Result /dept/employee[@id= 902]/name Peter Pan /dept[@bldg= 101]/employee[office > 300]/name John Doe //employee[name=“John Doe” or office=216]/@id 901 902


Remember: a single path, such as /dept/employee/@id can find multiple matches in the document. You can use value predicates to return only some of those matches. Value predicates are also very useful when you run queries across many documents (which is a very common scenario). XPath: The Parent Axis John Doe 408 555 1212 344 „ Current context: “.” Peter Pan „ Parent context: “..” 408 555 9918 216 XPath Result /dept/employee[name=“John Doe”]/../@bldg 101 /dept/employee/name[ . =“John Doe”]/../../@bldg 101 /dept/employee/name[../@id=902] Peter Pan /dept/employee/office[ . > 300] 344 /dept/employee[office > 300]/office 344


You sure know the . and the .. in a file system. They have a very similar meaning in XPath. The . refers to your current location in the tree, and the .. refers to the parent. This allows us to also navigate XML documents in upwards direction. Use XPath to create XML Indexes in DB2

create unique index idx1 on dept(deptdoc) generate key using xmlpattern '/department/@bldg' create table dept( deptdoc XML); as sql double;

create index idx2 on dept(deptdoc) generate key using xmlpattern '/department/employee/name' as sql varchar(40); John Doe 408 555 1212 344 create index idx3 on dept(deptdoc) Peter Pan generate key using 408 555 9918 xmlpattern '//@id' 216 as sql varchar(40);


Here is how XPath expressions are used in DB2 to define XML indexes on specific XML elements or attributes. The wildcards * and // are allowed in index definitions. However, parent steps (“..”) and XPath predicates are not allowed in XML index definitions. Agenda

ƒ Brief Recap: DB2 9 pureXML ƒ XPath Expressions ƒ Combining SQL and XPath SQL/XML functions XMLQUERY and XMLEXISTS From XML to SQL Types: XMLCAST Applying SQL functions to XML Data Returning XML in relational format: XMLTABLE ƒ Summary

19 SQL/XML defines:

ƒ XML Data Type (its semantics, not its storage) ƒ XML publishing functions (relational data → XML) XMLELEMENT, XMLATTRIBUTE, XMLAGG, … ƒ Conversion: XML type ↔ char/varchar/clob XMLSERIALIZE, XMLPARSE, XMLCAST ƒ Integration of SQL and XQuery/XPath languages XMLQUERY, XMLEXISTS, XMLTABLE ƒ Other functions, for schema validation, etc. XMLVALIDATE


Search for any of the capitalized function names in the DB2 online information center: Sample Scenario: XML and XPath inside DB2

create table dept(deptID char(8), deptdoc xml)

deptID char(8) deptdoc XML … … PR37 John Doe 408 555 1212 344 Peter Pan 408 555 9918 216 … …

21 Querying XML using SQL

create table dept(deptID char(8), deptdoc xml)

select deptID, deptdoc from dept where deptID = “PR37”

Full document retrieval based on relational predicates


The following white paper contains more detailes on SQL/XML queries: Querying XML using SQL/XML

create table dept(deptID char(8), deptdoc xml)

select deptID, deptdoc from dept where xmlexists(‘$d/dept[@bldg = 101]’ passing deptdoc as “d“)

Full document retrieval based on XML predicates


The following white paper contains more detailes on SQL/XML queries: SQL/XML with Parameter Markers, HVs

create table dept(deptID char(8), deptdoc xml)

select deptID, deptdoc from dept where xmlexists(‘$d/dept[@bldg = $b]’ passing deptdoc as “d“, cast(? as char(5)) as “b”)

select deptID, deptdoc from dept where xmlexists(‘$d/dept[@bldg = $b]’ passing deptdoc as “d“, cast(:hvar as char(5)) as “b”)

Full document retrieval based on XML predicates with parameter markers or host variables


The following white paper contains more detailes on SQL/XML queries:

The casting helps DB2 to know the type of comparison that should be performed (textual vs. numeric). Querying XML using SQL/XML

create table dept(deptID char(8), deptdoc xml)

select xmlquery(‘$d/dept//name’ passing deptdoc as “d”) from dept where …. ;

Extraction of XML elements, attribute values, or fragments.


The following white paper contains more detailes on SQL/XML queries: Querying XML and Relational Data Combined

create table dept(deptID char(8), deptdoc xml)

select deptID, xmlquery(‘$d/dept//name’ passing deptdoc as “d”) from dept where deptID LIKE “PR%” and xmlexists(‘$d/dept[@bldg = 101]’ passing deptdoc as “d“)

Retrieving XML and relational data, based on XML and relational predicates.


The following white paper contains more detailes on SQL/XML queries: Agenda

ƒ Brief Recap: DB2 9 pureXML ƒ XPath Expressions ƒ Combining SQL and XPath SQL/XML functions XMLQUERY and XMLEXISTS From XML to SQL Types: XMLCAST Applying SQL functions to XML Data Returning XML in relational format: XMLTABLE ƒ Summary

27 Casting XML type to SQL types

ƒ XMLQUERY always returns type XML ƒ To return other types: XMLCAST

select xmlcast( xmlquery(‘$i/dept/@bldg’ passing deptdoc as “i”) as integer ) from dept where ….

ƒXMLCAST fails if XMLQUERY returns more than 1 value


The XMLCAST function is used to convert XML type value to SQL types.

Note: based on our sample document with 2 employees, the following query would fail: select xmlcast( xmlquery(‘$i/dept/employee/name’ passing deptdoc as “i”) as varchar(50) ) from dept;

Why? Because the path /dept/employee/name will produce a sequence of two values, since we have two employee names in the sample document. Casting 2 XML values to a single SQL value is not well defined. The SQL standard requires XMLCAST to fail when its argument produces more than a single value. But, you see later that the XMLTABLE function provides a nice solution for this. Casting XML type to SQL types…

ƒ …allows you to apply SQL functions to values from the XML column !

select max(c1) from ( select xmlcast( xmlquery(‘$i/dept/@bldg’ passing deptdoc as “i”) as integer ) as c1 from dept)


Once you cast XML values to an SQL type, the result of now SQL values can be input to any SQL query and any SQL function. Here the SQL function max is used as an example, but you can imagine any other function. Casting XML type to SQL types…

ƒ …allows you to sort rows based on XML element or attribute values !

select deptID, deptdoc from dept where …. order by xmlcast( xmlquery('$i/dept/@bldg' passing deptdoc as "i") as integer)

XMLCAST required because SQL can not sort on XML types


In the above query, deptid and deptdoc are returned sorted by the value of the attribute bldg in the department documents in the XML column. Because SQL cannot sort on XML values, the XML values must be cast to a SQL type that SQL can order on, in this case, integer. Agenda

ƒ Brief Recap: DB2 9 pureXML ƒ XPath Expressions ƒ Combining SQL and XPath SQL/XML functions XMLQUERY and XMLEXISTS From XML to SQL Types: XMLCAST Applying SQL functions to XML Data Returning XML in relational format: XMLTABLE ƒ Summary

31 XMLTABLE: Return XML in tabular format

SELECT X.* FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept/employee’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS empID INTEGER PATH ‘@id’, firstname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/first’, lastname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/last’, office INTEGER PATH ‘office’) AS “X” John Doe 344 empID firstname lastname office 901 John Doe 344 Peter Pan 902 Peter Pan 216 216


The XMLTABLE function is used in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement together with the table dept that it operates on. The XMLTABLE function is implicitly joined with the table dept and applied to each of its rows. The XMLTABLE function contains a row-generating XQuery expression and, in the COLUMNS clause, one or multiple column-generating expressions. The row-generating expression is the XPath $d/dept/employee. The passing clause defines that the variable $d refers to the XML column deptdoc of the table dept. The row-generating expression is applied to each XML document in the XML column and produces one or multiple employee elements (sub-trees) per document. The output of the XMLTABLE function contains one row for each employee element. Hence, the output produced by the row-generating XQuery expression determines the cardinality of the result set of the SELECT statement. The COLUMNS clause is used to transform XML data into relational data. Each of the entries in this clause defines a column with a column name and a SQL data type. Here, the returned rows have 4 columns named empID, firstname and lastname and office of data types integer and varchar(30). The values for each column are extracted from the employee elements and cast to the SQL data types. For example, the path name/first is applied to each employee element to obtain the value for the column firstname. The row-generating expression provides the context for the column-generating expressions. In other words, you can typically append the column- generating expressions to the row-generating expression to get an intuitive idea of what a given XMLTABLE function returns in its columns. XMLTABLE: Single vs Multi Occurences SELECT X.* FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept/employee’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS bldg INTEGER PATH ‘../@bldg’, empID INTEGER PATH ‘@id’, firstname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/first’, lastname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/last’, office INTEGER PATH ‘office’) AS “X” John Doe 344 bldg empID firstname lastname office 101 901 John Doe 344 Peter Pan 101 902 Peter Pan 216 216 The "bldg" gets repeated for every employee.


This example has one more column: bldg. Note that in our sample document the bldg number is the same for both employees because there is only one bldg attribute ! Hence, for each /dept/employee we need to obtain that bldg attribute by going one level up (from employee to dept), and then from dept to @bldg. In XPath, this is expressed as ../@bldg XMLTABLE: Missing elements SELECT X.* FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept/employee’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS bldg INTEGER PATH ‘../@bldg’, empID INTEGER PATH ‘@id’, firstname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/first’, lastname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/last’, office INTEGER PATH ‘office’) AS “X” John Doe

bldg empID firstname lastname office 101 901 John Doe NULL

Pan 101 902 NULL Pan 216 216 Missing elements lead to NULLs in the result.


The nice thing about XML is that missing values are simply omitted. Optional elements are simply not there if they don‘t apply. This leads to NULL values in the relational result set of the XMLTABLE function. XMLTABLE: Multiple values per cell?

SELECT X.* FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS bldg INTEGER PATH ‘@bldg’, lastname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘employee/name/last’, office INTEGER PATH ‘employee/office’) AS “X” John Doe 344 bldglastname office Peter Error. Pan SQL16003N An expression of data type "( item(), item()+ )" cannot be used 216 when the data type "INTEGER" is expected in the context.


Here, the row-generating expression is $d/dept. That means we try to produce one row for each department. But, in the COLUMNS clause we try to get all employee last names, and all employee office numbers. Multiple names and office numbers cannot be mapped to a single row!

Be aware that the path expressions in the COLUMNS clause must not return more than one value per row. If a path expression returns a sequence of two or more items, the XMLTABLE execution will fail, as it is not possible to convert a sequence of XML values into a single SQL value.

What does the error msg SQL16003N mean by An expression of data type "( item(), item()+ )" ? This message shows us a regular expression, (item, item+), which means there is an item followed one or more additional items. That makes at least two items – but only 1 is allowed here. XMLTABLE: Multiple values per cell?

SELECT X.* FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS bldg INTEGER PATH ‘@bldg’, lastname XML PATH ‘employee/name/last’, office XML PATH ‘employee/office’) AS “X” John Doe 344 bldg lastname office 101 Doe 344Peter Pan ce>216< Pan /office> 216 XML type columns can naturally hold multiple values per cell !


A possible solution to the issue on the previous slide.. XMLTABLE: Simple Shredding ! INSERT INTO dept2 SELECT X.* FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept/employee’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS empID INTEGER PATH ‘@id’, firstname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/first’, dept lastname VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘name/last’, office INTEGER PATH ‘office’) AS “X” John Doe dept2 344 empID firstname lastname office 901 John Doe 344 Peter Pan 902 Peter Pan 216 216 create table dept2 (empid int, firstname varchar(30), lastname varchar(30), office int);


Yes, most certainly you can insert the relational result set of the query into a relational table – if the columns and data types of the table matche the columns & types of the result set. XMLTABLE: Apply SQL aggregation and GROUPing to XML data:

SELECT, COUNT(X.empID) as cnt FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept/employee’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS empID INTEGER PATH ‘@id’, dept office INTEGER PATH ‘office’) AS “X” GROUP BY office; John Doe 344 office cnt 344 1 Peter Pan 216 1 216


And you can apply SQL aggregation functions and SQL group-ing to the rows produced by XMLTABLE. It‘s obvious now: once XMLTABLE lifts some of the XML element values from the XML level to the relational level, the full arsenal of the SQL language is at your disposal to further manipulate that data.

Many more useful ways of using the XMLTABLE function are described in this 2- part tutorial: XMLTABLE: Flexible Transformation SELECT X.* FROM dept, XMLTABLE (‘$d/dept/employee’ passing deptdoc as “d” COLUMNS empID INTEGER PATH ‘@id’, R344 VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘.[office=344]/name/first'’, R216 VARCHAR(30) PATH ‘.[office=216]/name/first'’, ) AS “X” John Doe 344 empID R344 R216 901 John - Peter Pan 902 - Peter 216 Transpose your data. Conditionally map elements to one column or the other.


Note how we use XPath predicates (in square brackets) in the column-generating expressions of the XMLTABLE functions. Summary

1. Use XPath to “get to” values in the XML data 2. Use XMLCAST to convert single values from XML to SQL data types 3. Use XMLTABLE to convert multiple XML values to relational rows 4. Then use SQL scalar functions, aggregation functions, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, Olap functions, etc.

40 Session G06 Unleash SQL Power to your XML Data

Matthias Nicola IBM Silicon Valley Lab [email protected]