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! RNI Regn. No. CHHENG/2012/42718, Postal Reg. No. - RYP DN/34/2013-2015 '* #'$-./0 %"&' ( "#"# $ "#)* +, !1',2/$/!(+(*2%/4 (2/0',3 *//:/!(+-' 2%/((- !2'('!'+-,*'31*2+ 0,3/2-*+(1 ,!/',;'2+(<*2(/2 ! )75 ''" 67 8+/ 11 1 -223-45 -26 !"##$ "%&"' (( !" ! "$% !& RR grandmother Indira Gandhi. too slammed the powerful Congress workers were Union Minister and sought seen wearing T-shirts with his apology. photographs of Priyanaka. Jaitley on Sunday had Members of “Priyanka Sena,” a tweeted, “The Congress little-known organisation of aligned with the Maoist in the her supporters, were also seen recent Chhattisgarh elections. during the roadshow. Rahul Gandhi stood shoulder “With the Priyanka Sena at to shoulder with the ‘Tukde the Nehru Bhawan, Lucknow it Tukde’ gang at the Jawaharlal is almost celebration here,” Nehru University. The tweeted Sushmita Dev, presi- Congress was in the forefront dent of All India Mahila of defending the urban nax- Congress. She attached a pho- als in court.” tograph of her with members Baghel totally disap- of the outfit. One of the ban- proved the tweet. In a set of ners on the vehicle read, “Aagai two tweets, addressing Jaitley Priyanka. Baj gaya danka. as ‘Blog Minister Jaitley’ Brashtachar ki ab Jalegi Lanka.” wrote, “Would have heard Rahul and Priyanka, also the name of Jheeram? Did had a tea at famous tea stall in you forget the ‘Supari killing’ Lalbagh. At Hazratganj cross- just before election with ing, all the leaders garlanded cooperation of naxalites in the statues of Mahatama 2013? The Naxalites had ( ) ) + & , #$ Gandhi, Sardar Vallabh Bhai killed all the leaders after ask- Patel and Dr BR Ambedkar ing names from each one.
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