MYCOBIOLOGY 2019, VOL. 47, NO. 2, 135–142

RESEARCH ARTICLE Characterization of americana and A. bisexualis (, Oomycota) Isolated from Freshwater Environments in Korea

Young-Joon Choia, Seo Hee Leeb, Thuong T. T. Nguyenb, Bora Nama and Hyang Burm Leeb aDepartment of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Kunsan National University, Gunsan, Korea; bDivision of Food Technology, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea

ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY Many members of the Saprolegniales () cause mycoses and disorders of fishes, of Received 1 October 2018 which Achlya and are most ubiquitous genera worldwide. During a survey of the Accepted 7 November 2018 diversity of freshwater in Korea, we collected seven isolates of Achlya, for which KEYWORDS morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses enabled them to identify as Achlya Achlyaceae; emerging americana and . In Korea, only a of Achlya, A. prolifera, has been pre- disease; freshwater fungi; viously found to cause seedling rot on rice (Oryza sativa), but none of the two species have mycosis; oomycetes been reported yet. Importantly, A. bisexualis was isolated from a live fish, namely rice fish (Oryzias sinensis), as well as freshwater, and this is the first report of Achlya-causing mycoses on freshwater fishes in Korea. The presence of A. americana and A. bisexualis on live fish in Korea should be closely monitored, as considering the well-known broad infectivity of these species it has the potential to cause an important emerging disease on aquacul- ture industry.

1. Introduction characterized by the presence of three different types of zoospore discharge, namely achlyoid, dictyucoid, The kingdom Straminipila is a remarkably diverse and thraustothecoid, at asexual reproduction, but group that includes oomycetes, , and also at sexual reproduction, by one to more planktonic . The oomycetes have previously oospores per oogonium that are predominantly [4]. been classified under the kingdom Fungi, with Before the replacement to this family, the which they share several convergent traits, such as Achlya was classified under the family osmotrophic nutrition and mycelial growth [1], thus [5,6]. In members of this genus, pri- often called “fungus-like organism” or “pseudo- mary aplanospores are discharged from sporangium, ” fungi. These organisms have evolved both patho- and before swimming away, stay near the exit of the genic and saprophytic lifestyles. The largest subclass sporangium until a ball of spores is formed [4,7]. Peronosporomycetidae is mostly parasitic on plants Molecular phylogenetic studies have shown that [2], the vast majority of which was found on the Achlya s. lat. is polyphyletic [8–10], and for a group order Peronosporales (includes Peronospora, of Achlya species with subcentric oospores, a new Phytophthora, and Pythium), which occur important genus Newbya has been described by Spencer et al. diseases on crops, ornamental plants, and forest [10]. As a result, Rocha et al. [7] have transferred trees [3]. The second subclass Saprolegniomycetidae Achlya androgyna to Newbya. To date, approxi- “ more depends on water, thus often called water mately 80 species have been accepted in the genus moulds.” The largest order Saprolegniales, in Achlya (;[7]). About 20 particular members of Achlya (Achlyaceae), species of Achlya have previously been reported to (Verrucalvaceae), and Saprolegnia infect live fishes in many countries [11,12]. Thus (Saprolegniaceae), are responsible for significant far, in Korea, there was no report of mycoses caused infections on fishes in nature and aquaculture, by Achlya species on live fishes, although only a although many members still behave as saprophytes species of Achlya, A. prolifera, has previously been on plants and debris. found to cause seedling rot on rice (Oryza sat- The family Achlyaceae has been introduced for iva)[13]. accommodating Achlya s. str., Brevilegnia, Recent phylogenetic studies have largely been Dictyuchus, and Thraustotheca [4], all of which are biased to the economically relevant plant pathogens

CONTACT Hyang Burm Lee [email protected] ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Korean Society of Mycology. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 136 Y. J. CHOI ET AL.

Table 1. Information of Achlya isolates used in this study. Achlya species Culture no. Substrate Geographic origin ITS/cox2/cox1 A. americana CNUFC-CPWB8-1 Fresh water Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, MF996495/ Gwangju, Korea MH673798/MH673797 (3510020.4500N 12653057.0600E) A. americana CNUFC-CPWB8-2 Fresh water Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, MF996496/–/– Gwangju, Korea (3510020.4500N 12653057.0600E) A. bisexualis CNUFC-CPWB4-1 Fresh water Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, MF996493/ Gwangju, Korea MH673800/MH673799 (3510020.4500N 12653057.0600E) A. bisexualis CNUFC-CPWB4-2 Fresh water Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, MF996494/–/– Gwangju, Korea (3510020.4500N 12653057.0600E) A. bisexualis W351 (AQPXFG0000000024) Rice fish (Oryzias sinensis) Gui-myeon, Wanju-gun, MH667998/–/– Jeollabuk-do, Korea (353802000N 1270601200E) A. bisexualis W352 Rice fish (Oryzias sinensis) Gui-myeon, Wanju-gun, MH667999/–/– Jeollabuk-do, Korea (353802000N 1270601200E) A. bisexualis W413 Fresh water Geumsan-myeon, Gimje-si, MH668000/–/– Jeollabuk-do, Korea (354300700N 1270104700E) of oomycetes, mostly of Peronosporales [3,14,15], representative isolates, W351 and CNUFC-CPWB8-1 while the diversity of freshwater or marine oomy- have been deposited at the Culture Collection of the cetes has been largely underestimated [16,17]. To Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological survey the diversity of freshwater oomycetes in Resources (NNIBR, Sangju, Korea) with accession Korea, we collected numerous isolates from diverse numbers of AQPXFG0000000024 and NNIBRF freshwater environments, such as water, fishes, G9371, respectively. Information on all isolates used in aquatic plants, etc. In total seven Achlya isolates this study was shown in Table 1. were obtained, one which was obtained from a rice fish (Oryzias sinensis) with unusual behavior at the 2.2. Morphological analysis narrow lake. While it lives, the rice fish swam slowly and often upside down, and after a few minutes Morphological investigation and photographing died, although there was no clear mycoses symptom were done using a model BX53F microscope on the surface of the rice fish. It is the aim of this (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a study to clarify the identity of the so far unknown DigiRetina 16M digital camera (Tucsen, Fuzhou, Achlya species in Korea, based on morphological China). Measurements were performed at 100 or and molecular analyses. 200 for hyphae and gemmae, 400 for sporangia, and 1000 for zoospores.

2. Materials and methods 2.3. Molecular phylogenetic analysis 2.1. Oomycete isolates Genomic DNA was extracted from mycelia, which Freshwater oomycetes were collected from a living rice were harvested by forceps, using the DNeasy Plant fish (O. sinensis) at a narrow lake in Wanju, but also Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) according to from freshwater at Yeongsan River in Gwangju, Korea. the manufacturer’s instructions. The complete ITS The samples were collected into a 15 ml conical tube, rDNA region was amplified by PCR using an oomy- and during moving to laboratory kept in icebox. To cete-specific primer set, primers ITS1-O [18] and isolate the oomycete strains from a fish, we washed it LR-0 (reverse complementary to LR-0R [19]). For a with distilled water three times, placed on potato dex- few isolates indistinguishable on the ITS sequences, trose agar plates, and incubated at 20 C for 2 d. For the partial cox2 and cox1 genes were additionally freshwater, we used a simple plating technique amplified as described previously [20]. Amplicons whereby it is distributed throughout a thin layer of the were sequenced by Macrogen Inc., Seoul, Korea. water agar plate. Hyphal tips were isolated under a Available for Achlya species, all sequences of ITS microscope and transferred onto a new PDA plate. For rDNA were retrieved from GenBank, and in add- observations of cultural and morphological character- ition, a sequence of Aphanomyces stellatus istics, seven isolates with Achlya-like morphology were (KP006462) was downloaded and used as outgroup. selected and incubated on PDA at 25 C for 3 d. Two Alignments were performed using MAFFT version 7 MYCOBIOLOGY 137

[21], employing the Q-INS-i algorithm [22]. Zoospores monomorphic, discharge through an Phylogenetic inference was done in MEGA version apical pore, and behavior achlyoid, zoospore cluster 6.0 [23] for Minimum Evolution Inference, using persisting or falling away in part from exit orifice, the Tamura-Nei substitution model and performing sometimes they germinate while still in the sporan- 1000 bootstrap replicates. All other parameters were gium; primary spore cysts 10–11 mm in diameter. set to default values. For Maximum Likelihood Oogonia lateral, occasionally terminal, rarely inter- (ML) analyses, 1000 rounds of random addition of calary; spherical or obpyriform, occasionally oval, sequences as well as 1000 fast bootstrap replicates rarely dolioform (25–)50–80(–140) mm in diameter. were performed using RAxML version 7.0.3 [24]as Oogonial stalks stout, straight, slightly curved, or implemented in raxmlGUI version 1.3 [25] using irregular; unbranched. Oospores eccentric, spherical, the GTRCAT variant. 20–30 mm in diameter, and produced in the number of 2–15(–35) per an oogonium. Note 3. Results : Achlya americana is a widespread species in temperate regions. Within members of Achlya, A. 3.1. Phylogeny americana is quite easily recognizable by several The ITS rDNA sequences were used to infer the prominent characteristics of the sexual structures. phylogenetic relationship of Achlya species, includ- The oogonia were eccentric, short-stalled, and con- – ing seven Korean isolates and previously published tained 5 15 oospores, but the oospores exhibited authentic isolates. In the ITS tree (Figure 1), the smooth surface, with conspicuous pits. All morpho- Korean accessions were divided into two distant logical characteristics are well consistent with the clades. Two isolates, CNUFC-CPWB8-1 and previous descriptions of this species [26,27]. Achlya bisexualis CNUFC-CPWB8-2, clustered within a complex Coker & Couch, Journal of the group, containing five different species of Achlya, A. Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 42: 207 (1927) americana, A. aquatica, A. dubia, A. glomerata, and [MB#258533] (Figure 3). A. piralis (in yellow box), with maximum support in Mycelium of oogonial thallus limited or exten- both ME and ML analyses. To further resolve this sive, often dense near substratum. Hyphae slender, – m group at the species level, two mitochondrial branched, 10 15 m wide. Gemmae abundant – – – m – – – m markers, cox2 and cox1, were additionally (35 )50 70( 100) m wide (35 )60 100( 150) m sequenced. In the cox tree (in green box), the isolate long, various in shape; spherical, pyriform, flask- CNUFC-CPWB8-1 is closest to A. americana, with shaped, subspherical, obovate, obpyriform, short- only a nucleotide substitution. The grouping was cylindrical, but also rarely filiform, with thin or supported by moderate BS values of 75% in ME and thick wall; terminal or intercalary, single or catenu- 80% in ML analyses. Other five Korean isolates (in late; discharging zoospores or germinating by a blue box) were identical to the reference sequences hypha in filiform gemmae; capable as oogonia in of Achlya bisexualis available in GenBank, and thus spherical gemmae. Sporangia fusiform or filiform, clustered within a clade representing A. bisexualis, infrequently cylindrical, sympodially branched or with moderate supporting values of 79 and 84% in basipetalous succession, 150–400 mm long, the two analyses. The clade further grouped with 25–35 mm wide. Zoospores monomorphic, discharge Achlya oblongata (ME BS of 99% and ML BS of through an apical pore, and behavior achlyoid, zoo- 88%), but was distantly related to Achlya ambisexua- spore cluster persisting or falling away in part from lis and Achlya heterosexualis, which were morpho- exit orifice; primary spore cysts 9.0–11.5 mmin logically similar to A. bisexualis. diameter. Oogonia lateral, occasionally terminal, rarely intercalary; spherical or obpyriform, occasion- ally oval, rarely dolioform (35–)60–80(–120) mmin 3.2. Taxonomic description diameter. Oogonial stalks stout, straight, slightly Achlya americana Humphrey, Transactions of the curved, or irregular; occasionally once-branched; American Philosophical Society 17: 116 (1892) slightly flared distally on some oogonia. Oospores [MB#205422] (Figure 2). not seen. Mycelium limited or extensive, diffuse or dense. Note: All morphological characteristics are well Hyphae stout, sometimes stiff, branched. Gemmae in agreement with the descriptions of A. bisexualis abundant or sparse, cylindrical, fusiform, or irregu- [28,29]. In the present samples, non-maturing lar; usually terminal and single, occasionally inter- oospores were found, although there were abundant calary and catenulate; discharging zoospores or gemmae and oogonia, suggesting that this is a heter- germinating by a hypha in filiform gemmae. othallic species that it was known to form the Sporangia fusiform, cylindrical or clavate, sympo- oospheres infrequently to rarely maturing. This dis- dially branched, 130–700 mm long, 20–50 mm wide. tinct character enables A. bisexualis to differentiate 138 Y. J. CHOI ET AL.

Figure 1. Minimum evolution trees of Achlya species based on the ITS rDNA sequences. ME tree in a green box was inferred using the partial cox2 and cox1 mtDNA sequences of taxa in a yellow box. Supporting values (ME/ML bootstrapping) higher than 60% are given above/below the branches. The scale bar equals the number of nucleotide substitutions per site. from two morphologically close species, A. ambisex- 4. Discussion ualis and A. heterosexualis, with the oospheres pre- Aquatic oomycete infections of fish are widespread dominantly maturing. The spherical or pyriform in freshwater and represent the most important dis- gemmae in oogonial mycelia are another key charac- ease occurring on wild and cultured fishes. Several ter unique for A. bisexualis, different from all other members of the genus Achlya are responsible for species of Achlya, as well A. ambisexualis and A. significant infections, particularly in aquaculture heterosexualis, with mostly slender or clavate gem- facilities, out of which A. americana and A. mae, as mentioned by Barksdale [29]. MYCOBIOLOGY 139

Figure 2. Cultural and morphological characteristics of Achlya americana CNUFC-CPWB8-1 isolated from freshwater. (A) Growth on PDA at 25 C for 3 d; (B) Sporangia and gemmae; (C–F) Oogonia and oospores. Scale bar ¼ 100 mm for B, 50 mm for C–F. bisexualis are of notorious pathogens. There have been reported to produce useful steroid hormone been previous reports that A. americana [30–35] that serve to induce the differentiation of sex organs and A. bisexualis [31,36–40] infect live fishes or and to coordinate the processes leading to fertiliza- their eggs, sometimes with a high level of pathogen- tion [44–46]. The two species also produce enzymes icity [41]. A. americana and A. bisexualis are ubiqui- with excellent degradative activities against 1,3-beta- tous worldwide [11,12], but to date, there was no glucan, pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin report of these two species in Korea. Considering [47,48]. Especially in A.bisexualis, 1,3-beta-glucan is that in other countries outbreaks of Achlya infec- used as a major cytoplasmic reserve material [49], tions continue to cause a big problem in cultured and thus when a carbon source, such as glucose, is fishes and fish eggs, their presences in Korea also no longer available, as the activity of 1,3-beta-gluco- have the potential to cause an important emerging sidase increases, the glucan decreases signifi- disease on aquaculture industry. Thus, these species cantly [47]. should be closely monitored. Increasingly becoming intensified, poor water Importantly, some species of Achlya have quality, stress of climate changes, and injuries asso- received considerable interest as steroid producers ciated with handling and grading are frequently [42–44]. Both A. americana and A. bisexualis have associated with fungal outbreaks in both natural and 140 Y. J. CHOI ET AL.

Figure 3. Cultural and morphological characteristics of Achlya bisexualis isolated from rice fish (Oryza sativa) in freshwater. (A) Growth on PDA at 25 C for 3 d; (B) Sporangia; (C–F) various shapes of gemmae. Scale bar ¼ 100 mm for B, 40 mm for B–F. cultured fishes. Many control treatments have been phylogenetic analysis is useful for Achlya , conducted, none of which is considered as effective in this study the ITS sequences were able to distin- as chemical compounds, e.g., malachite green. guish most Achlya species, but also insufficient to Unfortunately, however, its use has been prohibited delineate between closely related species, e.g., A. by the potential teratogenic or mutagenic properties americana and allied species. As a result, in addition of malachite green [50] in most countries, including to the ITS rDNA [51], other gene markers with a Korea. Considering the lack of the efficient control high-resolution power, e.g., cox2 mtDNA [20], are treatments, thus, the rapid and precise identification essential to identify Achlya isolates at species level tool is an essential prerequisite for preventing or and for digging in earnest on the aquatic oomy- limiting oomycete outbreaks, but morphology-based cete diversity. identification is often difficult or insufficient to dis- criminate between closely related species, and the sexual organs useful for species identification are Disclosure statement rarely formed, as in A. bisexualis. In line with the No potential conflict of interest was reported by result of Leclerc et al. [9] that molecular-based the authors. MYCOBIOLOGY 141

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