Bible Study Classes 9:30-10:35 Am
Bible Study Classes 9:30-10:35 am Church Information 820 W 27th Street South, Wichita KS 67218 316.264.2665, Wichita South Revive (Fellowship Hall) David Chacko Seventh-day Adventist Church Contemporary music, vibrant, interactive Bible study with real world application for daily Christ like living. Travis Forde, Senior Pastor March 7, 2020 605.929.5605, Bible Discovery (Library) Jeff Carlson, Associate Pastor Worship Service 10:45 am Linda Mowery 253.709.6202, Building a stronger relationship with Jesus, as well as lasting friendships Brant Westbrook, Elder Enter reverently, meditate quietly, worship sincerely, and serve Him faithfully for deeper encounters into God’s Word, reflecting Christ to others. 316.990.4953, Opening Worship Michael Archibeque, Head Deacon Welcome S.D.A. Quarterly (Chapel) 316.522.0593, Children’s Story Don Fox Bible Study, open conversations and encouragement, for today’s new Keri Wehling, Head Deaconess opportunities and tomorrow’s discipleship. 316.308.5072, Thankfulness and Praise Allen Atha, Audio Visual Offering Appeal Youth Academy/High School ages 14+ (Across from lobby) 415.902.1830, Rejoice in Song Pastor Jeff Carlson Tracy Enochs, Treasurer Sharing Jesus’ love in Bible study, prayer, and a better understanding 484.332.2228, Congregational Prayer of living in today’s world, as a confident Christ follower. Sharon Burton, Clerk Listening to God’s Voice & 316.371.0055, Junior/Earli-teen (ages 10-13) Responding to His Call Basement Hallway 2nd room on the right Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-17 Brian Sidwell, using “Guide” Admin.
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