SDC Paper No. 60/2019 (for information)

Southern District Council

Report from the Area Committees


The purpose of this paper is to report on the major items discussed during the Area Committees meetings.

Items Discussed

I. East Area Committee (EAC)

Matters discussed at the meeting in early September 2019 will be reported at the next SDC meeting.

II. South Area Committee (SAC)

Matters Discussed at the Meeting Held in August 2019

(a) Illegal Parking in

A Member reflected that there was illegal parking at the following locations in Ap Lei Chau. In this regard, Members asked the Police Force (HKPF) and relevant departments to step up their patrol and law enforcement efforts, and to provide the number of prosecutions instituted at the following locations during daytime and nighttime for Members’ reference:

(1) Main Street, Ap Lei Chau (2) The vicinity of Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College (3) The vicinity of Hong Kong Southern District Government Primary School at Lee Nam Road


(4) Yi Nam Road near Exit A of MTR Station (5) Ap Lei Chau Estate (near Lei Fook House) (6) Emergency vehicular access at Lei Tung Estate (Tung Ping House, Tung Sing House, Tung On House and Tung Yat House) (7) Hatched area opposite to Marina Square East Centre (8) The vicinity of the planters at Ap Lei Chau Estate Bus Terminus (9) Main Street, Ap Lei Chau Bus Terminus

(Post-meeting note: Departments concerned will provide relevant information for the committee’s reference two weeks before the next SAC Meeting.)

(b) Concern over the Operation of NWFB Route No. 595

Members requested the Transport Department (TD) to continue to urge the bus company to step up monitoring of the operation of the bus route and make suitable redeployment where necessary to maintain frequency stability.

(c) Problems arising from the Deployment of Environmentally Friendly Buses for Citybus Route No. 98

A Member said that environmentally friendly buses provided with fewer seats had been deployed for Citybus Route No. 98 during some service periods. Quite a lot of elderly were taking that bus route, and some of them had to stand during the journey due to insufficient seats on board. Besides, Lei Tung Estate Road comprised uphill and downhill road sections. Therefore, the service frequency and bus deployment of Citybus Route No. 98 must be improved. It was hoped that the bus company would deploy bus models with a higher seating capacity to that bus route during peak hours.

(d) Addition of On-street Metered Parking Spaces and Double Yellow Lines in Ap Lei Chau

SAC would continue to monitor the progress of adding motorcycle parking spaces at Lee Nam Road, and requested TD to continue to explore feasible options for improving the traffic conditions of Main Street, Ap Lei Chau and Yuet Hoi Street.


(e) Extension of Railings at Exit B of MTR Lei Tung Station

A Member reflected that a lot of pedestrians passed through the gap between railings and crossed the road directly outside Exit B of MTR Lei Tung Station without using the zebra crossing, which posed danger to drivers and other pedestrians. Members requested TD to explore feasible options to improve the said traffic situation.

(f) Unsightly Streetscape arising from Ubiquitous Occurrence of Fly-posting on Lamp Posts

A Member reported the problem of fly-posting at lamp posts near Exit A of MTR and the bus stop off Lei Chak House, Ap Lei Chau Estate, as well as the footbridge between Ap Lei Chau Estate and South Horizons. In this regard, SAC asked the relevant departments to continue to follow up.

(g) Problem of Stray Dogs in Ap Lei Chau

A Member said that quite a number of stray dogs were still found in the vicinity of Wind Tower Park and the shipyard at Ap Lei Chau Praya Road. SAC asked the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) to continue its patrol and capture operations for stray dogs.

(h) Problems of Wild Pigeon Feeding and Pigeon Droppings in Ap Lei Chau

A Member said that the situation had yet to be improved. In this regard, SAC asked the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) to follow up and provide the number of prosecutions instituted for Members’ reference. SAC also sought AFCD’s advice on the ways to expel the wild pigeons.

(Post-meeting note: Departments concerned will provide relevant information for the committee’s reference two weeks before the next SAC Meeting.)

(i) Imposition of Control over Large Dogs

A Member reported the spotting of quite a number of unmuzzled large dogs. In this connection, SAC urged AFCD to deploy officers to carry out surprise operations.


(j) Problem of Erection of Promotional Easy-mount Frames and Touting Activities at Yi Nam Road and Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road

A Member said that the situation had yet to be improved. In daytime some employees were engaging in promotional and touting activities while in the evening quite a number of easy-mount frames were placed on the pavements causing obstruction to the pedestrians. Members asked FEHD to continue to follow up.

(k) Rodent Problem

A Member reflected that the rodent problem in the vicinity of Ap Lei Chau, especially South Horizons and Ap Lei Chau Estate, required further improvement measures. SAC asked FEHD to continue to follow up on the matter.

(l) Feeding of Animals and Refuse on the Slope Opposite to Hong Kong True Light College

A Member reported the environmental hygiene problem caused by animal feeding and refuse accumulated on the slope opposite to Hong Kong True Light College. Members requested FEHD to continue to monitor the said situation.

(m) Placement of Refuse at Exit A of MTR South Horizons Station

A Member said that the situation had yet to be improved and requested FEHD to continue its follow-up action.

III. West Area Committee (WAC)

Matters Discussed at the Meeting Held in July 2019

(a) Urging for Early Implementation of (West)

A Member said that quite a number of organisations reflected that they wished to have early commencement of the South Island Line (West) (SIL(W)). The WAC has sent a letter to the Highways Department to urge for an early implementation of the SIL(W), hopefully, in tandem with the Wah Fu Estate Redevelopment.


(b) Uneven Road Surface of Wah Fu Road

A Member was concerned about the uneven road surface of Wah Fu Road near the bus terminus and was worried that it would affect the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. Representative of Housing Department (HD) said that arrangements had been made with the contractor to repair the road section.

(c) Problem of Vehicles Unloading Goods on Wah Fu Road

A Member was concerned that vehicles were often found loading and unloading goods at Wah Fu Shopping Centre, Wah Fu Road and was worried that buses arriving at the bus stop would be obstructed. HD was requested to strengthen its patrol and enforcement action. Representative of HD responded that they would pay attention to the above situation.

(d) 2019-2020 WAC Activities

WAC’s Working Group on Community Building and Housing Affairs held its 3rd meeting on the morning of 13 June 2019. All Members unanimously agreed that a tea gathering would be held at a Chinese restaurant of the Southern District on the afternoon of 18, 19 or 20 December 2019 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., with a booking of about 40 tables.

The Working Group also unanimously endorsed that WAC Fun Fair would continue to be jointly organised with the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The date would be confirmed in due course. In addition, WAC would continue to produce the annual work report of WAC for distribution to the local residents. All the expenditure incurred would be sponsored by funding from the Home Affairs Department.

IV. North Area Committee (NAC)

Matters Discussed at the Meeting Held in July 2019

(a) Environmental Hygiene Problem outside Kai Bo Frozen Meat Shop in Tin Wan

A Member requested that officers of FEHD should continue to conduct inspection at the location concerned and take appropriate action.


(b) Environmental Hygiene Problem of Kai Bo Frozen Meat Shop on Aberdeen Main Road

Members said that there was a long-standing problem of stagnant water at the rear lane of Kai Bo Frozen Meat Shop in Aberdeen, i.e. the junction of Tsung Man Street and Tung Sing Road, and requested FEHD to take follow-up actions.

(c) Hygiene Problem of the Alley between Ka Fook Court and Dai Kee Chinese Barbecue Tea Restaurant in Tin Wan

A Member said that bagged refuse was randomly dumped at the alley by the restaurants nearby and individuals, causing environmental hygiene problems such as rodent infestation. The Member urged FEHD to remind the operators of restaurants that they should put waste in a refuse bin, so as to avoid dirtying the alley.

(d) Feeding of Stray Cats and Dogs, Feral Pigeons and Wild Pigs in North Area

Currently, FEHD would give advice and issue fixed penalty notices to people who dirtied public places when feeding wild animals. A Member considered that the deterrent effect of these measures was insufficient, and urged FEHD to impose heavier penalties on repeated offenders. Another Member said that the long staircase beside Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association had become a new feeding blackspot, and some people even initiated an activity on social media to collect feed for feeding stray animals. The Member therefore urged the relevant departments to strengthen the publicity and education work.

(e) Anti-mosquito Work in North Area

A Member said that there was a serious mosquito problem at Shek Pai Wan Estate Playground No.1, and urged FEHD to enhance the anti-mosquito work.

(f) Problem of Shop Front Extensions

A Member said that the illegal extension of business by two shops located at Sai On Street and Aberdeen Main Road respectively had not improved, and requested the relevant departments to enhance the law enforcement actions.


Advice Sought

2. Members are invited to note the content of this paper.

Secretariat, Southern District Council August 2019