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THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LBADINO AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—NO, 26 Past Of (Ice. Wo.t field. N. J. WESTPIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1959 32 Page*—10 Cent* osters To Fete Senior, Practice Of Brotherhood In Council Defers Action On aior High Coaches Deed Questioned Bv Rabbi "Would you vote for the con- Applications Open GOP Talk Set struction of a public swimming Rezoning Town Perimeter pool if it were to be used by Ne- For Ptitrohiiim jol Group 'VVIiflt Is a Republican" will bo gvo and white alike?" was one thfi topic of a talk by A. Donald of a series of questions asked by Police Chief Albert Pfirr- ;dules Dinner MacKenzie to the Westfield Area Rabbi Jack Stern Jr., who spoke maun announced today that 200 Residents Young Uepublican Club Thursday on the topic, "Brothers and Broth- applicationi are now available evening', March 5 fit the home of erhood" before the Rotary Club at Police Headquartrri for March 26 Mr. and Mrs. Al Herberlch, 834 of Westfield at its regular Tues- anyone intereited in the poii- Jam Chamber At Standish avenue. All interested day meeting in the YMCA. tion of patrolman. 15th annual dinner given persons are invited to attend. Rabbi Stern, who is rabbi of Thoie applying muit be be- coaches of Westfield sen- Temple Emanu-El in Westfield, tween 21-30 yean old, a Public Hearing junior high schools by the prefaced his series of hypotheti- minimum height of 5' 7" and Id School Boosters Asaoeia- cal questions, with an explana- weight of ISO poundi with a Action on a zoning ordinance Speaker Will Give high 1011001 education. II |,e held Thursday, March tion of why his speeches about amendment which would create n )an Dowd's on Route 22, it brotherhood, (and those of others) An examination will be special non-industrial or research nounced by Booster presl- Views on Russia had failed to significantly influ- held March 11 at 7|3O p.m. on the perimeter of town, ence their audiences in the past. in the Wateunk Room of the was deferred until March 9 by Stuart Smart. The purpose REV. RICHARD HARDMAN dinner, according to Mr. He said that the problem is how Municipal Building. the Town Council Monday night. is to provide an oppor- College Women to treat the term "brotherhood" An overflow crowd of more than for an informal get-to- in order to discover its real mean- 200 persons attendod the four- by the coaches and Booster To Hear Traveler St. Paul's Rector ing, adding that "not what one Bailey Will Not hour public hearing on the meas* is to discuss matters of in- says or agrees to, but what one lire which wan introduced two and value to the school (Picture on Page 2) does in a specifically defined situ- weeks ago. Mnny of those who program. Maurice Hindus, author, lecturer Will Speak Tonight ation, determines the true signifi- Be Candidate spoke opposed the plan. :hes expected to attend are and authority on Russia, past and cance of brotherhood." Recommended, by the Planning present, will employ his first-hand I. Duncan, director of Famous Preachers Rabbi Stern continued by put- Board as part of a comprehensive observations to analyze "The Race ting the following hypothetical Was Considered program for the long-range de- „ and track' coach; Les for Supremacy" when he appears football, and his assistants Series Continues questions to his audience: Assembly Possibility velopment of Westfleld s economic as guest apeaker for- the College DINNER PklNCIPALS—Shown at tha testimonial dinner to the resources, the ordinance permit.! Ellis and Harvey Gerber; Woman's Club Tuesday at 8:15 "If, upon entering the waiting mayor and Town Council Thursday night are, left lo right, Kin- Mchin, cross country; John The Rev. Richard Hardman, rce- room of a doctor or dentist, you Charles P. Bailey, former mayor the establishment of limited non- p.m. in Jefferson School' auditor- tor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, of Westfleld and presently Kopub- ley Merritt of Elisabeth, guest »pea.kert Mayor H. Emerson residential zones restricted to of- isketbull, and JV coach Ru- ium. found a Negro waiting, would you Thomas, and Police Chief Albert Pfirrmann, who was toastmsiter. Ijiller; Joe Kursar, swlm- will preach at the third service in use that doctor's services?" lienn county chairman, has an- fice buildings for executive, pro- iary Kehlei1, wrestling; Sam Mr. Hindus has returned to the the 1959 Famous Preachers Len- nounced he will not seek any politi- fessional, engineering, research ten scries to be held in the First "Would you object to the pres- j, tennis; and Russ Stiles, lecture platform after an exten ence of a Negro doctor or intern cal office in the April primary elec- Leadership Training and administrative purposes. The sive tour of observation in Russia. Baptist Church tonight at 8 tion. reaetmfi zones comprise 131.9 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Hardman is on the staff of the hospital you Dinner Honors Group Plans Clinic This marks the first time the for- entered? Would you accept him in Mr. Bailey, also a former free- no'es. One is located near the included are these coaches eign correspondent has revisited a native of Pittsburgh and was Lehlgh Vnlley Railroad west of idison Junior High School: graduated from the University of your individual case?" holder, was considered Hn assem- The leadership training commit- the Soviet Union since World War bly possibility. He said pressing Mayor, Council Rahway avenue; another adjoins iedrich, Stan Ziobro, George II days. Hia trip also took him to Pittsburgh. He received his minis- "Would the invitation list for tee of the WestftcM YWCA will the Tamaqucs Reservation on the jtl and Ray Brooks; and terial training at Seabury-West- your child's birthday party include business nnd, personal obligations hold a clinic on "Problems in Lead- Siberia which he reports is a vast were the reasons for his decision. south side of Lamberts Mill road Roosevelt Junior High industrial empire today. ern Theological Seminary. During the names of children of a. differ- Several Hundred ing Groups," March 4 from 8:30 to the Scotch Plains line and » i: Lou Bradshaw, Bill Pglm- the second World War, he served ent race or religion? If it did, He will remain at the head of the to 10:30 p.m. at the YW. This is third zone is back of Springfield | Dick Philips. "We at home do not begin to as a naval aviator in the Atlantic would you suggest that those chil party until his term expires the Attend Affair the. third in a scries of discussion understand the gigantic develop- week after the primaries. He had avenue beyond East Broad street istttld is very fortunate," anti-submarine patrol. dren not be invited, for your sake, meetings for board roenit srs, chair- property. ment of Siberia," Mr. Hindus as- or that of the parents of other previously announced he would not Several hundred persons attend- artsUted, "in having such men of committees «nd all commit- In a prepared statement tho serts. "So many of us think of it Parishes he has served include children invited?" seek re-election as county chair- ed the annual testimonial dinner tee members. idid group of coaches, and as a big, dark wilderness fit only the Church of the Atonement, Car- man. for Mayor H. Emerson Thomas Council pointed out that-"the or< iipjrtant responsibility of "If, in a group socially, where Discussion groups will be led by for exiles and prisoners. Siberia is negie, Pa., and St. Stephen's Mr, Bailey said the ititra-party and the Town Council Thursday dinance carefully spells out the niter] to give them the full- Russia's 'Great Wild West,1, far Episcopal Church, McKeesport, a derogatory remark were made night in the Chi-Am Chateau, Mrs. George V. N. Morin, chair- required character of such build- liille support and coopera- connected with another group, not factionalism that recently has di- man of the lendership training richer than our own ever was." Pa. He has been in Westfleld for vided the,GOP had nothing to do Mountainside. Guest speaker at ings to be erected in the new zones lljdinner provides an'op- the past two yenra. • necessarily a minority group, tho affair, given by the municipal committee, and Mrs. Leonard Har- so that they will not interfere with itylogiin a better under- The internatioritlly-known for- would you speak out at the risk of with bis decision. dell, Mrs. Sila3 B. Tobey nnd Misa eign correspondent, who has writ- The service will be conducted members of the Republican County adjacent residential properties . , let mutual interests," being unpopular or of being iden- He took over the county post in Committee, was Kinaey Merritt, Winifred Debbie. Coffee will be In the opinion of expert appraisers huge of arrangements are ten 12 books on Russia, has made by the Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., tified with that other group?" an effort to bring harmony to the served from 10 to 10:30. Anyone many trips to Europe in search of pastor of the First Baptist Church. former vice president of truffle for the development of the proposed tlulman John Y. May, s strife-ridden' organization after a interested in lendership training fresh material for his lectures and Music will be provided by the "If a Negro came to Westfield the Railway Express Agency and research zones would not depreci- litman Jeff P. Gehrlein, G. able to buy a given house in e sharply contested primary last prominent Methodist layman.