Notice Inviting Tenders
Notice Inviting Tenders No 6669/44 C jhansi circle/15 dt- 23-01-2015 1. The S.E. Jhansi/Jhansi Circle, U.P.P.W.D. on behalf of Governor of Uttar Pradesh invites the percentage rate bids online from the eligible and approved Contractors registered with UP PWD, in class A for all works and class B for serial no-5. The Bidder may submit bids for any or all of the works. Bidders are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in Clause 4 of the Instructions to Bidders to qualify for the award of the contract. 2. Sl. DISTRIC Name of Work Estimate Bid Cost of Address of Address Address of No T d cost Secur Document Executive of Chief ( ity (in Rs.) Engineer Superinte Engineer Lac) (Rs.i executing nding n the work Engineer 1 2 3 4 Lacs)5 6 7 8 9 1 Jalaun Widening and 3375.90 170.80 Tender CD-3, Jhansi Chief Construction of C.C Cost+Stati P.W.D., Circle, Engineer Pavement in Kalpi onery Orai P.W.D., jhansi Zone, Rath road (SH-19) Charges+ Jhansi P.W.D., Km.12 to 22 TT Jhansi Rs.2500.00 2. Jalaun Strengthening of Orai 1643.43 84.17 Tender CD-3, Jhansi Chief Churkhi Road (O.D.R) Cost+Stati P.W.D., Circle, Engineer in Km- 1 to 19(700) onery Orai P.W.D., jhansi Zone, Charges+ Jhansi P.W.D., TT Jhansi Rs.2500.00 3 Jalaun Strengthening of Ata 594.52 31.73 Tender CD-3, Jhansi Chief Churkhi Road (O.D.R) Cost+Stati P.W.D., Circle, Engineer in Km- 1 to 10 onery Orai P.W.D., jhansi Zone, Charges+ Jhansi P.W.D., TT Jhansi Rs.2500.00 4 Jalaun Strengthening of Ata 582.95 31.15 Tender CD-3, Jhansi Chief Itaura Road (O.D.R) in Cost+Stati
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