September ] BARTLETT, West Irian 87 1977

Birds of the Tembagapura Region, West Irian By MICHAEL C. BARTLETT Tembagapura is a mining town of about 2000 inhabitants situated in a precipitous mountain valley at approximately 1,900 m above sea level in the Puntjak Djaja (formerly Mt. Carstenz) area of West Irian. Copper is mined at the Ertsberg (Gunung Bijih), a huge ore deposit above the tree-line at 3,400 m, and transported to sea level at the Port Site on the Tipoeka River to the southwest. The area is situated at about 4°S, 137°E. Mining operations began in 1973; construction work in 1970. During two visits of 4-5 days (July 1973 and March 197 4) I was able to make some observations at various points along the formidable 100 km road which joins the Port Site with the Mill Site at 2,840. Approximately 60 km of the road traverses man­ groves swamp and lowland rain forest; 40 km leads through mountain terrain. The whole area appears to have been only sparsely settled by indigenous tribes prior to the mining venture. From the road and from the air scattered native huts and clear­ ings are to be seen occasionally. No extensive cleared or burned areas, other than those directly connected with mining construc­ tion, were seen. In the areas visited the "mid-mountain grassland" habitat seemed to be entirely lacking. Observations were made in the following areas: a. In the Ertsberg area: alpine meadow at 3,400 m. b. In the Tembagapura (Town Site) area: a large recent clearing in a steep, forested valley at 1,900 m. c. Along the road, as opportunity permitted, at all altitudes between 2,840 m and sea level. Identifications were made with the aid of Rand and Gilliard (1967 Handbook of New Guinea Birds, Weidenfield and Nicol­ son). Only those birds which could be identified with certainty were included. Where the birds were seen at altitudes outside the ranges given by the above authors, this is indicated in parentheses (e.g. "R & G 200-1,000 m"). Egretta alba, White Egret Lowland rivers. Tadorna radjah, Burdekin Duck Lowlands. Haliastur indus, Brahminy Kite Lowlands. Accipiter novaehollandiae, White Goshawk One sighted in forest at altitude approx. 100 m. Accipiter poliocephalus, New Guinea Grey-headed Goshawk In forest at altitude approx. 100 m. Macropygia nigrirostris, Black-billed Cuckoo Dove Several birds seen around the Town Site, altitude approx. 1,900 m. Trugon terrestris, Thick-billed Ground Dove .Seen fleetingly near road at altitude aprox. 300 m. 88 BARTLETT [ W atcher

Trichoglossus haematodus, Rainbow Lorikeet Groups seen in lowland areas. Not possible to differentiate from R ed-collared Lorikeet. Charmosyna papou, Fairy Lory Group of six birds seen flying across clearing at Town Site, altitude 1,900 m. Pr:;bosciger aterrimus, Palm Cockatoo Several seen near road in forest at altitude approx. 100 m. Cacatua galerita, White Cockatoo Common in lowland forest. Psittrichae fulgidus, Vulturine Parrot Noisy groups of this bird, resembling Black Cockatoos, common in lowland and forest. Hemiprocne mystacea, Moustached Swift Seen perched in dead trees, altitude approx. 100m. Apus pacificus, White-rumped Swift Lowlands. March, 1974 only. Collocalia esculenta, Glossy Swiftlet Collocalia hirur.dinacea, Mountain SwJtlet These two Swiftlets were numerous and active at all levels between sea level and 3,500 m in both March and July. The Glossy Swiftlet was particularly numerous around the Town Site, at approx. 1,900 m, swooping low among the buildings. Eurystomus orienta/is, Dollar Bird Lowlands. March, 1974 only. Aceros plicatus, Papuan Hornbill Common in lowland forest. From air often seen gliding over canopy. Motacilla cinerea, Grey Wagtail Seen March, 1974 only. Several seen in open areas near road at altitude approx. 2,500 m. Turdus poliocephalus, Island Thrush A bl ack thrush, rather resembling the European Blackbird, with orange bill and legs. Apart from the air-borne Swiftlets, the only bird seen above the treeline at altitude 3,500 m. Several seen on ground around Mine Site. Also seen around road down to 2,500 m. Rhipidura brachyrhyncha, Dimorphic Rufous At forest edge around altitude 3,000 m. Rhipidura hyperythra, Chestnut-bellied Fantail Near Town water-tank at altitude 1,900 m. Rhipidura leucophrys, Lowland clearings and dry river bed. Seisura inquieta, R estless Flycatcher Altitude 1,900 m, near road. frat er, Black-winged Monarch Flycatcher Altitude 1,900 m, near road. (R & G 570-1,380 m). September J West Irian Birds 89 1977

Monarcha chrysomela, Black and Yellow Monarch Flycatcher Altitude 1,900 m, near road. (R & G 860 m). Microeca griseoceps, Yellow-footed Microeca Flycatcher Altitude 1,900 m, near road. (R & G 1,440 m) . Microeca papuana, Papuan Microeca Flycatcher Common between altitude 1,900-2,500 m. Monachella mulleriana, R iver Flycatcher Striking white and black flycatcher frequenting stream below Town, altitude 1,900 m. Artamus leucorhynchus, Lesser Wood Swallow Common in lowlands, March 1974. Pomareopsis bruijni, Torrentlark Similar in appearance to Australian Magpie- ( cyanoleuca). Seen at altitude 1,900 m flying from rock to rock in steep mountain streams. (R & G 430-1 ,860 m). Macgregoria pulchra, MacGregor's Bird of Paradise In forest edge around Town at altitude 1,900 m. Astrapia splendidissima, Splendid Astrapia Bird of Paradise One male seen in forest clearing at altitude approx. 2,500 m. Observed for about 15 minutes. Melipotes fumipatus, Common Melipotes Common and noisv in forest edge at altitude 1,900 m. Melidectes belfordii, Belford's Mel idectes Common and noisy in forest edge at altitude 1,900 m. Ptiloprora perstriata, Black-billed Streaked Honeyeater Noisy, but difficult to see, in forest around 1,900 m. Dicaeum geelvinkianum, Red-capped Flowerpecker One bird seen at approx. 2,300 m. (R & G Lowlands, 1,840 m ). There have been few published ornithological reports from this area. The British Ornithologists' Union organized the first expedi­ tion to Mt. Carstenz in 1910. More recently Schodde et al (1975) mention collections made in the area in 1971-72, and discuss birds found at glacial altitudes on Mt. Carstenz. REFERENCES Ogilvie-Grant, W.R., 1915. Report on the birds collected by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition and the Woolaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea. Ibis (Jubilee Supplement) 2 : 1-240. Schodde, R., van Tets, G. F., Champion, C. R. & Hope, G. S., Observations of birds at glacial altitudes on the Carstenz Massif, Western New Guinea, Emu 75 : 65-72. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to thank the management of Freeport Indonesia Inc. and Dr. Cyril Swaine for the opportunity to visit Tembagapura.