NWFB Route 792M Service Enhancement with Route 796 Series Service Adjustment Citybus Route 698R Cancellation
NWFB Route 792M Service Enhancement with Route 796 Series Service Adjustment Citybus Route 698R Cancellation (4 November 2014, Hong Kong) Effective 9 November (Sunday), service adjustment will be implemented on New World First Bus (“NWFB”) Route 796X, 796P and 796C. Effective 16 November (Sunday), NWFB will enhance the service of Route 792M, while service of Citybus Route 698R will be cancelled. Details are so follows: NWFB Route 792M Effective 16 November (Sunday), Tseung Kwan O bound service of NWFB Route 792M during 3:45pm to 5:45pm on Sunday and Public Holiday will be strengthened to 15 minutes headway, while the frequency at other service periods will remain unchanged. NWFB Route 796X Effective 9 November (Sunday), all departures to and from Lohas Park of NWFB Route 796X will operate via Le Prestige. New bus stops will be located at Wan Po Road before Shek Kok Road, outside Le Prestige and outside Tseung Kwan O MTR Depot for both bounds. Meanwhile, the routeing of departures during morning peak hour on Monday to Saturday operating between Tsim Sha Tsui (East) and Tseung Kwan O Station will remain unchanged. NWFB Route 796P Effective 10 November (Monday), departures of NWFB Route 796P at 7:20am and 8:05am will extend service to Silvercord Centre, same routeing as departure at 7:40am. New bus stops will be located at Salisbury Road outside New World Centre, Kowloon Park Drive outside No. 1 Peking Road and Canton Road outside Silvercord Centre, replacing the bus stop at Tsim Sha Tsui (Mody Road) bus terminus. NWFB Route 796C Effective 9 November (Sunday), So Uk bound service of NWFB Route 796C will divert after Nathan Road, via Cheung Sha Wan Road, Tonkin Street, and then resume its original routeing.
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