Walter Huston Has Dramatic Role in ‘Kongo,’ Now on the Lyric Starts Second Week of New Season Today, With Screen at the Palace; George M. Cohan Plays Sylvia and Clemence on Stage and Joan Lead in ‘The Phantom President.’ Bennett in ‘Wild Girl’ on Screen. “Kongo," a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production, which opened Friday enjoying enormous success in London and in this country INat Loew's Palace. lavishes his amazing skill of char- AFTERfrom New York to the Pacific coast in "The Wives of Henry’ VTTI. * acter acting In a dramatic way. Cornelia Otis Skinner has evolved another solo-drama. “The Empress It is a startling story, bringing in the mystery of the African jungle Eugene,” which had its world premiere in London at the Haymarket and the tangled lives oi the whites and blacks who fight for existence theater this summer and which will reach English's on Monday for two against the forces of nature nights prior to its introduction to New York. Walter Huston plays "Deadlegs" Flint, who rules with a long snake When she comes to the English, Miss Skinner will reveal several epi- whip from the wheelchair to which he has been confined by a man sodes in the life of that beautiful commoner. Eugene de Montijo, who who stoic his wife and crippled him in the struggle. It is Flint’s relent- became the wife and widow of the unfortunate Napoleon 111. less and desperate desire for revenge that has brought him to the heart The gifted solo actress introduces ner audience to Eugenie in the of the dark continent on the trail Bois de Boulogne shortly before of his foe. Bidemore quarter back who heart- her marriage to Louis Napoleon. We and Johnny Broderick in “Opera in C. Henry Gordon plays Gregg, the lessly accepts a parole at a see her next at Compiegne. in the the Ruff;” Wilson Brothers, singing is critical man Walter Huston out to trap. moment of the “big game,” and full glory of the second empire. The comedians and the Liazeed troupe, Virginia Bruce, of the recent bride nearly wTecks Bidemor’s chances for third scene finds her in hiding in featuring “Twelve Whirlwind Dazz- is a girl , white whom the "Penitentiary Conference Cham- t ,y / the home of Dr. an Amer- lers.” use in fiendish JPS Hi (jjlj Evans, Flint plans to his pionship.” Wheeler and Woolsey ican dentist, whither she has fled The screen feature brings Charles for Lupe Velez has scheme revenge. win for Bidemore, but not until after the defeat at Farrell in his latest release, “Wild a as a Portuguese Sedan. fiery role girl, who they have resorted to every device The fourth reveals her Girl." supported by Joan Bennett, Flint's mistress. Conrad scene as serves as of the alert gag writer's mind. host to Ralph Bellamy and Eugene Pallette. *Nagel white who has Queen Victoria, who came is the doctor, Others in the cast are Warren to condole with her The story is based on Bret Harte’s victim to the black mans Hymer after the death by fallen and Paul Hurst. Norman of her son. the Prince Imperial, “Salomy Jane's Kiss." and made curse seeks regeneration in love in director of "In Old and Taurog directed. the Zulu war. The final scene takes Raoul Walsh, for girl he from Short Arizona." the rescues subjects supplementing the place in Eugenie's quarters in featured Paris to one of Flint's toils. attraction on the program a her Farrell is said have the Credit is due William Cowen for year before death. romantic and colorful of are Movietone News, Aesop’s Fables also most roles able direction of this throbbing and Screen Miss Skinner will give a per- his career as Joan Bennett's lover. his Oddities. of “The Wives melodrama. There are many deft formance of Henry Fox News and other short sub- nun VIII.” her touches, thrilling effects and star- first work of its kind, jects will complete the program. “LIFE BEGINS* tling action, and Cowen has handled which, like “The Empress Eugenie,” lends all with a sure grip and a know- NOW AT INDIANA itself to an original technique ing which brings her character sketches eye. “Life Begins,” the first picture All the of ' Kongo" to nearer to actual theater. action takes give glimpse place in the swamp and fever in- an intimate into a ma- a a a 1— fested jungles of interior Africa. A ternity ward, is now showing at the Walter Hampden, famous actor, will bring one of his most suc- 3Paul Tremaine and his orchestra will play a one night's engagement cessful characterizations, de to English’s, Oct. at the Indiana Roof. LYRIC STARTS large expanse of jungles, with trad- Indiana theater a engage- Cyrano Bergerac, tonight for week’s 19 and 20. 4One of the Andrini Brothers who are heading the vaudeville ITS SECOND WEEK ing post and stockade, and a river ment. new winding through, was built for the 2Cornelia Otis Skinner brings her solo show to English’s for two bill at the Lyric with Sylvia and Clemence. Today marks the opening of the production under the able guidance Loretta Young, Eric Linden, Aline nights, next Monday and Tuesday. She is pictured as Jane Seymour 5Lona and Lari, Mexican dancers, will dance tonight at the Hoosier second week of RKO vaudeville and Cowen. MacMahon, and Frank McHugh are > in “The Wives of Henry VIII.” Athlete Club. pictures at the Lyric. The manage- II BEFORE 8:30 TONIGHT Hundreds of blacks in the featured in this picture, which is ment promises an all-round comedy, 351 and the traditional sing’ng and group of grotesque paint said to start anew movie dancing 111 PAUL ornaments of the superstitious page in artists. history, African natives, take part. The cun- Sylvia and Clemence and Andrini TREMAINE ning of the whites in holding them “Life Begins” is unusual in both 1 j theme Brothers, billed as “Stepping Out,” If and hi* in subjection through the fears of and treatment. The story are much than concerns said to do more voodoo magic, is vividly shown. the lives and tragedies of dance. The act is a compound of ill Columbia Broadcasting Orchestra the confined in Featurettes comprising the women a maternity steps, music, comedy and imitations. Warner Bros. Vltaphona II balance of the bill include Thelma ward of a hospital. The delicate Artist* The Andrini Brothers, supporting * Pitts subject it deals with has been tact- Hit From Toong- Chlnrua Todd and Zasu in their newest the stars, are considered the Restaurant, N. V. C. “Alum and a fully, yet most effectively among |sl! comedy hit, Eve,” handled foremost banjoists and I'ance Exhausted by the producers. accordion- ’Till |l Pete Smith Sport subject "Out ists. having been a recent feature III! The story starts Board Motor Racing" and the most with a young of the revue, ‘“A Night in Spain.” recent Issue of the Hearst Mctrotone woman serving a long prison term Frank Radcliff in “ Dark Doings,” for News. murder, being permitted to enter Genee Rodgers, will hold the maternity with j a a the ward to give birth to second feature spot. They of- j her child. are COHAN MAKES lIIS Then the attention of the sering a program of humorous var- | IF DANCING audience is drawn to the other in- iations in music. This team is said TALKING DEBUT HERE mates of the i DRIVE OFT AT ward. to rate among the top-notch colored i From medicine man to President! Among them is Florette, a pleas- comedians. ure loving lady of the night LAND-O-DANCE From an itinerant medicine show, clubs, Other acts on the new bill in- ; Washington who disdains her twins j 8500 East Street George M. Cohan is catapulted into until they elude the Alexanders in “Practice SpeHnl Sundny. sr. are born. Also there is a snobbish, Makes Perfect;’ Charlotte Arren I the White House in “The Phantom intellectual lady who had fed on President,” Paramount's new-sea- the cold, psychological material MOTION PICTURES son comedy now showing at the about the upbringing of babies, and who changes her Circle theater, with Claudette Col- mind about such things when her child is brought Jimmy (Schnozzle) Du- bert and into the world. Also a psychopathic rante in other featured roles. patient, who believes she is to have The is bemoaning the fact nation a child, plays an important part in What that "the country needs a man.” the story. Entartaimwntiaß^^j Into the breach steps the medicine All these individual stories are man with panacea for national Laughs? You ask me has It R-jv-;.* a woven together in the confines of ills. the maternity ward, which was I—Here is anew idea for a footbali costume, but that is the attire 3Joan Bennett doesn’t look so wild in this scene from “Wild Girl,” Senators the Ronkton, Melrose, Sarah only set used by First in Mr. Woolsey wears with Mr. Wheeler in “Hold ’Em Jail,” now at now on the Lyric screen. CAMP AIN PROMISES! Scranton National and Pitcairn, the “Big the making of “Life Begins.” El- the Apollo. 4Loretta Young has a powerful mother dramatic role in “Life Begins,” Four,” are nomination plotting the liott Nugent and James di- 2.—Walter Huston looks like he has had a bad night. He has in now at the Indiana. of Theodore K. Flood Blair, financier, rected the picture, which was adapt- “Kongo,” a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer jungle romance, now showing 5George M. Cohan is making his talking picture debut in “The Phan- played by Cohan. They are con- ed to the screen by Earl Baldwin. at the Palace. tom President,” now at the Circle, cerned, however, about his lack of "sex appeal." Missing their train MOTION PICTURES of Edmond Rostand's heroic com- after a visit to Blair's home, they come upon Cohan, as Doc Varney, Tremaine edy, “Cyrano de Bergerac,” in NOW SHOWING * in his medicine show, and are ROUNDING ROUND which Walter Hampden will appear astonished by his exact resemblance at English's Oct. 19 and 20, has novis to Blair. npl? With WALTER Is on TUI? A T> Q never been-presented on the stage B1 -3z£P" The “Big Four” conceive the idea Roof I 1 H/IVO D. HICKMAN PhantomIDBECinCllf* I of persuading the fast-talking, except by Hampden. to medicine-man assume Blair's Written under commission for 1 YOU HAVE LOVED ll N,w * identity. dislikes Martens concert series will open on Friday Blair the idea, Tonight all indications the him. this adaption is the outright 1 YOU HAVE SUFFERED I yli • GEORGe'm!COHAN but is assured that the hoax will evening, at Keith's, to a capacity audience, to hear Fritz f-£bt FROM Oct. 21, elect him and that property, of Hampden who, for self CLAUDETTE COLBERT. I Varney will fade Kreisler, violinist, in recital. a YOU HAVE LIVED If 'll I out of the scene immediately after Charlie Davis Returns to Orders are being received at the Martens office, 33 Monument Circle, protection, has refused all offers YOU HAVE LAUGHED If JjJIMMY fSchnozz/t) DU HAUTE election. Meanwhile, Varney has from every part of the state, not only for the Kreisler concert, but for from other actors and stock com- met Felicia (Claudette Hammond Indiana Ballroom the season of music. panies who desired to use it. Colbert), daughter of an ex-Presi- The Martens management offer Mary Wigman and her dance AMUSEMENTS group, French-English dent, and the object of Blair’s af- Feb. 15; Paderewski, Sunday afternoon, March 5; the Mendelssohn choir scholars have de- || I CEss.* /fj Sunday. ' i jfi jfL_ Resist ~ , fections, and agrees to the hoax be- and Giovanni Martinelli, leading tenor of the Metropolitan Opera com- clared the Hooker achievement to H Iff cause of his rising interest in her. Paul Tremaine and his orchestra, pany, guest artist, April 24. be far more than a mere adaption, w t ♦ ™ MOW SHOWING After many amusing situations who are to play a one-night dance The privilege of reserving sea- saying that it is a re-creation of f/>.s that come out of this agreement, the engagement in the Indiana roof son tickets, paying for them two following Rostand's flaming and glamorous picture brought The is the program that is to an amusing ballroom conight, are known to the- weeks in advance of each concert Kreisler has chosen for his Indian- original, in which all the fire and BEGINS! -etXgtt&'a' CHARLES and exciting j climax. ater-goers and radio fans alike. date scheduled, met with instant fa- apolis audience: spirit of the French masterpiece The rest of the program this week They vor from the music loving public of are caught and remolded in I have been a steady feature “Kreutzer Sonta" Beethoven equally LORETTA YOUNG includes Donald Novis, famous na- i|ll j|p over the CBS from Yoeng's Chinese Indianapolis and Indiana. Adagio sostenuto-Presto. glowing English. FARRELL l tional radio star a pres- Andante con variazioni. ERIC LINDEN \ in comedy Fritz world famous vio- restaurant, New York City, for more Kreisler, Presto. entation, a screen souvenir and than linist, has, as one might expect, a “Concerto No. 3” (G .Major) Mozart MOTION PICTURES AL,NE MacMAHON two years, and have made a Allegro. lip Paramount news reel. large collection of violins. Among •'‘•ill series of Warner Vitaphone shorts, Adagio. FRANK McHUCH IM B B B are Allegro'. Mil some of which have been shown in them four famous instruments, Rondeau l a a and two “Piece En Forme De Habanera”... Ravel y.'ilal Ten Million Women BENNETT! COMEDY TEAM local downtown theaters. Stradivarius, Gagliano “La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin"... .Debussy /af.v.v T A Lone Girl In a World of ▼ violins of Joseph Guarnerius del “Spanish Dance” De-Falla-Kreislef WSffit'f* FEATURED AT APOLLO Their unique instrumentation, “Tango” Albeniz-Kreisler COURAGE Men—Daring to Love .. . Gesu. “Caprice sh JSsTT featuring violin sextet, string quar- Viennios” The thought of a priso.. football for his “Liebesfreud” Kreisler tet, string octette, brass quintet, Asked favorites among ♦kfejw ♦ team is funny to B B B WON begin with, but saxophone soloist, saxophone oc- fiddles, the violinist answered: Vincent Burke at English’s tells me that when it is carried out to the "X- tette, euphonium duo, fanfare “The ones I love best two recently booked attractions include trio, are those Donald Brian in a revival of “The Merry WHI ---trme in absurd equations, when vocal trio, double vocal octette, made by Guarnerius and Stradi- Widow,” Oct. 38 and 29. and Lillian Gish | piano quartette and a harp in “Camille,” Nov. 11 and 12. Cornish the entire prison is given a collegi- solo- varius. But if any one asks me .. b u ist, have won for them the title I love better of I The Town Hall Series will open at Eng- Des3a Byrd ate atmosphere with h cheer- which the two, 11 a. m. Friday,-Oct. -28, with W with m ,nds, “Aristocrats of Modem Dance Mu- only say—just lish's at can as it’s hard for Countess Margit Bethlen. wife of Hun- JB ing sections and an enthusiastic sic.” Melodies” CM Grip- gary’s prime minister and a member of HrliMoving; Rising to New Height*—lt’s ♦ a man to tell whether he prefers B? ‘’Sweetheart 4 A Fast Drama—Farrell alumni with quaint and original the old nobility. Her theme will be “The nine—Colorful Entertainment. A Besides being featured in leading brunets or blonds, or vice versa, Life and Duties of a Prime Minister’s of obtaining Friday. methods new gridiron dance resorts throughout the coun- even so I can not say which I pre- Wife.” On Nov. 4, Vicki Baum, BURNS and ALLEN ♦ talent, the basic easily becomes try author of “Grand Hotel,” will speak. H "In Your Hat” I ♦ ON THE STACK idea Tremaine has headlined for the fer. In the matter of violins I am B tt B 1 a laugh riot. WALTER Bwfcx? Another Big Bill of Vaudeville Keith-Albee-Orpheum major cir- and always will be polygamous.” Brian Hooker’s masterly version PwL Paramount News ♦ Just how funny the whole non- cuit, HUSTON headed AND "'™ t sensical fc.vSk. Con’t. Shows 701i r.i-t.PM SYLVIA CLEMENCE whim can be is demon- Charlie Davis and his AMUSEMENTS ii.-is a. 1 orchestra ANDRINI BROS. strated by the R. K. 0.-Radio pic- will return to the roof tomorrow ♦ ♦ a Comedy Classic Called “Stepping Out” ture. "Hold 'Em, Jail,” now at the evening for the Sunday “ladies’ MARTENS CONCERTS, Inc.— i Presenting ♦ Apollo, with Bert Wheeler and Rob- night" program, and will again fea- Keith’s Opera House LIAZEED ARREN and THE I ert Woolsey. Edna May Oliver and ture the Call sisters and Ruby. i Ates LAST WEEK—SEASON RESERVATIONS TROUPE BRODERICK ALEXANDERS } Rosco in the leading roles. The The Four Riff brothers, rhythm 4 vehicle is thought to be the happi- boys, under the direction of Slim Pay for Them 2 Weeks Before Each Concert X FRANK WILSON I est selection possible for the two Green, will introduce a group of versatile comedians, and has been new numbers in the ballroom to- Opening Concert—Friday Eve., Oct. 21 Starts Next Friday ♦ RADCLIFFE BROS. \ described as delightful nonsense. night. including “Is Rhythm Neces- ♦ With Gene Rodgers Those Funny Comedian* ♦ There never was and never will sary?” NORMA a KREISLER—VioIin Recital be prison like Bidemore peniten- And Her Grou Sensation ♦ VODVIL ♦ tiary, which P—Dancing at 1:15—3:30—6:45 and 9:15 is where Wheeler and QuecnieMakes a Hit *■■***■MARY■ W* IwIPAI M Wednesday Evening, February Woolsey land when 15 they . boast of William Cowan, directing “Kon- Lendtaff Tenor Metropolitan Opera SHEARER their Imaginary football prowess in go'' for n I lIICiLLI I I tough Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, MARTINn Monday Evening, April 24. FREDRIC a dive where the “scouts” wishes there were more actors like for looking Prices for 3 Concerts—s9.9o, *8.25, Bidemore are for talent. Queenie, the histrionic chimpanzee. Cfifliiftl nuniß MARCH ENGLISH MONDAY Also, there a warden MtllUtLdoUHN unUIK $6.00, $4.95, 53.30. Incl. Tax. never was Qi eenie broke out of her cage one LESLIE like Edgar Kennedy, who had a sis- mi 'tght and when Errol Taggart, DAnrDrU/ClfI Sunday Afternoon, March 5 ter like Edna May who rMUtnLWDIM Prices $3.30, *2.75, $2.20, $1.65, Incl. Tax and TUES. Oliver, had ass. nt director, came on the set NIGHTS a niece like pretty HOWARD mraulm . earh .ext morning Queenie was SEATS ON SALE MARTENS TICKET OFFICE who supplies that necessary “love the in on set where she had spent the 33 Monument Circle 'interest'’ collaboration with night LI. 8921 Wheeler. whole re-playng her scene. "Smilin' Through" CorneliaOtisSkinner The stuttering Roscoe Ates is the % fmmemmrmßsim IN LAUGHTERAS THE ALL-AMERICAN: HALF-WITS KICK-OFF. S “Empress Eugenia" ELKS & KNIGHTS of NEIGHBORHOOD AND COLUMBUS THEATERS JOINT BENEFIT FESTIVAL WHEELER Vff“Wives of Henry the Bth" NORTH SIDE , Together With a Group of Miss Skinner’s - Talbot 22nd at VNQLSIY Dance Cards Entertainment pI|HMVP|| at Well-Known Character Sketches Maureen O'Sullivan Tom Saturday, MUTUAL Prices: *2.75; Orch., *2.20; Bale.. *1.65 and 55c. October 8, 1932 “FAST COMPANIONS” Boxes, *1.10; Gal., OPENS REGULAR THE Sun. Double Feature Including tax. 8:30 P. M. TO-NIGHT NITE SHOW “THE LAST MILE” OF IT’S Warren William—Bette Davis in K. of C. Auditorium—- NEW ££ mini PTT ■9 f1 THE NEW IDEA “DARK HORSE” / ITS DIFFERENT Noble at Mass. Mlf! ~ -1305 N. Delaware St. entertainment English! Z:™™: ™ OCT. *K 11 InßDouble Feature 19-20 NOW H 3 FTT A7 THEATRE State Teachers’ Convention Attraction It s the Best Ever Wlllhikil I With Talented Performers ■■iWMnHil Tim McCoy ewJammt I Per ' 1 WUTFISTEd LAW ’’—“TAXI” YYfevt OWING TO MAGNITUDE OF THE PRODUCTION, CURTAIN 8 ADMISSION 50c PERSON 25e\ SHARP EVENINGS —2 SHARP MATINEE Sun. “THE FIRST YEAR" (^saojygR WEST SIDE f DRAMATIC EVENT °/ the season =*■ fi||Bßlpipipß|W. Wash. * Belmont l-m.. W t BM Double Feature , BMkUMKBIBMMAi Lillian Harvey Follow the Crowd RALSTONIANSFEATURING "CONGRESS DANCES” tt&mpouo To Ken Maynard, “Hell Fire Austin” Snndav Double Features—Tom Brown MOULIN ROUGE “FAST COMPANIONS” 1210 E. 62nd St. HAMPDENGreat Herote Comedy Kay “Street Women” WAITERan edmond ROSTAND'S BEAUTIFUL uffV Francis, of Dance OTT Free Indianapolis* Supported by 808 FERGUSON, LAVILLAGILSON, MAE Saturday Newest Night Club ARTHUR BUDDIE WOODS, 808 SNYDER, ANNA ROSE Dancing Featuring MARGIE CARROL, DIVIAX ALLEN, RUBY LA MONT, and PRINCESS THEATRE & SundayKnJrJLAh JL Thursday West Tenth at Holmes Double Feature—Mary Nolan d* BERGERAC “The Red Hot Torch Singer” A GLORIFIED Aini ‘DOCKS OF SAN FRANCISCO” CYRANOas pLayect mp.mampdsn more than 730 times Cover Charge 50c per Person Q CIO Tom Keene in “PARTNERS” HARBOR For reservation, call WA. 2201 Sun. Double Feature—Wm. Collier Jr. Drive out W.. Wash, to Ben Davis. PRICES—Eves.: Orch., S3.*®: Bale.. *2.75, 52.20. Gal., ft.IS. f WITH lo AMERICAN 1x11f1.9 Xo “STREET SCENE” Follow Municipal Airport Sign South Thurs. Mat.: Orch.. $2.75. 8a1*... st.2o. *!.5. Gal.. sl.lO. \ TAX Zasu Pitts "Strangers of the Evening”