. Smt.&Sri. MuraliDesikachari-Forassemblingthe e-book 4. MannargudiSri.Srinivasan 3. 2., Sri.Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar and Sri.Anil&Smt. Krishnapriya 1. Our Sincere Thanksto: e-book Nedumtheru Sri.Mukund Srinivasan Narayanan -ForSanskritTexts - Forcompilingthesourcedocument - Fortheimagesusedinthis

C O N T E N T S C O N Introduction1 PurANam Highlights of VarAha Divya PrabhandamVarAham on references MUrthy Mantram for Yaj~na VarAha The scope of Rahasya SikhAmaNi 6 the Lord SwAmy Desikan'e tribute to 2 SlOkam Context of the VarAha Charama 15 SlOkam Meaning of the VarAha Charama 19 20 prayer of SwAmy Desikan Concluding 20 avatAram Twin significance of VarAha 21 Nigamanam 25 24 25

SrI bhumidevi-oppiliappankoil

children and asked

e Lord to wake up from His most most His from up wake to Lord e r Lord on His duties to come to the r Lord on His duties to come an avathAram of Devi and in

vathAram in PurANams, Vedam and in referred by Parasara Bhattar inreferred by Parasara Bhattar his ction for His children. He established ction t VarAha PurANam, VarAha Charama Desams, His manthram and slOkam and n for Her suffering n for Her suffering s so moved by these Charama slOkam s so moved by these Charama slOkam ghu upAyam for helping them from the from ghu upAyam for helping them eligible for Her Lord’s anugraham. eligible for Her Lord’s anugraham. 1 ese Charama SlOkam, which have a very ese ƒ d proceed with His “Sworn duties”. d proceed with His “Sworn . ïI>. hasyam called Rahasya SikhAmaNi th the revered SlOkams known as VarAha Charama SlOkams known as VarAha Charama revered th the is blessed avathAram.

Introduction help of the suffering Chethanams as Chethanams the suffering help of asked th taniyan for Thiruppaavai. bed an His soft enjoyable slumber on concer Earlier, Bhumi Devi had a similar It is important to think about ANDAL as It is important to think about appeal to He this context remember Her reveal a la Her Lord, Aadhi VarAhan to maketerrors of samsAram and to them Our DayAsvarUpi, BhU Varaahan responded positively to His dear Consort’s request and blessed us wi SlOkam and revealed His depth of affe rules through th ground however some special significance. Swami Desikan wa to VarahA references SlOkam, the many Divya prabhandha Divya passurams, His a lot of details on th that he created an entire Ra adiyEn will cover the particulars abou Introduction Introduction Highlights of VarAha Pu VarAha of Highlights Rahasya Grantham, Rahasya SikhAmaNi. essence ofVedicth The twoslOkAsthatcameoutofSriVa Charama Slokam. two slOkamsthatconstitutethepU help alljeevanstoreachsathgathi(m accept myappealandblessmewithinst “My lord!IamYourdisciple,servantan Here BhumidEvisays: (VarAhaaham sishyAcadaasi Ah< iz:yacdaisÉ´avTviymaxv-- PurANam: 114.64) Charama Slokam: Bhumi Devi’s prayer to her Lord on behalf of us for showing the way via Highlights of VarAha Pu VarAha of Highlights Highlights of VarAha Pu VarAha of Highlights . ThisPurANamisintheformofa 3. 2. au Sage VyAsAisthetraditional hasthepancha VarAhaPurANam 1. benefit ofHerchildren 24,000 slOkams.ThAyArisaSarvaj~nai,butyet Sheasks forthe ThisPurANamthe Varahap-pirAnandHisconsort, BhUmi dEvi. has withhim. associated purANams withthatperiod. charithram associated ( (Viz)., Cantos( Slokam. vamsam ) andtheperiodsoftimekn oughts as discussed indetailby Swamioughts asdiscussed Desikaninhis Sargam bhaktA catvayimaadhava ), their subdivisions ( subdivisions ), their the questionsthatresult rANam andVaraahAvathAram rANam andVaraahAvathAram rANam andVaraahAvathAram 2 Oksham)”. TheLordthen revealed the rva and Uttara BhAgams of Varaaha rva andUttaraBhAgamsofVaraaha raaha Moorthy’ssacredlipsembed the ructions ontheeasymeansthatwould d have great bhakthiforYou.Please d havegreat dialog betweenVishNuintheformof Thisrahasyagrantham hashuge lakshanam ofastandardPurANam, thor, sinceit isoneofthe18 own asmanvanthrAsandthe Prathisargam intheVarahacharama ), dynasties

. Swami by analysed word Desikan consort on His tusk and bringing Her consort on His PurANams and RaamAyaNam refer to PurANams and pramANams in this rahasya grantham.pramANams in 3 rahAvathaaram, Charama SlOkam and has SlOkam and Charama rahAvathaaram, SrI yagna varahan varahan SrI yagna Sathapatha BraahmaNam, Linga,Sathapatha BraahmaNam, and the Lord liftingthis avathAram His waters of Pralayam. out of the terrifying word the VarAha Charama Slokamword the VarAha with Divya Prabhandhams from the quotations references to the significance of Va of to the significance references linked totheYaj~nam. Thefamouspa teachings oftheUpanishads mostsecret Hishair----the sacredgrassis His mouth,fireistongue,the the sacrificial postisHisteeth, theo Thatlongsalutationbeginswith“TheVedAsVamsam (3.34-41). areHisfeet, The samevisualizationoftheLordas being seen asthelimbsof descriptionsofallth Bhaagavatham’s Lord as Yaj~na 12and13). NaarayaNeeyam (Dasakam11, VarAha work (Canto 3.13)anditsderivative moorthy are in PushkaraNI, AdhiVarAhan standseven form toresideon the topofVenk share the Aadhi Varaha KshEthram during Kali ugam,He is AadhiVarAhan andassuch was when He took the archA Sahasra nAmamgoto Ebooknumbersxx) two granthams.(Fordetailedcomment SriVishNu sa and SrimadBhAgavatham. These referagaintotheLordasYaj~na yaj~nAntakrut yaj~naguhyamannamannAdayEvaca|| yaj~nabhrut yaj~nakrut yaj~nI yaj~nabhuk yaj~na sAdhanah| y}aNtk«*}guýmÚmÚad @vc.105. y}É&*}k«*}I y}ÉuGy}saxn>, yaj~nO yaj~napatir yajvAyaj~nAngo yaj~navAhanah || y}ae y}pityRJvay}a¼aey}vahn>.104. The bestsustainedtributetoVarAha are Hisseat”.Everylimbofsacredbodyis are Lord (Bhaagavatham:3.13-44). ssage in Sri Sahasra Naamam, inSriVishNuSahasra Naamam, ssage ffering Hishand and 4 e Yaj~napaathramsandsaamagriyAs asked permissionbySriVenkatEsAto avathAram isinSr atam hills.Onthe banks ofSwami today and we worship Himfirstbefore today andwe byNaarayaNaBhattadhiri,Srimad spiring andarebasedontheSrimad hasra naamam is olderthantheabove hasra naamamis aries on every nAma of Sri VishNu aries oneverynAmaofSriVishNu Yaj~na VarAhan is Svarupi asvisualizedbyHariVamsam Bhattadhiri’sdescriptionsofthe imad Bhaagavatham imad Bhaagavatham ends with,thepyre depicted by depicted byHari

i MushNam. His His divya i MushNam. at is 5 SrI bhuvarAha perumAL Thiruvidaventhai. going inside Sri VenkatEsA’sgoing inside temple. svarUpam His svayamvyaktha at Sr is Divya Prabhandham referenc Divya Prabhandham referenc idandhidum, thannuL karakkumumizhum, kidandhirundhu ninRaLandhu kEzhalaaykkIzhpukku ¡Ô¥¨ Thriruvaimozhi: 2.8.7: hold ontothewordsgivenas will thatShe hints ANDAL itsrOthruVailakshaNyam. divine consortgiving He isthemostauspicious; SrOthru VailakshaNyam. implies thattheVaraha that shecan noterasethatmessageof took thatformofVarAha SlOkam: NaacchiyArThirumozhi--11.8. Deviamsam) salutingHer ANDAL (Bhumi consort firmlyonHisgianttusk. oftheLordemergingoutswirlingoceanholdingHis a movingportrayal Swami Desikan’sDasAvathAraSlokamsalu VarAhAvathaaram aswell. Ch. 94),theKurmaPurAnam(1.6)andVi (Part1, Agni PurANam(Chapter4),(Ch.213),Linga PurANam (1.3.1-12),thePadma MahA BhAratham(2.45,3.144.1-29, well astheSathapathaBrAhmaNamsalute BrAhmaNamas SamhithAandtheTaittirIya TaittirIya AarNyakam, TaittirIya õ¥¨ §¥ª ª¥¨ Divya Prabhandham referenc Û ¾§¾ë,* ªß ¾§¾ë,* Û ¼©Ì¨ Û §ÔŪ Û §Ǫ̂ Û ,* §² Û Ç ¨Ô² Û ½§ß° Ý Ò° Ü ôì§ Ý ±°¨ ­ Ü ¼£ë Ü ¡ì¡ The one who told it (vakthru) wasJn~AnappirAnand The onewhotoldit(vakthru) Û Ç* ½¡¯ Charamaslokamhas m andblesseduswiththe the One,wholistened toitwasnoneotherthanHis Ü §ÏΪ Û ¡Ô² Ü Áª surance bythisVarahAMoorthy. Ý ±* ªß Û ÷ªÓϪ Û * ©ß¼ì² ­ ßë 6 12.208), theVishNu 12.208), DharmOtthara Here, Sheequates SriRanganatha,who es onthisavathAram: es onthisavathAram: es onthisavathAram: Her Lord,evenif She wantedto. She Û ¡ ­ shNu purANam(1.4.26,45-50)salute Lord forthegiftofVarAhaCharama (6.264), Vaayu PurAnam (chapter6), (6.264), VaayuPurAnam ting the Lord’s Varaha avathAram is avathAramis ting theLord’sVaraha Ü Ü ¡ ôì this avathAram. ThefifthVedam, thisavathAram. Û ,* × ¯ Ý Òª Û É¡ Ù ¡ß¦ ÜÁ vakthru VailakshaNyam Û

Charama slokam. She says Charama slokam.She Þ ©ß½ì?. 2.8.7

and and * Û §ßë Û Á®½è? Ü ¥ ù¨ Þ ½©ß¡ Ú ©* Ú

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Ý ¼¡ß¦ Ü Òª Ý ó² Ý ©² Ú Òª Ý Ñ õ²Ó© Û § ¼§ß© Û ¾¥¡ Õ e waters and bringing up His e praLayA and bringing up His waters Ù¨ ing Devi on His tusk without Bhumi bracing Her with His broad shouldersbracing Her with ¥ Û 7 the saptha dhveepams are saluted here. the saptha dhveepams are saluted ¼©± Ú 7.4.3 ¥ ¨ß½°. 7.4.3 Þ ¿²© Ý §½®,* ©Ó² Ü ½¡ß¥ Û ©ß¡Ôë* ù² Ý ª §½®,* ó© Ü ®Ó* ¨ÔªÓì Ü §½®,* ©Ó² Ü ­ ¼¡ß¦ Ü ­ !* ÷² Û §ß²§ Û * ¨Ô ±Ó Û Û Á ó² Ü §ß²§ Ü §ß²§ çë Ý §ßë Û ­ ƪ Þ ­ Å ©Ó¾±¡® Þ ©ß¾®¡ Ú * ª¿ * ¡¥ Û Û Ç* ùëÓ± Û ¡¾¥¨ Ü © Ù * ª¦ Û ì ­ ­ ú¯ ú¯ ú¯ ­ ­ ­ ª ®ìß¡¼ªß² ¡¥ Ü ±Ó ±Ó ±Ó Ý Ý Ý ±Ó õ¥¨ Ý ­ ­ ¡ ®¾ì õì¦ ­ ­ × × 10.10.7 10.10.7 ¨ ø² ¨ ½¡ß ¨ß² ¨ß² of the Lord lift The marvelous feet dislocating saptha parvathams and the Thiruvaimozhi 10.10.7: ½¡ß naanRil yEzh maNNum thaanatthavE,pinnum naanRil yEzh maNNum thaanatthavE,pinnum naanRil yEzh malai thaanatthavE,pinnum naanRil yEzh kadal thaanatthavE,appan naaLE. oonRi idandhu yeyiRRil koNda ¨ß² tusk as well as His em consort on His is covered here. after reunion 7.4.3: Thiruvaimozhi: thadam perundhOL aaratthazhuvum paarennum perundhOL aaratthazhuvum thadam madandhaiyai, maal aar kaaNpaarE. maal seykinRa 2.8.7 of the Lord entering th The description “ out oftheOcean.Thisdescriptionis His andholding crescent moons(tusks) Here NammAhzwArvisualizestheLord 10.10.7 neelak kadalkadaindhaai unnaippeRRu inippOkkuvanO? (2) yendhaai kOla varaakamonRaainilamkOttidaikkonda neelavarai irandupiRaikavvinimirndhathoppa anbaagiyayenanbEyO kOla malarppaavaikku . samutthitO neelaivAcalO mahAn kOla varAhaperumAL ” based on the vaakhyams: based ontheVishNupurANavaakhyams: 8 consort ononeofthemandemerging as a Blue Mountain adorned by two as aBlueMountainadornedbytwo ¥,* Þ °* Ü * Ý ±* Ý ¼¡ß¦ Ý ): ¼¡ß° Ü ¾§,* Ü ®½ìß,* ®½ìß,* Û ¢ § ¥ß² Þ Ç½ª? 7.5.5 Û ­ ­ ¨ Ù §ß² Ü ã¯ Û ¨ß롽ì. 2.6.3 Ý §Ô ® Ü in oLi uruvai” as the embodiment of uruvai” as the embodiment of in oLi ±Ó£ Ý as the redeeming one for one’s as the redeeming Ǿ±¡Ô² Ü ¼¡ß¦ Ü ¾¥§ Õ ² ÷¦ì Û §Ôë ¤ß Û ¥ Û ­ ù² Ù 9 ­ ½§§ Û Åª Û ¨ Û yen naayagarE. 2.6.3 £ë²§ ¡¯ Ý ­ óϨ Ü kazhalanRich choozhvarO, kazhalanRich oru kOttidaith thaan koNda, oru ¾¡¼ë¯Ó Ü ßÌ ½¡ß¥ * ½¡¥ Ü * § Ü * ª¡Ô¯ Ü Ò° Ý ­ ª¢ § Thirukkadanmallai Paasuram ­ ( Ñ¡ Û * ªßë² Ü ­ ­ ¿ Ü ­ ©ß¼ Ý ­ * §² Ü ¡Ô Ü ª Ü ­ ­ *§² Ü §Ô¡ Û Ê¾±ëß Ù É² Û ­ ü°ÓË̾®* ¨Ô¿²®ßì Þ ¡¥ Ý ®ì £Ô¨ Ü ­ §Ô¦ Ü §Ô §Ô² Ü Ü §ÔÌÎÌ®ßëÓ± Ü ©¥ßª Ú ¼©Ìª ¡° §ÔÒ̮ߡÔ* ¨Ô Ú Ü Ü ­ ­ §ß¯© ¤ß²§ ô¯© ½¡¯ ®ß²§ ¡ß²§ the guiding light of Jn~Anam. yEnatthinuruvaagi nilamangai yezhilkoNdaan, yEnatthinuruvaagi nilamangai yezhilkoNdaan, valangkoLLa, vaanatthil avarmuRaiyaal magizhndhEtthi kaanatthin kadalmallaith thalasayanaththu uRaiginRa, jn~aanatthin oLiyuruvai ninaivaar ú²§ EmperumAn as “jn~Anatth AzhwAr sautés maayan soozhalkaL chindhikkil azhundhiya jn~aalatthai, aazhap perumpunal thannuL thaazhap pataamal than paal kEttum uNarndhumE? kEzhal thiruvuruvaayiRRuk Understanding of the VarAhAvathAram salvation. 7.5.5 Periya Thirumozhi: 2.6.3 Thiruvaimozhi: 7.5.5 7.5.5 Thiruvaimozhi: 㯠 ½¡ß¥ §Ô¡¯ ¨Ô §ÔÌ¡ £Ô Periya Thirumozhi:7.8.4 VarAha PerumAnasHeroseoutofthewater. Here Meru Mountain (4.4.8) thiruTheRRiyambalatthu yenchengaNmaalE is visualizedchilambiyanaR perunchelvamthigazhumnaangoorth asEzhisaiyum kELvigaLumyendikkengum, reachingilangiya naanmaRaiyanaitthumangamaaRum up to the aruLiyaVengkOmaan giganticnilamadanthaithanai yidanthupulgikkOttidaivaitthu kandeer, body ofthirukkuLambil kaNakaNappath thiruvaakaaramkulunga, silambinidaich chiRuparalpOlperiyamEru £Ô Periya Thirumozhi:4.4.8 §Ô̼§± õ ú¯Ó¾£Ëª £Ô ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ª¥¨ ª ª ª ¢ Û Û Û Éʧ ©Ó²Ó¾¥£ ©Ó먱 Û ¥ Ü ¡Ôë ¨ß² Ü Á°ª Õ ¾¥¾®§ Û ¨ Û ¾§§¿² õ¥¨ Û ±Óëª Û §¼§²§ ­ Û ½¡° Û ¼©Ì¤ Û ©Ó Ü ¡ ­ Û © Û £ÔÑ©ì Ü ¡¦¡¦© ­ Ý ª¾± 󿲧 ­ Ü ®Ó¡Ðª Ü §Ì°Óë ù¢ §Ì°Óë ²¦Ó¨ § Ü §ÔÌÎÌ®ª Ü Ç ù² Ý ¼£ ­ ( ( ­ TherazhundUr Paasuram Thirut theRRiyampalam Û Ç É Û ½§ßì Ü ½©ß Ü ®ª Û ù¦ Ý ¼£¢ Ú ©§ ­ Û §Ô¡Ïª ­ Ù ¼£¢ Ü Çª Ü ½¡ßªß² Ü ¼©ìÓ뽪Ì* Ü §Ô̮ߡßìª Þ §Ô¡ Ü ¡Ô¡ Ü ¡¦ Û ©² Û ó¢ Ü ¼¡¢ Ü * Ü ¡¦ 10 Þ ªß½ Ý ±Óëß¡Ô* ±Óëß¡Ô* Û ¨ß¢ Ü ¡ªßѪ Ý ¡¦ Ü Áª Þ Á² ­ 4.4.8 4.4.8 Ü áì Û ,* Û ÁÍ¢ Þ ¥ ) Ý ±ª Øì ) Ù § Û * Ù * Ü* Û * Ü ¡* ,* Ù * Û ½£ì Ù ÷¥½²,* Û óì½£. Û ¡ ®°ì Ü ). Ç* Ü úÏ ¡¥Íª Û üÅ¢ Ü * Ý ®§ Ü ½¡¯Ó½èŪ * ­ ­ ¾ª ôЪ Û ­ ­ ªÓ² Þ ëßѪ ­ ¼£ Ù ¡* Ü * ÷ Ù ¡°ß Ü ¡Ô* Ü ­ ©ì Û * üÌ©ß Ý ¡ß¦ Ý ­ ±* ª¿ Ý 11 §Ô² Ü £² Ö ÷ª Ù ½¡ß½®*. 7.8.4 Ù ¼§ß¡ Û §Ô* óǨª Ü ar umbar ulakEzhinOdum udanE, § ª Ç É Û Û § Ù ©ì Û ­ ì ê ¨Ô² Û Ç ó¯¡ßì Û á® ªëÓ Ü amarar kOvE 7.8.4 ¨ Û ­ ¥ Þ é¡ª Ú Ñª Ý § óªìì Û ©© Ú Celebration of DasAvathArams Ó© ( ÁëÓ Û Á å̪ ­ Ü §Ì°Óë ùª Ü É¾¥ã¯ Ü Ñ¡¨ Ý ­ ¼¥ß Þ ¾§§¿² õ¥¨ ¾§§¿² Û ©Ó² ¡ª¦ Û Ç ®¥Á² Û ¼©ß¢ Ü ¨Ô² Ù ¼§ßѪ Ü É² Ú Á°ª Û Ãª¨ Þ ¡° Ü Çïì Û ¡° Ü ú²ªß¡Ô óìæë Ê Ý ­ ±Ó¾¥ ¾®§ Û ã¯ Ù ÁÉ®Ó ª¥¨ ÁÉ®Ó Ü É§Ô¾ì© Û É£Ô¾± ®¦ Û ª ¢ ª ­ ­ §Ñ §Ô¢ × ­ ó¦ÓëϨ ó --11.4.3. ¼©ß¯Ó ©ß§ªì É ªß§Ôì ª¦ ô§Ôʲ ùëÓ± maadhira maNsumandhu vadakunRum ninRa malaiyaaRum Ezhu kadalum theethaRu thingaL pongu sudarumb §

silambumudhal kalanaNindhOr chengaN kunRam kalanaNindhOr chengaN kunRam silambumudhal panRi yaagi, thiruvuruvam thigazhndhadhenath yidandhu pulgi ilangupuvi madandhaithanai Isan kaaNmin, eyiRRidaivaith tharuLiyavem poogam thokka pulambuchiRai vaNdolippap mayilgaLaala kuyilkoova pozhilkaldhoRum azhagaar chelvatthu alambuthiraip punalpudaichoozhnthu aNiyazhundhoor ninRuganNdha The BhU VarAha SvarUpam isThe BhU VarAha SvarUpam saluted here. Periya Thirumozhi: 11.4.3 õ Poygai: MudalThiruvanthAdhi:paasuram91 Sri Deekshithar sangabout aLakshm neverleavesHi onesalutingis abeautiful this avat Mutthuswami Deekshithar’sSriLakshmiVa SlOkam asexplainedbySwamiDesikan. The centralThere aremanyotherreferences foun message for us is the rich Salutation tojn~Anacchudar,VarAhaPirAn meaningsmaruvaadhaarkku uNdaamOvaan? of the VarAhauruvaa ulakidanthaoozhiyaanpaadham, Charamajn~aanach chudar_koL_eenaaLthORum,Enaththu Unak kurampaiyinuLpukkuiruLneekki, ø²¡ Here AzhwAr salutesVarAhaPirANas“ 11.4.3.aadhimun EnamaagiaraNaayamoortthiadhunammaiaaLumarasE. paadhamar soozhguLambinakamaNdalatthinorupaalodungavaLarsEr, ªÌ®ß§ßì ÷Ì®ß ÷ ¤ß²£ Ü Áìª Û Ã¥ì Ù ¡ ­ Û ¾©ëÓ² Ü Ù Á ÷¦ ¼¡ß° ¡Ô¥¨ Û §* ø¯Óëß² Ö õ ¨ß° Ý * ÷° Þ ¥ß½ªß ®ß² ¥ß½ªß m inanyavathAram. Ü É¡ Ü ½§ßѪ Ü Á õÌ° Ý ©ß§ª Ý ? Û ,* ú²§ hAram as that of NaarAyaNA. hAram asthatofSrimanNaarAyaNA. 12 d elsewhereinDhivyaPrabhandham. nammai aaLum arasu nammai aaLum Û ,* I Varahasthalamon thebanks of 91 Ü ¨ rAHam krithisetinAbhOgiraagam × ¡ Ü ¡Ô,* Ü Ç 91 ” ”. He ”. He

f rm f f Srita jana subha pratam Srita jana rtm f

f Ttipat f s I

13 shitm I m f aitj[ SHpp f qa p>Etv I n f ! lX f rm f varahanarasimhan-ahobilam Courtesy: neela mEgha Jaya SyAmaLa gAtram, Jaya SyAmaLa neela mEgha BhUdEvi neeLA stuti pEjhm f yamq kat f Ivrahm ”. m f lEmk jy S I -S paatram gaÇ< nI¦a ÉUdevI StuitpaÇm! nIlme" jy Zyam¦ ! lX recognizes Him as “ Him recognizes Zirtjn zuÉàdm! lúmIsiht< ïI Éjeh< ïI lúmIvrah< n TamprabharaNi River. He salutes the Lord as “ He salutes River. TamprabharaNi

salutations. salutations. elephant as though it was an effortless sport. To that Omnipotent Lord are my killed theoffending enemy( placed me on His tusk and came out of the waters like a powerfultook theformofaBoarandliftedme elephant and I salutethatyaj~na VarAhaMoorthy, Meaning: kreetan nivEbha:praNatAsmitamvibhum|| niragAdudanvata: damshTrE krutvOgra yO maamrasayaajagadAdisUkara:| mrughE pramatya daityamprativAraNam ³IfiÚveÉ>à[taiSmt yaema, àmWy dETy<àitvar[

14 who isthecauseofthisUniverse, upfromthewatersofpralayamand SheusestoworshipYaj~naVarAha n) likedestroyinganopposing

used by used by used by VarAha mUrthy VarAha mUrthy VarAha mUrthy (Srimad Bhagavatam .18.351) 15 kalahalli bhuvarA perumAL kalahalli bhuvarA perumAL

(Courtesy: Sri.Lakshminarasimhan Sridhar) (Courtesy: Sri.Lakshminarasimhan nmae Égvte mNÇtÅvil¼ay ) à[vm! BhUmi Devi is: is: Devi BhUmi The Manthram for yaj~na The Manthram for BhUmi Devi is: is: Devi BhUmi The Manthram for yaj~na The Manthram for kmRzu¬ay iÇyugay nmSte y}³tve mhaXvravyvay mhapué;ay nm> y}³tve mhaXvravyvay mhapué;ay ( (praNavam) namO bhagavatE mantratattvalingAya mahAdhvarAvayavAya mahA purushAya nama: yaj~na kratavE karma sukhlAya namastE triyugAya

BhUmi Devi is: is: Devi BhUmi The Manthram for yaj~na The Manthram for behind it,protectme. May Thouwiththefrontpart manthram. tusk ofYourgigantic bodyissalutingYouwiththemostsacred sthuthiand dEsam(Varsham),thedearco Uttarakuru Oh GuruvAyUrappatakingthe form Meaning: --- daSakam21,Slokam7 tvam paahivij~nyanutayaj~navarAhamUrtE || ghrushTaghanaprushTagarishTha varshmA dhamshTrAgra mahithamanthranutiprabhEdai:| samsEvithO kincOttarEshu kurushupriyayAdharaNyA Tv, ikÂaeÄre;u k…é;uiàyyaxr{ya Varaahan: Bhattadhiri toSriGuruvAyurappan,wh thiswiththebeau adiyEn concludes salutations. the formofthreeyugAs,tothat Yaj~nAs aslimbsofYoursareeram,One ManthrAs, Onewho istheformofYa To TheeMyLord,whoisOmkAraSvarUp Meaning: - 7. 16 j~nam and Krathu, Onewhohasj~nam andKrathu, allthe ONE who is Bhagavaan, my profound ONEwhoisBhagavaan,myprofound of Yaj~navarAhamUrthy!Inthe tiful salutationofSriNaarayaNa who iskarmasuddhar,Oneof o gave darsanam to himasAadhi o gavedarsanamto of Your huge tusk hiding the clouds nsort of Yours sitting onYourhuge nsort ofYourssitting i, OnewhoisrevealedbytheVeda (ceaseless Bhagvan gave a Bhagvan gave condition, when his/her Dhruva Smrithi off the earlier references to this this to earlier references off the m. What He said to Bhumi Devi in in Devi Bhumi to said He What m. Bhagavaan went many steps beyond h of all. The discipline needed, the discipline The h of all. ainly cross this vast and frightening ainly Charama slOkam from can be obtained to are arduous for many. be practiced ecision of VarAha Charama SlOkam and ecision of VarAha ahama PurANam, Bhagavanout the held ementary constituents (DhAthus) are in in GitA and MadhusUdhana’s statement 17 in Brahma PurANam. The great Narada in Brahma tations PurANam itself: from the ) smartum sakta: syAt?” Esam of the SaraNAgathan. is Bhagavaan’s words. his/her mind in its normal his/her mae]iy:yaim ma zuc>. prANa prayANa samayE ka: (tvam bland answer, which did not havebland answer, the pr GitA. In Br in Bhagavad found the One stakes high and said: will cert “He who thinks of me always, greed and avarice”. of filled with waters ocean of SamsArA “yO maam smarati nityasa:” with in easy reac remembrance) is not dharmams the Yogams to be followed, Ah< Tva svRpape_yae svRpape_yae Ah< Tva | sarva dharmAn parityajya maamEkam SaraNam vraja maa suca: || aham tvaa sarva paapEpyo mokshayishyAmi and removed the bheethi and kl NaarAyaNa PaarAyaNaa, Naradar asked the Lord: Sage “ That is why said in GitA: mamek< zr[< ìj, pirTyJy svRxmaRn! In VarAha Charama slOkam, the Varaha that position stated by Lord KrishNa about dhruva smrithi in response to the request for a Laghu UpAyam was: “The Man/woman, who, when a reply that gave to Sage avathAram including some original quo some including avathAram for the VarAha The special appreciation body is not and shattered, when the el Here are a few more points to round points a few more Here are His paramapadhamhas inmyopinionnomatch anywhere. rush to the side of such BhakthAL and then leading them by hand as it were to unambiguous Varaha BhagavAn’soutright, The AzhwAr’splea,“ toHisBhakthan. compassion their helplessnessinlastmome The conditions that this parama DayALu lays on the humans fully cognizant of supreme abode”. then Ithinkof(him/her),Mybhakth man/woman lieslikealogofwood ora (meditates) onMe,whois perfect equipoise,meditatesonMe, thirukkutanthai bhuvarAha perumAL appOthukkippOthE sollivaitthEn notsubjecttobirthsdue toKarmA--whenthat 18 piece of stonein his/herdyingmoments, who hastheworldasMybodyand an/Bhakthai andleadhim/hertoMy nts aresodrivenbyHislimitless statement ofHisdeclared intent to ” nowcomesintofocus. MahA VarAhO MahA texts from VishNu

xtaposition of Govindha Naamam of Govindha xtaposition VindA = rescuer). It is as MahA It is as MahA VindA = rescuer). consort and acquired the name of consort and tion based on the tion based on overview of Swami Desikan’s Rahasya overview of Swami Desikan’s of these two slOkams are provided by e deeper meanings of the two slOkams slOkams the two of e deeper meanings llarai Rahasyams created by Swami Sri Sri Rahasyams created by Swami llarai 19 n as varaha charama SlOkam. mhavrah> S)…qpÒlaecn>, mhavrah> S)…qpÒlaecn>, ” It is interesting” It is see the ju to The Scope of Rahasya SikhAmaNi The esoteric meanings for every word The esoteric meanings Desikan. It celebrates and explains th that constitute the unit know Rahasya SikhAmaNi is one of the chi (BhAratham Saanthi parvam: 330-5) gaeivNd#it ma< deva vaiGÉ> smiÉtuòuvu>.330-5. parvam: vai guhaagatam nashtAm ca dharaNIm purvamavindham Saanthi govinda iti samabhithushtuvu: ||| mAm devA vagbhi: (BhAratham adiyEn will provide a quick To conclude, Grantham revered as Rahasya SikhAmaNi. nòa< c xr[I— pUvRmivNd< vE guha gtam!, (Vishnu PurAnam:1.4.26 ) ) PurAnam:1.4.26 svatata: samutkshipya dharAm dhamshTrayA maha VarAha: (Vishnu padma lOchana: -sphuTa tt> smuiT]Py xra< Svd<ò+ya after MahA VarAha nAmam. In one approach Govindha is the One, the One, One, the One, the is Govindha approach one In nAmam. GovindhO--- VarAha MahA after Mother Earth (Go=Earth, who rescued BhagavAn rescued His VarAham that Sri VishNu sahasra Naamam salutes this avathAram Naamam salutes sahasra Sri VishNu as “ Govindhan. this interpreta endorses Niruktham also purAnam and MahA Bhaaratham: purAnam and MahA The Scope of Rahasya SikhAmaNi The Scope of Rahasya SikhAmaNi The Context oftheVa totheLord Tribute Desikan’s Swami The Context oftheVa totheLord Tribute Desikan’s Swami not beabletothink oftheLordduring neck of a sparrow,would betheequivalentoftyingapana which surely will ground topracticemeans)li upAyam (difficult it forever.She rightfullyrecognizedusasasaktha She knew that we will andtoreachHisLotusfeet. of SamsAram chEthanams (Herchildren)withaLagh ThAyAr, whoisOmniscientandyetaske because VarAha CharamaSlOkamarose MahA POthrin. waters andplacedHeronHisimmense ofthatOceanlikeliftin PirAtti out dimension ofonehoofthegigantic The deepoceanofthe ocean duringth Meaning: pOtriNEnama:|| mahatE vahatE mEdineemustAm kvApi kalpaantavEsantEkhuradaghnE samuddhrutAm| vhte meidnImuSta. Kvaip ourd¹esmud!x&tam!, kLpaNtvezNte this rahasyamisasfollows: tothegi Swami SriDesikan’ssalutation Swami SriDesikaninthispowerfulgrantham. The Context oftheVa totheLord Tribute Desikan’s Swami rAha CharamaSlokam rAha CharamaSlokam rAha CharamaSlokam g atuber(kOraikKizhangu)fromthose 20 e MahAPraLyamtimeswasequaltothe ke Bhakthi Yogam. She felt that route ke BhakthiYogam.Shefeltthatroute tusk. I salute that BhUmiVarAhan, the tusk. IsalutethatBhUmiVarAhan, u UpAyam to overcomethesufferings u UpAyamto gantic formoftheVarAha PerumAnin adhikhAris unabletopracticetheGuru m kaai(bigpalmyrafruit)aroundthe Varaha PerumAn, who lifted BhUmi VarahaPerumAn,wholiftedBhUmi thelastmomentsof d HerLordtoblesstheunfortunate of theimmensecompassionOur

our life on this

r than the thoughts about Lordthe thoughts r than at ple and unfailing means) of salvation.ple and unfailing ). BhU VarAhan agreed to His dear ). BhU VarAhan e worst time of our suffering as our of our suffering as e worst time slOkams is the essence of Jn~Ana free from the burdens of svarUpa of svarUpa burdens free from the ked throat and memoryked throat loss et al. Our for our benefit a supreme message of our benefit a supreme for 21 Her Lord therefore to have mercy on us and begged begged and us on mercy to have therefore Lord Her from the cage of body. from the cage Laghu Aradanam to SrI Varaha Salagrama murthi The Meaning of the VarAha Charama Slokam The Meaning of the VarAha Charama Slokam The message contained in these two The message mind will struggle with every matter othe every matter struggle with mind will prayed to that time. She with a laghu upAyam (sim Him to bless us UpAyam to be that laghu She wanted parikArams (structure and limbs/angams and revealed to Her consort’s request remove our fears at th hope that would to part Jeevan is about earth, when we are overpowered by bloc we are overpowered earth, when

The Meaning of the VarAha Charama Slokam The Meaning of the VarAha Charama Slokam The Meaning of the VarAha Charama Slokam The Meaning of the VarAha Charama Slokam Oh Bhumi Devi! The entire universe is my body (sarIram). I do not have birthsMeaning: ||2|| madbhaktamnayAmiparamAmgatim aham smarAmi tatastam mriyamANamtukAshThapaashaNa sannibham| Ah< SmraimmÑ´, SikhAmaNi are: Charama SlOkams,thesubjectmatterof and CharamaSlOkamofLordPartha ofeachotherinthought) supportive Thus theVarAhacharamaslOkams NammAzhwAr. charama slOkamofLordKrishNA These twoslOkamssupportthepUrva- deha yaathrAis. andthenliftingthemupto His adiyArs This He does by descending afterrevealin feet atparamapadham on this3.7.7, Herevealedthestepsthatta earth in Vibhava Aselabor Yaj~nam, (viz),Prapatthi. avathArams, protecting m prma< gitm!.2. 22 ated by NammAzhwAr’s Thiruvaimozhi Thiruvaimozhi ated byNammAzhwAr’s g their natural nithyAnandha svarUpam. g their naturalnithyAnandhasvarUpam. for thelatterrahasyamslikeDhvayam His celestialabodeattheendoftheir kes to place the Jeevan at His sacred kes toplacetheJeevanatHissacred sArathy. ThesetwosacredVarAha and the ahalahillEn paasuram of and theahalahillEnpaasuramof are anyOnya upakArams (mutually are anyOnyaupakArams(mutually theelaboratecommentary,Rahasya utthara sectionsofDhvayamand

d reflect about Me d reflect moments, they are totally when (one who is fit to (one who is fit be worshipped), ya sannihithan (One who is always ya sannihithan ad them by archirAdhi maargam to My ad them by archirAdhi

and an healthy body nithya kaimkarya to Me there. bhAgyam 23 yanthA (one who commands from within) commands from within) yanthA (one who bhu-varAhar ArAdanam I think of them at their last I think of them then (root cause of all), ni as SarvAdharan sarva sEshi (the ultimate), aasrayaNeeyan (all-pervasive)Sarva VyApthan and Nith near), and le log or a stone a unconscious like have to and bless them parama padham or deaths. When my bhakthAs with mahA visvAsam surrender to me, while while me, to surrender visvAsam mahA with bhakthAs my When deaths. or mind of tranquil still in a state they are Concluding prayerofSwam This inessence isRahasyaSikhAmaNigrantham. have mercyonusandleadtoHisParamaPadham. VarAhan stone oralog,thenmayLord their powerandwhenweareinastate When thetimeofphysicaldeathappr Meaning: naatha: pOtrInayatukrupayaanaathita:svampadamna: kaalE prAptEkaraNavilayAtkaashThapaashaNakalpAn| naw>paeÇInytuk¯pyanaiwt>Sv. kale àaÝekr[ivlya Swami Desikanconcludeshiselaborat Concluding prayerofSwam Concluding prayerofSwam t! kaópa;a[kLpan! SrI BhUvarAhaPerumAL i Desikan to BhU VarAhan i DesikantoBhU i Desikan to BhU VarAhan i DesikantoBhU i Desikan to BhU VarAhan i DesikantoBhU e commentarywithamovingprayer: 24 in response to our earlier saraNAgathi in responsetoourearliersaraNAgathi oaches, andwhenourlimbshavelost of unconsciousnessequaltothata

prevented by from having the by prevented ram as revealed by the dwaara m to the SanathkumAraa and the m to the SanathkumAraa

avatara/Hiranyaksha story with which avatara/Hiranyaksha ram are two fold in adiyEn's opinion ram are two fold 25 aa of the VarAhAvathAram of the of the VarAhAvathAram of the of the VarAhAvathAram of the Jn~anap Piraan ThiruvdigaLE SaraNam Jn~anap Piraan ThiruvdigaLE Bhumi Devi ThAyAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Bhumi Devi ThAyAr ThiruvadigaLE paalakAs’ (Jaya-Vijaya’s) apachArapaalakAs’ (Jaya-Vijaya’s) sages, who were great other three darsanam of Sriman NaaraayaNa at Parama Padham. Our Lord will not evenput up with BhAgavathApachAram if it originates from His servants. 1. slOkam and The birth of VarAha Charama 2. asahyApachaaram/BhagavathApachA The twin significance The twin significance dAsan, SaThakOpan Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri is as follows: we are all familiar avathA to this The deeper significance The significance of the deeper Varaha The twin significance