Inside Weather Foreign Aid Struggle Seen, Mostly su nny and mild with p. 3; Boom In Bloom At The MICHIGAN diminishing winds. Fair but Plate, p. 4; MSU Salutes turning cooler this evening. William Shakespeare, p. 9. STATE K Temperatures 60*65. UNIVERSITY S'TAT N IW S Vol. 55, Number 124 Wednesday, April 15, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10< Jesse, Harris W in AUSG Prim aiy Hannah Offers Solutions To Parking Woe 5 ^ arate^eaders Announces Car Lots Amendment Wins Approval For Dorm Residents Jam es Jesse, Buchanan Junior, and Bob Harris, Bryan, Ohio, junior, will face each other in Thursday’ s All-University Student By JA N E K N A U ER Government race for president. State News Staff Writer Out of a total vote of 4,612 in Tuesday’s presidential primary, Jesse took a slim lead of 1,249 votes over Harris’ 1,203. Herbert President John A. Hannah answered questions Monday regard-- Wingo, Buchanan sophomore, ran third with 1,051 votes. Tom* Par ing the problem of parking facilities expected to result from tridge, Swartz Creek junior, ran next with 607 and Jerry Wallace, the ban on campus driving between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on class * * * Cedar Springs Junior, was last days, effective next fall term. with 502. Hannah announced parking lots for dormitory residents in The AUSG sponsored amend an informal question and answer period ai South Case Hall. ment to change part of the con Residence hall lots were not announced earlier because final Heaviest stitution requiring proposed details had not been worked out.
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