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4-27-1913 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-27-1913 Journal Publishing Company

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the de. el, according to inembeis . .f the t 1 llf linnet argl n la on. , AMERICAN GIRL IS is AUSTRIA DEMANDS TWO FUGITIVES IN PROCRESSIV GOES Change this ondulon Al pie s, nt mi, Tills, they assert, holds true In all people are not irenibbd about tin HEADSTRONG GIRL the depredatioai pommttted by iuf pric e of the contents 0l Ihgtl market flagettes They are merol ac pted as baskets. Thcv vtt for the continu- volunteers lor "war service." NotftMto ance ecf gg opportunlt) to pay for it MOST POPULAR OF lions are asked; the volunteer lie ABANDONMENT OF CANADA CAUGHT INTO THE RANKS contents Bettet a full market Hag RESTORED TO RER left to their own Initiative. However, Ki t at ralr pile es Hi. in mi smpt) the) generally work In pairs; and un- t nt rale." less they ale caught in the art, not Representative Heflin, ecf Alabama, own organisa- SUFFRAGETTES even members of their SCUTARI AT AN BY POLICE OF DEMOCRAT s democrat, made a humorous uttai k tion know what deeds they are upon the republican tariff attitude MILLIONAIRE for. lie injected a good aatured erlthnnm Whatever John Lull may think of It, it Theodore Itoosevelt and the pro- - attaches at the American enibiisH are greealve party, E ARLY AT ON Represenbitlvt Chand praying that the suffragettes' warfare iiift Piobe Deepens as Put TARIFF ier. of New York, lor the ptogreg EATRER will soon end. Auntie. in mothers ues. will leplv on Monday, seeking th" embassy's services In free- thei Disclosures Are Made Represent em Bryan, e.r Qfaah ing their Imprison, il daughters ha- Ington, progn esslv e. asset ted the tarlft rass and heckle the in no less than Between Guardians of Law bill was a product ecf political Ing Jail That the English suffragettes Shoi.ld Corcert of Gi eat Pi )W Representative rolllnir, and urged Hie a Miss Authorities Declare harass their Men, Stringer Calls creation of Ramona Borden, Who own political leaders. Almost evrrv-on- c and Bunco n tariff board. If All Ac- Militant Women Weie at the embassv becomes depress- ei s Fail to Take Positive Upon Bull Mooseis to Id pic scntaltvc Manuhan, of Minne- Resented Beiiiii; Placed in ed everj tune a strange woman enters sota, i publican, ruin tiled the demo- Like Her, Cause Would Soon tion, Dual Kiimdom Will .lieum, -- by Piovisions of Underwood Rest and the tdaee. Hi MecrnlM Irilxil Vtlrr crat for putting flour on tin- free due Sanitarium San Pmnciaco, April :'i. Two fugi ll- on Bill -t and retaining th.' dutv on wheel Ran Triumph, Mno Montenegro, much wanted here in connec- as Party Pledges. Away, Bank with Family l Representative lo..lltte, of Kansas, uli'mi I'rged lor Uoad RMMh -- tion with the Inv ligation of chat to , -- favored the creation of farmers Birmingham, Ala., April The agalMI eight men of the police de IfgltOd loan department execlltlv, COmmltt f u c the ONE MORE DAY ONLY I rtmeiit preferred onvicted bin, NEVER LOST CHARM totkgj FIRST FEELING SHOWN Representative Haw ley, of Oregon, FOUND BY DETECTIVE States Co. i, Unadg association grreated In ( aa ci men. were todn republican, urged protection wool ap; olnted a spec ial rom tilittee to FOR DIPLOMATIC WORK ada, A from Calgary, DEBATE BEGAN IN NEW YORK HOTEL WHILE IMPRISONED iiieage SINCE Repreeeatatlve Rhreve, or Pennapl-vania- . te ashln",liei w eek to t'rge feel next said that Antonio Mualn, alia and othspg ajsaj spoke. tot OOd recalls before con- eral aid ltasso, under Indtrtmenl charging Repreeentalive Crlap, af fleorgia, gress. The committee consist of rompliOlty In bunco trie k, and Nicholas Forces Must Get Out Confties; Hull Ex- - democrat, congratulated the count?) oung of Was Always Cheeiful Despite J. H. Hank-head- . Who lumped his hall Women Companions fulled Stales Senator Paulino Narcl. mi the democratic bin. itv ever) mlg Dell M it San While waiting on g and Pluck Alabama, ehalrtnail. of Coveted City Willingly Jose trial plains of eiiulty and e, onom) he said, It Escapade, is Report of Those Confinement, the L. Cog had bee n Patter, Clifton, Aria.; Tom larceny eharae, taken lali -- houid reduce the roai or living Re- Watson, Over- custody proceed and Inci- Displayed by Hoi Was nor. St. Louis, and K. J. or be Driven Out by there and extradition teniovo Ho burden rroni the ieceei, Who Investigated an w ,il , commlslsoner of agriculture of South ere started mi. lie would pUlCS all necessities or llf whelming Numbeis, A by now Quest) olons. dent Now Believed Closed, markable, i 'and Inn statement Michael Oallo, on the In . list ii I,,- onl, I. b,. mild. in the penitential ceiiiiec ted Musin , lie H i II ill'. I.., Item ,, l egc-l- killing ot iteit Hlanchard, it with the prugieeslre, the fifth member of I II, Miirolng .tniiril.d NHfriul nl Vtirr l ii gTelag gaoraal ggeetal v that Il i., Sue, let I n Miirnln Journal Sperlsl Wire) le deputy game warden, and the grand to speak today, h.i licit loioril Wlrr Kng-Ua- '.'". official w 11 part) attached tht London, April If all the Vienna. April Thi J I Investigating the aahlngtoa, April Oonf rooting Boston, April in. Ramiinu linnlen II. CONTROVERSY OVER iry itnteMaat, in which the t'nderwood bill suffragette hnd thi charm of Ft etude iiblait. discussing Si uteri, wa killed mogthi progressive members of the Inure nianner tumbled in the arms of her father, in.tin hard kovaral W.IS ll epal ll X.Ihk Zclle Ktnorson, the American ago while arresting two nu n naught with a plank In the national phitrotm huh Borden, the millloMUrs mAk was v lit be caul, hv 'n- - tin- - cause," game Of their party pledging them ta mi ten.'' dltalel of New York, at the lintel Piil, who went to Jul "for Violating the Inwt Qallo'l slate ibrwood ami underwritten b) .....i in ii th- mediate leVISIOII oi I'VU'KieiCi t.clllf Tourarn pjday, and so brought in equal suffrage would soon triumph th .'. nt that these en believed v I -- r.. WOUM ugg-st thai ii In- (all Ragtag), In opinion of the pri- CANAL SHOULD Gu not slop al a platonlc declaration ul wete ahotit to be lor com- achedubs" without waiting lid hi u an ml w hat the lainilv has dee bled the arrested ed Ho- 'Woodrow-l'aderwoo- d bm,'" son authorities ut Ih Hotloway Jail, their unanimous Intentions: they plicity in the bunco rlng'a opernUona. pioposed lion partisan tailll comic, 0 regard SB I ROhoOl girl' escapade. e l Miss Kmcrsoti was confine must convert their good win into v a the first light throw a on the drp liepresi nlativ c l.awreiu II. ilf .in hour later, rather and where Illi- Eveg UM required deeds WithOUt delay. In this tog iitv '.i i, h.i der. Stringer, a new member from da iik It t e i drove a wnv lit an SutOIDO- - doctors who trwe repre- htgh- - nois, called upon third pally I'lle feel' ,, C S t II t U llol publ- to feed her forclldv express tho TO THE HAGUE ngotten, the constant talk abroad of Nacc I hIo has been assigned re SOCIAL! ST MAKES - In house tonight to ic Mi Is hopeful l her pluck and compensating Montenegro her mii- preeminent part In the develop sentatives the Uirden that the admiration for '"' retenl Mil If they cheerfulness. ilarv successes mattes an especially inents than he wa given before his support the Underwood affair will soon be forgOttM, and Is wished to ia nut thru- part) di dete In the girl Miss Cmeraon's good nature and wit bad Impression. flight. He wa arreste d m San Prafl 'ni rmlaed prolecl from i la rations. among prl-- k political military presilg. isc o b Jose ,ind Hls-trlc- t further notoriety. made her iv favorite the "The and Sun iiithnriiies progreael s OKI A M Fust defendlag the BITTER ATTACK Miss Itordon win nol return to New n offi. iiiiM. end it is doubtlem triM Expeits In International Law of K ll rope has suffered hv the fall of Attorney Cree, of Santa against onslaughts b) both demOCIt Is York In timt she received better ir atmenl Scutari. If this Injury to their pres- Clara county, aaaerted todaj that he the Immediate future t cpubllc aus, declaring 'hat I. - nied-Ica- English Obi Agree Differences Between tige, check to action, Is a had reported to Mayor Itolph al and and itbet plan- I" place her under l than m.inv of Her stater. this their that they represented more than l,tN ,gag con- at to powers. time the existence o, headquarter in ure In a QIM retieat to reenper of the attaches of thr Ann Than and Great mat tor Indifference the voters and had the right to claim Ml United States along San PrnnoIgM of the bunco ring ate rroni the physical and nervous sulate who visited Emereon el Austria cannot follow them and was second great WAR MINISTER on had been told to thai their part) "the strain that attended her flight from ll.illowiiy wild thai she Need Arbitration, su.h a path. She must Insist, with mention the NMttei ' 1111111''- - M Britain police part) in this nation the the sanitarium nl I'omptun. N J., last the most i harming Kills be had WW all cinph.isls at her command, on to the commlaaioa. Mayor the h iiiocini emphatb iAk denied thai Wednesday. There will be no legal xpn-Hs- i d th hope that the ,, cly being as speedily and Itolph, however, denied that ' BMl nnd i reme found I'n. the represented a piotectlon parly." proceedings anyone. i MM had ever nieiitionecl the Intnco ring to aualnsl state- department would entire ill. Homing Journal Hppihil I nicnl Wire.) thoroughly as possible. Vnii tell me that the pnigri'f 1 Is him. Here the matter tested tonight. Allelic Miss Itoieh'h was located at noon v to rtpeat the visit. Washington, April Both, in et 'The minimum she demands the pativ a Igrtff Chat Acs libit berman, I. JpgMlopmeal favors al a hotel uhe Wa stop-pin- g Minn si at by powoft Another of the dav whole MrH. It. M. Kmci'sen, lotto's speeches ml discussion, sieakcrs Immediate presentation the i iimmlsslon," he dei hired "That Is A i - So- was (he of the alghl suspend- - ust ian and Fiei ch Mauu- with two girl friend ami asked I dimreanod lOday'l meeting of Ainerican to I'cttlnje ecf protest they have reiiiesl mother, deeply the the tin.', but that plank In the prngre ggd ' ed members of the polic e department, to return to her father prompt statement made M'" Kmnielliu ciety of Intel national LOW, maintain- glread) de cided upon in the form of slvei platform enncludea hv saving charged by the convicted bunco men Iv consented. Mr. Harden was walt-la- g Pankhursi sanea lime W af, Nhtlc ed that the Enlted States WM under a vigorous demand for the evacua- 'the weak e.r the commission should t with having shaled spoils, to ap for the girl when she arrived. meeting. PraWotwIy, In the htuai "t n moral a well a International ob- tion of Scutari at once and. In the not prevent ilie lit, mediate adoption nf pear grand Jury Later it WW said that the reconcilia- had baa mad ligation to submit the Panama caijal the adoption of before the probing theese gfaer-all- y commons, refereec at refusal, nets reduc ing schedules was complete. miffrng.'tli-I- eontreneisy to arbitration It for- thene harges. Their reqoeet will be tion by n speaker to militant tolls lurther military measures for the lecognlmxl us excessive.'" to - onsidered by the jury ecu Monday, poraon guthoi Ined fur Who had sought was held B) several of the speak- of win of Ku- Waving aloft th.- Quotation and nil n, gasnlus, fsgnnd specie! leased Wise.) ipwi the HollOWai Jail also cible carrying out the Itordi-n- , ' Mi said tonight; pneumonia by i n er that congic-- s should at once re- hanging back on the part dressing hinvseK to Victor llurdoch, Berlin, April m Karl i.ieb to give herself iope. Am Mi Borden's duughter has been sponging peal tolls exemption ac t and sub- purtv in the house, the , uncovered on her rot after the 01 h.iiropc gem this minimum would progreaatv leader knwbt, aoclallsl continued by llego- - m- - reatorad tO him today the warm water. Mr mit the subject to diplomatic leelings and ,v:t gtrlngar conttauasl: . in no lieit'bstag today revelation her body with excite of dissatisfaction OPERATIONS TO BE peTS0P who assist- ' and fuolllh (MnKhUtfctHltfl rttat ihi uttmew Sjc"mI. ll Austria-Hungar- y It l nil iitte nrton the gentle In .an. lion vilth lb'' me thods of l.ittrilo-- s the ed to evade authority. The Mr and Amos S. Ileishey, professor of In- Kanaa In the swieiaent, concerns, wploh, he said, her his whs Ming Emernon, Eiuoraon v ill be to Europe' interest to previa men from armaatant iplln-e- Of - case is simply that of an itnilli .Mrs. Pank-hur- st ternational law at the Enlveisltv If and the proiUeHslv niem living mi inleinatlonal hoa- he r friend consider that Ibat lie though dls-- . till." - Klrl who found the study In making desired to see the queettOn leads d- v , ecu apl- displayed had taste ill Indiana, Austria-Hungar- y will wait until hers of this pally whom he tllll wet I run lllti said A inline ber father had laid out for public and the relations submitted to arbitration, He decisive of RESUMED esire to carry out ihc declarations of tal. the Incident re- MOndaj for me action distasteful, what ha been congress sees fit to i bolstvc ihcy a existing I" W. 11 her and between ttiem are Hiiiil to have become that "unless regarding Scutari, accord their own platform, ami lie Ited OntfSCt nothing part of the Panama cciial the power) mpelled by ami am- made so notorious Is actually strained. peal that Ing a made in Official do, they will the serta In leading small arms ruther eoast- - to statement fnore than an escapade M agoga sit- ,o t regarding the exemption of logic ecf those declarations to loin munition factoriea " two in OegniaHf, line of tha features .,f the quarters, .should the powers fail b) school girl". Mr. Borden's only ex- WlM tolls, the I'nlted States Is undei with us 111 tin passage of these penii one in Austrls and one in ftalgtum-- uation in the change in faaltiti thai lime to agree on united action. CA1NEA thought has been the good of hi an undoubted international obligation Ing measures. That platform de nc 111. ipatl) ba. keel by Prenob money, perienced by Amarlcaa mothers who Austria-Hungar- y will proceed alone nl ii good ami SWeet tec ente r into agfeemehl with Qraal nounees tin Payne-Aldrto- h WH - tin terms of which, the deputy al- clauiihlcr. heart go to thp American embassy to ask to vindicate lu r political and military girl, now fully recognise the Uritaln to arbitrate the controversy. 'UllJllSl tee the pic' It deelieC'.'S iened, an ggreemenl had been leached who aid in having their suffragette daugh- prestige. of fool- "In view of the long and honorable for an InCOm tax, and I say to ihc to sllmlnat competition ami tee guar-antt- e deplorable conseiiuenee her Jail. mother I ters released from The It Is repented that Ijermany has re,n- - ish conduct and happy to he hack iilonp nnd history of the I'nlted States." declared gentleman from Kansas what his mutual profits, In London, - pe all Conference Between Strikine w i usually arrives i of promised support Austria under Ith he father hennas Raehurn white, Phlladel- rerees have a (read) said t" us, thw in- ii pointed out that In a of humiliation significance I i. bkneehl unheralded, stale phla, a leader In the movement circumstances. Much keep with lite Mr. Burden hope and believe over per daughter as Miners and Officials of Cop- if they fail i" faith (lerman oompapleg were seiiinn arms or mortification for the gUbatitUtion of a system of In- attac hed to the confelence which llu people nnd rail to .airy out tic concern, that the matter may now he treated Into the to Russia, ami that another it plight. Sueh one stepped of pat v - a purely private which Judication for the present foreign mintater and minister in pledges which Ihej have made the , a Itl'in- tffati i. In ternational per Company Results largely pita llzecl with Kl'eltch re- racantiy, having arrived In- l w family may be embaa) unsatisfactory methods of settling ad ith the emperor at Behoeabrunn ii t which so (hat he and his before, She im- win ib" condemnation ey, was furnishing armor plate to London Init an hour lasted A, rteeiu notgriatp-- " ternational disputes, it is particularly this evening. The conference l eome Begi Work, tht) deserve." r, He asserted all tbe-- e com- lieved further UM best ef- em-pe- plored the staff to their opportunity until o'clock, although the was ett In i Mn e before M lsN Borden broke daugh- appropriate that the l;4f The cia's debate further panies wete Mtgtndnrtng war scares news of her - ic.-i- moorings, forts to conceal should have- presented itself to es- usually retire- - at eight. bj find sahlbltiog at awuv from the parental nnd it made livened tic older 10 insure contracts, ter" imprisonment. Were t . a reason decided In tablish such a precedent, it (By MurnlliK gagmgl RgMll e Wire Ing between majority and minority socialist leader todaj Intro for thai her father shame. I g The public, she said, weeping with eel the' I VI 111 HI IV HI Me Dougtaa, Ariz., April N. Confer-Me- ills, when place III the New Jersey Rest would be unworthy I'nlted Ill IOs leaders in the tariff nsslon diiced the names ol Knipe-ro- William her sh mild never la i.i hat in be IS UNARMING today between officials, CUM when she Was located In Wash Slates to rel) upon what must M tiHRKKN stale Representative Dlaon, of Indiana. and the Herman crewti pint' '', men deemed a technical reason for declin- representatives of the striking miners democratic member or the ways and althongh Vorwarts, Ington ten dayi igft At that time she tionini that the at'-le- suffragettel took the it is to he hoped Lofldoa, April 26. Diplomatic cir- of the Consoli- repub- In south, being The militant ing to arbitrate, and and officials r.cuniica no eommltlee, attacked the el ' i mg Hint visited friends the ins Id lute in Igt8 I' it' ShO permission They persuaded will not In London regard the Bulgarian dated Copper compgnj ill an It was n home without mother In charge. that tlie state department cles resulted lican tariff law. lie dec lared an attempt had been much- B) " tier-ma- iiemi daughter's impt ison-Tw- o Which has been gglOhikl as havlnn amicable agreement and arrange- inc She bad in itia Inlance. and. tie- her that her persist In the attitude withdrawal from m fleet an rease over the former anil syndkMte tO secure- the- main days oppor- Oreco-Bulga- r- opera- ice (hose a poeitlon to know, ment was a signal honor, assumed and will embrace the n grave bearing on the ments were made to resume Dingle) tariff In that the average tat. h rtawspaper el cording in publication in Frenc op- hiRl ami eyee a posses- smelling prop- I 71 cent thought sin should have no more later, with heml held tunity Of creating precedent sits Ian differences regarding the tions of the and mining ol the Payne law was per fahsi news regarding the strengthen- I, .in-- Htrode lllti the that it is not fall of Caniinea, .Manager law ob-je- portunities tee her young friends, it., mother talnlng the proportion sion of the town. Since the erties at Mexico higher than th'- DlBglS) with the ing ,,f tin- prench army, vvuh the c mel embassy to why necessary in law that the Qreeke have been cancan James S. Douglas, driven ftwm the a basis. whom were Qiadys and Vloiei and demanded international Janlna statistics of 101 as i of nauaing a icries aottod ( Oat smoni not been be he-fo- week, Mrs. w. J White, the American people hnd injury should actually suffered ttatlng considerable fcerces in the camp bp a limb of workmen last man Opinion Hie uipeior did nol lies Sheldon, niece "f w ,, daughter us a Ic tlon arises." e,f it was promised protection, and will (II- - New Yolk. told that her hend, Jnstlflal neighborhood Balonlkl ami Hate tie appoint Hell' von elllal cl, English was placed In the sani- suffering martyrdom In an A letter of ftimllar tenor from the thought probable the Bulgarian vogi leave soon for ananea the gentleman rector "r the syndicate, a life member When she n band of jedm Weattake, of Lon- at regarded It as a pnnlsh-u- o Jail. On her second visit late professor mtinder at Seres became alarmed Refugee arriving here from iy unfounded am in the Prussian bouse of lords, Hart tarium, she v out militant suffragettes ace m pa tiled don, was read, but he maintained the situation, as a ecuuparatlv el tin Honors stale ' capital, re- Kepi aaantatlve Payne iil. ami lasl Wednesday, While a nurse, .lumped int" her. that it was neeessaiy that an Injury mall Bulgarian force was isolated port a critical condition there. They lie ith participants walking with CO a Justi-liabl- e away k Irl vvhi has he actually sustained before any of a nno unced they wouk i an automobile and was whirled Another American there. thnt all banks and mam tho Fleferrl i the eiiew u prlnoe, n. v a n- - in lllffntgett glory-io- arises." I ses closed, sent; trnlll Hie ml un Tin. Identity of her companions th ered herself with artion Although a rupture Is not believed mercantile are nnd that lives Llebknec i Called Hial the heir to was licet The purly went a prl se The discussion that followed I onti Btlona ear was known. albeit not by serving to e Imminent, developments are the laboring classes actually face Ihc Hit cell ci been demonstratively Troy, In by Edmund V. Tru- - I 'olll f Mlsslsslp- - from PomptOn tO Newark, Atlantic tence is Miss Lillian BcOtt participated awaited with anxiety, as the' with- starvation, being only pre vented from pl'cse nlativ" a ppla Udet tin Reichstag during Mi ways Now New Haven. n 'I'roy Is writ IIUH, III Louisville, I'iclfessor I t All In- majority ll ier of th -l mtv York and San l'"ranelsa. Miss lv... of troops not regarded rioting by stric military rule. the- camp ecf II Will ClISjUS an, lli- drawal the s, here of CbleagO, and (ieiieral BUi-garl- ml means arraigned the II I Thursday afternoon they arrived and n woman of means. Shi t, Harris, have been comii l W III I as Indicating any modification of dustrial establishments (he Hi lliaii ei inlnlster party Hnynei, V, s. A., retired. repul lb an party, Income tax was - The following day one of the nnd chic, and a firm advoca Peter attitude cm the subject of Sa- - pinged, throwing hundreds of Work rjanaral von Herrlngdan, the- minister and discus- of prolonged discussion left, Borden remaining a( t ho man suffrage, although she following tlic addresses lonikl. men out of employment of war. replied briefly to in ugb Miss next year were Representative Cor tel t wo girls. member of the English siif sion. theBe officers lot dav. hi The Ignored the with fennesaee, author of that km, mlniater Yesterday one of the girls wits Cec ganizatlon. in the campaign ANARCHISTS GIVE KMKIll! ns 9l'fT charges launched by the socialist dep- - II i ,ot, New York. lining It In detail. lb d by a Huston in u u.i intanee, Emerson's release fi sh nt Bllhu M POI1 HORDEH llti mill ,le. lined furlhel' tie ecitllllicllt opala his feet more two Mr Borden. a leading part. prealdenta Chief Justice UP HUNGER STRIKE than who oommunlcated with greatest white, justice William i: mil- - lie arrived here curly toda) and local She achieved her distinc- "'. searching, tion, however, In the days of the great under t'. Knox, Andrew I'arnegie, Jos- More than American left ana-peda- l alleged detect! vea wine bad been u. Koater, Springs. Cole. April 16. ecu Representative dock Btrike. Her heart was moved eph ii. choate, John Colorado nea today train feet tic eight of II I aft, Wil- the seventeen members of the irk, ranking repuhll-an- d with Pity by the plight of the Wretch cicorge Cray, William Pour of border. 'I reXiptees were thrown order to father. w. Olney, 0a of the World, now means conimll Th" subsequent proceetflngn were ed ehildren of the Idle strikers. She liam Marrow, Richard Industrial Workers out of ten the partial cl0SnN ponding S. M. Dlcklnaon, 0g a in the city Jail, if the present turiff lacarcel) mystery than the cir gave one little urchin his dinner. car Strauss, Jac ob hunger strike down of plants here. Flee lran less of Police Hums tonight the urroundltg the girl' Within a few minute there were doz William J. Bryan and Horace rotter. notified Chief portatlon was provided by the South pumManees was re-el- ei ted ti nt they ready to work out the 0, 0, Kyle, who cam ens of hungry mouths to I" M Iks lames Drown Scott are erp Pacific of Mexico railway for all secretary P, Anderson, remaining seven days of their .tail wilh Mr, Borden from New York and Troy then began a iystemal an nf and Chandler persons designated as destitute hj treasurer. se ntence, provided they he fed the reg- said In- - was his representative, this fc ding all hungry rhlldret the Consul tlmplch of Mogalea Tonight a banquet wa held, which ulation prison fan- The decision came Frederick afternoon notified the newspaper strikers. At first it looked who Is here. Consular Agent Chaib closed the me eting. at the conclusion cif a stormy "star that the girl bad been restored. Ac strike would last but a lea 1. Montague, ol Caaanea, already had The creation a permanent ourt chamber" session this afternoon, at us afternoon, leading tee him. Ml Borden had been month after month dfagget of provided free transportation to th' of International law at The Hague, which those tiring of the bread anil Representative Kent located nt a pi iv ate reside in c The ever, with the strike still border for seventy-flv- a American. her at ill place' of the present Hague tribun- water diet, on which they had sub- idependent, announi tee the- ec detective said they had found Miss Troy tic her self resume six adjutants attached stalls dlscus-th- s stuck forty-eig- wore call- However, Ihtcc mines will etc tor the1 democra Mr. refused to ;ere al, was discussed tonight bj Minister sisted for hours, the (leriii. in princes. a hotel ltordi;n task. When the str ki on CO, furnishing Work tO have l.oudon, of the Netherlands, at the ed "Insurgents" by their companions, operations at The war minister agreed to drop the matter, H appeared had given their h igrv BOO and Taei men. The waiting word in ni ll A court of this kind had while the others are referred to as for between ten adjutants, promising a final in- - severely while for 'Jtl.noo meals. Consolidated Copper com- according tO been advocated, he said, but the dif- Stand pattera. Cananea mngt ment of t be matter In the ne xt from the detectives, and. Miss Trov thus iudr hat self the resume run oper- - Itepresentatlve Anderaon, 'if Hinne- - roHnpse ficulty heretofore had been the selec- pany gradually win budget. It Is understood that he will Kile, he was almost read) to Idol of the strikers, Thouaandi Mnety-t'oii- r ROOOVeSWdi da, said the bill placed the demo- - In lighter tion of the Judges to it Itodtea ntlons of its plants. , u n he met Ills da would fight foi form nee, tiaie the meantime with the them knew her and Kreeiii this he upon the es- Pittsburgh, Pa., April 2. wi Ignaclo I. Pesctiulers ha hf-- (. entered Oovernor princes for I reduction of their stnris ict tho dron of th When the ad- t I I N of academy of inter- the emergency rescue crew of he r.- the Week I H l II Kill HROU IDN t tablishment an remained dining The house- also voted to eliminate ill sllfYraccI went thi I ti riolnfration of Irs law, of which l'ittul,oi-i,- utiitl..,, of the ifoccrnnc nt until II ranla, who announced himself ae sup- BOIIDEN'N ihsai'I'i i: vvt i: n. national the first session justing th.- labor troubles the stanclliu appropriation for miss llollnwny jail to serenade .Miss n of iv us withdrawn t fu n trade democrat, de. hired that U to be held this summer at Thd asurc cl that lull protection will i" Rl plying general with horeea, although Miss Troy railed on the strik- tl In his opinion wood a Hague. Should this first acasioB be a day from the Cincinnati mine of Atnerleah corporation, while the l'ndet von Heeringden warned the New fork, April l.Through hun- forded the lower- Ooneral B, ers for a bodygMrd. From the company, near FI hill did not go far epough In - b) William success, an endowment of more than Pittsburgh Coal hundred state troops ate guard- deputies Hint it would make It clliri- statement tonight 8th dreds who responded, a suitable guard leyvllle, an explosion o Four ing rates anil enlarging the free list. corporation eonnsel of a million dollara has been promised Pa., where ing company propertyi cult rot officers without private means son, former was selected. It accompanied the suf- b at It was a "step In the right direction." by Andrew Carnegie for .1 building curred cm Wednesday, there had accept promotion ta a ganemWhlp. New York Cll.v. thi Interest of Mr. dis- to fragettes to the filll and tile usual and (he necessary on Interna- ninety-fou- r bodies removed and tv liepresi 'illative Treadway, of Helen Sheldon Whit', In tin case nl a chairs M l TROOlU IN ONTROI. play of rowdyism was changed to tional subjects. miners taken out alive. si made a detailed critclm Kebrasks Hends Notice nf Rgtlftoatton Miss Ramona Borden, was set fieith a Wedinscbo is ( INAN'Kvt DIHTHIt of In 1' ndei wood bill, priifjieai as orderly as lingers W. W. llram, minister of the rales the Washlngtcen. April Nebraska 'I have known Mrs. While for nlgWt prayer meeting. of NorWtty, an address of ' aiver ftaffcrfi Lenpg to Deatlii particularly In the wool, cotton, and I. many years and know her to be a state mnde glib meas- toda notified the slate department Although Mrs. Pankhur t pnt t( upon excellent relat- unteo, I'ni., Iprtl 2B. Louis schedules. He declared the estimable woman." Mr. Klllsci felicitation the of labeei troubles In ( ananea tex- of its ratification of the seventeenth i Itnrtsoh, of Si ml, Mo., leaped to lenders ure would ruin manufacturer nf - "She has in jail and was kfterwfl d released ion- existing between the united ol the pro- said iii bis statement! - are to have been Imprisoned country by subjecting amendment t" constitution r hecnuse of death today from the top of the hun- said tiles in this sen- children snd has grown vary leemi through a nun r strike States and Norway. slate department raprt riding for tbi- direct election of msiblllty for Har- dred-fo- ot falls at Richardaoa spring.''. daportgd and ibeni to ctom petition with Buropean Miss Borden, with whom she has been her assumptior Professor Albert Ii. Hart, of - ators. OnlJ South Dakota remains te A he was a suf nentatlve today declare th,. expected manufacturers, who secure cheap la- had burning hi e ( hanepllor vard university, deprecated the mod- note explained that proclamation intlmatal) nssoolatetl, The families the shut-dow- not be recorded before the ferer from cancer. The spot where n of mining plnnts mav for a long while. of the pxchefpi ern tendency to violate Internatlonn1 can be- Issued offlc 'hilly announcing been close friends body lies Is almost Inaccessible nnd occur. The state authorities are said "nur cnitntrv is DroSperOOS," lie de telephoned now the slight treaty obligation upon the slightest the tin- new as effective. 'Yesterday Mrs, While It lie in- - nf the situation amendment id ntlt of (hi pretext. may not be recovered. in control ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. APRIL 27. 1913...... mm PLEADS PIERCEEXOMEHATES IWWCl SECLUSION FROM FORnREPUBLICANS SON - IN - LAW OF YOU CAN HAVE

i - i - - r-- r-- PPfii!Hl'HIXKI I I i. v f i i i i n n i 11 U Vlt ll II' -- nut i i - M 10 UNITE ANY MISDEED at this bank, a place to deposit your funds, where RAABE & MAUGER they will be far safer than in your own custody. - . a-t- E" ft F T You can withdraw these funds at will or pass ithout Notifying Anyone ( ichigan Seratoi Says Un- II Magnate Has Exceedingly1 to by of convenient bank His Proposed Whereabout gloved Hand of Welcome is Poor Memory When' Ques- them others means the of helps of mod- Dow Extended All Who Spiit Are Asked of Invest- check, one the greatest business WHEREABOUTS OE Chief Executive Sails to tions Aztec fuel Co. Potomac for Rest, Off at Last Election, ments Running Into Millions, ern times. It will cost you nothing to enjoy the privileges

GALLUP ll m.i, hub Jaiimul i,'. 1,1 I. -. il Wit , ill, M,ruing r ,i I VWil ,11 Moralai .lunrn.ii ftperlel United tflft.) of a First Savings checking account, and it will YET ' I NOT I H - . BIXLEY iprtl 2. I'n d nt jl HI K II. Al lulled si. i.,,ul-- April that STOVE COAL Wllaoft It rem ln lonlxHr In the proa-Id- l . , il, ill, I'll, I: Tnu riHWid II, r flat I'd n millimialr- - r.ill- - help greatly in the improvement of your oppor- mi ll yai lit Si l,i amm v. iii',, "il nt Mil hlgnn, uM'rc tii.. jfinericui road, nttd oil magnate, I j i , t . , i i thi Beit for W II' Pllhlfl KB ' lull li 'onlgtrt nn thJ value of the etorg the Nashville tunities. Summer Use DISCLOSED .. mM r lu inn .in ,ia bto Tii niin.i i railroad, vn mWh al lite met. I'liiiilcil fur united irpuii- - taking hi di pogltlotta toda in the - Mill and Native I'll wi-r- Hi, irniiiK, iin-nt- t, Kl lli M ll I 1111,1 ioat 1 1,., h.i i "it "f ih,. .. mi, imi Itna at font- The Bank for Everybody ii. hi, n, it., ri .m.miHl Plervi inr lli,- rri''n. i: WOOD campaign, ha "egtendeil the ungloved "f H.WJ thare ,,r the Naahvtlle Tor-- MUiM Mi .'.'.I hand genuine pan; frlendnhlp." ntlnl company, of their equivalent; i am n"t hnri in iiuarve with re l,at,'W, Banket Will Appear inibHcani," he 'or U retard ti" fhawc waa made by Oeorgi WHY PAY aid MORE xl We, th (n, itaiil, rrunlon whirh muiN otn'iir Bdirrta, louiiael ttit ih FIRST SAVINGS BANK TRUST CO , 6 Hi - 1 -- it in hi mil,.. i, whii h in and ban. Attoniw IMwarda aaked Plerti tt'e cbn anil prca la, unci l- iftnt Mlchlun i lf, n (took eiilla ..r gl.OO. M. HI VI, Ml l ax a mill til fi i Dm Hi'iiH Chicago inid St. mi h.ix ,i, nrn',1 whi the Terminal wuk with imnk an aecHHt) fpr I Ave.. I'hmie ti)1 i, ml ft, tread: altlinu'gh th in l,',a4 the XK BUILDING a Imin. wan a Imml Iwin' M bai i miKiii mi Th Branny no rrlda) h Vfaanai hiKctla etui cnntli . theft r agaliiM ih,. will go to mnk,. hi gppegj Un- ihna rai I, ii- - who M,IMl,M iriip,rtv. me Riminii urn! l t hi 1 i fern , nun kmou, m;,iii ni'inm people of New lent) t,, alt ppofl th .1 th, r duty In divide the fOTdaa i iroe., ! Mi-- h n ti 1 1 dleappenrani. of Horrtt ' ,il ,,ii gat lun reform MM which failed la 0e lli,. republican part; ri Ihe lam i n " afier 01 in,- yog ii.Kt atastoa "f the i' km 'tut'- gad i" aign, imi ihun tn m the demn '""""i propenj mereaeaa - ""' llloeiiteaneag to iniim-m- the calling il WH'- ciatli p.uty ta nnlj poaatbla oppor ""''''l .""" Capital and Surplus, $300,000.00 Willi' tinnnl convention. The pieH,,iii wl'I Al Ini' NBIHd ' apea! mi Tinitadav m X in k mi.l pB III' III. I,, accept it a u The Pin I, mi nl ilcmrlli ship, and nak them w imin:, ,hI, .Mr. Wlilt, t.ik, ii nt gt) itrnng dealr to ork rejuvtM-atin- lint wlntet, Jnlnlnc In) with them in ami ,ini,i,i,i ptacM h) man) newi .(.ii,. Cryettil. ih,- , hava in i im iii i,, ran party whhh nil aah M .i mi ana eg pel qaated him YOt NG WOMAN DIES l I alipln n.'ii In tlir paat, 500 CHILDREN MARCH IN i.h earl) In Aiirll ami ii) im thai p. iiHi ii antagonism Khe away. "I would lUe a m n. h nnl con hud run , ,1 h, name fn b i,r,,nKht Into SUDDENLY IN HOTEL PARADE TO Ii i', ,m nun, , organised from TABERNACLE Ml Whit, I' pin, m PRISONER TELLS OF irettloitul I'J.nini.inn, ei.d riiitmniii hiii 'I, IP tpeae membeN ol , ..nmi'-- a w hi have 'f ,.i th, greal ntgai nl raaeatatlta of thn fih, the contldeme nee t, i thi country log ba( April II. tpahiicam Hhroaahout rmlna Th. a, it ,1 Mr ' PLOT TO OUST a committee whan nndfratandi th to Atlanlii' City," the l ia od r the da and e hi' h wm "I iliiuen. thefa ragt ink, Up at one (he uvtti'h oi orgflid and tegtlfl it w am at hi aeceeaan a rferei thai rrgfB Mla Ilordcn hei btad puMtdty m t" riaht NUaTgeaflon nam J. Halle; bs that nil,' to the aiinllarlun , iinderatatidAna tin nPle of th' tlia nillll'im, il rlnu la aahl j tmik charge ,,f thi! propel at the In Mm- - p., n GEN. HDERTA llip. N. J.. wh' I, .ml iinii maintained. Orae Retftvige, rapt eaentattt'e ,,f 'leree. I" 'I Mn U lilt,' did ao there, eoiti en PI In ilde, plai d kg " .t l:u aim their nlotl Mm. a th,' . n ,,n v ,'.-- i White ant mil a i imi "in tialny. i I, tanlchi and hi mil I, llll Illl, lOtWKll hail no I plendml to t, i.ll. iw. il in .1 In "I . t us. therefori-- an i , puMI. an and Mrc, Whit,- had n tt.,- petiytama ailh her glvaw aaraetvei ,.i drag at i ..i ii in c. Colo, Miss Conai In nl ,il to raftlC'. Mrx. White then li' w h reeentl -- . i Tlu Maateri and MlilmoHltiea tin h.n teatlmon) yeatcritaj ii tn i ami treaaurer of a ifg to accompan! h.'i I" , l' lowed the Ktrl in m, divided ,1" and with ii"W l,a,l,'li gun , r In De Immedbitrly, name being algned to a eetahliahment Koine H',M"n, however tl' need he meet the reaponatbiHtlea was the duuahti r of Edward Cor r iphlag lo-- mother, an Ihc I'neifi, e,m, (,, runt at once I believe il' irll "i'h II i i n otlu r la CM" ' t' d h h "ii '" ,1 Ml- -. While furt Ii. r inform on BAILEY DENOUNCES Hon before th that while thi v wTe in llnetnn thi it, Maralaa apeetal lnat w , n phi mm toll i ,,i in th, m a p tpgpa nf kit r."' Bagle Paea, Teg,. April M Revo den 'a Ihreala In place hie dniight' i Itrliimlela in Ptodrat Negri a, the M.-x- i anme convent In Canada, and the gin AS can lawn oppoelte Kagle I'afH, drev bcegfUa terrified and aHnrtl) NEWSPAPERS n. on 1. 1, - iftatdana, a prhMfti r, h STOCKMAN ACCUSED gargg dlinppeared wher,'. Mm i itrpprti to -' a plan f"i the Imme White did not heraelf ken alimlnntlon ol freaident limit ' All Dial Mi' Whii, h of Meilco, the ehoh a of a aea letHS heen ptirnl) nnl of affection f. M VERY BAD Ul , a: a p,,,nlar election, and IIH' in OF MURDERING llordrn Hh. ban it ! ! pufel) mil o( "tall. iinn m a provlalonal praalgen aympath) fni ih,' child, and lei ,ii in tin Interim, Promlnenl pgUtleNHe Mlaa H,,rden Inix h,;ued and pit " I... tal'l ai a iii.iii, , in ' th,. plan P RIDE knuwl' 1 Nntionf WISE F lEOiNN PLAN S 36

in rm Inn na a personal i rrecta wit aearched ami letter was found atgn 11 il t V SALE OF CURE ,i ih.. game $1275 wiiii "f Mlntoter W h Mondragwii ''mi empowering th mi to undertal ttftolte mi. s.i'll. II, ,1 si, , lfii',l. IN AMERICA NaidAng devtared he had h en nu thortaed bj Mondrnan, Pelht Dla n.i rietferal Hie rmuet in it rami ami HyUni Trio poatln StLal-S- hi ly-S- ix Institutes Ate t ND LOSES MIND Installed in as Many St " AND ATTACKS it- - - Under Large StOi kCoi jA.x- is Reoorti Paigt Model Gltnwoad, touring car

li n n .liiurnal I .. his wire, nhimtini; net inrougn . Nitt in-k- tril 27. In It, .hi and that sho died within The Price DoesiVt Seem rh'h ffledwnnn hat momenta. Phc Imva th,' hoabnnd Possible tin MH ,,f III,. III, 1. in i Igp ami tutiereiilrtami . im rm in ' aah and i,ftg,flfl in 'PHIS car is a revelation in motor car thtrty-al- x I I i'n. ihti mn ,'hU BlClllllll ' ' intiiut tir ' H r i building. No a n ,t in m iill other manufacturer is t.i in at int aeleete - tin- lull v vi X1- ti, CQUOI) iMth al tpllallMlliitl nf ami aiirrendeei d k building such a car to sell at such a i, tni, aeenrdlna In Tin Tin mi mn,. larae Mhalcan price. Maybe later, but not for this year. tin- mil one a il an That's vvhj the Paige "36" is a next

ih. put i I, a ir's car. Irllnttlnn nl in undetatand an For instance, does any other car in the Paige ND0RSED t. Sim clain price field offer the famous Gray & Davis Electric him ami drt It.ii nt and Starting and Lighting System' Look it up. See she think if they do. The Paige "36" chassis was designed at alsht. r-- t, for the Gray & Davis System. is Mauri., riff took Kt It a pari of the car. ,' physiiini Look at the Paige "36" clutch, the cork insert multiple disc clutch. See what other cars offer it. Look WO SUICIDE at the Paige "36" motor size and PEOPLJP WANTED design 4 inch bore, 5 inch stroke, and every de- VI I END H S SORROWS lit tail splendidly refined. Look at its wheel base, 1 16 inches body size, big and roomy wheel size, Skating Kink Today 31x4 inches ignition, Bosch magneto. Elks' Tlmiin BuikUn Compare the car. through and through, with any CHEAP LUMBER car at a competing price. Compare not only design and Sfvon limns i idincd enUrtainmenl. No equipment. We want you to compare materials and exercise liftlci than rolUr skatin; il restort-- s the workmanship, too. We will be satisfied with vour in your judgment when you've made the comparison nwt's checks and removei the wrinkles s teat t, from old maids. held hi Five types of body: M( Th, sm f: iniiii' i. Mint,', I in Mca. It K L.i. inuuei wesimooK. roadster; I' ll" be! artutnd. ore,. Aurll 16, Model hnghton. raceabout; Model Montrose coupe; Model Maplehursr, sedan gtmg nt Chronic roaattpation. For those who prefer a slightly less expensive "I'm- t w . nty-on- . 1 car we years stiff, rod of fcr the two with chronic conatlpatlog," faya t'. Paie "25" in popular body tvpes, a touriiiK g OUR SPECIAL SALE v ftobfneon, of Cordova, A c. "la car and snappy, stylish roadster, both at $950, completely Mny ItOI, it had aanunted nmoreae-rimt- a Ufa Insnram','. ami equipped. Ih furm, ctaoHtng la indlgeation hot trreeatde. tlnlater out where I m ler u liil- - ami, i"i.s and ntmraathenla, Ufa aaemed thavinK lakmi ( ( a burden tn Tarn fwnotta iiisi- - ills (.it I ami i insiiits sni iinii Ii in, o,' , ytM daaj and mm efMaMallgt with all thoti iff ..aid. dvgttte A KORBER-QUICK- drug fatted tg help toe. El AUTO SUPPLY in. 11,1 ith'iM i in.. I.. gfVg Chamber- - CO. Uht'l Tnlm is a tlial. which 1 did. anil m VTE ! GRAY am pleaged t" t iv i bottle. of them m.i did STUDIO cured in, ,'' pot Mile by n tt doaUtra. her nmlh I PAiGE-DET- I -- 'I mil,, stile TOR 'I U.i I CAR CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN 'HON S31 ng polaoa, with Mis ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, ' APRIL 27. 1913. THRCE


BttUw- - " STANDING OF THE CLUBS A"" . M -- ' " i ' ' ' ' 4 "i1 mi "hi. u ''on nil,. i looked HiMi'iiv LEAGUE. SWEEPSTAKES THIS WEEK THREE EVENTS COLLEGE lllioiili League. nil hm) noiibM play, tin Cuba , Clul made liM' mm nil a r bv Willi. I. Plteian, Pittsburgh liuw on lull in Eimmermss Denver i and r Toueki ')) U'HK BrldWell and ii wild throw t.. Denver viul'l the II Denva . grandstand by McCarthy. Mater In h nfh eeeoad tram Annual Carnival of Relay Albuquerque Institution Admit-Rac- ea ' at tha aeries fw " '"t" tl.- lillMI lll'IS Ullll I , . . PhJladelph '" lkil I,., spo is E . III U. ..., Matched to Meet (kit1 Na-no- Ill .ft t. .11. llt'Sl I... ' I.. m Philadeiphia - ted to In is Brooklyn " " ' " "' lining was responsible tin, .. Membership gave i iii.s f,. of Ml, St. I. olds ning tin tntlr nm two m,- i , . .. Mil- - and Mlchlgai Teams tlotial Accred-Prov- e tuna, rooia, who relieved Adanta thn ,,,, , ' Federation of Cincinnati m, ' In i .hint, pitched tin,, ball bill ,, loston il. nil hit. ,,, s , Sui prises, ited Commercial Schools,

... , A League, ,,,,. mors oil a sa, rifle, Merlon fy butting o Wyr rUil r i,. Homing Jeaeaal) Club, i HJil nu Mini in w Won ianui eat lire, Ti .ii, m,.iiiihh agaiaai taeetel - ...... l"'i...... I. a, .. fur ikii IndlanapoUa. tad April it lawa in. m.iiun, ni. ni ,,f ihe Allimiuer- Philadelphia I IIRII, ii.H"' ll'l.l..inn nit" Hill Scol'C tniiiwelght, -- 1.1 lelegraphed PhlUdeTphla, April -- Weoti r li. II. R M rcedea ear, aqulpi ml it li ., HI I ni :. '"" Boal iiegg hag been alH i iii (he Cooper M nun, W 'leveltnd hi ninth relieved inn. ami Denvei 11 (I Mark Um of the New ati is tank twn of the till. Oal mix t Knight win be one uf tha fblilj notified that at Hie eonvell- - Washington Phelaa, who was u nt to bai enfttMi ' . ni- - ii t in fat Topaka 1111 - in a c. that he would arrive hert ihe annual rarnlvul of re Oil IWK :i in coatoatania m ttK- third unnual lot "i the national ritargtlga. of Chi ago k Baler, doubled over Booe'a - ihiM weak, probablji Wedneaday, and 'tik bail Battel Mi ran ami I'lm K mill, liili rnatliinal . k. - run Commercial s. h,,..i- - .,t si. l.miis smith for Chicago pitcbed nne ball, liusi would Immedlatel) atari training fbl toua) ti rnieafo the enhaven ind Bllllaaja, 11 tin Indtawapolte Motor Bnaedwa) PUHt Week III, I,., a sell. '1. Hll Detroli r. Mlllar'i (tafia In tha ins coming match nh Hddla Mm inn. 111I11K the ilxtb drove Bumm ry stoini haaaa Chaitmll Mm sttth, tha antr) having iwaa aiadi p leeted In full ineiiilierahlp In thai i w Ymk 2 Pittsburgh's only two ruaa over thai t Cochi n 3. Two-ba- at iiHs ynli- - bj B. '. Patteraon, 01 fork, w'ii The Mhuguergue Itnni- - Plata. iin ,. ly, Att l.arrv. Htrin k out Known iportamaa ami general man- lli'Ss eollege was elei leil Upon i ti, ihe cslorn League. a W. kly, Hunt, nhavan I. ager of Collier1! Palette, tin i recommendation of of gov Club. Won. Lout. Pet. Chicago Baaea nt train- - "i' P 'nntj ante in r thr himrii Ruatenha-ouhi- e Belgian niiiiiotiulri', who baa ami Manngei I i: m H5 "ii Koraa I, off driven .1 " ittonal Hemplunehli eriinrn. Ooodet) . Pittsburgh ... inin on: 001) 1 7 " Hi ,.i to train v,T 1, , I uiaj 1 in, liati lining tinin aera being more it being warm j congratulated upon thin "I' Rmlth BraaMhOSj , battle Btttarlta and inin. Cmpire Mater. signal reeognltion of thi high itattd-in- n st. Joseph I :', illl Ada ma, O'Tooia, Cooper mi: thai 11 - iiis other ntttere in th and ilmoa tn 1. Im-- I i ed aa driver, hmiiiK ranaantad -. h tflehl-i- d ami rfMiienei of the lint iraaha . . 4 .1 - to prove to ins in inning the Iw .?) Bummarj Home run- - Baiar. im- ( 11 : 1 slnu H, 'maha. 1 tha wheal btcaunr ..f ins peraon n lie 11. Sioux City t 4 ''" LiiMi! .ii outha eat otl hit Hyrne, u'Touli', I'lii'luii s lie- - rrlendablp for Phiiiihou ami 11 Memliereiilp It Ma umt 'i s atolnea IM Murray. ,,ih. in. the) hall federation Double pit) Butler to Bate CM si- h has no rill "I nil which us.- T 6 owt pVe m mm r m will 10. 1111 the iinht to the lerm, "accreoltetl tlu I ilaa at) i.niis Tool,, ; Cooper i; . off off eeri u s within tbe ItmitHtlom pretcrlb. n,,. f s, ' iu-(- onlv Wichita l rehmeti eommereial hoo. grnniiil I 11 ,.fi ' Siru.-- by Smith ,1 vvi Bmtth out b) the epeedwa) manaiamanl for given hampior 10 inntii' i'.-- hii h maintain the th 11111,1. acortng .M Tin car will b, .J,, I'm liii- Cots, tongue. ami ar's ran'. n thii ii. mi Ho mi i.m iiigiust teaching atandartti and runs. iped Kui'iipr In n day ,,,,,, - . Club. Won. boat !Yt. Th,. natai aeoi from few ,, rtvnlri n hamlon- operate upon a miserniu. uml will be a H Lou Angeles x .1 fives u;li workout boyi Ii tboroikfbl) prvfiatlontl ttatt, it iin- I ' :i ii ,; ml luhapolui Motor Kpoadway, chavei .III Wll I -- ft, The The purpoaea or the are 'nkluiKi I I . I I federation I.I iflte tenting in I - Venice 12 II baa iu'eti the oar t am this ine to manifold, und calcutated not mii t.. time and It lit miiil ii Haqrsunento 10 11 'ope for tottta thai eai uen laalvel) be redlth'i ii ivi red iiopioM' th,, general ttaadtrd of earn- - .Varaged an wag , n ,, . I iw 11 14 recently ha to mllea no to ('hi. iiuartei In l!i I neeoi.Oi men ial honls to Ran 'l.'iin o .1 iot hot alo froatl) 1,1 ii hi.. '. an road which Is 13 .1 s over ordfttari ami wl him .111 'P...rtiin Michigan freehmat the value or dlplomaa, in Portland - larK-M- Incrette Philadelphia, April Tin- t 11 u Halteriea; oiiiik, AIIi ii ami liapp; eapeclally noted Hn utomobiie iitiH n e gnnouili .mi nt ol a general way the leiliiilloii will crowd uf the aeaaon bare aa m W -- Robinaon, CVnaewan -- obnaon, lis till le of Will 1:1 Ml PI TODA to- and Hoik i.iv.ini the lengtheaieg Phtladelpblfl defeat WaalUttfltoa .nt r 111 Bummary: Two-bo- ae bit Coyle, the Mtehtt is, s, the nmptoytat of 'he :t 11 m'lv day I'n tn I in tame which rneanl ,lMK 11, I 1.1 n. is the the first sin., he weni pel lite. run M-- , National l.i'iinr. puaaeailon in, liruhh, Llndaay, Clarke, Home fact that for time It 'ver ti lest a, IiIiik talent, the Weed- telnporary of ftrat place ggo h given 1 mill riadnnatl at st. i.ouIh. run Bmlth. Double la Smith i" tbe history of atttomoiiiie raaint tbe ttveral aitii Jo eri ing " ll Of lO Ur.nle s. hools. the II , for iii.- winner, Washington acored t'hli-iii;n- Hiide be Here- - ButoVe whoee gMtrriAg Plttabunrb at I.lmlsio. Slrink out hj fount I, verve motor win ueed. cbM .1. t.m 111 of law similar to Hint in tin' aaeond iiuiIhk mi ItoBrida'a - kt, b) by in Cloaa-ma- n lafare all iiu Iiik oerx have uaed nm- hW be Mm inn is training itrigle, a pa ball, Htuvhee' Uncle RoMtutoa lAIlan t. Hindi' effective, la New Mexleo Atajrrirajaj and t. tori of the poppet valve type thi tartern featherwrtfhi challewtei Draguc linn-bi- t Paaaed ball Jobnaon. Wlhl uml iln education of the pulilie ..mi Moiiifi s double. Cotftni' bni Phllllpe-Kx- le SI. ...ills at I'hlriiKo. pttch--Hobina- on Mercedea, whieh ho neurl) tattle this week With Johnn) i Hii;m s and Allan, flttta on ami the proper itandardg ul commer !t( i lOand and elmle tied the aeore it Vgrnen the worat' ...i.l 1,. at Detroit. iiniin off Bsblnaon a mi Cloaaman race last year, being .1 tin latter type, ""' 'It' balder, iai edut allot in the fourth. Brown wan taken out a n mi nt of :i one mile Every motor up to imtii wag of the Marfao ims record which t ih - in thr aevcajtb to permit Danny tfur- - Otaduutea of 10 ereillte, eommcr- j, poppei valve type. In that .Mar reetpeeted In tin ring Thou N 1 i. phy to at for him with thr hani s hi, ion LEAGUE. 1 'ha lie V. Knight ugbi mu featherwel he ran make filled ami mic out. a double play bin in the t valve slide ItlOtol which bear-11- . Is rlngaide, which be will do Tm followed mi 11 Murphy'i fly to Milan ii .ii- -. irvlce a ii'iitrnl einployment luireaii I wn .... - I., wa- Mnrloo has hoi-- , i s for Ihe Morgan ion- i'or itt hi. h will perilled In their In- - 11 with on tntrd oh the reiuli fo ltrooUI r XUVfc, '1. il.! of the engine, bill hi gt tin ki.i wniHama, of Paltlrhore; Tulbet, , of a itngle ind wild pitch bj Houck rtrel game el the season by treat over the entire country, arM it J6. lironklyn tinier compaay at Covnntry, one ol Tnuna Hohttwrg. Char-turn- tad two out iii tha ettltth, for-i- n M I to Pitcher Knapp, proponed to a ayatent of bottle royal be moat eonnervativ e In ins in Bag-.1- . wniie Myera and Prankb r aeorad when B Murphy hiuffad loealn, wan Wild atd iin fteeli Ighl Ij 'holarahtp traaafen under which announced thai 11 would makt ' sharks' fly. Philadelphia won t lurham far tin- vudtori had udenta of 11 Dj aci redlted may alve motor tills le. tame in this inning on B, Murph rolm gueaalng throughout. mtlaoe their atudlea at aa uceredlted reeiles hIw.i ha- - bin forced nut by oidring. n triple and a atcrlfici tt ..I in an) other part the tout In nil ol which came ami Mi Innis tallies. tn i'or effort in to iv made 111; H th ureal ill the lOUIth, he - 1: NtchobuH no to se, in- mole general neognl- tratched lafleld hi tt waahington .lit) Inter-co- ll nn for He. redlled commercial aobool following eai 11 Philadelphia III iin; ih.- wortd'a Hk- - a ttrg cond, Th. nest and their graduate moot tbe Battcrlea Hughe condi to i.l by Mm ei rollegaa ami uaiveraitlee of the '1 11st. in, l, ins. .tin pttt and pret emmtry. gry; Thr has,, hit m nrk seme in 1, net ine ptdrtnv, '"iiins Mclnnl a hit Burke, Boen the h mm by Doyle and up in aver) rui PROTESTS AGAINST on bane hit, Colllna Double p Pettlgri w, Njuble Hera Intentional piss to Me.v- - Bride to llanilil to l.apmte. nne but k I ') FOOTBAL; OFFICIALS mil Ions triple by MoCormlek, Ainemlth; Laporte to Morgi it OuptUftd the .'t; tVlltae. The winning runs on btWa Off Hughea, off ; tn lintels. I lie fa v ot lti s in 10 BE ELIMINATED By iklyn In the a lie Stritek nit Hughes, it together In In i v e i relay, show lag , two out. Regan, . Houck. S. Un ipell I .,1 lllele ll laer drove a MILLION DOLLARS uaiati m ii higii etaag 0) attii agfilnat Craadalli etondj race uml oefi in pii a IP', I le!e wet ll April - liepresen-i.iiim- s I : lie. Mono Philadelphia, :.- ireil with Btencel curs and drivers tf J'rnnot und ,.in atari to ftnisti. m from thirty-fiv- e collegea, llo-lo- n. im M: i. 'orfa, ."1. The Mercedea in yivi known tneta ol the llltnata men purator) achoola ami high nchoola New York. April Bonton de America, inning participated in quartermllera wen A, l PAID PLAYERS IN 11. i gdre u nighi with rr, lamaa faated Xevi Ymk, x to i, Iii poorh events Bel la won in e New Ymi; in Indiana arid eit in the umt tin. Babbitt, ni HaveTfotd College, ehalr-mii- h pltV'-- ro t e . . 1' x 'game today. Six ptteh Klkln und tr.njihl. of Irorvklyn ... 00 inn " V.iniler'ri which l.lpplnoott, of tin- certtrgl boird of oflh Mbl ere were used bj Ihe two teama, mn work on Tin- big ear in Igjei by Batteriet: Wiltse. Crandu resiemocn r Amerlcen iiegiate ftot-nai- l amone them thev wave twelve baaei renpoiislb its ahowlng guidanci the inti n Wilson: Rat in, ftucker and under the Rules committee, and dtSODgged mi lulls. Leonard, a Boston roungr- - MAJOR LEAGUES le for sti r. had been hit safely milv tWfci he oiientlon nt denlral oftl'lilq when he was out In sev- MoConritek, Hummel, Meher, Home taken the enth Inning because bbi control Win in Btensel. Double piny Ragaa to boor. The I oca hi icorad their first chad from ever) point In I lee prwieetlnj offie al lonahlp re. i. frequent of out- - ill 1. s nek by w i n In a si u tool Kaher a. ill the w.n week tore bed led igun 1. Implrea Kter game, it Waa decided that In thu by rabei ii had ear-- Imt, i t.llen, ami hool innsl Fisher, IrVarhop Pltsslmi slbliliK al hair tulle eaeli a Hal of i. offlciali ressivelv were hami espretenc i. Vlrslnla twelve llillad1lhia, Hi: Ho. loo. I. riosl proof that third ill rostmi. April niud PAC1EIC COABT IEAGOE Will ma lie I. si rat lilt both Boston lutehern hard today, five "" take notlci v 111 up I inning, to 4. In the nine gumes vatlve and played hitherto' this season, the phll- - icoi M l ad. lphia team has semed but twelv ' Stun nit In ft short. rtaa, Boatoh wan unable to do much c liners held The Central ei.muiittee w with Beatoa'a delivery until the aev- - Root the way in ihe efQctals for each, gam onth i lining, when ha weakteaed and w amplonahlp. played al tiuu time tad rave Hue.' bates mi balls, th,- ft rat '' second ami agiiinsl an ofiliiitl will be ' - forcing In the locaU' llrsi tally . A :" i, university third nrth- aliei October I i two-ba- se hit by MbrSnvtlte drove in ,' At Los An mli crstt) tell liehli three more Manager Dooln ' " R. II mile ami vv.Ik aliui tallies. I'W'. LEVY COMPLETES PLANS was put off tin- Held for protesting a Ida nil . . ' hit too strongly against a decision b) Venice FOR SANTA FE SMOKER ier tr rttell. Itmptre Byron, de- - ' Batteries: land. Qrant it Hylun whet the latter ': off eland teuton out because of Kllli- - , (Iresory, Per tad Musical Tt Pastln I ill. Stew .1 t ami Tonnemi pleted QUAKERS 'until At porland PROTEST that i It. II. K uiiv ersirs hlktdelphli Score IXlllg i Chiensn, Ii M, 1.001. II. : Hie hlwh Portland b 8 the Boston ... Chicago, April feel two Batteries: iton and Killifer Bacramento Innlhg flninh gav Batterlea: TW GAMES LOST lltte, 1',1'OWIl mid game of the Hams and 111 e elit of ten t ouliils and lilies of six rounds cm It. l ll will lllect - Magee. Double plays Uoolsn, on a cm fly and home that Kid Sti ( l l OK I1A8EBAM ii a an the Knabe and Luderua (I); Sweeney, long single to ceStter. i oi TO NEW YORK return malcb Maranvllle sad Calhoun, First base acll allowed the vlaitors in being anxious to ut . In mi bails oii Seaton (, off Brown I, which came '0 the fifth i administer. At New Haven ir meeting, which Struck out by Seaton 4, by Brown blent Comi-kc- ol the first :v of Pennaylvanl ever by :i. Umpires Rlgief and Uyron. can League club, today lefetl uttered At Cambridge- ii llghtw ' the sale of Pitcher Mogi - Philadelphia eal eight. In col give a etjtncr I" si. i. mils, ii: Cincinnati, Y Mlnneapolla club of tin doeniit Stern At Went Point--- .' ilf Rfir.if nf then It In more thalt st. Loula April 26. After Clacin- - asaoclatloa. Outfielder nut State , orres will meW BteHji natl soared tWO runs In the tenth, St Ihe St. Loula team, recelv ai Providenei n I ll hit . e been tnStoUt t' I.OUla railed and scored three runs, (lay that his brother bad ton L meet II tU w ho In the winning today, ,; 1,1 1,1 tht' tenth, heist. Ohio, and he lift H in tee At Um belli f IWn on ringlet by Hob- - wil1 not report to bis teai the Cincinnati seined r - h h I'roiiioli-- l.ev i will M ami Crant. St. reach St. Louis next week lilell irsiiiis ittl promises tn i ne Willi out on five consecutive singles It, Mi.rniin; .loiirmil St. I. has ever put oil. u nt ii Boston, April ft) R, II. ft, . ... 000 001) 01 Batter s Stone ami THREE BASEBALL GAMES 11 and y Two base h SCHEDULED HERE TODAY Base on lialln uoni Met by I i I lt (ill I M.I Presidi lloii'l . iilll M I'll-- 'VI li idtt)', This mmiilng ie smPlO) en of the OUWt play Hates, Clark. Hobiltsel THERM I I v.i I piay at Astasia Hen sol nd Clark. Case on halls off TYRUS COBB WILL starting nt ..s. -- "f ni 2, off Harmon, "ff !' rritt '. llapiil i romme :i. struck out by Marmot PLAY WITH DETROIT by bv l'eriitt 4. I'm-Ires- oi: i iiw i:si i:n uoagce. i'ronime IN TODAY'S GAME Brennan and Bason d i'e it lib li I Ihe ci ii CtataagWi Plttaborgh, I. At Bpoaaa ti At .New linear Mmi ! rail iiii 'f'hln nf teruoon. also Pittsburgh, April The blfleb At Y.mi iiin ew Qrleena t. lie i 'entrain and the ' today the Pirates went to pieces t Mefflphla Mali III play on the Lana the ninth and Chicago won, 7 to - Seattle 0; Ti lllle postponed. I'lHi. illan. n il of the games Is rgel) attended. M.i.ll N III IT KKIIII slv t I MX n x Myatlc Clfble dan. AMKItlCA.V ASSOCIATION. , fraternal PURE APPLE JUICE April llth, I O. ( '. I". hull. refreshing; u order will In hot lies: it's daiicloUa uml trial I,, si avent, Hunk O'Da) to t biplre Agnln. convince you. ill! leilltural collage, of Iowa. Chicago, April --'. Henry d tlily' LIQUOR CO. t President CONSOLIDATED At Im ' amiila di link meet from N.briiska this afternoon mailed by Lynch at New York his signed cad Albuquerque, New Mexico Indians, no Bloom "i this afternoo a seme ind ' "i nta i, j it at t tj a .vutionui league umpira. FOUR ILBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. APRIL 27. 1913. LOW 4 PRAISE THIS REMEDY RATES DAU AS EVIDENCE OF SHOT NEW CONGRESSMEN baalneaa, and to t i the world !hni FOR LUNG TROUBLE he ean iuinib Mv Washington lop He ib-- n lea Tur put afia MtlliK In nil SI IKIM .Kv i ii 11,.: i..1ltu .1VI11 I. a n - mi. ( AND SHELL FAST NOT ADVERSE Id hampered b; Ihi pulley of lin Papal1 OUNl II .mil thernfon gol intn the liuaiaiaai OU11 I of aandlng uui Independent Muued nr- - in Minnl of lb Imperial ',, terviews iiii mIIII! ,.r u i f ii b nt Aral b Irder nf lb,. s , h li h II many rejection In nml a nil bin ri jei-thu- i allpi on riu In h.'bl at liallaa, Tex Hi Mm i ' !wlU n DISAPPEARING PUBLICITY In .itlitiul. In; in n luib In '.lb M lu It. h nourilkeoUM t....k "Oetil U A " j el ii 1 1 with noun ofour leading business nun mi'ii ill m II a ritink" ,i mrit, k.- -i w lih Tutu n ulail ext'iirlun lb keta OMW "!' I He Hi lb il Hie UUdra, inn ,ilnv1 le oT ''..'. Tn HUpd ttlp fr.nii VP to think of Luna Place iMUtil net 'upt-n- UntA iinil as what they ' , 'l b h 'rtmae letteri ho Independent u Mat) i in henui e'iti keta on. lie I'rniu " n'"1 rhi h in ebal '. In aaa. Mo 'ti Aioni of Ihf Hm' 'f t" Mm Uh lln Hjah'e lU H. m n of the and urlKlMl aelel lllMl A tl ii. raoiwut "i un um iwr 1.1 1.1 in.. iJ RAnill. iViln ih - tn..,. .ul. .May V i (III- - ll. 'hen Visitors Reach Mexico 111,11 ,11 in- ...... ill JSth. J. JtlltSim i lt UUll IOhHUli'1 I'll' in MD lip mm ...ri..u ...wni ttf frr Mnig I milium) them; notMiiliatitniliiig thia In ion- - 1.. 1. . MllMAUIUlk. tttmmt Wmmn Cily All Signs of Buttle That for Latest Issue . to write a letter day for I,, ,,,, . the l"H' iiK'Mtlita in l til I'll) Untied Vr) Ml.'inln. .ili.l Df or four yaarat" n n f .unit in t a i luniu in Din Mini day, the reeatl tor Rtlged for Ten Days sional m ' I nitalik ' t ..ii tn. llnuhia, of Maho, i" inn N I , ,, JAOOM WhMmj lit ' ' Ab"Mni Repreaentative AMI I'll TltlCA si l'', wiivxn ' aaya he aerved four an preatdanl 1 I'lii. i simply Streets Will be Obliterated, Predominate. )'MI) bt trb ni Coaufnctoaa, (!. ao- - MT, u Boon will be Up uf the tleorgiu state Av'lcurtural I. imiiim. MiiiriH't i. mi Pino Mulora, (Scneratura, I i tut . " viblng Mi' i It) iet "Kb Ki'iit ability Seuatoi ten ..f Si t'l'l n MS hum part oi t In I I '..-i- ) K I Hamlhon l.ewlla, of lllliiula, mum "ft reaat Bnttrlcal arried Nlock. I M M Muwag" I Mi lluiilniin oinpiiio III l.iniliiK I. Nirl.ll r W'lrr wiif .i.'iiv - CMXi 26. Ixtir- - gen i n rniH ..f tru-- t ordinarily re- lkiiiaaa AUwativ Mfxlru April When .. 1.1 lie '"iimat in Telephone, No. 2. - inuir tenia leal rfncaelua lata aaala vlalt Mexluu I'lly lhay niav HI hi i; i - i is i Kin. poaed fioiii time to tlmo un the orul- , .,. n,, ,1 ,,,. i.ttna tffaellntia I I ariiai Benarhlal Vathma aiaohef lig il nut in Had nil all J IK II III. I n it M H n trv eltlaen ' hllla . It III M V, .nil in Hiwww nhiiiii( dluimliii ''..i,. mil. nil. Una the avalnni r 1'inm itiitten, 01 Bjj ,,,,,,, ., ... - i i t mid ill iiii i ii iit in nf tin. daniaa; iona b Kepreaantatlvc htit- Luna Him' plan unlit i Tfti ,,i,.,n - I .lui hi HIBUlaan ltiar- V, t'ONIfgUSl Ii mJi t nIii-I- li ning lln da)'f' The dlreetiii IimIh In ann- - ChioaBO inaki'n of unbiiic rennlna Par tale I'mieU Urug '" anu tin the tn-ii- ' MIWII. I'Hlll II .,, ' lie Mvawln aiort inernue CITY v - ih. ,.. DUKE f man- flfty-oii- i at da) He ,. with Pines, w want in IlKlit Iik iii r Alri udy ute i il i ata, fOJH "' POUtiri the M ,,,,. aruiauu Wrm ursened tuna Sixty-thir- . . la In d con- - PMImlelpbia Pa ma, In li In mi n ml i nrpi'iili-r- itr-..I- four republtia Mi and mm tlm nub man the n. Kekman 'atnrt ' " .. arho defeated a witting repre- - ' iriilbi "f raeavarlei ""i Cleaners-Natte- Ml. r itinx tin i" in- - that ronfllcl, In Hi. Inmae there ure Ireaa it I'lenee. rs rnuny entail Hi repuullean and iieal I' it I, VII IK. I V Millue ' 'iuJ it will nut ba Hmka BtfWI .".in dcmocrHtr 12" republtcana, i - Iti pieHeiitatni jMMntt In I'D (ha uppfurun ul tin- ipltul a. bulld- m. m ii pMfreaalvv repubtfcani, ttO . tiubl. PMom un ii Ii I - Itepn William limit wilder inin Ills SI DM II I tt M il Hum n tl, l.i.l imliiltf UIHl pflVatt lime aroijteasiM one lllde- .iiiatiM bealde reauia .if Mnaapehnaetta, has taken iul nvar 1,,,,, Htxl "III HXUII III' Jlial ly Ttnriniil. pi lui'Mni, Stun M vacant aaal fjft) v. rteakeH, ul . i patent Samuel CoMOtly, pf Itiiii'i.i l. i mitral tuia hori' gulni'il ei.uaed by Ih, death nf Hepre-Miil.ilh- e Repreaentative lofa, Ml. hiKMii. -- pent unit teli 1l.1t h ' .mi e bind, of Waldie's Pure Ice Cream Meat Ii, Oil rttt null iiuaeii raaulta, mid jaawap, pai I'gaie ..I South t'uro-linn- . itepi'eHentatlt Sulhel I puigniiiK. w aovern- - J, mTI.AN. HrMbMala IhoiluT- - nml I oiiimhh UlM liupH liua it bean doinonhtrutiU an The bullae mil fall, uhlrh virflnla, IwducaaJ the Hold In Any Quantity ftonntor Varjaman, uf tfiaalaalppl, ,,., aae Break - right." rati i Httla plaaHat um) kuiau a I ' ""i-'- eHaeH iiua patntim offloa ta real In Any Klut,.r ill i"w or vera i been ik- - Ilrbk Cream and IteptnaeiitiitlM' Th'iiiipHi.n, of , pUblbdUng the of Mil, Ml N.I l I N Mellkr mill lb njauiln I.UI llllaa will Wtol IxnnliHrilPil ull up-pi'- led by itepri m iiiiitiM' Adair, of ,.Hi.n nniiiea fur Parties. I Mltoma, bring William Jennlnsi ,),,.,, fraternltlea, Mr. Connolly ba fines! Addition evei npet'ctl up In iia auml ua new." The nipltal India a)) will b led In ihla '"ii-grna- Phone U2I-- Bryan Into tin dlractinTy. The aana- - ,,nM t,, peitu Knppn Kpaiinn and quant.' , tod! Ih it i lly of pati hi a. Min h ol byt a, new rfipreaaillalllfa, - ,,, ,.,,, lor Hiita he one uf the fiiHt men N r SJ, Theta 11. Mr. MIKK MAXIit.M. I.iiiih Plac. I. gninir In In the Hneal in ilmuuai duiii by aliclla MM nut Idhn w. .M.i rum de, p( aiu- - " in tin- aouth t" take up the oaiMM of "f MlaaiaalpDl, balonga t thi if tun ii iplmifiii ftmii tlm I'Xtcrliir, clini in fandtei William Jennlnta iiryun, and hna bwn bni uaea lha MngHnh HTI It Innka good tn me - hIu-ii- i bittar frulernity, sMiN I.iiiih Place eertnliil) hundrada of mtMCW tlx- torn ih uaual, form tlm - i.hhi.'i. nn indent hiii Her of tlm dlatln- nphabet to sat ho. HARRY T. JOHNSON, aii ii n mi. I.uns Plan n ctop sixty-nin- e KOI Mm' thilr tlirniiKh tlx walla bulk of the lealalatora. fubihad Nabmakap from that time un hihmI Iii in. i Might 402 W. Central fH) nplnihng, Inning In uutald'' am in tlm tenull and J7 In the til the present Kept 'esenla t It t I. IIIM.I I u- -l Hating Hunk Hint lrn-- 1 I unipmi, I.I Its. null liiilra' often uot inufa tli ni lx Iii. inn III lie aeln'l' 'hi re are 'I'll aaya of himself that h IN flfWirsr,,MrV''f!ii THE DAY CONGRESS Fixes Anything tin lu a in olarnetar. Tim axpldali n .ight v f(M 'has always been a progressive ileiu tlm liiald.. of tlic hoiiat riaiiltml In biialneaa nien fin bankers, two ami in ardent supporter nf w ,i If W,. It, Throw II At i i i oral i'hii'i Pll J. I i. urn. Hniiiii iiiminess nii'm' luna Plac -- niii. 1 r tli'it i tn in ii dopton u mi aoidler, Thi bam .1. Ill all i VTK, i gsstiosd to tn ihe pretties! residence sci . Dm' lK' h tn tin fcrni that mna! boiiae 1011I.. le'enty-lli- b (Hie I'lol In Nuti II. I. in M sion ; meets Muiillat 11X11 'if Alluupu I'llie," ad)l-tor- - 6i i He l.tilidliiK" "i form biMrtNaaa man, ihirty-thra- a Senator Ke rutin, m. nf Nit.iiin r in nn nt wornaa ufjrraabHs ad- .i i i i I urt ..mi ti n JafAl titmctrj ha vi purrhaaed 111 niiunn r f'l'frmnt, thnrn fa ten taaehera, elghtaen far-i- altorti' in it s mi i It lu AlaaUi dies d (be senate WOrnaD silfftaci I ttoni. i,r wra nn BALDRIDGE ersl i holer Iota In l.tmn I'l.e. mil intend wnrk-RM- in.. i'M piim liunnn i. mi nt ten ra, nine mefhanbta ami ttlii.i. laid tit faumtatloit for Re commit toe, anratni for eonstltutlonal liulld ii hmiK ' - COMPANY liilM I ill aiK his (hxttopav iti neb s ei. 'Hm spnib tH i:eii- giving women right LUMBER . fa tin ir nut. llttial in bsnkara, m.i amendment, the j i. M, i miii HanmNa I'cmtlawital ON ruaaiaHi) iinm k plilittr 'Wy fur the bullet! niie unthni ,.n. auldler, one roaentatlve Peaa, 01 l)h!6 tella in the by ton purchased lot in l.una Place, ape ooul , Roofing i tt Paints, Glass, Cement, tn i i. fi nil to pti aoher uiui nne lectun-r- diieetiiiy hen. all bis Children ale eoioiililtee ileelded tn lie in .t H.ii Mmmr tsdal 'ii.iii.i.' whni i aal T ffom nmi (una rr u Caa bu ic ta Bllad tin ami tthat they uie The blug- - n inei.,1 eonllriiii.tloti of nomination I. H Hi. ii but of plaatar and Builders' Supplies in m. Him (iluim nit Kepie-- i Inib-- a u Mn kulaomlni rapbt of ntulite .lames S:,n. ,.f Hii-- h M. Smith as no inmissi. .tier uf Mm vi ..f Inillillna mi hi If n hoMM tllafa nl I'l "f fluted tin re t Ion Tin iami ford, of Oklahoma, nuts he agi iherlaa, A rapriiaaijiHtlvi oi th roitoBMij in ba oa Mm 0Nun4 ninplrtnl unit (gaarfal llaraaaasadai Meeahsi Jsaraal) speaker of tin ciiei...... mt phawM ii,' ill "I wa In tilling tlm hob la k t n reaoltillon tut iiimatiiia Mitii piata prii and "in in hii N'.w York. April It, NOdeat) la (he unit Intermarried whlti man tt u in) Ui rtlff In ihc Adilltlon n K. B Rallan latl by almlla anil MM a little BlOlf an irtii lu not the pradimtlnSnl (eatore in the ' i held thai i". iibm Vttiv Muuiitfii. Iloitiiia j N'ttllonal Banh work a ml matarlul were neieaanry In I'li't l')K bi'igi ipbtea of new members rleproaentatlve All. mi i: Waleh, i rapalrlna a larg.. aumber of tin- iiig- - of rim gri'Ha, na show n In Urn ton, baa . eoncresslonal Iron I the dlitinetlnn Hi il s illrei turv for lln present repreaentlng tin home diatrM of i UlltliiU. iti Mimed on si. eo louay. n east in treeldenl Wilsmi and a loo of in m Hi general delaito larlfl lu a few oasea, however, It will I"' i Hepresentatlva Hull ma com (In new a, a i a flrsi demoerntlc froi in. kins be- - marnbi na I'lanrressniun mil Ii) Weeks and possibly iiiuntha fifty-seve- uf tax. fac thai (heir lilographlea longi Mereer count) m n yinrs," purntlve analysis income fata the normal aaperi ol street i Bapraatntotlve Curley Introtfucett a than those of sueh membei s Representative Breinner ol Pasaab real. ii eil Thei,. were a few I. ml. ling- Ri says solution for amend- - nsentiitite I Indera ood, i: J he una nominated against " ronatitutlon! MS It. t niellt III git" eiillgless putti l In llllllt. ilte Miinn and other t eti "HI ami pnaetlllltite I'llllli uf mere pat.biiin will unt aufllee Ai Byracuae, he waa uniform hours llllll' (Il ill It III I new bat,- gum-iletai- ajpi terribly Beware of OiSQacBlS t tiiuiigb monumanti of ana kind and mamhen country, sr Gataaft us to Imw they ba surprised when elected because he another ami Maine. .Tit ted III llunul diib That Contaifl Mercury t ' mil i . ' t i oi this and that he re ecattered Repreacntntlvn sima predict eonalllel a lile sin l ess for tip III- I II HI l( limit the eltt, f uf theae Washiniiton Capital! Smile Blve uwn i Ma rvpartment i b in i aeltea. their I ', Ina uinied were damagad. The ompli t' lllll Int el guilty of oontampl Mm a few limn ailtertisin, p. il ill' itili tin- kllUttMl III l.iti- - I hhs ii received dpoaR $1 mi up .nil if Ii a pfcutitH h trout pises ui deatrdctlon of iharacter us,, and n ommended hut m eat Mrrrf to ptwfl t ' nt ilMtJIftj 4 pel Cent IMP lent. the pages of tin directory, Kiting the In in u iilile In ill liiin, - tin I na Hint of a clock tower eieeled re engagi ip ntrntlue t of n il h in fUI lUt mmti yt m p I namea and iodresses mercantll" if r I l 'mi I in Illli'Ul'ell Htteet Thia was abut tn fhel, and puhll itrlf- fr(B tt'tiu. li.H's c.t.iti Our Ionic Sating Tellers onipaiiiea, law flrina, inlnea, etc. rtfMi Us i j Dm I Tulnln, I i 'l ,r ui 'u iff 4 pb en. ip govarnmeni tnads no aurrendi approprlati lMM p. litk'-l- II The lum a pin. a muterlul for the !.. on in r. niil I" llilt in furt to repair it. but, ragaovlng the llepreaei inn. tig stales. fjg i!i n ip' ii tlm Iihm1 mill ii'im-'ii- at directory is furnished b) the t lW lt hi. In Nirtaf Hal!'- I'ltatf debt la, built un the alte a Hott er gar thamselves, and therefort br imrc riMi ct ihi' t'euuin'- It Mi ib n sim e aod Instead nf Heed waa pf: ll onaj oi ui- in Ohio, I. r has firat-hBiu- l claim thentlclty, i Ti Imp nin ffp , UHl'll tllefe lllleilllt H II big I III le of ThitdJ May Kept Home ao when reads Of Seuatoi A l y nrnpfiht. rn per Mtla Bt at and lp were planted Mut- that t. T. freen, this William Thotfipsull, ur Niinsas tnut ik.. U4U !':.:i.ilr FmU fur HHHatIo Anil uai il its ,i rtH'eptai'la l"i ainiilt chanoi ters already In bloom. It preeehta an "bla political success is .ibnnst tvlth-nii- t ay depoHiteil In Mi in . ii I., l iken nub appeiiiani'e uf hating hcell their l"i parallel iii the biatutt of i ..I II It t " .it Hi en ,e keN statu' ii cornea from lbs fountain 1 Il U I Hi Is source of knowledge inmernlug Seit- - No Chtrcc Made pi m istaMlKhed tt hi Surprising Results from the Use of ''in. i ti br I ii to a ih hiamis H to hlmseif, but the ikuik w 4. within t. weak was oam rutd tlotl aa well.' Mm Milt Sal (until J nnatrated thai his problem "as large I Jl I K I I Holds I; than lhai 1 pred m liul li III s While llliisl nf the NEWBRO'S I. W III! laudations ai Id public n ' a a aa a.a, a at a llt eHH 111 that time as to (he turn unfilled to the new tt ai.a a .I Mills nimbi hate been imnle but longest bio;: in phy in th iin one w Ii tfii appeared nearest wan the one r wiih nior any is Minh lln, when "Me ni Unit the rfbelilon would iroW ataadll) taiia than other, d) "u tin hand in pnivei. reoahtntlve i.aiiiiit. ..1 came for the llrei time NIN POACHERS ill.- but htm Tiie gtjvarttmattt forcaa bad mad' HERPICIDE arograaa Mr. Lafferty's Uugraph) illiwsn witH lt bin, n il aaulnst the rebel

SHOD! 2 DEPUTY hi I't' ft IMiKH mlth, ni Mi 'il a liza i't- - row tt liet'e hia t a die Raimpolgn. born ami whitl nn GAME WARDENSI Herpicide.

11,1 il tOry as bating eiilisteil win Redsklis It., low n of Mbidelib' la from Mrs, Luverne, AI, rrreted I tt lull Shan lu lie great It fjCilbd ainl If III IS nf age llllll II" L e 1. of oorporai, nt Inr Violalinff U lent "il 'i i"i ntti nipt t' ill tie mad misstom with tin .nk i. Mr ijiffa wn nd in fttersnlnaU Ihi id Bapata mh that uf prUnite. unsolicitc i l 11 II a gunrdami Tin iTldl .1' n In' ..t nn ni aelf was national Wnl'lt pill 11 sttde-gf- Ita lnt ni he entered oh Ills life K'llli .j Lrtta , i 1. iliisperiiil'ies. -- " Mi" tabid) 1 ed is wci now (Hr Mnrnlas tsaa Ii be s I'nilgb Iti Huaanvllla, mi lain oyie nf t Ii. must widely jlai il iv Catty, in put III the iiiat bet l Is aa nnpuia pro plahop Miiiigai mill, ami Siintb l ihOl ml ' h Thia is Id" .nine it " liull. ui. itli. .ie OOd '' mi can alwat h dep. ai READ MRS. SHARP'S LETTER.

Impl) " A. W. I all. in NcwKiiapcT Men in C The ilitettolt hiows 111. iper man who ban tired ppe.l the it' Inn N k Shipment of I (lie am lb rpiclrie don't 11111 lit etui led tn Hill Washed is t urly tt li izelle In mining'' EUHICI I I it t b wit icn 11 ind luti la s In be ileelded I" I tule ently, w Ol alw.i t y "I triet from that atati Mtarp 11 Ingi White. Lavender. Blue Plot Ida sa t s he has b itlaft trouble lunulnir bin p and Tan. In ins detefmlnatiu free in tot Ida, 11. Journal 4-- V Ml Larue Assortment of tieneral Itetiim riiDhv. "he Wt twice 'AVv Tt Street Hats TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. ItOll'l Wait Send II Cent, for Sin ur pb mid Ihiiikh t Today at - Send lOcfor Trial Bottle and Booklet. SEE COUPON, flu' II i-- I) Mi for this week only. light ai .1 t v at Mull Two Sizes, 50c and $1.00. H which send hro'a Hei pi ( "old ami (iunn il ory ti here. VlMU1 Munet l, It You Are ol King I Fern n 'preaentaUve Allien sittl-i- d a- - at the Iteiier Barber simps ;,mi lienut) Pnrkirm suiir si iiitai Ii itate ui Washington. MILLINER. Na t Thia la u mild form of liuligeMmn I. at slowly, nuiHtleiite your fund Commercial Cluh J. H. 0'RIELLY CO. Adi Bldg. and lake MM "I t'liiunlii rliiin's merit an w ar. I a taiiieis just anei 'itipiiei . mi 11 ninj l it de 1'at , ni sl'Ei Ai. U.I.VI Comic Page ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Society ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SI NDAY, APRIL 27, 1913, Section JimmyHe Sees the Grand Canyon. ".,.! Mhlr4. hi th. ftt.r l B,.nr c,,..,i Hrltali Klh' iiB-o.v.- u p " lift. j '";rS3esassa""'ani X t" C YOU UC DONT LlAvK. WM . 7 Yv T 7 ' VWV ..1

- --- $nL CL....-- : ; i j A fox, r lot-- j i , Ifc &i Tf n

' V7 ..."

w. p" r ('s). . - ...



ITTQTTIV? MOW Tft TWF TTMF To Buy Close-i-n Xote in the Cify l ? u a 1 Of Albuuuorque, New Mexico J IT IC TUC CADTU THAT HIODCACCC IM A I HOT llinonwriirillT( Tl i n r ami liTiu r-- n . r- ...... 11 xwttnv Iir irnr mil inur nrnni rmT.i I 10 iinnr ni 1 aaaai.niu tnin inHi niuntH3t.o khluc. ivui nvirnu vciviciv o.iiuincnr. will oc iviilliuhi munc rturLt Ulv tAnln bU IMtvtn ANT MUnt LAIMU. 1 The Prices Are Fixed to of Lots in Insure Buyers Y l THE SANTA FE ADDITION a Profit ... y

In you - II Y the Fut Office and Main burtneM part of tmvu. foil mskti no mistake buyttlf N hether waul a home or to iit a rf profll rilli:'! THOL'.s.XNU people ami now hus population uf nearly TWKNTV THOUSAND, and in FIVE VKAHH will b a city "I I'lKTY Tllol'SA." Y In value continues every dy itnil white you slep. Terme; $5.00 ciiHh on each li monthly paymnti or fl.M witii I per cent on (tct Y Lots on Bartlai Itoad will be sold singly, an they will come In for bumiiess pttr lait all others will b old In paim. Come in ; Y Y Xt X JOHN M. MOORE REALTY COMPANY, Sole Agents V f Established 1888 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO References: Any One in Albiu(iierqm & APRIL TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. 27. 1913.


Mra H.vdm llna.-n- aid la buck, t looking ua guild ua new after u aerl- - "Ten Good Friends, "or "It Was Ever Thus uiia operatloo fur ippendlcitla, pcr-forra- a few weebjg agn. In a Denver rtoapltaL good friend and everv thing fine, Ihe heatlnn I'lllneae ttiei no uae ua 11 club hotiae, and mill a few a TKX wi-n- t away left nine mon wmkinga uf Improvement will be Ideal aa that cA Spasm onSpring Fever devluna ihun the quite Mr. Alfred QrunafeId ima good curly and lil, ,1 ia iMa i" Nine friend, togethir Ihe modern fen,, nine mind. aummer reaurt. The plu Denver fur u look grnnd-"hijd- . al hit flrat Una got in bud. and there were eight. ai the head of Ixie lluertaa tin- infant aon ol hla dnugbtOft then t, frtakdg i eyea up ton l look He only pereanlal atream in Mrf. Ituihgri bet Mra Kight good nat their to heaVMl Masquerade Good Fun Pig na ilia Uruhafeld aavak, my HikI the Hamllaa. in timber, and haa'liei'ii there fur aome time and will D rapped oat In hot baate thai left Juat N more delightful or pyore heautlftil T lt hiiiKi'Di ret i'i 11 with her huabund in gboUt .1 Seien good frlemla, up to running trick. DHL KITCH'M Iml maequt rlda) apot be 111 inn found the mountatM vv e. k One luiildn't aland the pu r, then there were aix. to MA evening, (oi Mildred l'" went Mexii o, With guperb teen- uf New sn guod friem!:- roaatlng the mat alive, ., gel ,W.,1 though, from tin i ll f H i la Ii off with gn al ii The Roj Mi er, fine fiahing and hunrtiig firin-tira- . "i M left tile a lay rataa Donald home took on unwontad there it no reaaah arh tha Pa forge Itnallngtnn nnd little UBa fell off the feme," and that file. at . ft 11 days - Moraied nfe nd In. in .nit in i m fur the rnllli king event In Ita aort ahiuilil out hei nine popular, ea- - uii few alnce for l.oa An- Hive fuat friends, another ear got aura. gelea Hid other aouthern California il I' nrnl fiilli w iiic n leeking nf gpple bloaaoma, fhhth peaiall) nii AlbtKinerttni automoMI Suld ahe didn't like their way that left tour. tii in il I'm reaor a. expt t tWO wen uaeil in .iliiind.inee, filling with lata. Who mn eiiallv mn the rMd Thev tu be guile Pour good friend, thick na they could he. m Iniliug road ami nwn ti"l. lllullt frugriint inaaaea e er nh he and eor la Improved, make the nip in one . part Invite the throtf, Il l not incr one gin didn't other ner ..f Hi, i m. Furniture wna dm good one got awfully blue. III in 'in - Three friend, iireu t.v pnng rr the opening till aon tlr confplcQouf b) it- - ahaanoa and u de- The iMotortati talked alub Miaa Baaaif Thomaa of Kigin. 111.. hme I ROW two. ' i Quit the uf trOttbkl their urc iI mi a. nnn nil i ii th HI" .if th i.liiK infant, ahoe llghlful Outdoor efferl wna m hleved hoiiHe ami intuln reaort toi two nr la the gueat uf Mra. .Veil Hartley. Mlaa tine th. with the bought mul lilnaaiitua. three yearn, now, and iiuk,. win Tttoman ia very attractive nnd ia corn- TWo MOd frlrnda, Inning II la of fun, i of ing In for a lilt of notlog If Ibex break up. there won't be but nntajrl. n in-- n k . alwayg anfflolanl anto It pfobabl) web ume the opening tha unite and . patrnn-ix- e yolHftri lit'H aeif iia un amttaement, ppovldad tha in w iiii. houae, and llbenalli entertaining, one uf the of one good friend win the Whole In 111 fun, und with Mra favanauah at the the pi lining tin Hummel eventa ranged In her liunor wna ESVery bod) m;.d--the- n tip re xvlll a piano, tlu ie wna ttO lin k of muali .ii prettily appointed dinner party r the Aharudu luat Hundai night. I mpiinlmi nu iv mulling m i in. m. till nt The iu makarf i atupped luat lung Hough for fuppar, Springtide Init Unit doesn't in. id MD i. if. hmvt Inter-ge- Mra 11. in 111 Evidences the hi... than at, ii i, ii dani Ing fafaln, an Tuppa, '' win prove of eapet'lal t, w. Prancea if via of in nut a I slut Up thi- fl. i In nf I v rh.ipHudicul I. null I'allf , the daughter uf Mra. 1,. J. Hum Mm It Up II .1 el lute u .lark strong, whuiu the affixed A. Mri'l.KIJ.AN, 1,1 a mw apring bonnet ami atill in her gray curt I ll, la v hey mv II I ti"l an afttig. tin I'H .'"..ill experience tu huvc imir I nt uiith.a In nu hefa mi a brief lall Her: llftl) hnw lute waa Hot lilt i nn 'i Item n, apt ami inevttabM promoted from tonneau t'i the fmnt aeat: I Mra. K. I.. - the "Jack" the beg i.iriti.ii ii.iif III! mffregatlofl, aaltep and the nun i i iiid hear, hawavar, tin n Albuquerque, alater. Knlghl. xvlm under- unci' tun g D Hilda iiiialehl alone and turning the i tu ner at I'll'th illuf -- I went aerloug operation a Ci inn a though Hut wished the) If l hi' broke up lute mul il ua tin In Jgi 1, Strung, whu ha .in .tlmust about week ope ra- ago at St. Joaeph a hoapltal, la now Central 'nteea tirrree a day'; poo Dleta picking ap hi gin friend and taking age I don't kuniv ..10 Hung il I tua evil miraculoua rocovary from an well 011 tho road to recovery. them -- pin "IWUnd the block;'' Mra. Harold .lamlaou running down i MM Kux. Iii whoae liuiinr Ihe il n hla head from which no one fur I evcrybndv enj..,, n m hotiae-huntin- that fhort-aleev- agg a thought pod-dti- l- over, ia I iii fd linen Mildred Kox and Uennlb liennet I iiiHue arranged,, came .a Jnp he could Iowa frock: a on th tubjcit Mtpttteta, in lllll Villi I'll't Mr K. Vi- lclf aneae m.ilil. nnd, with her elulmiutelv back in town again. I urn told that and Mia. A. Turner of looking at -- prlng Bfpeat Laiuiolfi looking l,m-.lrl,UttlL' 111 II.. I. llfl In Mr. tTiudbourne hat. ministers th embroldarad klmong mnl al la late in Mn) to tpend the olin came down with a party of riding on ahtl ' fall he falling penalve talking New York;'' C 0, Mardnrf the ma I and Iii"i 1 waa reading t'u "Mm i da Hi ml .i ink mil dancing u gueat frtendf Thuraday, for the aratorioal nfld pnruaui. looked n typical maldan Mummer In Kurope the of star gazing ever) night omt alum i. Will McMillan looking at encnRetitenl d nd that th new all Ii hia king Ami hen r h "I Ihe Orient. Ileum. Ileiiiielt wna n frlendg and hopea lo conn bm 1, from con teal at i:ika theater, in which their tighter, pnrttol-putc- d, rings. Hob onieiing whit" flannel suit. Grace Borradalle putting hg thliigf. Policeman agd played hia pnrt to I'arlaliliil guntl aa new. .I.n k ban had da Mbm Pearl Turner, ri.wa i thrte 01 u. W enrrylng off flrat up the oorch awing: Ktllth Walker hnnilring the price tune. .Mrs. 1. caper! perfection tha whole evening lung .1 li'llg aiege uf llllle lol lie aa honor. ir ft Mrs. going I yepra in Men I riding "the" bubv about the park; W'lllar.l Hopewell fi.r the mliilftrrs, nlil Inn i Kim" n any better, till Hue Ituhaun und Grace llurrmlnlle forced to live oval two MfXliu on account nf Weak lungi and Mr ami Mra W. H. Ilahn motored In tile dreaamaker; H. B. Honing in n struw hat; Ham Pickurd goinar culling; tert are of treat rninniiinltv. Thcx exhort tin were "intie gnia mui varj ounnlM to Santa I'e. yeaterday, expetting to i mn told, in Hun French returned only tn he gtrlcken iiuwn Frank McKre In Oregon; Ole Matann talking baseball; K' McDonald troll iiieai. in. iln- the trip iiv i i'lauii al ggghea pen bowgi Bu- - again. Hla lelativ.H, tin W V. Ii. retun ter ev in .ih loth, a; ft cnt. are wide mil imir a a ing affably ai billing new houses Theae I'll" Kip-- , over visit uf few lay with the K. K. geliln Kl'leher Wna allllllling III hme been much concerned .just .1 lew thing ahow thai pring "ban they nun ul. w c m III' mi IlINt lu- Nudlnga. that igh ar mil ppi II" till Iii II- - r -- vivid hia health it win remembered ef - llrl Rad mui "ua and L of court, We don't ii Hum ai inui ii an If Ihtli iflnit- a m let with tllppari and maatUa that Carolina Aftor Drayton counted attin, Mra. W were aurcvaaf ill. tn mul In never WOM .mv him her favorite oouMn in the daya J. Q'Kelly ami hat Nancy Kirkimui Wolf has become of cori treat, Mias Chadwlck Received thing becoming. Mmgaret before lin inarrlage tn William I'hll- - daughter, Maud nf lmg lleai b. locally well known. with Miss Skinner mui Miaa Ruaaell. inure Hi. dny Keleher wore n aimirt Spmiiah ilnni - llp. lie ha been called the h tad- - i'allf wire guista for I few Aa the audience wu a gund sized and thoae who aaalatod about the t. fo Mia. I,i. ula lm la paat nt Mia. I.. W. lining llinnka. ing Boatuma aftecttvely, and Rata) la fomeat t hap in New York and pi uple the week Onlles. uiie, It la neetlleaa to say that the rooma xvere Mrs John W. Wilson, Mrs ilalting the il L llinnka. The O'Kellvs were and Uuth vv.ia un attractive Colonial atill recall Ihe ih vutiou ill a vxe. Itlll tnroUtt home from flnant ial aileeesa was npial to the Mart i;, T. Skinner. Mr Tempt ranv--e Mild- Hllllboro, N. M W the maatuerade dame for in. nd Oertruda fValkar and Jagaja Widow to him, when he waa where they flatted arttetlfl tuoceea of the eoaeart. The tcuinh and Mra. Joaeph Skinner. . lock, Km" of it red I' .n uf am lii I a TIMK unlike the ROthlM Kalehel came aa Vaina Vamaa, and "Brown Of Harvard.'' ami bet del relativff fur munth. director. Mr. Andrexva, and the t. ft being wound up. urn. i' ad All In enl-leg- a without riinaen happen I'Mlth Wnlkei .mil Have l.mie in e tn adopt him aa in aon. all of whom donated their r, l. C. Doddf of Summerfiehl. And hnw It There la no speed puini lo mi enrli eaodua, Mrs. Henry ranow nt h an Wcdlic-eviniii- g ui' dlfatlona Pfipg Md gTOWIM The luiinleat aervlees, are to be eongratulated on Km , xvho la to be married limit, no halfway boaaaa; no pauae plan extended - nagrli all tboaa who of all araa Dleckmann, who tit) iin in Artoon uli- tin- tuceeesful outcome, daj in .Miss Hiiltla Wolking, in morning or In tu away fot da Bruho Bells Her (ornla, either the the aftai un tha aumttiei have win .led Hue Dohaon Into thf hatiaa on Toes ft ft the daughter uf I". H. Wolking. will MM 'f Hf'. Oa i.n We go until il. fmlii i wlu lin t will gu, and nfad ie in ,i iiip i iv .. hi led Bi uno .1 11 h tomorrow to visit a day or ao - i'i run. aaaat and then dt a pair of wings urn (latea nnd In meat I.I ANOBLR-f- l, .1 11 111. "In-law- ahen niher wiia tin Rime, mul w n h rigged Mil I the gills Mis w Heymann little Shrmerslof with hia prnspt tlx e The Urea, depending. I tup- it nbetiu nat agrtknilar win develop latof. right ilia hgoTllmenta curing watchaa mi their tllppe daughter Janice, after a IWO xveeka' Wedding will lie a homi re- - - fur the part unlet le Hp. ill till- lollte We've IrilM'li'il Ilaanwhlle am available data Hi mm barfad him from (he men'g amoking Thi: I learn Imm nit printed visit ti Mrs DM W. LiU k. win leave : CONNBCTION with the Spring niony. with no utteiidanls, and with hg 1 .i tha erhial Mran aad Ih a . - I, ufoi room, un Improviaed dan on the f for their home ;1i Qardrner, t'eii iiionlal Beaatoa nf ihe Shriller-- none to x lew the liit- reatlng proceed aaplaltad al ihetl awn yalaathin fn-n- county. t reran da, nnd ai thta Mi. Week tells "of the onais nf Albuquerque, Daaofi inns, save the relative and mot p Ii Aiming tlniai who will early "aeek mgnrt ralaed an awful hnw i Til girl atri hetl mil ft nf New Mexico," tu bi( held ill this friends of the bride. Tin fti tiia patturea m w la Mra. llltll small M and Ben Dolly McClcltan and l " h Mt Don further and ahuweii ia. Mai Heiv.stein and Inr little city Friday. May , there will he a newly Wedf will leave the aame night nut il i who eapecta in leava tlmepii ... neat!) embi d1 II Ihe daughl - ' in. uugh of ll er returned last weak from an banquet, und at thla ttag of iro- for a honeymoon trip to Chicago ami i Hi. r were thare, iuiira. iia (.Ii vt iik' In i. word, Tttgadaj Mn lil of (hut w d fui t'allfornta llf. in a vary fetching ei up af a.iim and strap leather taat extendi d visit In Nt York, PhUadel-a- CeedlngB, the "heavy atuff win be other eastern cltlea, returning June I time to "take tu the wooila." iinea no) Intend an ij ahne gcroaa the Inttep, phla a Denver, wena lo at) Igi and j.i.-- gt .i chef Ham Pick-m- i Tiny away all off, and the women In on the fun. to Summerfleld, where Or. Dodds If In K i met. Iml pinna in lin. Cauntlero) waa "I got this one in New Vork five nonthl mid had a delightful The Bhlinera always entertain roy-all- a pmniint practitioner, i ,a "Utile i. iiiii nt Wax Huh win tin tin ii Il ouple w ago,'' ah, said, tin mill. lie uf Jut ute gf u button"; win MaMtllan nf eeka tllp. nnd with Nnblea Walton, DoWbOr ft ft fford It or not. To an flahlna la 11 ' mi SI i a It , friend brought in n fi mn I'a a I'.iiKh t Wedneada i Bert w gg i lev i king Hpgttiafd. and In charge of the general er Head art fully the fnlluiving anil (hi. tight- - .. r toi I 111 ml. el I'll If I ! e a a pusltlv e a, Ii. I t .1 .. It anna lent fbl fail there ah. iask opf of San Rafa rungeiiienta, th,. eere-nionl- "get wlae" lirUle: hy hy obtrude nil if there tuni bfgm pripg for Un annual Spring to another June and iheaiaeHe .1 i i lm wearing a atchea in aiipp S t' nd eiiat, tin Itlnelill to .It-- lall :r al the figfrlt should be aa aueteaaful as Mrs. H A. Brachvogel daughter. p mill I'lijoy Hiii utuat tinluiie euatunie, in llulilia inr-1- ad in dillc turn I lull,, nt Ill Oil II. have ainu.vs tried lo ) a .my at lalta I'll)' I., mnl vv, .1 avet undertaken by iiuiiut Abyad Aline Brachvogel, entertaJfMd a il h Hi. mid have WOn III ffgll an n n neat winter Income but complained go a) g) wind-up- , - t'hlnago umi .i nip ihrough V'iMlnla. vary nikpropflataly raprt - nted have mdeh ft temple. The with tin- ladle! eards Satunlax afternoon in honor of she 11 ' Iln vvuiiv "l vvtarlng danglin Mis. ml 1. In- Tfiea won't raturn until early full. the Kargld Will Hartley uf Oakland 'In will the heat fun, uf laabel Connelly, win tl be nun "Bvanlha Pin thai mv I lit in I, kliuxvlug mv Calif., whu is visiting -- .i) le IS. mi it Macphoraon and hei aia Mahal I'lti h. the hogteat, her mother couxet from ' the feminine point of rled sometime In Ji thoea, brought me two 1 Mrs, ier. Hnirlet Malnback, with tin Mai peaaant maid, lira J. ii. Gould, and her fitter, .Mrs Cook. thf aumini'r llrmi brighten tin' tombr pretti Rwadlah watch-aho- ef pheraon children, from Pari." Frank Wllsun, In this city, ia apentlini. The foregoing I nearest to hurisun. mid no qm romplainlnt win leave the mnl Uardorf ua .1 'farmer" looke the i at a bleated enlenci week-en- d In t " die nf Maj tot 'hp ao, here the) coat the baa Vtgaa. Mra To organize lo o- - an announcement tha has been made. ii hit that "there la nothing doing of priaitigiv natural, and Btff ivii m the fjtpaci to Ihe annum nuintha. list exclaimed oM of the ll.lltlev will t II I'll toilllllTOW, clety New na- althniigh the publk Is probably pre-- 1 aim Bob PrnWg na III I of Mexico the local that are dull." 'I'll, it la, m I'leni'h t'ounta. atl t shad-Mis- "Ihlnaa I.ota uf peuple un Inlklngt t'ullforn-la- , tort, auunlnlhg the neat device tional fraternity man, xvhu urganized pared. Bngagernentt aat their s one ett'p Ihe to. let y editor CM ted gboul with monocle mul I mui mrdaummar win find a Mrs. Roy Benedict umi little aon ol recently in this city will hold ban OW before,' oil klluW. Connelly Ia i nure, lt' a hit on me, but lan w w Lindany mn. m auati n I I: I hard , Mra, an un unaptCUOUa." iln BnkerafleM, Calif., are the gueat ol t Mrs. Connelly, I. loeal nionj on the I'm ifi" coaat. the Impart iiin at the Alvarado, Mm 21. All the the daughter of o. it. then. prnhablx I'm. am Imbued nnd carried off -t w ii, aum ateaa. "No mi" xvuiild evel Mis. Benedict mother, Mrs. r. B, naU 'X- - Itvad and the aplnt of the aeaaon. In the ii iiiu Intenda in aim all unite well New M She has all her life here, mi l ,,i Hi, I'm it i is nut inly prominently connected, but Is spring, I think, we tiernmi' vv ei illfferenl roaal Ami. of routtns, everyone the i , i plada ft xceetlingl.x ,l in 'niii. ni. i. and to leave Un- -- of Hi" a tcnti an popular girl. Inln nlrlt Hiinu nr a m ii hat a 1' i n H ip in i una i Mia alarm clOOa watOn Concert a Splendid Stei th To return, the party in Miss Con H II I'. ,11... k who will alao api iul lumlp, aoawered the gin. "So one Success nelly'f honor was prettily appointed III I it II ver teerrta to see thli un ft tell a right joyous ttl phnrliallv, thi' ralna uf xxnilulv life, the aiiniini'l 'illlfnl lllll. eXn up The committee un arrangements fur and affair. The in iin time .md then ut B8PITB the lm lenient e - .ml tlmplet In gn Meal e.itU in Mm. .iinl Mn D weather, the big banquet includes Tax were white und pink sweet turtle Inatlm tlM'ly la ll.r I I tint In, a n d i ..niii lit - another "lm content" think iii lulrvo ruestluy night, a good crowd lur, preatdent: Hub Crewt. treasurer. peas, am IhUl and ferns. mid more eelfleh plenaim re I inn pi. trance medium ti .luat look don tur ,,ut for I . ill- i:ii-- itea iingiin it.n within tonnd Leave Wifcy at Home the concert at nartl Miller, aecrctary, und three Plve was played progres- - .inn in Hnei U hundred -- the fl .Hid lei hour, Elbe1 given hy uf the nil aril WgVef th" theater picked local othera as follow; K. A. Davis, Prof. sively In Mi-- - lloaalla "J want to find .1 win in beecha I. "Mx 1. ami remitted The Ho her I Putneya will Ihla raw oilier Watch slipper are lent for th,. belief it it. Antttony't And In ii mid k Mill, MOV E M ENT ia un foot to ail John Clark and llrownle Shepherd, With winning the first prlae. Thoae due iln "lite Nea Meah-- l uat Hunt, evening Weal', mid tlle.v have tin orphanage. And awear a and leel good, tha A tin lung eatabllahad cfuetom "i ft ft ft playing were Maaea laabel dpnneliy, little i,. i 'n nln vvalih tucked awn nearer the, upon hiii. luateiiil nf their trip lo lifoi lerlcan wtvaa, who go in aum The card and sewing clubs met as llurke, Maliel Morris, tieorglu nan loaf the awaj tint nut in. 11 enough fur a lu uaual. The Highland Auction Bridge Lutx, Roaalie aaj,Bent-Arinij- And let the Spring hoUOl at) iml leave their Itttabandf home, partner tu tread It when (h With. Tareaq lead mi cluli played Tuesday with Mrs. V ,B. Qertrude Roanllnn brain lure women .in taken nut uf I tmik and Iml, finitely, the M nl lug Cinderella woUtd iml part iiiii proud. sim-pie- r, i I. in until themaelvet The 'Pull, enjoying a partit ularly gay af- Baplnoaa, Marie Hlgglne, Where all thla atuff la Limine. sun ..1 program ltuth lief nut fiahlng i " iiina loac ed at tin after midnight ahu well balanced and had ternoon at carda. The Doming Tues- Munger. And let mv heart grow fWeel a gain a pu th-- . Lillian Jennie Walsh .tin i m. fhlfh la i pi In In nut havt bail her coach turn to advantage of brevity, shnrt day the club will be entertained by xinl I. t tin llgf In it it kin if fairy godmother had you and Mrs. Ii. Connellv. . lung time, gg Ihe Pet oa POUI her Mow, even nr Mequate Mrs. i II. Cams. 4 delightful thiiughtfui enough tn provide a wt mualcal entertainment, present ,1 cer ft Aa I auld, cVcryhndv a y.rllii; .ittn ft MotOf inpa wilt ii" popular, "Ing asiieet, and r.aflzing The Monday Auction i'.ridge club AnnuaKli h. a few of iia nun tig) home, hut this Mi n are pluum Andrawa made Up his exeel- - did week, reas- it la m m i entity and not of rhotce, hem tli it number not play the past for trlpa ihro lent i"i ram with 1 view to the ons best known to the members. u( naaure you Th. difference, frtmutwt' ti.nine erland lllllllitx Till" annual elocution content mill III "111, Hllltea 'Tin in They h between Iboee that un and thoec the Ntilte. I" ojuantlt) will meet tomorrow at the ' St. Vint cut's academy, at KIM I don't, la init an nun h dwfferaflc'i 11111 thai they like New Mexl home oi Mra 11. a. Klatler. theater Thursda.x afternoon, brought Ml I liniment est,-- men iiiii.- w is really not a single num- f . lilt It leaa hilt ROOd Kfida lllnli. IITpp ft ft ft nit a large crowd, and proved suc- Ineome ua the dlfferentllll uddenly be the (light ber that the haat musltnlly He InaW, ii r- an; M u ra. i h. H Inclined Mrs. A. K. will be hostess cessful m every particular. iif ni'ii i' ,i thefe Tha k. iidi would have had .bulging Walker 111 . V W omitted, from u it i wliu lliivfl abugl tin ikmiii Whitea mid Slnuma talk this week to the Tueadav Literary Th,. girls did so beautifully that the 11 the generout applautg h .1 accorded r.i' Club, picking the 1T arlthoui aeamlng aupph uf th" making the irlp to Dehver and and every one Current events and urt sub- Judges hail no easy time w II I, he I 111, ill, pi, ma tot Dreaa, jects hen tin mi lh"V niuat Ira, tentative standing out will be disi uaaed, . It propoaed I mn tuhi Impnrta prominently on ft Hug mi tin nerve dM'l yttu think niolot trip, is ft l I (llo- mid the singularly fine art of M it be nut -- It m Deriia - Spe.iUiin: "I .1 it " u, hi lea. In iiint WM Mrs The Tuesday Sewing club had a Ada Pierce Winn. Her tonal delightful lust Tuesday Hun " nil ailllllliel navel remind am leal on ha purity and her enuncia- afternoon t II "II, ell k w n aoi lata a un tion and diction are aa punetillous with Miss Irene Saint. Mrs. Jack luia given aa Shcehan will be the next hostess, dom and tei are preclne thing tin must finished artists t niplnx In aha mighi I ft ft ft Attractive ItincroWics Planned ., whu h will inaki feel thoroughly the singing of the g nf la - Inuring r It wna um Ma-Ic- The last meeting of Wednesday either it matua' from Roaalni't "Slabat e the "111. i a lanly dat held the and ahe er? crowd ten.'' mul nil the level) tar." Mrs Vt Thimble club was at the home of V Winn's was heard r Hi.-- - ittel April u I ed In fun uf the automobile, esauries, un gnd then vvnn- at its Pest, y thi- Mra Harry llenamln. The club will be 1)11 ami briftlan waa lent i hanceg to ana, Imw mm h sli Is. mat In how by Clyde for ten derad aboui Hie beHUtlful (rounda of number by ol twenty-tou- r entertained Mrs. illnir at man) faahiot al she takes Il tha chorua t'allfornia utter the Hunlng faatlc. picking floweri and volcea, a wonderfully the Indian school, next Wcdneadav. roe inonili deillt iitctl to Huii rarest matter hnw commended her trained mid ft Ihoroutthl) enjoylni the bloaaontlni proficient chorua xviii h en- - ft ft ami most valuable of earth' gems mntllsle may in matter xv imt -- lie offered I'.iiiglia. Which Iml il few hOfl days tire satisfaction In th rendition of the Mrs. Kred Bhellnart waa hostess, nun aeleci In the way of mat rials, Needle-wor- agu were "hara, uln'd luur- -' it wan churns parts nf Kusslnl's Thuraday, to the Wedneaday k trimming -- no liuvv masterpiece. all verj Informal and delightful "Not and ni,.. blatter That Mrs. Mabel club. The date was changed to she Ma planned for the perfei Hull Stevens llimoc really a parti, undeirata'nd, for there Bever loses her power to please as meet the convenience of the hostess 0( everx detail, no matter liuvv pie again Next Meek the club meets with Mrs The demotialrated by the thorlc her wardrobe atlt It ft enthusiasm R B, I, 'ver displayed nt her appearance on Curry. uuiie m 11 fi- - Mo doea the the hen, veaterda) Mia Jmu-laon- , toohef Slavic which but grew ft ft liurobi rive at a fUnctlOU than she tees st in volume at t 11 intcrpre-talio- Monday High Klve dis- inn racentl) mm ied and van Hung entlreb and ahe - the '""elusion uf a flawless n The club Intereatlng lit- different past bride, had the lovnlleal llli'lli. tell elopcd with tundry. of l.lazt'a "HhupMody No. 12." banded the Week at the home of tle luncheon toi Mra 1: i. you Mis. Ralph Mr. Kills Although Diamond thai el ami irleggted mlaglvlni Henderson, whoti com- - JftttlJvftn. the would ever tu plate maatarx meeting season, want nee. The table rom I. lie of the viniin, mahee her lat of the it was "na loaded with Spt mgiime fluwera n great demand for all aortg of mu- not the least in pleasure and fun Better Buy One Before and the Appointment! exqulalie, alcal entertainment was heard tu Mra. unuli aini Mra. tplendld mlvantage in Huhey's "Czar- The Month Has lirookf Goings and Coinings of Society A V : ... u - there wna Mra. das dunce.'' and another vloiinttjt, not Week of Weddings hadbuut in and tun one tWo oth fO well to Passed of K MANDKUJU of New V,uk. known the niualenl pub- lic, was Cecltle ren- MUS Kridav mi ih. eaalbom.,1 lim. spauldlng, who MKkf Wednesday la tela i for dered wiih depth of tone and perfect Wedding day OCT! spi:cii, PRICE WFRtttftfii: itetl fi .1 a Wi ek s Vltit the of two popular lit technique by t I A jilr "Fantnsie Caprice" local girl. Not thai it ia to he a in uta cntcd the Illtt with the itii. M.indell vieuxtampa, III, Solitaire Rings, complete with - mac tni the Minim. and will ha heel 'a ll forniu for the double wedding, but il Just happens Mr. AndreWl sang i pi lagaaaion tin m-- t M Ma Mra past itonth i inn rv km wonderf that both Mis Pearl Skinner and Miss thn and Ah. Moon of My Delight carat Hinnioiitl mnl Mn- - Kane Hewitt, who home to ninkt tiv for an extended from "ultra Wolking hftve hit upon the $t5 i.ehmairs peralnn Harden and ante date. Coincidental!) also, both carat Dlnmoml as2..n her home with Mfa. Htttnet. Kuropea a t . er In tbt ex ening hud a --g llHV e taiki n roomn with ii- -. a Hnp-h- with number vetiiiings occur at the same hour, I caiai Diamond ln.M bet with Mrs It. V. .'IK s atri-- el Winchester which Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, on ICinu S300.0O W.ili.i until the firal suited admirably Oilier IMamonil up to uf J w go buth voieei Mrs the same street, and in same lint whan they in treat, Mra Winchester poaaeeaet the Itlttni-- 1 all the reouitite block. Miss mar-rle- d tu tan her aon, Hnrvei itt Skinner will be a MgkiwdtU or singing reqairementa, including vocal at her house, We also liuvc line Hla 111 lllled Hip through brother's the et lll"t"l New flexibility and extreme ease in yri-a- mood Mlilt Studs. KaiHiij's, Lnvill All This Week Mexico, visiting aheep l Skinner home at 1004 Forester the numerous flights, and in the sineine ,,f Ax- -, and Mias Wolking Hers. Rroocdte, Klc, nt prices a, low ranettea vhlch Mr. Hubbell Is in- - at her Berceuge from Joceiyn n- - anted tOodard) aunt's home, the Silas Wolklngs of they can be bought for anxwhert'. in With piano accompaniment lx Mrs. 1010 aaya til June Who there is no NReso be Opened Hinioe and violin obligatu by Mrs "god of coincidence"? 4 Henderaon, she gave a thoroughly ft ft Special b l.aughbn i y Offerings mpatfietk 1883 SSTD. I portrayal A very pretty tea was given Tues- . uCAl motor enthuataata m Hum Calif, Kuhrtneyer-Cava- ffsx at - Numbeta by the day by Miss Chad-wlr- - doubl elated al the id pi, sa nt Ix i ting Mrs M, Uiughlin afternoon Margaret acqulltlo iiHiigh or bettra, of usual compelling In 'III MVKI liiiiiM Mill s MMI'lt dTOCK, Z the famous Kills inch, which hua in ins teiea. Mrs McLaughlin rhv " honor of Pearl Skinner, who lilt thniic bite. diversified nleasinu. will be wedded week Mr. T. ltlllli. been leased b) Raj Htamm ami Jack Iv ihe this to elnburate tone production. P fioddlng. Mi- - Rets Ruseell, of Hhftehaa Theae onierpritiog young The quartette selections M bv essra. Modesto, Calif , who is on a men have signified H eir Intention Ol ft a Charles xva. Hugo here Andn Meyer, W W visit to Miss Chadviok. shared hon- MRS. BALLEW "nniting the place Into a mountain Misa Chrlttine porter, of Cincinnati, Lindsay fW a I aM tfP RFl ABLE and rteonie Mverltt are also or brtda-elec- t, ttmuri, w ill hint,! a good gueat ' with the The Chad inui automo- waa ihe ,f Mrr. Ada Plere ;n "I peclal mention, as is VATCH MAKERS S JEWLER5 Mil l IM Ik I Hi Mrei-I- . Z bile max h xvick home on Wesi Silver avenue "..iilli mil toad, that the place e.isv Winn'. for a few dux a last Week. Mie the ver) clever reading; AVE-- j x "Thf coming was moat 107 W. CENTRAL of nccea Portei ,. tu nite home after a vltlt Out attractively decorated in of Mlas Cnnimlnga," rendered In sweet peas a pro the and carnations with Inimitable atria for which Mrs. fusion of inllx to lend a desired bit EEgECHaBBa ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. APRIL 27. 1913. THREE THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST HE ECONOMIST

Millinery Mention JThi Many Uses of ExquMte Laces Has miH UKI'AKTMKNT is i omi-k- i ill si i KVKKA di vi Mi BfOUgM v in: m rri.ii ii rttoM coPIfft t i:ci. imai phin iti no This Section Many Compliments IX) Till M i HI i S i i i I it COMMON isi ii KR KKRVICI l it. Ism Net it- nun wiih - h, a. mini arlmtoeM ol mm . i i v lace ami iti ys rr-4- vJ Mwisimixs m mm imisiv iii..iii. n. i,a, a mini nmouni ! i. I I I I mflm hii atone for Kill III II'M I s UtK Mil. II I I -- IH l the ar 0 Kill Villi mi sl Itatsr Ihhi.I) d( ii ww Ml rat Ihe very-- iii,i,m isririNgi vxn WKIA ( I108KN in in a Hat hi hi i.n .n v i:iiiiin. mi siniini snoot MMm mm illr.vt to l lll I ( i i M is ( r..i here ih. I o i v i i I i , in. nit c vmiiv M I.IM I'RKciHKLI m vt m Hi hMt , c Katmlenx to In iimi ami m i, nut, h,ih , j,,,,-- nml , MX ii .)i cn-ldcr-s- l. u imiiihi. in nti virv is. V.imIIi Price an ldwrr Here Then Kleew her. llll If IINOSIINT, It'a not a In- - had. UJ Silks and Dress Wash Goods Dent. Goods Reduced Join Tomorrow's Crowd 6 "It I h I I LMM I m Ns in i t in, i material botng HithvuMaatl slinipit . .I price mi mir new-.-- i ...ih aoprov ed bj win win. knew nml rlHiloni sill,, in pi nil dur- lh aarlona anno)ance tnei.t. ml to tha ing ihi- - ..- - Hie r.illntvhiit: wrinkling of linen tubrlea ahlth h I " llkel) in give to n. w I l lllis the Suit Room or fiiiii. -- laundered ggrmehta i.iii'.i m cruati-a- d 11 Inch mij.v 113 design selling appt ii aftei onl a little w aai regulurlv tu T.".i ;l x n nl Mir price This teaaon w ihow the nee rlnkta-leaa- " yard.v Mr and Share in This Riff Sale of ( oats Dresses ii and linen uitkiga; inpertaf aual-- u M-i- h Phi Hi Urea, foulard satin of linen thread whlcb make a lliilKh; all... brocaded effects; ,01 n Exceptional Sale of beautWul (ahrta that drapee nieet) hi. I t, IS grades: special Tic He! doe not .T. , rrtiah .ir wrintrie Si I a. lai per Orient u Pongee silk. 11 lain. at the ii. linen, vard good heavy grade: netting regularly Women's Misses9 Coats III. , till.' an. I Ml, to i ard; special Me and and Dresses Willi! I.) X His Kl'l i l s Tuli Silk. Mtln strlpea, :lti Indies C.iixlNtlng of all f 3 our w ukIi ... id l i geveral nee fabric in white have wide: special Mo a ppe ' I id thin Week Alllulin III. 'Ill vihip.i.r.iN. black und a sex me Marmeuoo, chlifon and norelt) materia Ho tluautj Also Tuli Silk In stripes only, HO ci. ih, a atw , wovea toenail wide Me pl.turcN In ad. There and ch. hit from und tegular Belting valuta .ii. tabrli mi (he latin, unlet foi suit and dreaaaa a,- - I J:':'..'.u. Chui tot i.nK m nitl ss (,(IOIs sPI't I l, "Cobweb Cloth", i suft met. , rl7ed ,.f g fabrt. a poplin W...V.', I.iii much Consist in of u large line of new In .if after texture and light M In wetgnt, m shades all wool voile, 12 Inches It - suitable r,, w. wide: colors are black, brown, tan 1 a t4 usls .Hid K'.wns n and reguMrli selling jp t ... lie ri. mii. price "Durbar Cloth.'' a medium weight 91. it and; tpaclal,.Me a yard c suitinif, mud. in Imitation of rajah V MIIPHIHI) HI i KH silk but of nil cotton Very nltablo lor sUii -. c..,.is a ml drcHMea 0 h wide black anil while yard ,a.v goods . dress in three Mam oilier non-libs- In il.l, Hon siz. check Mh- - a van I $16.50 to $21.50 Tailored Suits for $14.9H for gradaatton gown nml wear, anal It) of alt tallore l Mill, In value l a, al Hie Hieeu t. attrnctlvi H Embroideries pill e of h.!in. Theaa iitts are mi t wcinht fabftogj uch a Mrgaa, afhlpcorda. badforta, itlagooali Spec it 1 1 Sau of Wbrttedll and novelly . uting. Til. gray, Bavy, Ida. k v IttiXtUrM II. tan, brown. and liin. .v. Novelty W ash Goods Sharply good lllh lining; both utaw.iv an Reduced ., i Cii.ulsiimi ,,i whole hi, ut. i full If ou want a suit at e, Invaatl gata ttii oftei valaaa to for f ,., We n tvsh new material, follow: offer few hundred parti ot - Mmbrolderlcs lISi- Irisn poplloa silk fin In this o;ison's (roods, ;tSi whit. but broken assortment or ..I. im -. ,r: and marked for Immediate clearance. $14.98 XV' Until I. ile.l Ntll lot I Swiss flounclnga In a grounds SI.V large variety of pattern, suitable Pi. nie and cord u i ii ff i .nl for graduation and evening dres.s a eit. Special value at, yard sin:, Mr ,w ratine In plain m ripe t JMnch Bnibrotdarj' lot .lainh He Itatiile linen. nml . .. 'Linn. inir in wide Women's Tailored bite lor. range pa- Linen , , of :15c Still, e, he, I, l.ll,l ol In II ttern. Special valui-- at, yd.... fit Chooae of iui ..I III. ;il,'e Roods at LOT .1 h Flouncing and Cor- OMA Me lll set Cover tCmbroMetiea; alio a large gMgtrtmeni of galloon band- Waists ing; value to SlvOO yard Chojea Opening Display of H lor. yard . . ;!i, ICxcellenl ci Mm Ii I'laiii linen, tucked III ParasoU X . ollai eltli Tomorrow tha pretty patriot! win Knit I nderwear in- read) ami it win rapraaani the most di'Hlral.le of all the new fabric, rn -- l.l.s and hnpe for l.oth ladlea and n Sale children n ma choose from reg-i- i In r shapes, fancy hnpe. ciinop;. o Continued or Week tops, b.ll shapes. Ja pan shapes and This A Special . Sale of All This Season's Latest Models man) other in all the nan Mlka, ur entire line of women' nnd This hftiiiliriil new collection offar o children' knit union miIIm. .00 WMS'IS MMM Msls Kl.oo s; on n.i a Laargrj knit Mss ss line of nnaiial w at M.M, Hit, $4M, ES and lianl on aaJe last week will la "ii on sale lit on sale nl on sale lit on sale at n n Wajata, Plata M.Og, Htl.SO nnd up aala ihi week at same reduction rminriil M.slel, 1111 eg and In addition we ptaea on sale a If) large line of QloVfl Silk ' on $4.98 $3.98 $2.98 $2.48 Ug value nt Qgg) II..Ml Veilings H taea, t gi-,- o ,,,.1, V N I Mil HON Alh to me our line Prln-cea- a larae of imo-iii-oi- Vefllng sitpa, mad,, at GNava silk, China hen v.iiini? Silk and Crepe lie Chine inlng two veil in one. glilng at ibl. nml 17.50 . ... I. New Middy Waists nr. ...lors, blink and Line of Balkan at $1.50 and up yard II. oo


Spinning Wheel S. iii Kvery-da- y by Inn. An Ut." postponed until the fourth Thursday ,Se seeking the way out ll ir offering will Nellie liehart. ble lllewei'. Mis. It. V. Willi ii of coming i May Id i Society Iho ith II, and Int.. 'hrist. be made to II, niic and Foreign Mis- - lal Souk Without Wolds had an enjoyable koiij. prog ran. j a a WHERE TO WOKSIIIP 'hristfan Kndeavor meetll sinus. No pieii. hing in Ih delaaohn At p il- tha regular Monday evening III. Let it lie ,l mil) III. cling a We shall be glad to hit Vals, i ' "oilier, .Chopin The Albuquerque, lar talk v. M. c a . tomorrow ' . t., i although when Bertha Tui-'"- I students of the at the TODAY .inversion ot all young I Pie he tabernacle sen lees, was business college .1 rollicking night, Dr. Kvclyn Friable will 1 accorded tll't place and the had contin- if.' of gCtlV c set 1 Ice h ung people's service It p JtOld medal, the nudlence manifested dance, .1 the Woman's Club building, ue her series "Preparation for Moth- temember the h,.nr Ml Ituth Prlday evening. In- - approval m no tmeertain mah- - Former students if erhood." giving the sixth of an ffllow Will I. ill llll. llll - I'll MBTnobnrT KPUOOVAU ..iiss i ut nc- read "plendidlv San the co ge attended in good)) sum icicsting and Instructive eourae ol ist must BAPTINT HI IH II. Hie ( Third, The ruclflllon" the crowd was large and OUt Corner Lead Avenue ami ,..uih c.'in. r llroa.lwiiy nnd Lead. I . from Hen llur.' i no on,, iiob for nit fun going. It. ('buries OaCOr He I.niaii. f im I I 'd qvettioned ttn fairness of the Thev bad glclbin. Ph. II.. Pastor 'be JudgeH' decision. Pauline Jonoi Mr. and Mrs. (leorgc Taylor ohap- - Mystic Edith (lorh), Deaconess, Hibl school at a ni. c sternal ;t Prof. THAIj w i i vi i ( ii i ne e e Sunday school al H't.'i a. in. D. A. M i s. i si iii ni Mi ond prize went to Ch;i itt. cloned. lice next ThVli fill irake, intend, nt Mr. i id. .Hows- hall, 'i Pot let field, superintend. nt Mi .in stiperlnten-hupp- Ceatrsd nnd irao st. , , dr Booster isslstiint .ie. "Idawd unusual Japanese Operetta in May Preaching bv the am it l B, " TV" auuny in till rendition of "The The Congregational church will hold hestn will play and ill) time hi Ii last Kundn) Sniinn Allison Pastor, "Ut of At ;4S p III Mi- I . .I Bl l l, , COB- - the Violin," and Har- - one of Its special foi lo puss im mii mark. Wt li lllllg sel nt II a. Ill Barbara musical services di only. and Eunlci Knhlo divided A JAPANESE miil." la the title the general public Sunday night. s ess women had 111, uf which were In ducted l" the pastor. Subject "Tha honors Ita) p ' ' of a operetta, At 1:10 rn.. Kpw nth League Ho. 110, h- - Wise the third Plf.e. Miss Harris re- - clever little lSih. There will be no more of these the pi tor Let teai Choi. I which pupils K. A uthei services smI sli tJ "A the Moon Aroee" and .Miss the local of Mrs. L elaborate musical services until Meeting of the Tempo Club .is prepi Special iv a 11 1,. e, I'ivang, 'list rcad 'I'orest Klni' s lt, e " Bradford vvin put on at i;iks theater and it is planned to make tills Sunday. "111 ev s lultting Iheniaeh-- e the ening of Mil) lli. The slug.' an ex. eptlonally Tl m p. i i Ll i; met Monday B win well as interesting one p m I'll will Ite. Atwo.Mi pri (Continued on Cage lour.) 'lit Ue. "I'lll (II lie ,1, ,...u .. and costumes are unusually a vith Mrs. k Bradford, P. .f.i. pretty, l. th tab l'h, three and the music tuneful and of Mrs. Lohengrin v as discussed with instru-VOca- l other contestant were Thco. Mlnnebo was hostess to Th . ".ice .vicii.rinott, who vers the aort generally characterised as a few evening, mental and lllusti.itlons, after Hevlls t.clted friends. Thursday al 1:30 In wl II a meaningly "The Mw Song." Zelnii! catchy." an infnrmiil miiatcate. which there w ire.. ih Those who ll lo be ll nave a line Interpieta- - Besides the cast oi pnnclpalai furnished progrnm grain of gran, CRAY! TEH the aere the i tings STW WILL Vi"L,'f.,'.Th'' TiK"' Race," and which is subjoined, there will be a Misses Harris and Flora Chess VI. trola. in. 1 lilggina A W IE who read chat mlnglv choru of fifteen firls and a double were served at the con- paper on "The nor Fest Villa, the llllnd dirl." scati'tte of nun and girls who will clusion of the musical numbers. at Hayreuth" was rend by Holt. The I I I ( I hldge wet,. Rev, K. Trov. S. sing popular music between the gets, Among those who enjoyed the de- - switzer, and was followed I MM LA i4 PIHiN Dr. Mendel Silber, professor of' log The operettn hit two acts, in which liglilful evening were Mrs. Elisabeth discussion of Wagner and CHI in It. DARKEN YOUR HAIR BEAUTIFULLY IC and philosophy at Pnlverwltv of ure Introduced dance and Lehrmea, Mr, Mrs, Rev, A, Mi Mgndatart, B. Plstor, Vf-- the numbers and l. h. Mere J.. Mexico; K. sung ( Prof. c. Hodgin, dean sparkling dialogue besides the dith, Mr. Mrs. Harris, . Sodality meat, 00, "I and Mrs. Harden enter allied the ..the department of education, t'nl-"rs!t- specialties. Troutman, miss Troutman, Mrs. John's choir Thursday Children's mass, H.30. of The III New Mexico; John .Milne, principals the forth. nig Chess und .Musters Chess and Harris aftel noon. Practice for th I cantata. High mass and Sermi 10, "uuarlntendwnt or Albuquerque city play aro as follows: "Ueatltudes," which Is t, be pre-- Vespers, iiisti u, ii, .a mid be Sa cftoola, nnd I'rof. j. k. Ooodell, of 'i lianti San (Belotlful Flower) ... s.'llte, by SI. Sunday tile The Daughters of the American John's choir Hon, 7:30, sappi Albuquerque A Japanese I lluslnes College. of Position luisl-11- evening. .May , w as first on The musical progrnm Revolution held their regular the Dandfi Yon just da in Miss Kuthryn Orlmmei ami .' ( I v connection meeting yestenlai afternoon, with program later a hour and . i i : vi I l III l; ( HI IICH, ush illl the contest was n.. i) i less eniovable Kitu San (Sweet Ohysanthcinuin Mrs J. H Wroth. After business p 'n.l demonstrated the versatility of Mrs. Herbert tiallcs Rev. Ii rcl.scbinar. Pnsior. Ph llin ugh your hair. the St. Vincent's girls, transactions, "eats" were en hue. I. a Oernil IS held llll who ore a' well 0 Kayo Sun tTenrs ol 'lllissi a a a The local Odd celebr., t e,l nil at a n un. .1 musicians as tie wpn Miss Prance Strome the afternoon a ioftlata, iiineti fourth aiinli iry of the corner Arm in Han U Man' cousins) f'.iinillng of the order, at Odd Fellow's The playing of Kleanor Vaughey, Chaya, . a ten sel l er. halt, Friday evening. An informal bee illie:. "bu Is a finished plan-is- t. brilliant and Mrs. Frei A SPANISH merlendu was given at musical ami literary program was fol- was a Of " 1ST CHURCH OF feature the afternoon. Two American Girls Noi Learnard-Lin.l- e low red by supper. The Ul t'llltiST the mann music dancing and SCI plendld to renin' i.isr.t' "iiigoietto." aafleotally, Dora Twinn - l sr. store yesterday afternoon, under BUS- evening wuh enjoyed "d.l Fellows i:ti UK Miss V a v displayed remarkable n ",.lp ami st nKhf. ituth Thompktn and Loul Wat son pice of nnd K.'liek 111. p .1 delightful Service held in iho woman tc. hhlquc and espreaaton, the Parents' and Teachers' the Qovernaea Miss Minerva l'o-- ( lucrative nssoclalion The froll club biilldln at the corner of Sev '',. and C.race Mc- - affair Iliixiier Known Mrs. ll. Cornel was in a benefit, to street id Gold avenue, uermott won hearty applause at the nature of etltll ever) both. s swell a piano The iide gold medal contest, gly- - Sunday m mini; t 11 o'clock. Sub age. I the if the fund for purchasing an. as we piano, ml oilier musidana who ' h Mm, "cored Next Weiinesdn.i the for the First. Ward school, and was Presbyterian church Ject for this we "Probation Aftei and attractive deoided were Fram es afternoon, n hit' well patroMsed, i t to o'clock din ing, under auspices of the Death i .In lurbhy pro-r;i- member of St. hold fi appearai t at e with and Rosalie With. The John's Oulld will w. T. ill gennlne Spanish "mertenda" (u bev- resulted Ule Melialll Wedllesil.i J ." it t. gage W ,)s a Wh0f. W(lH delightful, and forth with a tea at the home of Mrs. l'. th and ) Ill's Hug Iphur and you'll A. I". erage similar to chocolate) was school harrying off first honors in the 7:,10 "fleeted on the abilities Morrlsette, I'm N. Ninth street. o'clock. s.uue drug-- look yean rounger, Impilry hows credit alike served in Spanish by dash- inters, holasl Ic contest, and as the I e levity n "I InStTUC-"o- n While the at) le and The public Invited to the pupils nnd the careful afternoon will represent Ihe gISU i themselves, ail pharmsi 1st In usual enjoyable ing Spanish senoritas. To further add oilier contest was for pupils of the ServtOt lawn hero sell of St. Vincent's teachers, variety of "afternoon 'ml these Sunday school so you tea," an is in the realism of the pretty deceit, MenaUl School, both prize Went, of but lnlat lots uf It. a, Innovation to be intr... . JO o'clock. dined in Spanish muslciil number were Intro, ours. to this well known Institu- Pupils of Ml Louise Nichols will the form of more substan- tion. gold were ppear tial refreshments to be .lined, including the singing of "La The medal winners in recital on the evening of served from The I IHST PHESBVTEniASI CBOROB. KatUfday, 6 to S o'clock, and of which men, C.olaiidrina" by Mis Kose Harsh. "La Joe candeiaris and tots oarcla. May 2, at the Woman's the Palomas," by m. Qarcia and other schools that entered contestant) Corner Fifth and Silver. club. The pubtte especially invited .specially, are urged to partake. The in, is cos-tum- e in Ic w th Hugh A. CoopOr, Pastor, to Imitation includes all of another pretty Hpanlh song In the iaterscholasl lontesi attend. Thin Is the flrat of two member by Miss Indian, Hi.i Qrande Induatrti reeitgla, be the palish and all friends Of tile Mr. Charles Andrews. Your Money the second of the series to .lane Walsh placed Siinnlsh (elections Harwot h ds V. n - church, however, ami in June bv Miss Kthel Md'liis- the committee, I. !l I.'. .luring the course of Hilda, seh ' K.'V. i. ,,,,1,1 I . In charge are making great pluns for the afternoon. '.., ind Kleanor Preceding merlcllda was Mrs, L. W. (i the session al fol-- . a really succesBful tea. even- the there "vde. ,.vt s'liioifl program In the - - u' - an musical program ten- day day si hi,,, lo rei t lows ing there will in- an Informal musical.- informal afternoon, lo th. Pythian sist. by Hyde, Helen .Morning won nlng under the direction of Mrs. K deled these: Kleanor Following the brief business nessioi Twilight Iteinecke Ooets, Winifred Williams. Mildred u ltd men ts wer Communion sen i social hour re fresh Kllen Masie Delnh. Bradford. Muni lluilless. (Jladys Paup, Kathtyn Abe! enjoyed, thm Of members r ong . (Jurlltl and Hester Harlan. The following il p David Williams. The Hector's Aid of St. John's were: Re- - t The various committees Nancy W. fradi. Song will give h reception Mrs. Kirk Ian church parish fresh mentS Chairman. Mrs. T. I. W('n expressionist, has z and dunce, Tuesday evening. 8, known . Sylvia Da via Ma liiitts, assisted by the following: very offer from iffei tor "Adagl. View f the Heart at the Woman's club. Plans are on calved a Rhoda Bwayne, Oladya Hanley, May m,. Vorw i association Anthem, Selected. .. Selniay. an elaborate SCI le, and a delightful Sew 'nautauqud Vera La ill.. Lorraine Ttuggles. itrl. to appeal their program during We unit 1 "tMhopper's. Song . . . Kmerv social m t be anticipated by affair Hill and Stella Sta. hliit. August. .Mrs. Wolf will Mildred the member ,f th. parish their he month ,n Harris and cuke and etjMfr- - Chairm Ikely accept offer. i.i.iii.fir "nil 1 the Laer ft lends. the - Boat Van Gerhardt, assisted by Mr. II AMi BRO IHW V CHBI8TIAN - V f"orl our i (.(I ? work ; Adeline ilf Nellie Crawford. Julia Dye, III RCtt. t r A 5? VeiioAflfc rP; your money more Beaumont Colhath. Maxwell. 1! T work for Woman's Club Program Harold Cim In 1 to S South lltoadway. KalJ . Krunklin Mill C.rhardt. temnrrbor and Glctfr Ilerinoii P Williams. Minister. V "votte B flat .Handel Mrs. J. CnnUim no poison and The American & Savings Bank r The reception Committee Hibl, it 1:41, Lord's Trust INTERESTING program on art. fullatirnatb A Miller. Mr. John W Wil in. Miss BigG maftiruKd iii attendance, :is r""ld.n Major". . music was st Im. ir A . Haydn travel and rendered Qrny and Winifred HUltnrd. !... without fear. t "SECURITY AND SERVICE" the regular meeting of the Woman Gosrantetd not to ttricturr. Kravart contaaion. llibles. and in. Katharine J.mec The serm . . Friday Mrs. George CURE YOWRSP.I.F? National Bank Second Street Entrance t Pontif io.'tit, .fjoillioii club. afternoon t WHY NOT Stale Building, ... I the regular nar'.y. planned At e, ' pop ml W lj OK. Albright was leader. Two excellent The card !'i..,,' wr 11 ii" u0 ilivwrbfrnc Li ., rarript nf II I ..II tiinti. ul.tii stailta "i vert's Mam I Woman's csihohe n. reuril. i Mpari Wei e end. ..he oil Indian lias Sihyllo p. b. : ' ketrOWIiy Mrs. A. V. Stroup, and ters for next Tlinrsday, h been XUE EVANS CHEMICAL CO., CiSCiBBatl. 0-- tended Jeee-- eeiee'1 - mm ItlUOUFKQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, APRIL 27. 1913. t v. -- I. nl. .1 moinlli fhi I If urn VI lii IIII4I I'lillll 11 It MiiImiIiIiii FIKE ASSAULT ISROEHL IS ENDORSED m ii i MHtH iii Iki luMIt f Crescent Hardware Company in ii i nl lii nlii Ihirhnrn, iliiHKliitf hii VlUt taM,ll I hull. IMiitkn. Rangen llmm I iitiil-hln- g .imnI- - i hiIi it lmi. him I'll'. iinil llllliiu-- . I'l Mm Iteming, lln mill (oft UnV la aihik.iiii Merriwrattier, u .ilii hi STAGED AT SCENE FOR POSTMASTER 1 i'ii .iii .Mm. UN U 'l Mlitl l I I llli iN I. IIA arrived attarda nmrnlnii mid will inter ihe Albuuiiei in' INllH-Bi- i I .11. r. I - Ml M i'l I I ii i .i lit' l till' In ill ttiiilllna w i i hi Prm Hit OF KILLING IT COMMITTEE EAT I ii i leorf tV. lint rlmi. fa Tfl it ill"-- 'In. Inn who nun ll in III AM Alltfl li ", II 1 H I'll III Allllilli-Mll- i Velvet i Matthew's Ice Cream iim hi HarrtMM had A, W, W, Phone 420 mllliiK Iii In in i i mill (topped off Man Steps fioin Behind Tiee, Fleischer and Justice StyleplusW7 Ih Ti. fur ii few iliiyn mi lib way hoiin Jams Revoke Agalnsl Pe- McClellan Withdraw Aftei 4PI i iiu Md Hunt. Ki- rending room rinhdmeVIW I I iiilr.ii lion ill i,r ih.- Hi I'Ui 0 destrian's Breasl and Fiies Bitter Scrap: No Candidate IWi i i" i rompan) at ClaJwburMi Hi. whith will ii. in ut Klk tin nli i Blank Cartridge, foi Marshal Named, in ii Ik )l April mill 'ih. riiinimny x Co. i . Charles Ilfeld in hluhh Mini. ml' In Kii.ii ln "Gf jom prici tht World of er" i. ihIi iii h k. Manor, "i Hi. raadlni Two nun int night "in walking il f iiiM'hl. illy iiiik. yeoterda) v Wholesalers of Everything along the rood, i. otto Buckntanii ufti i n i i i htti tin. aoj4ofotniani i Comb nl" donated irt a ato i imiiilh ti k li"i ii ml kiiliii I. ul nf ihi. democratic rounty central policy VEGAI ALBUQUERQUE Our Ul SANTA ROSA mobile, 1'inr riaii. a chauffttr H " III ii, n lilt - nml imli'il two nf hi rommlttta foi pintmaotof at Ainu itliti-- r I'.v iimii K.iMKy, im iimiuit-i- i hi mrvinaa ' nfnttaliloifa, wh, n .1 itmn ii MMi'ti ietXua iiflcr ii light wmkiiI of give iitnl ITinM Ijniilulfl miii irlM lil tig iiniii bahlkd n tuh i. itmiw bod, il. iff' ii nupporlera of a Kleloohof, luotlca W trying to greater tomorrow morning in cothb iiiik Ifcw peVOh'Of iiaiilin-- ' mi.' i f ihi' iiU'iiV w. MeClellaa bihi J. l. BranoM all Gross, Kelly & Co. (Inc.) "i- -i rlplliin to llu- Jetnrg riniil fund liri-.i- .itnl fired ii. . revolver wa mndldatea for Mta nMtt Th mot-in- a values for the money finds H I. I. nl. m BMOHI ml Healer In All i hi" k kIiihiIiI l.i' in. nli- .i i I. "ii ii a ith ii l.i. mi cartridge, Tin wo htiil nt i hr iimii hooae tin- - i t i Mi example in Styleplus l" tin- I'lixt BallHaji Hunk Trust ih fled mi precipitin h Hint I".- 'on ii 'hiilrimin l.oul A. linn its best Wool, I . . . Hides, Pelts and Goat Skins i"ini.iin II i'Xn'i li'il In Imva "II in i .in ii. learn ih. It Mine ,i nod th i ommttto to oMor ti Vegaa, M.; N ' K. M N. Mliniin nine. M.I TMMMM V M.; Trlnliluil tin. huIimi lit iiiiib riilli-rti'- by noon. Tin occurred t Ihe ottot " look in MM dtotrM coufl room. Clothes $17. - I'i -. V M Corona, m v pint " hiTf nli nn kl!!i J. i i. iiniii rfforta mi Ml pan "t eom m Trtmbla, 112 N The Iwii "Vletlm" uipuaetlt WOTo nilttoownn and proi) hokiara, who We have selected this suit as a r LAUNDRY i i.mlim iliin town The tTetefl ratroNd iii- - randldac) nf Mr. Kli-l- h-- i leader because in our judgment it is rood ibirk. Tht iiiiiii reaoa atOwkd n Juatlea McClellan of Mr Rmmona NEW HOTEL COMBS tin Mania la aliopi nhudfi n up mi' if prtni-n- i the rutlfit niinp nf Mr. several dollars better than its price. nl. .mil the 111 It "Ii 'be fttln n Uot-h- i onl) aarved t.. ntofoni i" Hi! r, HttW hrr-.M- Here's what you get for $17 rs!! 8 IS WHITE .mil uerhajM ihr iwo n i tlng. Tim Fl. Ii t t'lt Nmi- - - all-wo- i nervoua, Th nwa ao to r ol "attack" loaderii wt'n- able mutt in Stvleplus fabrics, WAGONS n. n ' A T it Dint ni'llhi r liinl b.itu to tun. i. nlv ;i mnmrin mi .tin rota. OPENS ,M tJ ; high-grad- e BuggyCheap 1 Tin "hold-op- " lumped from boklod Thr aaaatoa adjournod nt ( o'clock thoroughly shrunk ii Iran, JoRtttkMl hta revolver imiiitiHt ln II 111 111 PPJ Are the Agmla. alpaca finings, carefully felled. ff El and pnllfj tin n Iggi t Tha jiiNtiti- McClellan, eecrelary; hort-1- ) Look Al Oar M"k. Strong Brothers did imt wiilt to ii Ik- kaa wound after thn opi'tiliiR. rend letters Cam as and li.nrclotli Boaked IH 0M0RR0W nil. MO off lid mm k in tll randldatea for federal offlca - Ilf from shape- I nilii-takc- r 2 rater toinmirepennaAcni nml I m 'm n , inn imt. it wit n uot led to Ma po Tin' mill wim irantod offlooi follow -- i'i"inii lanlua dni ot afcitit. 2 ii. i. in ii iii n. .1 iieai hU eoHipnwten. ror pootmaater a Delachr, H. ''. liness; band made buttonholes...... I, Ml Tha mnii hn llred Ihe imt Mid it." hi, J. Bmmona and w. v. M workmanship that simng blk., s,- i i. Export (iier anil ii ny. Public Invited Visit New hove ftod the olher L'lella n. in the coat. Hoo Hit- tor leaked oat, the po- Hosteliy T ll ct u.n uDOjbe. i" learn rbiveral JikIkc us hy the added values piroii. who Mva in Baretao, npp.n lies, In avpnt I in these riot hvery spring the that you ahnulil from 2:30 In mad kui Ihoi '"l, Hill .Inhll Ziiii Today ol rooafaaj iniiv tif wiii for rvajf nmrninK mm Mini tin not tin of man and and summer style in our com- It'll lili.uii. Jilt YANT'H M ji.i know nnmot mot JS polldo hoard wc open up a shipment BRNURIUI, KltliiK your nnimi ,,n nf tha thrte. Th Km diatrl plete assortment. nml inlilii.i nml Hit. pnp pi mil thai Uio mm wm hi i ao i loot to Ml Burkhart. BO Mm coot, direct to us ol the famous ieltVOfea' by ft ipeclal r. 'victim" thai It horned ii HUM iOI or 6U2. Km Hi Itl n in 11 In the tfOMUty 00" , alt ti CANDY SALE PROVES Simon Stern N llaiiii H.H, purl BartOB K el let ftboVa ri HnrtJ will lm mint IIM Dltl'Olt l I II I Ti iniiiii.M totitorroa evenini at - - POkl SUCCESSFUL EVENT: Tht- reading of iiu!- kattor (n fur thi iii r tit ami ojja n i int k a pi i ini dinner w nil BEECHNUT BRAND anyone In Ih" iOetloii ii Iti whether the vii'tlun u( imiukIii nicul-l- poclall) ait'ollenl menu 'ill b aafv ni BOptoa o NEAT SUM REALIZED mnho nhy rndoi ae thn MortilnK od Mondai from to I commute hould Journal vnlni I. from thu iinorwuya of o'clock, Maaaaer l)av t'omb aa aienta nt nil Berth wanted th Ii hull- - I ubacrlbera, 'i Hpanleh inert-rad- a unit tip' whli Iih MMN i ml t ii' candy nek and pmmttto to take no action, J I X A I . ' aouncoa thni in- hotel will in' open I'l III.IHI UNO I'll m the o. .', belli yootoNai afternoon rommlttny voted to mnhe Mm iinilnili Mil nftiriinnn from j :in mull for Snw. nlii m iif I .mi iiniii A LiMilemnnn by i.i Iho loopedIon of th yeneral public miili' Htore Thla motion curried , in tin- hero" aanoclotlon only IHI) l.riiN .Ii Hi i .mm. ,! Hi The man and nromoa of th otty ari Pafoni'Teai ,i good majority, aufht rotBH rot and Hi" pupil ni Hi" rirat ward a ap- to tin Barth motion Qarth, uuui. i N eurneatb larne, iiu- audience waa imuHiuilly , , LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST bivHod rlntl the hotel thki after. r Stati nltmnev nml I'l I lllllll I Ii,,, ,,,, achool. proved H nitit lace aoaful nomi mill oat for themaolveg Mi ek- - tnikeii ofteiHT nmi innaer than ani appointing power tn appom preciative, i, ml Mr Hinuhnm lived up well n enjoyii hit event. "tore thr The ni hi i u im a mill Hi Ni.HiIiiu Mm i tt i ' ii. in appolnti t and one "l" pret in " tut ion fine rlollnkd rf. futhJatilns wn all and ,v- - I 11111 of the new .imi modern kooteiry thai thrented aftrnoon J. K. Ooodell then presented I rea nmi .i humorhtt. ill eeloctlone mi ilin s. I tlllltg Wll Hold imt Xrept tnt' til in Hi. Imnl n on t v Hi. mutne Mr f'vmba iiu provided fot Ml i' nliitlnn ritiuiriim mujnrlty vole oiiiMicr ii in ml in 'vii hrouKh violin were real mat tn twelve pound weddtn ca k Thofe 111 pa t. null comfort "t iii" tracellnM th ballbt fm the andoraetnenl i j a reoolutlon, approvlni mi lover, while he Intermingled thai . M dlanoee nit ha i uif il nmloui t" of an candidate Th reoolutlon wn us an appointee tn the plac with hiimnr In hi dlatonuon. "f tht coke nml ffera a aollclted adopted in .i Portable ma rain, revolution (olloWaj WARD'S STORE hy the iiniii-- . a Mm. miitt'iil pro- - .1 inn in ,i hoi in i .ini. ana whin i 'bin mnii Mcftad ann iced ii.. it reaulved, that w hor Hnni.r II. Ward, Mtir. I'Ve'n t wnii AUTO FIRE APPARATUS 'niiily Htnr. in. ini m ptene It patron Ti Hint iiu- committee waa knndi tn con-aid- neatly endora th" candlduci Ill, Ki IIA Mm I'd e I'll - J'lH '.Mill hwi lilkPr, imlcnpnlli, 'h intel contain lty-fl- v rooma candidate for potmetr ci arlea Roehl foi the poaltlon TO GIVE EXHIBITION i TO WORSHIP TODAY i It v Albuquer Ul V II iiiiiii tin of 1,11 f thetyi with i', nil ,i apacloua WHERE lot in th wn ol Hi" majoiit) ninter of Ih" nt 1 i i i hi candidacy n in ni i. in ilbuquerqu hnndoom inn-- d well itocki " Itll II mntinll il.tmirn. II. tarnoatly urn LATE THIS AFTERNOON i up tl Imi Hho i ) 11 S.uil.i l'i' liiiln n. I ,i i. ,'ii In ttf lii'r (Cotttlunod iniii I'lige Ttiroo, voted ion ni. i ' , i parlor, and oth . Juatlca atcClellan then moed WALLACE HESSELDEN , . ' ni. u. . nf .i atrb ih model n Bible othool ni '.' ' m T. M. th. choice for poatmnhtor i,h hd (leiKTHl flimiiajtilun. 'in i la. Hiipi'i iiiit'iiiii iii. ,, democratic primal 11 B, J Cholo ranch buttei Klicurea aiul i iv h I list r nt fffrfk matlll .ri nmi. Inlil Attonu fire .ippurntn nl the t'entrul tnlnn. W . rent. rhOfl ordel mini nil... nmri lyi i i . am onded the moUotti Th wiii give (shIMUon the ii'n tn I. In lit" Hlw the liiln rn ,' I, ni osi .ni under limn hiiv athaf r i hi t rnct I firm in A Th.' nit L Knlch mietlllK of lln nf Chief Jaoob Klein. iiiniiiiTiini. Offloa at s F. A. a in th League aj :!" p. m, xhlbitton wa poatponod from i l PROF. JONES klTl.llliHt mm. MILL, A palled mectfna of the Womi mil hni RALPH BINGHAM CdVES i' k in l;iSi fn aj imt to intorfan nkMM U77. INVITED TO ATTEND Mlaotonary aoclet) Mondaj .t t:3 ,. motion with ihe men'a meeting thl after- - III FINE ill till p.lNllir Htll I'l'dl ENTERTAINMENT i u il Hi" union tiil'irnni'le. Thr I'M lit I III' III In III MEMORIAL DEDICATION exhibition "f the fin. gpparatua is iivn lln Klk Imllillii ff Mr fount of Una Gnefee moven the purpoae of proving tn AlbnQueniul LET US SEND A MAN I IINI.III I . I N (III 1,1 II r adjournmoni and Mr. Barth Ralph Bingham, people generally nml vlaitor in ti" i Uoal "c Bru HlW.iV u th In Id elm i II in lit i, ki n Win, if Fayett a i"" eornei hiM motion, it tnii'ii tn part i moriet, appeared nltj over Sunday the afflcianoy nf Roe, Tliniiiiis I . l .In. iif i hnndaomei) Inn. lllsP preVWUaly nnule n ntghl un,der i't al fire fjghting apparata nf Hi" metr l, i t n n 1st Mr Klflrhtr yltatlon t Sin n i Hi'iler. n entertnlnmehl coi nli or from the ruatrea rnty-hv- e In wnnortlnj New Meii it. I cr at Imnl nt I I minute talk AMU I I I I will sell my big i urn r POOll Inn Sundin vl ngi Mill II ni. pufphane msi ir, but when the mujnrlty had i i.ithunu topertntandent DMPAN1 hi preaance a - d al th en-ide- or tin- triple-tie- I'bnili. Pierce-Arro- w auto-mobil- e MOmhnj worohln ut nil attempt 'JI ItJ dneada v, April n with aormon th" paa pnpoattlon to I bock th" pm-dla- . ntftt nt IV .1 ,, , V'jv cheap. Call at efferaoa Is Ki .1 11111 I'l nt ha withdrew. Watlca He nupoaltlon it" nt Wi uni'i i mi, Iiu tor nf the store. w itrk ut the tniiernacic, THE PERFECT WASHING MACHINE AT LAST Prancla, prealdenl conaroffatlon with aolo ciucaijo Mill & Lumber Co. R. E. PUTNEY nml Wilier II iii". mi in invited tn "Hum si i ii ih" conar egatlon iiik n it ii tin taoornat le nr let General Planing Mill. Kndeavor, U: p n THE NEW Inu Ihe ChrSatlan I follow Inn Is Ul niii"!' Xon ni atrnaolr v th 3il and Marquette. Plume 8 I'm 111" iimriilliK ei lee mi A i k Profl IMPERIAL Anthem, i. ,iN Alonf I mi s mora in twn limn a Nl ' I 11 I In II than a washerwoman van .SllllHl I liter tn tin nil day and doe the wink' bottot Without Iron-I- t I, I I t till inlll Phon "1 f'OJ tor IlKht h.i ST. I' ll S NI.I.ISII TlliatA.N i IK II. irmally Ml pnrcel. ineM.senuera. 1'rompt ae ill amahoa all th" dlii uddn w. silver Avnu and sixth siret't. doraemenl out nl the dirties! and SPRINGER Armln w. i. aecrotncy to tin Mi Inn DUKE CITY CLEANERS' Kruenn doe imi injure the finest in .11, Int. Im fabric. TRANSFER CO. nl ut C II I I IN M It. M l O. CAR IS WRECKED IN It is the only niiirlitii" Ci ' ii r am teach-- r re Spccliilty, inn npntliy. auperlntendent. uapirani lint Wgahe ktce i tirtalns il I Tro t .ni i 'ni n i'ii Dleeuaca, SMASHUP WITH AUTO ii nd hiiliir ni" .in. tin iiiKi ti Mr. But nml heavj blankets oqHal- - i l Careful if flee, Htwn .I Ti lniii. .in. ii furniture movers mil" premptl) no Hint mil time cm ic given in hi nil s nf thi- leaaoni ihe The is ai ii o'clock Rv. W, s. Celegrovi machine imtle iiu preach, All member nml frlendi (if lelont aipl economical re i ordliillj im Ited tn t vine nml heat It Is built to in Ml. eeee4ooooeeeeoeeoo.ooeeoeoee I' " IOt I, lllMt 111 in ea meat preachei tin- iniewiui rev enu aet fifteen cent for eh" Vu I tar Welnm After Hi., morning aervlce there rofttaei soap will do i 'I'hf commlttea trlctty ami iui,i i-- - sin. Weal riii ii, .i very Important eongrega-lona- j for poatmaatei "s '.;'..'te' a arjf,. washinu. meeting. candidate fmnib nml nlil Albuqueruu bt nml do it lit'tter nml Willi Not Jiiv4t Styl i ' EUtdonvor al 6 i". Mle iii. Hie Hand any isn U iin nit ai ullon loader ir in lust worker or laundry, niiii" ti. lining cbun Mondu) eventna ills, VMirr.1 kin lies, h t ! o'clock In the church parlor lukf civil aervlce cxunilnatlmis A reoolutlon comnuiitlliii; Mr illdar. ST .toll N 's. i HI IM Burkhart waSi .ninpteii. The reaolu- - But Correct in Style ('timer anil Weat BHvati icinente, imt I have lb fourth lion InlloW Archdeacon V. V-- Wnrren, nnntogi "Wheieus. th" nmi. Hutnmera w Reaidenc. ;':'4 N. Eighth street. tat 1'niii tunauy after Enatcr. Burkhart ha been a wnridenl of Bor- - WOW up- i 1 T imiillti i iiunty, Mexico, for Lot it it will tlo ul your own bum nly i " n in ii n lull. n. in. twenty-fiv- e dur-in- v wind ni years and Ho ii liii- ol mo funikt) BchoOti 45 a, 111. si 'Ihi' nil iif be has Morning aervlo and aern it that time conducted htmaelf a an honorable, upright, gentleman and citiaen; nml. R. PRESTON, General Agent

MORNWa MUSI a i kaa been reeWeni of Remulllli Wan toil en ronwa of runrltan I'rni i I, ni. Mnthei it unty ami ha proven tn b MIONi: IIU. I!(l NO. ti i mo!., aactloaecr. Ptmui m i in, ,ii. in, Olckaon. hbneif Veattc i' Mornlngton. hi 111., DEATHS AND FUNERALS (tlorhi iv MdrnlnKton. o u lii ii 'I'.- letim it, T. Brown Jubilee J l.. Km-liln- . ' N I s I I",, Inti. nl llthold. lln M th llv w. How. tudldnt im appointment aa United Cerrllloa l ump L'lM'ritlOM Mine i ini iffii fnonroho Snin .in s attorney foi th t Mr, ii. Kahky, dlftrii nf xcv Gallup l.uin p HAHNCOALCO .o ii n Btove m I ' thr llu let eiiiniil -- " I lurk Tet riioNi; im. SUITS $18 hot kuabai Vim " Si'iiipling, " T. K"ll" to $32.50 IXTHHACITE, l.l, sl.i:s. STKAM vi K KN1NU Ml sit Mill ' Coke. Wood, factory Wood. Cord Wood, Native Kindling. I'l'i Ploi i ssinipii 1 Hi . nil Brack, fire Clay, Banta itrick. Common Bek'k, Mine. Voire, Anon 1:11' iminty. Imt nl the Ktate nf yew fe Gloria J. Hornby. Mexico hu boon k.-p- intact and kni Rununi nI J Tnrle i ' in made ii fhthting fore and iri N'um liniitt- i- JsTurl' 'hi opinion of this committee in . , Intn II I'll, lv v ' e K. nl to the part) hi BbfllVy u :t THAT ARE FRESH i. wvir.,his condtM't Ha a man houhi ton, Wlnilesale and Itctall. 111 Hi .I'., receive receainltknnf nt th" E.L.Washburn Co tn hi- III lll'lt'. Ml, liilki'l ,111,1 Ml hand of in . enmlonal- - - Urn k. Paulkner vm!', in i the hods FRUIT CO. e SOUTH S&COffV ST. 119 WEST GOLD A.VE. ogtpnn) v v T. STAMM fJJ ' Kellw, Mr rnulkner prt.HBti win nature n.- - SEEDS I hraviil Nervlce will minu h' nl Coatfalttee endoraiQ th" mdldt 11S West Silver A venae. i In. etMtt4 vettd ii. ilnlilnn Summtis I'mikluiit fm IUOOUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY, APRIL 27. 1913. nvc OPENING OF HOTEL COMBS MONDAY, APRIL 28th, AT 6 P. M. PRESENTING TO THE PEOPLE OF ALBUQUERQUE AND Tl IE SOUTI IWI ST- ERN TRAVELING PUBLIC A EUROPEAN PLAN HOTEL THAT IS MODERN AND ATTRACTIVE IN EVERY DETAIL. New Building New Furnishings Expert Service

1VIT,IF,C A cordial invitation is extended to the public to inspect the HOTEL COMBS between 2: 30 and 5 o'clock this afternoon nU I lVIL. HAYl!) N. COMBS. IWietor.

Chicago Ureal Weatcl n i, ,.'. mm liuahela, agnln-- 181. 00t bush-el- s Tmi slow fin h Chli age, Mil A si. P last ear. Beabonrd I'letirnnces ut HEAVY SHRINKIIG E NEW LOW RECORDS Chicago North" ostein wheal and flour dualled lti!.unu IF IT'S FROM HARRIS t olnl ado A; oil bushels, e gOt lust 1. Una HeUVlUCHS ivhlell develop Consolidated hi" hull lie R el v.lialt Horn products lug In corn wvarul days lacainc for old. (Hllld as a .h.llai i ktlawuru .v Hudson . pronounced Influential aeitlB tobi4 VALUES mill wflhout This Seal MAD 1. in n i Klu Grand. on predietions of large laereaae In III IS stopplni IT'S NEW MY I ii in or & Ida ii mil- pi r Ipts, caused a promin decllns from i tlstillers' Sn iitiiicK , Which there wiih nnl a partial Kile . Hlae condition ol pastures Kiir lhl pfd and meadditfg neaiU eyer) w here, Is a Guaranty SECURITIES Krlo Jinl pl'il weakened oals. REPORTED i ; neral Kloetrlc Weaker hog nnnK'-i- I'uused lower Ureal Northern i r l . provkdon nitieM. Ucadlag lonibi Weri Ureal Northern I ire rif. larae Kellers. Al no lime did is Of Illinois Central Interborough'Mnl iv, (: Kill interhornimh-Met- . pfd iocks and Bonds Iv I 1 RANK ST VTIIMI T, Hucr Ham hut by Week, Hold-'- Intvr-Muri- pfd i xcRange :'ii Hlnlc EfflCIENCY i international I'd NeW Vork. April The iit i Rapidly i or tne tn.n "i teiu reasing "res Ha; nterna tonal Pump. . . . nieiit aoiuui Kenans City Southern in house initikH and trusi cointwnk I Unit Ihej hoi art IK'C aclede Una lor he wek ShoWii Li'hiaii Valley t IK, I4&, tfld reserve in nXceHS ol log! Louisville A Nashville, requirements. TIiIh is a deeriatae p. lagt week. The utati 'li'h . St. ft tfciUll St.- a,'J4".ir,0 fiotn Jsaei N ,r, iiirnoii 8s it. Mwraiaa i. llHWMII., Kanaai .v t. uii m. nt rvllowa: ,ev York. New Voi I;. April I'l' WOTC Ml.u.,,,rl I'l.lfl.. ii'ii Condition. again depreaaed sharply tnda on th National niscuit I.oiiiih, ttt8St7tl7,0n0; Increaw Mock exchange, The week's accumulu-lio- n National land. 1 3 tl T4.MU, l HARD of depreaslns influences and ih Null. pye. of Mexico tnd Speeie, 0ilH,Uiin; lie lease, KNOCKS i ' ' 11 s '" K "' euppori eneouragea ,., York Cantral hi it trader to renew efforts, and ,.u York, Unt, a Weatei Legal tenders, JI1,!i!IH, I; in. r .r 1 today idon 1 during the foreparl of t Norfolk Western . , .. '.iniii. Iliialhm ailing wan carried mi with Increased Net depoarti H.iiffl.iUli.wO; ll North American nnltmi ii rigor, Many of the leading atocfc were Northern Pacific rense, H.0?,( forcpd down two points so and Pacific Mail ill of cin illation, in... tit; ipereari And We Maud for ll too Brno ng the specialties losses ran us Pennsylvania s ii lata, n Only schools which hiuh Nearly wore of Peoples una Jh H r i in rauft Thill's tile kind ol ItgheT QooOl ' iN I ('. & St. hew low iv wer. made. learn PHtHhiirxh. I. Wi Covering in tile last half hour hrouaht Pittshuri;h foul dntt) hake lor you rally, d Trust lolnpan maintain the high- about ii during Which part of Pre Steel Cat ...nil. )e,T4S,6tl Lha day! loaaei wcrti, iP.uUjbb Peliiee cir,, . Quality Bread and Quality As was the eaae yesterday, there Reading IIi.: A- est standards are wuh nothing in todnr development! Kijbui lion Steel . . S polli II Pies. to which the wenkncai could he iia- - Republic lion Steel pfi decline t Rock lahtiid Co decrease, f,f4t),li0 nlfrned and the seemed cofnpuntea' reserve with admitted to mem- principal) the result of e crippling of Rwk llfld o. pfd Trust Quality Buns and Cake. iho market's iuMnK power, Apparent: Sl ' Pron. tnd pi clearing house members earryiuu '!" oriel iv woulfl fenBoard Airline per cent cash res. rve. Iti.dll J.Utllt. mint. no one wanted slock 6r Un- in the . trust I Hi- The Quality Principle bership take them except al concessions Spec- - Bcnboard Airline pfd,, Summary of state bank ud Th, Of rJ ulatlv lerations on the long aide Sloai htf field tlteel Ifu compantca in Qreut New York not In- ropea III. fill rue-in.- clearing statement: derlies of the marKei wi i in - cluded in house W. O. with of ntlmenl und ttti IMIfwi Harris the trend 'knhr r National Association in prices of stocks ii i.o nils hr Southern Kniiuav i The Quality Goods We Bake. ttnot called forth am Tenteaaee t 'ttpptr JEWELER vestment demand. h Texas & Pacific . ' I'nlon Pacific of Accredited toihn selling appear to he nrores-0- 1 West Central Ave. . 223 slonal, the wide ronn tin pstmi nt I'liion Pacific pfd. railroad tire I'nlted Mtates Realty stocks offered for tale ii Ithouah tie ITnlted stiiteM Rubber Pioneer Bakery advajitagea niiowe,i I7 Commercial Schools United Stated steel. . South .'lrst Mrcet. Ai United rya Journal Want Htatea steel pW Ropofi oi 1' tuancier, Utah Copper Virginia CUrollna Chei 2 New Vork. April :.--Th- e PlnttncHl oi the ii.intt Mtateinent. a " i iniiiii ina Wiihash HHn Ibis. Week I o of the w. ek and shifting of ininui from Wabash pfd , Speeiil mm a nil Nee ill In- - h Hi l. II lood interior lianks to the clt inatltijitlons Western Maryland, jin weii as borrowing on cpimiiarclhl ft accounli ii lamely the Inereiwe. A- Western i. eount, inereaseil the loans of the n lthough Ho fr or I'nlon ,v cash ifafn VVeHtinnhnllHe Diet ll h Xi w Vork etawrtng house banks to the A Every Moving Part Filled to i Hair's Breadth wka larger had n nntlelpiited. - i"' W heeltn .Ii tiOkl' ETli esiuni oi ..,) lor woea euu- . Albuquerque resiltt of tin- week's nicrilttoJ1 iiipi the Total Hales lor Hi nil ii K April Sliili. Tills htfavj expansion was a decreiisn of aeurh ti.oon.i in loun nommitments broughi aboui MMlm.., I,, a eorreapondlns m. reuse of about the " li noa Total . same ainouut in lo t deplsiltS and In ion to the eifeet on hticlness ol creased bj uvnj resulting j ll"! if I If I.!inllnv s lor em nxierve r'iulfemgts Business t,nO,AU. Thg effect of tin gjtln In sues front i. 'rew-io- TI deliveries, ii was Mnid or near caah. smouutinii to l,ulit,vuu us in Um Interatutr eom bill eonserv - dhown 111 disclosures ood. ntinni result of the movement front III"' In- - InvrstbjnHpn c llx--i n I'eiag H nieree comroltslon n il to futpra order, waa to over, ( terior ncarlj sufficient , w Haven affglrs were of bad effei USltion to sWalt until kfirlff mill'1 lM(i l.lislM. the larger resewa n on ai antlclpat' MM. cofrte uuin on stock. fore and us a result tin- hanks reported that College IB llltllle renin , of 8,!)40,ltt In caah in the prevailing mood ol specuin 'limiliK Amatganiated ' !opper. decrease rr stoelis: , serves, present surplus above tile depressioni mors was heard o Amn. Zinc, Lead a;- ftm the tive malKainated Co per cent minimum stnndliig at i'1 a ii zona c 'ommercla ,' is the Blowing dowa of trad and RH I 7i,0i). TheWO figures e bused Boa. a roil,. Cop, & Hi f !. al decreased offerings of commereta on the report of actual cendltwM ii "A SPECIAL SCHOOL Aincrican can Calumet & Arizona paper. i the end of the week, The slatemenl Pfd. 'n linnet tk Uecla . . American fan ,. eoinplleil, nci iil'illhi; lo the S of BXcellcnl heal crop reporta mad BY SPECIALISTS." Amerlsnn Car Pou CcrUannuil ' t ',o dull) ineraKcs did not show cruingas a bright 0 Ainerlean Cotton i ill 'opper Kangc 'on. i:ast Butte top Mine t unite as lartfe, th aufpltlit regetVe In condition American lee Securlt ij the averajfg statement iitanding nt A . . Pranklln no riea n Unseed t :; New Korber Block. American Uicomtotlve i iironx ( 'onHolldii ted K ii. i j.:tn. The trust companies in i tb.h statement, innda Indopendentl? SHOWN IN Amer, Refg . . Qranby !onsolidatcd olinlNK sin. 0 of the Olearing houses an lu- Phone 627. Ami r. Sin. ft Refg. pi Isle Royajle (Copper) . reported ll', i as,, in frtnns n m DEMAND FOR STEE Sugtir Refli Kerf 1,11 ke ' i. of ti;,aa,aia, unln Antcrh'an cash of Hourly 2.C04,B0tl and an Tel. - Tel. i.ake Copper American crease h, deposit of 111,710,000, A . I.a Salle Copper American Tobacco. speelnl movement of gold to Canada Anaconda Mining Co Miami Copper New g U ol Mohawk i Net In ,l.ii mi. the week result CHICHESTER'S PILLS Atchiaon Ii telli Nevada Consolidated the opening of n. ii iiiallotl and tli. uiii ft '"''lew! AK Mr OrtiBcUt ( r A tl;il'li- Coir Nlptasimc Mines 7,, ward movement oi graliv ond it Is ex- - Hi. ' T: . . . "I 'A .' North Ilntto i., pceted tbnt the Piiclflc const will Soon M i'iiuip ml .id n,i, naiiiinore IT HAS THE POWER 'visa nil I e i JTOI Mlr.l DliKl RM4. ti 't h e i S . North Utke be drawing gold from thin enter. No '".. W ch ; npid Ti ltd dominion Important developments In the monej - 7r U"i8i-i- - .''.cmi l,l""kl"1 C If m mi ' I, i; if NO I'M : unaillan Pu I fie. market rim anticipated in the Imme ui gl y ru . in a i, :i ..Hfil A Im I vs KrlmLIf iC entral Leather. . diate future. ;,, SOlDByPRldiilSISfVIWHIrf 'hoaapeake .v A Ohl of In MKTAti m i - "The test the pudding is the eating thereof." superior Tilt: ttiu Boston Mtn., isnh ra ion. Cm Tamurutk 2S he Ora, April The of an is it will H. Km. lief, & Mill . 4(1 p pm test automobile the hills climb or nt f. i.i.i Wel ilull and Glass-Pai- I". S. Sin. A Mill, pfd 44 V, lief. mmiin l.ali. upper, ji.'i.h; will pull. I'tah Consolidated . 7 trolvtl. the sand it LUMBER Cement-Plaste- r I'tah Copper Co al unchai Win ana i NO CAR EVER WENT WHERE A BUICK CAN'T. Albuquerque Lumber Co. tl (ST. I,Of IS SpKl.TKR, The il p III in CHICAGO TRADE, 423 North Finft Street noAKJJ OF Louis, Apt il If.-- ? Spelter They are not the best because we sell them, but we Lead, oubit, N.lfH. Chicago, April WeaknosH lit Pastime und sell them because they ARE THE BEST. Liverpool today lowered wheul aiuff ST. ,ll is Wool here. The net loss was ''. to h hi 'a Ads t: I'orn Was off i. to', at tin- Results from Journal Want Ask for a ride up powder house on high, or a low Here is Where Your Dollar Will Do Its Duty lose, oats U to e and prox IhIoiih ti ll gear test on "Buick Hill." Th ade Ignored the hlghf.l lUenna Amis and Paris eahles at the MOGOUON ROGERS DRUG CO., 212 W. Central, Phone 132 psnlhg of the wheal market, fimlins mi i i .TUCK MM I. lo'e significance In the easier torn and Auto Line t'hieiiyo I. Restock. Stage directed by the blahl.v favoraide Chicago, April 2ii. Cattle Buick Auto Go. New Mexico crop and ciklpts iou; maii-'- i Iieewn. of outlook larffer strati. 7 m. Manitoba offers. 17.10(1.20: Texiot steers, t H.1' '" ' Leave Silver City a. Belrlna of wheal by larger houses western, $i.tWtHAQ; stockers snd Arrive Mogadon 4 p. m helf-trad- 7 N. M. 30 Off on All Hair Brushes This Week was early in avldence and the general feeders,; cows and Leave Miigollon a. HI, Albuquerque, Unwilling to carry large lines er, I.IOg.M"; calves, (,t0t).00. Arrive Sliver City 4 p. m. o Sunday, followed suit. It was1 ffogs Receipts lO.OOOi miirket NH'cinl i o on IV. 1., i H.ltfftH.OS; light, WILLIAMS DRUG CO. oon discovered, that there whs little weal. of utiles. Call or tfMresa; C, t Marviett, Prop Phone 242. Cor. Sixth St. and Central Ave. support lo the short Interest and il- - t8.8048.5; mived, $S,$0(f9.00; pig 301 l (l NTH A I. Silver City, N. M. HONE 7Hi. si ue declined materially. . $.xo i k.h:.. roufn, fx x.Tfi. ' p. J. Johnson, Agent Primary Irecclpts of wheat were j heavy, 0 y s.ili. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. APRIL 27. 1913.

. IMDWKN'KKNT NgWSrAI'gH. LEGAL NOTICE. Che Hlhiqucrque It In on. Food A luvl I' ,i n Mutlon and Its Value as Stair of N M rXl, rtlfli nt and fl " m tin Mm Compart I lie- - mi mul Amorlca, National I State ii. ui Bank n ill morning mi. I. n Journal ,, nihil- lis- - " I" 'I''1 that the nexul if ii full, irm iiinl complete filial Nvirtpitwr "I N BWxtep) sill I'.lll'l of ALBUQUERQUE. t in n- i Ipt ,,i id, ' ' o) ) oi ur m - ertifted by the lx iii Davi 1 ' .. Pobllihed mutton roiiiiin It i i.r in, i iioi.ii iiui .,1 iln' origin in til.- ii H ,s m il. Mill) w,.x,.u Mexico slurp Company, Corner Second and Central JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. , shed, mul in. id in Limited. (No. TiTii), wiiii tin sa- dlfied by ,ni" iled of rook- - doraement thereon, ax mum appear i f M'l ii ii i ill m i: .it in nii'i t in,, Hi,, ra iniiy. on ni. and ot n ii in the offi, ul (iii- ( IhIi'mi ..f in. imiiitiiiM which havi it mutton fut , ,, Htiito 'oi iioi.ition 'ommiavliin. - (. to i 'n lfniOB) win rrof. the rhiilrmun miv whit- lii'i'n tin ii tin ioiulnr nam, "Unclt m ii"', in nia i has In in . I . . r- - ..u n lllll.' The qualities which should influence in iioo ,ui luii Sum' i'ooIi Boom." iihi rn i 13 Iments H 111 .fl ,..i,.nn, a merchant .M'i " hereunto set their huml und affixed waqtMl i ' lll'I'll H I'll II. Wolrin ir,.n,l k viii Million mul lamb bar stwayj mull. thr Hi'iil of mild enmmlaston, al tin-.i- forming a banking connection should be safety, sound I J 4MH HllW, Itryoa liy the hern regarded m particularly whole-t- i i" Cttj oi Rants on thin :,th ilk) ui BUr.iurll. IIuIIiHhi 111 i'. WW I A. D., mi rrti. i "f ' tided by the some and then reason for this b nr. i .i it'll for Hi V hij. Manli Mill. business management and a willingness to be helpful ni-i- i W1LLIAMH, Paalrrn Hr""nlllir. .I.llt Il' ishingtotk, a nf, H" frown ij Work oi tin id p. melons, gome lire woith Nil I'll II II I I l.t r I Mm Irniiin. In financial transactions, I I, ill m of agriculture, ihr two a Nliiri III: nblllty to mnk I lurk Bun, rk. 1" ful.i run kiim K't of trlul. mi-ill- Imiili has liofli thi' popu- - miiiiiv iIIhIhh wit kIvmi food Hit 'Ml It H''l tO nintr iinj The State National Bank possesses these qualities .1 in i in tin i ii sintm in recenl i BBS) r iiecuring Iii fln it" Hun nii' atuff an SI, il. ffl if Hi. yiniM. parhap becauan aparlal atten- - oty in di. t, iloalnililf! In highest had i i't bet h In tha xo n. i Coi oi. ill, hi CoiiimlHrion. the decree. in i n n .. - Hon baa given to minimi it foi Tha liiiltaqaj If ism h in ecouo- i ,,, , I In tii" hdhtei ,ti, America, Slnti Ol'I'K I Its: llu uuirkrt o nil i riP miing it ru- - mi,' rim mul,. luvory dlahei Arlxonn Ii, i hliuei ir - J. H. HKKNlMiN, J. KOKHEIt, i hand, muttoB Arizona Corporation Com noil iin tin "in. imm tha Inexnen .lis of uii, Hon. 'riie ml v , ice PreatdoaL Iba fmot iii in Kngland. The wh"ii which palatal hoi, . xlon iloes hereby n itlfy that the nn 'resilient. art l.ii McDhNAI.I). L II. QOfCIim.NU, attracted interna quest lea is sltnpl) one ot taota nnn MMttt. nexad n true and complete trans i crlpt of the Article! of Inoorporatlot I'islil.r. Cimhler, ioi tin Mibjaoi of mult,,,, u Holm form or other hati b c npotltiun, palau- - Ai"lani udaad tta ,,f ,h,. rliona-Na- Mexico Bhe ARMTJO, Aii-fan- t Oajklar. i ri.l DAVID altfaaL The alwny beati tapla and fayorHa i, dlgeatiMllty, blllty, wholeaom. in Company, Umlted, wbh-- wu filed It t i . -- M n ITATE8 DEPOR1TOKV u. DKVOUTOKf iiNiii'ii ii H i in on sm. la h.m iii' food, ihi'hi' uuantitle, and reiatlv coat Md i in number of Vay th,. office of iii. iniditor of Arutom aaplalnlng that lie- - m iouni of itn go,,ii quallllea aorthj n (4,u-- it run r prepared ior tbe on the nth day of February, A i1 UPTKlV lug th rabtnat ba took Iba oi Bturh mora extaiialva iipth horn taMa, n ,ii in nn Important lWi a' :M o'cloci p. m., ai pro,-wel- l by ntk Pkllr. v ,n. In .1 ion vll!,,(1 i 'I, Mi In jiiioiI .mil niitill worth the ai , , . i w I'n'ir .... in iinionv me ,ri7.oiin ... 1. III. l. 111 M'l 1, UII Yll-- 'llu. I'lll.Oll I 'or liol'ii 1, oi ( 'oiiiOiisaliin lie it ehilir- - of III,. , iirl,,-i,li,.i- i titi,. UK.,...U ..r llu .set out I,, tin. Vilirl, w of In - iomm in are i provide family at- - lib bet with nn , ,,., hereunto let IU hand nttd capital itock entitled to vol.. nt Huch on flic In the office ,,i th eat. t klinnV tin lireparliiK tbe of incut a affixed iin nf n i.i i Heal, i tone ai the meeting, may Be rotcd by proxy, in poration commlaelon of New Mexico the table i ul uravtlcall) tttt city of Phoenix, th. capltol, HiIm imli ein li munni r the may pro. to act an iment, truntee, Proker, or g , , ya In any fiduciary bj Mi motion pa in. other capacity: to l,r. pli , , ereof, In re- - ;'tiil in in cheaper mea it u 1 in have '""' general in MIKKIUX. i no p. P. Ii nii uii ttiin.s iieieHsfity or convenient Ung w ,, rjuART, day of February, to tin, proper conduct of the but i.intion invetigu- - Itui neat (official gn I) Chairman BARNETT E. .MAI; i Sr. iii of the corporation in uny part i.; (hi. ionu p Milton it n 'i tatlae, Attest CHAM, A. SMITH, Secretarj - lu uropneed tariff ui txperi In nu- AUTH'I.KS OF INCORPORATION 1 III pe in ii i,ii eronollilcally pi II III. .11. hi experience Know all Men by Thi ne Btl Territory of Arizona, - In iir ot New Mexico is degigoaU In lUt nn, who has ch Pit t'oiintv of Marl ehaaed for bom use where lda iii ilo sluil.v of i i,. ,n,,i practl- - WMM we. whose ininiis are hareunti cope ss ni as ins (told Ave.. A Ibttquet xp, V i i i ;' ure me, 1. .1 of. upon w i.i f umiiii in. too large for ouch cal prolileina rrl., 11" to toiiil Miss affiXril, ilo IliTi'l'V aSNoclute OlirW'IVI r. Hat e notui anil the .ilo in hom Ss m may purpoMe. Thbl ITOUid imply an ect mil mode no ' loKcliter lor tin- purpoMe 01 ormms nun ior tne rerritory and aamnai u rimnuwn neseiMj .1 inwM County - in 1,'haa. tin- ii i it 1 corporation under the of the aforeaald, on thin day person- Chsdwtolt, IN Qold Avi i. i intil, i ilma tin omy lu ri'leitlon "f llu Territory of Artaona, ami to that end nllj appeared Barneti B, Marks ami buquerque, x. m., natural pervoa, I'.,, miiupi, ana in at that out dtgeetlblllty, i i grape Juice dinner of our etiite As rotarda tfcara ilo BdOpt the followlnn AlticlcB of OlWpln Hall. ItBOWn to me to Ii,. "f full am- actually in IHiettlon kaalnal free wool - ui el tht resident thu Tbe in wiiirh it waa Incorporation peraom arhoae name air itibarrlbod state ,,f atexlco, wboae place of i H I..II i. 'tax on tin p..,.i ami loii-Koii- referred Id in Hm Vork by Joeeph ,i;iii i.i-- 1. "' ll" nimi uiiieui. una rc one im i',. aiou(iiciiUe , tin aaaan fot tin ta nt t,i sf the rich tin- lviiowl. 1,, u i,.,i tlo . . i i pj ai Hi" I'liiirim haltaiual alt an Tlir name of orpoiators ale .nii!,'. B, Marks 1, ml Cbapln Hall, aama for the purpoHi s nnd consiU - i whereof, mid the few." i,, Hryot COUNTY MEW DIVISION WILL Ihirtieit lo wtnea the aald Tin, Ambaiaador Prlday nlaht, m Win I. tun, II ot In in II. ,n anil the name of the corporation naii mcrein ,v,iim,h. i.oiia-.e- Mexico nneep company th. , n t dlplo- - my la liulli atloli of on inn in he: Th,. Arixonu-Nc- Mexico Sheep nven under hand fcntl of 1idd., baa couaed its nam to be her dolph M.iUMt Is Moiii.lhinK of a red office1, 1 iii. Hi, i in ib veryo in Company, Limited this 1th da) of Februarj a. , into Mtbacrlbed by it praaldem am fiiiu to many him Cut I" Ride, to it r The principal plan- in which thr " Hot. aMjcTet'nr) ami the corpomte Heal p I. than another h, Ml bpalneaa within P, H. HAYE8, iv.-.- etrutcil that ihiirh Mill, IS MPROVING BE OP BENEFIT of oaid oorponition, hareto nft thl tenth day o miner that will IPpaBif flat tin in- ihr Tarrltorj .,f Artaona, i to (Boalj Notary Public. bruary, A. n.. illHnppi 0 - ion. froth has an iranaacted is Phoonlx, Miricopa coun- - J commhadon rxplrcj Oslo bar is, 10 AIM.t'NA-XK- MKXHi Nn oiu queatloog lil "f httob iy, Arlxon i tin- principal place 'fl. BHGRP i "., LTD. - It 'his is .ui for a iih ii there is of 1'iisiiirs.s of wild corporation, nut : t. r cioDDrNO, Prealdent, nil Arlaona, Territory of Haona. Count) ol Mar no dofeaat How that evil MhoitM " HIGHWAYS ui. iii" Trillion of iball orporate Seal), Kill el lu thr city of AlbuoueroUOi In the I. M w. W. CHADWK'K, Secrota tlill' i. p, Teiiiton rn ,.iv Mexico, at which f. Leonard, count) rooordot Bndoraed: Foreign No. 7477. Cor have, thii may in anil for the county piijcr mtetlnxa of ttockbolderi ami terrltorj c il. Vol, . Page 208 Statement ol Mi IP ten a an aforeaald, hereby i 'PinioiiH Cut upon be in ami the corporation may nave certify thai bavi e AHaona -- NeW Mexico Sheep Coin iittl. Il o itmi PoM such other office, wither within or compared thr (oregolag cop) with tin nv. Umlted. DeetgitatlBg prtndpa w itiikiii'" Objei esson Department of Agriculture to us original Article or 01 hP h be without the Territory of Artaona, Incorporation 'ire, agent, pie. Filed in offlre ol ma in- natabltahed by board ol Ho Vrlxuna-Nc- w Mexico ghee p V la i iff I l,v Wall thr ii, Corporation I'ommlaalon. Mar ie of Rn rate Scope of Wort panv. Umlted, hied and recorded It w it ml beta Ml) ol l ice oil the Mill tUM I'T I' ', to until Special Bureau Devoted to gamm of 'th it nil, il no .1 I. Ullllll Tha nature UllllV III Die MTU , ,o , proposed to i' tranaaoted b; infiirtrii irreparabli -t tlonlH II MaikCI AllilllS, poratlon In as follows, to- To rami, buy, breed, ralat x, bunge fheep, svMlie, poultry, thereof. ,y n fiiMltiK to drink Million , aeelal t'allanaaii are tu iieealag daaraali horaea ami cattle of everj Uri ,t I: ,111 win WaahlngtoOi April Prof, T. N. deocrlptloni boy, eell, ralaa eby ltios. I bad examples p; drlnkfng. 'urrir of Marv,. r,l llntvoeallv hil ill bay. Kl'aill, 1111 It . t il 'lllli l.Et iNAUI), factj have become recognltn buy, urii. (goal) Rheumatism I. Unit, K .l Ihr of tie Krin nerchandlae; nt) Recorder , arrelili olfrr l u,., II Hi n anil n In p. mt.i:; ., ..mi inortguKe niny and all KiuilH th,. territorial BTOMACII I i, nn in in TfiOCBUDI .ii ion ll t it(( m na) pfojrty, nudlt"i ,r tin of .mum- no, m Arlionn Kiit.M.v .h..ii;ms ,i tne uni.ion aouui fo make coatrocu; to purchase, this inii ii.u of February, A I 1101, ne wan origin- - lea of mails throiiwi Ktiirtcit wnteii inienaea p. use, bond, option, lorutc, or other, at I ;00 p. m., at raUi ally to he ma, i. a division of wipe aoqttlrei own, exchange, n il or B, poatofi toll. i Ana ounty are imw reuul Mark, whoac nov ..r acope, to pledge, mort- - Faywood dragged b) market, hut larger otherwise dlapooe of, Phoentx, Aflxona, Her people iiinnot rnle llielr in N' t, he luiovvn nu thr organisation guge, hypothecate ami deal mine J ll. PAOK I I va mutlcalt) ar ami I'h bade of the II Tills div st.n t ami minim clahni and all ktnoa oi Territorial Auditor, oUm, ll pottM .III, k famine on 1 oroa, iiiiTuls and minimis, mis Bttdoraed: Foreign Cor. rteo'di Vol Hot point, n - Springs thai ma) coal lumls. il, I. land Hiihiti a w ami Mlaiviitloli and coal mineral lands, Pag) 108, Certified Cop) of An: rlghteouaneaa ennaot oil land, timber binds, wntar ami of Incorporation of Thr Arltomt-Ne- u IVlthlll It.i ii, i pi epic ran It curcB, and you remain cured, lillt Into people, ui each of Huliiry. By H water rightu, and all other propert) Mexico Rheep Company, Umlted, fli. not i Hon food ami Ilo i work, In - we know, and you will If you try It. Inl uhxtiilner, a ml mi (U both ri al and personal, and to ad office ,,t State Corporation Com- i in not mill, ut. o t kept fully Inform. explore, operate, mine (tnd develop mission, Mar. ',. Itlg; 2 p, m. Considered ' lie greatest Kidney same: and to deal in the product BOWIN V. water on earth. am it ot tio i practical mid bene the CDAltD, i purchase, Clerk, Way 1 Improving hlghwa) mul thereof to not visit wwooi) mrr ,i i I i 1 i ii ti tense, erect, you centh aiaued espbi expansion, or otherwlee acnulro, SPHINGS first, elnce will the first thing thai v 11 be operate, and dispose or, iron Itlni eventually go there, anyway? the marketing fen tut This on. reduction works, oil cefln d New M. Iflcate of (.urge, modern hotel. I'erfect th,. saw mills ami poWar plants; to of Amerl. ellmata. Booklet. hi unit ho hair to "on aftt T. C. M( DKItMOTT, in letters patent, nn tnu nexed is a full, true nnd completi "Tlic lay wood." franchise,-- . In purctUUM tld, ti.insrripi o the Statement of tin FAT WOO 0, m':v MCXit U, cancel ami reissue sli.n w a Vrlsotn New Mexico Sheep Company, capital stork, mul to 0 ' Limited, deslgnutlrtg principal office, thr capital stock f 0 '' agent, etc. (No. 7477), with the en- - ui,ton 2,3ti0,lt09,t!uti DRINK HABIT unci ot tiuili. in oui ll.lllKl'll oil M0111I, larketlna by mortgnge, ni of tl .in billion doll best a. thr nn. thr oth vvisr ami to rxrr, QUICKLY CURED approximated bj thr havi gel iin- The il'li- - hereunto their bands ami uoiiii. pi the seal of aald eomml 1. . ml n iiioiis ol in,. Hon shutting ltd for refusing to rerun By Ncal Treatment nu foi ll Will llH high share of tin- ommei torn thai is deprecated h is dragging ya- - CONVINCING OFFER ,r In any other fiduciary inpaclt) III- III of ernl itrnian ml In ut If you are afflicted with the Drink moke tiirirf 01 t, Ihr Sri Statement of The Ariiona-Ne- v Mexico ilahit come and take the Neal Treat-aun- round ti ii it w Slurp' f '(UllpallV .t'i. holding this us the agreemtjiit. trelgn sat bangea, Ml of tile Know all Men b) Thrsr t:i t hi I l III ilil INI. Ur world Presents: If at the end of the treatment yoll Unit w. (tUMid r Thai thr Arizona-Ne- Mexico Sheep ire not entirely you re tllTIt 'I t'o., Ltd., a organised satisfied that ioaoea4on that corporation ami perfectly we )'"u existing under ami bj virtue of thr cured will refund 11 mi 1, thi manu laws of Ihr state of" Arizona, ami il, every cent paid, or, if you desire, de- siring to trans, n t its business In the posit thr mount of our regular ff slate of New Mexico, doth herob) in any hunk Of with any responsfbH) maka thr following statement In ac- firm, to he paid us only If you are cordance with thr proyltdon of Sea-Ho- n satisfied at the end of the treatment. the past vein. SOm ol' til tu:;. Chapter 7'.i. Imm of IsOR: upon or mas dffslgnuti For full Information call mid ot in-- 1 w ii, r escape its The amount of ta authorised capital lddresa NEAL INSTITUTE, Afba is IHI.IKUI.00 and til ' was almost miraculous, stork amount pienpie, N. M., 210 West Stover at- - ever) instance such a aoe Ii,, or :..'l ill Iv log pral, in, it is to trantact in the state of New ruth nu n Hlirf lien Mexico Ih: iii To farm, buy, brebd, raise, sell and Albuquerque Foundry and thereupon ami thereby he ami he- - exchange sheep, iwlnc, poultry, come full -- pa Id, up- same as thoi igh horaoa and cattle of every kind ami Machine Works paid for in rash, at par, ami shall be description; buy, sell, raise ami deal Bnglneors Pounder Machinists. and become forever non -- assessable in in bay, groin, fruit, farming product any purpose whataoover, ami the ami general merchandise; buy, self, Castings In Iron, Brnss, nronze, uilu nn tit of thr hoard of dlrectori as legge "ml mortgage any and nil kind Xluniinum, Elcctrlo Motors, Oil s, ty, of real and personal property. Ami I'unips nnd Irrigation. Works and Office, Albuquerque.

ins been The time of the commencement ol WE DON'T JUGGLE day , that gn ihr corporation shall be thr these ; V S"-.- m. - Articles of Incorporation are filed in ird&nce with law. ami thr termi- nation thereof hitll be tWcnty-fiv- e tvOrthleSH s , ' s ami never see him -- j. again. We nanl to get the him' jgl "."1,; Q 7 ot coming here for everything vour car need and the quality of our s"'' pMb is relied upon to attain that result.

COLEMAN-BLAN- K CO. mry lu each year a tnpuul mertlng, am Sixth and Central PHONE Ml. Irrigation Supplies The highest amount of indebted ENGINES, PUMPS, TANKS, tging, as WOil as less or llabrllty, direct of contmgont PIPES o whirh the corporation is at ani bXJbVHbIbbV', i eh has Ime subject shall sixty thousam t $60,1110). , w il 11 Si 1, tollars nu hi'h amotin lot s not eat et ii two-thir- ds the annum Mi dew Kids. t iin capital stock. KTH I.K II. A Complete Line of Itivctcd Siei'l I'.n. for Work. Waated rext bilnSM toosn nf fuiniiui Prealdent Wtlsdi The private property of the stork- ccond-hnn- full-weight wnuigiit iron pipe ruiiL, sactlonear, Ptkaaw ttio. "That s mithli In I, 'ark or Balvunlnd l.ri our nrinea. We 11 l paid a solicit your orders suhject to stock. Are you thinking of putting in a Tin averai house heating plant? Ask u ahotit it. Wo furnish plans THE HAVENS BROS. MFG. & SUPPLY CO. lZur ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. APRIL 27. 1913. SI YEN

PROfESSION.M CARDS Weekly Realty Record

Classified -- The II N ' Columns W, Journal HI ttll Atlni In V MI l.inf Roona l4-lt- ll, Cfoaiwi II IF YOU HAVE A WANT TELL IT THROUGH Tl IK JOURNAL riiniiw i : : i iff hi riioi

.It 1 N I I IS FOR SALE STORAGE. FOR SALE II in. I nets prup.riv :m ,i m il and un- - Fine Lot Cheap Improved, Automobile WAN Till Piano, houaehold aoodi, In K. II " .1. Ill IN N I I II ft,44l roonii modem brick resi rtc, ttored afl) ut reaaonnbl :si dece, hut water heat, good i.iwn it ii .tin , made, Phon I in. The ml neurit) Warehouae & lmprotmm lOVz-Acr- rind, sleeping porch, fourth Insurance t r , e Ranch n. Konnu I mni I, Qi ml II Ward, i ; 04 in 11 ins. I J230" .'. cement block cottage, DENTISTS. modern. OOmti Int. Highlands, on i Rat ' M Add . II cnr linn .1. I It M I II2..0 tir,-k- modern, corner, SHERER BROS. hit k dom. in llifhlaadij Ivrmi l-- l, fi Transfer Company. Room iinmctt itiiiii. 12359 r In l k modern, Fourth fho trees. Fruit svenus - m. it M I aAppolnttni nu Mad wsrd, gear , ir line. m rianoa ami room (mine bungalow, a Rpcwilty. I. Am 11750 frame, large lot. sh'l Kurnltnra I'HAS. A. KI.I.KII DKNTIsT nnd fruit trees S Hroodtxav: term I'liooc Ml 21 S. Hrt Kt. Albuquerque, N. M. 12000- cement Itoom 14. N T, ArniljD UIiIk. illen ii v:u: .iii.i war to 11 J. 4room fram, modern, :, , 1 walk, law in, k, n houses, born Ill I, i' nur April H, I of Wl B. t r'.iM, In. CO. I. .11. M hflltl ' i "I Edith ::' MOM AND SURGE tuird Btatm at AmptIi n la liar'. P. F. McCANNA low PHYSICIANS IS. , it KHCK win-'- patent, April 14, B. liR iNsi BUILD 216 West Cold M, - INSURANCE M III TV BONDS . .. sin ut n i , l.- Practice f iniiirii to i ni ,. n I Uroaasl I", ii Rtate It.'iuk A. FLEISCHER ID 12 i " National lloura: to I'll.. II. war, II, lot I feeeoojd FIRE INSURANCE LOANS A HOMI . springer, .vinii Building. Ill v st. Ml a 441 in south i tn sunt. 224 W. Rtntral Ave. ,i 14, A, y Otero Add. i in, black i. phono 07. Xoit to i n. Alloi luerque Banll it nun ''in IS M m:. Mil T Ml I i h I in: RENT hit. itn.ll Vni -- N Miiltll II modem, near la; ranee, Sob- l r,.om III for lit Ik hoUM Neat and Nifty i'or Diaanom nl Women and hlklren linoleum 144.44 i tn Balan tor w than coat; a bar- i - Phono III, ill! tit i ci mi Hn , col- ri,,n. modern, car corner. gain for lomoonni I'm: SAI.K Neat lltlli- "room H i UhoaaeeQae, w. Bale i ni.Ak I'or Twotorjf concrat lage, with nice hnlh. mi i In rT' J M.Sollic Realty Co 7 r, x 7 Id Mill I I block house, i"i feet, in tin teroon porch, corner lot, afreet, W. H, SHERIDAN. M. D. locution. Thin In a bargain. HI ItUI Hi 22:1 s dj, I'll HI modern, car lino, high- - Par Item two newly fvrnlhd fin neighbor, few fruit troe, small PrmMlri IJtiiitotl tn hinds 121. S'l rooms tn rent; Highlands. bam only t,ia4, with usi J04 eaah .IOIIN M. MOORE Genito Urinary Diseases and II. II. Add., $1. Water Included in these and balanc iy th t ith to tall REALTY CO. FOR SALE Real Estate. Pedro .laiamilln W.. hive tip exclusive anlc of sev GIERKE. OGLE & DOANE. Diseases of the Skin. ART i have war.. nil choice ittatneM nttaa la the 114 I ONI 'll HAI.K l ,nii- mm in, i,,, I WaMornwntt lad Noancjil Tet downtown buolno i Ibatract of inio. in InawmtMe, nil i dtatrlet. I'd 10. from s.ih imii "104" iloiln!-itere- iuj allow them to iw Karri) Hondo, Borveylssj. THAXT0N 8 CO. tnolaa, cothtr, chicken hou, at, war.. Mo il 21 ' Office n, i to Morning ,i.:n i Milndler, at it Ami nod Hlltwrd, el I N N CO, Journal. '! iieai.TV m n r i 7 Mm k It, H. H Add, Phoa 134. Jii V. UoM Photo) 441 Uumht '". iiiimn. Phon S3 hre Insurance, 1 tlke O'Bnes in France Mono to i.oin: nits TV a ii VI itioi Rental. FOR RENT Rooms. I raimn in rain licit n 111 iCfiDCAiC iuul.l, n,...ii... I've. Rt unoNLt LIVLblU JK, rUllllI y, - I' Ho moi.llik Win. ,i tat National lllV. ('. ,V uunk ItKNT I'iiiiiWIp il in, nu, mod-c- Jill I'n,s I'll Silll All l'olt l'Mlt SAI.K It I. ited chicken lilij t lex Phon nils. to M. P. 21 k W, Walter Ht. Anne Jenns and husband vlanli tr., April SAWTELLE ' ,r & I'' mod- - Jt.Sl I'll ITER, M, l Baca, war., April 24, loti i Hucceasor to S.iwtclir lllrka. 11KNT Kuvnlahed ni". o itton i lit. Townalte, II "l; WALK i Hand) In , SON'., W. n , nor a in i t'ontrnrior. it., no shk. Aat'l;' t' . I ,1 I ...... t . .. I ...iih. . ,i. mt Wlillliut Hiilldlnii ChtOe B, HoW i ct at, to Frank A xukal.t. ' .ii,n, wa Hi, , r ,,, nnil hop U'i'Ht l.,,n mi. n I n m.: p. nt, flfflre I'll riolil. Knit ItKNT rurniaiiad. at nii.-i.- "' "''. ul li,,,. llnliki II. Apt il l, ian of lots i. 2. ltooiua. llux ' " tnilli.'lll In n ,tn Phntic C0. fl Itilt of fob work Hotel ueiivcr. "' lilllili lie tn ni. III! 4, Mock ST, Oril, Townalte, 11.144, lOstlmatcs furnished free. It OA I. hi KIKhl hi it,.. dull I lie ii liter or he MNIMti i , I in- - ., I i furitl: lied Cnr a. Monro n and hdihond h Ut ItKNT Nicely In own lilcklnaon'n Ranch, mill ttwl 'toMlim, .i- - m BOIXIMOJI i room, 801 W. Silver i ni in, imiiim' -- Mt nnvinc Sank A Trtud to., mtice its ii ml. ami utraT inn iwMdi, I'll! i 111 inn n .niMi a prll 24. lot B, UliM'k ii. II II. Add I put. iiiiae irilicr iiniiiiinu. (horn ,;i ; n Dlaf, on imii, i ,in, I, i irnott jna;FMymE III I'.nlll I'M, ni,, 147 - each ii. in alfalfa, i t n nu ii i, - It with wiili, ,ui tic Willows. ,:. ... , Rill ItKNT iis, ii' ,,, '""' v PROFESSIONAL NURST ,, KMPXOYMKNT AUKNt v. board. Mrs. Souders, s A inn. I'llieS, A. M. .i. Kce, n April 2i. ioi mock MT, tin i. iir-- or i t. - niece i, 210 Mher. I'liooc SAt. OH BALK Wyckoff i air iniiiHi- nortl li. Add., 1 ,144, KOlt ItKNT Nicely funii.ihc.d room I.. WANTKl) Tearnataf and laborer, wint, Leahorn H it, i ui .in nurM win iihr oil ruh ,:. Wimtt, n I tacit mi io 2& for Kl lltleltlllll, S. 110; .iller. huland 11.76, l and 12 day; cartetiter; ml bod) matmao i youi homo. Sm-u- ii April 109 . ink McKee, tr., 14. luta waitresses. VOlV ItKNT 2 houack. i .nit i is, FOR SALE Houses. attctiiinn in tubercular patlahtai .' .,n,l :'i , hlock P. Armijo llroa. l. i t help you Any 2 s, . n pot . lica. 1401 H Kdtth, S im net ir help. n Al l; Ituhv clili ka Main ycanf cxperleno. wttk beat It 2 Urns. Add., and i lilni I, P. Armijo km, I iiinn-idh- J n ! itit ti Mod. i ii I room h ihor) notice. KK.NT lui UK, s. . ",i. .ii refer rim ne "Nuno," POR Itoonis, liirnislied Im f"t till from Whltt, u, i Klcutcra QodMlen to Uarcarlti New MctMi kiiipliiMiii iil Agency, ,1'in ot, MilHt hmisekeep K "'24 W. I'mtuil. Hull ami lir iwn I., eh. M. If , ilei i". war., April 2i. "f cm Wnoieil TCtl root a of fiirnlini" I I l V. sllt. r n I'lmiie l us m. ll ItKNT-kaaplna- i - .'21 H. . PGR room for llaht houae- Hunt. Bdlth. Phono l21tiJ. ,. ,. . Baatern a I n,,,,,, pan of lot block U Prank, ancilnticer, Ptiono is. WA.NTKI) Coal lllshup'K ' u miner, i 404 N' s "' BAUUKl) i ' rockh Kiaa for hatchlac 2. m, TYPEWRITERS. ranch, Sutitn N, M. 4 - . !'( : ItKNT Fine m n I, tutu $1.60 to 16.40 pel .inni; ot i Million, 219 W Qnld V A .N'T K I ) tlo. nFni k i r at M.ailicw ., aleeplna porch. Ill N. I Hull Toarllni ttena, 11.25 each. LaBoll it "kaT.k i'oraniit 1. 1, KIM' n ml focontl-ite- d lain i."" n, tth. KkK'T 2 ''""'"y Vamls, J. NoiKraaa. 604 N. h,,,,- -, luraji hand, boi .mil Vr POR modern fui'nlxhed I. lot, anod A. P, A'I'l . I All, Kx- - WANTKH- - I Irst-- i l.iss baker, W rit. rooms Im- hiiiisekccidiiK mi:, S. 2ml. ?'"."."! aioo'ioitiiiic, m, Aitdt n.'i ,N lOluntn Si mind. . mi wife to Florcn .limn Zamora t li l. I' P. O. N k . Mi i du iiti, N. M. SAI. lane) i ', ; ,, rt, Earhora, waK, April 2. plow POR KK.NT COOl. nil il 'ill am: Modern brick houae mi WA.N'TKD Vounn man for Mm lit rooms, Itrlctly mud N Ith, 'Ted BUll (I Iii.i West Central, lak ftoora, (Ire pi n , i a Ibuqueeque, 1 work; 144 CMh, Ad- i UoaoV. must h;ic por RENT room suitable Minorca, $1.44; Plymouth Rook, tla hade, walk, (urnai b, lei plni Tnaa i dress 1.. ('., .are Journal, lot ,i k 22ti .n Lavhorn iwhlta), Tlo, M nsi antd nnd in a jfeamtta - Apodaca and huahant for bachalor; alt Phoni kll.fal CARPET WrA.NTlCC Btrona- - lioy for tore and High. corner of N. Roma. CLEANING ,, E U'.ilkir, tr,. April tl, P4kB4 nth and , iwnmn work, Chaa, Keppeler, HI T ltlCN"F il A II u in Two rooms i pi .. .1 n .i - I't'K am. l'.nna for, hlnii (ton , I, ir is the hist nd nnd, housekeeplm,', IS. Uqilll ; i ii N lllii: now thoroiiKhhred W. I pli,ut.,i, It. : n, Hi in, Hind for t ii i4 tr dust X 1 WANTKD -- I live III Arim, room, U pint: n h tl in, salary lleds, II. D I I'hmnuih Rnokl and . i i i i .lit i t. lir.0; must hhvt M Ad- ii da and fin ,ii .ash. KOR RENT Larg Wool i n; i Mlimei as, per 15; per 144, Wm N. IH" f( II. care il., Journal et p. (or on or tv.o; with board, 7ir, Atlantic. Phon itilW Brow oewt WANTED Twenty laborer for An .'Jifl'li.' W. I'ruit. I'iniiie in., W. Knit SAI.K- - While U ,, e inn dealt) i ',, W. A tld., llivOO, .mia, weat. and on mini 0t Hold ttnnutori f"i S" I Ulrolanid lintel iiort.r. New Kmplnv l'OR,ltI2NT Two fireplug rooms and II. Per l.i; l.e.t . proven .leiio one fur nonaekooptng. Btalo In two ment Agcnci , W. SlKer. Ufltl winnlna 2nd world contest!. BUSINESS CHANCES. Albuquerqnn Hotel IIIV4 w. Central I, If, Cook, I . WA.NTKI) Man as porter, must In ml n. Pifth. link stmriK. reliable, honevl ami tem '"i: ItKNT Two rdcelj (orntah "i: Hub) 11,11 PBR wORO lnarttttg ciansifiuo taclorj fm- ping, model sai.k tnt n. td It. porato, Beat of reforonc required rooms oeuaekoi Rockkj 1 cent " ml 1 'i p ain In II leading paper in tlo BUY YOUR 5JJ) W. Ceiurai, 11 411 AWarado Hotel. Kin Clrande Hotel. 'off t irnlnatona. fi centa: s i If. S. Hcnd for hi The Hake AdVCf l'hone room fm tlBing Agvncy, 111 Main ML, bo An rrnnks, Hand I. KlItKMKN, BRAKK POH ItKNT ne front Keitiiorns, it cent, 111 put H UCUIOTI sleepini; or hmiselu'eiuni,', " a slips. :;ts n, fl"n. ,.r I:' (loarv St. Han Peaoetaeo Bags, Lumber, Glass, Paints M KN. Wanes about $10"; evpeiifin', liht ndei I'm Butt per mnptii. s. iiioadwny. W V inek, a , a t Cm ioi m, i NT K lilllll Well, il In S. ml nue, stamp. Kail im rut mini t, RUNT Two (urnlahed ' mi i hondlae or Ity proper!) m ch ie. repaired way. car Journal, Kim "' old Mbiiq que, N. M . ml atcllKilged and Cement ' A QOOD NVK8TMKNT, honaakoeplng, Boroagad porch. wANTKtv- - Rultwaj mail clerk ., for yan to;11 I landed Ik rlera, Good pay, fine ioti.imj r. Inquire 415 N. glkth st. flown with iinlj $1, hat that dollar K I ivlth 1400 l KNOW ni "IT P., for loot you receive dom lll-'V'- I i, re,. f brona lurl all ant l.ut. to ill iiiwi AT THE my ruction after li'llii tvell nrnislied hi iii iii, ,m tne start." linn. Liberty Bwdtl - or write for particular ii'ti i, mukini "You must have Invested It Institute, t room, lUltable for office or dreiw- I'aloinas Sprins:s and Ml Carta Itocheater, N. v. - profltabty." making, drani bldg., aoaii w. 'cn- por vimm it bronaa Wl bale of till'', . SUPERIOR LUMBER "i did. i Mographod horo LEARN AL'TOMflBILK RKPAIRINO, trnl. j key vhk. 10 cent aach; r Ry waai DRIVING ON te ears; RENT To tMirlathtn people, "train Kelleratraua Wln't plngton Regular Transfer. electrical, chll enginoerlng, aurveylng; - agga, aettlng; IS white Leghorn tay GO. alaanlno room IS month! house- II and I. ivory o., & MILL Wnnt hPlllf'i fnethodi must practical. Room and keeplngroon IS nmiilli: nu siik ami mi; mini Im Kerels. MONEY TO LOAN. Canto Transfer TriiivQ JOuinal nU. ,)(lir(1 whi. earning;, poaltloni ae-- no children. Mis. Marie J. I 'll lo V . in. Broadway, Phone IS14W. logue free. National School of Kngl-- MIAN TO M l, LEGAL NOTICE. ileerin, L'llii W. 7llt.J.,,s AnUehs. tVlo-- In t'ega who own furniture, piano or your plain note If ypfl are working. Should Tin: NT m.i i "H Tilt: nor a WANTKD S'oiinK nu n to prepare for i!. r, i. s. .11. m. STOP AT TROY HOTEL, i'. Kids. Mottled Anconaa, Mill he in heed of J.44 more. Wt Nl'KINI.s. or mi:., v I'l'HI.K A'l'I'iN. positions ,.v automobile chauffeurs, i'. while Orpington, Buff orplngtona, "!' tTKi: l'olt . . .'He ,i new company, aatabllahad to a leave Albuquerque poatofflo a saiesni pa n mm. lllir demand, Clean Roomo. BllVt 'A'.v a I. It. i; National Foundry; Dep nt ih. Inlerlnr Kllited l.n. "il ndOtte ami make small loans at thut'iscs honesi n except Bundayi at a. m. u...... i i ne pu pan you ,nor- - Egg mle, ...,.i r.ffi,,, Santa Fe. "'" saiai.t. duck. and chick for w people i . i n ' l!( i FIOTKL. an pin in curry time passengers at a N. m. April i, 1913. "fhj woo"4 ''v '."' t yoiir Tin: .lis,, da ctmtom hatching, L. E, Thom .'' ,. , Auto- - BlffM .south rtrat PNIUN l. co. a timi First feme, Hral served. j thnt Kngcne Assist position ns' ' K"X 111. 717 !: .i I'l inc. ; & Machine Company Notice is het'ehv Bitcn I II, kels .ipplv In a of lJiguna, N. M.. who. on mobile model free, Write iml.n fol (Umlihed room for Hunt '!' ocr list Naiiomii Bank BldgH 8 Millett HATCHINO EOOfl stronir, heal- I 1 homestead entry pai tn and free drat lessmi. rooms by day, week or from looms 0. i.wimi o m:ci . Pratt,, 7. made Iilar-rhoe- April 1908, hOUkplBgi thy winter Inyers. No White n 7."H O General Foundry Work, 13S27, for NWH. BOCtlon Nnorleaii Automobile Institute. Lox month; with or without hoard. Hot e s iiioadiwiv. Ittone 06189 No. in my flocks. While luar-rhoe- iii 20, Township 8 N. Kani;.- - 3 W, N. M. 74, Loa AngelCa. Cal, and cold water each room, eer FOR SALE Miscellaneous. - Iron Brass Castings. ;; Inten- Flrat-clna- can be Inherited from parent! and l. meridian, lias filed notice of WANTED a real slate es- - very contagious, your l.-- tlon to make five year proof, to salesmen, who have traveled on the and lie sure POR HAI.K Kino HHiKor min lilne, Itosw I'l t ltl!l.o,o MAIL LINK o BABBITT METAL. flea- - FOR RENT Apartments. ore from healthy parent impe- tahllsh claim to the land above ,.,,,) through the San Joaquin Valley, ckks time given. 4 (Irani building. Daily pasacnaei .. rvtce leaving Una-we- ll l Me-t'c- M II Ked I. or nine H. H. WhititiK, ulled ,,r in or New rial Feather, it. Bed ' 111. crihed. before xtuna, n III I.H and I' m ii' 8:00 n. ! Albuquerque, New Mexico ; Albuquerque, rw, is i mmipiii a Andaluslaiis, per t egga, 1 1. on. The SAI.K Ills commissioner, at p.,,, expenae an conimlion run W ' states laiary, romm, week or ele In gooi Mound. Kast lloiiml. N m May provo t mo they housekeeping jle Andalusia 'aid, II on to men who can th it ' ioti9i3. tnnntn, w ennne N M opplng 3 Claimant names as wllnesse: have been a success at ii - wrk Will eatminsfr. i"i. 137. Helen V. P. T. at. Davey, F. It. Zamora, Uppiy x m, the ', st rc! akUtto FOR KENT Thr. rooms I'urnlsheil TOUR BABY chicks all of h - Rarrpgjton, I'hilllpi N. aarcla, ,ennj( priypoiltlon thai has ever it completely for hole Ivl'.'plhg, slcep- piesl lltlb or.alu M. h ( i I'hlrd. I'hiuie i;i Albuquerque, N. Ko Angeles, equipped with the Ing porch, 7n B, !enl mi. mlaernhln, U s In you id, Wo have 1 R. OTERO, nrgumenlK and materlflbj I , s Ii?e Hi RXle vfi MANUEL It KNT Nlceiy turnlsbed I. I all the remedle for hiim seusor r itetfister. buyer, if you have not i"'i ihli work Foil on guurante good conditio' and 3 room apurtmenta for light ami sell Hudson for Signs before, do nol nppl.v. ddri 'li any Conkey Remedj cheap. Kvcnlnws K housekeeping. "Th Knglewood," WaKtier, care Tin- .lam, il. Wai dinkey's Wliitc Dial SAI.K lb t WANTED Positions. Jlrone block. Second and Conner Foil I loll, UN, xp ill Ill re pay tw,M WANTED Position FOR Dwellings. ,c; i 'onkey n Lice I' rhrn Wall Paper ...... I,...,. ,.v,i..i' Kiifi'i s ie,i K RENT pomt . inc per mile 'a t tape Ki ineil Hie so-- Intern Kimhsh sponiah, a.. 32i s. WANTED Female. 60 lbs. Baggage, free Excess carried. ad HELP n Modern house. for knt lroot i l l. M ro CO Sea Dr. Carns, (Irani bldg. Whltllle hbli;, Itosw x HUDSON Fourth d WANTKl) Cnlversltj train,,, man WANT Kl) Experienced iaielady ut Owner ami Opi'rators' Ptioiie lain. RENT houae, close it I l 4 wishes position as soiicitm. Hilary tnt, Economist. FOR M J idiopM, Tor anu I fngufre loin William St, TO EXCHANGE. WANTED Picture iireei 2 Or commission basis. '.est "I rerel WANTEDA Kill for general house- Miscellaneous. encfa, F. M. B,,thlsj)fflce ItKNT 3 loom furnished col x Frames Copper Ave. I Address work. Inquire 234 N. Walter. PtR 4 WANTED I I kl pel 'I' WANTED Uvc canvasaer. Inquire nl lage, sleeping porch, 1114 8. Bdlth sins position as bookkeeper, nm' Snyder Km-- .' Novelty Shop, corner FOR RENT Furnished house, moil keeper or both in New Mexico Hold and S. Fourth. experience. .1. ' Arlcona. Have had WANTED Woman In do general l., care journal. ItKNT modern hour " Foil ,, i land for modern hun FEIILt WaNTKD-'- A .vouiik man from th 722 W. Lead, 120.00. John si. Moo limiMMHWflFREHCH east with flist-clas- s references, ex Rsalty 'o. WANTE- D- Tin IuIkIii. capable la MaMlal liUftn peril need In hanking, wholesale Kl'oi sell REN .s P .PILLS. .ry deportment store bnokkeepin .lie. t,, travel demonstrate and Fol! TCIIlSON, TtlPKRJ siT1 S.M. rir,.i Riu for 9urrMo $60 per week; H ml s loom hen RAILW3. i Vlnn'- and credits, desires a position In u dealers; $23 lo WANTKD 0. Ntvrn known to (Alt. o "rcfiiSS ma,) paid. Goodrich Drug ' n. W. Hold lions H vised Tune Tnlde. near Aibuquerquei. Am Willing !' '" fare Ill i a r p, nt ry. 'a .00 S Will to1 Hum on irlpJ.U ' in i Neb. , IR R KNT weii s. !rl bo. J'' ) uin on a small salaiy and Would iniaha. rurnism (Effecttv Dacembaf mil.) hniofiwi Supln KrM. If your druWl det porch, West htve Una wud jour to tha Vest ill a business tha I WOUllI simW house, modern. lened (or Pound. f- WANTED S No. Class Ives UNITED MC DICUL CO., o 74, UnclllH leasonahle proli; If ni connectlo Salesmen. S. fourth, Mr D.,prt 1 . 26p S:10 proved of 'mutual benefit, Box 4; nttal, room 2'.). Cnhfornla Express, 7 lDOBp 6y I. H. O Keilh 0 Co. C i WANTED I'apal alcsil California Kxprs.lO:J0p Stlil ill H6uourie Journal. 4 r, New Mexico wl utapU' Foil REN' ai 9 Cal. Past Mail. ... up I2;4fta furnished or unfurnished W NTED I California l.lmiled 10:&fca 11:16a . FOR RENT , WANTED Agents. room, electric iinht-- was. n Ranches. 19 V PUMPS. WELLS. ENGINES. advance. Permanent position De Lux iii B0a 1:00a I tnod location, special summe v $ii man. Jess II. Sunt h Ir and vv v Agents lo make from to righi party, Inquire IOI w l Overland Etptl nt 'IBs VMndmlllsi. Irrigation Plants lale.-- l out to Sin 'cr day selling our WANTKD Salesmen In hall ir A. Flelsehev. st Fourth, :ffip I'Olifj Water Supply Plants. Engines foi (or selling pb Ill household spoeiunics. Write todav new merchandise tin Limited. SBP I Oil or Oasoline. Stee :0 Crude. Solar parllcUlnrs. n. in,. tin. ns,oi mission per cent; weeaiy mm FOR RENT Rooms with Board BOP :4B sn.l Wood Suhstrueturea. Arl7.. Hox 87ri. mcnts; salarv and expenses pi id ti LOST. II D 00p 1:10 - n. China & Hlas' WOLRfVO A 'l HAVE the best proposition in exist- successful nu Import Large w, n urnlahed s). RENT i ,, $&0 a k made St. I.oiils. Mo. For '. Meg. m.-I'as- Mo en, f", aKcnts; n c.. room with board III W. Central ljl.'S Cim. e Conner I'bone im s- - Paasengag 1:i4a tii PPKularly: whole or time. Addi' rooms, rigs i h QOOD BOARD snd airy is Valley I'.xp.. d t, anu nuuins - WAiMitu Doaia to from town, Look- Cut-Ot-t.) furnished ami OR RENT. or Helen THE WM. FARR COMPANY v;,,-,- ,:-,, hart ranch, phone 014, Mrs Bend. FOR SALE Norlbtiouud, , Kl P. - room m room board in private FOR ItKNT furnished mod n Mei :00a ttn.nlM.1. end netafl rWfers in :..:...,. h'dl best navins- business and II KNT BALK Hood horses cm. fi.milv. a place h-- ' th' ern rooms Wltn nooru ior coupie. FOR olt I. El Paso I top I : -- new. exclusive Prefers plows and wagons, t.r l ' AND SALT MKATS. known, legitimate, ISO ner month Th'Se are summer and mules, ins.iran, 1, Sausages a Specialty. nm. ""'' "'.,, Vly. prict ..arilculurs Box pnn. Also 1. honrder a journal Want Adi Results sad fi Hogs Bigges- - Address Cha Mals.ead. 43 W. M Knr Cattle and the k. J Market Prices are Paid. , si , .New "i FIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. APRIL 27. 1913. YOU NEED A mmmmmmmmmiiNoLmgr cranky TONIC'5nrnp mi iniw rn nnmr nrnr mi nmininrnm nn Pe-ru-- is One of the Original Spring Tonics of This Coun- UN WAT V Ahrkitt Hie ntn lu Ann ntn mm n Hfi try. II has stood the Test of Time. SAN ANIIO SPECIAL TRAIN THURSDAY ii s el hi i i I'll MTIOM PROM I I I l - I V M J I I H'HM HIIMll III. s III.- SOW th" bent iiii'II- - RKMI l1 'I'll VI M.I. Meadows We" J Reciuiti H11 VIV Tii, tempi-.- "i t to Pacific I Scheduled for Mlj 81 Kin i In in n - Inl- II. Wl De-- ii mu h nn ihi (tllOM K Posses plification of i 'Ik' .Ill pa i individual pre it Hint Offices, Prospect, pi i n nt a "f aotna former dm who iivarcaina ihair trouhla hp

M. lllllHI ml. Aliplti atlona tn) nn nil., i utilp in ! l.i I Ml- - hu was hmiu Kruln' fPlfl'O lli ntiini:iint of iii la? read M.iillni ih" Knlffhta Columhna Tin i. mi niiiiii' nm can ntva inn i s'm nl in H - n, MbU'lUI I' h i Da Ui In r i ri at anil ronaldarad i hla maattni "f it i ndvlct thai ix saldom haadad iKhl M h r M) t Sim An morning fin tn ha Allittquamua i'nnihii Ro m. ly In rnl hIhwIi mill tn lll.iHlli'ata " h WB. Tin' IkkiJ nf Prntler lii I rn ii m i Mil PaHoara ball. Thurtday, , 11. Ml II mouthful carefully, Howrvt-r- ir ilea Mil hoard the train M rro nil Ihi in .Mm i hailnnlan w. M v II- -. Id- i aatlna mnl aAraful maatloatlon to Unit N I" nl .1 M Shinu r, imnlnr nf HI. ni trains np. i, ; and " pai'tad tha thraa, daaraaa b fH niii Im mi) iin-- .' iii mi: . i In hla i hi-- i iI l thr aaxl natura. ifini in. nt store his ,,lm thodlat Bplet opal church o" The ni, i. i r fir aT hi in Ha- - . . milifli il ilnrlnii thr fatly pari 'f irmluAll) in, Nik Ha ' In. Catdwairi Ryrup Pa atn, Thh ,iiii in down. anta I', u hn mi ! il us Pr.ixlei kaII Tii. ii I." i in naportrd from .inn. with H 1., hx nt rhndldatea from i i n ii ni ,, - ramad) ih an ancaManl k and in ii, tonlt id' took r I Nihln'i uii M ' infold', m nl. sun Km nil- Thi'i Ware n i I nlli il aH aarttona of th- within Mi atati M t, il up IhiiiIi'n i m addition to in tha tarradon I'epala .it ti ni ilr.iK in mill five reatnred him la Bngetnenta in telegraph fot ,,i CotuiHtuiii ii i iii kn, thin Another in ii iiii imu nf Miiiiini'Miii cnanctl tore :,,r food, lln- eenlM nr . I , i i ti-- nl Ihi' ii. mi ilvm one ilolliir. the I I'll ' il ,,n lii n Hie nil'. nil" i, t vi.i I., uri'ii' Pfforta are now endat waj tn IplU ..l" iHnP and boirata, rlddrni lham m ma Mnfi hmiahi by r M li H Nalaj ii m iiinnii in rkai r ii nn mi atnharata aoalr. provldad heada .,i uilows itiniil l. mi Son alraddj familiar No. : Mania villi' .if 'hiraiO, Thin train wlfl (hn ascmpltftoaRM ix datidad uKn, with iih merlii iiii fretn fa BBjaMai :i,iIIm ii i apn iinii bat nr ;ii,i,ty I in ii i k Inal night, sh'' did nn' '"fry anoi ..i mm fur M'li lea In i nil tn rlna prom Inapt offlrera ni Itiarani or - R be i , lo-.- raHahla, plnaaant-t- win efuaded Tti II n- 'il i il nn lln tin- i rdar from Qhtcafa tn nariHt .I '' x'ri" Iiii Tin iroopa for hot iff In iloai-pi- ' wmk. ' " was counted iii train Vn ' Ifil thf , ""up repalii tl ' . . .1 . aei 1 Ui ,i hi w III ' .,,.,, , ,,, la.WA .1,. ''l' tl.'trnini' " ...e ell.uM,,,, m( i it. wmiiii wo f tin i nd natarrh irint ulna Mi nul MORA COUNTY COURT 'mini, t Nan "i I""''" "i of tttklna -- la, - .!i- - t,ii h mill liom uri'dhcr oue- i pitta mnl aa3 neri i Mil Hn Hi ciii t la ih in. .ii rat almllar draatir naaa and enla of i ln another rgemenl th " ln NliiB I'M WILL OPEN TOMORROW I'nllke thian, By rup pZl i u.iii mniii m i Ni atomaeh huh in h i.i in th.' lo - noi loaa Iti--i in i hrothar, food ffcet, ,ini f l,l,,lt thane Thaw traa nothing wimii 'torn ii i ail) braining i at hfiiflnrht the t i praaiafa aiator, who rtaltad mil the H' tn da nn' nun ii pand i uii-- I .. - h.I lr III , III llnrillllK I,,,,,,, ,1 tnri bowel ha Kimi Pi nanliaailary ntdt Thw IS,,.,,, mtaciea to do their t ..tin i remedht bad did not un numnita n n'rrnlti tn tin- Phllipplnai I .,- - V, u ii, X. il.. April l 00,1 reator.-i- Hu He i., iliiv, wiinti il tn iii i lilin In s,, S. nrp)i I i nniiHn I'll.- n i iKIli II' oh until iiiiinii'in ml .. im nun and ii.mnii imher, h any, im m nt tha ilitftej aanrt lor ir im your i", lint i. It In nnili taKNOd member of fumlh f I min. m i .Uii Mi i i i I'erunn. whleh Inillt me rlKhl up, ntcr ihnn thai tn fin in. fount) will pin In thr loan ver uaad Byrup Pepsin , I'll n Shi i il . und link hnr lint In in.i ill' il in ,.r - wall'i Kj rup u lettee nh spring ii hhve la It an tevceal battlea, inn have ni. Hi.' rnftka oi raatiMhui hoi Mora mi Monday mornlna Cnn- t'cpain nt fa mil) ' ' ii, ikuita IV, hoplai tlint Oovarnoi ''.Nl l" iu f 1 It nl I'M .1.1 ,, h iml in ken ghaut alx in Intulai .im .mi pa f nation. cldf rnhla hualnaaa ia on tha 1,l "nil piarjr member nf ti of. bo) 1..K inn HV fur v. criminal i" Inn it in the remilai I . Mi'ii'Miniii would eomRiuta i'ir flye-i- aj IV II Itox II II ni kx. I ;iiti wvi nn thru' jour aid. ihu i u ii doekata ami it Im axpaciad the i 'I'l. it :i drufiniat, aend your Mi hi RM nl II" laal in. im nt ntiiirean , i ii i in nlli nli ion iii im ii hiiMy accord-- of aix Idn mum kmda ai never tatted in aaundi atoll r LOCAL AND PERSONAL niie. in i itiMtnl will do ii, Dr. w. ii. i',Ww Ml nli- m i ni;. nn iiIh fni ' i, i m i, i Hltlmri in i with IiIh tiMiial puatom, Judpe ul hv?ai ia ii" MMfi ioMM 'u nn, nt urn thankful tor r R'aahlnKtoj si., , m thn Imdi of iit Monti. n. I Iihm ptittlni Praiitr ahaard fun iii J. Lanky likely Miek hen .1 imf nf Hn in eutiall i aha Parana dona fat ma." m rauaa the mil free attmple liottle wilt H 191 iii yaatarwa'i i i in Nn aororrn Roy Mi in ii., Id, eaahlor ur ih lViNil'-M- tn In trunnjiefit'il ih evpedi IioW'iIm - n Ill'--, lint IVllnll In M .U'hOll AllHI- Htata Ifatlnnul hank, left lnt nUht liquet; m iioealhle. ir-ri- Prldaj n An n CORPORATION AND iilahi hr rnclviii fnr Kf Pan Tea hnatnaaa trip 'rin i" ni" aevenlcen nrlmlnul raaea LAWS htlaprnm v- Mra. traai wnia that W, ii. Mi mm, aanaral paaaanajei nil 111" dOeket, nt fnllnWM: lilnlit I '. W. H. ANDREWS PU hj I FORMS Waadowi had haaa praatralad tha i. iin im Hi. ."'uii. pa .ii : nhwo, Mt' 1. nhandanment uf wife, Ru nf ' Some nawi "f tin' aiacutlon hat lirotht in ; Nar-er- Records N'tar MaStaa now hua u OaWnlWdW uho wit tlhuqtierqua yeaterday, H Hoy, emhenahnnent to Stop Baseball Arguments niiM iii la mni Him aha ii tmaMa in rrtiittl ad to l.i Paao Inal nlnht. nnMutt mth h pixtni in mpiiwcrcii to ri'aiiliit aofpafatta, j . t iii. until l.i' iiu'ln The pniii Kan Inal niKhi received the wannon: Mttcana ,i n E t' riiiirntlnn offlrnra, atlofnayVi If All XECUTIVE i lalonram frtun Depnij Khertff Mai min.ii ni 1. Maximo rarrlllo, About Great Feats in the Big Leagues Inn tMtaaam lllOBid kimw cur Mnnloyn nt l.oa Cerrllla, aoylna in. it in Mkvtlnfa aaaault; M poratlnn liiwn mill irm I'liiiin, Knr ilni Iruneh. loraary; A lain pdre iiirniH K'l K ANKN H NKVV MBXICO imu in .it Miitie: pred Mull Im V, V Vl tin duaday htwi An-it'- ll COMMITTEE CORPORATION, RUt-- a ad in ahum ii, n niaputea Mile , . tire n I tad telephone k". dnlMMnj the Kundaj 111, KQRMi, All Inwn nn fjaMaral IN ttl iii wl r Kiipy in liuati- - 'nrmr In i: hml n K "Mi ,, i In tlinwn Archuleta, lobtllnn the ball, tl fiilloivlm: reenrilM IiIajm, irHaatloa, Minma, Kallroada - huio been - Irl nl Mr- i mi. nn- triiult'x Ir a Manuel '. ueern aailue nmpHM i in ii i. Haauranca, nr., with eHa and edmpnetty arranved tut inc. K.'in Mm te n Ii The irentlon AndRn"ii mnl Pamuel publican County Chan n i i,i m in u purpuaea in th.- crown of Hoaai ralai mni foma fur .imu mi' rn I' i polk' niahehavloinl of affie thai he man Iwdael alar nne'M Padora, The most Importuat mnl flllnu iir,iirui,in, Irrlanilnn I"1 heen i.i I Ii Roy, niiiiilnlna Elfego Ai Ap- railed mni left inane -- Barn nouni es eta, Alan I'. S !;!' fni nm, In tha IiIk Hhmv me: lirra, mnl CONFERENCE Tim All.i ndar fnlPf ppalanaan! Wlheri the enty aafnpllatlafl nf i)ina in SCALES j,,,,, Pitching pointment of Foimei Terri- - Tin, k lln. Ih Die no tlrnivlni.' mnl hmnlllna a aacaedfi'i ntnranard (Kan IHKi' numt .nil In Mill. DAY Pork) mni Kief.- (New Pork), nine-t- i LASTS ALL BEFORE I1.V ni ";.itnxi il in this RiMtor'a i, Th oi 1112 It alnln I urn mmla Idtl fr '. en straight, i, ,'i ut. nn. I n, . e, I, in Adieticun igui i haimia In aalpaaatlwai luwr; m ini CORPORATION BOARD Wood (Uoakm) n lea hntween titi e mni Johnaon (Waah Ni a Mixl. n lawn lirr cilll nf prltil in IngtonL aJxtoen ntralgiit. atrick an i .ii minimi ravtalai mada in'i mi7, nunc adaai tump, ulceration i i i fi II Conaecutiv wlni- - (Ra- an t'iiunt nntiil iiiiiiiiiii, i' ,t t mi nana i,. in ti it in nil, Provbienre of raar win adoplaa It s v ilitor th ad nl M.i' tional ilHIIel, . it.ii uuieWAt iii' Milnlmi mull nn:,. aioh "iiiiiti. nm iim'i . Hid Boaton nnil print i W M nerac (Amarlcaa Iffifi, nn. Dalatalr il Andicap mink ladlapaaaahta. "II tlllllllS atnaxial, ft, . .T lilt ill in ropultlll xet'H ! llinil tn ulltv mini llir . "I :r, ii. m;. i, Im.' Minima Conaeeutlva defeati PlUaluitali 'ofnmlttaa i Barnatlllti ionnl Pi ,. I:, daUvi III iwL mil Hvattoch offlelahi of the Bunla Pe i. nil Atbni(uct e hpapltal Andrew will Inkr lh plac nf ( I K l M snnta IV. allwn) iiiiah ii. Willi. rhalrman, iih M.itn "II, Mi upon fur K A. Mhiiii. whn ri'MiuriMl. An mil. ma '. i. fiwen, I'ommlaalnner, mad m. filiate, Wheea in, in tin imik" of the rtaabed, f i mi.i 'egireiaoii rata expert, ware prjnenl rn im ri in in i Va ItiatM M i you rinnmltl' bra firnunda NWn v i liteuiesi nf runs ki ureil in lafidiaa Home Jourr - il In- nr ih" eutnmtialon, caaaa ilil i'Hli'1 Hint nlllll ml. I. II. ball park. Thi v tn ilnirle aaaaoji HamHthn Phiiadal- mi nnalntmml to Ihla plac iKtlilt ia, 1SH4. Itfi, ill.. nit i. here ahet lln One Hull!. 111.' .1, Rrlka-o- ui record-- H i loaded . n, in tatod thi uab Dalt irm. llrond m thi i tin- conference under iiin i by breaking a cup. il l.ien notlfii i In Mr IN 111 III ll nli in. i 'im rlat Tin In .tin aa it worked In thin Hi mnl t hit t he Im, I ii, nit let rumj In- - Innrnai Ad Rp?nlt- - would sealed nt In p i naaa city Journal. fm he -- I i" i nted lull nt lilt s, Prook fKc DOCTOR lite MoulliweHt. X . V ADVERTISED LET'lLRS. in, "nt fm 1 Tin Sunt V tn Nation it f & tr ior BnAt r - hanad on v h. n,.Mi niwrini aawai at arL weighing Is I ali i. i, ..,,1,1, in tymptaiai .r iiaaaaw aheep men nut i Uv putt ham I "i h nn,. Iti wl, tii aniwt.ii will applf to in Ml Will', nm Hid Mi I mi. t Haillal ua'ut Hdi I'htiaa alahtaa rtintmr dalaa. fra ma tali n l In f Mis. v A Marea in uiwit nanai maa H H ia Judge .Ml- - !,. ifVltvfii R.Iwih'4 mi. Iat..n. t lt l. anew ina iwir KadhaMal HamiMM p f.,r n V ptv I nn nam, ial aodraea tunit i.t iitt-- l ui, iintiaii ,,i netPli'ua mm win i x uattl ii, mi anawatl l ln i' i n ElV'I tta f lltfd hi an), wall it..patl 4iua at " R. A. An) RUTLEDGE IS ? ilruiaiai tan i,lr of whuiaaaiar ? APPOINTED CHIEF V t tip tim 1n i l AT V IgggggggggggV "in rt nf it ENGINEER TOPEKA bbBbWo IbV Wti am lilt i I i" ill l in hnvi at Ulu V lav Uttia lHlfl ri i If Id 4 lHt,a, Htie- thrill It) Hit Wh" . nun hill ,iMu,n haM tiiiij ii. Mi Kehsie Kokh V Rtrtl I ft 111 Itarl il poll bpatlll ibrla, Mtm Carrie x. 9 i I ul Attet it ml dim hup pit u lu i iv uppointmi In In tlimlnillul it,, lilgCa. Kitiiiiu Bala, ! MHl.lfi"m ftkdtj! hiet enirl of fUUt thch !! Mill Mim Mn II) sun nap aM huti iipni ol )ttMtii in in, V IM ID v ni rnrnpIeKtOH ami l.ttkht a Snnehec, Min. Merit LouuM HI, tlleld. Y ?Y

ff I Witt ii I llrllln. Hill Sun i :i Pe, while I'labei Urujei u ii. jhwarin Httm alltiu S ,ll .i iii- - ipnl analetunt anglneei In. n- - I E. ,. will .if It WTlnghouaa um Iri-- ut La J until. Until Norm Y ImllHH at. i L'otdaro, Me". Y W9 NEGOTIATIONS FOR Y 7 COMPLETION OF BIG PROJECT PROGRESSING n tha i, "i i la Y To r, i paawt Ml r n Itnrtlllia Jtnirii il Be Faultlessly -. VM-I- l '1' Dressed Una v ...t- N M. -- Ii. Y cnahler al Hie s.m Miguel D ii M requires more than clot mil inn hand nlghl i', dro Y cut and needle, tiia.'iict' mad Style enters instil Montenagi i he hml bean (oi Y la t sely into its requiremei s and study of the human figure Y is impeiative, Y There's a ertain ''hang and snappiness" Til Ina a I like a(J0Ut III ... some women's .ii gari ents that always gives the, im- - iltlach i X l.eofile nression of faultlessness, nit,, f tiim corporation i We carry kind that of garments in our store and we nul hack tti the lilt ill Si Y can J demonstrate it to it u ;im lil) en M n Y you personally if you will lei us, If you J inn for tin- work tiu- - nave i npliaht .I riiis ii ,i- - aitread arttt) Y mina tne purchase of a new suit or coat it will be Hnaklnt waa named na womr worth your while, f Don't wony about the price, either; we ran fi J both your person and purse at the same time. i I ml I i : f f Y

a 1

. . Il I Y f Hr saji'i "I tjll Mil THOSiE 283 JJ-J- 5 WEST CEJVTHAL ,. Shi snii.r r Y i.r.V hiV. Iiiilit m alnglnfi. t lit

' : - . dsay-,. - . , , .. I .ana.. ty a A 'k.. . aMaWafiJgannrwixaaaaaaaa,