(19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau

(10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date PCT 8 March 2007 (08.03.2007) WO 2007/025334 Al

(51) International Patent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every B65D 41/04 (2006.01) B65D 51/16 (2006.01) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, B65D 51/14 (2006.01) B65D 53/04 (2006.01) AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, (21) International Application Number: GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, PCT/AU2006/001257 KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV,LY,MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, (22) International Filing Date: 30 August 2006 (30.08.2006) NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, (25) Filing Language: English SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW (26) Publication Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (30) Priority Data: kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, 2005904717 30 August 2005 (30.08.2005) AU GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, 2005907331 29 December 2005 (29.12.2005) AU ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European (AT,BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, (71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): BALOG FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,MC, NL, PL, PT, HOLDINGS PTY LTD [AU/AU]; Sir Charles Moses RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, Lane, Old Hume Highway, Mittagong, NSW 2575 (AU). GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). (72) Inventor; and (75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): BALOG, Antony Published: [AU/AU]; Sir Charles Moses Lane, Old Hume Highway, — with international search report Mittagong, NSW 2575 (AU). For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "G uid (74) Agent: HODGKINSON McINNES PAPPAS; Level 3, ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the beg in 20 Alfred Street, Milsons Point, NSW 2061 (AU). ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.

(54) Title: A FOR A BOTTLE

(57) Abstract: A screw cap for a is provided which comprises a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent to the top. The skirt has an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle. At least a portion of the liner is composed of a breathable m a terial, and the top has at least one ventilation hole therein. The liner further comprises a flat ring-like membrane sub stantially impermeable to gas. The membrane adjacent to the breathable material substantially prevents the transfer of gaseous oxygen through the outer edge portion of the liner. A SCREW CAP FOR A WINE BOTTLE


The present invention relates to closure means for wine bottles and, in particular, to screw caps for wine bottles for use in the long term storage and maturation of wine.


Cork has long been used in the wine industry as a means of closing wine bottles because it provides an effective liquid seal against leakage of wine from the bottle whilst allowing the wine to breathe. The term "breathe" refers to the diffusion of oxygen through the and into the wine bottle. and some other beverages need a controlled amount of oxygen to age naturally, and it is a fact that many wine connoisseurs consider that bottles containing still wine should be corked in preference to other forms of closure means. hi the latter part of the twentieth century, wine consumption has increased dramatically around the world. This is due, in part, to the increased popularity of wine outside the traditional region of Europe and as a result of wine growing in areas such as Australia, Chile, North America and the like. With the increased popularity of wine, the demand for natural cork also increased, resulting in higher prices and decreased availability of cork. Many attempts have been made to provide a suitable closure means for wine bottles that reduced the need for natural cork.

For example, WO 00/32489 (Ligeras), US 3,847,295 (Taylor) and US 3,559,834 (Taylor) describe cork and screw cap combinations. There are various problems with these closure means such as, the inability of the wine to breathe during aging and the closure means disclosed in these documents go no way to significantly reduce the amount of cork used.

Whilst US 3,559,834 describes a screw cap for a wine bottle that comprises cork and ventilation holes, the screw cap still contains a relatively long portion of cork and so goes no way in overcoming the problem of the increased cost and reduced availability of natural cork. The cork is gripped by the screw cap by crimping triangular tongues disposed on the screw cap's skirt into the cork. By the triangular tongues into the cork, additional ventilation holes are formed in the skirt of the screw cap. Therefore, so that the liquid in the wine bottle does not leak, the cork must be sufficiently long to descend a significant distance into the neck of the bottle, past the openings of the side of the screw cap. The embodiment shown in Fig. 14 of US 3,559,834 shows a significantly shorter cork that does not extensively depend into the neck of the bottle. However, this embodiment is specifically for use with wines which require a relatively short aging period, such as rose wines.

In recent times, there have been various attempts to find a suitable alternative to using cork as a closure means for wine bottles. Synthetic cork substitutes have been used. However, these synthetic corks have not been well received by the wine industry and consumers, and most commonly have been used with cheaper, short term aging wines. A closure means which has gained popularity in recent times is an aluminium screw cap such as that manufactured by Alcan Packaging, a member of the Alcan Group Inc, marketed under the STELVIN® trade mark. The STELVIN® cap comprises a circular top portion having a skirt projecting therefrom and an internal liner consisting of one of two types. The first is composed of layers of polyethylene, PVDC and expanded polyethylene sandwiched together and is designed to be used as a closure for a bottle for wines with a relatively short aging period (2 to 5 years). The second liner is composed of expanded polyethylene, white kraft, PVDC and tin sandwiched together for longer term storage of wine (up to 10 years). The problem of both of these liners is that the STELVIN® cap allows minimal, if any, transfer of oxygen between the external environment and the wine bottle. Therefore, whilst the STELVIN® cap prevents the leakage of liquid from a wine bottle, for use with wines that require a relatively long aging period the STELVIN® cap does not allow the wine to breathe sufficiently and thus the wine does not mature in similar fashion to a conventional cork.

It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide an improved screw cap for use with a wine bottle which goes at least some way towards overcoming or at least minimizing the prior art problems or limitations outlined above. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION

According to one aspect of the present invention there is provided a screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein characterised in that said liner comprises a flat ring-like membrane substantially impermeable to gas, said membrane adjacent to the breathable material substantially preventing the transfer of gaseous oxygen through said outer edge portion of said liner.

Preferably, at least a portion of said breathable material is composed of cork.

Preferably, said liner is made of a material selected from the group consisting of composite cork, cork polymer composite, a single piece of cork, a breathable plastic material, a polymer plastic, wax coated paper or cardboard, a cardboard and polymer . mixture or finely granulated cork that has been treated through a number of heat and

CO2 extraction processes, said processes substantially removing 2,4,6 TCA from said granulated cork.

Preferably, in another embodiment said liner comprises a layer of adhesive substantially impermeable to gas, applied in a flat ring-like layer, said adhesive layer applied adjacent to the breathable material substantially preventing the transfer of oxygen through said outer edge portion of said liner.

Preferably, in another embodiment said liner comprises a membrane substantially permeable to gas adjacent to at least a surface of the breathable material in contact with liquid within said bottle, said membrane substantially permeable to gas forming a 2,4,6 TCA barrier between said breathable material and said liquid.

Preferably, in another embodiment the outer surface of said liner is coated with a membrane substantially permeable to gas, said membrane coating forming a 2,4,6 TCA barrier between said liner and the liquid within said bottle. Preferably, the thickness of said liner may be altered depending on the variety of wine to be stored and/or the period of time for which the wine is to be stored.

Preferably, the thickness of said liner is 2mm to 20mm.

Preferably, the density of said liner maybe altered depending on the variety of wine to be stored and/or the period of time for which the wine is to be stored.

Preferably, said at least one ventilation hole is located at or near a side portion of said substantially circular top.

Preferably, said at least one ventilation hole comprises at least one notch in said substantially circular top.

Preferably, said screw cap comprises a single aperture therein.

Preferably, said aperture has a diameter between 0.5mm and 20mm

Preferably, each of said plurality of apertures has a diameter between 0.5mm and 2mm.

Preferably, in another embodiment said screw cap comprises a plurality of apertures therein.

Preferably, said at least one ventilation hole provides a visual identification means for said screw cap.

Preferably, said visual identification means is a distinctive indicia formed by said at least one ventilation hole.

Preferably, said liner is press-fitted into said screw cap.

Preferably, in another embodiment a peripheral portion of said liner is adhered to said screw cap

According to another aspect of the present invention there is provided a screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of cork, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein.

According to another aspect of the present invention there is provided a screw cap for a wine bottle adapted for enhancing the organoleptic characteristics of the wine during long term storage, said screw cap comprising a liner composed of at least a portion of a breathable material and said screw cap having at least one ventilation hole therein.

According to another aspect of the present invention there is provided a screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that said liner is at least partially composed of a breathable material, said breathable material having a first end disposed adjacent at least one ventilation in said top and a second end adjacent said liquid in said wine bottle.

According to another aspect of the present invention there is provided a screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein, such that, gaseous oxygen slowly diffuses into said bottle through said at least one ventilation hole and said liner whereby, said oxygen chemically reacts with substances in said wine during a predetermined aging period to improve the organoleptic characteristics of said wine.

Preferably, said predetermined aging period is between 5 to 25 years.

According to another aspect of the present invention there is provided a screw cap for a wine bottle adapted for enhancing the organoleptic characteristics of the wine during long term storage, said screw cap comprising a liner composed of at least a first portion of a breathable material and at least a second portion composed of a polymer that substantially provides a 2,4,6 TCA barrier between said liner and the liquid within said bottle, and said screw cap having at least one ventilation hole therein. According to another aspect of the present invention there is provided a method of improving the organoleptic characteristics of wine in a bottle during a predetermined aging period of between 5 to 25 years comprising closing said bottle with a screw cap having a top and partially threaded sides and an internal liner adjacent said top, said liner covering the inner surface of said top, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein.

According to another aspect of the present invention there is provided a screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said substantially circular top has at least one ventilation means at or near a side portion thereof.


In order to facilitate a better understanding of the nature of the present invention, a preferred embodiment of a screw cap for a wine bottle will now be described, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:

Figure 1 is a top partial cross-sectional plan view of the liner with a membrane of a third embodiment of the screw cap.

Figure 2a is a side partial cross-sectional view of the embodiment shown in Figure 4.

Figure 2b is a side partial cross-sectional view of a fourth embodiment of the screw cap.

Figure 3 is a top plan view of the liner with a first and second membrane of a fifth embodiment of the screw cap.

Figure 4 is a side partial cross-sectional plan view of the embodiment shown in Figure Figure 5 is a top partial cross-sectional view of the liner coated in a membrane of a sixth embodiment of the screw cap.

Figure 6 is a side partial cross-sectional view of the embodiment shown in Figure 8.

Figure 7a is a top partial cross-sectional view of the screw cap of a seventh embodiment of the present invention.

Figure 7b is a top partial cross-sectional view of the screw cap of an eighth embodiment of the present invention.

Figure 7c is a top partial cross-sectional view of the screw cap of a ninth embodiment of the present invention.

Figure 7d is a top partial cross-sectional view of the screw cap of a tenth embodiment of the present invention.


According to a first embodiment of the present invention, the screw cap 10 comprises a substantially circular top 13 and a cylindrical skirt 11 projecting therefrom. Adjacent the top 13 is a liner 20 that is adapted to cover the opening of a bottle 12. The neck portion of the bottle 12 has an external thread portion 14 thereon and the skirt 11 of the screw cap 10 has an internal thread portion adapted to engage with the external thread portion 14 to secure the screw cap 10 onto the bottle 12.

The liner 20 is composed of a breathable material. In this specification, the term 'breathable' is defined as the diffusion of some oxygen through the material of the liner 20 and into the wine bottle 12. The breathable material is at least partially composed of cork. For example, the liner 20 may be composed of a single piece of natural cork wad, a wad of synthetic cork polymer composite, a wad of composite cork or a wad of treated granulated cork. The treatment processes may include a number of different heat and CO extraction processes whereby substantial amounts of the chemical molecule 2,4,6 trichoranisole (2,4,6 TCA) is removed from the cork. 2,4,6 TCA is a chemical that is present in natural and composite cork and can seep into the wine in the bottle and taint the flavour of the wine over longer term storage periods. Wine that has been tainted with 2,4,6 TCA is commonly referred to as being 'corked'.

The liner 20 of the present invention is preferably relatively thin. This assists in lowering the production cost of the screw cap 10 due to the rising cost of obtaining cork in recent times. Preferably, the thickness of the liner 20 is less than 15mm. Even more preferably the thickness of the liner 20 is 5mm or less but it should be understood that other suitable thicknesses could be utilised. The liner 20 is preferably press-fitted into the recess formed by the skirt 11 of the screw cap 10 so that it is adjacent the top 13.

Figure 1 depicts a first preferred embodiment of the screw cap 10 in accordance with the present invention. At least a portion of the breathable material is composed of cork. For example, the liner 20 may be composed of a single piece of natural cork wad, a wad of synthetic cork polymer composite, a wad of composite cork, or a wad of granulated cork that has been treated by a number of different heat and CO2 extraction processes whereby substantial amounts of the chemical molecule 2,4,6 TCA is removed, layers of natural cork discs, layers of synthetic cork polymer discs, layers of composite cork or the like.

In this embodiment, the liner 20 further comprises a flat ring-like membrane 22. Membrane 22 is made from a polymer that is impermeable to gas. The ring-like membrane 22 does not cover the centre portion 19 of the liner 20. Therefore, oxygen transfer will only occur in significant amounts through the centre portion 19 and not through the membrane 22. Thus, when the liner 20 includes membrane 22 the amount and the rate of oxygen diffusion through the liner 20 from the external environment into the wine bottle 12 is reduced. In order for wine to mature and age naturally, the amount of oxygenation needs to be controlled. For wines where a lesser amount of oxygen is required during the aging process, the screw cap as shown in Figure 1 may be used.

As shown in Figures 2a to 4, a peripheral portion of the liner 20 may be adhered to the screw cap 10 adjacent the top 13. It is important that the adhesive 18 not be applied to a significant portion of the liner 20 so that the "breathability" of the screw cap 10 is not compromised. Preferably, the centre portion of the liner 20 should remain free of any adhesive 18 so that the liner 20 is able to breathe effectively. When applied to the peripheral portion of the liner 20, the adhesive 18 helps to seal the liner 20 within the screw cap 10 and prevent the liner 20 from slipping out. This helps to ensure that a seal is formed between the liner 20 and the screw cap 10.

Figures 3 and 4 depict further embodiments of the screw cap 10 in accordance with the present invention. The liner 20 is similar to the embodiment shown in Figures 1 in so far as, the liner 20 is composed of a breathable material. At least a portion of the breathable material is composed of cork. For example, the liner 20 maybe composed of a single piece of natural cork wad, a wad of synthetic cork polymer composite, a wad of composite cork, or a wad of granulated cork that has been treated by a number of different heat and CO2 extraction processes whereby substantial amounts of the chemical molecule 2,4,6 TCA is removed, layers of natural cork discs, layers of synthetic cork polymer discs, layers of composite cork or the like.

In these various embodiments shown in Figures 3 and 4, the liner 20 further comprises a membrane 24. Membrane 24 is made from a polymer that is permeable to gas but forms a barrier to the transfer of chemicals with a relatively high molecular weight. Natural and composite cork contains a chemical known as 2,4,6 TCA which, if released into the wine in significant quantity, renders the wine undrinkable. Wines that have been tainted in this way are commonly referred to as 'corked wine'. Membrane 24 prevents 2,4,6 TCA from leaching into the wine from the natural or composite cork liner 20 and tainting the wine. The membrane 24 is preferably adhered to the screw cap 10, although it may also be simply press fitted into the recess formed by the skirt 11.

As shown in Figures 3 and 4, the gas permeable membrane 24 may be used in conjunction with the gas impermeable membrane 22. hi this embodiment, the membrane 22 is preferably a flat-ring like membrane and does not cover the centre portion 19 of the liner 20. Therefore, oxygen transfer will only occur in significant amounts through the centre portion 19 and not through the gas impermeable membrane 22.

However, as the centre portion 19 is covered by the membrane 24, the transfer rate of oxygen will be reduced when compared to the embodiment depicted in Figure 1. Membrane 24 also ensures that the chemical 2,4,6 TCA is not released from the liner 20 into the wine in the bottle 12.

The liner 20 of Figures 1 to 4 may be manufactured in a number of ways. Preferably, the layer of breathable material is cut to a predetermined size in order to fit within the recess formed by the skirt of the screw cap 10. The membrane 22 is then cut into a ring like disc and either adhered to the layer of breathable material or simply layered with the breathable material. The layer of breathable material and membrane 22 are then compressed and optionally adhered into the underside of screw cap 10, adjacent the substantially circular top 13. The membrane 22 may also be a ring like disc wherein the breathable material is cut to fit within the opening defined by the ring like disc membrane 22.

The liner 20 may composed of the same materials as those embodiments described above however, as shown in Figures 5 and 6, the entire outer surface of liner 20 may also be coated in the membrane 24. This method of coating the liner 20 may be more cost effective than applying the membrane only on the lower surface of the liner in contact with the liquid in the bottle 12.

Whilst the liner 20 is preferably made substantially from cork, it must be understood that in other embodiments not shown, other suitable breathable materials may be used to make the liner 20. For example, in a preferred embodiment not shown in the drawings, the liner 20 may be composed of wax coated paper or cardboard that acts as a liquid barrier but is gas permeable, hi another embodiment not shown in the drawings, the liner 20 may be composed of a cardboard polymer mixture. hi another embodiment not shown in the drawings, the liner 20 is at least partially composed of cork. For example, the liner 20 maybe composed of layers of natural cork discs, layers of synthetic cork polymer discs, layers of composite cork, layers of treated granulated cork or the like. During the long term storage and , gaseous oxygen slowly diffuses through the liner 20 of the screw cap 10 and into the wine bottle 12. The liner 20 is exposed to the oxygen hi the external environment by way of the ventilation holes 16. Preferably, the ventilation holes 16 are between 0.5 and 2mm in diameter. As the liner 20 is made of a "breathable material", oxygen is able to diffuse through the liner 20 at the points where the ventilation holes expose the liner 20 to the external environment.

Whilst the embodiment of the screw cap for a wine bottle shown in Figure 1 depicts a single ventilation hole, it should be understood that any number of ventilation holes may be present in the top 13 of the screw cap 10. Where the top 13 has a single ventilation hole, it may be up to 20mm in diameter but where the top 13 comprises a plurality of ventilation holes, the preferred diameter of the ventilation holes is between 0.5mm and 2mm. However, it should be understood that other suitable sized ventilation holes could be utilised.

In the embodiments shown in Figures 7a to 7d, the ventilation holes 16 that are disposed on the screw cap 10 may form a visual identification means 43 for the screw cap 10 that allows consumers to visually identify that a wine bottle 12 is sealed with a screw cap 10 of the present invention.

The visual identification means 43 is preferably distinctive indicia formed by the ventilation holes 16 or a combination of ventilation holes 16 and other forms of ventilation means, such as notches or the like. The distinctive indicia is preferably a shape or logo that is made by the predetermined positioning of the ventilation holes 16and/or other ventilation means that allows a consumer to visually identify that a wine bottle 12 is sealed with a screw cap 10 of the present invention.

In another embodiment not shown in the drawings, similar to the embodiment depicted in Figure 7d, the visual identification means 43 may be a number that is formed by the ventilation holes 16 and/or other ventilation means. The number may indicate a characteristic of the liner 20 that has been used in that particular screw cap 10. For example, the number may indicate the thickness of the liner 20, the type of material that the liner 20 is made from or whether the liner 20 has a further gas impermeable layer for reduced gas transfer and thus more controlled and slower oxygenation of the wine. The liner 20 maybe of different densities to suit different variety and styles of wines. For example, a wine that requires a relatively short maturation period in the bottle 12, such as a Rose or varieties, may only need a liner 20 with a relatively low density whilst a wine that requires a relatively long maturation period in the bottle 12, such as full bodied varieties, may need a relatively high density liner 20.

In further embodiments not shown in the drawings, the screw cap 10 of the present invention has ventilation means other than ventilation holes 16. These ventilation means include notches and the like. The notches can be cut into the substantially circular top 13 at or near a side portion thereof. The notches act in the same way as the ventilation holes 16 in that the liner 20 of the screw cap 10 allows the diffusion of gaseous oxygen therethrough. Thus, gaseous oxygen slowly diffuses through the liner 20 and into the wine bottle 12. The notches are preferably between 0.5mm and 2mm in width although it must be understood that other suitable thicknesses may be utilised.

In other embodiments not shown in the drawings, the ventilation means may also be disposed on the cylindrical skirt 11 rather than on the substantially circular top 13. Preferably, the ventilation means is/are located at a position on the cylindrical skirt 11 towards the substantially circular top 13 and most preferably, the ventilation means is/are located at or near a side portion of circular top 13.

In an embodiment not shown in the drawings, the liner 20 maybe composed of a mixture of breathable material and a polymer that is permeable to gas but that forms a barrier to chemical molecules with relatively high molecular weights such as 2,4,6 TCA. In this embodiment, the liner 20 is preferably at least partially composed of a mixture of cork with the polymer so that the problems of the chemical molecule 2,4,6 TCA present in cork tainting the wine may be reduced.

In a further preferred embodiment of the present invention, the membrane 22 may be replaced by a layer of adhesive. The adhesive is substantially impermeable to gas applied to the liner 20. The layer of adhesive 44 is applied in a flat ring-like layer and is applied adjacent to the breathable material of the liner 20. In this way, the layer of adhesive substantially prevents the transfer of gaseous oxygen through the outer edge portion of the liner 20.

The layer of adhesive has the further function of securely holding the liner 20 within the screw cap 10. Thus, when the liner 20 includes a layer of adhesive, the amount and the rate of oxygen diffusion through the liner 20 from the external environment into the wine bottle 12 is reduced. In order for wine to mature and age naturally, the amount of oxygenation needs to be controlled. Therefore, the layer of adhesive has a dual purpose, the first being a seal to reduce the transfer of gaseous oxygen and the second being a means for securing the liner 20 into the screw cap 10.

Whilst the liner 20 is preferably at least partially made of cork, in other embodiments not shown in the drawings, the liner 20 may be made of a material that is breathable, in so far as it allows the transfer of gaseous oxygen into the bottle 12. Suitable materials include a breathable plastic material, polymer plastic, wax coated paper or cardboard, cardboard and polymer mixtures or finely granulated cork that has been treated through a number of heat and CO2 extraction processes, said processes substantially removing 2,4,6 TCA from said granulated cork.

Throughout the description and the claims of this specification the word "comprise" and variations of the word, such as "comprising" and "comprises" is not intended to exclude other additives, components, integers or steps. CLAIMS

1. A screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein characterised in that said liner further comprises a flat ring-like membrane substantially impermeable to gas, said membrane adjacent to the breathable material substantially preventing the transfer of gaseous oxygen through said outer edge portion of said liner.

2. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein at least a portion of said breathable material is composed of cork.

3. The screw cap of claim 1 or 2 wherein said liner is made of a material selected from one or more of composite cork, cork polymer composite, a single piece of cork, a breathable plastic material, polymer plastic, wax coated paper or cardboard, cardboard and polymer mixture or finely granulated cork that has been treated

through a number of heat and CO2 extraction processes, said processes substantially removing 2,4,6 TCA from said granulated cork.

4. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein said liner comprises a layer of adhesive substantially impermeable to gas, applied in a flat ring-like layer, said adhesive layer applied adjacent to the breathable material substantially preventing the transfer of oxygen through said outer edge portion of said liner.

5. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein said liner comprises a membrane substantially permeable to gas adjacent to at least a surface of the breathable material in contact with liquid within said bottle, said membrane substantially permeable to gas forming a 2,4,6 TCA barrier between said breathable material and said liquid.

6. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein the outer surface of said liner is coated with a membrane substantially permeable to gas, said membrane coating forming a 2,4,6 TCA barrier between said liner and the liquid within said bottle. 7. The screw cap of any one of claims 1 to 3 wherein the thickness of said liner may be altered depending on the variety of wine to be stored and/or the period of time for which the wine is to be stored.

8. The screw cap of any one of claims 1 to 3 wherein the thickness of said liner is 2mm to 20mm.

9. The screw cap of any one of claims 1 to 3 wherein the density of said liner may be altered depending on the variety of wine to be stored and/or the period of time for which the wine is to be stored.

10. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein said at least one ventilation hole is located at or near a side portion of said substantially circular top.

11. The screw cap of claim 11 wherein said at least one ventilation hole comprises at least one notch in said substantially circular top.

12. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein said screw cap comprises a single aperture therein.

13. The screw cap of claim 13 wherein said aperture has a diameter between 0.5mm and 20mm

14. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein said screw cap comprises a plurality of apertures therein.

15. The screw cap of claim 14 wherein each of said plurality of apertures has a diameter between 0.5mm and 2mm.

16. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein said at least one ventilation hole provides a visual identification means for said screw cap.

17. The screw cap of claim 16 wherein said visual identification means is a distinctive indicia formed by said at least one ventilation hole.

18. The screw cap of claim 1 wherein said liner is press-fitted and/or adhered into said screw cap. 19. A screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of cork, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein.

20. A screw cap for a wine bottle adapted for enhancing the organoleptic characteristics of the wine during long term storage, said screw cap comprising a liner composed of at least a portion of a breathable material and said screw cap having at least one ventilation hole therein.

21. A screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that said liner is at least partially composed of a breathable material, said breathable material having a first end disposed adjacent at least one ventilation in said top and a second end adjacent said liquid in said wine bottle.

22. A screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein, such that, gaseous oxygen slowly diffuses into said bottle through said at least one ventilation hole and said liner whereby, said oxygen chemically reacts with substances in said wine during a predetermined aging period to improve the organoleptic characteristics of said wine.

23. The screw cap of claim 22 wherein said predetermined aging period is between 5 to 25 years.

24. A screw cap for a wine bottle adapted for enhancing the organoleptic characteristics of the wine during long term storage, said screw cap comprising a liner composed of at least a first portion of a breathable material and at least a second portion composed of a polymer that substantially provides a 2,4,6 TCA barrier between said liner and the liquid within said bottle, and said screw cap having at least one ventilation hole therein.

25. A method of improving the organoleptic characteristics of wine in a bottle during a predetermined aging period of between 5 to 25 years comprising closing said bottle with a screw cap having a top and partially threaded sides and an internal liner adjacent said top, said liner covering the inner surface of said top, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said top has at least one ventilation hole therein.

26. A screw cap for a wine bottle, said screw cap comprising a substantially circular top having a skirt projecting therefrom and a liner disposed adjacent said top, said skirt having an internal thread portion adapted to engage with an external thread portion on the neck of said bottle, characterised in that at least a portion of said liner is composed of a breathable material, and said substantially circular top has at least one ventilation means at or near a side portion thereof.

INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. PCT/AU2006/001257

A. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER Int. Cl. B65D 41/04 (2006.01) B65D 51/16 (2006.01) B65D 51/14 (2006.01) B65D 53/04 (2006.01)

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC B. FIELDS SEARCHED Minimum documentation searched (classification sys'tem followed by classification symbols)

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) USPTO: Cork, tea, screw, vent, breath DWPI: IPC: B65D/-, B67B 3/- & keywords: cap, top, closure, lid, cover, screw, thread, helix, helical, rote, stelvin, liner, insert, seal, membrane, disc, disk, gasket, packing, hole, vent, aperture, duct, passage, outlet, orifice, permeable, porous, cork, respire, escape, egress, exit, transmit and similar terms


Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

JP 2001-072097 A (ISHIHARA KUNIHIKO) 2 1 March 2001 Whole document & Derwent Abstracts Accession No. 2001-359756/38, Class Q33 19-26

WO 1997/002994 A l (W. L. GORE & ASSOCIATES, INC.) 30 January 1997 X Figure 2 20-26

US 5730306 A (COSTA et al) 24 March 1998 X Whole document 20-26

X US 3951293 A (SCHULZ) 20 April 1976 20-26 Whole document

Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C X See patent family annex

* Special categories of cited documents: "A" document defining the general state of the art which is "T" later document published after the international filing date or priority date and not in not considered to be of particular relevance conflict with the application but cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the invention "E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the "X" document of particular relevance, the claimed invention cannot be considered novel international filing date or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone "L" document which may throw doubts on priority c!aim(s) "Y" document of particular relevance, the claimed invention cannot be considered to or which is cited to establish the publication date of involve an inventive step when the document is combined with one or more other another citation or other special reason (as specified) such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled in the art "O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means "&" document member of the same patent family "P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than the priority date claimed Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report 12 October 2006 2 0 OCT l I Name and mailing address of the ISA/AU Authorized officer AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE PO BOX 200, WODEN ACT 2606, AUSTRALIA E-mail address: [email protected] D.R. LUM Facsimile No. (02) 6285 3929 Telephone No : (02) 6283 2544

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (April 2005) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. Information on patent family members PCT/AU2006/OOI257 .

This Annex lists the known "A" publication level patent family members relating to the patent documents cited in the above-mentioned international search report. The Australian Patent Office is in no way liable for these particulars which are merely given for the purpose of information.

Patent Document Cited in Patent Family Member Search Report

JP 2001-072097 NONE WO 1997/002994 . AU 58032/96 US 5730306 CA 2188406 CA 2207066 CN 1148838 CN 1171764 EG 20732 EP 0752959 EP 0788448 HU 75895 HU 78086 PL 318011 TR 960367 US 5579936 WO 1995/026913 WO 1996/013443 ZA 9509021 US 3951293 CH 585133 DE 2403244 FR 2259026 GB 1464344 NL 7500589

Due to data integration issues this family listing may not include 10 digit Australian applications filed since May .2001.


Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex) (April 2005)