international institute for asian studies annual report 2003

[ p 3 | Foreword ] Foreword

In 2003 IIAS celebrated its tenth anniversary. IIAS’ mandate, from institutions in the , , America and Asia. IIAS built the Netherlands government, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts the European Alliance for Asian Studies and initiated, together with and Sciences and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the European Research, is the stimulation of Asian Studies in the Netherlands and professional Asia associations, the International Convention of Asia abroad. From its inception, the IIAS Board and director had a broad Scholars (ICAS). These meetings, attended by scholars from vision for Asian Studies, believing that an area studies approach America, Europe and Asia, were held in Leiden (1998), Berlin (2000) could fragment disciplinary coherence and limit the scope and and Singapore (2003). Shanghai will be the host in 2005. quality of research. Due to its international visibility, IIAS has drawn leading researchers Asia, as part of our global community, should be studied in all its from all over the world. Even more than before, IIAS will focus on manifestations, historically as well as comparatively. The 21st century young researchers: their probing and inquiring minds are a conditio is often proclaimed as the Asian century. Indeed, there are sine qua non for original new research. compelling reasons to believe that China, and Japan will play leading roles in the economic, political, strategic, and scientific The universities, IIAS, and other institutions are a powerful developments of the future. The future of Asian Studies, we are repository of knowledge, expertise, collections and data on Asia in convinced, also lies in Asia. This should not deter Europeans and the Netherlands. Given the undeniably increasing importance of other non-Asians from studying Asia in all its facets. Asia, the Netherlands wants to maintain and enhance its position as an Asia research centre and facilitator. IIAS will therefore continue to Studying Asia may provide us with insights to understand and launch targeted programmes of comparative and policy-relevant anticipate global developments. But there is a more pressing reason research while pursuing alliances with other institutions in Asia, to pursue Asian Studies: it is only through co-operation in Europe and the Americas. In close co-operation with our transdisciplinary research (and education) with Asian partners that (inter)national partners IIAS aspires to develop further into a centre Europe will maintain its scientific position. The majority of Europe’s of excellence and to remain a crucial infrastructural node in Asia PhD students in the natural sciences are already from Asia; there we Studies. see the fruits of close cooperation in joint Eurasian research. The IIAS Alumni network, consisting of more than five hundred The Board and director thank you, our esteemed colleagues from researchers, has proven crucial in setting up new research around the world – without your trust, interest and support, IIAS programmes involving Asian and European scholars. would not have been able to realize its mandate.

To establish Asia-Europe collaboration in research and education, Wim Stokhof European countries, instead of trumpetting unrealistic statements Director about Europe’s future as the world’s foremost knowledge-economy by 2010, need to begin organizing a European structure for scientific education and research, and to channel significant resources to secondary and tertiary education and research. It is obvious by now that countries can only fund a limited number of world class research centers. Full-fledged universities concentrating on all disciplines are disappearing. In a period of declining resources, a division of labour on the basis of proven excellence is the only remedy to spreading available resources too thinly. However, the Europeanization of research and education will only become possible when countries put aside their chauvinistic notions of education and research as determining features of the nation-state.

Very early on, IIAS, in its capacity as secretariat to the ASIA Committee of the European Science Foundation, launched the idea of a inter-regional research platform. The European Commission and EU countries were then not ready to see the advantages of such arrangements. Recent plans for a European Research Council (ERC) can be seen as a first step in that direction, provided EU member states are willing to redirect part of their national research budgets to 2003 the ERC.

Over the past ten years IIAS has hosted many fellows, among whom were distinguished scholars. It initiated a score of research programmes and projects, and built extensive networks. It report annual

functioned as a conduit to international networks for individuals and iias [ p 4 | Contents ]

Contents section 1 IIAS and its Organization/7

The international Institute for Asian Studies /8 Research /8 Academic cooperation /8 Information Services /8 Branch Office Amsterdam /9

Organizational Structure /9 Board /9 Academic Committee /10

Office staff /10 Staff members 2003 /10 Trainees /11 Staff assigned to research programmes and networks /11 IIAS representatives abroad /11 IIAS extraordinary chairs /11 IIAS fellows and guests /11 IIAS Newsletter /12

section 2 IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships/13

Research Programmes /14 Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia Programme (SMAP) /14 Indonesianisasi and Nationalization /15 in Indonesia: The Disssemination of Religious Authority in the Twentieth Century /16 The Syntax of the Languages of Southern China /23

Research Networks /24 ABIA: South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index /24 CLARA: Changing Labour Relations in Asia /25 Transnational Society, Media, and Citizenship /26

Individual Research Fellows /27 General /27 Central Asia /29 South Asia /32 Southeast Asia /33 East Asia /37

IIAS Alumni /38

IIAS Extraordinary Chairs /47 2003 annual report annual iias [ p 5 | Contents ] section 3 Annex: Financial Report 2003/71

Seminars and Institutional International Institute for Asian Studies /72

Events/49 Strategic Alliance /73

Branch Office, Amsterdam /73 section 4 Islam in Indonesia: Dissemination of Religious Authority in the Twentieth Century /74 IIAS Branch Office, Amsterdam/55 NIOD /74 section 5 Index/75 Publications/57 Persons /75 section 6 Subjects /78 Information Services/59 List of Abbreviations/79 IIAS Newsletter /60 Content and Design /60 Editorial Staff /60 Colophon/80 Website /61 (Inter)national WWW cooperation /61

Database /61

IIAS Image Survey /61 section 7 Academic Cooperation/63

International Cooperation /64 The European Alliance for Asian Studies /64 International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) /65 IIAS Special Events in 2003 /66 Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Research Platform /67 Memoranda of Understanding with Partner Institutes /67

National Cooperation /67 Research Schools /67 Interuniversity MA Courses on Asian Studies (MACAS) /68 IIAS Subsidies /68 2003 annual report annual iias iias annual report 2003 [ p 6 ] The IIAS and its Organization

section 1 [ p 8 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

The International Institute for Asian Studies Rotterdam, Nijmegen University, and Leiden University) have been established by IIAS, thus filling lacunae in Dutch university curricula The International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) is a postdoctoral in Asian Studies. Working with its Asian partners, IIAS has initiated research centre based in Leiden and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Its European chairs in Chinese Studies, Malay Studies, Philippine main objective is to encourage the study of Asia and to promote Studies, and Korean Studies bringing Asian professors to the national and international cooperation in this field. The institute Netherlands and other European countries to teach and to undertake focuses on the humanities and social sciences and, where relevant, research. on their interaction with other sciences. The institute acts as an international mediator, bringing various Academic Cooperation parties together. In keeping with the Dutch tradition of transferring The International Institute for Asian Studies considers academic goods and ideas, IIAS works as a clearinghouse of knowledge and cooperation indispensable to top-level research. It believes that, in information. This entails providing information services, the present environment of globalization, distinctive national constructing international networks, and establishing international traditions of research and scholarship need to be brought together to cooperative projects and research programmes. In this way, IIAS form complementary partnerships. The institute, therefore, actively functions as a window on Europe for non-European scholars and promotes, facilitates, and initiates academic cooperation at various contributes to the cultural rapprochement between Asia and Europe. levels – nationally as well as internationally – between different research groups, institutes, and individuals. Research The International Institute for Asian Studies endeavours to develop a One of these networks is the so-called European Alliance for Asian dynamic and versatile approach in its research programmes. Always Studies (Asia Alliance), which is a cooperative framework of ready to anticipate new developments, it opts for the enhancement of institutes specializing in Asian Studies, consisting of IIAS, a broad, high quality level of knowledge on Asia. It seeks to reach this Leiden/Amsterdam; the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), objective in close cooperation with national and international Copenhagen; the Institute of Asian Affairs (IFA), ; the partners through joint research projects concerning topics of European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS), Brussels; the Asia common interest to Asia and Europe. Europe Centre (AEC), Paris; the Centro de Estudios de Asia Oriental (CEAO, Centre for East Asian Studies), Madrid; the School of The institute supports several thematic research programmes and Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, and the Swedish projects that are developed and executed by international research School for Advanced Asia Pacific Studies (SSAAPS), Stockholm. teams consisting of a programme director, research fellows and Activities of the Asia-Alliance include regular Asia Updates, jointly visiting fellows. organized workshops and conferences, and a cooperation with the The themes include: Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) co-organizing the Annual Asia- - Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia Europe Workshop Series. - Changing Labour Relations in Asia - Islam in Indonesia: The Dissemination of Religious Authority in the Twentieth Century Since 2001, IIAS has provided the permanent secretariat for the - The Syntax of the Languages of Southern China International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS). The Convention - Piracy and Robbery in the Asian Seas was set up to enhance and deepen contact between researchers from - The Development of Space Technology in Asia Asia, Europe, and the USA working in Asian Studies. The first - Conflict, Security and Development in Central Eurasia convention was organized in 1998 in the Netherlands. It was initiated by IIAS in cooperation with the Asia Committee of the Various fellowships, most of which are post-PhD positions, are European Science Foundation, the Association for Asian Studies offered by IIAS. Information and vacancies are announced via the (AAS, USA), and various professional organizations for Asian IIAS website and in the IIAS Newsletter. The fellowships range from Studies in Europe. The second ICAS meeting (ICAS 2) took place in short-term visiting fellowships to long-term research fellowships Berlin (2001) and ICAS 3 took place in 2003, in Singapore from 19 to (maximum three to four years). Furthermore, IIAS provides research 22 August. facilities for post-PhD scholars who wish to undertake research in the Netherlands, and who have obtained their own funding. At a broader level, IIAS strives to form links with other groups in The institute organizes international seminars, workshops, society, such as business people, policy makers, and the media by conferences, and master classes, often convened by IIAS research making expertise on Asia available to non-academic organizations fellows. They are held both independently and jointly with other through updates, consultancy services, and the like. (inter)national institutes in the field. The institutional lectures organized by IIAS also provide a forum for discussion on new Information Services developments within the field of Asian Studies or Asia-Europe The IIAS Newsletter reflects the function of the institute. It is 2003 relations in their current societal context. published three times per year, and covers a wide regional and disciplinary scope. The IIAS Newsletter has a circulation of 22,000 In collaboration with several international publishers, IIAS publishes copies and is distributed all over the world – free of charge. Besides an average of four to five monographs and edited volumes per year research articles, conference reports, and forum discussions, on research that is linked to its activities. information is provided on organizations, institutes, conferences, annual report annual and employment opportunities. An electronic version is available via

iias Extraordinary chairs at three Dutch universities (Erasmus University the IIAS website. [ p 9 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

The IIAS website provides information on the activities of the Organizational structure institute, as well as information on Asian Studies worldwide. Recently IIAS launched the website of the Asia Europe Meeting Board (ASEM), embracing diverse aspects of the meeting’s process. In The IIAS Board is composed of delegates from various Dutch addition, IIAS also hosts various other websites. universities and institutes guaranteeing the institute a national scope. The Board is responsible for the general management of the The IIAS database contains up-to-date information on researchers Institute and ensures that its objectives are achieved. The IIAS policy and institutions in the field of Asian Studies (some 22,000 documents, budgetary and organizational plans, and reports are addresses). Selections can be made by country of residence, region of submitted to the Board for approval. Members of the Board are interest, and discipline. A mailing label rental service is also appointed for a four-year period after which they can be re-appointed available. for another four years.

Branch Office Amsterdam In 2003, board meetings took place on 14 February, 26 May, In 1997 an IIAS Branch Office was established in Amsterdam. The 26 September and 28 November. University of Amsterdam (UvA), one of the founders of IIAS, underlined the importance of an active and visible role of the UvA in IIAS activities. The Branch Office offers facilities to IIAS research Board Members 2003 fellows to undertake research in Amsterdam while simultaneously encouraging the involvement of scholars at the UvA in IIAS’ - Prof. Peter van der Veer, Chair activities. In addition, the Branch Office closely cooperates with ASiA University of Amsterdam (UvA): Social Sciences/South Asia (Asian Studies in Amsterdam, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science, UvA), is involved in the newly established national MA in - Prof. Leonard Blussé van Oud Alblas Asian Studies, and organizes updates and seminars on contemporary Leiden University (LEI): History of the European Expansion/Southeast and developments in Asia. The UvA contributes financially to the Branch East Asia Office by providing office facilities, compensation for housing of research fellows, and a part-time secretary. The coordinator of the - Prof. Barend ter Haar Amsterdam Branch Office is financed by IIAS. LEI: Chinese History

- Dr Janny de Jong University: History of Southeast Asia

- Prof. Rikki Kersten LEI: History of Modern Japanese Political Thought; Japanese Historiography of World War II

- Prof. Marcel van der Linden International Institute for Social History (IISH), Amsterdam: Labour History/Asia

- Prof. Max Sparreboom Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR): Humanities/South Asia

Secretary to the Board

- Prof. Wim Stokhof, Director LEI: Austronesian and Papuan linguistics 2003 annual report annual iias [ p 10 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

Academic Committee Office staff The Board has appointed an Academic Committee of eight members, all of whom are from various Dutch universities and institutes and Staff members 2003 specialize in the field of Asian Studies. They advise the Board on the research policy of the institute. The Academic Committee is also - Prof. Wim Stokhof concerned with the formulation of research programmes, the Director, 0.7 fte selection of research fellows and the evaluation of scholarly results, as well as the academic policy of the institute. Members are - Dr Anne Sey appointed for an initial period of three years and can be re-appointed Deputy director, 1.0 fte (until July 2003) for another three-year period. - Ilko Batakliev, MA In 2003, meetings of the Academic Committee took place on 21 WWW Officer, 0.8 fte (from October 2003) March, 16 June and 14 October. - Dr Rogier Busser Members of the Academic Committee in 2003 Coordinator of Academic Affairs, 0.5 fte (until October 2003)

- Dr Elly Touwen-Bouwsma, Chair - Ines van Dijk Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD), Amsterdam (until Secretary, 1.0 fte (from 1 April 2003) October 2003) - Afelonne Doek, MA - Dr Gerard Persoon, Chair WWW Officer, o.8 fte (until October 2003) LEI: Centre of Environmental Science (from October 2003) - Denise Donkersloot - Prof. Touraj Atabaki Secretary, 1.0 fte (until 18 March 2003) IISH (from October 2003) - Wouter Feldberg, MA - Dr Ellen Bal Fellow Programme Coordinator, 0.8 fte Free University Amsterdam (VU): Department of Sociology and Anthropology (from October 2003) - Manuel Haneveld IT Manager, 0.9 fte - Prof. Harm Beukers LEI: Department of Medical History - Natasja Kershof, MA Newsletter Editor, 0.8 fte - Dr Jan van LEI: Department of Languages and Cultures of Japan - Heleen van der Minne, MA Secretary Amsterdam Branch Office, 0.5 fte - Dr Peter Ho Wageningen University and Research (WUR): Department of - Anne-Marie Petit Environmental Policy Secretary, 0.9 fte

- Dr Kristoffel Lieten - Marloes Rozing, MA UvA: Department of Sociology and Anthropology (until October 2003) Seminar Coordinator and Financial Manager, 0.8 fte

- Prof. Carla Risseeuw - Lena Scheen LEI: Department of Development Sociology Project Coordinator, 0.8 fte

- Prof. Boudewijn Walraven - Maurice Sistermans, MA LEI: Department of Languages and Cultures of Korea Newsletter Editor, 1.0 fte

- Prof. Erik Jan Zürcher - Rima Sondaite - van Soest LEI: Department of Languages and Cultures of the Islamic Middle ASEM Website, 0.5 fte East(until October 2003) - Inge van Steijn Secretary, 0.9 fte 2003 Secretary to the Academic Committee - Josine Stremmelaar, MA - Dr Rogier Busser Executive Manager 1.0 fte IIAS - Vincent Traag annual report annual Database assistant, 0.5 fte iias - Dr Oskar Verkaaik Coordinator Amsterdam Branch Office, 0.2 fte [ p 11 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

Trainees IIAS fellows and guests in 2003

- Marjolein Arps, 0.8 fte (IIAS Festival) In Leiden - Charlotte Noorlander, 0.8 fte (IIAS Festival) - Anne-Marie Verdel, 0.8 fte (IIAS Festival) - Ahmad Syafi’i Mufid, MA (Indonesia) - MA Xiao Zhen, 0.8 fte (IIAS Survey) - Arief Subhan, MA (Indonesia) - Supaporn Ariyasajsiskul, MA (Thailand) - Dr André Batie () Staff assigned to research programmes and networks - Dr Audrius Beinorius (Lithuania) - Prof. CHANG Mau-kuei Michael (Taiwan) - Dr Nico Kaptein (0.2 fte) - Prof. James T. Collins (Malaysia) Programme coordinator, ‘Islam in Indonesia: The Dissemination of - Jan-Paul Dirkse, MA (the Netherlands) Religious Authority in the Twentieth Century - Dr Peter van Eeuwijk (Switzerland) - Dr Michael Ewing (USA) - Jasper van de Kerkhof, MA (0.8 fte) - Dr Margaret Florey (UK) Reseacher, ‘Indonesianisasi and Nationalisation’ - Dr Alexandra van der Geer (the Netherlands) - Dr Arndt Graf () - Dr Thomas Lindblad (0.2 fte) - Prof. Kenneth J. Hammond (USA) Programme coordinator, ‘Indonesianisasi and Nationalisation’ - Dr HO Ming-Yu (Taiwan) - Dr HOU Yu (PR China) - Dr Ellen Raven (0.2 fte) - Dr Brett Warren Hough () Editor, ABIA: South and Southeast Asia Art and Archaeology Index - Jajat Burhanudin, MA (Indonesia) - Jasper van de Kerkhof, MA (the Netherlands) - Gerda Theuns- de Boer, MA (0.3 fte) - Dr Khoiruddin Nasution (Indonesia) Editor, ABIA: South and Southeast Asia Art and Archaeology Index - Dr Michael Laffan (Australia) - LI Boya, BA (PR China) - Dr Ratna Saptari (0.4 fte) - Dr LIN Wei-Sheng (Taiwan) Network coordinator, CLARA: Changing Labour Relations in Asia - Dr Thomas Lindblad (the Netherlands) - Ms Ilona Manevskaia (Russia) - Dr Margaret Sleeboom (1.0 fte) - Dr Alex McKay () Programme director, SMAP: Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia - Dr Roel Meijer (the Netherlands) Programme - Dr Johan Meuleman (the Netherlands) - Moch Nur Ichwan, MA (Indonesia) - Muhammad Dahlan, MA (Indonesia) IIAS representatives abroad - Dr Simon Musgrave (Australia) - Prof. NAKAMURA Kiyoshi (Japan) - Dr John Kleinen - Noorhaidi Ahmad, MA (Indonesia) Hanoi, Vietnam - Dr Cecilia Odé (the Netherlands) - Dr Jemma Elizabeth Purdey (Australia) - Dr Willem Remmelink - Dr Ellen Raven (the Netherlands) Tokyo, Japan - Dr Bert Remijsen () - Dr RHEE Sang Jik (Korea) - Prof. Jacob Vredenbregt - Dr SADOI Yuri (Japan) Jakarta, Indonesia - Dr Tilar Raj Sareen (India) - Dr Elisabeth Schröder-Butterfill (United Kingdom) - Prof. SHEN Yang (PR China) IIAS extraordinary chairs - SIO Joanna, BA (Hong Kong) - Dr Margaret Sleeboom (the Netherlands) - Prof. Henk Schulte Nordholt - Dr David N. Soo (United Kingdom) (EUR: Asian history) - Dr George Bryan Souza (USA) - Prof. Frits Staal (USA) - Prof. Hein Steinhauer - Dr Lidia Sudyka (Poland) (Nijmegen University: Ethnolinguistics with a focus on Southeast Asia) - Prof. Suhartono (Indonesia) - Prof. Barend Jan Terwiel (the Netherlands) 2003 - Prof. Barend Jan Terwiel - Gerda Theuns-de Boer, MA (the Netherlands) (LEI: Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia) - Mr TOGO Kazuhiko (JAPAN) - Prof. TSAI Dylan (Taiwan) - Dr TSENG Mei-Chiun (Taiwan) - Tsewang Lama (Nepal) annual report annual - Juliëtte van Wassenhove, MA (France)

- Dr WEI Jennifer (Taiwan) iias [ p 12 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

- Prof. Md Salleh Yaapar (Malaysia) IIAS Newsletter - Dr YANG Shu-yuan (Taiwan) - Dr YE Shuxian (China) Editorial staff - Dr YI Jianping (PR China) - Prof. Zohra Ibrahim (Malaysia) - Natasja Kershof, MA, Editor - Maurice Sistermans, MA, Editor

In Amsterdam Regional editors - Dr Farid Alatas (Singapore) - Dr Mehdi Parvizi Amineh (the Netherlands) - Prof. Touraj Atabaki (Central Asia) - Miriyam Aouragh, MA (Morocco) - Netty Bonouvrié, MA (South Asia) - Dr Hanne de Bruin (the Netherlands) - Marjan Boogert, MA (East Asia, Japan) - Dr Chen Hsiu-Li (Taiwain) - Dr Koen De Ceuster (East Asia, Korea) - Dr Ulrike Davis-Sulikowski (Austria) - Dr Sandra Evers (Insular West Asia) - Myrna Eindhoven, MA (the Netherlands) - Dr Stephan van Galen (Mainland Southeast Asia) - Dr Gautam Gosh (USA) - Dr Kenneth Hammond (East Asia, China) - Prof. Darshini Mahadevia (India) - Prof. Thomas Lindblad (Insular Southeast Asia) - Prof. Tri Ratna Manandhar (Nepal) - Mark Meulenbelt, MA (East Asia, China) - Dr Irina Morozova (Russia) - Kristy Philips, MA (Asian Art and Cultures) - Dr Hotze Lont (the Netherlands) - Margarita Winkel, MA (East Asia, Japan) - Prof. Catherine Poujol (France) - Prof. Ben White (the Netherlands, United Kingdom) English language correctors

For further details, see Section 2: IIAS Research: Programmes, - Takeo David Hymans, MA Networks, and Individual Fellows. - Judy Laffan, MA - Jane Nijssen, MA - Elizabeth Saville, MA 2003 annual report annual iias Networks and Fellowships IIAS Research: Programmes,

section 2 [ p 14 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Research programmes 20 January, ‘Racisme? Een betoog voor flexibel groeperen’ [Racism? In Support of Flexible Grouping], Annual lecture. Odeon Theatre, Zwolle. Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia Programme (SMAP) 7 February, ‘Genomics in Asia: Population Genetics and Indigenous Interest Groups in China and India’, IIAS lecture, Amsterdam. Programme director: - Dr Margaret Sleeboom 15-17 February, ‘The Historical Fallacy of Mental Mapping’ Eighth Tsukuba International Bioethics Roundtable, Tsukuba. Main funding organizations: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), IIAS, and 18-19 February, ‘From Cultural to Genetic Identity? Biological Amsterdam School of Social Science Research (ASSR) Concepts and Society’ Japanese and American Dialogue on the Ethical and Social Issues Facing Researchers and Community Co-sponsors: Groups, Tokyo. Dr Sleeboom has received funding from various organizations to visit conferences or institutes abroad: from Sasakawa Foundation for 24 March, ‘Social Science Approaches to Genomics in Asia: A Case- attending TRT8 on Mental Mapping, Tsukuba, Japan (February 2003), Study of Genetic Sampling in China’, Wellcome Unit, and Centre for and from Leiden University Fund (LUF) for attending the conference the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Maths Tower, on Nature, Science, Technology and Religion in , India University of Manchester, organizer: Prof. John Pickstone. (November 2003). 13 June, The Globalization and Genetic Sampling: The Case of Xu Short description: Xiping, ‘Globalization and Science’, University of Amsterdam. This research programme traces the links between social Organizer: Prof. Stuart Blume. marginalization and genetic knowledge in the study of vulnerable minorities, healthcare and population policies, which leads to the 24 June, Kamikaze, Ethnic Nationalism and the Pacific War, following research problems: First, the lack of universal regulation ‘Martyrdom and Terrorism’, University of Amsterdam. Organizer: for genetic sampling by international companies and universities Dr. Oskar Verkaaik. leads to disputable research practices among vulnerable populations; second, bioethical differences between healthcare systems are 22 August, Sampling policies of Isolates of Historical Interest (IHI) expressed in the different meanings allocated to concepts, such as illustrated in the PRC and the ROC, ICAS3, Singapore. informed consent, health, environmental ethics, and family values; and, third, the development priorities and practices of genetic 25-29 November, ‘The role of genetics and its symbolism in society’, screening and testing for congenital diseases in different nation- paper presented at the conference Nature, Science, Technology & states have various consequences for the livelihood and identities of Religion, International Conference in Chennai, India. Organiser: Dr. diverging social groupings. A central question of SMAP is, therefore, J. Azariah. what are the health care needs and interests of different socio-genetic population groups with regards to genetic sampling and genetic Conference testing, and how are they reflected in health care policies? 19-22 August, organizer of panel on Genomics in Asia: Public health care strategies and socio-genetic marginalication, at the conference of the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 3), National University of Singapore, Singapore. Academic activities: Publications - Dr Margaret Sleeboom ‘Monitored Freedom: Party and Research Reforms at CASS’, China Report 39(2) (March-May). Period: 2001-2004 ‘Dealing with Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia: From ‘Organic Topic: The Socio-genetic Marginalisation in Asia Programme (SMAP): Intellectuals’ to ‘Genetic Citizenship’, IIAS Newsletter no. 32 A comparative approach to the relationship between genomics, (November), p.49. governance, and social identity ‘Genomics in Asia: Public health care strategies and socio-genetic Lectures/Papers marginalization’, IIAS Newsletter no. 31, (July) January-June, teaching undergraduate course in the History of Social Anthropology, Anthropology ‘The Human Idea Map: A follow-up of the Human Genome Map?’, 2003 Institute, University of Amsterdam Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 13(3) (May).

August – December, Teaching and setting up of MA Course Social ‘The Limitations of the Dutch Euthanasia Law’, Eubios Journal of Science Conceptualisations of Asia, MACAS programme, University of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) 13(1) (January), Amsterdam pp. 20-6. annual report annual iias [ p 15 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

‘Genomics in Asia and Bioethical Diversity’, CNWS Newsletter 23, Indonesianisasi and Nationalization Leiden University. Programme coordinator: Review of Emiko Ohnuki-Tierney (2002), Kamikaze, Cherry - Dr Thomas Lindblad Blossoms, and Nationalism. The Militarization of Aesthetics in Japanese History. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, Junior research fellow: IIAS Newsletter no.31 (July), p.36. - Jasper van de Kerkhof, MA

Review of Tan Chee-Beng and Cheung Sidney C.H. & Yang Hui Main funding organization: (eds.), Tourism, Anthropology and China. Studies in Asian Tourism The Department of Health, Welfare and Sport in The Hague, the No. 1, Bangkok: White Lotus Press. IIAS Newsletter, no. 30, (March), Netherlands, Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD), p.36. IIAS

Short description: This project is part of the research programme ‘Indonesia across orders. The reorganization of Indonesian society’, administered by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD) in Amsterdam. This research programme has been developed at the request of the Dutch Department of Health, Welfare and Sport. After an extensive familiarization with the literature during the first year of the project (September 2002 – September 2003), the focus shifted to an examination of both Indonesian and Dutch primary sources illustrating two global types of change in the management of the Indonesian economy at the time of Independence: the rise of new Indonesian business and the improving position of Indonesians within remaining Dutch enterprises. The focus of the research has been on the process of indonesianisasi in the 1950s, with ample attention given to the Depression of the 1930s, the Japanese occupation (1942-1945) and the Revolutionary Period (1945-1949). Surveys were conducted in daily newspapers and news agency reports kept at the National Library in Jakarta to cover macro-economic developments during the 1950s. Information was gathered about the nationalization of Dutch corporate assets in various regions in Indonesia, particularly in Makassar and Padang. In addition, statistical data were collected and processed regarding newly founded companies in Central in the 1950s. The research undertaken in Indonesia led to an in-depth study of the process of indonesianisasi at the Javasche Bank/Bank Indonesia, scheduled to appear in a Dutch-language journal in 2004. The process of indonesianisasi within Dutch enterprises was analyzed by looking in detail at the leading Dutch trading firm of Internatio, drawing on both company archives and interviews. This resulted in a major article to be submitted for publication in an international journal in 2004. Similar case studies concerning other Dutch enterprises in Indonesia are scheduled for the near future to allow a wide coverage of both geographical regions and economic activities. Another important element of these research activities was the establishment of links with three young Indonesian historians focusing on regional developments in West Sumatra, East Java and the Yogyakarta area. Several other areas of research require attention in the near future including the role played by the Indonesian armed forces. Also, the wider historical context of the process of indonesianisasi needs to be examined, drawing on both theoretical models of decolonization and 2003 comparisons with other decolonizing societies in Southeast Asia. annual report annual iias [ p 16 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Academic activities: Islam in Indonesia: The dissemination of religious authority in the twentieth century - Jasper van de Kerkhof, MA (the Netherlands), sponsored by NIOD Programme coordinators: Period: 15 October 2002 – 15 October 2004 - Dr Nico Kaptein (LEI) and - Josine Stremmelaar, MA (IIAS) Topic: Indonesianisasi and nationalism. The emancipation and reorientation of the economy and the world of industry and commerce. Supervisory committee (Project leaders/PhD supervisors): - Prof. Azyumardi Azra (Islamic State Institute Jakarta (IAIN), Indonesia) Conference - Prof. Martin van Bruinessen (Utrecht University (UU)/International 12 December, convenor of the conference Indonesianisasi and Institute for the Study of the Islam in the Modern World (ISIM)) Nationalization: Some Methodological Issues (with Prof. Thomas - Dr Herman Beck (Tilburg University (UvT)) Lindblad), organized by NIOD, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. - Prof. Cees van Dijk (LEI/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV)) - Dr Thomas Lindblad (the Netherlands) - Dr Dick Douwes (ISIM) - Dr Johan H. Meuleman (LEI) Period: 1 October 2002 – 1 October 2006 - Dr Syamsul Anwar (State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga ,Yogyakarta, Indonesia) Topic: Indonesianisasi and nationalism. The emancipation and reorientation of the economy and the world of industry and commerce. Main funding organization: Netherlands Academy for Sciences (Royal Netherlands Academy of Fieldwork Arts and Sciences (KNAW)) January and July: Fieldwork in Jakarta, Medan and Yogyakarta. In addition, archival research was undertaken in The Hague and Co-sponsors: Rotterdam. ISIM, IIAS, CNWS PPIM, Centre for the Study of Islan and Society of the Universitas Lectures Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah (State Islamic University, UIN), 15 July, `The Economic Side of Decolonization’, at LIPI (Indonesian Jakarta Organization for Science), Jakarta, Indonesia. Short description: 6 October, ‘Indonesianisasi en nationalisatie: Toelichting', at NIOD, This four-year cooperative research programme, which started on 1 Amsterdam, the Netherlands. January 2001, is executed within the framework of the Cultural Agreement between Indonesia and the Netherlands, and entails a 10-11 October, several lectures in context of intensive training of research effort involving specialists from Indonesia, the Netherlands, Indoensian historians organized by LIPI at Cikarang and Jakarta, Egypt, Australia, Canada and elsewhere. The programme aims to Indonesia. study and document important changes which have occurred in Islamic authority in Indonesia during the past century and which Conferences have contributed significantly to the shaping of contemporary 12 December, `Indonesianisasi and Nationalization: Some nationhood. As the twentieth century has undergone a period of Methodological Issues’ (with Jasper van de Kerkhof), Conference rapid change as the result of a spectacular rise in literacy, organized by NIOD, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. urbanization, economic growth, and the increasing visibility and influence of the state, among other things, the process of Publication dissemination of religious authority has acquired highly dynamic ‘The importance of indonesianisasi during the transition from the and complex characteristics. 1930s to the 1960s’, Itinerario 26 (2002) 51-71. The programme focusses on four advanced research projects, which are concerned with the most important areas of religious dissemination in Indonesia over the century. Each of these programmes should result in book-length studies. As a spin-off to the joint research efforts in the final year of the project, a preliminary hand list of Indonesian Islam personalities in the twentieth century will be produced.

Projects: 2003 a) Ulama and fatwa: The structures of traditional religious authority in twentieth century Indonesia - Prof. Cees van Dijk (LEI/KITLV), project leader and PhD supervisor

This part of the project focuses on the institution of fatwa, which is a annual report annual legal opinion of a traditional Islamic scholar (ulama) who gives this

iias opinion at the request of a person, or a group of persons, or [ p 17 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

organization. A fatwa deals with controversial issues and in it the PhD students: ulama establishes whether or not the issue at stake is congruent with - Jajat Burhanudin, MA (Indonesia) Islamic Law. In this way fatwas might play a role in the - Muhammad Dahlan, MA (Indonesia) accommodation of new or controversial phenomenon (like, for - Moch. Nur Ichwan, MA (Indonesia) instance, family planning) with Islam. A major focus of research in - Ahmad Syaf’i Mufid, MA (Indonesia) this part of the project is concerns the function fatwas might have in - Noorhaidi, MA (Indonesia) the shaping and reshaping of beliefs and practices in Indonesia. - Arief Subhan, MA (Indonesia) b) Tarekat: Mystical associations in urban communities in twentieth Programme activities: century Indonesia In June a successful seminar on education took place in Makassar, - Prof. Martin van Bruinessen (UU/ISIM), project leader and Indonesia, entitled The Bugis and its role in the development of PhD supervisor Islamic educational institutions in the archipelago in the 20th century. Established widely throughout the Malay Archipelago (Nusantara), Although tarekat (Muslim brotherhoods) are strongly associated with Bugis people constitute an umbrella of South Sulawesi ethnic rural societies, recent research has shown that these brotherhoods groups. These include Buginese, Makassarese, Mandarese, and often replace traditional social networks, which have disappeared due Torajanese. Unlike other ethnic groups disseminated throughout the to migration of the population to the city. In this part of the project area, including the Batak and Minang people, Bugis remain a closely- the dynamics and dissemination of tarekat-based authority in urban knit community – establishing their own ethnic, cultural and centres will receive systematic attention, which has been largely educational networks, such as Kerukunan Keluarga Sulawesi Selatan neglected until now. Among the issues addressed will be: the (KKSS), wherever they settle in Southeast Asia. The main objective of composition of tarekat leadership and its following; the strategies to this workshop was to observe the voluntary travels of Bugis people sustain and enlarge the tarekats; and the social functions of tarekats. who settled down within the Nusantara; to explore how Islamic teachings are spread through these individuals and the religious c) Dakwah organizations and activities in urban communities in educational institutions they implemented in the twentieth century. twentieth century Indonesia The papers of the seminar are currently being prepared for - Prof. Herman Beck (UvT), project leader and PhD supervisor publication.

Dakwah, or propogation of faith, is one of the main forms of From 4 to 6 September the conference Sufism and the Modern, took networks of religious authority and, by definition, the main place in Bogor. Prof. Van Bruinessen convened this international instrument of dissemination. In contrast to traditional dakwah conference in conjunction with PPIM (UIN Jakarta) and others. The organizations, which sought to disseminate Islamic values through scope of the conference was wider than just Indonesia. The following education, modern dakwah does this through welfare programmes researchers attached to the programme dealt with the Indonesian also. Nearly all types of religious organizations are currently active in situation: Azyumardi Azra, Martin van Bruinessen, Ahmad Syafi’i dakwah. In addition to private dakwah organizations, the state is also Mufid and Michael Laffan. nowadays active in this field. An important part of this research includes the production of an inventory of Indonesian dakwah From 24 to 26 October a workshop on Religious Networks between movements and, on the basis of this, the establishment of a typology the Middle East and Southeast Asia brought scholars, activists, and of dakwah movements. diplomatic personnel from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the together in Cairo to discuss aspects of d) Education and the dissemination and reproduction of religious historical and contemporary relationships between these two authority in twentieth century Indonesia important areas of the Muslim world. The programme was organized - Dr Dick Douwes (ISIM), project leader in conjunction with the Institute for Gender and Women's Studies at - Dr Johan Meuleman (LEI), project leader the American University in Cairo, and was convened by former - Prof. Azyumardi Azra (IAIN, Jakarta), PhD supervisor research fellow, Dr Mona Abaza (AUC) and Dr Nico Kaptein. This meeting established a forum for discussing issues related to trans- The dissemination of religious ideas, rituals and values has always regional networks incorporating contributions from a wide variety of been a primary goal of education. One of the main aims of this perspectives ranging from the historical and anthropological, to the project is to create an inventory and a typology of the various forms of political and philosophical. Islamic education in Indonesia, paying particular attention to the more advanced stages of religious education (madrasah aliyah and On 16 December, the annual programme workshop entitled Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Islamic State Institute, IAIN). The and the Dissemination of Islamic Religious Authority in Contemporary research questions focus on the educational strategies of the most Indonesia took place. This workshop was convened by Prof. H. Beck, important actors in the field, including the state, and the effects on and Moch Nur Ichwan, MA, with organizational assistance from the relationship between religious and political authority. Josine Stremmelaar. The workshop took place at Tilburg University, and was attended by some 30 participants, from Indonesia, Malaysia 2003 Research fellows: and the Netherlands. It is envisaged that a selection of the papers will - Dr Andi Faisal Bakti (Indonesia) be published. - Dr Michael Laffan (Australia) - Dr Johan Meuleman (the Netherlands) annual report annual

Visiting exchange fellow: iias - Dr Nasution (Indonesia) [ p 18 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Academic activities of fellows involved: 16-18 May, ‘ Kahar Muzakkar’s followers and their activities: Various ways in organizing themselves against Javanese Hegemony’, paper - Ahmad Syafi’i Mufid, MA (Indonesia) presented at the conference on Sectarian Violence in Eastern Indonesia: Causes and Consequences, organized by the Center for Period: 1 June 2001 – 1 Juni 2005 Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA.

Topic: Sufi orders in a modern urban middle class environment, Jakarta, 5-8 June, ‘Bugis and Islam: The Spread of the DDI in the Malay Indonesia Indonesian Archipelago’ , paper presented at the International workshop on Bugis Diaspora and the Dissemination of Muslim Lectures/papers Authority in the 20th Century Malay-Indonesian Archipelago, organized 4-6 September 2003, ‘Sayap-sayap Jibril: Sufisme perennial by IIAS, the Netherlands in cooperation with the IAIN Alauddin Salamullah’ [Gabriel’s wings: the perennial Sufism of Salamullah], Makassar and the participation of the government of the Province of paper presented at the international conference Sufism and the South Sulawesi, at the Makassar Golden Hotel, Indonesia. Modern, Bogor, Indonesia. 1-2 September, ‘Paramadina and Nurcholish Madjid’s Engagement in Publications Civil Society in Indonesia’ , paper presented at the Open Science ‘Tarekat di Jakarta’ [Sufi orders in Jakarta], Tsaqofah (Journal of the Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia. Alumni Association of the IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah in cooperation with PPIM Jakarta), 1(1). September, Dakwah and Journalism, lectures/seminars given to MA students, Post-Graduate Studies Programmw, Syarif Hidayatullah ‘Kerukunan Umat Beragama dalam Perspektif Sufisme’ State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. [Interreligious harmony in the perspective of Sufism], Harmoni: Multikultural dan Muli Religius 5(2). Journal of the Centre for the October, Dakwah and Media Communication, lectures/seminars given Study of Religious Life of the Research Desk of the Ministry of to MA students, Post-Graduate Studies Programme, Syarif Religious Affairs. Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

‘Tentang Salamullah’ [On the Salamullah movement], Dialog. _____, Intercultural and Religious Communication, lectures given to undergraduate students Faculty of Communication, Syarif - Dr Andi Faisal Bakti (Indonesia) Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Period: 17 June 2002 – 17 December 2003 10-14 December, (with Mashadi Said) ‘Toddo’ Puli Temmalara’: Jendela dengan Kaca yang Bening tentang Manusia Luwu’, Topic: Majlis Taklim, Pengajian and Civil Society: How do Indonesian (Unchanged Commitment: Pure Mirror of Bugis Luwu People), Majlis Taklim and Pengajian contribute to civil society in Indonesia? paper presented at Galigo Festival and Sawerigading international Seminar, at Masamba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lectures/papers 17 January, ‘ Social Conflicts in Southeast Asia: The Case of 16 December, ‘Daarut Taihiid and Majelis Azzikra: New Approaches Indonesia’ , public lecture given at the School of Social Sciences, York to Dakwah for Civil Society in Indonesia’, paper presented at Tilburg University, Toronto, Canada. University, the Netherlands, organized by IIAS.

10 March, ‘Media within the Perspective of Social Sciences’, public Conferences lecture given at the Department of Communication, Plymouth 6-8 June, organizer of the conference Bugis Diaspora and the College, New Hampshire University, USA. Dissemination of Muslim Authority in the 20th Century Malay- Indonesian Archipelago, (held at Hotel Sahid, Makassar, Indonesia April-May, Psychology of Communication, lectures given to (25 speakers presented papers). undergraduate students, Faculty of Communication, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. 10-14, organizer of the seminar Galigo Festival and Sawerigading International Seminar, held at Masamba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. 1 and 8 May, Textual Analysis in Communication Studies, lectures/seminars given to Doctoral students, Post-Graduate Studies, Publications Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. ‘Communication and Dakwah: Religious Learning Groups and Their Role in the Protection of Islamic Human Security and Rights for 5 and 12 May, Western Cultures and Languages: A communication Indonesian Civil Society.’ In Wayne Nelles (ed.), Comparative analysis, lectures given to undergraduate students Faculty of Education, Terrorism and Human Security: From Critical Pedagogy to 2003 Communication, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Peace Building? New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp 109-125. Jakarta, Indonesia. ‘Human Factor Characteristics and the McGill-IAIN Project.’ In 7 and 28 May, Basic and Legal Document Translations: An intercultural Senyo Adjibolosoo (ed.), The International Development Program of communication perspective, lectures given for the Post-Graduate Activities: What Are We Doing Wrong? Bloomington: 1st Books. Pp annual report annual Programme, Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia. 231-264. iias [ p 19 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Arief Subhan, MA (Indonesia) Aristotle: A Critical Reading of Sawn al-Mantiq wa al-Kalam ‘an Fannayn al-Mantiq wa al-Kalam’ presented by Mufti Ali, Leiden, the Period: 25 June 2001 – 25 June 2005 Netherlands.

Topic: The Changing Role of the Indonesian Madrasah and the 15 May, discussant in INIS Ph.D seminar Introducing New Religious Dissemination of Muslim Authority Ideas to Indonesia’s Mathlaul Anwar: K.H. Uwes Abu Bakar (1939- 1973), presented by Didin Rosidin. Lectures/papers 5-8 June, ‘Pesantren Hidayatullah: Konsepsi dan Ideologi sebagai Publications gerakan Sosial’ [The Pesantren hidayatullah: A Conception and ‘Ulama and Pembetukan Umat: Pengalaman Indonesia’. In jajat Ideology as a Social Movement], presented at the seminar The Bugis Burhanudin and Ahmed Baedowi (eds.), Transformasi Otoritas Diaspora and the Dissemination of religious Authority in the twentieth Keagamaan dalam Islam Indonesia, Jakarta: PT Gramedia and PPIM. century Malay-Indonesian Archipelago, Makassar, Indonesia. Pp 1-50.

‘Fitnah and freedom of expression in Islam’, article written within (Co-author), Mutiara Terpendam: Wanita dalam Pandangan Ormas the course Tafsir Maudlu’I, postgraduate programme UIN, Jakarta, Islam’ [The Hidden Treasure: Muslim Organizations’ Perspective on Indonesia. Women], Jakarta: PT Gramedia and PPIM.

Publications (Co-editor), Transformasi Otoritas Keagamaan dalam Islam Indonesia, Review of Jonge, H. de and N.Kaptein (eds.) Transcending Borders: Jakarta: PT Gramedia and PPIM. Arabs, Politics, Trade and Islam in Souheast Asia (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2002), entitled ‘Diaspora Hadrami di Asia Tenggara’, Studia Islamika - Dr Nico Kaptein (the Netherlands) Indonesian Journal for Islamic Studies 9:3. Period: 1 January 2001 – 1 September 2005 Review of Musthafa Muhammad al-Thahan, al-Mar’ah fi Maukib al- Da’wah, Kuwait: al-Markaz al-Islamy al-Alimi (1998), within the Topic: Islam in Indonesia: The dissemination of religious authority in the course The Study of Dakwah and Education Manuscript, postgraduate twentieth century programme UIN, Jakarta, Indonesia. Lectures/papers ‘Kyai Ali Maksum, Ulama NU Beraliran Modernis’. In Jajat 28 August, ‘European Dress and Muslim Identity in the Netherlands Burhanudin and Ahmad Baedowi (eds.), Transformasi Otoritas East Indies’, paper presented at the LISOR Conference on Religious Keagamaan, Pengalaman Islam Indonesia, Jakarta: PT Gramedia dan Pluralism, Leiden, the Netherlands. PPIM UIN Jakarta. 1-2 September, ‘The Dutch contribution to the study of Indonesian - Jajat Burhanudin, MA (Indonesia) Islam after the Second World War’, lecture given at the Open Science Meeting Back to the Future, Cultural Agreement Indonesia - the Period: 15 September 2001 – 15 September 2005 Netherlands, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Topic: The Making of Islamic Modernism: The Transmission of Islamic 9 September, ‘Colonial and post-colonial approaches to the study of Reformations from the Middle East to the Malay-Indonesian Archipelago Indonesian Islam’, lecture given at the Program Pembibitan Dosen, in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Fieldwork 12 September, ‘Fatwas as a means to understand Islam in Indonesia’, 24 November 2002 – 24 April 2003, fieldwork in Jakarta, Yogyakarta paper presented at the Institute of South-East Asian Studies (ISEAS), and some areas in West Java. Singapore.

21 November 2003 – January 2004, fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur, 6 December, ‘Islamische Debatte über Kleidung in Niederländisch- Malaysia. Indien am Anfang des 20.Jahrhunderts’, lecture given at Universität zu Köln, Germany. Lectures/papers 24-25 October, ‘Presenting New Islam: The Rise of Islamic Publications Publications in Indonesia’, paper presented at the workshop Religious (Editor), Kekacauab dab kerusuhan: tiga tulisan tentang Pan-Islamisme Network between the Middle East and Southeast Asia, organized by IIAS di Hindia-Belanda Timur pada akhir abad kesembilan belas dan awal and the Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies, American avad kedua puluh, Jakarta/Leiden: INIS Materials 43. University of Cairo, Egypt. 2003 (Together with Michael Laffan), Conference report Fatwa and the Other activities Dissemination of Religious Authority, IIAS Newsletter no. 30 (March), January – June, attendee at ISIM Staff Seminars, Leiden, the p. 47. Netherlands. Review of Sayyid Abubakar bin Ali bin Abubakar Shahabuddin, report annual

1 May, discussant in INIS Ph.D seminar Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti and Rihlatul Asfar: otobiografi Sayyid Abubakar bin Ali bin Abubakar iias [ p 20 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Shahabuddin, translated by Ali Yahya, 2000 [1421], Archipel 65: 208- Review of R. Cribb (2000), Historical Atlas of Indonesia, Crossroads 17. 210. Review of H. de Jonge and N. Kaptein (2002), Transcending borders: - Dr Michael Francis Laffan (Australia) Arabs, Politics, Trade and Islam in Souheast Asia (Leiden: KITLV Press, 2002). Archipel 64:210-11. Period: 1 January 2002 – 31 December 2004 Review of Mrazek (2002), Engineers of happy land. Bijdragen tot de Topic: Sufis and Salafis: A century of conflict and compromise in Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 159-4:638-40. Indonesia Review of Riddell, Islam and the Malay-Indonesian World: Transmission Lectures/papers and Responses, Crossroads 17. 1 March, ‘The Fatwa debated’, public lecture given at State Institute for Islamic Studies, Yogyakarta. - Dr Johan Meuleman (the Netherlands)

30 March, ‘Sufis and anti-Sufis in the Jawi Public Sphere’, paper Period: 1 January 2001 – 31 December 2004 presented at the IIAS/MIALS sponsored panel Conflict and unity in Southeast Asian Islam, AAS annual meeting, New York City, USA. Topic: Dakwah organizations and activities in urban communities

1 April, ‘An Indonesian community in Cairo: Continuity and change From 1 January 2001, Johan Meuleman has held a half time in a cosmopolitian Islamic milieu’, paper presented to the SEAP secondment with IIAS for research on Dakwah (Islamic religious seminar, Cornell University, New York, USA. propagation) organizations and activities in Indonesian urban communities during the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries 5 April, ‘From alternative medicine to national cure: The Indonesian in the framework of the programme Islam in Indonesia: The periodical Sufi’, paper presented at the conference on modern Dissemination of Muslim Religious Authority. During the third adaptations of Sufism, Centre for Modern Oriental Sutudies, Berlin, year of this four-year assignment, he mainly conducted library Germany. research on different aspects of his topic. The issues that received special attention included the related phenomena of dakwah 5 September, ‘Crisis and representation: the Indonesian journals Sufi pembangunan (development dakwah) and dakwah bil-hal (dakwah and Salafy’, paper presented at the international conference Sufism through deeds or dakwah through example). He did additional and the Modern, Bogor, Indonesia. research on contemporary developments in Islamic education in Indonesia. He also remained involved in the publication and 23 October, ‘Saving Indonesia with Sharia: Islam as the answer’, further development of the INIS Newsletter, which, although paper presented at Griffith Asia Pacific Research Institute, Griffith formally part of the Indonesian-Netherlands Cooperation in University, Queensland, Australia. Islamic Studies programme, will be very useful as a source of documentation to the Islam in Indonesia programme. In addition, 16 December, ‘Dakwah of a different kind’, paper presented at the he continued the supervision, together with Prof. Dr Azyumardi workshop Dakwah and the Dissemination of Islamic Religious Authority Azra (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta) of two PhD candidates in Contemporary Indonesia, annual workshop within the framework of involved in the Education (sub-) project of the same research the Islam in Indonesia project, Tilburg, the Netherlands. programme and, together with Dr Dick Douwes (ISIM, Leiden), coordinated this Education project. Conference 30 March, organizer of IIAS/MIALS sponsored panel Conflict and Fieldwork unity in Southeast Asian Islam, AAS Annual Meeting, New York City, 4-14 June, Makassar and Jakarta, Indonesia (interviews with various USA. persons involved in dakwah and Islamic education);

Publications 22-28 September, Jakarta (interviews with various persons involved ‘Between Batavia and Mecca: Images of Agoes Salim from the Leiden in dakwah and Islamic education). University Library’, Archipel 64: 109-22. Lectures/papers ‘The tangled roots of Islamist activism in Southeast Asia’, Cambridge 10 May, ‘The position of the Muslim Community in Indonesia: Review of International Affairs 16-3 (October): 397-414. Experiences from the Past and Prospects for the Future’ in the framework of the seminar “The Future of Indonesia”, organized on ‘New charts for the Arabic ocean: Dictionaries as indicators of the occasion of the yearly convention of the Dutch branch of the changing times’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 159(2-3): alumni association of Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia. 2003 351-87. 9 June, ‘Islam dan Globalisasi’ [Islam and Globalization; in ‘When kiais came to Cairo’, Archipel 66: 5-12. Indonesian], postgraduate programme, IAIN Sultan Alauddin, Makassar, Indonesia. ‘Writing from the colonial margin: The letters of Aboe Bakar annual report annual Djajadiningrat to Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje’, Indonesia and the 27 September, ‘Islamic Institutions for Higher Education.

iias Malay World 31/91: 356-80. Possibilities and Impossibilities in the West’, discussion of seminar [ p 21 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

paper, postgraduate seminar at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Review Michael Francis Laffan, Islamic Nationhood and Colonial University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia; The umma below the winds, London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 159 (4): 640-643. 9 October 2003, lecture on ‘the international dimensions of radical Muslim movements in contemporary Indonesia’, postgraduate - Moch. Nur Ichwan, MA (Indonesia) course in international relations, Webster University, Leiden, the Netherlands. Period: 10 April 2001 – 10 April 2005

23-25 September, ‘Islamic Institutions for Higher Education. Topic: Dakwah, Politics and Democratization: Muslim Political Possibilities and Impossibilities in the West’ presented at the Discourses in the Post-Soeharto Era International Conference Islam and Scientific Methodology, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. In Fieldwork cooperation with the League of Islamic Universities. August – November 2003, fieldwork in Indonesia on the topic ‘The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Statist Islamic Discourse in Post- 16 December, ‘Dakwah Pembangunan and Dakwah Bil-Hal. Soeharto Indonesia’. Domestic and Foreign References’ paper presented at the workshop Dakwah and the Dissemination of Islamic Religious Authority in Lectures/papers Contemporary Indonesia, annual workshop within the framework of 20 June, ‘Qur’an, Women and Hermeneutics: Nasr Abu Zayd as a the Islam in Indonesia project, Tilburg, the Netherlands. Feminist’, paper presented at the seminar Islam and Humanism: the Significance of the Work of Professor Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, (in Conference celebration of Prof. Abu Zayd’s 60th birth day) held by El Hizjra, the 22 May, organizer and convenor of workshop on the training of Institute for the Study of Religions (LISOR) and Akad, Amsterdam. Muslim spiritual counsellors in the Netherlands, Schiedam. 19 August, ‘Megawati and Radical Islamism in Indonesia’, paper Other activities contributed to the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 3), 4-5 March 2003, attendee at conference De multiculturele uitdaging. Singapore. Dialoog tussen islam en andere levensbeschouwingen en culturen [The multi-cultural challenge. Dialogue between Islam and other world 18 September, chairing the lecture ‘Radical Islam in South and views and cultures], organized by the Islamic institute for social Southeast Asia’ delivered by Dr. Farish A. Noor at the Institute for the activation, Ihsan; co-chaired a workshop with Prof. Hassan Hanafi. Study of Religion, Society and Human Rights (Samha), Yogyakarta.

15 April, attendee at workshop on ‘Interculturalization of Spiritual 16 October, ‘The Future of Progressive Islam in Indonesia’, lecture in Care’, Utrecht. Indonesian presented at the discussion of FORSTUDIA, Yogyakarta.

5-8 June, attendee at International Workshop The Bugis Diaspora and 14 November, ‘Dakwah Institution and the Learning Self’, lecture in Islamic Dissemination in the 20th Century Malay-Indonesian Indonesian presented at the Children Lovers Institute (SPA), Archipelago, IAIN Sultan Alauddin, Makassar, in cooperation with Yogyakarta. IIAS. 16 December, ‘Development Dakwah: The Ministry of Religious Publications Affairs and National Development’, paper presented at the seminar ‘The position of the Muslim Community in Indonesia: Experiences Dakwah and the Dissemination of Religious Authority in Contemporary from the Past and Prospects for the Future’, Media Ikatan Alumni Indonesia, held by IIAS in cooperation with the Tilburg Faculty of Universitas Airlangga di Nederland: 7-16. Theology.

‘Islam in Indonesië’, Senioren Academie Katernen 2 (August): 45-71. Conference 16 December, organizer of the seminar Dakwah and the Dissemination (together with Moch. Nur Ichwan), ‘Islam in Indonesia: of Religious Authority in Contemporary Indonesia, held by IIAS in Dissemination of Religious Authority in the Twentieth and Early cooperation with the Tilburg Faculty of Theology (co-convenor with Twenty-First Centuries’. In Johan Stapel (ed.), Scientific Programme Prof. Herman L. Beck). Indonesia-Netherlands. Proceedings of a Workshop Held on February 12th 2002 in Bandung Indonesia, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Other academic activities Sciences, Amsterdam. Pp. 27-40. March - April, attendee at the course Discourse Analysis, held by ISIM, Leiden. ‘The Muslim Community of the Netherlands Before and After 2003 September 11, 2001: Some Analytical and Comparative Notes’. In 13-15 March, attendee at the workshop The Anthropology of Islamic Chaider S. Bamualim, Dick van der Meij, and Karlina Helmanita Law, organized by ISIM, Leiden. (eds.), Islam & the West. Dialogue of Civilizations in Search of a Peaceful Global Order, Center for Languages and Cultures, Syarif Hidayatullah 14-15 March, attendee at the workshop Media and the Making of State Islamic University Jakarta and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, History in Contemporary Indonesia, held by CNWS. Jakarta. Pp. 149-174. report annual iias [ p 22 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

1 May, attendee at Edward Said’s lecture on ‘Orientalism once More’, Publications organized by the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague. (co-author), Mempertahankan Tradisi Merayakan Inovasi: 25 Tahun Puslitbang Penda dan Keagamaan, Jakarta: Logos dan Puslitbang 27 August-9 September, participator in the national workshop of the Press. pre-job service of lecturers and civil servants in Yogyakarta. ‘Bagaimana Mestinya Dunia Pendidikan Memahami Nasionalisme’, Publications Tsaqafah 1:3. ‘The Seven-Word Controversy’, IIAS Newsletter no.30 (March), p.23- 24. - Noorhaidi Hasan, MA (Indonesia)

‘Snouck Hurgronje’, Gatra, no. 23 (26 April 2003), pp 47-52 (co- Period: 10 April 2001 – 10 April 2005 author with Deden Ridwan & Asrori S. Karni). Topic: Laskar Jihad: Islam and identity in the era of transition in Meretas Kesarjanan Kritis al-Qur’an: Teori Hermeneutika Nasr Abu Indonesia Zayd, Jakarta: Teraju. Lectures/papers (together with Johan Meuleman), ‘Islam in Indonesia: Dissemination 19-22 August, ‘The Voices of the “Represses”: Anti-Americanism and of Religious Authority in the Twentieth and Early Twenty-First the Quarrel for Power in Indonesia’, paper presented at the meeting Centuries’. In Johan Stapel (ed.), Scientific Programme Indonesia- of the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 3), National Netherlands. Proceedings of a Workshop Held on February 12th 2002 in University of Singapore, Singapore. Bandung Indonesia, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 12-14 December, ‘The Radical Muslim Discourse on Jihad and the Amsterdam. Pp. 27-40. Hatred of Christians’, paper presented at the International Syposium in Indonesia: Perspectives of Power, organized by Johan Translation of Nasr Abu Zayd, Dekonstruksi Gender: Kritik Wacana Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany. Perempuan dalam Islam, Yogyakarta: Samha & PSW, (co-translator with M. Syamsul Hadi). Conference 19-22 August, organizer of ‘After September 11: Islamism in Translation of M. Abed al-Jabiri, Kritik Kontemporer Atas Filsafat Arab- Southeast Asia’ at the meeting of the International Convention of Islam, Yogyakarta: Islamika. Asia Scholars (ICAS 3), National University of Singapore, Singapore.

- Muhammad Dahlan, MA (Indonesia) Publications ‘After September 11: Islamism in Southeast Asia’, IIAS Newsletter Period: 25 June 2001 – 25 June 2005 no.30 (March), p.51.

Topic: The role of the Indonesian State Institute for Islamic Studies in the (Together with Andrée Feillard and Remy Madinier), ‘L’islam Redistribution of Muslim authority: UIN under the New Order. indonésien, au Coeur de toutes les interrogations’. In Stephane Dovert and Remy Madinier (eds.), Les musulmans d’Asie du sud-est face Other activities au vertige de la radicalization, Paris: Les Indes Savantes and IRASEC. 19 March-2 May, weekly ISIM PhD course on “Discourse Analysis”, Leiden, the Netherlands.

25 March, attendee at workshop/ discussion on “The War in Iraq”, led by Prof. Martin van Bruinessen, ISIM, Leiden, the Netherlands.

8 April, attendee at ISIM PhD seminar, J. Samuli Schielke on “...So That There Is Some Discipline: When Discourses of Rationality and Order Enter the Egyptian Mawlid”, Leiden, the Netherlands.

27 May, attendee at lecture by Prof. Margot Badran on “Islamic Feminism and Authority”, ISIM, Leiden, the Netherlands.

3 June 2003, attendee at ISIM PhD seminar, Leiden, Sindre Bangstad on “Global Flows, Local Appropriations: Facets of Islamization among Muslims in Cape Town, South Africa”, Leiden, the 2003 Netherlands.

24 June, attendee at lecture by Dr Dominique Sila-Khan on “Sharing a Sacred Space: Muslims and Hindus in Contemporary India”, ISIM, Leiden, the Netherlands. annual report annual iias [ p 23 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

The Syntax of the Languages of Southern China 27 November, ‘Kóng and k_ng: two types of grammatical change in Southern Min’, paper presented by Hilary Chappell (La Trobe, Programme director: Melbourne/CRLAO, Paris), and ‘Aspects of Vietnamese clausal - Dr Rint Sybesma (LEI) structure’, paper presented by Nigel Duffield (McGill, Montreal/K.U. Nijmegen). Main funding organization: NWO, Vernieuwingsimpuls - LI Boya, BA (China)

Co-sponsors: Period: 1 September 2001 – 31 August 2005 LEI IIAS Topic: The syntax of the languages of southern China, particularly the sentence final particles PhD Students: - LI Boya, BA (PR China) Lectures/papers - SIO Joanna, BA (PR China) 7-10 September, ‘Neg-to-C movement in Chinese negative particle questions’, paper presented at the Third Conference of the European Fellows: Association of Chinese Linguistics, Ghent, Belgium. - Dr SHEN Yang (China) - Dr LIU Xiangbo (China) Other activities - Dr TSAI Wei-tien (Taiwan) 30 June- 8 August, attendee the LSA Linguistic Institute at Michigan State University at East Lansing Michigan, USA (co-funded by LUF and ULCL/FdL). Short description: This research programme aims at describing and analyzing a - Dr LIU Xiangbo (PR China) number of syntactic phenomena in six languages spoken in Southern Funded by the KNAW China and, consequently, comparing them in order to contribute to deepen our understanding of the phenomenon of human language. Period: 1 July 2003 – 30 December 2003 The research focus is on classifiers, modifiers and possessors in the nominal domain; on aspectual particles, resultatives and modality in Topic: The dimunitive suffix in southern dialects of Chinese the verbal domain; and on sentence-final particles. The languages involved in the project are Yue, Wu and Mandarin (all Sinitic) as well Lectures/papers as the non-Sinitic Zhuang (Kadai/Tai), Miao (Hmong-Mien) and Wa 20 November, ‘An analysis of the “one + N” construction in Peking (Mon-Khmer). Mandarin (Beijinghua “yi + ming” jiegou fenxi)’, paper presented at the SoY Linguistics Seminar, Leiden. Programme activities: Major developments this year: due to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory - Dr SHEN Yang (China) Syndrome), several planned field trips to China had to be cancelled. Sio did eventually travel to Hong Kong (18 Nov – 27 Dec 2003), for Period: 6 October 2003 – 4 January 2004 fieldwork/fact finding and consultation with specialists. New initiatives in cooperation with the Chinese department of Peking University lead Topic: Resultatives to expansion of our team: Professor Shen Yang and two of his graduate students will be involved in carrying out part of the project. - Joanna SIO, BA (Hong Kong)

We organized four SoY (South of Yangtze) Linguistics seminars: Period: 1 September 2001 – 31 August 2005

14 March, ‘Syntax of dou-quantification’ , paper presented by Sarah Topic: The syntax of the languages of southern China, particularly the role Clark-Peasey (York), and ‘Free choice: universals vs. indefinites, of the classifier in the nominal domain evidence from Cantonese’, paper presented by Lisa Cheng (LEI). Lectures/papers 10 April, ‘The position of the Tai-Kadai languages’, paper presented 11 - 13 July, ‘The two types of possessive constructions in Cantonese’, by Laurent Sagart (CRLAO, Paris), and ‘Do the Hakka come from the paper presented at the 15th North American Conference on Chinese North?’, paper presented by Barend ter Haar (LEI). Linguistics, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.

20 November, ‘On modal adverbs related to sentential mood (gen 7 - 10 September, ‘Two types of attributive adjectival modification in juzi yuqi youguan de qingtai fuci)’, paper presented by Ma Zhen Cantonese’, paper presented at the Third Conference of the European 2003 (Peking University); ‘Investigation into the sentence final particles Association of Chinese Linguistics, Ghent, Belgium. related to mood and tense (gen juzi de qingtai, shitai youguan de jumo yuqici yanjiu)’, paper presented by Lu Jianming (Peking 6 - 7 December, ‘Two types of possessive constructions in Cantonese’, University), and ‘An analysis of the “one + N” construction in Peking paper presented at the Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Mandarin (Beijinghua “yi + ming” jiegou fenxi)’, paper presented by Hong Kong, held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong report annual

Liu Xiangbo (CASS/Leiden-KNAW). Kong. iias [ p 24 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Other activities Research Networks 30 June- 8 August, attendee the LSA Linguistic Institute at Michigan State University at East Lansing Michigan, USA (co-funded by LUF and ULCL/FdL). ABIA: South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index - Dr Rint Sybesma (the Netherlands) Programme coordinator Project leader: - Mr. S. Lakdusinghe (Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology (PGIAR), Topic: The syntax of the languages of southern China University of Kelaniya, Colombo, Sri Lanka), period 2002-2006

Lectures/papers General editors/network coordinators: 1 February, ‘Modality within the VP or not.’, Taalkunde in Nederland - Dr Sita Pieris (Asian publications) dag, Utrecht (with Lisa Cheng), the Netherlands. - Dr Ellen M. Raven (Western publications)

26 - 27 June, ‘Cantonese lei and ge and finiteness and tense’, 17èmes Main funding organisation: Journées de Linguistique d’ Asie Orientale, CRLAO, Paris, France. Central Cultural Fund (CCF), Colombo, Sri Lanka J.Gonda Foundation, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and 7 - 10 September, ‘You wanna learn about Mandarin? Study Sciences (KNAW), Amsterdam, the Netherlands Cantonese!’ Keynote address at the Third Conference of the International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden/Amsterdam, the European Association of Chinese Linguistics, Ghent, Belgium. Netherlands

24 September, ‘A Chinese perspective on finiteness and tense’, Main offices: Opening address at the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology (PGIAR), University of the ULCL and Opening of the New Academic Year, Leiden, the Kelaniya, Colombo, Sri Lanka Netherlands. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New , India Publications International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden/Amsterdam, ‘Forked modality.’ In Leonie Cornips and Paula Fikkert (eds.), the Netherlands Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003, Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp 13-23. Short description: In 2003, the international ABIA Project, with offices in Asia and the - Dr TSAI Wei-tien (Taiwan) Netherlands, continued to gradually expand its network for maintaining the ABIA Index bibliographical database on South and Period: 6 Oct 2003 – 31 May 2004 Southeast Asian art and archaeology. The two (part-time) ABIA editors at the International Institute for Asian Studies, Dr E.M. Topic: Unselective binding and various wide-scope effects in Chinese Raven and Drs G. Theuns-de Boer, collect and process data on western publications and publish these on the internet at The office receives continued financial support from the J. Gonda Foundation of the KNAW in Amsterdam. In Asia, the ABIA network now also includes an office in Dhaka (Bangladesh), headed by Prof. E. Haque of the International Centre for Study of Bengal Art. The ABIA office for India, recently opened at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in New Delhi, moved into the newly constructed premises, next to the library. Through its website, the IGNCA will offer an easy route to the ABIA Index in the subcontinent. In the first 5-year period of the project Indonesia was involved in the network via an academic annotator sending data to the Leiden office. In 2003 its involvement was intensified to the extent that now a full- fledged office, headed by Prof. E. Sedyawati, is processing ABIA data in Jakarta. The ABIA board aims to find more strongholds in Southeast Asia to cover publications related to the many archaeological excavations, research projects and cultural heritage programs in the region. 2003 Representatives of the various offices discussed the progress of work at the Sixth ABIA workshop hosted by the IGNCA in New Delhi on 1- 2 December. At this occasion, the IIAS editors presented a revised technical manual, updated ABIA software and an ABIA flyer developed in Leiden. Subsequently the delegates participated in a annual report annual seminar on meaningful gestures entitled ‘Mudra: meaning,

iias metaphor and mystique ’, organized by the IGNCA. Several ABIA [ p 25 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

representatives contributed a paper. Dr Ellen Raven read a paper on CLARA: Changing Labour Relations in Asia gesture in Gupta coin design entitled ‘A Ring for the King’. Network coordinator: Dr Ratna Saptari (IIAS/IISH)

Executing body: IISH, Amsterdam

Main funding organization: IIAS

Executive committee: - Prof. Jan Breman (Centre for Asian Studies in Amsterdam, CASA) - Prof. Marcel van der Linden (IISH) - Prof. Jan Lucassen (IISH) - Dr Ratna Saptari (IIAS/IISH) - Prof. Willem van Schendel (UvA) - Prof. Thommy Svensson (National Museum of World Culture, Sweden)

Short description: The research network CLARA: Changing Labour Relations in Asia aims to construct a comparative and historical understanding of labour relations in different parts of Asia, which, at present, are being subjected to diverse historical processes and experiences in terms of their national economies, their links with international markets, and the nature of state intervention. This understanding will be based on the promotion of inter-Asian cooperation and the cooperation between Asian and non-Asian institutions. As in past years CLARA activities revolved around the preparation of seminars, workshops, and maintaining and expanding its networks. It is supported by a worldwide network of specialists on labour in Asia.

Network activities:

Workshops/Seminars Organized 20 – 22 March, Oral History Workshop organized in collaboration with Realino, Institute for Research, Yogyakarta; held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

7 November, CLARA one-day seminar at IISH, Amsterdam.

- Dr Ratna Saptari

Fieldwork 23 March-12 April, fieldwork in Indonesia (Jakarta, Surabaya and Medan) on urban labour history.

8 November-6 December, fieldwork in Indonesia (Jakarta, Surabaya and Medan) on urban labour history.

Lectures 9 September-26 October, course on Contemporary Asian Studies, MA programme, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.. 2003

Conferences 9 May, attendee at the workshop From Crisis to Crisis (part of the KNAW project: Indonesia in Transition) organized by Peter Boomgaard and Ben White. At the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, the Netherlands. report annual iias [ p 26 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

21 June, attendee at the European Global Labour Network, organized Transnational Society, Media, and Citizenship by Marcel van der Linden, IISH, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Network coordinator: 12-13 December, attendee at the NIOD Conference on - Prof. Peter van der Veer (UvA) Decolonization, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Executing body: 17-18 December, participant at the workshop From Crisis to Crisis, ASSR organized by Peter Boomgaard and Ben White, Royal Netherlands Institute for Caribbean and Southeast Studies (KITLV), Leiden, the Main funding organization: Netherlands. NWO, Foundation for the Advancement of Tropical Research (WOTRO) Publications ‘The Politics of Domination and Protest in Indonesia: ‘Marsinah’ and Co-sponsor: its Aftermath’. In Arvind N. Das and Marcel van der Linden (eds.), ASSR, UvA Work and Social Change in Asia. Essays in Honour of Jan Breman. New Delhi, Manohar Publishers. Pp. 131-158. Research fellows:

Other activities PhD students: Member of the Editorial Board of International Review of Social - Miriyam Aouragh, MA (Morocco) History. - Myrna Eindhoven, MA (the Netherlands)

Member of the Editorial Board of Critical Asian Studies. Short description: In July 2000 WOTRO awarded a subsidy to the ASSR and IIAS for the programme ‘Transnational Society, Media, and Citizenship’. This integrated multidisciplinary programme studies the complex nature of contemporary cultural identities and the role which globalization of information and communication technologies (ITCs) plays in the (re) construction of these identities. Although the programme is based in the Netherlands, the projects are conducted at numerous fieldwork sites. The programme consists of several parts, which in 2003 were carried out by two PhD students, Miryam Aouragh and Myrna Eindhoven.

Academic activities of fellows involved:

- Miriyam Aouragh, MA (Morocco) Stationed at the ASSR

Period: 1 May 2001 – 1 May 2005

Topic: The making of a collective Palestinian identity

- Myrna Eindhoven, MA (the Netherlands) Stationed at the ASSR

Period: 1 November 2000 – 1 November 2004

Topic: The Industry of Indigenous Activism: Mentawaian processes of ethnisation and citizenship in post Orde Baru Indonesia (Initial title) Rays of new images: icts, State Ethnopolicies, and Identity Formation among the Menta-waians (West-Sumatra, Indonesia)

Fieldwork January-March, fieldwork in Indonesia. 2003

Lectures/papers 5 June, ‘The Return to the Laggai: NGOs and Ethnisation in an Era of Regional Autonomy, Mentawai Archipelago, Indonesia’, paper presented at the IIAS fellow seminar, Leiden, the Netherlands. annual report annual

iias September-December, various teaching activities at the University of [ p 27 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Individual research fellows

Other activities Besides programme- and network fellows, IIAS yearly hosts a high Attendee at the weekly staff seminars at the ASSR, Amsterdam, the number of individual fellows. In 2003 more than seventy fellows Netherlands. from twenty-three different countries visited the IIAS in Leiden and Amsterdam. This year a shift in the area of research occurred. The broadening of the scope of IIAS on the interaction between soft sciences (humanities and social sciences) and hard sciences has led to a more topical diversity. Some examples of these new areas of research are economics, genetics, law, medicine, and space technology. In 2003 IIAS welcomed fellows sponsored by: Ailion Foundation, the Netherlands; Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR), the Netherlands; Canon Foundation, the Netherlands; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), China; Gonda Foundation, the Netherlands; European Science Foundation (ESF), France; Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternative Development (IDPAD), India/the Netherlands; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan; Korea Research Foundation (KRF), South- Korea; Malaysia Ministry of Education (MOE), Malaysia; Mitsubishi Motors Cooperation, Japan; National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan; Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD), the Netherlands; Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Netherlands; Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education (NUFFIC), the Netherlands; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Netherlands; School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS), the Netherlands.


- Dr CHEN Hsiu-Li (Taiwan) Sponsored by the National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan

Type of fellow: Visiting exchange fellow

Period: 14 January – 14 July 2003

Topic: International product penetration

- Dr Roel Meijer (the Netherlands)

Type of fellow: Research fellow

Period: 3 March – 3 July 2003

Topic: Religion, transnationalism and radicalism

- Dr Bert Remijsen (Belgium)

Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

Period: 1 July 2002 - 1 July 2005 2003 Topic: Hybrid word prosodic systems

Fieldwork April 26-16 June, fieldwork on ‘Descriptive research on the Matbat language’ in Misol Island, Papua, Indonesia. annual report annual iias [ p 28 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Lectures/papers - Prof. Frits Staal (United States) 14 October, ‘Papiamentu prosody and the word-accent type forum’ at the P-workshop, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

Publications Period: 1 September – 1 December 2003 ‘New Perspectives in Word-Prosodic Typology’, IIAS Newsletter no.32 (November), p 29. Topic: Asian Studies and Philosophy

Remijsen, B. and V.J. van Heuven, ‘On the categorical nature of Publications intonational contrasts, an experiment on boundary tones in Dutch’. (With T.P.Mahadevan), ‘The Turning Point in a Living Tradition. In J.M. van de Weijer, V.J. van Heuven and H.G. van der Hulst (eds.) Somayâgam 2003’, Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies 10. The Phonological Spectrum - Volume II: Suprasegmental structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pp 225-246. ‘Simultaneities in Vedic Ritual’, Journal of Historical Pragmatics 4(2):195-210. Hohe, T. and B. Remijsen, ‘Peacemaker for religious conflicts? The value of pela relationships in Ambon’. In M. Ramstedt (ed.) ‘Artificial Languages: Asian Backgrounds or Influences?’, IIAS in Modern Indonesia. A minority religion between local, Newsletter no. 30 (March), p. 15. national, and global interests, (IIAS Asian Studies Series). London: Routledge Curzon. Pp 126-143. Collection Frits Staal. A Catalogue of recordings taken between 1957 and 1980 chiefly in South India and especially of mantras and other ritual - Dr SADOI Yuri (Japan) recitations and chants among the Nambudiri Brahmans of Kerala. Language Media Center. University of California at Berkeley. Type of fellow: Affiliated fellow, sponsored by Mitshubishi Foundation - Dr YI Jianping (China)

Period: September 1999 - August 2003 Type of fellow: affiliated fellow, sponsored by KNAW

Topic: The Problems of Automobile Production Systems Period: 1 December 2003 – 31 May 2004

Publications Topic: Impacts of warfare on the evolution of leadership in ancient history Skill Formation in the Malaysian Auto Parts Industry. Selangor Malaysia: Universiti Kabangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Press. Conferences 12-13 December, Attendee at the symposium entitled The life and times (with Rogier Busser) ‘Introduction’. In: Rogier Busser and Yuri Sadoi of Hattusili II and Tuthliya IV , Leiden, the Netherlands. (eds.), Production Networks in Asia and Europe. Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry . London: Routledge. Publications Pp.1-17. ‘Confederacy of tribes or nation?’, Annual Selections of the Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Nanchang: People’s (with Rogier Busser) ‘Japanese Automobile Makers in Europe and the Press of Jiangxi Province. Organization of Supply System’. In Rogier Busser and Yuri Sadoi (eds.), Production Networks in Asia and Europe. Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry . London: Routledge. Pp.246-257.

‘Producing auto parts in Malaysia. Skill formation in forging and casting’. In Rogier Busser and Yuri Sadoi (eds.), Production Networks in Asia and Europe. Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry. London: Routledge. Pp.187-202.

Busser, Rogier and Yuri Sadoi (eds.), Production Networks in Asia and Europe - Skill Formation and Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry. London:Routledge.

- Dr David N. Soo (United Kingdom) 2003

Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

Period: 4 October 2002 – 4 October 2003 annual report annual Topic: Globalization: an investigation into the emerging Asian space

iias industry. A new force in space? [ p 29 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

11 April, ‘Eurazi_ in Beweging: Uitdagingen and Reacties’, lecture presented at the Nederlands Genootschap voor Internationale Zaken (NGIZ) afdeling Utrecht, Huize Molenaar, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

28 April, Roundtable Conference Abkhasia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Chechnya: Challenges in the Caucasus for the Netherlands OSCE Chairmanships-in-Office, International Press Centre Nieuwspoort, The Hague, the Netherlands.

22 May, ‘Natural Resources and Oil in International Development’, lecture in the context of the course Political Economy of Development in a Globalizing World, Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

2 June, ‘Central Asian Energy Issues’, lecture at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ for the tenth course on International Relations for Diplomats from Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Central Asia Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan) and Mongolia , The Hague, the Netherlands. - Dr Mehdi Parvizi Amineh (the Netherlands) 19 June, Globalization, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Type of fellow: research fellow (Leiden and Amsterdam Branch Eurasia and the Caspian Region’, lecture given at the Netherlands Office) Institute of International Relations, Clingendael, The Hague, the Netherlands. Period: 1 July 2002 – 31 December 2004 11-13 July, ‘Rethinking Geopolitics in Central Asia, Caucasus and the Topic: Conflict, security, and development in the post-Soviet era: toward Caspian Basin, paper presented at the Conference on International regional economic cooperation in the Central Asian region Security and the Asian Heartland, the School of Foreign Service National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Lectures/papers Course Global Politics and the Crisis in Iraq, Department of Political 16-17 October, ‘Global Energy Consumption and Security’, lecture Science, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. given during the course on Vrede en Veiligheid. Het Instituut Defensie Leergangen (IDF), de Koninklijke Marine and Luchtmacht, Course Globalization and Islam: Rethinking Political Islam, the Netherlands. International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 18 November, Casus Kaspische Regio en Perzische Golf: Politiek belangen en belemmeringen, lecture for the ‘CIPE Energy Course: Course Change: Central Asian and Caucasus in transition, Webster Dilemma’s en Keuzes in (Inter)national Energie’, Clingendael University, Leiden, the Netherlands. International Energy Programme, The Hague, the Netherlands.

Course Globalization and Islam: Rethinking Political Islam, 26 November, ‘The political strategic value of the Caspian Sea International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS), Region: exploiting the energy resources of the Caspian Sea’, lecture University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. given at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael, for the Alumni Course for diplomats from Eurasian Course From protectorate to sovereign states: Soviet and post-Soviet Countries, The Hague, the Netherlands. Central Asia and the Caucasus, taught together with Prof. Dr. Touraj Atabaki, International School for Humanities and Social Sciences Conferences (ISHSS), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 19-22 August, organizer of the panel ‘Rethinking Geopolitics in post- Soviet Central Eurasia (Central Asia and South Caucasus)’, at the Course Globalization and Islam: Rethinking Political Islam, Webster Third International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS3), National University, Leiden, the Netherlands. University of Singapore, Singapore.

7 February, ‘Rethinking Geopolitics in Central Eurasia’, paper Publications presented at IIAS, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. [With Henk Houweling] (eds.), Central Eurasia in Global Politics: 2003 Conflict, Security and Development, special issue of the Perspectives on 3 April, Roundtable Conference Post-Cold War Global Politics and New Global Development and Technology (PGDT) 2(4): pp. Types of Islamic Social Forces , read and discussed by Drs Eva Rakel, at the EIAS Roundtable on Economic and Political Impact of the Iraq 'The Crisis in IR-Theory: Towards a Critical Geo-politics Approach'. War on Asia, European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS), Brussels, In Amineh, Mehdi Parvizi and Henk Houweling, (eds.), Central Belgium. Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development, special report annual

issue of Perspectives on Global Development and Technology (PGDT), 3(1): iias 315-335. [ p 30 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

‘The geopolitics of power projection in US Foreign policy: from May, ‘The British in Tibet: from Younghusband to the Chinese colonisation to globalization’ Critical geo-politics and American invasion’; Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Dharamsala, H.P., Practice’, in: Amineh, Mehdi Parvizi and Henk Houweling, (eds.), India) lecture series. Central Eurasia in Global Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development, special issue of Perspectives on Global Development and Technology August, ‘British-Indian Medical Service Officers in Bhutan, 1905- (PGDT) 3(1): 339-380. 1947: A Historical Outline’, paper presented at the 1st International Seminar on Bhutanese Studies, Thimphu (Bhutan). ‘Caspian Oil and Gas Resources in the Global Market’, in: Amineh, Mehdi Parvizi and Henk Houweling, (eds.), Central Eurasia in Global September, ‘Himalayan Medical Encounters: the Establishment of Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development, special issue of Perspectives Biomedicine in Tibet’. Paper presented at the 10th International on Global Development and Technology (PGDT), 3(1): 391-406. Seminar of Tibetan Studies, Oxford University, United Kingdom.

‘The US and the EU in CEA: Relations with Regional Powers’. In September,‘ “For all classes of people”: the IMS dispensary in Amineh, Mehdi Parvizi and Henk Houweling, (eds.), Central Eurasia Gyantse (Tibet) 1905-1910’, paper presented at the International in Global Politics: Conflict, Security, and Development, special issue of Workshop Interweaving Medical Traditions: Europe and Asia, 1600- Perspectives on Global Development and Technology , 3(1): 521-647. 2000, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

‘Caspian Energy: A viable alternative to the Persian Gulf?’, EIAS- October, ‘Political Factors in the Introduction of Western Briefing Papers 03/02, (Brussels: The European Institute for Asian Biomedicine in Tibet’. Paper presented at the Harvard University Studies (EIAS)) (Cambridge, Mass.) Central Eurasian Studies Society Conference.

‘Towards Rethinking Geopolitics’, Central Eurasian Studies Review October, ‘The British in Tibet 1904-1950: Doctors, Diplomats and (CESR), 3(1): 7-8. Spies’, Columbia University (N.Y.) East Asian seminar lecture series.

‘Rethinking geopolitics in Central Eurasia’, IIAS Newsletter no.32 October, ‘Medicine, Modernity, and Memory: the Tibetan Encounter (November), p.49. with Biomedicine’, lecture given at the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, Anthropology department lecture series. Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in the Eurasian Region, The Hague: Clingendael-International Energy Programme. October, ‘Myth and Politics: Indo-Tibetan Relations in History and Colonialism’, lecture given at the University of , USA, History ‘Rethinking Geopolitics: Energy Security in the Eurasian Heartland Department lectures. in the 25th century’, World Affairs, special issue, no. 1, 216 (07), (Ulanbataar: School of Foreign Service, National University of October, ‘The Clash of Systems: 20th Century Interaction of Mongolia, 2003), pp. 5-85. Biomedical and Indigenous Medicine in the Tibetan World’, lecture given at the University of Iowa, USA, Medical history seminar. ‘Impact of the Caspian Energy Supply on the Global Market’, Atlantisch Perspectief, 27(7/8): 27-33. November, ‘Competition or Co-operation? The Interaction of Tibetan and ‘Western’ Medicine. A Case Study’, paper presented at the 2nd [with John Grin], ‘Globalisation, the state system and regionalism: International Congress of Tibetan Medicine, Washington DC, USA. Analysing post-Cold War security, development and democracy in the Mediterranean Region’. In Hans Guenter Brauch, Antonio Marquina, Publications Mahmmed Selim, Peter H. Liotta, Paul Rogers (eds.), Security and the The History of Tibet (3 volumes, 1,840 pages), London and New York: Environment in the Mediterranean in the 20th Century - Conceptualising RutledgeCurzon Press. (Editor). Security and Environmental Conflicts. Berlin et al: Springer. Tibetan History: Tibet and her neighbours, London: HansJorgye Mayer. - Dr Alex McKay (New Zealand) ‘19th century British Expansion on the Indo-Tibetan Frontier: A Type of fellow: affiliated fellow Forward Perspective’, The Tibet Journal, 29 April (Special edition on Tibet and British India, under editorship of A.C. McKay). Period: 1 October 2000 – 1 October 2005 - Dr Irina Morozova (Russia) Topic: The history of Tibet and the Indian Himalayas Type of fellow: affiliated fellow, sponsored by NWO Lectures/papers 2003 April, ‘Indifference, Cultural Difference, and a Porous Frontier: Period: 24 April 2003 – 30 November 2004 Drugs, Diplomacy, and the Politics of the High Himalayas’, paper Topic: Conflict, security and development in the post-Soviet era: towards presented at the Drugs and Empire conference, Strathclyde regional economic cooperation in the Central Asian region. University, Glasgow. annual report annual iias [ p 31 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Fieldwork 29-31 October, ‘Analiz rechi v iskusstve rasskaza’ and ‘Izuchenie i May, field research in Azerbaijan. prepodavanie intonacii’, papers and workshops presented at the Arctic Institute and at the Institute of Northern Minority Problems, 10 July – 1 August, field research in Mongolia. Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Devision. Yakutsk, Sakha Republic. Lectures/papers 22-23 May, ‘Caspian regional groupings: history, development and Publication perspectives’, paper presented at the international conference ‘Zametki o prosodii v odnom arkhangel’skom govore’; (Some notes “Southern Caucasus in the Context of New Geostrategical Relations” on prosody in a dialect of Arkhangelsk). In Wim Honselaar, Eric de organized by Western University in Baku. Haard, Willem Weststeijn (eds.), Die het kleine eert, is het grote weert, Festschrift for Adrie Barentsen. Pegasus Oosteuropese Studies (Poes) 1. 13-17 October, ‘The Public Discussion on the ‘State of Law’ and Amsterdam: Pegasus. pp. 231-254. Contemporary Political Regimes in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus’, paper presented at the conference Law in Central Asia: a - Tsewang Lama (Nepal) historical overview, in Leiden. Type of fellow: research guest ‘Transformation of Central Asian and Caucasian Societies in the Twentieth Century’, paper presented for the staff seminar of the Period: 12 March – 4 April 2003 Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR). Topic: Antecedents of Bon Religion in Tibet Publications ‘Caspian regional groupings: history, development and perspectives’. In editor Southern Caucasus in the Context of New Geostrategical Relations. Baku: Western University, pp. 60-62.

'Some features of Central Eurasian corruption in the era of globalisation'. In: Erol Oral, Ziyad Semedzade (eds.) in Caucasus and Central Asia in Globalization Processes, Baku: Qafqaz University, pp. 152-155.

‘The Mongolian Society in Transition (1921-1924)’. In: A. Kirichenko (ed.), Orient: history, philology, economics, Moscow, pp. (in Russian).

‘Revolutionary Mongols, Lamas and (1921-1941)’, IIAS Newsletter, no.31 (July), p. 24.

(forthcoming) ‘The Public Discussions on the ‘State of Law’ and Contemporary Political Regimes in Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus’. In: W. Johnson and H.Franke (eds.) Central Asian Law: An Historical Overview. The University of Kansas: Journal of Asian Legal History.

- Dr Cecilia Odé (the Netherlands)

Type of fellow: research fellow

Period: 1 July 2002 – 1 July 2004

Topic: Voices from the Tundra and the Taiga

Lectures/papers 20-25 October, ‘Analiz rechi v iskusstve rasskaza’ and ‘Izuchenie i prepodavanie intonatsii’, papers and workshops presented at the Sakhalin Regional Museum and at the Sakhalin State University. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. 2003

25 October, ‘Iz opyta lingvisticheskoi polevoi raboty na zapade provintsii Papua, Indonesia’, two papers with video, slides and other illustrations, presented at the Sakhalin Regional Museum in Yuzhno- Sakhalinsk. report annual iias [ p 32 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

16-19 September, ‘The mounting of a skeleton of the fossil species Candiacervus sp. II’, paper presented at the International Symposium on Insular Vertebrate Evolution, Mallorca, Spain.

Publication ‘External brain anatomy of the Canidae’, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 138: 505-522.

- Prof. Tri Ratna Manadhar (Nepal)

Type of fellow: Senior visiting fellow

Period: 7 May – 8 June 2003

Topic: Capital punishment in Nepal: a historical perspective

South Asia - Ilona Manevskaia, MA (Russia) Type of fellow: Gonda fellow - Dr Audrius Beinorius (Lithuania) Period: 1 April – 30 August 2003 Type of fellow: Gonda fellow Topic: Characteristics of the Commercial Genre in Mahayana Buddhism Period: 1 September 2003 – 31 January 2004 - Dr Lidia Sudyka (Poland) Topic: The early sources and historical development of medieval Indian astrology Type of fellow: Gonda fellow

Publication Period: February - April 2003 ‘The Followers of the Stars: On the Early Sources and Historical Development of Indian Astrology’, Acta Orientalia Vilnensia 4. Topic: Poem of Bhatti: a study

- Dr Hanne de Bruin (the Netherlands) Publication ‘From Asvaghosa to Bhatti: the development of the mahakavya Type of fellow: affiliated fellow (Amsterdam Branch Office) genre’, Cracow Indological Studies, vol.IV-V (2002/2003), pp. 527-546.

Period: 17 April – 10 June 2003

Topic: Kattaikkuttu and Natakam: South Indian Theatre Traditions in Regional Perspective

Publications ‘Challenges to a folk theatre in Tamil Nadu’, Indian Folklore Research Journal (Chennai) 1, 3 (December): 1-14.

‘What practice? Whose practice?’, Oideion: The performing arts world- wide 3:62-72.

- Dr Alexandra van der Geer (the Netherlands)

Type of fellow: research fellow, sponsored by Gonda Foundation

Period: 1 January 2003 – 31 December 2004 2003 Topic: Animals in Stone, Indian fauna sculptured through time

Lectures/papers 16-19 September, ‘The postcranial of the deer Hoplitomeryx’, paper presented at the International Symposium on Insular Vertebrate annual report annual Evolution, Mallorca, Spain. iias [ p 33 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Jan-Paul Dirkse, MA (the Netherlands)

Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

Period: 29 September 2003 – 31 July 2004

Topic: The Intergovernmental Group on Indonesia (IGGI) 1967-1992: Dutch-Indonesian relations in a changing perspective

- Dr Peter van Eeuwijk (Switzerland)

Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

Period: 15 July – 30 October 2003

Topic: Growing Old in the City: Health transition among elderly in North Southeast Asia Sulawesi, Indonesia Publications - Supaporn Ariyasajsiskul, MA (With B. Obrist, Guest Editors) ‘Afflictions of City Life: Accounts from Africa and Asia’, Special Issue Anthropology and Medicine 10 (3). Type of fellow: research fellow, sponsored by CNWS (With B. Obrist and M. G. Weiss) ‘Health, Anthropology and Urban Period: 1 September 2003 – 1 September 2007 Health Research’, Anthropology and Medicine, 10 (3): 267-274.

Topic: Late Ayutthaya’s foreign trade policy: A study in its regional and ‘Urban Elderly with Chronic Illness: Local Understandings and international context with an emphasis on the reign of king Boromakot Emerging Discrepancies in North Sulawesi, Indonesia’, Anthropology (1733-1758) and Medicine, 10 (3): 325-341.

Lectures/papers ‘Alter, Gesundheit und Health Transition in Ländern des Südens. January – June, Course in Thai language I, Leiden University. Eine ethnologische Perspektive’, in: Th. Lux (ed.), Grundlagen der Ethnomedizin. Kulturelle Dimensionen von Medizin. Ethnomedizin - September – December, Course in Thai language II, Leiden Medizinethnologie - Medical Anthropology, Berlin, Dietrich Reimer. University. Pp.228-250.

Publications ‘Growing Old in the City’, IIAS Newsletter no. 32 (November):15. ‘The Siamese throne, the Company and the so-called tin-monopoly at Ligor; the limits of negotiating power and preferential trading rights’, - Dr Michael Ewing (USA) Itinerario (in press). Type of fellow: affiliated fellow - Prof. Jim Collins (USA) Period: 12 September – 30 September 2003 Type of fellow: Senior visiting fellow Topic: Documentation of four moribund Moluccan languages: Eastern Period: 1 October 2003 – 31 October 2003 Indonesia and the

Topic: Towards writing a social and linguistic history of Malay in East Other activities Indonesia 20 September, attendee and facilitator at the workshop Getting to know bahasa tanah which was organized by the Moluks Historisch Lectures/papers Museum in Utrecht. 25 October, lecture given during the workshop on ‘The History of Malay in Ambon’, at the Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht. 27 September, attendee and facilitator at the workshop Developing community programs for bahasa tanah, organized by the Moluks Other activities Historisch Museum in Utrecht. 18 October 2003, attendee at the workshop ‘Masyarakat Adat di Masa 2003 Depan’, organized and held at Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht. 28 September, attendee at the workshop Learning about language change, organised by the Moluks Historisch Museum in Utrecht. Publications ‘Language death in Maluku: the impact of the VOC’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 159 (2-3): 247-289. report annual iias [ p 34 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr Margaret Florey (United Kingdom) ‘Humour in Indonesian politics: a case study of the political marketing of Gus Dur’, IIAS Newsletter, no.31 (July), p. 16. Type of fellow: affiliated fellow - Prof. Zohra Ibrahim (Malaysia) Period: 7 September – 30 September 2003 Type of fellow: affiliated fellow Topic: Documentation of four moribund Moluccan languages: Eastern Indonesia and the Dutch diaspora Period: 6 January 2003 – 20 January 2004

Other activities Topic: Information brokerage and knowledge sharing in Southeast Asia 20 September, attendee at the workshop Getting to know bahasa tanah, organized by the Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht, the - Dr Brett Warren Hough (Australia) Netherlands. During the workshop Florey was the language teacher for the Koako language group (as there are no longer any speakers of Type of fellow: affiliated fellow this language in the Netherlands) and prepared language materials for the Haruku language group and trained the group facilitators. Period: 8 March – 28 June 2003

27 September, attendee at the workshop Developing community Topic: Performing arts in Bali and violence in Bali programs for bahasa tanah, organized by the Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Florey was again the language - Dr Hotze Lont (the Netherlands) teacher for the Koako language group. Florey again prepared language materials for the Haruku language group and trained the Type of fellow: affiliated fellow within the KNAW programme group facilitators. ‘Indonesian Society in Transition’

28 September, attendee at the workshop Learning about language Period: 5 November 2001 – December 2004 change, organized by the Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Florey acted as a co-facilitator for the small group work. Topic: Coping with crises in Indonesia

18 November, keynote speaker at Symposium on Language Shift, - Dr Simon Musgrave (Australia) University of Western Australia, Perth, Language Science group and Institute for Advanced Studies. Presented the paper ‘Emergent Type of fellow: affiliated fellow varieties in language shift: revisiting variation, purism, and the role of the specialist’. Period: 1 September – 30 September 2003

- Dr Arndt Graf (Germany) Topic: Documentation of four moribund Moluccan languages: Eastern Indonesia and the Dutch diaspora Type of fellow: affiliated fellow Other activities Period: 1) 24 February – 31 March 2003 20 September, attendee at the workshop Getting to know bahasa 2) 20 August – 7 October 2003 tanah, organized by the Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Topic: 1) Humor as a tool of political marketing in Reformasi Indonesia 27 September, attendee at the workshop Developing community 2) Political Marketing programs for bahasa tanah, organized by the Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Lectures/papers 2 October, ‘Humour and Reformasi. A case study of President 28 September, attendee at the workshop Learning about language Wahid’s first performance in a variety show’, paper presented at the change, organized by the Moluks Historisch Museum, Utrecht, the Fellows Seminar of the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Netherlands. University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. - Dr Khoiruddin Nasution (Indonesia) Publications Bahasa Reformasi. Polical Rhetoric in Post-Suharto Indonesia. Type of fellow: visiting fellow within the ‘Islam in Indonesia’ Habilitation thesis, Asia-Africa-Institute, University of Hamburg. programme 2003 329 p. Submitted in October 2003, defended in March 2004. Period: 30 October 2003 – 26 January 2004 ‘Publication Trends in Internal Indonesian Studies. The Asia-Pacific Region as a New Gravitation Centre’, IIAS Newsletter no.30 (March), Topic: Women in Dakwah discourse: A study of Friday Sermon Texts in p. 26-27. contemporary Indonesia annual report annual iias [ p 35 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Prof. Md Salleh Yaapar (Indonesia) 27-29 June, 7th International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics [ISMIL], Nijmegen University, Nijmegen. (Chaired the Type of fellow: professioral fellow, holder of the European Chair of keynote address and another session). Malay Studies 8-10 July, attendee at the workshop on “Asian Modernity and Islam: Period: 5 February 2003 – 5 February 2005 the Case of Malaysia,” organized by Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen, Germany. Topic: Pantun and Pantoun: A study in Malay-European literary relations 28-30 July, attendee at the annual meeting, International Council for Malay Language, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Presented country Lectures/papers report). Teaching BA Programme (Department of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania, Faculty of Letters, Leiden University): 31 July – 1 August, attendee at the seminar on Malay Language Course on Malay-Indonesian Literature (with another faculty Development in conjunction with the annual meeting of the member). International Council of Malay Language, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

‘Malay Language: Hitory, Development, Policy and Literature’, 16 December, attendee at the workshop on Dakwah and the lecture given within the MA Program (Comparative Asian Studies, Dissemination of Religious Authority in Indonesia, Tilburg University. Leiden University): Course on Languages of Asia, Leiden, the Netherlands. Publications ‘The Impact of Globalization on Muslim Values and Culture’. In: Siti MA Programme (Comparative Asian Studies, Amsterdam Fatimah Abdul Rahman (ed.), The Impact of Globalization on Social University): Course on Southeast Asia - Contested Identities: and Cultural Life: An Islamic Response (Kuala Lumpur: Institute of “Negotiating Identities in Malaysia: The Case of Literature, Theatre Islamic Understanding, Malaysia), pp.159-175. and Tourism.” (Guest lecturer). ‘A Postcolonial Poet with a Quest for Identity: Interview with 23 April, ‘Muhammad Haji Salleh: a Malaysian Postcolonial Poet with Malaysian Literary Laureate, Muhammad Haji Salleh’, IIAS Newsletter a Quest for Identity’, IIAS Seminar on Literature in Asia, Leiden. no.32 (November), pp. 16-17.

23 May, ‘Malaysian Literary Laureates: an Appraisal’, presented at the ‘Sastera Kebangsaan Malaysia: Semerbakkan Harumnya Ke Persada Seminar on Malay Literature, organized by Dewan Bahasa dan Dunia’, Dewan Sastera (October). Pustaka and SOAS, London. - Prof. NAKAMURA Kiyoshi (Japan) 27 May, ‘Malaysian Literary Laureates: an Appraisal’, at the International Seminar on Malay Literature, organized by Dewan Type of fellow: affiliated fellow, sponsored by the Japan Society for Bahasa dan Pustaka and IIAS, Leiden. the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and NWO

20 June, ‘Islam, Muslims and the Challenge of Globalization’, at the Period: 15 January – 31 August 2003 IIAS Seminar, IIAS, Amsterdam. Topic: Ethnography of Balinese Adat in the context of post-colonial and 31 July, ‘Malay Studies, Dutch Scholarship’, lecture delivered at post New-Order Indonesia Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. - Dr Jemma Purdey (Australia) 5 August, ‘Malay Studies, Dutch Scholarship’, lecture delivered at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

11 December, ‘Malay-Dutch Relations’, informal lecture (addressed to Period: 1 November 2002 – 31 January 2003 the Malaysian-Indonesian-Brunei community) at the Malaysian Embassy, The Hague, the Netherlands. Topic: Representations of violence and possibilities for reconciliation in Indonesia: ethnic Chinese Indonesians after May 1998 11 December, ‘Malay Pantun in the Western World’, lecture delivered on Malaysian Literature Day at the University of Hamburg, Germany. - Dr Tilar Raj Sareen (India)

12-13 December, ‘Ecumenism in Indonesian Literature: Amir Type of fellow: affiliated fellow Hamzah’s Appropriation of ‘The Song of Songs’ of the Bible’, paper 2003 delivered at the seminar on Christianity in Indonesia: Perspectives of Period: 23 July – 15 August 2003 Power, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany. Topic: The Japanese prisoners of war in India, 1942-1946 Other activities 18 June, attendee at the Poetry International Festival, Rotterdam. report annual iias [ p 36 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships]

- Dr Elisabeth Schröder-Butterfill (United Kingdom) 23-26 June, ‘The Portuguese Merchant Fleet at Macao in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries’, paper presented at the Type of fellow: affiliated fellow, sponsored by the European Science symposium Rivalry andConflict: European Traders and Asian Trading Foundation (ESF) Networks, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Period: 28 October 2002 – 31 January 2003 - Prof. Suhartono (Indonesia)

Topic: Javanese language study Type of fellow: senior visiting fellow

Lectures/Papers Period: 19 May – 18 June 2003 23 November, ‘The Differential Impact of Migration on Older People in Indonesia’, paper presented with P. Kreager, Oxford Institute of Topic: Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX: His role in securing the Republic of Ageing Seminar Series. Indonesia, 1945-1949

10-12 September, ‘Land Tenure, Inheritance Patterns and Pensions: - Juliette van Wassenhove (France) The differential role of parental support to children in three Indonesian villages’, paper presented at the Development Studies Type of fellow: affiliated fellow Association Annual Conference Globalization and Development, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, . Period: 16 May – 15 June 2003

‘Intergenerationelle Familienbeziehungen und die Älteren in Java’, Topic: Discursive genealogies of civil society in Southeast Asia: the Forschungscolloquium der Forschungsgruppe Altern und Malaysian case Lebenslauf, Institut für Soziologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. - Prof. Ben White (the Netherlands, United Kingdom)

‘The Study of Intergenerational Family Support in Indonesia: From Type of fellow: affiliated fellow, KNAW Programme ‘Indonesian Living Arrangements to Wealth Flow Types’, paper presented at the Society in Transition (Amsterdam Branch Office) Oxford Institute of Ageing Seminar Series, United Kingdom. Period: 25 September 2001 – 25 December 2004 Conference October – December, co-convenor (with P. Kreager), Oxford Institute Topic: Coping with crises in Indonesia of Ageing Seminar Series Migration and the Elderly.

Other activities Co - editor (with G. Leeson), Oxford Institute of Ageing Working Papers.

Publications ‘Patterns of Kin and Community Support’, IIAS Newsletter no.32 (November), p.13.

Book review J. Breman and G. Wiradi, Good Times and Bad Times in Rural Java, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 159(4): 654- 658.

- Dr George Bryan Souza (USA)

Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

Period: 1 April – 30 June 2003

Topic: The Colonial Port City and the Maritime Trade of Asia: Batavia and Cinnamon, Silver and Opium, 1684-1792 2003 Lectures 10-11 April, ‘Trafficking Indian Opium to China: Portuguese and Chinese Trading Activities, c.1750-c.1830’, paper presented at the conference on Drugs and Empires: Narcotics, History and Modern Colonialism, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland. annual report annual iias [ p 37 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr LIN Wei-Sheng (Taiwan) Sponsored by the NSC

Type of fellow: visiting exchange fellow

Period: 9 October 2003 – 15 March 2003

Topic: Transformation of international trade in Taiwan under Dutch rule

- Dr RHEE Sang Jik (Republic of Korea) Sponsored by the Korean Research Foundation (KRF)

Type of fellow: affiliated fellow

Period: 1 August 2003- 1 August 2004

Topic: The structure of the Korean language: Phonetics, phonology and East Asia morphology

- Dr CHANG Mau-kuei Michael (Taiwan) Lectures/papers 1 February, 'The realisation of final schwa in NK loanword Type of fellow: visiting exchange fellow, sponsored by NSC phonology', paper presented at TaalKunde in Nederland (TIN-Dag), Utrecht, the Netherlands. Period: 1 December 2003 – 1 June 2004 13 June, ‘Epenthesis of [Í] in native and loanword phonology’ (with Topic: The Politics of Privilege in Taiwan J.M. Weijer), paper presented at the 2nd Korean International Conference on Phonology, Seoul, Korea. Academic activity Completed an article entitled ‘The Movement to Indigenize Social Publications Sciences in Taiwan: Its Origin and Predicaments’. 'The realisation of final schwa in NK phonology', in: L. Cornips and P. Fikkert (eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2003, pp.129-140. - Prof. Kenneth J. Hammond (USA) ‘I-epenthesis in native and loanword phonology in Korean’ (with J.M. Type of fellow: affiliated fellow van de Weijer), The proceedings of the 2nd Korean International Conferences on Phonology, pp. 67-80. Period: 1 July 2002 – 1 July 2003 ‘Epenthetic vowels and ptich accent in the loanword phonology of Topic: Life, death and the posthumus career of Yang Jisheng, 1516-1555 North Kyungsang Korean’ (with J. Kim), Eoneohag (Journal of the Linguistic Society of Korean) 37. (written in Korean). - Dr HO Ming-Yu (Taiwan) - Mr. TOGO Kazuhiko (Japan) Type of fellow: visiting exchange fellow, co-sponsored by the NSC Sponsored by the Canon and Ailion Foundation

Period: 18 December 2002 – 18 June 2003 Type of fellow: professorial fellow (Canon professor)

Topic: Law, foreign direct investment and economic development in Period: 1 August 2003 - 1 August 2004 Taiwan, 1992-2002 Topic: Japanese foreign policy - Dr HOU Yu (China) Sponsored by Nuffic Lectures/papers 22 November, Keynote speaker at the Canon Foundation Regional Type of fellow: affiliated fellow Fellow Meeting on ‘Japanese Nationalism and Japan-Europe Dialogue’, Bruges, Belgium. Period: 1 September 2002 – 30 June 2003 2003 Other academic activities Topic: China’s industrial structure and sustainable development after Primarily engaged in writing two manuscripts for publication, one entering WTO on Japanese Foreign Policy 1945-2003 (in English) and another on Japan-Russia Relations from Gorbachev to Putin (in Japanese) annual report annual iias [ p 38 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr TSENG Mei-Chiun (Taiwan) IIAS Alumni Co-sponsored by the NSC Type of fellow: visiting exchange fellow Many fellows who were attached to IIAS are still in touch with the institute. Some of them have published their results in journals, Period: 2 December 2002 – 2 March 2003 monographs, and newsletters this year. The following alumni were affiliated at IIAS in the past five years. Topic: Costs of first-ever eschemic stroke in Taiwan - Dr Mona Abaza (Egypt) - Dr YANG Shu-yuan (Taiwan) Research fellow within the programme Islam in Indonesia: The Sponsored by the NSC Dissemination of Religious Authority in the 20th Century, 2001-2002

Type of fellow: visiting exchange fellow Topic: Rethinking the two Spaces, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Networks, travelling idea's, practices and life worlds Period: 11 September 2003 – 10 December 2003 - Dr Kamran Ali (Pakistan) Topic: Order, Affluence and Violence: the Bunun Experience of the Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Japanese Colonial State Topic: Labour History of Karachi, Pakistan Archipelago Other academic activities Attendee at the ASSR workshop Religious Mediation, Postcolonial - Dr Mahmoud Alinejad (Iran) States and the Subject, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Research fellow within the WOTRO/ASSR/IIAS programme Transnational Society, Media and Citizenship , 2000-2002 Publication ‘Between History and Memory: Dakuanshan Event and Beyond’, Topic: Mass Media, Social Movement, and Religion Humanitas Taiwanica 59. - Dr Noosgoi Altantsetseg (Mongolia) - Dr YE Shuxian (China) Visiting exchange fellow, 1999 Sponsored by the KNAW Topic: Mongol-Sino Relations Type of fellow: affiliated fellow - Prof. Sahid Amin (India) Period: 25 October 2003 – 25 December 2003 Affiliated fellow, 2002

Topic: Listening to the Analects: Oral Tradition and Confucius Topic: Sagas of Victory/Memories of Defeat?: The Long Afterlife of an Indo-Muslim Warrior Saint, c. 1033-2000 - Dr WEI Jennifer (Taiwan) Sponsored by the NSC - Prof. Leonard Andaya (USA) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Type of fellow: visiting exchange fellow Topic: Ethnicities, Identities, Boundaries in the Western Half of the Period: 1 September 2003 – 1 March 2004 Malay-Indonesian Archipelago

Topic: Language choice and identity in emerging democracies: a view from - Prof. Valeri Androsov (Russia) recent Taiwanese political discourse Senior visiting fellow, 1999

Topic: Historiography of the Early Mahayana and Nagarjuna’s Philiosophy

- Dr Cristoph Antons (Australia) Visiting exchange fellow, 1998

Topic: Japan as a Model? - A Comparison of Law and Development in Japan, Singapore and Indonesia 2003 - Dr Arun Bali (India) Affiliated fellow, sponsored by the Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development (IDPAD), 2001

Topic: Elderly Care In India and Netherlands: Interface between state and annual report annual social institutions iias [ p 39 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr Christopher Ballard (Australia) - Dr Colin Patric Metcalfe Brown (Australia) Visiting exchange fellow, 1999 Affiliated fellow, 2000

Topic: Mining and Local Communities in Irian Jaya: freeport Indonesia Topic: A Short History of Indonesia and Amungme history - Dr René Barendse (Australia) Publication Dutch visiting exchange fellow, 1997 - 1998 A Short History of Indonesia: The Unlikely Nation?, Sydney: Allen and Unwin. Topic: The Rise of the Colonial State in Java and India in the 18th Century ca. 1740-1820 - Dr Thomas de Bruijn (The Netherlands) Affiliated fellow, 1998-2001 - Dr William Baxter (USA) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Topic: Nayi Kahani: new stories and new positions in the literary field of Hindi literature after 1947 Topic: North Chinese Dialect History - Dr David Chambers (United Kingdom) - Dr Wolfgang Behr (Germany) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Individual fellow, 1998 Topic: The Politics of Intelligence and Security Work in the Chinese Topic: Forms, Functions, and Foundations of Abloaut in Old Chinese and Communist Party, Based on a Case History of the Careers, Purges, and Beyond Rehabilitation of Pan Hannian and Yang Fan

- Dr Catharina Blomberg (Sweden) - Prof. CHEN Kuo-tung (Taiwan) Visiting exchange fellow, 1998 Professorial fellow, 2000-2001 Co-sponsor: BICER, Taiwan ‘Chinese Economic History’ Topic: The Depiction of Bushi, Arms, Armour and Warlike Scenes in Fourth holder of the European Chair for Chinese Studies Japanse Decorative Art - Dr CHENG Shaogang (the Netherlands) - Prof. Gregory Bongard-Levin (Russia) Individual research fellow, 1997-1998 Gonda fellow, 1998 Topic: The Chinese Community in Batavia 1820-1918. A historical Topic: Eastern Turkmenistan demographic study

- Dr Vibeke Børdahl (Norway) - Dr Freek Colombijn (the Netherlands) Visiting exchange fellow, 2000 Individual research fellow, 1 January 1999 - 1 April 2002

Topic: Chinese Storytelling - the Interplay of Traditions Topic: The Road to Development. Access to natural resources along the transport axes of Riau Daratan (Indonesia), 1950-2000. Publications ‘The Storyteller’s Manner in Chinese Storytelling’, Asian Folklore - Dr Fadzilah Cooke (Australia) Studies, 62(1):65-112. Research fellow, 1 January - 30 June 1998

Book review: Out of the Margins. The Rise of Chinese Vernacular Topic: Forest Resource Use and Politics in Malaysia Fiction. By Liangyan Ge. Honolulu: University of hawai’i Press, 2001. In Chinese Literature. Essays, Articles, Reviews (25: December): pp. 191- - Dr Thomas L. Cooper (USA) 194. Affiliated fellow, 2001

Book review: The Plum in the Golden Vase, or CHIN P’ING MEI. Topic: Traditional Balinese Paintings, especially non-Kamasan, in Dutch Volume Two: The Rivals. Translated by David Tod Roy, Princeton collections 2001. In: Acta Orientalia (64): 303-308. Publication 2002-4 (initiator, with photographer Jette Ross (1936-2001) and ‘Two Paintings Attributable to I Ketut Gede, 19th Century Master webmaster Jens-Christian Sørensen, Nordic Institute of Asian Painter of North Bali’, Archipel 65:145-161. Studies, Copenhagen): Website on Chinese Storytelling 2003 ( English, Chinese and Danish versions. - Dr Joost Coté (country) Affiliated fellow, 1998-1999 - Dr Johannes Bronkhorst (the Netherlands/Switzerland) Senior visiting fellow, 1999 Topic: The Modern Colonial City: Semarang, Society and Culture, 1875 - 1925 Topic: The Tradition of Rational Thought in India: How and why report annual iias [ p 40 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr Helen Creese (Australia) Borneo: Unraveling past and present interactions of people and forests. Visiting exchange fellow, 1997-1998 Bogor (Indonesia): Cifor, Unesco, Ford Foundation and WWF Indonesia. Edited volume with Bernard Sellato and Simon Devung. Topic: Balinese chronicle traditions ‘Imagined models vs historical practices: Tana Ulen and community- - Dr Heidi Dahles (the Netherlands) based management of resources in the interior of Indonesin Borneo.’ Dutch senior fellow, 1998 In G. A. Persoon, D. M. van Est and P. Sajise (eds.), Co-Management of Natural Resources in Asia: A Comparative Perspective. Copenhagen: Topic: Tourism, Heritage, and National Culture: dilemmas of a Javanese NIAS/Curzon Press. Pp. 198-214. community - Dr Erwiza Erman (Indonesia) - Dr DAI Yi-feng (PR China) CLARA fellow, 2001 Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Topic: Violence, Class and Ethnicity: A socio-political history of the Topic: East and Southeast Asian Chinese Capital and Labour Market in Ombilin coalminers of West Sumatra, 1892-1996 Qiaoxiang of South Fujian: in Perspective of Chinese Business Networks - Dr Margaret Florey (Australia) - Dr Damayanti Datta (India) Visiting exchange fellow, 1998 Affiliated fellow, sponsored by IDPAD, 1998 Topic: Moluccan Languages in the Netherlands Topic: Colonial State and Cultural Translation: The Diffusion of English Language in Colonial India - Dr Keith Forster (Australia) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 - Dr Christèle Dedebant (France) ESF travel grant, 2002 Topic: A Chinese Province under Reform: the paradoxical case of Zhejiang Topic: Re-inventing Pakistan/Indian Society from without? The formation of South Asian civil society networks outside South Asia - Dr Keith Foulcher (Australia) Affiliated fellow, 2000 - Dr Will A.G. Derks (the Netherlands) 1994-1998 Topic: Modern Indonesian Literature and the Question of Postcoloniality

Topic: The Search for Malayness within the collaborative framework of - Prof. Andre Gunder Frank (Germany, Canada) Changing Lifestyles Senior visiting fellow, 1998

- Prof. Daniel Doeppers (USA) Topic: Real World History vs. Euro-centric World History Affiliated fellow, 1999 - Prof. FU Pei-jung (Taiwan) Topic: Changing Manila - Hinterland Relations, 1850 - 1930s Professorial fellow, 1998 Appointed as the first Chair of Chinese Studies, until September - Dr Leo Douw (the Netherlands) 1998, focusing on Chinese Philosophy and Religious Studies. Dutch senior fellow, 1998 – 1999 - Prof. FUKE (Japan) Topic: International Social Organization in East and Southeast Asia: Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Qiaoxiang Ties in the Twentieth Century Editor of the papers of the IIAS seminar ‘Government Liability in East and Southeast Asia’ - Dr Peter van Eeuwijk (Switzerland) Affiliated fellow, 2002 - Dr Kamala Ganesh (India) Affiliated fellow, sponsored by IDPAD, 1999 - 2000 Topic: Growing old in the city. Health transition among the elderly in North Sulawesi in Indonesia. An anthropological approach to old-age Topic: The Impact of a Changing Social Welfare System on Relations research. within Marriage, Family and Social Networks in the Netherlands and the Public Debate on this Process - Dr Cristina Eghenter (Italy) 2003 Affiliated fellow, 1999 - Dr Ruchira Ganguly-Scrase (Australia) Affiliated fellow, 1999 Topic: Trading and Migration Routes in the Interior of Borneo. Physical configurations of economic and social networks Topic: The Social and Cultural Impact of Globalization in India annual report annual Publications iias Social Science Research and Conservation Management in the Interior of [ p 41 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Prof. GE Zhuang (P.R. China) - Dr Carine Guerassimoff (France) Visiting exchange fellow, 1999 Affiliated fellow, 1998

Topic: The Study of the Development of Chinese Christians in the Early Topic: Chinese Migrations and Security in the Asia Pacific Region Stage of the Twentieth Century - Dr GUO Wu (country) - Dr Abihijit Ghosh (India) Affiliated fellow, sponsored by NWO, 1998 - 1999, 2002 Gonda fellow, 2002 Topics: On Discourse LE (1998 – 1999) and A Conversational Analysis Topic: The Paippaladasamhita of the Atharaveda, Kanda 9 of Chinese Discourse Markers (2002)

- Dr Partha Ghosh (India) - Prof. Hashim bin Musa (Malaysia) Affiliated fellow, sponsored by IDPAD, 2002 Senior visiting fellow, 1999

Topic: A Comparative Study of the Political Issues Surrounding Personal Topic: To Identify, Classify and Briefly Describe Unstudied Malay Laws of Minority Communities in South Asia Manuscripts of Aceh, Johor-Riau and Pattani Pertaining to Malay Islamic Thought - Dr Ananta Kumar Giri (India) Affiliated fellow, 2001 and 2002 - Dr Christopher James Healey (Australia) Affiliated fellow, 1999 Topic: Self-Development and New Identity Formation Topic: Eastern Indonesian livelihoods Publications: Co-edited with Philip Quarles van Ufford, A Moral Critique of Publications: Development: In Search of Global Responsibilities. London: Routledge. (with Margaret Florey), ‘Alune arachnophagy and approaches to spiders among an eastern Indonesian people’, Journal of Ethnobiology Editor, Creative Social Research: Rethinking Theories and Methods, 23: 1-22. Lexington Books. ‘Birds and the terrors of the state in the Aru Islands of eastern - Dr Cliff Goddard (Australia) Indonesia’. In S. Pannell (ed.), A state of emergency: violence, society Affiliated fellow, sponsored by NWO, 2001 and the state in eastern Indonesia. Darwin: Northern Territory University Centre for Southeast Asian Studies Monograph, Topic: Lexical and Grammatical Semantics of Malay (Bahasa Melayu) pp. 104-116.

- Prof. Michael Godley (Australia) - Prof. Indira Hirway (India) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 IDPAD fellow, 2002

Topic: Ethnicity and Entrepeneurship in Southeast Asia' within the Topic: Employment, environment and sustainable development (, research program ‘International Social Organization in East and Orissa, ) Southeast Asia: Qiaoxiang ties in the twentieth century’ - Dr HO Ming-Yu (Taiwan) - Dr Karl-Heinz Golzio (Germany) Visiting exchange fellow, sponsored by the NSC, 2002-2003 Senior visiting fellow, 1999 Topic: Law, foreign direct investment and economic development in Topic: New Translations into English and Annotations for Specially Taiwan 1992-2002 Selected Sanskrit Inscriptions - Dr HONG Lijian (Australia) Publication: Visiting exchange fellow, 1998 Geschichte Kambodschas. Das Land der Khmer von Angkor bis zur Gegenwart. München: C.H. Beck. Topic: Chinese Marxist Historiography and the Question of the Asiatic Mode of Production - Prof. Grant Goodman (USA) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 - Prof. Vinesh Hookoomsing (Mauritius) Senior visiting fellow, 1999 2003 Topic: Japan in Asia Editor of the papers that followed from the 1998 conference jointly organized to mark the 400th anniversary of the Dutch landing in - Dr Hans Gooszen (the Netherlands) Mauritius Individual research fellow, 2001

Topic: A Demographic History of the Chinese Population in Batavia report annual

(1775 - 1950) iias [ p 42 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr Debra Hoven (Australia) - Prof. MEI Kuang (Taiwan) Affiliated fellow, 2001 Research fellow within the joint NWO/ Leiden University /IIAS Research Programme The Syntax of the Languages of Southern Topic: Indonesian-born Dutch Migrants in Queensland: Why and how China, 2002 did they arrive here? - Ms Elizabeth Lambourn (United Kingdom) - Dr David Ip (Australia) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Senior visiting fellow, 1999, 2000 Topic: A History of the Sultanate of Samudera-Pasai from the Region’s Topic: Diaspora Chinese Capitalism and the Asian Economic Crisis Islamic Cemeteries within the research programme ‘International Social Organization in East and Southeast AsiaL Qiaoxiang ties in the twentieth century’. - Dr LI Minghuan (P.R. China) Îndividual research fellow, 1995 - 2000 - Dr Doris Jedamski (Germany) Affiliated fellow, 1999 – 2000, 2001 - 2002 Topic: A Demographic History of the Chinese Population in Batavia (1775 - 1950) Topics: From Robinson Crusoe to Tan Malaka: Constituting the (post)colonial subject through Western popular literature, (1999 – 2000) - Dr LIN Wei-Sheng (Taiwan) and Madame Butterfly and the Scarlet Pimpernel and their Visiting exchange fellow, sponsored by NSC, 2002-2003 Metamorphosis in Colonial Indonesia, (2001 – 2002) Topic: Transformation of international trade in Taiwan under Dutch rule - Dr Ganganath Jha (India) Affiliated fellow, 2000 - Dr LIU Kang (USA) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Topic: New Political and Cultural Issues in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Topic: Global Cultural Revolution in the 1960s: Radical literary and aesthetic thoughts in China and Western Europe - Dr KAMATANI Takeshi (Japan) Affiliated fellow, 2001-2002 - Dr Alessandra Lopez y Royo Iyer (United Kingdom) Affiliated fellow, 2000 - 2001 Topic: Taoism and Chinese literature Topic: Siwa Iconography in Ancient Indonesia Publications: ‘Difference between poetry and rhapsody in the Late Han Dynasty’, - Dr Amri Marzali (Indonesia) Mimei (21):1-24. Senior visiting fellow, 1998

‘Dragon Boat Festival and the 5th of May’, Bulletin of the academic Topic: The Urang Sisi of West Java. A Study of Peasants’ Responses to society of the Six Dynasties (4): 89-101. Population Pressure (translation to Indonesian)

- Dr Kappadath Parameswara Kannan (India) - Prof. Eddy Masinambow (Indonesia) Affiliated fellow, 2001 Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Topic: The Cultural Concept in Studies on Indonesian Societies Topic: Collective Care Arrangements among Workers and Non-Workers in the Informal Sector - Dr Alex C. McKay (New Zealand) Affiliated fellow, 2000-2002 - Dr Anatoly Khazanov (Israel) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Topic: The History of Tibet and the Indian Himalayas

Topic: Nomads, Sedentaries, and Missionaries: World religions in the - Dr Margaret McLagan (USA) Eurasian steppes Affiliated fellow, 2001 - 2002

- Dr John Knight (United Kingdom) Topic: Contemporary Moral Imaginaries: Media, human rights, and Individual research fellow, 1997 - 1999 transnational citizenship 2003 Topic: A Social Anthropological Study of Contemporary Japanese - Dr Andrew McWilliam (Australia) Forestry: commercial and environmental perspectives Senior visiting fellow, 1998

- Prof. KOIKE Makoto (Japan) Topic: Narrating the Gate and the Path: place and precedence in South Affiliated fellow, 2002 West Timor annual report annual

iias Topic: Globalizing Media and Local Society in Indonesia [ p 43 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr Rubya Mehdi (Pakistan/Denmark) - Prof. Gananath Obeyesekere (Sri Lanka/USA) Visiting exchange fellow, 1999 Senior visiting fellow, 2002

Topic: Islamic Law of Property Relations: Gender and the discourses of Topic: Restudying the Veddah: Buddhism, Aboriginality and Primitivism disputing in Pakistan in Pre-colonial and Post-colonial Discourses

- Dr Evelyne Micollier (France) - Dimitri Olenev, MA (Russia) Affiliated fellow, 2000 - 2002 Gonda fellow, 2000 - 2001

Topic: Practices and Representations of Health and Illness in the Context Topic: Ancient Indian Theoretical Texts of Chinese Culture. Interactions with social facts (illness prevention and the human reality of AIDS) - Dr Isabelle Onians (United Kingdom) Affiliated fellow, 2002 - Prof. T.P. Mishra (Nepal) Senior visiting fellow, 2001 Topic: “What the Ten Princes Did”, and the Literary Art of Dandin

Topic: Nepalese in Tibet - Dr Marina Valeryevna Orelskaya (India) Gonda fellow, 2002 - Dr Achim Mittag (Germany) ESF fellow, until 1998 Topic: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Ancient Classical Indian Dance Terminology Topic: Chinese Historiography of Quing Scholarship. A Reconstruction of a Key Historical Discourse in China from the Mid-Eighteenth Century to - Dr Rajni Palriwala (India) the Present IDPAD fellow, 1999, 2000

- Prof. Pamela Moro (USA) Topic: The impact of a changing welfare system on relations within Affiliated fellow, 2002 marriage, family and social network in the Netherlands and the public debate on this process Topic: Music and nationalism in comparative pan-Asian perspective - Dr Christian Pelras (France) - Prof. Muhammad Haji Salleh (Malaysia) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 1 June 1993 -1 June 1995 Topic: Maritime Anthropology and Cultural History of Nusantara: the Topic: the classical Malay epic Hang Tuah, the classical Malay history Bugis/Malay/Bajo connection Sejarah Melayu, and pantuns. - Dr Dagmar Pospísilová (Czech Republic) - Dr Shoma Munshi (India) Gonda fellow, 2001 Individual research fellow, 1994-1998 Topic: Typological determination of metal articles from India from the Topic: The Representation of Women in Media, Both Print and Visual, in collections of the Náprstek Museum India Academic activities: - Dr Myo Ayng (Myanmar) Exhibition Water and Life. A large comparative exhibition on the theme Visiting exchange fellow, 2001 of water introducing items connected with water in ancient civilizations of India, Near East, Far East and America. National Museum exhibition Topic: Illustration of the Seaports of Myanmar in the Sixteenth and halls, October 2003 - July 2004. Seventeenth Centuries Publications: - Dr NAKATANI Ayami (Japan) (in print) ‘Cutters for Areca Nuts. Metalworks from the collection of Affiliated fellow, 2002 the Náprstek Museum, Prague, Czech Republic’, Annals of the Náprstek Museum No. 25. Topic: Producing and Consuming Hand-woven Textiles: Socio-Economic and Cultural Meanings of Women’s Labour in Indonesian Handicraft ‘Brazier. Metal Collection of the Náprstek Museum’, Annals of the Production Náprstek Museum (Prague) 24: 13 – 18. 2003

- Dr Max Nihom (Austria) - Dr Gyan Prakash (India) Visiting exchange fellow, 1997-1998 Senior visiting fellow, 1999

Topic: Translation of old Javanese texts Topic: Science, Religion, and the Idea of an Indian University annual report annual iias [ p 44 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Prof. Pawuludevage Prematilleke (Sri Lanka) - Prof. SAKURAI Yumio (Japan) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Affiliated fellow, sponsored by the Tokyo Foundation, 2001 - 2002

Topic: Sri Lankan Antiquities in the Netherlands Topic: Historical Area Study in the Case of a Vietnamese Village

- Dr Bindeshwar Ram (India) - Dr Samsudin Rahim (Indonesia) Gonda fellow, 2001 Senior visiting fellow, 1998, 1999

Topic: Colonial and Post-Colonial Economy and Society in South and Topic: Communication and Change: Focusing on Social Issues among Southeast Asia: A comparative study in historical perspective Youths in Malaysia

- Dr Martin Ramstedt (Germany) - Dr Tilak Sareen (India) ESF/Alliance fellow, 1997 – 2001 Senior visiting fellow, 1999

Topic: Hindu Dharma Indonesia – -movement in present-day Topic: India and the Japanese Occupation of Southeast Asia Indonesia and its influence in relation to the development of the indigenous culture of the Toraja (Aluk Todolo) in South Sulawesi - Dr SATO Shigeru (Japan) CLARA senior visiting fellow, 1999-2000 - Prof. Shereen F. Ratnagar (India) Gonda fellow, 2002 Topic: The Altered Labour Relations in the Outer Islands of Indonesia: 1942-1945 Topic: Towards an Understanding of Bronze-Age Urbanism - Dr Adapa Satyanarayana (India) - Prof. D. Narasimha Reddy (India) CLARA senior visiting fellow, 2000 Affiliated fellow, sponsored by IDPAD, 1998 Topic: Emigration of South Indian Labour Communities to Southeast Topic: Rural Transformation in Southeast Asia and South Asia Asia: Burma (Myanmar) and Malaysia, 1871-1982

- Dr Beat Ringger (France) - Dr David Schak (Australia) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Senior visiting fellow, 1997-1998

Topic: Kaibara Ekiken (1630-1714) Topic: The Qiaoxiang Relationship and Overseas Chinese Business Culture - Dr Bernard Adeney Risakotta (Indonesia) Affiliated fellow, 2001 - 2002 Publications: ‘Business Associations and Civil Society in China: the Case of the Topic: Power, Magic and Ethics in Modern Indonesia Taiwanese Business Association’. In Davic C. Schak and Wayne Hudson (eds.), Civil Society in Asia, Aldershot: Ashgate. - Prof. RUI Chuanming (SASS/P.R. China) Visiting exchange fellow, 1997-1998 with Wayne Hudson (eds.), 2003, Civil Society in Asia, Aldershot: Ashgate. Topic: A Study on the Ancient “Xi Hu” (Western Foreigners), from Han to Tang Dynasty - Prof. Peter Schalk (Sweden) Visiting exchange fellow, 1999 - Dr Mario Rutten (the Netherlands) Nordic-Netherlands fellowship, stationed at NIAS, Copenhagen, Topic: The Story of Absolute Commendeur Daniel Agreen (1693 - 1741), a 1999 - 2000 Swedish Lieutenant from Jonkoping, Smaland, in Dutch Colonial Service, in the Island of Lanka Topic: Rural Capitalists in Asia; India Indonesia and Malaysia Compared - Prof. Rik Schipper (the Netherlands) - Dr Rosanne Rutten (the Netherlands) Dutch senior fellow, 1998 - 1999 Dutch senior fellow, 2000 - 2001 Topic: Stele Inscriptions of the of the Easter Peak (Dongyue miao) Topic: Revolutionaries in the Community: rise and decline of the CPP- in Beijing 2003 NPA in a Philippine province, 1977 - 1995 - Dr Angela Schottenhammer (Germany) - Dr Edsel Sajor (Philippines) 1996-1998 Affiliated fellow, 2000 - 2002 Topic: History of the Overseas Trade of Quanzhou in the Chinese annual report annual Topic: Real Estate and Producer Services in Cebu City, Philippines Province Fujian from the tenth to the early fourteenth centuries iias [ p 45 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

Publications: - Dr Rachel Silvey (USA) Auf den Spuren des Jenseits - Chinesische Grabkultur in den Facetten von Affiliated fellow, sponsored by IDPAD, 2002 Wirklichkeit, Geschichte und Totenkult. Frankfurt, Wien, Bern: Peter Lang. Topic: Migration under Crisis: Household safety nets in two regions of ‘China und die Ryukyu-Inseln während der Ming- und Qing- Indonesia Dynastie: Einige Beispiele zum Produkte- und Ideenaustausch im Bereich der Medizin’, in: Roderich Ptak, Claude Guillot, and Jorge M. - Dr Kathinka R. Sinha-Kerkhoff (India) dos Santos Alves (eds.), Mirabilia Asiatica. Produtos raros no comércio Affiliated with IIAS for the duration of the WOTRO-sponsored marítimo. Produits rares dans le commerce maritime. Seltene Waren im project ‘Globalization and the Construction of Communal Identities’, Seehandel. South China and Maritime Asia Series, no.11. Wiesbaden: 1999 Otto Harrassowitz. Pp. 85-119. - Dr Soeksmono B. Martokoesoemo (Jakarta, Indonesia) ‘Slaves and Forms of Slavery in Late Imperial China (17th to early 20th Affiliated fellow, 1999 Century)’, in: Gwyn Campbell (ed.), Slavery & Abolition. The Structure of Slavery in the Indian Ocean, Africa and Asia. Avignon, Leiden: Frank Topic: Socio-Political Aspects of the Economic Crisis in Indonesia CASS Journal 24 (2):143-154. - Dr Chunhee Sarah Soh (USA) ‘Einige Überlegungen zur Entstehung von Grabinschriften’, in: Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Angela Schottenhammer, Auf den Spuren des Jenseits - Chinesische Grabkultur in den Facetten von Wirklichkeit, Geschichte und Totenkult. Topic: An Anthropological Study of the Comfort Women Frankfurt, Wien, Bern: Peter Lang. Pp.21-60. - Dr Sanjay Srivastava (Australia) ‘Das Grab des Wang Chuzhi – (863-923)’, in: A. Schottenhammer, Visiting exchange fellow, 1999-2000 Auf den Spuren des Jenseits - Chinesische Grabkultur in den Facetten von Wirklichkeit, Geschichte und Totenkult. Frankfurt, Wien, Bern: Peter Topic: Masculinity, Sexuality, and the Body in the Time of AIDS: culture, Lang. Pp. 61-118. globalization, and the Pandemic in India

- Dr Timothy Scrase (Australia) Dr Janice Stargardt (United Kingdom, Australia) Affiliated fellow, 2001 - 2002 Affiliated fellow, 1999 - 2000

Topic: The Indian Leather Industry in the Global Economy Topic: Sacred Burials in Ancient Buddhism of India, Sri Lanka and Burma. Publication: ‘Precarious Production: Globalisation and Artisan Labour in the - Dr Pamela Stewart (Australia) Third World’, Third World Quarterly, 24 (3). Senior visiting fellows, 1999

- Dr Bal Gopal Shrestha (Nepal) Topic: East Meets West: ‘Indonesian’ and ‘Melanesia’ Affiliated fellow, sponsored by the Gonda Foundation and the Research School for African, Asian and Amerindian Studies CNWS, - Dr Andrew Strathern (Australia) 2001 - 2002 Senior visiting fellows, 1999

Topic: The Ritual Composition of Sankhu, an Ancient Newar Town in Topic: East Meets West: ‘Indonesian’ and ‘Melanesia’ Nepal - Prof. TACHIKAWA Musashi (Japan) - Prof. Tek Bahadur Shrestha (Nepal) Holder Mumata Chair at Leiden University Affiliated fellow, 1999 1 February 2001 - 1 April 2001

Topic: Prithvirayan Shah: The conquest of the Nepal Valley. Strategy, - Dr Naveed Tahir (Pakistan) Diplomacy and Consolidation of Power Visiting exchange fellow, 1 March - 31 May 1999

- Dr Sideek Mohamed (Sweden) Topic: The Russian Federation's Relations with India and Pakistan: Visiting exchange fellow, 1998 regional implications

Topic: A Comparative Study of the Legal Regime Governing the Financial - Dr Yaroslav Tarasyuk (Russia) 2003 Markets of ASEAN and the European Union Gonda fellow, 2000 - 2001

- Dr Roland Silva (Sri Lanka) Topic: Ancient and Medieval History of India Senior visiting fellow, 1998

Topic: Relic Worship in the Art and Architecture of Ancient India and Sri report annual

Lanka iias [ p 46 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

- Dr Peter Tindemans (the Netherlands) - Prof. WANG Chen-main Peter (Taiwan) Affiliated fellow, 11 January - 1 March 1999 Professorial fellow, 2001-2002 Fifth holder of the European Chair for Chinese Studies Topic: New Roles for Educational and Research Systems in East Asia in order to Cope with the Information Age and Deteriorated Economic Topics: General George C. Marshall and China; Biography of David Yu Conditions? Perspectives for co-operation? - Dr Ken Wells (Australia) - Dr Badri Narayan Tiwari (India) Affiliated fellow, 1997 – 1998 Gonda fellow, 2002 Topic: Religion and Social Change in Korea in the nineteenth and Topic: Migration, Change and Diasporic Culturein the Bhojpuri Region twentieth centuries of Bihar, and The Netherlands - Dr Jeroen Wiedenhof (the Netherlands) - Dr TSENG Mei-Chiun (Taiwan) Affiliated fellow, 2000-2001 Visiting exchange fellow, sponsored by the NSC, 2002-2003 Topic: A Grammar of Mandarin Topic: Costs of first-ever eschemic stroke in Taiwan - Dr André Wink (USA/The Netherlands) - Dr UM Hae-kyung (South Korea, United Kingdom) Affiliated fellow, 1999 Affiliated fellow, 2002 Topic: Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World, Volume III: Topic: Performing Arts in Korea and the Korean Communities in China, Indo-Muslim Society, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries the former Soviet Union and Japan. - Dr John Wolff (USA) - Dr Yaroslav Vassilkov (Russia) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Gonda fellow, 2000 - 2001 Topic: Preparing a glossary and phonological history of Austronesian Topic: Images of Fate in the Mahabharata Languages

- Dr Paulo Visentini (Brazil) - Prof. XU Mingqi (P.R. China) Affiliated fellow, 1998 Visiting exchange fellow, 2001-2002

Topic: International Relations in Asia Topic: Financial and Monetary Co-operation in East Asia

- Dr Gauri Viswanathan (India) - Dr Yaacob bin Harun (Malaysia) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Professorial fellow, 1997-1998 Deputy director of the Academy of Malay Studies of the University of Topic: Theosophy, Literary Criticism and Cultural Change Malaya, has been appointed as the Chairholder of Malay Studies, focusing on Malay society and culture. - Dr Giovanni Vitiello (USA) Individual research fellow/ESF fellow, 2002 - Dr Yadava (Nepal) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 Topic: Exemplary Sodomites: Pornography, homoeroticism and sexual culture in late imperial China Topic: The Structure of Maithili Verb Morphology

- Dr Alex de Voogt (the Netherlands) - Prof. YANG Enhong (country) Affiliated fellow, 1997 - 1999 1998-1999, sponsored by CASS and KNAW

Topic: Differentiation-Processes of Material culture in Asia: the case of Topic: The General Situation and Methodology of Tibetology in Europe Indonesian mandala - Prof. YU Jianhua (P.R. China) - Dr Reed Wadley (USA) Visiting exchange fellow, 2002 Individual research fellow, 1998-2001 Topic: Intellectuals’ Views on Chinese Culture in Western Europe (1600- 2003 Topic: The Ethnohistory of a Borderland People: the Iban in West 1800) Kalimantan, Indonesia - Dr ZHANG Minjie (P.R. China) Senior visiting fellow, 1998 annual report annual Topic: The Shift of Divorce Patterns in Contermporary China iias [ p 47 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

IIAS Extraordinary Chairs: With Nico Schulte Nordholt, ‘Indonesië’, in WP Encyclopedisch Jaarboek 2003. Utrecht: Het Spectrum. Pp.148-9. Research Activities ‘Turning towards the regions: Less state, more democracy?’ (review The IIAS Extraordinary Chairs have been set up to stimulate Asian article), Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (BKI) 159 (3):458- Studies either at a Dutch university at which Asian Studies is not a 468. major focus or, alternatively, to stimulate specific fields of study at universities with a well-established reputation in Asian Studies. ‘Renegotiating boundaries. Access, agency and identity in post- Qualified scholars are appointed professor for one day a week at the Suharto Indonesia’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (BKI) university at which the Chair has been established. Funding for the 159 (3):458-468. teaching replacement at the home university of the candidate is provided by IIAS. ‘Review of Tony Day, Fluid Iron. State formation in Southeast Asia Three extraordinary chairs have been established, one each at (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2002)’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Nijmegen University, and Leiden Land- en Volkenkunde 159 (2):436-438. University, thus filling a void in Dutch university curricula in Asian Studies. ‘Jecky’s Father’, Latitudes Magazine 35 (December): 38-41.

Information on the activities and publications of the three IIAS Other academic activities extraordinary chairs for 2003 are listed hereunder: 7 May, referent at the PhD examination of Maya Liem’s thesis ‘The Turning Wheel of Time. Modernity and writing identity in Bali 1900- - Prof. Henk Schulte Nordholt (EUR) 1970’, Leiden University, the Netherlands.

Period: 1 October 1999 – 1 October 2007 14 November, referent at the PhD examination of Dik Roth’s thesis ‘Ambition, Regulation and Reality. Complex use of land and water Topic: History of Asia resources in Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia’, Wageningen University, the Netherlands. Lectures/papers 11 March, ‘Renegotiating Boundaries’, presentation of the KITLV 3 December, Member of PhD examination committee of Klarijn research project at the Center for Development and the Environment, Loven’s thesis ‘Si Doel and Beyond. Discouses on Indonesian University of Oslo, Norway. Television in the 1990s’, Leiden University, the Netherlands.

1 May, ‘Less state, more democracy?’, lecture at the Department of Interviews for radio/television about the political situation in Sociology, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia (17 May: Tros Nieuws Show; 19 May: RTL4 Nieuws; 21 May: MetroTV Jakarta; 7 October: Netwerk). 4 June, ‘Indonesië: democratisering of stagnatie?’, lecture for the Studium Generale Series, Technical University Eindhoven, the - Prof. Hein Steinhauer (Nijmegen University) Netherlands. Period: 1 September 1998 – 1 September 2004 22 June, ‘Indonesië: democratisering of stagnatie?’, presentation at the Pasar Malam, Den Haag, the Netherlands. Topic: Ethnolinguistics, with a special emphasis on Southeast Asia

1-2 September, ‘Less state, more democracy?’, lecture at the Open Lectures/papers Science Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia. 13 March, ‘Le développement de l’Indonésien’, lecture at the Université de la Rochelle, France. 19-22 September, ‘Renegotiating Boundaries’, paper presented at the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 3), National 14 March, ‘The over 4300 forms of the Nimboran verbal paradigm’, University of Singapore, Singapore. lecture at the Université de Poitiers, France.

Conference 27-29 June, ‘Kerinci sound changes and loanwords’, paper presented 25-27 August, Organization of the conference ‘Indonesia in at the 7th International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Transition’ at Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, under auspices of the Linguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. KNAW research programme ‘Indonesia in Transition’. 1-2 September, ‘Joint research on languages of Indonesia’, lecture Publications (presented by Dr R.G. Tol) at the Open Science Meeting, Jakarta, 2003 With Gusti Asnan (eds.), Indonesia in Transition. Work in Progress. Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 218 pages. 14-17 October, ‘Perkembangan Bahasa Indonesia dari Aspek Teori ‘Introduction’, in: Henk Schulte Nordholt and Gusti Asnan (eds.), Linguistik’, paper presented at the Kongres Bahasa Indonesia VIII, Indonesia in Transition. Work in Progress. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Jakarta, Indonesia. Pp.1-24. report annual iias [ p 48 | section 2 | IIAS Research: Programmes, Networks and Fellowships ]

15 September, ‘Het systeem van het Nimboranse werkwoord’, lecture at Nijmegen University, the Netherlands.

Conference 27-29 June, Convenor of the 7th International Symposium on Malay and Indonesian Linguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Publication ‘Glory to the glottal stop’. In Wim Honselaar, Eric de Haard, Willem Weststeijn (eds) Die het kleine eert is het grote weerd. Festschrift voor Adrie Barentsen. Amsterdam 2003: Uitgeverij Pegasus. Pp. 333-347.

- Prof. Barend Jan Terwiel (Leiden University)

Period: 1 September 1999 – 1 September 2004

Topic: Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia

Lectures/papers 10-28 February, course ‘The Development of Modern Thai Buddhism’, Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Publications Shan Manuscripts, Vol. 1. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.

Engelbert Kaempfer in Siam, München: Iudicium Verlag.

‘Between Moulmein and Bangkok: The Mass Migration of Mons in the first half of the Nineteenth Century’. In Leonard Blussé and Felipe Fernández-Armesto (eds.), Shifting Communities and Identity Formation in Early Modern Asia. Leiden: Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies (CNWS). Pp.107-116.

‘Social Norms and Religion in Europe and Asia. A Cultural Comparison’, Asia Europe Journal 1: 17-23.

‘Der Mann mit dem hoch gedrehten Schnurrbart’. In Sabine Klocke- Daffa, Jürgen Scheffler und Gisela Wilbertz (eds.), Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716) und die kulturelle Begegnung zwischen Europa und Asien. Lemgo: Institut für Lippische Landeskunde. Pp. 13-22. 2003 annual report annual iias Seminars and Institutional Events

section 3 [ p 50 | section 3 | Seminars and International Events ]

In 2003, IIAS organized and was actively engaged in 57 international 8 May research meetings. These seminars, lectures, and institutional events Liberalism, communism, Islam: Transnational motors of with their topics, convenors/organizers, and their locations are listed ‘nationalist’ struggles in Southeast Asia here: IIAS lecture by Prof. John Sidel (SOAS, London) Convenor: Dr Oscar Verkaaik (Branch Office Amsterdam) and Dr 7 February Hotze Lont (KNAW research programme ‘Indonesia in Transition’) IIAS fellow lectures Organizer: IIAS Branch Office Dr Margaret Sleeboom: Genetics, genetic identity, and socio-genetic margina- Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands lization: An exploration of comparative research issues in Asian societies Dr HOU Yu: Review on indicators of sustainable development 9 May Dr Mehdi Amineh: Rethinking geopolitics in central Eurasia Indonesia in transition Organizer: IIAS IIAS workshop Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Convenor: Dr Hotze Lont (KNAW research programme ‘Indonesia in Transition’) 21 February Organizer: IIAS Branch Office Fieldwork in Thailand: Getting prepaired Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Convenors: Dr Han ten Brummelhuis and Drs Ooms Organizer: IIAS Branch Office 13-17 May Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Empirical universals in semantics: Lexicon and grammar IIAS semantics masterclass 14 March Instructors: Dr Cliff Goddard (Australia) and China update: Chinese migrants Prof. Anna Wierzbicka (Australia) Convenor: Dr Leo Douw Convenors: Prof. Wim Stokhof (IIAS) and Organizer: IIAS Branch Office Prof. Arie Verhagen (ULCL) Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Organizers: IIAS / ULCL Location: Leiden, the Netherlands 14 March The sixth SoY (South of Yangtze) Linguistics Colloquium 16-17 May Sarah Clark-Peasey (York): Syntax of dou-quantification IIAS 10-year anniversary: FESTIVAL Asia Now - The veil lifted Lisa Cheng (Leiden): Free choice: universals vs. indefinites, evidence from Organizer: IIAS Cantonese by Location: National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, the Netherlands Organizer: Dr Rint Sybesma Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands 22 May The eighth SoY (South of Yangtze) Linguistics Colloquium 24 March Papers by Boya Li and Joanna Sio Pakistan update: Pakistan after 11 September Organizer: Dr Rint Sybesma Convenor: Dr Oscar Verkaaik Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Organizer: IIAS Branch Office / ISIM Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

10 April The seventh SoY (South of Yangtze) Linguistics Colloquium Laurent Sagart (CRLAO, Paris): The position of the Tai-Kadai languages Barend ter Haar (Leiden): Do the Hakka come from the North? Organizer: Dr Rint Sybesma Location: Leiden, the Netherlands

23 April Literature in Asia IIAS seminar Convenor: Prof. Md. Salleh Yaapar Organizer: IIAS Branch Office Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

2003 6-8 May Transborder exchanges: business, networks and identity formation in Asia’s and Europe’s new economy ASEF-Asia Alliance workshop Convenors: Dr Heidi Dahles (Free University of Amsterdam) and annual report annual Dr LOH Wei Leng (University of Malaya, Malaysia)

iias Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands [ p 51 | section 3 | Seminars and International Events ]

22-25 May 20-21 June Historical consciousness and the future of modern China and Religion, transnationalism, and radicalism: Japan: Conservatism, revisionism, and national identity Global comparisons Workshop, co-sponsored by IIAS IIAS workshop, co-sponsored by NWO – WOTRO Convenors: Prof. Rikki Kersten and Prof. Axel Schneider Convenors: Dr Roel Meijer and Dr Rijk van Dijk Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Organizer: IIAS Branch Office Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands 27 May International seminar on Malay literature 23-26 June IIAS workshop, sponsored by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Rivalry and conflict: European traders and Asian trading Convenor: Prof. Salleh Md. Yaapar (European Chair for Malay networks, 16th and 17th century Studies) IGEER/CNWS Conference, co-sponsored by IIAS Organizer: IIAS / Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Convenor: Prof. Leonard Blussé Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Location: Leiden, the Netherlands

2 June 25-27 June Scrapping ships in Asia and the liability regime Changing regimes and shifting loyalties: Identity and violence IIAS workshop, in cooperation with Greenpeace and in the early revolution of Indonesia the Netherlands Maritime Museum NIOD conference, co-sponsored by IIAS Organizer: IIAS Branch Office Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands 27-28 June 5 June 2003 Seventh international symposium on Malay and Indonesian IIAS fellow lectures linguistics (7th ISMIL) Prof. Kenneth J. Hammond: Confucian ritualism in post-communist IIAS Workshop China: A case study Convenor: Prof. Hein Steinhauer (IIAS Extraordinary Chair) Myrna Eindhoven, MA: The return to the laggai: NGOs and ethnisation Location: Nijmegen, the Netherlands in an era of regional autonomy, Mentawai Archipelago, Indonesia Organizer: IIAS 7-8 July Location: Leiden, the Netherlands International security and the Asian heartland International symposium, co-sponsored by IIAS and The 6-8 June Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ The Bugis diaspora and Islamic dissemination in the 20th Convenors: Prof. Kh. Bayasakh (the School of Foreign Service of the century Malay-Indonesian archipelago National University of Mongolia) and Dr Paul Meerts (the IIAS Workshop in the framework of the research programme ‘Islam Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’) in Indonesia’. Organizer: School of Foreign Service of the National University of Organizer: Dr Andi Faisal Bakti Mongolia Location: Makassar, Indonesia Location: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

12 June 11-12 July Framing Indonesian realities: Symbols and rituals The restructuring of old industrial areas in Europe and Asia Conference in Honour of Reimar Schefold, co-sponsored by IIAS ASEF-Asia Alliance Workshop Convenor: Dr Gerard Persoon Convenors: Dr R. Hassink (University of Bonn, Germany) and Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Dr Shin Dong-Ho (National University of Singapore) Location: Bonn, Germany 13-14 June The world of Wang Shizhen: Cultural politics and political 19-22 August culture in 16th century China ICAS 3 (International Convention of Asia Scholars) IIAS workshop Location: Singapore Convenor: Prof. Kenneth J. Hammond Panels organized by IIAS: Organizer: IIAS Location: Leiden, the Netherlands The impacts of September 11 on the popular political disclosure of Muslims in Southeast Asia 20 June Organizer: Noorhaidi Hasan, MA Islam and globalization 2003 IIAS lecture Genomics in Asia: Public health care strategies and socio- Prof. Salleh Md Yaapar (European Chair for Malay Studies) genetic marginalication Organizer: IIAS Branch Office Organizer: Dr Margaret Sleeboom Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands annual report annual iias [ p 52 | section 3 | Seminars and International Events ]

ASEM as an antidote for unilateralism? 4-7 September Organizer: Prof. Wim Stokhof Sufism and the ‘modern’ in Islam Co-sponsored by IIAS Reconstructing Asian popular histories: Problems and issues of Convenors: Dr Martin van Bruinesssen, Dr Azyumardi Azra and oral narratives Dr Julia Howell Organizer: Dr Ratna Saptari Organizers: The Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (PPIM, Jakarta) and Griffith University. Rethinking geopolitics in post-soviet Central Eurasia Location: Jakarta, Indonesia (Central Asia and South Caucasus) Organizer: Dr Mehdi Parvizi Amineh 11-13 September Interweaving medical traditions: Europe and Asia, 1600-2000 Civil society, religious affiliation and political participation ASEF-Asia Alliance Workshop in East Asia Convenors: Dr Sanjoy Bhattacharya (Welcome Trust Centre for the Organizer: Dr Juliëtte van Wassenhove History of Medicine, UK) and Dr R.K. Chem (National University of Singapore). 21-23 August Location: London, United Kingdom Local land use strategies in a globalizing world: Shaping sustainable social and natural environments 17-18 September International conference, co-sponsored by IIAS Warring States Workgroup 17 Convenor: Dr Reed Wadley (University of Missouri) and Dr Ole Co-sponsored by IIAS Mertz (University of Copenhagen) Convenor: Prof. Barend ter Haar Organizer: Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen Organizer: Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Location: Leiden, the Netherlands

22-23 August 8 October Contemporary Indonesian Visual- and Soundscapes Sufis, warriors, and merchants: Social dynamics in International workshop, co-sponsored by IIAS Mughal India Convenor: Prof. Patricia Spyer Seminar in honour of Prof. D.H.A. Kolff Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia Co-sponsored by IIAS Convenor: Dr Jos Gommans 24-27 August Organizer: Indonesia in Transition Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Workshop, co-sponsored by IIAS Convenor: Prof. Henk Schulte Nordholt (IIAS extraordinary chair) 9-11 October Organizer: LabSosio UI and KNAW Country trade and European empire in the Arabian seas: Location: Jakarta, Indonesia 17th and 18th century IIAS workshop 27-30 August Convenor: Dr R.J. Barendse The 10th International Conference of the European Association Organizer: for Japanese Studies Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Organizer: Japanese and Korean Department, Oriental Institute, Warsaw University 13-17 October Location: Warsaw, Poland Law in central Asia: a historical overview In honour of Prof. Herbert Franke 29-30 August Sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Bonn Gangs, crowds, and city enclaves: Political violence in a Convenor: Prof. Wallace Johnson globalizing world Organizer: IIAS Convenors: Dr Oskar Verkaaik and Prof. Thomas Blom Hansen Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Organizers: The Research Group for Religion and Society, University of Edinburgh, and IIAS Branch Office 17 October Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Some reflections on multinationality: The example of former empires in East Asia 4-6 September IIAS Annual Lecture by Prof. Herbert Franke People and the Sea II: Conflicts, threats, and opportunities Organizer: IIAS 2003 IIAS/MARE Panels and Roundtable discussion on Piracy in the Asian Location: Leiden, the Netherlands Seas Convenor: Dr Derek Johnson, Centre for Maritime Research (MARE) Organizer: IIAS Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands annual report annual iias [ p 53 | section 3 | Seminars and International Events ]

20-22 October 1-7 December Social and cultural effects of computer mediated interactive Mudra: Gesture, meaning and metaphor communications technology (CMICT) in selected European and Sixth workshop and seminar of the ABIA South and Southeast Asian Asian countries (the Philippines, Singapore, China, Japan, Art and Archaeology Index United Kingdom, Finland, Italy, France) Convenors: Dr. Madhu Khanna and Dr. Radha Banerjee An ASEF-Asia Alliance Workshop Organizer: The Indira Gandhi Centre for Arts (IGNCA) Convenors: Prof. Raul Pertierra (University of the Philippines) and Location: New Delhi, India Prof. Daniel Miller (University of London) Location: Manila, the Philippines 2 December Communal violence and emerging ghettos in Ahmedabad city 24-26 oktober IIAS/ASiA Lecture Religious networks between the Middle East and Lecturer: Dr Darshini Mahadevia (Centre for Environmental Southeast Asia Planning, Ahmedabad, India) International workshop in the framework of the reseach programme Organizers: IIAS Branch Office and ASiA ‘Islam in Indonesia’ Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Organizers: IIAS and the American University in Cairo Convenors: Dr Mona Abaza en Dr Nico Kaptein 4 December Location: Cairo, Egypt Gujarat: A laboratory of Hindu Rastra fascism Film screening and discussion about Hindu-Muslim violence in 27 October South Asia Food and emotion in South Asian literature Organizers: IIAS Branch Office and ASiA Co-sponsored by IIAS Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands Convenors: Lalita du Perron and Rachel Dwyer Organizer: 11-13 December Location: London, United Kingdom Decolonizing societies: The reorientation of Asian and African livelihoods under changing regimes 10-11 November Sponsored by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation Social science and AIDS in Southeast Asia (NIOD) and IIAS ASEF-Asia Alliance workshop Organizer: Convenors: Dr Sophie Le Coeur (Chiang Mai University, Thailand) Location: and Dr Evelyne Micollier (Université de Provence, France) Organizer: 12 December Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand Myth: Theory and the disciplines Co-sponsored by IIAS 20 November Convenors: Prof. Mineke Schipper and Prof. Daniela Merolla The ninth SoY (South of Yangtze) Linguistics Colloquium Location: Leiden, the Netherlands (in Chinese) with Ma Zhen, Lu Jianming, and Liu Xiangbo Organizer: Dr Rint Sybesma Location: Leiden, the Netherlands

21-23 November New perspectives in Eurasian archeology ASEF-Asia Alliance workshop Convenors: Dr Magnus Fiskesjö (Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Sweden) and Chen Xingcan (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China). Organizer: Location: Stockholm, Sweden

27 November The tenth SoY (South of Yangtze) Linguistics Colloquium Hilary Chappell (Melbourne / CRLAO, Paris): Kóng and k_ng: two types of grammatical change in Southern Min 2003 Nigel Duffield (McGill, Montreal/K.U. Nijmegen): Aspects of Vietnamese clausal structure Organizer: Dr Rint Sybesma Location: Leiden, the Netherlands annual report annual iias [ p 54 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

12 December Seven keys about Islam in Central Asia today: From myth to reality? ASiA / IIAS Lecture Lecturer: Prof. Catherine Poujol (Professor of Central Asian History and Civilizations at the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Sorbonne, Paris) Organizers: IIAS Branch Office and ASiA Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

12-14 December Christianity in Indonesia: Perspectives of power Sponsored by Volkswagen-Stiftung and IIAS Organizers/convenors: Dr Susanne Schroeter (University of Frankfurt) and Dr Edwin Wieringa (Leiden University) Location: Frankfurt, Germany

15-17 December The security paradox of open borders: Surveillance and control of migrants ASEF-Asia Alliance workshop Convenors: Dr Carl Grundy-Warr (National University of Singapore) and Prof. Didier Bigo (Sciences-Po, France) Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand

16 December ‘Dakwah’ and the dissemination of Islamic religious authority in contemporary Indonesia Annual workshop of the research programme ‘Islam in Indonesia’ Convenors: Prof. Herman L. Beck and Moch. Nur Ichwan, MA Location: Tilburg, the Netherlands 2003 annual report annual iias IIAS Branch Office Amsterdam

section 4 [ p 56 | section 4 | IIAS Branch Office Amsterdam ]

The year 2003 was an important year for Asian Studies in the seminars by various invited speakers including Prof. Darshini Netherlands because of the start of the MA programme in Mahadevia from the Centre for Environmental Planning in Comparative Asian Studies (MACAS). Primarily organized by Ahmedabad, India; Prof. John Sidel from the School for Oriental and Platform Asian Studies in Amsterdam (ASiA) at the University of Asian Studies (SOAS) in London; and Prof. Catherine Poujol of the Amsterdam, this new master’s programme brought together the Sorbonne, Paris. expertise of various specialists in Asian Studies from various Dutch universities, including the universities of Leiden, Nijmegen, the Vrije Fourteen fellows from eleven different countries visited the IIAS Universiteit (Free University), and the University of Amsterdam. The Branch Office, including five passing through fellows (See for the input of the staff members of various institutes of the University of complete list of fellows and guests Section 1, page 12). In Amsterdam, like the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, accommodating fellows, the IIAS Branch Office has regularly Modern Asian History, the Department of political science, as well as collaborated with other academic institutions such as the fellows of the Branch Office of the IIAS, was especially significant. International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World The IIAS secretariat played an important role in the organization of (ISIM), the Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development the annual Inter-University MA courses on South Asia, Southeast (IDPAD), and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science Asia, and East Asia. Both the brochures and the promotion of these (Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie voor Wetenschappen, KNAW). courses fell under the responsibility of the Branch Office secretariat.

In two other ways, the year 2003 was influenced by developments taking place at the University of Amsterdam. In December, the Branch’s office space and fellows’ rooms were moved within the same building of the Binnengasthuis. This further strengthened the already close cooperation with ASiA. Further, budget cuts at the Department for Political, Social, and Cultural Sciences (PSCW) at the University of Amsterdam indirectly affected the IIAS Branch Office as the number of staff members specialized in Asia was significantly threatened. The activities and fellows of the Branch Office were therefore more important than ever to maintain a ‘critical mass’ of specialists in Asian Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

Concretely, IIAS’ research project Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia (SMAP), led by Dr Margaret Sleeboom, found a new home at the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR). The PhD students at ASSR – Myrna Eindhoven, MA and Miriam Aouragh, MA – were financed by IIAS.

In addition, the IIAS Branch Office supported a large number of activities organized by staff members of the University of Amsterdam. These activities included a Thailand Studies Day organized by Dr Han ten Brummelhuis, a China Studies Day organized by Dr Leo Douw, as well as a Pakistan Studies Day organized by Dr Oskar Verkaaik. The IIAS Branch Office also supported the organization of the international conference on ‘Gangs, Crowds, and City Enclaves: Political Violence in a Globalizing World’, held at the University of Amsterdam in cooperation with the University of Edinburgh.

The Branch Office organized several seminars by IIAS fellows, including seminars by Prof. Md. Salleh Yaapar and Dr Irina Morozova. In addition to these seminars, two IIAS fellow seminars were held in which fellows from both the head office and the Branch Office presented their work. Through these seminars as well as regular executive meetings of IIAS staff members of both the head office and the Branch Office, good communication and smooth cooperation between both offices was ensured. 2003

The Branch Office organized several workshops related to IIAS research programmes and projects, including a workshop on the large Indonesia in Transition research programme, organized by IIAS Branch Office fellow Dr Hotze Lont, as well as a workshop on annual report annual the Religion, Transnationalism, and Radicalism project, organized by

iias IIAS fellow Dr Roel Meijer. The Branch Office also convened Publications

section 5 [ p 58 | section 5 | Publications ]

In 2003 IIAS continued the series with Routledge Curzon - Persoon, Gerard A., Diny M.E. van Est and Percy E. Sajise (eds.) Publishers. Co-management of Natural Resources in Asia. A Comparative Perspective At the end of 2002, three books appeared in this series: (2003) Copenhagen, NIAS Press. - Antons, Christoph (ed.) ISBN 0-7007-1485-5 (RoutledgeCurzon edition) Law and Development in East and Southeast Asia (2002) ISBN 87-91114-13-6 (NIAS edition) ISBN 0-7007-1321-2. hb £55.00. Hb. £45.00.

- Chou, Cynthia Furthermore, IIAS has started a new series in cooperation ISEAS Indonesian Sea Nomads: Money, magic and fear of the Orang Suku Laut Press in Singapore. The first book published in this series is: (2002) ISBN 0-7007-1724-2. hb. £45.00. - Benjamin, Geoffrey and Cynthia Chou (eds.) Tribal Communities in the Malay World. Historical, Cultural and Social - Hockx, Michel and Ivo Smits (eds.) Perspectives. (2002; First reprint in soft cover 2003) Reading East Asian Writing: The Limits of Literary Theory(2002) ISBN 981-230-166-6 (soft cover). US$35.87 ISBN 0-7007-1760-9. hb. £45.00. The Malay World (Alam Melayu), spanning the Malay Peninsula, much of Sumatra, and parts of Borneo, has long contained within it a In 2003 another book was published in this series: variety of populations. Most of the Malays have been organized into the different kingdoms (kerajaan Melayu) from which they have - Busser, Rogier and Yuri Sadoi (eds.) derived their identity. But the territories of those kingdoms have also Production Networks in Asia and Europe - Skill Formation and included tribal peoples - both Malay and non-Malay – who have held Technology Transfer in the Automobile Industry (2003) themselves apart from those kingdoms in varying degrees. In the last ISBN 0-4153-1089-X. hb. £70.00. three decades, research on these tribal societies has aroused increasing interest. This book explores Japanese investment in Europe and Southeast Asia, in relation to the automobile industry. In Part I the authors This book explores the ways in which the character of these societies examine industrial organization and policy issues in Thailand, relates to the Malay kingdoms that have held power in the region for Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia, looking at Japanese many centuries past, as well as to the modern nation-states of the investment and the relative policy successes and failures in these region. It brings together researchers committed to comparative host countries. Part II looks at skill formation systems in the analysis of the tribal groups living on either side of the Malacca Japanese dominated automobile industry in Southeast Asia and in Straits – in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore. New Part III the authors focus in the EU and the very different influence theoretical and descriptive approaches are presented for the study of of Japanese investment. the social and cultural continuites and discontinuities manifested by tribal life in the region.

In addition, IIAS supported publications that resulted from A second series in cooperation with ISEAS Press on the topic of workshops organized by fellows and other research institutes: maritime piracy and robbery in the Asian Seas was in preparation with the first publication planned for 2004. - Amineh, Mehdi Parvizi (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference “International Security and the Asian Heartland” Special issue of World Affairs 2003 (1), published by the School of Foreign Service, Mongolian National University. 2003 annual report annual iias Information Services

section 6 [ p 60 | section 6 | Information Services ]

IIAS Newsletter introduced by one of IIAS’s founders, Professor Frits Staal. This The International Institute for Asian Studies publishes the IIAS edition carried a smaller theme as well: ‘Elderly Care in Indonesia’, Newsletter three times a year, free of charge. With a worldwide coordinated by Dr Elisabeth Schröder-Butterfill, in which four readership of 21,640 institutes and individuals, the IIAS Newsletter scholars explain the particularities of growing old in a rapidly renders lively and comprehensive coverage of the latest changing Indonesian society. developments in Asian Studies and ranks among the most widely read publications in the field. Lead articles and topics feature writers and research connected to IIAS. The lead articles for this year’s issues were: an interview with Broad in scope and appeal, the 56-page newsletter contains research Princeton Emeritus Professor and IIAS fellow Gananath Obeysekere articles, book reviews, conference reports, interviews, news about ‘From Aristocrats to Primitives’ (issue 30); ‘From the Year of the fellowships and grants, opinion articles, an Asian arts section, and White Horse to the Year of the Black Horse: Mongolia after Twelve information on organizations, institutes, conferences, and Years of Transition’ by Dr Sanjaasuren Oyun, Member of the employment opportunities. An electronic version is available at Mongolian Parliament and pro-democracy activist, based on her lecture at the IIAS Tenth Anniversary Festival (issue 31); and an article by Professor Prasenjit Duara based on his ICAS 3 keynote In recent years, the Newsletter has enhanced communication among address in Singapore, ‘A Journey of Research in Asia: Crossing Asia specialists worldwide. As a leading information provider on between Old and New Nations’. Asia it holds special appeal for Asia specialists, as well as business people, government officials, and politicians with an interest in Asia. Seeing it as its task to pick up on new and promising areas of research, the Newsletter has featured articles on international security, Content and design genomics, bioethics, and the history of medicine. The Newsletter may As research often transcends geographical barriers, the IIAS be expected to continue along these lines, drawing special attention Newsletter is divided into: General News, Theme, Research & reports, to topics that, whilst specifically Asian, are of universal interest. Publications, Art & Cultures, IIAS news, Institutional news, and Agenda, instead of divisions based on region. The IIAS Newsletter provides updates and information on IIAS as well as on other institutes and organizations. News on the institute’s Continuing with the formula that has evolved over the previous years, research programmes, on the European Alliance for Asian Studies, this year’s IIAS Newsletter issues 30 (March), 31 (July), and 32 ASEF, ICAS, ASEMUS, NIOD, amongst others, is featured in the (November) each carried a special theme, coordinated by guest IIAS and Institutional news section of the paper. While art editors. The special theme of the March issue, ‘Psychiatry in Asia’, exhibitions are contained in the Asian Art Agenda, upcoming events coordinated by Dr Waltraud Ernst, featured six researchers writing are published in the highly valued international conference agenda. on different aspects of psychiatry in Asia. In the July issue Dr Peter Furthermore, due to its broad approach, the Newsletter appeals to Nas guest edited ‘Mega-urbanization in Asia’, bringing to the fore the advertisers and mainly academic publishers. urbanising Asian landscape and the impact of this development on Asian society and the fields of research studying it. According to Editorial Staff IIAS, both these themes can be seen as relatively new areas of In addition to two full-time editors, Maurice Sistermans and Natasja research deserving a wide forum. Kershof, the Editorial Board includes nine unpaid members, who have an advisory role and safeguard academic quality. Four changes To celebrate IIAS’s tenth anniversary, the IIAS Newsletter invited took place in this board, all of them during the third issue. After leading scholars in different fields of Asian Studies to share their many years on the Editorial Board, Margarita Winkel left as Japan ideas on developments in their field. This resulted in ‘Imagining Editor, to be succeeded by Marjan Boogert. Prof. Ken Hammond Asian Studies’, the theme of the November issue, which was succeded Mark Meulenbeld as China Editor, while Prof. Touraj 2003 annual report annual iias [ p 61 | section 6 | Information Services ]

Atabaki left the Newsletter as its Central Asia Editor. Prof. Sandra These lists are not exclusive to IIAS and can be obtained through our Evers (Insular Southwest Asia) left as editor and her position is filled Mailing Label Rental (MLR). These self-adhesive labels are meant for by a correspondent on the region, Tijo Salverda. The rest of the one-time mailings. The new database will make management of the Editorial Board remained unaltered: Netty Bonouvrié (South Asia), label rental more flexible and reliable, and will reduce the time Koen De Ceuster (Korea), and Stephan van Galen (Mainland required to produce precise mailing lists. Southeast Asia). Some further non-editorial changes deserve The flexibility of the new database will allow IIAS to grow for years to mention. Starting with issue 32, the Asian Art Agenda has been come. It will also enable the Institute to turn to the Internet for the compiled by Carol Brash. Several free-lance English language editors, easy maintenance of information. available on call, are working for the IIAS Newsletter. Among them, both Takeo David Hymans and Elizabeth Saville have worked on all IIAS Image Survey three issues published in 2003. The cooperation with Raster Grafisch From 1 November 2003 to 31 January 2004, MA Xiao Zhen carried Ontwerpers in Delft, started in 2002, has been continued during out an image survey to gain further insights into how the target 2003. audience, based in the Netherlands, perceives IIAS. The survey intended to provide information on current target audience attitudes, Website: approaches and suggestions regarding IIAS products and services; Emphasis on usability and interaction evaluate communication channels; improve customized services; and The IIAS website ( has averaged 5,000 page views per strengthen the effective interaction between the Institute and the day over the past year. target audience. The survey was distributed in two ways, through The website contains information on the Institute: its research direct contact 2,000 questionnaires were sent via the postal service activities; fellowships; publications; staff and board; database; and approximately 800 of these were also distributed via email. network activities; as well as an online version of the IIAS Newsletter. Through indirect contact, visitors to the IIAS website could complete Apart from providing information on the Institute, ‘IIAS links to the questionnaire on-line. Asian Studies’ has two other purposes. The first is to disseminate Thirty percent of the above-mentioned 2,000 questionnaires were Dutch information relevant to Asian Studies, in order to give Dutch returned to IIAS and 68 respondents completed the questionnaire Asian Studies a greater profile on the Internet. The second is to via the website. provide a worldwide network of information on Asian Studies. ‘IIAS Links to Asian Studies’ contains links to other institutes, vacancies, In general, the target audience, which is based in the Netherlands, projects, publishers, booksellers, collections, archives, has a positive, if not very positive, view of IIAS. Professors and documentation centres, publications, conference agenda’s and news. postdoctoral researchers have a very positive opinion of IIAS as it In collaboration with NIAS (Copenhagen), IIAS maintains ‘Agenda provides large amounts of information and research opportunities Asia’, a database of international conferences, workshops, and for academic scholars. This finding is not surprising considering seminars in the field of Asian Studies. The agenda is interactive and IIAS is a postdoctoral research centre. Furthermore, as revealed in any visitor can post relevant information on upcoming Asia-related the survey results, the IIAS Newsletter has become the most events. important way to bridge the gap between the target audience and the In 2004, will be substantially modified. It will be institute. The survey response rate for PhD students was lower than restyled, rebuilt and maintained by means of a Content Management that of MA students. This indicates that IIAS could make more of an System. The former will lead to a total integration of the IIAS house effort to arouse the interests of PhD students, as this group is a style into the website’s design. The latter introduces a shift to potential source of research for future IIAS activities. Furthermore, centralization and uniformity in terms of the maintenance of MA and BA students are a significant potential market for IIAS, who information as well as the website’s usability. need to be targeted through more customized programmes in future activities. In addition, survey results have revealed that the general Database public demonstrated a significant interest in IIAS activities. The IIAS database contains approximately 22,000 addresses of scholars and individuals, institutes, organizations, museums, scientific periodicals, and newsletters with an interest in Asian Studies. This allows the Institute to send out the IIAS Newsletter and keep people updated on conferences, seminars and workshops. Names are retrievable by region of interest, field of expertise, participation at IIAS events, etc. The IIAS database has been growing since it was set up in 1996. This increase in size was accompanied by an increase in complexity; details requiring storage grew until the database was on the verge of becoming unmanageable. To counteract this, it was decided to reconstruct the database from the bottom up. Currently, these activities take up much time, and has led to a slowdown in the 2003 maintenance of information. This should be finalized by the end of 2004, freeing up time for maintenance again. The newly constructed database will support the IIAS staff in its daily activities. Better facilities will enhance productivity and the quality of work. It will become easier to contact specific groups, as well as report annual

provide targetted mailing lists for promotional material. iias [ p 62 | section 6 | Information Services ] 2003 annual report annual iias Academic Cooperation 7 section

IIAS considers academic cooperation indispensable to top-level research. It believes that, in the present environment of globalization, the distinctive national traditions of research and scholarship need to be brought together to form complementary partnerships. IIAS, therefore, actively promotes, facilitates, and initiates academic cooperation at various levels - nationally as well as internationally - between diferent research groups and institutions. [ p 64 | section 7 | International Cooperation ]

The European Alliance for Asian Studies SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, (Asia Alliance) London The European Alliance for Asian Studies (Asia Alliance) is a co- SOAS is the only higher education institution in the operative framework of European institutes specializing in Asian UK specializing in the study of Asia, Africa and the Studies. The aim of the Asia Alliance, established in 1997, is to Near and Middle East. Founded in 1916, the School is contribute to bringing together the fragmented forces in Europe on part of the federal University of London. SOAS offers Asian Studies. It aims to establish scholarly excellence in central a full range of social science and humanities degree areas of research and expertise on Asia, to benefit each institutes’ programmes, as well as language and culture studies, national research environments and the European community at all with a distinctive regional focus. large. Director: Prof. Colin Bundy

In 2003 two institutes joined the Alliance namely the Centre for East Activities Asian Studies, Madrid and the School of Oriental and African The Alliance is not intended to merge the respective institutes, but to Studies, London. step up the momentum and interaction that has been growing between them and to provide a framework within which greater co- Participating Institutes operation can occur. The Alliance implies the establishment of a The Asia Alliance is a co-operative framework of coordinated framework for joint planning and for the pooling of European institutes specializing in Asian Studies, resources in conducting various jointly organized projects. consisting of IIAS and: In the IIAS Newsletter (no. 29, November 2002), we announced the NIAS, Copenhagen second call for proposals for the Annual Asia-Europe Workshop The Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS) is an Series (2003/2004) sponsored by the Asia-Europe Foundation and independent research institute funded by the the European Alliance for Asian Studies. This encouraged academic governments of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, researchers to submit proposals for the organization of workshops and Sweden through the Nordic Council of Ministers. focusing on a variety of issues affecting both regions. The criteria of Director: Dr Jørgen Delman. proposals were determined by considerations of interregional and multilateral importance and the applicants were requested to focus IFA, Hamburg on contemporary topics concerning both Asia and Europe in a The Institute of Asian Affairs (Institut für comparative perspective. Most importantly, the workshops had to be Asienkunde, IFA) has been assigned the task of organized by both an Asian and a European partner, to stimulate studying political, economic, and social developments dialogue between both regions. in Asian countries. The Workshop Series secretariat received 31 proposals by 1 March Director: Dr Werner Draguhn. 2003, covering a wide range of topics. The Selection Committee Meeting was held in Leiden, the Netherlands on 9 April, and EIAS, Brussels/EU consisted of Amb. Delfin Colomé (ASEF), Prof. Jean-Luc Domenach The European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) is a (Tsinghua University), Prof. Chaibong Hahm (Yonsei University), Brussels-based policy and research think-tank Prof. Lily Kong (National University of Singapore), Prof. Hans Maull supported by European Union (EU) institutions that (University of Trier), Prof. Shamsul A.B. (Universiti Kebangsaan aim to promote understanding and cooperation Malaysia) and Prof. Wim Stokhof (Asia Alliance). between the EU and Asia. The committee showed enthusiasm with regards to the overall Director: Dr Willem van der Geest. quality of the proposals and was as well pleased that the majority of the proposed workshops were to be held in Asia. The six proposals AEC, at Fondation Nationale des Sciences selected excelled due to their clear-cut relevance to Asia and Europe, Politiques (Sciences-Po), Paris stimulating dialogue between the two regions and creating an The resource centre, the Asia-Europe Centre (AEC) intersection between the scientific and the ‘practical domain’. In provides information and expertise to public and addition, the Annual Asia-Europe Workshop Series 2004/2005 was European Union institutions, to Sciences-Po’s announced in September 2003. academic network, and to the business community. Director: Dr David Camroux. Alliance activities 2003 CEAO, Centre for East Asian Studies, Madrid CEAO was established in 1992 at the Universidad 6 February, Leiden, the Netherlands Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), one of the most Alliance meeting prestigious of Spain’s public universities. The centre’s 2003 main aim is to train young researchers who originate 6-8 May from different areas of the humanities and the social ASEF-Asia Alliance workshop: Transborder Exchanges: Business, sciences and specialize in East Asian Studies. Networks and Identity Formation in Asia's and Europe's New Director: Prof. Taciana Fisac Economy Convenors: Dr H. Dahles (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the annual report annual Netherlands) and Dr Loh Wei Leng (University of Malaya, Malaysia) iias [ p 65 | section 7 | International Cooperation ]

11-12 July International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) ASEF- Asia Alliance workshop: The Restructuring of Old Industrial Areas in Europe and Asia Convenors: Dr R. Hassink (University of Bonn, Germany) and Dr Shin Dong-Ho (Hannam University, Korea)

19-22 August Alliance Panel at ICAS 3 in Singapore Civil Society, Religious Affiliation and Political Participation in International Convention of Asia Scholars East Asia The International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) was at the Convenor: Dr Juliette van Wassenhove (Sciences-Po, France) outset an experiment in terms of the parties involved, the nature of the participants, its content, the manner of its organization, and its 28-31 August size in terms of participants (at least in the Eurasian context). With ASEF-Asia Alliance workshop: New Perspectives in Eurasian the fourth edition coming up in 2005 in Shanghai, we should briefly Archeology look back on its development with an eye to its future. Convenors: Dr M. Fiskesjö (Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Sweden) and Dr Chen Xingcan (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Background China) From 1995 the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) and the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) had been thinking of 11-13 September ways of internationalizing Asian Studies. This transatlantic dialogue ASEF-Asia Alliance workshop: Interweaving Medical Traditions: gradually matured and was thought of as a process involving Europe and Asia, 1600-2000 American and European Asian scholars. Its main goals were to Convenors: Dr S. Bhattacharya (Welcome Trust Centre for the transcend the boundaries between disciplines, between nations History of Medicine, United Kingdom) and Dr R.K. Chhem (National studied, and between the geographic origins of the Asianists University of Singapore) involved. It acquired a name: the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS). Apart from the AAS and IIAS, the European 17 and 21 October, London (United Kingdom) and Leiden (the Science Foundation Asia Committee (1994-2000) and the six Netherlands) European Asian Studies Associations also joined, and a programme Taiwan and China in the Global Communities committee consisting of representatives of all parties involved was A Multi-level Alliance Conference hosted by the School of Oriental established. There was never any doubt that Asianists from all over and African Studies and the International Institute for Asian Studies the world should have the chance to participate and once the Convenor: Dr. Willem van der Geest, European Institute for Asian convention was announced, enthusiastic replies came from every Studies quarter of the world. Thus ICAS became a platform on which Asian, American, Australian and European Asianists could study topics of 20-22 October, Manila, the Philippines interest to all. Social and cultural effects of computer-mediated interactive communications technology in Europe and Asia ICAS 1/2/3 Leiden – Berlin - Singapore Convenors: Dr R. Pertierra (University of the Philippines) and Prof. The organization of ICAS 1 was put in the hands of IIAS and the Daniel Miller (University of London, United Kingdom) meeting was held in Leiden, 25 to 28 June 1998. More than 350 universities, institutes, and organizations were represented. There 10-11 November, Chiang Mai, Thailand were nearly 1000 participants from 40 countries, 130 panels were Social science and AIDS in Southeast Asia held and there was a remarkably equal distribution continent-wise. Convenors: Dr Sophie Le Coeur (Chiang Mai University, Thailand) New cooperative initiatives were developed and the ICAS approach and Dr Evelyne Micollier (Université de Provence, France) translated itself into so-called border transcending panels at the Annual Meetings of the AAS. 15 December, Brussels, Belgium Alliance meeting

15-17 December, Chiang Mai, Thailand The security paradox of open borders: surveillance and control of migrants Convenors: Dr Carl Grundy-Warr (National University of Singapore) and Prof. Didier Bigo, (Sciences-Po, France)

Secretariat 2003 The Alliance’s secretariat is run by IIAS, which also organizes meetings, publicity, the Alliance website, and financial matters. In addition, IIAS has the task of exploring the possible participation of new partners. The IIAS is also involved in the co-organization of many of the activities that take place under the flag of the Alliance. report annual iias [ p 66 | section 7 | International Cooperation ]

ICAS 2 was hosted by the Freie Universitat Berlin and took place IIAS Special Events in 2003 from 9 to 12 August 2001. About 800 scholars attended around 100 Every year IIAS organizes events or lectures to which representatives panels, and 500 papers were presented. The Faculty of Arts and of the academic world and people from outside the academic arena Social Sciences and the Asia Research Institute, National University are invited. Through these events, IIAS frequently reaches out to the of Singapore jointly hosted ICAS 3. Over 1,000 scholars from 54 civil, business, and political sectors, as well as to journalists dealing countries participated and some 940 papers were presented in 250 with Asian issues. In opening up channels into realms beyond the sessions, on a wide variety of topics. ICAS 3 also provided a platform universities, the ultimate aim of IIAS is to allow both the academic for scholars to explore ways of coordinating Asia research in Asia. and non-academic communities to benefit from the knowledge of Asia available. As IIAS celebrated its ten-year anniversary in 2003, a ICAS 4 Shanghai (August 2005) festival was organized at the National Museum of Ethnology (NME), The Shanghai Academy for Social Sciences (SASS) will host the Leiden, which attracted over 1500 visitors. fourth edition of ICAS in the second half of August in 2005. IIAS Festival ICAS Secretariat The IIAS festival was a two-day event including an official opening The ICAS secretariat, hosted by IIAS, was officially founded in 2001 on 16 May and the festival on 17 May. On 16 May Dr Fons with an eye to safe-guarding the continuity of the ICAS process. Its Trompenaars presented the key-note speech, entitled Building Cross main tasks are: continuity, assessing new ideas, keeping an up-to- Cultural Competence: how to create wealth and knowledge from Asian date database of the 2500 participants, 600 Asian Studies and European values. In his speech Dr Trompenaars focussed on institutions and 50 advertisers. developing transcultural competence and the ability to integrate seemingly opposing cultural values as a key skill for leadership in the twenty-first century. The speech was followed by a reception, which included Indian fusion music.

On 17 May the NME was the scene of a range of activities including: Lectures by Dr Sanjaasuren Oyun (From the year of the White Horse to the Year of the Black Horse: where is Mongolia today after 12 years of transition), Shim Jae Myung (View on Korean Cinema), Chris Uhlenbeck and Prof. Matthi Forrer (Blockprints in Japan), Dr Oscar Verkaaik (Marters and Cricket in Pakistan), Dr Mario Rutten (Bollywood and the Simpsons), Dr Jeroen de Kloet (Rockmusic in China); Workshops: Pencak Silat, Tai Chi Chuan and Japanese Swordfighting, Museum tours; Demonstration: Chinese Lion Dance, Caligraphy and Henna Painting; Music: Dangiang Parahiangan (Indonesia), Börte (Mongolia), Kirtan (Sikh India), and Bhangra (Indian fusion). 2003 annual report annual iias [ p 67 | section 7 | International Cooperation ]

Annual Lecture Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Research Platform 17 October The ASEM Research Platform (ARP), which was set up in September Leiden, the Netherlands 2002, as an information board on the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), Some reflections on multinationality – the example of former empires has since grown into an online network of Asian and European in East Asia institutions and individuals, promoting interregional engagement IIAS Annual Lecture by Prof. Herbert Franke through the ASEM process. Information: [email protected] Through its comprehensive network of participating institutes, ARP Association for Asian Studies (AAS) aims to bring together Asian and European perspectives, and to Virtually since its foundation in 1993, IIAS has been in contact with develop them into new policy critiques and contributions. It the Association for Asian Studies (AAS, Ann Arbor, USA). Gradually complements existing ASEM summits and initiatives’ official IIAS has begun to assume the function of a gateway to Asian Studies websites by presenting them within the wider context of the ASEM in Europe for the AAS. After co-organizing ICAS 1 and being process. It offers comprehensive coverage of the ASEM Summits involved in the organization of ICAS 2, the AAS unhesitatingly while also giving access to ASEM official documents, publications, supported the founding of the ICAS Secretariat General, thereby NGOs position papers and reports, and links to ASEM related sites. taking up the opportunity to strengthen its ties with its European Some of the most prominent researchers of ASEM and Asia-Europe partners even more. relations have joined the network as its contributors. Likewise, the Annual Meeting of the AAS, which is attended regularly by IIAS, gives IIAS the opportunity to strengthen its In 2003 ARP sought to build on recent achievements and to extend contacts with American Asianists. its activities. This resulted in a further development of its network by The AAS Annual Meeting 2003 was held in New York and IIAS including a greater number of supporting institutions at the regional presented a booth together with Dutch publishers on Asia (KITLV, and interregional levels. The website is vastly broadening its range MMF, IDC, Brill, KIT Publishers/Hotei Publishers) and the and thus expanding size-wise as well as working towards a more European Alliance for Asian Studies, offering free internet services interactive set-up, such as an e-forum. Being in continuous (“IIAS connects you”). In addition the institute organized a Panel development, the website has become an authoritive site on ASEM sponsored by IIAS and the Melbourne Institute for Asian languages ranking high on search engines with an exceptional large quantity of & societies entitled ‘Conflict and unity in Southeast Asian Islam’. hits per month.

Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with partner Institutes Over the years IIAS has established a world wide network of universities, institutes and ministries to join forces in enhancing Asian Studies. With many of these organizations a MoU was signed to stimulate international academic cooperation in the field of Asian Studies. This cooperation includes exchanging research fellows, establishing academic chairs, organizing joint seminars and workshops, and publishing research materials. In 2003 IIAS signed MoU’s with:

• Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka (DBP), Malaysia, May 2003 • Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore, July 2003

National cooperation At a broader level, IIAS strives to link up with other groups in society, such as business people, policy makers, and the media by making expertise on Asia available to non-academic organizations through updates, consultancy services and the like.

Research schools The ‘Research Schools’ in the Netherlands that are most closely related to IIAS are the Research School for Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS, Leiden), the Research School for Resources Studies for Human Development (CERES, Utrecht), and the Amsterdam School for Social Science Research (ASSR, 2003 Amsterdam). Although these schools focus on PhD students (in contrast to IIAS, which concentrates mainly on postdoctoral researchers), IIAS cooperates with these schools as many of their students work in the field of Asian Studies. IIAS endeavours to stimulate multilateral cooperation between the report annual

research schools and to sept up national and international research iias [ p 68 | section 7 | International Cooperation ]

programmes with partner institutions focussing on Asian Studies. - Prof. Peter Nas, Dr Gerard Persoon Within this context, IIAS in cooperation with CNWS, CERES, ASSR, For the conference ‘Framing Indonesian Realities: Symbols and Rituals’, the Africa Studies Centre (Leiden) and the International Institute for in honour of Prof. Reimar Schefold the Sttudy of Islam in the Modern World (Leiden) organized a Leiden, the Netherlands, 12 June workshop on Religion, transnationalism and radicalism on 20 and 21 € 500,- June. This workshop was made possible by a NWO grant especially provided to stimulate national cooperation between the research - Prof. Gusti Nguray Bagus schools. For a visit to the IIAS and participation in the dissertation committee of Dr M. Liem Inter University MA Courses on Asian Studies (MACAS) Leiden, the Netherlands, 4-11 May In 2001 IIAS introduced three undergraduate courses on € 500,- contemporary developments in Asia (interuniversitaire Azië cursussen), which were continued in 2002 and 2003. The major objective of - Prof. Leonard Blussé these courses is to stimulate the interest of Dutch students in ‘Asian For the conference ‘Rivalry and Conflict: European Traders and Asian Affairs’. The organization was done in cooperation with the Trading Networks’ University of Amsterdam (UvA), Erasmus University Rotterdam Leiden, the Netherlands, 23-26 June (EUR), Leiden University (LEI) and the Royal Netherlands Institute € 2.000,- of Caribbean and Southeast Asian Studies (KITLV) in Leiden. Stukje cursus beschrijving! Hooguit 10 regels. - Drs Roy Jordaan For a conference visit to New Delhi IIAS Subsidies New Delhi, India, 1-8 March The IIAS supports many activites organized by other institutes and € 1.000,- universities and national and international leves, both by offering infrastructural facilities and by its financial contributions. In order to - Dr Jos Gommans stimulate, promote, and advance important scholarly initiatives in For the seminar ‘Sufis, Warriors, and Merchants: Social Dynamics in the field of Asian Studies, a budget of € 14.000 in total was made Mugal India’ in honour of Prof. D.H.A. Kolff available for the year 2003 via the Director’s Fund. Leiden, the Netherlands, 8 October € 1.975,- This fund, out of which the Director can personally allocate amounts up to € 2.500, proved to be very supportive of small-scale activities - Dr Thomas de Bruijn that would otherwise have been likely to be cancelled. Its succes For the seminar ‘Food and Emortion in South Asian Literature’ underlines the necessity to make a joint effort to organize Asia London, United Kingdom, 27 October support. € 1.500,-

Director’s Fund - Dr Reed Wadley, Dr Ole Mertz Grants were given to the following institutes and individuals: For the conference ‘Local Land Use Strategies in a Globalizing World: Shaping Sustainable Social and Natural Environments’ - Dr Rosanne Rutten Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-23 August For to the compilation of a Liber Amicorum in honour of € 2.500,- Prof. O.D. van den Muijzenberg € 2.000,- In addition, in 2003, the IIAS launched a subsidy to support promising young scholars in finalizing a grant application for a - Prof. Patricia Spyer research programme, a post-doctoral scholarship or finalizing a For the annual workshop of the KNAW Research Programme publication. This subsidy is part of our continued endeavor to Indonesian Mediations Projects stimulate young scholars in Asian Studies. The grant may be used for Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 22-23 August one or two meetings between Asian and European scholars to € 1.000,- finalize a research proposal or publication.

- Dr Nicoline van der Sijs (L.J. Veen Publishers) In 2003 grants were given to: For the publication of the works of P.J. Veth, H. Kern and F.P.H. Prick van Wely: ‘Uit Oost en West’. - Dr Nico Heerink (Wageningen University) € 750,- For a visit to Beijing for the elaboration of the PhD proposal on ‘Geographical targeting of poverty alleviation: Applications in Hebei - Prof. Henk Schulte-Nordholt Province, China’ written with Ms Xiang Bi, MSc (Center for Chinese 2003 For the ICAS panel ‘Deserting the State, the Case of Indonesia’ Agricultural Policy, Chinese Academy of Sciences). An application to Singapore, 22 August NWO-WOTRO was submitted on 28 August 2003. € 500,- annual report annual iias [ p 69 | section 7 | International Cooperation ]

- Dr Elizabeth Schröder-Butterfill (University of Oxford) and Dr Ruli Marianti (Belle van Zuylen Institute) For visits from and to Indonesia to meet with their colleagues Raden Mas Imam Koeswahyono (Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya), Edi Indrizal and Tengku Syawila Fithry (both Universitas Andalas) for the project proposal ‘Economic Vulnerability and Old-Age Security: A Comparative Perspective on the Formal and Informal Sectors in Malang, East Java’. The visits will be helf in 2004.

Other supported initiatives: The IIAS has committed itself to supporting a series of three conferences convened by Prof. Mineke Schipper (Leiden University), Prof. Mark Geller (University College London) and SOAS on ‘Myth’. The subsidy is aimed at inviting Asian speakers to these conferences. In 2003 the conference ‘Myth, Theory, and the Disciplines’ was held in Leiden, the Netherlands from 11-12 December and a subsidy of € 2.000,- was granted.

In addition, the institute has supported the seminar ‘American Hegemony or Multipolarity: International Systems in the 21st Century’, organized by Dr Marianne Wiesbron on 20 March 2003 and its upcoming publication with € 1.500,-.

Furthermore, the IIAS has agreed to support the Annual Lecture of the SOAS Centre of Chinese Studies with GBP 500,- per year.

The following conferences were also supported:

- Prof. Axel Schneider, Prof. Rikki Kersten For the first workshop of the VICI research project ‘Historical Consciousness and the Future of Modern China and Japan: Conservatism, Revisionism, and National Identity’ Leiden, the Netherlands, 23 May € 5.000,-

- Dr Remco Raben and Drs Mariska Heijmans-van Bruggen For the conference ‘Changing regimes and shifting loyalties: Identity and violence in the early revolution of Indonesia’ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25-27 June € 1.500,-

- Prof. Henk Schulte Nordholt For the third KNAW workshop ‘Indonesia in Transition’ Jakarta, Indonesia, 25-27 August € 2.000,-

- Prof. Barend ter Haar For the Warring States Workgroup 17 Leiden, the Netherlands, 17-18 September € 2.000,-

- Dr Susanne Schroeter, Dr Edwin Wieringa For the conference ‘Christianity in Indonesia’ Frankfurt, Germany, 12-14 December € 2.000,- 2003

As in previous years, the IIAS supported two courses on Thai language and literature, taught at the department of Southeast Asian Studies, Leiden University. annual report annual iias [ p 70 | section 7 | International Cooperation ] 2003 annual report annual iias List of Abbreviations Index Financial Report 2003

annex [ p 72 | annex | Financial report ]

Financial Report 2003

Budget and realization International Institute for Asian Studies 2003

Description Budget Realization

Expenditure: Personnel: - Bureau € 680.000 € 603.775 - Board 26.000 35.034 - Research fellows 78.000 35.329 Office 90.000 102.959 International travel costs 28.000 29.580 Representation 14.000 25.412 Joint national research programmes 36.000 20.391 Asia courses 14.000 8.303 Research proposal fund 6.000 5.487 Publication & publicity 56.000 42.538 Newsletter 100.000 70.310 Lectures/scientific activity 61.000 71.192 Seminars 80.100 38.205 Database 3.000 2.258 Visiting fellows 80.900 95.088 Training personnel 5.000 7.186 Extraordinary chairs 58.400 22.576 ABIA project 49.800 50.180 World wide web 57.600 49.756 Equipment 38.000 28.883 Director’s Fund 14.000 12.331 Transport director 10.000 11.576 Joint international research programmes 192.500 123.962

Earnings - 257.706 cr

Total € 1.778.300 € 1.234.605

Leiden, 2004

F.E. Horsman, Account manager International Projects Administration (IPA), Leiden University 2003 annual report annual iias [ p 73 | annex | Financial report ]

Realization Strategic Alliance International Institute for Asian Studies 2003

Description Budget Realization

Expenditure: Personell & office € 5.000 € 6.582 Strengthening of communication tools 4.000 2.852 Network building 28.300 6.121

Activities: 75.000 - AAS Booth 25.717 - ASEF Seminra series 15.492 - Changing Labour Relations (CLARA) 27.573 International travel costs 6.000 8.902

Total € 118.300 € 93.239

Realization Dependance Amsterdam International Institute for Asian Studies 2003

Description Budget Realization

Expenditure: Personnel: - Bureau € 18.000 € 20.276 Office 1.000 2.313 Representation 2.000 1.567 Equipment 1.000 1.722 Travel costs 1.000 126 Acommodation fellows 5.000 13.171 Seminars/activities 1.600

Total Expenditure 39.175

Contribution: University of Amsterdam 38.500 cr

Total € 29.600 € -675 cr

Leiden, 2004

F.E. Horsman, Account manager International Projects Administration (IPA), Leiden University 2003 annual report annual iias [ p 74 | annex | Financial report ]

Realization Dissemination of Religious Authority in 20th Century Indonesia International Institute for Asian Studies 2002

Description Budget Realization

Expenditure: Coordinator € 16.978 Project-personnel 96.882 Indonesian scientists in the Netherlands 81.992 Travel costs 1.286 Training 19.115 Consumer goods 10.210 Equipment 7.374 Fieldwork 6.183 Overhead 20.653

Total € 260.673 € 0

Leiden, 2003

F.E. Horsman, Account manager International Projects Administration (IPA), Leiden University

Realization NIOD International Institute for Asian Studies 2003

Description Budget Realization

Expenditure: Educational replacement € 13.000 € Scientific Assistant 32.000 30.054 Travel costs in the Netherlands 1.200 3.304 DSA Indonesia 5.000 3.967 Travel Indonesia 600 892 Office in the Netherlands 2.100 707 Office in Indonesia 2.100 599

Contributions: NIOD -2.100 cr

Total € 56.000 € 37.423 cr

Leiden, 2004

F.E. Horsman, Account manager International Projects Administration (IPA), Leiden University 2003 annual report annual iias [ p 75 | annex | Index ]

Index Dahles, Dr Heidi 40, 50, 64 DAI, Dr Yi-feng 40 Persons Datta, Dr Damayanti 40 Davis-Sulikowski, Dr Ulrike 12 Abaza, Dr Mona 17, 38, 53 De Ceuster, Dr Koen 12 Ahmad Syafi’i Mufid, MA 11,18 Dedebant, Dr Christèle 40 Ali, Dr Kamran 38 Derks, Dr Will A.G. 40 Altantsetseg, Dr Noosgoi 38 Dijk, Prof. Cees van 16 Amin, Prof. Sahid 38 Dijk, Ines van 10 Amineh, Dr Mehdi Parvizi 12, 29, 30, 50, 52, 58, 66 Dijk, Dr Rijk van 51 Amri Marzali, Dr 42 Dirkse, MA Jan-Paul 11, 33 Andaya, Prof. Leonard 38 Doek, MA Afelonne 10 Andi Faisal Bakti, Dr 17, 18, 51 Doeppers, Prof. Daniel 40 Androsov, Prof. Valeri 38 Donkersloot, Denise 10 Antons, Dr Cristoph 38, 58 Douw, Dr Leo 40, 50, 56 Aouragh, MA Miriyam 12, 26, 56 Douwes, Dr Dick 16, 17, 20 Arief Subhan, MA 11, 17, 19 Eeuwijk, Dr Peter van 11, 33, 40, Ariyasajsiskul, MA Supaporn 11, 33 Eghenter, Dr Cristina 40 Arps, Marjolein 11 Eindhoven, Dr Myrna 12, 26, 47, 51, 56 Atabaki, Prof. Touraj 10, 12, 29, 61 Erwiza Erman, Dr 40 Azyumardi Azra, Prof. 16, 17, 52 Est, Dr Diny M.E. van 40, 58 Bali, Dr Arun 38 Evers, Dr Sandra 12, 61 Ballard, Dr Christopher 39 Ewing, Dr Michael 11, 33 Barendse, Dr René 39, 52 Farid Alatas, Dr 12 Batakliev, MA Ilko 10 Feldberg, MA Wouter 10 Batie, Dr André 11 Florey, Dr Margaret 11, 34, 40, 41 Baxter, Dr William 39 Forster, Dr Keith 40 Beck, Dr Herman 16, 17, 21, 41, 54 Foulcher, Dr Keith 40 Behr, Dr Wolfgang 39 Frank, Prof. Andre Gunder 40 Beinorius, Dr Audrius 11, 32 FU, Prof. Pei-jung 40 Benjamin, Dr Geoffrey 58 FUKE, Prof. 40 Beukers, Prof. Harm 10 Galen, Dr Stephan van 12, 61 Bhattacharya, Dr Sanjoy 52, 65 Ganesh, Dr Kamala 40 Bigo, Prof. Didier 54, 65 Ganguly-Scrase, Dr Ruchira 40 Blomberg, Dr Catharina 39 GE, Prof. Zhuang 41 Blussé van Oud Alblas, Prof. Leonard 9 Geer, Dr Alexandra van der 11, 32 Bongard-Levin, Prof. Gregory 39 Giri, Dr Ananta Kumar 41 Bonouvrié, MA Netty 12, 61 Goddard, Dr Cliff 41, 50 Boogert, MA Marjan 12, 60 Godley, Prof. Michael 41 Børdahl, Dr Vibeke 39 Gommans, Dr Jos 52, 68 Breman, Prof. Jan 25, 26, 36 Goodman, Prof. Grant 41 Bremen, Dr Jan van 10 Gooszen, Dr Hans 41 Bronkhorst, Dr Johannes 39 Gosh, Dr Gautam 12 Brown, Dr Colin Patrick Melcalfe 39 Graf, Dr Arndt 11, 34 Bruin, Dr Hanne de 12, 32 Grundy-Warr, Dr Carl 54, 65 Bruijn, Dr Thomas de 39, 68 Guerassimoff, Dr Carine 41 Bruinessen, Prof. Martin van 16, 17, 22 GUO, Dr Wu 41 Brummelhuis, Dr Han ten 50, 56 Gusti Nguray Bagus, Prof. 68 Busser, Dr Rogier 10, 28, 58 Haar, Prof. Barend ter 9, 23, 50, 52, 69 Chambers, Dr David 39 Hammond, Prof. Kenneth J. 11, 12, 37, 51 60 CHANG, Dr Mau-kuei Michael 11, 37 Haneveld, Manuel 10 CHEN, Dr Hsiu-Li 12, 27 Hashim bin Musa, Prof. 41 CHEN, Prof. Kuo-tung 39 Hassink, Dr R. 51, 65 CHENG, Dr Shaogang 23, 24, 39 Healey, Dr Christopher James 41 Chou, Dr Cynthia 58 Heerink, Dr Nico 68 2003 Collins, Prof. Jim 11, 33 Heijmans-van Bruggen, Dr Mariska 69 Colombijn, Dr Freek 39 Hirway, Prof. Indira 41 Cooke, Dr Fadzilah 39 Ho, Dr Peter 10 Cooper, Dr Thomas L. 39 HO, Dr Ming-yu 11, 37, 41 Coté, Dr Joost 39 Hockx, Dr Michel 58 report annual

Creese, Dr Helen 40 HONG, Dr Lijian 41 iias [ p 76 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

Hookoomsing, Prof. Vinesh 41 Moch Nur Ichwan, MA 11, 17, 21, 54 HOU, Dr Yu 11, 37 Moro, Prof. Pamela 43 Hough, Dr Brett Warren 11, 34 Morozova, Dr Irina 12, 30, 56 Hoven, Dr Debra 42 Muhammad Dahlan, MA 11, 17, 22 Howell, Dr Julia 52 Muhammad Haji Salleh, Prof. 35, 43 Hymans, MA Takeo David 12, 61 Munshi, Dr Shoma 43 Ip, Dr David 42 Musgrave, Dr Simon 11, 34 Jajat Burhanudin, MA 11, 17, 19 Myo, Dr Ayng 43 Jedamski, Dr Doris 42 NAKAMURA, Prof. Kiyoshi 11, 35 Jha, Dr Ganganath 42 NAKATANI, Dr Ayami 43 Johnson, Dr Derek 31, 52 Nas, Prof. Peter 60, 64 Jong, Dr Janny de 9 Nasution, Dr Khoiruddin 11, 17, 34 Jordaan, MA Roy 68 Nihom, Dr Max 43 KAMATANI, Dr Takeshi 42 Nijssen, MA Jane 12 Kannan, Dr Kappadath Parameswara 42 Noorhaidi Ahmad, MA 11 Kaptein, Dr Nico 11, 16, 17, 19, 20 53 Noorlander, Charlotte 11 Kerkhof, MA Jasper van de 11, 15, 16 Obeyesekere, Prof. Gananath 43 Kershof, MA Natasja 10, 12, 60 Odé, Dr Cecilia 11, 31 Kersten, Prof. Rikki 9, 51, 69 Olenev, MA Dimitri 43 Khazanov, Dr Anatoly 42 Onians, Dr Isabelle 43 Khoiruddin Nasution, Dr 11, 34 Orelskaya, Dr Marina Valeryevna 43 Kleinen, Dr John 11 Palriwala, Dr Rajni 43 Knight, Dr John 42 Pelras, Dr Christian 43 KOIKE, Prof. Makoto 42 Persoon, Dr Gerard 10, 40, 51, 58, 68 Laffan, Dr Michael 11, 17, 19, 20, 21 Petit, Anne-Marie 10 Laffan, MA Judy 12 Philips, MA Kristy 12 Lakdusinghe, Mr S. 24 Pieris, Dr Sita 24 Lambourn, Elizabeth 42 Pospísilová, Dr Dagmar 43 Le Coeur, Dr Sophie 53 Poujol, Prof. Catherine 12, 54, 56 LI Boya 11, 23, 50 Prakash, Dr Gyan 43 LI, Dr Minghuan 42 Prematilleke, Prof. Pawuludevage 44 Lieten, Dr Kristoffel 10 Purdey, Dr Jemma Elizabeth 11, 35 LIN Wei-Sheng, Dr 11, 37, 42 Raben, Dr Remco 69 Lindblad, Prof. Thomas 12, 12, 15, 16 Ram, Dr Bindeshwar 44 Linden, Dr Marcel van der 9, 25, 26 Ramstedt, Dr Martin 28, 44 LIU, Dr Kang 42 Ratnagar, Prof. Shareen F. 44 LIU, Dr Xiangbo 23, 53 Raven, Dr Ellen 11, 24, 25 LOH, Dr Wei Leng 50, 64 Reddy, Prof. D. Narasimha 44 Lont, Dr Hotze 12, 34, 50, 56 Remijsen, Dr Bert 11, 27, 28 Lopez y Royo Iyer, Dr Alessandra 42 Remmelink, Dr Willem 11 Lucassen, Prof. Jan 25 RHEE, Dr Sang Jik 11, 37 MA, Xiao Zhen 11 Ringger, Dr Beat 44 Mahadevia, Dr Darshini 12, 53, 56 Risakotta, Dr Bernard Adeney 44 Mahmoud Alinejad, Dr 38 Risseeuw, Prof. Carla 10 Manandhar, Prof. Tri Ratna 12 Rozing, MA Marloes 10 Manevskaia, Ilona 11, 32 RUI, Prof Chuanming 44 Masinambow, Prof. Eddy 42 Ruli Marianti, Dr 69 McKay, Dr Alex 30, 42 Rutten, Dr Mario 44, 66 McLagan, Dr Margaret 42 Rutten, Dr Rosanne 44, 68 McWilliam, Dr Andrew 42 SADOI, Dr Yuri 11, 28, 58 Mehdi, Dr Rubya 43 Sajise, Dr Percy E. 40, 58 MEI, Prof. Kuang 42 Sajor, Dr Edsel 44 Meijer, Dr Roel 11, 27, 51, 56 SAKURAI, Prof. Yumio 44 Merolla, Prof. Daniella 53 Md. Salleh Yaapar, Prof. 50, 56 2003 Mertz, Dr Ole 52, 68 Samsudin Rahim, Dr 44 Meuleman, Dr Johan 11, 17, 20, 22 Saptari, Dr Ratna 11, 25, 52 Meulenbelt, MA Mark 12 Sareen, Dr Tilar Raj 11, 35, 44 Micollier, Dr Evelyne 43, 53, 65 SATO, Dr Shigeru 44 Minne, MA Heleen van der 10 Satyanarayana, Dr Adapa 44 annual report annual Mishra, Prof. T.P. 43 Saville, MA Elizabeth 12, 61

iias Mittag, Dr Achim 43 Schak, Dr David 44 [ p 77 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

Schalk, Prof. Peter 44 UM, Dr Hae-kyung 46 Scheen, Lena 10 Vassilkov, Dr Yaroslav 46 Schendel, Prof. Willem van 25 Veer, Prof. Peter van der 9, 26 Schipper, Prof. Minneke 53, 69 Verdel, Anne-Marie 11 Schipper, Prof. Rik 44 Verkaaik, Dr Oskar 10, 14, 50, 52, 56, 66 Schneider, Prof. Axel 51, 69 Visentini, Dr Paulo 46 Schottenhammer, Dr Angela 44, 45 Viswanathan, Dr Gauri 46 Schröder-Butterfill, Dr Elisabeth 11, 36, 60, 69 Vitiello, Dr Giovanni 46 Schroeter, Dr Susanne 54, 69 Voogt, Dr Alex de 46 Schulte Nordholt, Prof. Henk 11, 47, 52, 68 Vredenbregt, Prof. Jacob 11 Scrase, Dr Timothy 45 Wadley, Dr Reed 46, 52, 68 Sey, Dr Anne 10 Walraven, Prof. Boudewijn 10 SHEN, Prof Yang 11, 23 WANG, Prof. Chen-main Peter 46 SHIN, Dr Dong-Ho 51, 65 Wassenhove, MA Juliëtte van 11, 36,52 Shrestha, Dr Bal Gopal 45 WEI, Dr Jennifer 11, 38 Shresta, Prof. Tek Bahadur 45 Wells, Dr Ken 46 Sideek Mohamed, Dr 45 White, Prof. Ben 12, 25, 26, 36 Sidel, Prof. John 50, 56 Wiedenhof, Dr Jeroen 46 Sijs, Dr Nicoline 68 Wieringa, Dr Edwin 54, 69, 50, 46 Silva, Dr Roland 45 Wierzbicka, Prof. Anna 12, 60 Silvey, Dr Rachel 45 Wink, Dr André 46 Sinha-Kerkhoff, Dr Katinka R. 45 Winkel, MA Margarita 12, 60 SIO, Joanna 11, 23, 50 Wolff, Dr John 46 Sistermans, MA Maurice 10, 12, 60 XU, Prof. Mingqi 46 Sleeboom, Dr Margaret 11, 14, 50, 51, 56 Yaacob bin Harun, Dr 46 Smits, Dr Ivo 58 Yadava, Dr 46 Soeksmono B. Martokoesoemo, Dr 45 YANG, Prof. Enhong 46 Soh, Dr Chunsee Sarah 45 YANG, Dr Shu-yuan 12, 38 Sondaite-van Soest, Rima 10 YE, Dr Shuxian 12, 38 Soo, Dr David 11, 28 YI, Dr Jianping 12, 28 Souza, Dr George Bryan 11, 36 YU, Prof. Jianhua 46 Sparreboom, Prof. Max 9 ZHANG, Dr Minjie 46 Spyer, Prof. Patricia 52, 68 Zohra Ibrahim, Dr 12, 34 Srivastava, Dr Sanjay 45 Zürcher, Prof. Erik Jan 10 Staal, Prof. Frits 11, 28, 60 Stargardt, Dr Janice 45 Steijn, Inge van 10 Steinhauer, Prof. Hein 11, 47 Stewart, Dr Pamela 45 Stokhof, Prof. Wim 3, 9, 10, 50, 52, 64 Strathern, Dr Andrew 45 Stremmelaar, MA Josine 10, 16, 17 Sudyka, Dr Lidia 11, 32 Suhartono, Prof. 11, 36 Svensson, Prof. Thommy 25 Syamsul Anwar, Dr 16 Sybesma, Dr Rint 23, 24, 50, 53 TACHIKAWA, Prof. Musashi 45 Tahir, Dr Naveed 45 Tarasyuk, Dr Yaroslav 45 Terwiel, Prof. Barend Jan 11, 48 Theuns-de Boer, MA Gerda 11, 24 Tindemans, Dr Peter 46 Tiwari, Dr Badri Narayan 46 TOGO, Kazuhiko 11, 37 2003 Touwen-Bouwsma, Dr Elly 10 Traag, Vincent 10 TSAI, Prof. Dylan 11 TSAI, Dr Wei-tien 23, 24 TSENG, Dr Mei-Chiun 11, 38, 46 report annual

Tsewang Lama 11 iias [ p 78 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

Subjects Syntax of the Languages of Southern China, the 8, 23, 24 Trainees 11 AAS 3, 8, 20, 65, 67, 73 Transnational Society, Media and Citizenship 38 ABIA 11, 24, 25, 53, 72 Visiting exchange fellow 17, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40 Academic Committee 10 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 AEC 8, 64 Website 8, 9, 10, 24, 39, 61, 65, 67 Affiliated fellow 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 WOTRO 26, 38, 45, 51, 68 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Amsterdam Branch Office 9, 10, 32, 36, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 ASEF 8, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 64, 65, 73 ASEM 9, 10, 52, 60, 67 ASSR 14, 26, 27, 31, 38, 56, 67, 68 Board 3, 9, 10, 24, 26, 60, 61, 67 ,72 CASA 25 CERES 67, 68 CLARA 22, 25, 40, 44, 73 CNWS 15, 16, 21, 27, 33, 45, 48, 51, 67, 68 Database 9, 10, 24, 61, 66, 72 Director’s Fund 68, 72 Islam in Indonesia 8, 11, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 34, 38, 53, 54 EIAS 8, 29, 30, 64 Fellowships 8, 13, 60, 61 Financial report 71, 72, 73 Gonda fellow 32, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46 ICAS 3, 8, 14, 21, 22, 47, 51, 60, 65, 66, 67, 68 IIAS Alumni 3, 38 IIAS Annual Lecture 52, 67, 11, 47 IIAS Extraordinary Chairs 61 IIAS Image Survey 61 IISH 9, 10, 25, 26 IFA 8, 64 Individual research fellow 27, 39, 41, 43, 46 Indonesianisasi and Nationlization 11, 15, 16 Inter University MA courses 56, 68 ISIM 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 50, 56 KITLV 16, 19, 20, 26, 47, 67, 68 KNAW 16, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 34, 36 38, 46, 47, 50, 52, 56, 68, 64 Mailing label rental 9, 61 MoU 67 Network research fellow 24 Networks 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 24, 25, 28 36, 38, 40, 50, 51, 53, 58, 64, 68 Newsletter 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 28, 30 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 60, 61, 64, 72 NIAS 8, 40, 44, 58, 61, 64 NWO 14, 23, 26, 27, 30, 35, 41, 42, 51, 68 PGIAR 24 Professorial fellow 37, 39, 40, 46 Programmes 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 17, 56, 60, 61, 64, 68, 72 Representatives abroad 11 Research fellow 8, 9, 10, 17, 26, 27, 67, 72 Research programme 14, 15, 16, 23, 42, 47, 50, 51, 54, 56, 68 2003 Research schools 67 Seminars 8, 9, 18, 19, 23, 25, 27, 49, 50 51, 52, 53, 56, 61, 67, 72, 73 Senior visiting fellow 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 SMAP 11, 14, 56 annual report annual Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia Programme (SMAP) 14

iias Subsidies 68 [ p 79 | annex | List of Abbreviations ] [ p 79 | section 1 | The IIAS and its Organization ]

List of Abbreviations KALIF Kuala Lumpur International Forum on Islam KIT Royal Tropical Institute AAS Association for Asian Studies KITLV Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and AEC Asia-Europe Centre (Paris, France) Caribbean Studies AKSE Association for Korean Studies in Europe KNAW Royal Netherlands Academy for Sciences ANU Australian National University (Canberra, Australia) (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations KUN University of Nijmegen (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) ASEF Asia-Europe Foundation (Singapore) LEI Leiden University (Leiden, the Netherlands) ASEM Asia-Europe Meeting LSE London School of Economics ASEMUS Asia-Europe Museum Network LUF Leiden University Fund (Leiden, the Netherlands) ASiA Asian Studies in Amsterdam (Amsterdam, NIAS Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (Copenhagen, the Netherlands) Denmark) ASSR Amsterdam School of Social Science Research NME National Museum of Ethnology (Leiden, (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) the Netherlands) BICER Bureau of International Cultural and Educational NSC National Science Council (Taiwan) Relations NU Nahdatul Ulama CAMS Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences NUS National University of Singapore (Singpore) CASA Centre for Asian Studies in Amsterdam (Amsterdam, NWO Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research the Netherlands) (The Hague, the Netherlands) CASS Chinese Academy of Social Sciences PGIAR Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, University of CCF Central Cultural Fund Kelaniya (Colombo, Sri Lanka) CEAS Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies PPIM Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat CERES Research School for Resource Studies for Human PUMC Peking Union Medical College Development (Utrecht, the Netherlands) RSPAS Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, ANU CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Canberra, Australia) (Paris, France) RUG University of Groningen (Groningen, the CNWS Research School for Asian, African and Amerindian Netherlands) Studies (Leiden, the Netherlands) SASS Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (Shanghai, CRLAO Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie People’s Republic of China) Orientale (Paris, France) SEACOM SüdostAsiengesellschaft (Berlin, Germany) EACS European Association for Chinese Studies SEMAIAN Publication series of the Department of Southeast EAJS European Association for Japanese Studies Asia and Oceania, Leiden University (Leiden, EASAS European Association for South Asian Studies the Netherlands) EFEO Ecôle Française d’Extreme-Orient (Paris, France) SIB Stichting Studenten- en Jongerenverenigingen voor EHESS Ecôle des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Internationale Betrekkingen (Paris, France) SIMT Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology EIAS European Institute for Asian Studies (Brussels, (Stuttgart, Germany) Belgium) SMAP Socio-genetic Marginalization in Asia Programme ESCAS European Society for Central Asian Studies SOAS School of Oriental and African Studies (London, ESFAC European Science Foundation Asia Committee United Kingdom) EU European Union SoY South of Yangtze EUR Erasmus University Rotterdam (Rotterdam, UIN State Islamic University (Jakarta, Indonesia) the Netherlands) UKM Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Selangor Darul EUROSEAS European Association for South-East Studies Ehsan, Malaysia) IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri, Islamic State Institute ULCL Leiden Centre for Linguistics (Leiden, (Jakarta, Indonesia) the Netherlands) ICAS International Convention of Asia Scholars UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural ICMI Pan-Indonesian Association of Muslim Intellectuals Organization IDPAD Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in UU Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands) Development UvA University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, the IFA Institute for Asian Affairs (Hamburg, Germany) Netherlands) IGNCA Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts UvT University of Tilburg (formerly known as KUB; (New Delhi, India) Tilburg, the Netherlands) IIAS International Institute for Asian Studies VU Vrije Universiteit (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) IISH Internationa Institute for Social History (Amsterdam, WIVS Werkgroep Indonesische Vrouwen Studies 2003 the Netherlands) WOCMES World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies ISEAS Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) WOTRO Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of ISIM International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Tropical Research (The Hague, the Netherlands) Modern World (Leiden, the Netherlands) WUR Wageningen University and Research Centre JSPS Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Wageningen, the Netherlands) report annual

(Tokyo, Japan) iias [ p 80 | annex | Index ]


Editor: Manon Osseweijer

Design: JB & A, Raster Grafisch ontwerpers, Delft

Publisher: International Institute for Asian Studies

Special thanks to: Wouter Feldberg Takeo David Hymans Judy Matthews Josine Stremmelaar

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