SIAM J. DISCRETE MATH. c 2014 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 722–735



Abstract. In this paper, we investigate the permutation property of the Dickson polynomials En(x, a) of the second kind over Zm. Due to a known result, it suffices to consider permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZpt ,wherep is a prime and t is a positive integer. We identify all permutation polynomials of En(x, a)overZpt for (I) p =2and(II)p is odd and a is a square over Zp.Foroddp and nonsquares a in Zp, we determine a large class (if not all) of permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZpt . A conjecture is also presented in this paper. If this conjecture is true, then all Dickson permutation polynomials En(x, a) of the second kind over Zm are determined.

Key words. Dickson polynomial of the second kind, , residue class ring of integers

AMS subject classifications. 11C08, 05A05

DOI. 10.1137/130942589

1. Introduction. A polynomial f over a finite ring R is called a permutation polynomial if f induces a one-to-one mapping on R. Permutation polynomials have been a hot topic of study for many years and have applications in coding theory [7, 13, 24], cryptography [15, 16, 19, 22, 23], combinatorial designs [7], and other areas of mathematics and engineering. Most studies have assumed that R is a finite field. There are also a few works on permutation polynomials modulo integers; see [6, 14, 20, 21]. Dickson polynomials would be important in both theory and applications. For instance, Dickson permutation polynomials of order five over F3m , i.e., D5(x, a)= x5 + ax3 − a2x, led to a 70-year research breakthrough in combinatorics [8], gave a family of perfect nonlinear functions for cryptography [8], generated good linear codes [1, 25] for data communication and storage, and produced optimal signal sets for code division multiple access (CDMA) communications [9], to mention only a few applications of these Dickson permutation polynomials. For more information about Dickson polynomials, see the monograph [17] and the aforementioned references. Let R be a ring. Dickson polynomials of the first kind (DPFK) and the second kind (DPSK) over R are defined by

n/2 − n n i − i n−2i Dn(X, a)= − ( a) X i=0 n i i

∗Received by the editors October 23, 2013; accepted for publication (in revised form) March 5, 2014; published electronically May 1, 2014. †College of Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, People’s Republic of China (ljqu [email protected]). This author’s research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61272484) and the Research Project of National University of Defense Technology (CJ 13-02-01). ‡Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Tech- nology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong ([email protected]). This author’s research was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, project 601013. 722 DICKSON POLYNOMIALS OF THE SECOND KIND 723


n/2 n − i i n−2i En(X, a)= (−a) X , i=0 i

respectively, where n/2 is the largest integer ≤ n/2, and a ∈ R. Dickson polynomials are also known as of the first and second kind due to their relations with Chebyshev polynomials. Dickson permutation polynomials of the first kind over finite fields Fq have been completely determined. It is known that Dn(X, a) is a permutation polynomial over 2 Fq if and only if gcd(n, q − 1) = 1 [17, Theorem 3.2]. Various results about the permutation behavior of Dickson polynomials of the second kind over Fq have also been established; see [3, 4] and the references therein. However, an explicit and simple characterization of the permutation property of Dickson polynomials of the second kind over Fq is missing. Henderson and Matthews showed that when η(ab)=1,where η is the quadratic multiplicative character of Fq, En(X, a) is a permutation polynomial over Fq if and only if En(X, b) [11, Lemma 2.2] is also. Hence, the permutation behavior of the Dickson polynomials of the second kind splits into two distinct cases, according to whether a is a square or nonsquare. For odd primes p, Cohen proved the following result. Theorem 1.1 (see [5, Theorem 1.1]). Let p be an odd prime and let a be a nonzero square in Fp.ThenEn(x, a) is a permutation polynomial of Fp if and only if ⎧ ⎨⎪ n +1≡±2(modp), ≡± p−1 (1.1) ⎪ n +1 2(mod2 ), ⎩ p+1 n +1≡±2(mod2 ).

When a is a nonsquare, it can be easily verified that En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial of Fp if n satisfies n +1≡±2(modp − 1), (1.2) n +1≡±2(modp +1).

In this paper, we study the permutation property of Dickson polynomials En(x, a) of the second kind over Zm. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces known results on the permutation property of polynomials over Zm. Section 3 deter- mines all Dickson permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZ2t ,wheret is any positive integer. Section 4 is a general discussion of Dickson permutation polynomials En(x, a) over Zpt for odd primes p. Sections 5 and 6 deal with the cases that a is a nonsquare and square in Zp, respectively, where p is odd. Section 7 concludes this paper.

2. The permutation property of polynomials over Zm. We first recall the following lemma. Lemma 2.1 (see [17, Lemma 4.1]). If m = ab,wheregcd(a, b)=1,theng(x) is a permutation polynomial mod m if and only if g(x) is a permutation polynomial mod a and mod b. By Lemma 2.1, the permutation property of the Dickson polynomials En(x, a) over Zm is equivalent to the permutation property of the polynomials En(x, a)s over s ti Z ti ,wherem = i=1 pi and these pi (1 ≤ i ≤ s) are pairwise distinct primes. Hence pi 724 LONGJIANG QU AND CUNSHENG DING

we only need to discuss the permutation property of the polynomials En(x, a)over Zpt ,wherep is a prime. Lemma 2.2 (see [17, Corollary 4.3]). A polynomial g(x) is a permutation polyno- mial mod pt, t>1, if and only if it is a permutation polynomial mod p and g(s) ≡ 0 (mod p) for every integer s,whereg(x) denotes the derivative of g(x). The following proposition follows directly from Lemma 2.2. Proposition 2.3. Let t ≥ 2 be an integer. Then a polynomial g(x) is a permu- tation polynomial mod pt if and only if it is a permutation polynomial mod p2.  Due to Lemma 2.2, we regard En(x, a)andEn(x, a) as two polynomials over Zp. Without loss of generality (w.l.o.g.), we can assume that x, a ∈ Zp.Ifa =0,then n  n−1 En(x, a)=x and En(x)=nx . It then follows from Lemma 2.2 that En(x, 0) is a permutation over Zpt if and only if gcd(n, p − 1) = 1 and gcd(n, p)=1.Thusin ∗ ∗ the rest of the paper, we always assume that a ∈ Zp,whereZp is the set of nonzero elements of Zp. The case p = 2 will be dealt with separately and all Dickson permutation poly- nomials of the second kind over Z2t will be determined in what follows. When a is a square, thanks to Theorem 1.1 by Cohen, all the permutation polynomials En(x, a) over Zp are determined. Hence we only need to consider the case Zpt ,wheret ≥ 2. With Lemma 2.2 and Theorem 1.1, we will determine all permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZpt for all squares a. However, when a is a nonsquare, there does not exist a similar result as Theorem 1.1 [5]. In other words, we do not know whether there exists a permutation polynomial En(x, a)overZp with n not satisfying (1.2). Experimental results show that for all p<100 and nonsquares a, all the permuta- tion polynomial En(x, a)overZp must satisfy (1.2). For convenience of subsequent discussions, we state the following conjecture. Conjecture 2.4. Let p be an odd prime and let a be a nonsquare of Zp.If En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial of Zp,then(1.2) holds. 3. The case that p =2. In this section, we describe all permutation polyno- mials En(x, a)overZ2t . By Lemma 2.2, w.l.o.g., we can assume that a =1.The following of the polynomials En(x, a) will be needed. Lemma 3.1 (see [17, Lemma 2.3]). En(x, a) satisfies the second order recurrence relation

En+2(x, a)=xEn+1(x, a) − aEn(x, a)

for n ≥ 0 with initial values E0(x, a)=1and E1(x, a)=x. Theorem 3.2. (1) En(x, 1) is a permutation polynomial over Z2 if and only if n ≡ 1, 2, 3(mod6). (2) En(x, 1) is a permutation polynomial over Z2t (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 1, 9 (mod 12). Proof. (1) It is obvious that 0ifn is odd En(0, 1) mod 2 ≡ 1otherwise. ∞ In other words, (En(0, 1) mod 2)n=0 forms the sequence 10, 10, 10,...

with period 2. Now we compute En(1, 1) mod 2. Plugging a = 1 into the recurrence formula in Lemma 3.1, we obtain

En+2(x, 1) = xEn+1(x, 1) − En(x, 1) DICKSON POLYNOMIALS OF THE SECOND KIND 725 for n ≥ 0 with initial values E0(x, 1) = 1 and E1(x, 1) = x. It follows from this ∞ recurrence relation that the sequence (En(1, 1) mod 2)n=0 is

(3.1) 110, 110,..., which has period 3. Hence En(0, 1) ≡ En(1, 1) mod 2 if and only if n ≡ 1, 2, 3 (mod 6). We have thus completed the proof of the first part.  (2) We now compute En(x, 1) mod 2 for x ∈ Z2. It is easy to see that  0ifn is even, En(0, 1) mod 2 ≡ n+1 2 mod 2 otherwise.  Hence En(0, 1) ≡ 0 (mod 2) if and only if n ≡ 1(mod4).Whenn is odd, we have (n−1)/2  n − i n−1−2i En(x, 1) ≡ (n − 2i)x mod 2 i=0 i (n−1)/2 n − i ≡ xn−1−2i mod 2. i=0 i Plugging x = 1 into the equivalence relation above, we have (n−1)/2  n − i En(1, 1) ≡ ≡ En(1, 1) mod 2. i=0 i

 Then it follows from sequence (3.1) that En(1, 1) ≡ 0 (mod 2) if and only if n ≡ 0, 1  (mod 3). Hence En(x, 1) ≡ 0 (mod 2) for all x ∈ Z2 if and only if n ≡ 1, 9 (mod 12). Combining this result with Lemma 2.2 and the first part of the theorem, we proved the second part. In this section, we determined all the permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZ2t . It should be noted that Theorem 3.2 can also be proved with [21, Theorem 1]. 4. The case that p is an odd prime. Starting from now, we assume that q = pt,wherep is an odd prime and t is a positive integer. When t = 1, all permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZq are known for squares a due to Theorem 1.1, but not determined for nonsquares a as Conjecture 2.4 is not settled. In what follows we assume that t ≥ 2. By Lemma 2.2, En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only  if En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zp and En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) for any x ∈ Zp. Now we assume that En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zp.Thenn is odd since En(x, a) is an even or odd function depending on whether n is even or  odd. First, we compute En(0,a). It follows from the definition of En(x, a)that

n−1 2  n − i i n−1−2i En(x, a)= (−a) (n − 2i)x . i=0 i Thus, we get

 n +1 n−1 E (0,a)= (−a) 2 . n 2 Hence, we have the following lemma. 726 LONGJIANG QU AND CUNSHENG DING

 Lemma 4.1. En(0,a) ≡ 0(modp) if and only if

(4.1) n ≡−1(modp).

 In the following, we assume that (4.1) holds and consider En(x, a)modp for ∗ x ∈ Zp. Note that any quadratic polynomial over Zp factorizes over Fp2 . Hence every −1 x ∈ Zp satisfies x = u + au for some u ∈ Fp2 and a ∈ Zp.Asx ∈ Zp,wehave xp = x. Hence, up + au−p = u + au−1,whichleadsto(up−1 − 1)(up+1 − a)=0.We p−1 p+1 −1 then have either u =1oru = a. Letting x = u + au ∈ Zp,wehave un+1−an+1u−(n+1) 2 u−au−1 if u = a (4.2) En(x, a)= √ (n +1)(± a)n+1 if η(a)=1andu2 = a,

2 where η is the quadratic multiplicative character over Zp. By definition, u = a if η(a)=−1. In connection with these definitions, as done in [12], we partition Zp into disjoint S-sets, which are defined by √ −1 p−1 S1 = {x = u + au |u =1andu = ±√a}, (4.3) −1 p+1 S2 = {x = u + au |u = a and u = ± a}. √ If η(a)=1,thenZp = S1 ∪ S2 ∪ S0,whereS0 √= {±2 a};ifη(a)=−1, then Zp = S1 ∪ S2. Wecandeterminewhetherx(= ±2 a)isinS1 or S2 by calculating 2 2 η(x − 4a). Precisely, x ∈ S1 if η(x − 4a) = 1, and x ∈ S2 otherwise. By [17, Lemma 2.4], En(x, a) has the following : ∞ n 1 (4.4) En(x, a)z = − 2 . n=0 1 xz + az

 Hence En(x, a) has the generating function ∞  n z (4.5) En(x, a)z = − 2 2 . n=0 (1 xz + az ) √ If η(a)=1andx = ±2 a,then ∞ √ z √z n +2 ± n−1 n − 2 2 = ∓ 4 = ( a) z . (1 xz + az ) (1 az) n=1 3 Hence, for n ≥ 1wehave  √ n +2 √ n−1 (4.6) En(±2 a, a)= (± a) . 3 √ Now assume that x = u + au−1 = ±2 a.Letd = u − au−1.Thend2 = x2 − 4a and 1 1 1 1 = − . 1 − xz + az2 dz 1 − uz 1 − au−1z Furthermore, z 1 1 1 2 1 1 = + − − . (1 − xz + az2)2 d2z (1 − uz)2 (1 − au−1z)2 d3z2 1 − uz 1 − au−1z DICKSON POLYNOMIALS OF THE SECOND KIND 727

∞ ∞ 1 n n 1 n n Since 1−bz = b z and (1−bz)2 = (n +1)b z ,wehave n=0 n=0 ∞ ∞  n (n +2) n+1 n+1 −(n+1) En(x, a)z = 2 u + a u n=0 n=0 d 2 − un+2 − an+2u−(n+2) zn. d3 √ Hence for x = u + au−1 = ±2 a,wehave

(n +2) 2 (4.7) E (x, a)= un+1 +(au−1)n+1 − un+2 − (au−1)n+2 . n d2 d3 Define r1 = n +1 (modp − 1), (4.8) r2 = n +1 (modp +1), where −(p − 1)/2

n +2 2 E (x, a) ≡ u2 + a2u−2 − u3 − a3u−3 (mod p) n d2 d3 n +2 2 ≡ x2 − 2a − · d · x2 − a (mod p). d2 d3 Hence

 En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) ⇔ (n +2)(x2 − 2a) ≡ 2(x2 − a)(modp) ⇔ nx2 ≡ 2(n +1)a (mod p) 2(n +1)a ⇔ n ≡ 0(modp)andx2 ≡ (mod p). n

2 2(n+1)a 2 −2(n−1)a When x ≡ n (mod p), since η(x − 4a) = 1, we deduce that η( n )=1. With Assumption (4.1), we have in this subcase the following conclusion:  There exists an x ∈ S1 \{0} such that En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) 2(n +1)a −2(n − 1)a (4.9) ⇔ η = η =1. n n 728 LONGJIANG QU AND CUNSHENG DING

Subcase A.II: r1 = −2. In this subcase, n ≡−3(modp − 1). Then it follows from (4.7) that n +2 2 E (x, a) ≡ u−2 + a−2u2 − u−1 − a−1u (mod p) n d2 d3 n +2 x2 − 2a 2 d ≡ · + · (mod p). d2 a2 d3 a Hence,

 En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) ⇔ (n +2)(x2 − 2a)+2a ≡ 0(modp) ⇔ (n +2)x2 ≡ 2(n +1)a (mod p) 2(n +1)a ⇔ n ≡−2(modp)and x2 ≡ (mod p). n +2

2 2(n+1)a 2 −2(n+3)a When x ≡ n+2 (mod p), since η(x − 4a) = 1, we deduce that η( n+2 )=1. With Assumption (4.1), we have in this subcase the following conclusion:  There exists an x ∈ S1 \{0} such that En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) 2(n +1)a −2(n +3)a (4.10) ⇔ η = η =1. n +2 n +2

2 Case B: x ∈ S2, i.e., η(x − 4a)=−1. −1 p+1 Since x = u + au ∈ S2,wehaveu = a and n ≡ r2 − 1(modp +1). Let n k r −1 n −n 2k+r −1 −k 1−r n = k · (p +1)+r2 − 1. Then u = a u 2 and a u = a 2 a u 2 = akar2−1u1−r2 . Subcase B.I: r2 =2. In this subcase, n ≡ 1(modp + 1). Then it follows from (4.7) that k k  ≡ (n +2)a 2 2 −2 − 2a 3 − 3 −3 En(x, a) 2 u + a u 3 u a u (mod p) d d n +2 2 ≡ ak x2 − 2a − · d · x2 − a (mod p). d2 d3

Similarly as in the subcase A.I, noting that η(x2 − 4a)=−1, we have in this subcase the following conclusion:  There exists an x ∈ S2 \{0} such that En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) 2(n +1)a −2(n − 1)a (4.11) ⇔ η =1,η = −1. n n

Subcase B.II: r2 = −2. In this subcase, n ≡−3(modp + 1). Then it follows from (4.7) that k k  ≡ (n +2)a −2 −2 2 − 2a −1 − −1 En(x, a) 2 u + a u 3 u a u (mod p) d d n +2x2 − 2a 2 d ≡ ak + · (mod p). d2 a2 d3 a

Similarly as in the subcase A.II, noting that η(x2 − 4a)=−1, we have in this subcase the following conclusion: DICKSON POLYNOMIALS OF THE SECOND KIND 729

 There exists an x ∈ S2 \{0} such that En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) 2(n +1)a −2(n +3)a (4.12) ⇔ η =1,η = −1. n +2 n +2

p−1 p−1 At the end of this section, we consider the cases r1 ∈{− 2 +2, 2 − 2} and p+1 p+1 r2 ∈{− 2 +2, 2 − 2} when a is a nonzero square. We claim that for these  values of r1 and r2, the conditions En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) imply the same equations as p+1 r1,r2 = ±2 respectively. Only the case r1 = − 2 + 2 will be proved as an example. The proofs of the other cases are similar and omitted here. p+1 p−1 Let η(a)=1andr1 = − 2 +2.Thenn ≡ 1 − 2 (mod p − 1). Hence

n 1− p−1 u = u 2 = u · η(u)


(au−1)n = au−1 · η(au−1)=au−1 · η(u).

It follows from (4.7) that (n +2) u2 + a2u−2 2 u3 − a3u−3 E (x, a) ≡ η(u) − (mod p) n d2 d3 (n +2) x2 − 2a 2 x2 − a ≡ η(u) − (mod p). d2 d2

 Plugging the above equation into En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) will lead to the same equation as (4.9). The claim is proved. Hence we can assume that r1,r2 = ±2. In the following two sections, we will distinguish two cases according to whether or not a is a square. 5. The case that p is odd and a is a nonsquare. We deal with the nonsquare case first. The result for p = 3 is presented first. The case p ≥ 5 will be discussed later. 5.1. The subcase that p =3. Let p =3.Thena = −1 is the only nonsquare in Zp. The main result of this subcase is the following. Theorem 5.1. (1) En(x, −1) is a permutation polynomial over Z3 if and only if n ≡ 1(mod4). (2) En(x, −1) is a permutation polynomial over Z3t (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 1, 9 (mod 12). Proof. (1) Since n is odd, we have that En(0, −1) = 0. Hence En(x, −1) is a permutation polynomial over Z3 if and only if

(5.1) {En(1, −1) mod 3,En(2, −1) mod 3} = {1, 2}.

Plugging a = −1 into Lemma 3.1, we get

En+2(x, −1) = xEn+1(x, −1) + En(x, −1)

for n ≥ 0 with initial values E0(x, −1) = 1 and E1(x, −1) = x. It follows from this ∞ recurrence relation that the sequence (En(1, −1) mod 3)n=0 is 11202210, 11202210,..., 730 LONGJIANG QU AND CUNSHENG DING

∞ whose period is 8. Similarly, the sequence (En(2, −1) mod 3)n=0 is 12202110, 12202110,..., whose period is also 8. Hence (5.1) holds if and only if n ≡ 1, 5 (mod 8), or, equiva- lently, if and only if n ≡ 1(mod4). (2) By Lemma 2.2 and the first part of this theorem, En(x, −1) is a permutation  polynomial over Z3t (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 1(mod4)andEn(x, −1) ≡ 0(mod3)  for any x ∈ Z3. It follows from Lemma 4.1 that En(0, −1) ≡ 0 (mod 3) if and only if  n ≡ 0, 1(mod3).NowweconsiderEn(±1, −1) mod 3. It can be easily verified that S1 = {0}, S2 = {±1},andr2 ≡ 2(modp + 1 = 4). Similarly as the discussion in  Subcase B.I, we can prove that En(±1, −1) ≡ 0 (mod 3) if and only if nx2 ≡ 2(n +1)a (mod 3). Plugging x2 =1anda = −1 into the above equation, we get n ≡ n +1 (mod3),  which is impossible. Hence En(±1, −1) ≡ 0 (mod 3) for any n ≥ 0. Summarizing the discussions above proves that En(x, −1) is a permutation poly- nomial over Z3t (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 1(mod4)andn ≡ 0, 1(mod3),or, equivalently, n ≡ 1, 9 (mod 12). We are done. Remark. Note that when p =3,n ≡ 1 (mod 4) is consistent with (1.2). This means that Conjecture 2.4 holds for p = 3, which is consistent with the experimental result. 5.2. The subcase that p ≥ 5. In this subsection we first assume that p ≥ 7is aprime.Thecasep = 5 will be treated later. Let n be an integer satisfying (1.2). As 2 2 discussed earlier, for any x ∈ Zp, either η(x − 4a)=1orη(x − 4a)=−1. Noting that Zp = S1 ∪ S2, and plugging η(a)=−1 into (4.9)–(4.12), with assumption (4.1) we arrive at the following conclusions: ∗  1. When (r1,r2)=(2, 2), there exists an x ∈ Zp such that En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) if and only if 2(n +1) η = −1. n ∗  2. When (r1,r2)=(2, −2), there exists an x ∈ Zp such that En(x, a) ≡ 0 (mod p) if and only if 2(n +1) −2(n − 1) η = η = −1 n n or 2(n +1) −2(n +3) η = −1andη =1. n +2 n +2 ∗  3. When (r1,r2)=(−2, 2), there exists an x ∈ Zp such that En(x, a) ≡ 0 (mod p) if and only if 2(n +1) −2(n +3) η = η = −1 n +2 n +2 or 2(n +1) −2(n − 1) η = −1andη =1. n n DICKSON POLYNOMIALS OF THE SECOND KIND 731

∗  4. When (r1,r2)=(−2, −2), there exists an x ∈ Zp such that En(x, a) ≡ 0 (mod p) if and only if 2(n +1) η = −1. n +2 Summarizing the discussions above, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 5.2. Let p ≥ 7 be an odd prime and n be an integer satisfying (1.2). Let η(a)=−1. Then the following hold: 1. When (r1,r2)=(2, 2), En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if 2(n +1) n ≡ 0(modp) or η =1. n

2. When (r1,r2)=(2, −2), En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if

n ≡ 0, −2(modp)

or ⎧ ⎪ n ≡ 0, −1, −2(modp) and ⎨⎪ 2(n+1) −2(n−1) η n − 1 η n − 1 =0and ⎪ ⎩⎪ 2(n+1) −2(n+3) η n+2 − 1 η n+2 +1 =0.

3. When (r1,r2)=(−2, 2), En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if

n ≡ 0, −2(modp)

or ⎧ ⎪ n ≡ 0, −1, −2(modp) and ⎨⎪ 2(n+1) −2(n+3) η n+2 − 1 η n+2 − 1 =0and ⎪ ⎩⎪ 2(n+1) −2(n−1) η n − 1 η n +1 =0.

4. When (r1,r2)=(−2, −2), En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if 2(n +1) n ≡−2(modp) or η =1. n +2

Now we turn to the case p =5.Leta be a nonsquare of Z5. According to (1.2), En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zp if and only if n ≡ 1, 9 (mod 12). Noting that p − 1=4,wegetr1 =2,wherer1 is defined in (4.8). Hence n ≡ 1, 9 2(n+1) (mod 12). Then it follows from η(a)=−1 that (4.9) holds if and only if η( n )= −2(n−1) η( n )=−1, which has no solution in Z5.Letr2 be defined as in (4.8). Then r2 = ±2. If r2=2, then n ≡ 1 (mod 12). With η(a)=−1, we have that (4.11) holds 2(n+1) −2(n−1) if and only if η( n )=−1andη( n ) = 1, which holds if and only if n ≡ 2 732 LONGJIANG QU AND CUNSHENG DING

(mod5).ThusinthiscaseEn(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡−1, 2 (mod 5). With n ≡ 1 (mod 12), we obtain that n ≡ 1, 13, 25 (mod 60). Similarly, if r2 = −2, then En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 21, 45, 57 (mod 60). Hence we arrive at the following conclusion. Theorem 5.3. Let p =5and n be an integer satisfying (1.2), i.e., n ≡ 1, 9 (mod 12).Letη(a)=−1.ThenEn(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 1, 13, 21, 25, 45, 57 (mod 60). Note that experimental results show that Conjecture 2.4 holds for p<100. The- orem 5.2 provides all permutation polynomials of En(x, a)overZpt for p<100 and nonsquare elements a. If Conjecture 2.4 holds, then all such permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZpt (p ≥ 7) are determined in Theorem 5.2 above. 6. The case that p is odd and a is a square. Similarly, we first give the result for p =3.Thecasep ≥ 5 will be discussed later. 6.1. The subcase that p =3.Let p = 3. We assume a =1sincea is a nonzero square. Theorem 6.1. (1) En(x, 1) is a permutation polynomial over Z3 if and only if

(6.1) n ≡ 1, 3(mod6).

(2) En(x, 1) is a permutation polynomial over Z3t (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 1, 3, 13, 15 (mod 18). Proof. (1) It follows directly from Theorem 1.1. (2) By Lemma 2.2 and the first part of this theorem, En(x, 1) is a permutation  polynomial over Z3t (t ≥ 2) if and only if n ≡ 1, 3(mod6)andEn(x, 1) ≡ 0(mod3)  for all x ∈ Z3. It follows from Lemma 4.1 that En(0, 1) ≡ 0 (mod 3) if and only if  2 n ≡ 0, 1(mod3).NowweconsiderEn(±1, 1) mod 3. Since x =1=4a, it follows  from (4.6) that En(±1, 1) ≡ 0 (mod 3) if and only if n +2 (6.2) ≡ 0(mod3). 3

By Lucas’ formula, (6.2) holds if and only if

(6.3) n ≡ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6(mod9).

It is easy to see that both (6.1) and (6.3) hold if and only if n ≡ 1, 3, 13, 15 (mod 18). We finish the proof. 6.2. The subcase that p ≥ 5. In this subsection we first assume that p ≥ 11 is a prime. The cases p =5andp√= 7 will be discussed later. Now η(a)=1and Zp = S1 ∪ S2 ∪ S0,whereS0 = {±2 a}. We define ⎧ ⎨ r¯1 = n +1 (mod(p − 1)/2), (6.4) ⎩ r¯2 = n +1 (mod(p +1)/2), r¯3 = n +1 (modp),

where −(p−1)/4 < r¯1 ≤ (p−1)/4, −(p+1)/4 < r¯2 ≤ (p+1)/4, and −p/2 < r¯3

p−1 i.If¯r1 =2,thenr1 =2orr1 = − 2 +2,wherer1 is defined in (4.8). It follows from the discussion in section 4 that either case leads to the same equation, i.e., (4.9). Similarly,r ¯1 = −2and¯r2 = ±2 lead to (4.10)–(4.12), respectively. The following discussion is split into two cases according to the value√ ofr ¯3. ≡ ± Ifr ¯3 =2,then n 1(modp). For x = 2 a, it follows from (4.6) that  n+2 √ n−1 2(n+1)a En(x, a) ≡ 3 (± a) ≡ 0(modp). For x ∈ S1 ∪ S2,wehavethat n ≡ −2(n−1)a 2(n+1)a 4 −2(n+3)a −8 4a (mod p), n ≡ 0(modp), n+2 ≡ 3 a (mod p), and n+2 ≡ 3 a (mod p). Plugging these equations and η(a) = 1 into (4.9)–(4.12), we deduce that  there exists an x ∈ Zpsuch that En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) if and only if 4 −8 −  1. η 3 = η 3 =1when¯ r1 = 2 =¯r3; 4 −8 − −  2. η 3 =1andη 3 = 1when¯r2 = 2 =¯r3. √ Similarly, ifr ¯3 = −2, then √n ≡−3(modp). For x = ±2 a, it follows from  n+2 n−1 (4.6) that En(x, a) ≡ 3 (± a) ≡ 0(modp). For x ∈ S1 ∪ S2,wehave 2(n+1)a 4 −2(n−1)a −8 2(n+1)a that n ≡ 3 a (mod p), n ≡ 3 a (mod p), n+2 ≡ 4a (mod p), and −2(n+3)a n+2 ≡ 0(modp). Plugging these equations and η(a) = 1 into (4.9)–(4.12), we  deduce that there exists an x ∈ Zp such that En(x, a) ≡ 0(modp) if and only if 4 −8  1. η 3 = η 3 =1when¯ r1 =2=¯r3; 4 −8 −  2. η 3 =1and η 3 = 1when¯r2 =2=¯r3. 4 Note that η 3 = 1 if and only if η(3) = 1, which is equivalent to p ≡ 1, 11 (mod 12); and η(−2) = 1 if and only if p ≡ 1, 3(mod8). 4 Now we turn to the cases p =5andp = 7. It is clear that η( 3 )=−1holds for each case. Letr ¯3 = n +1 (modp), where −p/2 < r¯3

p ≡ 5, 7 (mod 12).

3. When r¯1 =¯r3 =¯ r2, En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if (η(3) + 1)(η(−2) − 1) = 0, or, equivalently, if and only if

p ≡ 13, 23 (mod 24).

4. When r¯2 =¯r3 =¯ r1, En(x, a) is a permutation polynomial over Zpt (t ≥ 2) if and only if (η(3) + 1)(η(−2) + 1) = 0, or, equivalently, if and only if

p ≡ 1, 11 (mod 24).

All permutation polynomials En(x, a)overZpt (t ≥ 2) for a being a square and p ≥ 5 are determined by Theorem 6.2. 734 LONGJIANG QU AND CUNSHENG DING

7. Summary and concluding remarks. In this paper, the permutation prop- erty of the Dickson polynomials En(x, a) of the second kind over Zm was investigated. All permutation polynomials of En(x, a)overZpt were determined except the case that p ≥ 7anda is a nonsquare. In the case that p ≥ 7anda is a nonsquare, a large class of permutation poly- nomials of En(x, a)overZpt were also identified in Theorem 5.2. If Conjecture 2.4 is true, then all Dickson polynomials En(x, a) of the second kind over Zpt and hence over Zm were completely identified in this paper due to Lemma 2.1. So the only problem left regarding the permutation property of the Dickson polynomials En(x, a) of the second kind over Zm is the settlement of Conjecture 2.4. The reader is invited to attack this conjecture. While Dickson polynomials of the first kind over finite fields have many appli- cations in mathematics and engineering, it would also be interesting to look into applications of the Dickson permutation polynomials En(x, a) of the second kind over Zm in other areas of mathematics and engineering.

Acknowledgment. The authors would like to thank the reviewer for his/her detailed comments that much improved the technical and editorial quality of this paper.


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