

Gerard Way

"If you don't go to high school you will definitely go to jail."

"I'd rather be a creature of the night than an old dude."

"So many people treat you like you're a kid so you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the hotel window."

"Be Yourself, Don't take anyone's shit and never let them take you alive..."

"So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts?"

"If you're gonna buy me a present, don't spend more than twenty five bucks, you'll get a blowjob anyway."

"Surrounding myself with fans makes me feel like I'm not going through it alone." "The Devil got landed with a shitty job, he has to deal with assholes everyday, he's probably bored as hell."

"When I was writing it, I was remembering how hard it was to be a 16-year-old in high school. I always wanted to be an artist, so I was this loner kid who just got drunk all the time. I only had one real friend. There was a girl I really liked, and she ended up taking really sleazy photographs with her boyfriend, and that really crushed me, I was just swimming in this pit of despair, jealousy and alcoholism."

"It erases everything I hate about myself. Nothing can hurt me. I feel completely invincible. I feel like everyone else on that stage is invincible and we're capable of anything. There's no stopping us."

"I'd enjoy it if a guy grabbed my ass. I guess it all depends on how he grabbed it, too."

"When you are kissing a guy with a beard, it's different."

"There's such a lack of sex in music"

"It takes me a while to tell stories. I think it's because I was drunk for three years"

"I was this weird loner kid who got drunk by himself all the time." (talking about high school)

"I have a nihilistic attitude so it's like, the new gay... it's popular." (Gerard on why we should give a damn about MCR)

"Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara... I'm a fuckin' princess!" "Were not a festival band, playing during the day was something we had to get over, I was like uhh this sun stuff kind of sucks"

"When we first started out I had a really big issue and a lot of my loved ones had a really big issue with the fact that I was totally in pain up there and there was a time when I tried to hurt myself off stage, but I got over that. Like, you should never want to hurt yourself. You should love yourself. Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself and become a new person and I think that that is going to be a lot of what the next record is about, not to plug it or anything. Like, it's going to talk about dying and coming back to become what you totally want to become. We are all becoming what we want to become."

"What I Like about The Sims is that I don't have a normal life at all, so I play this game where these people have these really boring, mundane lives. It's fun. My Sims family is called the Cholly family. I don't know why I picked that name; it's kind of random. The teenage daughter is my favourite, because I just had her go through this Goth phase. She's really kind of nerdy and she just became a concert violinist, which is pretty huge for the family. And she got into private school. But she started wearing black lipstick and she dyed her hair purple. It's pretty huge."

"I went to school in drag, in art school and my day was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick. You should see me as a chick. So I went as a girl, as like an experiment and it worked really well and everyone was really nice to me but I couldn't talk obviously...you know train conductors were really cool to me on my commute...HA! I looked hot as a chick!"

"Craziest thing that ever happened to me was being attacked by a black bird. It pecked the shit out of my head. We were at this hotel called The Phoenix in San Francisco. We were leaving to go to a show the next morning and the bird just fuckin' attacked my head. And the next day Slipknot were there, they were coming in as we were leaving, and they got attacked by birds too."

"Yeah, obviously we use vampires as a metaphor for something else, something deeper than just the supernatural. But there's just something about the bloodsucking walking dead, that can say so much to people. There are really so many people trying to get control over you on a daily basis and steal your soul in some way, take a part of you..."

"Um, lots of people grab my ass. I'm actually starting to get this thing now where people grab my package. That actually happened once in Boston, it usually doesn't happen. We went over to and it happened at almost every show. I don't really enjoy any kind of invasion of privacy like that I guess. Grabbing my package is obviously a total invasion of privacy I'm not into that at all."

"That's what happens when you're all borderline psychotic and therein lies the beauty of this band - our duality. There's a duality to each band member too. There's a desire to have this constant conflict. If we write a write a song and it turns out really poppy, we have to make the lyrics really fucked up. There's psychosis to everything we do for sure. One day we're probably gonna write this number one pop tune that will be about a massacre!" "If for one minute you think you're better than a sixteen year old girl in a t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about."

Frank Iero

"This is a band that will save your life." "I would date Gerard." "I can't imagine any other bands having better kids than ours, and if they do at least I know our kids can beat up their kids." "I'm totally f-in' bummed about the 'Ghost of You' leak. If you see a site with a link to the video, please don't watch it. Don't send it out. Don't look at screencaps. It's NOT FINISHED YET!" "If I revealed my secret identity, the world would go to shit." Camera Man: "Can't handle with that." Frank: "Hmmm, you need to a open mind my friend." "Oh, one time we got held hostage!” "We've mutilated, killed and disemboweled rock 'n' roll clichés!” "My biggest addictions have been chocolate cake, mashed potatoes, and butter sandwiches.” "I burn everything and call it Cajun.” "Really I don't know anything other than Jersey. I like the dirtiness of it. Now I'm getting to see the world, and it's great, but it's not better than Jersey" Camera man: "Did you read the new Ellen Degeneres book?" Frank: "Yeah." Camera man: "What did you think?" Frank: "It made me a fucking lesbian!"

“Love what you do and who you truly are. Be willing to die for it. If you are true to yourself, you can never go wrong.”

Interviewer: (to Gerard) How do you feel about turning thirty this year? Frank: (bursts out laughing) Interviewer: That was from someone who was twenty-nine. Gerard: Erm, let me see… I’m actually excited about it, um, I’ll tell you why, because I always see getting older as like, learning, um, you know. Thirty’s not old. Thirty’s like the new twenty. Frank: Yeah, for trees.

My grandma made me this batman costume, it was dope!" -

'Hey girls, you're beautiful. Whether you're a size 32 or a size 18. As long as you're a good person. As long as you respect others and yourself. Don't listen to those fashion magazines. Hey girls, you're beautiful' - Gerard Way.

'My biggest addictions have been chocolate cake, mashed potatoes, and butter sandwiches.' -

I want to be a vampire. They're the coolest monsters. -Gerard Way

Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. - Gerard Way

I could eat my body weight in sushi! -

So many people treat you like you're a kid so you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the window. - Gerard Way

Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves. Like I love you all. -Gerard Way

I'm gonna buy whatever shower curtain I want. - Gerard Way

Interviewer: How do you feel about turning thirty this year? Gerard: I'm actually excited about it. I'll tell you why. I always see getting older as like learning. Thirty's not old... Thirty's like when you're twenty. Frank: Yeah. For trees. Gerard: ...for trees.

Interviewer: So how did you feel about the hugs after that? Gerard: The hugs were sweet

Interviewer: Why should the world give a damn about ?

Gerard: Because we give a damn about it. Frank: Save your life. Gerard: Yeah. Good enough for me, and there are so few people that actually do give a damn about the world. Frank: Yeah.

Interviewer: Very true.

Gerard: I have a nihilistic attitude so it's like, the new gay...it's popular. You know what I mean? Frank: Popsicle is the new black. Gerard: What did I say? Oh yeah. Screaming is the new gay, everybody's doing it. Frank: I wish it were Popsicle. Gerard: Popsicles? Frank: Popsicles should be the new black and then everyone would have one. Mikey: I like Popsicles...

"It takes a while to tell stories, I think it's because I was drunk for three years." - Gerard Way

"I would date Gerard." - Frank Iero

'asshole. i was such an asshole! uhhh delinquent. i was told i was too intelligent for my own good but i don't know about that. i didn't like authority and this was at ten!'-Frank Iero

"I wanna go to bed now!" Frank Iero

Frank: "Has Goldfinger ever seen any mooses?" Mikey: "That isn't the plural of moose. It's moosi." Gerard: "**** off, it's meese." Frank: "Has Goldfinger ever seen a flock of meese advancing on him? It's a terrifying sight. They aren't small creatures. You would just run off like a girl or a boy. What does running like a girl mean anyway?" Mikey: I've seen one. I'd run like a girl for sure. They're massive. If you run over one you're ******. They come in through your windscreen kicking." - just like in Long Kiss Goodnight! But I think it was a reindeer. Same diff. Bob: "People think that moose are really gentle and goofy but they aren't; they're ******* animals." - haha...I don't get it

These and Gerard Way said them! “Be yourself, don't take anyone's ****, and never let them take you alive.” “The Jersey mentality is: I work, I drink, I stay up all night, I try to meet a girl, it's a waste of time. “There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. . . . But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.” “It tastes like somebody stole my wallet. Ya know?” “It's like the drag fairy coming and saying 'What would you like to do?' Um, yeah karate.” “Are You On Our Side And You Want To Be Diffrent Or Are You On That Side And You Want To Throw A Football At My Head?” “We like to kidnap them in a van, and leave them somewhere dangerous. SURPRISE!” “Cigarettes and coffee: an alcoholic's best friend! I said to myself, 'Man, I'm so tired of hearing songs about peoples' ex-girlfriends. It's really nauseating. And the whole me, me, me aspect of it was just like (overdone).” "It takes a while to tell stories, I think it's because I was drunk for three years."” Gerard: Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves. Like I love you all.

Gerard- Everyone treats you like a kid so you might as well act like one, go throw a TV out of a hotel window!

Gerard - I want everyone raise your hands. Wave them back and forth. Now say „I suck at SkeeBall!”

Interviewer: “So, do you guys have any surprises for the fans?” Gerard: “Yea. We like to…tie them up, kidnap them in a van, and leave them somewhere dangerous! SURPRISE!”

Gerard — “NOTHING is worth hurting yourself over. NOTHING is worth taking your life over, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” Gerard: Hey girls, you‟re beautiful. Don‟t look at those stupid magazines with sticklike models. Eat healthy and exercise. That‟s all. Don‟t let anyone tell you you‟re not good enough. You are good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it. You are gorgeous, whether you‟re a size 3 or a size 14. It doesn‟t matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you‟re a good person, as long as you respect others. I know it‟s been told hundreds of times before, but it‟s true. Hey girls, you are beautiful.

Gerard: I never got into expressing myself to make everyone happy. I think that‟s impossible.

(During concert in Worcester right before “Teenagers) Gerard:OK so know that we know violence is never the answer lets get this fucking party started!

Mikey: I‟ve been down with kickball since the 3rd grade

Gerard: this shit is easy peasy pumpkin peasy…pumpkin pie motherfucker

Cameraman: “So, did you read Ellen DeGeneres‟s new book?” Frank: “Yeah.” Cameraman: “How was it?” Frank: “It made me a lesbian.”

Gerard: Ladies, let me hear you holler! If you ever see shitty ass rock dudes in shitty ass rock bands asking you to show them your tits for backstage passes, I want you to spit right in their fucking face and yell “Fuck you”.

Gerard: It‟s that women‟s cut…they always fall down.

Gerard: I don‟t think this band will ever stop feeling right or good. But when it‟s the natural time, it should die.

Gerard: Our fans are people who are viewed as insignificant, and that burns me out.

Mikey: We‟re very attractive to them because we dress like homeless people. Frank: We just have to watch Mikey and make sure he doesn‟t put anymore forks in the toaster.

Gerard: Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves. Like I love you all.

Gerard: This was a really difficult album for us to make.. there was a certain point where it was so dark for us that it felt like we really needed to become much more than brothers – we needed to become a new band. - on “

Gerard: Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary.

Mikey: I could eat my body weight in sushi.

Gerard: Beach Balls at festivals, are the work of the devil!

Ray: On himself and Gerard in high school: “We were birth control.”

Frank: This is a band to save your life.

Gerard: Surrounding myself with fans makes me feel like I’m not going through it all alone.

Gerard: We can‟t really write songs that sound alike. We like to capture moods and you can definitely pinpoint those moods. You can say this is the same kind of mood or feel. We like to explore themes and moods but style is something we can‟t live with ourselves doing over and over. And if that means we run out of material eventually then that‟s fine because you‟ll never get something twice from us.

Gerard: Yeah, if we died I feel like we would find each other and just start over

Gerard: No. Really, I would do what I did when I dressed in drag this one time before. I went to school in drag, in art school and my day was completely different because everybody thought I was a chick.

Frank: See here‟s the thing… [Turns to Gerard] Before you say anything… think about what you were going to say because I want to say something about karma.

Frank: Here‟s the thing about karma. „Oh if you don‟t do this,‟ something bad is going to happen but who‟s the one striking down on people? Somebody needs to do that. So if we‟re the ones to serve the revenge that‟s fine by me. Maybe we‟re just the angels of death?

Gerard: I write them where ever I may happen to be when I get hit with inspiration. A lot of times I just make notes of sentences. What I usually do is write paragraphs of free style, just really descriptive phrases and I‟ll draw upon those phrases later. Just simple descriptives and adjectives and things like that. Things that sound good together, that look good together, sound and make the picture look good. But I mainly just free style. I try to get the sound before I get the lyrics ‟cause even though lyrics are the important thing, the most important thing is the sound that you are communicating. „Cause like as human beings or animals, that‟s the first thing you respond to emotionally is the sound. So.. I try to get those first

 Sky Cornelius “I can't imagine any other bands having better kids than ours, and if they do at least I know our kids can beat up their kids.” -Frank

“Popsicles should be the new black, that way everyone would have one!” -Frank

“We just have to watch Mikey and make sure he doesn't put anymore forks in the toaster.” - Frank

“The Jersey mentality is: I work, I drink, I stay up all night, I try to meet a girl, it's a waste of time.” -Gerard

“It tastes like somebody stole my wallet. Ya know?” -Gerard

“It's like the drag fairy coming and saying 'What would you like to do?' Um, yeah karate.” -Gerard Gerard:Thats all our next CD is gonna be... a bunch of cowboy songs

gerard: "so how was christmas for all you guys? did you all get lots of nice black t shirts?"

'Hey girls, you're beautiful. Whether you're a size 32 or a size 18. As long as you're a good person. As long as you respect others and yourself. Don't listen to those fashion magazines. Hey girls, you're beautiful' - Gerard Way. 'My biggest addictions have been chocolate cake, mashed potatoes, and butter sandwiches.' - Frank Iero Beach balls at festivals are the work of the devil! - Gerard Way Cameraman: So, did you read Ellen DeGeneres's new book? Frank: Yeah. Cameraman: How was it? Frank: It made me a lesbian. Dont piss your life away with suicide - it's a bullshit way out - Gerard Way First kiss. With who and where? - Leah Miller of Much Music That was actually how I met Bob - Frank Frank: Has goldfinger ever had a flock of mooses advancing on him? It's a terrifying sight. Mikey: That's not the plural of moose, it's moosi. Gerard: Fuck off, it's meese. Frank: I'd date Gerard. Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. - Gerard Way I could eat my body weight in sushi! - Mikey Way I want to be a vampire. They're the coolest monsters. -Gerard Way I was like wooo, I like killed so many plants. -Gerard Way I would date Gerard. - Frank Iero I'd enjoy it if a guy grabbed my ass. I guess it all depends on how he grabbed it, too. - Gerard Way I'm gonna buy whatever shower curtain I want. - Gerard Way Interviewer: How do you feel about turning thirty this year? Gerard: I'm actually excited about it. I'll tell you why. I always see getting older as like learning. Thirty's not old... Thirty's like when you're twenty. Frank: Yeah. For trees. Gerard: ...for trees. Interviewer: So how did you feel about the hugs after that? Gerard: The hugs were sweet

Interviewer: Why should the world give a damn about My Chemical Romance?

Gerard: Because we give a damn about it. Frank: Save your life. Gerard: Yeah. Good enough for me, and there are so few people that actually do give a damn about the world. Frank: Yeah.

Interviewer: Very true.

Gerard: I have a nihilistic attitude so it's like, the new gay...it's popular. You know what I mean? Frank: Popsicle is the new black. Gerard: What did I say? Oh yeah. Screaming is the new gay, everybody's doing it. Frank: I wish it were Popsicle. Gerard: Popsicles? Frank: Popsicles should be the new black and then everyone would have one. Mikey: I like Popsicles... It's me and Gerard on the porch, talking about how Gerard isn't cool! -Mikey

Just cause you're bigger than me, just cause you're smarter than me, does not mean.. no way, no how.. I'm sucking you off.. for any amount of money!-Gerard Way Leah Miller Of Much Music: Do you guys have any fetishes? Bob: Beards..... Frank: Yeah, beards.... Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara... I'm a f*ckin' princess! -Gerard People think we're rich vampires. -Gerard Way So how was Christmas for you guys? Did you all get lots of nice black t-shirts? - Gerard Way So many people treat you like you're a kid so you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the window. - Gerard Way Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves. Like I love you all. -Gerard Way The Devil got landed with a shitty job, he has to deal with assholes everyday, he's probably bored as hell. -Gerard The world is less violent when people are using hula-hoops. Mikey Way

This band is metal in that we have a lot of metal in our instruments and there's quite a lot of metal on my belt buckle as well. - Mikey Way We just have to watch Mikey and make sure he doesn't put anymore forks in the toaster - Frank Lero We're very attractive to them because we dress like homeless people. -Mikey Way When the water touched my balls, that's when I got scared. - Frank Iero Which of your band mates is most likely to accidentally stick a fork in a toaster? Frank: Mikey. And who would yell 'Hey! It's still plugged in!'? Mikey: That would be me. Gerard: I would definitely be the one yelling. I think we're all very protective of Mikey for things like sticking forks in toasters. Frank: It's funny because when we were recording, me and Mikey lived together and I would go to Gerard after and be like, 'I can't believe he did this today.' Mikey: Yeah, I would leave the tea on overnight. Frank: God forbid that kid ever lives alone! Gerard: He had to promise he would watch him because he likes to do this thing where he'll take a heater into the shower and plug it in... Frank: Oh god! Gerard: ...and there's water everywhere! Mikey: I did that one time... Gerard: What about the times with the radio? Mikey: ...and I was pretty warm when I did it though.

Who wouldn't want to catch a guy in a bear suit? -Gerard Way Women being objectified and all the bad things that are just inherit and ingrained in it that don't have to be that way. - Gerard Way You should see me as a chick. I look hot as a chick - Gerard Way

Gerard: "The heat ain't never gonna break me... I did Warped in a bulletproof vest."

Gerard: (about Bandit) "I think she's going to be a lady wrestler... almost positive of it."

Gerard: (about Bandit) "She's the best. She loves watching animals and yelling at them... like a crazy old lady in the park."

Gerard: "I can one-hand a diaper change sucka!"

G: "Best part about the block feature is that it asks "are you sure you want to block this person?" ..like I need to give it deep thought.."

Fan: "I'm reading a MCR/Harry Potter fanfic." Gerard: "The fact that exists blows my mind. I better be Slytherin is all I'm saying..."

Fan: "You should go see the Hannah Montana movie with me." Gerard: "I would rather punch myself with chainsaw."

Gerard: "I love all animals. But I am allergic to cats."

Frank during Im Not Okay: "We want beer" (instead of 'trust me')

Frank: "Ray is our heavy metal-alibi, but he grew up on a lot of classical music as well. I was brought up listening to blues and hardcore, and Gerard's blood pumps brit pop."

Interviewer: "Frank, did you not get the black jeans memo?!" Frank: "No, yeah... Um... They're in the wash."

Gerard: "The image that's going to stick in my head from this year is watching Bandit run around with a fistful of balloons. She was like a crazy person tearing ass all over the house!"

Ray: "I don't know how you could fail to notice that someone you were driving with wasn't in the van..."

Gerard: "We can't play Russia." Interviewer: "They banned you from Russia? Why?" G erard: "For 'promoting a negative lifestyle'."

Fan: "Did you dress up for your Birthday/Halloween?" Frank: "Yes, I was a banana."

Fan: "You should post a picture of your new pants." Frank: "No, don't be creepy... they are my private pants."

Frank: "Fruit attacking young children is my 4th favorite thing in the world."

Fan: "Don't go and see Harry Potter 6. The ending is so gay!" Frank: "I take it you didn't like the Harry/Dumbledore blowjob scene?"

Frank: "Shouldn't America's got talent be judged by Americans with talent? Just an observation."

Frank: "If you lose count of how many cookies you ate the calorie intake ceases to exist. True story.

Q: "You're all married now, aren't you?" G: "Yeah. Me and Frank have babies." Interviewer: "I didn't think you were married to eachother..."


Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Version) viewing number 9,758. #ThingsThatHappenOnTheMyChemBus franklero Up at 5:50 in the morning for no reason...perfect time to watch original star trek series and hope to god no one finds out what a nerd i is franklero Dear Florida, you are too hot and sticky. And your collection of bugs and sneaky little lizards is troubling to me. My sinuses want out. Xo franklero Dear Pumpkin Poptarts, i am in love. Xo franklero A huge thanks to everyone @ Reading & Leeds & we had the time of our lives. I will remember these shows for as long as i live franklero Just came to the realization that all of life's most delicious things start with the letter 'P'. Starting a list now: Pizza, panera bread... Pretzel M&M's, paninis, pineapple, pinoli cookies, pumpkin pie (double points for 2 P's)... shit...Just remembered Vienna fingers starts with a 'V'... franklero Yesterday i was gonnna get new pants, but then i started thinking about people who dont wipe as well as me taking a poop & trying on pants. gerardway Euro-ferry to Denmark...very late...shitty breakfast...duty-free fragrance wars gerardway You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, and you are endlessly inspiring gerardway Every big adventure should feel like your last, every attempt should feel like a final charge up the hill. Tomorrow doesn't exist gerardway

What kind of gym isn't open at 5:30 in the morning? gerardway Instant coffee- in an instant gerardway good morning fresh pack of batteries gerardway I will also accept collage, digital prints ok, as long as they aren't just a picture run through a Photoshop filter...that's a no no gerardway Already 1:25 and only 3 cups of coffee consumed... Must correct that gerardway More coffee, more rock gerardway It's so hot outside that if I was the Joker I would just be getting ready to commit a crime I know I'm stating the obvious but it's hot as a motherfucker in today gerardway Happy Egg-day muthafuckas! gerardway In a complete and total break from tradition, I have decided to put on a new yellow t-shirt today, pale yellow gerardway Now I'm hoping Vin Diesel has a , hits me up, and we can hang out playing video games and racing fast fucking cars... Mikey Way As long as we stick together , we can smash the sadness Mikey Way Has anyone out there ever successfully used an x-mas nativity scene to hide from hoodlums or bullies? Mikey Way When life gives you lemons, make a lemon themed analogy Mikey Way yes, that is king kong swinging godzilla by his tail in the background and yes, I am happy to see you Mikey Way Pocket tweets need love too Mikey Way Are you one of the 35 percentile that pronounces werewolf... "were-woof"? My findings are shocking! Way more than 35% use "woof" ...(shrug) Mikey Way I wish that when I shrugged my shoulders , the word "shrug" would flash adjacent to my body Mikey Way If your gonna wear the uniform, you gotta sell the cookies Mikey Way tonight im gonna party like it's 1999, no pun intended