A Memorial to Violence Against Women Mount Royal Park, Montreal, Canada
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it;ì"- A Memorial to Violence Against Women Mount Royal Park, Montreal, Canada By Anna M. Ringstrom A practicum report submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies in partial fufillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Landscape Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba August, 1,995 \flonarLiorarY Bibliothèque nationale I*l du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A ON4 K1A ON4 Yout lile Volíe rélércnce Our l¡le Nolre élércnce The author has granted an L'auteur a accordé une licence irrevocable non-exclusive licence irrévocable et non exclusive allowing the National Library of permettant à la Bibliothèque Canada to reproduce, loan, nationale du Canada de distribute or sell copies of reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou his/her thesis by any means and vendre des copies de sa thèse in any form or format, making de quelque manière et sous this thesis available to interested quelque forme que ce soit pour persons. mettre des exemplaires de cette thèse à la disposition des person nes intéressées. The author retains ownership of L'auteur conserve la propriété du the copyright in his/her thesis. droit d'auteur qu¡ protège sa Neither the thesis nor substantial thèse. Ni la thèse ni des extraits extracts from it may be printed or substantiels de celle-ci ne otherwise reproduced without doivent être imprimés ou his/her permission. autrement reproduits sans son autorisation. rsBN 0-612-13479-2 C,anadä str);n Nome /(ar Disse.fof,'on Ábsftucls lnîemo¡ionolis.#ronged byØood, generol 'Ent"r' rrb¡*t."t"gi"ti""se select the one subiect which most nærly describes the conlent of your dissertoJìon. th" ãorresponding fou-ãigit code in the spoces prouidi. ch¡rÞcr?,te STJBJECI TERM SUBJECÍ CODI Subþ€$ €ø@ories trffi& ffiwffi&wHtr&ffis &ruæ s@€BA& S€BË&8€æS CO&WIUWI{ATþWS ÂHD I}IE ARTS ..0525 P}IIIOSOPHY, REI.IGION AHD Architectr¡re .............................. 07 29 ÏHEOI.OGY A¡l Histrcrv......... ....................... 0377 Cinenro .................................... 0900 Philosophy .......... ...................... 0422 Donce ...................................... 0378 Relioion Fi4e {6 ........0357 öenerol .............................. 03 I I Biblicol lnlormolion Science .............. ..... 07 23 ....................03¿0 Srudies .................... 032 I Clergy ..,............................ 03 I 9 ................. -.. 0529 History ot............................ 0320 _, Påilosôphy of ......................0322 lheology ........0Á69 .......................... 07 47 I.ÂHGUÂGE, I.ITTRÂTURE AB{D r.r?{GUtsTtcs ....0ór 5 Lonoume öeriero1 ............. ................. 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SCIENCTS Aulomotive .. 0540 Nulrition ....................,.. .0475 PoleobotriÁv ............................. 03¿5 Pure Sciences Biomedicol ..054ì Animol Potholw ............. .oa76 Po leoecoloóv ............................ 0 A2ó Chemicol Fæd Scienc".Xä Chemistrv ..0542 Polænto|oo1............................. 04 ì 8 Lrvrl .................. ..0543 Technoloqy ...................... Genérol .............................. O¿85 0359 Poleozoololv............................ 0985 Electronics ond Electricol ...- ..0544 Forestrv onðWildlife ........... 0478 Polvnoloqv'......... ...................... 0427 4oriculturo1 ......................... 07 49 Heot ond Thermodvnomics . ..03¿8 Plont Culture .......................0479 Phisicol öæqroohv .................. 03ó8 Añol¡ico| ........................... 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O¿05 ..0549 Botony ................................ 0309 Petrole"uni.......... ..0765 Cell .................................... 0379 Chemotñ'éropy ................... 0992 Phvsics ' Sonilory ond Municiool ... .0554 Ecoloqy .............................. 0329 Dentistrv ............ ................. 0 567 Generol .............................. 0ó05 Svstem'Science.... 1 Educotión ........................... 0350 Acoustics ...............,..,......... 098ó .0790 Entomõ1ogy........................ 0353 Geotechnoloov .0428 Genetics ............................. 03ó9 Hospitol Monooem en¡ ..........O7 69 Astronomv ond Humon DeveloËment ........... 0758 Operotions R-eísærch .o79ó 1imno|ogy ...................... 07 93 Astroph'ysics................... .0ó0ó -.... lmmunology ........................ 0982 Plóstics Technoloqy ................. .o795 Microbiology ...................... ì Almospheric Science.......... .0ó08 04 0 Medicine Textile Technolog"y .o994 Moleculor . .......................0307 ond Surqery .........0564 Atomic .............. .0748 Menrol Hælrh ....:....'............ Neuroscience .....................- 03 I 7 0347 Electronics ond Electrici .0607 Nursinq .............................. 05ó9 Elementory Porticles Oceonoqrophy.................... 04 1 ó on Nukilio-n .............,............... 0520 ................. .0621 Physiololy :......................... 0433 Hìoh Enêrov..... .. ...0798 Obstetrícs ond Gvnecoloov .. .,................. 038¿ Rodiotion ............................ 082 I 0380 FluiJond Plãímo ........ ...0759 Occuootionol Heitlrh ................... 0622 Velerinory Science............... 0778 Molæulor .........-................. 0ó09 Theãov ..........................."nJ' 0354 Nuc|eor............. ........... ..... .0ó20 _. {*logy ;.. ........................0472 ....... .....0ólO ............,,.0ó23 óroohvsrcs Ophtholmology ................... 038 I Optics ............... ................. 07 52 Potholoqy ................... 0624 'Gánero1 ............ ........... ......0786 ........................... 057 I Rodiotion ............................ 07 56 PhormoËôlosy ..................... 04 1 9 ... ......_.......0625 Medico1 .,........,.. ..... 07 60 Solid Srore .......................... Oóì I -...,....... Phormocy ......... .......0989 ...........................O572 Stotistics . ... .... .. .. ..........0463 Phvsicol .................. 03¿9 EART}I 5(IEHCES theroov ..0382 Publ¡c Hælrh .:.:................... O5z3 Applied Sciences ....... .......... 0ó32 Biogæchemistry .. ...................... 0 425 Rodiology ...........................057 4 Aoolied Mechonics . ..........0346 .................. 045 r Geochemislry ........................... 099 6 Recrætiòn .......................... 057 5 Cämputer Science ... ..........0984 A }ÍEI{ORIAL TO VIOLENGE AGAINST I.¡OMEN ltoUNT ROYAL PARK, HONTREAL, CANADA BY A}INA U. RINGSTRO}I A Practicum submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Sh¡dies of the University of Manitoba in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of I'IASTER OF I,ANDSCAPE ARCEITEGTIIRE @ 199s Pennission has been granted to ttre LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF M.{NïTOBA to lend or sell copies of this Practicum, to the NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA to microfilm this Practicum and to lend or sell copies of the filn, and LIBRARY MICROFILMS to publish an abstract of this Practicum. The author reserves other publication rights, and neither the Practicum nor extensive extracts from