JUNE 2021

PCL Planning Ltd 13a-15a Old Park Avenue, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3WD t: + 44 (0)1392 363812 PCL Planning - Marketing\Marketing 2020\10291 Angarrack Lane, Connor Downs


1. Introduction Page No. 3 2. Site and Surrounding Area Page No. 4 3. Relevant Planning History Page No. 5 4. The Proposed Development Page No. 6 5. The Development Plan Page No. 7 6. Material Considerations Page No. 12 7. Key Planning Considerations Page No. 15 8. Planning Balance and Conclusions Page No. 19

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1. Introduction

1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared on behalf of Land Promotion Group (LPG) in support of an outline planning application on land at Angarrack Lane, Connor Downs, Cornwall.

1.2 The application is in outline form, with all matters reserved for future determination (other than access).

1.3 The statement describes the application site and proposed development, considers relevant decisions, identifies policies contained in the Development Plan (DP) and other material planning considerations, before analysing the key matters relevant to the determination of the application and concluding with a planning balance.

1.4 This statement should be read in conjunction with the supporting documents accompanying the planning application submission.

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2. Site and Surrounding Area

2.1 Connor Downs lies within the Parish of Gwinear – (which is one of the five parishes in The and St Ives Community Network Area).

2.2 Connor Downs is the largest of all the settlements within the Parish (the 2011 census identified 592 occupied households) where there are a number of services and facilities available, including: allotments, bakers, butchers, cemetery, children’s play area, church, doctors, fishmonger, halls, petrol station, post office, pre-school, public house, restaurants/cafes, and takeaway. As such, it is capable of accommodating growth.

2.3 The site lies to the south of the village and comprises a series of fields to the north of Angarrack Lane. The site comprises pasture fields enclosed by species-poor native hedgerows set upon traditional stone-faced hedgebanks. The site area is circa 1.37 ha.

2.4 The site does not contain or form part of any statutory designations (including Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Site of Special Scientific Interest, etc.). No Framework ‘footnote 6’ policies are infringed (paragraph 11 of the Framework).

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3. Relevant Planning History

3.1 There is no planning history of relevance.

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4. Proposed Development

4.1 This is an outline planning application for an affordable-led residential scheme for up to 40 units.

4.2 The application is made in outline with means of access submitted for approval only at this stage. All other matters (layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping) are reserved for determination at a later stage.

4.3 The Site Location Plan and the Site Access Plan are the only plans that are submitted for approval. The other material submitted is either illustrative, or for information only.

4.4 Vehicular and pedestrian access to the site will be taken from Angarrack Lane, with additional pedestrian connections also provided onto Prouts Lane and from the south west corner of the site.

4.5 The proposed landscaping for the site will retain the existing trees and hedgerows where possible. The illustrative layout plan shows that there is ample opportunity to provide appropriate planting and landscaping within and along the boundaries of the site to ensure the development responds well to its context and to help to soften the built form.

4.6 It is anticipated that the dwellings will be of traditional 2 storey form and would provide generous gardens and on-plot parking.

4.7 Areas of Public Open Space (POS) will be provided towards the western edge of the site and to the southern edge of the site.

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5. The Development Plan

5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 states that planning decisions should be determined in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

5.2 The Development Plan in this case comprises:

• Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 – 2030 (adopted November 2016). • Minerals Safeguarding Development Plan Document (adopted 4th December 2018) • The Site Allocations Development Plan Document (adopted on 26th November 2019) • Gwinear – Gwithian Neighbourhood Development Plans (made October 2017)

Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 (adopted

November 2016)

5.3 The Cornwall Local Plan sets out the broad strategic policies for each of the Community Network Areas (CNAs). The Local Plan does not include specific site allocations, which are proposed to be brought forward through a separate Site Allocations Document (in the case of a number of the main towns)/Neighbourhood Plans.

5.4 Policy 1 (Presumption in favour of sustainable development) and Policy 2 (Spatial Strategy) underpin the plan strategy.

5.5 Policy 2a (Key Targets) of the Local Plan sets out the housing targets for the plan period and proposes for a minimum of 52,500 homes to be delivered to 2030, with an apportionment of 480 dwellings in the Hayle and St Ives CNA.

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5.6 Policy 3 (Role and Function of Places) states that other than at the main towns, housing and employment growth will be delivered for the remainder of the CNA through a range of ways including the identification of sites through Neighbourhood Plans, rounding off of settlements and development of previously developed land, infill schemes and rural exception sites under Policy 9 of the Local Plan.

5.7 Policy 6 (Housing mix) advises that proposals are expected to include appropriate mixes of house size, type, price and tenure, address need and demand for affordable, market, starter, self-build and custom-build homes and respond to requirements of a changing population.

5.8 Policy 8 (Affordable housing) requires development proposals for 10 or more new dwellings to contribute towards meeting affordable housing need.

5.9 Policy 9 (Rural Exceptions Sites) specifically relates to rural exceptions development and states:

“Development proposals on sites outside of by adjacent to the existing built up area of smaller towns, villages and hamlets, whose primary purpose is to provide affordable housing to meet local needs will be supported where they are clearly affordable housing led and would be well related to the physical form of the settlement and appropriate in scale, character and appearance.

The number, type, size, and tenure of the affordable dwellings should reflect identified local needs as evidenced through the Cornwall Housing Register or any specific local surveys completed using an approved methodology.

The purpose of such developments must be primarily to provide affordable housing. The inclusion of market housing will only be supported where the Council is satisfied it is essential for the successful delivery of the development based on detailed financial appraisal (for example to fund abnormal development costs or to deliver a balanced, sustainable community).

Market housing must not represent more than 50% of the homes or 50% of the land take, excluding infrastructure and services.

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The Council will secure the first and future occupation of the affordable homes to those with a housing need and local connection to the settlement or parish in line with the Council’s adopted local connection policies”

5.10 Policy 10 (viability) sets out approaches which would assist in securing the maximum achievable contribution of affordable housing where evidence demonstrates that the full requirement cannot be delivered without making the project unviable.

5.11 Policy 12 (Design) sets out the Council’s commitment to achieving high quality, safe, sustainable and inclusive design in all developments and states that development must ensure Cornwall’s enduring distinctiveness and maintain and enhance its distinctive natural and historic character.

5.12 Policy 13 (Development Standards) states that all new development will be expected to achieve amongst others, the provision of sufficient internal space in housing for everyday activities and to enable flexibility and adaptability by meeting nationally described space standards for all affordable housing; public open space in proportion to the scale of development and different types of provision based on local need; an appropriate level of off street parking and cycle parking taking into account the accessibility of the location. Housing developments of 10 dwellings or greater should provide 25% of dwellings as accessible homes (Building Regulations M4(2)).

5.13 Policy 16 (Health and Wellbeing) sets out that development should improve the health and wellbeing of Cornwall’s communities, residents, workers and visitors through measures including maximising the opportunity for physical activity through the use of open space and flexible community open spaces; supporting and encouraging walking, riding and cycling; providing easy, safe and secure storage for cycles and other recreational equipment encouraging provision for growing local food in private gardens.

5.14 Policy 23 (Natural Environment) states that development proposal will need to sustain local distinctiveness and character and protect and where possible

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enhance local distinctiveness, whilst Policy 25 (Green Infrastructure) states that proposals should contribute to an enhanced connected and functional network of habitat and open spaces, including through providing accessible and good quality open space and clear arrangements for the long term maintenance and management/enhancement of assets.

5.15 Policy 24 (historic environment) sets out the LPA’s support for development proposals which sustain the cultural distinctiveness of Cornwall’s historic environment. The policy expects that development in conservation areas will maintain their special character and appearance, while proposals affecting industrial mining heritage and other historic landscapes will conserve and, if appropriate, enhance them. Specifically, development proposed within the World Heritage Site will be expected to demonstrate accordance with the World Heritage Site Management Plan.

5.16 Policy 25 (Green infrastructure) states that development proposals should contribute to an enhanced network of functional, connected habitats and open spaces. Proposals are encouraged to provide accessible and good quality open space.

5.17 Policy 26 (Flood Risk Management) notes that development should be sited and designed to increase flood resilience and avoid or minimise flood risk and should enable or replicate natural ground and surface water flows and decrease surface water runoff.

5.18 Policy 27 (Transport and Accessibility) requires all developments to provide safe and suitable access to the site for all people and not cause a significantly adverse impact on the local or strategic road network. Major developments should be designed to provide convenient, accessible, and appropriate cycle and pedestrian routes, public transport, and road routes within and in the immediate vicinity of the development.

5.19 Policy 28 (Infrastructure) outlines that development will be permitted where it would be supported by appropriate infrastructure provided in a timely

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manner; and provide on-site mitigation measures or contributions for site specific infrastructure provisions (not included in the CIL Regulation 123 list) which will be negotiated on a site-by-site basis.

Site Allocations Development Plan Document

5.20 The DPD identifies where new housing and employment uses will be delivered for 10 towns/conurbations and two eco-communities in Cornwall. The allocations DPD also looks at the wider strategy for the towns including economic growth and the delivery of infrastructure that will support both the existing and future residents.

Gwinear – Gwithian Neighbourhood Development Plans

5.21 Policy 1 – Settlement Boundary (the site lies outside of, but adjacent to, the village boundary)

5.22 Policy 2 – Rural Exception Sites (allows for development beyond the boundary in certain circumstances).

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6. Other Material Considerations

National Planning Policy Framework (2019)

6.1 The Government has recently published a revised (and subsequently updated) National Planning Policy Framework. The Framework sets out the Government’s planning principles and policies for and how these are expected to be applied.

6.2 Overall, the Framework’s message is clear in that it provides an emphasis on the need to achieve sustainable development in accordance with the ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’.

6.3 Paragraph 11 of the Framework is clear that:

“For decision-taking this means:

c) approving development proposal that accord with an up-to- date development plan without delay; or

d) where there are no relevant development plan policies, or the policies which are most important for determining the application are out-of- date, granting planning permission unless: i. the application of policies in this Framework that protect areas or assets of particular importance provides a clear reason for refusing the development proposed6; or

ii. any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole.”

6.4 Having regard to paragraph 11 and footnote 6 there are no policies in the Framework that provide a clear reason for refusing the proposed development. The proposed development is not located on land that forms part of a habitat site, SSSI, the Green Belt, a Local Green Space, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), National Park, Heritage Coast, an irreplaceable habitat, a designated heritage asset or an area at risk of flooding.

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6.5 Paragraph 38 requires: “Decision makers at every level should seek to approve applications for sustainable development where possible.”

6.6 Paragraph 59 of the Framework states that to support the Government’s objective of significantly boosting the supply of homes, it is important that a sufficient amount and variety of land can come forward where it is needed.

6.7 Paragraph 71 of the Framework states that local planning authorities should support the development of entry-level exception sites, suitable for first time buyers (or those looking to rent their first home), unless the need for such homes is already being met within the authority’s area. These sites should be on land which is not already allocated for housing and should comprise of entry-level homes that offer one or more types of affordable housing as defined in Annex 2 of this Framework; and be adjacent to existing settlements, proportionate in size to them, not compromise the protection given to areas or assets of particular importance in the Framework and comply with any local design policies and standards.

6.8 Paragraph 77 states that in rural areas, planning policies and decisions should be responsive to local circumstances and support housing developments that reflect local needs. It specifies that:

“Local planning authorities should support opportunities to bring forward rural exception sites that will provide affordable housing to meet identified local needs and consider whether allowing some market housing on these sites will help to facilitate this”

6.9 Paragraph 78 of the Framework goes on to state that to promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities.

Housing Need

6.10 We understand the latest Housing Needs Survey (August 19) for the parish records a HomeChoice need figure of 48 houses. Additionally, there are a further 15 “hidden” households. Combining this need with Help to buy

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figures, the overall need is in excess of 80 dwellings. There are only 15 affordable units with an outline permission in the area so there is currently a very substantial unmet need which this application would address.

Housing Supplementary Planning Document adopted (February 2020)

6.11 The SPD provides additional guidance on how the policies in the Local Plan will be implemented. The SPD does not set new planning policy. The document provides guidance on the development of new homes including; affordable housing, self-build and specialist housing for the elderly or disabled.

Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site SPD (adopted May 2017)

6.12 This SPD has been written primarily to help planning officers, and elected members on planning committees, when making decisions on development that could affect the Outstanding Universal Value, or international significance, of the World Heritage Site. The SPD also provides an insight for developers and others wishing to submit planning applications within the World Heritage Site.

Environment Bill 2019-2021

6.13 As part of the Bill, Biodiversity Net Gain will be made mandatory.

6.14 In advance of this, has introduced their own 10% net gain requirement for all major planning applications.

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7. Key Planning Considerations

Principle of Development

7.1 Policy 9 of the adopted Local Plan provides clear policy support for affordable-led residential development in this location. The site adjoins the existing built up area of the village and would relate well to the physical form of the settlement.

7.2 The purpose of the development is primarily to deliver much needed affordable housing. The applicant proposes to enter into a Section 106 legal agreement to secure appropriate provisions for affordable housing. In accordance with Policy 9 of the LP, it is the intention for 50% of the dwellings to be affordable homes.

7.3 The site has been discussed with a number of registered affordable housing providers, who have re-affirmed the high level of affordable housing need in the area and have expressed strong support and interest in progressing the development expediently.

7.4 It is proposed, in accordance with Policy 9 of the Local Plan, that some open market dwellings will also be provided on site, to cross-subsidise the delivery of affordable units.

Loss of Agricultural Land

7.5 Paragraph 170 of the Framework advises that planning policies and decision should recognise the economic and other benefits of best and most versatile land. Where significant development of agricultural land is demonstrated to be necessary, areas of poorer quality land should be preferred to those of a higher quality.

7.6 The proposed development would result in the negligible loss of agricultural land which is classed as ‘best and most versatile’ (BMV) in Annex 2 of the

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Framework (2019). This would not impact on the viability of an agricultural enterprise, the severance of land or loss of access to wider land.

Character and Appearance of the Area

7.7 The site is of adequate size to accommodate 40 dwellings and the layout demonstrates one iteration of how the site could come forward. It is clear from this that the number of units can be satisfactorily accommodated on site.

7.8 The character of the local area is mixed of low merit. As there is not one predominant style of development the proposals will need to consider the overall design approach to ensure that it is appropriate for the area and not simply a 'copy' of local styles.

7.9 The site adjoins existing development. Immediate views of the site will be seen in the context of adjoining development and read as an extension to the settlement.

7.10 The proposals represent an acceptable land use due to the surrounding residential environment. The proposals will be designed carefully to avoid unacceptable impact on the amenity of occupiers.

7.11 Whilst it is acknowledged that there will be a change to the land use and the character of the site itself, the proposals relate appropriately to the current character of existing adjoining/surrounding development and will be seen as part of the existing pattern of development.

7.12 Layout, scale, appearance and landscaping are reserved for future consideration. The illustrative layout plan incorporates additional planting to soften the impacts of development and integrate the proposals into the landscape setting. These landscape measures will be compatible with the existing local character and will help to positively reinforce local distinctiveness.

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Access and Highways

7.13 Vehicular and pedestrian access to the site will be taken from Angarrack Lane, with additional pedestrian connections also provided to Prouts Lane and from the south west corner of the site.

7.14 No major accident problems have been identified in the vicinity of the site.


7.15 An ecological appraisal has been undertaken by GE Consulting.

7.16 The report sets out mitigation recommendations and also opportunities for enhancement, which could be incorporated as part of the landscape and design proposals for the site in due course.

7.17 Recommendations have been provided in order to enhance the site for biodiversity in the long-term. The Biodiversity Net Gain assessment using the Defra Metric 2.0 has confirmed that the development will result in a significant net gain for biodiversity both in terms of hedgerows and habitats.

Flood Risk and Drainage

7.18 The site is situated wholly within flood zone 1 (lowest probability of flooding) and is not within a Critical Drainage Area and has no history of flooding.

7.19 Details of surface water and foul drainage are included as part of this submission and set out in a Drainage Strategy Statement prepared by JRC Consulting, which sets out the principles proposed for the site in accordance with relevant guidance.

7.20 The report concludes that the development as proposed is appropriate and meets the requirements of the EA Standing Advice and the NPPF.

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7.21 Detailed drainage information would be subject to an appropriately worded condition.

Land Contamination

7.22 The site comprises an agricultural field. The is not believed to have been used for any other purpose and is not known or suspected to be affected by contamination.

7.23 Furthermore, according to the Council’s interactive Local Plan Map, the area is not known for contamination.


7.24 According to the Council’s interactive Local Plan Map, there are no significant heritage assets on site.


7.25 A Tree Survey has been undertaken. This advises that none of the trees on site are protected and that most are Category C and U. As such, trees are not a significant constraint.

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8 Planning Balance and Conclusions

8.1 Connor Downs is a village of sufficient scale, with adequate services, to accommodate growth of an appropriate scale (a scheme of up to 40 units is commensurate).

8.2 The site is located directly adjacent to the village boundary. The adopted Local Plan and Neighbourhood Development Plan both contain policies that provide support for development proposals adjacent to built up areas of villages.

8.3 The application seeks permission for an affordable-led residential scheme, which is considered to be an acceptable form of development in this location in accordance with Policy 9 of the Cornwall Local Plan.

8.4 There is a significant local housing need. We understand the latest Housing Needs Survey (August 19) for the parish records a HomeChoice need figure of 48 houses, with a further 15 “hidden” households. Combining this with Help to buy figures, results is an overall need in excess of 80 dwellings (which extant permissions fail to address).

8.5 Given this, there is policy support for affordable led development.

8.5 The delivery of much needed affordable and market housing in this location is a significant benefit of considerable weight. The proposed development would also bring economic benefits associated with housebuilding and expenditure in the locality and additional community benefits including the delivery of open space.

8.6 The application is submitted in outline, with means of access to be determined only at this stage. Matters of layout, appearance, scale, and landscaping are reserved for future consideration.

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8.7 The proposed development complies with the relevant policies of the Development Plan, and there are no other material considerations, which point to a decision other than in accordance with the Development Plan.

8.8 Planning permission should therefore be granted without delay.

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