^ ^ fe 1 1 *-^ '% *«* I i fi 11111 E !__. With the Avproach of Spring Indoor Golf Becomes Lcss and Less a Sport and More and More a of Symptom Insunity. tndoor Golfers, as Seen by Jefferson Mackamer U)oc\< ma'cs_oT_,-( fAADe f (Al- CLU0 SpEClALlN^' * r=Tr ItTT? \1=bR. M_* -he said 7/jT /Voufc R.I-3HT Y \ i>EMAAlPP_D AC/ERTAIrm V ?A"fe LLA SriOOUT) *\ '! W AFRAlP V'V/HiP" (M TH£ / Point Ar -me thirP i _MA>Ty> EVELET O^YO*JJ2. "VQU'D -A ( L&F-T^ SLICE-D ( *- THE" S-iT^MGE WEIGHT v.OAi YOUR. HlP WILL /'CAOS- VOUTo pULL / L \NTfO "THE ftOOGU-J xrt

VOUR _HOULp&^ J&/J 2-/- \ was ju_t osiv SIKfEcM-MtLLlOAII^ Lvou use ¦''YrllGOSrl.V 0> AM INCM Too > MiGM y LOW OM -THAT (A tbp!/ ^rlOT- /-- ir\ '\N. AilCK IM T!! 7

m DORCTViy bOUGHT KMfCkiERS MD PPACTiSEP ^''tmm- ¦iV»n_*R. -¦. WW&fl -SUMMER. CCME-S *SHE'^S H&H 6owe -fo A ior QHE¦¦ YORK HOfSL HAS. /AIXfALiJErD A cause 0T=- meaJ 76 PUBl GoLE" SCHOOL /« TKE OLD ""fAP ROOM a.» AGHOStW./V/METEE.MTH HOL-E-IIH

A SOGGESifOM t-m iflE AIUT WHO MlJS< HAVB MlS CfO^ £EFO(ie fl^kr^AS^-EVEAl /-< W/zMTeP--A ^A|£.V/AY /Al -rf/E= PW-OR-

clsewherc. Of many roof;3 ticns as birdies to some By Fairfax Downey late, particularly, generally convey golfers. Perhaps symbolism was intended. and the saving of time later in a season all tecnth hole, for it was situated in what -ra***. The idea was IN THE fifteenth century in Rotterdam, home, hotel and department store.have Probably without waiting for release, he big to take your stance be¬ too brief; likewise, the saving of grief and once thc tap room. It must sadden one to tween three canvas walls and Holland, there is said to have been a town covered the contortions and club swinging of would have swung a club, brained a keeper, smite the pill gloves. And the eye, they emphasized; ah, play there. in the direction of a The tee was a the Indoor said would Golf in the home has been .ordinance forbidding the playing of golf devotees of the sport, signs that they have flung aside his bonds, kicked over his stocks bulPs-eye. yes, eye! golf, they, alarminglj- pTeva- nice, fuzzy doormat, and, seeing thnt, there catch that eye, which had become prone to lent and there is evidence that it is increasing. in thc churches. lt had about all the hibernation can stand. and to the links for the scason's first applied presumably they escaped came to us a great understanding why we wander around at musical c.omedies and other from the afore-mentioned club to the activities of ranging swing- winter-bound golfers, im- If the Prisoncr of Chillon had been a gclfer game. have had such difficulty wiping muddy feet things during the winter, and attach it firmly ing, driving against the tapestries and por- patient for the coming of spring. how his captivity would have irked him as the We first sought indoor golf in a depart¬ this winter. Our hosta probably were using and fixedly to the ball. Thus the eye might tieres and putting into banked-up teacup*. ment store and we found it. For their doormats as tees to In the twentieth century in New York there weather grew more clement. A glimpse out ultimately drive against a sheet be depended upon to stay pu722 and behave And after a winter session of home golf you a while we it no¬ is, of thought might be among the in the attic. No more is there "Welcome"; when first taken out on a course for an airing. may hang up in a more prominent course, no necessity for a law barring of his dungeon window of sunlit lawns would position. tions or concealed behind a brilliant display there's a golf bail on the mat. In one hotel "course" we found a touch of or cne, if have none.the motto: golfers from to him. The buy you church. But perhaps there have meant fair greens singing of plaids. Who ever would have expected it Nothing like indoor golf, they told us in the realism, almost too stark. The "course'' "There's No Place Like Home." For there ."hould be ap¬ some restriction of them indoor? of a bird would have conveyed such glad emo- to be masked by desks and office furniture? hotel "links," for the hardening of the hands parentiy was made np to represent the nine- won't bc.

1N spite of the extensive way in which the the first trick Y trumps it and leads the top modern system of counting quick tricks, club. The false opening is the smaller diamond. and nothing but quick tricks, in valuing THE SCHOOL OF AUCTION BRIDGE which allows B to get rid of the jack and to a discard the spade on the lead by A. hand for bidding purposes has been ad- "OWW, there are many who do not grasp the produee four. Not in every hand, perhaps, but By R. F. FOSTER lead, in whieh case Z must be careful to sacri- Wails 0f tiie theory. three in some and five in others. In 100 deals tice his spade queen by leading the diamond at and Answers Author of Foster on Auction Made once, before B a discard. This Y Queries ' can be they will produee 400 tricks. Aaciion, Easy, gets gives Proved by examining any large value of three clubs. of This double value depends on the Foster's Etc. played hands in which the bidding these high cards in promoting the smaller Complete Hoyle, A may defend the hand by leading a small ^aber* wnnd that instead of the at This the quick tricks will average for cards of the same suit, or in bringing in small spade trump trick two. Question.Playing three hand, can a player «Qeclarer and his dumray, and only normal cards of other suits. Give dummy three small bid by opponents. The high cards in that suit the play went this way: Y led the spade nine, Y does not trump, but allows Z to win, pull A's law down the 40 for royal marriage and then which B a and A a and lead the which either wins UlC adversaries. This ratio may be set-up clubs and the ace of spades. If you have lose their double Value, as they woukl promote won, leading diamond, led tnnnp diamond, add the ace, ten, jack for the 150, so as to fo* ? ex¬ or B into the lead. If A refuses to d from in but in no club to lead, that ace of spades is worth only the opponents' small cards. Take club, iinessing the ten. Z led the jack of dia- puts trump give him 190 for the five cards, a-s in tv>-n 5a-7 slightly no-trumpers, Y could the round. it will make up for what it four tricks, not one, as it brings in the clubs. ample in the second column; monds, hoping third hand?.N. Y. B. ^contracts This A in a hole. He sees now that he ¦*»atno-trumps. Tbe point that ao many players overlook is Z dealt and bid a spade, A two hearts. Y put Answer.Yes. Tho melds are the same in he falls error should have the first which Red Cross deals the adversaries won that if there are no Emall cards to be promotod should have passed, but into the passed up spade, BRIDGE PROBLEM NO. 96 all forras of pinochle-r-two, three, or four |v^*0e^S" of his hearts at their would have allowed him to rulT in at tricks with twenty-two aces and kings in this way the high cards immediately lose counting attaeking vahie, dummy hand. in which an A--J-10 suit of five cards is worth this stage, to lead the* clubs, him two *PP«sed to no-trumpers, but won their double value. This may occur in several giving Question.We. have frequcnt disputes av tm ,7' they three and bids two This valua- odds and the game, one club, three wirty-six tricks with forty- and ways. Suppose the cealer bids a heart with tricks, spades. losing the value of the mcld for eleven cards; fivf g¦ tion would bc all if he were and a the suit declarations. Holding five to the ace king, and his partner denies the right bidding trumps spade. top trumps and king. queen of each of th«=* l;'.J^ainst hearts at not knowing how they were distrib- As is was, whether he leads the high trump »^ acos anfi kings in both cases, they hearts by bidding two clubs. The top hearts, three other suits. Some say trump marriage lust sixty-six tricks. uted; but the moment the player on his right or the spade Y must get ln on spades and come Ls lost..J. W. E. J e shows in hearts Y's cards in that suit his and he cannot make his t}lert' are many persons who strongly length through diamonds, Answer.lf trump marriage is lost becausv }'0j tlie drop back to their defensive value, a trick and contract. The error is in winning the first a statement that an ace is worth the cards cannot ba counted twice, then the t^0 a half, spade lead. s and that the ace and of a 80 kings and 60 queens are lost for tbe. same ftif 8*e king is .by Worth four, the fact remains that B avoids this mistake. His ace of spades reason. The correct value for the six melds ^n that number of tricks, and not worth two tricks, as Z has bid spades. His This is the sotution to Problem No. 96, in in these cards is 370.80 king*.., 40, 20 and 20 ^ejnii K-J-10 of clubs is worth about a trick and a which hearts were trumps, Z to lead, and Y-Z cardj Iies in the fact that smallpr in marriagcs, GO queens, 150 trumps. counted in connection with half. to win four tricks. le^ rar,e.110* except CRIBBAGE k«gs or other honors. This is not enough to support hearts, bo he Z leads the eight of diamonds, A trumps ^ and leads a B a club". Z for the starter. The dealn that'the dec'arer can rnake twice passes, and Z plays the hand at two spades, trump, discardiug Question.I makes his of and B in with turns two cards. Must be the *>mat,reaS<^n on the with his and ls set, as A led the diamond and then the queen spades puts up the higher ^.ytricks. average, high the diamond. starter?.N. J. K. ^e sees what can be done singleton, and got in a ruff. At one table Y losing HjHaT .at just Answer.As it is not the iion-dcaler*s fault. Ui t'le way of the smaller failed to keep the nine of trumps in ttummy, "**If B discards the jack of diamonds, insteacl Nfcf Promotin2 he can take his choice of the two "*t)W ^°Se SU'is *nto tr^c'< winners. The and when Z trumped himself in with a heart of the club, Z leads the spade five. If A does exposcd ple is to takenve trumps, headed Y could not beat A's third trump on the club not put on the ten or jack B will have to win cards. Hp "Ce dia¬ is tiie for and ,K,ntJ- In bidding, these two sure and B would have trumped the fourth the trick with the seven and lose three clubs. Question.What penalty expos Ife. the Z a card the deal?.W. J. B. esf ir»ated as worth four tricks, noth- mond. If A covers the spade five with ten lies ing during ^Care are leads. Y and Z Answer.If a ln2 counted for the other cards if smaller once fall into th-** fWensive class, at the normal Y's bid, if anything, should have been to tenace in that suit and will make two spades Hearts trumps and Z player exposes his own card, ^ * was at two and the want all the trieks. How do themt deal stands. If the dealeT a Kj queen. When it comes to the play it value, two tricks oniy. double the two-heart bid. This done diamond. they get the exposes card. in tho etrito tables, it is a bad double, and at one B may discard the spade on the return trumf Solution next week. bis.opponent may demand a, new deal. found that these two sure tricks will The same is true of high cards although /