The London Gazette, May 12, 1896. 2793
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 12, 1896. 2793 SCOTTISH DISTRICT. Whitehall, May 11, 1896. ARTILLEHY. THE Queen has been pleased, by Warrant 1st Argyll and Bute Volunteer Artillery. under Her Majesty's Royal Hgn Manual, bearing date the 9th instant, to appoint Robert Lloyd Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel John Kenyon, Esq., Barrister-at-Law, to be .Recorder • Windsor Stuart. of the Borough of Oswestry, in the room of •Lieutenant Daniel Cunningham. Charles Watkin Williams Wynn, Esq., deceased. ENGINEER. 1st Lanark h>re Volunteer Engineers. Whitehall, May 11,1896. •Major and Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel James THE Queen has been pleased to give and Broadjoot, retired. grant -unto Montague Kirkwood, Esq., Legal Adviser to the Japanese Government, Her RIFLE. Majesty's Royal licence and authority that he 6th Volunteer Buttaliw, The R'Hjal Scots may accept and wear the following decorations:— (Lothian. Regime/ii). (1.) The Insignia of the Imperial Order of thb Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel Charles James Allan. Sacred Treasure of the Second Class ; 8lh Volunteer liuitalion, The Royal Scots (2.) The Insignia of the Imperial Order of the {Lothian Regiment). Rising Sun of the Third Class ; Lieutenant Robert Stewart. (3.) The Japanese Constitution Medal; and (•I.) The Silver Wedding Medal; Galloway Volunteer Rifle Corps. which have been conferred upon him by His Captain Peter Stewart. Majesty the Emperor of Japan in recognition of his services while actually and entirely employed 1st Lanarkshire Volunteer Rifle Corps. beyond Her Majesty's Dominions in the service Captaiu. and Honorary Major James Muirhcad. of the Japanese Government. .Captain and Honorary Major Robert Dongall McEwan. Scottish Office, Whitehall, May H, 1898. $th Lanarkshire Voluatetr R'fle Corps. •Surgeon-Lieutenant Edward Henry Kelty. THE Queen has been pleased, by Warrant under Her Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, to ." 2nd (Anqns) Volunteer Battalion, The Black direct Letters Patent to be passed under the Seal Wat. h (Royal Hiyhlandtrs). appointed by the Treaty of Union to be kept and Captain and Honorary Major James Buyers. made use of in place of the Great Seal of Scot- Captain and Honorary Major John, Smart Roy. land, nominating, constituting, and appointing the Most Honourable William Montagu, Marquess of Is/ Sutherland (The Sutherland Highland) Tweeddale, to be Her Majesty's High Commis- Volunteer Rifte Corps. sioner to the ensuing Meeting of the General Captain and Honorary Major Edward Grove Assembly of the Church of Scotland.. Buik. Captain 'John Mackay. Scottish Office, Whitehall, May 11, 1896. - 3rd (Morayshire') Volunteer Battalion, Scaforth THE Queen has been pleased, by Warrant • Highlanders (Koss-shire Buff's, The Duke under Her Majesty's Royal Sign Manual, to of Albany's). appoint the Right Honourable Sir Charles John- Lieutenant John Sutherland. Pearson, Knt., Q.C., Her Majesty's Advocate for Scotland, to be one of the Senators of the College 3rd (The Buchan) Volunteer Battalion, The of Justice in Scotland, in the room 'of Andrew Gordon Highlanders. Rutherfurd Clark, Esq. (Lord Rulherfurd Clark), Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel Alex- resigned. ander Dingwall ForJyce. 5th Volunteer Battalion, Princess Louise's Argyll Crown Office*May 8, 1896. and Sutherland Highlanders. THE Queen has been pleased, by Letters Captain and Honorary Major George Hedger Patent under the Great Seal, bearing date the Black. 29th April, 1896, to appoint Richard Mills, Esq., 1st Dumbartonshire Volunteer Rifle Corps. C.B., to be Comptroller-General of the receipt Captain and Honorary Major William Beattie and, issue of Her Majesty's Exchequer, and Thomson. Auditor-General of Public Accounts, in the'place of Sir Charles Lister Ryan, K.C.B., resigned. Foreign Office, May 7, 1896. (S. 1514.) . - THE following Notice is substituted for that Board of Trade (Fisheries Department^ London, May 11, 1896. which appeared in the Lo'ndon Gazette of March 2Q, 1896, relative to the appointment of Henry THE Board of Trade have received, through the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, a copy Angst, Esq., as Her Majesty's Consul-General at Zurich :— of a Telegram from Her Majesty's Representa- tive at Lisbon, reporting that ports of Pernara- Foreign Office, March 6, 1896. buco and its Province have been declared free THE Queen has been graciously pleased to from yellow fever from April 20. appoint Henry Angst, Esq., to be Her Majesty's (S. 1519.) Consul - General for the Cantons of Zurich, Board of Trade (Fisheries Department), Argovie, Schaffhausen, Zug, Schwyz, Uri, both London, May 11, 1896. Untersvaldens, Lucerne, Bale-ville and Bale-cam- THE Board of Trade have received, through 'pagne, Soleure, St. Gall, both Appenzells, Thur- the Secretary of State for the Colonies, a copy govie, Glarus, Grisons, and Tessin, to reside at of a Telegram from the High Commissioner Jfor •Zurich. Cyprus, intimating. that five days' quarantine is imposed on arrivals from Alexandria* '' A.