NvFRW Reporter News from around the Silver State 35th Biennial Convention 2019 – Special Edition

Nevada Federation of Republican Women Diane Baranowski, Lorri Olson, Treasurer, Kathy Doyle, Secretary, Michelle Baert, left, administers the Oath of Office to the 2020-2021 Board. Southern Director, Linda Colavechio, Northern Director They are Janet Frexias, President, Caroline Smith, and Rose Fox, Nominating Chair. First Vice President, Barb Hawn, Second Vice President, See School on page 14 Plenty to be proud about for NvFRW By Diane Baranowski From the President’s Desk NvFRW President

My term as NvFRW President is coming to an end, the vote we felt was best for the and I am having mixed feelings as I look back on the last future of the NvFRW and our rela- 2 years. On the one hand, I am glad to get back some extra tionship to the NFRW. hours in the day for other things, but on the other hand, I You will find the SAVE THE will miss the feeling of helping to manage this large Board DATE for our upcoming annual of Directors and Committee Chairwomen as most of us Leadership Conferences in Carson tried our best to accomplish everything in our job descrip- City and Las Vegas in January. Diane Baranowski tions. You will see the flyer and be In this last newsletter, you will read about this year’s reminded of the seasonal and very powerful Wreaths controversial NFRW dues increase and why it was impor- tant for our state to encourage discussion and then make See President on page 8

This newsletter is the sole publication of the Federation of Republican Women and is NOT paid for by any Candidate, Candidate Committee or PAC 2 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019

Working to turn Nevada RED again

Mendy Elliott, center, introduces Legislator Panelists Assemblyman Al Kramer, left, and State Senator . Their topic was the shenanigans that transpired during the 2019 Nevada Legislative Session. GOP legislators still shaking their heads over 2019

“Thank you for what you do. You Democrats such as Joe Dini. “We don’t have no idea with what you do and have that, we have national Democrats At its Regents reception, the what that does for us,” is how State who live in Nevada. All they did was group voted 42-1 to donate funds Senator James Settelmeyer opened push the national agenda, they didn’t to the State Senate Republicans for his informal talk to the NvFRW 35th do anything that’s right for Nevada. their legal fight. Biennial Convention. “There were some crazy bills … “Your ability to sit there and write they believe if you shoot a coyote or emails, to call in, discuss bills. If not if you hit a coyote with your car, you Court judge away from having a for you, a bunch of really bad stuff should pick the coyote up, put the coy- majority of conservatives? That’s would happen because we can’t do it ote in your vehicle and take it to the vet how close we are and how he’s all. We need you to help us help save and pay for it,” he said to a round of focused. We have to make sure the Nevada. We can’t do it alone, we’re laughter. In pandering to unions, freight Senate is under majority control.” not strong enough. But watching them trains have to take on a fourth crew Settelmeyer then turned to redis- (Democrats) have to spend an entire member at the state line – but the same tricting. “Unless you want to see day on a gun bill and that meant they rule doesn’t apply to passenger trains. them put a pin in the corner of the couldn’t get anything else done, that “These are things you need to mention state at the bottom and draw up four was great. I wish they could have done to everyone so they know the insanity lines, the Congressional Districts that for all 120 days because there was of what these people are pushing. and then make all four of them some really bad stuff that was done.” “How, how many realize we have Democrat. I don’t want to see that. The Douglas County Republican to, have to, have to have Trump? Do said that in the past, there were Nevada you know we’re only one 9th Circuit See Legislators on page 6 Kramer: We were outnumbered, we were outgunned

The picture Assemblyman Al through, not caring what kind of dif- “In Nevada, we have an attorney Kramer painted of the 2019 Nevada ficulty they were causing for the State general who gives his previous firm Legislative Session wasn’t a pretty of Nevada.” a no-bid contract when it comes to one. He said of those 67 bills, 8 of them suing people. They change the rules. I “We were outnumbered, out- were to undo things measures passed understand you protect your base but gunned and outspent and platforms in the previous session such as con- you can’t tweak the law to help your were put in front of us – it didn’t mat- struction defects. He called them a people. ter if we liked them or not, they were bunch pandering to their base. “We created 20 new depart- going forward. There were 67 anti- He said Republicans in the ments in the state, and it’s going to business bills passed. Assembly haven’t had some of the be millions of dollars in expenses “You had the Republicans on this disgraces that happen then pointed to side and the others were just walking the Bidens on the national level. See Kramer on page 7 November 2019 Nevada Federation of Republican Women 3 Nevada GOP lawsuit put off Elliott until April 1 lauds The wheels of the judicial sys- tem turn slowly. On November work of 19, First Judicial Court District Judge James Todd Russell told the Legislative Counsel Bureau that Nevada it could not represent Democrats in the lawsuit filed by Senate elected Republicans charging that Senate passage of measures extending the officials sunsets in place for the Modified Business Tax and a DMV technol- ogy fee were unconstitutional Mendy Elliott, the valuable asset well as the state’s deputy treasurer. because they didn’t receive a two- to Nevada Republicans, introduced He’s the go-to guy concerning finances thirds majority vote. Both bills fell State Senator James Settelmeyer, in the building. He’s respected across one vote short on party lines. Assemblyman Al Kramer and the aisle because you can’t tell him Judge Russell set April 1 for a Republican Guru Greg Bailor for the something if it’s not correct. Number 1, hearing in the case. No foolin’. afternoon session on the first day of he’ll correct you. He’s a strong conser- The November 19 hearing was NvFRW’s 35th Biennial convention. vative and represents Carson and part over LCB’s decision to basically “He’s one of the smartest guys of Washoe.” represent the Democratic majority. in the building as it relates to lands,” She also talked briefly on Greg Republicans, headed by Elliott said, “and he’s catching up with Bailor who has been hired by the Senate Minority Leader James (Pete) Goicoechea when it comes to Republican Caucus. Settelmeyer, moved to disqualify water. “I want to tell you the magnitude LCB legal saying they can’t rep- “Senator Settelmeyer came into my of the bills: there were 1,293 bill drafts, resent one group of lawmakers life in 2006 in the Assembly. Since then, total bills introduced were 1,117 and against another group of lawmak- he has been elected to the State Senate that was in 120 days. There were 556 ers because they represent the and is a force to be reckoned with. bills in Assembly and 561 in Senate. entire Legislature. He went to Cal Poly, his demeanor They passed 639 bills, 3 bills were Russell told both sides after is calm and patient and I can talk to vetoed for 56 percent of bills. an hour-long hearing that he was him. Sometimes we don’t agree, but “My favorite statistic,” she laughed, very concerned LCB was doing we’ve had good policy discussions. We “is there were 1,223 registered lobby- just that. are lucky to have him as the leader of ists, that’s to talk to 63 people, a 20-1 “It appears to this court there Republicans in the Senate. ratio. is a need for LCB to maintain neu- “Al Kramer has a long history as “It’s important that we have the trality with respect to all members being treasurer for City of Carson as ability to fight for the next session.” of the Legislature,” Russell said. “LCB in my opinion has always been very neutral to everybody. I Bailor putting GOP house in order just don’t think you can pick sides by representing individual sena- Communication. Making things Legislative Session, the first time I saw tors against other senators,” he work. That is Greg Bailor’s mission. all elected officials meet was when told LCB counsel Kevin Powers. “After Election Day, Senator Senator Heller came to address the He disqualified LCB from rep- Settelmeyer called me when he became Legislature. That was at least 60 days resenting the Democratic legislator minority leader and said ‘Hey boss, into the session. The Governor wasn’t named in the suit, Majority Leader want to come and help me rebuild the there, the Lieutenant Governor wasn’t . caucus?’ I said it can’t get any worse so there either. We weren’t communicating But saying there were far let’s go do it. even in our own chambers so that’s one broader implications if he were “On the night of the Governor’s thing we changed Day One.” to kick LCB out of the lawsuit, he address, we had all state Republicans and all staff meet. In the 2017 See Bailor on page 14 See Lawsuit on page 6 4 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019 The Gang of 35 – Biennial Convention that is

Nevada brings home the awards Leadership meets from National Convention being planned Northern Director Cher Nevada Federation of Republican 100 percent next biennium.” Daniels said she continues to Women racked up about an 80 per- Betty Green Heitman was a work at reserving the Governor’s cent success rating when it came to Republican activist from Baton Rouge, Mansion’s Nevada Room for the Achievement Awards for the National Louisiana. From 1978 to 1980, she was January Leadership gathering. Federation of Republican Women for the president of the National Federation of And Southern Director 2017-2019 Biennium. Republican Women. During her tenure, Michelle Baert was able to report “I could not be more delighted the organization achieved financial inde- the Southern Leadership gather- with all of you,” said Anita Trone, pendence from the Republican National ing will be at Spanish Trails on Achievement Chair for NvFRW during Committee. She also prodded U.S. January 11, 2020. her report to the NvFRW Convention Presidents Ronald Reagan and George October 18-19. H. W. Bush to appoint more women to “We have 16 clubs and 13 won executive government offices. All about money Achievement Awards and 12 were Heitman was married to Henry Diamond Awards: Carson City, Douglas Schrader Heitman, M.D., who was a cap- Karen Von Schimmelmann County, Fernley, Incline, Mt. Rose, tain in the U.S. Army Air Forces during told the convention financial Republican Women of Reno, Sierra World War II. The couple had four chil- reports were included in their Nevada, Southern Hills, Sparks, Spring dren. She died in 1994. packets. The operating account Mountain and Washoe Republican Heitman was a delegate to the 1968 has $39,414.80 in it, the Regents’ Women. Bronze went to Mesquite. and 1976 Republican national conven- balance is $7,979.24. One asset “Because of so many awards, Nevada tions which nominated Richard M. Nixon that is being held is money from won the Betty Heitman Award for and Gerald R. Ford Jr., respectively. As the Laughlin club which stopped Excellence. Great job, Republican Women NFRW president, Heitman worked to operating last year. of Nevada.” establish two schools for training within Also included were detailed For the clubs that did not submit, the organization, one for campaign man- profit-and-loss reports, reporting Anita said she hoped clubs would con- agement and the other for political poll- of gifts by speakers, guidelines sider submitting the paperwork at ing. The NFRW established in her honor were obtained from the Secretary the next biennial convention. “You can the biennial Betty Heitman Award for of State’s website plus information almost win the bronze by just filling out State Excellence. All NFRW presidents on how to report 4th quarter mem- the form. Son’t be afraid of it, let’s have rise from the ranks of state federations. bership renewals/new joining. November 2019 Nevada Federation of Republican Women 5 Financial projections NFRW approves dues hike

made for next 2 years During the National Feder- * Critical election year in 2020 ation of Republican Women’s * Membership is on a roll nationally Budget and Finance Chair, Barbara Kirk 40th Biennial Convention in and has grown gave her report on the current year and pro- Indianapolis in September, a * For the past 81 years, NFRW has jections for the next two years. measure passed in full delegate been an important voice in US politics Barbara said there was a profit of $15,000, session to raise the dues that each * If there is no increase in dues, and a projected loss for October through member pays to National from NFRW may not be in business within December of $19,000. This was due to the $10 to $20, beginning in January. a year expense of the NvFRW 2019 convention, This was not a surprise, as * NFRW serves as umbrella organiza- money sent to NFRW and some travel. In 2019, National had sent out a notice tion for GOP women’s clubs national- the loss was about $3,000. The estimated com- earlier in the year about “2019 ly. If it goes away there is no structure bined cash on hand is $28,600 at end of year. Dues Increase – Talking Points.” under which the State federations can The 2020-21 budgets are fairly generic, she The bottom line is that NFRW operate said, because the then to-be-elected officers has been running a budget deficit * Compared to other organizations, would be developing their own plans. The net which they have been covering $20 yearly dues per person is not that budget for 2020 is a loss of $3,900 and 2021 is from their investment accounts. much. Many of these range from $25 a loss of $11,500, and that will be due to the Several reasons NFRW gave for - $100 national convention in 2021. their deficit: * NFRW hasn’t raised dues in ten Barbara said the $5 the state club gets * A decline in value of assets due to years. every year is not enough to fund the orga- market correction Some Cost Cutting Measures: nization. “Every year, we chip away at our * High cost of living in the DC area: * Sold “Rosie the Bus” for what reserves. We are projecting to have about The condo where the President lives they paid for it $30,000 at end of this year. We are anemic and in Alexandria, VA, costs $66,000 per * Refinanced the condo. NFRW that we’ve got $30,000 in the bank, but nation- year just for utilities, taxes and HOA, had a balloon mortgage and refi- al will come along and want $10,000-15,000 for in addition to the mortgage nanced before that payment became the national convention. We need to kick up * There were single source donor(s) due our fund-raising. We spent money in 2018, we who no longer contribute * Cut back on travel of Executive sent money to the PACs, we spent money and * Paid staff positions must have raises Committee, more meetings now done what a difference it made (in election races). Reasons Given in Favor of virtually We need to do the same thing in 2020. I want Increasing NFRW Dues: * Consolidated staff us to be the best we can be, achieve our goals, mission and educate our members and the Credentials, Host teams on the job public – and elect Republicans.” The Credentials team, made Knaak hadn’t checked in but 72 Convention rules up of Peggy Gray and Anita Trone delegates and 1 alternate were of Fernley RW, gave three reports present. All reports were voted on In the agenda item regarding the during the convention. As the con- and accepted. Adoption of Convention Rule, there was dis- vention opened, Anita reported 54 v v v cussion about how much time would be given delegates, 1 alternate as a quorum A Registration team from Host to someone’s nomination from the floor. It was present. Club Republican Women of Reno was voted on that a nominee from the floor For her second credential was acknowledged. They were would only be able to speak for 2 minutes, report, 63 delegates, 1 alternate Kathy Doyle, Barbara Kometz, and not eligible to more than 2 minutes. This were present. Connie Furlong, Kathy Barcaskey item was approved unanimously. And for her final credential and Cindy Sassenrath. report, Anita said only Yolanda The Ratification of Committee Chair Appointments was approved. They were: Bylaws need to be up-to-date Elections, Lynne Hartung Credentials, Anita Trone and Peggy Gray Regarding Bylaws, Kathy “Part of our bylaws say we Registration, Republican Women of Reno Doyle said there had been a can update the bylaws at every President’s Round Table Facilitator, Mary couple of incidents and it’s been biennial every two years. For this Porter learned that it’s very important to one, we didn’t have any proposed Resolutions Chair, Yolanda Knaak have up-do-date bylaws. This will amendments but if you have any Temporary Parliamentarians, Lynne make it so there is no question of in mind, bring forth for the next Hartung and Barbara Kometz interpretation. biennial.” 6 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019 Legislators Lawsuit From page 2 From page 3

Our goal is to get majori- ruled the legislative legal ties in both chambers and staff could stay in the case by stop them. We have to. filing to intervene on behalf He reflected on the of the Legislature as a whole. accomplishments of the Cannizzaro and Senate 2015 Legislative session: Secretary Clair Clift, who l What we did with were named in the suit, will education, we have seen have to get their own coun- now the dividends of that sel but, under the law, the l An increase in edu- Legislative Commission can cational levels of 1.8 per- pay for their lawyers. cent last year The eight Republican l We started turning it senators who opposed the around bills and filed the suit must “Of course this last ses- pay their own legal bills sion they reversed half of because, as Powers put it, that at least. We need to give they are challenging the parents a choice not keep Legislature as an organiza- taking choices away. The Leadership – Past, present, future tion while Cannizzaro is future of the state is at risk.” Nevada Federation of Republican Women has a history of rec- aligned with the interests of Settelmeyer then ognizing its own. Here we have Lynne Hartung, left, Maraya the legislative branch. turned to the Republican Evans, Lori Piotroski, past presidents, outgoing president Diane “The individual legisla- Baranowski and incoming presiden Janet Frexias. Caucus’ lawsuit and how tors named should either be Democrats passed revenue- dismissed or they need to get related legislation with a to write that they should “We have to look at separate counsel,” Russell simple majority vote rather not require a two-thirds Independents and get said. “I think you should be than the two-thirds vote vote to extend the sunset. them to our side. The real- involved. I just think that, mandate by the Nevada “Last year my property ity is in Clark County, somehow, you shouldn’t Constitution. taxes went up 5.25 percent the Republican Party is be in the middle of this Simply, there was no because I’m a business. the third party. We have thing representing one state need to impose more taxes This means your property to have a majority (in the senator against another state on residents. taxes could go up 5.25 per- Legislature), we have to senator. That jeopardizes the “The rainy day fund cent by a simple majority have those seats. entire nature of the LCB.” has $400 million in it. More vote without having had “We’re also trying to The Senate voted 13-8 importantly people ought any discussion. They’re change. Senate Republicans to pass the two bills. That to wonder what the reserve actually trying to base their have been a little bit stuffy, is one shy of the two-thirds is right now. We try to legal argument off of other and that’s why we hired majority the state constitu- have $50 million in case states’ constitutions. Our Mr. Bailor. We’re changing tion requires to raise taxes. something goes wrong. constitution states if you that. We re-did our website, That has always been There’s $177 million in it raise revenue in any form, Facebook, we’ve got more required even to extend a today. They didn’t need it should require a two- people who like us. We sunset but LCB legal issued this tax, they didn’t need thirds vote. We told them if also used texting software. an opinion at the request the $98 million from the you do that we will sue and Text GOP to 474747. We’ll of Democrats in the 2019 payroll, they didn’t need we did that.” keep you updated, tell session saying it wasn’t the $4 million which we’re He said Democrats you what’s going on with required in this particular also suing on on the DMV already have won by not hav- the lawsuit, keep you con- case because it wasn’t raising technology fee. ing to deal with Republicans nected. We need that. We a tax, just extending a tax. “Money isn’t the during the session. need to start communicat- While the technology fee problem. They did this “They just passed their ing in real time not a week at DMV is included, the real because they want to break entire agenda. We didn’t ago, not in a newsletter, issue is the more than $100 the constitution. Why? If have any leverage or ability a month ago because we million extending the higher they win on this, the legal to stop some of the hor- need to change this. level Modified Business Tax opinion they got our own rible things that were going “I need your help to do would generate for K-12 Legislative Counsel Bureau through. this.” education. November 2019 Nevada Federation of Republican Women 7 Thanks ... for the memories

A fun part of the convention was little nervous about this listening to First Vice President Lynn because what if they Aramino reflect on her two years as don’t like it? It’s a huge, Diane Baranowski’s sidekick. “We huge tent he puts up didn’t really know one another but by himself while she have developed a friendship, I have sets up the kitchen. So great respect for her instincts. I’d had we went online to look a business, she was a stay-at-home for a tent that was huge mom, wanted to run something past and had a couple of me, I’d give her my opinion and then rooms, big window flap she’d do what she wanted. It became a … I can’ show it to you running joke. guys but I “Also being VP, I got to know can show it Diane Karen Von S, I can’t say her name … to Diane” as responds, say- but got to know her well and I appre- she works ing their tent is ciate what she’s done. So I called her on her shaggy, droopy and said I’d like to get Diane a gift. Smartphone and pathetic. “You She is a consummate camper, she goes to pull up a guys, you’re unbe- camping with her brother and they go photo of it. lievable” as the for about a week at a time … she does “Karen room ripples in the cooking, he puts the tent up, this got the tent laughter. is an old tent you guys, using it 40 but it’s the “We’ve been years, this is the heavy canvas and if end of the real lucky to have something happens, he fixes it.” season and her,” Lynn said, About this time, Diane is starting it’s been discontinued we think (so “so Diane thank you.” to make faces, smiling and then put- much laughter) but true to form, we “Thank you,” Diane replies, “… ting her hands up to her mouth. couldn’t get the tent so we’re going crazy tent … wow. My brother will be “So Karen and I are talking and to give Diane the gift card so you can just really surprised. It’s not civilized I say let’s get them a tent. We’re a buy it next spring.” the way we camp.”

the Governor’s Office, in Kramer charge of the Senate, in From page 2 charge of the Assembly and you see them going – all passed on party-line votes. We’ve back to their roots, the extended the Modified Business Tax, philosophy to expand abolished the Education Savings government, have higher Accounts so now you’re locked in no taxes. We are the oppo- matter if there’s a school you want to site of that, limited gov- go to. They stopped the Opportunity ernment Republicans. Scholarship. On school budgets, the With the costs of first thing the Dems did was slash $30 Medicaid and more peo- million from school safety and then ple eligible for Medicaid, later scramble to make a place for it.” Nevada will be in a Kramer said that when Steve funding crunch, in 2021 Sisolak was running for governor was and 2023. running, he said wouldn’t raise taxes Some votes on health care issues “We fought for a government but his budget depends on some taxes will increase costs. Work was done on that is transparent and accountable,” being extended beyond their expiration reducing prison sentences, some items Kramer said. “The next time around, I dates. “You can quibble if that’s a new that passed have real concerns for law would hope we could have a majority tax or not, but the way the law was enforcement, some municipalities are in the Assembly. We’re working on written with two-thirds approval, it’s passing domestic violence laws that will that and recruiting some really good pretty clear you need a two-thirds vote have two types of domestic violence. candidates. Those people are going to to extend those.” “We have Democrats in charge of need some help.” 8 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019 President From page 1

Across America program, spearhead- ed in our region by Anita Trone of Fernley RW. Please take a moment to write a check to support this program. I have recently become aware of an effort launched recently by Southern Hills RW member Mary Rooney regarding the horrifying AB291: Red Flag Law that passed the last Legislative Session. See the bro- chure that Angela has included on Page 15 from Mary and please think Convention delegates entered into discussions and asked questions during sessions. about how we can get involved in fighting it. conventions and also ing executive decisions. She has solid You will see a communicating with and and always sound political judgement lovely picture of our really getting to know - far better than my own – and never constant friend and the personnel at NFRW minded if I took a decision another mentor Lynne “Check – most of whom are vol- way than she had advised. This is the Bylaws!” Hartung unteers just like we are, what I would wish for every President as we began our good- and are just as committed – to have a 1st VP whose judgement byes to her at the Gala to doing a good job for and confidence she can trust and who dinner. We don’t com- us as we Nevada leaders will give her constructive criticism pletely understand are to serving our state when needed and support even when how we are going to members. The NFRW is a she was afraid that you were wrong. function without her tremendous resource for Lynn helped me keep this NvFRW presence at Sparks RW every one of our members, ship afloat for 2 years – and we did. meetings and our state but maybe especially for And we remain friends and will now BOD meetings – and Kathy Doyle new Nevada leaders. They be taking that friendship to new levels knowing that she was truly want us to succeed in outside of the FRW. at least in Reno whenever we needed our state and they make every effort The next most important mem- to sit down with her and get ongoing to be responsive and helpful in their ber of my Kitchen Cabinet was our lessons on how to run NvFRW! We answers to our questions. wonderful Treasurer Karen Von all need to let her know how much v v v Schimmelmann. Oh my goodness she has meant to so many of us for so Now, I thank my Kitchen Cabinet did we luck many years and how jarring it feels and Executive Board: out! She was a knowing she is now going to be a I was lucky enough to find the well-respected whole state away. Although the way perfect business partner in my 1st professional she puts it is “I’ll be only one state Vice President Lynn Armanino. She accountant away!” She DOES say she will be only was the for sev- a phone call away and I take her at her first mem- eral big-name word. Thank heavens! ber of my Hollywood Janet Frexias is the President- very real studios and elect and she has a team of experi- “Kitchen personalities enced women behind her who will Cabinet” long before bring great skills and experience to and was a she became their positions. It is always wonder- constant our Treasurer Karen Von S ful to attend January’s Leadership patient and BOY does Conference to see the new officers in sound- she know her stuff! No one could person and get a sense of their goals ing board have been more conscientious in this and hopes for their upcoming two for many job and more willing to say ”NO” to years. months anyone who wanted to spend one red One of the greatest gifts to NFRW as I got cent outside of the budget process. She State Presidents is the chance to take comfort- part in NFRW Board meetings and able mak- Lynn Armanino See President on page 9 November 2019 Nevada Federation of Republican Women 9

Amodei featured dinner speaker

Nevada Federation of Republican Women held its 35th Annual Biennial Convention on October 18-19 at Harrah’s Reno. Among its official business was to elect officers for 2020-21. Congressman Mark Amodei attended the convention finale by speaking at the closing banquet. He provided commentary on the country’s current state of affairs including the potential impeachment of President Trump. President Saying goodbye From page 8 always had the NvFRW’s financial especially. She has been patient and wellbeing in her crosshairs and spent an endlessly “no pressure” editor countless hours working with the – we suited each other’s work style NFRW as they instituted more new perfectly and I thank her so much processes than she even knew were for being on my team. coming when she took the job 2 years NvFRW was lucky to have ago. I appreciate and admire her skills our 2nd VP Caroline Smith because they are SO not my skills! I appointed NFRW Chairwoman thank her for her dedicated service of the Membership Committee. for these She shared lots of valuable tips two years from their Membership campaign and wish and constantly encouraged every her many member to use them to not only wonderful increase their club membership but and restful to find and SIGN UP new members world cruis- every single day. She worked tire- es now that lessly while I was President and the she is not NvFRW thanks her. monitoring Barb Hawn brought her exten- Lynne Hartung, friend and a long-time club reports sive secretarial skills and experience member of Sparks Republican Women, every 3 Ruth Ann Schwarze to our NvFRW Secretary’s position. Nevada Federation of Republican Women and months! I appreciated her accurate minutes National Federation of Republican Women I was also very lucky to have long after I had forgotten what had gives an emotional farewell to her Silver State gotten to know Angela Mann in take place at a BOD meeting. She friends. Lynne is retiring and moving to my own Sparks RW club for sev- accomplished this while she was Southern California to be near family. eral years. When I asked her if Nevada GOP Secretary, too! So she would bring her phenomenal thanks Barb for 2 years of service. journalistic skills to our state news- It was such fun to have my was always everywhere helping her help letter when I became President, own club president, Cher Daniels us! We really get 2 workers in one with she considered it briefly and then (Sparks RW) be elected to Northern the Daniels! Cher accepted the frenetic said Yes. NO ONE puts together a Director 2 years ago. I had enjoyed activity of a Leadership Conference and newsletter like Angela does and her this job for 2 years and she stepped Board meeting each year with grace and work helped NvFRW earn the Betty up when I vacated it to become efficiency and I appreciated it. We have Heitman award this year, for which President. And almost the best part we should all be grateful. But I am is that her devoted husband Bryan See President on page 13 10 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019 Numbers are NFRW OKs on the rise two bylaw as more join updates Federation Lynne Hartung, At-Large member of the National Second VP of NvFRW and Federation of Republican Membership Chairwoman for Women, reported on actions NFRW Caroline Smith had two taken at the national conven- reports for convention attendees. tion. … one on the national and one Two bylaws were on the state level. approved: She chatted about how unbe- “In the past, we have lievable the National convention tried hard to develop virtual was, the dues increase and how clubs, to attract younger peo- numbers are rising. ple who don’t want to go to Caroline touched on: lunch or dinner. The problem l Need for fund-raising was bylaws did not address l Time to bring in your men, virtual clubs, so a short husbands and boyfriends definition of what electronic l Ask for help from your clubs mean was added. All political leaders NvFRW Second Vice President Caroline Smith, left, receives definitions of a club apply to her Campaign Volunteer Award issued by NFRW from l Raise your associate fees an online club. Anita Trone for her outstanding volunteer efforts on behalf – NFRW raised associate mem- of membership recruiment across the United States. “Second, we needed a bership to $75 definition of ‘Good Standing’ l For first time after losing shown an increase in membership.” and when is a member not in 1,000 to 3,000 members annually, for the v v v good standing. If dues have first time in 5 years membership increased; “I’m so proud at the national conven- not been paid, dues not sent 2018 numbers were 53,214, in 2019, with 3 tion we (NvFRW) were recognized as the to National by March 1, you months to go, NFRW at 54,700, a gain of state with the most outstanding retention are not in good standing. 6,000 and recruitment program. We were com- Treasurers and presidents “Why, what turned this around?” she peting against 48 states. This is absolutely need to make sure informa- asked. “My thinking is because of Trump, outstanding, let’s do the same thing for the tion is submitted by February our nation, past members are coming back, 2021 convention in Florida. Don’t lose the 1 when first quarterly report they’re interested, they’re working, they momentum, and I encourage you to con- is due. Membership is from appreciate what the Federation is doing, tinue your current endeavors, something’s January 1 to December 31. they’re excited and they want to re-elect working.” Lynne also said emails President Trump, the economy is roll- Caroline said the 2020 election is going are a big deal because with- ing, it’s all because of President Trump to take a massive grassroots effort nation- out an email address, you and your long hours and dedication that ally. She said every person who joins is a don’t exist. you’ve done – so it’s you that has done vote and how President Trump needs to National approved this. (Yes, all one sentence!) win Nevada. motion to increase national “We have an active membership com- Approximate numbers for Nevada dues to $20 a year. Before mittee, what a working team with 19 include in 2017, there were 1,108 members, that, NFRW was spending members. Many states have used the ‘Each in 2018, an increase to 1,152 members and $19 per member for services One Bring One’, program and they have in 2019, there are about 1,250 members. and “we had no choice but to raise dues.” Also, Associate memberships were increased Join Regents and have some fun! from $25 to $75 a year.

Ruth Ann Schwarze thanked all who as fund-raising arm for Federation. Dues joined Regents. “I had fun doing this, and of $100 have not been increased in over Diane has been the best president to work 20 years,” and she suggests raising dues a with. Regents formed over 20 years ago little bit. November 2019 Nevada Federation of Republican Women 11 Remember our heroes, donate to Wreaths Across America As we enter Fall, Winter Send your check made out and the holidays are soon to fol- to Wreaths Across America and low. It’s also at this time that we send to NV Veterans Coalition, remember all those souls who PO Box 415, Fernley, NV 89408 have given their lives so that we In Memo line, please put that may enjoy ours as well as the it is for the Northern Nevada Vets safety of America. This year, on Saturday, It is time to ... REMEMBER December 14, at Noon, the NNVC the Fallen ... HONOR those who will be helping Northern Nevada Serve ... TEACH our children the Veterans Memorial Cemetery to value of Freedom. lay Remembrance wreaths on the The Nevada Federation of graves. Republican Women have teamed Help honor and remember up with the Northern Nevada these many fallen heroes by Veterans Coalition to help pro- sponsoring the wreaths or volun- vide wreaths for as many of teering on Wreaths Day. Thank our fallen heroes as possible. you so much for supporting the For every two wreaths purchased, we will get one free. Northern Nevada Veterans Coalition (NV0010) and Please help us by purchasing at least two wreaths. Wreaths Across America! Jo Marshal Scholarship awarded

“We have candidate for Jo Marshal Scholarship,” said Kim Bacchus of Literacy and Education. “We changed the perimeters to make avail- Kim able to all college student levels. This year it is Andrea Coleman, a PhD Bacchus candidate at UNLV, College of Education and a member of Southern Hills RW. Her dissertation is about college students who are homeless. She learned about them through her Project 150. This is a phenomenal group of students. She’s a single mom who found herself with a 3 year old, she moved her parents, her disabled brother and her daughter into a home she bought and is looking after all of them. It was recommended that she receive the entire $2,000 scholarship and after a motion, second and discussion, this was passed unani- mously. Board of Directors 2018-2019 v Achievement Awards: Anita Trone, v Corresponding Secretary: Rose Fox, sbcglobal.net [email protected] [email protected] v Public Relations: Randi Thompson v Americanism: Janet Frexias, freix- v E-Communications: Nickie Diersen, v Directors [email protected] [email protected] North: Cher Daniels, cherdanielsgop@ v Boutique: Brenda Robertson, v Fundraising: Stephanie Reeder yahoo.com [email protected] v Historian: Vacant South: Michelle Baert, michelle@ v Budget & Finance: Barbara Kirk, v Leadership: Vacant michellebaert.com [email protected] v Legislation: Yolanda Knaack v Regents v Bylaws: Kathy Doyle, kathydoyle@ v Literacy & Education: Molly Governs North: Ruth Ann Schwartz, renoruth- mac.com v Jo Marshall Scholarship: Kim [email protected] v Campaign: Vacant Bacchus, [email protected] South: Karin Lemmon, wiggyplace@ v Candidate Recruitment: Vacant v Newsletter: Angela Mann, angela- aol.com v Caring for America: Tina Larsen [email protected] v Sergeant-Arms: Sandy Masters, v Southern Chaplain: Kristene Fisher, v Parliamentarian: Jan Gould, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] v Southern Campaign Chair: Sarah v Northern Chaplain: Sandy Masters, v Political Education Memorial Fund Rodimer, republicanwomenofnv@ [email protected] (P.E.M.): Peggy Gray, plgray1246@ yahoo.com 12 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019 Navigating the road to being a Diane Baranowski and 2020 delegate to Lee Hoffman GOP Convention

Nevada’s Republican National presidential poll.” Committeeman Lee Hoffman spoke in Hoffman said an afternoon session of NvFRW’s 35th they are part of the Biennial Convention, weaving through preliminary rules of the myriad of rules on becoming a del- the convention so the egate to the Republican Party’s 2020 convention has to adopt National Convention in Charlotte, NC. those rules. If here’s He arrived at the last few slides of enough support for the his presentation when attendees real- woman’s position, they ized that chances may be limited to changed rules to allow a presidential could vote to remove it. actually be on hand when President preference poll in a year when there v v v Donald Trump is nominated for a sec- is an incumbent president who has “By state rules,” he said regarding ond term of office. declared he’s running for a second becoming a delegate: The chair of the Elko County term. l You have to be a state conven- Republican Party and his wife, Lynn, That change allows that instead tion delegate attended the 2016 Convention in of a caucus, the poll is going to be l Self-nominations have to be Cleveland and he detailed how they done at a meeting of the State Central done 30 days prior work, the party’s organization and Committee, and it shifts the focus of l The real difference is in 2020, structure and how it was an experi- how delegates are picked. the Trump campaign will present a ence they’d never had before. There “Another change,” he said, slate of nominees for the delegates is pre-convention work to do that “added the language the President of and alternates includes working on committees and the United States or his/her designated l It all starts with you attending ascertaining the rules and the order of representative is to present a slate your precinct meetings business. It was lots of fun and lots of of nominations for at-large national l All has to be completed by stress. delegates. In 2020, the State Central March 29, one has to attend their Hoffman said in 2016, Nevada Committee’s meeting on February 22 county convention and get elected as had 30 delegates and 27 alternates. will conduct this balloting, and del- a state convention delegate Every state has 10 at-large delegates egates will be based on that voting.” l This is all about party building no matter the size of the state. There Hoffman continued on about the l State convention is scheduled are 3 delegates per Congressional number of delegates and participation. for May 16 in north part of state, no so that equaled 12 delegates, plus But his previous words had begun to exact venue yet there were bonus delegates because sink in for NvFRW members. v v v Republicans had done well in the Someone asked how could one get When asked how much it costs 2014 elections. on the Trump slate of nominees. to attend a national convention, For Nevada, it won’ be that way in That was when an unidenti- Hoffman said you pay for your own 2020 with Democrat victories in 2018. fied NvFRW delegate said she was travel to get there, you pay for your Nevada will have 25 delegates but no appalled that this is the way delegates own accommodations and the length bonus delegates. could be chosen from a slate put of time you are there depends on the He next tackled the rules. And it together by the Trump people. committees you are on, at least 4-5 turned out the rules change depending “It robs us all of that idea that days. on whether or not there is an incum- we would be able to attend that “My key message for today is bent Republican president. national convention. I have no idea party building begins at the precinct Delegates are chosen at the State why anyone representing our state meetings, it’s important that you go to Convention in the presidential year. would agree to that streamline, elit- the precinct meetings and bring others The rules of the presidential prefer- ist ‘we’ll pick who we want’ system. with you. Follow through the process, ence poll are established by the State This was handled at an executive nominate the central committees and Central Committee. On September level that I would not want to be your rules for your county conven- 7, 2019, State Central Committee part of and approve that alternative tions may vary. November 2019 Nevada Federation of Republican Women 13

President From page 9 become very good friends through it before a BOD Meeting. Michelle all and I’m grateful. is another young professional Michelle Baert was such a good that we want to encourage in sport to accept nomination for the Federation because young Southern Director 2 years ago when women like her are our future Lynn Armanino approached her leaders. about it. She had been a member of Immediate Past President Lori Southern Piotrowski was a big help when I Hills RW needed to ask advice about what for a short she did in certain situations as Immediate Past President Lori Piotrowski time when President. She always took my she got calls (LOL) and was patient and Work will continue elected gracious and generous with her and what experience and advice, and I thank on Rigley Raccoon a rev- her for that. elation she Darlene Ruedy worked as “This is my last time reporting to was! She Nominating Chair while serv- you,” said Immediate Past President Lori brought ing as President of her own club Piotrowski. “It’s been joyful, and I’ve real pro- Washoe RW and the NvFRW learned a lot. We all are volunteers, and fessional thanks her for her time. we learn from one another. skills to Michelle Baert I haven’t thanked everyone “You know I’ve been pushing the job as here who helped me along the nationally as chair for the Literacy she dealt with hotels for Leadership way with advice and encourage- Campaign, the Rigley Raccoon Super and BOD meetings and travel away ment but you know who you Reader books. I’m happy to say that from her fam ily to attend meet- are and as I see you at various through that project, we have raised ings. She told us how she enlisted NvFRW functions, I will let you about $1,000 for National Federation and the help of her young sons her first know how much I appreciated 20 percent of that came from Nevada.” year as Southern Director to stuff you. Thanks, every one of you, for She said she hopes to get two Rigley bags and lanyards with name badges letting me serve the NvFRW. books out in 2020. 14 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019 Bailor Greg Bailor From page 3

He said now, regular meetings on our capitol. were held with the Assembly and the Democrats have, Senators all in one room. This is to coor- they’ve been dinate and work together, make sure all invested in build- understand priorities, that everybody ing, they train was on the same page and to eliminate candidates, they confusion in the closing days. hire more staff He said the Democrats were never and they focus on on time, 4-hours, 6 hours behind Carson and not schedule. Washington. “So let’s do a Facebook live video “We’ve got and said the Democrats just increased to flip that script. taxes, they’re off their wheels. We need There are 9,000 your help now, click here, call here. historical donors We had 30,000-40,000 people watch in Nevada, but this thing, they’re sharing, they’re they’re donating sending this thing around. to Washington “We can’t get press coverage so we and not to had to be creative, and we’re continu- Nevada. Maybe ing that. We’ve rebuilt all our social nobody asked. media programs. As many of you We’re rebuilding know, President Trump raises money this from scratch. in small dollar donations. Our average time we had the 2020 election was We don’t have anything to lose. online donation from Republicans is 1996. White House, Congress, Carson “We’ve got to win three seats $40. Two years ago, there wasn’t a way City. This is the first time since 1996 and hold Heidi Gansert and Scott to donate online. There was no way to we’re going to have the opportunity to Hammond in the Senate and we’ve send emails. Imagine that. compete like that.” got a branch of government again. “I don’t think many people real- Then he rattled off: Three seats, that’s what we’re looking ize that in the 1996 election, who l 2008, presidential caucus, presi- at. We’ve been actively engaged in was involved in Nevada Republican dential election year candidate recruitment, we have daily Politics? l 2010 Sharron Angle Harry Reid conversations with our counterparts l and Mark l 2011 Special Election for Mark in the Assembly and we are working Amodei won their Assembly races that Amodei as efficiently as possible 13 months year l 2012 Mitt Romney out from the 2020 election. l Dina Titus won her State Senate l 2014 Republicans do a pretty “It’s not all doom and gloom, but race that year good job it’s not easy and we have so much l Steve Sisolak lost his l 2016 back to the presidential work to do. We need everybody to l Dole and Clinton, Clinton won cycle recruit, improve our numbers, build Nevada by about 3,000 votes l 2018 Senate Races, our clubs, work with our party, work “Who else won? Jim Gibbons and Congressional races with our National Committee and John Ensign in their Congressional “But we haven’t been focusing we’re all talking, we’re all in the same races. I believe Republicans had the on Carson City so that’s the real mes- room, we have to be a team as we State Senate and Assembly. The last sage for this cycle, we’ve got to focus head into the next cycle.” November 2019 Nevada Federation of Republican Women 15 Help stop unconstitutional Red Flag Law AB 291

The concept of a “Red Flag” law voices are not being heard. – which permits the confiscation of law- Will you join us to fight for our fully owned weapons from a person personal rights and liberties before because of what the person might do it’s too late? – violates both the presumption of inno- Your financial support is critical cence and the due process requirement for us to assemble a team of legal of proof of criminal behavior before our experts needed to accomplish our personal liberty can be infringed. goal of blocking the adoption of - Judge Andrew Napolitano AB291 as law in Nevada. We don’t have a George Soros and Michael In the 2019 Nevada Legislative Bloomberg. All we have are “We The Session, Democrats passed Assembly People”, the Silent Majority. Bill 291, an omnibus anti Bill of NevadansCAN is a Non-Profit Rights law which goes into effect Grassroots Citizens Action Network. January 1, 2020. Our goals are to defend and protect AB291 violates the United the United States Constitution, the States Constitution and the Nevada Nevada State Constitution, and tradi- Constitution. Not only does it restrict tional American values by promoting our 2nd Amendment Rights, it grassroots activism in the legislative severely erodes the Bill of Rights. process.

By allowing this bill to become Bronze Level $500 law, we are forfeiting: Silver Level $1,000 • Right to Due Process Gold Level $5,000 • Presumption of Innocence Platinum Level $10,000 • Right to bear arms Be a “Bill of Rights” Protector: • Protection against unreasonable search and seizure The time to act is now! • Protection against issuing of warrants without probable If you cannot be a sponsor, please consider an indi- cause vidual contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 for the “Stop the • Protection against property seizure Red Flag Law” Legal Fund. Every dollar counts. • Right to be informed of charges • Right to confront witnesses CONTACT MARY ROONEY AT NEVADANSCAN.COM • Right to trial by jury IF YOU CAN HELP. During the 2019 Legislative Session hearing on To pay by check, make payable to NevadansCAN and AB291, a total of 3,764 people shared their view on mail to: 2505 Anthem Village, Dr. Ste E #354, Henderson the bill: 249 in favor and 3,511 opposed. Through citi- NV 89052 zen engagement, 1,011 phone calls were made to the To pay by credit card or PayPal, please visit: Governor’s office asking him to veto AB291. Clearly, our www.NevadansCAN.com Conservative talk show host exposes Socialism dangers

Conservative talk show Latino leaders from across the host Jesus Marquez, of Las country but only one from Vegas, spoke on the dangers Nevada. From that, the Hispanic of Communism and Socialism Advisory Board was formed. during an afternoon session of “Dangers of Socialism in the NvFRW convention. He is America is a topic that’s more the only conservative host who frontline,” he said, “and a lot is Spanish in Nevada. Marquez of the Democrats are openly serves on the Hispanic Advisory Socialist. I believe if we can Board for President Trump, com- expose this, it will be beneficial ing on board in 2016. He was to Republicans, we can talk invited to a meeting at Trump about what Socialism can really Tower with a small group of do to our country.” Jesus Marquez 16 Nevada Federation of Republican Women November 2019 Clubs receive Achievement Awards v Achievement Chair Anita Trone presented Diamond Awards to Republican Women of Reno Carson City RW, Sparks RW, and had the largest Sierra Nevada RW increase in membership. v Betty Heitman Award was pre- Caroline Smith, sented to NvFRW second from left presents v Caring for America Certificate certificate to of Participation went to Fernley Kathy Doyle, RW, Washoe RW, and Active RW President, Smith, Nicôl Herris, v Campaign Volunteer Award Kathy Barcaskey, Cindy Sassenrath for outstanding accomplishments, and goes to Caroline Smith Barbara Kirk. v Nevada Republican Women logged 413,936 campaign hours as it worked for Nevada Republicans

After business of the convention wound down, it was time to chat with friends – old and new – at a dinner featuring speaker Congressman Mark Amodei, a farewell to Lynne Hartung and the installation of incoming officers.