I AM origami paper, but the inside out, outside in, on something goes amok. Coma, itself about within the bony anatomies, uninhabitable Aura Satz connective tissue of this your head, out of your body. part of you, that is, lies in a cage of teeth and palate, architectures, illegible Devised with guidance from organism remains as yet No need for anaesthesia, this coma, unaware and alien. It colliding with sounds and alphabets. It halves but it Prof. Chris Frith and uncharted, and the anatomical cross-section will gradually drifts away, gasps and resonances, also doubles. The mirror’s Prof. Jonathan Cole, connections seem improbable. splice you in half but you detaches itself and breaks blindly telescopic like a symmetry reconfigures the in collaboration with This phantom anatomy is a will feel no pain… What, you apart, bisects according to an phantom limb that knows body as a powerful Scott Penrose foreign language, say? No pain, no gain? No unknown evolution. Leave itself without seeing itself, it , a reversible acoustically unfamiliar, maim, no aim. Yes, dear behind mirror-like symmetry. hides within the oral cavity anagram of sorts which can be grammatically incorrect, spectators, expect the Suddenly, unilateral motion, and peeps out with a hiss, it read from left or right, I Am Anagram. misspelt using invisible unexpected, accept the one leg, peg leg. Phantom leg. re-assembles itself anew for containing the same sequence Margana Ma I. alphabets. unacceptable, access the It telescopes out to touch the the production of meaning. of letters and the same Man. Ran. Rain. Rag. Arm. Lest you forget, the starting inaccessible, lose the floor, and retracts, snail-like, Think of your tongue as the meaning: “a miracle that Nag. Again. Aim. Air. Main. point was pain. This field of unlosable. Ill-use illusion back to its hard shell of bone. first step towards your invests the lines with Gain. Maim. Ragman. Anima. knowledge is constructed and prepare to experience What is this phantomology, anagrammatic body…. indestructibility, an Amputation. Agnosia.1 negatively, it learns itself yourself as body-image. you ask, can I become immunity against any future 8 Anosognosia. Alloaesthesia. through loss, accidental Gape in wonder as your arm phantom without dying? “A sentence is like a body, distortion.” Through its Asymbolia. Apraxia. injury, catastrophic damage. vanishes from sight in a Wonder no more. I dare you apparently inviting us to twinning doubling tricks it Aphonia. Apophenia. It almost waits for disaster to transitional amputation. Your to participate, dissipate into break it down into reconstitutes limbs to those Amnesia. happen in order to take that fingers multiply in illusory particles, part into articles, components, so its true at loss. Look in the mirror, crucial step forward in reduplication, otherwise articulate into specularities, content reconstitutes itself place your existent hand in Remembering. understanding. Through known as speculate on invertebrates, over and over again in an the box in such a way that 4 6 Re-Membering. Members. neurological impairment the “pseudo(poly)melia,” invert mirror images, imagine endless row of ” your phantom hand fits the Limbs. Limbo. Limbic brain’s networks are supernumerary accessory new anatomies, anatomize reflected image like a glove, System. Phantom Limbs. uncovered, stumps become extra limbs, circularly into anagrams, body forth as a Mirrors are marvellously you must wear this illusory Supernumery phantoms. pregnant with didactic expectant like fingers on a linguistic puzzle. Lingua as mathematical, they body-image. Now unclench Neglect Syndrome. potential. Raw and exposed, séance table. Hold tight as in tongue. Say it with me: simultaneously subtract and your fist, the real fist, and Hemiplegia. Hemi-phantoms. un-gloved, as it were, body- your hand is disembodied, ‘Tongue’, and you feel the tip multiply, they take away watch as the phantom fist, the Hemiplegic twins. image becomes visible and displayed on a plinth like a of that movable fleshy organ whatever is behind, and add one which experiences Phantasmagoria. Paraplegia. reveals itself as a ghostly fragment of classical attached to the bottom of the on to whatever is in front. disembodied pain, is Pseudo(poly)melia. double. A body of knowledge sculpture. You are inside of your mouth press “ Place an unframed mirror at resurrected, unlocked. ‘This Peripheral Vision. Periscope. materialises alongside a body archeology. Engage in the upon the hard underside of right angles to the is unbelievable… My left arm Palindrome. Perpendicular of images. Loss is irreversible delights of your upper teeth, and then photograph of a nude body is plugged in again…. But Mirror. Looking Glass remembered. Limbs are re- autoscopy and outer-body- descend to conjoin the and move it slowly, keeping when I close my eyes it 5 Syndrome. Autoscopy. membered. experience, see yourself as a glottis with the glossa, a false it in a perpendicular position. doesn’t work.’ Three weeks Asymmetry. Atrophy. palindrome from the outside swallowing sensation which The visible part of the image later the phantom arm Anaesthesia. Synaesthesia. Come closer. Mark my words. in, in a non-reversing mirror. merges the thick part of your and its reflection in the mirror disappeared, a double Syndrome. Syncope. Corpse. As you step inside, slide Is that you you see before tongue with the tubular form a whole…as the two vanishing act, a second Exquisite Corpse. Collage. through, lose yourself in you? Bid farewell to the upper part of your throat. The fragments grow larger and amputation thanks to the Decollage. Inimage. Mirage. magic, you will dis-member reassuring glass touch, as phantom ending after that smaller, the double image is mirror. All that was left was Illusion. Lose. and re-member. You will you tap the glass in disbelief unswallowing remains created in bubbles... it flows ‘phantom fingers and a palm 9 ‘Image=Magie.’ experience your own body as your fingers will never meet unpronounced. ‘Tongue’. like glycerine along the axis dangling’ from his shoulder. Signed, Man Ray.2 a phantom, not dead, not lost, each other, for they are lost in Language is full of sounds of symmetry. It is absorbed by Unfortunately the amputation but reconfigured, re-spoken, endless parallelisms. You awaiting a body, emissions of nothingness like a candle on was not complete, the mirror I Am Anagram. This body you anagrammatically re- have evolved into the prop, inaudible alphabets, the red-hot burner of a stove box could not eliminate the see before you is an Exquisite assembled into new you are hiding in its crevices, omissions of silent spelling. which is nervously aware of phantom fingers. Fingers are Corpse.3 A collage of sorts. A meanings. You will partake unbeknownst to yourself, The tongue is in itself melting without realizing dexterously resilient, they body made of parts, remapped in the obscure equations of you have become a phantom. phantom organ, there without that its hideous collapse is return to haunt the body even into lost and newly found interanatomical images. I Am Living inside you is a actually being there, reflected in what it is when they were never there in 7 10 territories, cartographically Anagram is here to subtract secondary body, a phantom invisible for the most part but losing.” The mirror the first place. They reappear disoriented into new shapes. and multiply, take away and image which for the most part essential for the production of amputates , leaving on the face, remapping a The creases are still visible, reconstitute. Illusion can coincides with your physical articulation, the emission of gaping holes, but at the same secondary phantom, not only like an unfolded spread of open you up and turn you body. Until, that is, articulated speech, it throws time it proliferates inexistent that of the stump but a new I Am Anagram - Aura Satz De La Warr Pavilion 17 December 2005 Page 1

anatomy, a reassembled focus, refitting, re-gloving it’s a sick joke, a Halloween through the descriptive eyes this body. Neurologist and an appendix, an addendum, an anagram whereby an your phantasmagoric second- prop, a cadaverous arm from of another, by attempting to patient are conjoined at the additional organ or limb. amputated finger reappears skin. For there is no fixed the morgue. This is not my embody the phantom body, head, as it were, “We take parts of the body- ‘neatly draped across the map, no permanent reserved real hand, “the new hand is get under its skin, imagine circumstantially sharing eyes images of others into others, ipsilateral cheek.’11 What area for any part of the body. bigger and more voluminous the body’s loss, then imagine as the former tries to and push parts of our body- unusual dactylography, Everything is subject to that the old one. He adds that its hauntings. Traditional visualise, enter, wear the image into others.”18 This is fingerprint-writing – here dynamic quick-changes and he cannot show his old hand, magic’s distinction between body-image of the latter. Like body-image intercourse. criminological science is mysterious vanishing acts. because he does not know the one who knows and a medium or a necromancer, One’s own of self reinvented as neurological “If a hand is deafferented or where he left it. He says that shows, and the one who the neurologist aims to is a complicated constellation cartography, or better still, inactivated for any length of immediately after the attack watches bewildered, is convey messages from the of blind-spots (one’s own reverse palmistry, telling not time, it loses its place in the there were several hands near undone. There is no dualism. absent, phantom limb to the eyes which cannot see the future but the past, the sensory cortex. Its ‘place’, its his knee.”14 Just as the limb This close-up magic, this remaining living present themselves without invisible handprint that former place, within hours or vanishes, it magically, inner, interiorized, incarnate body… the neurologist reflection; one’s own contains the destiny of its days, is rapidly occupied and kalediscopically, reappears magic, is, to the sufferer, a becomes proprioceptively forehead or skull), loss, if only you know how appropriated by the rest of the proliferated, multiplied like a terrifying pandemonium. The possessed, as it were, by the protrusions (the tip of the to read it. Anagrammatically, body, so that we now have a swastika of legs, a swarm of limb is a cinematic delirium, a phantom body. Like the nose, arms and legs), and the hand finds its way under new but ‘handless’ body- fingers, evoking a multi- “wild jumping of shapes, medium’s pyschographic distorted mirror images, the skin, traps itself in a map in the cortex. The inner armed Kali or the sizes, frames… de-actualised transcriptions, messages reversed, twin-like, but still cheek, as if to crystallise a representation of the choreographed legs of Busby into fluttering phantoms… materialise like cryptographs, part and parcel of oneself. gesture of shock, hand on face inactivated or deafferented Berkeley’s Footlight Parade kaleidoscopic, flashing anagrams or , in And then there is aghast, or maybe in a body part vanishes cleanly, (1933). It sprouts forth as a vision.”17 It hovers need of deciphering. I Am proprioception, the body’s empathetic maternal caress, totally and seamlessly, “spare limb”, that is grown seductively in the order of Anagram reconfigures the sixth sense of itself, its the hand is saying, I’m still vanishes without leaving the “for protection”, or representation, of surrealist spiritualist Ouija Board, a preconscious kinaesthetic here, don’t worry, I’ll always least residue or trace.”13 alternatively, hostile actions manipulations of the image, of potential alphabet which the capacity to sense each part of be by (and in) your side. are initiated by the anarchic art, of spectatorial magic. In a body can write itself into, itself through muscular limb.15 “‘Here is my little severe neurological un- read itself upon, spell itself posture and motion, like an Psychic remapping becomes finger’, the man said pointing knowledge of the body, the out in search of the phantom imaginary second-skin that is difficult to pry apart from to his middle finger, ‘but my sense of proprioception, of bodies that resides within all worn with the eyes shut.19 organic remapping, “Every Is the deafferented, stilled, thumb is underneath… proper self, of ownership of bodies, limbless or limbful, Body-image thus has no protrusion can take the place unarticulated body Incidentally, I already have the body, can lead to a able or disabled. single creator, but is of another. We have inarticulate? Can it no longer hundreds of hands and a collision, a collapse of the produced through the possibilities of speak itself, has it lost its hundred feet. I already have a spectatorship of the body – in For even without loss or conjoined authorship of transformation between tongue? What a mysterious, thousand fingers.’”16 More other words, a condensation catastrophic injury, the sense inside and out, phallus, nose, ear, hands, feet, incomprehensible than mere marvel, this of magician, performer and of stable fixed body-image is proprioception, fingers, toes, nipples and disappearance act. The stage requires diagnosis. Does the audience into one. Those an illusion. Body-image is exteroception, and breasts; every round part can becomes one’s own body, the deciphering neurologist outside of this incarnate constantly engaged in its interception. It follows the represent another – head, spectator becomes oneself, or experience wonderment, as he magic can only diagnose, own destruction and in same logic – interruption and breast, buttocks; every hole perhaps the astute eye of is given a second-hand, translate, listen and rebuilding itself anew, contiguity – of collaborative can be interchanged with those of the medical second-eye glimpse of transcribe, try to enter this remapping and re-gloving authorship as practiced by another – mouth, ears (in profession, as often this phantomology, hallucinatory foreign country, to trace its one part or another. Clothes the surrealists in their some respects, eyes and unsuspecting stage/spectator neuro-pyscho-conjuring? remappings, to image forth the expand and restrict body- Exquisite Corpses (draw, pupils), openings of the nose suffers from anosognosia, Medical astonishment is invisible unimaginable body- image, utensils can become fold, pass). Co-writing, co- and anus…. Actions may impaired awareness of illness, never far removed from the image. Non-invasive scans prosthetic extensions, drawing, co-seeing become create artificial caves in the the loss of self-knowledge, spectacle of the freak-show. attempts to enter the incorporated and embodied. collage, decollage, inimage, body; the inside of the hand and is blindly indifferent to But can this even be impenetrable – parts of the Limbs themselves are natural interjection, projection. and the inside of the mouth his/her own semi- considered in the realm of brain light up, respond and prostheses, so to speak, The word at the tip of my and the inside of the genital disappearance. The limb is spectacle, as there is no way correspond. The diagnosing extensions enabling the body tongue becomes your index region may be substituted for attributed to someone else, it out, no other point of view, body watches the as-yet to act upon the world. Other finger pointing to my foot, each other…”12 Unwittingly, rejects itself in a case of no visualisation other than undiagnosed with fascinated bodies can be worn, entered, which is stepping on your you are engaged in an somatoparaphrenia. Take it that of the inner eye of the empathy, partaking projected, introjected – foot. ongoing shape-shifting, away from me, this arm is not phantomologist? One can proprioceptively, becoming, children, lovers, or the needy constantly readjusting into mine, it’s my dead brother’s, only see this phantom body to whatever degree, part of elderly can be latched on like I Am Anagram - Aura Satz De La Warr Pavilion 17 December 2005 Page 2

As though in a bizarre act of girl, in the midst of the same picking up where one tails took up the card and tapped anagram awaiting its new mirror’s visual and sensory cannibalistic autophagy, the critical phase developed a off, interjecting where the the letters. The spelling was incarnation. Mitchell, feedback can prove missing hand reappears paroxysmal cough, headaches, other has not yet spoken. pretty rapid, and ran thus as credited with coining the insufficient to alleviate ‘digested’ in the jaw, an abnormal urge to stretch Like the séance table or the she tapped, in turn, first the term “Phantom Limb”, was phantom pain in phantom remapped across the cheek. herself, spasm, facial Ouija board, those many pairs letters, and last the numbers instrumental in popularizing limbs. For “pain might not be Perhaps the most common of convulsions accompanied by of hands on the table she had already set down: these sensory ghosts, at first simply a sensation but be a phantom limb pain is the singing, sleeping fits lasting eventually forge some “ UNITED STATES ARMY tentatively in fiction, and need state, like thirst or sensation of a clenched fist, at times for more than three meaningful presence, call MEDICAL MUSEUM, Nos. subsequently in hunger. Perhaps the need, in nails digging into the palm. days, and episodes of forth the unspoken, and spell 3486, 3487.” The medium neuroscience, thus ending the part, is for action.”25 Agency, “ What, among all the reflexes somnambulism during which it out. This facilitated looked up with a puzzled phenomenon’s medical intention, volition, the sense triggered by a toothache, is she could see with her hand communication, a form of expression. “Good eclipse.24 The term ‘phantom’ of acting upon the world the meaning of the fierce and read clearly in the collective automatism, merges gracious!” said I, “they are implies belief or disbelief in a creates a better, more muscular reaction of the hand dark.”21 the sense of agency, joins MY LEGS – MY LEGS!” presence which is convincing illusion of and the fingers as they claw bodies in order to write out a What followed, I ask no one phenomenologically felt, embodiment. It’s not just any their nails painfully into the “She had an intense feeling new body, together. The to believe except those who, known, experienced, but not arm latched on to coincide skin? The clenched hand is her left and right side were message indicator seems to like myself, have communed physically there. Can one with the missing arm, but a the artificial focus of arousal, interchanged. The right side move alone, but perhaps it is with the things of another believe or disbelieve in the prosthetic virtual illusion, an a ‘virtual tooth’ which was too light. Objects felt simply ideomotor response. sphere. Suddenly I felt a phantom limb? Can you arm which fits, which can diverts the currents of the different in the left hand: they strange return of my self- debunk phantomology, like desire and execute. This veins and nerves from the had more space there. The ‘The medium sat with her consciousness. I was the countless magicians restitution might lead to its actual seat of pain to itself, in right hand was much smaller, arms folded, looking steadily reindividualized, so to speak. which debunked spiritualism final execution, gain a order to diminish it. In this especially its inner space. at the center of the table. For a A strange wonder filled me, (Harry Houdini to name the missing limb in order to undo way the toothache is divided, When she clenched her fist, few moments there was and, to the amazement of every most famous)? Can one its pain. Unlike the magic graphically doubled, at the the fingers did not fit her silence. Then a series of one, I arose, and, staggering a illusion outsmart the other, trick, where the woman sawed expense of the hand, whose hand.”22 irregular knocks began. “Are little, walked across the room prove, then disprove, the in two is seamlessly ‘logical pathos’ becomes its you present?” said the on limbs invisible to them or illusory mappings of body- conjoined again, here the visible expression. Should Such second-hand, second- medium. The affirmative raps me. It was no wonder I image in order to achieve illusion reconstitutes only to we then conclude that all of eye, second-voice were twice given. “I should staggered, for, as I briefly liberating enlightenment? then revert back to loss, to the reflexes of the body, the ventriloquist acts juxtapose think,” said the doctor, “that reflected, my legs had been The phantom limb’s de- fragment, to incompletion. face, a limb, the tongue, or a the body of the doctor and there were two spirits nine months in the strongest realisation must be re- When I close my eyes, the muscle – from the most that of the patient. Research present.” His words sent a alcohol. At this instant all my materialised in order to make resurrected phantom limb violent to the least inevitably collaborates with thrill through my heart. “Are new friends crowded around the belief in it, the experience vanishes. In traditional perceptible, - may be the patient, uses their malaise there two?” he questioned. A me in astonishment. of its pain, vanish once and conjuring we want to believe, explained in this way, as a in order to further scientific double rap. “Yes, two,” said Presently, however, I felt for all. The promise of medical albeit with the titillation of tendency to divert and divide knowledge, quotes the the medium. “Will it please myself sinking slowly. My science, the redemption from knowing how it is done, a pain and to counter a real patient’s descriptions in the spirits to make us legs were going, and in a pain effected by amputation knowing it could be undone centre of arousal with a order to accumulate a body of conscious of their names in moment I was resting feebly (often followed by second if only we were dis- virtual one?”20 symptomatology. The this world?” A single knock. on my two stumps upon the and third amputations illusioned, watching from the symptom is often baptised “No.” “Will it please them to floor. It was too much. All shortening the stump), itself other side, from the inside, “During the subsequent with the name of its say how they are called in the that was left of me fainted and proves illusory, as the equipped with insider month, after episodes of discoverer, not its sufferer – world of spirits?” Again came rolled over senseless.’ From illusion of pain takes the knowledge, knowledge from somnambulism and numerous to identify the disease and the the irregular raps – 3, 4, 8, 6; the neurologist Silas Weir place of its reality. The within. In neurological personality changes, she lost sufferer would irreversibly then a pause, and 3, 4, 8, 7. “I Mitchell’s 1866 fictional mirrored phantom limb, like magic, the patient has the her power of sight whilst bind them in history. Better think,” said the authoress, “The Case of George the spiritualist debunker, knowledge from within, simultaneously acquiring the that role be taken on by the “they must be numbers. Will Dedlow.”23 recreates the illusion in order usually structured around ability to see, with discoverer, who like the the spirits,” she said, “be to annihilate it. Seeing a re- pain, and wants to be undiminished power, with Arctic explorer, boldly good enough to aid us? Shall The step from the alphabet of integrated coherent body- irreversibly deceived, to the tip of her nose and her left uncovers unchartered we use the alphabet?” “Yes,” the Ouija board to the image hypothetically dupes perceive integrity from earlobe. She later experienced territory. The doctor and was rapped very quickly. materialisation of the the body into believing itself without, to interiorize a kindred transferral of the patient are part of the same “Are these numbers?” “Yes,” phantom limbs is seamless, whole, allows it to believe it outsider knowledge as sense of smell to her heel… Exquisite Corpse, sharing again. “I will write them,” the letters spell out a body, is unclenching its painfully though this will undo, re- Another fourteen-year-old conjoined authorship, she added, and, doing so, flesh them out, like an tight fist. Unfortunately, the member the tragedy of I Am Anagram - Aura Satz De La Warr Pavilion 17 December 2005 Page 3

amputation and loss. The loss. What a wonderfully illusory neurological malleable body-image she 8 Bellmer, The Doll, p. 114 25 J Cole, G Austwick, C Dawson, Z deception is constructive, it must possess, a contortionist 9 VS Ramachandran & S Blakeslee, Zhang and R Wynne. “Virtual reality is there to restore, regenerate, of illusion, oblivious to her Phantoms in the Brain, p. 47-9. Also induced agency, embodiment and VS Ramachandran, “Consciousness and analgesia in subjects with phantom limb sprout forth, telescope out the own gaping holes and cross- Body Image: lessons from Phantom pain”, unpublished manuscript. missing limb as presence, if sections. Like an anatomical Notes Limbs, Capgras Syndrome and Pain 26 Many miraculous restorations feature only perhaps in order to get model complete with flaps Asymbolia”, Philosophical in Douglas B. Price and Neil J. Transactions: Biological Sciences (Nov Twonbly, The Phantom Limb rid of it once and for all. The and secret doors, 1998) vol. 353, no. 1377, pp. 1851- Phenomenon: A Medical, Folkloric, and neurologist assumes the contraptions that enable a 1 Freud himself had been a neurologist 1859; VS Ramachandran and D. Historical Study, (Washington: guise of the magician view inside, this in his youth and it is he who coined the Rogers-Ramachandran, “Synaesthesia in Georgetown University Press, 1978) word ‘agnosia’ in 1891. phantom limbs induced with mirrors”, 27 Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook debunker, the de-mystifying anagrammatic body can be re- 2 Particularly impressed by the selection Proceedings: Biological Sciences, Vol; his Wife for a Hat (London: Picador, con-artist, the constructive assembled perforated, of poetic anagrams in Hans Bellmer’s 263 No 1369 (April 1996), pp. 377- 1986) p. 64. trickster and cheat, and traversed, decapitated, knifed, book Petit Anatomie de l’Image, Man 386. 28 Peter Brugger, “From Haunted Brain Ray telegrammed Bellmer the following 10 P Brugger, SS Kollias, RM Müri, G to Haunted Science: A Cognitive elevates his illusory ripped apart and seen in to. anagram in response: "IMAGE = Crelier, M-C Hepp-Reymond, M Regard. Neuroscience View of Paranormal and showmanship to the She herself is in-the-know, MAGIE" (Image = Magic). “Beyond re-membering: phantom Pseudoscientific Thought,” Hauntings dimension of the healer. The but from her proprioceptive 3 Based on an old parlour game, the sensation of congenitally absent limbs.” and Poltergeists: Multidisciplinary surrealist collective collage of words or Proceedings of the National Academy Perspectives, edited by J. Houran and collusion of illusion, the self she is blind, indifferent to images was played by several people, of Sciences of the USA (2000) 97, pp. R. Lange (North Carolina: McFarland & shared pact of suspension of her kaleidoscopic spectacle. each of whom would write a phrase on a 6167-6172. Company, Inc. Publishers, 2001). disbelief is ethically She assumes the glazed look sheet of paper, fold the paper to conceal 11 VS Ramachandran & D Rogers- part of it, and pass it on to the next Ramachandran, “Phantom Limbs and promoted to a different pact, of non-introspection, the player for his contribution. The Neural Plasticity.” Archives of where the neurologist aims to smile of showmanship, technique got its name from results Neurology (2000) 57, pp. 317-320. provide an incarnate and demonstrating invincibility obtained in initial playing, “Le cadavre 12 Paul Schilder, The Image and exquis boira le vin nouveau” (The embodied experience of what and painlessness for the Appearance of the Human Body exquisite corpse will drink the young (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner SPECIAL THANKS TO: is essentially the private outsider view. wine). & Co., 1935), p. 182-3. Ramachandran Jonathan Cole 4 PW Halligan & JC Marshall, describes a subject whose phantom foot experience of phantomology I Am Anagram induces Chris Frith in order to alleviate pain. amputation, body agnosia, “Supernumerary phantom limb after right was aroused during sexual intercourse hemispheric stroke.” Journal of Neurol (Phantoms in the Brain, p. 36), Scott Penrose Turning body-image inside- anosognosia, amnesia, Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1995 Sep; 59 supposedly because the foot and Celia Davies out might enable some asymbolia, apraxia, aphonia. (3):pp. 341-2; F. Sellal, C. Renaseau- genitals are close in the Penfield map. The De La Warr Pavilion outside-in relief. It is the apophenia (the spontaneous leclerc, R Labrecque, “L’homme à six 13 Oliver Sacks, A Leg to Stand On bras. Un examen de membres fantômes (London: Picador1991), p. 180 David Edelsztein body’s belief in its phantom perception of connections surnuméraires après ramollissement 14 Schilder, p. 71 Tai Shani integrity that creates a painful and meaningfulness of sylvien droit.” Revue Neurologique 15 Peter Brugger, ‘Phantomology: The Shira Hess in-between limbo, one that unrelated phenomena, seeing (Paris), 1996 Mar;152(3):pp. 190-5. D. Science of the Body in the Brain,’ Ricardo Alvarez J. McGonigle, R. Hanninen, S. transcription of paper given at ‘Phantom needs proper fleshed-out patterns where none, in fact, Salenius, R. Hari, R. S. J. Frackowiak, Limb’ conference, Goldmsith’s College, Praxis N16 embodiment or proper flesh-in exist. “The propensity to see and C. D. Frith “Whose arm is it 2003, online disembodiment. The body connections between anyway? An fMRI case study of http://www.artbrain.org/phantomlimb/br supernumerary phantom limb,” Brain ugger.html needs full faith in the seemingly unrelated objects (2002) 125(6): pp. 1265 - 1274. 16 Bellmer, The Doll, p. 119, quoting 26 miraculous restoration, the or ideas most closely links 5 O Blanke, T Landis, L Spinelli, M neuropsychiatrist Jean l’Hermitte, surrogate limb, the prosthesis psychosis to creativity”28). I Seeck. “Out-of-body experience and L’Image de notre corps, Paris: Éditions autoscopy of neurological origin” Brain de la Nouvelle Revue Critique, 1939. – for often a ‘good’ phantom Am Anagram dismembers and (2004) 127, pp. 243-258; P Brugger, 17 Sacks, p. 111. will in fact animate the remembers phantom limbs, “Reflective mirrors: perspective 18 Schilder, p. 235. prosthesis, slapped sharply it enables and disables transformation in autoscopic 19 S Gallagher & J Cole, “Body-Image phenomena” Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Body Schema in the Deafferented will “shoot forth, rekindled, asymmetry, anagrammatically (2002) 7, pp. 179-194.; P Brugger, M Subject”, Journal of Mind and 27 fulgurated,” – or definitive and palindromatically Regard, T Landis, “Illusory Behaviour 16 (1995), 369-390. disbelief, acceptance of loss, rewrites the body as an reduplication of one's own body: 20 Bellmer, p. 105-6. phenomenology and classification of 21 Cesare Lombroso “Transferrals of limblessness. Exquisite Corpse, a collage, a autoscopic phenomena.” Cognitive Sensation in Hysteria and Hypnosis”, decollage, an inimage, a Neuropsychiatry (1997) 2, pp. 19-38. quoted in Bellmer, p. 109. Oh the joys of being the mirage, an illusion. 6 Hans Bellmer, The Doll., trans. 22 Schilder, p. 144. Malcolm Green (London: Atlas Anti- 23 Silas Weir Mitchell, “The Case of Conjuror’s Assistant, having ‘Image=Magie.’ Signed, Man Classics 14, 2005) George Dedlow”, Atlantic Monthly 18, a metamorphic invincible Ray. 7 Hans Bellmer, “Notes on the Subject no. 105 (July 1866), 1-11. body which painlessly of the Ball Joint”, reprinted in Sue 24 Mitchell SW. Injuries of Nerves. endures all amputations, Taylor, The Anatomy of Anxiety (1872, London: Dover reprint 1962). (London: MIT press, 2000), p. 216. fractures, segmentations and I Am Anagram - Aura Satz De La Warr Pavilion 17 December 2005 Page 4