Table of Contents

I. RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS AND PARENTS 1 II. FBA MISSION 1 III. SCHOOL TRADITIONS 1 A. FBA Colors 1 B. FBA Mascot 1 IV. PHILOSOPHY 2 V. PREAMBLE TO THE BY-LAWS 2 VI. ACCREDITATION, GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION 2 VII. ADMINISTRATION/BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4 VIII. ACADEMIC POLICIES 5 A. Class Size Policy 5 B. Textbooks 5 C. Homework Policy 5 D. Assignment Planners 6 E. Teacher Portals 6 F. Test Days 6 G. Marking Systems 6 H. Reports of Student Progress 7 I. Tutoring Requests 8 J. Promotion and Retention 8 K. Advanced Courses 8 L. Continuing Enrollment: Conditional Status 9 M. Summer School 9 N. Center for Academic Success 9 O. Process to Follow When Student Cannot Participate 10 IX. COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE SERVICES 10 X. EARLY CHILDHOOD PROCEDURES 11 A. Children Served 11 B. Hours of Operation 11 C. FBA Holidays 11 D. Forms 11

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Table of Contents (continued)

E. Nutrition 11 F. Field Trips: Transportation and General Guidelines 11 G. Personal Items 12 H. Dress Code 12 I. Enrollment Procedures 12 J. School Closures and Early Release Days 12 K. Procedures for Dispensing Medication 12 L. Medical Emergencies 13 M. Illness and Exclusion Criteria 13 N. Medical Records 13 O. Procedures for Conducting Health Checks 14 P. Hearing and Vision 14 Q. Immunization Requirements for Children 14 R Safe Sleep 14 S. Potty Training 14 T. Emergency Plans 14 U. Severe Weather, Fire and Emergency Situation 15 V. Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco 15 W. Discipline and Guidance 15 X. Withdrawal Policy 16 Y. Procedures for Release of Children 16 Z. Parent Communication 16 AA. Water Activities 17 BB. Animals 17 CC. Parent/Center Director Communication 17 DD. The Parent’s Role 17 EE. Parent Visits 17 FF. Nursing Mother’s Room 18 GG. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services 18 XI. STANDARDIZED TESTING PROGRAM 19 XII. CODE OF CONDUCT 19 A. Expectations of Students 19 B. Conduct Marking 22 C. Levels of Disciplinary Action 24 D. Dress Code 25 E. Hair Code 26 F. Care of Personal Belongings by Students 26 G. Field/Class Trips and Athletic Events 26

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Table of Contents (continued)

XIII. COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTS 27 A. Progress Reports 27 B. Report Cards 27 C. Parent/Teacher Conferences 28 D. Honor Roll 28 XIV. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY 28 A. Attendance Policy for Lower and Middle School 28 B. Family Vacations 29 C. Procedure to Follow When Student is Absent from School 29 D. Make Up Work (PreK – 8) 29 E. Procedure to Follow When Student is Tardy to School 30 F. Leaving School Before Regular Dismissal 30 G. Withdrawing a Student from School 30 XV. CAMPUS POLICY 31 A. Visitors 31 B. Lower and Middle School Students on Campus After School Hours 31 C. Encore 31 D. Primary School Late Pick up 31 E. Babysitting 32 F. Oasis Room (FBA Cafeteria Area) 32 G. Library 32 H. Lost and Found 35 I. Emergency Drills 35 J. Emergency Closing of School 36 K. Campus Security 36 L. Printed Material 36 M. Delivery of Gifts 36 N. Class Parties 36 O. Graduations/Promotions 37 P. Procedures for Arrival and Dismissal of Students 37 XVI. BUS PROCEDURES 39 XVII. ACTIVITIES 39 A. Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities 39 B. Enrollment Status 40 C. Clubs/ Organizations 40 D. Awards 41

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Table of Contents (continued)

XVIII. RE-ENROLLMENT 41 A. Maintaining Student Permanent Records 41 B. Student Visas 41 XIX. FINANCIAL INFORMATION 41 A. Delinquent Account Policy 41 XX. ADVANCEMENT 42 A. Ways to Give 42 B. Fund Raising and Purchasing Policy 42 C. Public Relations/Media Relations 42 D. Gift Acceptance Policy 43 XXI. HEALTH INFORMATION 43 A. Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record) 43 B. Accidents/Health Services 43 C. State Standards Childcare 43 D. Reporting Child Abuse 43 E. Contagious Illness 44 F. Vision/Hearing Testing 44 G. Immunization 45 H. Accident Insurance 46 XXII. TECHNOLOGY 46 A. Computer Usage Policy 47 XXIII. TUTOR POLICY 51

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I. RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS AND PARENTS FBA’s Student/Parent Handbook is prepared with the purpose of serving as a guide to school officials, students and parents to become familiar with our school’s policies and practices. If the contents of this handbook are known and the guidelines followed by all, the school will function smoothly and efficiently while increasing academic achievement and a greater degree of satisfaction for all.

Enrollment in FBA is a privilege and not a right. Students who are enrolled in the school, and their parents, must obey all rules continually and consistently. Consequences are in place for those who repeatedly violate rules leading up to or including the withdrawal of a student. School administrators will render decisions that are fair and in the best interest of both the student and the school.

II. FBA’S MISSION To equip FBA students with the Truth of God’s Word while developing their character, intellect, and potential to explore, create, challenge, and lead. (Psalm 86:12, Matthew 28:19, II Timothy 3:16-17)

III. SCHOOL TRADITIONS A. FBA Colors FBA school colors are navy blue, green and white.

B. FBA Mascot FBA mascot is the Warrior. (Ephesians 6:13-18)

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IV. PHILOSOPHY The educational philosophy of FBA is based on a God-centered view that all truth is God's truth and that the Bible is the inspired and only infallible authoritative Word of God which contains this truth. God created all things and sustains all things. We acknowledge and affirm that every person has been created in the image of God with a unique identity. Within this person exists individual strengths and weaknesses, capabilities and limitations. By grace through faith in Jesus Christ, the individual enters that relationship with God whereby he is nurtured and matured. Thus, we want every person in our school to grow as an individual; acknowledging, appreciating and pursuing the identity which God has given and following the course which God has established.

Therefore, FBA is a Christian school dedicated to the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals. Through its curriculum FBA challenges students to attain academic, emotional, physical and spiritual excellence to the glory of God. This philosophy guides our endeavors to promote high academic standards while helping students to achieve skills in creative and critical thinking and use freedom of inquiry in an integrated curriculum across all subject areas. Our desire is to enable students to pursue the secondary education of their choosing, preparing them to be knowledgeable Christian participants in our nation and the world.

V. PREAMBLE TO THE BY-LAWS Founded under the providence of God and with the conviction that there is a need for a school in this community that will train the minds, develop the moral character and enrich the spiritual lives of all people who may come within the ambit of its influence, FBA shall stand as a witness for Jesus Christ expressed directly through its administration, faculty and students. To assure the perpetuation of these basic concepts of its founders, it is resolved that all those who become associated with FBA as a trustee, officer, member of the faculty or of the staff, must believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New Testament; that man was directly created by God, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior as the Son of God, that He died for the sins of all men and thereafter arose from the grave; that by repentance and the acceptance of and belief in Him by the grace of God, the individual is saved from eternal damnation and receives eternal life in the presence of God; and it is further resolved that the ultimate teachings in this school shall never be inconsistent with the above principles.

VI. ACCREDITATION, GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATION FBA is a private Christian school consisting of students from early childhood through eighth grade. FBA is fully accredited by the Independent Schools of the American Southwest (ISAS) and is recognized by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) #101146101. FBA is a member of Educational Records Bureau (ERB), Independent School Management (ISM), National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools (SBACS), Texas Private Schools Association (TPSA), and the Texas Association of Non-Public Schools (TANS). FBA is also a member of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), National Society for the Gifted and Talented, National Junior Honor Society, and National Association of Student Councils. The school is an independent Texas non-profit corporation governed by a Board of Trustees.

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FBA Primary School is licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, Child Care Licensing division. We undergo regular inspections by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, Harris County Health Department and the City of Houston’s Fire Marshall. FBA exceeds state guidelines in all the prescribed areas of health and safety standards.

FBA consists of three schools and is administered by the Head of School, who functions both as superintendent and president of the corporation. The Head of School is the chief executive officer of the Academy. There are two principals, one for Primary and Lower Schools and one for Middle School, and a Director of Early Childhood. The Primary School consists of two parts, Early Childhood (Infants–Two’s) and Pre- Kindergarten (PreK3 and PreK4). The Lower School consists of Bridge Kindergarten/Kindergarten through 4th grade. The Middle School consists of 5th grade through 8th grade. Principals and the Director of Early Childhood report directly to the Head of School and have delegated authority in their school including formulating and administering the curriculum, supervising and evaluating teachers, authorizing and monitoring student achievement and activities, and direct involvement with parents. Each school has its own section of the building, bell schedule, faculty, lunch period, chapel program, and curriculum. Certain policies vary from school to school, particularly in marking of student achievement and promotion or retention. Each school has its own extracurricular activities such as athletics, clubs, and activities.

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Teresa Chambers, M.S., CPA Head of School

Kelli Diers, M.Ed., LPC Middle School Principal

Mary White, M. Ed. Primary and Lower Schools Principal

Marcy Harwell Clark Director of Early Childhood


Craig Bloodworth, Chairman Steve Wilburn, Vice-Chairman Hunter Barrow Melissa Blakeslee Jay Harbison Ken Kapp Michelle Mallin Brad Whitfield

Meetings of the Board are typically held the first Wednesday of every other month, starting in August; however, the dates, times, and places of meetings are subject to change. Portions of any meeting dealing with minutes, finances, personnel or other items are closed to the public and designated as "Executive Session" while other portions may be attended by parents and guests. Parents wishing to address the Board must request to do so in writing to the Head of School and will be notified by the Board Chairman of the date and time to meet.

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VIII. ACADEMIC POLICIES A. Class Size Policy Primary School classes are staffed according to the state mandated adult to child ratio standards. In Lower School and Middle School, appropriate class sizes are determined by Administration and is based on enrollment. Class size is structured to try not to exceed 18 students per class.

B. Textbooks Students are provided textbooks for their use during the school year. These books are the property of the school and should be respected as school property. Textbooks should be covered at all times at the expense of the student. This will help reduce charges for damaged books at the end of the year. Students will be charged full price for lost books or excessive damage.

C. Homework Policy

Primary School PreK3-PreK4 students learn through active play based curricular experiences in the classroom. From time to time, family projects may be sent home to further enhance and enrich classroom activity. Homework expectation for PreK3-PreK4 students is 0-10 minutes per night. Students are strongly encouraged to read at least 10 minutes each night with their parent.

Lower School Lower School students may have homework. Assignments are graduated from 10-20 minutes for Bridge Kindergarten/Kindergarten students, 20-30 minutes for first grade students, 30-40 minutes for second grade students, 40-50 minutes for third grade students, and 50 minutes to one hour for fourth grade students. Please remember time spent on nightly homework will vary according to a student’s ability and work habits. Students should be reading and practicing math fact families and number bonding exercises each night. Homework is not considered completed until the assignment has been turned into the teacher. Homework counts as 10% of the overall subject grade and can have points taken off for late submittal through second grade. Third and fourth grade students will be deducted 10 points for each school day of a missed homework assignment.

Students in grade 4 keep assignment notebooks provided by the school and will complete the planners daily. Teachers will periodically check the students’ planners for accuracy. Parents need to check the assignment notebooks with their student every evening, as well as accessing homework from FBA’s parent portal.

Middle School Students should expect the natural increase in homework in Middle School. Fifth grade students may have an average of 60-70 minutes daily, with an increase in 10 minutes per grade, meaning 8th grade students should expect an average of 90-100 minutes of homework each evening. Please remember time spent on nightly homework will vary according to a student’s ability and work habits. Homework in not considered completed until the assignment has been turned into the teacher.

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For the first day of homework missed in Middle School, students will be deducted 30 points on their assignment. Fifty points will be deducted on the second day after an assignment’s due date, and finally no credit will be given after three days of unsubmitted homework. Information regarding assignments, as well as upcoming class due dates, test dates, projects, and more will be posted on FBA’s portal.

D. Assignment Planners Students in 4th – 8th grades receive an assignment planner to encourage effective time management and organized study habits. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s assignment planners. Replacement planners may be purchased from the Middle School Office.

E. Teacher Portals For Lower School and Middle School classwork, homework, test dates, projects and other assignments will be posted on FBA’s Student and Parent Portal links. The portals are updated by 4pm on each Friday, however, since circumstances may cause assignments to change, the student’s daily folder or assignment planner should be the most accurate information for assignments.

F. Test Days It is the policy of FBA that students make up any tests (for which test material was not covered in class while the student was absent) on the first or second day the student returns to school. In the case of an extended absence, the school principal may approve exceptions to this policy.

G. Marking Systems The numerical system of marking is used for students in 1st -8th grades. Numerical marks and letter designations are as follows:

A 90 – 100 Excellent B 80 – 89 Above Average C 75 – 79 Average D 70 – 74 Below Average F 0 – 69 Failing

An "I" (incomplete) is given as a temporary mark only. In most cases, the student will receive the same number of days as the number of days absent to make up the incomplete. All I’s (incompletes) must be resolved within 5 school days or the grade will become a zero.

Primary School PreK3 and PreK4 are assigned marks "E" (Excellent), "S" (Satisfactory), "N" (Needs Improvement), or "Y" (Not Yet Introduced).

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Lower School In Bridge Kindergarten, students are assigned marks of "E" (Excellent); "S" (Satisfactory); "N" (Needs Improvement) or "U" (Unsatisfactory).

In Kindergarten, students receive numerical marks in reading and math. Marks of "E" (Excellent); "S" (Satisfactory); "N" (Needs Improvement) or "U" (Unsatisfactory) are assigned for Bible, science, social studies, art, computer, music, Spanish, and P.E.

In 1st grade, students receive numerical marks in reading, language, spelling, and math. Marks of “E”, “S”, “N”, and “U” are assigned for Bible, science, social studies, art, computer, music, Spanish, and P.E.

In 2nd grade, students receive numerical marks in English/language arts (reading, language and spelling), mathematics, science, and social studies. Grades of “E”, “S”, “N”, and “U” are assigned for art, music, Spanish, Bible, and P.E.

In 3rd – 4th grades, students receive numerical marks in English/language arts (reading, language and spelling), mathematics, Bible, science, and social studies. Grades of “E”, “S”, “N”, and “U” are assigned for art, music, Spanish, and P.E.

1st – 4th grades homework and participation accounts for 10% of the grade in core subjects. Late assignments may result in point reduction.

Enrichment classes assign “E”, “S”, “N”, AND “U” based on active participation in class and classroom conduct.

Middle School – Calculations for Semester and Year-End Averages 5th and 6th grades: The semester average is calculated by averaging the two nine-week grades for that semester. Comprehensive quarter exams will be given at the end of the second and fourth quarters and will count as two test grades for these respected quarters.

7th and 8th grade: The semester average is calculated by weighting the respective two nine-week averages by 40%. A comprehensive mid-term will be given at the end of the first semester, and a comprehensive final exam is given at the end of the second semester. Mid-terms and finals count 20% for each semester grade. The year-end average is calculated by averaging the semester averages.

H. Reports of Student Progress Primary School and Bridge Kindergarten teachers are responsible for issuing report cards for the second, third and fourth nine weeks. All LS and MS numeric grades are to be recorded and reported on a scale of 0 to 100. Kindergarten – 4th grade teachers are responsible for issuing progress reports, which will be posted mid-quarter and report cards at nine weeks. Middle School grades are kept current online on a daily basis. Teachers will reach out to families with any concerns between reporting periods.

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I. Tutoring Requests FBA teachers are available to tutor their own students before and after school daily to help your child with further reinforcement on concepts taught in their particular class. Please respectfully coordinate this time in advance with your child’s teacher. If your child needs additional assistance beyond the normal requirements of their teacher, we have a list of preferred tutors for you. Please request this list from your respective principal. An example of our policy form is attached to this handbook.

J. Promotion and Retention Lower School At the end of the school year each student in 1st - 4th grades will typically have earned 4 numerical marks in each numerically graded subject, one for each nine-week grading period.

The final comprehensive mark earned in a subject for the year is an average of the 4 nine-week marks for students in 1st – 4th grades.

A student in 1st – 4th grades must earn an overall average of "70" or above in each numerically graded subject to be promoted to the next grade.

Failure in one subject results in conditional promotion. The conditions are determined by the principal and may include a mark of "70" or above on a comprehensive test following completion of the course in summer school, completion of a minimum number of clock hours of approved tutoring, or completion of a minimum number of clock hours of computer tutoring.

If a student fails 2 or more academic subjects, he/she may be retained or not allowed to re- enroll.

Middle School Students in 5th – 8th grades must have a year-end average of "70" or above in all subjects, or the student must repeat the entire course in an accredited summer school or complete a minimum number of clock hours of approved tutoring. If a student scores below “70” in two or more academic subject areas, the student may be required to repeat the grade. Should a student fail Bible, P.E., art, music, etc., he/she may be promoted; however, the student is also required to retake the course. In order for the student to receive credit for a repeated course(s), the principal must pre- approve the course of action. If a student is required to repeat a grade, he/she may be asked to repeat the grade in another school.

K. Advanced Courses FBA Middle School offers high school courses in Algebra I and Spanish I. For students to qualify for Pre- Algebra in 7th grade, leading into Algebra in 8th grade, students must have maintained a 90 or above in previous Math courses, scored in the top percentiles on their previous CTP Online scores, be recommended by their teachers, and have demonstrated strong work habits and work ethic. At any time, a student falls below a “B” average, the student may be placed in another Math course. Spanish IA begins in 7th grade and Spanish IB is taken as an 8th grader. These two years may qualify a student to receive high school credit for Spanish I. High schools vary on the requirements of courses that are

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accepted from middle schools. Parents are encouraged to check with high school for more specific information.

L. Continuing Enrollment: Conditional Status The Administration reserves the right to place a student on conditional status at any time his/her academic progress, conduct, and/or attendance falls below FBA standards. The Admissions Committee monitors conditional students each semester. Parents will receive written notification of conditional status.

1. Students will be placed on academic conditional status if the following applies:

Lower and Middle School: a. Student earns 2 or more “D” yearly averages b. Student earns an “F” yearly average

2. A student may be placed on conduct conditional status if the following applies:

Lower School a. Lower School student earns an "N" or "U" in conduct in 2 of 4 nine-week periods or b. Lower School student has repeated disciplinary infractions that result in suspension from school.

Middle School a. Middle School student is suspended from school for a disciplinary infraction or b. Middle School student earns 2 or more "N's" in any nine-week period or a "U"

3. A student will be placed on attendance conditional status if the:

Lower School student misses 10 or more days per semester. Middle School student misses 10 or more class periods per semester.

M. Summer School (FBA does not offer Summer School)

N. Center for Academic Success The Focus and Goal of Center for Academic Success: In order to develop successful, independent learners, the Academic Success Program focuses on developing four key components: cognition, perception, academics, and emotions. The focus of the Academic Success Program is to strengthen the underlying cause of learning difficulties rather than simply treating the symptoms. The goal of the Academic Success Program is to help students develop tools of independent learning for the classroom and life. Students are trained to view themselves as competent, confident learners.

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Academic Success Program: Academic Success intervention programs can be one-on-one or small group sessions include a variety of techniques designed to address students’ areas of difficulty to improve their overall ability to think, reason, and process information. Techniques emphasize basic skill areas such as reading, writing, spelling, and math, as well as applying reasoning skills.

Students are taught by highly trained Discovery Educational Therapists who receive on- going, graduate level training to obtain certification, as well as regular support as well as regular support and professional development.

Regular collaboration between the educational therapist, parents, and classroom is encouraged in order to assess progress and appropriately adjust educational programs for each student.

O. Process to Follow When Student Cannot Participate For medical reasons only, FBA parents may write a note requesting their student be excused from participating in PE or any other class/school day activity for one day. Beyond one day, a doctor’s note providing medical reason is required for a student seeking to be excused from participation in PE or any other class/school day activity.

IX. COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE SERVICES First Baptist Academy employs a full-time School Counselor housed in the Middle School Office. The goal of the counseling services is to help promote optimal development of a student through problem-solving, discussions on academic, emotional, social topics, and as necessary offering referrals. Counseling services are available during the entire school year and for all FBA students. Academic, social, personal, and emotional concerns may be addressed. Requests to visit with the counselor can be made by Administration, parents or students. A parent will be notified when meetings between a student and the counselor are regular, ongoing, or of a serious nature.

A strict confidentiality policy with respect to students and his/her family is upheld. Exceptions to confidentiality include, but may not be limited to, the following:

• suspicion of harm to a minor or elder by abuse • intention to harm self or others • certain custody or criminal proceedings

Counseling referrals to outside sources are given at the request of a family member at any time, or initiated by Administration, including the Counselor, when students need more individual, on-going assistance. For the benefit of FBA students and parents, Houston’s First Baptist Church offers counseling services at a reduced rate.

In addition, The School Counselor will collaborate with parents and students to identify high school options after graduation and help in the application process.

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X. EARLY CHILDHOOD PROCEDURES A. Children Served FBA will accept children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old without discrimination on the basis of political affiliation, religion, race, color, sex, and/or mental or physical abilities.

B. Hours of Operation FBA operates during the hours of 7:00AM to 6:00PM, Monday through Friday. We are licensed for specific hours of operation, so early arrival and late pickup is prohibited. Children will not be allowed into the facility before 7:00AM. After 6:00 PM, FBA will charge a late pickup fee of $15.00 per 15-minute increments, starting at 6:05PM, which will automatically be billed to your smart tuition account. If children are left at FBA after closing time, and no word is received from the parent(s)/guardian or an emergency contact is unavailable, authorities will be contacted after 7:00PM.

C. FBA Holidays See Early Childhood Calendar on your Parent Portal.

D. Forms All required forms can be accessed through the parent portal. Please fill out all required forms through Magnus.

E. Nutrition FBA will provide two healthy snacks every day. You may purchase lunch through Simply Fresh or bring a home lunch. If you child has food allergies, parents must provide a doctor’s statement describing the allergy. This must be accompanied with an Action Plan. Parents may substitute our food if your child has allergies or a special diet with pre-packaged, or store-bought food. We will only pre-heat in the microwave. We will not prepare separate meals such as Ramen Noodle Soup, etc. Parents that wish to provide additional food items for picky eaters must provide healthy food items that must be stored in a lunch container with an ice pack that will keep the food fresh and safe. Parents must also provide a written statement that you will be responsible for your child’s nutritious need while they are in our care.

FBA has chosen to be a Peanut Free/Nut Free Environment. You may not bring any peanut or nut products into the building. We have several children who have serious peanut/nut allergies.

F. Field Trips: Transportation and General Guidelines For the safety and welfare of all children, we only transport those who are four years and older. PreK4 will have one fall and one spring field trip.

Age appropriate enrichment experiences that supplement and enhance the curriculum are provided for PreK3-8th grade students.

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The following rules apply to trips/athletic events: 1. A student must have written permission from the parent/guardian. 2. All school rules are in effect during field trips. 3. Primary and Lower School students may bring no more than $10.00 spending money. No electronic equipment is allowed on field trips.

Field trip dress for Primary School is FBA uniform navy polo uniform shirt and khaki shorts, or slacks.

G. Personal Items Each classroom has fun and educational toys that are provided by FBA. In order to avoid any loss or breakage, we ask that you keep your child(ren)’s toys at home.

H. Dress Code PreK3 and PreK4 – see Section XI F.

I. Enrollment Procedures See section XXVII

J. School Closures and Early Release Days See school calendar on your Parent Portal.

K. Procedures for Dispensing Medication All medication must be signed in to the nurse’s office. A medication form must be filled out completely for each medication given and signed by the parent or guardian before any medication can be administered. Authorization by the parent must be updated weekly.

All Prescription Medications must be in the original container, with the original prescription label as follows: Child’s Name Current Date Amount of medication to be administered Times to be given (ex. 11:00AM and/or 3:00PM) Expiration Date Any other special instructions that may be important Dr. Authorization

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Any nonprescription medication must have a signed and dated note including the following information from the doctor: Name of the child to receive the medication Name of medication Amount to be given Times to be given Duration of time to be given (i.e. 3 days, 1 week) Any other special instructions

We are only allowed to give the amount that is specified on the label or on the doctor’s note. We administer medication according to the dosing instructions per age of the child.

Medications will only be dispensed by the person or persons designated by the FBA management.

L. Medical Emergencies If a child becomes ill, injured or has an adverse reaction to prescribed medication while at FBA, the parent(s) or emergency contact will be notified immediately.

If is it necessary to seek immediate medical attention for a child, the child will be transported to the nearest medical facility. The child’s emergency medical permission forms, as well as health information on file, will accompany the child to our nearest medical facility with a designated FBA employee.

In the event of an occurrence of a communicable disease, as outlined by the Department of Health, written notification will be posted in the classroom within 24 hours or the next working day.

M. Illness and Exclusion Criteria To assist us in maintaining the health and safety of all of the children, we must do our best to prevent the spread of illness. Children who have diarrhea, vomiting, and/or fever (100 degrees or higher), will not be allowed at FBA for at least 24 hours after their last episode/symptoms, or after the fever has subsided for 24 hours without medication. If your child becomes ill while at FBA, we will ask you to pick up your child(ren), within the hour of notification. If your child is sent home sick, they will not be able to attend the following day. To ensure your child’s safety and in a medical emergency, we will keep a file with all emergency contact information, including doctor’s information and preferred hospital. Please keep all information updated in Magnus.

N. Medical Records In the interest of all of our children, submitting your child’s medical and immunization records through Magnus are mandatory. These records must be updated and maintained in accordance with the state laws.

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O. Procedures for Conducting Health Checks Health checks are conducted by the school nurse regularly or as needed.

P. Hearing and Vision 1. The Special Senses and Communication Disorders Act, Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 36, requires a screening or a professional examination for possible vision and hearing problems for the following children who are enrolled in a childcare center: a. First-time enrollees who are four years of age or older and all children enrolled in programs who are four years of age by September 1 of each year will be screened for possible vision and hearing problems prior to completion of the first semester of enrollment or within 120 calendar days of enrollment, whichever is longest, or present evidence of screening conducted one year prior to enrollment. b. Each child who is in the first, third, fifth, or seventh grade must complete a screening or examination within the school year. 2. A licensed or certified screener or a health-care professional must conduct the screening. 3. You must keep one of the following at the child-care center for each child required to be screened: a. The individual vision and hearing screening. b. A signed statement from the child’s parent that his/her screening records are current and on file at FBA.

Q. Immunizations Requirement for Children The State of Texas requires immunizations for all children.

R. Safe Sleep All infant parents must review and sign the Safe Sleep Practices Form delegated by the Texas Department of Human and Regulatory Services.

S. Potty Training Potty training is a very challenging lesson for young children. We will begin encouraging them to use the potty at the age of 18 months. While some children may resist this new challenge, with the help of parents, we can make this a positive experience. We ask you to supply us with ample amounts of pull- ups, training pants, and at least two or more changes of clothes for each day your child attends. Children must be completely potty trained before entering PK3.

T. Emergency Plans Fire drills are conducted monthly. Severe weather drills are conducted every three months. Intruder drills are every three months.

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U. Severe Weather, Fire and Emergency Situation In order to be prepared for severe weather situations, we have fire and disaster drills that are conducted according to state/county regulations. The children are our first concern and top priority. If we have an actual situation, parents will be notified as soon as we have all the children in our designated safety area.

FBA is equipped with a weather band radio, the Internet, a fire alarm system, and fire extinguishers. We also have prepared emergency backpacks for every classroom with items that may be needed during this time. If there is an emergency situation and it becomes necessary to close the school, parents will be notified to make arrangements for pickup.

If there is an inclement weather alert notice and it is determined that FBA will not open, parents will be instructed by FBA through email or text, providing closing information. This information will also be posted on local T.V./news channels.

If an emergency situation develops and it is determined that the building or premises is unsafe, the children will be transported to: The Forum at Memorial Woods 777 N. Post Oak Road Houston, TX 77024

V. Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco In our effort to provide a safe, healthy environment for each child to grow and develop, we maintain a center free of alcohol, drugs and tobacco use.

The use or presence of alcohol, drugs and tobacco is prohibited in the building or anywhere on the grounds by FBA staff, parents or visitors.

The use or presence of alcohol, drugs or tobacco is prohibited during all outings or field trip, as well as on any vehicle used by FBA to transport children.

W. Discipline and Guidance We will never embarrass or ridicule the children when they misbehave. FBA uses positive strategies that strengthen the self-esteem of the children. Most situations can be controlled by using “Positive Re- direction”, which entails redirection of a child to another more appropriate activity.

When positive re-direction is unable to assist in the situation, we will document the behavior and set up a parent/teacher conference to discuss how we can help the child understand the rules and policies that govern the school.

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X. Withdrawal Policy The staff will work with each child to fulfill the needs of that child and every effort will be made to provide a positive learning experience.

FBA reserves the right to ask the parent(s) to make alternative arrangements for care if it is determined that a child’s needs cannot be met, or the child has not adjusted to the care provided by FBA. In the event that a student’s behavior becomes disruptive to the program or the child creates an unsafe environment for other children in the class (such as: biting, spitting, physical or verbal abuse), alternative arrangements will be required.

Y. Procedures for Release of Children It is very important for Parents to sign all children in and out each day. You must personally walk your child to their classroom. Children will only be released to parents or legal guardians with custody or designated persons. The designated persons must be 18 years or older. Anyone picking up a child must be prepared to show picture ID. We will not release a child without proper identification and written authorization from a designated parent/ legal guardian.

FBA will not release any child to anyone who appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If this should occur, we reserve the right to contact the proper authorities.

In order to maintain compliance with any court orders, FBA requires a certified copy of the custody order. This confidential information remains in the child’s personal file for the safety and well-being of the child. If at any time this information changes, or a restraining order is issued on either parent, we must receive a copy. FBA will follow specifically what is written in the court order.

Z. Parent Communication Our goal is to provide the best care for all of the children who attend our school. Having a partnership with the parents enables us to succeed in our goal. All parents are encouraged to communicate with the teachers. FBA welcomes any scheduled conferences with teachers.

Communication is a key element to a successful relationship of our students. The relationship between parents and FBA staff is vital to the success of a child’s experience. A partnership must be formed, with open communication and understanding that the development and growth of the child is our top priority.

We have several methods of facilitating communication. The first is face-to-face interactions with children, parents, and teachers. Warrior Words is another form of weekly communication.

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AA. Water Activities Children love being in water where they can play and be adventurous. During the summer, FBA Splash Day is a fun day for all to enjoy. It is important on this day that you provide FBA with the appropriate items such as water shoes, swim wear, towel and sun screen. Parents must fill out the water permission form on Magnus. All items must be labeled.

BB. Animals Due to health and safety concerns, please do not bring your pets, or any other animals to the Center.

CC. Parent/Center Director Communication Professional communication between parents and the center director is crucial. FBA prides itself on our open-door policy with families. We are interested in any questions or concerns that you may have regarding our program.

DD. The Parent’s Role Parents can assist and help ensure a smooth transition and routine by doing the following: 1. Have all forms completed and updated promptly. 2. Update forms as needed when change occurs, such as new phone numbers, addresses, etc. 3. Keep the staff informed of special needs or changes that might affect your child’s behavior. 4. Notify FBA if your child is ill. 5. Do not bring an ill child to FBA. (See section M. Illness) 6. Curriculum begins at 8:30AM. 7. Notify FBA if your child will be absent. 8. Notify FBA if you will be later than usual picking up your child. 9. Provide two changes of clothes marked with your child’s name (FBA is not responsible for lost clothing or personal items) 10. Please bring an ample supply of diapers and wipes. 11. Children should be dressed properly for the weather and play. 12. Do not allow children to bring toys from home.

Please do not ask FBA to become involved in personal situations such as divorce, family disagreements, or legal matters that do not pertain to the school.

EE. Parent Visits It is important for us to know that all of our parents are welcome. Please be mindful as to not disrupt their daily routine.

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FF. Nursing Mother’s Room There is a nursing mother’s room located in room 103 in the Primary Suite.

GG. Texas Department of Family and Protective Services FBA is licensed through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS). This organization sets the rules and regulations for all child care entities. We are responsible for meeting or exceeding the minimum standard guidelines on our center at all times. You are welcome to view it when you choose. If you would like a copy, you may call TDFPS and request a copy.

All child-care inspection forms are posted for two months (60 days) after the inspection date in a place visible to all parents, staff and visitors.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services 1110 Avenue G Rosenberg, TX 77471 281.341.4015 Child abuse hotline – 800.252.5400

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XI. STANDARDIZED TESTING PROGRAM Student achievement in PreK3 – 1st grade is assessed three times during the year through Children’s Progress, a computerized assessment program published by the Educational Records Bureau. Student Achievement in 2nd- 8th grade assessed annually through the Educational Records Bureau Comprehensive Testing Program 5 (ERB CTP5).

Administration analyzes results to continually evaluate and improve the educational process. The CTP5 National Norm ranks scores from public and private schools across the nation while the Independent Norm ranks only independent schools across the nation. Please remember, as we do, numbers on a single standardized test do not determine futures. Rather, they help schools set academic goals to help develop educational programs for all students.

XII. CODE OF CONDUCT A. Expectations of Students FBA promotes a vital, personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ for all its students and encourages students to measure their lives against scriptural standards of conduct. “Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young, but be an example to believers in work, in conversation, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)

A student is expected to exemplify respect, integrity and promptness while maintaining a positive attitude and self-control. FBA reserves the right to discipline, suspend or expel a student who is guilty of gross misconduct whether occurring on or off the school campus. Consequences will be determined at the administrator’s discretion.

First Baptist Academy is moving towards the utilization of the Love and Logic® Curriculum as its approach to discipline, which allows children to grow and learn by experiencing the natural consequences of their actions. FBA seeks to instill in each child, a genuine respect for him/herself and for others.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Misbehavior will not be ignored, and students are expected to strive to adhere to FBA’s core principles: • Every attempt will be made to maintain the dignity and self-respect of both the students and the teachers. • Students will be guided and expected to solve their problems, or the ones they create, without creating problems for anyone else. • Students will be given opportunities to make decisions and live with the consequences, be they good or bad. • Misbehavior will be handled with natural or logical consequences instead of punishment, whenever possible.

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• Misbehavior will be viewed as an opportunity for individual problem solving and preparation for the real world as opposed to a personal attack on school or staff. • Students are encouraged to request a “due process” hearing whenever consequences appear to be unfair. • School problems will be handled by school personnel. Criminal activity will be referred to the proper authorities.

There may be times when additional administrative support is warranted. Again, each student’s misbehavior will be dealt with in an appropriate, effective manner, given the unique aspects of the situation.

Classroom teachers handle most discipline concerns in the classroom. FBA is moving towards allowing each teacher setting the classroom expectations, following the Love and Logic® program: • I will treat you with respect, so you will know how to treat me. • Feel free to do anything that doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else. • If you cause a problem, I will ask you to solve it. • If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, I will do something. • What I do, will depend on the special person, and the special situation. • If you feel something is unfair, whisper to me “I’m not sure that’s fair”, and we will talk.

Student Behavior Notices Sometimes, the consequence of misbehavior in grades 3-8 will be a Student Behavior Notice. The purpose of a referral is to reinforce the student’s agreement to act responsibly for his or her own welfare or the welfare of others.

Once a Student Behavior Notice is issued to the student, the student must complete his/her section, have a parent sign it, and return it to school the next day.

Backpacks Backpacks may be worn to and from school, but are not permitted to be carried during the school day. Empty backpacks must be placed in the student’s homeroom classroom during school hours. The student’s name should be on the backpack.

Electronics Use Policy The use of cell phones is not permitted on campus. If a cell phone is brought to campus, it must remain turned off and stored in a backpack until students are picked up from school. Any prohibited use of a cell phone will result in an automatic detention and confiscation. Parents may pick up a student’s cell phone from the front office. The same policy applies for cell phones taken on school field trips, athletics, etc.

Students may use the office phones for contacting parents during the school day.

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During extra-curricular activities, there may be times that those students participating may use a cell phone. All uses of cell phones during these times are at the discretion of the coach or sponsor.

Smart watches are not permitted on campus.

Bullying and Harassment FBA attempts to provide a safe environment for all individuals. Verbal, written, or physical conduct that is deemed inappropriate, demeaning, or disrespectful of others is contrary to FBA’s mission. Threats made either seriously, or in jest, to another student, faculty, or staff member will result in disciplinary consequences. Students are encouraged to report any incidents of harassment to a teacher, a principal, or any other trusted adult. FBA is committed to appropriately addressing any and all witnessed or reported incidents of bullying or harassment. Addressing incidents may include, but are not bound to or limited to, conferences with students and parents, conducting an investigation, the requirement of outside counseling, and taking disciplinary action as warranted (detention, suspension, expulsion) by the severity of the situation.

Retaliation for reporting a bullying or harassment incident or for helping the school will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in additional consequences.

Bullying and/or harassment means any intentional written, electronic, verbal, or physical act or actions against another person that may, but not limited to, include: • Unwelcome and persistent behavior causing one to feel threatened, uncomfortable, unsafe, or humiliated • Verbal misconduct, such as the use of vulgar language, demeaning jokes or comments, ostracizing, racial slurs • Sexual behavior including sexual comments, sexual advances, physical contact, visual conduct in a sexual nature • Cyberbullying

Bullying and/or harassment may have one or more of the following effects: • Causing fear or harm to one’s physical or emotional well-being • Causing substantial damage to one’s belongings • Creating an environment that is humiliating, abusive, hostile, or threatening • Interfering with another student having a safe environment conducive to learning

Cyberbullying Cyber bullying is defined as use of the internet, cell phone, or other electronic devices to send or post text messages or visual images intended to hurt, expose or embarrass another person.

FBA students are expected to demonstrate respect, both on and off campus, for the school and all administration, faculty, and students who are a part of it. Disciplinary action may be taken against students when their off-campus communication causes a disruption to the education environment or

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interferes with another student’s right to learn, or when students portray FBA in a negative manner. Engagement in social media, online blogs and chat features such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc., may result in disciplinary actions if the content includes defamatory comments regarding the school, the faculty, staff, or other students. Criminal action may be taken against a student if the local authorities determine that the actions/verbiage constitutes a true threat.

Disciplinary action may be taken if students are involved in the possession or transmission of inappropriate photos on their cell phones or other electronic devices, regardless of origin. Administration has the right to request such photos be deleted from the student’s cell phones or other electronic devices.

Students and parents are not allowed to take photographs or make video or audio recordings at school without permission of a teacher or administrator.

B. Conduct Marking An important evaluative notice to parents and students is found in the conduct mark given by teachers and placed on progress reports and report cards. Conduct marks are important, in that high marks are necessary in order for a student to remain eligible for athletics, activities, clubs, and honors. Conduct marks are also considered in determining whether or not a student will remain enrolled in the school. All students will start with an “S” in each class. An “E” will be earned by the student. Conduct marks include the following:

E - Excellent S - Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement U - Unsatisfactory

Academic Dishonesty (Cheating) Academic dishonesty is a serious offense. It involves taking information from some source other than the student's own mind and presenting it as if it came from his own mind. Students who are determined to have cheated will receive consequences and may be placed on disciplinary and academic probation. The expectations and understanding of academic dishonesty increase as students age. Academic dishonesty, in any form, may make the student ineligible for all academic honors or awards in all subjects for that school year. Additionally, if the student holds any sort of leadership position in a class, club, or athletic team, he/she may lose his/her position. At the discretion of Administration, the student may be asked to leave First Baptist Academy.

Substance Abuse Use The Board of Trustees for FBA believes that any non-medical involvement (i.e., consumption, procurement, provision) with controlled substances (drugs or alcohol), or material generally acknowledged as harmful to an individual’s physical, spiritual, or psychological health is inconsistent with the Christian lifestyle.

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Although Scripture does not speak directly to the problem of drug abuse, it does instruct individuals in the maintenance of healthful lifestyles and avoidance of harmful indulgences and excesses. Furthermore, since involvement with drugs and alcohol is specifically defined and prohibited under Texas and Federal Criminal Laws, its avoidance is implied by the Biblical injunctive to be subject to our governmental authorities.

As a matter of policy, FBA will investigate fully any incident suggesting involvement with drugs or alcohol on the part of a student whether off campus, on campus or while involved in a school sponsored activity or trip. Confirmation of drug or alcohol use or possession as defined above will be reported to the appropriate legal authorities and will subject the individual(s) involved to immediate disciplinary review by the Head of School and Board of Trustees. Drug usage or possession will be cause for an immediate seven-day suspension with an automatic recommendation to the Board for permanent expulsion. Alcohol use or possession will be cause for an immediate five-day suspension. A second alcohol related incident will be cause for an immediate seven-day suspension with an automatic recommendation to the Board for permanent expulsion. No differentiation will be made based on the amount of a substance found, possessed or used. One ounce will be treated the same as one gallon and one gram as one kilo.

Dismissal A student can be dismissed from FBA for any behavior, on or off campus that reflects negatively on the school. Any violation of city, state or federal law that results in an arrest and/or indictment is grounds for dismissal.

Sexual Misconduct FBA is a ministry to students from early childhood through 8th grade who are no older than 15 years old. All of our students are minors and are responsible to their parents, and/or legal guardians. Students are not allowed to participate in any sexual conduct during school or at school events, on or off campus.

The position of the school is tied directly to Scripture in that any sort/form of sexual conduct is reserved for married adults. Any form of sexually related contact between children as defined by Board Policy, either direct or indirect, is prohibited and is grounds for dismissal. Sexual misconduct includes any inappropriate pictures and includes postings on any form of social networking sites or on electronic/handheld devices. Acts of sexual misconduct will be determined by the Head of School and/or the Board of Trustees.

Pornography Students may be dismissed from FBA for viewing and/or discussing pornographic materials either on or off campus. Students are not allowed to bring pornographic material, hard or soft, onto campus. This kind of material in any medium, disc or Internet, is not to be accessed, via Internet, stored or brought on campus. Violating this rule may result in expulsion from school.

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C. Levels of Disciplinary Action School Detention In grades 3-8, one consequence may be a detention. Detentions are held each Tuesday from 3:15-4:00 in a Middle School classroom or for Lower School student in the Lower School Principal’s office. Failure to report for detention may lead to further disciplinary action(s). Detentions are given and supervised by school faculty and staff.

Students may not miss detention in order to participate in an extra-curricular activity without prior approval.

Suspensions Serious misbehavior may warrant an in-school or out-of-school suspension.

During an in-school suspension, a student spends a day in isolation in the Lower School or Middle School office, completing assignments. The student will not be allowed to attend classes or eat lunch with classmates.

During an out-of-school suspension, a student stays at home during the school day. All classwork is expected to be completed.

Students may not attend any extracurricular activities on the day either an in-school or out-of-school suspension is served.

The amount of time served for either in-school or out-of-school suspensions will be determined by the administration or the disciplinary board. A student may be placed on disciplinary probation or asked to leave First Baptist Academy during the year or not offered re-enrollment for the following school year, after multiple suspensions.

Expulsions By allowing students to learn from the consequences of their actions, most FBA students are positively redirected towards correcting the problems caused by their misbehavior. Unfortunately, there may be times a student’s behavior is deemed detrimental to the school community and will be asked to withdraw or be expelled from the school.

First Baptist Academy reserves the right to expel a student who has shown blatant disregard for school regulations. Re-enrollment is not automatic.

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D. Dress Code It is the responsibility of FBA to establish reasonable standards of dress, which enhance the smooth and orderly administration, operation, and discipline of the school for the benefit of the students and staff. This dress code will contribute to an atmosphere conducive to learning. A standard code of dress will be in force for all students in PreK3 - 8th grade while a student is on campus and may be required at some school activities.

Uniform items must be purchased from Sue Mills Uniform Company, according to the published uniform dress code list. You may purchase in the store or online. The following website lists the Houston locations and the current dress code list, If a student cannot be fitted at Mills, FBA requires the parent to submit a letter from the uniform company to the appropriate school level principal.

Other Uniform guidelines: 1. ONLY solid white, gray or navy (no printed or graphics) short-sleeved or long-sleeved T-shirts may be worn under uniform shirts. 2. Belts are required for all shorts and slacks with belt loops. 3. All pants and skirts must be worn at the waist. 4. Shirts must be tucked in at all times. 5. Solid white, gray, or navy tights or leggings may be worn under uniforms. 6. Socks or knee highs are required. No-show socks are acceptable. 7. Athletic shoes, Sperry’s, or TOMS may be worn. No hiking type boot/shoe, no shoes/boots above the ankle, no platform shoes, high heels or sandals are allowed. PreK3-4th grade students may also follow these same shoe guidelines on Chapel days. On Chapel days, Middle School students are required to wear a nicer shoe, including loafers or dress shoes. Athletic shoes are not permitted for Middle School students on Chapel days. 8. PreK3 through 8th grade will wear the official Chapel dress on FBA’s designated Chapel day. 9. Students may wear black, navy, white, or gray socks. 10. Only FBA designed jackets/sweatshirts may be worn on non-Chapel days. On Chapel day, only navy sweaters/jackets may be worn. 11. Athletic, cheerleader, band or choir attire is approved dress and may be worn when designated by the sponsor. Some circumstances may require students to wear Chapel dress on alternate day. 12. Skirt and short length: The hem must measure no more than 6 inches from the floor when the student is kneeling. SHORTS ARE REQUIRED UNDER ALL SKIRTS. 13. Girls’ Hair Bows - Solids and small prints or plaids in navy, white, khaki or gray. 14. Girls’ Jewelry - One small ring per hand may be worn; one small bracelet may be worn; small earrings (no multiple earrings). 15. Girls’ cosmetics – Light cosmetics are acceptable in Middle School as long as it is not a distraction to others. No girls’ cosmetics in Primary School or Lower School.

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Spirit Dress for Boys and Girls Regular Uniform Dress Code is to be followed with exceptions: Bottoms: Blue or black jeans, or uniform slacks, shorts, skorts or skirts. No blue jean shorts, overalls, cargo pants, athletic wear, capri pants, etc. may be worn. Tops: FBA approved spirit t-shirt or uniform shirt. Shoes: Athletic shoes, Sperry’s, TOMS, boots that are in good condition and colored socks. Belts: Belts are required for all bottoms with belt loops. Girls’ Bows: Girls may wear colored bows.

Other Dress Days for Boys and Girls Other Dress days will be announced by the respective Principals. On those days, all students must be dressed in a modest manner and make a positive statement with their appearance.

E. Hair Code Hair must be out of the student’s eyes and clean and combed at all times. Students may use a natural hair color shade, if colored or highlighted. Extreme hairstyles are not permitted including, but not limited to, mohawks, shaving of numbers, letters, or symbols into the hair. Boys hair must be clean cut that is tapered above the ears and the back of the neck and may not touch the top of the shirt collar.

F. Care of Personal Belongings by Students Care of personal belongings is the student's responsibility. FBA will strive to provide secure places for personal belongings, but students are responsible to secure personal items in spaces provided. Students should leave valuable items and large amounts of cash at home. Students are expected to keep their belongings secured in the classroom or locked in their lockers. Middle School students are expected to lock personal items in their athletic lockers in the dressing rooms. No personal items should be left on campus overnight or over the weekend. FBA will not be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen belongings. Students should report any lost or stolen items to their teacher or principal.

G. Field/Class Trips and Athletic Events Age appropriate enrichment experiences that supplement and enhance the curriculum are provided for PreK3-8th grade students.

The following rules apply to trips/athletic events: 1. A student must have written permission from the parent/guardian. 2. All school rules are in effect during field trips. Primary and Lower School students may bring no more than $10.00 spending money. No electronic equipment is allowed on field trips. 3. Field trip dress for Primary, Lower and Middle School is FBA uniform, navy polo shirt and khaki shorts, or slacks. 4. Students must travel by transportation provided by the school except when accompanied by the parent. Only students and school personnel may travel in school vehicles or chartered buses. Parents must provide their own transportation for trips and may not transport any other child but their own.

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5. Administration will determine the number of parent sponsors required for each trip. Parents may not bring their other children on school trips. Parent chaperones may attend Primary and Lower School field trips with their child’s class. 6. Students with an “F” in any course or two “N’s” or a “U” in conduct, or excessive absences will not be allowed to go on trips without special permission from the principal. 7. Students absent from trips and not at school will be counted as absent from school. 8. Students taking trips with school clubs or special groups are responsible to obtain and complete all assignments before the trip. Students with excessive absences or conduct problems may be asked to remain on campus.

Primary School Trips Students in PreK4 will participate in off-campus field trips, which supplement the curriculum. Younger students are provided with on-campus enrichment activities.

Lower School Trips Age appropriate enrichment experiences that supplement the curriculum are provided for all Lower School students. These experiences include educational field trips to places of scientific, historical or literary interest.

Middle School Trips Age appropriate enrichment experiences that supplement the curriculum are provided for all Middle School students. These experiences include educational field trips to places of scientific, historical or literary interest, 7th and 8th Leadership Retreat, 7th grade Texas Tour and 8th grade D.C. Trip.

XIII. COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTS A. Progress Reports It is the policy of FBA to communicate with parents about their child's progress. Parents are encouraged to contact a teacher when a question or concern arises over their child's academic progress or conduct.

Lower School progress reports will be sent out at mid-quarter.

Middle School grades will be posted live and current online. “At risk” students may not participate in athletics/extra-curricular activities. See Athletic Handbook attached for policy and details.

B. Report Cards The student report card is posted to the FBA Parent Portal a few days after the close of the first, second, and third nine-week grading periods. Year-end report cards will be mailed to all students. Report cards are issued at nine-week intervals (see the School Calendar as to dates of issue). Parents should be alert to these dates and expect student report cards on the FBA Parent Portal or in the mail.

If the parent is behind in tuition payment, the report card will be held. No academic information will be forwarded to any other school or agency for a family whose financial records are in arrears.

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C. Parent/Teacher Conferences Formal Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled in both the fall and spring for PreK3 – 8th grades. Students are expected to attend Parent/Teacher Conferences in grades 5-8. Teachers are available throughout the year for meetings discussing student achievement. Parents should email the teacher to set up an appointment.

D. Honor Roll Lower School Honor Roll After each nine-week grading period, an honor roll is published for 2nd - 4th grades. The Lower School honor roll requires that students earn all “A's”, independently, in the core subjects of reading, language (English), spelling, math, science, social studies, and Bible. A student's classroom conduct must be an “E” or “S”. All Enrichment class grades must be an “E” or “S.”

Middle School Honor Roll After each nine-week grading period, the Head of School and Principal’s Honor Rolls for 5th – 8th grade is published. The Head of School Honor Roll requires students earn all “A’s” in the core subjects of literature, English, math, science, social studies, and Bible. The Principal’s Honor Roll requires students to earn at least a “90” overall average and no grade below “80” in the subject areas of literature, English, math, science, social studies and Bible. Electives and P.E. are not included in the cumulative average. A student’s conduct must be an “E” or “S” in conduct for all classes to qualify for either Honor Roll.

XIV. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY A. Attendance Policy for Lower and Middle School Students may not miss more than 10 days of school per semester. Missing more than 10 days per semester may result in failure to be promoted. Exceptional cases such as extended illness, may be exempted by the principal, but in such cases a doctor's note or other supporting evidence must be submitted at the time of occurrence.

Classwork may be provided to the student and completed in advance at the teacher’s discretion, for a pre-planned absence. For all other absences, students have one day per day absent to make up all work missed. For Middle School, this includes missed work in a block schedule. Although a Middle School student may not have the specified class the next school day, the responsibility is on the student to turn in missed work on the next day whether or not he/she has that specified class.

Middle School specific: Mid-terms and final exams will not be administered in advance. The school is not obligated to provide special testing accommodations to a student whose parent opts to schedule activities that require absence on scheduled exam days as indicated on the school calendar.

Students are expected to be in the classroom ready to learn by the 7:45 AM bell. Occasionally, tardies occur. Middle School students and Lower School 3rd and 4th grade students are permitted six tardies per

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quarter before a detention is earned. Halfway through each quarter, the principal will run a tardy report and communicate with students in risk of earning a detention for this reason.

B. Family Vacations Vacations that take students out of school are discouraged. However, since there may be times when parent-accompanied trips do not coincide with the school calendar, exceptions may be permitted. The principal's office must be notified in writing five school days in advance of parent-accompanied trips. (These absences will count toward the student’s 10 absence total). The principal will notify the parent and the teacher if the absences for the trip are approved. The decision will be made on the basis of the student's academic standing, conduct, and attendance. It is the parent/students responsibility to obtain assignments, complete and turn in missed assignments and tests. All work missed must be turned in to the classroom teacher on the day the student returns to school or on the date determined by the principal and/or teachers.

C. Procedure to Follow When Student is Absent from School A phone call and a written note from the parent are mandatory when a student is absent. On each day a student is absent from school, the parent must call the school to report absences. To report absences, please call:

Primary School students - (713) 957-6722 Lower and Middle School students - (713) 290-2500

Please call no later than 9:00 AM to report the reason for the absence. If a student is absent and the parent has not notified the Attendance Office by 9:00 AM, the attendance clerk will call the parent at home or at his/her place of business. Upon returning to school following an absence, the Primary and Lower School students must present to his/her homeroom teacher a signed note from the parent stating the date of and reason for the absence. Lower School teachers will make copy of note and give to attendance clerk. Middle School students must present to the attendance clerk a signed note from the parent stating the reason for the absence. An admit will be given by the attendance clerk and the Middle School student will have the admit signed by all teachers. The last period teacher will return the signed Admit to the Attendance Office by the end of the day.

D. Make Up Work (PreK - 8) It is the student's responsibility to check with the teacher for all school work missed due to absence. A student is discouraged from depending on classmates alone for this information. Each student should talk with each teacher the first day back in class in order to avoid receiving a "0" on work left incomplete. Unexcused absences result in "0's" for major tests and all other work missed. A student with an excused absence has the same number of days to make-up work missed as days absent from class and in special circumstances, the teacher is authorized to give extensions for completion of make-up work, especially in cases where a student may have received an "I". The first day a Middle School student is absent, the student should check the teacher portals for missed work. If additional days are

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missed, the parent should contact the middle school office so that the office can compile the different class work for pickup.

It is the policy of FBA that students make up any tests (for which test material was not covered in class while the student was absent) on the first day the student returns to school. In the case of an absence, exceptions to this policy may be approved by the school principal.

E. Procedure to Follow When Student is Tardy to School Students must go directly to the Attendance Desk if arriving after 7:45 AM for Lower School and Middle School. Lower and Middle School students will be given a tardy slip. The student is to give the tardy slip to his/her first period or homeroom teacher.

F. Leaving School Before Regular Dismissal Students are required by law to be in school unless they are ill. Students will be granted an early dismissal for emergencies and for medical and dental appointments when those appointments cannot be scheduled outside school hours. All other activities should be scheduled after school. Students excused for a medical or dental appointment are expected to return to school at the end of the appointment if time permits and check in at the Attendance Desk immediately upon returning to campus. A physician's note is required, or the absence will be unexcused.

All requests for early dismissals must be made in writing. Permission for an early dismissal for a student in Bridge Kinder – 4th grades should be presented to the homeroom teacher at the start of the school day. Permission for early dismissals for students in 5th – 8th grades should be submitted by 7:45 AM to the attendance clerk at the beginning of the school day. To pick up a Middle School student, parent must report to the Main Office downstairs. All visitors will have their driver’s license scanned before being allowed beyond the main office area. Students are required to report to the main office downstairs where they will meet their parents or the parent’s designated representative.

Primary school parents should go directly to their child’s classroom to sign out and pick up their child. To pick up a Lower or Middle School student, the parent must report to the FBA Attendance Desk. For the safety of our students and so that the school can fulfill its responsibility to parents in caring for student safety, parents are required to sign out their child before going directly to the classroom to pick up their student.

G. Withdrawing a Student from School Primary School Infants-2 years old – Parents should provide written 30-day notice of student’s withdrawal to the Assistant Director of Admissions – Early Childhood.

PreK3-PreK4 – Parents should provide a written notice of student’s withdrawal to the Assistant Director of Admissions – Early Childhood. Note the PreK3-PreK4 students are under contract for the tuition, so

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parents also need to contact the Business Office regarding tuition balance due and fill out tuition insurance papers, if insurance was purchased.

Lower and Middle School A Lower and Middle School parent must make a written request to the Head of School or Principal to initiate a student's withdrawal from school. The school registrar will initiate the withdrawal form which must be signed by several school officials and by each of the student’s teachers. The respective Principal’s office will ensure that the locker is cleaned out and school property is returned. The withdrawal form will list grades to date and will assist the student in entering another school. The withdrawal form and other student records will be released only when the above process is complete and when the student's financial record is clear.

XV. CAMPUS POLICY A. Visitors For safety reasons FBA is a closed campus. All parents and visitors must report to the main office, present identification, sign in, and obtain an FBA Visitor's Badge. No exceptions. School security may be alerted if resistance to this policy is noted.

B. Lower and Middle School Students on Campus After School Hours Only students participating in extracurricular activities, extended activities, detention or under the supervision of a teacher may remain on campus after 3:15 PM. After 3:30 PM all Lower and Middle School students will be enrolled in the FBA Encore Program. Fees for the Encore Program can be obtained through the Business Office.

C. Encore All Lower and Middle School students who remain on campus after 3:30 PM are required to enroll in Encore, our extended care program. An opportunity to complete homework is provided. Other activities include games, movies, and after school activities. Snacks are served each day and some physical activity is encouraged. A fee will be charged for students pick up after 6:00 PM. Those students not in Encore must be accompanied by parent/guardian while on school property after school hours.

D. Primary School Late Pickup Parents of full-day Primary school students picked up after 6:05PM are assessed a late fee of $15 per 15- minute increments.

Parents of half-day Primary school students picked up after 12:05PM, are assessed a late fee as follows each time the parent is late: 12:05-12:20 $15 12:20-12:40 $30 12:40-1PM $45 1PM-6PM $60

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E. Babysitting It is not acceptable for our faculty to babysit students on school property during school hours (7:45AM – 3:45PM).

F. Oasis Room (FBA Cafeteria Area) The Oasis Room is not only a place to eat but also a place to enjoy the company of others, to engage in quiet talking and to practice good manners. Students are expected to conduct themselves in acceptable ways and help keep the area clean. Trash receptacles are located throughout the Oasis Room. Parents who bring their student’s lunch to school must label the lunch, check in at the Front desk to obtain a Visitor’s badge and then take the lunch to the Oasis area. The front reception desk will not collect lunches and pass out to students.

Parents having lunch with their child should sign in and out at the front reception desk and wear a visitor’s badge while on campus. Requests for students from other schools to visit during lunch must be submitted in writing at least 24 hours in advance to the principal. For birthday plans, please notify your teacher in advance (Lower School students) or the principal’s office (Middle School students).

Students are not to leave the school grounds for lunch unless approved by Administration. Parents are requested to limit lunch visits to special occasions and obtain prior approval from the principal. Students are not allowed to order food from outside vendors. Failure to follow this rule will result in disciplinary action.

G. Library Mission and Goal Statements The mission of the Karen Lennard Lee Library of FBA is to aid in the development of 21st century information seekers by providing the tools and resources necessary to empower students to become critical thinkers, skillful researchers, ethical users and enthusiastic readers. The Library seeks to promote a love of reading in all students by creating a culture of readers in every grade level.

The general library goals of the Karen Lennard Lee Library shall be: • To develop in each student the skills necessary to be information literate. • To provide access to print and non-print materials. • To cultivate a love of reading through the promotion of all types of literature. • To give students opportunities to explore new technology and give them the opportunity to create original work. • To create a collaborative environment which supports the curriculum of all grade levels.

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Use of the Library The library will serve all students, faculty, staff, and parents of First Baptist Academy. Service will not be denied or abridged to these individuals for any reason. The use of the library may, however, be restricted for due cause. Such cause may include, but not be limited to, failure to return library materials, nonpayment of fines or replacement costs, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other illegal, disruptive, or objectionable conduct on library premises.

Materials Selection/Collection Development Policy Objectives: The purpose of the Karen Lennard Lee Library is to provide patrons with carefully selected books and other materials to aid students in the pursuit of academic and spiritual enrichment, the seeking of information, and completion of research. Reading for pleasure is strongly encouraged for all students, faculty, and staff.

Because of the volume of publishing, as well as the limitations of budget and space, the library must have a selection policy with which to meet the needs of the faculty, staff, and students.

The materials selection/collection development policy is used by the library staff in the selection of materials and also serves to acquaint the school community with the principals of selection. The materials selection/collection development policy, like all other policies, will be reviewed and/or revised as the need arises.

Responsibility for Selection: The ultimate responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the Library Director who operates within the framework of the policies he or she has set down under the auspices of the administration of FBA. This responsibility may be shared with other members of the library staff; however, the Library Director, Principals and Head of School has the final say on selection or rejection of materials.

Criteria for Selection 1. The main points considered in the selection of materials are: a. Individual merit of each item b. Popular appeal/demand c. Suitability of material for the clientele d. Existing library holdings e. Budget 2. Reviews are a major source of information about new materials 3. The lack of a review or an unfavorable review shall not be the sole reason for rejecting a title, which is in demand. Consideration is, therefore, given to requests from library patrons and books discussed on public media. Materials are judged on the basis of the work as a whole, not a part taken out of context.

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Potential Problems or Challenges The Karen Lennard Lee Library recognizes that some materials may be perceived as controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the basis of principles stated in this policy.

Responsibility for the reading choices of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be solely determined on the basis that children of a certain age may select an item from the shelf.

Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no library material will be sequestered except to protect it from damage or theft.

• Challenged Materials Although materials are carefully selected, differences of opinion regarding suitability of materials may arise. Parents requesting that material be withdrawn from or restricted within the collection may complete a “Statement of Concern about Library Resources” form available in the Library. Inquiries are put before a committee for Library Material Review and the parent will be notified of the result.

• Materials Review Procedure The Committee for Library Material Review is comprised of the Library Director, the school level Principal, one teacher from each school and a Parent of a child in the same school. The Committee is convened only when there is an inquiry. Each member will read the work in its entirety and voting will be conducted by a secret ballot to ensure the integrity of the Committee’s work. The parent submitting the challenge will be notified of the Committee’s decision in writing as quickly as possible. The decision of the Committee will be final and not subject to appeal.

Circulation Policy Registration: All students, faculty, and staff will be included in the circulation program of the library and each classification will have its own loan periods. Fines may be assessed according to the schedule printed in Section B.

Loan Periods: Lower School students may check out one to two library books for a period of one week. Books may be renewed up to two times without the approval of library staff. Middle school students may check out up to five books for two weeks. Books may be renewed up to two times without the approval of library staff. Faculty and staff may check out up to thirty items for 30 days if the materials are to be used in conjunction with their classroom objectives. Up to five books for personal use may be checked out for three weeks with one renewal.

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Fines and Charges: Overdue items may be assessed a fine of $0.10 per day, not to exceed $10.00. When the maximum fine is accrued, the item will be presumed lost and the student will be billed for the replacement value of the book. If the book is returned prior to the end of a semester, then the value of the book will be credited and only the maximum fine plus a $5 service charge will be assessed. Failure to pay all library fines will result in report card holds. Once fines reach $3.00, a patron will no longer be able to check out or renew materials until the items are returned and all fines are paid.

Damaged Materials: If materials are damaged and judged as being unsuitable for the collection, the patron must pay the replacement cost. A notice of these charges will be sent to the borrower. Depending upon the extent of the damage the patron may be allowed to keep the damaged materials that he has paid for.

Equipment Use Policy Students must have turned in the FBA Acceptable Use Policy form before they will be given access to library equipment.

Several computers and other electronic devices are available to patrons on a first-come, first- served basis; printing services are offered as a courtesy; however, continued abuse of these services may result in their suspension by library staff.

Users are advised that there are restrictions on the use of copyrighted materials. Any violation of copyright is the responsibility of the patron and not the library or any of its staff.

Revision of Library Policies The preceding statements of Karen Lennard Lee Library's policies shall be subject to review and needed revision at least every five years by the Library and school administration. Individual policies will be reviewed or added as needed.

H. Lost and Found Students often misplace articles of clothing, books, band instruments and other personal property. When school employees and students find such articles, the articles should be taken to the front reception desk. At the end of each month, unclaimed articles will be donated or discarded.

I. Emergency Drills Fire, emergency weather and intruder drills, are conducted during the school year. Each alarm should be considered a true emergency. Students should be familiar with emergency drill regulations and procedures described by teachers and posted in each classroom. These include the need to walk without speaking and to move quickly and quietly to the designated area.

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J. Emergency Closing of School Emergency closing of school may be necessary either before school begins or during the school day. 1. When severe inclement weather occurs before school opens, FBA will take HISD and SBISD school closings into consideration. Please monitor local stations for notification of closings. Depending on conditions at the time, parents and faculty will be alerted by text message, listing on the school website, voicemail by 6:30am, (or sooner if possible) and/or on several designated television or radio stations. The most reliable method of communication is calling the main school number (713) 290-2500 for information. This plan will also be used for group notifications such as athletic and academic groups whose schedules may change due to inclement weather or other issues. 2. If a school closing is initiated after the day has begun, parents will be notified by email and/or phone/text, if possible. In the event of an emergency school closing, personnel will remain with the students until parents are able to pick up their children. For the safety of the students and personnel, parents should pick up their children as soon as possible. Should an emergency arise, parents may contact FBA and check their child out of school through the attendance office.

K. Campus Security For the safety and security of students FBA has on site security officers on duty. No one is allowed in school areas who is not wearing proper identification, namely a Visitors Badge for all visitors.

L. Printed Material Administration and Advancement Department must approve all copying and distribution of printed material (flyers, brochures, posters, etc.) before the material is displayed or distributed on campus. Advance approval is not intended to restrict the distribution of material concerning school-sponsored and approved activities, but to maintain proper branding, accuracy and consistency of information.

M. Delivery of Gifts The school discourages the delivery of flowers, balloons or other gifts for students during the day. Students will be notified that their gift will be held for pickup at the Attendance Desk at the end of the school day.

N. Class Parties Unless the entire class (Primary and Lower School) or grade level (Middle School) is invited, invitations to parties are not permitted to distributed on the school campus.

Primary School Primary school parties will be held on Christmas, Valentine’s Day, the Thursday before Easter, and the last day of school in May – except for the Infant-2 classes (August - TBD). Classroom parties including birthday parties should be kept simple with cupcakes, or cookies and juice. No party favors.

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Lower School There will be no class parties during school hours except regularly scheduled and approved parties. In the Lower School three class parties will be held: Christmas, Valentine's Day, and the last day of school. Parties should be kept simple with items like: punch, juice and cookies provided by parents or parent volunteers. The menu and theme must be submitted to the homeroom teachers for approval at least 10 school days before the party. Homeroom teachers must set up a meeting with their room mothers to plan and approve the Christmas and End of Year Parties. Birthday celebrations will be held in the classroom at the end of the day or during lunch. If sharing treats, all members of the homeroom should be included.

Middle School Middle School class parties are not sponsored by FBA, but may be planned and chaperoned by parents. During fall and spring final exams, parent volunteers provide and serve refreshments to Middle School students between exams.

O. Graduations/Promotions End of year promotion/graduation ceremonies are planned for students completing PreK4, 4th and 8th grades. Details regarding the day’s events and dress code for the special ceremonies will be released closer to the day.

P. Procedures for Arrival and Dismissal of Students A map showing traffic flow for morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up of students is distributed at the beginning of each school year. These procedures are established for the safety and security of our students. Parents are required to follow these procedures, so students can be properly supervised during transitions times before and after school. Students dropped-off or picked-up in non-designated areas will receive after school detention.

Primary School Students may arrive at school no earlier than 7:00 AM FBA is not responsible for students dropped-off before 7:00 a. m. For safety reasons and to keep children out of traffic areas during drop-off and pick-up of students, we strongly encourage parents to park in the south parking lot and use the appropriate crosswalk. If you are unable to utilize the south parking lots, we discourage drop-off on Memorial Woods Drive. When approaching FBA on the feeder road from Silber Road, by-pass the first entrance to FBA, and turn right at the second entrance on Memorial Woods Drive. If entering the campus from North Post Oak, you will be entering in the traffic lane that will allow you to park legally. If you must park on the curb, remember to park legally and to have your child’s car seat on the passenger side of the vehicle. This will keep your child away from traffic areas. A map for drop-off and pick-up procedures is included at the end of handbook.

Parents of full-day Primary School students picked up after 6:05 PM are accessed a late fee of $15 per 15-minute increments.

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Lower and Middle School Arrival Lower and Middle School students may arrive at school no earlier than 7:15 AM FBA is not responsible for students dropped off before 7:15 AM Lower and Middle School students may be dropped off in the circle drive after 7:15 AM Third and fourth grade students must report to the Library and will be escorted to class by teacher on duty. Bridge Kinder- second grade students report to the early morning room on the second floor until class starts at 7:45. Beginning at 7:15 AM, Middle School students may be dropped off in the circle drive and proceed to the Oasis Room. After 7:30 AM, all students are to be dropped off in the circle drive in front of the Oasis Room. Middle School students will be escorted by the early morning duty teachers to class at 7:30 AM Middle School students arriving after 7:45 AM should report to Attendance clerk for a pass. Lower School Teachers will be on duty on the first floor of the Educational Tower Lobby to monitor students riding the elevator.

Dismissal For student safety the following rules will apply:

1. All Lower and Middle School students will be dismissed from the Oasis Room. Parents should not take the children out of the line on the way to the Oasis without alerting the homeroom teacher.

2. Lower and Middle School students must be picked up by 3:30 PM or they will be checked into Encore. Encore charges will apply. Students may not stay after school unless they are involved in a school sanctioned activity or accompanied by their parent.

3. Parents are required to contact the attendance clerk before noon if someone other than individuals on their approved list for student pickup will be picking up their student.

4. Students will only be loaded into vehicles displaying authorized carpool numbers.

5. Students that are picked up by individuals without a carpool number must be on the approved pickup list submitted by the parents and must show picture ID to the teacher/principal before the student is released to the individual.

6. Drivers are prohibited from using mobile phones while in the circle drive.

7. Drivers must remain in their vehicles while in the carpool line.

8. Students must enter and exit vehicles on the curb side.

9. Students or parents are not allowed between cars in the carpool line.

10. Unloading/ loading backpacks and athletic equipment, etc. from the back of vehicles must take place in the safety of the south parking lot or by school personnel.

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All administration, faculty and staff, and specifically teachers on morning duty and/or carpool duty must enforce the above policies for the safety of our students. Replacement tags are available in the Admissions Office. Cost of each new carpool tag is $5.00.

XVI. BUS PROCEDURES All school rules are in effect while students are being transported in school vehicles.

Parents are not allowed to ride on an FBA bus. Parents should make plans to accompany the field trip in a private vehicle. Teachers that are designated chaperones on the trip must ride the bus with the kids. Backpacks, gym bags, coolers, instruments, etc., may be placed in the storage compartment of the bus. No food or drinks are allowed on the school-owned buses. Students are not allowed to bring personal electronic devise (i.e. laptops, phones or MP3 players) on buses.

XVII. ACTIVITIES A. Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities ACADEMIC ENDEAVORS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER OTHER ACTIVITIES. All students begin the year eligible. Eligibility will be based on one reporting period to the next. All students start the year eligible and will remain eligible unless they earn an “F” in any subject or receive two N’s or one U in conduct at:

1. 3 Weeks: Warning issued.

2. 6 Weeks: Students are ineligible weekly until passing grades and Satisfactory or Excellent conduct are held in all classes. Ineligible students can work out/practice during this time, but may not ride the bus, sit in uniform on bench or participate in scheduled games that week with the team. Grade checks will be done at the end of the day each Thursday to determine eligibility for the following Monday through Friday until the 9-week reporting period has ended. Students must be passing all classes to regain eligibility.

3. 9 Weeks/Semester: Students are ineligible for three weeks. Students can work out/practice and try out for upcoming sports, but grades will weigh against the students who are trying out. Students must be passing all classes, with Satisfactory or Excellent conduct, at the end of three weeks to regain eligibility.

During the period of ineligibility, the principal may determine that an ineligible student should forgo practice to concentrate on his/her studies. Each case will be evaluated on its own merit. While ineligible, a student may not dress out in team uniforms.

Students must be present at school by lunch time to participate in an after-school performance or practice. The principal determines when excessive absences make a student ineligible.

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B. Enrollment Status Standards concerning organization/club officers, athletic captains, head cheerleader, etc., are unique to the organization and may be found in the organization's constitution and by-laws. Students must have submitted a re-enrollment contract and paid the deposit in order to run for any organization’s office, tryout for cheerleader or participate in pre-season or summer athletics. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to verify every student’s enrollment status before allowing them to participate.

C. Clubs/Organizations Clubs/organizations are an important part of the life of a school. Each student/parent is encouraged to join at least one club/organization. All clubs/organizations will adhere to FBA school rules.

Through these organizations, FBA students will be provided with opportunities to interact socially, to form lasting friendships, to develop leadership and to learn the value of assuming a responsibility and following it through to completion.

FBA Parent Associations FBA parents are encouraged to participate in the FBA First Friends, Friends of the Fine Arts and the Warrior Booster Club. These parent organizations provide opportunities for parents to get to know each other while contributing countless volunteer hours that enhance the FBA community.

Parents who plan to serve in leadership capacities of such clubs must have their child re- enrolled for the upcoming school year before submitting their name for election to any office.

National Junior Honor Society Eligibility for application to the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is based on academic performance. Students who meet the initial requirements are given an application. Final selection for membership is based on standards set by the National Junior Honor Society. These include leadership, character, participation in school and community activities, and teacher recommendation, in addition to academic performance. Regular inclusion on the honor roll does not be automatically guarantee a student an invitation to join the National Junior Honor Society. The application must be filled out thoroughly in order to clearly represent the student's profile to the Selection Committee in relation to national standards.

Student Council Eligibility for application to the Student Council is based on academic performance and conduct. Students who meet the initial requirements are given an application. Final selection for membership will be decided by the Middle School principal and the Student Council Sponsor.

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D. Awards Academic Award ceremonies are held in the Spring during Chapel to recognize those students achieving high excellence in their studies. Additionally, Athletic Awards are held throughout the year during Chapel to recognize the athletic accomplishments of our students. All parents are welcome to attend. Parents will be notified ahead of time if their student is receiving an award.

XVIII. RE-ENROLLMENT A. Maintaining Student Permanent Records Upon a student’s completion of the 8th grade, FBA will maintain/retain for seven years a student’s permanent record consisting of: 1. End of year report card 2. Results of Standardized Testing 3. Middle School transcript

B. Student Visas FBA has been approved by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program to issue Student Visa, Form I-20. For international students interested in attending FBA, the following procedures must be met. International students must fulfill all the requirements and must submit the following: 1. Certified English translations of all school transcripts, as needed. 2. Submittal of documentation verifying ability to meet financial obligation of tuition and living expenses while in the . 3. Telephone and/or Skype interview. 4. Must have a host family to stay with and Proof of Health Insurance Coverage in the USA. 5. Students must be able to communicate effectively in English as well as understand and be able to follow instructions in English.

XIX. FINANCIAL INFORMATION We are grateful that the majority of our parents make sacrificial efforts to keep their tuition and fees paid in a timely manner. The following policies have been adopted to make certain that FBA is fiscally responsible to all its students and parents.

A. Delinquent Account Policy If an account is delinquent at the time report cards are issued, the report card is withheld. If a student withdraws from school with a delinquent account, no school records will be forwarded.

Payment of tuition and fees for the current school year, which remain, will result in the withdrawal of the student from school until payment of tuition and fees becomes current.

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Any student whose tuition or fees are delinquent may not participate in any extra-curricular activity that involves any cost or expense other than those activities or trips normally included in tuition or fees. A student whose tuition account is delinquent may not travel with the choir, band, or any other group where a parent must pay all or a portion of the cost to participate.

XX. ADVANCEMENT A. Ways to Give FBA is grateful for the generous gifts of time, talent, energy and funds that our families make to our school each year. These gifts are offered in many ways, from small acts of kind volunteerism in the classroom to generous financial contributions offered through FBA Annual Fund and special events. FBA has great hopes and aspirations for each year, and plans will translate into wonderful experiences for your children. The support of the entire FBA community is needed to bring these plans to fruition.

Please contact the FBA Advancement office, 713 290-2525 or [email protected] for specific details on giving.

FBA's Warrior Fund is a vitally important source of support for the school. This fundraising effort helps to make up the difference between tuition receipts and what it actually costs to educate each child. As in many independent schools, only a portion of FBA’s operating budget comes from tuition. In essence, this means that each child receives a “scholarship”, and shortfall must be made up through fundraising projects. By supporting the Warrior Fund, you will make a critical investment in our teachers, specialists, curricular and extracurricular programs -- the elements that make this school different from any other. Each year, FBA reaches out to the entire FBA community - parents, teachers, administrators and friends - to build a strong Warrior Fund. FBA needs the support of every member of its community to reach the goal and prays that every family in the school will participate.

B. Fund Raising and Purchasing Policy In no case is a student, parent, teacher or group authorized to implement a fundraising project. In no case is a student, parent or teacher authorized to solicit parents or others on behalf of the school, order sales paraphernalia, sign agreements for trips, reserve meals at restaurants, or to encumber the school for any expense whatever without prior authorization from administration. Violation of this policy may result in payment of the items by the originating person. Forms for Fund Raising Request is available in the Advancement or Administration Offices and on FBA Parent Portal.

C. Public Relations/Media Relations Management of the public and media relations is a function of the administration and Board of Trustees. Any opportunities to put the FBA name before the public, whether at a public gathering, through television and radio or in the print media should be discussed with the administration. All school related contacts with, or press releases, to the media must be coordinated by the advancement department to ensure a systematic approach to public relations.

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D. Gift Acceptance Policy Payment of commitments to FBA may take the form of one or a combination of the following: cash, marketable securities, or real property that can be converted to cash within a reasonable time period of one to three years.

Donor gift commitments are recognized in a manner consistent with the donor’s wishes and the guidelines approved by the Board of Trustees. Recognition of gifts inspire other gifts; however, requests by donors for anonymity are honored. Permission to publicly recognize a donor and his/her gift is assumed unless otherwise requested.

The school does not accept gifts when it is determined there is no charitable intent on the part of the donor, nor does it accept gifts that are contingent on the employment of specific individuals. The school reserves the right to decline any gift.

XXI. HEALTH INFORMATION A. Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record) FBA maintains all student medical information on an online database called Magnus Health SMR. As this is a web-based system, parents will have continuous access to their child’s health record as well as the ability to make updates when needed. All forms needed before school start will be submitted through this online database. Communication will be sent out for forms to be completed by a deadline before school starts.

B. Accidents/Health Services During the school year a full-time nurse is on campus to aid in minor emergencies. All accidents, regardless of how slight the injury, must be immediately reported to the teacher in charge. The teacher will determine if the student needs to see the nurse. Students must have a pass to visit the clinic.

Primary school teachers will record and report all accidents or incidents on the Texas State Incident/ Illness report. This report is sent home to parents and filed in student’s records. When students are ill or injured, their parents will be notified as soon as possible.

C. State Standards Childcare A copy of the minimum standards for Childcare in the state of Texas is available to view in the FBA Primary School office. Parents can contact DFPS at (713) 940-3009, website The minimum standards are also available to review on the website at

D. Reporting Child Abuse The hotline for reporting child abuse and neglect is operational 24 hours a day. This number is 1-800-252- 5400.

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E. Contagious Illness Any child with a temperature of 100.0 F or above or any other signs of contagious illness (i.e., vomiting, diarrhea, unexplained rash, etc.) will be sent home, no exceptions. Students must be picked up within one hour of notification. He/she must be fever free or symptom free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. If an antibiotic is prescribed, the child must complete 24 hours of therapy before he/she may return to school. If the child is returned prematurely, the parent/guardian will be notified to pick up the child immediately. Primary School Parents should notify the Primary School office at 713-957-6722 if their child has been diagnosed with a contagious disease.

Rules for Medications Administered by School Nurse: All medications administered from the clinic must be parent-provided—both prescription and over-the- counter. Parents may choose to keep medications such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen in the clinic to be used as needed for their child. It must be in the original container, labeled with the student’s name and the details entered into the Magnus Health parent portal in order to administer medications.

The very first dose of any medication for any condition/illness may not be given at school.

Prescription or non-prescription medications that need to be taken at school for more than 15 days must have a written request by the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian. This form is available in the Magnus Health parent portal. Medication must be in the original pharmacy container. Only the prescribed dosage will be given; should a dosage change, a new authorization form signed by the physician will need to be uploaded to the Magnus Health parent portal prior to the new dosage being administered.

No medication may be delivered or sent home with a student. It must be accompanied by an adult.

Herbal or naturopathic substances will not be administered to students due to lack of FDA approval and establishment of safety parameters in children.

The school nurse has both the responsibility and authority to refuse to administer medications that in the nurse’s judgment are not in the best interest of the student.

A student needing to carry medication with them at school must have an authorization for self-carry form signed by a physician uploaded to the Magnus Health parent portal.

All student medications not picked up from the school clinic by the last day of the school year will be discarded.

F. Vision/Hearing Testing All PreK4, Bridge Kinder, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th graders, along with any new students, will receive vision and hearing screenings. All 6th grade students will receive spinal screenings if not documented by a physician on sports physical form. All 3rd, 5th and 7th graders will receive Acanthosis

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Nigricans screenings. If a student fails any screenings, a notice will be sent home referring the student to a physician for further evaluation. Results of the evaluation must be brought to the attention of the school nurse who is required to report, the physician findings to the State of Texas Health Department.

G. Immunization Students must be current with all immunizations as required by the Texas Department of Health. A copy of required immunizations is available in the clinic upon request. Any student delinquent with immunizations will be given 30 days to receive required immunizations. After 30 days, if required proof of vaccination is not provided, the student will not be allowed to attend school until proof of vaccination is provided. If your child is exempt from immunizations due to a medical condition, or you are claiming conscientious objection, an affidavit of exemption from the Texas Department of Health must be on file in the clinic.

Summary of the Minimum Vaccine Requirements for Texas Students:

Students in PreK:

DTP/DTaP/DT Four doses

HIB. 1 dose after 15 months of age or a completed series

Polio 3 doses

MMR 1 dose

Varicella 1 dose (Written proof of chickenpox illness (month/year) will also be accepted)

Hepatitis B 3 doses

Hepatitis A 2 doses 6-18 months apart

Pneumococcal 4 doses incomplete schedule providing that 4th dose is given on or after age 1

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Students in Bridge Kinder – 8th grade:

5 doses unless the 4th dose was given on or after the 4th birthday, then DtaP/ DTP only 4 doses are required. Students who started their vaccines after age (any combination) seven are required to have at least 3 doses of any combination Td/DT/DTP/DtaP

Td (Tetanus) One dose 10 years after last dose of DPT/DtaP/DT

4 doses unless the 3rd dose was on or after the 4th birthday, then only 3 Polio (IPV) are required.

MMR 2 doses of a measles containing vaccine with the first dose on or after the (Measles, Mumps, first birthday; second dose by age 5 or entry into K Rubella)*

Hepatitis B: (a one time series of 3 This series is required by all students shots given over a period of 6 months)

Varicella – one dose (Two doses of Varicella All students vaccine are required if

the child was thirteen

years old or older at the Written proof of chickenpox illness (month/year) will be accepted time of the first dose.)

Meningococcal Not required but is recommended by the CDC vaccine (age 11- 15)

H. Accident Insurance The school provides an excess medical plan for students that pays over and above any other insurance for accidental injuries occurring during school activities subject to a $25,000 maximum.

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XXII. TECHNOLOGY A. Computer Usage Policy ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AUP) First Baptist Academy provides access to various computer resources, i.e., our Local Area Network, the Internet, and printers. These resources are available to enhance the learning process in a supportive school environment and to achieve quality learning outcomes for our students. The school encourages students to become familiar with the use of Information Technology. As responsible members of the school community, it is expected that all students will follow and adhere to the guidelines established below. These guidelines are based on common sense, common decency, rules established by the school, and laws established by the State of Texas. Within the context of the school’s Mission Statement, these resources will be used to meet the goals of our curriculum. First Baptist Academy reserves the right to amend the Acceptable Use Policy on a regular or as-needed basis.

ETHICAL USE OF TECHNOLOGY Students are responsible for appropriate behavior on the school’s computer network just as they are in a classroom or anywhere on the school grounds. General school rules for behavior and communications apply, as well as the laws in effect for the local area network. School policies promote self-discipline, responsibility, decision-making, and accountability. The user is personally responsible for his/her actions in accessing and utilizing the school’s technology resources. Students should not access, keep, or send anything that they would not want their parents, teachers or the world to see. Students are expected to practice good digital citizenship as taught through the FBA Digital Citizenship Program.

Privacy Statement Users do not have a personal privacy right to any information, data or communications created, transmitted, received or stored on the FBA communications systems, network and equipment. FBA may access at any time any such data or information, whether or not that data or information relates to the school’s business. Thus, these systems should not be used for any personal communication intended to remain private and or confidential.

All students have access to the school’s local area network (LAN). Private passwords for network space are allocated to students in order to access applications and for storage of their schoolwork. FBA retains the right to review, edit, or remove any material stored in student files on the network or computer, which the school staff, in its sole discretion, believes may not be related to educational purposes.

Internet Usage Prohibited software and sites: the use of Internet chat or instant messaging software, social networking sites, sites that promote hate or violence or any other questionable material is prohibited on all school computers, without exception.

All Internet access at the school is filtered by a commercially produced product that attempts to block objectionable sites, but no filter is perfect. Internet activities are logged.

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The school has a limited amount of bandwidth for the transfer of information to and from the Internet. Unless specifically used for a classroom project, access to streaming media (music, video, radio stations) is not permitted.

First Baptist Academy makes no guarantee that the technology services provided will be error-free or without defect. The school will not be responsible for any damage suffered including, but not limited to, loss of data or disruption of service.

Cyberbullying Cyberbullying in any form will NOT be tolerated. This applies to the school’s network AND the broader Internet, whether accessed on campus or off campus, either during or after school hours.

Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to, the following misuses of technology: harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening, or terrorizing another person by e-mail messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images, or Web site postings (including blogs).

A student who believes they have been the victim of cyberbullying should not erase the offending material from the system. They should print a copy of the offending material and immediately report the incident to a school official (Teacher, Counselor or Principal). Often the author (sender or poster) of the inappropriate material is disguised (logged on) as someone else. All reports of cyberbullying will be investigated fully.

Hardware/Network Use • Users must not destroy or deface any of FBA’s computer hardware or software, including but not limited to student owned laptops, loaner laptops, desktops, printers, wireless devices, or attempt to exceed or modify the parameters of FBA’s computer system. • Passwords must be kept confidential. Users shall not use anyone else’s name, logon, password, or files for any reason, nor let other persons (except technology staff) use their name, logon, password, or files. • User’s access is limited to their folder, work, and files. Users may not trespass in another’s folders, work, or files. • Technology resources, such as disk space or printing supplies, should be used for school work and may not be used for personal use. • It is unacceptable to tamper with or seek access to restricted areas of the school’s network.

1:1 LAPTOP POLICIES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Students have sole responsibility for the safety of their laptop computers. The following rules have been established to aid in forming appropriate habits for protecting their laptop computer. • FBA retains the right to restore the laptop computer to its original working order for use in school. • FBA retains the right to remove any games, music, extensions, or applications that interfere with the productivity of the laptop. FBA will also not be responsible for installation of any non-educational software.

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• A school email is provided through Google and the student is prohibited from using any personal email during school hours. • It is extremely important that damage or necessary repairs are reported immediately. If small repairs go unreported, it becomes neglect and is not covered under warranty or accidental damage coverage. • A laptop should never be left unattended. It must be with the student or locked in their locker at all times. Notice will be sent to parents of students who repeatedly leave their laptops unattended. • A student should take their laptop home each evening and bring it to school each day. If they forget their computer, they are still responsible for all school work due. • If a student forgets their laptop or charger, they must first report to the Middle School Office to obtain a Laptop Loaner Request slip and an infraction. They can then receive a loaner from the Technology Office to use for that school day and it must be returned by 4pm. • Batteries should be kept charged and recharged each evening while working at home. • Students may not use each other’s computers or its components. Doing so may incur a penalty for inappropriate use of the Internet, network, or damage to the computer. • Defacing a laptop may void all or part of the manufacturer’s warranty. Permanent materials or liquids, such as paint, fingernail polish, or permanent marker should not be used on the laptop. • In order to maintain a functioning laptop, the user is required to replace any damaged or lost batteries and power cords. A loaner will be provided until a replacement purchase can be made through the Technology department. • Upon withdrawal or graduation from FBA, a student must check out with the Technology Office.

Warranty Warranty work covers repairs needed due to normal wear and tear. Necessary repairs should be reported immediately for the warranty to remain valid. If small repairs go unreported, the issue becomes neglect and is not covered under warranty. Repair time varies depending on the extent of the damage and availability of replacement parts. It is extremely important that the student cares for the laptop and is responsible for and aware of their computer’s condition. All warranty work is handled through the FBA Technology Office.

Accidental Damage Protection The school will facilitate insuring the laptops for accidental damage each year. Accidental damage is damage that the supplier determines is not covered under the warranty agreement (i.e., cracked screens, liquid spills, and broken hinges). This does not cover cosmetic damage that does not interfere with the functioning of the laptop.

Insurance Coverage Insurance covers theft of the laptop. A police report must be obtained at the time of the theft and the report must indicate how the incident occurred. If the incident was car theft the report must state, the car was locked and broken into.

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Copyright and Online Research Protocols Copyright infringement is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary as “the act of violating any of a copyright owner’s exclusive rights granted by the federal Copyright Act 17 USCA.”

Users agree to the following: • Transmission of any material in violation of U.S. or state law is prohibited, including but not limited to: copyrighted material (including music and videos): threatening, harassing, pornographic, or obscene material; or material protected by trade secret. • The rights of copyright owners must be respected. Copyright infringement occurs when a work is used or reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Permission must be obtained from the owner. • Internet resources used for research must come from valid, formally recognized sites, and material used in academic work for FBA must be properly cited. FBA Teachers and Librarian will provide age- appropriate guidelines for understanding plagiarism, evaluating websites, and properly citing the work of others.

Abuse of equipment or the violation of any of the above guidelines can result in: 1) restricted access to computing facilities, 2) disciplinary action including possible expulsion 3) potential legal action if state or federal laws are broken, and 4) financial responsibility for replacement cost of damaged hardware (if it is determined that damage was intentional).

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XXIII. TUTOR POLICY Effective for the 2018-2019 School Year

FBA Administration has established policies for our students, parents and faculty for tutoring. You are receiving this information because you signed up to be on our Preferred Tutor list.

To remain on our Preferred Tutor list and tutor on the school premises, you must follow the guidelines below.

• No tutoring on school campus during the school day. • Teachers CAN tutor after school (3:30 PM) − Parameters – not the same grade level − Middle school teachers – subject level. − Maximum 3 grade level differences. i.e. if a teacher is currently teaching 2nd grade – the highest she/he could tutor is 5th grade and the lowest she/he could tutor is PreK4. • Parents will pay tutoring fees through Smart Tuition, not directly to the tutor. − Please hand out the attached “Instructions for Payment” to your parents if they have questions or refer them to the Business Office. (instructions were initially provided to them upon requesting a tutor) • Tutors will be paid through the Business Office (FBA faculty – via payroll, net of taxes; Non-FBA faculty – via manual check and 1099 issued at year end) − If using FBA facilities/campus and a faculty member – 10% of tutor fees will be retained by FBA to cover facility and operation costs − If using FBA facilities/campus and NOT a faculty member – 15% will be retained by FBA to cover facility and operation costs • Business office will provide you with a tracking spreadsheet which you will need to turn in every 2 weeks to receive payment for tutoring sessions. • Space for tutoring sessions must be scheduled through Anna Walker, Calendar Coordinator. • Tutors are required to notify the grade level principal on all students who are being tutored and identify those students who could possibly need additional support (through CAS, etc.)


“I agree to follow the rules and expectations as laid out by FBA’s Tutoring Policy. If I do not adhere to the policy, I am at risk of being removed from the Preferred Tutor list and will no longer tutor on the school premises.”

Tutor Name (please print) Tutor Signature


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Table of Contents

I. MISSION 1 II. VISION 1 III. CORE VALUES 1 A. Positive Environment 1 B. Develop Character 2 C. Skill Development 2 D. Encourage Multiple Sport Participation 2 E. Competitive Success 2 IV. ATHLETICS 2 V. CHARACTER EDUCATION IN ATHLETICS 3 VI. PURPOSE AND GOALS 3 VII. SPORTSMANSHIP 3 A. Players and Coaches 3 B. Spectators 3 VIII. TEAM MEMBERSHIP 4 IX. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES 4 A. Communication 4 B. Attendance 5 C. Uniforms and Equipment 6 D. Travel 6 E. Injuries 6 F. Medical Excuses 6 G. Performance Enhancements 6 H. Athletic Forms and Fees 7 I. Hazing 7 X. GUIDELINES FOR ATHLETIC/FINE ARTS COOPERATION 7 XI. TRAINING RULES 7 XII. TEAMS 7 A. Team Placement and Playing Time 7 B. Managers 8 XIII. CONFERENCE AFFILIATIONS AND SPORTS OFFERED 8 XIV. ATHLETIC STAFF 9

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I. MISSION To develop student athletes of high character and prepare them physically, mentally and spiritually through athletics.

The focus of our coaching philosophy is to use sports to help our students grow and mature physically and mentally while developing their character and love for the Lord. Sportsmanship and integrity is at the forefront of the program, regardless if we win or lose. Physically, students will develop greater strength and conditioning, greater coordination, and greater sport specific-skills as we place emphasis on the basic skills that need to be developed for each sport. Mentally, students develop perseverance, a strong work ethic and responsibility through the emphasis that is placed on skills. We want the student athletes to learn how to persevere and work hard to achieve their goals. Most importantly, we desire for all student athletes to gain a greater knowledge of and desire for Jesus.

II. VISION To build a solid foundation of character and prepare the students to be successful in whatever area of life they choose to participate in, whether it is in athletics or elsewhere.

Developing solid young men and women of character through sports is our ultimate goal. We desire our athletes to be of high character, hard-working, responsible, and have the knowledge of the sports they engage in. As the students go on to high school and college, traits can be sustained throughout all of these phases of life. When difficult times arise, the student should have the foundation to be able to take on challenges and conquer them with confidence. FBA Athletics is seen as a great tool to teach larger life lessons.

III. CORE VALUES A. Positive Environment We want to create an environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and being themselves. While high standards of excellence are set for the students, they should be addressed with positivity and respect. Discipline is given with the intent to develop character, not out of spite. The environment should be one where the students feel free to bring questions or problems they have to their coaches.

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B. Develop Character The three areas of character that will be emphasized are honesty, hard work, and responsibility. We desire for the students to be young men and women of their word. Honesty on the field, as well as in the classroom, will be required of everyone. Each day, students will be expected to give their best effort and will learn that they can always give their best regardless of circumstances at home, in class, and on the field. Along with honesty and hard work, the students will learn responsibility. They will be required to show up on time, bring the proper equipment to athletic events, and take care of their academic work. In teaching these principles, the students will learn lessons that will last far beyond their days of playing sports.

C. Skill Development From an athletic standpoint, skill development will be the most important thing in FBA athletics. Students will develop a greater competency in the skills of the specific sports that they participate in. Constant reinforcement of good technique will be a staple of every practice. Lou Holtz once said, “If you don’t ask much of your team, you’ll never scratch their potential”. A high standard of excellence will be established while also making it enjoyable and challenging for the students. The students should gain a greater understanding of the effort it takes to master skills and will experience the satisfaction that comes when these skills are mastered. Along with physical skill development, students must gain a greater knowledge of the game. It is important to set up the students for success by allowing them to learn to play at the next level, if they so choose to in the future.

D. Encourage Multiple Sport Participation Student Athletes are encouraged to participate in multiple sports throughout the year. Participating in multiple sports exposes students to new experiences and helps develop their character in new and greater ways. Participating in multiple sports helps to develop their overall skills and athleticism.

E. Competitive Success Although winning is not the ultimate focus, there is still a desire to compete successfully through a foundation of skill development, hard work, and working as a team. Every FBA athletic team will compete with their best effort.

IV. ATHLETICS Interscholastic athletics, offered to students in grades six through eight, are an important part of the educational program of First Baptist Academy. Through the years, competitive athletics have provided FBA Warriors valuable opportunities to work, grow, learn, and have fun. Interscholastic athletics are voluntary at FBA, and we are proud of the fact that each year, the majority of our students choose to participate in multiple sports.

First Baptist Academy enjoys a rich tradition of excellence in interscholastic athletics. We welcome your participation in this tradition.

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V. CHARACTER EDUCATION IN ATHLETICS First Baptist Academy’s commitment to Character Education is a prominent feature of our athletic program. We expect all of our student-athletes, parents, and coaches to exemplify the spirit of our mission statement as they both collaborate and compete in the athletic arena. As this handbook states, athletics offer participants countless opportunities to develop responsibility, accountability, respect, honesty, integrity, and a Christ-like witness in their personal, athletic, academic, and extracurricular pursuits.

The opportunities that our student athletes have to responsibly conduct themselves provides them with an outlet to demonstrate positive character traits while engaging in athletics. We expect all of our teams to compete honorably with integrity and good sportsmanship in a spirit of fair play. We also expect all our fans and competing athletes to refrain from engaging in any unkind or unsportsmanlike behavior during practices, games, and at all times in between.

VI. PURPOSE AND GOALS The purpose of interscholastic athletics at First Baptist Academy is to advance the educational philosophy of the school in the arena of competitive athletics. FBA seeks to provide interested students with the opportunity to participate in its program of interscholastic athletics and is committed to the following:

• Offering a well-balanced and varied program of interscholastic athletics • Teaching the value of competition • Fostering the development of athletic skills • Encouraging commitment to a sport and a team • Teaching the value of teamwork • Encouraging the development of judgment, character, and leadership • Teaching the value of ethical conduct, sportsmanship, and fair play • Helping students develop a strong work ethic.

VII. SPORTSMANSHIP Athletic competition in the Houston Junior Prep Conference is guided by the following ideas: A. Players and Coaches Players and coaches shall at all times represent themselves, their school, and their conference with honor, proper conduct, and good sportsmanship. They will understand that competitive rivalries are encouraged but that disrespect for opponents is unsportsmanlike and lessens the value of the rivalries. They will confine the competitiveness of the game to the field, and in particular, behave properly on the sidelines and in the locker rooms both before and after games. Players and coaches shall comply fully with the rulings of the officials. They must never forget that they represent their school.

B. Spectators Houston Junior Prep Conference member schools will not tolerate any spectator, either student or adult, whose behavior is disrespectful toward players, officials, coaches, or other spectators. Nor will HJPC member schools permit any type of spectator behavior that either detracts from the proper conduct of the game or disadvantages a player or team.

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VIII. TEAM MEMBERSHIP First Baptist Academy is committed to providing each student interested in competitive athletics the opportunity to participate on an athletic team. Middle school athletics provides the introduction to competitive sports. It is important to have players learn the fundamentals correctly from the beginning to ensure a successful future in athletics. A strong emphasis will be placed on developing skills, responsibility, teamwork, and a strong work ethic. The level of success achieved in high school athletics is directly related to the physical skills developed through the middle school program.

IX. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A. Communication What is expected?

1. Coaches to Parents a. Philosophy of the coach b. Locations and times of practices and contests on the FBA Website c. Expectations the coach has of the players and of the team d. Team requirements regarding equipment e. Team rules and disciplinary action for violation of team rules f. What role parents may play to help the coach or team

2. Coaches to Student Athletes a. To be led by example b. To always place emotional and physical well being ahead of a personal desire to win c. To be treated fairly and receive encouragement regardless of the athlete’s level of ability d. Recognize the contribution that each athlete has made to the team e. To never give up on the players or team – no self pity f. To teach the athletes self-discipline, and to develop mental toughness g. Demonstrate enthusiasm, communicate clearly and to motivate positively h. Provide fair, firm and consistent discipline that works toward team goals

3. Parents to Coaches a. Specific information about their child that the coach might need to know b. Notification of any scheduling conflicts well in advance c. Any appropriate concerns they may have i. Concerns to be discussed with a coach • The treatment of their child mentally and physically • Ways they can help their child improve • Concerns about their child’s behavior • Academic support for their child

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ii. Concerns not to be discussed with a coach • Playing time – when it comes to parents and their child’s playing time, their sensibility and unbiased view becomes blinded by love. • Team strategy – trust the coach to be as good at his/her job as you are at yours. • Other student-athletes – the wins and losses may mount, but in the end, it’s all about relationships. That’s all anyone ever remembers and it’s really all that matters. • Player’s position on team – no player is larger or more important than the team or program.

4. Student Athletes to Coaches a. Be respectful at all times b. Always be a team player and remain loyal to teammates, coaches and school c. Be in the best possible condition physically and mentally d. Never complain to others until a concern has been discussed with the coach e. Keep emotions under control without losing enthusiasm f. Never give negative criticism or blame teammates g. Adhere to all school and team rules h. Never react to officials’ ruling or calls i. Make a commitment to win and lose with honor and integrity

5. Procedures for addressing a concern a. If the concern starts with your child, have them talk to the coach first b. Call the coach and request a meeting c. If there is no resolution, contact the athletic director and request a meeting d. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOT CONFRONT A COACH BEFORE OR AFTER A PRACTICE OR A GAME.

B. Attendance Practice is essential for success and all team members of each sport will attend all scheduled practices and meetings. If a student will not be attending a practice, meeting, or athletic contest, the coach should be notified prior to the event missed. Excessive absence may result in loss of playing time or removal from the team. Practice is held rain or shine unless otherwise noted by the coaching staff. Practices are not voluntary, they are mandatory and if a player misses practice the day before a game, it will be left to the discretion of the coach/coaches on how much playing time, if any, the player will receive. If a student is absent from school or does not arrive by the beginning of the lunch period, he/she will not be able to practice or play in a game on that date.

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C. Uniforms and Equipment All 2018-2019 athletic fees will be paid through SMART Tuition. Fall Sports: Football ($210), Volleyball ($185), and Cross Country ($185), will be charged on September 1. Winter Sports: Basketball ($185) and Soccer ($185) will be charged on December 1. Spring sports: Track ($185) and Golf ($210), will be charged on March 1.

Athletes are responsible for uniforms and equipment issued to them. Any lost, damaged, or stolen articles must be paid for by the athlete before another is issued. FBA athletic uniforms or warm-ups are to be worn only during interscholastic competition. Wash uniforms in cold water and never use bleach or fabric softener. Always hang uniforms to dry and do not use fabric softener!

D. Travel FBA will provide transportation to all practices and away athletic contests. The only exceptions will be for in-town competitions on weekends. All players are expected to travel with their team to the competition site. If an athlete will not be returning to the FBA campus with the team, the athlete may leave with his/her parent after a direct contact with the coach or with another parent with written permission from his/her parent prior to the contest.

An athlete will not be allowed to leave the group with anyone other than his/her parent without written parental permission prior to the event.

E. Injuries All injuries of any nature must be reported to the coach at the time of occurrence so that further injury can be avoided. The Athletic Director will work with the parent of the injured athlete to determine the course of medical attention needed.

F. Medical Excuses If a team member suffers an injury or an illness and is consequently unable to continue competing on a team, the following policies apply: 1. The coach should be notified immediately. 2. Any prescribed rehabilitation should be given to the coach as soon as possible 3. Athletes should attend team practices every day that they attend school. Exceptions will be made for students completing academic work or undergoing rehabilitation during practice. 4. A second notice from the doctor should be given to the coach to end physical restrictions.

G. Performance Enhancements The Athletic Department prohibits the use of any substance (such as creatine or anabolic steroids) that is not approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, by the Surgeon General of the United States, or the American Medical Association for use by children or adolescents for the purpose of increasing physical development, strength, or athletic performance. In addition, any such agent or substance banned by the NCAA or the U.S. Olympic Committee is also discouraged.

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H. Athletic Forms and Fees All FBA athletes ae required to have a current Physical form and Parent Code of Ethics form on file. The physical must be performed by a physician who is licensed by the American Medical Board. The physical is current for one calendar year from the date of the physician’s signature. Athletes will not be able to participate in tryouts or team practices until these forms are on file. Each athlete is required to pay an athletic fee of $210 per sport for football and golf and $185 per sport for cross country, volleyball, basketball, soccer and track. Athletic Fees are nonrefundable.

I. Hazing First Baptist Academy forbids any form of hazing. Hazing is defined as any forced or required intentional or negligent action, a situation or activity, which recklessly places any person at risk of physical injury, any mental distress or personal indignity, or any action that requires or encourages violation of any federal, state, local or school law for the purpose of initiation into, or affiliation with, any organization affiliated with FBA. This applies regardless of the willingness of the participant. Hazing, with or without the consent of a student, is prohibited by FBA, and a violation of that prohibition renders both the person inflicting the hazing and the person submitting to the hazing subject to discipline.

X. GUIDELINES FOR ATHLETIC/FINE ARTS COOPERATION FBA values the tradition of students being able to participate both in athletics and fine arts. Both the Fine Arts Department and the Athletic Department will work cooperatively to avoid conflict. The Athletic Department will be notified when performances are scheduled and will work around those performances so that students are not pulled apart. The Fine Arts Department will schedule rehearsals to avoid pulling students from scheduled athletic contests or practices.

XI. TRAINING RULES The prohibitions of FBA regarding the use or possession of alcohol or illicit drugs are stated clearly in the student handbook. The FBA Athletic Department has a zero tolerance policy.

Out of school suspension is grounds for dismissal from the team.

XII. TEAMS A. Team Placement and Playing Time It is our goal in team placement to find opportunities not only for participation, but also for success. Placing each student at the level where he/she can contribute physically and gain positive feelings from his/her efforts is important to the coaching staff. Disappointments are inevitable when teams are selected, and it is very important that students feel the support of teammates and parents as well as coaches.

Coaches evaluate the talent and physical development of individual students with considerable thought and sensitivity. During the tryout period, both athletic talent and potential improvement will be judged. In making decisions regarding team placement, the following factors will be taken into consideration: speed, skill, aggressiveness, physical conditioning, knowledge of the game, past experience, dedication, and coachability.

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We hope our students will learn the value of being a part of a team and the responsibility to themselves, their teammates, and their coaches to learn their role on the team. Teamwork requires the development of many interpersonal skills such as listening, following directions, accepting constructive criticism, and supporting teammates and coaches. Athletes have an obligation to participate in practice sessions and games with full commitment and enthusiasm.

At both the Sub Varsity and Varsity levels, practices will be competitive situations where students will be competing with each other for the opportunity for playing time and for starting positions.

In game competition, it is the responsibility of the coach to determine who will play and to what degree. Students should fully understand that by making a team, they are accepting the pleasures and benefits of participating as well as the responsibility and commitment to that team. No student, at any time, is guaranteed playing time.

Coaches at all levels expect FBA team members to: 1. Measure success by what the team accomplishes 2. Show responsibility for school issued equipment and uniform 3. Be punctual and prepared for all practices and games 4. Show responsibility for academic work 5. Show respect to all coaches, teammates, opponents, and officials 6. Get into and stay in good physical condition 7. Maintain a willingness to work hard and be attentive 8. Fulfill responsibilities to the team.

If, for any reason, a player chooses to leave a team or is asked to leave a team by the Athletic Director, he or she will not be allowed to participate in another school sponsored sport until the following academic year. No athletic fee will be refunded if a player chooses to or is asked to leave a team.

B. Managers Various team manager positions are available in all team sports. Students who avail themselves of such opportunities will have the satisfaction of contributing to the welfare of the group and of being actively involved as a member of the team.

Conscientious managers are every bit as valuable as any other team member. Interested students should contact the head coach before the season begins.

XIII. CONFERENCE AFFILIATIONS AND SPORTS OFFERED First Baptist Academy competes in the Houston Junior Prep Conference (HJPC). The purpose of the conference is to provide competition among schools sharing the belief that athletic activities should lead to positive team experiences and provide middle school athletes opportunities to discover their physical potential. Winning is not the primary goal.

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Member schools include: Annunciation Orthodox School Duchesne Academy (Girls only) First Baptist Academy John Cooper School Kinkaid School River Oaks Baptist School St. Francis Episcopal Day School St. John’s School Second Baptist School Village School

Interscholastic competition is available in the sports that follow:

Fall Season Boys Cross Country Girls Cross Country Boys Football Girls Volleyball Girls Cheerleading

Winter Season Boys Basketball Girls Basketball Boys Soccer

Spring Season Boys Track and Field Girls Track and Field Boys Golf Girls Golf

XIV. ATHLETIC STAFF Quality and dedicated coaches are essential to the success of all athletic endeavors. FBA is proud of its coaching staff and what it contributes to the athletic program. FBA strives to provide a coaching staff that is not only knowledgeable and caring, but has both team and individual interests at heart.

The coaches at FBA have diversified teaching and coaching experiences and are familiar with this handbook and the policies herein. Our desire is to provide a positive athletic experience for all of our students at every level of our program. Trust the coach to be as good at his/her job as you are at yours. Communication, with coaches, is important in reaching that goal. Athletes or parents should feel free to approach coaches when they have questions or concerns about the program, realizing that each coach must work toward a positive experience for the team as a whole. If, after communicating with the coach, a parent or student feels a conference with the Athletic Director is needed, please call and set up that meeting.

Athletic Director Assistant Athletic Director Joey Klapesky Cyndi Strech 713. 290.2590 713.290.2592

Athletic Fax 713.290.2595

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FREE TO BE OUR BEST “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.” Colossians 3:23

HEART OF A CHAMPION “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Mark 12:30

POWERED BY JESUS “But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING “Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5

TEAM “Fulfill my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal.” Philippians 2:2

First Baptist Academy Athletic Handbook 7450 Memorial Drive, Houston, Texas 77024 Page | 10 713.290.2500 last updated 12.18.2018