UNEMPLOYMENT FALLS AGAIN North Herefordshire’s unemployment rate has fallen again.

Since the General Election in May 2010 there are an additional 341 people in work locally.

Figures from the Office of National Statistics released this month show the number of unemployed claimants in North Herefordshire in May 2014 was 658 - a fall of 68 from April 2014.

This means that in the past three months 204 more people have found work

Whilst this is very good news for those who have found jobs, we cannot be complacent with 658 people still in need of work. FLOOD BOOST FOR ,

AND I am delighted to announce that before the end of next year, the flood defences for Leominster, Hampton Bishop and Mordiford will all be thoroughly checked.

I recently met with Dafydd Evans, Area Manager for the , to press for action to improve local flood defences.

In the coming year, Mr Evans and his team at the Environment Agency will be spending more than £150,000 on assessing and repairing flood defences across Leominster, Hampton Bishop and Mordiford.

In Leominster the Environment Agency will be assessing the Flood Alleviation Scheme, examining what work is required to protect the town against any river flooding in the future.

In Hampton Bishop a 150 metre stretch of damaged embankment will be repaired, and work will be carried out on structures on the embankment. The embankment at Mordiford Bridge will also receive much needed attention.

In order to keep local residents as involved as possible in this process, please let me have your thoughts or comments on these improvements to your flood defences.

I will be happy to pass any suggestions on to the Environment Agency, to make sure those who will benefit from improved protection are kept involved in the process. FOWNHOPE MAST LATEST As the residents of Fownhope are aware, a decision was recently taken by Arqiva, on behalf of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), not to proceed with a phone mast in the village to improve mobile reception.

I immediately wrote to Ed Vaizey, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries at DCMS, asking him to review the matter.

Then in Westminster on Wednesday 18 June I met with The Rt Hon MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, to discuss problems of mobile reception in Fownhope.

I am pleased to report that the Secretary of State listened to my concerns and has promised to investigate the matter. He also agreed to accept the petition currently being organised by Fownhope Parish Council and is going to look into the letters that I have sent on to him.

I want this issue to be resolved as soon as possible so the residents of Fownhope can receive the benefits of good mobile phone signal.

I can assure those who live and work in Fownhope that I will continue to press this matter in Parliament until we have the result that both my constituents and I want to see. Published by the office of Bill Wiggin MP. You are receiving this newsletter because you live in North Herefordshire and have previously corresponded with Bill via email. To unsubscribe, please email [email protected].