

Sewage sludge and wastewater for use in

Proceedings of consultants meetings organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in and Agriculture and the IAEA Division Physicalof Chemicaland , and held Vienna,in December5-9 1994


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Wastes have been produced by mankind since ancient nomadic tribes settled into villages and started utilizing cultivatinfird ean g land. Archaeological evidence trace practice sth wastf eo e disposal back to antiquity. However, the concept of community-wide systematic collection, treatment, and disposa solif o l d wastewated san t evolvno d erdi unti late th le 19th century. The disposal of is a serious problem in many countries due to rapid Agriculture offers one solution: land application of municipal sewage sludge is practised throughout the world, with beneficial effects on crop yields, soil , cation exchange capacity, water holding capacit soid yan l fertilit generalym . High level nitrogenf so , phosphoru micronutnentd san s founn di sewage sludge mak excellenn a t ei t additionn I . , high organic matter leve improvn ca l e soil structure, particularly tha sandsemf d areasto d an ian y d .soil an However n si presence ,th pathogenif eo c organisms, heavy and other toxic materials from , necessitates treatment of sewage sludge before applicatio soilo nt , limin compostind gan traditionae gar l methods. Recently, gamma rayd san electron beams have been successfully use sludgen do wastewated san eliminato rt e pathogenic organisms and some toxic chemicals. Sufficient technical dat available aar r gammefo a treatmen f sludgeso t , permittin applicatios git demonstratioe th n no commerciar no l scale knowledgr gapt ou bu , n si e exisr fo t the practical application of electron-beam . The IAEA's involvement in studies of radiation processing of sewage sludge dates back several years A five-year Co-ordinated Research programme on Radiation Treatment of Sewage Sludge for Safe Reutihzation, involving Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, and the United States of America completes wa , 1990n di . This programme lai dsolia d foundatio whicn no h future programmes can be built. However, at present, information is limited on the availability of from sewage sludges to crops, its benefits as an organic amendment to soil, and the harmful effects of heavy metals on crop growth Isotop radiatiod ean n technique valuable sar e tool potentiaf so findinn i e us lg answers to some of these questions. Decembe9 Fro o t m5 r 1994 Joine th , t FAO/IAEA Divisio Nucleaf no r Technique Foon si d dan Agriculture held a Consultants meeting on Radiation Processing of Sewage Sludge and its Use to Increase Crop Yields, and to Preserve the Environment, with S. Kumarasinghe of the , Irrigation and Crop Production Section acting as the Scientific Secretary. In parallel, the Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences hel Consultantda s meetin Irradiation go n Treatmen f Watero t , Wastewated an r Sludges, with M. Lapidot and V Markovic of the Industrial Applications and Chemistry Section as the Scientific Secretaries. This publication, which contain papere sth sConsultanto presentetw e th t da s meetingss wa , prepared by S. Kumarasinghe and M. Lapidot. EDITORIAL NOTE

In preparing this publication press,for IAEAthe staffof have pages madethe up from the original manuscripts submittedas authors.the viewsby The expressed necessarilynot do reflect those of the IAEA, the governments of the nominating Member States or the nominating organizations. Throughout the text names of Member States are retained as they were when the text was compiled. Theof use particular designations of countries territoriesor does imply judgementnot any by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries. The mention namesof specificof companies productsor (whetherindicatednot or as registered) does imply intentionnot any infringeto proprietary rights, should construednor be it as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA. The authors are responsible for having obtained the necessary permission for the IAEA to reproduce, translate or use material from sources already protected by copyrights. CONTENTS


Current status of radiation treatment of water and wastewater ...... 9 A.K. Pikaev Disinfection of sewage sludge by gamma radiation, electron beams and alternative methods ...... 29 T. Lessel A comparative view of radiation, photo and photocatalytically induced oxidation of water ...... 47 GetoffN. Radiation induced oxidation for water remediation ...... 65 P. Gehringer Sewage sludge disinfection by irradiation (ENEA-ACEA collaboration) ...... 83 D. Baraldi


Some long term effects of land application of sewage sludge on soil fertility (Abstract) ...... 93 McGrath,S.P. A.M. Chaudri, K.E. Giller Revie studief wo irradiaten so d sewage sludg manurd ean n i thei d e ean rus agriculture in Indonesia ...... 95 N. Hilmy, Harsojo, S. Suwirma, MM. Mitrosuhardjo nucleaf o e Us r technique studien si uptakf so metabolid ean c fatf eo xenobiotics in (Abstract) ...... 109 H. Harms Use of sewage sludge for agriculture in Japan ...... Ill K. Kumazawa Use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer for increasing soil fertility and crop production ...... 129 SussA. Assessment of heavy with applications of sewage sludge and city compos maximizinr fo t g crop yields ...... 9 13 . T.J. D'Souza, V. Ramachandran, K. Raghu Evaluatio heavf no y metal conten irradiaten ti d sludge, manurd ean fertilized soil in Indonesia ...... 153 N. Hilmy, S. Suwirma, S. Surtipanti, Harsojo Potential harmful effects agricultural environments of sewage sludge utilization as a fertilizer ...... 159 SussA. Sewage sludge disposal in Austria ...... 168 F. Koch Land applicatio sewagf no e sludge: pathogen issues ...... 3 18 . A.C. Chang


APPENDLX ...... 5 19 .




A.K. PIKAEV Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Russian Academ f Sciencesyo , Moscow, Russian Federation


a brieThi s i sf reviee currenth f wo t statu f radiatioo s n treatmen f surfaco t e water, , wastewaters d sewagan , e sludges. Source f ionizino s g radiation d combinatioan , n radiation methodr fo s purificatio describee nar somn di e detail. Special attentio pais ni pilo o dindustriat d an t l facilities.


Currently, because of the rapid development of industry and agriculture, the problems of purification and disinfection of natural water, wastewaters, sewage sludges, flue etc. are intensifyin n i gman y countries promisinA . f solvino y gwa som f theseo e e problemth y b s i s applicatio irradiatiof no n methods. Irradiation of any system leads to the formation of highly reactive species, for example hydrated electrons, OH radicals and H atoms in water, which can cause various radiolytic conversions of pollutants: reactions, decompositio f organio n c compounds including dyes, formatiof o n precipitates, etc. alss i t o.I known that ionizing radiatio sterilizina s nha g action. These effects developmene basee th th r e sfo ar radiatiof to n method purificatioe th r sfo disinfectiod nan gaseousf no , , and . The first studie n radiatioo s n treatmen f wasteso t , predominantl r disinfectionfo y , were conducted in the 1950s [1]. In the 1960s, these studies were extended to the purification of water. Later, radiation methods were develope purificatioe th r dfo f fluo n e gases. Currently e maith , n direction researcr sfo technologicad han l developmen thin i t s area are: (1) radiation treatmen f surfaco t groundwaterd ean ; (2) radiation purification of wastewater; (3) radiation treatment of sewage sludges; (4) radiation purification of flue gases; (5) radiation purification of solid wastes: hospital and airport wastes, contaminated soil, etc. Thibriea s si f reviecurrene th f wo t statu f radiatioo s n treatmen f watero t , wastewaterd an , sewage sludge. Some related topics are also considered. Among the other publications in which the respective subject discussee reviewar sd an book] e 3 dsar , [4-8]s[2 .


Sources of y-radiation (from Co-60 and, to a lesser extent, Cs-137) and of electron beams (from accelerators) are used. The activity of radionuclides in many treatment facilities has reached approximatel i (equivalenMC 1 y approximatelo t kW)5 y1 . The energy and power (equivalent to the activity of radionuclides) of electron beams from 75-8d , respectivelyan accelerator0kW V abouo t Me p u 2 t e . sar Tabl eI show parametere sth f so some industrial electron accelerators utilized for the radiation treatment of water and liquid wastes. It shoul notee db d that researc developmend han thin i t s are beins ai g conducted more intensively with electron accelerators, because of their greater operational safety and higher output compared to y- radiation sources.


Surface water and groundwater intended for drinking can be contaminated with pathogenic micro-organisms and parasites, and hazardous chemical pollutants. Often the content of pollutants and the leve f infectioo l lowe nar , with only small doses require their dfo r radiation treatment.


Typ f acceleratoeo r Producer Energy Power (MeV) (kW)

Transformer ELV-3 Institute of Nuclear 0.5-0.7 50 Physics, Siberian Division of Russian Academ f Scienceyo s (Novosibirskd )an Vladimir II'itch factory (Moscow) High-frequency The same 1.5-2.0 30 accelerator ILU-6

Insulated core High Voltage, USA 1.5 75 transformer (ICT)

Accelerator EOL-400 Radiotechnical 0.4 28 (wit irradiatorso htw ) Institute (Moscow) Cockcroft-Walton Nissin-High Voltage, 2.0 60 accelerator Japan


Compound Concentration G(Cl') Reference (mol L-') (ion/100 eV)

1,2 Dichloroethane SxlO"4 4.65 [11] IxlO-3 6.2 [11] 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1x10"* 0.36 [12]

Trichloroethylene 7.6x10-* 1.28 [13] 7.6xlO'5 5.40 [13]

Tetrachloroethylene 3xlO-5 1.08 [11] 1x10^ 10.2 [11] IxlO3 30.6 [11] Chlorobenzene IxlO-3 1.6 [H] 4-Chlorophenol 1x10^ 1.5 [14] 5xlO-3 3.96 [14] 2 ,4-Dichlorophenol 5xlO-3 2.25 [12]

a Initial radiation-chemical yields are given.

Doses of approximately 1 kGy were found sufficient for the purification and disinfection of natural water, in particular for the decomposition of organic compounds such as humic substances causing color, odor, etc. [1, 4, 9]. In a recent study, water from the Segezha , discolored by natural organic finely-dispersed san d particles effectivels wa , y cleare electron-beay db m treatment. datdose a showe : f severaaTh ar 2 eo d Figsn ni an l1 .kilogray sufficiens swa reduco t t coloe eth r Russiae toth n regulatory degrees0 leve2 f o l t shoulI . notee db d tha requiree tth d dose dependen do the season during whic watee hsampleds th wa r higheA . r dosrequires autume ewa th r dfo n water than for the winter. importane On t proble solve e removae b mth o t s di l from natural wate f chlorinatero d organic pollutants that are toxic and carcinogenic. These pollutants originate in the environment, and also by the chlorinatio watef no r containing some organic compounds. Researchers have found that irradiation of contaminated water decomposes chlorine-containing organic compounds [6-8]. Tabl showI eI e sth radiation-chemical yields of chloride ions upon radiolysis of aerated aqueous solutions of some compounds. The yields characterize their radiation-chemical decomposition. From these data it follows

11 160 I I I I I I I


en o TJ

o o


FIG. 1. Ameliorating effects of radiation on discoloured water from the Segezha river (in Karelia) taken during October Novemberand 1993 (electron beam, energy MeV,5 dose s'). kGy rate 83

80 i i i i i


O) 0> TJ 40



0 2 4 8 Dose, kGy

. AmelioratingF/G2 . effects f radiationo discolouredn o water from Segezhae th river Karelia)n (i taken during December 1993Februaryto 1994 (electron beam, energy MeV,5 doses') kGy rate 83


1 pollutanw thatlo t a , t concentration less)d an s,L' (10"relativell mo 4 y d smalan y l dosekG 1 ( s sometimes even less requiree ar ) r purificationdfo r sucFo .h systems applicatioe th , f radiationo n method promisings si . However, it is necessary to emphasize that radiolysis of solutions of chlorinated aromatic compounds may cause the formation of other toxic compounds. For example, isomeric hydroxycyclobenzenes and phenol appear upon the irradiation of chlorobenzene solutions. Since these substances must also be decomposed, the doses required for purification increase considerably. Besides, there is a noticeable dependence of decomposition on dose rate, especially at low concentrations. Some relevant data are shown in Table III [15]. combinatioe Th radiatiof no n treatmen watef o t r wit ozonatios hit n lead synergistia o st c effect (see below obtaineds a ) exampler fo , case th f wate eo n i , r contaminated with trichloroethylend ean tetrachloroethylene [16, 17]. For example, to decrease 120 ppb to a residual concentratio ppb5 electron-beaf e no th , m irradiation require. ozonWhem Gy pp 0 en 3 dos sa 37 f eo is added to the water before irradiation, the same decrease in trichloroethylene concentration is achieve[17] y shoule G On 5 dos.a 4 dt f da eo not e that ozonation almost completely excludee sth dose-rate effect sucn i s h dilute solutions [17] additionn I . , ozonation protect electron-beae sth m treated water from the reappearance of micro-organisms and parasites during piping to houses. Radiation treatment gives positive results also in the case of underground water supplies. First, successfulls ii t yregeneratioe useth r dfo f biologicallno y clogged [18-20]. Ionizing radiation kill bacterie sth a causin redoe gth x reaction Fe(II)f so , Mn(H) subsequene , th etc d .an t precipitation of insoluble hydrolytic products. These precipitates clo poree gth f aquifeso r channels, accelerating the aging of the well. The required doses are 0.25-0.4 kGy [18], If the well is equipped with a y- radiation source lifetims ,it e increase facto a least a y s. f b Thi 2 to r s metho widels dwa y appliee th n di forme [18R , GD r21] . Seven hundre sixtd dan y wells were equipped with Co-60 y-rays sources (total kCi)2 activit13 s . Howeverywa , afte reunificatioe th r Germanyf no sourcee th l al , s were removed irradiatef o e sincus e deth foodstuffs, including drinking water permittet no s FRGe i , th formen dn i .I r Czechoslovakia, two wells had Co-60 y -rays sources [19], and similar studies have ben conducted in the US A [20]. Secondly, in-situ irradiatio f polluteo n d underground water s purificationleadit o t s r Fo . example shows wa t i n, thaconcentratioe th t cyanidf no e ionsubstantialls swa y reduced whe nwela l was equipped wit Co-6ha 0 y-ray absorben sourca d ean r with activated [19]. Durinx gsi years of operation, the concentration of in the well water was decreased by more than an order of magnitude [22]. Despite these positive results, the radiation treatment of natural water intended for drinking has not been adopted on a large scale.


Comparativel dosew requireye lo sar radiatior dfo n treatmen municipaf to l wastewater effluent. In pilot plants with electron accelerators, such wastewater can be disinfected at doses of 0.4-0.5 kGy, which are sufficient to decompose organic pollutants and greatly improve the taste of raw-water supplies [23, 24]. Similar doses were found to be sufficient for the disinfection of secondary effluents from sewage-treatment Tokyon si t severabu , l kilograys were require eliminato dt e pollutants such as detergents, organic sulfides, and dyes [25]. Doses of several kilograys are usually required e fodisinfectioth r d purificatioan n f municipao n l wastewater d highean , r dose needee ar s r dfo unchlorinated than for a chlorinated effluent [6].


Compound and its Irradiation conditions Radiation effect G concentration (ion/10) 0eV

1,2-Dichloroethane, Aerated solution, Formatio chloridf no e 1.65 1 1x10"L' l *mo electron beam, dose ions rate ~lx!01 s' y G 4

1,2-Dichloroethane, Aerated solution, The same 6.2 ' IxlO"L l mo 3 y-radiation, dose 1 s' y G rat3 e8.

1,2-Dichloroethane, Aerated solution, The same 2.6 IxlO"3 mol L'1 electron beam, dose rate -IxlO4 Gy s'1

Chlorobenzene, Aerated solution, same Th e 0.43 IxlO"1 mol L'1 electron beam, dose rate 6.3xl06 Gy s'1

Chlorobenzene, Aerated solution, The same 1.4 4.35xlO-3 mol L-' electron beam, dose rate 6.3xl06 Gy s'1

Chlorobenzene, Aerated solution, Formatiof no 0.6 mol L' electron beam, dose phenolic compounds rate 6.4xl06 Gy s'1

Chlorobenzene, Aerated solution, Formation of 1.45 1 4xlO"L" l electro3mo n beam, dose peroxide compounds rate 1 5xl0s' y 6G

a At low dose rate (y-radiolysis) G(C1~) =1.6 ion/100 eV for IxlO'3 mol L'1 aqueous solution [11]

14 Industrial wastewater differs from polluted surface water and groundwater by the variety of pollutants contained and their higher concentration. Such wastewater can contain substances that are toxi difficuld can destroyo t t : dyes, , bismut mercurd han y compounds, some detergents, phenol, etc. As a rule, several dozen kilograys or more are required for the purification of these wastes, therefore researchers have developed methods that combine radiation treatment with conventional chemical, biological, thermal r flotatioo , n procedures. Synergistic effect e oftear s n observed in the application of combination methods, the most important of which are briefly considered below.

4.1. Radiation-flotation The radiation-flotation method for the purification of industrial aqueous wastes from was developed several years ago in the former USSR [26]. The wastewater was from a plant that produced chlorin alkald ean electrolysisy b i , with mercur electroden a s ya methoe Th . d consistf so three steps: (1) preliminary flotatio presence th waste n surfactanna i th f f es o 12-13)ei o H (p t ; (2) y-irradiation of 1 kGy; (3) secondary flotation. By this metho possibls wa t di decreaso et concentratioe eth mercuryf no , whic presens hwa n i t various forms (dissolved, as a metal, and in precipitate), to the regulatory level of 5x103 mg L'1 approve formee th n di r USS Russid Ran a [26] radiation-chemicae .Th l reductio dissolvef no d bivalent

mercury, which doe floatt metaa s no o t , l and/o slightlra y soluble pseudomonovalent form [Hg(OH) 2 type], allowed effective remova flotatioy b l n [27, 28]. 2

4.2. Radiation-biological This metho tertiarf o de consistus y e biologicath f so l purificatio wastewatef no r followine gth radiation treatment industrian ;a l applicatio decontaminatioe th s ni effluenf no t fro mplana t producing synthetic rubber (see below).

4.3. Radiation-polymerization This metho propose s treatmene dth wa r yearfo 5 d1 f o waste to sag s containing monomers [29]. Upon irradiation e monometh , s polymerizei r insolubln a d dan e -capturing polymes i r precipitated. No practical application has yet been found.

4.4. Thermoradiation This method consists of irradiation and simultaneous heating, applicable predominantly to the disinfection of wastes and sewage sludge. The synergism eradicates aerobic and anaerobic spores, vegetative cells, viruses enzymesd an , , with reductio irradiation i 30-folo nt timep u df so [30] .

4.5. Radiation-electrodialysis Comparatively new, this method involves irradiatio electrodialysid nan s [31]. Wastewater circulate specifia t sa c speed throug electron ha n electrodialyser n beaa d man efficience Th .e th f yo combinatio 2.5-1s ni 0 times higher than tha radiatiof o t n alone.

4.6. Radiation-coagulation This method consists of the irradiation of wastewater with subsequent precipitation of the products of radiolytic conversion of the pollutants by means of a coagulant [32, 33]. It can be used,

15 for example, for the purification of wastewater from (i) poly(oxyethylene) n-nonyl phenyl ether -

C9H, non-ionia 9 C- 6) H4(C2H80 d c surfactanan , 4 O)7.5= 20 n, Hn decomposet ( , 10 tno thas i t i t y db

biological treatment, and (ii) polyvinyl , using Fe (SO )as a coagulant. 2 3 4

4.7. Radiation-adsorption This method is based on the adsorption of pollutants from wastewater by continuously- irradiated activated charcoal [34]. The charcoal can be regenerated by radiation-chemical oxidation of the adsorbed compounds. This metho utilizeds di exampler fo , purifo t , y water fro pesticidee mth T sDD [2,2,2-trichloro-l,l-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane] [35 Khlorofod ]an s [0,0-dimethyl-(2,2,2-trichloro-l- hydroxyethyl)phosphonate] [36]e cas f th DDTo e n .I e radiation-chemica,th e l th yiel f o d decomposition in the absence of activated charcoal is as low as 10"MO~3 mol/100 eV; in the presence of the sorbent, the increases up to 0.1-1.0 molec./lOO eV [35]. Similarly with Khlorofos, the sorbent increases the radiation-chemical yield [36].

4.8. Oxyradiation This involved irradiation of waste and simultaneous bubbling of oxygen. It is successfully used disinfectioe foth r f sewagno e sludge (see below).

4.9. Radiation-ozonation This method combines ozonation and irradiation [32, 33, 37]. A powerful oxidizing agent, is sometimes used for the purification and disinfection of wastewater. However, its action is selective, being limite y unsaturatedb d organic molecules. Irradiation intensifie e ozonatioth s n effecd an t synergism occurs with various pollutants (phenol, acetone, halogenated organic compounds, etc.)t I . is particularly applicabl purificatioe th o et groundwatef no r polluted with chlorinated olefms. The possible rol ozonf eo addition e(i direcs it o nt t actio pollutantsn no conversioe ) lieth n si n of hydrated electron atomH d san s (via intermediate formatio f HOo nd O 3an 2d ~, )O3 an 2~HO , hydrogen peroxide to OH radicals [3]. Of course, such conversion occurs when hydrated electrons and H atoms do not react with pollutants (i.e. when pollutants have a low reactivity towards these short- lived species and/or when the concentrations of oxygen and ozone are much higher than concentrations of pollutants). Moreover, ozone combining with a poorly reactive organic peroxide free radical can convert it to a highly-reactive alkoxy radical that can initiate chain reactions.

4.10. Disinfection of dung wastes e probleTh f mdisinfectino g large amount f duno s g e formearosth n i er USSR wite th h construction and operation of large numbers of -breeding , and studies were made of the possibility of using ionizing radiation [38-40]. Disinfection of dung wastes is a complex problem due to high level f infectio higso e th hd contennan f organio t c pollutants. Organic compounds scavenge the free radicals formed from water radiolysis and, in consequence, protect , viruses and parasites fro e "indirectmth " actio f ionizinno g radiation. Therefore dosee th , s requiree th r dfo disinfectiomored an y waste)e [40]th kG hig f e n5 o sar .h(2 Of course, from an economic point of view, it is important to reduce the doses required for the disinfection. This reductio e achieveb n nca combininy db g radiation treatment with conventional

16 disinfecting agents (chlorine, ozone, , etc.) or sensitizers (for example, KC1) [40]: it was noted that the addition of 0.2% ammonia into the waste decreased the dose required for disinfection to 5 kGy. By the radiation-adsorption method, which involves the filtration of the wastes, settling, aeration, and irradiation in the presence of activated charcoal, the dose was reduced to approximately 0.5-1. [41]y 0kG . orden I teso rt t various type radiatiof so n technolog disinfectior yfo dunf no g waste larga n so e scale, four pilot plants were constructed and operated for a long time in the former USSR (see Table IV) [38-40]. However, none saw adoption in practice, largely because of difficulty in obtaining a sufficiently high spee f dung-wastdo e flow throug irradiatioe hth n zone; dilution with o watet d le r unmanageably large volume treatef so d wastes.

4.11. Industrial plant Studiee radiatioth n o s n purificatio f industriao n l wastewate e beinar r g carrie t ratheou d r extensively. However, they are largely confined to -scale and in some cases to pilot-scale development faro S . , ther onl s ei industriae yon radiatiole planth r fo t n purificatio wastewaterf no n i , operation at a synthetic-rubber factory in Voronezh, Russia [42-44]. The irradiation plant there has two production lines, each equipped wit ELV-typn ha e electron accelerator (energ MeV7 y0. , total power 65-70 kW) e radiatioTh . n treatmen s intendei t removo dt e emulsifieeth r Nekal froe mth wastewater. Nekaa mixtur s i l f isomerio e c isobutylnaphthalene sulphonates s formulIt . s i a

HC(R)SONa, wher s (CHi eR C-) , (CHCHCH) r CH-o , CHCH(CH)-, wit hpredominana t 6 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 conten10 t of the latter two butyl groups [45]; alkyl and sulfonate groups are in para-position at the same ring. These substances are refractory surfactants, and the radiation effects their conversion to biodegradable compounds.


Location Location source Energy Powe r activito r y (MeV)

Moscow Oblast' Electron accelerator EOL-400 0.4 28 kW (wit irradiatorso htw )

Omsk Oblast' Electron accelerator ILU-6 1.5-2.0 30 kW

Minsk Oblast' Electron accelerator ILU-W 6k 0 3 1.5-2.0

Minsk Oblast' Co-60 y-ray source 1.25 0.49 kCi

17 It was found that 0.3 MGy was required for the complete decomposition of Nekal in a 10'3 mol L'1 aqueous solution [46]. However, for conversion to biodegradable compounds, complete decomposition is not necessary; it is sufficient to eliminate alkyl or sulfonate groups, or both [43, 45]. Indeed, it was observed that dealkylation and desulfonation (and the formation of naphthalene at high doses) takes place upon irradiation [43, 45]. The initial yield of Nekal decomposition is approximately 2 mol/100 ev. The dose required for degradation of 100-150 mg I/1 Nekal is 2-3 kGy. A pulse radiolysis study revealed participatio radicalH O f no s and lessea o ,t r extent hydratef o , d electrons [47]. After radiation treatment, the wastewater is subjected to tertiary biological purification, the second ste thin pi s combination method. Figur showe3 scheme combinatiose th th f eo n electron-beam

biologicad an l treatmen removo t e Nekal fro wastewatere mth waste Th . irradiates ei foama s da , with

3 a densit 0.02-0.0f yo planoutpue e 3ml/g th Th approximatel.s f i t1 o t beaa t my(a ' 12,00 y da 0m powe kGydosd 3 f f 65-7an e fractioo eo r ,th W 0k f beao n m energy utilize s 0.6-0.7)di e th f I . wastewater is saturated with ozone, the output is somewhat higher and Nekal removal reaches 99.5 %.

Polluted Formation water of foam

Scrubbering of ozone

V" * Irradiation % Biological with ————— » ————— 2 tertiary ^ fr

electron beam « purification

* #{,

FIG. Scheme3. combinedof electron-beam biologicaland purification waste-waterof from Nekal(a mixture ofisomeric isobutylnaphthalene sulphonates).

18 applicationw 4.12Ne . s New application ionizinf so g radiatio purificatioe th r nfo disinfectiod nan wastef no s include eth treatment of hospital and airport wastes, the regeneration of activated charcoal and the purification of contaminated soil.

4.12.1. Hospital waste Currently in the USA, there is one y-radiation facility processing infectious hospital wastes. One relatively small y-irradiation facility can treat all the hospital wastes generated by a city of 1 million people larga d ean , facilit procesn yca s such wastes fro mcita f fivyo e million people [48]. technologe Th radiatiof yo n treatmen infectiouf to s hospital waste alss oswa develope Russin di a [49]. It consists of four steps: (1) the separation of liquid and solid phases; (2) the radiation disinfection of the liquid wastes; radiatioe th (3) n disinfectio solie th df n o wastes ; purificatioe th flue ) th (4 e f gasesno . A facility with a Co-60 y-rays source (Gammatok-100) was constructed with a potential output 3 day"m 5 1o.6 f However, this t beemethono ns implementedha commerciaa n do l scale.

4.12.2. Airport waste Large international airports generate 20-30 tons (and even more wastf )o dayr epe quantitia , y that can be processed by a medium-sized radiation facility. Nordion International Inc. (Canada) is planning to construct an airport y-irradiator in the future [48].

4.12.3. Activated charcoal Another applicatio e electron-beath s i n m regeneratio f activateo n d charcoae l th use r fo d purification of groundwater and aqueous wastes [50]. Charcoal with adsorbed sodium lauryl sulfonate can be regenerated by treatment with a radiation dosage of 1 MGy. Economic analysis showed that the radiation is about 8-10 times less expensive than the conventional high-temperature steam method. 4.12.4. Contaminated soil Two procedures have been developed for the purification of contaminated soil [51-53]. The first consist mixinf so soie gth l with watenon-ionia d ran c surfactant, wit subsequenha t treatment wit- hy radiation [51], which works well with soil contaminated with chlorinated dioxiness wa t I . demonstrated r examplefo , , that 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin s converteewa step-wisa dvi e reductive dechlorination to non-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxine with negligible . The radiation- chemical yield of destruction is of the order of 10^ mol/100 eV. This means that the major route of destruction is "direct" action of radiation on the dioxine molecule. The second procedure was developed for soil contaminated with volatile organic compounds (for example, trichloroethylene) [52, 53]. It consists of using vacuum extraction of pollutants from the soil subsequend an t electron-beam treatmen gaseoue th f o t s phase.

4.12.5. Industrial wastewater Several projects for the construction of facilities for radiation purification and disinfection of municipal and industrial wastewater were developed in the former USSR, with plans for electron accelerator totaf so l power approximatel . SomeMW publishe9 y0. d dat givee aar Tabln i [54-56]eV , however, give pooe nth r economic situatio republice th formee n i th f so r Soviet Union unlikels i t i , y that these projects will com fulo et l fruitio neae th rn ni future .


Location Purpose of facility Accelerator type Energy Power amouns it d an t (MeV) (kW)

Petershof (Russia)3 Disinfectiof no ELV-84 ; 1.0-2.5 320 municipal wastes

Lebyazh'e (Leningrad Purificatio f no ELV-84 ; 1.0-2.5 320 Oblast') municipal wastes

Riga, Avrora Factory Purificatio f no ELV-82 ; 1.0-2.5 160 (Latvia) wastes from dyes

Tambov, Pigment The same ELV;2 Factory (Russia)

Armyansk, Sivash same Th e ELV-8; 1 1.0-2.5 80 Aniline-Dye Factory (the Crimea)

e projectedoutpuTh t ofthe facilit 110,00s yi dayF 0rr 1 [56].

In the USA (near Miami), a pilot plant with an electron accelerator ofthe ICT type, with energy bees ha n, develope kW powe d 5 7 an f radiatior V o r dfo Me 5 on1. f purificatio disinfectiod nan f no water and wastewater, with a rate of flow through the electron beam of 460 L min'1 [6, 57, 58]. The decomposition of toxic organic substances such as benzene, phenolic compounds, and chlorinated and brominated bees sha n studied.


In the course of the settlement of sewage wastes, the first step in their purification, sludges consistin f insolublgo e solid particles (5-8% wated an ) r (92-95% e formedar ) . After aeratiod nan biological purification, a considerable fraction of the sludge is comprised of micro-organisms. These sludge usee soia b s ldn a conditionesca animal-fodden a r ro r additive. However, being infectey db bacteria, viruse parasited an s possibld an s y containing toxic compounds, they mus disinfectee b t d before use.


Location" Radiation source Energy Power or Activity Output1" Reference (MeV) (m3 day1)

[60-62] Geiselbullac (1973-1993G hFR ) Co-6 d Cs-130an 7 1.2 0.6d 5an 6 0.31 Co-6 i kGy2 ( 5 MC 0 0.050 + , 18 19815 ) i Cs-13MC 7 (1990) y-rays sources

Munich-Grosslappen, FRG (1974 - Co-60 y-rays source 1.25 - 30 (3 kGy) [62] about 1985)

Albuquerque, USA (1978-1985) Cs-137 y-rays source 0.66 ~0.9 MCi 8 ton day1 [63, 64] (10 kGy)

Baroda, India (1989 ) - Co-137 y-ray source kGy5 ( 1.2 0 ) 11 5 [65 i 0.15MC ]

Canada (project) The same 1.25 - 80 ton day1 [66,67] kGy4 ( 9 ) 37 [23] Boston 68 ,(1976-1980 A US , W k 0 5 ) Electro 8 0. n accelerato f o r typT IC e

Boston, USA (1980 - end of 1980s) The same 1.5 75 kW 654 (4 kGy) [23,68]

1 The operation period is indicated in brackets. " The dose used for the treatment is given in brackets. to TABLE VI. (continued)

Location" Radiation source Energy Powe r Activito r y Outputb Reference (MeV) (m3 day"1)

Near Miami (1984-1985A US , ) 5 1. The same kGy4 ( )8 64 W k 5 7 ] [6468 ,

Takasaki, Japan (1987- ) Cockcroft-Walton ' y da n 2.to 02 7. 6W 0k [69, 70] accelerator (5 kGy)

Near Minsk, Byelorussia (the Electron accelerato f o r 1.6-2.0 3W 0k kGy~155 ( 0) [39,71,72] 1980s) ILU-6 type

Poland (project) Linear electron 10 50-70 ton day ' [73] accelerator (5 kGy)

operatioe Th ' n perio indicates di bracketsn di Theaos" . treatmene th use r dfo gives i t bracketn ni s bees Itha n shown tha problee tth sewage-sludgmf o e disinfectio solvee b n dnca with irradiation [38,59]. In addition, irradiation often accelerates the filtration and sedimentation of precipitates and, as a consequence, the procedure of dewatering. Almost complete dehelminthization and inactivation of the agents of wide-spread animal diseases occur at doses of 2-5 kGy. In order to inactivate more radiation-resistant forms (for example, foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, and pig plague) higher doses requirede b mor d y an ema presentt y A . kG technolog0 e o1 fth , radiatior yfo n disinfectio sewagf no e sludge exist somn si e countrie pilo e commerciad th an tn so l scale, utilizing y-radiation sourced san electron accelerators (Table VI). As in the case of radiation purification of water and wastewater, the application of combination method treatmene th r sfo sewagf to e sludge lead decreasa o sdost e th en e i required . Thi observes si d upon the use of the oxyradiation method. Bubbling oxygen during y-irradiation allows use of lower doses (2 kGy instead of 3 kGy) [61]. A decrease in the dose also occurs upon the saturation of the sludge with an ozone-oxygen mixture and upon the introduction of some additives [62]. Economic feasibility studies show thatrulea radiatioe s a ,th , n treatmen f sewago t e sludgs ei more profitable than conventional methods, especially when irradiation plants with high output are employed [23, 69, 74]. Undoubtedly, broader application can be found for the radiation treatment of sewage sludge.


Consideration of the current status of the application of radiation technology for purification and disinfection of water, wastewater and sewage sludge shows that ionizing radiation is an important and promising instrumen solutioe th n ti ecologicaf no l problems. However always i t i , s necessar provyo t e an economic advantage and to overcome negative public opinion; in this respect, the electron accelerator is preferable to y-irradiation. Electron accelerators with high energy, up to 10 MeV, and high power are the most suitable, for example inear electron accelerators developed in France [75] and Canada [76 ] wit,77 h energpowed an f f 20-55-1o o yrV hav W 00k Me e been utilized successfully. Noteworth developmene th typs w yi f industria eo ne a f o t l electron acceleratore th , [78]W k promisin A .0 10 Rhodotron o t powe a p gd u applicatiof an o r V , wit Me energ n ha 0 n1 f yo of electron-beam technology, especially via the radiation-ozonation method, is for purification and disinfectio f polluteo n d surfac d groundwatean e r intende r drinkingfo d . Some combination instancr fo , electroe eth n beam-biological method finy dma , large-scal removar fo e eus l of refractory pollutants from industrial wastewater exampln A .successfue th f eo l applicatio sucf no h a method is the purification of industrial wastewater from Nekal [46, 47]. Much wider use of radiation methods is possible for the disinfection of sewage sludge.


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. LESSET L Abwasserverband Ampergruppe, Eichenau, Germany


Sewage sludges generally contain high concentrations of pathogens, even after digestion or other conventional treatment r stabilizationfo s . Disinfectio effectee b n irradiatioy nca b d n (e.g. gamm r electroao n beam) heay b , t treatment (pasteurizatio thermophilir no c stabilization) changiny b (lim H d p an ,e gtreatment)th . Irradiatio simpla s ni reliabld ean e proces disinfectionr sfo , with special advantage favorabld san e side-effects. Irradiation can be combined with oxygenation, heat or other treatments, with favorable synergistic effects. The total costs for (he irradiation treatment of sewage sludges are comparable to those of alternative disinfection methods . worldwide Mosth f o t e practical experienc bees eha n obtaine sewage-sludge th t da e irradiation plant Geiselbullacn i wesm k f Munich o t0 h(1 , Germany), whic continuousls hwa operation yi n from 197 1993o 3t . A multidisciplinary research programme was conducted during the first 8 years. In subsequent years, the plant s operatewa d commerciall r sewage-sludgfo y e disinfection, without public funds. Other demonstratior no research plant r sewage-sludgfo s e irradiation have been reporte USAe th n di , India, Russia, Japan, Austria, Germany Hungaryd an , .


1.1. Pathogen sewagn si e sludges The most important pathogen sewagn si e sludge bacterie sar a (e.g. salmonellae), viruses (e.g. poliovirus) and parasites (worm eggs, e.g. taenia). Full detection of pathogens is difficult, expensive and time consuming. Therefore, for orientative investigations, indicator organisms are often used: enterobacteria, faecal coliforms detectioe th . collr E fo r o f ,nsalmonellae o instancer fo , . In Germany, digested sewage sludges have been foun contaio dt 6 salmonellan10 r literepe , 3 viruseparasite2 10 10 r lited r literspe an rs pe . countriee th n I centraf so l Europe salmonella generalle ear mose yth t important pathogens, whereas hi some developing countries parasites are more important. In general, viruses in sewage sludge consideree sar lese b s o dt importan diseasr fo t e control.

1.2. Infection dose Althoug humae hth n infection dos salmonellaf eo (dependin5 10 o typaboue s t ei th 3 en g10 to of salmonella and the size and condition of the person), infection by virus or parasite is possible from fewer than ten organisms.

1.3 Infection cycle Various investigations, especially in Germany and Switzerland, have shown that salmonella diseases in animals may originate from infective sewage sludges used in agriculture [1-4]. Salmonella disease e stil ar sa problel n mEuropei , eve n countriei n s thae "highlar t y developed" officiae Th . l numbe salmonellf o r a infection Germann i s s increaseyha d durin pase gth t twenty years from 10,000 to more than 80,000 per year. With disinfection as part of the sewage-treatment process, the cycle of infection, man -» sewage sludge -> agriculture -» plants/animals -> food -> man, can be broken.

29 1.4 Regulations for sludge disinfection In most European countries, no strict hygienic requirements are made for the of sewage sludge in agriculture; most often there are only general requirements. In Germany the use of non- disinfected sludges on fields is prohibited from the beginning of the year until after , and sewage sludges are generally not allowed on fields where vegetables are cultivated.



FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the Geiselbullach Sludge Irradiator.

30 Switzerland was the first European country to pass a Sewage Sludge Act, in 1981. This law requires disinfectio l sewagal f no e sludges thareusee ar t green do n lan r fodder-plando t arease Th . law defines a sludge as disinfected if it has been treated especially for this purpose and contains, at e tim th f distributiono e moro n , einfectivo n thaenterobacteri0 d 10 n an e L worm-eggsm r pe a . Furthermore, storag f sludgeo requires ei t leasa r td fo thre e months before application.


2.1. Gamma irradiation

2.7.7. General remarks Gamma rays penetrate well in water and sludges; the half-value thickness of Co-60 y-rays (1.3 MeV), for instance, is about 28 cm in water and not less than 25 cm in normal liquid sludges. Such deep penetration ensures the irradiation effect in thick layers of sludge. The most common industrial y-radiation sources utilize Co-60, which is produced by exposing non-radioactive Co-5 neutroa o 9t n nucleaa flu n xi r reactor. After prolonge thesf o e e dus source s years0 2 (e.g. , which represents almost four half-lives residuae th ) depositee l b activit o t s n dyi ha special storage for . After 20 years, Co-60 still has over 6% of its original activity. Cs-13 alsn usede 7ca ob principlen i , y-sourcea s a , . This materiasale fore th t th f m o n (i l CsCl) can be obtained as a by-product of the spent-fuel reprocessing cycle. Its radiation energy, 0.66 MeV, assures a half-value thickness of 24 cm in water, with a half-life of about 30 years. Since CsCl is water soluble regardes i t i , less da evense sourcsafa th f n eti o e lea accidentr ko thir othed Fo s.an r reasons, it is not widely used in y-rradiation plants that require high activity.

2.7.2. The sewage sludge -^-irradiation plant in Geiselbullach General aspects The plant in Geiselbullach, 10 km west of Munich, was designed for the mechanica biologicad an l l treatmen f 50,00f o sewagto 3 0m e wate r day pe re equivalen ,th f o t approximately 250,000 inhabitants plane Th . t operate capacitys it f o sludgt aboue sa % Th . 70 s tei digested at 32°C for 20 days, and then used as a and fertilizer on agricultural land in liqui solidsdy dr (6-7 r dewatere%)o dsolidsy (22dr % ) form. Currentl totae th ylf o abou % 20 t sludge quantity from Geiselbullach is used for agriculture. In Germany today, fanners hesitate to use sewage sludge on their fields because industrial processors request "ecological," meaning "sludge-free," agricultural products. Therefore, the portion of sewage sludge use agriculturn di decreases eha durin% pas20 e d g th o frot t fiv5 m3 e years. Plant technology and operation A schemati cGeiselbullace plath f no plane h facilitTh . t 1 consist shows o yg i tw Fi f n ni so underground components, the irradiation shaft with a built-in central tube, and the pump shaft containin recirculatioe gth evacuatiod nan n pumps pipin e valvee th th , d g san system .

Above ground buildine th , g house meterinsa g silo controe th , l equipment a crana , d ean laboratory irradiatoe Th . operates wa r batca n di h mode, treating approximatel f sludgo 3 m e 6 y5. containing 4% to an adsorbed dose of 3 kGy.

31 r irradiationFo sludge th , e flowed fro sile moth int irradiatioe oth n shaft, wher alst ei o entered the connection pipes provido T . homogenoua e s dose distribution sludge th ,s mixe ewa d witha recirculation pump. Afte presea r t time, which depende installee th n do d radioactivit requiree th d yan d dose sludge th ,pumpes evacuationy eb wa t dou . The batch-wise operation ran automatically for 24 hours a day. All pumps, valves, indicators controd an l equipment were located eithepermanentle th n ri y accessible pum buildine pth shafn i r go t above ground, so that services and inspections were possible at any time, without need for special safety precautions. operatioe Th plan e stoppes th springtime f twa n o th dn i f 199eo majorr 3fo repairs that a td an , time new regulations in Germany disallowed further use of sewage sludge on grassland and areas for fodder production onls A . y those areas require disinfectioe dth sewagf no e sludge treatmene th , s wa t no longer necessary and the decision was taken to stop operation of the irradiation plant. Radiation sources The radiation sources had a cylindrical form (diameter 30 mm; length 300 mm). Each contained 30 plaquettes of -60, which were doubly-encapsulated with an initial activity of about 18,000 Ci. As the half-life of Cobalt-60 is about 5.5 years (corresponding to a decay of 13% per year), additiona installee l b source o t d d threr sha evero o e yyearstw . In 1984, nine Caesium-137 sources, with a total activity of approximately 70,000 Ci were installe Geiselbullace th n di h irradiation plant addition i , 380,00e th Cobalt-6f o no t i 0C 0 sources. These Caesium-137 sources were obtained from the USA under a bilateral national contract. Their transportation and installation were supported by the German Ministry for Research and Technology. They were dismantle plan e transported th t an 1992tn da i A . US d e bacth o kt Safety features The irradiation shaft, where the sources were located in a stable position between the two centrae wallth f so l tube situates wa , d undergroun f concreteo m covere d rooe 0 dan 2. Th .m y db unde th r e restrictea cove s wa r d enteree areab o t , d onl specially yb y skillede th staf f o f supplier. All other areas were unrestricted, not requiring a personal dosimeter. The distance to the irradiation shaft and the bent connecting pipes allowed access to the pump shaft without any radiation precautions. The radiation sources were located betwee centrae wallo th tw f so e ln th tube .o Then d yha contact with the sludge and were controlled by a secondary circuit of demineralized water, which provided the leak test and cooling in case of emergency. The radiation doscontrolles ewa operatioe th i dh n room; wheneve increaset ri moro dt e than double that of background, the plant was flooded with water and the electricity supply disconnected. The same happened whenever the cover was lifted before a distantly located key switch had been turned, or when the radiation-dose control was disconnected. In such cases, an alarm would sound at the local police station safete Th . y features were checked eac hresponsible yeath y b r e authority.

32 Economics investmene Th Geiselbullace t th cost r 197n fo si 3 h sewage sludge irradiation plant were:

undergroun aboveground dan d construction 420,00M 0D machinery, control equipmen auxiliaried an t s 710,000

plus the costs for the initial loading of Cobalt-60 sources.

Price r concretfo s constructiod an e n work, machiner othed yan r equipment increasen di Germany by about 120% from 1973 to 1994; therefore, for a similar facility in!994, the stated costs would have to be more than doubled. The annual operating costs for 1985 were:

Additio radioactivitf no y (3.04 DM/Ci Co-60) 158,00M 0D Electric power (0.22 DM/kWh) 17,000 Other operational materials 1,000 Staff, repairs, services 39,000 _3.000 Total .218,000

With an annual capacity of 42,000 m3, these total operational costs resulted in a specific operational cost of 5.19 DM/m3 in 1985. The mean inflation rate from 1985 to 1994 was about 38%. On the basis of these data, the total annual and specific costs for 1994 can be estimated as:

1. Investment costs: Plant 1,130,000 DM Sources 600,000 Ci x 2.50 DM/Ci 1,500,000 Annuity (8% interest, 15 years amortization) 1.5+ (1.110.2= x 3% 0 2.6= 3 millio= ) n268,00% DM 47 0=

2. Operating costs (218,000 DM x 1.38) = 301.000 = 53% Total 569 OOP = 100%

specifie Th c coss 13.55wa t DM/m 1994n i 3 .

2.1.3. Other gamma-irradiation plants Germany: Munich-GroBlappen A pilot plant for the treatment of a maximum of 30 m3 per day (dose 3 kGy) was built in 1974 at the Bavarian State Institute for Water Research in Munich-GroBlappen. It was used primarily for investigatio effecte th f f y-irradiationo o s destructioe th n no f chemicano l compound industrian i s l wastewaters. Operations ceased around 1985. Some reports of the work were published, most of them in German [5].

33 USA: Albuquerque A pilo demonstratiod an t ntreatmene planth r fo t dewateref o t composted dan d sludges, also mixed with other solid wastes s build commissionewa an ,t n 1979i e dSandi th t ,a a National in Albuquerque, New . It was designed to operate with Cs-137 sources (as CsCl, maximum 1,000,000 Ci) desige .Th n capacitday"t 8 drief s 1o ywa d sludg solids)y e dr (abou % , 50 t which was carried in buckets along the sources, the required dose being 10 kGy. The material had transportee tob frod plante an m th o dt , whic locates Laboratoriese hwa sewagea th t t da a t no - d an , water treatment plant. Operation of the plant was stopped around 1986. Many reports were presented at international meetings and published in journals [6, 7]. India: Baroda A pilot and demonstration plant for the treatment of liquid sewage sludges was built and commissione 1988dn i Barodan , i Nationae th y ,b l Nuclear Research Centre. Littl bees eha n published about the research work. It seems that the plant is not yet in full operation [8, 9]. Other reports Ther othee ear r report experimentf so planr so s regarding gamma disinfectioe plantth r sfo n of sewage sludge, in Russia, Hungary and Germany (Company Leybold-Heraus in Hanau) [10-12]. e experimentMosth f o t s were performe t laboratora d y irradiation plant r wito s h multi-purpose irradiator t mucno knowt s hi researce bu ,th f no h activities associated with these projects.

2.2. Electron-beam irradiation

2.2.7. General remarks Electron beams can transfer more power into aqueous media than can y-radiation. Therefore capacite th electrof yo n beam plant generalls si y higher. The energ acceleratef yo d electron achiev witn V sca h Me conventiona e3 relativeld lan y low- witV h Me coslinea 0 1 t machinesro t acceleratorp u d an , s thasignificantle ar t y more expensive. The penetrative powe f accelerateo r d electron(FigV . Me . 2) r waten si pe abous m i r m 3 t Therefore most electron-beam plants require tha verta y thin laye sludgf ro passee eb d unde beame rth . Since sewage sludges generally contain particles bigger than this layer thickness, prior homogenization is necessary. Nevertheless, obtaining a homogenous dose distribution in such sludges is a major problem in the case of electron-beam irradiation. Electron-beam plants can be shut off when not in use, for service work or emergency repair, thereford an e have important safety advantage comparison si n with gamma plants.

2.2.2. Electron-beam irradiation plants USA: Deer Island, Boston A pilot and demonstration plant for the treatment of liquid sewage sludges was built and commissioned in 1976 at the Deer Island sewage-water treatment plant in Boston. Design and supervision Massachusett e werth y eb s Institut Technologyf eo acceleratoe .Th W k powe a 0 d 5 f rha r o (0.85 MeV, 60 mA) and the capacity of the plant was reported to be 400 mVday at a dose of 4 kGy. Many tests were mad f varioueo s method passinf so sludge gth thia n ei layer (maximu) mm m2

34 rel. dose %



cm 0.01 0.1 1.C 10 penetration dept n watehi r

FIG. 2. Dose distribution of accelerated electrons and gamma quants of Co-60.

unde electroe th r n beam. However, these investigations were mad laboratorn ei t scaled-uno d yan p conditions. Continuous operation was not achieved, and the plant was decomissioned in 1984 [13]. USA: Virginia Key, Miami A commercia treatmene l planth r fo t f vero t y liquid (maximu solidsy dr % m)2 biological excess sludge was built during 1981-1983 at the sewage-water treatment plant in Virginia Key (Miami, Florida). The supplier of the sludge ceased activities before the plant was commissioned, and the owner, the Miami Dade Water and Sewer Authority, tried to find an alternative source to get the plant into operation powe(1.acceleratoe e W 5th Th .k f MeV5 ro 7 mA) 0 s 5 , rwa , allowin gdaila y capacity of 645 m3 at a dose of 4 kGy. Originally it was planned that eight irradiators in parallel would disinfect r day5,00 thipe A . n0m laye produces rwa free-fallina y db g "curtain f sludg"o fronn ei t 3 of the electron beam [14]. Germany: Wedel, near Hamburg A research plant was developed in 1980 and used until 1982 at the AEG-irradiation centre in Wedel sludge passes Th . ewa d unde e-beae inclinen rth a mn o d plane powee acceleratoe th Th . f ro r was 50 kW (1.0 MeV, 50 mA); the capacity was designed to be 500 m3 per day at a dose of 4 kGy. Some research and development work was performed over the two-year period [15, 16]. Germany: Stuttgart - Hohenheim In 1976-77, scientists at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim investigated the possibility of sewage-sludge disinfection at a multi-purpose plant with an e-beam of relatively low energy, 0.4 MeV penetratioe th mA) 5 s 7 A , . thesf kW n energo w 4 elo (3 y electron treatmene th , s onls si mm wa ty1 effecte batcn i d h operation with thicke multi-recirculatioa r d layeran ) s (maxmm 2 1 . n (maximum0 4 times) parn i , t with additional injectio airf producno o t , e more turbulenc homogenoua d ean s dose distribution [17].

35 Austria: Seibersdorf A researc researce hth plant a ) MeVh5 t centr(12,0. mA , 5 ,2 Seibersdor n 5ekW i uses fwa d in 1975 for sewage treatment. It was found that the turbulence, generated by the wall fraction of the inclined plane, assured a sufficiently homogenous dose distribution in waste-water layers that were thicker tha penetratioe nth n electronrange th f eo s [18]. Japan: Takasaki A research plant (30 kW, 2.0 MeV) was built in 1987 at the laboratories of the National Atomic Centr Takasakin ei . This plan designes wa t irradiato dt e composted sludge (7. 2t day" a t a 1 dose of 5 kGy). Research work was performed for three years, but no practical application followed until 1994 [19].


1 3. Some operational aspect Geiselbullace th f so h plant

3.1.1 Limited supply of Cobalt 60 With a half life of 5.5 years (13% decay per year), Cobalt-60 requires source replenishment from time to time. To maintain activity, additional sources with about 30% of the required total activity were installe Geiselbullact da h threr evero o ey tw years . Althoug plane hth t operator trieo dt get several offers for source delivery, and three suppliers showed interest, only one offer was finally made each time, alway same th ey sb producer . Durin year8 g1 practicaf so l operationo , n ther s ewa competition for the delivery of Co-60. The producer who delivered the sources to Geiselbullach informe operatoe dth r twic f temporareo y shortag f Co-6eo 0 with deliver twelvyo t delayx si e f so months. Recently other producers entere markete dth , offerin supplo t g y Co-60 upon request.

3.7.2 Integration into a sewage treatment plant The incorporatio gamme th f no a plant int existine oth g sewage treatmen t caust planno d e tdi any particular problems requirt ,no sincd edi t speciallei y skilled workmen, complex safety measures, or personal radiation surveys.

3.1.3. Precipitates

At the Geiselbullach plant, the formation of Mg(NH4)PO4 precipitates occurred after seven month f continuouso s operation.They r formeincreaso H p sludge resula 0 a th s 8. a df n o eo i tet

above, cause strippiny db durin2 CO f ggo recirculation. Wit hthicknese a th , cm betweef so 5 d an n1 laye f particlero s significantly reduce irradiatioe dth n effect. The precipitates were dissolve rinsiny db g wit %h5 formi c1.8» aciH )d withou(p t significant damage to the concrete and steel components. However the asbestos-concrete wall of the irradiation shaft was slightly damaged and was coated later with stainless steel. Further precipitation was avoided

by switching off the forced ventilation during irradiation. As a result, the CO2 buffer above the sludge prevented excessive stripping and the pH increased from 7.1 to 7.4 only.

36 3.1.4. Availability The Geiselbullach gamma irradiator had an operational frequency of 93% over a period of 15 years. Non-operative days were cause defecty db [20]n i s : - conventional components (pumps, electrical equipment, etc.) 3.7% - radiation technical equipment (the central tube, cooling circuit, etc.) 2.1% - inspection and loading additional sources 1.0% Total 6.8% This percentage correspond day5 r 2 year pe so t s , therefor plane s operationath e wa t n o l averagday0 r year34 s pe r .efo

3.7.5. Avoidance of "dead" zones in the recirculation system Investigations showed lower efficacy of disinfection at the plant than in the laboratory experiments. This effect was caused mainly by the existence of "dead" zones in the recirculation pipework system, for example in branches from the main stream to the valves. The sludge residing in those areas was not irradiated, thus re-infecting the by-passing sludge flowing in the main stream. The length of the branches was reduced by relocating valves as near to the main stream as possible (about 10 cm), producing significant improvement in operational efficacy.

5.7.6. Reducing f o "down" time "Down" time occurred between batches, with the relocation of valves, with slow responses controe toth l equipment, wit evacuatioe hth irradiatee th f no d sludge witd an ,h refilling w witne ha Geiselbullace th batche th t A . h plant, "down time significantls "wa y reduce installatioy db quickf no - response control equipment, and by replacement of the electrically-driven valves by pneumatically- driven valves. Plant capacity was thus improved by about 8%.

3.2. Optimization by the use of synergistic effects Beside optimizatioe th s f planno t technology optimizatioe th , f procesno s technologs ywa possibl leso n s d importantean . Laboratory researc indicates hha d thaeffecte th t f radiatioo s n nca be increased by the presence of gases, oxygen, air, ozone, chlorine, , or by combination with heat treatment: "thermoradiation".

3.2.1. Thermoradiation Thermoradiatio bees nha n investigate particulan di establishes USAe th wa t n i rI . d thae th t sludge temperature should be at least 47°C for synergistic effects on losses of bacteria, viruses, and parasites sludgn o d ean , sedimentation. Temperature morf so e than 60°C cause pasteurization and are of no utility with irradiation. At Geiselbullach, the first tests with heated sludge (40 - 45°C) created obnoxious odors and were discontinued.

3.2.2. Oxiradiation The synergistic effect oxygef o s irradiatiod nan knowe nar n fro literature mth e (Fig ) [21]3 . . At the Geiselbullach plant, the technical feasibility and the economics of oxiradiation were intensively studied. Investigations from 197 1988o t 4 include effecte dth purusinr f o o s r eg ai oxygen , methods of application, oxygen concentrations, oxygen yield, rate of the decomposition of oxygen, pathogen inactivation capability influence th d an f oxyge, eo n concentratio physican no l characteristice th f so sludge.

37 o c=> no irradiation / no oxygenation . >c^ _ ! 1..—— 10 j~.•••••d ">:^.__ " (TJ r no irradiation / oxygenation 'n _.— "< >_ s! *••-. ™ " irradiatio/ n no oxygenatio i *"*•"-- i 10' ^, ?---~ . —

FIG. 3. Effect of irradiation on faecal coliform bacteria in treated sewage water with and without oxygenation [21].

Results from the comparison between the injection of air and oxygen into the sludge during the irradiation treatmen summarizee ar t follows da s [20]: 1 - the maximum oxygen concentration in the sludge with aeration was 9.4 mg O2 L' , whereas 1 with oxygenation it was greater than 30 mg O2 L" ; wit- h aeration, sludg increaseH ep d8.2o t fro 0 ,m 7. wherea s with oxygenatio increase nth e was onl y7.2o t fro 0 ;m7. - the increase in oxygen concentration in the sludge was 2 to 10 times faster with oxygen than with air; Oe -efficiencth - oxygenatior yfo timebetwees 0 4 n typicawa d a s( an n 5 bette) l valu15 s r ewa

2 tha efficience nth aerationr yfo .

Thes e introductioeth resulto t d le s f purno e oxygen durin firse gth t five minute f eaco s h batch creato t , econcentratioa sludge th L" O . n f abou1 i eg o Wit m 5 th recirculation time morf so e

tha minutes0 n4 , oxygenatio2 s repeatenwa d afte irradiatioe r th hal f o f n time. Since relativelw ylo quantities were needed, liquid oxygen was used, stored in an isolated tank next to the irradiation plant.

3.2.3. Pathogen inactivation experiments Pathogen inactivation experiments were conducted with 5.6-m3 batches of sludge, enriched

with salmonella cell7 10 kGydosa 1 s t o t L"f , eA o count6 1o .et inactivatio 10 f so n rates o wert 5 e1 time8 3 s higher wit oxygen ha n concentratio1 thaL' g nm withou5 f no t oxygenation reportes A . n di the literature (Fig. 4), higher concentrations of oxygen in the sludge (15 and 25 mg L'1) did not improve disinfection [21]. Likewise, higher dose rates with varied oxygen concentrations did not significantly affect pathogen inactivation. shows Iwa t t Geiselbullacna h that oxiradiatio t leas a same d th t eha ny witkG hdosa 2 f eo effec conventionas a t l irradiation alone. Further reductior eveo dosy e n th lesabou kG o et f no s5 1. t is probabl yprovee b possible t experimentno n ni t thid bu sha , dateo st .

38 240 krad dose

FIG. 4. Effect of irradiation on faecal coliform bacteria in treated sewage water at three concentrations of dissolved oxygen [21].

3.2.4. Precipitates

At Geiselbullach, deposition of Mg(NH4)PO4 occurred when the pH increased to 8.0 or higher, for example with the injection of air. Oxygenation increased the pH to 7.2. Therefore, aeration was deemed unsuitabl normar efo l operations

3.3. Proposal for oxiradiation plant for sewage sludge The results of investigations at Geiselbullach convinced officials of the need for a new sludge-irradiation concept [20]. This concept utilized a traditional batch-type irradiator for liquid sludges, but also incorporated provisions for addition of O2, as illustrated in Fig. 5.


Although considerations of hygiene resulted in the development and introduction of sewage- treatment technology in Europe about 130 years ago, controlled disinfection is still the exception in wastewater-treatment plants today. Improved hygien oftes ei n regarde side-effeca s da usuae th f lo t treatment processes conventionae Th . l treatmen sewagr fo t e sludge involves stabilizatio aeratioy nb n or digestion (at about 35°C) to reduce the numbers of pathogens, especially of bacteria such as salmonellae by 1 or 2 log units. To obtain a safe hygienic sludge, further reduction of pathogens by abouunitg lo necessarys si 3 t . Several method disinfectiof so sewagf no e sludges have been practice abour dfo year 5 2 t n si Europe.

39 guard sheet fixed at cover

propeller pumpwheel

ceramic filter

central tube fixing

central tub- e

FIG. 5. Proposed oxiradiation plant for sewage sludge [20].

4.1. Pasteurization A traditional method, broadly accepted early in disinfection technology, is pasteurization. The (liquid) sludg heates ei betweeo dt 100°Cd an retentioe 5 n6 th ; n time varies betwee minuten3 t sa 100°C and 30 minutes at 65°C. Homogenizatio e sludgth f nnecessaro s ei y before treatment avoio T . d recontaminatior no regrowt survivinf ho g pathogens sludge th , e mus pasteurizee b t d before digestion. A heat-recovery installation (heat exchangers) reduces energy consumption. Heat treatment cause generatioe sth f obnoxiouno s odors.

40 4.2. Aerobic-thermophilic treatment By r oxygeinjectioo r ai nf no int o liquid sludge, exothermic biological reactions effect self- heating. Disinfectio assures ni temperature th f di emaintaines i reached an t leas a C t leasr s° a td5 fo 5 t 24 hours. Practical experienc shows eha n tha externan a t l heat sourc necessars ei assuro yt e such conditions totae Th .l retention systee timth n emi shoul least a dayse 5 dtb . This aerobic-thermophilic treatmen s beeha t n practiced primaril treatmenn i y t plant t biggeno s r tha r aboufo n t 100,000 equivalents followes i d an ,digestion y db . aerobic-thermophilicalle Th y treated sludge produces significantly lower quantitie methanf so e gas during digestion.

4.3. Composting Composting requires dewatering of sludge as a first step, by centrifuging, filter pressing, or air-drying should the climate allow it. The disinfecting effect of composting is achieved primarily by self-heating, caused by exothermal biochemical reactions. The reactions require certain relations of carbon, nitrogen and , which often can be assured only by adding carbon-containing materials like saw dust, tree bark, straw or organic . The water content must be between 40 and 60% ventilatiod ,an necessarys ni . Disinfectio assures ni temperature th f di reacto e l partth al f n so ei r maintain C t leas° sa 5 5 t for three weeks. In temperate countries, these conditions can be achieved only in covered and isolated reactors.

4.4. Thermal conditioning Thermal conditioning is achieved by heating the sludge to about 200°C at about 12 bars pressure. Thi normalls si y don pre-treatmena s ea dewaterinr fo t filten gi r presses, with disinfection a favorable side-effect e ris f recontaminatiokTh o . regrowtd nan f bacteriho highs ai sewagd an , e sludges so treated normally generate obnoxious odors. Germanyn I , thermal conditioning installations were shut dow nfouns aftewa t di r that toxic organic compounds (suc dioxinss ha ) were created.

4.5. Incineration, like composting, requires dewatered sludge. The ash is free of pathogens, but cannot be used in agriculture. Incineration is several times more expensive than other disinfection processe thereford san t applicableno disinfectior efo n alone uses i volum r t I d.fo e reductior fo d an n conversio organie th f no c matter.

4.6. Lime treatment This is achieved with raw lime (CaO) or slaked lime (Ca(OH)2). While dose

administratio preferables i O f Ca(OH)no Ca f o , e easiers becausi 2 us double e th th f , eo e pathogene effecth n o t sthroug- safa r e heatinincrease disinfectioFo e h. th th d pH gan n e i n of liquid sludge minimumusa ,2 1 maintainee f b t o s . i WhemH t leas h p a O 4 r 2 tdn fo Ca used, temperatures of at least 60°C can occur, which decreases the time requirement at the high pH. Lime treatment is generally easy, but it can cause problems through the production of ammonia gas, which has to be evacuated by forced ventilation necessitating a closed system. Another disadvantage is the fact that significant portions of dry materials are added to the sludge, and this increases the quantity to be transported and deposited.

41 Pre-Pasreurizarion Economy

"Environment" "Environnenr,

Public Acceptance Public •Energy- Acceptance'

Process-Technique Agriculture us e Process-Technique

Aerobic-thermophilic Treatment" lime-Treatment


"Environment" "Speiiat "Environment cases'

Public Acceptance "Energy" Public "Energy" Acceptance

Agriculture use Process-Technique Agriculture use Process-Technique

Fig. Snow-crystal6. diagrams showing advantagesthe disadvantagesand of alternative processesfor sewage-sludge disinfection [22].

4.7. Long-term storage The storag f liquieo d sludge r morfo s e tha nyeaa s generalli r y regardea s da disinfection process. Since significantly large area necessarye sar , this metho applicabls di e only for small treatment plants.


Costs for Side-effects Treatment Condition Pre-treatment Disinfection - in than ca t Remarks of sludge treatment fluence further (DM / 1 dry m.) (DM / 1 dry m.) treatment costs

Size of treatment Gamma-irradiation Liquid 350 Improvement n si units limiteo dt kGy3 ( ) (»4mattery dr % ) sedimentation, approx. dewaterability mVday0 30 ..

Gamma irradiation Dewatered ISO-SOO" 300-400 Reduction of (10 kGy) ) m. («70y dr % obnoxious odor.

Oxiradiation Liquid 200-300 Production of (Gamma, 2 kGy) («4% dry m.) ozone gas.

Electron-beam- Liquid 40 - 60" 150-400 Productio f no High investment irradiation («2% dry m.) obnoxious odor, costs, also for kGy4 ( ) small plants. Reasonable total costs. Pasteurization Liquid (65°C/30 min.)) m. y (*5dr % 40-60" 200-400

Aerobic- thermophilic Liquid 40-60" 300-400 Decreass ga n ei treatment ) m. («5y dr % yield. Product sale (dependn so Composting Dewatered 100 - 250" 150-400 market conditions) may («35% dry m.) reduc totae eth l costs. Thermal Obnoxious conditioning Liquid 350-500 odor. Risk of re- (200°C/15 bar) («5% dry m.) contamination. Incineration Dewatered 100 - 250" 600- 1200 Ashes cannoe b t (*35% dry m.) use agricultn di . Lime-treatment Liquid Dewatered product (CaO) («5% dry m.) 200-300 can be used in . Important increase in the Lime treatment Liquid 250-350 . quantitysludgm y edr .

(Ca(OH)2) ) m. («5%y dr Production of ammonia gas. Improvemen dewaterabilitn i t y

1 for dewatering. " for homogenization.


Direct comparisons of the various methods are difficult due to their different characteristics. Fig .show6 s advantage disadvantaged an s f fouo s r treatments [22]e .Th information in the literature for total treatment costs varies over a wide range, even for a single treatment technique. The data in Table I reflect information from the literature that are regarded as well documented and based on practical experience (conditions in Europe yeae foth r r 1994).


[I] HESS, E., BREER, C., "Sanitary Effect of Gamma Irradiation of Sewage Sludge", IAEA-Symposium Radiation for a Clean Environment, Munich, Germany, IAEA-SM-194/308, (1975) 203-208. [2] STEININGER, F., Freiland-Okologie der Salmonellen in Beziehung zum Umweltschutz, Umweltschutz (19758 ) 245. ] [3 WAHBA , SalmonelloseW. , nAktuell- e Aspekt Rahmem ei r Umwelthygienende , Umweltschutz8 (1975) 247. [4] MUELLER, G., Klarschlammdesinfektion aus humanmedizinischer Sicht, Seminar of the FGU, Berlin: Klarschlammdesinfektion, 15.-16. March 1979 [5] BAYERISCHE LANDESANSTALT FUR WASSERFORSCHUNG Entkeimung von Abwasser und Klarschlamm, Materialie Bayers de 8 . , StaatministeriunNr m fur Landesentwicklung, Miinchen (1979). ] [6 SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES Sandia Irradiato r Driefo r d Sewage Solids, Seminar Proceedings Oct. 18-19, 1978, Report No. 79-0182, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (1979). ] [7 SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES Sewage Sludge Irradiation Project: Progress Report Oct. 1980 - March 1981, Report No. 81-1695 (1981). [8] KRISHNAMURTHY, K., "Radiation Technology for Treatment of Sludge for Reuse or Disposal", Nationae Procth f o . l Symposiu Applicationn mo Nucleaf so Allied ran d Technique Publin si c Health and Pollution Control, Bhabha Atomic Research Center Trombay, Bombay, Febr. 12-13 (1981). [9] NADC, A., "Some design features of the liquid sludge irradiator proposed to be set up at Baroda", Proc. National Symposium on Applications of Nuclear and Allied Techniques in Public Health and Pollution Control, Bhabha Atomic Research Center Trombay, Bombay, Febr. 12-13 (1981). [10] KONKOV, N., Radiation for a Clean Environment, March 17-21, Munich, IAEA-SM-194/611, (1975) 419-431 9(in Russian). [II] SIMON, J. et al, The Wastewater and Sludge Re-use Project by Gamma Irradiation at Kecskemet, Hungaria: Some Approache Investigationsd san , IAEA-SM-194/603 . 411-41pp , 7 [12] HERKERT , "ConcepB. , continour tfo s sludge irradiation with radioisotopes", Radiatio Pollutior nfo n Abatement, Proc Intern1 . . Conferenc ESNe th f Aeo "Waste Irradiation" Working Group, June 8-11 (1976) 183. [13] TRUMP , "Experienceal t e . J , t Deesa r Island with Electron Disinfectio f Sludgno t Higea h Flow Rates", Radiatio Pollutior nfo n Control, ESNA Conferenc "Waste th f eo e Irradiation" Working Group, Sept- Au 1 , gUppsala3 2 . , Sweden (1977). [14] TRUMP , "Disinfectioal t e . J , municipaf no l sludg wastewated ean energizey rb d electrons", Intern. Seminar of the WHO Use of Isotopes and Ionizing Radiation in Environmental Engineering", Sept 17- 19, Sao Paolo, Brasil (1979). [15] TAUBER t al:e . , M "Practica, l e pasteurizatioaspectth r fo s f sewago n e sludg y electrob e n irradiation", IAEA-Symposium Radiatio a Clea r fo nn Environment, Munich, IAEA-SM-194/509 (1975) 359-366. [16] HEUER, D., HOFMANN, E., Elektronenstrahlanlagen fiir die pasteurisierung von klarschlamm, Gas- und Wasserfach - Wasser/Abwasser 120 10 (1979) 476.

44 [17] OSTERSTOCK , "InvestigationG. , effece th f electro o f ts o n beam irradiatio bacterin no sewagn i a e sludge", Radiation for Pollution Abatement, Proc. 1 Intern. Conference of the ESNA "Waste Irradiation" Working Group June 8-11, Munich (1976. )27 [18] WJESBOCK , PROKSCHR. , , AnwendunE. , g eines 500-keV Elektronenbeschleunigerr zu s kontinuierlichen Bestrahlung von Fliissigkeiten, insbesondere Abwassern, Bericht No 2074 der Osterr. Studiengesellschaf Atomenergir fu t e GmbH (1975). [19] HASHIMOTO, S. et al., Pilot plant test of electron beam disinfected sludge composting and effect of e composth plann o t t growth, IAEA working group meeting July 9-13, Washington D.C., USA, (1990). [20] LESSEL , "EiT. , n Beitra r Optimierunzu g s Verfahrende g r Gamma-Bestrahlunzu s n vo g Klarschlamm" s Wassergiitewirtschafau , 4 Berich5 . Nr t d Gesundheitsingenieurweseun t r de n Technischen Universitat Munchen (1985). [21] WOODBRTDGE, D., "Synergistic effects of irradiation of wastewater", IAEA symposium Irradiation fo Cleaa r n Environment, March 17-21, Munich, IAEA-SM-194/304 (1975) 169. [22] LESSEL, T., "Disinfection of sewage sludges by gamma irradiation and alternative methods", IAEA- TECDOC-454 Technical and Economic Comparison of Irradiation and Conventional Methods, IAEA Advisory Group Meeting Oct. 6-8, 1986, Dubrovnic, Yugoslavia (1988), 179-188.



N. GETOFF Institut Theoreticar efo l Chemistr Radiatiod yan n Chemistry, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria


Water resource presentle ar s y overloaded with biologically resistant (refractory) pollutants. Several oxidation methods have been developed for their degradation, the most efficient of which is iradiation treatment, particularly that e-bean do m processin presence th n gi f Q/Onext-bese o Th 3. t metho photoinduces di d pollutant oxidation with VUV- and/or UV-light, using HjO2 or H2O2/O3 as an additional source of OH radicals. The photocatalytic method, using e.g. TiQ as a catalyst in combination with oxidation agents such as If O; or H2O2/O3, is also recommended. The suitability of these three methods is illustrated by examples and they are briefly discussed and compared on the basis of theirenergy consumption and efficiency. Other methods, such as ozone treatment, the photo-Fenton process, ultrasonic and elctrochemical treatments, as well as the well known biological process and thermal oxidation of refractory pollutants, are briefly mentioned.


Current water resource strongle sar y overloaded with biologically resistant pollutantsa s a , resul globaf o t l population developmengrowte th d han certaif o t n industrie pasdecadese w th fe t n si . The disposa f chemicao l l wast riversn ei , seaoceand s an contributes sha possibly-irrepairablo dt e destruction of marine life. The application of , pesticides etc. in modern agriculture has exacerbated the situation. Hence, urgent measures are necessary for remediation of water resources. degradatioe th r Fo watef no r pollutants numbea , oxidatiof ro n methods, base processen do s initiated by ionizing radiation, UV- and visible light, photocatalytic induced reactions, as well as combination thesef so , have been developed. Technologie water sfo r remediatio compilee nar d dan presented in Table I. From die technical point of view, die most efficient treatment of water is irradiation by electron-bea reference3 d [1-O an 3 d presence an th 2 smn O i therein] f eo . Photoinduced pollutant

oxidation utilizes various combinations of VUV- and/or UV-radiation [2] using HO/O, as well as 2 3 the photo-Fenton process [4] (see also Table I), as an additional source for OH-radicals2 . Photocalarytic methods, using semiconductors such as n-TiO2 as catalysts in combination with H2O2, H2O2/O3 etc., are also rather promising [3, 5, 6]. All these techniques are briefly reviewed hi this paper.


No. Method Radiation induced oxidatio f pollutantno s using: electrons, y -rays, x-rays; synergistic presenc e effecth n i t f Oeo 3 /O2, eventually H 2Oadditives a 2 . Photoinduced oxidation by UV (149 & nm)4 r UV/O25 o , 3, UV/H2d Oan 2 UV/O3/H2O2, resp. Phdtocatalytic treatment: UV/VIS light using TiO etc.aO 2Zn ,s catalyst

4 Ozone treatment: O3 or O3/H2O2

2 1 5 Photo-Fenton process: UV/H2O2/Fe r ' "o 2+ UV/H2O2/O3/Fe ( media)

6 Ultrasonic treatment (sonolysis of water)

7 Electrochemical oxidation

8 Biological proces biodegradablr sfo e pollutants, used for wastewater treatment

Thermal oxidatio f pollutantsno , user dfo liquid


2.1. Radiation units Some useful unit conversiod san n factor radiation i s n technolog presentee yar d below . 1

'Output powe electrof o r n accelerator: kW n i , electro= A (m n electroV current= Me V x nMe , A energy)m k W= . Radiation yield: G-valu numbe= e r change d(1. V molecule e 610"' x 0 710 J )r absorbespe d energyo t ; obtain /xmol J' , multipl G-value yth 0.10364y eb . Absorbed dose: 1 rad = 100 er1g g ' = 6.24 x 1013 eV g-' 100 rad = 1 Joule kg-' = 1 Gray (Gy) y G 0 1 kg'J 0 Ikra= 11 d= y G 4 10 kg-J " IMra= ' 10 = d 1 kW = 3.6 x 106 J kg'1 = 360 Mrad kg'1 h'1.

48 2.2. Radiolysis of water bettea r Fo r understandin subjece th f go t matter primare th , y reaction watef so r radiolysid san their yields (G-values)1 as a function of pH are briefly described. A sequenca s f radiatioeo n absorptio e wate t 10~th na , 1s r5 molecule becomn ca s e excited +

2.3. Radiation-induced decomposition of water pollutants As mentioned above, radiation processing of water (by means of electrons or y-rays) in the presenc efficienn aira f eo s i , t metho degradinr dfo g pollutants. This fac illustrates i t radiatione th y db - induced decomposition of trichloroethylene (C12C=CHC1) and phenol (C6H3-OH). radiolysie Th trichloroethylenef so presence th n i , airf e o illustrate s i , takiny db formatio" gCl n as an indicator of the process. Fig. 3 shows the yield of Cl' as a function of dose, observed by the 1 3 radiation-induced degradatio C1L" 2 C=CHC1 f 10"l no mo presence yiel" th Cl n s i d ,i e f aireo Th . higher than that expecte primarattace e th th f y ko db y radical+ watef so ^ e r + radiolysi H (O G s{ H6.1}= ) . Thi becauss si e multiple hydrolysi transiente th f so alss si o involved.

The decomposition of diluted C12C=CHC1 is presented in Insert 1 of Fig. 3. In this case a rather small dose of about 150 Gy is sufficient for complete degradation of the pollutant. The oxidative radiolysis of C12C=CHC1 leads also to the formation of aldehyde, as shown hi Insert 2 of Fig. 3 . Although many laboratory studies have been performed, complete reaction mechanisme th f so radiation-induced degradatio f C1o n 2C=CHC d relate1an d compound e t stilcompletelar sno l y elucidated. However, the main reaction steps (1) to (20) are given below for better understanding of the subject matter [7].

2.3.7 e effect f ozoneo Th . The effect of ozone with respect to water purification is well established, and has been applied in practic mann ei . y 9] case , [8 s

2.3.2 synergistice Th . effect f radiationo ozoned an combination treatment synergistie Th c effect radiatiof o s ozond nan e treatments have been studie variouy db s authors [10-16] particularlA . y efficient applicatio f ozonno s observeei e cas th f pollutant eo n i d s having double bonds, such as olefinic and aromatic compounds. Ozone combines at the double-bond position and after some transformation hydrolysia s s takes place, resultin decomposition gi pollutante th f no .

This is illustrated in the degradation of C12C=CHC1 by Reactions (21) and (22).

49 Primary reactions:

H2O —***—|——* H2O* ———*H O + H I——* H2O + e~; e' ——*• e,,,- + n H2O ——»• e^ Gross reaction of water radiofysis (the G-values'' at pH 7 are given in brackets):

H20-^^e.,-, H, OH, H2, H2O2, H^+, OH^ (2.7) (0.6) (2.8) (0.45) (0.7) (3.2) (0.5)

Major primary reactions:

H.+ + OHLf™*H20 (k = 1.4x10" dm'molV) H + H ——"H2 (k = l.Ox 10'° dm'molV) H + OH ——^H2O (k = 2.5 x 10'° drn'mol'V) 1 H + e^ ——* H2 + OH^ (k = 2.0 x 10'° drn'mol-'s' ) 9 1 dm'mol-'s'10 x 0 6. ) = k ( - H2— O 2 H O + OH 10'x 5 ° 2. dm'molV = k ( ) ~ ——e^ *+ O OH^H - e~ + e.,- ——- H2 + 2 OH,; (k = 3.0 x 10' drn'mol-'s'') 10'x 3 ° 2. drn'mol-'s' = k ( 1) H - —• + H^ + - e^ H + OH,,- —^ e^- (k = 2.5 x 107 drn'mol's'1)

OH^H^ + 6^- (pK = 11.9) 11.65= K (p ) H2O2=^H + HO^ 2~«, In__the presence of oxygen:

!0 1 H + Q2 ——^H02 (k = 2.1xlO dm'mor s-') e^- + Q2 ——-6r (k = 1.9x 10'° dm'molV) H- Of (pK = 4.8)

In the presence ofN^O:

1 0.9= k ( 110'x ° dm'mo 2 N l + 's' - ) OH + —— O 2 H N O - + ~ e In the presence of HI'.

7 OH + H2 ——*H2O + H (k = 3.5 x 10 dm'molV)

**) G-valu numbee= f changeo r ) J d(1.6 n V moleculee 0 1 0 0 x 10 r spe absorbed energy. r conversioFo n into Si-units: multipl G-value yth 0.1036y eb obtaio 4t n n i G(x)

Fig. 1. Radiolysis of water and some primary reactions.

50 - 14 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 9 8 7 6 5 . 4 3 2 1

Fig. 2. G-values of the primary products of water radiofysis as a function ofpH.


0 2 kGy

4 3 Insert Decomposition1: of mol.dm 2.7410 x C12C=CHCI irradiated presencethe in (pH ofair = 6.5) as a function of dose. 3 3 4 3 Insert 2: Aldehyde formation resulting from: (A) W mol.dm and (B) Iff mol.dm C12C=CHCI irradiated presence 6.5)the = in [2].(pH ofair

Fig. Dose-dependence3. of Cl'formation 3 mol.dm W from x 1 3 trichloroethylene irradiatedthe in presence 6.4).= (pH ofair

51 OH attack- :

OH ——— + C12COH-CHC1 (la) lb * C12C-CHC1OH < ) (lc+ ) * C12C =O CC2 H 1

k, = 3,3 x 109 dm3morV

Multiple hydrolysis:

+ + + »- — C1HC1) C2 CO(2 2C1+ COOO H2 - H CHC2H H 1 + + + + 3 C1HC-COOH H2O — *• HCHO COOH Cl" tf ( ) 4 + + + ) ( C1" 2Cl C -CHC1OT E ^C1O — H HC 2C

CIC : A™, = 260 urn , dsappear with 2k = 2,6 x 10* dn^mol'V 2 1

specieO HC se disappeaTh scavengee ar r r (s.Tablaccordin2 o O ) y (6 dreactio e b d ) th e1 an o g t ) n(5

) (5 2HCO + HCH— O —C + O•

— *• (HCO)2 (giyoxal) (6)

+ + ) (7 H O 2 CO *>— 2 O O HC 4 ) (8 2 HO O C • -*

Addition of oxygen and HO2 / Of radicals:

+ + 02 — * C12C^CC1 — *• CI,C = CO HOC1 OH (9)

+ C12C-CO* HO2 ———* C1:C CO.OOH H20 — »• C12C -COOH + H2O2 (10a) + + + -^ CI2C CO O2 — »• C12C CO.62 --^ CIO C1OH 2CO2 OOH

+ + CIO H2O — ^ HOC1 OH (11) + + C12C-COOH H2O — ^ C1;COH HCOOH (12)

+ + + C12COH HO2 — >• CO 2C1"+ 2H + O2 (13)

~ ——2 O — +- C12C-CHC1.O2~ (14)

^ Cl 2C(0— 2-)-CHCl (15)

+ 16 C12C-CHC1.O C1> 2C—* 2"O (fosgen 2 )C1O(CO H+ )

+ + + + 2C12H - 2 >CO -— C1O 2 2-CH O (17) + O 3C1+ HC + - 2H + C1 2 2C(O >C0 -— (18 2TCHC 0 2 H 1+ )

52 + C12C(O:T)-CHC • Cl2—* C(O 2 2O -)-CHCl.O 1 2

+ + + 2C1+ CIO+ ~H (20 2H O + + ') O C 2 C12CO C(O2")-CHC1.6 * — O 2 H 2

9 C1,C C12C® O C12C—0 XX _ _ __^v x- _ i llI __^ p i _p CHCL \ f'!?!I 1! I ' \

f^1TTy"^i rf—'ITT/"^ /^k /*"\ /^ITJT^"1 ^^ /"^ (~\— f\ C1HL ClHC-^HJg—L^) U C1HL.U~ — Ugj Q —U (ozonide)

The ozonide undergoes hydrolysis, whereby two carbonyl compounds (phosgene and aldehyde) as well

as H2O2 are formed:

H O H O O Qf \ (~f * ftir^}/~!ur~'i 2 t / + H O—* i *—"^-1_^_ p. pQ , pirrpQ i TJ p\ /no \ o o— o o-

+ r c + H + 2 C0 (22b > —— 0 2 C1H )2 C+ O

halogenatee Th d aldehyd likewisn eca e undergo hydrolysis.

2.3.5. The radiation-induced degradation of phenol The radiation-induced degradation of phenol is discussed as an example for other aromatic pollutants. The highest decomposition yield of aqueous phenol in the presence of air is obtained by

using a very low dose rate. The substrate concentration is also a determining factor. Micic et al. [17] observed - for aerated 2 x 10' 2 mol L' phenol solution - that the G(-PhOH) value increased from 2.6 upo0 to25 n decreasin dosh~'e y gth G . e 3 Simila rat1 o et fror0 datm10 a were obtaine othey db r

authors [2, 10, 18]. This effect is explained by a chain reaction, initiated by OH and O2*~ species, and propagated mainlOe 2"th ' y transientsyb .

e decompositioTh f oxygenateno pheno1 d L" 10~ l o 10~s presentet 5i l mo 3 a s a Fign d i 1 4- .

1 5 functio applief no d dose (dos emhr y dilute e rateG )Th 1 .2 8 : d solution phenolL' l s mo 10' d (10 )an ^ requir their edosa fo ry f abou edestructiono kG 1 t . However substrate th , e radiolysis results firsf o t alseveran i l l products thashowe ar t Fign ni . 4-II. Hence completr fo , e destructio l productal f no s originating from phenol, a much higher dose is needed. The major radiation-induced reactions involving aerated phenol, (23) to (27), were studied previousl , 19]3 , .y[2 Major product showe sar (29)n i .

+ OH 0 (-70%H, + ) (23) OH (O- H adduct- m. , o- n so ipsd opositions- an p- )

2 C6IL;(OH) —- CgHjOH + ( )\ (~ 30%) (24)

53 100

^ 0

40 - II

20- ^ —____ _ 0— •—_ — a --o- -^-b D ...... c n /^?^....-n---D------"" -"- •••D-- D y kG 0 1. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0

Fig. 4. (I) Radiation-induced decomposition of aqueous phenol, at various concentrations, as a 3 3 function of dose, in the presence of 1.25 x IV mol.dm' O2 (pH ~ 6.5 at 25"C).

Insert: G(-PhOH) observed at 1O to W mol.dnf [PhOHJ. 5 3 3 (II) Major products resulting from solution (B) as a function of dose: (a) pyrocatechol, (b) hydroquinone, hydroxyhydroquinone(c) and 19].2, [I,

OH OH OH o; HO, (25a) OH ° OH H H OH (pyrocatechol)

0 HOj (25b)



* - 2 0 + H + HO, (26)

H "O H H OH OH (hydroquinone)

OH OH OH OH + OH HOJ (27) H OH (hydroxyhydro- quinone)


Mucon Muconic Maleic Oxalic Formic aldehyde acid acid acid acid


(Complex) (Ozonide) (Hydrolysis)


COOH + H O 2 2 COOH (29)

(Muconic aldehyde) (2-Hydroxy muconic acid)

As already pointed out, the synergistic effect of ozone and radiation is very efficient with respec pollutano t t t degradation case phenolf th e o n I . actioe th , f ozonno illustrates ei severay db l reaction steps presented in (29). It explains also the formation of muconic acid under these conditions. Some experimental data concernin radiation-inducee gth d decompositio 4-chlorophenof no l under various condition summarizee sar combinatioe Tabln di Th . eU radiatiof no ozond nan e (even at verconcentrationsw ylo ) result highea n si r degradation yield. conclude o statee T b n dca that i , t water remediatio radiatioy nb n treatmen powerfua s i t d an l efficient method. Schemes for electron-beam processing of drinking water and of industrial wastewater presentee sar Fign d. i 5 .


The photoinduced decomposition of pollutants of water can be based on indirect or direct photolysis botn wels o a ,h s a lprocesses firse th t n I cas. primare eth y transient watef so r photolysis


Output powe f electroro n accelerato kW)n (i r : kW = mA x MeV mA = electron current, MeV = electron energy

Radiation yield: G-value = number of produced or decomposed molecules per 100 eV absorbed energy. For conversion into Si-units: multiply the G-value by 0.10364 to obtain G (x) in umol.J'1. Absorbed dose: 1 rad =100 erg. g-1 = 6.24 x 10'3 eV.g'J Joule.kg'1 = Gra 1 d y= 1ra (Gy0 10 ) 1 krad =10 Joule, kg'1 = 10 Gy Joule.kg'y 4 G 10 Mra4 1 = 10 d = 1 Mrad.kg.h'0 J.kgf* 36 10 = 1 x 6 13. = W 1k

A. B.

Pretreatment Reservoir of Equilibration steps: raw drinking with air and Neutralization, water O, addition sedimentation, coagulation etc.

Radiation Radiation Micro- processing: processing: biological Storage of disinfection decomposition purification purified and of pollutants, (sewage) water decomposition Purified disinfection of pollutants waste water

To consumer To river/

Fig. 5. Scheme for purification of drinking water (A) and of industrial wastewater (B) by electron processing.

56 (solvate^ e" d an d , electrons)H , OH e ar , presence andth n ,i oxygenf eo , HO*OH ,/O Y species attack

dissolvee th d compound2 , wherea secone th n si d cas substrate eth e absorb incidene sth t light directly. A resultsa substrate th , e molecules become electronically underg n exciteca d doan various kindf so reactions depending on the experimental conditions.

3.1. Water photolysis Fig. 6 shows the absorption spectrum of water as well as the quantum yield (Q) of H, OH and e primarth e',,f o , y product f wateo s r photolysis r threfo , e VUV-lines [20-24]. Electromagnetic producee b n ca specia radiatioy db m n 7 l f 123.electrodeles14 no d 6an s lamps [24] VUV-lighe Th . t at thes wavelengtho etw practicao n f o s si l interes thin i t s regard rathes i t bu ,r important with respect to ozone chemistry in the upper atmosphere. seee b nn A frosca m VUV-lin e Figth , .6 t 184.ea (producem 9n low-pressury db e mercury lamp) is absorbed by water, likewise the 123.6 and 147 nm lines. Hence, water can be photolytically decomposed [22, 24]:


0 nm 200

Fig. Absorption6. spectrum waterof [20].

Insert: Quantum energy (eV/hv) and quantum yields (Q) of the primary products of water photolysis with VUV-light at 123.6, 147, and 184.9 nm. (A) - [21], - [22], - [23], [24].- (B) (Q (D)

57 H O + H (30 • -> )H2O*

-> H2O + H2O" (super-excited molecules) (31) + -> H2O + e -„ (32)

+ H20 -» HO + H^ (33)

The quantum Inserprimaryielde givee e th th ar Figf . f n no 6 i t) so . ye^ , productOH , s(H The initiat n freca decompositioe , eth radical e^ d producedo an s H , n reactionOH , f wateo s r pollutants presence th n I . airf eo ,e".,,converte e d botar ,an hH d into peroxy-radicals.

3 1 H + O2 -» HO2' (k = 1.9x 10'° dm mol- s-'), (34) 19 3 1 1 e'aq + O2 -> O2* (k = 2 x 10 dm mol' s- ), (35) + 4.8= K ) (p [25] ' 2 O + H HO2 (36)

It should be mentioned that the HO2* species are generally more reactive than O2". The absorbe eV/hvd7 6. energ = r quantu, E whicy pe basie : takes r is th t hmwa 184.fo s a n m a n 9 2 calculation of the photochemical G-values of: G^ (H, OH) = 4.92 and Gph (e^) = 0.45, at pH 7.

3.2. Photolysi dichloromethanf so e majoe Th r absorption ban dichloromethanf do VUV-range lieth n si e (Fig. 7B). UsinV gVU of , bot184.nm h9 processes, direct electronic excitatio substrate th f no s welea s photolysi a l f o s water, take place simultaneously [1]. The yield of the photoinduced Cl-cleavage is determined as a

function of the absorbed energy, and is taken as an indicator of substrate degradation (Fig. 7A). Up

6 1 to a dose of about 4 x 10 h1 v ml/ the Cl~ formation is linear with the absorbed VUV-quanta, and then tend saturationo st reducee . th Thi o t sd e effec pollutandu s i t t concentratio involvemene th d nan t of secondary competition reactions. As mentioned above, in addition to water photolysis (Reactions 30 - 33) a direct excitation of alsthV eo substrat VU take 184.e m th n s 9 y place eb , namely:

CH2C12 -^V£y^-> *CH2C12 ->,-> 'CHC1H + 2 (37)

U *CH2C1 + *C1 (38) + Cl + H2O -> OH + H + Cr (39)

The H-atoms as well as e^ are scavenged by O2 (see Fig. 1, Reactions 34 to 36) at pH 7 resulting in O2*' species that can oxidize the pollutant. Besides, both transients, *CHC12 and *CH2C1 react with resultine th d O2an g peroxyl-radical sformatioe leath o dt phosgenf no e (OCCy, which hydrolyses [1, 25]7 , .

'CHC12 + O2 -> 'O2CHC12 -» OH + OCC12 (40) l C + (41* H + )O C + » - H O O 2> 2 CH- O *CH2C 1+ 2 C1 + + 2C12H - + 2 CO (42 > - O 2 H )OCC1 + 2

cas2e I nf wateth eo r hydrolysis primaryielde e th th , f so y areradical7 :H p t sa G(H 0.6= ) 0 G(e-7 8 2. G(OH aq2. = (se) = )e Fig. 2) .

58 fmolA . r> cr3-


1- 0.025 Q(CD=4.2 =6Z9

0 5 , -M10«10'•»16° 2002202/.0nm

4 3 PhotoinducedA: 7. Fig. Cl-cleavage from mol.dnf1Q CHx 2 2 C1aqueous,in 2 saturatedair 4 3 solution, at "kKe = 184.9. B: Absorption spectrum ofCH2Cl2 in 10 mol.dnf aqueous solution (pH ~ 7) [1, 3J.

It is known that the reactivity of peroxyl radicals is increasingly enhanced with the number

of halogen atoms in the molecule [26, 27]. Hence, *O2CHC12 species react more strongly with organic

substances tha o *Ond 2CH2C1:

+ •OCHC12 CH2C12 •CHC1, + 2H + 2C1- + CO, (43)

The OH radicals originating from the water photolysis (Reactions 30 and 33) as well as from

Reactions (39 and 40) can also attack CH2C12:

CH, OH (44a)

'CH2C1 C1OH (44b) 3 1 1 8 mol'dm s' 10 x 9 0. k,= 4

The "CHC12 and *CH2C1 transients are involved in several reactions as shown above. The peroxyl-radical anions (O Hd 2'"2Oan ) 2 also contribut degradatioe th o et f CHno 2C12.

o2- CH2C12 HO2' 'CHC12 (45) CH2C12 OH *CHC12 HO (46)

On the basis of the yield of Cl" ions, the quantum yield (Q) and the "photochemical" G-value of the Cl' ions were calculated, and are given in Fig. 7A. The very high degradation yield obtained is due to chain reactions initiated by the OH radicals and transients resulting therefrom.

59 3.3. Photolysis of phenol photoinducee Th d degradatio f phenono s discussei l d belo r comparisowfo s aboveit o nt - mentioned decompositio ioniziny nb g radiation s beeha nt I .previousl y studie presence th n di f eo oxygen and small amounts of ozone [3, 28]. One should first mention that electronic excitemen aqueouf to s phenol numbea f wels o a , s la r of other organi inorganid can c compounds, formatio e leadaddition i th o s^ t e' othef o nt no r processes case , 29] phenolth f [3 eo n I . followine th , g photoinduced processes take place:

C.FLOH *C,H«OH photophysical processes (47a) + H+ + CJLO- (47b)

C6H'50 (47c)

The quantum yields (Q) of e"^ resulting from S,- and S2-states for phenol are: 0.03 and 0.06. For phenolate, irradiated with UV of 253.8 nm the Q(e-aq) is 0.17, and for 228.8 nm it is 0.27 [3]. presence Inth oxygenf H-atomed o an ^ convertee e" , sar d into peroxyl-radicals (see Reaction , 35)s34 . The photoinduced degradation of phenol, using UV of 253.7 nm in the presence of oxygen

and small concentrations of ozone in neutral solutions, is shown in Fig. 8. The Q- and Gph-values achieved absorptioe wels th a , s a l n spectru phenof mo phenolated an l givee ar , Inserts na Fign si . .8 The major reaction step leading to the decomposition of phenol may start with the formation of phenoxyl radicals, as in Reactions (47b) and (47c), which exist in several resonance structures, each

100 •<

4 mol.dm10 x 1 Photolysis3 of phenol, (A) presence %) Fig.the 8. 3 in (in W 1.25 of x 5 33 Iffx 7.5),1.1 = mol.dm mol.dmfunction a and as (pH 2 3 O O of absorbed UV-dose254 = (k nm). (B) Absorption spectrum of phenol (1) and phenolate (2).

60 of which lead differena o st t final product. These reaction discusset no e sar detailn di . Howevert i , is noteworthy tha peroxye tth l species initiat numbeea reactionf ro s discussed above (Reactions 23-28) that lea degradatioo dt phenole th f no t migh I . t als mentionee ob d an H d , tha addition OH i t e th o nt ^ resultine' VUV-watee th n gi r photolysis triplee th , tpollutane statth f singlee eo th s wel a ts a lt

oxygen ('O2) can also be involved in the photochemical decomposition process in the presence of air.


This method is based on the application of semiconductors (TiO2, SrTO3 etc.) as photocatalysts, which were primarily developed for H2-production from water by means of solar energy [3, 30-35]. The principle of the method is illustrated in Fig. 9. Upon illumination of a TiO2 particle immersed in aqueous solution with light of X < 450 run, an electron rises from the valence

ban conductivite th d o (et v) y ban j resultind(e charga n gi e separation (Fig. 9A). Each typf o e semiconductor has a characteristic band-gap (EG = ec - EV, in eV; 1 eV = 23 kcal/mol; for TiO2, eV)3 E. = G Hence, each particle represent redox-systesa promotn ca d man e oxidatio r reductiono n reactions depending on the experimental conditions.

The photocatalytic decomposition of pollutants on, for example, the TiO2-surface, is visualized schematicall chargresule a s th f A to . e Figseparationy 9B yb . illuminatee ,th d part (positively charged + + holes, h ) is able to decompose the absorbed H2O molecules to OH and H species. The OH radicals can initiate pollutant degradation by oxidation. On the other hand, the shaded part of the TiO2 particle + becomes negatively charged, hence electrons can be transferred to absorbed O2, H , or to a pollutant molecule, initiating a number of processes.

valenc= E e band H0 ^ H ++ 0' " v Products 2 2 Ec — conductivity band pK = 4.8 Ferm= F E i band band-ga= v E - c pE E= G

Fig. 9. (A) Simplified scheme of the energy levels of the illuminated n-type semiconductor

particle, e.g. TiOPhotoinduced(B) 2 reactions surfacethe on ofTiO2 particles pollutedin water [3].

61 Illuminated side:

s + + TiO2 _/S*X" -» TiO 2(h ) + e- (48) + 2 2 - 2 + OH^ + H (49)

2OH -> H2O2 (50) H2O2 + OH -> H2O + HO'2 (51)

Shaded side:

H > - ^ H + e- (52)

e- + O^ -> 02- (53) H + O^ -* H0'2 (54)

Using TiO photocatalysta s 2a possibls i t i , decomposo et e various pollutant d waten si an 3 r[ references therein]. This metho alsn usee doca b combination di n with other techniques examplr fo , e

presence inth Hf eo 2 O orden 2i , increas o concentratiort H O e eth solutione th n i . Dependine th n go "action spectrum" (absorption range) of the semiconductor employed, the photocatalytic method can be operated also by solar energy [5, 6, and references therein].


Comparing the yields of radiation-induced degradation of pollutants with those obtained by VUV UV-radiationd -an cleas i t i , r tha lattee muctth e rar h higher. This fac firsbasee s i t th t n dplaci e direce onth t excitatio pollutane somn th i f d no e an case t, moleculand/oV sUV (e.gy VU b r y eb . phenol additionae th n )o l photoinduced formatio case VUVf th e'.,,,f neo o n I . , water photolysis also takes place, resultin radicalshighen H gi d an r yield.H O f so From the practical point of view, however, when processing very large quantities of polluted water, treatment with high-energy electron givee b o t n s preferencsi e ove photochemicae th r d an l photocatalytic methods [36]. Thi becauss si radiatioe eth n energy neede providee b n d ca powerfu y db l modern electron accelerators. Photocatalytic processes can be of interest for countries with predominantly sunny weather; the stile yar l under development.


In the presence of: Gi(-4-ClPhOH) Gi

Argon 2.7 1.15 0.28

2 O 0.2M 5m 2.0 1.50 0.23

1.25 mM O2 2.8 1.30 0.22

1.25 mM O2 3 O 0.01M m 1 3.7 8.30 1.00

Ginitia= , l G-valu calculates ei d fro lineae mth dose-yiele r parth f o t d curve.


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. GEHRINGEP R Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf, Seibersdorf, Austria


actioe Th ionizinf no g radiatio halogenaten no d hydrocarbons presence th n absenc,i d ean ozonef eo s wa , studied in water and wastewater. The combined ozone/electron-beam irradiation process was found especially suite remediatior dfo low-levef no l contaminated groundwater. This combined treatmen oftes twa n more effective than irradiation alone for wastewater decontamination. It reduced the COD without a simultaneous increase of BOD. Introductio gaseouf no s ozone directly intirradiatioe oth n chamber improve water-floe dm w turbulence, allowing treatmen layern i t s thicker tha penetratioe nth n electrons e rangth f eo , with increased decontamination efficiency


Unlike drinking water, which is well-defined, wastewater is usually a mixture of substances with various reactivities, and can be characterized only by group parameters such as , adsorbed organic halogen r UV-absorptioso n properties. The kinetics of transformation of such group parameters depend on their actual composition. Because this composition changes as the reaction proceeds, no general kinetic laws - based on group parameters - can be formulated.

Althoug overale hth l pollutant concentratio wastewaten i rathes ri r high generalls i t i , y below whict 1a direcL" o hl n mo t actio1 radiatiof no n occurs. Accordingly, pollutant decompositio causens i d by free-radical species only. For all data presented in this paper this condition applied.


The action of ionizing radiation upon water results in the formation of almost equal amounts of oxidizing and reducing species. This hybridity is often a serious problem with regard to the efficiency of pollutant decomposition illustrates a , radiation-inducee th y db d decompositio tracf no e amountf so chlorinated ethylenes in groundwater.

2.1. Irradiatio groundwatef no r air-saturaten I d groundwater containing trichloroethylene (TCE perchloroethylend )an e (PCE) as micropollutants, most of the solvated electrons and 'H-atoms are scavenged by oxygen, forming

the superoxide radical anion *O2" and the hydroperoxyl radical HO2* respectively. The latter is in an

acid-base equilibrium wit *Oe ~hth (pK=4.7) usuae th t l A .pH-value groundwaterf so equilibriue ,th m 2 is shifted towards *O2~, i.e. most of the reducing species are converted into the superoxide anion *O2 (Fig. 1).

What happens to the *O2"? Its probable fate is disproportionation into H2O2 and O2, which means that more than 50% of the radiation energy is lost for pollutant decomposition. Generally, only OH free radicals remain as active species for pollutant decomposition in irradiated groundwater. Unde conditione th r nitratse lons giventh a s gd a e an concentratio, lows ni ,

65 only bicarbonate ions seriously compete for OH free radicals - due to their high concentration. r nitratFo e concentrations highe rppm w thafe , a n scavengin f solvateo g d electrond an s subsequent formation of ions cannot be ignored. Nitrite scavenges OH free radicals effectively, d considerablan y worsens condition r pollutanfo s t decomposition e demonstrate. b Thin ca s y db comparing pollutant decomposition in water at various concentrations of bicarbonate and .

2.2. Decomposition of perchloroethylene In de-ionized water containing neither bicarbonate nor nitrate, decomposition of perchloroethylene (PCE) proceeds rapidly. With Vienna City drinking water containinm pp 5 g19 bicarbonat nitrateaboud m e an pp decompositio e t6 th , n rat slower s ereactioi e th t bu ,firsstila s n i f lo t order. Seibersdorf wateE PC rate nitrate rbicarbonatf m th m containeo pp d pp 0 an ,2 6 25 d s ean decomposition is decreased by about one order of magnitude; the kinetics change from first to a higher order. This is the effect of the nitrate (Fig. 2), which is reduced by electrons to form nitrite which, in turn, is oxidized back to nitrate by OH free radicals. In this way, electrons and OH free radicals are lost for pullutant decomposition. This problem, illustrated by the nitrite/nitrate system, is not specific to groundwater, but rather is fundamental to radiation processing of water, especially so for wastewater treatment as demonstrated by experimental data presented below.


Experiments were performed with different types of wastewater, each treated with: • ozone alone • irradiation alone • combination of ozone with irradiation. l casesal n I , irradiatio leasne th alon ts effectiveewa .

3.1. Effluent from processin molassef go s Fig. 3 shows that both oxidation processes - ozone and combined ozone/ionizing radiation - effecte remarkabla d reductioD eaqueouCO n a n i s effluent fro mmolassess-processina g plantt bu , it was not possible to successfully use the OH free radicals generated by the irradiation alone. The combined ozone/y-irradiation process does not use ozone as oxidant: instead, the oxidant is the hydroxy free radical. A process that generates and uses OH free radical is termed an advanced oxidation process (AOP). In the present case, the AOP was more effective than ozonation. Moreover, a continuation of both processes results in another reduction in COD by the combination, but in almost no further COD reduction by ozone alone. The products of ozonation do not react with ozone, but rather witfreH heO radicals indicates a , furthe y reductiodb D CO r witn nhmi afte ozone0 30 r . Since e wastewatevaluH th p f o e s th arounwa r , ther8 d e free-radicaH shoulO e db l productioy nb hydroxyl-ion OH" promoted ozone decomposition. For the first 200 min treatment time, the OH radicals were probably scavenge substancey db reflectet s no CODe tha scavengee e th tar n Th di . s rwa removed sometime aftemin0 20 r. From that moment freH eO radicale th , s would contribute th o et COD reduction.

Besides the COD reduction, the BOD changes are of importance for comparison of these two processes. The decrease in COD occurred with a considerable increase in BOD - above the limit value for emission subsequene Th . t reduction ,already-mentionee recordeth o t e ddu aftes min0 wa 30 r, d

66 OH free-radical generation by ozone. In other words: ozonation finished sometime after 100 min and turne thereafterP d AO int n oa . AOPothee e th Th rn orde ,n o hand a magnitudf y ro b , D reduceCO e dwithouth t simultaneous BOD increase, attaining both limit values require representeemissionr P dfo AO e Th . dresidue-frea e resolution of the wastewater problem, which is an encouraging result.

3.2. Another preliminary experiment involve e treatmenth d f leachato t e from municipal-waste landfill. Althoug compositioe hth f sucno h wastewate quits i r e different fro mmolassee th tha f o t s effluent discussed above, surprisingly similar tendencies were observed: wit l threhal e treatment processes, irradiation alone gav poorese eth t result reductio:D almos kGyCO 0 dosa 1 o t n tf a e o . Ozonation reduced the COD from about 2400 ppm to about 1000 ppm, and was again accompanied by a simultaneous distinct BOD increase. The AOP finally resulted in even greater COD reduction without simultaneous BOD increase.

3.3. Biologically pre-treated effluent from pulp bleaching The similarity of the above results, obtained with two very different types of wastewater, is, however, mere coincidence. With a biologically pre-treated effluent from a pulp-bleaching process, almost opposite results were obtained, with one exception: irradiation alone again produced the poorest results, therefore those data are not included in the next figure. Fig. 4 shows that both oxidation processes increased BOD and AOP even more than ozonation. The differences in the COD decrease and the BOD increase were not pronounced at 100 min. This, again indication a s i , n that ozonatio convertens i witP dh int AO continuin n oa g treatment. When tested with samples from both oxidation processes aftemin0 30 r , ther decreases ewa d toxicit fisf yo h only t alteafteno r d toxicitr di ozonationP comparison yi AO e Th . n wit untreatee hth d sample furthea , r indication resulthay tdifferenma n i tozonatio P AO td productsnan .

3.4. Native chlorination-stage effluent from pulp bleaching The treatment processes discussed above had in common that the wastewater was already biologically treate d containean d d almos o biodegradabln t e substances. This economicaha s l implications. Fig show.5 s pulp-bleachinresulte th r sfo g effluent without bu , t biological pre-treatment, s indicate a ppm0 initian valuD a 49 f y .BO eo dlb Whereas experimente th n i , s with pre-treated wastewater, ozonation untreatee alwayth f o increasesD D d resulte wateBO BO e a rth ,n d i decrease d with ozonation, indicating thaozone th t e reacted preferentially wit biodegradable hth e substances. However, both ozon d ionizinan e g radiatioo expensivto e nar r oxidatio fo e f biodegradablno e substances and, therefore, are used only for the decomposition of refractory pollutants.

67 3.5. Some important aspect radiation-inducef so d wastewater treatment Summarizing briefly some important aspects of radiation-induced wastewater treatment processes, the following should be considered: • biological treatmen tirradiatio e prioth o t r n process • toxicity tests afterwards • economy: competition with - ozon biologica+ e l treatment - other AOPs.


Ther fundamentaa s ei l difference betwee so-callee nth d conventiona baseP AO d le AOPth d san on the combination of ozone with ionizing radiation.

4.1. UV-irradiation of aqueous ozone and hydrogen peroxide When aqueous solutions of ozone or hydrogen peroxide are irradiated with UV (Fig. 6), the radiation energy is absorbed by the ozone or hydrogen peroxide and not by the water. In the case of ozone formatio e leadactioe V th th U ,oxyge o sn t f na o f no n radical, which immediately reacts with

water forming hydrogen peroxide. H2O2 is a weak acid and the deprotonated form, HO2~, transfers s electro it e ozoneth n ozonido t nA . e anio s formedi n , which decomposes immediately after protonatio limitine Th n . intgo OH facto rpoo e herth rs ei solubilit ozonf yo watern ei .

As an alternative to UV-irradiation, direct addition of HO to aqueous solutions of ozone is also 2 used. 2

UV-photolysi Hf s o convenien2 a O s 2i t metho generatinf do freH geO radicals. However, H2O2 has a very low extinction coefficient at 254 nm; the OH free-radical yield is, therefore, rather low. Nevertheless, in all three cases there is always only one single source for the OH free radicals: ozone

or H2O2. When ionizing radiatio s usedni e situatioth , s completelni y differen than e energi t th t s yi absorbed entirely by the water and not by any solute.

4.2. Irradiation of water in the presence of ozone The action of ionizing radiation in water is known to result in the formation of ions, and of molecula free-radicad an r l species . Solvate(Fig7) . d electron H-atomd san reducine ar s g species, formed in almost the same amounts as OH free radicals. In the presence of ozone they act as promoters for ozone decomposition into OH free radicals. As a consequence, there results a unique AOP that is based on two simultaneously-operating sources for OH free-radical generation; this means that mor freH eO radical producee sar suppliede b tha n nca conventionay db l AOPs advantage Th . e of the combination of ozone with ionizing radiation has been verified with experimental data.

4.2.1. Decomposition ofTCE in simulated Niederrohrdorf water Ther ozone/Un a s ei V plan groundwater tfo r remediatio Niederrohrdorfn i , Switzerland, which manufactures wa WEDECy db GermanyOn i groundwatee Th . r bicarbonatecontainm pp 2 m s40 pp 0 3 ,

68 nitrate, and 0.5 ppm DOC, and is contaminated with about 100 ppb trichloroethylene (TCE). To lower juso t t E beloth ozon eg necessaryTC s ppb k i 0 w1 1 3 eh" 1. , , which correspond initia aboum o st pp l7 t ozone concentratio watere th n ni . decompositioe Th TCEb pp simulaten 0 ,i 10 f no d Niederrohrdorf water e studies th wa ,d dan

results show Fign ni wer.8 e obtained. Wherea Oe 3sth /U V requiredecreaso t 3 O dm e aboupp 7 6- t juso t frotE 0 belothm10 eTC ppb 0 w1 ozone/electron-bea e ,th m combination achieve same dth e result at about 2 ppm initial ozone concentration.

Applying 5-6 ppm O3 resulted in a residual TCE concentration of nearly 1 ppb, almost an order of magnitude better thae Oth n3/U V process a clea, r indicatio a highe f free-radicaH o n O r l concentration wit ozone/electron-beae hth m process.

4.2.2. Wastewater from processing of mollasses Similar results have been obtained also with wastewater. Fig. 9 shows that for the same amount

of COD reduction, the ozone demand of the O/HO combination is much higher than that of the 3 2 2 O3/y-combination.


The so-called waterfall technique, an open system, is a simple, robust and convenient means of treating wastewater. Its chief limitation occurs with highly volatile pollutants. The water layer that can be treated is determined by the penetration of the electrons. Experiments performed in a closed system showed that under turbulent-flow conditions water, layers thicker than the maximum penetration range electrone o treateth fe b n dsca successfully.

5.1. Decompositio perchloroethylenf no e Fig. 10 shows the results obtained with 3-mm layers and 500 keV electrons that have a maximum penetratio vert turbulencew A n y. lo rang decompositiomm onlE f e4 o yPC ,1. n takes place irradiatee inth d layer only undet Bu . r high turbulence decompositioE PC e th , n increase almosy db t orden a magnitudef o r .

5.2. Decomposition of trichloroethylene Fig. 11 shows results obtained for electron-beam decomposition of TCE at three water thicknesses, under turbulent-flow conditions. Even a 4.5-mm water layer was treated successfully with 500 keV-electrons.

5.3. Effec gaseouf o t s ozone Optimum turbulence during irradiatio achievee b n n ca introducin y db g ozone int irradiatioe oth n chamber in the gaseous state. Such a process has, moreover, two other important benefits: • the density of the gas/water mixture is less than that of water, therefore the penetration electronrange th f eo s increasesd an , • becaus wateozone e eth th n rei phas consumes ei d more rapidly during irradiationt i , crosse gas/watee sth r boundary faster. As a consequence, much higher efficiencies may be attained as compared with aqueous ozone addition shows a , Figy n. b .12


Drinking water cannot be treated with ionizing radiation alone because of nitrite and hydrogen peroxide formation. These problem t arisno eo sd whe irradiatioe nth performes ni presence th n di e of sufficient ozone. The addition of ozone, before or during irradiation, converts the irradiation into a pure oxidation proces so-callea s( d advanced oxidation process, AOP) [1-5]. The ozone/ionizing-radiation combinatio uniqus ni e among AOPs becaus outstandino tw f eo g features: energe th • y absorption proceed wateremediatede e b th o a t r svi , initiating • two different OH-generation processes simultaneously. Compared to other AOPs a higher OH concentration results, which results in a lower residual pollutant concentration (whe e samth n e ozone concentratio s consideredi n a lowe r o )r ozone consumption (whe same nth e residual pollutant leve considered)s i l . Moreover, ther higs ei h efficacy pollutanw alo t t levels, allowing throughput capacitie abouf so millio6 5- t n morer gallono y t a ,da sa competitive costs. Accordingly, the ozone/electron-beam irradiation process is especially suited for remediatio f low-leveno l contaminated ground water ozone Th . e concentrations necessar sucn yi ha remediation process are usually higher than those needed for disinfection of drinking water, therefore, drinking water treated wit ozone/ionizing-radiation ha n proces alss si o effectively disinfected. In wastewater-treatment processes, irradiation in combination with ozone is often more effective than irradiation alone. Suc hcombinatioa abls ni decreaso et withouD eCO t simultaneous increasf eo BOD. Accordingly, a single-stage residue-free treatment process results as an attractive alternative to the conventional two-stage process of ozonation plus biological treatment, in which sludge is produced as a residue [6]. With respect to the radiation processing of water, introduction of gaseous ozone directly into irradiatioe th n chamber effects turbulence that makes possibl treatmene eth f wateo t r layers thicker thae maximuth n m penetration e electronsrangth f o e . Moreover e efficiencth , f pollutano y t decompositio enhances ni d [4].

FIG.l. Irradiation of ground-water. Competition between natural solutes and chlorinated ethylenes. k-values given are bimolecular rate constants.


4 mval/L total mval/6 8. L hardness m pp 5 19 Bicarbonate m pp 2 25 m pp 5 6. Nitrate 60 ppm 4.5 ppm Chloride 42 ppm 30.5 ppm m pp 2 11 m pp 6 0. TOC 1 ppm

0 100 300 Dose (Gy)

FIG. 2. Decomposition of 50 ppb perchloroethylene in various . D mg/CO L 600 - 577

J B - 0 50


26 for emission HL n mi 0 30 y kG 5 1 untreated ozone ion. radiation ion. radiation plus ozone

mg/L BOD 35 T

30 -

25 - limit value 20 for emission 15 10 10



FIG. 3. COD and BOD changes, by different treatment processes applied, in effluent from processing.

72 mg/L COD 1400 i 1290



n mi 0 30 15 kGy

j| after ozone ion. radiation plus ozone

mg/L BOD 140

300 min 15 kGy

changes,BOD ozonationby and advancedFIG.COD and 4. oxidation, biologicallya in pre-treated effluent from a pulp-bleaching process.

73 D mg/CO L

2000 n 1955 1725 1555 1500 - 1270

1000 -J

0 95 190 285 min 5 10 15 kGy

untreated ozone ion. radiation ion. radiation plus ozone

mg/L BOD 550 510 515 ° 5049 0- 475 - 0 40 - 0 30 200 - 100 -

^HB 0 285 min 15 kGy

FIG. 5. COD and BOD changes in a native chlorination stage effluent from a pulp-bleaching process, by irradiation, oxidation and advanced oxidation.

74 V

c 3

H 2O

Radiation energ absorbeys i solutewatery e db th y s!b onlyT ,NO

There is always just ONE OH • source: O3 or H2O2

FIG. 6. Hydroxy free-radical generation by UV irradiation of aqueous ozone and hydrogen peroxide, respectively. H-0 ; Oil

aqu ; H

; H.O.. P 0 ;

Radiation energ solutesy an absorbeys y i b !watee T th y rdNO b There are now TWO OH» sources simultanously: water radiolysis PLUS ozone decomposition highe • concentration H rO !

FIG. 7. Sources of hydroxy free radicals in water when irradiated in the presence of ozone. 100 ppb TCE


m pp 5 1,

2,2 ppm 2,8 ppm 3,3 ppm 3,9 ppm m pp 0 5, 6,1 ppm

0 200 400 600 800 Dose (Gy)

FIG.8. Decomposition of trichloroethylene (TCE) in simulated Niederrohrdorf waterby ozone/electron- beam irradiation treatment function a initial the as of ozone concentrationand radiation dose.

77 oo

0.1 10 15 2O 25 30 35 min

O 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 min 1234y kG 5 204 408 612 816 1020 mg

FIG. 9. COD changes and ozone consumption in wastewater from molasses processing with regard differento t ozone-based treatment processes (ozone alone (o); ozones-irradiation (•); ozone/hydrogen peroxide (A)). 500 keV electrons / 3 mm layer -

D very low turbulence O high turbulence • high turbulence

+ 7ppmO3 __

0 0 50 1000 1500 Dose (Gy)

FIG.Decomposition10. of perchloroethylene electronby beam irradiation withwithoutand ozone under different flow conditions watera (in layer twice maximum thickthe as as penetration rangeof the electrons applied).

79 100


TCE (ppb)

4.5 mm

0 200 400 Dose (Gy)

DecompositionFIG.11. trichloroethyleneppb 100 of ozone/electronby beam irradiation treatment as a junction of radiation dose and water layer thickness. Initial ozone concentration - 2 ppm; maximum penetration electronskeV mm. of water500 in 1.4 is

80 I I 500 keV- electron layem m r3 s/ wateh r floL/ 0 w5

O ozone water 5 ppm O3 ozone watem pp r8

A O3/O2-gas flow 6 L/h

D O3/O2-gasflowl6L/h O

0 30 0 0 20 100 400 Dose (Gy)

effect gaseousof The FIG. 12. ozone introduction comparedas with aqueous ozone additionan in ozone/electron beam irradiation treatment process, decompositionappliedthe ppb for 500 of perchloroethylene Viennain City drinking water.


[1] GEHRINGER, P., et al., Remediation of Groundwater Polluted with Chlorinated Ethylenes by Ozone- electron Beam Irradiation Treatment, Appl. Radiat. Isot (1992)3 4 . , 1107-1115. [2] GEHRINGER, P., et al., Radiation-induced OH radical generation and its use for groundwater remediation, Radiat. Phys. Chem (1993)2 4 . , 711-714. [3] GEHRINGER al.t e , "AdvanceP. , d Oxidation Process Base Ozone/Electron do n beam Irradiatior nfo Treating Groundwater", American Water Works Association, (Proc. 1994 Annual Conf. New York, 1994), 633-639. [4] GEHRINGER, P., et al., Ozone-Electron Beam Treatment for Groundwater Remediation, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 46 (1995), 1075-1078. ] [5 GEHRINGER , ESCHWEILERP. , , Radiation-Inducef "Tho H. ,e eUs d Advanced Oxidatio Water nfo r Reclamation", Water Sci & Technol. (in press). ] [6 GEHRINGER t al.e , , "OxidativP. , e Treatmen Wasta f o t e Water Stream fro mMolassea s Processing using Ozone and Advanced Oxidation Technologies", (Proc. 12th Ozone World Congress, Lille 1995) Vol. 2, Int. Ozone Assoc. (IOA), Zurich (1995), 449-456.


. BARALDD I Dipartimento Innovazione Tecnologica, ENEA, Casaccia, Rome Italy


The Municipal Association for Electricity and Water (ACEA) of Rome and the Lazio Regional Administratio e implementinnar programmga f interventioo e n aime t protectinda watee gth r qualite th f yo hydrogeological basin of Bracciano. Wifli support from ENEA, a pilot plant is being constructed for sewage-sludge disinfection by irradiation with accelerated electrons, in order to use the sludge as fertilizer for agriculture, as is practised abroad mainly in Germany and (he United States. The work to be carried out within the ENEA-ACEA agreement includes: sludge digestion, drying sterilizatiod an , irradiationy nb . Results achieved so far, including preliminary analyses of irradiated sludge, are presented. The irradiation plant and processes involve alse dar o described.


Municipae Th l Associatio Electricitr nfo Wated yan r (ACEA Romf )o e and, more recentlye th , Lazio Region Administration, have initiated studies and research activities to plan a programme of intervention that will protect the hydrogeological basin of Lake Bracciano. Lake Braccian designates oi drinking-watea s da r reservoi Rome th n ei r Urban Water Supply Plan. The reservoir is intended to help cover the peak demand for water (projected as being about 8 m s" above the average summer flow in 2015) and to cope with emergencies when one or other of 3 1 the aqueducts supplying the city has to be closed for maintenance. A sourcsa drinkinf eo g water lake th ,e mus protectee b t d from pollutio sewagw ra y nb e from urba tourisd nan t development shoress it n s o t shoul I . stressee db d tharate f renewath teo f lako l e wate slows i r , sinc source eth f rechargeo e consists almost exclusivel sub-lacustrinf yo e springs. Therefore, ACEA devised an Action Plan to prevent pollution of the lake and comply with the highest drinking-water standards. Financed by the Lazio Regional Administration, the plan is almost fully implemented: constructio e mosth f to near o t ra completionns i circumlacustrinf .o Aboum k 7 t2 e pipe has been laid and connected to the terminal treatment plant (main contractor: the S.I.T.A. Compan n Rome)i y . ENE s Aassistini e constructioth n i g a pilo f o nt plan r sewage-sludgfo t e disinfection by irradiation with accelerated electrons, to render it useful as fertilizer in agriculture, a practice that has been adopted abroad, mainly in Germany and the United States [1].


The system, aimed at protecting the waters of Lake Bracciano from pollution, consists o maifa n that encircle shoree sth , collecting sewage from residentia tourisd lan t developmente th n si region. The sewage is pumped to the Consorzio Bracciano Idrico Sabatino (CoBIS) treatment plant by 21 booster stations and purified effluent is piped into the Arrone River, which flows out of the lake at a point outside the basin.

83 The CoBIS plant started operations in July 1983 and currently has the capacity to serve 45,000 (25,000 residents and 20,000 visitors). It is envisaged that it will eventually serve a population of 90,000. The treatment process consists essentially of: sand removal; oil and grease removal; aeration; primary settling in tanks tanks; oxidation and aeration; secondary settling; sludge ; sludge thickening; dewatering. One multi-processor system controls the main sewer around the lake and transmits pre-processed information to the data-acquisition and storage system. A similar system provides process control of plant operations alsd an o, transmit sacquisitioe datth o at n system thire Th d. syste mconcernes i d essentially wit acquisitioe hth operatinf no g data (consumption, maintenance, storage, etc.), using pre- processed data transmitted from the first two systems. Instrument r measurinfo s g chemical oxygen demand (COD), conductivity, redox potential, dissolved oxygen, and residual chlorine and ammonia, were installed to acquire a historical record of plant-operatin providgo t dat d parametere aan th e f warnino y an s f gi move s outside pre-set limits.


After treatmen sewagef o t , residual sludge mus disposee b t storagy b f do e and/or incineration; both present problems, the most important of which are related to spatial and environmental impact. When the CoBIS plant was under consideration, the following values were predicted for the incinerator: • throughput capacity h~L '0 40 : • ashes: 35 kg h'1 • fuel consumption: 19 L h"1. e possibilitTh f usinyo g sewage sludg s agriculturaea l fertilize s consideren a wa r e b o dt attractive alternative, provided that bacteria and viruses could be destroyed by treatment with y rays accelerater o d electrons, using irradiation technologies simila thoso rt e employe sterilizatioe th r dfo n of medical products (syringes, gauzes, , etc.). Gamma rays use industrian di l radiation processin generatee gar radioisotopiy db c sources (Cobalt-6 Caesium-137)r 0o . Electron producee sar acceleration di nemployee machineb n ca d dsan directly, or be converted into X-rays by means of a metallic target. Microorganism damagee sar d when expose electrono dt r y-raysso extene Th .f damag o t s ei proportiona radiatioe th o lt n dose (measure Graydn i ) absorbe organisme th y db . With sufficiently high doses, commercial sterilization becomes possible. Irradiation plants for sewage-sludge disinfection have operated abroad with excellent results. A Miami (USA) plant uses an electron-accelerator source, and one near Munich used a 60-Co source for sewage-sludges treatment in the liquid phase. A pilot system, which provided basie mucth plannine f cho th dat r afo f othego r y-irradiation plants, was operated at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where sewage sludge was irradiated at various levels of dehydration including the dry state.


choice Th f irradiatioeo n method depends aboveconomin o l eal c consideratione th n o d an s particular context in which a plant is to operate. The ENEA facility at the CoBIS plant will use a linear electron accelerator (E=6 MeV; P=4 kW maximum) [1].

84 The plant will process the sewage sludge by digestion, drying, and sterilization by irradiation, and hav followine eth g components: primara • y sludge thickener anaerobin a • c digestion system with bio-gas production • a second sludge thickener dewaterina • g station • a bunker of reinforced concrete (biological shielding) with a thickness of 200-220 cm; the inner space of the bunker constitutes the irradiation cell • safety systems connected to the control console, photo-electric cells, personnel indicator footboard, "scram" systems for the source, visual and acoustical systems that mark the beginning and the end of irradiation processing ventilatioa • n syste irradiatioe th mn i n cell • wate powded an r r fire-extinguishing systems controa • l room wit operatinn ha g console, where visua aurad an l l alarms signay an l malfunctionin varioue th i gh s sectors sewage-sludga • e transportation system, with transporter roller automatir sfo c insertion outled an materialf o t s • a drying station • central services, warehouses • a loading and unloading area, with systems for automatic transfer of sludge packagina • shippind gan g section.


Within the research programme defined by the ENEA-ACEA agreement, preliminary studies were carried out on the degradation, by electron-bean irradiation, of halogenated organic compounds and pesticides that are often present hi sewage sludges [2, 3]. The compounds were placed in glass containers and irradiated both dry and in solution (of distilled irradiatione water) LINAth V r Me Fo . C5 a ,accelerato employeds wa r) (Fig1 . ,- wit10 ha Hz repetition frequency kGydosee 0 Mra8 8 th ; )- - s 5 rangd [4]5 e irradiatio( were 0. th f Th .n e o i n dosimetry was determined with perspex slides and the calorimetric method, and analyses were performed by gas chromatography. The initial concentrations of the treated compounds are shown in Table I. Municipal sewage sludges fro CoBIe mth S water-treatment plant were y-irradiated (Co-60t )a ENEA's Calliope plant at Casaccia, to determine effects on physico-chemical characteristics and microbial populations.


The results for radiation-induced degradation of atrazine, 2-ethilexylphthalate (D2EHP), hexachlorobenzen eparathiod (HCBan ) showe . Maximu ni Figar 2 h .Tabl n d i an eI m degradation was achieved when the compounds were dissolved in water. Atrazine and parathion were easily degraded, even at low doses of accelerated electrons (5 kGy).

85 Analytical determination f heavo s y , Cr)metalZn ,, halogenatesCd (Pb, Hg , d organic compounds, detergents, infestant othed san r chemical parameters (Tabl ) demonstrateII e that irradiated sewage sludge fro CoBIe mth Susee planagriculturab r dn fo tca l land application defines a , d by current national standards. Table II also shows the marked reductions in microbial counts with y-irradiation, for the principal pathogens often present in sewage sludge. Destruction of the microbial populations was almost complete, with more than 99% reduction in total counts. Salmonella contamination, detected only in two samples, was eliminated by radiation. Fig chart 3 activitiee . floe th sf th w o s starte 1985n di ; "experimental operations" e referth o t s optimization of plant parameters, both conventional and in the irradiation unit. The plant is self- sufficien energn i t y through bio-gas production. Field experiments nea plane rth t will follo produce w th finas it o lt application collaboration i , n with the local and colleagues in agronomical research.


e LakTh e Bracciano projec s fostereha t e acquisitioth d f knowledgo n e necessare th r fo y development of radiation technology that is needed at the national level for the processing and safe utilizatio f sewagno e sludge.


Substance Quantity or Dosef so Degradation concentration radiation treated (MRad)

Atrazine 21.2/ig (dry) 0.5 -8 4-89a 1.9 ppm (water) 0.5 -8 99.9"

C D2EHP 18.8 Mg (dry) 0.5 -14 5 -54 1.0 ppm (water) 0.5 -15 54-70

HCB 23.8« (dry) 0.5 -8 0-7C 3.6 ppb (water) 0.5 -8 66 - 77C

Parathion 23. o (dry) 0.5 -8 * 89 1 8- 1.4 ppm (water) 0.5 -8 99"

'Linear dose/effect relationship. minimube Ath t m Mrad5 dos0. f eo . cNo linear dose/effect relationship.


Physico-chemical 06-19-90 07-03-90 component Unirradiated Irradiated Unirradiated Irradiated

pH 6.2 6.6 6.3 7.5 Density 0.96 1.06 0.99 1.06 Total Solids at 105°C 25.4 20.9 19.7 23.3 Volatile Solid t 550°sa C 69.3 70.6 69.8 70.8

Organic Carbon 45.2 41.6 44.3 39.5 Total Nitrogen 2.5 2.4 5.4 3.4 Total Phosphorus 1.09 1.58 2.79 1.53 0.45 0.40 0.44 0.60 Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio 18.1 17.3 8.2 11.6

Cadmium <1 <1 1.3 1.5 Copper 285.1 189.9 177.2 293.5 Nickel <1 <1 16.8 19.7 Lead 73.2 32.1 101.0 135.9 Zinc 1238 1309 1364 1236 Chromium 18.2 23.0 27.2 24.7 Mercury <1 <1 8.6 2.8

Total Phenols 61.6 19.7 <1 <1 Anionic Detergents 3750 6728 4863 4248 Total Fats 4900 4869 4920 3186 Chloroform <1 <1 327 633 Dimethylketone - - 14.3 18.8 Trichloroethylene <1 <1 <5 <5 Benzene <1 <1 <5 <5 Tetrachloroethylene 80 20 - - Polychlorodiphenyl <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Hexachlorobenzene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Parathion <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5

87 TABL . (continuedEII )

Microbiological 06-19-90 07-03-90 component Unirradiated Irradiated Unirradiated Irradiated

Infestant 0 0 0 0 Total Coliforms 3.109 200 2.1010 0 Fecal Coliforms 4.108 100 8.109 0 Fecal Streptococci 2.108 120 7.109 0 Total Bacterial Coun t 22°a t C 8.1010 7.104 5.1010 8.103 Total Bacterial Count at 36°C 4.1010 5.104 3.1010 6.103 Parasites (eggs) 0 0 0 0 Salmonella 0 0 5.103 0

HV l«.d through occcUrolIng fovlly

coupling covily

jouououoa D

wov. gul d. -2999 MHz \lllonlum wlndov^

ModulatorA o to : <

FIG. 1. Drawing of the linear accelerator.

88 100

Adsorbed dose, Mrad

FIG. 2. Degradation of selected pesticides by electron-beam irradiation.

Legend: solution aq. in Atrazine: - \ig), A (1.9(20 solid,- air mg/l) a in Hexachlorobenzene: h - solid, in air (24 fig), H - in aq. solution (5.5 mg/l) solutionaq. Parathion:in - ^g), P (1.4(24 solid,- mg/l) air p in



1 R E 1988 /iCMepAI CXy^GTT E 1 A R 1991 18 1 H



FIG. 3. Flow-chart projectof activities.


] [1 OMARINI , BARALDIO. , , CollaborazionD. , e ENEA-ACE bonifica l r A pe fangh i ad i urbani, Notiziatio ENEA Energia e Innovazione (1985) 41-44. ] [2 FABIANI , BARALDIL. , t al.e , "EffecD. , f electroo t n treatmen degradatioe th n o t f atrazineno , hexachlorobenzene, parathion and 2-ethilexylphthalate in air and water", Proc. VII Inter. Congress on Chemistry, Hamburg, Vol l (1990)Il . . [3] BARALDI , MESSINAD. , t al.e ,, "DegradazionG. , composti ed i clororganici, erbicidi fitofarmaci"e , , Proc. National Meeting on Radiochemistry and Radiation Chemistry, Pavia, (1990) 261-264. [4] BIZZARRU, U., BARALDI, D., et al., "Electron accelerators at the ENEA Frascati Centre: development and application", Proc. 1st European Conf. on Accelerator Applied Research and Technology, Frankfurt, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 50 (1990) 331-337.



S.P. McGRATH, A.M. CHAUDRI Soil Department, lACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden

K.E. GILLER Department of Biological Sciences, Wye College, University of London

United Kingdom

Metals may affect the growth of plants, soil microbial activity, and soil fertility in the long term. Less is known adverse ofth e long-term effect metalf o s soin so l microorganisms tha cron no p yields, sinc effecte eth metalf o s s addeo dt in sewage sludge are difficult to assess, and few long-term experiments exist. This paper reviews evidence from controlled long-term field experiments with sewage sludges in the UK, Sweden, Germany and the USA. Adverse effect n microbiao s l activit d populationan y f cyanobacterio s a (blue-green ), Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii, , and total microbial biomass have been detected, in some cases below the European

Community's maximum allowable concentration limit metalr sfo sludge-treaten si d soils exampler Fo . , N2-fixatio freey nb - living heterotrophic bacteria was found to be inhibited at concentrations (mg kg"1) of 127 Zn, 37 Cu, 21 Ni, 3.4 Cd, 52 Cr and 71 Pb. Fixation by free-living cyanobacteria was reduced by 50% at concentrations (mg kg"1) of 114 Zn, 33 Cu, 17 Ni, 2.9 Cd, 80 Cr and 40 Pb. Numbers of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii were decreased by several orders of magnitude at metal concentrations (mg kg"1) of 130-200 Zn, 27-48 Cu, 11-15 Ni, and 0.8-1.0 Cd. Important factors influencing the severity of toxicity are soil texture and pH; higher pH and clay and organic C contents decrease metal toxicity considerably. The evidence presented in this review of long-term field experiments suggests that adverse effects on microbial parameters occur at modest concentrations of metals in soils. It is concluded that prevention of adverse effects on soil microbial processes ultimateld an , soin yo l fertility, shoul factoa e db r that influences soil-protection legislation.

'Data presented are already published: Long-term effects of sewage sludge on soils, microorganisms and plants. Journal of Industrial Micobiology 14 (1995)^4-104. NEXT^ PAGETsTI 1 left BLANK I m«mmm,,~~M,^,mm3 9 J, REVIEW OF STUDIES ON IRRADIATED XA9745791 SEWAGE SLUDGE AND CHICKEN AND THEIR USE IN AGRICULTURE IN INDONESIA

N. HILMY, HARSOJO, S. SUWIRMA, M.M. MITROSUHARDJO Centre for Application of Isotopes and Radiation, Jakarta, Indonesia


Studies on radiation treatment of sewage sludge and chicken manure to eliminate pathogenic bacteria and on their use to increase yields of corn have been done at the Centre for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation (CAIR) since 1984. The parameters measured for irradiated sludge were: total bacteria and pathogenic bacteria content, value , BODpH , , COD, suspension rate, water content, optimum radiation dose, combined treatment of irradiation and sun-drying, and storage time after irradiation. Results showed mat, when combined with sun-drying, the y-radiation dose needed to eliminate the pathogenic bacteria was decreased from 6 kGy to 2 kGy. The application of 5 ton/ha of irradiated sludge to corn gave the same beneficial effect as 90 kg/ha of triple superphosplate. Irradiated sludge and chicken manure can be considered as valuable resources for improving soil fertilit increasind yan g crop yields.



Radiation technology makes significant contributions to the metallurgical, chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Commercial-scale sterilization of medical products is now well established, an t presenda t more tharadiatio0 n14 n operatioplantn i e sar n throughou worlde th t . Pollutiod nan public health controls are relatively new areas in which research and development are in progress for utilization of radiation[l]. Sludge is the residue of solid material that collects during the process of wastewater treatment. Sewage sludge and chicken manure contain valuable inorganic components such as N, P, and K, and organie th c fractio havn nca soil-conditionine a g effect. Therefore, effor beins i t g expende recyclo dt e sludge and chicken manure as fertilizer, soil conditioner, and animal-feed supplement. However, sewage sludg chicked ean n manur contain eca n pathogens, toxic compoundsd an , heavy metals, therefore, for environmental protection, they should be processed to eliminate pathogenic organisms such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella [2, 4] and to reduce heavy metals and toxic chemicals to safe levels, before distribution for public use. Disinfectio sewagf no e sludg chicked ean n manur achievee b n eca d using ionizing radiation or thermal pasteurization. Thermal pasteurization has disadvantages, such as increasing the volume during steam heating contrastn I . , radiation treatment offers several advantages energe th ) :(i y required is less than that for heat pasteurization, (ii) there is no chemical residue in contrast with chemical treatment, (iii) the operation is simple, (iv) sewage sludge and chicken manure can be disinfected continuously and completely, and (v) odour production is reduced.

95 Since 1984, several studie irradiaten o s d sewage sludg chicked an e n manure have been conducted at the Centre for the Application of Isotopes and Radiation (CAIR), Jakarta, with promising results. However, because of lack of sufficient knowledge and appropriate environmental regulations, the use of sewage sludge and chicken manure has not met with broad public acceptance [5-9]. There are two approaches for pathogen reduction in sludge:

• processes to significantly reduce pathogens (PSRPs), which include aerobic digestion, air drying, , low-temperature composting, lime stabilization d othean , r techniques giving equivalent pathogen reduction, • processe furtheo st r reduce pathogens (PFRPs), which include pasteurization 0 (70°3 r Cfo minutes) and y-radiation.

sewagSome th f eo e sludge from Jakarta cit treates yi aerobiy db c digestio PSRa plans a n a Pn i t with sludga m capacit r day0 epe 30 , f locateyo t Pulda o Gebang, Jakarta collectes i t I . d mostly from 3 septic tanks in housing areas, and also from an open-air sludge reservoir at Tangerang, a suburb [10- 11]. Studies on isolation and determination of pathogenic microbes from municipal sludge have been reported. Watanab . [12al t ]ee foun d totald bacteriaan 9 10 coliford x an l 0 3. m o t count p u f so 3.5 x 108 g"1, respectively, in dewatered sludge; the conforms in dewatered sludge were eliminated wit hdosa kGy5 f eo , whereas liquid sludge required onl kGyy3 . Studie nutritive th n so e valu sewagf eo e sludge have been carrie severay b t dou l investigators [13-15]. This report reviews work at CAIR on the effects y-radiation on sewage sludge and chicken manure, with particular emphasis on their utilization as fertilizer to improve soil fertility and increase crop yields.


Chemical composition indicaton a s ,a nutritivf ro e value dewateref o , d sludges (Sludg efroI m a sewage-treatment plant in Jakarta city, Sludge II from a suburban sewage reservoir) and of chicken manure (fro mfara m near Ciputat, south Jakarta showe )ar Tabln i . SludgeI econsisteI d mostlf yo waste, wherea a mixturs s Sludg f wa humao e I I d eothe an n r domestic wastese Th . compositions were calculated from samples of 15 to 20% moisture content. The Kjeldahl N content of Sludge I was similar to that of Sludge II, whereas it was higher in the chicken manure probably due to the presence of husks. These values for N are similar to those dewateree inth d sludge use Star. [16y Smitd d b . al [17 t ]al kan supplement e s t ]ha e animar sfo l feed. t causno ed di significan Radiatioy kG 8 o ntt changdosep u f so chemican ei l compositioH p n i r no values, which were 7.0, 6.10, and 7.5, in Sludges I and II and the manure, respectively.


effecte Th y-radiatiof kGy6 o s storagweekd 4 r o r )an , o polythen4 n s2 i e, ( n(2 e n baga s sa oxygen barrier and to retain moisture, at a room temperature of 29.+2°C), were examined on BOD and COD, solid suspension rate, particle size, and sedimentation rate of liquid sludge (70-75% water).

96 The results are presented in Tables II-VI. No radiation effects were observed, except that sedimentation decreasedrats ewa .


Bacterial counts are shown in Tables VII (not irradiated) and VIII (irradiated, 2 kGy); radiation decreased the numbers by at least 90%, and in most cases by >99%. It is noteworthy that Salmonella was detectable in all three substrates, and was eliminated by radiation. In the samples investigated evidenc,o thern s e wa presenc f eo e ofShigella vibriosr o isolatee th .f Abouo s % frot50 m dewatered sludge were gram-negative bacteria. The chicken-manure samples were contaminated with lice. A comparative study was conducted, on the counts of total bacteria, coliforms and E. coli in sludg liquin ei d (70-75% water dewatered )an d (20-25% water) forms, with results show Tabln i e IX. Total bacterial counts were higheliquie th n di rdewateree thath n i d sludge t coliformbu , d an s E. coli were lower in number in the liquid form. UV radiatio detrimentas nha l effect bacterian o s . Wavelength havn ru e 0 s31 betweed an 0 n20 the most lethal effects on microorganisms, with maximum microbiocidal action at around 260 run. Therefore, sun-dryin sludgf go decreasn eca e bacterial counts more effectively than does air-drying. The combination of sun-drying and radiation (2 kGy) eliminated the Enterobacteriaceae, faecal coliforms including E. coli, and faecal streptococci (Table X). week2 1 f f storageo so d en ,e Atotath t l bacterial counts were simila thoso t r t timea e zero irrespective of y-radiation dosage (0-3 kGy; Fig. 1). However, the combination of radiation (2 kGy) and sun-drying led to the elimination of faecal coliforms at 4 weeks of storage (Fig. 2). In a third experiment, the combination of sun-drying and radiation of 2 kGy killed the pathogenic bacteria, whereas after air-drying a dose of up to 6 kGy was required (Fig. 3).


Tw t experimentopo s were conducte comparo dt effecte eth irradiatef o s d sludg chicked ean n fertilizerP manure growte TS th d n cornf an parametero ,h,e o Th . s observed were total-P uptakeP , availability from the different sources of fertilizer, and dry-matter yield.

experimente Th s consiste followine th f do g treatments:

Experiment I ExperimenI I t

1. Control 1. Control 32 32 2. + P 2. + P-TSPg 2k O 5 )P(4

3. TSP (90 kg P205/ha) . Sludge3 ton/h5 , a 32 32 4. TSP (90 kg P 205/ha) + P . Sludge4 ton/h5 , a+ Pg P-TS 2k O 5 ) P(4 5. Sludge, 5 ton/ha 5. Manure, 5 ton/ha

97 32 32 6. Sludge, 5 ton/ha+ P 6. Manure, 5 ton/ha + P-TSP (45 kg P2O5) 7. Manure, 5 ton/ha 8. Manure, 5 ton/ha+32P

32 32 Isotop= P 4 carrieP ePO 2 r KH fre n i e 32 32 P-TSlabelleP 5 0 P= 2 dP TSPg k 5 4 , Sludg Irradiate= e d SludgeI

Pots containin air-drief o g k g8 d latosol from Pasar Jumat, Jakarta, were use irradiated dan d sludge and chicken manure were applied at 20 g/pot, equivalent to 5 t/ha, with TSP at 0.8 g/pot and P labelled TSP at 0.4 g/pot. Isotope P carrier free was used at 0.4 mCi/pot at planting time. N and 32 32 K fertilizer were respectively 1 g/potapplie6 g/po0. 8 KC ured s 0. d a ,t dan ta a an . Soil moisturs ewa maintained around field capacity (pF=2.54) plantint . a Soi H lp g timarouns ewa d 6.5croe s .Th pwa harveste day0 8 t sda after planting. The results of Experiment I are shown hi Fig. 4. The irradiated sludge and TSP similarly increased dry matter production over the control, and chicken manure was even more effective. Similar trends were observed for total P uptake and source P uptake. The result Experimenf so Figthin n i I se . .5 case ar irradiateI e I t th , d sludge gav esimilaa r dry-matter yield as did the irradiated chicken manure. However, the manure gave a higher total-P uptake than did the sludge. In the combined treatments (4 and 6 above), the presence of the TSP did not appreciably improve dry-matter yields or total-P uptake.


f irradiateo e us Studiee dth sludgn o schicked ean n manure fertilize r increasinfo r d gan sustainin yielde gth severaf so l vegetables crop suc swees ha t corn, tomato, asparagu continuinge sar . They will also involve environmental considerations. The use of irradiated chicken manure as a feed supplemen crayfisr fo t h (Ospharonemus gouramy) will receive renewed emphasis.


combinee Th • d treatment sun-dryind an radiatiof y so kG sludgf g2 o t na e acted synergistcally to eliminate pathogenic bacteria; with air-drie wery dekG requiredsludge6 o t p u , . • Coliforms dial survived the combined sun-drying/radiation treatments died within 4 weeks of storage. • Applicatio ton/h5 f n o irradiatef ao d sludg similaa s eha baserP kg/heffec0 9 TS d f s aa o t on dry-matter productio uptakP d corny nan eb . • Future prospects are promising for the safe reutilization of irradiated sewage sludge and chicken manure as fertilizer for improving soil fertility and sustaining crop yields and in an environmentally-sound manner


Component Sludge I SludgI eI Manure


Dry matter 85. 0± 5.0' 80.0± 8.4 81.1±4.2 Kjeldahl N 1.66±0.07 1.86+_ 0.10 2.25.+0.04 Crude (N x 6.25) 10.4 11.2 14.1 P 2.362 +0. 1.91+.0.2 3.35± 0.52 Fe 3. 20+. 0.2 4.60± 0.2 1.94+. 1.10


K 150±10 190±8 1,150 ±290 Ca 84±20 210+20 6.170.+750 Mg 72±15 14+40 1,390±30 Na 630±20 410±100 670±100 Mn 48±80 9±30 120±50 Cu 10±1 13±3 3±0.2 Zn 63±2 90.+ 30 25±1

"Mean±standard deviation (n = 5).


y-radiation dose (kGy) Storage time 0246 (weeks) (ppm)

0 1. 49.+ 1.01' 1.54+_1.20 1.82 +.1.27 2.05 +.0.61

2 1.69±1.22 2.73+.1.52 2.35±1.37 1.56±1.02

4 1.39+.0.45 1.72±0.44 1.82±0.52 1.76±0.63

"Mean +_ standard deviation (n = 5).


y-radiation dose (kGy) Storage time 0 (weeks)

13.9+5.31a 28.4+10.3 31. 11.3+ 9 32. 14.3+ 5

16.8+7.00 28.7+7.60 30.7+8.96 36.0+9.45

11.4 + 3.40 25.6±7.84 31.7+.11.1 38.9±19.6

'Mean+_standard deviation (n = 5).


y-radation dose (kGy) Storage Interval time time" 0 2 4 6 (weeks) (h) (mg/mL)

0 6 46±15b 50±10 55±9.8 54±9.6 24 41±13 43±10 46±9.6 49±9.9 48 31±10 38±9.8 39±10 41±9.8 72 28±11 34±9.6 33±10 36±9.7

2 6 46±10 58.+ 10 53±10 61±10 24 37+_10 47±10 44±9.7 50±10 48 28±10 38±10 34±9.9 41±10 72 25±10 33±9.9 32±10 36±10

4 6 44±10 51±9.7 52±10 59±9.7 24 38±3.0 44±10 45±10 48±9.6 48 33+.10 38±10 38±10 40±10 72 30±11 34±10 35±10 38±3.0

"After shaking. bMean+_standard deviatio. 5) = n n(


y-radiation dose (kGy) Storage Interval time time' 0 2 4 6 (weeks) (h) (mmx 10"4)

0 1 14±2b 24+34 12±3 1 1 1+ 5 6±1 6±1 6±2 5±1 24 3±1 3±1 3±1 2±1 28 2±1 1±0.5 1+.0.5 2±1

2 1 12+_2 10±1 10±1 H±l 5 5±2 5±1 5±1 5+.1 24 3±1 2±0 2±0 2±1 28 2±1 i±o i±o 1 1+

4 1 H±l 12±2 11 + 1 2±2 5 5±1 6±1 5±4 5±1 24 2±1 2±4 2±4 3±1 28 1±1 i±o i±o 1±1

'After shaking. bMean+_standard deviation (n = 5).


y-radiation dose (kGy) Storage time 2 4 (weeks) (cm/week)

0 11.3+2.35' 4.35 + 1.62 3.38 + 1.40 2.28+0.94

2 12.2+4.34 4.44+1.74 3.32 + 1.32 2.68+0.95

4 12.2+4.02 5.82 + 1.80 4.54+0.95 3.32 + 1.00

'Mean+_standard deviatio. 5) = n n(


Sludge I SludgI eI Manure


Total bacteria (1.141.0).10°> (1. 84_0.5). 108 4,0.9)7 (1. 7 .10 Coliforms ( 104 (5.2±0.6).ltf (3.5:4 1.0).106 E. coli (6.1+:1.0)* .10 (6.3 4.0.9). 104 (10.5±0.6).105 Staphylococcus ( 104 NDb ( .10 Streptococcus (6.3±4.4).102 ND (1. 8+0.05). 103 Pseudomonas (2.0±1.5).104 ND (0.8±0.01).102 Salmonella 4C 4 4

"Mean4_standard deviatio. 5) = n n( bNot determined. 'Presen smaln i t l numbers.


Sludge I SludgI eI Manure


Total bacteria (l.l±3.0).10*m (7.6±1.3).104 (l.5±O.S).l(f Coliforms (1. 5.40.3). 102 ( .10 (2.7+:! .0)* .10 Staphylococcus (2.5+2.1). 103 NDb (1.8+.O.D.103 Streptococcus c ND (3.8±0.05).10* Pseudomonas - ND - Salmonella - - -

"Mean 4_ standard deviation (n = 5). bNot determined. 'Absent.


Water N content in Total bacteria Coliforms E. coli content pH dry matter (%) <*> (cells/g)

September Liquid 74 5.95 0.52 (8.3+_0.5).107a (4.6±0.5).104 (1.8±0.1).103 Dewatered 22 5.23 1.87 (3.6>0.3).106 (1.6+0.2)s .10 (5.0+0.9). 10«

October I Liquid 75 7.05 1.57 (8.2±0.8).107 (3.6:10.4). 103 (l.&±Q.2).l

OctobeI I r Liquid 73 6.03 0.53 (1.7±0.1).109 (3.4 ±0.3)4 .10 (1.9±0.2).103 Dewatered 22 6.10 1.67 (7.0±2.0).106 (5.2.+0.6)s .10 (6.3±0.9).10*

"Meanistandard deviation (n=5).


Sun-dried Air-dried

Non-irradiated Irradiated Non-irradiated Irradiated


Total bacteria (6.3±0.9).1081 (1.0±0.1).107 (9.8±1.0).109 NDb Enterobaceriaceae (1.6±0.7).104 (l.0±0.1).ltf (6.9±1.5).Uf Coliforms (1.0±0.1).103 (1.3±0.8).10* (4.5±0.3).102 E. coli (3.2±1.0).ltf (S.9±l.0).l(f (2.5±0.7).10 faecal Streptococcus (1.9±Q.8).l(f (4.04:1.0).105 (0.3±.0.7).10

"Mea . standarn+ d deviatio. 5) = n n( bNot determined. "Absent.

103 £tfl • §.


2 1 S 4 01 16 Storage (weeks)

kGy <*•y kG ! k.Gy -»~3y kG

F/G . 7 Effects. of storage time totaln o bacterial counts f unirradiatedo irradiatedd an sun-dried sludge.

feca= l streptococcus• air-dne- d feca= lD streptococcus sun-dne- d A = total coliform - air-dned A = total coliform - sun-dned • = £ coli - air-dned coliE = sun-dne- O d

FIG. 2. Effects of storage time on pathogenic bacteria content of unirradiated sun- and air-dried sludge.

104 A'strepl.fec.- air-drie strepl.fec.A < d - sun-dried • Entero bac.- air-drie EnlerQ d o bac.- sun-dried V E. coli - air-dreid ^ E. colt - sun-dried • Coliforru - air-dried O Coliform • air-dried FIG. 3. Effects irradiationof dose decreasingon pathogenicthe bacteria content air-sun-of and dried sludge.

100 Contro3 l CH TS PSludgB e• Sludg TSe+ ManurPO ManureD TSe+ P

I 80 I a. •? 60

o .0. S 40

S 20

o Dry matter yield Total P uptake FIG. 4. Effects of treatment with fertilizer, irradiated sludge, and chicken manure on dry matter production, total P uptake, and source (phosphate fertilizer, irradiated sludge, and chicken manure) uptakeP corn.by

105 100 E3 Control 00 TSP E£ Sludge B Sludge + TSP 0 Manure D Manure + TSP



S 40 o

& 20

Dry matter yield Total P uptake

FIG. 5. Comparison of dry matter production and P uptake by corn in the presence of different sources of nutrients.


[I] MACHI, S., "New Trends in Industrial Applications of Electron Beam ", Proc. of the Workshop on Utilization of Electron Beam Machine (Machi, S., Ed) JAERI-M, 90-194, Tokyo (1990) 15. [2] SCOTB, A. Irradiation of Municipal Sludge for Agricultural Use, Radiat. Phys. Chem., 25 (1985) 1-10. [3] WARD, R.L., McFETER, G.A., GEAGER, J.G., Pathogens in Sludge: Occurance, Inactivation and Potential for Regrowth, Sandia. Nat. Lab., New Mexico (1 984). ] [4 VYSOTSKAYA, N.A., SHEVCHNK, L.G., Physico-chemical aspect f sewagso e ionizing radiation treatments, Radiat. Phys. Chem. (19868 2 , ) 581-584. [5] HILMY , SUWIRMAN. , , HARSOJOS. , , SUHADI , MirobiologicaF , physicochemicad lan l studie irradiaten so d dewatered sludge, Atom Indonesia (19873 1 , . 1 ) ] [6 HILMY , HARSOJON. , , SUWIRMA , CombineS. , d treatmen solaf to r energ gammd yan a irradiatio eliminatno t e pathogenic bacteria in dewatered sludge, Atom Indonesia, 13 (1987) 15. ] [7 HARSOJO, ANDINI, L.S., HILMY , SUWLRMAN. , , RadiatioS. , n disinfectio f manurno r animafo e l feed supplement, Atom Indonesia, 15 (1989) 13. [8] HARSOJO, HELMY , SUWIRMAN. , , RadiatioS. , n Disinfectio f liquino d sewage sludg safr efo e reutilization, Atom Indonesia (19928 1 , . 1 ) [9] MITROSUHARDJO, M.M., HARSOJO, "Effect of the irradiated sludge applied on com crop based on P uptake", Proc. CAIR, Batan, Malaysia (1993. 91 ) [10] SWINWORD, J.F.Canadiae Th , n Commercial Demonstration Sludge Irradiator Project, Nordion Int. Inc., Ontario (1990). [II] BATTS, T.E., MOTT , EvaluatioS. , Irradiatef no d Composted Sewage Sludg Cror efo p Production, Nordion Int. Inc., Ontario (1992). [12] WATANABE, H., TAKEHISA, M., Disinfection of sewage sludge cake by gamma-irradiation, Rad. Phys. Chem. 24(1984)41.

106 [13] GARCIA, J.W., BLESSIN, C.W., INGLETT, G.E., CARLSON, R.O., Physical-chemical characterizatiod nan heavy metal content of corn grown on sludge-treated strip-mine soil, J.Agr. Food Chem. 22 (1974) 810. [14] YEAGER, J.G., O'BRIEN, R.T., Proc.of Cone. Control Federabon, Detroit (1981 ). [15] LESSEL, T., SUESS, A., SCHURMAAN, G., "New investigation at the sludge irradiation plant in Geiselbullach", Radiation for Control Environmental Pollution, ESNA, Brno (1978) 77. [16] STARK , ROSOPULOH. , , HENKELMANNA. , , HAHNR. , , "ChemicaM. , l analysi sewagn i s e sludge after different treatments", Radiation for Pollution Abatement, ESNA, Munich (1976) 231. [17] SMITH, G.S. KIESLING, H.E., RAY, E.E., ORCASBERRO TRUJILLO, R. , , HERBELP. , , C.H., SIVINSKI, J.S., "Dried irradiated sewage solid s supplementaa s l feer "fo d , Irradiatio f Organino c Wastee th r fo s Purpos Animaf eo l Food, ESNA, Hanover (1979. )2


. HARMH S Institute of and , Federal Agricultural Research Centre Braunschweig-Volkenrode, Braunschweig, Germany

The use of municipal sewage sludge as a fertilizer in agriculture is a convenient method of disposal. However, sludge is often contaminated with toxic organic compounds such as dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) polycyclid an , c aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), with implication soir sfo l fertilit qualitd yan cropf yo s for human and animal consumption. These compounds can be assimilated by intact plants or in-vitro cell-lulture systems e amounTh . f uptako t e depend plane physico-chemicae th th tn o n sspecie o d an s l conditions that influence r examplefo , , molecular configuration; uptake rate highee sar r with low-molecular-weigh polad an t r compounds xenobiotie Th .convertee b n cca polao dt r conjugate hydroxylated an s d metabolite alsy oma t ma s be toxic. In some cases, large amounts of the compound and/or its metabolic products are incorporated into non- extractable residues. The bound residues, especially those associated with carbohydrate fractions of the cell wall, are partly degradable enzymatically, therefore the association and type of binding to cellular polymers enables conclusions to be drawn on rneir bioavailability. Although the amounts of uptake and degradation of a compound differed between whole-plant and in-vitro cell-culture systems, the patterns of metabolite formation were similar. Therefore, cell cultures provid a conveniente , rapid mean f evaluatino s metabolie th g c fatf xenobiotio e c compounds.

'Abstract only. The data that were presented are published in Bioaccumulation and metabolic fate of sewage sludge derived organic xenobiotics in plants. Science of the Total Environment 185 (1995) 94- 104.


K. KUMAZAWA NODAI Research Institute, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan


sewagf o e Japann I us ee sludgth , composted ean d sewage sludg gradualls ei y increasing. The appliee yar d not only to agricultural land, but also to golf courses, parks, etc. The presence of heavy metals and pathogens pose majosa r proble r sucmfo h utilizatio f sludgeno . Compostin traditionaa s gi l metho f sewagdo e treatment. Laws have been introduce guidelined dan s prepare proper thesf do fo safd e e rean us material fannersy sb . Public acceptance plays a crucial role. At a time when environmental preservation is a major issue in almost every aspec f lifeo t , greater emphasis will placee havb o makinet n d o g sludg composd ean t hygienically acceptable with minimum contamination from pathogenic organisms and heavy metals. The advantages of using sludges as fertilizer for improving and sustaining soil fertility and crop production are many. This paper reviews studies conducted on the use of sewage sludge in agriculture in Japan.


With recent increases in the the number of sewer systems, sewage-sludge production has also increased rapidly in Japan (Fig. 1). Prior to the 1920s, night-soil generated in houses was utilized largely as agricultural manure, a natural recycling. The establishment of the Japanese resulte shifa n di t among farmers from night-soi chemicao t l l fertilizers. Agricultural utilization of human wastes was briefly revived before and after the second world war, but it completely died out with Japan's in the 1960s. Many sewage treatment plants were built throughout the country, and the disposal of sludge has become a major problem from the point of view of environmental protection and energy consumption. Recycling of sewage sludge for crop productio applicatioy nb lane th potentialls d i n o t efficienn ya usefud an t l metho disposalf do .


Sludge produced by the public sewer system amounted to 2,360,000 m3 in 1993 and was disposed of as shown in Table 1. Landfill and coastal reclamation accounted for 50 % of the total, 24 % (574,000 m3) for agriculture, and 26% for other uses. The greater part of the sludge utilized in agricultur fertilizea s a s erwa ric organin hi sludge-turned-fertilizee Th . cP matter d an N , uses i r n di the form of dewatered cake, dry cake, or composted, and to a small extent as slurry (liquid digested sludge) volumey B . , dewatered predominane cakth s ei t form (Table II) dewateref . Suco e hus d cake, however, pose followine sth g problems.

• Environmental: emission of unpleasant odours during sludge decomposition. • Health: presence of pathogens, eggs of parasites and pests, and seeds of weeds. • Application: difficulties in preserving, transporting and spraying.


Disposal Landfill Coastal Effective Others Total form reclamatioe us n

(x 103 m3)

Dewatered 795 430 392 176 1,465 cake (71)'

Ash 150 116 87 7 360 (15)

Dry 8 0 89 22 119 sludge (5)

Digested/ 11 0 6 399 416 thickened sludge (28)

Total 964 218 574 604 2,360 (41)* (9) (24) (26) (100)

TO r thesFo e reasons, dewatered sludge shoul aerobicalle db y fermente composted dan decomposo dt e organic substance reducd san e water content kilo t l d pathogensan , , parasite eggweed san d seeds, before applicatio farmlando nt . In recent years, interes s beef organio ha t ne growinus c e fertilizeth i gh improvo t r e eth fertility of soils adversely affected by with high chemical inputs. This has resulted in an increased demand for sewage sludge as an . This increased demand can be met if ther technologs ei produco yt e high-quality sludge-turned-compos largn i t e quantities.


Sewage sludge is composted directly by local municipalities and by fertilizer manufacturers using dewatered municipal sludge. Dewatering may be achieved by heating, by application of organic materials suc s wooha d chips, sawdus r rico t e additiohullsy b r o , f water-absorbinno g inorganic materials such as or zeolite. When biodegradable organic substance exposee s ar aerobi n a do t c atmospher presence th n ei e of moisture, microbes feed and grow on them. The heat that accompanies the kills pathogen othed an s r pests, while expelling moisture from organic materials, converting themo t compost. The process takes one to two weeks, and temperatures above 65°C should prevail for more . Furthermorethah 8 n4 ensuro ,t e stability compose ,th t must the storee nb abour montde fo on t h with


Form of sludge Dewatered Ash Dry Compost Digested Total and use cake sludge sludge

(x 103 m3)

Land application Produced by local 113 0 16 28 0 157 municipalities

Commissioned to 279 7 2 43 6 337 private companies

4 49 6 1 7 8 1 7 2 39 Subtotal

Use constructios da n 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 material

4 57 6 1 7 8 1 7 8 2 39 Total

occasional turning or enforced aeration. When woody materials are used as moisture adjusters, a secondary maturation period of more than 3 months seems to be necessary to ensure decomposition of phytotoxic substances compose th f I . t contain muco sto h moisture hars i t handle i o ,dothee t th n r O . hand, if it is too dry it is liable to be carried away by wind and is not suitable for application. For this reason moisture th , e conten easr handlingfo f estandardizeo s ti % compose 40 th o t f I . 0 3 t d a contain s too much easily decomposable organic compounds, it can cause root rot. During composting, increases in pH can cause loss of N by ammonia volatilization. This can be minimize additioy db materialf no higf ratioso N totad hC: an , l enclosur systee th f eo m minimizes release of strong odours. Irrespectiv f whethesludgew o ra s bee e eha nth r treated with slaked lim r polymereo e th , fermentation process stabilizes the pH of commercial compost at 7-8. For farming and purposes essentias i t i , l that hazardous heav , etc. presene Hg yar ,, metalsAs t, onl Cd ,acceptablt ya e levels thin I . s regard, legally enforced standards mus mete b t .


e greatesTh t concer sludgn ni e utilizatio s witni h respec heavo t t y metals. Many people consider that applicatio soio nt l shoulpermittee b t dno d without resolving this constraint. Since heavy metals may be present in relatively high concentrations, they can accumulate in soil with continuous application, resultin harmfun gi l effect cron o s p productio humad nan n healt enteriny hb fooe gth d

113 chain. The important metal contaminants are Zn, Cu, Ni, As, Hg, and Cd. With emphasis on environmental protection, several studies have been carrie concentrationn o t dou chemicad san l forms n ordei o elucidatt r e heavy-metal characteristic d behaviou an se soil/plan th n i r t systeme Th . concentration sludgen i s composted an s d product hige ar s h when compared with thos naturan ei l organic matter: the average concentration of Zn in sludge is approximately 1,000 mg/kg dry matter, ten times higher than in rice-straw compost, although the heavy-metal levels in Japanese sludges in general are lower than in other countries. Taking into consideratio face nth t that various kind f sludgeso processed san d materiale sar already marketed in Japan, the Ministry of Agriculture, and Fisheries set up, in 1971, limits for concentrations of heavy metals in fertilizer derived from waste materials including sludges (Table III). When sewage sludge is applied to agricultural land, it has to meet standards defined by the Fertilizer Law. The upper limits for Cd, Hg, and As, are 5, 2, and 50 mg/kg, respectively. Analytical data indicate that Hg and Cd concentrations in sludge occasionally exceed these limits. At present, many kinds of recycled organic matter are applied to farmland, in increasing quantities. In order to prevent soil pollution by high concentrations of heavy metals in sludge, the Environmental Agenc Japaf yo 198n i 4 published guideline permissiblr sfo e level soiln si followss a , . • Heavy-metal accumulation in farmland soils will be controlled with reference to Zn content. • The upper limit for Zn will be 120 mg/kg dry soil. contenn Z e surfacn i tTh • e soil wil determinee b l atomiy db c absorption spectrophotometry after acid digestion.


Leachate test Content test (mg/L) (mg/kg)

5 r leso s3 0. 0 5 5 1. Mercury 0.005 2

Cyanide 1 Phosphoric pesticide 1 Lead 3 Hexavalent chromiu5 1. m Alky t detactabll no mercurey PCB 0.003 Trichloroethylene 0.3 Tetrachloroethylene 0.1

'The leachate-test criteria must be applied in parallel with the content-test criteria.

114 Many municipalities apply sludges in accordance with these guidelines. The 120 mg/kg value was reached after readings were made from abou agricultura0 t70 l plots where normal cultivatio beed nha n practised without additio wasty an sewagr ef o n o e material. Thasayo t concentratio n s Z ,i t % 95 f no Japans' cropland is below 120 mg/kg. Also it is noteworthy that this guideline is based on the principle that current Zn concentrations in soil favour crop growth [1]. was chosen as the indicator element becaus concentratios eit sewagsoid n i an l e sludg usualls ei y above, thosHg f eo Cu, or Cd. It is believed that by regulating the amount of Zn applied, we can prevent not only adverse effects of Zn on crops but also avoid excessive loading with other heavy metals from sewage- sludge applications fact n efficacI .e th , thif yo s guidelin bees eha n prove mann i y investigationf so sewage- sludge use as fertilizer.


Considering how rapidly heavy metals may accumulate in soil, sludge application to agricultural lanhavrestrictede y b do ema t . Therefore, several studies have been carrie sewen o t rdou systems to determine if heavy-metal levels can be decreased. Table IV shows heavy-metal concentrations in sewage sludge originating from industrial and non-industrial cities. As shown by Kumazawa [2], metal contamination in the industrial sludge was highe rnon-industriale thath n ni . Therefore s recommendewa t i , d that sewage sludges from non- industrial citie usee sagriculturab r dfo l purpose preferencn si thoso et e from heavily industrial areas. Much effort has also been made to reduce heavy-metal content in wastewater. Since 1976, metal flow from industry into sewer system bees sha n restricted concentrationd an , sewagn si e sludge, including Zn and Cu, have markedly decreased. Fig. 2 shows trends in heavy-metal concentration in sludge produce sewaga t da e treatment incomine planth whict f a to % gh6 wastewate f industriao s ri l origin. Mercury is sometimes found in sewage sludge at concentrations higher than the recommended guidelines sodae uses th paste n dwa ,th i t vinylchloridei ,n I . , acetaldehyde pesticidd an , e industries, but nowadays there is no chemical industrial use of Hg. Pesticides containing Hg are prohibited, and Hg battery cell fase sar t disappearing. Mercur sewagn yi e wate thoughs i r originato t e mainly from hospitals, because of Hg thermometers, mercuric antiseptic solutions and reagents that are still used in treatments frod man , amalgam use dentistryn di . Tabl showeV concentrationg sH s foun hospitan di l sinks and basins [3]. Since the establishment of countermeasures to avoid contamination of wastewater, by protecting Hg thermometers with thin fihn, use of electronic thermometers, batch separation of wastes, etc. concentrationg H , dehydraten si d sludge have decreased substantially belo legalle wth y permitted level (Fig. 3) [3]. Tabl showI eV s little differenc heavy-metan ei l contents between sewage-sludge fertilized ran night-soil (sludge from septic tanks). This demonstrates that heavy-metal contamination in sewage sludge from industry has reached a low steady-state level. To further decrease heavy-metal levels in sewage sludge, we must understand their origins in domestic wastewater from taps, baths, , laundry, and kitchen. Table VII shows the amounts of heavy metals in domestic wastewater in Yokosuka and Hakodate cities. A similar survey has been done in Hachinohe [4]. The amounts of Cd, Ni, Mn, Cu, Zn, in faeces showed similar values among the cities, indicatin differencw gfe e between location kindJapae n si quantitieth d n san ni f fooso d consumed watep ta e r froTh .. ConcentrationmCu , YokosukMn , highed Cr a, ha s Pb r , levelNi f so

115 3.5

3 2.I 5 3 I 2 ^1.5 I - I •Oo>

O) CO 0.5 CO 0 > Q ? O D < D < o C o C o C $ 0 Ct> Q)Q)Q> Q>Q>Q)Q)Q>Q>Q>Q>Q> Year

F/G . Annual7 . production of sewage sludge Japan.n i


Industrial cities Non-industrial cities

mean range mean range


Cd 4.4 3.1-7.1 2.1 1.5-2.8 Pb 149 102-216 84 55-88 Ni 124 39-269 18 11-24 Cu 359 139-654 145 86-187 Mn 624 394-940 334 220-501 Zn 1,817 1,030-3,220 1170 930-1,420 Cr 105 31-249 15 10-18 Fe 42,100 29,600-54,600 32,100 17,800-41,300

116 (mg/kg-dry)

0 •7'8 7 •85 •90

(mg/kg-dry) 10 8 6 4 2 0 '77 f80 '85 •90

FIG. Heavy-metal2. trends sludge.in

0 '9 8 '8 6 8 f 4 *8 2 '8 0 •7'8 8

FIG. 3. Trends in mercury concentration in dehydrated sludge [3].


Hg cone. (mg/L)

Nurses' cleaning sluices 0.25-67 Floor cleaning sluices 1.2-8.3 Waste disposal units 1.7-4.1 ICU" disposal units 0.052 OT7 8. b catch basins General catch basins 0.02-0.39

"Intensive care unit. bOperating theatre.


Sewage sludge Night-soil septic fertilizer" sludgeb

mean range mean range

(mg/k mattery gdr )

Cd 2.3 0.71-12 2.4 0.71-6.3 Hg 0.98 0.30-2.0 4.2 0.5-17 As 5.6 1.9-18 1.2 0.14-2.7 Cu 255 100-495 139 45-292 Zn 979 310-1,475 848 340-1,990 Pb 53 12-97 16 0.76-80 Ni 40 22-77 23 6.0-79 Cr 69 22-151 22 5.0-61

"59 samples. "57-58 samples.

118 of tap-water Zn and Cd were almost the same in both cities. The amounts of Cd, Pb, Cr, and Zn in tap water expressed as a fraction of total input were 18-52%, 11-76%, trace-28%, and 7-16%, respectively, and in faeces they were 20-61 %, 1-7%, 2-17%, and 20-59%, respectively. Most of the camn M e from faeces (60-93%). In a special case, a family surveyed in Yokosuka used a -treatment liquid containing a high concentratio (1,36n Z f no 0 ppm). Heavy metal batn i s h wastewater, especiall , probablyCu y come from steam boilers.


City and Cd Ni Pb Cr Mn Cu Zn Fe source (/xg/person/day) (mg/person/day)

Yokosuka Tap water 42 388 3,110 217 1.6 8.4 3.0 25 (22)' (23) (47) (28) (20) (15) (7) (23) Bath 73 676 2,979 196 0.37 43 28 49 (38) (41) (44) (25) (5) (78) (62) (43) Laundry 27 243 465 284 0.69 1.7 3.0 25 (14) (15) (7) (37) (8) (3) (7) (22) Kitchen 12 150 95 65 0.57 0.70 1.8 3.9 (6) (9) (1) (8) (7) (1) (4) (4) Faeces 38 204 94 13 4.9 1.6 8.9 8.5 (20) (12) (55) (2) (60) (3) (20) (8)

Total 192 1,661 6,753 775 8.2 56 44 111

Hakodate Tap water 45 100 380 trace 0.33 0.45 3.8 11 (52) (23) (76) (5.1) (14) (16) (36) Bath 5.6 63 39 136 0.02 0.33 5.2 2.4 (6) (14) (7) (59) (0.3) (11) (21) (8) Laundry 2 37 42 41 0.07 0.21 2.6 3.8 (2) (8) (8) (18) (1) (7) (11) (12) Kitchen 2 20 12 14 0.05 0.13 2.6 1.2 (2) (5) (2) (6) (0.8) (4) (11) (4) Faeces 34 224 33 39 6.0 2.0 10 12 (38) (50) (7) (17) (93) (64) (41) (40)

Total 89 444 506 230 6.4 3.1 24 30


Sewage-sludge compost contained higher levels of heavy metals than did common compost (Table VIE). Table IX shows heavy-metal contents of various organic materials and . Some of these, such as septic sludge, pig dung, and rice straw, contained Zn, Cu or Mn at levels as high as sewage sludge.


The behavior of metals in the is influenced by several factors: soil properties, plant species, climatic conditions (rainfal temperature)d an l , management practices (irrigation, drainage, , fertilization) heavy-metad an , l compositio sewagf no e sludge. Therefore, long-term field trials have been carried out under diverse soil and climatic conditions in Japan.

7.1. Experimen Universite th t ta Tokyof yo , Tanashi, Tokyo Two kind f sewago s e sludge compost driea d dan s sludge were applied separatela o t y volcanic-ash soil (Andosol) twic years2 1 t/h 0 yeaea r 1 a,t fo a rfro m 1978 [5] thin .I s regione th , surface soil contains relativel mg/kg5 16 comparisod n i ,y an , i.e. hig7 Cu h,13 d amountan n n Z f so with average values for Japan of 60 and 19 mg/kg, respectively (Table X). Summer corn and winter barley were grown every year. Table XI shows average concentrations of Zn and Cu in sawdust and rice-husk , dried sludge and chemical fertilizer. The average concentrations of Zn in sawdust and rice-husk mg/k4 compost10 mg/kg6 gd 64 respectively an d 1 s, an wer16 respectively 5 , e67 Cu f o . d an ,


Sewage-sludge compost Common compost

Numbef o r Mean Range Number of Mean Range samples (mg/k mattery gdr ) samples (mg/k mattery gdr )

Cd 76 2.8 0.01-6.9 54 0.82 0.00-2.9 As 68 4.6 0.07-16 42 2.2 0.01-4.8 Hg 56 1.4 0.03-3.3 24 0.11 0.01-0.32 Cu 76 184 3.0-680 62 28 2.0-62 Zn 76 1,109 167-3,315 56 82 15-222 Pb 70 87 1.2-130 48 9.5 0.2-46.9


mattery dr (f %o ) (mg/k mattery gdr )

Rice straw 1.25 0. 89 1,307 83 30 30 7.8 0.72 0.21 Equine dung 1.5 1.,25 896 135 32 54 10 2.0 0.21 Cattle dung 0.51 0.43 398 95 21 13 7.6 1.2 0.22 Swine dung 0.23 0.81 1,105 738 244 16 9.5 1.4 0.20 Poultry dung 0.18 0. 30 327 218 34 11 12 0.30 0.18 Bark 0.92 0.78 327 225 40 12 10 1.5 0.19 Septic sludge 0.60 1.8 684 948 143 15 26 4.6 1.8 1.4 Sewage sludg" e1 1.2 4. 1 982 940 173 31 31 3.6 1.7 0.87 Sewage sludge2b 1.8 2.8 713 1,046 201 32 36 11 1.8 3.3 Raw sludge 0.75 4.5 1,197 640 127 24 58 40 0.67 1.8 Cattle dung 0.54 0.49 324 76 15 15 6.1 0.65 0.29 0.19 + bark

"With inorganic amendment. bWith organic amendment.

Assuming application t/haamounte 0 1 th introduce n ,f Z so f so d woul 6.7e db 6 kg/ha from sawdust compost and 6.46 kg/ha from rice-husk compost. The amounts of Cu introduced would be 1.61 and 1.04 kg/ha, respectively. Therefore, the increases in Zn concentration in the soil would be 6.4d 6.7an 56 mg/k soily gdr , respectively Cu,1.6n i d 1.0d an , 1an 4 mg/k soily gdr , respectively. The patterns of accumulation of Zn and Cu in the surface and subsurface soils over the 12- year period are in Figs. 4 and 5. Increases in Zn levels in subsurface soil were not detected until 1987, 10 years after the inception of the experiment.

7.2. Experiment at Niigata University, Niigata This soil is a coarse sand of low clay content (1-3%) and low CEC (2.7 meq/lOOg). Sewage- sludge compos applies years0 1 twa r d,fo from 1978 [6]. Average th en i concentration u C d an n Z f so compost were 679 mg/kg and 124 mg/kg, respectively, and Table XII shows the accumulation of Zn soile th .n i Withi u C firs e d nth tan fiv surface eth yearsn i en soiZ , l increase mg/kg6 2 do t fro ,5 m3. then more gradually reached a plateau of 31 mg/kg. In the sub-soil the Zn increased to 12.3 ppm after year6 subsequentld san y varied little, indicating deeper intsoile oth . moved more slowly than Zn into the sub-soil.


Property Unit

Soil texture Sandy loam

pH (1:2.5 H2O) 6.0

Total organic C (%) 5.2

Total Zn (mg/kg) Surface soil 137 Subsurface soil 119

Total Cu 5 16 Surface soil Subsurface soil 171

Cation exch. capacity (meq/lOOg) 26.1

Exchangeabl a eC 10.1

Exchangeable Mg 2.5


Material Plot Zn Cu designation (mg/kg)

Dried sludge Da 2 43 3,220

Sawdust compost S 675 161

Rice-husk compost H 646 104

Fertilizer F 56 7.4

aln Figs. 4 and 5.

122 Cu concentration (mg/kg) Zn concentration (mg/kg)


OO Tl (f) Tl oo si sx 3i t&o • vg^) 8. - 5 00 cn cn a

CO CO -*4 OO a s. OO O —* Co

&• o, ft I g- 00 o & oo O O cn cn

oo oo CO CO


After adding nuclide-labeled heavy metals *Mn, Zn, Cd, ^Hgd Pb an ,soilo t e , th , 65 109 210 amounts extractable with DTPA, 0. IHN0NN I HC1 d weran , e little higher than from unamended

soil, with no significant change after 3 month3 s [7]. With this steady state, there were significant correlations between DTPA HCl-extractabld -an e heavy metal plantsn i soi d n applier si an lfo , d dan total heavy metals. These results indicate that equilibriu mestablishes i sludgn di e amon varioue gth s chemical forms of heavy metals, as occurs in native soil. From the above experiments and other field studies that have shown similar trends, guidelines have been drawn up to limit application, so that total calculated quantities of Zn in sludge and soil remain below recommended values.


Several field experiments have been conducted to investigate the effects of sewage sludge and sewage-sludge compost on various crops. In general they were similar to the effects of other organic fertilizers, suc farmyars ha d manur commod ean n compost.

9.1. Flocculant and toxic organic compounds Various kinds of chemical flocculants are used to accelerate dewatering of sludge. Mixtures of lim ferrid ean c chlorid populare ear sludged an , treateo ss d contai aboud nan mortO eCa tha% n10 . 4Fiel%Fe d trials indicate that successive applicatio thif no s lime-sludg sando et y soil reduces crop growth and yields due to increased soil pH. For this reason, lime-sludge and its composting products should be used for neutralizing soil acidity rather than organic fertilizer. From this standpoint, Japanese fertilize classifiew la r s sludg econtent O accordinCa e ;th sludgeo gt s with more tha% 5 n2 alkalinity (CaO+MgO) are distinguished from others as "lime-treated fertilizers". The quantity of lime-sludge that can be applied may be restricted for some soils because of the likelihood of elevated pH. Polyacrylamide compounds are popular as organic flocculants. Although the monomer is reported to be toxic to plants, no adverse effects on growth have been reported. There is little information about effects of toxic organic compounds in sludge. The major organic compounds are poly chlorinated derivatives, such as PCBs, pesticides, and . Their concentration preseno t w lo t sludgo majon si to likele e erb ar environmentao yt l ris Japann ki .

9.2. Nitroge phosphorud nan s Sludg sludgd ean e compos onlt no ty supply nutrient cropo st alsthet y sobu y ma increasd ean sustain soil fertility. Major benefitattributee b n ca s supplyino dt , whicgN founs hi substantian di l amount sludgen si . However, excessive applicatio accompanies i N f no detrimentay db l side effects on crop production and the environment. It is therefore advisable to adjust sludge application to supply r cro fo surfeia sufficienp t N requirements f no o tt bu t . Sludge relativel a als s oha y hig contenthP . Phosphoru efficientls si y use cropsy db againt ,bu , excessive applicatio sludgf no acceleraty ema e water . Phosphorus conten Japanesn ti e soils is generally high because of continuous application of fertilizers for many years.


Zinc Copper

Year Surface Subsoil Surface Subsoil

(mg/k soily gdr )

1978 3.5 0.6 1.0 1979 12.8 2.3 2.8 0.1 1980 16.5 5.1 3.6 1.0 1981 20.0 4.6 4.5 0.4 1982 20.2 5.2 5.9 0.4 1983 26.3 12.3 7.8 1.2 1984 28.0 12.3 8.5 0.5 1985 29.4 12.9 10.6 0.9 1986 31.1 11.0 12.3 0.9 1987 31.0 11.9 13.7 1.5


Variability in the quality of sewage sludge or sewage-sludge compost is rather large owing to difference sourcef o s , treatment methods, additives used, fermentation method, etc. Howevers a , deman commerciad dan l production increase becomet i , s necessar demonstrato yt e product qualitn yi contentsn Z d s informatioetc.a an H p ,u C , r P farmers , nfo N , termC . f Tablo s e XIII shows recommended quality standards for sewage-sludge fertilizer and sewage-sludge compost. Certification tags have made farmers awarimportance th f eo f qualiteo sewagn yi e products. Most local governments have recommended standards for application of sewage-sludge compos cropo t t diversn i s e soil conditions. Taking into consideration these recommended values, tentative national-standard quantitie applicatior sfo cropo nt s were prepare Associatioe th y db r nfo Utilization of Sewage Sludge in 1994, as shown in Table XIV. These standard quantities were calculate basie th severaf so n d o l criteria totae contenn th Z l) (a : t shoul kepe db t belo mg/kg0 w12 , (b) the surface soil Zn content is less than 60 mg/kg, (c) Zinc and N content of sewage sludge compost are 1100 mg/kg and 3.6%, respectively, and (d) a third of basic applied chemical fertilizer e replaceb o it s d with effective e totasludgTh l . applicableN e sludge compos year0 1 s r wa s fo t calculated as 10 t/ha for the litosol, 8 t/ha for the alluvial soil, and 5 t/ha for the andosol. In this calculation, the apparent specific gravity values were 1.2, 1.0 and 0.6, respectively, and the surface soil depth was 15 cm.

125 11. CONCLUSIONS sewagf o e us e e sludgTh sewage-sludgd ean e compos Japan i t gradualls ni y increasing. Thee yar use t onl arabldn no y o pastur d ean e lands t als goln bu ,oo f course parksd san shows a , Fign ni . 6 . neea better Therw dfo no rs e i qualit y contro thesf lo e organic fertilizers fosteo t , r public acceptance. At a time when environmental preservation is a major issue, greater emphasis will have to be placed n providino g hygienically acceptable sludg d composan e t with minimum contamination from pathogenic organism heavd san y metals tha benefito e ,s tth fertilizers sa , increasin sustainind gan g soil fertility and crop production, will not be compromised.


Sewage-sludge Sewage-sludge fertilizer compost

C:N ratio <10 <20 Organic matter >35% >35% Total N >2% >1.5% Total P >2% >2% Alkalinity <25% <25% Moisture <30% <50% pH - <8.5 Cu <600mg/kg <600mg/kg Zn

[Past.ureland, (5.1%) Park otherd an s s (8.7%)

Golf coarse (17.9%)

6. UsesFIG. of sewage sludge fertilizeras Japanin (1990).


Litosol Alluvial soil Andosol

(dry matter t/ha/year)

Rice 1.0- 1.5 0.5 - 1.5 0.8- 1.5 Barley 2.0- 4.0 2.0- 4.0 2.0- 4.0 2.0- 4.0 3.0- 4.0 2.0- 4.0 Potato 2.0- 3.0 3.0- 3.8 2.5- 3.8 Sweet potato 1.0- 3.0 0.5- 1.0 0.5- 1.0 Soya bean 1.0- 1.5 1.0 1.0 Groundnut 1.0- 1.5 1.0 1.0 Rape 5.0 5.0 3.0- 5.0 Cabbage 2.5 - 4.5 3,.5- 6.5 3.5- 6.5 Chinese cabbage 3.0- 5.0 3,.0- 5.0 3.0- 5.0 Small turnip 3.8- 6.0 3..8- 5.0 3.0- 5.0 Carrot 1.5- 2.0 2,.0- 3.0 2.0- 3.0 Radish 2.5- 4.0 2.,5- 4.0 2.5- 4.0 Onion 2.0- 4.0 4.0- 5.0 4.0- 5.0 Sweet corn 5.0- 7.5 7.5 5.0 Green soya bean 1.2- 2.5 1.2 1.2 Corn 3.0- 5.0 3.0- 5.0 3.0- 5.0 Sorghum 2.5 2.,5- 5.0 2.5 - 5.0 Italian ryegrass 2.5- 3.0 2.0- 3.0 2.5 Timothy 2.0- 3.0 2.0- 3.0 2.5- 4.0 Tea 2.0 2.0 2.0- 5.0 Orchards 2.0 2.0- 3.0 3.0


[1] HIRAI, Y., "Guidance for sewage sludge application for crops and heavy metals for farmland soils in Japan", Proc. Second Int. Symp. on Land Application of Sewage Sludge, Tokyo (1988) 145-151. [2] KUMAZAWA K., Perspects on the utilization of sewage sludge as agricultural resources, Sewage sludge and its recycle, Japanese Soc. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., (1976) 187-20 Japapese)n 7(i . ] [3 TAKEDA , BeneficiaK. , f sewago e us le sludg Yamagatn ei a city, Saise Riyo t i (19914 o1 ) 81-8 Japanese)n 5(i . [4] MORI , AmountT. , heavf so y metals throug waterp hta , domestic waste fecesd san , Saise Riyo t i (19870 o1 - )SI 55 (in Japanese). [5] CHINO, M., GOTO, S, KUMAZAWA, K, OWA, N, YOSHIOKA, O, TAKECHI, N, INANAGA, S, INOU, H, DE-LONG , YOUSSEFC , , R.A., Behavio f Zin o Copperd can soin i r l with long term applicatio f sewagno e sludges. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 38 (1992) 159-167. [6] IGARASHI, T., BABA, T., Long-term experiment on the sewage sludge application on the sand dune soil, Saisei to Riyo 18 (1995) 15-29. [7] OWA, N., Behavior of heavy metals in sludge-amended soils, Int. Symp. on Land Application of Sewage Sludge,

Tokyo, Japan (1982) 215-258. mmmmmmim.^...... ,...... ^^^. NEXT PAGE(S) left BLANK 127 XA9745794 SEWAGF O E US E SLUDG FERTILIZEA S EA R RFO INCREASING SOIL FERTILITY AND CROP PRODUCTION

A. SUSS Beratungsbiir r Umweltfragenofu , Munich, Germany


e higTh h nutrien organic-matted an t r content f sewago s e sludge mak usefua t ei l soil amendmenr fo t farmers. In this study at four locations in Bavaria, the application of sewage sludge produced corn yields that were simila better o o rt r than those produce equan a y dlb applicatio chemicaf o term) n n(i N f so l fertilizer. High rates of sludge (800 m3/ha) further improved crop yields, although such are impractical for farmers' fields. Residual beneficial effects of sewage-sludge application were seen also in terms of subsequent yields of barley. Application of sludge also improved biological and physical properties of the soils. More long-term studies are neede betteo dt r understan sewagw dho e sludge contribute improvemene th o st f soio t l fertilit crod yan p yields.


The treatment of domestic and industrial wastes in sewage plants produces large amounts of sludge. Containing organic matter, and macro- and micro-nutrients, this product has been long used in agriculture and to improve soil fertility. Sewage sludges of disparate origins, e.g. household and industrial, may differ greatly hi composition, making it necessary to check for harmful substances Germanyn I . 199a , 2 ordinance dictates acceptable level f heavso y metal organid san c chemicals in sewage sludge as well as in soil to which it is applied [1]. About 40% of sewage sludge is applied to agricultural land, and there are limitations to the amounts that can be used; for example, longeo n n appliee rb ica t water-shen di d areas, public lan r parkdo s [2].


fertilite Th soia f lyo depend severan so l factors whicf o , h biological, chemica physicad an l l influences interact. Therefore the effects of sewage sludge on plant growth must be studied under diverse climatic and soil conditions. Plant yields in sludge-treated plots were compared against chemical-fertilizer controls, on four soil types in Bavaria. The amounts of sewage sludge applied varied during a 3-year rotation period,

from 130 m/ha every year, 400 m/ha once in the rotation, to 800 m/ha once as an overdose. This

3 3

hig experimentar hfo rats ewa 3 l purposes onl provido yt e sludg excessn ei practicawoule d b an t , dno l for farmers' fields l applicationAl . s were autumne madth n ei . determino T f y-radiatioi e n change e propertieth s f sewago s e sludge influenced an , e th s availabilit nutrientf yo plantradiates o st wa t si d wit hdosaga kGy3 f eo . Becaus sludge eth e K-content was low, K fertilizer was applied at the recommended rate. The consisted of corn, wheat and spring barley. The characteristics of the soils and the sewage sludge are shown in Tables I and II. The activities of soil enzymes, dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, protease, and catalase, were determine using standard techniques [5, 6].


The yields of corn differed with soil type and location (Table III). At Strassfeld, Neuriss and Baumannshof, the 130 m3/ha treatment produced grain yields similar or superior1 to those obtained with NPK fertilizer. The 400 m3/ha treatment produced grain yields higher than with chemical fertilizer at Strassfeld, Neuriss and Neuhof. The trends in straw yields were similar to those of the grain, although the yield differences among the treatments were higher for straw than for grain. Radiation of the sludge resulted in slight reductions in grain yields at Strassfeld, Neuriss, and Neuhof. The 800 m3/ha rate increased total yields at Strassfeld, Neuriss, and Baumannshof (Table III, Fig. 1). In the second year of the crop rotation, grain yields of wheat with 130 m3/ha did not reach those wit e chemical-fertilizehth r treatment (Table IV). Also e residuath , l 0 meffect40 /h f ao s 3 produced inferior yields, as did 800 m3/ha with the exception of Strassfeld. The trends in wheat straw yield were different from thos grain ei n yield [3]. Spring barle plantes thire ywa th drotatione n d i yea th f ro . Higher grain yields were observed wit sewage-sludge hth e applicatio ml 0 founal /h13 ratt r a f locatione o s compare fertilizee th o t d r 3 treatment (Table V). In contrast, the 400 m3/ha treatment failed to equal the fertilizer-control yield at any location; this applied also with 800 m3/ha at Neuriss and Baumannshof. The effects of sludge barlee th n yo straw were simila grain e thos o rt yieldth d n an e,o graif o sstrad nan w were generally comparable [4].


Sewage-sludge application increased the activity of soil microorganisms, as measured by enzyme assay Baumannshoe (Tablth ; eVI f data showed inconsistensies t includeno e r ar dfo d an , comparison). Phosphatase, proteas catalasd ean e activities increased with sewage-sludge rate, whereas treno n ther dehydrogenasn s di ewa e activity. Difference enzyme th n i s e activities occurred among the soil types. Tests at the end of the 3-year rotation showed microbial activity still increasing. The 0 m380 /ha treatment produce highese dth t activities, excep r dehydrogenasefo t . Irradiatoe th f no sewag enzyme effec o th sludg n n d o te eha activite s (dat t shownano ) [5]. Changes in physical properties resulted from sewage-sludge application, but in several cases trende th s wer consistent eno t from soi soio t l l (Table VII) exampler fo ; , field capacit increases ywa d t Neurisa % t decrease t 1 Strassfelda 4 sbu y % b 9 y db . Clearly, soil typ importans ei t when studying effecte th sewagf o s e sludge, therefore field trials shoul done db e across site orden si finmoso e rt dth t suitable rate differenr fo s t soils [6].


A sourcsa nutrientf eo organid san c matter, sewage sludg becomins ei g increasingly important farmero t s [2]thin I .s wor t fouka r location Bavarian i s , sewage sludge application gave corn yields similar to those obtained with the equivalent N-rate applied as chemical fertilizer. A rate of 130 m /ha 3 was sufficient for this purpose, and 800 m3/ha produced even higher yields [7]. Residual beneficial

'Editor's note: The results are described as trends, not in terms of statistical significance.

130 effect sewage-sludgf o s e wer ethire seeth d cron e i yea th pf ro rotatio secone th nn i (bu dt year)tno , and they varied depending on the location and the amount applied. Sludge improved biological as well as physical properties of the soil. More long-term experiments are needed to improve our understanding of the effects of sewage sludg soin eo l fertilit crod yan p yields contributo t , developmene th o et f sustainablo t e agricultural practices.


Strassfeld Neuhof Baumannshof Neuriss

Soil type Brown Earth Humic Loam Humic Sand Sandy Loam PH 6.4 6.7 5.1 7.1 Total N (ppm) 1,410 1,500 2,550 2,420 Cadmium 0.33 0.41 0.49 0.45 Copper 67 56 130 54 Zinc 220 27 200 350 Lead 9.9 9.6 3.6 14.2 Rainfall (mm/year) 850 764 764 905


Geiselbullach sewage sludge

(mg/kg dry matter)

7.3H P )( Copper 382 Dry matter 3.0 Zinc 3,241 Organic matter 56.5 228 Total nitrogen 7.7 Cobalt 5.9

NH4 amount 4.3 Iron 7,150 Phosphorus 3.2 Lead 163 Potassium 0.48 Cadmium 12.5 6.6 Chromium 63 0.94 Nickel 128


Strassfeld Neuriss Neuhof Baumannshof


Grain NPKa 4.09 5.61 3.14 4.28 (mVha0 13 ) 4.43 4.28 2.84 4.75 400 5.29 6.45 3.95 4.26 800 5.74 6.69 3.29 5.11 Untreated sludge average 5.15 5.80 3.36 4.71 Irradiated sludge average 4.85 5.42 3.29 4.91

Straw NPK 6.84 5.32 6.59 4.00 130 (m3/ha) 4.23 2.86 5.32 5.04 400 7.08 5.81 6.37 4.52 800 7.90 7.41 6.07 5.89 Untreated sludge average 6.40 5.36 5.92 5.15 Irradiated sludge average 5.48 5.18 5.61 5.13

Relative total yield (Total yield with NP K= 100 ) 130 (m3/ha) 79.2 65.3 83.7 118 400 113 112 106 106 800 125 129 96.2 133 Untreated sludge average 116 117 95.3 119 Irradiated sludge average 103 106 91.4 121

'Applied as 160-160-240.


Strassfeld Neuriss Neuhof Baumannshof


Wheat grain NPK" 3.35 3.42 3.85 3.23 130 (m3/ha) 3.19 2.40 3.05 2.96 400 2.77 2.47 2.48 2.22 800 3.56 2.84 3.47 2.79 Untreated sludge average 3.17 2.57 3.02 2.66 Irradiated sludge average 2.97 2.61 3.14 2.86 Wheat straw NPK 2.09 2.80 3.45 4.97 130 (m3/ha) 2.14 2.98 2.50 5.16 400 1.74 2.04 2.30 3.57 800 2.11 2.19 3.08 4.13 Untreated sludge average 2.00 2.40 2.63 4.29 Irradiated sludge average 2.03 2.53 2.77 4.49

Relative total yield (Total yield with NPK = 100) (m0 13 3/ha) 97.9 86.3 96.0 98.3 400 83.0 72.4 65.4 70.0 800 104 80.7 89.6 83.8 Untreated sludge average 95.0 79.8 77.0 84.0 Irradiated sludge average 91.8 82.6 80.9 88.8 aApplied as 100-120-180.


Strassfeld Neuriss Neuhof Baumannshof


Grain NPK' 5.50 2.43 3.80 2.40 (m0 313 /ha) 6.02 2.51 4.65 3.08 400 5.18 2.28 3.33 2.05 800 6.28 2.17 4.02 2.34 Untreated sludge average 5.83 2.32 3.40 2.49 Irradiated sludge average 5.94 2.37 3.96 2.47

Straw NPK 5.04 3.53 3.89 3.70 130 (m3/ha) 5.68 3.59 4.67 4.99 400 4.61 2.89 3.40 2.44 800 5.68 2.73 4.04 3.32 Untreated sludge average 5.32 3.07 4.04 3.59 Irradiated sludge average 5.39 3.12 3.94 3.31

Relative total yield (Total yield with NPK = 100) (m0 313 /ha) 117 61.0 93.1 80.8 400 97.8 51.6 67.3 44.9 800 120 49.0 80.6 56.6 Untreated sludge average 106 90.4 104 99.6 Irradiated sludge average 108 92.1 103 94.8

"Applied as 40-100-150


Enzymd ean Strassfeld Neuriss Neuhof Average sludge rate irradiated

(Relative activity with NPK = 100)

Dehydrogenase 130 (m3/ha) 123a 106 117 110 400 115 115 116 115 800 112 104 105 113 Alkaline phosphatase 130 (m3/ha) 131 107 110 114 400 138 140 117 122 800 170 139 119 142 Protease (m0 13 3/ha) 163 125 125 135 400 175 154 146 159 800 233 175 170 190 Catalase 130 (m3/ha) 99 108 115 107 400 135 148 136 144 800 237 208 201 190

"Average values for spring and autumn.


Strassfeld Neuriss Neuhof Baumannshof

(Relative to NPK = 100)

Total pore volume (%) 90.4 91.4 104 97.7

Air pore ) s(% 57.0 64.0 57.0 85.0

Field moisture (%) 104 102 113 111

Effective field capacit ) (% y 91.1 141 126 106

Aggregate stability 6-2 mm (%) 108 111 119 154

Cation exchange capacity (mequiv/lOOg soil) 114 110 97.0 167

Ca (mequiv/lOO7 g 11 soil) 103 148 260

Mg (mequiv/lOO5 g 17 soil) 125 106 408

136 NP SS13Km SS400m 0ssson o 15

CO 53

i (0

! 5

0 Stassfeld Neuriss Neuhof Baumannshof Location

Total1. FIG. matter dry withyieldscom variousof applications of sewage sludge (see Table IIIfor details of NPK and sewage-sludge (SS) treatments).


] [1 BUNDESREPUBLICK DEUTSCHLAND KLARSCHLAMMVERORDNUNG (AbfKarV) m ISAprilvo , , Bundesgesetztblan 1992, Tei (1992I l ) 912-934. [2] BAYERISCHE LANDESANSTALT FURBODENKULTUR UND PFLANZENBAU, Freising Was der Landwirt bei der Ausbringung von Klarschlamm beachten mufil. Auflage Januar (1993). [3] SUSS , BECKA. , , BORCHARTT. , , ROSOPULOH. , , SCHURMANNA. , , SOMMERG. , , ErgebnissG. , e 3jahriger Feldversuche mit bestrahltem, pasteurisiertem und Gamma-bestrahltem Klarschlamm Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch 55 (1978) 481-505. [4] SUSS , SCHURMANNA. , , BECKG. , , ROSOPULOT. , , HAISCHA. , , HygienisienmH. , Klarschlamn gvo m durch Gammabestrahlung und PasteurisierungiWirkung von hygienisiertem Klarschlamm auf Boden und Pflanze Forschungsberich 81-21T t 8 Bundesministeriu Forschunr mfu Technologid gun c (BMFT-FB 81-218) (1981). [5] BECK, T., SUSS, A., Auswirkungen der Gamma-Bestrahlung und Pasteurisierung von Klarschlamm auf seine mikrobiellen Eigenschaften und die Mineralisierung im Boden, Z. Pflanzenemahrung und Bodenkunde 140 (1977) 657-668. ] [6 BECK r Elnfluf , De SUSSn KlarschlamT. ,, vo iA. e mikriobiell, di f mau e Tatigkei Bodenm i t . Z , Pflanzenemahrung und Bodenkunde 142 (1979) 299-309. [7] DEETZ, T., KRAUSS, M., Schwermetallaufnahme durch Gemiisepflanzen bei extremer Bodenbelastung, Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch 67 (1990) 549-559. ____ &SEXT PA@g(S) left BLAISK 137 ASSESSMEN HEAVF TO Y METAL POLLUTION WITH XA9745795 APPLICATIONS OF SEWAGE SLUDGE AND CITY COMPOS MAXIMIZINR TFO G CROP YIELDS

T.J.D'SOUZA . RAMACHANDRANV , . RAGHK , U Nuclear Agriculture Division, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India


ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY-METAL POLLUTION WITH APPLICATIONS OF SEWAGE SLUDGE AND CITY COMPOS MAXIMIZINR TFO G CROP YIELDS. Land application of municipal sewage sludge and city compost as organic manures make it imperative to assess heavy-metal pollutio soil n cropsi d san . experiments, conducte maizn d o vertisoa ultiso n n a ei d lan l amended with various sewagdosey dr f so e sludg citd eyan compost from Mumbai, indicated significant increase matter-yieldy dr n si s only in the vertisol. Significantly higher concentrations of Zn, Cu, Co, Pb, Ni and Cd were obtained in plants grown in the amende amendee th mosn e di th t ds ti no toxic vertisot d C bu , s , A experimentl s were conducted with four contrasting soils amended with varying dose f Cd-enncheso d sewage sludg citd eyan compost. Results showed significant reductions in dry-matter yields of maize shoots at the higher rates of sludge or compost in the ultisol and an alfisol, but with no significan wertn effectZ vertisoe ed entisolth n significantla an n i sr level e d o l C Th .f so y elevate plant n dl foui al rn s i soil types. There were negative residual effects fro sludge m th composd ean t amendments: dry-matter yield succeedina f so g maize crop were decrease ultisoe th alfiso d n di an l l Experiments with soils amended with sludge enriched with eithed C r or Zn at 80 mg kg"' indicated significant reductions in dry matter in all soils with Cd, but not with Zn. The results demonstrate that sewage sludges and city composts may be effectively used for maximizing crop yields, especially in vertisols and entisols. However, caution has to be exercised when using sludges containing even relatively low levels of Cd, or high levels of Zn, depending upon soil type


Integrated offer opportunite th s t onlno y o yt maximiz t alsebu o sustain crop productivity approace Th . h encompasse complementare sth l availablal f o e eyus organid can biological source f plano s t nutrients, along with chemical fertilizers. Among thes e farmyarear d manure, composts, crop residues, green manures, blue-green algae recyclabld an , e wastes sucs ha sewage sludge, slurry, industrial wastewater , h Sewagpress-muas y fl ed sludgdan a s i e nutrient-rich, largely organic by-produc municipaf to l wastewater treatment removee ,b whico t s hdha and disposed of by -dumping, incineration, land-filling or utilization in agriculture and horticulture. Land application of municipal sewage sludge is practised throughout the world. High f organio d an c , matteP , levelN rf o maks t excelleni e s fertilizea t soid an lr conditione] 2 , [1 r Whether applications are made at increasing rates per hectare or repeatedly in consecutive years [3-6], beneficial effects are well documented hi terms of crop-yield improvement, increased soil organic matter content and cation-exchange capacity, improved water-holding capacity, and general fertility [7-10]. However, sewage sludg citd yean compost, besides providing macro-and micro-nutrients, also amountn i , Hg sd contaibeyonan o C nd , heavthosPb , ye Ni metalsnormall , Cr , , yCd suc s a h

139 encountere soilsn di limitinA . g factor, therefore excessive th s i , e accumulatio f heavno y metaln si resultansoid lan t phytotoxicity [11-13]. Hence, fertility benefits mus balancee tb d agains potentiae tth l hazard metaf so l contamination through repeated heavy dressings over time. Guideline r applyinfo s g sewage sludge, develope Western di n countries e baseN ar , n do application rates , cation-exchangpH , e capacity cron o pr o ,response s determined withi nshora t time following sludge application, with major concern over Cd uptake [14, 15]. Limits for maximum loading rates of specific toxic elements like Cd have also been prescribed [14]. The Zn-equivalent i (jig 1 soildevelopes g' 8N wa ) + u monitoo dt 2C + n r Z maximuconcept f o m su ,m whice th s hi allowable metal concentrations (not to exceed 250 /*g g~') in soils [16]. Several reviewers have summarized metal uptake by a range of crops, and heavy-metal phytotoxicity has been demonstrated with plants grow solution ni n culture [17-19] greenhousn i , t experimentepo s [13e , th 20-24n i d ]an field [13, 25, 26]. Plant availability of Pb and Cr is low, but their entry into the food chain can occur by direct ingestio sludgf no graziny eb g animals [27]. Cadmiu posy m healtema a h problem since plantn sca accumulate it to levels toxic to animals or , although not to the plants [27]. High levels of Cd are encountered in many sludge-amended soils [28] and in soils near Zn smelters [29] that can affect plant growth and dry matter yield adversely [19, 30, 31]. Plant uptake is controlled, in part, by sludge Cd chemistry, specifically sludg contend eC t [32] soid , lan soication-exchangH p l e capacity [7-10]. Cadmium accumulate kidneyse th n si , liver, pancrea thyroid san humanf do s animalsd ha t san i d an , been associated with hypertension, emphysema, chronic bronchiti d evean sn deat n extremi h e circumstances [11, 33]. Although there is insufficient sewage sludge and city compost available to make a significant impact on total fertilizer needs in our country, low cost and availability make it an attractive alternativ arean ei s near sewage-treatment plants compositioe .Th sludgef no s from Ahmedabad, Delhi, Jaipur, Kolhapur, Madras, Nagpur and Vijayawada were summarized recently, and the ranges of

values for the major nutrients were as follows: N, 0.82-2.3%; P2O5, 0.84-2.1%; K2O, 0.53-1.7%; and for organic matter, 27-55% [34]. Their heavy-metal contents, total and available (in brackets) in mg kg'1 wer followss ea , 194-53Cu : 5 (17.2-50.3) , 833-214Zn ; 6 (70-216) , 176-46Mn ; 5 (1.3-26.5); , 0.6-8.Cd 3 (0.1-1.4) , 17-185;Cr , 11-81;Ni 5 (0.3-52.2 14-7b P 7d )(1.8-8.3)an . Little wor bees kha n done in our country to evaluate the fertilizer value and heavy-metal contributions of sewage sludges and city composts for different soil/crop combinations. This paper reports pot-culture studieeffecte sewaga th f n o so e sludgcita yd ecomposan t from Mumba plann o i t growth assessmenn a d heavy-metae an , th f o t l pollutio plantsoif d no an ls A . mose th f t o toxi e con s chemicall i s element i n d Z C d geochemicalld an syan y relate , theiit o drt accumulation in soils and plants were separately examined.


Four contrasting soils, an ultisol from Phondaghat, a vertisol from Hatkanangale, an entisol from Mahad, all in Maharashtra, and an alfisol from Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, were selected. Their physicochemical properties are shown in Table I, and the concentrations of and heavy metal Tabln i s . TotaeII l heavy-metal determinations were mad extractiny eb soile gth s witM h2


Ultisol Alfisol Entisol Vertisol laterite red alluvial black

pH (1:2.5) 5.1 6.4 6.6 8.2

Moisture equivalen) (% t 30.0 18.0 34.0 35.0

CEC (meq 100 g'1) 10.5 13.0 31.6 60.7

Organi) (% cC 1.4 0.12 1.36 1.32

Free CaCO) 3(% 1.00 0.50 3.00 6.75

Texture Sandy Sandy Silt Clay loam loam loam loam

HNO3 (soil:acid 1:10boiling-watea n i ) [35]h r 2 batmetale ;r th hthi fo f o s represent% 80 o t 5 s7 that would be extractable with hydrofluoric acid. Plant-available metals were determined by extracting solutioa f f soio o 1 L lf 00.00g no witm diethylenetriaminepentaaceti0 5hM 2 c acid (DTPA), 0.01

M CaCl 0.0d triethanolamin2an M 1, e (TEA) 7.3 H rotara p , n ,i y evaporato [36]h 2 r . fo r The soils were separately amended with sewage sludge from the Dadar Municipal Sewage Plant, Mumbai witd an h, city compost fro e Bombamth y Organic Manure . Ltd.Co s , Devnar, Mumbai. The concentrations of micronutrients and heavy metals are in Table III. In the first

experiment, these materials were separately applied to one kg of two soil types, namely the ultisol pote ha"t Th s8 . 1 wer44 d e an kep an, vertisol1124 e t field56 a th t22 ,, d0 t capacita , weeka r yfo , 1 after which time basal nutrients of N, P2O5, K2O were applied at 60:40:60 kg ha' ; two maize (Zea mays L.) plants were grown in each pot for eight weeks. In order to assess Cd accumulation by maize, these soils were amended with Cd-enriched sewage sludge or city compost. The enrichment procedure consisted of preparing a slurry of the

sewage sludge or compost with a solution of 3CdSO4.2H2O (300 /ig Cd g' sludge or compost) and subsequen r dryingai t sievee Th . d soils wer Cd-enricheg e 0 treate10 d d an wit d0 5 h , dose25 f so sludg composr eo soilg k r , representin224tpe d an 1 2 ha"11 1, , respectivelyg56 concentratiod C e .Th n in these treatments amounted to 7.5, 15.0 and 30.0 mg kg"1 soil. Two maize plants were grown for six weeks as described above. Residual effects were evaluated by allowing the soils to dry for a month followe thorougy db h mixing, maintenanc fielf eo d capacit days5 the1 d r an ,ny fo growin maizo gtw e days.plant0 3 r sfo Sewage sludge concentrationn variouf Z so r o d sC s were applie agronomie th t da c rat 44.f eo 8 t ha"1 to the four soil types, to obtain levels of 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 mg Cd or Zn kg"1 (ppm) amended soil. The enrichment procedure and plant-growth conditions were as described above. Two maize plants were grown for six weeks.



Ultisol Vertisol Alfisol Entisol


G*g g-1 dry wt.)

Fe 28,400 38.9 7 27,901. 11,840 7. 0 549,501 4 0

Mn 318 71.6 1,085 4.9 272 32 1,212 292

Cu 74 6.8 107 4.9 8.5 1.3 117 13

Zn 44 1.34 54 0.9 8.0 0.6 92 3.0

Co 17.2 0.43 29.5 0.17 11.0 0.5 48 2.5

Pb 12.7 0.44 13.5 0.42 10.0 0.66 1 0.33 2

Ni 27.2 0.14 35.9 0.06 10.4 01. 0.26 4 5

Cd 3 0. 0.01 0.05 0.02 0.25 0.0 9 0. 0.02 6

Cr 24.3 trace 22.0 trace 19.0 0.07 5 0.02 2

All treatments were replicated four times. After harvest, plant shoots were drie t 70°Cda ,

weighed and wet-ashed using a 5:1 HNO:HC1O acid mixture. The concentration of the heavy metals 4 e clear-aciinth d extracts were determined usin 3 Perkin-Elmega r Mode 0 Atomi38 l c absorption

spectrophotometer equipped wit hDa 2-arc background corrector date aTh . were statistically analysed adopting Duncan's multiple range test.


The ultisol was less fertile than the vertisol (Fig 1). In the vertisol, significantly higher yields were obtained with sludg composd ean t amendments ultisole th n I . , responses wer signficantt eno d an , there was a decreasing yield trend with increasing compost rate. Even at the very high application rates of 224 and 448 t ha'1 (levels in excess of those allowed by Western regulations and representing worst-case situations) visuao n , l toxicity symptoms were exhibite maizee th possibl s i y dt b I . e thae tth

142 7 D 0 t/ha O 56 t/ha D 112 t/ha E3 224 t/ha 6

-o 4 1'

CO ° E



0 Ultisol Vertisol Ultisol Vertisol Sewage sludge City compost

FIG 1 Dry matter yields of maize grown on two soils amended with sewage sludge and city compost (Bars denote LSD values, P<005)

short duratio f thino s experimen weeks 8 ( contributorta s wa ) y factor longea ; r perio f organicdo - matter mineralization might revea positivla e ultisol e effecth n i t least a , applicationw t witlo e hth 6 5 , t ha1. These data show that although beneficia lt obtaine effect no l soils e al i ar sdh , these organic fertilizers can significantly improve yields, as indicated hi earlier studies [3, 4, 6, 8]. micronutriene heavy-metad Th ) concentrationan Cr ) , Zn Cd , , t lCu (Fe Ni (Co, , s,Mn Pb , in plant shoots grow sludge-amenden no d soil ultisole showe th sar n TablI n ni , therV eI e were concentrationn M d an decreasee F e s th wit n i sh sludge amendment; whereas, significantly higher concentrations of Cu and Zn were obtained with the higher rates of sludge. In the vertisol, there were no significant changes in the Fe, Mn and Cu concentrations, whereas Zn concentration in the plants increased with increasing rate sludgef so noteworths i t I . y that highed an i rN plan , Pb t , levelCo f so Cd were obtained at higher doses of sludge application in the ultisol, whereas, there were no similar trends hi the vertisol. The Cr concentration in plants was not affected by sludge amendments in either soil type. compost-amendmene Th t data, (Tabl sho) eV w trends simila thoso rt e with sludge amendment, mainly reduction in Fe and Mn and enhancement in Cu and Zn concentrations in plants grown on the ultisol There was no significant variation in the Fe, Mn and Cu contents, but increased Zn, in plants grown in the vertisol. Addition of city compost also increased Ni, Pb, and Cd plant contents hi the ultisol, wherea vertisoe th n si l increased plan reduced an t levelo C d f levelweri so N f eso observed The levels of these metals attained in plants are comparable to those reported by Maclean et al. [37] Thus, a clear soil-specificity existed for plant uptake of the metals supplied in sludge and compost



Sewage sludge City compost


weighty g'dr 1 )

Fe 14,650 42 1,575 106 Mn 378 6.0 622 45 Cu 600 108 435 83 Zn 1,190 132 922 253 Co 11 0.54 15 0.47 Pb 129 0.94 246 47 Ni 65 47 48 3.0 Cd 3.0 0.72 1.0 0.78 Cr 137 0.14 51 0.09 (%> N 2.0 1.2

P2O5 1.39 0.34

K20 0.37 0.60 OrganicC 15.0 10.4 C:N 7.00 8.67 pH (1:2.5) 6.2 7.7

Earlier studies [7-10] have shown that metals in sewage sludge differ in their availability to crops depending upo organic-matted nan soiH lp r content cation-exchangd ,an e capacityd lowee an Th .H rp cation-exchange capacit ultisoe th f thiyn o li s study must have contribute greatedo t r accumulatiof no Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni and Cd. The restricted uptake of Fe and Mn with sludge and compost must have resulte insolublo t d n froM md e higconversioan e form th e hF y levelsb e th f organif nso o c matter. toxicitd DatC n presentee ao yar . Significan Vn d Tablen di an I tsV reductiony dr e th n si matter yields of both crops of maize occurred at the higher rates of Cd-enriched sludge in the ultisol and alfisol (Table VI); however, in the vertisol, only the second crop was adversely affected, and no significant effects were observed in the entisol. In the compost-amended soils (Table VII), significant losse yieln si d were observe dultisoe alsalfisolth d n o i an lt onl bu ,y wit secone hth d crop. Significantly larger accumulation werd C ef s o observe shoote th n dbotf i s o h cropl foual rn si soils amended wit Cd-enrichee hth d sludge r (Tablcito y) composeVI t (Table VII). Moreovere th , highest levels of accumulation, at any particular Cd level, occurred in the ultisol and the alfisol, which


Soil and Fe Mn Cu Zn Co Pb Ni Cd Cr sludge rate (Mg g'1 dry shoot)

Ultisol 0 331ba 245c 5.8a 41a 3.7a 11.8a 1.2a 2.3a 0.9a 56 (t ha'1) 129a 46a 5.6a 57a 12.Od 4.3a 8.7b 2.9ab 1.3a 112 150a 55a 7.7ab 122b 9.Obc 35.8c 11. 4c 3.3b l.la 224 103a 49a 6.8a 123b 9.9cd 36.8c lO.lbc 4.6c 0.8a 448 Ilia 85a 11. 4b 168c 7. Ib 22. Ib 11. 8c 4.5c l.Oa

Vertisol 0 67a 60b 8.3a 21a 3.8a 27.3ab 23 .4c 2.0a 0.9a 1 t ha'( 6 5 ) 64a 63b 13.9a 59b 5.Sab 41.8c 17.9abc 2.3ab 0.5a 112 65a 62b 8.4a 92c 6.3b 38.8bc 22.4bc 2.6b 0.9a 224 76a 64b lO.Oa HOc 5.Sab 34.6abc 15.7ab 2.1a 0.6a 448 68a 39a 8.9a 146d 5. lab 24.Oa 14.0a 2.4ab 0.8a

"Numbers within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly differen Duncan'y b t s Multiple Range 0.05)< Tes P ( t .

may explai depressioe nth yieldf no thesn si soilo etw s types. Althoug accumulated C e hth e th y db unaffected plantentisoe th vertisot reacd n si no an l hd toxidi l c levels, contaminatio foddef no d an r food is possible. The residual effects of the sludge and compost in terms of depressed plant yields and hig succeedinlevele d hC th n si g maize crop demonstrate continued availabilit plantso yt . These data are consistent with earlier reports of decreased availability of Cd to plant shoots in soils of higher pH and high cation exchange capacity [38-42]. Simulated sewage sludges containing varying wern levelZ er f eithe o so evaluate d C r y db applying sludge at a uniform agronomic rate to the four soils with maize as the test crop. Sludge addition without Cd enrichment significantly enhanced the dry-matter yields of shoots only in the vertisol (Table VIS). Additio f sludgno e with increasing resulteleveld C f so progressivn di e yield reduction in the vertisol, entisol and alfisol, but not in the ultisol in which yield potential was already low. Significant negative correlations were obtained between soiconcentratiod C l mattey dr d rnan yield (Table IX). Further, plant Cd contents increased with Cd supply in all four soils, indicating that yielaccumulatiod C d o t depressio e du plann s i n wa nt tissue (Table VIII). There were positive


Soil and Fe Mn Cu Zn Co Pb Ni Cd Cr compost rate 0*1 gg' dry shoot)

Ultisol 0 33 lb' 245d 5.8a 41a 3.7a 11.8a 1.2a 2.3a 0.9a 56 (t ha-1) 81a 48a 6.8a 50a 5.0a 11.5a 9.7c 1.9b 1.3a 112 124a 73b 8.3a 61a 4.4a 27.7b 5.5b 1.6b 0.9a 224 136a HOc 7.9a 91b 8.6a 21.8b 2.4a 0.9a 448 131c 12.0b 125c 2.7a 0.4a

Vertisol 0 67a 60b 8.3b 21a 3.8ab 27.3a 23 .4b 2.Oa 0.9a 56 (t ha -') 62a 40a 3.6a 47b 3.4a 20.6a 12.0a 2.8b 0.8a 112 93b 45a 6.0ab 63b 6.4b 27.5a a8 . 11 2.6b 0.5a 224 60a 50ab 5.2ab 60b 9.4c 22.la 12.1a 2.4ab l.Oa b 96 Slab 13.3 8 44 c 105c 9.5c 29.2a 10.8a 2.6b l.la

"Numbers within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (P < 0.05).

correlations between soil Cd level and plant Cd content for all four soil types (Table IX). In general, contentd C e th maizf so e growalflsoe ultisoth d n nan lo l were greate vertisore thath r entisold nfo lan , possibly due to higher pH and cation-exchange capacity as discussed above. As mentioned above, the addition of unamended sludge resulted in the enhancement of dry matter yield vertiso e onlth n yi l (Table VIII, Fig . Zn-enriche.2) d sludge amendment furthet no d rsdi affect yield in the vertisol, whereas in the alfisol and ultisol 5 ppm Zn produced significant yield enhancement significanA . t yiel contendentisoln e Z reductioth e n i f to Th . observem s npp wa 0 8 t da the maize shoots was significantly enhanced with sludge application (without enrichment) in all soils excep ultisoe th t l (Fig . Progressiv2) . e enhancemen uptakn Z n i te occurre addee th leve n s dZ a l increase ppm0 d8 froo t ,m wit5 h positive correlation l soilal r s sfo (Tabl . NegativeX) e correlations were obtained between added Zn and dry-matter yield in the vertisol and entisol, whereas a positive correlation was observed in the alfisol (Table X), showing that high levels of Zn in sludge will depress plant yield somn si e soils.


Dry matter yield Cadmium content Crop and Ultisol Alfisol Entisol Vertisol Ultisol Alfisol Entisol Vertisol cadmium level 1 1 (g por ) shooty dr (fig)g'

First crop 0 0.8 la1 1.14a 1.18a 1.09ab 7.5 (ppm) 0,88a 1.04a 1.27a 0.95a a 8 a 56.4. 8 . 43 15 a a 8 . 19 15.0 0..90a 0.58b l.lOa 1.25ab 66.7b 63.4ab 34.5b 29.0b 30.0 0.,40b 0..29c 1.17a 1..40b 92.7c 74.3b 64.7c 32.9b

Second crop 0 l.OSa 1.32a 0.93a 1.14a 7.5 (ppm) 0.75b 0.65b 0.95a 1.02ab 63.la 55.5a 12.5a 16.2a 15.0 0.62c 0.74b 0.93a 1.04ab 56.2a 92.7b 26.6b 37.3b 30.0 0.61c 0.66b 0.96a 0.71b 78.7b 101.9b 48.3c 55.8c

"Numbers within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (P < 0.05).


In general resulte th , s demonstrate that sewage sludge citd ysan compost effective b y sma e as organic fertilizers for maximizing crop yields. However, depending upon soil type, caution has to be exercised with sludges containing even relatively low levels of Cd, or high levels of Zn. Little work has been done under field conditions, and research is needed to establish guidelines for safe application of these materials to Indian soils. The guidelines should take into account crop heavy-metae th requirement , P d an lN levelorganie r sth fo n si c amendmen native th n i e soild H tan p , and cation-exchange capacity of the soil, and overall sludge chemistry in soils. The effects of repeated application over long periods (5 years and more) should be evaluated and ameliorative measures, such as application of lime or fly ash, should be considered so as to maintain sludge-amended soils at a pH of around 6.5. Further, chemical speciation of heavy metals in sludge-amended soils has to be studied in order to evaluate availability to plants in order to develop methods of restricting entry into the human food chain. Therefore, future research should be aimed not only at evaluation of sewage sludges and city composts as effective and economical fertilizer sources, but also to establish guidelines to limit their application to soils based on phytotoxic effects, maximum allowable metal concentrations metad an , l build-u soilsn pi .


Dry matter yield Cadmium content Crop and Ultisol Alfisol Entisol Vertisol Ultisol Alfisol Entisol Vertisol cadmium level (g pof') y dr 1 (jigg" shoot)

First crop 0 0.79aa 0.83a 0.84a 0.87a (ppm5 7. ) 0.59b 0..92b 1.09a 1.26b 55.7a 56.8a. 15 b 9a 22. Oa 15.0 0,67ab 0.88a l.lOa 0.71a 72 a .l 72.9a. b37 2b 27. 8a 30.0 0.,72ab 0,55a 0.95a 0.83a 82. la 90.5b 64.5c 50.3b

Second Crop 0 0.51a 0.75a 0.91a 0.64a 7.5 (ppm) 0.40ab 0.66ab 0.85a 0.54ab 36.4a 42.4a 16.1a al . 27 15.0 0.38ab 0.55ab 0.77a 0.44b 69. 8b 75.8b 24.4b 39.3ab 30.0 0.26b 0.37b 0.82a 0.47ab 108c 108c 52.c 4 b I . 55

"Numbers within columns followe differeny db t letter significantle sar y differen Duncan'y b t s Multiple Range 0.05)< Tes P ( t .


Dry matter yield Cadmium content Treatment Vertisol Alfisol Entisol Ultisol Vertisol Alfisol Entisol Ultisol

(g por1) (jig g-1 dry shoot)

No amendment 5.65aa 7.68c 14.5cd 3.64a Sludge alone 10.45c 8.20c 11. 7c 3.73ab Sludge + 5 ppm Cd 10.9c 5.05b 16.0d 5.50b 12.Oa 3.6a 20.5a 27. 9a + 10 10.4c 4.50b 12.8cd 5.lOab 14.8a 8.9a 57.5b 37. la +20 9.24bc 4.96b ll.lbc 4.96ab 22.Ib 16.3b 71. 9b 53.3b +40 7.75b 3.65ab 7.92b 4.61ab 36.lc 22. Ib 118c 75 Ac + 80 4.87a 2.35a 4.42a 4.93ab 42.3c 35. 5c 128c lOOd

'Numbers within colums followed by different letters are significantly different by Duncan's Multiple Range 0.05)< Tes P ( t .


4 y, s xv xvsy2

Soil Correlation Regression Correlation Regression coefficient equation coefficient equation

Vertisol - 0.988" y, - 10.86-0.075x 0.923" y8.71+0.484= 2 x

Entisol -0.8166.15-0.053= , y * x 0.975" y2 = 3.40+0.426x

Alfisol -0.91313.80-0.122= , y * x 0.889" y26.7+1.51= 2 x

b Ultisol NS 0.936" yx 20.3= 2 ll . 1 3+

a 1 1 x = /xg Cd g" soil y , = dry matte mattery dr r ing" . gd C g /* y= 2 *Significan 0.05< P .t a t 0.01**a< P t . bNot significant.


a x vs y, xvsy2

Soil Correlation Regression Correlation Regression coefficient equation coefficient equation

Vertisol 0.7= -0.821, y 90.036- " x 38.7= 0.982* 2 y 0.633+ " x

Entisol -0.782" 6.9= , 9y 0.033- x 49.0= 0.938" 2 y 0.3I0+ " x

Alfisol 0.834" y, = 13.69 -I- 0.059x 0.984"" y2 = 90.53 + 1.42x

b Ultisol NS 0.950"" y2 = 71.60 + 0.7 Ix

1 a 1 mattey dr g n = i r, y soig' l n Z g ju = x mattery dr g' . n Z g /* = 2 y *Significan 0.10< P .t a t **at P < 0.05. ***atP < 0.01. bNot significant.

149 Contro0 Contro D • ppSS5 + l S Sm+ l S ZD Sn1* 0 ppm Zn D SS + 20ppmZn E3 SS-HOppmZn [H SS + 80ppmZN

D Control 0 Control * SS B SS * 5 ppm Zn D SS -HO ppm Zn pp0 8 mN + Z S S ppO 0 4 mn * Z S S ppS 0 2 mn * Z S E3S




r5 50

Vertisol Entsol Alfisol Ultsol

matterDry FIG 2 yields zincand content of maize grown fouron soils amended with zinc-enriched sewage sludge (Bars denote values,LSD P<005)


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. HILMYN . SUWIRMAS , . SURTIPANTIS , , HARSOJO Centr r Applicatioefo f Isotopeno Radiationd san , Jakarta, Indonesia


The contents of heavy metals, Hg, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Co, were determined in two irradiated sludges, chicken manur fertilized ean d soil Sludg collectes wa eI d fro mtreatmena t plan Jakartn i t a city, Sludg froI eI msludga e reservoi Jakarta n ri a suburb, chicken manur obtaines ewa d fro mfara m sout Jakartabeef soie hd o th l ha n d treatean , d with phosphate fertilizer since 1967 The sludges and chicken manure were collected during the rainy and dry seasons, and the heavy-metal contents were determined by atomic-absorption spectrometry and neutron-activation analysis The results obtained are compared with data from Canada, and are discussed in terms of permissible limits in the environment


e disposaTh f sewago l s becomini e ga majo r proble mindustrializen i developind an d g countries becaus increasinf eo g volume sludgf so treated ean d municipal wastewater (sewage effluent). Health risk increasind san g concer environmene th r nfo t calalternativer fo l wastn si e management. One of the most readily available methods of utilizing and disposing of these wastes is by application to crop land. However, with increasing industrializatio modernizationd nan , heavy metal othed san r toxic material contaminatw sno e municipal sewage materials becomins i t i d ,an g increasingly apparent that land application must be restricted to levels that will prevent ground- and surface-water pollution and accumulatio f toxino c substance environmene th n i s t [1]. Sewage sludge contains xenobiotic chemical heavd san y metals thaaccumulatn ca t thesoid e cropstakey e th an nl b b n ei p nu , whichn i , turn, may become toxic to humans. The levels of these toxic substances in a sludge depend very much oorigins nit . Du free-radicao et l formation radiolysie th , sludgf so altey fore distributioed ma rth m an f no heavy metals contained therein. It is known that metals in sludge are generally present as mineral particulate colloidsd catiosan o t e n,du exchange, sorption, precipitatio carbonatess na , phosphated san sulphides, complex formatio chelationd nan . Irradiation produces high-energy excitatio ionizatiod nan n of molecules, lethal penetratio f celno formatioe l tissuth d ean f freno e radicals that create strong oxidation condition sludge th n si e . matri3] , x[2 In Indonesia, sewage sludge and chicken manure are being used to provide nutrients for crops animad an l feed ensuro T . e safety, toxic substances mus kepe b tt acceptabla t e levels t presentA . , there is no specific regulation governing the use of sludge or chicken manure as fertilizer in Indonesia. This report examines the heavy metals in two irradiated sewage sludges collected from the city of Jakartsuburbss it d alsd aan chicken oan i , n manure, phosphate fertilizer (triple super phosphate [TSP]) and fertilized soil. The concentrations of heavy metals, determined by atomic absorption spectrometr neutrod yan n activiation analysis. 7] , showe 6 ar , 5 Tabl n n, i [4 eI



Sludg eI 2.50" 1.52 13. 0 410 14.2 18. 0 63 20.0 0 ±0.10 ±0.40 +.1.1 ±10.0 ±10.0 ±12.0 ±20.0 ±0.02

Sludge II 1.35 0.88 10.4 50.0 14.4 12.8 450 24.4 ±0.09 ±0.20 ±0.30 ±2.0 ±0.4 ±1.2 ±60.0 ±2.4

Chicken 0.03 0.51 0.06 30.0 15.7 0.01 250 NDb manure ±0.01 ±0.88 ±0.08 ±2.0 ±1.3 ±0.01 ±10.0

P fertilizer 0.09 8.4 0.27 10.2 15.4 4.6 240 2.51 ±0.01 ±5.8 ±0.13 ±5.5 ±7.9 ±1.4 ±100 ±1.7

- Fertilize2.76d 86.9 21.3 22.0 29.9 22.2 50.9 soil ±0.10 ±33.9 ±5.5 ±2.0 ±3.3 ±1.06 ±44.2

Permissible - 1.00 250 2- 3- 2- 10- 1- conc. in soil 100 1000 2000 100 13

"Mea nstandar± d deviatio. 5) = n n( bNot detected.

1.1. Cadmium There is no evidence of an essential role of this element in plant growth. Cd is readily absorbe consequentld dan detectabls yi mosn ei t plants. believes i wit d e hC b o dt a serious healt minen Z h d riskconcentratiose soip an vicinite higTh s .to i th b l P n n h i i f yo d C f no (2-144 ppm) [8]. Sewage sludg phosphatd ean e fertilize alse ar ro importane tTh source. Cd f o s maximum permissibl eadditiod C rat f eo exhibit d soio nt C t higl, A depend h. pH ssoie th pH l n so higher mobility tha acin ni d environments backgroune Th . soiln i d usualls i sd valu C f eo y between

154 0.07 and 1.10 ppm, and should not exceed 1.5 ppm [8]. Cd content in the sludge collected from the treatment plant in Jakarta city (Sludge I) was 1.52 ppm and 0.88 ppm in the sludge reservoir in a Jakarta suburb mea(Sludge Th n . concentrationen) sludgewere d th C ef n i s o 1.2, m 0.50m pp 1pp in chicken manure phosphatn ,i 8.3m 7pp e fertilizer fertilizen i 2.7d m an ,6 pp d soile sludgTh . d ean chicken-manure levels were lower than than those reporte sludger dfo s Canada (Table risII)e kTh . of high absorptio thif no s meta controllee planty b b l n sca amounusiny w db lo g a f sludg e o t th n ei soil-sludge mixture.

1.2. Copper Coppe vers ri y solublions releasee it sar d ean acin di d environments. Therefore amons i t i , g more th e mobil heave th f yeo metals. Contaminatio soif no l results from utilizatio Cu-containinf no g fertilize agriculturn i r fror eo m municipal waste r industriaso l emissions. Another possible sourcs ei the corrosion of Cu alloys (electric wires, pipes etc.). The addition of Cu to cultivated soils through fertilizer, chemicals and waste has recently been extensively investigated mose .Th t important aspec contaminatiou C f to accumulatios it ns i surfacn i e soils. The threshold value of 100 ppm Cu has been exceeded in several cases [8]. In root tissue, Cu is found in complexed forms, although it is most likely to be taken up in dissociated forms. In this investigatio concentratione nth Sludgn i u C , Sludge I f so , chickeeII n manur fertilized ean d soil were 100, 50, 30 and 21 ppm, respectively. Although the Cu levels in the sludges and chicken manure were highe rphosphate thath n i e fertilize ppm)0 (1 r , they were generally lower than those reported for soil and sludges in Canada (Table II).


Sample Hg Cd Cr Cu Ni Pb Zn Co


- 10 Soil - 2 - 10 0.01 - 2 - 0.0 - 3 - 0.3 0.7 3000 100 1000 200 300

Sludge 0.1- 3- 40- 200- 20- 120- 700- 50 3000 0 880 80 0 530030 490 0 0

Sewage - <0.5 24 335 9.7 88 151 1.7 sludge

155 1.3. Lead The natural Pb content of soil originates from the parent rock. All soils are likely to contain it, especiallhorizonp to e th .n yi Ther muce ear h data availabln ca literature t i th t n ei bu soi, n eo Pb l be difficult to separate background levels from anthropogenic amounts in surface soil. Davies [9] stated that 70 ppm is an upper background limit for Pb in normal soils. Lead is not an essential element, although it is found in all plants. Some species tolerate high levels, whereas others show retarded growth at 10 ppm in solution-culture studies. The concentrations in Sludg , SludgeI , chickeII e n manur fertilized ean d soil were 10.0, 12.8, 0.01 19.d ,m an 9pp respectively - i.e. higher in the sludges than in phosphate fertilizer (5 ppm) but lower than reported by Chuaqui et al. [2] (Table II). The levels of soil Pb that are toxic to plants, not easy to predict, generally range from 100 to 500 ppm [8].

1.4. Mercury The concentrations of Hg in Sludge I, Sludge II, chicken manure and phosphate fertilizer were 2.5, 1.35, 0.03 and 0.09 ppm, respectively. Levels were higher in the sludges than in phosphate fertilizer t generallbu , y lower than levels foun soiln i dsludged san Canadn i s a (Table II)e Th . accumulation of Hg in soil is controlled mainly by organic-complex formation and by precipitate formation. Mobilit g requireH f o y s dissolutio d biologicaan n l degradatio f organo-mercuro n y compounds. Sewage sludg d othean e r wastes d phosphatan , e fertilize e possiblar r e sourceg H f o s contamination in soil. The behaviour of Hg in soil is of interest since its ready bioavailability creates an important health hazard. It is readily taken up from solution culture and transported within plants. e affinitTh y that protein sulphydryl group apparentlsdisrupting y havH ke r e efo th s gyi metabolic process. Toxic effects in young barley were observed at Hg levels of 0.01 ppm and a concentration of 3 ppm was severely toxic [10]. Volatilized elemental Hg and methylated derivatives are known to vere b y toxi plantsr cfo .

1.5. Chromium The determination of total Cr (Cr"1"3 and Cr"1"6) concentrations in the samples are shown in sludge TablTh e. eI levels were higher than thos phosphatf eo e fertilize chicked an r n manuret bu , again lower than those obtained by Chuaqui et al. [2] (Table II). Chromium may accumulate in surface soil due to pollution from industrial wastes and municipal sewage sludge. The Cr added to soils is usually accumulated in a thin surface layer. There is no evidence of an essential role of Cr in plant metabolism, although low concentrations in soil may give positive effect plann o s t growt hcontenr [11]C e plantn .Th ti controlles si d mainl solubls it y yb e conten soile althougd th an ,n i t h most soils contain significant amounts, availabilit planto yt oftes si n limited. The rate of uptake depends on several factors. Usually, roots and leaves retain more Cr than does grain. Anderson et al. [12] reported toxicity in oats with a Cr content of 49 ppm when grown in a soil containing of 634 ppm. Turner and Rust [13] observed symptoms of toxicity with as little as nutrienn i soin i r lC m culturetm pp culture toxicitpp 0 e 6 depend5 r Th .d C 0. oxidatio s f an ,yit o n so n presence th n o stat f readily-availabld eo ean e forms.

156 1.6. Nickel phosphatn i m pp 6 en 1 i fertilizer , Sludgen II m Nickei d pp m an 6 1 pp slI , conten4 1 s wa t chicke fertilizen i m n manurepp d2 2 soil d .an , Soil treatments suc additios ha limef no , phosphatr eo organic matte knowe rar decreaso nt e availabilit plantso t i beneficiae N f Th .y o plann l o effecti tN f o s growth indicate that it has an essential function in plants [14]. Generally, the range of excessive or toxic amounts of Ni in most plant species is from 10-100 ppm [8].

1.7. Zinc Zin s easili c y adsorbe y minerab d d organian l c component f moso s t soil types, with background levels normally in the range 17 to 25 ppm [8]. The processes involved in Zn adsorption t completelno e ar y understood acin i ; d condition controlles i t i s cation-exchangy db en i sites d an , alkaline condition chemisorptioy sb organid nan c ligands. Soil organic matte knows ri capable b o nt e of binding Zn in stable forms, therefore accumulation in organic soil horizons and in some is common. Soluble organic complexe than Z t f occuso municipan ri l sewage sludge mobile sar soin ei l and available to plants, and therefore can create environmental problems. In plants, Zn plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, and , and formatioe inth ribosomesd auxinsf an n o A RN , . Ther evidencs ei e tha influencen tZ permeabilite sth y of membranes thad stabilizet i an t, cellulae sth r component highef so r plant micro-organismsd san . Th descendinn ei leveln Z f so g order were, sludge phosphat> s e fertilize chicke> r n manure; they were generally lower than those recorde ] (Tabl Chuaqu[a y d b . eal t II)e .i

1.8. Cobalt +21 3 Cobalt occurstateo tw salsn y s i Co oCo"ma d exiscompled a an "s an ,ta x anion Co(OH)3. During weathering, it is relatively mobile in oxidizing acid environments, but does not migrate in the soluble phase mobilits It . relates yi kine organif th do o dt c matte soile th .n ri Cobal t concentrations usually range from 3 to 15 ppm. It can be taken up through the cuticle into the leaf; therefore foliar application in solution is effective in the correction of Co deficiency. legumesn I deficienco C , y inhibit formatioe sth f leghaemoglobino hencd nan efixationN .

When takeexcesn i p nrootsu y sb movetranspiratiot e i , th n si n stream resultin enrichmenn a n gi t a t 2 leaf margins and tips: common toxicity symptoms are white necrotic foliar margins and tips. Kitagishi et al. [15] reported that the addition of 25 and 50 ppm of Co to the soil was toxic to rice plants. The Co content in Sludge I, Sludge II, chicken manure, phosphate fertilizer and fertilized soil are 20, 24, undetectable, 2.5, and 51 ppm, respectively. The concentrations of Co in the sludges were higher than chickee thosth n ei n manure phosphate th , e fertilizer soie th l d (Tablan , . e1)


heavy-metae th Excep, Ni r tfo l levelsludgee th n si s were higher tha chicken i n manured An . the heavy-metal contents in the sludges were lower than those reported in Canada by Chuaqui et al. [2], although similar to those reported by Bates et al. [3]. The concentrations in the fertilized soils in Indonesi stile aar l within permissible levels [16], . datexcepBasee Cd th a r n presenteddo tfo , sewage sludgesafele b n y sca use increaso dt sustaid ean n soil fertilit crod yan p productio Indonesian ni .


[I] MECALIN, B.D.,SFVINSKI, J.S., "Dried gamma-irradiated sewage solids use on calcareous soils and heavy metals uptake", Irradiation of Organic Wastes for the Purpose of Animal Food, Proc. of an Int. Workshop of ESNA Working Grou "Wasten po s Irradiation", Hannover (1979. )4 [2] CHUAQUI, C.A., CHUAQUI-OFFERMANNS , SZEKELYJ. , e effectTh f ionizin, o sJ. , g radiatio toxin no c material municipan si l sludges Nordioh 4t , n Gamma Processing Seminar 26-3y Ma 1, (1991). [3] BATES, T.E., MOTT, S., "Greenhouse evaluation of irradiated composted sewage sludge and other organic amendments", Evaluatio f Irradiateno d Composted Sewage Sludg r Croefo p Production. Nordion Final Report, Ontario, Canada, Feb. (1992). [4] HILMY, N., SUWIRMA, S., HARSOJO, SUHADI, F., Microbiological and physico-chemical studies on irradiated dewatered sludge, Atom Indonesia (19873 1 , . 1 ) ] [5 HARSOYO, ANDINI , HILMYS. , , SUWIRMAN. , , DANIUSS. , , RadiatioJ. , n disinfectio chickef no n manure for animal feed supplement, Atom Indonesi (19895 a1 . 2 ) ] [6 SURTEPANTI , YUNS. , E MALLAWATI, YUMIARTI SUWIRMAn da , , DeterminatioS. , f heavno y metals conten fertilizerP n i t , Pair, Batan, Jakarta (1994). [7] SURTIPANTI, S., HAVID, R., YUNE MALLAWATI, YUMIARTI, dan SUWIRMA, S., The effects of using TSP fertilizer on soil heavy metals content, Pair, Batan, Jakarta (1994). [8] KABATA PENDIAS ALINA, Trace Elements in Soil Plants, CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida (1989) 84 pp. ] [9 DA VIS, B.E.E.D., Applied Soil Trace Elements, John Wile SonsYord w yan kNe ,. (1980pp 2 )48 [10] DAVIS, R.D., BECKETT, P.H.J WOILANd .an , CriticaE. , l level twentf so y potentially toxic element younn si g spring barley, Plant Soil 49 (1978) 395. [II] MERTZ , ChromiuW. , m occurrenc functiod ean biologican ni l systems, Physical Rev (19789 4 . ) 395. [12] ANDERSON, A., MEYER, D.R., MEYER, E.K., Heavy metal toxicity levels of nickel, cobalt and chromium in the soil and plants associated with visual symptoms and variation in growth of an oat crop, Aus. J. Agric. Res. (1973) 557-564. [13] TURNER, M.A. and RUST, R.H., Effect of chromium on growth and mineral nutrition of soybeans, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 35 (1971) 755. [14] MENGEL, K., KJJRBY, E.A., Principles of Plant Nutrition, International Institute, Worblaufen Bern (1978) 593 pp. [15] KITAGISHI, K., YAMANE, I.E.D.S., Heavy metal pollution in soils of Japan, Japan Sci. Soc. Press, Tokyo (1981) 302 pp. [16] FREIBERG, L., GUNNAR, F., NORDBERG, B., VELIMER, B., Handbook on Toxicology of Metals. Elsevier, North Holland Biomedicals Press (1979).


A. SUSS Beratungsbur r Umweltfragenofu , Munich, Germany


harmfue Therb n eca l effect f sewage-sludgo s e utilizatio agriculturn ni e However overcome , b thes n ca e y eb treatment of the sludge and by appropriate farm-management practices Sewage sludge is of increasing potential importance to farmers because of its value as a fertilizer But some compounds in sludge can be harmful for plants, animals and man Heav yhighe e plantstake e y metalth b b conten e d p soily n e greateru th e an ,th s ma th , n uptaki te rth e Ther substantiae ear l difference heavy-metam s l accumulatio tolerancd nan e among plant species With respec pathogeno t t s (for example Salmonella) sludgen i , recent development decontamination si n processe providn sca e greater guarante preservatiof eo f no the environment Gamma-radiatio bees n ha treatmenny provekG dosa f sewag3 o t f n a teo e effectivus e e sludgTh e n ei agriculture is attractive from the economical and environmental points of view It is therefore important that farmers are provide t onldno y with more information abou nutnene th t t effects alst bu o, about nsks anyf i , leachinf o , heavf go y metals and microbial contamination to groundwater To achieve this, there must be close co-operation between farmers and the authorities responsibl disposar efo f sewago l e sludge


In 1989, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Germany announced that cultivatio f arablno e land should deliver unpolluted agricultural product higf so h nutritional quality. An ordinance established limits for microbial pathogens and heavy metals in sewage sludge, to eliminate risk of soil contamination and danger to public health. Withi a nco-ordinate d program organize e Federath y b dl Ministr f Researco y d an h Technology, nine German institutes dealing with soil science, plant production and worked together for several years, investigating the effects of long-term sewage-sludge application. The behaviour of heavy metals was followed in 14 field trials and pot experiments over 4 years, using 13 plant species resulte Th .diesf so e experiment summarizee sar d here.


Before sewage sludgappliee b n eagriculturaca do t l soil, determinatio heavy-metaf no l content is necessary. Soil analyses have to be repeated after 10 years, and sewage-sludge analyses twice a year guidelinee Th . Germae th f so n sewage-sludge ordinanc Tabltakinn y i B e . eI ar g into account the natural concentrations of heavy metals in the soil in conjunction with the amounts of sewage sludge matter/y addedr 1 d(5 3 years/ha), uptak planty e b othe d san r losses possibls i t i , calculato et time eth e require reaco dt h lawlimity b shows t ,a s se tim e Tabln ni Th e . perioeII d over which sewage sludge can be applied before limits are reached can be hundreds of years. It must be mentioned that during this time the soil is not considered to be contaminated, and the fanner continues to produce crops without concern over safet qualityd yan lane Th d. are whichn ao sewage sludg uses ei i Germandh y is relatively small. Even if all sewage sludge in Germany were used in agriculture, it would cover only 7% of the .

159 Sludge also contains organic pollutants, such as the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins furaned an s dependin origie sewage th th f n ngo o e [1] present . A levele th r tlimits o therfo n t e sse e ar of such organic chemicals in soil. Many trials have indicated that uptake of xenobiotic compounds by plant smalls si suct Bu .h investigation plaguee sar difficultiesy db , with results dependen mann to d yan varied factors. In one case, a applied sewage sludge for more than 30 years, with little effect dioxino n soie d r furaneth an ls o n o s foun foon di r milkdo . Another farmer with similar conditions showed increased concentrations of dioxin and furane in milk by a factor of three, and of PCBs by a factor of 2.3; these values were confirmed by hay analyses. These results indicate that farm- management methods are important. Because organic pollutants are increasingly important these days, necessars ii t monitoo yt r their accumulatio soil/plant/animan ni l systems.


Heavy metals and organic pollutants are not readily translocated in soil. Concentrations may increas sewage-sludgo t e edu e applicatio plantstakey e b b the p y d n1986n u I n.yan ma Germa e th , n authorities (Bundesgesundheitsamt) fixed tolerance limit r agriculturasfo horticulturad an l l cropn i s orde asseso t r s heavy-metal problems with respec somo t t e element. s2) (Figsd an 1 . The experiments showed that heavy metals are taken up by plants, depending on soil conditions, concentratio soile th ,n ni plan t specie varietyd san fertilizationd an , concentratione Th . s in plants differed from year to year and were negatively correlated with rainfall [2]. A relatively high pH and uniform rainfall-distribution minimized uptake. No vegetable species showed high uptake of all heavy metals, and in no case did accumulation reach toxic levels. Celer mors yi e sensitiv chromiuo et copped man r whereas carrot take morp su e cadmium, chromium and copper (Table III, Fig. 1), and leeks use more chromium, copper and zinc. Different plant species accumulated heavy metal differeno st t extents [2]. Becaus s considerei mose t i eth te b critica o dt l element e impacth , t onl f cadmiuyo ms i considered in detail here. Large species differences were found for cadmium uptake (Fig. 1). The relative affinit somf yo e plant specie differed C r sfo d accordin whethego t range rth concentrationf eo s was 0.0-0.3 ppm or up to 7.0-7.5 ppm, although clear trends were found in wheat, oats, gather salad and celery likels i t I . y that some vegetable species reacted mor diverso et e soil conditions thao nt different heavy-metal contamination. For cadmium, a maximum of 10% of the amount applied was 10-yeaa taken i p nu r rotation zinr figure fo c 15%.s th d eothewa e an , Th r heavy metals showed very low levels of uptake. The total content of a substance in soil can seldom be used as a criterion for estimating its biological or agricultural significance. The total amount in soil is distributed among soluble, exchangeable and complexed forms, as well as more-stable solid forms. Extraction with aqua regia overestimate availabilite sth heavf yo y metal plantso st cadmiumr Fo . , zinnickeld can , extraction with

neutral (0.1WCaCl or 1M NHNO) is more indicative. The following concentrations in soil can 4 3

consideree b tolerance th s da e limit cadmiur sfo m2 dependin methoe th n gf extractioo do n [3]:

• Aqua regia extraction - 0.7 ppm • Complex extraction - 0.23 ppm

• CaCl2 extraction - 0.13 ppm


Sewage sludg y contaima e n pathogens, therefor r saffo ee reutilizatio n agriculturi n e disinfection is necessary [4]. The conventional methods are, heat-treatment (pasteurization), compostin limd gan e treatment, however, digested sewage sludg stily lema contain r examplefo , , Salmonella, whic survivn hca lonr efo g periods outsid nativs eit e environment (Tabl0 e35 IV)o t p ,u days in dried plants, and up to 500 days in soil. Neither aerobic stabilization nor anaerobic digestion significantly reduced Salmonella contamination (Table IV). Salmonella infections have increasen di Germany durin . lase 0 yearg6] th 1 t , [5 s Salmonella was present in more than 80% of sewage-sludge samples tested from Switzerland, where increases of such infections in cattle were found during the period from July to October. In epidemiological investigations, 13,877 samples confirmed the relationship between food poisoning and sewage-sludge use [6]. Therefore, application of sludge to grassland has been forbidden in Germany. Another problem is infection by Taenia saginata, a tapeworm causing disease hi man and dogs. There is a report of a farmer using untreated sewage sludge on his farm, resulting in widespread distributio parasite th f no e with subsequent economical losses. A new technique for sludge disinfection is radiation, with y-rays or accelerated electrons. The first plan y-irradiatior fo t sewagf no e sludg bees eha operatio n i n since 197 3Geiselbullachn i , near Munich, Germany. Experiments there have shown that a y-ray dosage of 3 kGy is sufficient to make sludge hygienically safe [7]. Another proble sewagf o me witus ee sludghth transfes ei heavf ro y metals from amended soil to plant, and in turn to animal and man. Feeding experiments with naturally contaminated food stuff and with heavy metals have demonstrated accumulation in the kidney and liver, less so in muscle. No heavy metals were foun milkn di , therefore muscl consideree milb d n ean k ca filters da pollutantr sfo s in animals [8]. fed with wheat grown in soil highly contaminated with cadmium (cadmium content 1.28 mg/kg dry grain) showed accumulation in the liver and the kidney (Table V). The cadmium content in muscle also increased in relation to total uptake, but the differences were not statistically significant excretioe Th . f cadmiuno faecey m b abous (71-88%% wa s 80 amounte th f o ) t ingested. Feeding experiments with cattle and showed similar results [3]. In all of the feeding experi- ments changeo n , weighn si t were found even with highly contaminated fodder. Besides heavy metals, pollution with organic chemical importann a s si t aspec consideree b o tt d for animals [1]. Experiments with fodder plants grow sludge-fertilizen no d soil showed indicationf so higher content of organic pollutants in milk; dioxin was detected and likely came from the contaminated soil through grazing, although uptake of chlorinated compounds through roots is low.


Ground water can be contaminated with pathogenic organisms as well as chemical pollutants. Application of municipal wastes and agricultural chemicals to soil are two of the most important sources of such contamination. Surface waters in or have similarly become contaminated, often through direct discharge of municipal, industrial and agricultural aqueous effluents. Many of the pollutant highle sar y hazardou andn numbea ma n ,i o st f caseso r , they have been foun exceeo dt d legally permitted concentration limits. However extene th , contaminatiof o t varn nca y dependinn go

161 the source and the soil type [9]. In a field trial conducted in Germany with highly contaminated sewage sludge, surprisingl yleachino thern s eheavf wa g o y metal subsoile th o slevelt e th ; s detected were belo legae wth ldrinkinr limitfo t sse g water (Table VI) resulte .Th s showed that very littlef i , heave anyth f yo , metals leache groune th o dt d water.


Sewage Pollutant sludge Soil

mattery (ppdr mn i )

Lead 900 100 Cadmium 10 (5)' 1-5(1) Chromium 100 - Copper 800 60 Nickel 1200 50 Mercury 8 1 Zinc 2500 (2000) 200 (150) PCBsb 0.2 - Dioxins/Furanes 0.0001 - AOXC 500 -

"Values in parenthesis refer to light soils, pH <6.0. bPolychlorinated biphenyls, per component. cOrganic halogen compounds.


Cadmium Lead Zinc

Average concentration in soil (ppm) 0.33 26.61 7

Yearly addition from 1.67 t/ha sludge (ppm) 5 252 240

Yearly loss 0 14 3 6 1 (g/ha)

Uptak planty eb s (g/ha/year) 2 8 200

Tim reaco et e hth limit in soil (years) 877 723 165


n Z i N u C r C d C Pb

(mg/k mattery gdr )

1979 0.23 0.43 0.98 3.4 0.67 37 1980 1.68 0.35 0.19 3.0 0.67 19 1981 1.30 0.37 0.60 4.0 1.13 24 1985 2.90 0.54 0.14 3.3 1.02 18 1986 4.23 0.83 1.33 4.0 1.53 32 1987 0.34 0.26 0.21 3.3 0.56 26


Sample Samples Sewage sludge number per containing Percentage type material Salmonella

Untreated 49 45 92

Aerobically stabilised 25 25 78

Digested 138 113 82

Total sewage sludge 219 183 84


Animal group

I1 IP fflb

Average total 58 208 327 cadmium uptake (mg)

Muscle (ppm) 0.0034 0.0044 0.0051 Liver 0.1040.226 0.334 Kidney 0.41 1.02 2.19

"Twelve animals. animalsn Te .


leachinn I g Maximum acceptable In soil water in drinking water

(mg/kg) (ppm)

Pb 1431 0.0008 0.04

7 4 Cd0.000 5 0.0005

9 27 C0.00r 3 0.05

Cu 367 0.052

Ni 78 0.01 0.05

Zn 1865 0.02

7 42 Mn0.001 4

165 £ E4 •o Cadmium .c !

I2 .o

i p i p i i p i 0


^,40 D "J Lead 30


"5 i 20

I 10 / / y - * * •

FIG 1 Differences in crop species for heavy-metal tolerance - cadmium and lead

\66 0.12


Mercury a o.oe


0.02 ss * j___I I I

FIG.Differences2. cropin species heavy-metalfor tolerance mercury-


[1] HEMBROCK-HEGER , KONIGA. , , VorkommeW. , d Transfeun nn polycyclischevo r n aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe Boden i n Planzen d nun BerichtI VD , (19907 e83 ) 815-830. [2] SCHALLER, A., DIEZ, T., Pflanzenspezifische Aspekte der Schwermetallaufnahme und Vergleich mil den Richt- und Grenzwerte r Lebensfu n d Futtermittelun - , r BerichtOkologischede s au e n Forschung, Ban, 6 d Forschungszentrum Jiilich, ISBN 3-89336-081-6 (1991) 63-125, [3] KOGEL , HOFMANNK. , , RosopuloP. , , KnopplerA. , , H.O. Untersuchunge Uberganm nzu Cadmiun gvo s mau natiirlich kontaminierten Futtermitte Tiers da f , Landwirtschaftlichau l e Forschung, Sonderhef , Kongressband37 t , (1980) 346-357. [4] SAUERBECK, D., LUBBEN, S., Auswirkungen von Siedlungsabfallen auf Boden, Bodenorganismen und Planzen Berichte aus der Okologischen Forschung, Forschungzentrum Julich, ISBN3-89336-081-6 (1991) . ] [5 HESS , BREER Dringlichkeie E. , Di , C. , Klarschamm-Hydienisierungr de t Wassed un (1976s 6 r5 Ga , ) 385-387. [6] HESS, E., LOTT, G., BREER, C., Sewage Sludge and Transmission Cycle of Salmoneliae, Zbl. Bakt. Hyg.I. Abt. Org (19748 15 , ) 446-455. [7] LESSEL, T., Ein Beitrag zur Optimierung des Verfahrens zur Gamma-Bestrahlung von Klarschlamm, Berichte Wassergutewirtschafs au Gesundheitsingenieurwesend un t , Technische Universitat Miinchen (1985). [8] DIEZ, T., Schwermetallaufnahme durch Gemusepflanzen bei extremer Bodenbelastung, Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch 67 (1990) 549-559. [9] RUPPERT, H., JONECK, M., Anthropogene Schwermetallanreicherungen in bayerischen Boden vor dem Hintergrund der natiirlichen Gehalte, Materalien 54, Bayerisches Staatsministerium fur Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen


. KOCF H Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf, Seibersdorf, Austria


Sewerage systems servAustriae th ef o abou n% populationt70 , producin milliog6 f sewago 3 nm e sludge r yeape r mattey witdr ha r conten f 4-5%o t present A . f thit o abou s % sludg52 t disposes ei lann i f ddo fills, 33 %s incineratedi onld an y,uses i abouagriculturen di % 15 t . Although agricultural utilizatio s becominni g increasingly important, several problems, especially those relate publio dt c opinion, resolvee neeb o dt d before increase wile possiblede us l b thin I . s paper, waste water treatmen sewage-sludgd tan e productio Austrian i d an , problems associated with sludge disposal are discussed.


One of the most effective treatments for municipal wastewater is the activated sludge system: purificatio microorganismy nb residuee Th s , along wit solie hth d matter that originates from human metabolism, is sewage sludge. Currently there is no convenient means of disposal of sludge, it is a major proble r evermfo y treatment plan Austriaunable n i t ar e finlono s ew t A .ds g a economically ecologicalld an y rational solution sludgr sfo e disposal problee th , mwastewatef o r treatment remains solvedte ob . Preserving water qualit importans yi t privilegeevea r nfo d country like Austria, situated alpinn a n i e s i regio t i s na with relatively high precipitation t presentA . principae th , l demanr dfo drinking water is met by the Alpine sources, but with increasing population it is becoming necessary groune us surfacd o t dan e waters. Therefore, wastewater treatmen f increasino s i t g importancr efo safeguarding these alternative water resources.


2.1. Collection system A little more than 70% of the Austrian population (about 5.6 million people) is served by a sewerage system. There are two different types of collection system: • system • separate sewer system. In a combined sewer system, storm water and sewage are collected together. In Austria, treatment plants are usually designed for a through-put of twice the dry-weather-flow (DWF). Surplus flo divertews i receivine th o dt g strea storm-watemy b r discharge systems discharge Th . e system type (overflo retentior wo n tank) depend qualit e receivine th th n f so y o g stream initiale Th . , highly polluted flush water can be stored in a retention tank, and only subsequent less-polluted run-off water discharges into surface water. Thereafter, the content of the storage tank flows to the treatment plant. This means that pollutants from surface deposition, e.g. heavy metals, can reach the treatment plant and will be concentrated in the sludge. There are no data available on the magnitude of this effect, but investigation currentle sar progressn yi .

168 In separate sewerage systems, storm-water run-of s collectei f a separat n di e sewed an r discharged directly into the receiving stream. Only wastewater flows to the treatment plant. This decreases the probability that pollutants from surface deposition will reach the treatment plant. Ther curreno n s ei t information available abou spreae th t thesf do collectioo etw n systemn si Austria, but in 1970 about 95% of the population was served by the combined system. Since then, the numbe autonomouf o r s sewerage systems also increased sharply.

2.2. Wastewater treatment About 70% of wastewater is treated with biological systems: activated sludge systems, trickling filters, and rotating disc filters. This means that about 20 million population equivalents (PE) are treated in municipal and industrial plants. Since 1990, new wastewater-treatment regulations have been in force in Austria [1, 2]. Along with carbon removal, additional elimination of nitrogen and phosphorus is required. Due to a need for cost effectiveness and to abide by legal strictures, the multistage activated sludge system is now in most common use. An overview of recent technological developments is shown in Table I.

2.3. Sewage sludge

2.5.7. Sewage-sludge production The treatment technology affects how much sewage sludge is produced. Teller et al. [3] estimated quantities produced by various treatment systems (Table II). In comparison to singular carbon removal, additional / diminishes the specific production of sewage sludgloweo t e redu growth rate f nitrifyinso denitrifyind gan g microorganisms.


Rank Regulative demands Technology Necessary facilities

1 Carbon removal Biological degradation One aeration tank (oxidation theoreticallo yt

2 Additional ammonia Biologica long-tere l oxidatioOn mNH f naeratioo n tank 4 3 NO o t remova(nitrificationl )

Additional nitrogen Biologica tankso l Tw reductio: 3 nitrificatioNO f no d nan removal to N2/N2O denitrification tank

Additional phosphorus Luxury biomass uptake with Three tanks: anaerobic tank removal respect to the energy and/or precipitation station, metabolism and/or chemical nitrification and denitrification precipitation tank


Treatment system Sewage sludge production (kg/PE/yr)

C-removal +12 N-removal: Nitrification, 2 denitrificatio- n P-removal: Simultaneou6 + s precipitation (flocculation and filtration) (+5)

Total production 16

Primary sludge 15 (primary settling tank)

In Austria, an annual sewage sludge amount of 6 million m with 4-5 % dry solid matter 3 (DSM) is produced. This means that about 300,000 tons DSM have to be disposed of every year. Wit hwatea r thiconten% s 70 amount f o t totaa f abouo st o l t 900,000 tons/yr.

2.3.2. Nutrients pollutantsand When considering agricultural utilization must i , borne tb minn ei d that sewage sludge consists of water, solid matter, precipitation products, nutrients, microelements, heavy metals and organic pollutants. The ranges of these constituents, set out in Table III, are based on long-term investigations in different provinces [4].

2.3.3. Sewage-sludge disposal Currently, most of Austria's sewage sludge is deposited in landfills (52%), and only 15% is utilized in agriculture. The amount incinerated is relatively high (33%) because all of capital city Vienna's sewage sludge is so treated at a central plant.

2.4. Future outlook increas% 85 n n wastewatei ea Uo t p r disposa s expectei l e nexth t n i dsevera l years. Treatment plants will be upgraded for more complete removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, which will further increase sewage-sludge production implementatioe Th . phosphorus-precipitatioa f no n step alone will increase production by between 15 and 20%. It is expected that sludge production will double in the medium term [5]. On the other hand, disposal in landfill sites will be sharply restricted in future, by limiting the maximum permissible conten organif to c substance approximatelo st pre-treatmenA . y5% e.gy tb . incineration will therefore be necessary. A 10-year transitional phase is scheduled. However, it is not expected that the necessary incineration capacity will the available,e nlargb a o s e d increasan agriculturan ei l utilizatio likels ni y in the near future.


Parameter Unit Range Most frequent Limitr sfo value Lower Austria From To Class m (Class II)

Dry solid matter % 0.2 99.8 7.9

Organic substanc DSM% ( e a) 1.5 91.3 5.4 Nitrogen 0.3 38.5 3.9

P205 0.2 24.2 3.0

K2O 0.04 6.5 0.6 CaO 0.06 65.4 8.1

Copper (mg/kg) 12 4310 190 (3000 50 ) Zinc 18 14370 1320 2000 (1500) Lead 5 19150 145 400 (100) Chromium 5 97600 64 (500 50 ) Nickel 2 1840 37 100 (25) Arsenic 0.1 54 4 Mercury 0.01 460 2 8(2) Cadmium 0.1 285 3 8(2)

AOX" (mg/kg) 78 1000 200 500

PAHC (3,4 BP) /kg) n.n. 7700 260 PCBd (6 Cong.) 60 1836 570 1200 PCDD< 25 2670 100

*Dry solid matter. "Adsorbed organic halogens. Polycyclic aromatic dPolychlorinated biphenyls. ePolychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin. hydrocarbons


The amount of sludge produced and its quality depend on the wastewater- and sludge-treatment systems. In this section, the relationhip between phosphorus removal/sludge stabilization and sludge amount/nutrient content wil describede b l date froe Th a.ar m investigation treatmento tw n so - plant systems conducted by the Department of Sanitary Water Management, Technical University of Vienna [6].

171 3.1. Specific sludge production Sewage viewesludge b mixtura n s eca da organif eo inorganid can c substances organie Th . c matter consists mainly of products of human metabolism and microorganisms from the activated sludge system inorganie Th . c component consist wastewatee th f so additived ran precipitatior sfo sludgd nan e stabilization, e.g. lime. Specific sludge productio depend E treatmene P th r n pe so t system (Table IV) average .Th e estimatee DSM/PE/yrb g k n 0 ca 2 t da organie Th . c solid component constitute totae th lf s o abou % 50 t dry matter.

3.2. Specific nutrient content e specifiTh c nutrient conten f sewago t e sludge also depende compositioth n o e s th f o n wastewater and on the treatment system (Table V). The average specific nutrient content (per PE and year) is approximately 7.5 kg organic matter, 0.5 kg nitrogen and 0.5 kg phosphorus.


As previously described, sludge utilizatio becomins ni g increasingly importan Austrin ti a [5]. However, public opinion and official are at odds with this trend: sewage sludge is considered to be a poison. Consequently, work has to be done to remove this prejudice. One step in this directio decreaso t s ni concentratioe th e f pollutantno introduciny b s legaw gne l restrictions. Another, in parallel, is a program to find out where pollutants originate and eliminate them, and to demonstrat advantagee eth sludgf o s e utilizatio pilon ni t projects.


Sludge-treatment system Wastewater-treatment Specific sludge system production (kg/PE/yr)

Extended stabilization Conventional system 15 -20 Additional P-removal 20-25

Simultaneous aerobic stabilization Conventional system 20-25 Additional P-removal 25-30


Sludge-treatment system Nutrient Specific nutrient content (kg/PE/yr)

Extended stabilization Organic matter 5.5 - 7.5 Nitrogen 0.4 - 0.5 Phosphorus 0.4 - 0.5 Simultaneous aerobic stabilizatio1 1 - 5 n 7. Organic matter Nitrogen 0.5-0.8 Phosphorus 0.4-0.5

4.1. Austrian regulations In Austria, sewage-sludge utilization is regulated by provincial soil-protection laws [6]. The maximum concentrations for pollutants in soil and sewage sludge, and permissible application rates per ha are defined. The permissible rates range from 1.25 to 5.0 tons DSM/ha/yr. Some provinces, such as Carinthia, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vienna, have not yet introduced any such regulations, and there is on-going discussion as to whether or not to institute a general ban on sludge utilization in agriculture. The limits differ little among the provinces, and are generally lower than those set by the European Union (Table VII)d an I . BurgenlansV Lowed dan r Austri Qualitao havtw t eyse Classes (Table VII) soio .N l analysi necessars i s Burgenlann yi d whe sludge nth e qualit withis yi n thaf o t Class 1. In Lower Austria, Class III limits will apply until the year 2004 at the latest, from which time Quality Class II will be enforced for agricultural use.

4.2. Mode lowef o l r Austria province Th Lowef eo r Austri tries aincreasha d o t e sewage-sludge utilizatio manr nfo y years, but without much success. Since 1993, efforts have been made to improve sludge quality, the main thrus whicf to changa s hi e fro philosophe mth disposaf yo philosopha o lt y consistent with sustainable development. The chief aspects of this program are: • A new sewage-sludge utilization regulation. • Measure improvo st e sludge quality. • Establishment of a "liability fund" to ensure against unknown risks. • Institution of several pilot projects. The new regulation sets higher limits for heavy metals and new limits for organic pollutants, and introduces three classe sludgf so e quality. Quality Class III, with higher limits, wil permittee lb d only for the next ten years. Then, Class II will be enforced, and eventually target Class I. Quality Class defines i I termn di usuaf so l regional soil qualities reaco T . h Clas limitsI sI , most treatment plants in Lower Austria will hav decreaso et concentratione eth pollutantsf so . Therefore, effluent analysis wil needee b l appropriatd dan e technologies installed. Thes beine ear g worked out.

173 Modline Th g4.3 . pilot project The catchment area of the wastewater treatment plant in Modling consists of eight communities wit htotaa l populatio 50,000f no encompasset .I s rural communities, settlement districts, and commercia industriad an l l zones, producing typical municipal wastewater. Modline Th g plan buils tako wa tt t loaea f 100,00s technologicado It . 0PE l capacitr yfo nitrification, denitrification, biological phosphorus-elimination and phosphorus-precipitation concurs with the Water Regulation Act (Wasserrechtsgesetznovelle) of 1990. The wastewater flows to the treatment plant through two main sewers in Brunn and Modling. The Brunn sewer belongs to the combined system, wherea Modline sth separates gi . Technically, it is an activated sludge plant with two anaerobic tanks for biological phosphorus elimination, two connected activated sludge tanks with simultaneous denitrification, and three final clarification basins. Additionally possibls i t i , precipitato et e phosphoru outfloe activatee th t th s a f wo d sludge tanks. Pre-dewaterin carries g i rotar n i t dyou drum strainers with added polymers furthed an , r dewatering is achieved with chamber-type filter presses and addition of ferric chloride and polymers. Sewage sludge is stabilized usually by low aeration during denitrification following standard methodologies. Durin simultaneoue gth s aerobic stabilization average ,th e oxygen concentratioe th n i activated sludge tank is 0.5 mg L"1. In practice at Modling the transformation rates are insufficient to guarantee sludge-stabilization considerablo t , d whicle s hha e stenc problemd h an course th n f si eo handling.


EUa Bgld" Ktnc NOEd OOEe Sbgf Styria Tyrol Vbgg

Mercury 1-1.5 1.5 -" 1.0 1,0 2.0 2.0 Cadmium 1-3 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 ay Nickel 30-75 60 50 60 60 60 Cobalt - - - - 50 - Chromium - 100 100 100 100 100 Copper 50-140 100 60 100 100 100 Lead 50-300 100 100 100 100 100 Zinc 150-300 300 200 300 300 300

'European Union. "Burgenland. GCarinthia. "Lower Austria. 'Upper Austria. fSalzburg. *Vorarlberg. t defined"Limiye t no t . jWherepH<6


Units EUa Bgld" NOEC OOEd Styria Vbge

Class1 Class 2 Class II cis. m

Mercury (mg/kg) 16 - 25 2 10 2 8 7 10 10 Cadmium 20- 40 2 10 2 8 5 10 10 Nickel 300- 400 60 100 25 100 80 100 100 Cobalt 25 100 100 100 20 Lead 750- 1200 100 500 100 400 400 500 500 Copper 1000- 1750 100 500 300 500 400 500 500 Chromium 100 500 50 500 400 500 500 Zinc 2500- 4000 1000 2000 1500 2000 1600 2000 2000

AOXf (mg/kg) 500 500 500

PCB« each each each per congener 200 200 200

PCDD/F" (ngTEVkg) 100 100 100

Hygienic conditions (for grasslands only):

Enterobacteriaceae (1/g FM*) 1000 1000 Salmonella 0 0 Nematodes 0 0

'European Union. "Burgenland.cLower Austria. "Upper Austria. "Vorarlberg. 'Adsorbed organic halogens. 8Polychlorinated biphenyls. hPolychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and -furane. jToxicity equivalent. Trash matter.

175 Toxic substances found in Lower Austrian Quality Class III sewage sludge in the last two year summarizee sar Tabln di e VIII. Accordin existine th o gt g legal standards, this e sludgb n eca applie agriculturao dt l land. However productioe th , f Qualitno y Clas I sludgsII e wil permittee b l d only until the year 2004, and thereafter it must concur with the more rigorous criteria of Quality Class I (TablI e VII) r thi.Fo s reason comprehensiva , e programme entitled "Agricultural Applicatiof no Sewage Sludge" is being developed (Fig. 1). A detailed system analysis of the catchment area will be made, with comprehensive and precise investigations of the sewage. Pilot compostings of sludge are being set up, and the effects of sludge and compost compared with commercial fertilizers in


Parameter Unit Average Standard Minimum Maximum value variance

Zinc (mg/kg) 14 1139 185 815 1450 Copper 14 253 47 161 324 Chromium 14 77 11 61 102 Lead 14 128 30 73 185 Nickel 14 36.0 9.3 23.3 53.0 Cobalt 14 4.2 1.1 2.3 6.2 Cadmium 14 5.7 4.0 2.4 16.9 Mercury 14 2.4 0.8 1.0 4.2

AOX" (mg/kg) 338 119 173 470

PCBb: PCB 101 6 14 6 5 21 HxCB 138 6 36 16 12 55 HxCB 153 6 38 17 14 61 HpCB 180 6 33 18 14 58 TriCB 28 5 17 10 1 26 TeCB 52 4 20 20 1 48 Total-PCB 6 201 106 95 401

PCDD/F (ng TEd/kg) 6.9 3.8 2.9 11.9

"Adsorbed organic halogens. "Polychlorinated biphenyls. cPolychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and -furane. dToxiciry equivalent.


1 Shopping City South 2 Brunn a.G. 3 Maria Enzetsdorf 4 GteBhubl 5 Wiener Neudorf 6 MODUNG 7 Gaaden 8 Wlenerwald






FIG. 1. Sewage-sludge pilot project Modling.in demonstration trials. Information wil disseminatede lb examplr fo , e listing toxic substances that must not be added to wastewater, to improve public consciousness of problems, and to foster acceptance by target group f disposal/utilizatioo s agriculturan no l land. Some aspectdevelopmene th f o s f o t technical and public relations components of the project are described below.

4.3.1. Composting Through composting organie th , c substance sewagn si e sludg transformee ear d int ostablea , plant-friendly, -like substance. The benefits from compost lie, on the one hand, in improving

177 soil structure, bringing stabilization of texture, better aeration, and improved moisture-holding capacity. On the other hand it decreases nutrient loss, prevents nutrient leaching, improves nutrient availabilit s phyto-sanitar plantso ha t y d an , y properties generaln I . , composting sewage sludge improves soil qualities and hygienic conditions. U nowo pt compostino tw , g experiments have been carried out expecteds .A , composting decreased the nutrient content of the sludge. Although the total amount of nitrogen remained the same, chemicas it l forchangeds mwa ratie nitratf Th oo . ammoniuo et m exceede , whicd2 particularls hi y appropriate for agricultural application. The most important nutrients, nitrogen phosphorus and potassium were present in the proportions 1 : 2 : 0.3. The concentration toxif so c substance composa n si t depen thein do r respective concentrations prioe inth r sludge generan I . l ther onle ear y insignificant change heavy-metan si l concentrationn si the transformation from sludge to compost. At the beginning of the process their concentrations decreas overalo t e edu l increas mas n econsequenci a s sa additioe th f substantiaa eo f no l amounf o t straw. Later, however, becaus f decayeo , this effect almost disappears. Investigation f hygieniso c aspects show significant decreases in counts of reference Enterobacteriaceae microbes during composting. In the second experiment, we attempted to further improve the hygienic state of the compost by optimizing temperature changes with time. Substantial ammonia emissions occurred, and the exposo experimen t abandonee t b no o et s neighbourina d o ha tds g residents. There were several possible reasons for these emissions. The Modling treatment plant produces a sludge that is not fully stabilized course th n furthef .I e o r decomposition, ther rapia s ei d transformatio organif no c substances accompanie increasn a y db temperaturn ei e (Fig . Moreover.2) concentratioe th , f ammoniuno mn i this sewage sludge is high at 1.6%, well above the average of 0.75%. Under these conditions, the following chemical reactions can take place: + ) (1 O 2 H + 3 » NH NH ' 4- OOH NHH + 4

) (2 3 gas.phasNH e3 solut * « NH e ) (3 - (NH 2NH2 O 2 C0 4)H 42 OCO + H+ 3 According to Equation (1) is in dissociative equilibrium with ammonia, through an ammonium hydroxide intermediate. The equilibrium can be shifted by change of pH or by alteration of temperature. In the course of the heating that accompanies decomposition, ammonia is emitted; the more rapid the temperature rise, the more intensive is the emission of ammonia. The proces amplifies si rapie th dy d b microbia l transformations that occur wit hige hth h organic organic content of the non-stabilized sludge. Equation (2) shows the prevailing liquid/gas equilibrium. When the amount of the gas phase decreases as a consequence of aeration, equilibrium is restored by additional release of ammonia from the liquid phase. Moreover, aeration brings about a reduction of the in the decomposing organic material, in accordance with Equation (3), this causes a shift in equilibrium and transformation of ammonium carbonate to ammonium hydroxide. In turn, this increases the release of ammonia according to Equation (1). Therefore, the measures taken to improve hygiene conflict with the requirements for reducing stench and ammonia emission, making necessary a closed system with aeration for future composting.

4.3.2. Public-relations work Initial opinion-surveys in the communities of the catchment area revealed no public or political interes topice th wastewatef n si to r treatmen sewage-sludgd an t e disposal mose Th . t important organ of is the community newspaper issued by the municipal administration. Other local methods of possibilities are seldom used and are of little account (Fig. 3).

178 Pilot Composting Modling 1994

u o I 1 ™~ r Temperatur™Ai e -H .— - -- A Top 20 J ^ -»- Middle 10 - o Bottom

0 0 Time [Days]

FIG.Temperature2. functiona as of time compostingof (aeration introduced arrows).at PROJECT

Community - Province - Research Center

Target Group Citizens' Household Council

I Community Newspaper Media Posters

FIG. 3. An example of a target group: a household.

municipae Th l newspaper catchmene th n si variouf t o are e aar s types. Some offer exclusively service news towe onld th Modlin f nan ,n o y i g doe newspapee sth r provid platforea discussionr mfo . presene Inth t case, there have been continual reportsewage-sludge th n so e projectcitizene th d san , are now accustomed to reading "something related to sewage sludge." However, although it is thus possible to improve public awareness, it is more difficult to achieve improvement in wastewater quality. Therefore a long-term strategy was devised, utilizing the school system. A survey of textbooks for primary and secondary schools (ages 6 to 14 years) showed that the subjects of drinking- water qualit wastewated yan touchee rar d upon only occasionall thed ynan very restrictively thir sFo . reason a teacher-oriented instruction brochure was published, directed principally at primary schools years1 1 dealin(age d o t an ) s9 g with wate generan i r witd an lh special referenc impace th o f et o t residual substances in wastewater. The test-period recently came to an end, and positive responses preparatioe th o t hav d province-wida ele f no e edition. Agricultural sludge utilization requires a measure of mutual understanding and confidence between farmer sewage-treatmend an s t plants. Such confidence mus e rebuilb t o reverst t e past misunderstandings essentian A . l precondition t lieonl no simprovingn y i t alsbu ,o maintainine gth qualit sewage th f yo e sludgeenforcemene th y B . f legao t l restrictions, significant improvemente sar

180 possible through technology. But, so-called background pollutio reducee b n nca d onl long-tery yb m educational work. Developing public consciousnes problemf so s inheren preservatioe th n ti waterf no , the treatment of wastewater, and the disposal/utilization of sewage sludge is rather similar to doing so for recycling. Just as recycling has been successfully brought to public attention so can an awarenes wastewater.f so Lowee Th r Austria mode Modline wels th a ls a l g projec e stepe th ar t n si right direction, with positive responses from farmers. Ultimate success, however, will depend both on future detailed work and on the introduction of meaningful technical measures in the sewage-sludge processing. Sewage sludg fertilizea s esoii a d l conditioneran r . Fro poine m th vief o t f recyclinwo d gan acceptable economies in agriculture, it must be applied continuously, like other commercial fertilizers. However, the disposal of biologically degradable substances has become a concern for present and future generations. The transition period of 10 years must therefore be used to develop alternative models acceptable to municipal councils and farmers, and, more importantly, with benefit for the environment.


] 1 [ WATER PROTECTION REPORT (Gewasserschutzbericht), Federal Ministr Agriculturr yfo Forestryd ean , Vienna (1993) (in German). [2] WATER RESOURCE REGISTER (Wasserwirtschaftskataster), Federal Ministr r Agriculturyfo Forestryd ean , Vienna (1991) (in German). [3] TELLER, M., et al., Sewage Sludge Utilization and Treatment, Abfallwirtschaftsjournal, No. 11 (1994) (in German). [4] AICHBERGER, K., Constituents of Sewage Sludge, BioEngineering 1 (1993) 37-38. ] [5 BIFFL t al.e ,. StudW , y abou Ecologicae tth l Aim Possibilitied san Utilizatiof so Disposad nan Sewagf o l e Sludge in Lower Austria, Vienna (1991 German)n (i ) . [6] STEINMUELLER, S. et al., Sewage Sludge Concept of Lower Austria, unpublished draft paper, Austrian Associatio Agriculturan no l Research, Vienna (1994 German)n (i ) . [7] RHINBABEN, W.V., Ammonia release by composting municipal waste related to aeration variations in semi- technical experiments, Mull und Abfall, Berlin (1994) 4 (in German).



A.C. CHANG Departmen f SoiEnvironmentad o t an l l Sciences, Universit f Californiyo t Riversidea , Riverside, California, United States of America


Diseases transmitted via die faecal-oral exposure route cause severe gastroenteric disorders, and large numbers of causative organisms are discharged with the faecal matter of infected individuals. For this reason, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or helminths, are always found in sewage sludge. If not properly treated agriculturen i e fous r sourca , sludge b pathogenif en o eca c contamination. Radiatio attractivn a s ni e methoo dt reduce the numbers of microorganisms in sewage sludge. Routine examination for pathogens is not practised nor recommended because complicate costld dan y procedure involvede sar . Instead indicaton a , r organis musualls i y assaye enumeratedd dan papers mi n ,I . method e discusse ar sinvestigatioe th r dfo f pathogenno sewagn i s e sludge.


Disease sanitarf so y significanc transmittee ear faecal-orae th a dvi l exposure rout whicy eb h causative agent oralle sar y ingested, rapidly multipl intestinae th n yi l tract causing severe gastroenteric disorders e dischargear d an , n largi d e numbers wit e faecahth l matter. Even afte n infectea r d individual has recovered from the illness, he/she may be a carrier of the pathogen for a long time. For this reason, pathogen - sbacteria , viruses, protozoa r helmintho , alwaye ar - s s foun domestin i d c sewage and solid residuals of the treatment process, the sewage sludge. If these pathogens are not adequately separated, properly treated and disposed of, sewage and sewage sludge often become the source diseasef so . Wit frequence hth volumd yan internationaf eo l travel nowadays, pathogens causing outbreaks of disease in one part of the world may appear in the wastewater of another part of the worl vera n di y short time-span. The pathogens found in domestic sewage and sewage sludge are numerous (Table I). The types present vary from communit communito yt y dependin prevalencn go f particulaeo r diseases among residents, population density, nature of the wastewater collection system, and season.


No single procedure is available to isolate, identify, and enumerate all pathogens simulaneously estimato T . disease-causine eth g potentia samplea f o l , each pathogenic species must firs separatee b t identitd dan y confirmed using biochemical and/or microscopic techniques thed an ,n enumerated. Microbiological Examination in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Part 9000 [1] outlines general procedures used by the water and wastewater profession


Group Pathogen Disease

Bacteria Salmonella (> 1700 strains) Typhoid fever, salmonellosis Shigella spp. (4 strains) Bacillary dysentery Enteropathogeni . colicE Gastroenteritis Yersinia entericolitica Gastroenteritis Campylobacter jejuni Gastroenteritis Vibrio cholerae Cholera Leptospira Weil's disease Protozoa Entamoeba histotytica Dysentery, colonoid ulceration Giardia lamblia Diarrhea Balantidium coli Diarrhea, colonoid ulceration Cryptosporidium spp. Cryptosporosis Helminths Ascaris lumbricoides Ascariasis (round worm) Ancyclostoma duodenale (Hock worm) Necator americanus (Hook worm) Taenia saginata Taeniasis (Tape worm) Virus Enteroviruses (strains)

Poliovirus (3) Meningitis, paralysis, fever Echovirus (31) Meningitis, diarrhea, rash Hepatitis Type A Infectious hepatitis Coxsackivirus (33) Meningitis, respiratory disease

Norwalk virus Diarrhea, vomiting, fever Calicivirus Gastroenteritis Astrovirus Gastroenteritis Reoviru) s(3 Respiratory disease Rotavirus (2) Diarrhea, vomiting Adenovirus (40) Respiratory disease

for assayin pathogene gth s liste Tabln di . RoutineI e examinatio f wate no wastewated an r r fo r pathogens, however t practiseno s i r recommended, no d , because such examinations involve complicated procedures, require traine d experiencean d d personne d specializean l d laboratory facilities, and they are time consuming and costly. Instead indicaton a , r organis massayes i enumeratedd dan . Indicator organism pathogend san s inhabi intestinae tth l trac warm-bloodef to d animal botd san h type presene sar faecan ti l dischargee Th . ideal indicator organis followine th s mha g characteristics. • It is present when pathogens are present, for example in sewage sludge, and always absent when pathogens are absent. densit s mediue It th direc• a n constanys d i m ha an t t relationshi pathogeo pt n densities.

184 • It is unable to reproduce in the media it contaminates. • It survives in the foreign environment for at least as long as the pathogens. As the indicator organism may be detected, isolated, and enumerated by simple, rapid, and economical assay-procedures, it is used routinely to indicate recent contamination by faecal discharge from warm- blooded animals, potential presence of pathogens, and efficiencies of water- and wastewater-treatment processes. Faecal coliforms are most commonly used as indicator organisms. They are present in the gut faeced an warm-bloodef so d animal largn si e numbers capable ar d producinf ean ,o fros gga m lactose in suitable culturing media at 44.5±0.2°C. Coliforms from other sources often are not capable of producing gas under these conditions, therefore this criterion is used to isolate the faecal component groupe o th fe surviva Th . l characteristic f faecao s l coliform f somo d e an sbacteria l pathogene sar similar in a water environment and during disinfection, whereas viruses, protozoon cysts, and helmint usualla hov more yar e resistan adverso t e condition frequentld san y have greater longevity. Although direct and constant relationships between densities of faecal coliforms and pathogens do not always hold, experience has established the significance of coliform group density as a measurement of contamination and, therefore, of sanitary quality of water and wastewater. With sewage sludge and sludge-treated soils, solids interfere with microbial determinations and it is essential that they are removed before assay. Procedures for handling high-solid-content meano samplen y b s e standardizedsar . Sample pathogew lo f so n densit especialle yar y difficults a , volume th f sampleo e require meaningfua r dfo l determinatio largee b y .nma


3.1. Irradiated sewage sludge Experiment irradiatinn si g sewage sludge were first done more tha year0 n4 s ago. Radiation technolog s steadilyha y advance founs ha d dapplicatioan disinfectinn ni g medical equipmend an t beet no ns widelha t foodi t y bu ,adopte wastewater dfo r treatment procese Th . s involves exposine gth material to y-radiation to reduce its pathogen density. Cesium-137 and cobalt-60 are commonly used and are logical sources for such purposes. Alternatively, accelerated electrons may be employed for disinfectio f sewagno e sludge. Gamma radiation induces ionization in biological tissues resulting in the production of free radicals that cause denaturatio celf no l protoplasm. Membrane celd slan wall alsy damagede osb ma , causing lysis. Most pathogen single-cele sar l organisms thae inactivatetar d when cell protoplasms i damaged. In sewage sludge, pathogens account for a minute fraction of the mass, and are scattered throughou entire tth e volum materialf eo . Unless every pathoge exposes ni radiatioe e th th o dt d nan absorbed dosage is adequate, the inactivation will not be effective. Mathematically, the reduction of pathogen sewagn si e sludg radiatioy eb functioa s ne absorbei th describee f nb o y d ma dos y dd b ean a first-order reaction equation. The dosage of ionized radiation required for inactivation appears to vary with pathogen type

and the moisture content of the sewage sludge. Salmonella species have D10 values as low as 0.25 kGy in sewage sludge radiatioe refer0 (Tabl1 th D o t ; s eII n dose (kGy ) reductio% require90 a r n ni dfo organism density). However, the absorbed dosage would rise to almost 1 kGy for dried sludge if a 90% reduction of density were needed. Greater ionizing radiation doses are required to inactivate parasite ova and viruses. Early investigator absorbey s usekG muc0 s da 1 d s dosagha ensuro et e inactivatio f naturallno y occurring


Organism Liquid Composted Dried (2-10% solids) (40% solids) (90% solids) (kGy) (kGy) (kGy)

Coliform group 0.2-0.3' 0.2-0.3 0.15-3.5 Salmonella spp. 0.25-0.5 0.3 0.35-0.8 Faecal Streptococcus 1.2-1.5 1.2-1.5 0.7-3.6 Mycobacter 1.6-3.0 " "

*D,0 values: absorbed dose required for each 90% reduction in bactenalcounts.

e filteth Ascarisrn i cak a f anaerobicallo eov y digested compostesludgn i d ean d sludge [2]e Th . required dosage for an effective reduction of Ascaris ova is probably considerably less than 10 kGy. Other investigations showed that absorbe1-1.y 5kG d dose resulte leas t ordera o dn ttw i magnitudf so e reductio Ascarisn sewagi n i a ov e sludge [3]. Hora foun] k[4 d tha viabilite tth y of Ascaris startea ov d to decreas radiatioa t ea viablo n wer na d absorbeeov ean observey kG d5 1 dost dos0. da 1. f eo e> kGy. Although viruse e susceptiblar s o adverst e e condition e environmenth n i s t suc s higa h h temperature, desiccation, and the presence of small amounts of ammonia (such as in anaerobically digested sludge), they have relatively high resistanc inactivatioo et ioniziny nb g radiation. e Datth n ai

literature reported a D of 2.5 kGy for inactivation of viruses in sewage sludge. Due to the difficulty O

of recovering viruses J from sewage sludge, such inactivation studies always involve tracking a large amoun viruf o t s thabees ha t n artificially introduced intmediue oth m being investigated actuae Th . l dose require reduco dt smalea l amoun virusef o t sewagn si e sludg acceptabln a o et e level probably is lower opinioe th n I .radiatio f no nionizef o scientists y dkG radiatio5 3- , adequats ni completelo et y inactivate pathogen sewagn si e sludge [5].

3.2. Sludge-treated soils soihostile a s li Th e environmen pathogenr tfo s that inhabi intestinae tth l trac warm-bloodef to d animals. They fai multiplo t l rapidladversd o t y an e ofe yfdu di e condition microbiad san l antagonism. Generally, unfavorable conditions for survival of pathogens in soils are: desiccation, high ambient temperature, acidic pH, and low organic matter content. Published data show die-off rate constants

(number of days for Iog10 reduction in organism density) for indicator organisms, bacterial pathogens, and viruses, ranging from 0.04 to < 10 [6]. At these rates, pathogens introduced in sewage sludge may be reduced to non-detectable levels in a 100- to 150-day crop-growing season (Table III) [7]. Few data are available on survival of protozoon cysts and helminth ova. For sludge deposited on the soil surface and not incorporated, a 30-day period is considered adequate to eliminate the hazards of transmitting parasitic diseases [8]. Because of their ability to resist adverse environmental conditions, incorporatea ov cyst d san d intsurvivy soie oth ma l extender efo d period timf so e (Table III). Radiation reduces pathogen densit sewagn yi e sludge significantly t altogetherno f i , y An . remaining pathogens woul rapidlf expectesoile e dof b th e weakenee .n yi b di o do t t d dan


Organism Time (days)

Coliform Group 38 7 7 - 6 2 Faecal Streptococcus Salmonellae spp. 15 - > 180 Salmonella typhi 1-120 Entomoeba8 6- histofytica cysts year7 o t sp u Ascaris a ov Hook larvae 42 Enterovirus 8-175


The effectiveness of ionizing radiation for disinfecting sewage sludge was demonstrated in the IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme (CRP) (E3-40.03) on Radiation Treatment of Sewage Sludge for Safe Realization (May 198 3Jul- y pathoger 1990)fo s A . n surviva currene th (DlP n i l- CR t Irradiatef o e Us 50.04e d Th Sewag n )o e Sludg Increaso et e Soil Fertility, Crop YieldPreservo t d san e the Environment, initiate Juln di y 1995 objectivee th , s shoul limitee db : dto • Compar pathogee eth n characteristic irradiatef so non-irradiated dan d sewage sludges used in field experiments. Demonstrat• e tha pathogeo tn n accumulate soin di l through repeated application irradiatef so d sewage sludge. Pathogen assays, however, require specialized laboratory facilitie trainea d an sd technician. As none of the participants of the current CRP has experience or is equipped to undertake pathogen determination, thi stude s th par f yo t shoul s simplkepminimue a a d b o e t tb possibles ea d man . Instead of attempting comprehensive pathogen determinations, participants should utilize local facilities where exis necessare th t y capabilit expertised an y . Usually, public-health group universitien i s s (medical schools hospitald an ) s have acces laboratorieo st s that routinely perform pathogen assays. Participants should seek expert advic thef ei y pla conduco nt t this wore phasth thein f n ki eo ow r laboratories.

4.1. Sampling procedures Each participan requires i t determino dt densite eth f faecayo l coliform Ascarisd n i an s a ov sewage sludge to be applied to soil. The requirements are outlined as follows.

4.1.1. Sewage sludge Because sewage sludge undergoes further changes following radiation, samples shoule b t dno obtained immediately followin irradiatioe gth n process. Instead, samples shoul obtainee db time th et da of application to the experimental plots. One sample should be taken from the material going to each

187 experimental plot. As non-irradiated sewage sludge is also used in the experiment, comparable non- irradiated samples should be obtained. According to the previously agreed experimental design, there will be a total of 40 samples (note: the number of samples will vary depending on the number of treatments used) accounting for four replications of: • control (no sewage sludge + 15N labeled fertilizer at locally recommended rate, 1% a.e.), • sewage sludge, 50% of recommended N rate • sewage sludge, 100 %recommendef o ratedN , • sewage sludge, 150% of recommended N rate, and • sewage sludge, 200% of recommended N rate for both irradiated sludge and non-irradiated sludge treatments. Each sample should consist of approximately 500 g (in dry weight equivalent) if the material is in solid form or 500 mL if the material is in liquid form obtained from a composite of random grab samples. Samples shoul refrigeratee db storer do ice-packen di d coolers immediatel pathogee th d yan n determination should begi sample e soos nth a s n a receivee sar laboratorye th t da . Noticeable changes in organism densit typed yan s have been reporte unrefrigeraten di d samples, especially whee nth ambient temperatur 13°C> s ei . Sample fielf so d moisture conten usee pathogear t n di n determination an dryino dn neededs gi . Durin samplinge gth , extraordinary caution shoul exercisee db preveno dt t cross-contamination between irradiated and non-irradiated sludges (do not use the same sampling tool for irradiate non-irradiated dan d sludges r samplo , irradiatee eth d sludges first; transpor stord an t e irradiated and non-irradiated sludge samples separately; alert the personnel involved in handling samples and in determining pathogens of the need for separating these samples). It is also advisable thae samplth t e taker should avoid direct contact witsewagy han e sludg wasd ean h hands after handlin samplese gth . The pathogen determination for sewage sludges will be done only once during the entire 5-year experimental period.

4.1.2. Sludge-treated soils Soil from plots receiving irradiated and non-irradiated sewage sludge will be sampled after the last crop of the experiment is harvested. This one-time sampling will involve only the experimental plots corresponding to the sewage-sludge sampling. The soil will be sampled from the surface to the depth of sludge incorporation. The general procedures outlined in the previous section for obtaining and handling the sludge samples shoul followee db r soidfo l sampling.


samplee th Al f lo s use pathoger dfo n analysis shoul sievee db paso dt s throug h2-ma m screen to insure homogeneit sub-samplee th f yo s determinationse drawth r nfo .

5.1. Faecal coliforms The faecal coliform determination starts wit aliquon ha f approximatelo t (drg 4 y6 weight equivalent f sludgf liqui)o o L dem sludgesolid4 6 r so . Each aliquot wil mixee b l divided dan d into quartere quartersth f o e s wil On .selecte e b l further dfo r sample subdivisio remaindee th d ny an rma be discarded. The sludge aliquot will be divided in this manner three times until approximately 1 g (dry weight equivalent) or 1 mL of sample is obtained.

188 The sample (1 g or 1 mL) is then diluted to a volume of 100 mL using sterile water, and appropriate series dilutions mad r faecafo e l coliform determinations avoio T . d complicationn i s filterin developind gan bacteriaga l colony from high-solid suspensions multiple-tube ,th e fermentation technique shoul assaye useth proceduree e db r Th d.fo preparinr sfo culture gth e media, incubation, and enumeratio foune b Multiple-tuby n di nma e Fermentation Techniqu Colifore th r efo m Group (Part 9221) in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater [1]. The detection limit of this procedure is approximately 2 MPN per 1 g or 1 mL of sewage sludge. (MPN stands for most probable number, in this case of faecal coliforms, in a given unit of sample; it is a statistically derived estimatio celf no l density. date )Th a shoul adjustee db d accordin moisturo gt e conten sludge th f o te an f faecado reporteN l coliforMP s sludgg da r m r soipe weighty eo dr l .

5.2. Ascarisa ov This part of the assay starts with 320 g (dry weight equivalent) of solid sludge or 320 mL of liquid sludge. Using the previously described quartering technique, the material is divided three times to obtai n sampla sample th f approximatelf I e o e. i centrifuges i mL t i ,5 r o g 200t yd5 a m 0rp supernate th d an en discardedmi fo 5 r Ascarise Th .wil a recoveree ov b l d fro solide mth s through

successive flotatio wila n surfaceov e l(th th floae n o t ) using saturated NaNO3 solution (densit= y 1.38g/mL). The recovered ova will then be incubated in Petri dishes with saline containing 0.8% e incubationth formaldehyd f o d en perioa , weeks8 e r viabl th f fo ea (thosdo t ov eA . e ablo t e embryonate) will be counted. The detectability of this procedure is approximately 0.2 ova /g or /mL. Standardized procedures for isolation and enumeration of helminth ova in sewage and sewage sludge are not available. Textbooks on helminthology should be consulted for specifics in procedures for identifying ova and judging embryonation.


The results of pathogen determinations are procedure-dependent. For consistency of data and comparisons between sites advisabls i t i , e tha participantl tal s follo same wth e general procedured san make only minor modifications to suit special local conditions. There are no data in the technical literature on pathogens in irradiated sludge-treated soils. It is possible that data from this CRP on "The Us f Irradiateo e d Sewage Sludg o Increast e e Soil Fertility, Crop o Preservt Yield d an e s th e Environment" may be pooled and published in the future.


[1] ANONYMOUS, Standard Method Examinatioe th r sfo Watef no Wastewaterd ran , 18th edition. American Public Health Association, (1992) New York ] [2 BRANDON, 1979. "Pathogen reductio sludgen ni irradiation"y sb , Sandia Irradiato r Driefo r d Sewage Solids, Seminar Proceedings and Dedication, October 18-19, 1978, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Sandia Laboratory Energy Report Sandia, 79-0182, Applied Biology and Isotope Utilization Division, Sandia National Laboratory (1979) 37-47, [3] YEAGER, J. G., O'BRIEN, R T , Irradiation as a means to minimize public health risks from sludge-borne pathogens J ,Wate r Pollut. Contr (1983l5 5 Fed. ) 977-983. ] [4 HORAK , Experimenta P , l destructio Ascarisf nsewago n i a ov e sludg acceleratey eb d electron, Irradiation Water Research 28 (1994) 939-941

189 [5] PIKAEV, A. V., "Current Status of Radiation Treatment of Water and Wastewater", Sewage and Wastewater for Us Agriculturen ei , IAEA TECDOC (1997) (this volume). [6] GERBA, C. P., "Pathogens," Proc. 1983 Workshop, Utilization of Municipal Wastewater and Sludge on Land (PAGE, A.L., GLEASON, T.L., SMITH, I.E. (Jr.) ISKANDAR, I.K., SOMMERS, L.E., Eds.) Universitf yo California, Riverside, (1983) 460 pp. [7] FRANKENBERGER W. T. (Jr.), "Fateof wastewater constituents in soil and groundwater: Pathogens", Irrigation with Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater, A Guidance Manual (PETTYGROVE, G.S., ASANO, T., Eds.) California State Water Resources Control Board, Report No. 84-1 (1984). [8] U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, Standards for the use or disposal of sewage sludge final rules. Federal Registe (19938 5 r ) 9248-9415.


The utilizatio disposad nan sewagf lo e sludg serioua s ei s proble mmann i y countriee sdu to rapid urbanization. One solution is its use as an organic fertilizer for agriculture and horticulture. Sewage sludge has components essential for crop growth: macronutrients N, P, K, micronutrients Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, trace elements, and considerable amounts of organic matter. However, it may also contain pathogenic organisms, heavy metals and other toxic materials from industry. Because of health risks, application of sewage sludge to agricultural lands is restricted. Health hazards posed by pathogens and helminths can be mitigated by the use of irradiation as a pre-treatment. There are sufficient technical data available at present for gamma treatmen sludgesf o t , permittin applicatios git demonstratioe th n no r commerciano l scale knowledgr gapt ou ,bu n si e still exist, especiall practicae th r yfo l applicatio electrof no n beam technology. Two Consultants meetings were held during the same week in December 1994 to address the problem irradiatiof so sewagf no e sludg wastewaterd ean investigato t d an , en i thei e rus agriculture.


Sewage, wastewater and other aqueous effluents are usually contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms and protozoan parasites of human, animal or other origin, as well s wita h non-biodegradable (refractory) organic compounds originating from industriar o l agricultural applications (herbicides, insecticides, fUngicides, etc.). These contaminated solution percolaty ma s e through certain soils and/or soil fissures into groundwatee b r o r discharged principln ,i e after some remediating treatment, into surface-water reservoirs (lakes or rivers). Studie recenn si t years have demonstrate effectivenese dth ionizinf so g radiatio suchs na , or in combination with other agents (ozone, heat, UV, etc.) in decomposing refractory organic compounds in aqueous solutions, and in effectively removing or inactivating pathogenic microorganisms and protozoan parasites. The last Research Co-ordination meetin ge Co-ordinate th (RCM f o ) d Research Programme (CRP) on Radiation Treatment of Sewage Sludge for Safe Realization, finalized in 1991, concluded thabiocidae th t l effect penetratinf o s g ionizing radiation doses constitute a reliable and quantifiable method of disinfecting sewage of the naturally high numbers of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa, as well as of moulds, and eggs and larvae of parasites. Radiation-induced physico-chemical changes in the sludge solids seem to improve settling and flocculation rate, while the radiation pre-treatment of sludge accelerates subsequent compostin eighty gb ten-foldo -t eliminated an , s fou lals s odorowa t concludeI . d that technology-scale experience with irradiated sludg establishes eha safs dit e utilizatios na fertilizer soid an l, conditioner. hi that CRP, radiation was characterized as a practical techno-economic alternative in available th e wastewater treatment scenario, whil importann ea t combination treatment—oxy- radiation — has been demonstrated on a pilot scale, enabling reduction of the dose by one third. The present Consultants meeting was convened in order to advise the Agency in regard aimeP CR t complementin da w ne toa y focusin b e irradiatioformee th gP th n CR o gr n treatment of water, wastewater and sludges, with particular emphasis on the effects of radiatio f combineo d an n d treatment e refractorth n o s y organic pollutants e overalTh . l objectiv meetine revieo th t f s e o technologstatue e wgwa th th f so radiatiof yo n processinf go

191 water, wastewater and sludges, to evaluate the scientific and technological data gaps that require closin orden gi facilitato rt e industrial implementation asseso t presend e san th , t status of knowledge on possible combination treatments, and their potential application in this field.

Five experts from Austria, Germany Russiae , th Ital d yan n Federation wels a , stafs a l f members of the Industrial Applications and Chemistry section attended the meeting. Also present were two observers from and the United States of America, who participated in the discussions. The overall objectives outlined for the recommended programme are: grounr Fo surfacd a)dan e water considero t , :

— the influence of natural solutes on radiation-induced decomposition of refractory substances, particularly of atrazine; effecte th f ionizin o s — g radiatio colorantn no othed an s r pollutants, particularly halogenated aromatics; — the mass balance of products formed, particularly of eventually harmful ones; — dose rate effects and other parameters concerned with electron beam treatment, including conveying logistic , undes to fro d beame rman th ; dosimetri— c system procedured san dosd san e distributio case f th electro eo n ni n beam treatment (in the case of non-turbulent flow); — the beam utilization factor (in the case of turbulent flow); — the possibility of addition of small quantities of chlorine, for prophylactic purposes (depot effect).

b) For municipal and rural sludges, to consider:

dos— e rate effect othed an s r parameters concerned with electron beam treatment, including conveying logistic , unde sto fro d beame mran th ; — dosimetric systems, procedure dosd san e distributio electror nfo n beam treatment; — the possible combination of ionizing radiation with subsequent composting or other types of biological stabilization; — effects of radiation on pathogenic organisms and microorganisms specific to a particular country. wastewater Fo c) r from industr sewage-treatmend yan t plants consideo t , same rth e items as for ground and surface water, but to investigate the possibly synergistic or contributing effect f oxygeo s ozond n an pathogens n eo , rather tha prophylactie nth c effec f chlorineo t .

d) For sludges and wastewater, to co-ordinate the research efforts with those of the parallel CR RIFAf Po , which would applicabilitcentee th n ro thesf yo e effluent cron o s p yields and environmental aspects.

2. CONSULTANTS MEETING ON RADIATION PROCESSING OF SEWAG INCREASO T E EUS SLUDGS E IT CRO D PEAN YIELDS, AND TO PRESERVE THE ENVIRONMENT Land application of municipal sewage sludge is practised throughout the world at various levels. Beneficial effects include increases in crop yields, soil organic matter, cation exchange

192 capacity, water-holding capacit fertilityd yrnicronutrientan d hig e an hTh .P level, N f so n si sewage sludge mak excellenn a t ei t fertilizer additionn I . hige th , h organic matter leveln sca counteract harmful effects on soil structure. However, a factor limiting the use of sewage sludge is excessive accumulation of heavy metals in soils and resultant phytotoxicity. Hence, fertility benefits mus balancee b t d agains potentiae th t l hazard metaf so l contaminatioe ndu to repeated applications of heavy dressings over long periods. At present, informatio limites ni availabilitn do nutrientf yo s from sewage sludgeo st crops, benefit organin a s sa c amendmen soilharmfuo d t an , l effect heavf o s y metal cron so p growth. Isotope and radiation techniques could provide a valuable tool in attempts to find answers to some of these questions. The Consultants meeting on Radiation Processing of SewagIncreaso t e eUs eSludgs Croit d pean YieldsPreservo t d an Environmen,e eth s wa t attended by participants from Austria, Germany, India, Indonesia and Japan, and staff members of the Joint FAO/TAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, and of the Soils Unit of the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory in Seibersdorf. The consultant from the USA did not attend for unavoidable reasons. The overall objectiv meetine revieo th t f s eo currene wgwa th t statu futurd san e trends of the application of nuclear techniques in the use of sewage sludge in agriculture including: radiation processing of sewage sludge by y irradiation, electron beam radiation and other alternative methods; application of sewage sludge as fertilizer for increasing soil fertility and crop production; heavy metal (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) contamination of agricultural soils; potential harmful effects of sewage sludge utilization as fertilizer on the agricultural environment, and; to provide a critical evaluation of the topics to be investigated using nuclear and related techniques. Conclusions and recommendations made by the consultants are given below. The overall objectives outline recommendee th r dfo d programme are: asseso T a)s sewage sludge, especially irradiated sludges utilit it fertilizea r s yfo a , r fo r increased crop production. Evaluate N and P uptake from the sludge under different soil and climatic conditions taking into losses P accoun isotopP d 32 an d , usineN tan N g15 techniques.

b) To assess the role of sewage sludge as an organic matter amendment to improve soil fertility, using neutron probes and gamma-density probes, and isotopes such as 14C, 13C and 15N.

c) To evaluate possible environmental contamination by: pathogen— s heav— y metals — organic pollutants. d) Close co-operation should be established with other organizations that are involved in irradiation and utilization of sewage sludge in agriculture.

e) Reference laboratories and standard materials must be identified for the analysis of nutrients, heavy metals and organic pollutants. collaboration I f) n wit Austriae hth n Research Centre, backup research shoul conductee db d in support of this programme.

g) The findings of this programme should be published and made available as widely as possible. • NEXT PAGE(S) l*f t BLANK 1193 APPENDIX

OPENING STA TEMENT . MacS M Departmen Researcf o t Isotopesd han , International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna

On behalDirectoe th f o f r Genera Internationae th f o l l Atomic Energy Agency havI , e great pleasur e Consultantn welcomini eth o t u yo gs Meetin n "Irradiatioo g n Treatmen f Watero t , Wastewater and Sludges" organized by the Industrial Applications and Chemistry Section of the Divisio Physicaf no Chemicad an l l Sciences Consultante th d an , s Meetin "Radiation go n Processing of Sewage Sludge and its Use to Increase Crop Yields, and to Preserve the Environment" organized by the Soil Fertility, Irrigation and Crop Production Section of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture. The meetings were convened to obtain advice and guidance in the planning of two Co-ordinated Research Programmes on radiation processing of sewage sludg wastewaterd ean agriculturen i theid e an , rus . Thiuniqua s si e event wher Divisiono etw f so IAEe th A have combine solvo dt probleea f commomo n interes recycline th - that f o t f wastgo e materials. e applicatioTh f nucleao n r technologie s contributeha s o industriat d l efficiency, energy conservation d environmentaan , l protectio r mannfo y years. Industrial application f radiatioo s n processing are widespread in many countries, and growing in others. In Japan, for example, 280 electron-beam accelerators were in use for industrial purposes and for research and development in 1995. In many developing countries, radiation technologies are being increasingly applied, often with IAEA support, for the benefit of mankind. Some areas of key interest are: (1) production and upgradin polymersf go sterilizatio) (2 , medicaf no l product pharmaceuticalsd san cleanin) (3 , fluf go e gases foo) (4 , d irradiatio ) cleaninn(5 disinfectio) waterf g(6 o d an , f sewagno e sludge. Wastes have been use y mankinb d d since antiquity. However, method r systematifo s c collectio disposa d t evolvnan no d edi lunti l late last century. Since then, land applicatio bees nha na common practice for disposal of municipal wastes, especially wastewater and residues resulting from treatmen f wasto t e material. Many large urban centres aroun worle dth d have applied their waste material to land for years. Noted examples are the "sewage farms" in Paris, Berlin and Melbourne. Early promoter f thiso s practice "treatmenta soif advocate o s a le us e dth " mediu wastewated man r as a source of plant nutrients, in contrast to the customary "direct" discharge into a surface water body. While land application was a cost-effective process, the systems became plagued with both hydraulic and solid contaminants, and other operational difficulties. Consequently, pollution became majoa r problem advancee Th . wastewater-treatmenn si t technolog recenn yi t years have reducee dth pollution potential of treated effluent to a considerable extent, however the contamination of potable water with bacteria chemicad an l l pollutants disposae th d f sewagan ,o l e sludge, remain significant problems. Pollution of land, water and air is now a widespread growing concern of global proportions. Increased awarenes f potentiao s l health hazards from insufficien r inappropriato t e waste handling method s stimulateha s e searcdth r morhfo e effective waste-treatment alternatives f particulaO . r concer wastee nar s that present problem areaso thos) tw (i n :i s e containing potentially infectious microorganisms (i.e. sewage sludge, biomedical wastes, and wastewater) and (ii) those contaminated

195 with toxic chemicals, particularly those originating from industria d municipaan l l effluents. Conventional method r disinfectiofo s e heaar n t treatment (pasteurization), compostin d liman ge treatment. A more attractive technique for sludge disinfection is irradiation. The first practical plant for gamma irradiatio f sewagno e sludge became operationa 197n i l Geisebullacn 3i h (near Munich) in Germany. Since then, other countrie sUSAe sucth s ha , Japan, Indi Argentind aan a have embarked on radiation processing of wastes on various scales. The basic types of irradiation systems that are currently use r studiedd(o waste-treatmenn i ) t operations include gamma rayelectrod san n beam. The IAEA has been involved in studies of radiation processing of sewage sludge for several years Co-ordinateA . d Research Programm "Radiation eo n Treatmen f Sewago t e Sludg r Safefo e Reutilization implementes "wa d from 1986-1990, involving participants from Canada, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, and the USA. The findings of this Co-ordinated Research Programme will be of great value for the implementation of new programmes in this field. consultante Th s meetin "Irradiation go n Treatmen f Waterto , Wastewate Sudgesd an r " will f ionizindeao e l witus ge hradiationth , either alone combination i r o , n with synergistic agents, such as ozone, heat, and electrical discharges, as effective decontaminating agents for aqueous environmental pollutants and for potable water. The meeting on "Radiation Processing of Sewage Increaso t e Us Sludges it Cro d epan Yields Preservo t d an ,Environmente eth " will deae l us wit e hth of isotope and radiation techniques as a tool to find ways of utilizing sewage sludge to increase and sustain soil fertilit crod yan p productio environmentalln a n i y friendly manner initiatioe .Th thesf no e studies is timely in view of the dire need to find ways to integrate nutrient-management practices involving organic fertilizers into cropping systems so that the need for expensive commercial fertilizer reducede inputb y sma , while decreasing harmful environmente effectth n o s . I understand that we have here with us today the world's leading authorities in sewage sludge and wastewater studies from Austria, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdo e Uniteth d dman State f Americao s I wis succesu y yo h Ma .youn i s r meetingn a d an s enjoyabl ebeautifue stath n yi l cit f Viennayo .


IAEA Consultants meeting on Irradiation Treatment of Water, Wastewater and Sludges Decembe7 5- , r 1994

Baraldi. D , Dipartimento Innovazione Tecnologica, ENEA, Via Anguillarese, Casaccia, Italy

Gehringer. P , Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf GmbH, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

Getoff, N. Institut Theoreticaf eo Radiatiod an l n Chemistry, Universit Viennaf yo , Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Lapidot. M , Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, (Scientific Secretary) International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Lessel, T. Abwasserverband Ampergruppe, Postfach 120, D-82217 Eichenau, Germany

Pikaev, A.K. Institut Physicaf eo l Chemistre th f yo Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospec , Mosco31 t w 117915 GSP, Russian Federation

Silva. C , Permanent Mission of Chile, Am Lugeck l/IH/10, A-1010 Vienna, Austria

Vera Ruiz. H , Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Vroom. D , Raychem, 300 Constitution Drive, Menlo Par. 94025kCA , United State Americf so a

197 FAO/IAEA Consultants meetin Radiation go n Processinf go Sewage Sludge and its use to Increase Crop Yields, and to Preserve the Environment, 5-9 December 1994

K.O. Awonaike Soils Science Unit, FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

H. Axmann Soils Science Unit, FAO/IAEA Agricultur Biotechnologd ean y Laboratory, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

S.K.A. Danso Soil Fertility, Irrigatio Crod nan p Production Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

S. Eckert Soils Science Unit, FAO/IAEA Agricultur Biotechnologd ean y Laboratory, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

G. Hardarson Soils Science Unit, FAO/IAEA Agricultur Biotechnologd ean y Laboratory, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

Harms. H , Institut Planf eo t Nutritio Soid nan l Science, Federal Agricultural Research Centre Braunschweig-Volkenrode, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany

C.Hera Soil Fertility, Irrigatio Crod nan p Production Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria Hilmy. N , Centre for Application of Isotopes and Radiation, . CinerJl e Pasat Jumat, P.O 700x .Bo 2 JKSKL, Jakarta 12070, Indonesia

Koch,F. Departmen Wastf o t e Management, Division of Process and Environmental Technologies, * Forschungzentrum Seibersdorf, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

Kumarasinghe, K.S. Soil Fertility, Irrigation and Crop Production Section, (Scientific Secretary) International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Kumazawa, K. Tokyo Agricultural University, 1-1-1 Sakuraoka, Setagaya, Tokyo 156, Japan

198 McGrath, S.P. Rothamsted Experimental Station, AFRC Institute of Arable Crops Research, Harpenden, Hert2JQ5 , sAL United Kingdom

P. Moutonnet Soil Fertility, Irrigatio Crod nan p Production Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Raghu,K. Nuclear Agriculture Division, Bhabha Atomic Energy Research Centre, Trombay, Bomba 0850 y,40 India

M.P. Salema Soil Fertility, Irrigatio Crod nan p Production Section, International Atomic Energy Agency, P.O. Box 100, Wagramerstrasse 5, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

A. Sessitsch Soils Science Unit, FAO/IAEA Agricultur Biotechnologd ean y Laboratory, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria

Suss, A Beratungsbur Umweltfragenr ofu , Meyerbeerstrasse 39, D-81247 Munich, Germany

F. Zapata Soils Science Unit, FAO/IAEA Agricultur Biotechnologd ean y Laboratory, A-2444 Seibersdorf, Austria