Quietway 5: Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road

Response to consultation September 2016


Executive Summary ...... 1 1 Introduction ...... 2 2 The consultation ...... 6 3 Overview of consultation responses ...... 8 4. Conclusion ...... 20 Appendix A – Response to issues commonly raised ...... 21 Appendix B – Copy of the consultation letter ...... 28 Appendix C – Leaflet distribution area...... 30 Appendix D – Copy of stakeholder email ...... 31 Appendix E – List of stakeholders consulted ...... 32

Executive Summary

Between 10 December 2015 and 3 February 2016, we consulted on proposals for a road improvement scheme at the junction of Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road scheme as part of the Quietway 5 route between Waterloo and Croydon.

We received 86 responses to consultation, of which 23 supported or partially supported our proposals for the junction and 44 did not support them. The main issues that respondents raised in response to consultation were:

 Banned turns at Cathles Road and Malwood Road, with concern over increased congestion and other impacts on residential roads  Cycling facilities including comments that the scheme offered too much provision for cyclists compared to other road users, and suggestions for alternative routes  Traffic comments, with respondents highlighting current and potential rat running by drivers, concerns about vehicle speeds and impacts on motorists including increased journey times and inconvenience

Next steps

Having considered the responses to consultation, we intend to proceed with the scheme with the following changes:

 Allow straight ahead movement for motor traffic out of Malwood Road and Cathles Road. Left turns would be allowed as proposed. This means only the right turn would be banned for motor traffic  Car club bay on Cathles Road will no longer be moved. Allowing motor vehicles to travel straight ahead from Cathles Road means this change is not needed  No changes to residential permit holders’ parking will be made. Allowing motor vehicles to travel straight ahead from Cathles Road means parking changes are not needed


Subject to the formal Traffic Order process and approval with the Borough of Wandsworth, we plan to carry out the construction work later in 2016, with completion early next year. We will keep visitors and road users informed of our plans and progress, including writing to local residents, businesses and other stakeholders before undertaking work in their area. We also provide road traffic information to help people better plan their journeys and make informed choices about how, where and when they travel.


1 Introduction

1.1 About Quietways

Quietways will be a network of high quality, well-signed cycle routes throughout London, mostly using the backstreets. The routes will link key destinations and are designed to appeal to new and existing people that cycle who want to use quieter, low traffic routes. Quietways will complement other cycling initiatives in London, such as the Cycle Superhighways.

Quietways are more than just cycle routes. They also provide the opportunity to make streets and neighbourhoods safer and more pleasant for everyone by reducing the speed and dominance of motor traffic, improving air quality and investing in the urban realm.

For more information about Quietways, please visit tfl.gov.uk/quietways.

1.2 About this scheme

Quietway 5 is a planned cycle route connecting Waterloo and Croydon, which crosses the Transport for London Road Network at the junction of A24 Balham Hill with Malwood Road and Cathles Road.

We have developed proposals to provide a safer and more attractive cycle connection across Balham Hill. These proposals aim to improve safety for cyclists and accommodate the predicted increase of cyclists along this route. The design would provide a more direct route for cyclists.

1.3 Purpose of the scheme

The scheme is designed to:

 Provide a well-signed route linking Waterloo and Croydon  Improve safety for cycling by providing more dedicated space for cycling and dedicated cycle features at the junction  Accommodate the predicted increase in cycling  Encourage less confident cyclists or those who do not currently cycle but would like to do so

2 1.4 Descriptions of the proposals

The changes that were consulted on include:

Balham Hill

1. New signalised junction with pedestrian crossings on all arms at the Balham Hill junction with Malwood Road and Cathles Road and removing the existing crossing. 2. Existing signalised crossing removed due to proximity to new junction. 3. New 10 metre long, short-term parking bay to cater for demand from local businesses. 4. Existing cycle stands relocated to accommodate new short-term parking bay. 5. New two-stage right turn for cyclists to make it safer and easier to turn right into Malwood Road or Cathles Road. Instead of having to cross lanes of moving traffic and then wait in the centre of the junction, cyclists can wait in the designated area and proceed with the green signal to complete their right turn in two easier stages.

Cathles Road

6. Existing on-street parking removed to create sufficient room for vehicles at the junction. 7. Existing Car Club bay relocated to create sufficient room for vehicles at the junction. 8. Left turn only for motorised vehicles to avoid potential conflicts with cyclists turning at the junction and to minimise the impact on journey times for road users at the junction. Motorists exiting Cathles Road would not be able to go straight over onto Malwood Road or turn right onto Balham Hill. Cyclists would continue to be permitted make all movements. 9. Existing raised area lowered to carriageway level to provide the new pedestrian crossing.

Malwood Road

10. Existing raised area lowered to carriageway level to provide the new pedestrian crossing. 11. Existing on-street parking removed to create sufficient room for vehicles at the junction. 12. Left turn only for motorised vehicles to avoid potential conflicts with cyclists and to minimise the impact on journey times for road users at

3 the junction. Cyclists would continue to be permitted make all movements. Currently, up to 12 motorised vehicles an hour turn right out of Malwood Road and 36 go straight on. TfL’s traffic modelling indicates that these changes could be implemented without significant journey time impacts.

Bus Stop on Balham Hill

Existing bus stop (Cathles Road – Stop SR) relocated approximately 55 metres south to accommodate new signalised junction.

At construction stage, the junction would also be resurfaced.

4 1.5 Drawing of the proposals

5 2 The consultation

2.1 About the consultation

The consultation ran from 10 December 2015 to 3 February 2016.

Information on the consultation, including details of the proposals consulted on, was available online at consultations.tfl.gov.uk/cycling/balham-hill from 10 December 2015.

Respondents were asked about whether they supported the proposals (‘yes’, ‘partially’, ‘no’, ‘not sure’, ‘no opinion’). Respondents were also given an opportunity to comment on the proposals.

Respondents were also asked to submit their name, email address and postcode, whether they were responding on behalf of an organisation, and how they heard about the consultation. All questions were optional.

The objectives of the consultation were:

 To give stakeholders and the public easily-understandable information about the proposals and allow them to respond  To understand the level of support or opposition for the proposals  To understand any issues that might affect the proposal of which we were not previously aware  To understand concerns and objections  To allow respondents to make suggestions

The potential outcomes of this and any other consultation were:

 Following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we decide to proceed with the scheme as set out in the consultation  Following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we modify the scheme in response to issues raised during the consultation and proceed with a revised scheme  Following careful consideration of the consultation responses, we decide not to proceed with the scheme

2.2 Consultation material, distribution and publicity

Consultation website The consultation web page at consultations.tfl.gov.uk/cycling/balham-hill provided explanatory text and a detailed design drawing of the proposals.

6 Non-web formats A consultation letter and drawing explaining our proposals were sent to 5,051 addresses near the scheme area. Printed plans, accompanying descriptions and response forms were available on request by telephone, email or writing to FREEPOST TFL CONSULTATIONS.

A copy of the letter is shown in Appendix B and a map of the distribution area can be found in Appendix C.

Stakeholder email We emailed around 350 different stakeholder organisations to let them know about the consultation. The email contained a brief summary of the proposals and a link to the consultation website. Please see Appendix D for the email and Appendix E for the list of recipients.

Freight and servicing survey Between 12 April and 26 April 2016, we conducted a survey of 16 local businesses on Balham Hill in the scheme area and received four responses. Feedback from this survey has helped us to better understand delivery and servicing requirements and inform the parking and loading provision.

7 3 Overview of consultation responses

3.1 Stakeholder and public responses

A total of 86 respondents answered one or more consultation question. 80 responses were from members of the public and 6 were from stakeholders.

Figure 1. Consultation responses by respondent type

3.2 Responses to proposals at Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road

We asked two questions about the proposals at Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road.

Q3: “Do you support the proposed changes at Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road?”

68 respondents answered the closed question “Do you support the proposed changes at Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road?”

8 Figure 2: Response to “Do you support the proposed changes at Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road?

Q4: “Please give us your comments on the proposed changes at Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road?”

77 respondents provided comments in the subsequent open question. This summary includes comments from six stakeholder organisations, but those responses are also summarised separately in Section 3.5. The main issues raised across all responses are summarised below:

Banned turns at Cathles Road and Malwood Road

54 respondents made a comment about the banned movements for motor vehicles proposed. Comments included:


44 respondents opposed one or both of the proposed banned turns on Malwood and Cathles Road. Reasons given included:

 23 said the banned turns would increase congestion on local roads, with 14 concerned about the impact of increased congestion on local residents  4 respondents were concerned that vehicles would turn on forecourts or make U-turns

9  4 respondents said that the banned turns would have an impact on the residential feel of local roads  4 respondents suggested that the scheme would restrict local access  1 respondent said that the banned turns would have an environmental impact


 3 supported the banned turn, with 1 respondent saying that it would make driver behaviour more predictable


 1 respondent suggested clear signage for motorists to indicate the banned turn

Other impacts

A single respondent raised concerns about the impact of the scheme on each of the following; damage to cars, health, house prices and school children.

Cycling facilities

There were 33 respondents who made a comment about the cycling facilities in the scheme. Comments included:

Demand and justification

 12 respondents thought that the scheme offered too much provision for cycling given the demands of other groups of road users and residents  8 respondents said that the scheme offered limited benefits or questioned the demand for the scheme, including one who opposed the cost of the scheme  1 respondent suggested that the funding should be reinvested in public transport

Reallocating road space

 4 respondents supported increased space or provision for cycling  3 respondents were concerned that there was not enough space on local roads to accommodate cycling provision or increased traffic

Alternative routes

 3 respondents suggested an alternative route for the Quietway at this location  2 respondents were supportive of Cycle Superhighway 7 or suggested improvements to it  1 respondent suggested that cyclists should use back roads

10 Cyclist behaviour

 3 respondents raised concern about cyclists’ behaviour

Two-stage right turn

 2 respondents raised concerns about the two-stage right turns provided  1 respondent supported the right turns as it was thought they would improve safety

Traffic light phasing

 2 respondents commented about traffic signals, with one concerned that unfavourable signal timings would discourage cycling and one suggesting dedicated phases for cycling

Other comments

 1 respondent was concerned about the Advanced Stop Line feeder  1 respondent said that the scheme should adhere to design standards


 1 respondent suggested a Dutch style junction  1 respondent suggested a speed camera to improve cyclist safety


Of all respondents, 27 made a comment about traffic. Comments included:

 10 respondents raised a concern about current or future rat running by motorists  5 respondents said that current vehicle speeds were too high and 1 said that vehicles could only travel very slowly on some local roads  4 respondents were concerned about the current or future volume of traffic  1 respondent said the scheme would decrease traffic on Cathles Road  1 respondent made a comment about driver behaviour

Impacts on motorists

 7 respondents said the scheme would have a negative impact on motorists, including concerns about increased inconvenience  4 respondents said that the scheme would have a negative impact on journey times

11 Alternative suggestions

 2 respondents suggested closing Cathles Road and Malwood Road to through motor traffic  1 respondent suggested restricting vehicle speeds on Cathles Road


There were 26 respondents who made a comment about safety. These included:

Negative comments about safety

 7 respondents believed the scheme would have a negative impact on safety, with concerns including 5 comments about the increase in traffic, 1 about pedestrian crossing location and 1 about cyclist speed  4 respondents raised concerns about cyclist safety, including 1 who raised a concern about dooring risks for cyclists  4 respondents were concerned about pedestrian safety, including concerns about increased traffic on local roads  2 respondents said the scheme would have a negative impact on school children’s safety, including concerns about traffic and cyclists  2 respondents were concerned about pedestrian/cyclist conflicts  2 respondents were concerned about traffic displacement having a negative impact on safety  1 respondent was concerned about residents’ safety

Positive comments about safety

 4 respondents said the scheme would improve safety for cyclists  2 respondents made a comment that the scheme would improve general safety


Of all respondents, 24 respondents made a comment about parking. These included:

 22 respondents opposed or raised a concern about the removal or changes to parking provision, including 1 comment opposing the removal or parking on Balham Hill and 1 comment opposing the removal of parking on Malwood Road  6 respondents made a comment about residents parking, including 4 comments suggesting increase or improvements to residents parking and 2 concerns about changes to parking affecting businesses

12  1 respondent opposed providing any additional parking

Support and opposition

23 respondents made a comment supporting or opposing the scheme generally. These included:

 16 comments opposing the scheme  7 comments supporting the scheme


14 respondents made a comment about the environmental impact of the scheme.

 12 respondents made a comment about noise caused by increased traffic  10 respondents made a comment about air pollution caused by increased traffic  3 respondents made a comment about vibrations in their homes caused by heavy or fast-moving vehicles

Pedestrian facilities

11 respondents made a comment about the pedestrian crossing and other facilities, including comments about the traffic signals. Comments included

Pedestrian crossing

 2 respondents suggested improving the pedestrian crossing  2 respondents suggested alternative crossing layouts or provision  1 respondent questioned the proposed position of the pedestrian and cycle crossing  1 respondent raised a concern about lack of space for a pedestrian crossing at Malwood Road

Impacts on pedestrians

 4 respondents said the scheme would have a negative impact on pedestrians, including concerns about the impact of increased cycle and vehicle numbers, provision for cycling and pedestrian safety  1 respondent said the scheme would have a positive impact on pedestrians

13 Traffic lights

 1 respondent supported a signalised crossing  1 respondent opposed a signalised crossing  1 respondent suggested traffic lights at the entrance to Cathles and Malwood Road

Bus stop

9 respondents made a comment about moving the Cathles Road (Stop SR) bus stop. Comments included:

 7 comments raised concerns about or opposed moving the bus stop, including concerns that it would be very close to an existing bus stop and therefore redundant, and concerns about noise from school children using the stop  2 suggestions to remove the northbound bus stop  1 neutral comment about the bus stop

Traffic data

7 respondents made a comment about the traffic modelling or other data supplied. Comments included:

 5 said that not enough data or detail had been given or asked for more data  1 questioned the accuracy of the modelling data  1 asked for accident statistics at this junction


7 respondents made a comment about the consultation. Comments included:

 6 respondents said they were not informed about the scheme  1 respondent said that they thought some aspects of the consultation were unclear

14 3.3 Responses to Quietway 5 questions We asked two questions on the overall proposals for Quietway 5.

Q1. “Do you support the overall proposals for Quietway 5 between Waterloo and Croydon?”

Of the total 86 respondents to the consultation, 47 responded to this question. 17 said that they supported Quietway 5, one offered partial support, two were not sure, 16 did not support Quietway 5 and 11 had no opinion. 39 respondents did not answer the question.

Figure 3. Do you support the overall proposals?

Q2. “Please give us your comments on the overall proposals for Quietway 5.”

34 respondents provided comments on the overall proposals for Quietway 5. The summary of comments below includes those from six stakeholder organisations, which are also summarised separately in Section 3.3. The main themes arising were:

Support/opposition 19 comments were made supporting or opposing the overall proposals for or aspects of Quietway 5.


 9 respondents were supportive, including one who said the scheme would encourage cycling

15  2 respondents supported the scheme in concept or principle, but with reservations


 6 respondents opposed the overall scheme, including 2 comments that the scheme was a waste of resources

Impacts on residents and road users 8 respondents made a comment about impacts on residents and road users. Comments included:  6 respondents felt that the overall proposals would have a negative impact on local residents  2 respondents said that the needs of cyclists should not be prioritised over the needs of residents  2 respondents felt that the overall Quietway proposals would be detrimental to motorists  2 respondents commented about catering adequately for pedestrians’ needs  1 comment felt that the introduction of cyclists onto Clapham Common would be detrimental to other users

Cycling facilities 8 comments were made regarding provision for cycling. A number of respondents made more than one comment about this category. Comments included:


 2 comments supported segregation

Improving existing infrastructure

 1 comment suggesting that Cycle Superhighway 7 (CS7) should be upgraded  1 comment suggested that the Quietway should join CS7

There was one comment each about the angle of the two-stage right turn planned for Balham Hill and questioning the necessity of the Quietway.

Safety There were 8 comments about safety. These included:

Improved safety

 3 respondents suggested that the proposals would improve cyclist safety  2 respondents said the proposals would improve pedestrian safety

16 There was one comment each about doing more to improve pedestrian safety, dooring risks for cyclists and pedestrian/cycle conflicts on Clapham Common.

Traffic 6 respondents made comments about traffic, with 3 respondents making more than one comment. Comments included:

Traffic volumes

 4 respondents were concerned about traffic congestion or volumes  3 respondents thought that the proposals would increase or fail to prevent rat- running  2 respondents suggested using more traffic filtering

Environment One respondent commented about the environmental impacts of the scheme. The respondent made more than one comment. These were:  1 comment that the proposals would increase air pollution  1 comment suggested that the proposals would increase noise

17 3.4 Summary of stakeholder responses There were six responses from stakeholder organisations. These are summarised below:

Stakeholder group Summary of response

Cathles Road Concerns were raised about access from Cathles Road, Management Company the communal private car park on Cathles Road and cars using the Shell petrol station to turn. It was also suggested restricting vehicle movements from Cathles Road would cause inconvenience and there was concern about increased noise and air pollution from waiting cars. No response or comment on Quietway 5 overall. Unsupportive of proposals at Balham Hill.

Cathles Road Supportive of proposals at Balham Hill, but was Neighbourhood Watch concerned that the scheme would not slow motor Co-ordinator vehicles or give more passing space. Suggested closing Cathles Road at Cavendish Road Supportive of Quietway 5 and suggested it would improve cyclists’ experience.

CTC London Supportive of proposals at Balham Hill. It felt that the scheme would open up more quiet routes for cyclists, make right turns safer and benefit pedestrians. Supportive and made no further comment about Quietway 5 overall.

Jane Ellison – MP for Concerned that that there would be an adverse impact Battersea, Balham and on traffic in Clapham Common and Balham residential Wandsworth roads, particularly Alderbrook Road.

London Cycling Concern about bus stops and parking bays on Cycle Campaign Superhighway 7 and the design not eliminating hook risks. Suggested finding a better way for cyclists to enter ASLs on Malwood and Cathles Road, as cyclists would have to filter into traffic to access them. No comment about Quietway 5 overall.

Warren Rosing Not sure in terms of support for the Balham Hill Architects proposals. Opposed the relocation of the bus stop, due to the disruption and that it would be very near an existing stop. Partially supportive of Quietway 5.

18 3.5 How did you hear about this consultation?

Respondents were asked how they heard about this consultation. Their answers are summarised in the chart below:

10 of the respondents answered ‘Other’, with the following sources specified:  7 by word of mouth  2 from a local authority  1 from the London Cycling Campaign

3.6 Consultation quality

Respondents were asked what they thought of the quality of this consultation. Six respondents provided comments. These were summarised resulting in four themes:  5 respondents mentioned that the consultation was not well publicised / respondents weren’t contacted directly  2 respondents complimented the clarity of consultation material  1 respondent complained of a lack of information  1 respondent stated they did not receive printed information


4. Conclusion

We received 86 responses to consultation, of which 23 supported or partially supported our proposals for the junction of Balham Hill / Cathles Road / Malwood Road and 44 did not support them.

Next steps

We intend to proceed with the scheme with the following changes:

 Allow straight ahead movement for motor traffic out of Malwood Road and Cathles Road. Left turns would be allowed as proposed. This means only the right turn would be banned for motor traffic  Car club bay on Cathles Road will no longer be moved. Allowing motor vehicles to travel straight ahead from Cathles Road does not need this change  No changes to residential permit holders’ parking will be made. Allowing motor vehicles to travel straight ahead from Cathles Road means parking changes are not needed


Taking into account the above revisions to the proposals we consulted on, we intend to proceed with the scheme, subject to the formal Traffic Order process and approval from the London Borough of Wandsworth for changes to local roads in the scheme area. We plan to carry out the construction work later in 2016.

We will keep visitors and road users informed of our plans and progress, including writing to local residents, businesses and other stakeholders before undertaking work in their area. We will also provide road traffic information to help people better plan their journeys and make informed choices about how, where and when they travel.

20 Appendix A – Response to issues commonly raised

Banned turns at Cathles Road and Malwood Road

54 respondents made a comment about the proposed banned movements for motor vehicles, including 44 who opposed making Malwood Road and Cathles Road left turn only for motor vehicles.

We carefully consider the potential impacts and explore alternative solutions before banning vehicles movements as part of a road scheme.

The right-turn movements out of Malwood Road and Cathles Road will be banned for motor vehicles to improve the safety and efficiency of the signalised junction. We will no longer ban the straight ahead movements out of Malwood Road and Cathles Road. Vehicles on both Malwood Road and Cathles Road will be given a green light at the same time. This minimises the amount of time that vehicles using Balham Hill have to wait at the lights and ensures that any delays on the wider road network are kept to a minimum.

Banning movements for vehicles also means that the number of conflicting movements for both vehicles and cyclists are reduced.

Impact on local roads

We acknowledge that the proposed restrictions on vehicles exiting Cathles Road and Malwood Road may mean some vehicles choose to use other local roads. Our counts show that up to 61 motorised vehicles per hour turn right out of Cathles Road and up to 12 motorised vehicles an hour turn right out of Malwood Road at peak times. While we appreciate concerns that banning these turns would increase traffic on some local roads, our data on the current volumes of traffic suggests that neighbouring roads have the capacity to absorb the number of motorists taking a different route without causing a noticeable increase in congestion above the usual daily variations in traffic flow.

21 Cycling facilities

33 respondents made comment about the cycling facilities in the scheme.

Demand and justification

A number of respondents felt the proposal was unnecessary and the current arrangement for cyclists was adequate.

The number of people cycling in London has increased dramatically over the last ten years. According to the 2011 Census, Wandsworth has the fifth-highest cycling mode share in London for journeys to work – 7.9%, an increase from 4.2% in the 2001 census. This mode share is higher than the average of 7.2% for all inner London boroughs. Overall, cycling makes up 4% of all journeys within Wandsworth – a comparable proportion to other inner London boroughs. We want to continue to support this growth by providing more cycle routes and removing barriers to cycling across London. Whilst the schemes on Quietways are focused on improving provision for cycling, all road users (including pedestrian, motorists and buses) are considered. This scheme balances the needs of all users, while ensuring that the most vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists) are provided with safe facilities.

Balham Hill is a major corridor with a high volume of cyclists, vehicles, buses and lorries. As a result, the current situation (where cyclists are required to cross three traffic lanes without protection) is unsuitable as Quietways are designed to cater for vulnerable users and encourage more people to cycle. The proposed signalised junction and banned turns will make crossing Balham Hill significantly safer and more comfortable for cyclists.

Cyclist behaviour and speed

We acknowledge concerns raised about cyclist behaviour, although our research shows that most cyclists ride responsibly and that cyclists are no more likely to disobey road rules than other road users.

TfL promotes adherence to the Highway Code by all road users and encourages responsible cycling and mutual respect between cyclists and other road users. We work to eliminate offences such as jumping red lights, cycling on the pavement and cycling at night without lights. We do this using police enforcement and education programmes, as well as thorough marketing and engagement campaigns.

We recognise that some cyclists break the law to avoid the dangers of motor traffic. However, we anticipate that providing safe space for cyclists will discourage people from riding on pavements. Providing safe space for cyclists can also help other road users by letting them know where to expect high volumes of cyclists.

22 Signage

Some respondents asked if separate signals and signage for cyclists would be provided at the junction. Low-level signals will be provided for cyclists travelling from Malwood Road and Cathles Road.

The entire Quietway 5 route will have wayfinding signage showing key destinations to allow cyclists to easily navigate the route.


27 respondents made a comment about traffic. Issues raised included increased journey times for motorists

Increased journey times / inconvenience

We acknowledge that vehicle movement restrictions will inconvenience some motorists. However, we need to balance this inconvenience against the wider benefits that schemes such as the Quietways can deliver.

The traffic modelling carried out before the consultation indicated that the proposals would only have a minor impact on journey times in the Clapham Common area. However, having considered the responses to consultation, we have revised the proposal to allow the straight ahead movement for motor traffic out of Malwood and Cathles Road. Left turns will also be allowed (as proposed) and only the right turn will be banned for motor traffic. As a result, fewer vehicles will be diverted to other roads and junctions.

The traffic modelling for the revised proposal indicates that the effects on the wider road network, and the impact on journey times for all vehicles will be negligible.

Suggested traffic management measures

Some respondents suggested making Malwood Road and Cathles Road one way or closing the roads to motor traffic. Other respondents suggested speed restrictions on Cathles Road.

We will bring concerns about existing issues on these roads to the attention of the London Borough of Wandsworth which is the Highway Authority for these roads. We will work with Wandsworth to monitor traffic flows following implementation of the scheme.

The London Borough of Wandsworth has consulted on a borough-wide 20mph scheme covering all residential roads in Wandsworth. Main traffic routes would retain

23 a 30mph limit. The proposed 20mph scheme includes roads includes roads in the scheme area such as Cathles Road, Malwood Road, Gaskarth Road, Alderbrook Road and Yukon Road. Wandsworth Council will publish the report later in 2016.


24 respondents made a comment about parking. Concerns included loss of parking proposed as part of the scheme.

Loss of parking and loading space

A number of respondents were concerned about the proposed removal of 32 metres of parking on Cathles Road and 31 metres on Malwood Road (a total of 63 metres).

The space for vehicles on Malwood Road and Cathles Road at the junction with Balham Hill is narrow due to the presence of parking on both sides of the road. Removing the existing parking bays will ensure that vehicles and cyclists can safely pass each other when approaching and leaving the new signalised junction.

Our scheme also proposed to make changes to the residents parking on the northern side of Cathles Road and relocate the existing Car Club bay on the southern side of Cathles Road further to the east Following the consultation, we have revised the scheme so that no changes to residential permit holders’ parking will be made as part of this scheme.

We intend to proceed with the removal of red route parking (managed by TfL) on Malwood Road and Cathles. The red route parking permits vehicles to park 7am- 7pm (Monday – Saturday, 1 hour limit, no return within two hours).

Following a targeted consultation of local businesses near the junction, we intend to provide a short term parking bay on Balham Hill to cater for the servicing needs of local businesses.

The London Borough of Wandsworth, which manages the residential permit holders (and other) parking on local roads including Gaskarth Road, Cathles Road, Malwood Road and Yukon Road, is not proposing to make any other changes to residents’ parking as part of the TfL scheme on Balham Hill.

24 Environmental impacts

14 respondents raised a concern about noise, air pollution and vibration. Our data on the current volumes of traffic suggests that there would not be a noticeable increase in congestion and consequent noise, air pollution and vibration above the usual daily variations. Additionally, Quietways also provide the opportunity to make streets and neighbourhoods safer and more pleasant for everyone by reducing the dominance of motor traffic, improving air quality and investing in the urban realm.

Pedestrian facilities

11 respondents made a comment about the pedestrian crossing and other facilities, including comments about the traffic signals.

This proposal also provides significant benefits for pedestrians. The new junction will have signalised crossings on all arms, making all movements along and across Balham Hill safer and more convenient for all pedestrians. The dropped kerbs and tactile paving provided will improve accessibility for all users. We will install pedestrian crossing countdowns at the new crossing to advise pedestrians how long they have to cross and monitor pedestrian usage of the new crossings after the implementation of the scheme.

Bus stop

Nine respondents made a comment about moving the Cathles Road (Stop SR) bus stop.

Relocation of bus stop

Nine respondents commented about moving Bus Stop (Cathles Road – Stop SR). Approximately 700 passengers use this busy stop every day.

There is no corresponding southbound stop on the opposite side of Balham Hill. This is because there is not enough space due to the existing vehicle access to and from the petrol station.

Removing this stop would create a distance between northbound bus stops of 600 metres between the stop at Alderbrook Road (Stop SP) and Clapham South (Stop SC)). Typically, bus stops are placed between approximately 300-400 metres apart outside town centres.

25 The bus stop will be moved to the south rather than the north so that bus services will not have to stop at the new signalised junction and then at a new bus stop north of the junction.

Impact on bus journey times

As noted above, the traffic modelling for the revised proposal indicates that the effects on the wider road network, and the impact on journey times for motor vehicles, including buses, will be negligible.

Accident data

Seven respondents made a comment about the traffic modelling or other data supplied.

The latest accident data from the London ACCSTATS database (from November 2010 to November 2015) indicates there were a total of 27 collisions at the junction of Balham Hill with Malwood Road and Cathles Road. Three collisions resulted in serious injuries, and the rest in in slight injuries.

Ten collision involved cyclists and eight collisions involved pedestrians. Five of the collisions occurred where pedestrians were not using a dedicated crossing point.

Nine of the collisions involved opposing movements at the junction (i.e. vehicles travelling east-west colliding with vehicles travelling north-south). The potential for these type of collisions would be reduced at a signalised junction as the conflicting movements would be given a green signal at different times, reducing the likelihood of collisions.

We will carry out analysis of the accident statistics at a junction after the scheme is implemented.

26 Consultation

Seven respondents, in particular residents on Gaskarth Road, said that they did not receive consultation materials by post. We sent a consultation letter and drawing to addresses within approximately 400 metres of the scheme area on 10 December 2015, and this included Gaskarth Road.

We take all reports of possible missed deliveries very seriously, and follow up with our delivery company when non-deliveries are reported. The delivery report stated that deliveries were carried out according to schedule with no reported issues. Additionally, we received responses from Gaskarth Road residents who said that they had received a letter from TfL.

During the last week of the consultation, a resident of Gaskarth Road emailed us telling us that he had not received the consultation letter. Subsequently, other residents on Gaskarth Road submitted consultation responses, some of which included a comment that the respondent was not aware of the consultation.

Given that we received responses from other Gaskarth Road residents during the consultation and our delivery company’s report that there were no issues during delivery, we are satisfied that there was no wholesale omission of Gaskarth Road from the delivery area.

27 Appendix B – Copy of the consultation letter


29 Appendix C – Leaflet distribution area

30 Appendix D – Copy of stakeholder email

Dear Stakeholder,

As part of Quietway 5, a route is planned connecting Waterloo and Croydon. We have today launched two consultations on proposed changes where Quietway 5 would cross the Transport for London Road Network.

A24 Balham Hill / Malwood Road / Cathles Road Key changes proposed include:  A new signalised junction with pedestrian crossings on all arms at Balham Hill  Removing the existing signalised junction  Left turn only for motor vehicles exiting Malwood Road and Cathles Road

Other proposals include changes to parking bay provision and the relocation of bus stop Cathles Road – Stop SR, 55 metres south to a new position south of Hillgate Place. To find out more and have your say on the proposals please visit https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/cycling/balham-hill

A205 The Avenue and Nightingale Walk Key changes proposed include:  A new shared Toucan crossing facility for pedestrians and cyclists  Existing Pelican crossing removed  No entry into or right turn out of Nightingale Walk

To find out more and have your say on the proposals please visit https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/cycling/nightingale-walk

Subject to the outcome of consultation, we plan to start construction in summer 2016.

The deadline for comments is Wednesday 3 February 2016.

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Moore Consultation Team Transport for London

31 Appendix E – List of stakeholders consulted

London Omnibus Traction Society British Land 3663 First for Foodservice British Medical Association AA British Motorcycle Federation AA Motoring Trust British Retail Association Abellio British School of Cycling Action for Blind People BT Action on Hearing Loss (RNID) Bucks Cycle Training Age Concern London The Expeditional Age UK Buzzlines, Alive in Space Landscape and Urban CABE - Design Council Design Studio Camden Council All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group Camden Town Unlimited Anderson Travel Ltd, Campaign for Better Transport APC-Overnight Campbell's Canal & River Trust London Asian Peoples Disabilities Alliance Capital City School Sport Partnership Association of British Drivers Ltd Association of Car Fleet Operators CBI Centaur Overland Travel Ltd, Association of Town Centre Management Central London Cab Trade Section Superdrug Central London Forward Abbey Travel Central London Freight Quality Partnership Baker Street Quarter Central London NHS Trust Bankside Residents' Forum Centre for Accessible Environments Barking and Dagenham Chalkwell Garage & Coach Hire Ltd, Battersea Society Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Bayswater BID City Bikes (Vauxhall Walk) Best Bike Training //Cycletastic City link Better Bankside Clapham Society Better Transport Clapham Transport Users' Group Bexley Accessible Transport Scheme, Cobra Corporate Servics Ltd, Bexley Council Community Transport Association Bexleyheath BID Confederation of Passenger Transport bhs bikeability Covent Garden Market Authority bidvest logistics Cross River Partnership bikeworks Coaches Excetera bikeXcite Hackney Community Transport Buses Ltd, CTC Borough Cycling Officers Group Cycle Confidence Breakspears Road Project Cycle Experience Brentwood Community Transport, Cycle Newham Brewery Logistics Group Cycle Systems British Cycling Cycle Training UK (CTUK)

32 Cyclelyn Health Poverty Action Cycle-wise Thames Valley Heart of London Business Alliance Cycling Embassy of Great Britain Hermes Europe Cycling Tuition Herne Hill Forum cycling4all Hillingdon Council Cyclists in the City House of Commons Department for Transport Design for London IBM DHL Ilford Town BID Disability Alliance Inclusion London Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Independent Disability Advisory Group Committee Independent Shoreditch Clarkes of London Inmidtown Ealing Broadway BID Institute for Sustainability Ealing Council Institute of Advanced Motorists East and South East London Thames Gateway Institution of Civil Engineers Transport Partnership inStreatham Polestar Travel Snowdrop Coaches ECESurface TEAM EDF Energy Bikeability Edgware Road Partnership The Little Bus Company, Joint Committee on Mobility of Blind and Partially Enfield Council Sighted People (JCMBPS) English Heritage Joint Mobility Unit Ensign Bus Company Ltd, Keltbray ltd (construction) Eurostar Group Kimpton Industrial Park (Sutton) Evolution Cycle Training King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Express Network Forum Representatitive Kingston First Federation of Small Businesses laing o'rourke First Beeline Buses Ltd, Lambeth Cyclists Fitzrovia Partnership Lambeth Safer Transport Team Freight Transport Association Lambeth Traffic and Transport Working Group Friends of the Earth London Cycling Campaign Future Inclusion Leonard Cheshire Disability Garratt Business Park (Earlsfield) Lewisham Council Gatwick Flyer Ltd, Licenced Taxi Drivers Association GLA Strategy Access Panel members Licensed Private Hire Car Association (LPHCA) Go-Coach Hire Ltd Line Line Coaches (TGM) (Transport) Ltd, Living Streets Authority Local Government Ombudsman Greater London Forum for Older People London ambulance Service London Bike Hub Greater London Forum for the Elderly London borough of Lambeth Green Flag Group London Borough of Wandsworth Green Urban Transport Ltd, London Cab Drivers' Club Ltd Guide Dogs for the Blind Association Cab Section Hainault Business Park London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) HammersmithLondon

33 London City Airport Ocean Youth Connexions London Climate Change Partnership Olympian Coaches, London Councils On Your Bike Cycle Training London Duck Tours Ltd Organisation of Blind Afro Caribbeans (OBAC) Orpington 1st London European Partnership for Transport Tube (), London fire and Emergency Authority Parcel Force London Fire Brigade Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport London First Safety (PACTS) Passenger Focus London Mencap philip kemp cycle training London Older People's Strategy Group Planning Design Meridian Duck Tours London Private Hire Board London Riverside (Rainham) Port of London Authority London Strategic Health Authority Premium Coaches Ltd, London Suburban Taxi Drivers' Coalition Private Hire Board London Taxi Drivers' Club Purple Parking Ltd, London Tourist Coach Operators Association (LTCOA) Putney Society London TravelWatch Putney Town Centre Manager London Underground Putney Traffic Transport and Parking Working Group Ltd, Puzzle Focus Ltd London Visual Impairment Forum Queen Mary University of London LoveWimbledon BID Hearn's Coaches, Marshalls Coaches, RAC Merton Council RAC Foundation for Motoring Metrobus Ltd Raynes Park & West Barnes Residents' Association Ltd Red Rose Travel Metropolitan Police Service Redbridge Cycling Centre MIND (Pullmanor Ltd), Mobile Cycle Training Service Reliance Travel, Mode Transport Reynolds Diplomat Coaches Motorcycle Action Group Richmond Council Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) RNIB Motorcycle Industry Association RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People) Mullany's Coaches, Road Danger Reduction Forum National Autistic Society Road Haulage Association National Children's Bureau Roadpeace Ltd Royal Institute of British Architects National Grid Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors National Motorcycle Council Royal London Society for Blind People New Addington BID Royal Mail New West End Company (NWEC) Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) NHS Care Commissioning Group Sainsbury's Supermarkets NHS London Red Eagle Northbank Guild SCOPE Sense

34 Sixty Plus The Royal Parks South Bucks CycleTraining The Southwark Cyclists South East London PCT Thomas's London Day Schools (Transport) Ltd South Herts Plus Cycle Training South London Business Forum Time for Twickenham South London Partnership TNT Southbank Employers Group Operations Ltd, Southdown PSV Ltd, Trade Team Southgate & Finchley Coaches Ltd Trailblazers, Muscular Dystrophy UK Southwark Cyclists Transport for All Space syntax Tyssen Community School Cycle Training Spokes Cycling Instruction UK Power Networks STA Bikes Ltd. University College London Stratford Renaissance Partnership University of Westminster Streatham Vale Property Occupiers Association , Stroke Association UPS Successful Sutton Urban Movement Sullivan Bus and Coach Ltd Vandome Cycles Sunwin Service Group Vauxhall Gardens Estate Tenants & Residents Association Sustrans Vauxhall One BID Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector Victoria BID Taxi Rank & Interchange Manager Virtual Norwood Forum Team London Bridge Vision Impairment Forum Technicolour Tyre Company Walk London Wandsworth - London Cycling Campaign Terravision Transport Ltd / Stansted Transport Ltd, Wandsworth Access Association TGM Group Ltd Wandsworth Cycling Thames Water Wandsworth mobility forum Thamesmead Business Services Wandsworth Safer Transport Team The Automobile Association Waterloo Quarter The Big Bus Company Ltd, Westminster Council The British Dyslexia Association Westminster Cyclists The British Motorcyclists' Federation Wheels for Wellbeing The City of Oxford Motor Services Ltd, Whizz-Kidz The Ghost Bus Tours Ltd Willow Lane Trading Estate (Merton) The Kings Ferry Ltd, Wilsons Cycles The Licensed Taxi Drivers' Association Wincanton The Original London Sightseeing Tour Yodel / Ltd, Young Lewisham and Greenwich Cyclists The Road Haulage Assoc. Ltd.